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Kazuaki Ishizaki
IBM Research – Tokyo
DataFrame and Dataset
About Me – Kazuaki Ishizaki
• Researcher at IBM Research in compiler optimizations
• Working for IBM Java virtual machine over 20 years
– In particular, just-in-time compiler
• Contributor to SQL package in Apache Spark
• Committer of GPUEnabler
– Apache Spark Plug-in to execute GPU code on Spark
• Homepage:
• Github:, Twitter: @kiszk
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki2
Spark 2.2 makes Dataset Faster
Compared to Spark 2.0 (also 2.1)
• 1.6x faster for map() with scalar variable
• 4.5x faster for map() with primitive array
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki3
ds = (1 to ...).toDS.cache => value + 1)
ds = Seq(Array(…), Array(…), …).toDS.cache => Array(array(0)))
from enhancements in Catalyst optimizer and codegen
How Does It Matter?
• Application programmers
– ML pipeline will become faster
• Library developers
– You will want to use Dataset instead of RDD
• SQL package developers
– You will know detail on Dataset
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki4
DataFrame, Dataset, and RDD
df = (1 to 100).toDF.cache
df.selectExpr(“value + 1”)
ds = (1 to 100).toDS.cache => value + 1)
SQLDataFrame (DF) Dataset (DS)
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki5
rdd = sc.parallelize(
(1 to 100)).cache => value + 1)
Based on lambda expressionBased on SQL operation
How DF, DS, and RDD Work
• We expect the same performance on DF and DS
From Structuring Apache Spark 2.0: SQL, DataFrames, Datasets And Streaming - by Michael Armbrust
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki6
// generated Java code
// for DF and DS
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Row r = (Row);
int v = r.getInt(0);
Dataset for Int Value is Slow on
Spark 2.0
• 1.7x slow for addition to scalar int value
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Relative execution time over DataFrame
DataFrame Dataset
df.selectExpr(“value + 1”) => value + 1)
All experiments are done using
16-core Intel E2667-v3 3.2GHz, with 384GB mem, Ubuntu 16.04,
OpenJDK 1.8.0u212-b13 with 256GB heap, Spark master=local[1]
Spark branch-2.0 and branch-2.2, ds/df/rdd are cached
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki7
Shorter is better
Dataset for Int Array is Extremely
Slow on Spark 2.0
• 54x slow for creating a new array for primitive int array
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Relative execution time over DataFrame
DataFrame Dataset
df = Seq(Array(…), Array(…), …)
ds = Seq(Array(…), Array(…), …)
.toDS.cache => Array(a(0)))
SPARK-16070 pointed out this performance problem
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki8
Shorter is better
• How DataFrame and Dataset are executed?
• Deep dive for two cases
– Why Dataset was slow
– How Spark 2.2 improves performance
• Deep dive for another case
– Why Dataset is slow
– How future Spark will improve performance
• How Dataset is used in ML pipeline?
• Next Steps
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki9
Simple Generated Code for int
with DF
• Generated code performs `+` to int
– Use strongly-typed ‘int’ variable
1: while (itr.hasNext()) { // execute a row
2: // get a value from a row in DF
3: int value =((Row);
4: // compute a new value
5: int mapValue = value + 1;
6: // store a new value to a row in DF
7: outRow.write(0, mapValue);
8: append(outRow);
9: }
// df: DataFrame for int …
df.selectExpr(“value + 1”)
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki10
Java code
Weird Generated Code with DS
• Generated code performs four data conversions
– Use standard API with generic type method apply(Object)
while (itr.hasNext()) {
int value = ((Row);
Object objValue = new Integer(value);
int mapValue = ((Integer)
outRow.write(0, mapValue);
Object apply(Object obj) {
int value = Integer(obj).toValue();
return new Integer(apply$II(value));
int apply$II(int value) { return value + 1; }
// ds: Dataset[Int] … => value + 1)
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki11
Java code
Scalac generates
these functions
from lambda expression
Simple Generated Code with DS
on Spark 2.2
• SPARK-19008 enables generated code to use int value
– Use non-standard API with type-specialized method
while (itr.hasNext()) {
int value = ((Row);
int mapValue = mapFunc.apply$II(value);
outRow.write(0, mapValue);
int apply$II(int value) { return value + 1;}
// ds: Dataset[Int] … => value + 1)
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki12
Scalac generates
this function
from lambda expression
Dataset is Not Slow on Spark 2.2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Relative execution time over DataFrame
DataFrame Dataset
df.selectExpr(“value + 1”) => value + 1)
Shorter is better
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki13
• Improve performance by 1.6x compared to Spark 2.0
– DataFrame is 9% faster than Dataset
RDD/DF/DS achieve close
performance on Spark 2.2
• RDD is 5% faster than DataFrame
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Relative execution time over DataFrame
RDD DataFrame Dataset
df.selectExpr(“value + 1”) => value + 1) => value + 1)
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki14
Shorter is better
Simple Generated Code for Array
with DF
• All operations access data in internal data format for array
ArrayData (devised in Project Tungsten)
// df: DataFrame for Array(Int) …
ArrayData inArray, outArray;
while (itr.hasNext()) {
inArray = ((Row);
int value = inArray.getInt(0)); //a[0]
outArray = new UnsafeArrayData(); ...
outArray.setInt(0, value); //Array(a[0])
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki15
Java code
Internal data format (ArrayData)
outArray.setInt(0, …)
Lambda Expression with DS
requires Java Object
• Need serialization/deserialzation (Ser/De) between internal
data format and Java object for lambda expression
// ds: DataSet[Array(Int)] … => Array(a(0)))
ArrayData inArray, outArray;
while (itr.hasNext()) {
inArray = ((Row);
Internal data formatJava object
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki16
int[] mapArray = Array(a(0));
Java bytecode for
lambda expression
ArrayData inArray, outArray;
while (itr.hasNext()) {
inArray = ((Row);
Object[] tmp = new Object[inArray.numElements()];
for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i ++) {
tmp[i] = (inArray.isNullAt(i)) ? Null : inArray.getInt(i);
ArrayData array = new GenericIntArrayData(tmpArray);
int[] javaArray = array.toIntArray();
int[] mapArray = (int[])map_func.apply(javaArray);
outArray = new GenericArrayData(mapArray);
for (int i = 0; i < outArray.numElements(); i++) {
if (outArray.isNullAt(i)) {
} else {
arrayWriter.write(i, outArray.getInt(i));
ArrayData inArray, outArray;
while (itr.hasNext()) {
inArray = ((Row);
Extremely Weird Code for Array
with DS on Spark 2.0
• Data conversion is too slow
• Element-wise copy is slow
// ds: DataSet[Array(Int)] … => Array(a(0)))
Data conversion
Element-wise data copy
Element-wise data copy
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki17
Data conversion Copy with Java object creation
Element-wise data copy Copy each element with null check
int[] mapArray = Array(a(0));
Data conversion
Element-wise data copy
Simple Generated Code for Array
on Spark 2.2
• SPARK-15985, SPARK-17490, and SPARK-15962
simplify Ser/De by using bulk data copy
– Data conversion and element-wise copy are not used
– Bulk copy is faster
// ds: DataSet[Array(Int)] … => Array(a(0)))
while (itr.hasNext()) {
inArray =((Row);
int[] javaArray = inArray.toIntArray();
int[] mapArray = (int[])mapFunc.apply(javaArray);
outArray = UnsafeArrayData
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki18
Bulk data copy Copy whole array using memcpy()
while (itr.hasNext()) {
inArray =((Row);
Bulk data copy
int[] mapArray = Array(a(0));
Bulk data copy
Bulk data copy
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Relative execution time over DataFrame
DataFrame Dataset
Dataset for Array is Not
Extremely Slow over DataFrame
• Improve performance by 4.5 compared to Spark 2.0
– DataFrame is 12x faster than Dataset
ds = Seq(Array(…), Array(…), …)
.toDS.cache => Array(a(0)))
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki19
df = Seq(Array(…), Array(…), …)
Would this overhead be negligible
if map() is much computation intensive?
Shorter is better
RDD and DataFrame for Array
Achieve Close Performance
• DataFrame is 1.2x faster than RDD
0 5 10 15
Relative execution time over DataFrame
RDD DataFrame Dataset
ds = Seq(Array(…), Array(…), …)
.toDS.cache => Array(a(0)))
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki20
df = Seq(Array(…), Array(…), …)
rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(
Array(…), Array(…), …)).cache => Array(a(0))) 1.2
Shorter is better
Enable Lambda Expression to
Use Internal Data Format
• Our prototype modifies Java bytecode of lambda
expression to access internal data format
– We improved performance by avoiding Ser/De
// ds: DataSet[Array(Int)] … => Array(a(0)))
while (itr.hasNext()) {
inArray = ((Row);
outArray = mapFunc.applyTungsten(inArray);
Internal data format
“Accelerating Spark Datasets by inlining deserialization”, our academic paper at IPDPS2017
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki21
Java code
• How DataFrame and Dataset are executed?
• Deep dive for two cases
– Why Dataset is slow
– How Spark 2.2 improve performance
• Deep dive for another case
– Why Dataset is slow
• How Dataset are used in ML pipeline?
• Next Steps
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki22
0 0.5 1 1.5
Relative execution time over DataFrame
RDD DataFrame Dataset
Dataset for Two Scalar Adds is
Slow on Spark 2.2
• DataFrame and Dataset are faster than RDD
• Dataset is 1.1x slower than DataFrame
df.selectExpr(“value + 1”)
.selectExpr(“value + 2”) => value + 1)
.map(value => value + 2)
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki23 => value + 1)
.map(value => value + 2)
Shorter is better
Adds are Combined with DF
• Spark 2.2 understands operations in selectExpr() and
combines two adds into one add ‘value + 3’
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Row row = (Row);
int value = row.getInt(0);
int mapValue = value + 3;
projectRow.write(0, mapValue);
// df: DataFrame for Int …
df.selectExpr(“value + 1”)
.selectExpr(“value + 2”)
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki24
Java code
Two Method Calls for Adds
Remain with DS
• Spark 2.2 cannot understand lambda expressions stored
as Java bytecode
while (itr.hasNext()) {
int value = ((Row);
int mapValue = mapFunc1.apply$II(value);
mapValue += mapFunc2.apply$II(mapValue);
outRow.write(0, mapValue);
// ds: Dataset[Int] … => value + 1)
.map(value => value + 2)
class MapFunc1 {
int apply$II(int value) { return value + 1;}}
class MapFunc2 {
int apply$II(int value) { return value + 2;}}
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki25
Scalac generates
these functions
from lambda expression
class MapFunc1 {
int apply$II(int value) { return value + 1;}}
class MapFunc2 {
int apply$II(int value) { return value + 2;}}
Adds Will be Combined on Future
Spark 2.x
• SPARK-14083 will allow future Spark to understand Java
byte code lambda expressions and to combine them
while (itr.hasNext()) {
int value = ((Row);
int mapValue = value + 3;
outRow.write(0, mapValue);
// ds: Dataset[Int] … => value + 1)
.map(value => value + 2)
Dataset will become faster
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki26
• How DataFrame and Dataset are executed?
• Deep dive for two cases
– Why Dataset is slow
– How Spark 2.2 improve performance
• Deep dive for another case
– Why Dataset is slow
• How Dataset are used in ML pipeline?
• Next Steps
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki27
How Dataset is Used in ML
• ML Pipeline is constructed by using DataFrame/Dataset
• Algorithm still operates on data in RDD
– Conversion overhead between Dataset and RDD
val trainingDS: Dataset = ...
val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()
val hashingTF = new HashingTF()
val lr = new LogisticRegression()
val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(
Array(tokenizer, hashingTF, lr))
val model =
def fit(ds: Dataset[_]) = {
def train(ds:Dataset[_]):LogisticRegressionModel = {
val instances: RDD[Instance] = { // convert DS to RDD
case Row(...) => ...
ML pipeline Machine learning algorithm (LogisticRegression)
Derived from
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki28
If We Use Dataset for Machine
Learning Algorithm
• ML Pipeline is constructed by using DataFrame/Dataset
• Algorithm also operates on data in DataFrame/Dataset
– No conversion between Dataset and RDD
– Optimizations applied by Catalyst
– Writing of control flows
val trainingDataset: Dataset = ...
val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()
val hashingTF = new HashingTF()
val lr = new LogisticRegression()
val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(
Array(tokenizer, hashingTF, lr))
val model =
def train(ds:Dataset[_]):LogisticRegressionModel = {
val instances: Dataset[Instance] = {
case Row(...) => ...
ML pipeline
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki29
Machine learning algorithm (LogisticRegression)
Next Steps
• Achieve further performance improvements for Dataset
– Implement Java bytecode analysis and modification
• Exploit optimizations in Catalyst (SPARK-14083)
• Reduce overhead of data conversion (Our paper)
• Exploit SIMD/GPU in Spark by using simple generated
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki30
• Dataset on Spark 2.2 is much faster than on Spark 2.0/2.1
• How Dataset was executed and was improved
– Data conversion
– Serialization/deserialization
– Java bytecode of lambda expression
• Continue to improve performance of Dataset
• Let us start using Dataset from Today!
Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki31
Thank you
@kiszk on twitter
@kiszk on github
• @sameeragarwal, @hvanhovell, @gatorsmile,
@cloud-fan, @ueshin, @davies, @rxin,
@joshrosen, @maropu, @viirya
• Spark Technology Center

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Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset with Kazuaki Ishizaki

  • 1. Kazuaki Ishizaki IBM Research – Tokyo @kiszk Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset #SFdev20
  • 2. About Me – Kazuaki Ishizaki • Researcher at IBM Research in compiler optimizations • Working for IBM Java virtual machine over 20 years – In particular, just-in-time compiler • Contributor to SQL package in Apache Spark • Committer of GPUEnabler – Apache Spark Plug-in to execute GPU code on Spark • • Homepage: • Github:, Twitter: @kiszk Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki2
  • 3. Spark 2.2 makes Dataset Faster Compared to Spark 2.0 (also 2.1) • 1.6x faster for map() with scalar variable • 4.5x faster for map() with primitive array Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki3 ds = (1 to ...).toDS.cache => value + 1) ds = Seq(Array(…), Array(…), …).toDS.cache => Array(array(0))) from enhancements in Catalyst optimizer and codegen
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  • 5. DataFrame, Dataset, and RDD df = (1 to 100).toDF.cache df.selectExpr(“value + 1”) ds = (1 to 100).toDS.cache => value + 1) SQLDataFrame (DF) Dataset (DS) Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki5 RDD rdd = sc.parallelize( (1 to 100)).cache => value + 1) Based on lambda expressionBased on SQL operation
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  • 7. Dataset for Int Value is Slow on Spark 2.0 • 1.7x slow for addition to scalar int value 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Relative execution time over DataFrame DataFrame Dataset df.selectExpr(“value + 1”) => value + 1) All experiments are done using 16-core Intel E2667-v3 3.2GHz, with 384GB mem, Ubuntu 16.04, OpenJDK 1.8.0u212-b13 with 256GB heap, Spark master=local[1] Spark branch-2.0 and branch-2.2, ds/df/rdd are cached Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki7 Shorter is better
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  • 9. Outline • How DataFrame and Dataset are executed? • Deep dive for two cases – Why Dataset was slow – How Spark 2.2 improves performance • Deep dive for another case – Why Dataset is slow – How future Spark will improve performance • How Dataset is used in ML pipeline? • Next Steps Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki9
  • 10. Simple Generated Code for int with DF • Generated code performs `+` to int – Use strongly-typed ‘int’ variable 1: while (itr.hasNext()) { // execute a row 2: // get a value from a row in DF 3: int value =((Row); 4: // compute a new value 5: int mapValue = value + 1; 6: // store a new value to a row in DF 7: outRow.write(0, mapValue); 8: append(outRow); 9: } // df: DataFrame for int … df.selectExpr(“value + 1”) Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki10 Catalyst generates Java code Catalyst
  • 11. Weird Generated Code with DS • Generated code performs four data conversions – Use standard API with generic type method apply(Object) while (itr.hasNext()) { int value = ((Row); Object objValue = new Integer(value); int mapValue = ((Integer) mapFunc.apply(objVal)).toValue(); outRow.write(0, mapValue); append(outRow); } Object apply(Object obj) { int value = Integer(obj).toValue(); return new Integer(apply$II(value)); } int apply$II(int value) { return value + 1; } // ds: Dataset[Int] … => value + 1) Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki11 Catalyst generates Java code Scalac generates these functions from lambda expression Catalyst
  • 12. Simple Generated Code with DS on Spark 2.2 • SPARK-19008 enables generated code to use int value – Use non-standard API with type-specialized method apply$II(int) while (itr.hasNext()) { int value = ((Row); int mapValue = mapFunc.apply$II(value); outRow.write(0, mapValue); append(outRow); } int apply$II(int value) { return value + 1;} // ds: Dataset[Int] … => value + 1) Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki12 Catalyst Scalac generates this function from lambda expression
  • 13. Dataset is Not Slow on Spark 2.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Relative execution time over DataFrame DataFrame Dataset df.selectExpr(“value + 1”) => value + 1) Shorter is better Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki13 1.6x • Improve performance by 1.6x compared to Spark 2.0 – DataFrame is 9% faster than Dataset
  • 14. RDD/DF/DS achieve close performance on Spark 2.2 • RDD is 5% faster than DataFrame 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Relative execution time over DataFrame RDD DataFrame Dataset df.selectExpr(“value + 1”) => value + 1) => value + 1) Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki14 9% 5% Shorter is better
  • 15. Simple Generated Code for Array with DF • All operations access data in internal data format for array ArrayData (devised in Project Tungsten) // df: DataFrame for Array(Int) … df.selectExpr(“Array(a[0])”) ArrayData inArray, outArray; while (itr.hasNext()) { inArray = ((Row); int value = inArray.getInt(0)); //a[0] outArray = new UnsafeArrayData(); ... outArray.setInt(0, value); //Array(a[0]) outArray.writeToMemory(outRow); append(outRow); } Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki15 Catalyst generates Java code Internal data format (ArrayData) inArray.getInt(0) outArray.setInt(0, …) Catalyst
  • 16. Lambda Expression with DS requires Java Object • Need serialization/deserialzation (Ser/De) between internal data format and Java object for lambda expression // ds: DataSet[Array(Int)] … => Array(a(0))) ArrayData inArray, outArray; while (itr.hasNext()) { inArray = ((Row); append(outRow); } Internal data formatJava object Ser/De Array(a(0)) Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki16 int[] mapArray = Array(a(0)); Java bytecode for lambda expression Catalyst Deserialization Serialization Ser/De
  • 17. ArrayData inArray, outArray; while (itr.hasNext()) { inArray = ((Row); Object[] tmp = new Object[inArray.numElements()]; for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i ++) { tmp[i] = (inArray.isNullAt(i)) ? Null : inArray.getInt(i); } ArrayData array = new GenericIntArrayData(tmpArray); int[] javaArray = array.toIntArray(); int[] mapArray = (int[])map_func.apply(javaArray); outArray = new GenericArrayData(mapArray); for (int i = 0; i < outArray.numElements(); i++) { if (outArray.isNullAt(i)) { arrayWriter.setNullInt(i); } else { arrayWriter.write(i, outArray.getInt(i)); } } append(outRow); } ArrayData inArray, outArray; while (itr.hasNext()) { inArray = ((Row); append(outRow); } Extremely Weird Code for Array with DS on Spark 2.0 • Data conversion is too slow • Element-wise copy is slow // ds: DataSet[Array(Int)] … => Array(a(0))) Data conversion Element-wise data copy Element-wise data copy Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki17 Data conversion Copy with Java object creation Element-wise data copy Copy each element with null check int[] mapArray = Array(a(0)); Catalyst Data conversion Element-wise data copy Ser De
  • 18. Simple Generated Code for Array on Spark 2.2 • SPARK-15985, SPARK-17490, and SPARK-15962 simplify Ser/De by using bulk data copy – Data conversion and element-wise copy are not used – Bulk copy is faster // ds: DataSet[Array(Int)] … => Array(a(0))) while (itr.hasNext()) { inArray =((Row); int[] javaArray = inArray.toIntArray(); int[] mapArray = (int[])mapFunc.apply(javaArray); outArray = UnsafeArrayData .fromPrimitiveArray(mapArray); outArray.writeToMemory(outRow); append(outRow); } Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki18 Bulk data copy Copy whole array using memcpy() Catalyst while (itr.hasNext()) { inArray =((Row); int[]mapArray=(int[])map.apply(javaArray); append(outRow); } Bulk data copy int[] mapArray = Array(a(0)); Bulk data copy Bulk data copy
  • 19. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Relative execution time over DataFrame DataFrame Dataset Dataset for Array is Not Extremely Slow over DataFrame • Improve performance by 4.5 compared to Spark 2.0 – DataFrame is 12x faster than Dataset ds = Seq(Array(…), Array(…), …) .toDS.cache => Array(a(0))) Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki19 4.5x df = Seq(Array(…), Array(…), …) .toDF(”a”).cache df.selectExpr(“Array(a[0])”) Would this overhead be negligible if map() is much computation intensive? 12x Shorter is better
  • 20. RDD and DataFrame for Array Achieve Close Performance • DataFrame is 1.2x faster than RDD 0 5 10 15 Relative execution time over DataFrame RDD DataFrame Dataset ds = Seq(Array(…), Array(…), …) .toDS.cache => Array(a(0))) Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki20 df = Seq(Array(…), Array(…), …) .toDF(”a”).cache df.selectExpr(“Array(a[0])”) rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq( Array(…), Array(…), …)).cache => Array(a(0))) 1.2 12 Shorter is better
  • 21. Enable Lambda Expression to Use Internal Data Format • Our prototype modifies Java bytecode of lambda expression to access internal data format – We improved performance by avoiding Ser/De // ds: DataSet[Array(Int)] … => Array(a(0))) while (itr.hasNext()) { inArray = ((Row); outArray = mapFunc.applyTungsten(inArray); outArray.writeToMemory(outRow); append(outRow); } Internal data format “Accelerating Spark Datasets by inlining deserialization”, our academic paper at IPDPS2017 1 1 apply(Object) 1011 applyTungsten(ArrayData) Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki21 Catalyst generates Java code Catalyst Our prototype
  • 22. Outline • How DataFrame and Dataset are executed? • Deep dive for two cases – Why Dataset is slow – How Spark 2.2 improve performance • Deep dive for another case – Why Dataset is slow • How Dataset are used in ML pipeline? • Next Steps Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki22
  • 23. 0 0.5 1 1.5 Relative execution time over DataFrame RDD DataFrame Dataset Dataset for Two Scalar Adds is Slow on Spark 2.2 • DataFrame and Dataset are faster than RDD • Dataset is 1.1x slower than DataFrame df.selectExpr(“value + 1”) .selectExpr(“value + 2”) => value + 1) .map(value => value + 2) Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki23 => value + 1) .map(value => value + 2) Shorter is better ☺  1.1 1.4
  • 24. Adds are Combined with DF • Spark 2.2 understands operations in selectExpr() and combines two adds into one add ‘value + 3’ while (itr.hasNext()) { Row row = (Row); int value = row.getInt(0); int mapValue = value + 3; projectRow.write(0, mapValue); append(projectRow); } // df: DataFrame for Int … df.selectExpr(“value + 1”) .selectExpr(“value + 2”) Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki24 Catalyst Catalyst generates Java code
  • 25. Two Method Calls for Adds Remain with DS • Spark 2.2 cannot understand lambda expressions stored as Java bytecode while (itr.hasNext()) { int value = ((Row); int mapValue = mapFunc1.apply$II(value); mapValue += mapFunc2.apply$II(mapValue); outRow.write(0, mapValue); append(outRow); } // ds: Dataset[Int] … => value + 1) .map(value => value + 2) class MapFunc1 { int apply$II(int value) { return value + 1;}} class MapFunc2 { int apply$II(int value) { return value + 2;}} Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki25 Catalyst Scalac generates these functions from lambda expression
  • 26. class MapFunc1 { int apply$II(int value) { return value + 1;}} class MapFunc2 { int apply$II(int value) { return value + 2;}} Adds Will be Combined on Future Spark 2.x • SPARK-14083 will allow future Spark to understand Java byte code lambda expressions and to combine them while (itr.hasNext()) { int value = ((Row); int mapValue = value + 3; outRow.write(0, mapValue); append(outRow); } // ds: Dataset[Int] … => value + 1) .map(value => value + 2) Dataset will become faster Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki26 Catalyst
  • 27. Outline • How DataFrame and Dataset are executed? • Deep dive for two cases – Why Dataset is slow – How Spark 2.2 improve performance • Deep dive for another case – Why Dataset is slow • How Dataset are used in ML pipeline? • Next Steps Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki27
  • 28. How Dataset is Used in ML Pipeline • ML Pipeline is constructed by using DataFrame/Dataset • Algorithm still operates on data in RDD – Conversion overhead between Dataset and RDD val trainingDS: Dataset = ... val tokenizer = new Tokenizer() val hashingTF = new HashingTF() val lr = new LogisticRegression() val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages( Array(tokenizer, hashingTF, lr)) val model = def fit(ds: Dataset[_]) = { ... train(ds) } def train(ds:Dataset[_]):LogisticRegressionModel = { val instances: RDD[Instance] = { // convert DS to RDD case Row(...) => ... } instances.persist(...) instances.treeAggregate(...) } ML pipeline Machine learning algorithm (LogisticRegression) Derived from Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki28
  • 29. If We Use Dataset for Machine Learning Algorithm • ML Pipeline is constructed by using DataFrame/Dataset • Algorithm also operates on data in DataFrame/Dataset – No conversion between Dataset and RDD – Optimizations applied by Catalyst – Writing of control flows val trainingDataset: Dataset = ... val tokenizer = new Tokenizer() val hashingTF = new HashingTF() val lr = new LogisticRegression() val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages( Array(tokenizer, hashingTF, lr)) val model = def train(ds:Dataset[_]):LogisticRegressionModel = { val instances: Dataset[Instance] = { case Row(...) => ... } instances.persist(...) instances.treeAggregate(...) } ML pipeline Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki29 Machine learning algorithm (LogisticRegression)
  • 30. Next Steps • Achieve further performance improvements for Dataset – Implement Java bytecode analysis and modification • Exploit optimizations in Catalyst (SPARK-14083) • Reduce overhead of data conversion (Our paper) • Exploit SIMD/GPU in Spark by using simple generated code – Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki30
  • 31. Takeaway • Dataset on Spark 2.2 is much faster than on Spark 2.0/2.1 • How Dataset was executed and was improved – Data conversion – Serialization/deserialization – Java bytecode of lambda expression • Continue to improve performance of Dataset • Let us start using Dataset from Today! Demystifying DataFrame and Dataset (#SFdev20) / Kazuaki Ishizaki31
  • 32. Thank you @kiszk on twitter @kiszk on github • @sameeragarwal, @hvanhovell, @gatorsmile, @cloud-fan, @ueshin, @davies, @rxin, @joshrosen, @maropu, @viirya • Spark Technology Center