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Sell Yourself
Through CV
The Ultimate Goal
The Quality CV
Job Requirement
Quality Resume
Cover Letter
Thank You Letter
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S.M. Fazla Rabbi
General Secretary, CPC
Dhaka International University
What is CV
*** CV Full Form: Curriculum Vitae
*** Curriculum Vitae (or “CV”), Origin is Latin- “course of one’s life”. A CV offers a snapshot of who you
are. Think about the first page of a book - it either holds your attention or it doesn’t. It is also- A short
summary of your educational & work history, awards & achievements.
*** Treat your CV as an advertisement for you and be sure to thoroughly "sell" yourself by highlighting all
of your skills and strengths relevant to the position for which you are applying.
Why we need this
A marketing tool
You are the product, your resume/CV is selling. It must be user
A calling card & reminder
It is a brief summary of what you have done. It is an impression
of you that remains after the interview.
A way to direct the interview
Specific accomplishments can direct the interviewer’s
Where to Use it
Curricula vitae are used mainly in academia and the sciences:
• extensively used when applying for academic positions
• ƒeducation administration (e.g. superintendents and principals)
• ƒhigher education (administration, teaching, research)
• science and medicine
• consulting and research
• fellowships and Grant / funds applications
• speaking engagements/ Public speaking
• graduate school applications
They may be used for a variety of reasons, however, the most common
of these is to send to prospective employers when looking for a new
• Business start-up (as an appendix to business
• Political appointments
• Contracts
• In house job promotion
• Scholarship applications
• Job search
• Conference participation
Right Time Create a CV
The best time to start a CV is to start school life. If someone doesn't
have a CV, they should still have one.
Currently someone is doing Honors, he can build from it from the
beginning. He can create a CV according to the rules of CV based on
what he has studied and the experience he has gained. And he will
update it when he learns new things. This way he/she can get a great
CV at the end of the study.
Types of CV
Organizes employment and volunteer
experiences chronologically with the most recent
information first.
Pros and Cons:
 Good for demonstrating growth in a single
profession: job titles and organizations are
emphasized and responsibilities and
accomplishments are described in detail.
 This format is suitable for individuals with
continuous work experience who have not
had frequent job changes or prolonged
periods of unemployment.
 It is not always the best choice for students
right out of school
Highlights the skills you have developed over the
years and their application to the job for which
you are applying.
Pros and Cons:
 What is critically important when writing a
functional C.V. is to match your skills and
qualification clusters with the employer’s
 This format clusters skills and qualifications
under specific headings. For example, you
may include headings such as
Communications Skills, Leadership Skills,
Project Management, Teamwork, etc.
 This format is suitable for individuals who
want to emphasize skills gained in nonpaid
experiences (volunteer, extra-curricular) or
the classroom.
 It may be particularly effective for
individuals entering a new field in which they
have little direct experience. Job candidates
who are entering new fields or have
experience unrelated to their career goals
might want to choose this format.
Organizes employment and volunteer
experiences chronologically with the most recent
information first.
Pros and Cons:
 Good for demonstrating growth in a single
profession: job titles and organizations are
emphasized and responsibilities and
accomplishments are described in detail.
 This format is suitable for individuals with
continuous work experience who have not
had frequent job changes or prolonged
periods of unemployment.
 It is not always the best choice for students
right out of school
CV Layout
Optional parts
Relevant coursework
Volunteer work
Additional section
Personal website
Main parts
Pre CV Writing Research
• How to structure your CV best please to recruiter
• How to format your CV for professional outlook
• How to write a profile that will grab recruiters attention
• How to detail your work and experiences
• And if and how to include your interests and hobbies
Think for Solutions
Way to start
• You need to shortlist the recruiters provided job
requirement for your dream job
• Focus on industry specific skill, IT system knowledge,
Languages, qualifications
• Keep the format by sticking to clean and crisp font that can
easily read.
• Practice to optimize the top quarter
• Choose a simple but attractive format
Failure to plan is planning to fail
Spending time getting this right could make the difference between securing an interview and receiving a rejection letter
How to Write a CV
Your CV is your personal sales brochure and your passport to finding the right
position. It should be clear, concise, contains up-to-date relevant information
and most importantly, is an honest and accurate reflection of yourself and
work records. As for the CV layout, there are no hard and fast rules here but
best CV’s are well spaced out and contain the most relevant eye-catching
information first. You should include the following details:
Personal: Name, address, telephone no’s and e-mail
Profile: You may want to write a short introduction (restricted
to 3 or 4 lines) to prime the potential employer with an
overview of your skills, qualities, hopes and plans. You can
also list any additional information i.e. location flexibility,
languages spoken etc.
Career Objective: Write down in one sentence that- What sector do
you want to work in and what skills do you want to use in that
Qualification & Experience: Best in list format, relevant to
your current skills and in a logical order.
Career History: Start with you most recent job, company
name and job title. Talk about the technical environment you
worked in and include your achievements in addition to your
responsibilities. Huge paragraphs of text generally will not get
read, so keep them concise and relevant.
Education: Depending on how experienced you are you may
not feel the need to include more than the basic details.
However if you want to include secondary or university
qualifications use reverse chronological order, dates, the
name of establishment, followed by grades achieved.
Hobbies and Interests: This is optional and dependent on
available space. Again it should be restricted to just 2 to 3
References : Names and addresses of two suitable referees,
recent employers or academic if you have only recently left
***Choose the right CV style, then edit.
***For pointing in education/ experience/
history-do use of reverse chronological order
How to Write a CV
Name: Full Name ( As same as Certificates)
Address: Present Address ( Where you stay now)
Email: Professional active mail. Keep it similar to your name
Telephone/ Contact no: Keep it in international format
Picture: Picture must be good looks. Set it formal.
Practical Issues
Career Objective/ Personal Statement: Which sector- where-which subject-what wanted to do ***Leave it one sentence
Personal Details: Date of Birth- Nationality-Marital Status (single/married simply mention) ***Major need
Religion- Father name- mother name *** Not necessary
*** Add details according to respective company
[[[[ if you are fresh graduate and have no experience then put education after personal details, otherwise it will come after
Education: Timing- University/educational institute- CGPA/Grades - Achievement (if any)
Experience: Designation-Reporting to (not necessary)- Time, location, Name of the company –Company description (not necessary) –
work responsibilities (in short with action word) – Achievement (if any)
Extra Curricular activities: Time- Start with action word- Add anything vital that proves your leadership (if any)
Language: Mother tongue – Fluent in – Full working Knowledge in
[[[[You may add professional skill after experience]]]]
Professional Skill: Field of expertise
Training and Workshops: Enlist your training – grade/status - with time and special notation like- id, trainer/ training institute name
Reference: Min 2 to Max 4 reference – can’t be any relative- designation- All address, phone/contact, email etc.
*** choose careful one- who is Relevant- credible and competent –professional like university lecturer, mentor, principal etc.
[[[[Please, contact with your referees before you add their info as a reference. If possible, then give them a copy of cv and tell them about the job.]]]]
For experience, education and other time period
section-please organize it on latest priority.
Content is more important than Style
• Do pay attention to presentation. It must be a well produced
business like document. Use either 11 or 12 point style size.
• Do make clear and easy to read.
• Do make it waffle free and relevant.
• Do include the month and year for each major entry under
career history.
• Do try to keep it to two -three pages.
• Do write a professional email. Don't use your nickname while
creating a business email.
•Do explain any gaps in education and experience.
•Clear Career Objectives
•Choose The Right Keywords
•Showcase Accomplishments Instead Of Responsibilities
•Be logical
• Make the headings bold
• Use bullet points
• Use the same font style throughout
• Use a maximum of 3 font sizes
• Avoid graphics, icons and pictures
• Use quality paper
• Spelling, grammar and punctuation must be perfect.
• Read the points out loud. Make sure it sounds good
• Touches of color in styles
•Use Consistent Line Spacing, Vertical Alignment
•Use Italics And Boldfacing To Add Emphasis
•Proofread It At Least Twice
•Consider Quantifying Achievements
While Writing Finishing Touch
 Don’t copy the job description from hr. manual to
be your objective .
 Avoid repetitive words that make your cv boring.
 Don’t use capital letters in writing.
 Spelling, grammar & punctuation mistakes.
 Unnecessary information.
 Play with data.
 Font type and size.
 Don’t Send it as doc file
 Never, ever lie
 Do not use patterned or colored paper
 Alignment mistake
 Abbreviations.
 Personal pronouns.
 Don’t use Negative words.
 Word arts, clip arts, colors, logos & graphics.
 Don’t write cv at the top.
 Don’t put picture unless it is requested.
 Don’t put any attachment unless it is requested.
 Don’t use poor quality paper and printer.
 Don’t use photo-copied cv.
 Don’t write what you cannot explain.
 Don’t write personal interests or references.
 Copying format
Omit any non-essential information such as the occupation of your partner,
the names of your children, your passport or NID number, etc.
CV Word Sense
When it comes to CV, there are certain words and phrases should try to
avoid – and they mostly consist of overused clichés.
Not only could using them risk mildly irritating the person in charge of
hiring, you could also end up blending into a sea of similar candidates.
Although all recruiters will have their own pet peeves, here are just a few of
the worst CV words:
• Excellent communication skills
• Goal driven
• Flexible
• Motivated
• Multi-tasker
• Independent
• Detail oriented
• Self-motivated
• Seeking
Obviously, exceptions can be made if any of the above were included in the
job description as an essential skill – but using examples to back them up is
still crucial.
Figuring out what words to use on your CV can be tough
especially when you’re trying to fit a lot of
Appropriate keywords for your CV could include:
• Accurate
• Adaptable
• Confident
• Hard-working
• Innovative
• Pro-active
• Reliable
• Responsible
In addition to using the right words, you should also back
up your attributes up with genuine accomplishments.
Not only will you stand out from others with identical
skills, you’ll also be able to prove your suitability
more effectively.
After all, anyone can say they’re hard-working – but not
everyone can prove it.
Describe yourself with sweet able word that is true. Google for find out the
power words.
Power/Action Word Cliches/Irritating Word
• Managed
• Lead
• Oversaw
• Solved
• Adapted
• Initiated
• Improved
• Saved
• Organized
• Introduced
• Trained
• Developed
• Increased
• Implemented
• Built
• Deployed
• Planned
• Coordinated
• Assisted
• Accomplished
• Searching
• Looking for
• Can do any work
• Best in/ amazing at doing
• Work in any team
• Proven trac record
• Strong work ethic
• Result oriented professional
• Position
• Strengthened
• Directed
• Persuaded
• Communicated
• Projected
• Assessed
• Positivity
• Analyzed
What to Avoid
Avoid sluggish terms like- Example:
Quantify Experience
Follow SMART statement-
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Achievable
R = Realistic
T = Time Bounded
Quantify Achievements
Specifically note the achievements as follows-
 Past company state or condition during joined
the position
 The goal you set for the company
 Your corresponding step taken for the achieve
the goal like action plan etc.
 Present state or condition through the action or
contribute to the company. Focus on the
implementation output and changes.
Follow STAR statement-
S = Situation
T = Target
A = Action
R = Result
It increase the interview chances
Career Objective Examples
Keep Updated the CV
Make Your Resume Stand Out
Update your current role
Go through your skills
Add your achievements
Check CV design
Review your career objective
Make it consistent
Run a format-check
Add more keywords
Proofread again
Update the education section
Remove unnecessary information
Add volunteering and interests
Refresh your online profile
Tailor for your new goals
A CV upgrade can help your profile stand
out from the crowd and grab employers'
attention. Additionally, it gives you an
opportunity to showcase your experience.
Refresh your CV on a regular basis to allow
you to:
Respond quickly to unexpected job
opportunities, including meetings with
contacts who may want to hire you.
Post your CV onto databases on a
speculative basis
Remind yourself of what you have to offer,
focusing your mind on your next career
Identify ongoing issues with your career
development, such as gaps in experience or
a need for more training.
You have to polish
your CV in a regular
basis. It maybe
weekly or monthly
importance of your
career. Whether you
want to switch jobs,
climb the career
ladder or get a side
hustle, an updated
resume can make all
the difference.
As you go through your career and working like you will gain new
qualifications and skills, it’s therefore important that you keep your
resume updated. Modify it
Employer Side
The average amount of time an employer
will spend looking at a CV is just 20 to 30
 Cover letter
 Layout Check
 Readability
 Keyword Match
 Employability skill measure
 Experience checkup
 Extra-curricular activity
 Rolling eyes into other info
 Accurate spelling and grammar
 Your goals
 Common sense
 Up-to-date contact information
 Personal brand and online presence
 Hard facts versus fluff
CV Sending Rules
 Send as PDF format
 Proper Name of pdf file as- you
 Attach a Cover Letter
 Give a good subject line
 Give absolute respect
CV vs Resume
What to Include on a Resume
A resume provides a summary of your education, work history,
credentials, and other accomplishments and skills. There are
also optional sections, including a resume objective and a career
summary statement.
• Contact Information
• Resume Summary or Resume Objective
• Work Experience
• Education
• Skills
• Additional Sections (Awards, Courses, Publications,
Certificates, Conferences, etc.)
Crack Job Title!
IT Executive/Officer
Main Requirement:
•To manage the deployment Plan, design, monitoring, maintenance, upgrade, and
support of all current IT systems.
•Having sound knowledge and delivering high levels of service to SAP users.
•To configure and maintain Networking & Hardware Devices.
•Responds courteously and efficiently to queries and problems from SAP &
Octane (HRM) system users.
•To configure and manage windows Server 2012/2016
•To configure Internal Server services like Active Directory, Backup Server, File
•Print Server, Terminal Server, VPN,VLAN, FTP Server, Proxy Server, Mail Server,
IP Phone Server, Doman Controller, DNS, and DHCP etc.
•To configure and manage Red control, Recovery System & Antivirus Server.
•To configure and manage security systems alone with all IP Phone, IPPABX, FXO,
FXS, DVR, NVR, XVR, IP Camera, CCTV, Camera, Attendance Devices & Access
•To Configure and manage Website, Email, FTP in cPanel.
•To Lead, Develop and Plan ERP Projects using Net, Visual Basic, MS SQL
•To configure and troubleshoot (ERP) Software.
•To manage the related cloud service activities preferably on the platform of
"Microsoft Azure".
•To Implement and Maintain Farewell Network
•To understand Internet and data Network Application Parking service
•To Manage Data storage Management service.
Extra Requirement:
Basic Skill
Practical Knowledge
1. Office-Event-Project Management
2. Professional Behaviour
3. Time-Process Control
4. Team Playing & Leadership
5. Trusted Work Co-ordination
6. Quality Assurance
7. Official Language-Law
8. Proposal-Ads Submit
9. Work Space Networking
10. Government Function
11. Communication Etiquette
12. Information Handling
13. Corporate Grooming
14. Value Addition
15. Intensive Follow-up
16. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Technical Expertise
1. Office Application Tools( Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Publisher etc.)
2. Design (Photoshop & Illustrator)
3. Video Editing( Premiere, Filmora)
4. Typing (Bangla & English)
5. Hardware Troubleshooting
6. Networking Knowledge
7. Content Creation
8. Internet Surfing and cloud storage
9. Emailing.
10. Google Products
11. Running Trend---
Mental ability
1. Passionate to work
2. Hard Work & Pressure Handling
3. Environment Flexibility
4. Positive, Enthusiastic & Motivated
5. Goal Orientated
6. Brainstorming
7. Creative Problem Solving
8. Learning & Implementation
9. Research & Development
10. Memory Practice
Language Proficiency
1. English & Bangla Fluency
2. Good Pronunciation
3. Pure Accent
4. Right Communication Sense (addressing)
5. Listening, Writing, Reading, Speaking
Are you a-
Basket or
floorless Basket
Self Presentation
Cloud Source Rep.
Apache Allura
Included Bio-data, CV, Resume, Profile and All other information
Thank You!

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CV and Resume Writing for Job

  • 2. SLIDESMANIA.COM The Ultimate Goal The Quality CV Job Requirement Quality Resume Cover Letter Skilled Interview Thank You Letter Get The Job E-mail Application Form Product Sold Prepare Product Consider Yourself As A Product
  • 3. SLIDESMANIA.COM Myself S.M. Fazla Rabbi General Secretary, CPC Dhaka International University
  • 4. SLIDESMANIA.COM What is CV *** CV Full Form: Curriculum Vitae *** Curriculum Vitae (or “CV”), Origin is Latin- “course of one’s life”. A CV offers a snapshot of who you are. Think about the first page of a book - it either holds your attention or it doesn’t. It is also- A short summary of your educational & work history, awards & achievements. *** Treat your CV as an advertisement for you and be sure to thoroughly "sell" yourself by highlighting all of your skills and strengths relevant to the position for which you are applying.
  • 5. SLIDESMANIA.COM Why we need this A marketing tool You are the product, your resume/CV is selling. It must be user friendly. A calling card & reminder It is a brief summary of what you have done. It is an impression of you that remains after the interview. A way to direct the interview Specific accomplishments can direct the interviewer’s attention/questioning
  • 6. SLIDESMANIA.COM Where to Use it Curricula vitae are used mainly in academia and the sciences: • extensively used when applying for academic positions • ƒeducation administration (e.g. superintendents and principals) • ƒhigher education (administration, teaching, research) • science and medicine • consulting and research • fellowships and Grant / funds applications • speaking engagements/ Public speaking • graduate school applications They may be used for a variety of reasons, however, the most common of these is to send to prospective employers when looking for a new job. • Business start-up (as an appendix to business plan) • Political appointments • Contracts • In house job promotion • Scholarship applications • Job search • Conference participation
  • 7. SLIDESMANIA.COM Right Time Create a CV The best time to start a CV is to start school life. If someone doesn't have a CV, they should still have one. Example: Currently someone is doing Honors, he can build from it from the beginning. He can create a CV according to the rules of CV based on what he has studied and the experience he has gained. And he will update it when he learns new things. This way he/she can get a great CV at the end of the study.
  • 8. SLIDESMANIA.COM Types of CV Organizes employment and volunteer experiences chronologically with the most recent information first. Pros and Cons:  Good for demonstrating growth in a single profession: job titles and organizations are emphasized and responsibilities and accomplishments are described in detail.  This format is suitable for individuals with continuous work experience who have not had frequent job changes or prolonged periods of unemployment.  It is not always the best choice for students right out of school Chronological Highlights the skills you have developed over the years and their application to the job for which you are applying. Pros and Cons:  What is critically important when writing a functional C.V. is to match your skills and qualification clusters with the employer’s needs.  This format clusters skills and qualifications under specific headings. For example, you may include headings such as Communications Skills, Leadership Skills, Project Management, Teamwork, etc.  This format is suitable for individuals who want to emphasize skills gained in nonpaid experiences (volunteer, extra-curricular) or the classroom.  It may be particularly effective for individuals entering a new field in which they have little direct experience. Job candidates who are entering new fields or have experience unrelated to their career goals might want to choose this format. Functional Organizes employment and volunteer experiences chronologically with the most recent information first. Pros and Cons:  Good for demonstrating growth in a single profession: job titles and organizations are emphasized and responsibilities and accomplishments are described in detail.  This format is suitable for individuals with continuous work experience who have not had frequent job changes or prolonged periods of unemployment.  It is not always the best choice for students right out of school Combined
  • 9. SLIDESMANIA.COM CV Layout Optional parts Memberships/Honors/Awards Achievements Projects Publications/presentations Relevant coursework Languages Interest/Activities Volunteer work Additional section Personal website Main parts
  • 10. SLIDESMANIA.COM Pre CV Writing Research • How to structure your CV best please to recruiter • How to format your CV for professional outlook • How to write a profile that will grab recruiters attention • How to detail your work and experiences • And if and how to include your interests and hobbies Think for Solutions Way to start • You need to shortlist the recruiters provided job requirement for your dream job • Focus on industry specific skill, IT system knowledge, Languages, qualifications • Keep the format by sticking to clean and crisp font that can easily read. • Practice to optimize the top quarter • Choose a simple but attractive format Failure to plan is planning to fail Stand Out From The Crowd Spending time getting this right could make the difference between securing an interview and receiving a rejection letter
  • 11. SLIDESMANIA.COM How to Write a CV Your CV is your personal sales brochure and your passport to finding the right position. It should be clear, concise, contains up-to-date relevant information and most importantly, is an honest and accurate reflection of yourself and work records. As for the CV layout, there are no hard and fast rules here but best CV’s are well spaced out and contain the most relevant eye-catching information first. You should include the following details: Personal: Name, address, telephone no’s and e-mail address. Profile: You may want to write a short introduction (restricted to 3 or 4 lines) to prime the potential employer with an overview of your skills, qualities, hopes and plans. You can also list any additional information i.e. location flexibility, languages spoken etc. Career Objective: Write down in one sentence that- What sector do you want to work in and what skills do you want to use in that sector? Qualification & Experience: Best in list format, relevant to your current skills and in a logical order. Career History: Start with you most recent job, company name and job title. Talk about the technical environment you worked in and include your achievements in addition to your responsibilities. Huge paragraphs of text generally will not get read, so keep them concise and relevant. Education: Depending on how experienced you are you may not feel the need to include more than the basic details. However if you want to include secondary or university qualifications use reverse chronological order, dates, the name of establishment, followed by grades achieved. Hobbies and Interests: This is optional and dependent on available space. Again it should be restricted to just 2 to 3 lines. References : Names and addresses of two suitable referees, recent employers or academic if you have only recently left education. ***Choose the right CV style, then edit. ***For pointing in education/ experience/ history-do use of reverse chronological order Overview
  • 12. SLIDESMANIA.COM How to Write a CV Name: Full Name ( As same as Certificates) Address: Present Address ( Where you stay now) Email: Professional active mail. Keep it similar to your name Telephone/ Contact no: Keep it in international format Picture: Picture must be good looks. Set it formal. Practical Issues Career Objective/ Personal Statement: Which sector- where-which subject-what wanted to do ***Leave it one sentence Personal Details: Date of Birth- Nationality-Marital Status (single/married simply mention) ***Major need Religion- Father name- mother name *** Not necessary *** Add details according to respective company [[[[ if you are fresh graduate and have no experience then put education after personal details, otherwise it will come after experience]]]] Education: Timing- University/educational institute- CGPA/Grades - Achievement (if any) Experience: Designation-Reporting to (not necessary)- Time, location, Name of the company –Company description (not necessary) – work responsibilities (in short with action word) – Achievement (if any) Extra Curricular activities: Time- Start with action word- Add anything vital that proves your leadership (if any) Language: Mother tongue – Fluent in – Full working Knowledge in [[[[You may add professional skill after experience]]]] Professional Skill: Field of expertise Training and Workshops: Enlist your training – grade/status - with time and special notation like- id, trainer/ training institute name Reference: Min 2 to Max 4 reference – can’t be any relative- designation- All address, phone/contact, email etc. *** choose careful one- who is Relevant- credible and competent –professional like university lecturer, mentor, principal etc. [[[[Please, contact with your referees before you add their info as a reference. If possible, then give them a copy of cv and tell them about the job.]]]] For experience, education and other time period section-please organize it on latest priority.
  • 13. SLIDESMANIA.COM Do’s Content is more important than Style • Do pay attention to presentation. It must be a well produced business like document. Use either 11 or 12 point style size. • Do make clear and easy to read. • Do make it waffle free and relevant. • Do include the month and year for each major entry under career history. • Do try to keep it to two -three pages. • Do write a professional email. Don't use your nickname while creating a business email. •Do explain any gaps in education and experience. •Clear Career Objectives •Choose The Right Keywords •Showcase Accomplishments Instead Of Responsibilities •Be logical • Make the headings bold • Use bullet points • Use the same font style throughout • Use a maximum of 3 font sizes • Avoid graphics, icons and pictures • Use quality paper • Spelling, grammar and punctuation must be perfect. • Read the points out loud. Make sure it sounds good • Touches of color in styles •Use Consistent Line Spacing, Vertical Alignment •Use Italics And Boldfacing To Add Emphasis •Proofread It At Least Twice •Consider Quantifying Achievements While Writing Finishing Touch
  • 14. SLIDESMANIA.COM Don’ts  Don’t copy the job description from hr. manual to be your objective .  Avoid repetitive words that make your cv boring.  Don’t use capital letters in writing.  Spelling, grammar & punctuation mistakes.  Unnecessary information.  Play with data.  Font type and size.  Don’t Send it as doc file  Never, ever lie  Do not use patterned or colored paper  Alignment mistake  Abbreviations.  Personal pronouns.  Don’t use Negative words.  Word arts, clip arts, colors, logos & graphics.  Don’t write cv at the top.  Don’t put picture unless it is requested.  Don’t put any attachment unless it is requested.  Don’t use poor quality paper and printer.  Don’t use photo-copied cv.  Don’t write what you cannot explain.  Don’t write personal interests or references.  Copying format Omit any non-essential information such as the occupation of your partner, the names of your children, your passport or NID number, etc.
  • 15. SLIDESMANIA.COM CV Word Sense When it comes to CV, there are certain words and phrases should try to avoid – and they mostly consist of overused clichés. Not only could using them risk mildly irritating the person in charge of hiring, you could also end up blending into a sea of similar candidates. Although all recruiters will have their own pet peeves, here are just a few of the worst CV words: • Excellent communication skills • Goal driven • Flexible • Motivated • Multi-tasker • Independent • Detail oriented • Self-motivated • Seeking Obviously, exceptions can be made if any of the above were included in the job description as an essential skill – but using examples to back them up is still crucial. Figuring out what words to use on your CV can be tough especially when you’re trying to fit a lot of Appropriate keywords for your CV could include: • Accurate • Adaptable • Confident • Hard-working • Innovative • Pro-active • Reliable • Responsible In addition to using the right words, you should also back up your attributes up with genuine accomplishments. Not only will you stand out from others with identical skills, you’ll also be able to prove your suitability more effectively. After all, anyone can say they’re hard-working – but not everyone can prove it. Describe yourself with sweet able word that is true. Google for find out the power words. Power/Action Word Cliches/Irritating Word • Managed • Lead • Oversaw • Solved • Adapted • Initiated • Improved • Saved • Organized • Introduced • Trained • Developed • Increased • Implemented • Built • Deployed • Planned • Coordinated • Assisted • Accomplished • Searching • Looking for • Can do any work • Best in/ amazing at doing • Work in any team • Proven trac record • Strong work ethic • Result oriented professional • Position • Strengthened • Directed • Persuaded • Communicated • Projected • Assessed • Positivity • Analyzed
  • 16. SLIDESMANIA.COM What to Avoid Avoid sluggish terms like- Example:
  • 17. SLIDESMANIA.COM Quantify Experience Follow SMART statement- S = Specific M = Measurable A = Achievable R = Realistic T = Time Bounded
  • 18. SLIDESMANIA.COM Quantify Achievements Specifically note the achievements as follows-  Past company state or condition during joined the position  The goal you set for the company  Your corresponding step taken for the achieve the goal like action plan etc.  Present state or condition through the action or contribute to the company. Focus on the implementation output and changes. Follow STAR statement- S = Situation T = Target A = Action R = Result It increase the interview chances
  • 20. SLIDESMANIA.COM Keep Updated the CV Make Your Resume Stand Out Update your current role Go through your skills Add your achievements Check CV design Review your career objective Make it consistent Run a format-check Add more keywords Proofread again Update the education section Remove unnecessary information Add volunteering and interests Refresh your online profile Tailor for your new goals A CV upgrade can help your profile stand out from the crowd and grab employers' attention. Additionally, it gives you an opportunity to showcase your experience. Refresh your CV on a regular basis to allow you to: Respond quickly to unexpected job opportunities, including meetings with contacts who may want to hire you. Post your CV onto databases on a speculative basis Remind yourself of what you have to offer, focusing your mind on your next career step. Identify ongoing issues with your career development, such as gaps in experience or a need for more training. You have to polish your CV in a regular basis. It maybe weekly or monthly importance of your career. Whether you want to switch jobs, climb the career ladder or get a side hustle, an updated resume can make all the difference. Why When How As you go through your career and working like you will gain new qualifications and skills, it’s therefore important that you keep your resume updated. Modify it
  • 21. SLIDESMANIA.COM Employer Side The average amount of time an employer will spend looking at a CV is just 20 to 30 seconds.  Cover letter  Layout Check  Readability  Keyword Match  Employability skill measure  Experience checkup  Extra-curricular activity  Rolling eyes into other info  Accurate spelling and grammar  Your goals  Common sense  Up-to-date contact information  Personal brand and online presence  Hard facts versus fluff Can it be Bought ?
  • 22. SLIDESMANIA.COM CV Sending Rules  Send as PDF format  Proper Name of pdf file as- you name  Attach a Cover Letter  Give a good subject line  Give absolute respect
  • 24. SLIDESMANIA.COM What to Include on a Resume A resume provides a summary of your education, work history, credentials, and other accomplishments and skills. There are also optional sections, including a resume objective and a career summary statement. • Contact Information • Resume Summary or Resume Objective • Work Experience • Education • Skills • Additional Sections (Awards, Courses, Publications, Certificates, Conferences, etc.)
  • 26. SLIDESMANIA.COM IT Executive/Officer Main Requirement: •To manage the deployment Plan, design, monitoring, maintenance, upgrade, and support of all current IT systems. •Having sound knowledge and delivering high levels of service to SAP users. •To configure and maintain Networking & Hardware Devices. •Responds courteously and efficiently to queries and problems from SAP & Octane (HRM) system users. •To configure and manage windows Server 2012/2016 •To configure Internal Server services like Active Directory, Backup Server, File Server, •Print Server, Terminal Server, VPN,VLAN, FTP Server, Proxy Server, Mail Server, IP Phone Server, Doman Controller, DNS, and DHCP etc. •To configure and manage Red control, Recovery System & Antivirus Server. •To configure and manage security systems alone with all IP Phone, IPPABX, FXO, FXS, DVR, NVR, XVR, IP Camera, CCTV, Camera, Attendance Devices & Access Control. •To Configure and manage Website, Email, FTP in cPanel. •To Lead, Develop and Plan ERP Projects using Net, Visual Basic, MS SQL •To configure and troubleshoot (ERP) Software. •To manage the related cloud service activities preferably on the platform of "Microsoft Azure". •To Implement and Maintain Farewell Network •To understand Internet and data Network Application Parking service •To Manage Data storage Management service. Extra Requirement:
  • 27. SLIDESMANIA.COM Basic Skill Practical Knowledge 1. Office-Event-Project Management 2. Professional Behaviour 3. Time-Process Control 4. Team Playing & Leadership 5. Trusted Work Co-ordination 6. Quality Assurance 7. Official Language-Law 8. Proposal-Ads Submit 9. Work Space Networking 10. Government Function 11. Communication Etiquette 12. Information Handling 13. Corporate Grooming 14. Value Addition 15. Intensive Follow-up 16. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Technical Expertise 1. Office Application Tools( Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Publisher etc.) 2. Design (Photoshop & Illustrator) 3. Video Editing( Premiere, Filmora) 4. Typing (Bangla & English) 5. Hardware Troubleshooting 6. Networking Knowledge 7. Content Creation 8. Internet Surfing and cloud storage 9. Emailing. 10. Google Products 11. Running Trend--- Mental ability 1. Passionate to work 2. Hard Work & Pressure Handling 3. Environment Flexibility 4. Positive, Enthusiastic & Motivated 5. Goal Orientated 6. Brainstorming 7. Creative Problem Solving 8. Learning & Implementation 9. Research & Development 10. Memory Practice Language Proficiency 1. English & Bangla Fluency 2. Good Pronunciation 3. Pure Accent 4. Right Communication Sense (addressing) 5. Listening, Writing, Reading, Speaking accuracy 30% 30% 30% 10% Are you a- Complete Basket or floorless Basket ?
  • 28. SLIDESMANIA.COM Self Presentation Portfolio Twitter Facebook YouTube Linkedin SlideShare Instagram Cloud Source Rep. GitLab Apache Allura Fiverr Upwork PeoplePerHour Freelancer Codeforces UVa CodeChef URI TopCoder LightOj Included Bio-data, CV, Resume, Profile and All other information