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By Crystal Davis & Tracey Lubanzadio
1.In what ways does your media
product use, develop or challenge
forms and conventions of real
media products?
For our magazine cover we wanted to establish a traditional “Sight & Sound" cover, in order to achieve
       this we initially went through a variety of different “Sight and Sound” covers, after which we decided to
       use “Tinker Taylor Solder Spy” as our guideline, we decided to use this cover because it was a typical
       “Sight & Sound” cover, it also looked professional which we thought we be suitable for our magazine
       cover as we wanted to follow the traditional look of a “Sight & Sound” cover which meant that we
       couldn’t make any changes that would “Go Against” the typical “Sight & Sound” convention.

Traditionally “Sight & Sound” place their masthead in                           The “Sight & Sound” barcode is
the high left hand corner, again this was something                             traditionally placed in top right
that we hand to take into consideration because we                              corner.
were planning to stick to a traditional/typical “Sight &
Sound” cover.                                                                   This is where we got our idea from, the
                                                                                close up of the image makes it a
                                                                                typical sight and sound cover.
“Sight & Sound” sometimes move their pugs on to
different areas of their magazine, this is something that                      The black and white effect portrays a
we researched whilst trying to decide on where we                              intellectual look for the audience, this is
would like to place our plug for our magazine. Also                            something that fits in well with a “sight &
traditionally the pugs are consistently “Red” which is                         Sound” audience, this is because their
done to link in with the magazine colour scheme. As                            magazine’s are commonly geared towards
you can see we have also followed the “sight &                                 an intellectual and creative audience.
Sound” colour scheme by making the colour of our
pug “Red”
This is an example of our magazine cover, as you can see we tried to follow “Tinker
Taylor Soldier Spy” magazine cover.

                                                                                    The barcode and the date, informs
The masthead illustrates that this                                                  our readers about our film, this will
is a typical “Sight & Sound” cover                                                  inform that our film is up and
as it is no different from a typical                                                coming and will be officially
masthead in terms of the                                                            released as soon as possible.
position, colour and font.

                                                                                 The image of our magazine cover is a
The colour of our background                                                     typical “Sight & Sound” image, this is
was taken from our poster.                                                       because we decided to use a close up
                                                                                 shot, because “Sight & Sound” typically
                                                                                 uses close up shots for the magazines,
Cover line is something that                                                     doing this suggest that we have followed
typically attracts the readers                                                   the “Sight & Sound” convention. However
to the magazine , it is                                                          initially we wanted to use a long shot of
something that will give the                                                     our main character, but doing that would
readers/target audience a                                                        suggest that we are going against the
rough idea as to what the film                                                   typical “Sight & Sound” convention.
is about.
                                                                                   As you can see we have included
                                                                                   information about interviews on our
                                                                                   front cover, doing this assures that we
                                                                                   are sticking to the convention of a
                               The titles of other films will give the readers     typical “Sight & Sound” cover. Typically
                               an insight as to what will be included in the       “Sight & Sound” place their cover lines
                               magazine.                                           at the sides of their magazine.
This is an example of our magazine cover, as you can see we tried to follow “Tinker
         Taylor Soldier Spy” magazine cover.
As you can identify our blueprint/layout                                We have also managed to place a
overall is a classic “Sight & Sound”                                    masthead onto our over along with
cover. The “Sight & Sound” is written in                                The barcode, both of which are
the same font with the same colours,                                    place in the same positions similar
the writing for the plus information is                                 to recent “Sight & Sound” covers.
also written in the same font. And the                                  Doing this illustrates that we are
image on the cover is a traditional                                     following a typical “Sight & Sound”
“Sight & Sound” image in terms of how                                   convention.
the photo was taken and the fact that
it is a close up.

                                                                         The use of the close up shot enables
                                                                         our readers to gain some insight into
                                                                         what the film is about, based on the
We decided to stick to a consistent look                                 facial expression of our character,
for our project, hence the reason as to                                  Although we have decided to use a
why we selected to use the same fonts on                                 frequent close up shot for our cover,
our magazine, poster and also in our
teaser trailer. As You can see the word
“Constrain” appears on our poster, in our
teaser trailer and also on the cover of our
This is an example of our magazine cover, as you can see we tried to follow “Tinker
             Taylor Soldier Spy” magazine cover.

Typically “Sight & Sound” only use two colours                                      As you can see the Masthead and the
on their “Sight & Sound” masthead, as you can                                       Barcode both overlap our image, this
see we have followed their tradition by ensuring                                    was purposely done in order to
that our masthead is also in the typical “Sight &                                   portray a typical “Sight & Sound”
Sound” colours, together with the same font                                         cover, this is something that is
                                                                                    commonly done on each “Sight &
                                                                                    Sound” magazine cover, it is very
                                                                                    uncommon to find a magazine cover
                                                                                    which has enabled their image to
“Sight & Sound” only use a maximum of two fonts,                                    cover their Masthead or Barcode.
as you can see we have gone to using only two
fonts, which are very similar to the fonts that are
used on a typical “Sight & Sound” cover. Doing this                                Getting the character to look directly
suggest that we are sticking to a typical “Sight &                                 into the camera was something that was
Sound” house-style.                                                                intentionally done. This was done to
                                                                                   connote urgency in our character’s
                                                                                   facial expression, also the direct look will
                                                                                   make the readers feel as if the character
                                                                                   is directly looking at them.
                               “Sight & Sound” tends to use a strict intellectual/ creative language for their
                               magazine, it is commonly geared towards the “higher level” readers, this was
                               something that we noticed and took into consideration, when creating our
                               magazine cover we also went along with the use of an “creative/ inventive”
                               style of writing for our plus section.
This is an example of our poster cover, we tried to make it look like a typical thriller

The photo for our poster is taken in a particular
way in order to connote a important message to
                                                                         We decide to use a hoodie as a prop
the audience/readers, hence the reason as to
                                                                         for our character, this is because this
why the character is pictured with foreboding
                                                                         is a prop which is commonly used in a
look on his face. Also the readers/audience can
                                                                         gangster type thriller.
not see the character’s full identity , this was
done to imply a cliff-hanger/mystery for our

We also went on experimenting with a range of
different colours on “Paint-Shop-Pro” and “Picnik”.                   We decided to add a site to our poster,
This process was rather difficult because we were                     this was done in order for us to follow the
finding difficult to come up with a colour that                       typical convention of a poster, also
could potentially create a Urban look.                                adding a website to our poster will make
                                                                      it look professional and contemporary.
This is an example of our poster cover, we tried to make it look like a typical thriller

We decided to use “Paint-Shop-Pro” to                                The colours for our writing was taken from anothe
edit underneath our character’s eye,                                  poster entitled “Contagion”, we decided to use
making underneath his eye darker                                      this colour because it fitted well with our poster
created a sinister look, It also created                               and our character’s emotion. The colours looks
anger and rage, where as before there                                 slightly begrimed and dirty, this was intentionally
was too much white showing which                                     do to create a typical gritty “Urban” genre thrille
didn’t fit well with our concept.                                                          poster.

                               The use of the “Coming Soon” writing was intentionally done
                               to follow the conventions of modern/contemporary teaser
This is an example of a poster for a film called “Contagion” which is where we got
   our idea from.

       The colours that was used on this poster is                The Layout of this particular poster is very
        complementary to the colours that we                      similar to how we created ours.
       used on our poster, this is were we got the
                      idea from.

Similar to our poster this character is pictured with            The idea of the character holding a phone
half of his face showing, along with a deep sinister             is something that we wanted to use on our
look, this character is very similar to ours in terms of         poster, as it could potentially connote
how their identify is interpreted. Similar to our poster         “Business”, “Urgency” and importance.
this character is also connoting some sort of fear
and desperation.
This is an example of a poster for a film called “The Grey” this is the
                        initial film that we looked at.

                                                                       This poster originally gave us an idea for our poster
The close up of this poster connoted “fear"                            cover, however after looking through a range of
and “importance” , this is something that                              different posters we decided, that this particular
we wanted to incorporate into our                                      shot and cover would be more suitable for our
magazine cover.                                                        magazine cover. Looking at this poster you can
                                                                       identify that this would fit in with the typical “sight
                                                                       & Sound” cover as it is a close, close up’s are
                                                                       typically used on “Sight & Sound” covers.

                                        The close of this poster is something that we
                                        wanted to take into consideration as we
                                        began to create our magazine cover.
This is an example of a poster for a film called “No One Is Safe ”which is another film
that we looked at, In order to give us an idea fro our poster.

                                                                                  The all black background is something
                                                                                  that we tried to incorporate on to our
Similar to “The Grey”, No One Is safe is another                                  magazine cover, however it didn’t look
poster that we looked at, just to give us a idea for                              professional also making our background
our magazine cover .                                                              all black, would suggest that we weren't
                                                                                  sticking to a consistent look.

                                Also the gesture of the character’s hands is one of the things that we liked
                                about this poster, similar to the other poster that we have looked at this poster
                                also connotes “Business”. Which is something that we wanted incorporate on to
                                our poster, when you look it is almost as if the character is ready to take care of
                                his business, this is something that would fit in well with our poster. It is almost as if
                                both character’s are experiencing the same emotions.
Constrain Teaser
Similar to a typical “Thriller Teaser Trailer”, our trailer “Constrain” has tried to follow a typical teaser convention. The
obvious idea of any “teaser” trailer” is to “tease” their audience, for our trailer we created a altercations of fast pace
movements, which we gradually built up in order for it to reach its peak. Teaser trailers are typically shorter than a
theatrical trailer, with a teaser trailer you can not reveal too much information about the film hence the reason as to
why they are called “teaser” trailers. This was one convention that we focused on and tried to incorporate into our
own “teaser”. In total our trailer is about 54 seconds long during this time period we intentionally tried to reveal little
information to our audience.

Narration: In terms of a narration we haven’t created any for our trailer, this was something that was intentionally
done mainly because we wanted to go against the typical “teaser” trailer conventions which do often incorporate
narrations into their trailers. That being said there are a few moments in our trailer which does suggest that we have
followed a typical “teaser” convention, for example in our trailer we have divided the 54 seconds into a three part
structure, initially the trailer starts off at a slow pace however as it makes its way to the mid-point the pace gradually
begins to build up to a peak, after reaching a peak it gradually went back down to a slow pace. This form of editing is
something that is repeatedly done most “teaser” trailers.
Constrain is a “Urban” thriller, this was represented in our trailer by the main character’s waiting
for parcel to be delivered to him whilst he was talking on his phone. His initially dialogue is “Listen I
need to know how killed my sister find out the name of the people in the jury”.

                                     The character's body posture and tone in his voice does give the trailer an
                                     “Urban” feeling”, throughout the trailer the character repeatedly sticks to
                                     the same sinister business like intensions, in terms of how he presents himself
                                     to the audience. Similar to other films such as “Kidulthood” and “Adulthood”
                                     our character is firmly in control of what he is trying to accomplish. His props,
                                     dialogue and facial expression fits in well with the likes of “Adulthood” and
                                     “Kidulthood”, also the setting brought everything together. Our male
                                     character is shown to be the assertive character who wants to stay focus on
                                     getting his job done, similar to the film “Taken”.

                                         Although we have filmed a variety of different shots when it came to the
                                         editing process we decided to against a typical “teaser” convention,
                                         rather than showing a mixture of different shots we decided to do a
                                         repetition of the same shots, this was done intentionally to get the
                                         audience attention we wanted to create a “teaser” trailer that focused
                                         on the two main character's. Initially when we used a mixture of different
                                         shots it made our “teaser” seemed like an opening to a trailer which
                                         wasn't something that we were aiming for.
Constrain Trailer
      This is the “Coming Soon” title for our “Teaser” as you can see we
      have stuck the same consistent style, similar to our poster and
      magazine cover the title for our “teaser” also uses the same style
      font and the same consistent use of Colours. Looking at our title
      you can identify that we have followed the title convention of a
      “teaser” trailer this is because we have intentionally decided not
      to create a official release date for trailer, we have also added
      a website to our trailer “” doing this follows
      a typical “teaser” convention.
Constrain Trailer
Our “teaser” is unusual creation of a typical ‘teaser” trailer, we may not have used a variety of
different shots in our trailer, but what we have tried to do is to create a “teaser” trailer that could
potentially leave the audience wanting more. Hence the reason as to why we repeatedly used the
same shots back to back on our main character's. One convention that we tried to incorporate into
our trailer was the use of fast pace movements, this technique is commonly used In “teaser” trailers for
example “Vanilla Sky”.

Our “teaser” trailer may not have a variety of shots, we many not have used a narration or used
captions, but this is something that we as a group decided to intentionally do. This is because we
wanted to give the audience minimum information about our “teaser” trailer, we wanted to leave
them puzzled enough to make them want more. The whole concept of a “teaser” trailer is to “tease”
their audience. Which means minimum information is something that we had to take into consideration
throughout the whole filming process, including editing and so on.
There are few iconography in our “teaser” trailer for example when the male character was on his
phone trying to get information about his sister’s death, this was done to help the audience understand
the pain that the character is going through. Another prop was used in the “teaser” trailer when a
contactor passes the male character a note which contains information about key witnesses to his
sister’s death, this was done to add to the realistic element of our trailer, also we decided to add this to
our trailer as it is a prop that is often used in thriller, most commonly in thrillers we as the audience can
witness the exchange of parcel’s being passed around from one place to another, which traditionally
does play a important role in the film.
Audio & Visual Style
Within the 11th second of our trailer there is a “extreme close up” of the victims eye, this technique is commonly
used in trailers as it typically gets the audience attention by enabling them to focus on what is in front of them. A
“over the shoulder” shot was used in order to get a point of view shot of what a witness is viewing. A “high angle”
shot of the victim laying on the her kitchen floor was intentionally created to make the victim look smaller than she
actually is, this was done to create some sort of sympathy for the victim, again this is a technique that is often used
in trailers. A “low angel” shot of the male character opening a note was done to show what the character was
doing. Repeated “close up’s” shots of the male character running directly towards the camera was done to
follow the typical convention a “thriller” most commonly close up’s are repeatedly shown in a variety of thrillers ,
the use of this technique helps the audience get a feel of the character, simply by looking at his facial expression
and tension in his face. “Close Up’s enables you to read a character, without them having the say a single word.

The music that we decided to use for our “teaser” trailer is very edgy it can easily be recognized for being a
“thriller” teaser film, this is something that we wanted to get right although it took a while we were still able to find a
audio file which suited our “teaser”.
2.How effective is the combination
  of your main product and ancillary
Our three media texts work well collectively because they have
  a consistent style .With our products we used the main
  character which you see in the trailer, we also used the
  same type of font in the trailer inter-titles and the poster.
However we couldn’t actually use the same STEAK font that we
  used in our poster because it looked a bit too much and also
  the sight and sound magazine that we got our inspiration
  from used a white colour font and Arial writing but we used
  something a bit similar sight and sight element which was a
  font called IMPACT on picnik and made it white.
We have also used more consistent element in our products
  such as the same sort of colour we used in our poster which
  was a sepia effect we also tried to use the same effect in
  our magazine cover too.
Our character has two different poses which shows that he is
  serious and means business ,we also see the same pose the
  character did in the poster ,he also does it in the trailer when
  he’s on the phone. This helps the audience know that the
  two products are linked to the trailer.
we also tried to create a typical strong male character and by
 looking at his picture you can’t tell if his a bad guy or not which
 we thought was a good thing because it makes the audience
 want to know more about the film and his role in it. We also tried
 to keep a consist style with our three texts, judging by our
 magazine cover and poster the word ‘JUSTICE’ is used in both
 print outs as a tagline and cover line. The colour of the title
 ‘CONSTRAIN’ has appeared in our magazine cover as the
 background we also included again in our final title slide for out
 trailer using the same font and range of colours to keep it
The text that we feel works better, is our
magazine cover because it falls under
the sight & sound elements. As sight &
sound magazine never allow the
images to cover their logos we also
made sure that our image wasn’t
covering the logo, we also tried to give
it that sight & sound effect on the
image and background ,for the
background we picked out that colour
from our poster and it was from the title.

Then we used the same effect from our
poster. The colour white) we used for
our font is a typical colour that sight &
sound use, from our research a majority
of the sight & sound magazines have
white writing we followed that too and
used it as you can see.
3.What have you learned
from your audience
Target Audience
To gain feedback about our teaser we decided to create three short questionnaires about out teaser trailer, magazine
cover and also our poster. After creating our questionnaires we decided to ask a range of people to answer our
questions. The main focus of our questionnaire was geared towards male and female aged 15-35, this is because we felt
that our trailer is within their interest, we believe that our teaser fits in within the Urban genre, hence the reason as to why
we wanted to gain feedbacks from a male perspective, however the concept of our teaser may be of interest to the
female audience, hence the reason as to why decided to gain feedbacks from both male and females perspective.
Since then we have gone over our feedbacks which has revealed to us that, the female audience felt that they
understood the plot behind our trailer, “The magazine cover was consistent based on the font style to the colour that was
used it really worked with background image". They also felt that we kept to the same consistent look, throughout our
developing process which includes the poster, magazine cover and the teaser trailer, i.e. using the same fonts, similar
colour scheme. Although they enjoyed the plot/story they also felt that “it had a sense of a confusion, but it looked as if
that was what they were trying to portray”. Similar to the girls the boys also felt that each of product linked well together
they said “I think that the tagline on the magazine is interesting as it links back to the trailer/movie title”. The boys also felt
that they could understand the concept/plot of the trailer, they said that they believe that elements of our products
created a sinister emotion around our character. “I think that the trailer worked well in establishing the main narrative. It
had a good pace of editing and I liked the way that the shot of the girl watching herself on the monitor was a sort of
anchoring point as we kept returning to it. It gave the trailer a sense of structure that is sometimes missing”.
Constrain Teaser Questionnaire

•Did you like our trailer? (If yes please state what you
liked about it)
•Did you understand the plot/storyline?
•Do you have a full understanding of who the main
characters are?
•Would you go and see the film if it was released in
•What would you rate our film on a scale of 1-10?
Students Trailer-Feedback/Age15-35
   I loved the storyline/plot of the trailer   The storyline of the trailer was
   and thought that the editing of the         really good but it had a sense
   trailer helped put the storyline plot       of a confusion, but it looked as
   across.                                     if that was what they were
                                               trying to portray.
Students Trailer -Feedback/Age15-35
   I really liked this trailer. The story line   Based on the story line of the trailer
   was very easy for me to understand            I thing that every sequence had a
   and I would strongly recommend it             nice follow up. What I like about
   to my peers because it is something           the trailer the way it ended and
   we can all relate to easily.                  personally I would recommend this
                                                 to other people.
I think that the trailer worked well in establishing   I liked the whole concept of the
the main narrative. It had a good pace of              teaser trailer, I thought that the editing
editing and I liked the way that the shot of the       really brought it to life. Also I like the
girl watching herself on the monitor was a sort of     fact that they kept of going back to
anchoring point as we kept returning to it. It         one particular character, which was
gave the trailer a sense of structure that is          the girl, it made me anxious to see the
sometimes missing.                                     out come.
Constrain Magazine Questionnaire
 •What did you like about our Magazine cover?
 •Do you think that our magazine cover fits well with our trailer and
 •What stands out on our magazine cover?
 •Does our magazine cover looks like a typical “Sight & Sound”
Students Feedback Age 15-35
   I think that the tagline on the      The thing that stands out the most
  magazine is interesting as it links    about this magazine is the facial
   back to the trailer/movie title.       expression on the characters
                                        face. It delivers a sinister emotion.
Teachers Feedback Age 15-35
                                           I believe that your magazine cover is a
I like that the fact that the boy is the   typical “Sight & Sound” cover because
main focus on the magazine cover, it       “Sight & Sounds” do tend to use close
allows us to see the dominance he          up’s for their covers, which is something
has in the film                            that has been successfully portrayed on
                                           your magazine cover.
Constrain Poster Feedback Age 15-35

 •Overall do you think that we stuck to the same consistent style?
 (Teaser Trailer, Magazine Cover and Poster)?.
 •What do you like about our poster?
 •Do you think that our poster fits the purpose of our film?
Students Feedback Age 15-35
I think that the magazine is   The magazine cover was consistent
good but it could look more    based on the font style to the colour
   sinister and mysterious.    that was used it really worked with
                               background image. In relation movies
                               like Kidulthood and Boyz N Da hood
                               (which I categorize as urban) I would
                               was it fits its purpose.
Teachers Feedback Age 15-35
                                                Overall I believe that you have stuck to the same
                                                consistency throughout your products, looking at the
I believe that the plot fits in well with the
                                                trailer, poster and magazine cover you can identify
purpose of your film, this is because you
                                                some similarities, for example the consistent repetition
have successfully managed to create a
                                                of the title “Constrain” was shown on each product
poster which looks slightly “Urban” and
                                                all of which was shown with the same repeated font
                                                and colours.
4.How did you use media
  technologies in the construction
  and research planning and
  evaluation stages?
We used media technologies to help us with our
  trailer, planning, poster , magazine cover
  researches. we started of by going on
  Google in typing in key words like ‘thriller
  posters', horror posters’ ,’film posters’ then for
  the magazine covers we typed in ‘thriller
  magazine cover’, ‘magazine cover', ‘horror
  magazine cover’ after that we still didn’t find
  a poster that we liked so we looked at some
  more posters and magazine covers in the
  school shared documents, that's where we
  found an idea for our magazine cover but
  our original picture that we had of our
  character was a head to knee picture and
  as we carried on with our research, we went
  on to look at discussed
We felt that the image we had would work well on an empire cover
   mainly because empire allows the image to cover the logo so
   wouldn’t be a problem and we saw a cover with a similar picture to
   ours but later on we still wasn’t convinced with what we had as we
   began editing so went onto Google and started searching for sight &
   sound magazines covers and we came across this one and decided
   to crop our image so it was just a head shot then we cropped a bit of
   the left side of his face so that it would similar to the one we picked
To complete the poster we started by adding the logo and we did that
   on Photoshop pro ,it was very tricky when it came to pasting the logo
   onto our image because we had to make sure the edges were
From our online research we
   got a few strong posters
   that we liked and felt
   would go well with what
   we had but we couldn't
   decide which one we         Overall out of them posters
   was going to stick to but   we picked the strongest
   we liked these posters      one and something that is
   because of the way the      quiet easy to produce. we
   characters looked they      uploaded our image onto
   had a very strong pose      paint shop pro so that we
   and a serious look that     get that sepia effect which
   meant business that’s way   is like a yellowish colour like
   we were more attracted      this poster, after we gave a
                               character that glowing
   to it.
                               effect we realised that the
                               character looked joyful so
                               we copied n pasted his
                               under eye so that his eyes
                               wont too wide open that
                               worked very well because
                               it gave it a different look.
                               We then needed a
                               background colour
                               because white was too
So we picked the colour from the contagion poster and placed it
on the background the colour was a bit too light so we used the
colour tool bar to make it darker since it is a horror we then saved
it and uploaded it onto another programme called picnik and
that’s where we started looking for the right type of font that will
suit the theme and trailer.
Since Arial is a simple font that usually goes with everything we
tried using it but it is was still plain so we came across a font called
STEAK and as soon as we wrote out title we liked it so went along
with that one, it was time to add colour to the font and this was
the difficult part because we couldn’t use any colour for
examples we tried using red and it looked wrong we also tried
black but it was clashing with the colour in the background which
was the characters jacket.
The contagion poster inspired us a lot because we already had a
picture of our character doing a similar pose so we went a head
and started producing something similar.
It was very difficult when it came to researching a teaser trailer
    because we also had to consider certain things such as the
    location ,the characters, props etc since as we were a
    group of two it would be quite difficult creating something
    so exclusive.
Watching other trailers online we noticed for our teaser trailer
    to look appropriate we needed to include key elements to
    create the 3 peak so whilst watching several trailers we
    notice that they start off by using slow shots and settle music
     then build up with fast paced shots and more up beat
    sound and as its about to come to an end the music starts
    slowing down and that’s how the three peak is created,
    there’s also suspense building up. With these types of trailers
    its also good to withhold some information because as a
    teaser you don’t want to tell the audience too much but
    you want to make them watch .
After watching these trailers we still didn’t have an idea for an
    official trailer so we started reading film synopsis and real life
    murder stories and we found a story that gave us the idea
    to base our trailer on murder and justice.
This research helped us a lot because it gave us a rough idea
    of what we needed in order to go out and film.
We moved on to looking at the school’s
 hub blog- archive work to look at
 different reviews.
We also looked at that
 has cinema and retail release dates,
 trailers, reviews and news. we watched
 a few trailers to see what methods they
 used to create it like the soundtrack
 ,speed, editing etc.
For our planning we started by creating a blog on
,that’s where we put all of our planning stages. when we started
writing our planning for our poster and magazine cover we would
go back to our group blog and put it on there so that everything
was in one place and easy to look at. In our individual blogs we
had a chance to do a lot of evaluating and annotations, this
helped us a lot because we had to be aware of certain elements
such as the image ,banner , coverlines , pug etc to produce good
magazine cover and poster. So we started planning drawing our
shots, writing the angles on paper and how many shots we will
 Using the school’s internet to go on Google
 also helped because we looked at different
 types of
 posters and magazine covers but we realised
 that some of magazine covers had different
 layouts even though they were from the same
 company so that’s was also something we
 had to pay a attention to.

Our original image for our poster was uploaded onto paint
   shop pro jasc. Firstly we cropped the image so that it
   was a closer shot of the characters face then we used
   a certain tool to cut underneath his eyes because we
   wanted the character’s eyes to look not as wide as it
   was, we added the bit that cut just underneath his eyes
   making sure it wasn’t wide. For the effect that was
   created we uploaded our image on adobe Photoshop
   CS3 and used the tabs under the filter tool moving on
   we went on adjustment then shadow/highlight, we
   then needed a background colour so we used the
   eyedropper tool to pick out a colour from a different
   poster and all we had to do was click on the colour
   then go to our poster and click on where wanted it. To
   create the effect around that edge. we then used
   another software called piknic which is on the internet
   to add text to our work we came across a font called
   ‘STEAK’ after writing the title we had to figure out where
   the title was going to go before adding tag line and
   website ,we came to a conclusion that it looked better
   lower down the poster and that coming soon would go
   underneath ,the website right at the bottom and the
   tagline at the top ,we wanted the title to be big
   because that is what’s going to catch the audience’s
   attention plus we made the word JUSTICE bigger
   because that’s what our film was based on.
We wanted to keep the colour consistent so
 we decided everything apart from the title
 should be in the same range of colour. We
 tried to match our background colour using
 the colour tool bar on picnik for our title but
 when we did that ,we realised we didn't like
 the way it looked so we picked a lighter
 colour so that it will stand out and that's
 where we came across a cream/ beige
 colour. we used the background colour
 which is like dull green for our tagline
 ,website etc.
We started with editing our main picture first
  to give it a consistent look by adding the
  same effect used in our poster and we
  did that using the same software paint
  shop pro then on Photoshop CS3 we
  added a background colour using the
  eyedropper tool then we had to add the
  masterhead and to do this we used the
  lasso tool on Photoshop to go around the
  masthead then pasted it on the picture,
  it was very difficult to do because we had
   to make sure the edges were straight .The
  reason being of the master head being
  there is because sight and sound don’t
  allow pictures to cover their logo and
  sight and sound logo is usually on the left
  at the top of the page. For the barcode
  and the pug we went through the same
  process as the logo/master head .
We used picnik once again to add text ,we placed
   the text there because we saw a sight and sound
   cover that was similar to ours and the writing was
   on the left side of the page but in the middle ,along
   with the cover line was at the bottom.
Picking a colour was tricky .we tried a range of
   colours like black , red , yellow but it wasn’t working
   for us, so we tried white because we took a look at
   the similar sight and sound cover and the cover line
   and other information was in white and we liked it
   on our cover so we kept it.
For our evaluation we used PowerPoint ,blogger and
  YouTube. We used PowerPoint to present and
  answer all the questions , blogger helped us
  because we have a group blog on there and that’s
  where we wrote all our stages of planning ,
  storyboards , shot list and how we made our poster
  and magazine cover , so when it came to writing
  about planning and construction our blog was very
  helpful. We also used YouTube to capture some
  scenes of our trailer for evidence in our evaluation.

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C&T Evaluation

  • 1. Evaluation By Crystal Davis & Tracey Lubanzadio
  • 2. 1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • 3. For our magazine cover we wanted to establish a traditional “Sight & Sound" cover, in order to achieve this we initially went through a variety of different “Sight and Sound” covers, after which we decided to use “Tinker Taylor Solder Spy” as our guideline, we decided to use this cover because it was a typical “Sight & Sound” cover, it also looked professional which we thought we be suitable for our magazine cover as we wanted to follow the traditional look of a “Sight & Sound” cover which meant that we couldn’t make any changes that would “Go Against” the typical “Sight & Sound” convention. Traditionally “Sight & Sound” place their masthead in The “Sight & Sound” barcode is the high left hand corner, again this was something traditionally placed in top right that we hand to take into consideration because we corner. were planning to stick to a traditional/typical “Sight & Sound” cover. This is where we got our idea from, the close up of the image makes it a typical sight and sound cover. “Sight & Sound” sometimes move their pugs on to different areas of their magazine, this is something that The black and white effect portrays a we researched whilst trying to decide on where we intellectual look for the audience, this is would like to place our plug for our magazine. Also something that fits in well with a “sight & traditionally the pugs are consistently “Red” which is Sound” audience, this is because their done to link in with the magazine colour scheme. As magazine’s are commonly geared towards you can see we have also followed the “sight & an intellectual and creative audience. Sound” colour scheme by making the colour of our pug “Red”
  • 4. This is an example of our magazine cover, as you can see we tried to follow “Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy” magazine cover. The barcode and the date, informs The masthead illustrates that this our readers about our film, this will is a typical “Sight & Sound” cover inform that our film is up and as it is no different from a typical coming and will be officially masthead in terms of the released as soon as possible. position, colour and font. The image of our magazine cover is a The colour of our background typical “Sight & Sound” image, this is was taken from our poster. because we decided to use a close up shot, because “Sight & Sound” typically uses close up shots for the magazines, Cover line is something that doing this suggest that we have followed typically attracts the readers the “Sight & Sound” convention. However to the magazine , it is initially we wanted to use a long shot of something that will give the our main character, but doing that would readers/target audience a suggest that we are going against the rough idea as to what the film typical “Sight & Sound” convention. is about. As you can see we have included information about interviews on our front cover, doing this assures that we are sticking to the convention of a The titles of other films will give the readers typical “Sight & Sound” cover. Typically an insight as to what will be included in the “Sight & Sound” place their cover lines magazine. at the sides of their magazine.
  • 5. This is an example of our magazine cover, as you can see we tried to follow “Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy” magazine cover. As you can identify our blueprint/layout We have also managed to place a overall is a classic “Sight & Sound” masthead onto our over along with cover. The “Sight & Sound” is written in The barcode, both of which are the same font with the same colours, place in the same positions similar the writing for the plus information is to recent “Sight & Sound” covers. also written in the same font. And the Doing this illustrates that we are image on the cover is a traditional following a typical “Sight & Sound” “Sight & Sound” image in terms of how convention. the photo was taken and the fact that it is a close up. The use of the close up shot enables our readers to gain some insight into what the film is about, based on the We decided to stick to a consistent look facial expression of our character, for our project, hence the reason as to Although we have decided to use a why we selected to use the same fonts on frequent close up shot for our cover, our magazine, poster and also in our teaser trailer. As You can see the word “Constrain” appears on our poster, in our teaser trailer and also on the cover of our magazine.
  • 6. This is an example of our magazine cover, as you can see we tried to follow “Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy” magazine cover. Typically “Sight & Sound” only use two colours As you can see the Masthead and the on their “Sight & Sound” masthead, as you can Barcode both overlap our image, this see we have followed their tradition by ensuring was purposely done in order to that our masthead is also in the typical “Sight & portray a typical “Sight & Sound” Sound” colours, together with the same font cover, this is something that is commonly done on each “Sight & scheme. Sound” magazine cover, it is very uncommon to find a magazine cover which has enabled their image to “Sight & Sound” only use a maximum of two fonts, cover their Masthead or Barcode. as you can see we have gone to using only two fonts, which are very similar to the fonts that are used on a typical “Sight & Sound” cover. Doing this Getting the character to look directly suggest that we are sticking to a typical “Sight & into the camera was something that was Sound” house-style. intentionally done. This was done to connote urgency in our character’s facial expression, also the direct look will make the readers feel as if the character is directly looking at them. “Sight & Sound” tends to use a strict intellectual/ creative language for their magazine, it is commonly geared towards the “higher level” readers, this was something that we noticed and took into consideration, when creating our magazine cover we also went along with the use of an “creative/ inventive” style of writing for our plus section.
  • 7. This is an example of our poster cover, we tried to make it look like a typical thriller poster. The photo for our poster is taken in a particular way in order to connote a important message to We decide to use a hoodie as a prop the audience/readers, hence the reason as to for our character, this is because this why the character is pictured with foreboding is a prop which is commonly used in a look on his face. Also the readers/audience can gangster type thriller. not see the character’s full identity , this was done to imply a cliff-hanger/mystery for our audience. We also went on experimenting with a range of different colours on “Paint-Shop-Pro” and “Picnik”. We decided to add a site to our poster, This process was rather difficult because we were this was done in order for us to follow the finding difficult to come up with a colour that typical convention of a poster, also could potentially create a Urban look. adding a website to our poster will make it look professional and contemporary.
  • 8. This is an example of our poster cover, we tried to make it look like a typical thriller poster. We decided to use “Paint-Shop-Pro” to The colours for our writing was taken from anothe edit underneath our character’s eye, poster entitled “Contagion”, we decided to use making underneath his eye darker this colour because it fitted well with our poster created a sinister look, It also created and our character’s emotion. The colours looks anger and rage, where as before there slightly begrimed and dirty, this was intentionally was too much white showing which do to create a typical gritty “Urban” genre thrille didn’t fit well with our concept. poster. The use of the “Coming Soon” writing was intentionally done to follow the conventions of modern/contemporary teaser poster.
  • 9. This is an example of a poster for a film called “Contagion” which is where we got our idea from. The colours that was used on this poster is The Layout of this particular poster is very complementary to the colours that we similar to how we created ours. used on our poster, this is were we got the idea from. Similar to our poster this character is pictured with The idea of the character holding a phone half of his face showing, along with a deep sinister is something that we wanted to use on our look, this character is very similar to ours in terms of poster, as it could potentially connote how their identify is interpreted. Similar to our poster “Business”, “Urgency” and importance. this character is also connoting some sort of fear and desperation.
  • 10. This is an example of a poster for a film called “The Grey” this is the initial film that we looked at. This poster originally gave us an idea for our poster The close up of this poster connoted “fear" cover, however after looking through a range of and “importance” , this is something that different posters we decided, that this particular we wanted to incorporate into our shot and cover would be more suitable for our magazine cover. magazine cover. Looking at this poster you can identify that this would fit in with the typical “sight & Sound” cover as it is a close, close up’s are typically used on “Sight & Sound” covers. The close of this poster is something that we wanted to take into consideration as we began to create our magazine cover.
  • 11. This is an example of a poster for a film called “No One Is Safe ”which is another film that we looked at, In order to give us an idea fro our poster. The all black background is something that we tried to incorporate on to our Similar to “The Grey”, No One Is safe is another magazine cover, however it didn’t look poster that we looked at, just to give us a idea for professional also making our background our magazine cover . all black, would suggest that we weren't sticking to a consistent look. Also the gesture of the character’s hands is one of the things that we liked about this poster, similar to the other poster that we have looked at this poster also connotes “Business”. Which is something that we wanted incorporate on to our poster, when you look it is almost as if the character is ready to take care of his business, this is something that would fit in well with our poster. It is almost as if both character’s are experiencing the same emotions.
  • 12. Constrain Teaser Trailer Similar to a typical “Thriller Teaser Trailer”, our trailer “Constrain” has tried to follow a typical teaser convention. The obvious idea of any “teaser” trailer” is to “tease” their audience, for our trailer we created a altercations of fast pace movements, which we gradually built up in order for it to reach its peak. Teaser trailers are typically shorter than a theatrical trailer, with a teaser trailer you can not reveal too much information about the film hence the reason as to why they are called “teaser” trailers. This was one convention that we focused on and tried to incorporate into our own “teaser”. In total our trailer is about 54 seconds long during this time period we intentionally tried to reveal little information to our audience. Narration: In terms of a narration we haven’t created any for our trailer, this was something that was intentionally done mainly because we wanted to go against the typical “teaser” trailer conventions which do often incorporate narrations into their trailers. That being said there are a few moments in our trailer which does suggest that we have followed a typical “teaser” convention, for example in our trailer we have divided the 54 seconds into a three part structure, initially the trailer starts off at a slow pace however as it makes its way to the mid-point the pace gradually begins to build up to a peak, after reaching a peak it gradually went back down to a slow pace. This form of editing is something that is repeatedly done most “teaser” trailers.
  • 13. Constrains/Themes Constrain is a “Urban” thriller, this was represented in our trailer by the main character’s waiting for parcel to be delivered to him whilst he was talking on his phone. His initially dialogue is “Listen I need to know how killed my sister find out the name of the people in the jury”. The character's body posture and tone in his voice does give the trailer an “Urban” feeling”, throughout the trailer the character repeatedly sticks to the same sinister business like intensions, in terms of how he presents himself to the audience. Similar to other films such as “Kidulthood” and “Adulthood” our character is firmly in control of what he is trying to accomplish. His props, dialogue and facial expression fits in well with the likes of “Adulthood” and “Kidulthood”, also the setting brought everything together. Our male character is shown to be the assertive character who wants to stay focus on getting his job done, similar to the film “Taken”. Although we have filmed a variety of different shots when it came to the editing process we decided to against a typical “teaser” convention, rather than showing a mixture of different shots we decided to do a repetition of the same shots, this was done intentionally to get the audience attention we wanted to create a “teaser” trailer that focused on the two main character's. Initially when we used a mixture of different shots it made our “teaser” seemed like an opening to a trailer which wasn't something that we were aiming for.
  • 14. Constrain Trailer This is the “Coming Soon” title for our “Teaser” as you can see we have stuck the same consistent style, similar to our poster and magazine cover the title for our “teaser” also uses the same style font and the same consistent use of Colours. Looking at our title you can identify that we have followed the title convention of a “teaser” trailer this is because we have intentionally decided not to create a official release date for trailer, we have also added a website to our trailer “” doing this follows a typical “teaser” convention.
  • 15. Constrain Trailer Our “teaser” is unusual creation of a typical ‘teaser” trailer, we may not have used a variety of different shots in our trailer, but what we have tried to do is to create a “teaser” trailer that could potentially leave the audience wanting more. Hence the reason as to why we repeatedly used the same shots back to back on our main character's. One convention that we tried to incorporate into our trailer was the use of fast pace movements, this technique is commonly used In “teaser” trailers for example “Vanilla Sky”. Our “teaser” trailer may not have a variety of shots, we many not have used a narration or used captions, but this is something that we as a group decided to intentionally do. This is because we wanted to give the audience minimum information about our “teaser” trailer, we wanted to leave them puzzled enough to make them want more. The whole concept of a “teaser” trailer is to “tease” their audience. Which means minimum information is something that we had to take into consideration throughout the whole filming process, including editing and so on.
  • 16. Iconography There are few iconography in our “teaser” trailer for example when the male character was on his phone trying to get information about his sister’s death, this was done to help the audience understand the pain that the character is going through. Another prop was used in the “teaser” trailer when a contactor passes the male character a note which contains information about key witnesses to his sister’s death, this was done to add to the realistic element of our trailer, also we decided to add this to our trailer as it is a prop that is often used in thriller, most commonly in thrillers we as the audience can witness the exchange of parcel’s being passed around from one place to another, which traditionally does play a important role in the film.
  • 17. Audio & Visual Style Within the 11th second of our trailer there is a “extreme close up” of the victims eye, this technique is commonly used in trailers as it typically gets the audience attention by enabling them to focus on what is in front of them. A “over the shoulder” shot was used in order to get a point of view shot of what a witness is viewing. A “high angle” shot of the victim laying on the her kitchen floor was intentionally created to make the victim look smaller than she actually is, this was done to create some sort of sympathy for the victim, again this is a technique that is often used in trailers. A “low angel” shot of the male character opening a note was done to show what the character was doing. Repeated “close up’s” shots of the male character running directly towards the camera was done to follow the typical convention a “thriller” most commonly close up’s are repeatedly shown in a variety of thrillers , the use of this technique helps the audience get a feel of the character, simply by looking at his facial expression and tension in his face. “Close Up’s enables you to read a character, without them having the say a single word. The music that we decided to use for our “teaser” trailer is very edgy it can easily be recognized for being a “thriller” teaser film, this is something that we wanted to get right although it took a while we were still able to find a audio file which suited our “teaser”.
  • 18. 2.How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text?
  • 19. Our three media texts work well collectively because they have a consistent style .With our products we used the main character which you see in the trailer, we also used the same type of font in the trailer inter-titles and the poster. However we couldn’t actually use the same STEAK font that we used in our poster because it looked a bit too much and also the sight and sound magazine that we got our inspiration from used a white colour font and Arial writing but we used something a bit similar sight and sight element which was a font called IMPACT on picnik and made it white. We have also used more consistent element in our products such as the same sort of colour we used in our poster which was a sepia effect we also tried to use the same effect in our magazine cover too. Our character has two different poses which shows that he is serious and means business ,we also see the same pose the character did in the poster ,he also does it in the trailer when he’s on the phone. This helps the audience know that the two products are linked to the trailer.
  • 20. we also tried to create a typical strong male character and by looking at his picture you can’t tell if his a bad guy or not which we thought was a good thing because it makes the audience want to know more about the film and his role in it. We also tried to keep a consist style with our three texts, judging by our magazine cover and poster the word ‘JUSTICE’ is used in both print outs as a tagline and cover line. The colour of the title ‘CONSTRAIN’ has appeared in our magazine cover as the background we also included again in our final title slide for out trailer using the same font and range of colours to keep it consistent.
  • 21. The text that we feel works better, is our magazine cover because it falls under the sight & sound elements. As sight & sound magazine never allow the images to cover their logos we also made sure that our image wasn’t covering the logo, we also tried to give it that sight & sound effect on the image and background ,for the background we picked out that colour from our poster and it was from the title. Then we used the same effect from our poster. The colour white) we used for our font is a typical colour that sight & sound use, from our research a majority of the sight & sound magazines have white writing we followed that too and used it as you can see.
  • 22. 3.What have you learned from your audience feedback?
  • 23. Target Audience To gain feedback about our teaser we decided to create three short questionnaires about out teaser trailer, magazine cover and also our poster. After creating our questionnaires we decided to ask a range of people to answer our questions. The main focus of our questionnaire was geared towards male and female aged 15-35, this is because we felt that our trailer is within their interest, we believe that our teaser fits in within the Urban genre, hence the reason as to why we wanted to gain feedbacks from a male perspective, however the concept of our teaser may be of interest to the female audience, hence the reason as to why decided to gain feedbacks from both male and females perspective. Since then we have gone over our feedbacks which has revealed to us that, the female audience felt that they understood the plot behind our trailer, “The magazine cover was consistent based on the font style to the colour that was used it really worked with background image". They also felt that we kept to the same consistent look, throughout our developing process which includes the poster, magazine cover and the teaser trailer, i.e. using the same fonts, similar colour scheme. Although they enjoyed the plot/story they also felt that “it had a sense of a confusion, but it looked as if that was what they were trying to portray”. Similar to the girls the boys also felt that each of product linked well together they said “I think that the tagline on the magazine is interesting as it links back to the trailer/movie title”. The boys also felt that they could understand the concept/plot of the trailer, they said that they believe that elements of our products created a sinister emotion around our character. “I think that the trailer worked well in establishing the main narrative. It had a good pace of editing and I liked the way that the shot of the girl watching herself on the monitor was a sort of anchoring point as we kept returning to it. It gave the trailer a sense of structure that is sometimes missing”.
  • 24. Constrain Teaser Questionnaire •Did you like our trailer? (If yes please state what you liked about it) •Did you understand the plot/storyline? •Do you have a full understanding of who the main characters are? •Would you go and see the film if it was released in cinema’s? •What would you rate our film on a scale of 1-10?
  • 25. Students Trailer-Feedback/Age15-35 I loved the storyline/plot of the trailer The storyline of the trailer was and thought that the editing of the really good but it had a sense trailer helped put the storyline plot of a confusion, but it looked as across. if that was what they were trying to portray.
  • 26. Students Trailer -Feedback/Age15-35 I really liked this trailer. The story line Based on the story line of the trailer was very easy for me to understand I thing that every sequence had a and I would strongly recommend it nice follow up. What I like about to my peers because it is something the trailer the way it ended and we can all relate to easily. personally I would recommend this to other people.
  • 27. Teacher-Feedback/Age 15-35 I think that the trailer worked well in establishing I liked the whole concept of the the main narrative. It had a good pace of teaser trailer, I thought that the editing editing and I liked the way that the shot of the really brought it to life. Also I like the girl watching herself on the monitor was a sort of fact that they kept of going back to anchoring point as we kept returning to it. It one particular character, which was gave the trailer a sense of structure that is the girl, it made me anxious to see the sometimes missing. out come.
  • 28. Constrain Magazine Questionnaire •What did you like about our Magazine cover? •Do you think that our magazine cover fits well with our trailer and poster? •What stands out on our magazine cover? •Does our magazine cover looks like a typical “Sight & Sound” cover?
  • 29. Students Feedback Age 15-35 I think that the tagline on the The thing that stands out the most magazine is interesting as it links about this magazine is the facial back to the trailer/movie title. expression on the characters face. It delivers a sinister emotion.
  • 30. Teachers Feedback Age 15-35 I believe that your magazine cover is a I like that the fact that the boy is the typical “Sight & Sound” cover because main focus on the magazine cover, it “Sight & Sounds” do tend to use close allows us to see the dominance he up’s for their covers, which is something has in the film that has been successfully portrayed on your magazine cover.
  • 31. Constrain Poster Feedback Age 15-35 •Overall do you think that we stuck to the same consistent style? (Teaser Trailer, Magazine Cover and Poster)?. •What do you like about our poster? •Do you think that our poster fits the purpose of our film?
  • 32. Students Feedback Age 15-35 I think that the magazine is The magazine cover was consistent good but it could look more based on the font style to the colour sinister and mysterious. that was used it really worked with background image. In relation movies like Kidulthood and Boyz N Da hood (which I categorize as urban) I would was it fits its purpose.
  • 33. Teachers Feedback Age 15-35 Overall I believe that you have stuck to the same consistency throughout your products, looking at the I believe that the plot fits in well with the trailer, poster and magazine cover you can identify purpose of your film, this is because you some similarities, for example the consistent repetition have successfully managed to create a of the title “Constrain” was shown on each product poster which looks slightly “Urban” and all of which was shown with the same repeated font “Begrimed” and colours.
  • 34. 4.How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?
  • 35. We used media technologies to help us with our trailer, planning, poster , magazine cover researches. we started of by going on Google in typing in key words like ‘thriller posters', horror posters’ ,’film posters’ then for the magazine covers we typed in ‘thriller magazine cover’, ‘magazine cover', ‘horror magazine cover’ after that we still didn’t find a poster that we liked so we looked at some more posters and magazine covers in the school shared documents, that's where we found an idea for our magazine cover but our original picture that we had of our character was a head to knee picture and as we carried on with our research, we went on to look at discussed review.
  • 36. We felt that the image we had would work well on an empire cover mainly because empire allows the image to cover the logo so wouldn’t be a problem and we saw a cover with a similar picture to ours but later on we still wasn’t convinced with what we had as we began editing so went onto Google and started searching for sight & sound magazines covers and we came across this one and decided to crop our image so it was just a head shot then we cropped a bit of the left side of his face so that it would similar to the one we picked out. To complete the poster we started by adding the logo and we did that on Photoshop pro ,it was very tricky when it came to pasting the logo onto our image because we had to make sure the edges were straight.
  • 37. From our online research we got a few strong posters that we liked and felt would go well with what we had but we couldn't decide which one we Overall out of them posters was going to stick to but we picked the strongest we liked these posters one and something that is because of the way the quiet easy to produce. we characters looked they uploaded our image onto had a very strong pose paint shop pro so that we and a serious look that get that sepia effect which meant business that’s way is like a yellowish colour like we were more attracted this poster, after we gave a character that glowing to it. effect we realised that the character looked joyful so we copied n pasted his under eye so that his eyes wont too wide open that worked very well because it gave it a different look. We then needed a background colour because white was too plain.
  • 38. So we picked the colour from the contagion poster and placed it on the background the colour was a bit too light so we used the colour tool bar to make it darker since it is a horror we then saved it and uploaded it onto another programme called picnik and that’s where we started looking for the right type of font that will suit the theme and trailer. Since Arial is a simple font that usually goes with everything we tried using it but it is was still plain so we came across a font called STEAK and as soon as we wrote out title we liked it so went along with that one, it was time to add colour to the font and this was the difficult part because we couldn’t use any colour for examples we tried using red and it looked wrong we also tried black but it was clashing with the colour in the background which was the characters jacket. The contagion poster inspired us a lot because we already had a picture of our character doing a similar pose so we went a head and started producing something similar.
  • 39. Research It was very difficult when it came to researching a teaser trailer because we also had to consider certain things such as the location ,the characters, props etc since as we were a group of two it would be quite difficult creating something so exclusive. Watching other trailers online we noticed for our teaser trailer to look appropriate we needed to include key elements to create the 3 peak so whilst watching several trailers we notice that they start off by using slow shots and settle music then build up with fast paced shots and more up beat sound and as its about to come to an end the music starts slowing down and that’s how the three peak is created, there’s also suspense building up. With these types of trailers its also good to withhold some information because as a teaser you don’t want to tell the audience too much but you want to make them watch . After watching these trailers we still didn’t have an idea for an official trailer so we started reading film synopsis and real life murder stories and we found a story that gave us the idea to base our trailer on murder and justice. This research helped us a lot because it gave us a rough idea of what we needed in order to go out and film.
  • 40. We moved on to looking at the school’s hub blog- archive work to look at different reviews. We also looked at that has cinema and retail release dates, trailers, reviews and news. we watched a few trailers to see what methods they used to create it like the soundtrack ,speed, editing etc.
  • 41. Planning For our planning we started by creating a blog on ,that’s where we put all of our planning stages. when we started writing our planning for our poster and magazine cover we would go back to our group blog and put it on there so that everything was in one place and easy to look at. In our individual blogs we had a chance to do a lot of evaluating and annotations, this helped us a lot because we had to be aware of certain elements such as the image ,banner , coverlines , pug etc to produce good magazine cover and poster. So we started planning drawing our shots, writing the angles on paper and how many shots we will need. Using the school’s internet to go on Google also helped because we looked at different types of posters and magazine covers but we realised that some of magazine covers had different layouts even though they were from the same company so that’s was also something we had to pay a attention to.
  • 42. Construction Our original image for our poster was uploaded onto paint shop pro jasc. Firstly we cropped the image so that it was a closer shot of the characters face then we used a certain tool to cut underneath his eyes because we wanted the character’s eyes to look not as wide as it was, we added the bit that cut just underneath his eyes making sure it wasn’t wide. For the effect that was created we uploaded our image on adobe Photoshop CS3 and used the tabs under the filter tool moving on we went on adjustment then shadow/highlight, we then needed a background colour so we used the eyedropper tool to pick out a colour from a different poster and all we had to do was click on the colour then go to our poster and click on where wanted it. To create the effect around that edge. we then used another software called piknic which is on the internet to add text to our work we came across a font called ‘STEAK’ after writing the title we had to figure out where the title was going to go before adding tag line and website ,we came to a conclusion that it looked better lower down the poster and that coming soon would go underneath ,the website right at the bottom and the tagline at the top ,we wanted the title to be big because that is what’s going to catch the audience’s attention plus we made the word JUSTICE bigger because that’s what our film was based on.
  • 43. We wanted to keep the colour consistent so we decided everything apart from the title should be in the same range of colour. We tried to match our background colour using the colour tool bar on picnik for our title but when we did that ,we realised we didn't like the way it looked so we picked a lighter colour so that it will stand out and that's where we came across a cream/ beige colour. we used the background colour which is like dull green for our tagline ,website etc.
  • 44. We started with editing our main picture first to give it a consistent look by adding the same effect used in our poster and we did that using the same software paint shop pro then on Photoshop CS3 we added a background colour using the eyedropper tool then we had to add the masterhead and to do this we used the lasso tool on Photoshop to go around the masthead then pasted it on the picture, it was very difficult to do because we had to make sure the edges were straight .The reason being of the master head being there is because sight and sound don’t allow pictures to cover their logo and sight and sound logo is usually on the left at the top of the page. For the barcode and the pug we went through the same process as the logo/master head .
  • 45. We used picnik once again to add text ,we placed the text there because we saw a sight and sound cover that was similar to ours and the writing was on the left side of the page but in the middle ,along with the cover line was at the bottom. Picking a colour was tricky .we tried a range of colours like black , red , yellow but it wasn’t working for us, so we tried white because we took a look at the similar sight and sound cover and the cover line and other information was in white and we liked it on our cover so we kept it.
  • 46. Evaluation For our evaluation we used PowerPoint ,blogger and YouTube. We used PowerPoint to present and answer all the questions , blogger helped us because we have a group blog on there and that’s where we wrote all our stages of planning , storyboards , shot list and how we made our poster and magazine cover , so when it came to writing about planning and construction our blog was very helpful. We also used YouTube to capture some scenes of our trailer for evidence in our evaluation.