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By R,L,B,L
1.   In what ways does your Media product
     use, develop or change forms and
     conventions of real Media products.
• The cover lines help give the audience an insight to
what is going to be featured in the magazine, which                The Masthead we decided on
                                                                    was ‘Focus’ as we thought it
attracts the audience as a particular story might                   would capture the aspects of
interest them and persuade them to buy it. We                       a typical film magazine; and it
decided to make all our cover lines green as it                     allowed us to have our own
followed with our campaign colours.                                 individuality on the product.
                                                                    Additionally, we chose ‘Focus’
                                                                    as a masthead as at is a well
                                                                    known media term which can
     We decided to go with a new and unique                        be related to film. We also
      layout, so we could create our own style which                chose it as it is short, snappy
      fits in with our entire theme. However, we                    and memorable.
      chose to follow the typical magazine
      conventions as we wanted our magazine to
      look as realistic and as effective as other            •The strapline ‘Without us you’ll be
      mainstream magazines, such as: Empire and              blind’ we feel draws the audience in
      Total film.                                            as it signifies how the magazine has
     We opted to make our magazine cover a
      special edition to help further our campaign.          all the information the audience will
      This is something that also mainstream                 need about a film.
      magazines use to promote well anticipated
      films; such as: The Dark Night and Inception.

                                                           •The image we decided to use features a
                                                           close up of a character within our trailer. We
     • We decided to make our own ‘pug’ for our            decided to use a close up image because
     magazine cover as it is a typical feature used        special edition covers that have inspired us
     for magazines to alert the audience of                such as ‘Empire’s’ ‘Dark Night’ have used
     important and new articles/information.               close up shots that we thought worked really
                                                           •We decided to have our image in black and
                                                           white apart from the characters eyes which
                                                           we edited green, as this colour is used
                                                           throughout our whole campaign; highlighting
    •The bar code and the date of the issue help signify   our theme of infection.
    that our film ‘Infection’ is a new and up- coming
    movie that people should look out for. It also gives
    an estimated time of when the film will be released.
    For ours it is during summer
We originally decided to
use a ‘Sight & Sound’          Additionally we opted for
layout as they often           another magazine cover that we
promote thriller films.        could base ours on (Empire) as
However, we wanted our         ‘Sight and Sound’ tend to
thriller trailer to have a     promote ‘art house films’ as
slightly younger audience      they are an international based
than Sight and Sound           film magazine.
and felt that this
magazine would not be
appropriate for the age
we were targeting.

 Sight & Sound tend
 not use many                Sight & sound have a consistent
 pugs, banners or            image layout. This layout usually
 cover lines on their        shows a subject in mid shot,
 front covers, as            towards the right hand side of
 their layout is quite       the cover. The cover lines are
 simplistic and, we          always featured on the left hand
 feel, quite boring.         side in a neutral colour.
 However, we                 However, this type of layout we
 wanted our                  felt did not fit with our campaign
 Magazine cover to           style as we wanted a close up
 be more                     image which is vibrant and eye
 informative and             catching, which we feel Sight
 attention grabbing          and Sound magazine covers try
 through the use of          to avoid.
 a variety of pugs,
 banners and cover
We also used ‘ 2 covers to collect’ instead of the standard
                                 banner, which you would find on many film magazines but
                                 in this case it was a special edition cover.

                                                                                               This magazine cover in
                                                                                               particular was eye-
We chose Empire to base our                                                                    catching as we liked the
magazine cover on as it                                                                        way it was a close-up of
allows us to follow the                                                                        the character,. You can
conventions of a thriller type                                                                 see/tell what kind of
cover.                                                                                         character it will be, just by
                                                                                               this picture. This is what
                                                                                               we wanted our magazine
                                                                                               to have.

                                                                                               The blocks of green with
  We based our magazine                                                                        white writing is an idea
  cover on this one                                                                            we also used in ours, we
  because we liked the                                                                         liked this as it allowed the
  colour scheme as well,                                                                       title to stand out more, it
  the green/black/white                                                                        draws your eye in.
  shows the special
  edition off more.
We wanted to follow the basic                          The tagline was made to look as if the person
conventions of a thriller poster. The                  saying it was running out of oxygen, which is why
darkness of the poster, the emotion on                 we made it patchy and dark. We purposely put full
the girls face, the font of the title and              stops after every word so you subconsciously take
tagline are all stereotypical conventions              a breath between each word.
of a thriller poster.

We wanted the poster to be simple, as it is
a teaser poster, there is only the need for
some basic information such as a release
date, and this therefore leaves a mystery or
‘enigma’ about the film, again keeping the
poster in the thriller conventions with its air
of mystery..

 The title of the poster featured a texture font. We     We edited the girl’s eye so that it looked like the
 purposely made it green so it stood out and also        infection was beginning to take effect on her
 green could represent the colour of the infection.      body. This was to show through the poster that
 This colour is also used on our magazine cover so       this character was the main character of the
 our project becomes stylistically coherent.             film. The expression on her face was to show
                                                         the film is going to be scary, and will keep
                                                         consistent with the thriller theme.
The tagline for this magazine
 This was a film poster which        is also an inspiration for ours.
 gave us inspiration for our own.    We liked the idea of sounding
 We liked the simplicity of the      cynical , we wanted it short
 poster and also how the face is     and snappy, and getting a
 only just seen. The chiaroscuro     part of the theme across.
 effect of the darkness around
 the image is what we tried to get
 in our poster because it keeps
 the mystery to the film and keeps
 within the thriller conventions.
                                     The expression on the
                                     face/mask is another feature
                                     we wanted to capture within
                                     our poster, the anxious
                                     scared look which will put
                                     worry and sympathy in the

Having the limited colour theme of
red, white and black is an element
we used in our poster/magazine
cover. However we will change
the red to a vibrant green.          The title of the film being
                                     close to the billing block is
                                     also something we used on
                                     our poster, so it looks
                                     compact and neat.
For our own film poster we
This teaser film poster     decided to have half of the
worked as inspiration for   subject’s face cut off from the
our own teaser poster,      audience. We got our idea
as we liked the idea of     from this poster as we liked
the subjects faces fading   how it shows both identities
out. This technique we      of the characters (half
felt gave the poster a      robot/half human). However,
real mysterious             to add extra mystery; for our
atmosphere as it makes      poster, we decided to keep
the audience feel as if     the other half of our subject’s
they are being kept         face hidden, leaving the
away from something         audience hooked, wanting to
(not being told             find out what's being kept
everything).                from them.

                            Similarly to this poster we
                            decided to have a catchy
                            tagline in with the release
                            date ‘Airborne 2012’. That
                            acted as a pun to develop
                            our campaign theme of
   Following the typical conventions of a trailer, we had to take a variety of shots an edit
    them together in an un-ordered sequence to make sure the shots didn’t match up and give
    to much away. At the beginning of the trailer we edited the shots to be quite slow paced,
    however this pace begins to increase at the point were more chaotic scenes appear to
    help build up a climax where the trailer is left on a cliff-hanger. This is typical of trailers as
    they want audiences to be hooked; wanting more, in hope that the audience will then want
    to go and see the whole film.

   One of the film trailers that inspired the style we used for ours was ‘The Crazies’. We
    thought the build-up was effective as it really grasps the audiences attention through it’s
    structure. The trailer begins with a series of slow paced shots which help to establish the
    scene and the characters, however the pace of shots begin to increase to reach a dramatic
    peak, when the problem is revealed. We then receive a series of fast paced shots which
    leave us with a dramatic climax, enticing the audience.

   Our trailer begins with a sound bridge of a news reporter, that is entwined throughout the
    beginning of the trailer, with a series of shots containing large crowds, suggesting a
    pandemic situation . This helped us to introduce a character as well as to reveal the
    problem to the audience, much like the main protagonist in ‘The Crazies’, who is also used
    as a sound bridge for these reasons. We felt it was important to use this as it helped to
    feed the audience little bits of information, without giving away too much of the plot.
   Another convention that this trailer has used was the use of captions, which appear near
    the end of the trailer. This introduces the film title, date and tagline (as well as other
    information such as websites etc), these are critical as they further the theme of infection,
    as well providing the audience with an estimate of when the film should be realised, for
    example, ‘airborne 2012’, which most conventional film trailers do.
In  our trailer, we were used and
developed the typical forms and
conventions of a thriller film teaser

The narrative to our thriller is a
stereotypical thriller story, as it
includes anxiety, an un-stoppable
virus, cliff-hangers, build up of
suspense, and an overall lost cause.
Although you would normally find a
‘Zombie’ film in the horror genre, our
film specifically deals with the build
up of suspense, cliff-hangers, and an
un-stoppable problem.
Our main character is also a
stereotypical character within a
thriller, as a victim who finally
becomes the heroine of the plot.
   Our trailer, we had typical thriller trailer
    iconography. We showed this through
    the characters and areas where we
    filmed. There was a vivid difference
    between the ‘Zombies’ and the
    ‘Humans’: the ‘Humans’ looked
    vulnerable and scared whereas the
    ‘Zombies’ looked neurotic and crazy.
    Where we filmed in London, the shots
    of the deserted streets, closed shops,
    the field where the news reporter was
    filming the broadcast, the house where
    the ‘Zombies’ had got into, were the
    stereotypical venues where you would
    find a ‘Zombie’ thriller teaser trailer set.
    If we didn’t film the shots in these
    locations, the film wouldn’t make
    sense, the verisimilitude would be
    ruined and the whole ‘scare’ part of the
    film wouldn’t have such an impact.
   The props such as the signs used by
    the protestors, the torch used in the
    house etc, were items which would
    normally be found within this type of
    movie, without these the mise en
    scene would not have been as
How effective is the combination of
  your main product and ancillary
   Throughout our 3 different products created, we used a consistent style of
    fonts, colour schemes and identities; to create a well rounded campaign for
    our film. Our main colour scheme included: green, white and black.

   However, all of our products have a main emphasis on the colour green as
    this represents the idea of an infection or disease. For example in our print
    work, we edited the characters eyes green to help connote that this
    character could be infected.

   We show consistency throughout our campaign (shown through our 3
    different products) as this is typical of newly released films. We did this by
    featuring the main subject throughout; this familiarises the audience with the
    main character (gaining an incite to what they can expect to see.)
Our products have a clear, noticeable link that can be easily recognised as promotion for
the same film.
                      Similarities between the products
   We used consistent colours of green, white and black.
   We used the same character in both products who is also featured within
    our trailer.
   We have used black and white images for both the film magazine and
   The font we used is consistent.
   We edited both images to give our character green eyes to further suggest
    the plot of infection.
   We included the same title logo ‘INFECTION’ on both products
   Consistently throughout all our products we have included a tag line of
    ‘Airbourne 2012’.
    Magazine
     We decided to use a close up shot of our character ‘Eleanor’ to
     further present the theme of ‘Infection’ as it shows off well the
     edited green eyes. (they grab the audiences attention straight
     away). The shot also makes the character look very sinister,
     which is further created through the use of shadowing; this
     helps to connote that this film is a thriller.

   Poster
    The image on the magazine cover differs from that of the posters,
    as we wanted to present a more mysterious and darker side to
    our character. We chose a different layout of landscape design
    for our poster as we wanted our character to fade into darkness,
    and we felt this would be better achieved in a landscape design.
    Overall we feel our magazine and poster products are very
    similar and have a clear link within our campaign as we used
    consistent colours and fonts.
Teaser Trailer
   The teaser trailer is effective as it grips on to the audiences attention;
    providing mystery and anticipation making the audience wanting to see the
    film when it is released. Within our trailer we decided it would be best to
    involve our main character as we felt it was important for the audience to
    have someone they could recognize (from our other products)

   We used isolated areas of the city to create a sense of dread and
    containment. This is typical of a thriller teaser trailer as it constantly puts the
    audience on edge, enticing them to want to watch more.

   We kept the trailer in colour, including our iconic bright green colour on
    captions as we felt it was important to keep a link between all of our
    products, as well as a reminder of infection. Using the main character also
    helped to connect our other products (magazine cover and teaser poster)
    together, giving it an effective commercialized feel to it.
Consistent Use of Captions Within
           Our Trailer

                 Using consistent use of captions that
                 included the same font and the same
                 colour scheme helped us to keep a
                 visual look that people would
                 remember. You can see this through
                 out all three of our products.
What have you learned from your
     audience feedback?
For our audience feedback we first decided on showing our trailer to our
friendship groups as we believe that we would get a honest opinion from them
as they know us. The friends who viewed the trailer are between the ages of
17-18 and are also students at sixth form. We selected this group of people
because this is who the film is targeted at and we believe we will get the most
truthful and effective feedback from the people who are most likely to go to
watch the film.

  Another form of feedback which we have used was our media studies
teachers, they may not fit into the target audience which we intended but they
could enjoy the film and give us some constructive criticism about how we could
of developed our film or show the conventions of a thriller trailer more

  We also spoke about creating a survey for each person who views the trailer to
rate and give there own personal feedback so we can keep it and look upon it
for future reference.
Friends and student feedback

Charlotte knowlden age 17

“ The idea of an infection spreading is something which actually puts me on edge and
is something which is sometimes touched on in the news, so its a current theme
which can be related to.”

Bobby bates age 17

“ I loved the middle of the trailer and how the shots merged together and made me
think about what infection is overall”

Scott Thompson age 18

“ The end shots of London are really effective as if i was to think of London its always
manic, and busy never deserted and quiet”

Amy rowe age 18

“ I thought the film trailer was good but its not the type of film I would go to see ”
Teacher feedback

Mr Farnsworth age n/a

“ The trailer follows the typical forms and conventions but the title of the film may
come across to the audience of being “airborne” not “infection” because of how it is
seen on when the title appears on the trailer”

Following this feedback, as a group we went back and looked over the film with out
media teacher and we agreed that there may be some confusion if the audience has
not seen the rest of the campaign, so we changed the frame to make the title more
visible to the audience.
This was the questionnaire
which we created to give to
the students and friends
which have seen the trailer to
get there overall thoughts and
also to keep for new projects
where we could improve.
Also to see if we have done
our research correctly and
our target audience were
happy with there viewing

We gave out questionnaires
to our friends who watched
the trailer. Most of the people
who watched were finding it
easier to talk to us and give
feedback rather than fill in the
questions. But the
discussions were mostly
Our feedback was really positive, as our target audience said they enjoyed watching the
trailer and some said they wanted more, they would have liked there to be an actual full
length film after the trailer. However we did get some negative feedback about how there
was little speaking from the characters and the main character was only on screen for a
couple of frames, this is what was discussed with friends after there viewing. The
feedback our friends and teachers along with different students gave us an overall feel
which our trailer gave people. We have learnt ways in which it can be improved and how
little changes to a frame can make the title of the film more clear to the audience.

Overall we are very pleased with our end result and believe the whole campaign is
effective and follows a housesyle which will help towards making the film known to
audiences. We feel that the trailer is a typical thriller in the ways that it creates suspense,
it is action field and leaves the audience guessing about what may happen. We want
people to watch the trailer and go away talking and discussing it.

as a group we have all agreed that we have met our target audience and have seen that
the film trailer may interest people outside the age range which we first discussed.

our feedback was mostly positive and we are really happy with what we got from the
audience but if we was to change any part of the trailer we would work on the soundtrack,
we would like to create our own piece of music which we can tie in with the trailer to reach
peak points and create as much atmosphere as possible, we would research into different
software's where we can do this and see how it would sound on the trailer.
Some of the feedback which we got from other students
                                                                and adults of out film poster was mostly positive, but we
                                                                were given some constructive ways in how we could
                                                                improve the poster.
                                                                Emma Hughes age 18;
                                                                “I like the overall theme of green used throughout each of your
                                                                products in the campaign, the billing block is really effective and I
                                                                believe fits in well with the overall look and feel.”

                                                                Dave Evans age 52;
                                                                “ I feel that this would appeal to me and my friends coming from an
                                                                older person, the film looks interesting and is something I would go to
                                                                see in the cinema.”

                                                                Emily Welfare age 15;
                                                                “ this type of film is something which I would not go to see, I don’t find
                                                                entertainment from being scared. The poster is too dark and not much
                                                                is shown”

From the feedback we have got from students in the school and adults we have found out that depending on what genre of
film the person likes they will either understand where we are coming from with the poster and see why we have used the
black and the darkness, we as a group believe that this works in our favour as it shows all the typical thriller conventions
which we researched in our blogs to create an effective and current film poster.
If we had to change anything on the poster, we would have changed the main image of the character to use a stronger
detailed image to show more of the expression in her eye to draw in the fact that she is infected. Where we played about with
the image some of the quality was lost and the image looks distorted.
This is some of the feedback which we received from students and
other members of the public about our film magazine;

Emma Hughes age 18;
“ I really found this cover really visually appealing, after looking at the
poster and the trailer I can see how it relates to your campaign, the
use of the “infection” font is used which fits in well with the green
Dave Evans age 52;
“ the film cover is very busy and I didn’t really know where to look, the
green can be very overpowering and the title “focus” catches my eye
more than the cover lines and the infection text.”

Emily Welfare age 15;
“ the cover is really nice, I like how the colours all match and how you
have included things such as a free poster.

Overall the feedback which we have got from the magazine cover is
mainly positive we have got some criticism mainly about the green
and how it can be overpowering, we done this because we wanted
to create a special edition cover like what Empire magazine has
done in the past, this cover was totally about the film infection and
all the cover lines relate to the genre and everything about A Thriller.
We have used most of the typical conventions of a film magazine
cover which we researched on our blogs, and be believe it is
effective and shows what we wanted in our first designs. To improve
and act on the audience feedback we could tone down on the
How did you use media technologies in the construction

and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Before we created our own campaign we had to research into the genre and
look at trailers which have already been made to get a feel for the structure of
the trailers and how they are expected to be . We also looked at posters and
magazines covers of the films to get inspiration and ideas for our own print work.

 The main platform that we gathered all our research from was the internet, this
enabled us to search for genuine trailers, posters and magazine covers which
have been published. We used websites such as Google to find the posters and
magazine covers and YouTube which was a brilliant resource to watch trailers.
Google was a good aid as it enabled us to look at many posters of the film and
see how each poster moves on and gets more detailed each time. Researching
the magazine covers on the web showed us a range of different style and
layouts which helped us get ideas on what would be acceptable on our own

 Another website what we found was helpful was this was
a good source for us as it allowed us to see full campaigns for new movies due
to be released, it was good to look how each poster has moved on and how the
teaser trailer then moves on to a full theatrical trailer and much more information
is shown and the storyline develops.
Research continued…

To widen our range of knowledge for typical thriller posters and
   magazine covers, we used the schools intranet to research copies
   of them. Although the schools intranet is a valued technique for
   research, some of the posters were unfortunately blocked, so we
   went onto the internet to see what google, yahoo etc could offer.
   This is where we found the Batman magazine cover which we
   based our poster/magazine on.

Finally, the basic form of research we did was looking on the blogger
   website itself, we looked at previous students work, to see their style
   to their own individual group blog. This also gave us the opportunity
   to see the strengths and weaknesses to each blog, and see how
   they overcome problems that we encountered.
 New technologies have helped us a lot during the planning stages before
creating the trailer, poster and magazine cover. They have gave us ideas which
will make our final pieces look professional and something which could be in the
media industry.

 The internet along with watching and analyzing trailers in class have helped us to
gain a better understanding of trailers and how they are made into teaser trailers
and full length trailers. Using resources online we were able to understand the
basic structure of a teaser trailer and what we will need to put in it to make it
realistic as possible and fit into the thriller genre. We believe with all the
information we have researched and learnt we have everything we need to make
a decent teaser trailer for the film “infection”. We used the site youtube, as this
allows us to pause trailers on certain shots, receive genuine feedback about the
trailer from all around the world, ad gives us the opportunity to deconstruct and
really analyse it.
Planning continued…

When planning the poster we looked at many other film posters with the same
  sort of theme which we wanted to use and then got our ideas from that, we
  all believe this was a effective way as we can relate to the theme and it
  shows in the poster. We used the schools intranet to find all the posters that
  we would then use as an example, this process cut down the time spent
  researching, and also we could compare two different posters in an instant.

The magazine cover was where we decided to make up our own brand to use
  but it was in the style and layout of the mainstream magazine “Empire”. For
  our magazine cover to be successful we drew a sketch of what we wanted it
  to look like, this enabled us to visualise any certain fonts, pictures, and also
  place where we thought certain items should be.

Whilst planning the blogging site really helped us keep track of what we wanted
  to use, how far along parts of the project were, and also it was just a way of
  keeping everything we had researched and planned in one place.
For the editing process of our teaser trailer, we used the programme ‘Adobe premiere 6.5’.
We used this for our a/s project so we are aware of how the system works. However, the
theme to this years project was quite different to last years, the amount of editing needs to
be increased as it’s a fast paced trailer, the amount of shots we have filmed is far greater,
and also the length of the trailer is shorter so there will be more editing to fit everything in.
Whilst editing we did encounter a few problems, for instance, every time we shortened a
shot, moved it ahead or sped it up, it would disproportion the sound, for the amount of shots
we had, and this happening with every one, the editing process took a lot longer than
anticipated. In our trailer, we wanted key bits to stand out and stick in the audiences mind,
the shots of the ‘infected’ especially, these were the shots which showed the manic in the
trailer, and therefore we wanted the audience to remember them. As the film theme was
quite manic and jumpy, we wanted the trailer to have the same image, this is where we
decided to put in a lot of short shots, to establish this. To show how this infection was
changing life, we showed shots of empty streets at the end of the trailer, to show how fast
the infection had spread, that people weren't going outside anymore, and once busy streets
were deserted. We also added in captions, for these to look affective we looked at all the
effects we could use, after some debating on the right one, the one we decided on fits the
trailer the best. Overall the editing process for our teaser trailer was quite simple, after a
few minor adjustments it worked well.
Construction continued…
The editing process to our project, was quite difficult at times. We encountered some
problems with the music and voices staying in time with the picture. We used a range of shots
in our trailer, to edit them all together we used the programme ‘Adobe Premiere’ . In our trailer
we had; tracking shots, this was used when we had shots of crowds in the centre of London,
we wanted this shot as it showed the anxiety in the film, establishing shots, we used this so
immediately you could tell what the main plot was going to be, this was used on the news
report, and shots of the empty streets, the main characters, and to just get an overall feel of
the film. Point of view shots, this was so we could make the audience see the panic and
destruction through the characters eyes, to create empathy within the audience, close-ups,
these were very effective in our trailer, it showed the emotion on the characters face, allowed
you to watch the action and not get distracted and also just gathers more sympathy for the
character. Canted angle shot, this was used with the news reporter, towards the end we
showed the ‘camera man’ getting infected, to show this we tilted the camera as if they had
dropped it. Zoom –in, to show anxiety, this was used in a shot of the police, and a shot of the
main girl looking cornered. Whip-pan, this was also to show anxiety, and to show how the
chaos. These were mostly used with a hand held camera, except from the news report, we
wanted this to have a professional look, and therefore used a tri-pod. We used a special effect
on the title of our film, we used ‘vapour dissolve’ we used this so it looked different to all the
‘Bitmap's used in our trailer. This also captured your attention as it had an eerie feel to it.
  Before   After
Magazine editing techniques
The first step we took was to take the image that we wanted to use on the magazine and resize it to fit the
conventions of the magazine (the main image size) The image we used for the background was of a close up
of the main character in the film, we wanted to use a close up for 2 reasons, because there is a close up in the
film of the main character and empire usually fill up the whole frame on there covers and we believe this looks
effective. We added a green shade to the eye to connote the infection and this is what shows the infection in
the victims. This was done by selecting the area, then using a soft light effect to add the green still keeping the
detail of the eye creating a greater effect. The darkness surrounding the image connotes the mystery
surrounding the infection and also shows the dark side to the trailer which links it to the thriller genre.

The next step was to add the masthead to the cover, we sorted through many different fonts and sizes along
with stroke effects until we all agreed and was happy that the masthead fits in with the cover. After this we
centred the masthead as this Is typical for the magazines we have researched into on our blogs.

After that we decided to start building up the layers on the cover using Ariel font, the size varies to each cover
line as we wanted an overall effect to the cover and using one size would not have looked as effective as
different sizes. We went along with the green theme with text and swapping the colours around so that there
was white text on a green block as well as green bold text. This is something we saw on a few Empire covers
and decided to use on our cover.

The software used to create the cover was Adobe Photoshop cs5, this was effective as it allowed us to add text
similar to what Empire would use, we wanted the green theme to be carried through the poster and magazine
cover and as a group we feel this is effective and helps with our campaign. The hardest part of the editing
process was trying to get the size of everything correct so that it looked in proportion with the image and the
rest of the magazine, also we wanted the magazine to be busy but not cluttered so we didn't take focus away
from the image, so this was another thing we have to think about when editing.

We went along with some typical features of a magazine cover e.g. the free poster, typical cover lines which
interact with the theme and genre. Also we decided to make our cover a special edition like empire sometimes
do when promoting a new blockbuster.
   Before   After
Poster Editing Techniques
For our poster we decided to go along with the same sort of theme as the magazine, using the greens colour tones, the
same character in the image and the use of darkness in the poster for the unknown. Again we used Photoshop to create
the poster and we used the build in effects in the software to get the most out of what we wanted to show.

We used texture effects on the text to get the look of cracking destruction of an infection within something e.g. The person.
We used the same tones of vibrant green for the title and the colour of they girls eye again being created by selecting the
eye then using a soft light tool to add the green not losing no detail the eye. To get the darkness on the image the contrast
was taken up and the saturation taken down so the only colour was really in the eye and text, drawing the audience into the

The billing block was created on a word document and then inserted into Photoshop as a new layer and then the text and
fonts (Ariel) were added to create realism, when creating this we used other film billing blocks to get the information which
we need to put on it and in what order.

The positioning of the text was something we really thought about in the construction stages of the poster. We agreed on
the lower the tile the more darkness making there seem to be more of a mystery when putting the title and billing block
higher on the image it took this away and seem to just be more of a block background other than a setting.

We believe the simplicity of the poster is effective and there could be a second poster to add to the campaign like some of
the films released. We could have another image of a person who has the infection showing how it has spread. And more of
the background could be shown, maybe a still image of the city in chaos or a medical team looking confused and under
Evaluation stage

Our evaluation also used technology well, to show a full understanding of
the concept, we prepared our evaluation to show in different programmes,
hopefully showing our new found skills off well. To create our evaluation
we used ‘PowerPoint’ as this separates the different sections and allows
more detail to be involved. We then used a programme called ‘Slide share’
to be able to upload the PowerPoint to our blog. We then went to use the
programme ‘’ we used this in two ways, to view other
students work, and to also upload our construction of our project. Finally,
to help the construction of our project we used a website called ‘You Tube’
to find trailers within the thriller genre, these gave us the ideas for our own
trailer, and also broke down the shots we would need to use.

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LBRL Evaluation

  • 2. 1. In what ways does your Media product use, develop or change forms and conventions of real Media products.
  • 3. • The cover lines help give the audience an insight to what is going to be featured in the magazine, which  The Masthead we decided on was ‘Focus’ as we thought it attracts the audience as a particular story might would capture the aspects of interest them and persuade them to buy it. We a typical film magazine; and it decided to make all our cover lines green as it allowed us to have our own followed with our campaign colours. individuality on the product. Additionally, we chose ‘Focus’ as a masthead as at is a well known media term which can  We decided to go with a new and unique be related to film. We also layout, so we could create our own style which chose it as it is short, snappy fits in with our entire theme. However, we and memorable. chose to follow the typical magazine conventions as we wanted our magazine to look as realistic and as effective as other •The strapline ‘Without us you’ll be mainstream magazines, such as: Empire and blind’ we feel draws the audience in Total film. as it signifies how the magazine has  We opted to make our magazine cover a special edition to help further our campaign. all the information the audience will This is something that also mainstream need about a film. magazines use to promote well anticipated films; such as: The Dark Night and Inception. •The image we decided to use features a close up of a character within our trailer. We • We decided to make our own ‘pug’ for our decided to use a close up image because magazine cover as it is a typical feature used special edition covers that have inspired us for magazines to alert the audience of such as ‘Empire’s’ ‘Dark Night’ have used important and new articles/information. close up shots that we thought worked really effectively. •We decided to have our image in black and white apart from the characters eyes which we edited green, as this colour is used throughout our whole campaign; highlighting •The bar code and the date of the issue help signify our theme of infection. that our film ‘Infection’ is a new and up- coming movie that people should look out for. It also gives an estimated time of when the film will be released. For ours it is during summer
  • 4. We originally decided to use a ‘Sight & Sound’ Additionally we opted for layout as they often another magazine cover that we promote thriller films. could base ours on (Empire) as However, we wanted our ‘Sight and Sound’ tend to thriller trailer to have a promote ‘art house films’ as slightly younger audience they are an international based than Sight and Sound film magazine. and felt that this magazine would not be appropriate for the age we were targeting. Sight & Sound tend not use many Sight & sound have a consistent pugs, banners or image layout. This layout usually cover lines on their shows a subject in mid shot, front covers, as towards the right hand side of their layout is quite the cover. The cover lines are simplistic and, we always featured on the left hand feel, quite boring. side in a neutral colour. However, we However, this type of layout we wanted our felt did not fit with our campaign Magazine cover to style as we wanted a close up be more image which is vibrant and eye informative and catching, which we feel Sight attention grabbing and Sound magazine covers try through the use of to avoid. a variety of pugs, banners and cover lines.
  • 5. We also used ‘ 2 covers to collect’ instead of the standard banner, which you would find on many film magazines but in this case it was a special edition cover. This magazine cover in particular was eye- We chose Empire to base our catching as we liked the magazine cover on as it way it was a close-up of allows us to follow the the character,. You can conventions of a thriller type see/tell what kind of cover. character it will be, just by this picture. This is what we wanted our magazine to have. The blocks of green with We based our magazine white writing is an idea cover on this one we also used in ours, we because we liked the liked this as it allowed the colour scheme as well, title to stand out more, it the green/black/white draws your eye in. shows the special edition off more.
  • 6. We wanted to follow the basic The tagline was made to look as if the person conventions of a thriller poster. The saying it was running out of oxygen, which is why darkness of the poster, the emotion on we made it patchy and dark. We purposely put full the girls face, the font of the title and stops after every word so you subconsciously take tagline are all stereotypical conventions a breath between each word. of a thriller poster. We wanted the poster to be simple, as it is a teaser poster, there is only the need for some basic information such as a release date, and this therefore leaves a mystery or ‘enigma’ about the film, again keeping the poster in the thriller conventions with its air of mystery.. The title of the poster featured a texture font. We We edited the girl’s eye so that it looked like the purposely made it green so it stood out and also infection was beginning to take effect on her green could represent the colour of the infection. body. This was to show through the poster that This colour is also used on our magazine cover so this character was the main character of the our project becomes stylistically coherent. film. The expression on her face was to show the film is going to be scary, and will keep consistent with the thriller theme.
  • 7. The tagline for this magazine This was a film poster which is also an inspiration for ours. gave us inspiration for our own. We liked the idea of sounding We liked the simplicity of the cynical , we wanted it short poster and also how the face is and snappy, and getting a only just seen. The chiaroscuro part of the theme across. effect of the darkness around the image is what we tried to get in our poster because it keeps the mystery to the film and keeps within the thriller conventions. The expression on the face/mask is another feature we wanted to capture within our poster, the anxious scared look which will put worry and sympathy in the audience. Having the limited colour theme of red, white and black is an element we used in our poster/magazine cover. However we will change the red to a vibrant green. The title of the film being close to the billing block is also something we used on our poster, so it looks compact and neat.
  • 8. For our own film poster we This teaser film poster decided to have half of the worked as inspiration for subject’s face cut off from the our own teaser poster, audience. We got our idea as we liked the idea of from this poster as we liked the subjects faces fading how it shows both identities out. This technique we of the characters (half felt gave the poster a robot/half human). However, real mysterious to add extra mystery; for our atmosphere as it makes poster, we decided to keep the audience feel as if the other half of our subject’s they are being kept face hidden, leaving the away from something audience hooked, wanting to (not being told find out what's being kept everything). from them. Similarly to this poster we decided to have a catchy tagline in with the release date ‘Airborne 2012’. That acted as a pun to develop our campaign theme of ‘Infection’.
  • 9. Trailer  Following the typical conventions of a trailer, we had to take a variety of shots an edit them together in an un-ordered sequence to make sure the shots didn’t match up and give to much away. At the beginning of the trailer we edited the shots to be quite slow paced, however this pace begins to increase at the point were more chaotic scenes appear to help build up a climax where the trailer is left on a cliff-hanger. This is typical of trailers as they want audiences to be hooked; wanting more, in hope that the audience will then want to go and see the whole film.  One of the film trailers that inspired the style we used for ours was ‘The Crazies’. We thought the build-up was effective as it really grasps the audiences attention through it’s structure. The trailer begins with a series of slow paced shots which help to establish the scene and the characters, however the pace of shots begin to increase to reach a dramatic peak, when the problem is revealed. We then receive a series of fast paced shots which leave us with a dramatic climax, enticing the audience.   Our trailer begins with a sound bridge of a news reporter, that is entwined throughout the beginning of the trailer, with a series of shots containing large crowds, suggesting a pandemic situation . This helped us to introduce a character as well as to reveal the problem to the audience, much like the main protagonist in ‘The Crazies’, who is also used as a sound bridge for these reasons. We felt it was important to use this as it helped to feed the audience little bits of information, without giving away too much of the plot.  Another convention that this trailer has used was the use of captions, which appear near the end of the trailer. This introduces the film title, date and tagline (as well as other information such as websites etc), these are critical as they further the theme of infection, as well providing the audience with an estimate of when the film should be realised, for example, ‘airborne 2012’, which most conventional film trailers do.
  • 10. Trailer In our trailer, we were used and developed the typical forms and conventions of a thriller film teaser trailer. The narrative to our thriller is a stereotypical thriller story, as it includes anxiety, an un-stoppable virus, cliff-hangers, build up of suspense, and an overall lost cause. Although you would normally find a ‘Zombie’ film in the horror genre, our film specifically deals with the build up of suspense, cliff-hangers, and an un-stoppable problem. Our main character is also a stereotypical character within a thriller, as a victim who finally becomes the heroine of the plot.
  • 11. Our trailer, we had typical thriller trailer iconography. We showed this through the characters and areas where we filmed. There was a vivid difference between the ‘Zombies’ and the ‘Humans’: the ‘Humans’ looked vulnerable and scared whereas the ‘Zombies’ looked neurotic and crazy. Where we filmed in London, the shots of the deserted streets, closed shops, the field where the news reporter was filming the broadcast, the house where the ‘Zombies’ had got into, were the stereotypical venues where you would find a ‘Zombie’ thriller teaser trailer set. If we didn’t film the shots in these locations, the film wouldn’t make sense, the verisimilitude would be ruined and the whole ‘scare’ part of the film wouldn’t have such an impact.  The props such as the signs used by the protestors, the torch used in the house etc, were items which would normally be found within this type of movie, without these the mise en scene would not have been as effective.
  • 12. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
  • 13. Throughout our 3 different products created, we used a consistent style of fonts, colour schemes and identities; to create a well rounded campaign for our film. Our main colour scheme included: green, white and black.  However, all of our products have a main emphasis on the colour green as this represents the idea of an infection or disease. For example in our print work, we edited the characters eyes green to help connote that this character could be infected.  We show consistency throughout our campaign (shown through our 3 different products) as this is typical of newly released films. We did this by featuring the main subject throughout; this familiarises the audience with the main character (gaining an incite to what they can expect to see.)
  • 14. Our products have a clear, noticeable link that can be easily recognised as promotion for the same film. Similarities between the products  We used consistent colours of green, white and black.  We used the same character in both products who is also featured within our trailer.  We have used black and white images for both the film magazine and poster.  The font we used is consistent.  We edited both images to give our character green eyes to further suggest the plot of infection.  We included the same title logo ‘INFECTION’ on both products  Consistently throughout all our products we have included a tag line of ‘Airbourne 2012’.
  • 15. Magazine We decided to use a close up shot of our character ‘Eleanor’ to further present the theme of ‘Infection’ as it shows off well the edited green eyes. (they grab the audiences attention straight away). The shot also makes the character look very sinister, which is further created through the use of shadowing; this helps to connote that this film is a thriller.  Poster The image on the magazine cover differs from that of the posters, as we wanted to present a more mysterious and darker side to our character. We chose a different layout of landscape design for our poster as we wanted our character to fade into darkness, and we felt this would be better achieved in a landscape design. Overall we feel our magazine and poster products are very similar and have a clear link within our campaign as we used consistent colours and fonts.
  • 16. Teaser Trailer  The teaser trailer is effective as it grips on to the audiences attention; providing mystery and anticipation making the audience wanting to see the film when it is released. Within our trailer we decided it would be best to involve our main character as we felt it was important for the audience to have someone they could recognize (from our other products)  We used isolated areas of the city to create a sense of dread and containment. This is typical of a thriller teaser trailer as it constantly puts the audience on edge, enticing them to want to watch more.  We kept the trailer in colour, including our iconic bright green colour on captions as we felt it was important to keep a link between all of our products, as well as a reminder of infection. Using the main character also helped to connect our other products (magazine cover and teaser poster) together, giving it an effective commercialized feel to it.
  • 17. Consistent Use of Captions Within Our Trailer Using consistent use of captions that included the same font and the same colour scheme helped us to keep a visual look that people would remember. You can see this through out all three of our products.
  • 18. What have you learned from your audience feedback?
  • 19. For our audience feedback we first decided on showing our trailer to our friendship groups as we believe that we would get a honest opinion from them as they know us. The friends who viewed the trailer are between the ages of 17-18 and are also students at sixth form. We selected this group of people because this is who the film is targeted at and we believe we will get the most truthful and effective feedback from the people who are most likely to go to watch the film. Another form of feedback which we have used was our media studies teachers, they may not fit into the target audience which we intended but they could enjoy the film and give us some constructive criticism about how we could of developed our film or show the conventions of a thriller trailer more effectively. We also spoke about creating a survey for each person who views the trailer to rate and give there own personal feedback so we can keep it and look upon it for future reference.
  • 20. Friends and student feedback Charlotte knowlden age 17 “ The idea of an infection spreading is something which actually puts me on edge and is something which is sometimes touched on in the news, so its a current theme which can be related to.” Bobby bates age 17 “ I loved the middle of the trailer and how the shots merged together and made me think about what infection is overall” Scott Thompson age 18 “ The end shots of London are really effective as if i was to think of London its always manic, and busy never deserted and quiet” Amy rowe age 18 “ I thought the film trailer was good but its not the type of film I would go to see ”
  • 21. Teacher feedback Mr Farnsworth age n/a “ The trailer follows the typical forms and conventions but the title of the film may come across to the audience of being “airborne” not “infection” because of how it is seen on when the title appears on the trailer” Following this feedback, as a group we went back and looked over the film with out media teacher and we agreed that there may be some confusion if the audience has not seen the rest of the campaign, so we changed the frame to make the title more visible to the audience.
  • 22. This was the questionnaire which we created to give to the students and friends which have seen the trailer to get there overall thoughts and also to keep for new projects where we could improve. Also to see if we have done our research correctly and our target audience were happy with there viewing experience. We gave out questionnaires to our friends who watched the trailer. Most of the people who watched were finding it easier to talk to us and give feedback rather than fill in the questions. But the discussions were mostly positive.
  • 23. Our feedback was really positive, as our target audience said they enjoyed watching the trailer and some said they wanted more, they would have liked there to be an actual full length film after the trailer. However we did get some negative feedback about how there was little speaking from the characters and the main character was only on screen for a couple of frames, this is what was discussed with friends after there viewing. The feedback our friends and teachers along with different students gave us an overall feel which our trailer gave people. We have learnt ways in which it can be improved and how little changes to a frame can make the title of the film more clear to the audience. Overall we are very pleased with our end result and believe the whole campaign is effective and follows a housesyle which will help towards making the film known to audiences. We feel that the trailer is a typical thriller in the ways that it creates suspense, it is action field and leaves the audience guessing about what may happen. We want people to watch the trailer and go away talking and discussing it. as a group we have all agreed that we have met our target audience and have seen that the film trailer may interest people outside the age range which we first discussed. our feedback was mostly positive and we are really happy with what we got from the audience but if we was to change any part of the trailer we would work on the soundtrack, we would like to create our own piece of music which we can tie in with the trailer to reach peak points and create as much atmosphere as possible, we would research into different software's where we can do this and see how it would sound on the trailer.
  • 24. Some of the feedback which we got from other students and adults of out film poster was mostly positive, but we were given some constructive ways in how we could improve the poster. Emma Hughes age 18; “I like the overall theme of green used throughout each of your products in the campaign, the billing block is really effective and I believe fits in well with the overall look and feel.” Dave Evans age 52; “ I feel that this would appeal to me and my friends coming from an older person, the film looks interesting and is something I would go to see in the cinema.” Emily Welfare age 15; “ this type of film is something which I would not go to see, I don’t find entertainment from being scared. The poster is too dark and not much is shown” From the feedback we have got from students in the school and adults we have found out that depending on what genre of film the person likes they will either understand where we are coming from with the poster and see why we have used the black and the darkness, we as a group believe that this works in our favour as it shows all the typical thriller conventions which we researched in our blogs to create an effective and current film poster. If we had to change anything on the poster, we would have changed the main image of the character to use a stronger detailed image to show more of the expression in her eye to draw in the fact that she is infected. Where we played about with the image some of the quality was lost and the image looks distorted.
  • 25. This is some of the feedback which we received from students and other members of the public about our film magazine; Emma Hughes age 18; “ I really found this cover really visually appealing, after looking at the poster and the trailer I can see how it relates to your campaign, the use of the “infection” font is used which fits in well with the green theme” Dave Evans age 52; “ the film cover is very busy and I didn’t really know where to look, the green can be very overpowering and the title “focus” catches my eye more than the cover lines and the infection text.” Emily Welfare age 15; “ the cover is really nice, I like how the colours all match and how you have included things such as a free poster. Overall the feedback which we have got from the magazine cover is mainly positive we have got some criticism mainly about the green and how it can be overpowering, we done this because we wanted to create a special edition cover like what Empire magazine has done in the past, this cover was totally about the film infection and all the cover lines relate to the genre and everything about A Thriller. We have used most of the typical conventions of a film magazine cover which we researched on our blogs, and be believe it is effective and shows what we wanted in our first designs. To improve and act on the audience feedback we could tone down on the colours.
  • 26. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
  • 27. RESEARCH Before we created our own campaign we had to research into the genre and look at trailers which have already been made to get a feel for the structure of the trailers and how they are expected to be . We also looked at posters and magazines covers of the films to get inspiration and ideas for our own print work. The main platform that we gathered all our research from was the internet, this enabled us to search for genuine trailers, posters and magazine covers which have been published. We used websites such as Google to find the posters and magazine covers and YouTube which was a brilliant resource to watch trailers. Google was a good aid as it enabled us to look at many posters of the film and see how each poster moves on and gets more detailed each time. Researching the magazine covers on the web showed us a range of different style and layouts which helped us get ideas on what would be acceptable on our own cover. Another website what we found was helpful was this was a good source for us as it allowed us to see full campaigns for new movies due to be released, it was good to look how each poster has moved on and how the teaser trailer then moves on to a full theatrical trailer and much more information is shown and the storyline develops.
  • 28. Research continued… To widen our range of knowledge for typical thriller posters and magazine covers, we used the schools intranet to research copies of them. Although the schools intranet is a valued technique for research, some of the posters were unfortunately blocked, so we went onto the internet to see what google, yahoo etc could offer. This is where we found the Batman magazine cover which we based our poster/magazine on. Finally, the basic form of research we did was looking on the blogger website itself, we looked at previous students work, to see their style to their own individual group blog. This also gave us the opportunity to see the strengths and weaknesses to each blog, and see how they overcome problems that we encountered.
  • 29. PLANNING New technologies have helped us a lot during the planning stages before creating the trailer, poster and magazine cover. They have gave us ideas which will make our final pieces look professional and something which could be in the media industry. The internet along with watching and analyzing trailers in class have helped us to gain a better understanding of trailers and how they are made into teaser trailers and full length trailers. Using resources online we were able to understand the basic structure of a teaser trailer and what we will need to put in it to make it realistic as possible and fit into the thriller genre. We believe with all the information we have researched and learnt we have everything we need to make a decent teaser trailer for the film “infection”. We used the site youtube, as this allows us to pause trailers on certain shots, receive genuine feedback about the trailer from all around the world, ad gives us the opportunity to deconstruct and really analyse it.
  • 30. Planning continued… When planning the poster we looked at many other film posters with the same sort of theme which we wanted to use and then got our ideas from that, we all believe this was a effective way as we can relate to the theme and it shows in the poster. We used the schools intranet to find all the posters that we would then use as an example, this process cut down the time spent researching, and also we could compare two different posters in an instant. The magazine cover was where we decided to make up our own brand to use but it was in the style and layout of the mainstream magazine “Empire”. For our magazine cover to be successful we drew a sketch of what we wanted it to look like, this enabled us to visualise any certain fonts, pictures, and also place where we thought certain items should be. Whilst planning the blogging site really helped us keep track of what we wanted to use, how far along parts of the project were, and also it was just a way of keeping everything we had researched and planned in one place.
  • 31. CONSTRUCTION For the editing process of our teaser trailer, we used the programme ‘Adobe premiere 6.5’. We used this for our a/s project so we are aware of how the system works. However, the theme to this years project was quite different to last years, the amount of editing needs to be increased as it’s a fast paced trailer, the amount of shots we have filmed is far greater, and also the length of the trailer is shorter so there will be more editing to fit everything in. Whilst editing we did encounter a few problems, for instance, every time we shortened a shot, moved it ahead or sped it up, it would disproportion the sound, for the amount of shots we had, and this happening with every one, the editing process took a lot longer than anticipated. In our trailer, we wanted key bits to stand out and stick in the audiences mind, the shots of the ‘infected’ especially, these were the shots which showed the manic in the trailer, and therefore we wanted the audience to remember them. As the film theme was quite manic and jumpy, we wanted the trailer to have the same image, this is where we decided to put in a lot of short shots, to establish this. To show how this infection was changing life, we showed shots of empty streets at the end of the trailer, to show how fast the infection had spread, that people weren't going outside anymore, and once busy streets were deserted. We also added in captions, for these to look affective we looked at all the effects we could use, after some debating on the right one, the one we decided on fits the trailer the best. Overall the editing process for our teaser trailer was quite simple, after a few minor adjustments it worked well.
  • 32. Construction continued… The editing process to our project, was quite difficult at times. We encountered some problems with the music and voices staying in time with the picture. We used a range of shots in our trailer, to edit them all together we used the programme ‘Adobe Premiere’ . In our trailer we had; tracking shots, this was used when we had shots of crowds in the centre of London, we wanted this shot as it showed the anxiety in the film, establishing shots, we used this so immediately you could tell what the main plot was going to be, this was used on the news report, and shots of the empty streets, the main characters, and to just get an overall feel of the film. Point of view shots, this was so we could make the audience see the panic and destruction through the characters eyes, to create empathy within the audience, close-ups, these were very effective in our trailer, it showed the emotion on the characters face, allowed you to watch the action and not get distracted and also just gathers more sympathy for the character. Canted angle shot, this was used with the news reporter, towards the end we showed the ‘camera man’ getting infected, to show this we tilted the camera as if they had dropped it. Zoom –in, to show anxiety, this was used in a shot of the police, and a shot of the main girl looking cornered. Whip-pan, this was also to show anxiety, and to show how the chaos. These were mostly used with a hand held camera, except from the news report, we wanted this to have a professional look, and therefore used a tri-pod. We used a special effect on the title of our film, we used ‘vapour dissolve’ we used this so it looked different to all the ‘Bitmap's used in our trailer. This also captured your attention as it had an eerie feel to it.
  • 34. Magazine editing techniques The first step we took was to take the image that we wanted to use on the magazine and resize it to fit the conventions of the magazine (the main image size) The image we used for the background was of a close up of the main character in the film, we wanted to use a close up for 2 reasons, because there is a close up in the film of the main character and empire usually fill up the whole frame on there covers and we believe this looks effective. We added a green shade to the eye to connote the infection and this is what shows the infection in the victims. This was done by selecting the area, then using a soft light effect to add the green still keeping the detail of the eye creating a greater effect. The darkness surrounding the image connotes the mystery surrounding the infection and also shows the dark side to the trailer which links it to the thriller genre. The next step was to add the masthead to the cover, we sorted through many different fonts and sizes along with stroke effects until we all agreed and was happy that the masthead fits in with the cover. After this we centred the masthead as this Is typical for the magazines we have researched into on our blogs. After that we decided to start building up the layers on the cover using Ariel font, the size varies to each cover line as we wanted an overall effect to the cover and using one size would not have looked as effective as different sizes. We went along with the green theme with text and swapping the colours around so that there was white text on a green block as well as green bold text. This is something we saw on a few Empire covers and decided to use on our cover. The software used to create the cover was Adobe Photoshop cs5, this was effective as it allowed us to add text similar to what Empire would use, we wanted the green theme to be carried through the poster and magazine cover and as a group we feel this is effective and helps with our campaign. The hardest part of the editing process was trying to get the size of everything correct so that it looked in proportion with the image and the rest of the magazine, also we wanted the magazine to be busy but not cluttered so we didn't take focus away from the image, so this was another thing we have to think about when editing. We went along with some typical features of a magazine cover e.g. the free poster, typical cover lines which interact with the theme and genre. Also we decided to make our cover a special edition like empire sometimes do when promoting a new blockbuster.
  • 35. Poster Before After
  • 36. Poster Editing Techniques For our poster we decided to go along with the same sort of theme as the magazine, using the greens colour tones, the same character in the image and the use of darkness in the poster for the unknown. Again we used Photoshop to create the poster and we used the build in effects in the software to get the most out of what we wanted to show. We used texture effects on the text to get the look of cracking destruction of an infection within something e.g. The person. We used the same tones of vibrant green for the title and the colour of they girls eye again being created by selecting the eye then using a soft light tool to add the green not losing no detail the eye. To get the darkness on the image the contrast was taken up and the saturation taken down so the only colour was really in the eye and text, drawing the audience into the infection. The billing block was created on a word document and then inserted into Photoshop as a new layer and then the text and fonts (Ariel) were added to create realism, when creating this we used other film billing blocks to get the information which we need to put on it and in what order. The positioning of the text was something we really thought about in the construction stages of the poster. We agreed on the lower the tile the more darkness making there seem to be more of a mystery when putting the title and billing block higher on the image it took this away and seem to just be more of a block background other than a setting. We believe the simplicity of the poster is effective and there could be a second poster to add to the campaign like some of the films released. We could have another image of a person who has the infection showing how it has spread. And more of the background could be shown, maybe a still image of the city in chaos or a medical team looking confused and under pressure.
  • 37. Evaluation stage Our evaluation also used technology well, to show a full understanding of the concept, we prepared our evaluation to show in different programmes, hopefully showing our new found skills off well. To create our evaluation we used ‘PowerPoint’ as this separates the different sections and allows more detail to be involved. We then used a programme called ‘Slide share’ to be able to upload the PowerPoint to our blog. We then went to use the programme ‘’ we used this in two ways, to view other students work, and to also upload our construction of our project. Finally, to help the construction of our project we used a website called ‘You Tube’ to find trailers within the thriller genre, these gave us the ideas for our own trailer, and also broke down the shots we would need to use.