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Intestinal cryptosporidiosis is one of the most significant diarrheal diseases affecting people around
the world. The condition is caused by the oocyst–forming protozoan parasite from the genus
Cryptosporidium that has the propensity to survive in and transmit through source waters, making it
a paramount public health threat.
Although the intestine is a primary target in all cases intestinal cryptosporidiosis, there can be
significant differences in the clinical presentation (depending on the host and parasite population).
The major groups at risk include immunocompetent individuals in developed countries, children in
developing countries, as well as immunocompromised hosts (most notably patients with acquired
immunodeficiency disorder or ... Show more content on ...
It is also known that the CD4 T lymphocytes are indispensable for the resolution of acute and
chronic cryptosporidiosis.
Clinical presentation
Symptoms of cryptosporidiosis develop after a period of time called prepatent period (lasting on
average one week) during which the parasites invade the epithelial cells of the intestine and
proliferate. As a result of this invasion, immunocompetent adults usually present with watery
diarrhea that may in certain cases be profuse, prolonged and mucoid.
Accompanying symptoms are analogous to those in other diarrheal illnesses, including (but not
limited to) nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and low–grade fever. Sometimes nonspecific
symptoms occur as well, for example weakness, muscle aches, headache, malaise and anorexia.
Although supportive therapy leads to a resolution of the disease, in as many as 40% of cases there is
a potential of chronic symptoms akin to irritable bowel syndrome. Relapses may follow a period
without a diarrhea that can last between several days and several weeks. Other chronic sequelae may
include fatigue, arthralgia and eye
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Amebic Dysentery Research Papers
Amebiasis caused when a single–celled parasite called E. histolytica enters the human body when a
person ingests cysts through food or water. It can also enter the body through direct contact with
fecal matter. The cysts are a relatively inactive form of the parasite that can live for several months
in the soil or environment where they were deposited in feces. The microscopic cysts are present in
the soil, fertilizer, or water that's been contaminated with infected feces. Food handlers may transmit
the cysts while preparing or handling food. Transmission is also possible during anal sex or colonic
irrigation. When cysts enter the body, they hunt in the digestive tract. They then release an invasive
form of the parasite called a trophozoite. The ... Show more content on ...
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only about 10 to 20 percent of
people who have amebiasis become ill from it. Symptoms at this stage tend to be mild and include
loose stools and stomach cramping If the parasite invades the lining of your intestine, it can produce
amebic dysentery. Amebic dysentery is a more dangerous form of the disease with frequent watery
and bloody stools and severe stomach cramping. If the parasite enters your bloodstream, it can end
up in your liver, heart, lungs, brain, or other organs, where it causes tissue destruction and abscess.
The liver is a frequent destination for the parasite. Symptoms of amebic liver disease include fever
and tenderness in the upper–right part of your torso Diagnosis A doctor may guess amebiasis after
asking about your recent health and travel history. Your doctor may test you for the presence of E.
histolytic. You may have to give stool samples over several days to screen for the presence of cysts.
Your doctor may order lab tests to check liver function, which can help determine if the ameba has
damaged your
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Cuckoo Research Paper
The common cuckoo can be recognized by its soft, two–note call: "cuc–koo, cuc–koo." This gentle
song may make the bird seem innocent. However, the cuckoo is guilty of using a few cunning
schemes to advance its own interests. Specifically, cuckoo birds employ a technique known as
mimicry. This means that they copy the physical, and behavioral patterns of other animals to
improve their own chances at survival. Thanks to these wily tricks, common cuckoos have managed
to thrive in many parts of the world.
One key way that cuckoos mimic other animals is by copying their physical appearance. Cuckoos'
striped bellies look quite similar to the feather patterns of the Eurasian sparrowhawk; a fierce bird of
prey. Other
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Summary Of Parasite Rex Inside The Bizarre World Of The World
Zimmer emphasizes his prologue in two different stories. The first story is about a twelve–year–old
boy named Justin who lives in Tambura Sudan infected with a single cell parasite called a
trypanosome also known as the sleeping disease. Zimmer explains that the parasite is transmitted by
two different hosts the tsetse fly and humans. The infection cycle starts with the tsetse fly drinking
human's blood pouring in Trypanosomes. The trypanosomes then steal oxygen and glucose invading
all the organs including the brain. Sleeping sickness gets its named from the way trypanosomes
disorder people brains by damaging the biological clock and turning day to night. Justin had to take
some injections of melarsoprol which contains twenty percent of arsenic and steroids for swelling.
This brutal procedure was followed because Justin had parasites in his brain.
The second story took place a few months after his trip to Sudan. Biologist Daniel Brooks guided
Zimmer and seven other biologists through a jungle in Costa Rica. Brooks caught several different
types of frogs to look under a microscope, most of the parasites were new to science. Zimmer then
goes into detail of how the book Parasite Rex Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous
Creatures is about a new study of life and that it has taken a long time for scientist to appreciate the
sophisticated adaptation parasites have made to the inner world.
Chapter 1: Nature's Criminals The chapter opens by Zimmer defining the
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Are Veterinary Products Necessary For Oral Administration?
Drenches are veterinary products which contain liquid formulation for oral administration that is
used to kill internal and external parasites in most of the livestock especially in sheep. It serves
mainly as a deworming purpose and is used in the worm control on any farms. Drenches is also
known as anthelmintics as they contain active ingredients that kill the helminths in the stomach of
the livestock. Basically, there are three major types of drenches which are the suspensions, solutions
and emulsions. (P.Junquera, 2015) Drenches can become a broad spectrum when they treat an
extensive range of internal parasites or a narrow spectrum when they treat only a restricted range of
internal parasites. (Sheep Worms: Signs, Management Plan, Control, & Drenching, 2015) There are
several chemical groups in drenches and each of them have a specific mode of action on the worm.
Drench test can be carried out regularly to ensure the effectiveness of certain drenches to a particular
parasitic worm. Several steps have to be taken carefully as well when drenching as inappropriate
drenching may cause the drench resistance. Combinations of various drenches are implemented in
order to prevent the occurrence of drench resistance whereby the worms are resistant to a certain
type of drenches. (Drenches, n.d.) Thus, it is very important to preserve several effective drenches to
cope with this problem.
Major Types of Drenches
(a) Suspensions
The active ingredient is a
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Parasitic Disease In The United States
When traveling to and from exotic locations, vacationers are warned about drinking untreated water,
swimming in freshwater lakes and streams, and against eating certain foods. The risks for
contracting a parasitic disease while abroad are pretty well defined and as a traveler you are made
aware. Less known are the risks here at home. It is a fact however that parasitic diseases in the US
are on the rise. According to Dr. Oz "approximately 1 in 3 Americans is infected with an intestinal
parasite at any given time." Specific statistic are not available because most Americans who are
infected may be unaware. Often the symptoms of neglected parasitic infections are troublesome,
however, vague. Therefore treatment is not immediately sought and even
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Spironucleus Mesnili Trophozoites
1. Describe the characteristics of the Retortamonadida and Diplomonadida orders. Both
Retortamonadida and Diplomonadida lack mitochondria as well as a Golgi apparatus, which are also
known as dictyosomes. Retortamonadida and Diplomonadida also possess a recurrent flagella within
a groove and can occupy low oxygen environments. Both orders of Retortamonadida and
Diplomonadida are commonly found within humans.
2. Describe the morphology of Chilomastix mesnili trophozoites. In the cyst stage of Chilomastix
mesnili, the cyst has a thick wall and is shaped similar to a pear or lemon. It is usually found in the
stool. The cyst has a single nucleus located closer to the anterior end as well as other cytoplasmic
organelles. During the trophozoite ... Show more content on ...
There is a fifth flagellum that curves backward along the undulating membrane. There is an
accessory filament that runs along the undulating membrane. The costa arises from the kinetosome
and the parabasal body lies near the nucleus. An axostyle tube is formed by a sheet of microtubules
and has three parts. The anterior portion called the capitulum, the middle part called the trunk, and
the posterior regions called the caudal tip. The pelta is made up of microtubules that supports the
paraflagellar canal, which is a shallow depression from which all flagella emerge. The trophozoites
also contain microbodies also known as the paracostal
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Clean Colon Synthesis Essay
Clearing the way for good nutrient absorption. If waste remains in the body for too long, it becomes
a breeding ground for bacteria and illness. A clean colon from a colon detox allows undigested
waste to pass easily through your system.
coloncarenews.blogspot.comAs the colon is cleansed, it pushes undigested waste through your
system, clearing the way for good nutrient absorption. If waste remains in the body for too long, it
becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and illness. A clean colon from a colon detox allows
undigested waste to pass easily through your system.There are so many good things one can earn
from colon cleansing.
With the colon cleansing, any person undergoing it can lose extra fat and prevent certain diseases.
Through colon cleansing, an individual gets to remove ... Show more content on ...
This will help prevent any uncomfortable feeling of constipation or diarrhea. Intestinal tract that is
filled with decomposed waste due to a poor diet can also be cleaned through colon cleansing.
Getting rid of those putrefied wastes in the body enhances proper digestion of food and absorption
of nutrients.
Cleaning the colon not only eradicates the fecal matter in the body particularly in the intestinal tract,
but also gives the body more energy. The excess fat that the body was unable to burn due to the fecal
matter makes it difficult for you to do extra activities or perform an exercise. To get back the energy
that you need, cleansing the colon could be the first step followed by a healthy food plan. After
undergoing colon cleansing, it very important to have a balanced diet that involves a meal plan
containing lean forms of protein, fresh produce, whole grains and low–fat dairy products.
There are several other advantages one can obtain from colon cleansing apart from enhanced weight
loss, proper digestion and more energy. Colon cleansing is indeed a wise investment.Have a clean
and healthy colon
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Giardia Intestitis
Giardiasis is a diarrheal infection, caused by the microscopic parasite Giardia lamblia, and one of
the most common intestinal parasitic disease affecting humans in the United States. Parasitic
organisms need to feed off their host to survive. Giardia lamblia is a pathogenic flagellated
protozoan, and the most common flagellate isolated in clinical specimens. However, due to the
variability in the concentration of the organisms found in the various stool samples, sensitive and
specific fecal immunoassays should be used for detection of the Giardia trophozoites and cysts.
While viewing the trophozoite straight on, the ventral view presents a unique symmetrical heart
shape, this with the positioning of the organelles provides an image resembling ... Show more
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Once ingested, the cyst undergoes, excystation (parasites escape cyst) within the stomach and
duodenum because of the acids and enzymes present. Each cyst produces two trophozoites, and as
they reach the small intestine, begin to multiply rapidly. It is as the trophozoites enter the large
intestine that encystation occurs (the process of forming the cyst), due to the presence of neutral pH
and secondary bile salts. The cysts then continue toward the colon, exiting in the feces and out into
the environment. Although both the trophozoites and cysts are present in the stool, it is the cyst that
is the means of transmission of the parasite. The Giardia cysts are resilient forms that have the
capability to survive for two months in the environment. This parasite is typically found in
freshwater environments such as rivers, lakes, municipal water systems, wells and swimming pools.
These fresh bodies of water can harbor Giardia through fecal, human or animal contamination. The
cycle then continues as the cysts are once again ingested along with water or food contaminated by
infected people, objects or animals. It takes as little as, 10 to 100 cysts, for transmission to occur,
which compounds the probability of infection as this parasite is found
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The Small Intestine: The Most Rapidly Dividing Tissue of...
Small intestine is the most rapidly dividing tissue of the body. It undergoes a fast turnover of 3–5
days by Intestinal Stem Cells (ISCs), replacing all the older cells with new ones which is necessary
for the nutritional uptake by intestinal cells and thereby, maintaining tissue homeostasis. Small
intestinal epithelium has several crypts/villi structures which inhabits ISCs. Cells are arranged in the
order of increasing maturity from bottom to top of each crypt. ISCs are present at base of each crypt
and they give rise to transit–amplifying cells (TA).These transit–amplifying cells divide actively 4–5
times, approximately after every 12 hours. Further, these cells differentiate to form – enterocytes,
goblet cells and entroendocrine cells. ISCs differentiate to form Paneth cells towards the base of
crypt (Marshman et al., 2002).
ISCs were first identified by BrDU label retention method (Cheng and Leblond, 1974). After 30
years, Clevers and colleagues identified ISCs at single cell resolution by lineage tracing. They found
that Lgr5 gene, encoding the leucine–rich repeat–containing G–protein coupled receptor 5, is
expressed in ISCs and LGR5+ cells give rise to all four different kind of intestinal epithelial cells
(Barker et al., 2007).In addition, LGR5+ cells cultured in vitro give rise to organoid expressing all
the markers of intestinal epithelium (Sato et al., 2009). Potential stem cell niche for ISCs consist of
Paneth cells, dispersed in between ISCs. In vitro, growth
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What Is Nonpathogenic Intestinal Amebae?
Introduction Nonpathogenic intestinal amebae are single–celled organisms that can live in your
intestine without causing illness, even if you have a weak body defense system (immune system).
These amebae are part of the Entamoeba species. These organisms are also called protozoa. What
are some common nonpathogenic amebae? Species of nonpathogenic amebae include: Entamoeba
coli. Entamoeba hartmanni. Entamoeba polecki. Entamoeba dispar. Where do these parasites live in
the body? All amebae of this type live inside your large intestine (colon). Your colon is at the end of
your digestive system. That is where water is absorbed and stool is formed. Nonpathogenic amebae
can live in your colon for years. How does infection with nonpathogenic intestinal amebae happen?
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If amebae get into the soil or water, they can contaminate food grown in the soil. This often happens
in areas where human waste is used as a fertilizer. The organisms can then get into your digestive
system when you eat food or drink water contaminated with parasites. People who are shedding
amebae in their stool can also pass the amebae to others if they do not wash their hands after going
to the bathroom and then they handle food eaten by others. Do I need to seek care if I think I might
be infected with one or more of these parasites? Nonpathogenic intestinal amebae do not cause any
signs or symptoms. If you have symptoms, it means something else is causing your illness. Contact
your health care provider if you are not feeling well or if you have symptoms or signs of another
intestinal infection. These symptoms can include: Diarrhea. Abdominal cramps or pain. Nausea or
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Helminths Are Parasitic Worms
As stated by Pawar et al. (2014), Helminths are parasitic worms that contribute to the global burden
of diseases of human infections that frequently spreads in developing countries. World Health
Organization (WHO) [Date Unknown] estimated 2 billion people with helminthic infection and this
population was suggested to get medicine to expel and kill the helminths from the human body.
Ascaris is an intestinal parasite of humans and pigs. It is the most common human worm infection.
The larvae and adult worms live in the small intestine and can cause intestinal disease (CDC) [Date
Unknown]. While people infected with Ascaris often show no symptoms. If symptoms do occur they
can be light and include abdominal discomfort. Heavy infections can cause
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Self-Medication In Wild Animals
Research indicates that wild animals utilise aspects of their natural environment to self–medicate in
at least three ways. The use of rough plants as a type of intestinal scour is a prevalent technique for
the removal of internal parasites. Some animals also poison their internal parasites by ingesting
toxic plants found in their natural habitat. In addition, in order to neutralise toxins in the plants they
eat, some wild animals engage in geophageous behaviour.
A widespread method of self–medication in wild animals is the use of abrasive plants to purge the
digestive system. Research conducted on two continents shows that some wild animals deliberately
consume plants whose leaves are covered with microscopic hooks which scour the intestines. ...
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Geophagy is the consumption of soil, and in wild animals this practice has the effect of neutralising
the defensive poisons produced by plants. For instance, researchers discovered that some tropical
birds practise geophagy when they consume seeds that contain alkaloids, which are toxic. In an
experiment with seed–eating macaws scientists discovered a direct link between the consumption of
clay and the reduction of alkaloids in the birds' bloodstreams. Furthermore, the leaves of many
tropical plants contain high levels of toxins, and scientists have observed that herbivores in tropical
regions regularly consume clay. Elephants, for example, only cease consumption of clay during
specific times of the year when their diet changes from leaves to fruit. As a result, researchers have
concluded that these wild animals ingest clay in order to neutralise the poisons contained in the
plants they
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The Three Types Of Pollution That Affect Humans And Animals
I think that the topic pollution is a very important topic to talk about, here is why I think so.
There is quite a few types of pollution in the world, but the three main ones I want to address are the
types of pollution that affect Humans and animals. The three main types of pollution that can
negatively affect humans and animals are air, water, and soil pollution.
Air pollution is a type of pollution that occurs when harmful substances, including particulates and
biological molecules are introduced into Earth's atmosphere. There is a lot of chemicals that get
released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned; the effects that these chemicals have on
our bodies when inhaled can be very detrimental to our health and well being. A few things that can
occur when we breathe in polluted air are; firstly, you are put at a higher risk of respiratory diseases
such as asthma and bronchitis. Second, exposure to higher levels of particle pollution have been
shown to correspond to higher risks of heart complications. Third, immune system, endocrine, and
reproductive system damage; which can lead to future health complications. Four, when living in an
area with lots of air pollution you are being put at higher risks for cancer. The pollutants in the air
mostly contain of carcinogens; "any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that is an agent directly
involved in causing cancer." Five, contact with the air pollution can lead to neurobehavioral
problems and premature death. These are a few of the main effects that air pollution has on humans.
Air pollution can also negatively affect animals, here are a few ways on how it can. The first way
that air pollution can negatively affect animals are from acid rain. Acid rain is an acidic form of rain,
meaning that it contains high levels of hydrogen ions; having a low pH balance of around 5.7. The
acid rain can destroy the life of fish in lakes and streams. The second way that air pollution can
negatively affect animals are, extreme ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation is the portion of the
EM (electromagnetic) spectrum between X–rays and visible light. When extreme UV radiation is
coming from the sun through the ozone layer (in the upper atmosphere), it can
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Cercariae Enter The Body: A Case Study
Cercariae enter the body through unbroken skin and it passes through the lining of the mouth or
gastrointestinal track. When in the body the worm penetrates the nearest vein to travel to the liver,
where they grew and mature. When they mature in the liver, they pair up male and female to travel
to the intestines and or bladder to lay eyes. A high content of eggs in tissues causes severe problems
for the individuals with the condition. The disease mostly affects the liver and the spleen, it causes
both of these organs to swell or in other words it causes enlargement. It makes sense for the liver
and spleen to swell, considering that the worms stay and mature in the liver. Katayama is a symptom
associated with the disease; the signs and symptoms are fever, feeling tire, and bronchospasm
(Sherwood, 2012). There are two types of schistomosomiasis, the intestinal and urinary track. Large
amount of worm eggs in the intestinal wall cause immune respond which led to ... Show more
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Large numbers of eosinophil cells in the blood stream is necessary to diagnosis Schistomosomiasis,
because they immune cells are involve with responding to parasitic activities in the body. Before
doctors can treat for schismosomiasis, they have to be certain that the patient have the parasites
living inside of them. Schistome reproduce by producing thousand of eggs daily, so doctors examine
patient urine and feces for the eggs. Tissue biopsy can be order alone with a blood sample; doctors
look at the blood sample to find particular antigen that stimulated immune response (Ferrara, 2010).
There is one problem with testing the patient's blood, which is the test, could show negative if the
patient has been exposure to the parasite less then six months. Ultrasound, computed tomography
scan (CT scan), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to detect damage to the urinary
track and blood vessels (Mawyer,
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How Roundworms Can Affect Women's Fertility
There are many factors that can effect women's fertility, such as health problems, weight and
generics. When a couple is trying to conceive many doctors and health care professionals will tell
their patients to continue trying for about a year. If the couple has tried for a year without any
positive results, they may need to consult their professional once more and see what their options
For many years IVF, has been one of the only methods women can try to become pregnant. That is
no longer the case, researchers have found that different parasitic worms such as roundworms can
alter a woman's immune system. Increasing their chances of becoming pregnant. In a recent study
with 986 indigenous women in Bolivia it indicated a lifetime of roundworm
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Diseases Caused By The Protozoan Parasites Cryptosporidium...
Introduction Parasites are organisms which live in close association to a host organism, the
relationship is non–mutualistic, in which the parasite benefits and the host incurs costs. (Roberts &
Janovy, 2008) The costs range from a visible form of reduced fecundity or survival, but also more
subtly such as reduced attractiveness, leading to reduced mating success (Ebert, 2005). This essay
will concentrate on two diseases caused by the protozoan parasites Cryptosporidium parvum and
Toxoplasma gondii. Cryptosporidium parvum is an apicomplexan parasite that exhibits a faecal–oral
type life style. (Wiser, 2011) C. parvum causes the disease cryptosporidiosis, which infects the
mammalian intestinal tract, specifically the distal small intestine. Moreover, it can also affect the
respiratory tract in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent hosts. (Tzipori, 2014). Also,
Toxoplasma gondii causes Toxoplasmosis, which predominantly is asymptomatic, however it can
cause flu–like symptoms and eye problems in a small number of hosts (Hunter & Sibley, 2012).
Biology Cryptosporidium parvum C.parvum is one of many Cryptosporidium species which can
infect humans. the beginning of the life cycle starts with the ingestion of the C. parvum oocysts
which can be seen in Figure 1 as stage 3. Once ingested the oocysts migrate with other ingested
material along the digestive tract. Until it reaches the intestine, here it releases sporozoites (stage A
& B) these sporozoites move the intestinal
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Coccidiosis Essay
A parasitic disease occus when the animal is affected by the prescence of a parasite. An example of
this disease is Coccidiosis is a highly contagious sporozoal infection in rabbits, with low prognosis
of healing. It is caused by a protozoal parasite, Eimeria sp. As many as 25 species of coccidia have
been observed in the gastrointestinal tract of the rabbit; it should, however, be noted that in some
cases, one and the same coccidia has been given several names. Eimeria sp. parasites are highly
host, organ and tissue specific and do rarely represent a zoonotic danger for human beings.Healthy
rabbits can be asymptomatic "carriers" of the protozoa. The oocysts (eggs), shed with the feces, will
contaminate the environment, food and water. Although ... Show more content on ...
Oocysts are able to survive and remain infectious for longer than even one year. This is dependent
on the oocysts being in favourable conditions, that is to say a warm and humid environment. Some
rabbits act only as carriers of this infectious disease and present no signs or symptoms to show that
they are or have become infected. Rabbits tend to have more severe signs or symptoms as the
number of coccidian parasites within them increases. The signs and symptoms can vary depending
on whether the disease is a hepatic or an intestinal infection. Other affected rabbits can lose their
appetite and lose weight. They may also have diarrhea which will be very soft, watery, or even
jelly–like. Another suggested sign is a "pot–bellied" appearance as well as pain in the abdomen. The
rabbit may become dehydrated and present signs of weakness. Some rabbits collapse when heavily
infected with the coccidian parasites. Younger rabbits may experience stunted growth and poor coat
condition. The intestinal forms of the disease are thought to be the most dangerous to the rabbit's
health as death is more
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Diarrheal Research Paper
Diarrheal is an intestinal disorder in which an individual is induced to frequently release fecal. This
consistent fluid loss leads to dehydration and nutrient loss. If an individual is not able to replace the
loss in due amount of time, this can eventually lead to death. Nevertheless, although it may seem
diarrheal (the constant release of fecal) is the cause of painful effects, it is not. Rather diarrhea is a
mechanism the body uses to get rid of the harmful bacteria (pathogen) inside the body. The pathogen
is typically presented in the water and food one consumes, and is injected in the body. This infection
known as amoebiasis is most prevalent in developing countries, because water sanitation may not be
fully adhered to be taken action for. It is estimated that there are 50,000,000 infections and 100,000
deaths are caused by ... Show more content on ...
Researchers such as Ralston and colleagues supported the hypothesis that trogocytosis is a
mechanism in which cells receive nutrition from other cells, however, in the transaction parasites
and host cells, the parasites virulence is enhanced killing the host cells. In the processes of
amoebiasis, ingested E. histolytica settles in the colon of the individual, releases its mucus and
interacts with the exposed enterocyte cells lining in colon causing cell death by lysis. Other models
suggested that parasite attached themselves to host cells in order to kill through unclear mechanism
involving releasing substances into the cell membranes. Additionally there was also a model
indicating that pathogens engulf and ingest dying enterocytes by phagocytosis. However, this latter
model is not consistent with the finding that parasites nibble on host cells through consistent actions
causing cell death, then moving on once death is
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Giardiasis: Acute Or Chronic Diarrheal Disease
I. Disease Biology
An intestinal infection that is found worldwide, Giardiasis is one of the most prevalent waterborne
diseases in the United States and many other parts of the world. Often a major diarrheal disease,
Giardia is caused by an aquatic, microscopic parasite found globally, however it most often found in
regions of poor sanitation that only have access to unsafe water. Few examples of symptoms that are
common with Giardiasis are asymptomatic colonization or acute or chronic colonization or
acute/chronic diarrheal illness. The illness itself represents a zoonosis that has the potential to infect
both animals and humans and it includes Giardia intestinalis, G muris, G agilis, G psittaci, G ardeae,
and G microti.
Giardiasis in humans ... Show more content on ...
An extreme example would be Western Nepal where there is the highest prevalence of G intestinalis
of 73.4%. Mortality, on the other hand, is extremely rare in all parts of the world since the only
severe, debilitating consequences of giardiasis are malnutrition and dehydration which are easily
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Giardia Strains
The overall complexity of the strains and assemblages of giardia makes researching and
understanding this species extremely challenging. In this case strains refer to Giardia agilis, Giardia
muris, and Giardia lamblia. To identify between the three main giardia strains (Giardia agilis,
Giardia muris, and Giardia lamblia) requires scientists to look at tiny structural details to determine
what specific strain they are dealing with (Feely and Erlandsen, 1985). For example: Giardia agilis
has a more elongated body in comparison to the other two strains (Feely and Erlandsen, 1985).
Giardia muris is increasingly difficult to distinguish from Giardia lamblia therefore they typically
observe its preferred host (Finch, Black, Labatiuk, Gyurek, & Belosevic, ... Show more content on ...
It is widely accepted and known that the parasite causes abnormal responses within the body leading
to cases of diarrhea (Adam, 1991). A simple explanation of diarrhea is the loose and foul–smelling
bowel movements, including actual excretion (Adam, 1991). Diarrhea can begin once the giardia
cyst(s) is ingested into the human body and travels through the digestive tract and reproduces in the
small intestine (Adam, 1991; Gillin and Reiner, 1996). However, the estimated number of giardia
cysts needed to be ingested to result in diarrhea is 10 cysts and the symptoms typically occur 6 to 15
days after initial ingestion, making it extremely difficult to determine the form(s) of transfer
mechanisms involved (Ankarklev et al., 2010). The time lapse is needed to allow for cyst and
trophozoite reproduction and growth (excystation) to overwhelm the body and cause the diarrhea
(Ankarklev et al., 2010). In addition, the host cannot become immune to the giardia parasite and
therefore infections can occur regardless of previous exposure (Adam,
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Symbiosis: Relationship Between Clownfish And Sea Anemone
From clownfish and sea anemone, to barnacles and whales, to mosquitos and mammals, organisms
are constantly exhibiting symbiosis. Simply put, symbiosis can be described as a close and typically
long–term relationship between two different biological organisms involving physical and/or
biochemical contact. Some symbiotic interactions may be facultative, or optional, while other
interactions may be obligate, or essential to the survival of both organisms (Yukalov et al., 2012).
The main types of symbiotic relationships include mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.
Mutualism is the relationship between two individuals of different species in which both individual
species benefit. The aforementioned clownfish and sea anemone share a mutualistic relationship.
The clownfish provides the anemone protection against anemone–eating fish and, in return, the
anemone provides a home for the clownfish safe from predators. Commensalism is the relationship
between two organisms of different species in which one organism benefits while the other is
unaffected (Yukalov et al., 2012). An example of a commensalism interaction is that ... Show more
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In doing so, this thereby increases the immune sensitivity as well as the intensity of infection within
the host. This may be a result of host tradeoffs. Infection by Dipylidium caninum can cause a loss of
protein mass in the host and the subsequent malnourishment, if severe enough, can impair the ability
of the host immune system to fight off the infection. This could, therefore, be considered a lose–lose
situation. As the host allocates more of its body resources to its immunity to fight off the parasitic
infection, its other key body functions may suffer due to negligence and insufficient resources. At
the same time, the parasite must be careful not to ultimately kill its host if it is to reproduce and
complete its life cycle (East et al.,
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What Is Tapeworm?
Tapeworms Diphyllobothrium Cobbold, 1858 commonly called "broad tapeworms" or "fish
tapeworms," have been known as intestinal parasites of humans for a long time. Diphyllobothrium is
a genus of tapeworm that can cause Diphyllobothriasis in humans through consumption of raw or
undercooked fish. The principal species causing diphyllobothriosis is Diphyllobothrium , known as
the fish tapeworm. The fish tapeworm has a long documented history of infecting people who eats
fish on a regular and especially those who consume raw or undercooked fish. In the 1970s, most of
the known cases of diphyllobothriasis came from Europe (5 million cases), and Asia (4 million
cases). There is no specific date when Diphyllobothrium species were discovered in humans, but it
is clear that diphyllobothriasis has been in human populations for a very long time. Due to the
changing diet habits in many parts of ... Show more content on ...
But, these small intermediate hosts can be eaten by larger predators such as; trout, perch, and pike.
By this happening the sparganum can go to the musculature of the larger predator, which can be fish
and mammals. Then the human can catch the diphyllobothariasis disease by eating the infected host
fish raw or undercooked. After ingestion of the infected fish, the plerocercoids develop into
immature adults and then into mature adult. The adult worms can reach more than 10 meters long.
Several of tapeworms regularly detach from the main body of the worm (that's where they get their
name tapeworm from).They then release immature eggs in fresh water to start the cycle all over
again. A tapeworm can live up to 20
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Worms And Parasites Research Paper
One of the significant wellbeing issues influencing individuals around the globe today is
contaminations brought about by parasites. We acknowledge that our pets have worms and parasites
and those they should be "de–wormed". When you consider what number of individuals are
presented to pets every day, and what number of go to underdeveloped nations which have genuine
worm and parasite pervasions, it's hard to comprehend why we have such trouble tolerating that
North Americans and Europeans additionally have worms and parasites? Indications of Parasites
inside a Human Body Indications of disease incorporate less convincing manifestations, for
example, a runny nose, evening time eagerness and rankles on the lower lip, inside the mouth. In the
event that you get to be contaminated, be set up for an unpleasant time. Contaminated people may
feel bloated, drained and ... Show more content on ...
It is extremely well known for annihilating yeast and enhancing skin condition. Begin with 1
teaspoon up to 3 times day by day around 30 minutes before every feast Vitamin C As you probably
are aware, vitamin C is a magnificent cell reinforcement and safe framework supporter, in this
manner, it is additionally useful in evacuating yeast and parasites. Take 5,000 mg (5 grams) every
day spread out in 2–3 measurements. Try not to devour a lot of Vitamin C since it might bring about
free solid discharges, particularly when yeast and parasites are being expelled. Coconut oil Coconut
Oil is actually against contagious and extremely supporting to the body. Consider taking a few
tablespoons a day extra as an antifungal backing. This will likewise bolster the hormones and
conceptive framework. To make it simpler to take, break up a few tablespoons in a hot tea of
decision and beverage. Garlic Slash 1–2 cloves of garlic and beverage in some water before
... Get more on ...
Causes And Treatment Of Cryptosporidium Species Are...
Cryptosporidium species are intestinal protozoan parasites with a worldwide distribution,
responsible for diarrheal disease in a large number of vertebrate hosts including humans, and
zoonotic infection has long been acknowledged, as it is life–threatening in immunocompromised
patients (Current et al., 1983). The disease has a faecal–oral cycle, occurring with the ingestion of
infecting oocystes, which have environmental resistance. Separate anthroponotic and zoonotic
transmission cycles have been identified (Casemore and Jackson, 1984) and infection is maintained
by several routes: direct person–to–person transmission, animal–to–person contact either directly or
indirectly and by ingestion of contaminated food, fomites and especially drinking and recreational
water (Atherton et al., 1995; Casemore, 1990; Gallaher et al., 1989; Joce et al., 1991; Meinhardt et
al., 1996). To date it is considered one of the most difficult to control waterborne microorganism and
contaminated water represents the major source of human infection (Fayer, 2004; Ramirez et al.,
2004). Waterborne outbreaks in human from agricultural sources have long been ascribed to cattle
due the high prevalence of C. parvum in calves, however it is still debated whether sheep might
have an epidemiological role for zoonotic transmission (Robertson, 2009). Species within the genus
Cryptosporidium have been traditionally classified upon host range, oocyst morphology and site of
infection and infections from farm
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Bowtrol Research Paper
Bowtrol is a dietary supplement whose primary purpose is to get rid of accumulated dirt, unwanted
feces and excess toxins from the intestinal tract, commonly known as colon cleansing. Many people
have labeled Bowtrol as the best detoxifier ever got. Usually, there has not been compelling
scientific evidence on benefits of colon cleansing. However, people using Bowtrol have had their
weight lost within no time. This article outline all you need to know regarding Bowtrol.
What is Bowtrol's response to Constipation?
Constipation is a big problem affecting many people all over the globe. The problem occurs due to
lack of the required number of bowel movements caused by problems in the digestive system. Some
of the causes include; ... Show more content on ...
One should consume foods with much fiber and low–fat content. These foods may include,
vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread and multi–grain bread. The best approach is to have an eating
plan on diets to maintain good health while still cleaning the colon.
In case the user is not very sure on the proper usage, he/she should promptly seek doctor's advice
before making an attempt at using it.
What You Get After a Bowtrol Colon Cleanse
Enhanced absorption of nutrients
By treating the colon, the bodies overall absorption of nutrients is improved. Colon clogged with
dirt and other substances make absorption almost impossible. Bowtrol Cleanse facilitate the removal
of these toxins from the colon making the intestines absorb nutrients maximally.
Eradication of Gases and Bloating
Bowtrol helps eradicate unwanted gasses and bloating. Bloating occur as a result of toxins
remaining in the colon for a long time. When the colon holds toxins for months, it can cause
intolerable gas and bloating
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The Economic Impact Of Amoebic Dysentery
There are no definitive metrics on the economic impact of amoebic dysentery. The disease mostly
afflicts children in farming communities whose source of drinking water are streams, rivers and
ponds. Knowledge of the economic cost of diarrheal diseases in the developing countries, on the
other hand, offers rough estimates of the cost of amoebic dysentery. It worth mentioning that about
40% of the diarrheal diseases in the developing countries is attributable to amoebic dysentery
according to a paper presented at the 28th African Health Sciences Congress, Mauritius, July, 2008.
A study done at a Dr. George Mukhari Hospital, a tertiary level hospital, Gauteng, South Africa,
estimates the total hospital and professional cost ... Show more content on ...
The latter, facilitated by specific lectin, adhere to and colonize the intestinal mucosa. The usual
incubation period for Amoebiasis is about 10 days, but it can range from a few days to years.
Patients present with cramping abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, weight loss and fever. Fulminant
colitis with systemic manifestations is rare. It presents with a sudden onset of severe bloody
diarrhea, abdominal pain, and peritonitis with fever. young age, pregnancy, corticosteroid and
impaired immunity are disposing factors. Life threatening intestinal perforation and toxic
Megacolon may ensue, necessitating surgical intervention. Mortality from fulminant colitis may
reach 50 %. Untreated intestinal Amoebiasis may proceed to chronic colitis presenting with
recurring bloody diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. From the intestinal mucosa E. Histolytica
trophozoites follow two paths. Some of them develop into cysts and get excreted in the feces to be
recycled while others invade the intestinal mucosa and enter the bloodstream. Blood circulation
enables the parasite to disseminate, invade and destroy the liver, lung, and other organs. Breakdown
of tissues is a result of both cytolysis and apoptosis. The former is carried out by Amoebapores, a
group of peptides secreted by the organism that are capable of creating holes in the cell walls. The
parasite induces apoptosis through both a1 receptor pathway and the
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Case Analysis Using The Eight-Step Model Of Merck And...
Case Analysis Using the Eight–Step Model – Merck and River Blindness As chairman of Merck &
Co., I must discuss the unfortunate case of onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness. As a
leading pharmaceutical company, we must make a difficult decision. Our company may hold a cure
to a deadly parasitic disease that has caused hundreds of thousands of people to go blind and many
more have become severely ill. This disease is caused by black flies which carry parasitic worms
which then bite human hosts infecting them. This parasitic disease affects people in multiple
developing countries. One of our drugs, Ivermectin, may hold the cure and future research. We must
utilize our advancements in this proposed project for the greater good. Using the Eight Steps to
Sound Ethical Decision Making, this will ... Show more content on ...
Merck & Co. believe that we have a cure for this parasitic disease using one of previously produced
drugs for horses – Ivermectin. Ivermectin has shown that it can kill a similar parasite in the horses,
although it has not been fully tested on humans. We have a concern about testing the product and
launching it because the countries where this disease is active are some of the poorest in the world.
How would they purchase it? Consequentialist Perspective – From the consequentialist view point,
there are many who will be profoundly affected if the drug is not produced by Merck & Co.
Innumerable people will go blind and thus will greatly affect their quality of life. As stated, the
parasites cause unbearable itching, which has led some people to commit suicide. Furthermore,
these outcomes will affect more than the infected person. It will consequentially impair the lives of
their loved ones. Undoubtedly, people with blindness can live a somewhat normal life, although they
will also have to rely on others to provide aid with daily
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Lungworm Research Paper
Angiostrongylus vasorum is the scientific name for the parasite we call the lungworm. If these tiny
worms go undetected, the dog will die. They are also skinny and pink, and around 14 to 20
millimeters long .Found not just in dogs but also the red fox,african desert fox,crab eating zorro,
horay fox and finally the dog. The general life cycle of a lungworm begins with an ingestion of
infective larvae. The infective larvae then penetrate the intestinal wall . From here larvae migrate
into the lungs through the bloodstream. The infected larvae reside in the lungs until the development
into an adult lungworm It changes behavior of the dog. The animal can start having breathing
problems, poor blood clotting, and general sickness. Because the
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B Hominis: A Case Study
The lifecycle of the B. Hominis remains unclear up to this date ("Blastocystis," 2012). This is a
thick–walled cyst that is present in stools ("Blastocystis," 2012). This parasite is transmitted through
fecal–oral. This parasite can appear in many different forms like vacuolar and granular forms,
mutlivacuolar and avacuolar forms, ameboid form, and cyst form ("Blastocystis Hominis," n.d.).
The cyst form enters the epithelial cells of the digestive tract and it multiplies ("Blastocystis," 2012).
Therefore, the vacuolar and ameboid form and then the vacuolar develops into a pre cyst
("Blastocystis," 2012). Later, it gives it a thin– wall cyst which tends to be the reason of the
infection. The ameboid also gives a pre–cyst with a thick–wall by ... Show more content on ...
Since, the FDA has not yet approved a set medication to treat B. hominis doctors will have to
request some test to be done to determine what medication to prescribe ("Blastocystis," n.d.). For
example, a fecal exam, endoscopy, and blood tests ("Blastocystis hominis infection," n.d.). Having a
fecal exam done is the most common form of exam to determine the presence of B. hominis.
Treating B. hominis can vary from person to person. If a case is mild there is no need to worry, since
there is no harm being done to you, and it will go away as time goes on. But, if it is a severe case a
doctor may prescribe antibiotics like metronidazole (used to treat bacteria in the stomach), tinidazole
(used to treat bacteria in the intestines), sufamethoxazole plus trimethoprim (are combined together
to treat traveler's diarrhea), paromomycin (used to treat intestinal infections) and nitazoxanide (used
to treat diarrhea) ("Blastocystis hominis infection,"
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Vibrio Cholera Epidemic
As for cholera epidemic that cause environmental factors that promote the growth of bacterial
accumulation and plagued humanity. Its an acute diarrheal infection caused by bacterium Vibrio
cholera, which provokes disease in humans. "Vibrio cholera is a slightly curved gram negative rod
with single polar flagellum. Cholera bacilli grows in the small intestine and produce an exotoxin,
cholera toxin that cause hosts cells to secrete water and electrolytes, as well as potassium" [16]. It
results in watery diarrhea and vomiting, if not treated it can cause a massive lost in bodily fluids that
will cause dehydration, hypovolemic shock and death. As well as, rapid heart rate, loss of skin
elasticity, dry mucous membranes, low blood pressure, thirst ... Show more content on ...
Just like any other disease, crypto has some similar symptoms which includes watery diarrhea,
stomach cramps, upset stomach, slight fever and you begin to lose weight. These symptoms take 2
to 10 days till it actually begins to show after the person has been infected. The disease begins to
weaken your immune system just like AIDS/HIV which can lead to a life or death situation. Crypto
can be spread through contaminated drinks and food, as well as putting things in your mouth after
being in contact with bowel movement of another person or even an animal whom already has
crypto. Not only so, but the infection is originally caused by swallowing the parasite, when it is
swallowed and the parasite goes inside the intestine the parasite comes out of its shell, and begins to
multiply. There are drugs that can be used to reduce the symptoms, but there is no hundred percent
drug treatment that cures this disease. This drug is known as aminoglycoside antibiotic; it stops the
growth of parasites inside of the intestines [12]. If the individual whom have the infection of crypto
still has a healthy immune system and still have watery diarrhea they would be given IV fluids and
antidiarrheal drugs, to stop the diarrhea and keep the body hydrated. It can be prevented through
having good hygiene, being washed hands after using the restroom, after changing diapers, before
preparing and eating food, after coming in contact with animals or soil as well as infected people
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Causes And Treatment Of Cryptosporidium Species Are...
Cryptosporidium species are intestinal protozoan parasites with a worldwide distribution,
responsible for diarrheal disease in a large number of vertebrate hosts including humans, whose
infection has long been acknowledged as it is life threatening in immunocompromised patients
(Current et al., 1983). The disease has a faecal–oral cycle, occurring with the ingestion of infecting
oocysts, which have environmental resistance. Separate anthroponotic and zoonotic transmission
cycles have been identified (Casemore and Jackson, 1984) and infection is maintained by several
routes: direct person–to–person transmission, animal–to–person contact, either directly or indirectly,
and by ingestion of contaminated food and especially drinking and ... Show more content on ...
parvum (Angus, 1983). However, molecular characterization has recently allowed a taxonomic
review of the different species and genotypes, and its value in order to better understanding the
disease's epidemiology and transmission is fully recognized. Since then, research has found
remarkable evidence of genetic heterogeneity among isolates of Cyptosporidium from different
hosts (Morgan et al., 1999) with some species displaying a high level of host adaptation, whereas
some others have a wider host range (Xiao et al., 2002). Nineteen species of Cryptosporidium and
more than forty genotypes have currently been characterized (Fayer, 2010). Molecular analysis of
human cases worldwide have shown that over 90% of human infections are caused by C. parvum
and C. hominis, although their distribution depends on geographical areas and socio–economical
aspects (Xiao et al., 2008). The latter is exclusive to humans and it is prevalent in developing
countries whereas C. parvum has a broader host range including livestock and wildlife, that serve as
reservoirs for zoonotic infection especially in developed countries (Peng et al., 1997; Xiao, 2010).
Other species detected in humans are C. meleagradis (McLauchlin et al., 2000; Morgan et al., 2000),
C. felis (Raccurt, 2007), C. canis (Santin and Trout, 2008; Gatei et al., 2008) and C. ubiquitum (ex
cervine genotype) (Leoni et al., 2006). In the UK it is reported that C. parvum is
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What Are Companion Parasites
Companion Animals and their Companion Parasites
1. Abstract
Companion animals and their parasites are discussed. Dog parasites are given majority of the focus
with some information on what parasites are exactly as well as how they can be transmitted. One
parasite is given more of an insight, the roundworm, it is a parasite common to dogs but it can also
be found in cats, humans and many other species.
2. Introduction
Companion animals are the hosts for many different parasites. Animal parasitism is a way of life in
which a parasite species is living in or on a host species to support its livelihood (Olsen, Animal
Parasites Their Life Cycles and Ecology, 1974). As the host species will cater for the parasites needs
in terms of food and ... Show more content on ...
Several sub topics can be identified when discussing companion animals and their companion
parasites. One of which focuses particularly on dogs, what parasites they are susceptible to, how
they fall victim to these parasites, how to identify and treat them, which is the most common
parasite to dogs and can dogs pass their parasites to other animals or possibly even humans.
The most common parasite found in dogs is the roundworm (Ascaris Lumbricoides). Roundworm
will typically affect puppies before they are born when in the womb, or after they are born when
drinking their mother's milk. When drinking the mother's milk the puppy is actually consuming
larvae of the parasite in the form of very small eggs. Roundworm can only be transmitted passively.
This means that they will need to be consumed by the next host if transmitted to another dog. The
dog could contract the parasite through eating another small mammal that has an infestation such as
a mouse or bird. Figure 1 – Image showing the lifecycle of the roundworm in a dog host, notice how
the parasite is adapted to be transmitted externally from one host to the next, this must mean that the
parasite is also adapted to survive in unfavourable conditions while waiting to obtain another host.
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How Parasitology Is A Very Important Area Of The...
Parasitology is a very important area of the microbiology clinical laboratory of NYU Langone
Medical Center. Medical technologists perform many different types of assays and observe countless
samples under the microscope in order to detect the presence of any parasites causing infections.
Parasitology is the study of parasitic organisms that cause disease within humans. Parasites are
defined as organisms that live in or on another organism and uses its resources. The major groups of
parasitic organisms studied and observed in the clinical laboratory are helminths, protozoa, and
arthropods. Helminths are worm parasites and this group contains the parasitic subgroups
nematodes, cestodes and trematodes. Nematodes are roundworms, cestodes are tapeworms, and
trematodes are flukes. There are thousands of different species of helminths. Protozoa contains
organelles within their cell. There are more than 50,000 species and are very common throughout
the world. Arthropods are organisms with a chitin cytoskeleton, such as fleas, ticks, spiders, and
insects. Although parasitic infections are most often associated with tropical areas they can also
occur in subtropical and more temperate areas, even places such as New York City. Billions of
people all over the world have fallen prey to parasitic infections. People who live, work, visit, or
immigrate from more remote and underdeveloped parts of the world are at a higher risk of acquiring
parasitic infections. The level of symptoms
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A Research Study On The Bird Family Cuculidae
One of the biggest investments in a species life goes towards reproducing and raising offspring.
Most species will spend lots of time, energy, and resources into raising their offspring and can be
costly to their own survival. Although some parents will risk about anything to successfully raise
their young and increase their fitness. How much time and energy is spent on raising offspring
greatly varies among species and mostly depends on their evolutionary history. Brood parasitism is a
mischievous way for a parent to avoid raising its own young, which can provide many advantages.
However, this behavior has not always been so advantageous and has been shaped through
environmental pressures. The bird family Cuculidae has perhaps the most diverse breeding strategies
within any other bird species and has long puzzled biologists (Rothstein, 1990). One of the major
breeding strategies within the Cuculidae family is brood parasitism. Brood parasitism is the
manipulation of a host, of either the same species or a different species, to raise its young (Soler and
Møller, 1996). This widely practiced behavior within the Cuculidae family of birds has been shaped
due to environmental changes and coevolutionary relationships with other bird species (Briskie et.
al, 1992). Among the 136 species of Cuckoo birds, 53 of them perform brood parasitism (Krüger
and Davies, 2002). Of these 53 species, the most widespread within all of Europe is the Cuculus
conorus, which is know as the common
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Tapeworm Essay
A parasite is an organism that lives in another organism, called the host, and often harms it. It is
dependent on its host for survival and it has to be in the host to live, grow and multiply. A parasite
cannot live independently. Although a parasite rarely kills the host, in some cases it can happen. To a
certain extent, if a parasite does kill its host it has failed as this means it will need to find a new
home. The parasite benefits at the expense of the host, the parasite uses the host to gain strength, and
the host loses some strength as a result. And one of these parasites is the tapeworm, also called
cestodes, are a class of parasitic worms that have a flat, ribbon–like body and live in the digestive
system of their hosts. Tapeworms ... Show more content on ...
Traveling to developing countries, infection occurs more frequently in areas with poor sanitation
practices. Eating raw or undercooked meats, improper cooking may fail to kill tapeworm eggs and
larvae contained in contaminated pork or beef. Living in endemic areas, in certain parts of the
world, exposure to tapeworm eggs is more likely. For instance, your risk of coming into contact with
eggs of the pork tapeworm (Taenia solium) is greater in areas of Latin America, China, sub–Saharan
Africa or Southeast Asia where free–range pigs are common. It is transmitted to pigs through human
faeces or contaminated fodder, and to humans through uncooked or undercooked pork. Pigs ingest
embryonated eggs, morula, which develop into larvae, the oncospheres, and ultimately into infective
larvae, cysticerci. A cysticercus grows into an adult worm in human small intestines. Infection is
generally harmless and asymptomatic. However, accidental infection in humans by the larval stage
causes cysticercosis. The most severe form is neurocysticercosis, which affects the brain and is a
major cause of
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Protozoa Disorders
Intestinal parasites can cue many problems to the body and are ever single celled called protozoa or
worms that inhabit the large intestine. These live off the bowel content or the blood of the gut wall
to live and cause a range of symptoms such as bloating, flatulence, abdominal cramps and fatigue.
These are passed on through faecal matter or contaminated water.
Protozoa are one–celled organisms example Giadia species ,Crptosporidium , cyclospora which
cause inflammation and restricts absorption of nutrients. There is also Protozoa (entamoeba
hystolytica) which lives in the large colon
Intestinal worms such as hook worms ,roundworms ,whipworms ,tapeworms and flukes range in
there size from tiny organisms just millimetres long to several meters long . They also ... Show more
content on ...
It should also be noted worms can be present with out any signa at all
Candia is found naturally in are gut although it is a parasite and serves no useful purpose and is faily
harmless most of the time .its the same organism that causes thrush in the mouth or vagina and skin
conditions like athlete foot . Candia can however proliferate and cause problems in the bowel . this
can be caused by the over consumption of processed carbohydrates which is the perfect condition s
for Candia to grow along with certain medications such as contraceptive pill antibiotics hormones
steroids. Symptoms include Arthritis , asthma , bronchitis, bloating, constipation, fibromyalgia
anxiety or panic attacks ,headaches and so on the list is large. Candia can also result from food
intolerances and dramatic weight loss or gain fluctuations,
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Evolution And Adaptive Value Of Brood Parasitism Within...
The Evolution and Adaptive Value of Brood Parasitism within Cuckoo Birds.
Brood parasitism is a unique behavior performed by some species that tricks another host species
into raising its young. This is a fairly common behavior among the Cuculidae family of which 53 of
the 136 species perform brood parasitism. My question and what I hope to review within this paper
is, what has caused brood parasitism, what has shaped it, and what are the adaptive values of
Cuckoo brood parasitism? Within Cuckoo's, this strange behavior has ultimately been shaped
through environmental pressures and has become advantageous. Ecological changes forced
Cuckoo's to change migrational patterns, habitat, range size, and foraging, which lead to brood
parasitism. Once brood parasitism arose, a coevolutionary arms race began between the Cuckoo's
and hosts. Due to parasitic egg rejections, Cuckoo eggs that closely resembled host eggs were
selected for, leading to higher success rates of the behavior. This gives Cuckoo's many
advantageous', as there is no longer a need for investing time and energy into raising their young.
Brood parasitism also gives Cuckoo's the advantage of exploiting diverse breeding habitats; reduced
diet restraints, and foraging. Ultimately this behavior provides many benefits to Cuckoos and allows
them successfully raise young while providing no parental care.
One of the biggest investments in a species life goes towards reproducing and raising
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The Discovery Of Giardia Lamblia
Giardia lamblia was first discovered in 1681 by Dutch merchant and amateur scientist Anton Van
Leeuwenhoek. Van Leeuwenhoek is thought to be the first person to observe live microorganisms
through a simple single–lensed microscope. He found the parasite Giardia lamblia in his own stools.
At the time of observation, he would make detailed drawings of what he found in which he referred
to as animalcules. "These drawings have since been identified as representations of bacteria and
protozoa" (p. 6). Dusan Lambl 1859 and Alfred Giard 1895 are honored in the naming of Giardia
lamblia in 1915. Its role as a pathogenic organism was not recognized until the 1970s.
Giardia lamblia is a unicellular eukaryotic protozoan organism, it is without mitochondria. G.
lamblia is also referred to as Lamblia intestinalis and a few more. Most protozoa reproduce
asexually and is true for G. lamblia which produces two trophozoite per cyst by binary fission. G.
lamblia has two stages, a cyst stage and trophozoite stage. Meaning, if you ingested 10 cysts, soon
they would reproduce and there will be 20 trophozoite in the intestines. The cyst stage helps the
organism survive in its protective capsule. Giardia cysts can survive in water for up to 3 months,
which makes the chances of acquiring at an increase. The trophozoite stage is its vegetative state,
where the organism obtains its nourishment.
Giardia lamblia's stages are very different to go along with its ability to thrive and survive. The
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  • 1. Cryptosporidiosis Intestinal cryptosporidiosis is one of the most significant diarrheal diseases affecting people around the world. The condition is caused by the oocyst–forming protozoan parasite from the genus Cryptosporidium that has the propensity to survive in and transmit through source waters, making it a paramount public health threat. Although the intestine is a primary target in all cases intestinal cryptosporidiosis, there can be significant differences in the clinical presentation (depending on the host and parasite population). The major groups at risk include immunocompetent individuals in developed countries, children in developing countries, as well as immunocompromised hosts (most notably patients with acquired immunodeficiency disorder or ... Show more content on ... It is also known that the CD4 T lymphocytes are indispensable for the resolution of acute and chronic cryptosporidiosis. Clinical presentation Symptoms of cryptosporidiosis develop after a period of time called prepatent period (lasting on average one week) during which the parasites invade the epithelial cells of the intestine and proliferate. As a result of this invasion, immunocompetent adults usually present with watery diarrhea that may in certain cases be profuse, prolonged and mucoid. Accompanying symptoms are analogous to those in other diarrheal illnesses, including (but not limited to) nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and low–grade fever. Sometimes nonspecific symptoms occur as well, for example weakness, muscle aches, headache, malaise and anorexia. Although supportive therapy leads to a resolution of the disease, in as many as 40% of cases there is a potential of chronic symptoms akin to irritable bowel syndrome. Relapses may follow a period without a diarrhea that can last between several days and several weeks. Other chronic sequelae may include fatigue, arthralgia and eye ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Amebic Dysentery Research Papers Amebiasis caused when a single–celled parasite called E. histolytica enters the human body when a person ingests cysts through food or water. It can also enter the body through direct contact with fecal matter. The cysts are a relatively inactive form of the parasite that can live for several months in the soil or environment where they were deposited in feces. The microscopic cysts are present in the soil, fertilizer, or water that's been contaminated with infected feces. Food handlers may transmit the cysts while preparing or handling food. Transmission is also possible during anal sex or colonic irrigation. When cysts enter the body, they hunt in the digestive tract. They then release an invasive form of the parasite called a trophozoite. The ... Show more content on ... According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only about 10 to 20 percent of people who have amebiasis become ill from it. Symptoms at this stage tend to be mild and include loose stools and stomach cramping If the parasite invades the lining of your intestine, it can produce amebic dysentery. Amebic dysentery is a more dangerous form of the disease with frequent watery and bloody stools and severe stomach cramping. If the parasite enters your bloodstream, it can end up in your liver, heart, lungs, brain, or other organs, where it causes tissue destruction and abscess. The liver is a frequent destination for the parasite. Symptoms of amebic liver disease include fever and tenderness in the upper–right part of your torso Diagnosis A doctor may guess amebiasis after asking about your recent health and travel history. Your doctor may test you for the presence of E. histolytic. You may have to give stool samples over several days to screen for the presence of cysts. Your doctor may order lab tests to check liver function, which can help determine if the ameba has damaged your ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Cuckoo Research Paper The common cuckoo can be recognized by its soft, two–note call: "cuc–koo, cuc–koo." This gentle song may make the bird seem innocent. However, the cuckoo is guilty of using a few cunning schemes to advance its own interests. Specifically, cuckoo birds employ a technique known as mimicry. This means that they copy the physical, and behavioral patterns of other animals to improve their own chances at survival. Thanks to these wily tricks, common cuckoos have managed to thrive in many parts of the world. One key way that cuckoos mimic other animals is by copying their physical appearance. Cuckoos' striped bellies look quite similar to the feather patterns of the Eurasian sparrowhawk; a fierce bird of prey. Other ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Summary Of Parasite Rex Inside The Bizarre World Of The World Zimmer emphasizes his prologue in two different stories. The first story is about a twelve–year–old boy named Justin who lives in Tambura Sudan infected with a single cell parasite called a trypanosome also known as the sleeping disease. Zimmer explains that the parasite is transmitted by two different hosts the tsetse fly and humans. The infection cycle starts with the tsetse fly drinking human's blood pouring in Trypanosomes. The trypanosomes then steal oxygen and glucose invading all the organs including the brain. Sleeping sickness gets its named from the way trypanosomes disorder people brains by damaging the biological clock and turning day to night. Justin had to take some injections of melarsoprol which contains twenty percent of arsenic and steroids for swelling. This brutal procedure was followed because Justin had parasites in his brain. The second story took place a few months after his trip to Sudan. Biologist Daniel Brooks guided Zimmer and seven other biologists through a jungle in Costa Rica. Brooks caught several different types of frogs to look under a microscope, most of the parasites were new to science. Zimmer then goes into detail of how the book Parasite Rex Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures is about a new study of life and that it has taken a long time for scientist to appreciate the sophisticated adaptation parasites have made to the inner world. Chapter 1: Nature's Criminals The chapter opens by Zimmer defining the ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Are Veterinary Products Necessary For Oral Administration? Introduction Drenches are veterinary products which contain liquid formulation for oral administration that is used to kill internal and external parasites in most of the livestock especially in sheep. It serves mainly as a deworming purpose and is used in the worm control on any farms. Drenches is also known as anthelmintics as they contain active ingredients that kill the helminths in the stomach of the livestock. Basically, there are three major types of drenches which are the suspensions, solutions and emulsions. (P.Junquera, 2015) Drenches can become a broad spectrum when they treat an extensive range of internal parasites or a narrow spectrum when they treat only a restricted range of internal parasites. (Sheep Worms: Signs, Management Plan, Control, & Drenching, 2015) There are several chemical groups in drenches and each of them have a specific mode of action on the worm. Drench test can be carried out regularly to ensure the effectiveness of certain drenches to a particular parasitic worm. Several steps have to be taken carefully as well when drenching as inappropriate drenching may cause the drench resistance. Combinations of various drenches are implemented in order to prevent the occurrence of drench resistance whereby the worms are resistant to a certain type of drenches. (Drenches, n.d.) Thus, it is very important to preserve several effective drenches to cope with this problem. CONTENT Major Types of Drenches (a) Suspensions The active ingredient is a ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Parasitic Disease In The United States When traveling to and from exotic locations, vacationers are warned about drinking untreated water, swimming in freshwater lakes and streams, and against eating certain foods. The risks for contracting a parasitic disease while abroad are pretty well defined and as a traveler you are made aware. Less known are the risks here at home. It is a fact however that parasitic diseases in the US are on the rise. According to Dr. Oz "approximately 1 in 3 Americans is infected with an intestinal parasite at any given time." Specific statistic are not available because most Americans who are infected may be unaware. Often the symptoms of neglected parasitic infections are troublesome, however, vague. Therefore treatment is not immediately sought and even ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Spironucleus Mesnili Trophozoites 1. Describe the characteristics of the Retortamonadida and Diplomonadida orders. Both Retortamonadida and Diplomonadida lack mitochondria as well as a Golgi apparatus, which are also known as dictyosomes. Retortamonadida and Diplomonadida also possess a recurrent flagella within a groove and can occupy low oxygen environments. Both orders of Retortamonadida and Diplomonadida are commonly found within humans. 2. Describe the morphology of Chilomastix mesnili trophozoites. In the cyst stage of Chilomastix mesnili, the cyst has a thick wall and is shaped similar to a pear or lemon. It is usually found in the stool. The cyst has a single nucleus located closer to the anterior end as well as other cytoplasmic organelles. During the trophozoite ... Show more content on ... There is a fifth flagellum that curves backward along the undulating membrane. There is an accessory filament that runs along the undulating membrane. The costa arises from the kinetosome and the parabasal body lies near the nucleus. An axostyle tube is formed by a sheet of microtubules and has three parts. The anterior portion called the capitulum, the middle part called the trunk, and the posterior regions called the caudal tip. The pelta is made up of microtubules that supports the paraflagellar canal, which is a shallow depression from which all flagella emerge. The trophozoites also contain microbodies also known as the paracostal ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Clean Colon Synthesis Essay Clearing the way for good nutrient absorption. If waste remains in the body for too long, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and illness. A clean colon from a colon detox allows undigested waste to pass easily through your system. coloncarenews.blogspot.comAs the colon is cleansed, it pushes undigested waste through your system, clearing the way for good nutrient absorption. If waste remains in the body for too long, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and illness. A clean colon from a colon detox allows undigested waste to pass easily through your system.There are so many good things one can earn from colon cleansing. With the colon cleansing, any person undergoing it can lose extra fat and prevent certain diseases. Through colon cleansing, an individual gets to remove ... Show more content on ... This will help prevent any uncomfortable feeling of constipation or diarrhea. Intestinal tract that is filled with decomposed waste due to a poor diet can also be cleaned through colon cleansing. Getting rid of those putrefied wastes in the body enhances proper digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. Cleaning the colon not only eradicates the fecal matter in the body particularly in the intestinal tract, but also gives the body more energy. The excess fat that the body was unable to burn due to the fecal matter makes it difficult for you to do extra activities or perform an exercise. To get back the energy that you need, cleansing the colon could be the first step followed by a healthy food plan. After undergoing colon cleansing, it very important to have a balanced diet that involves a meal plan containing lean forms of protein, fresh produce, whole grains and low–fat dairy products. There are several other advantages one can obtain from colon cleansing apart from enhanced weight loss, proper digestion and more energy. Colon cleansing is indeed a wise investment.Have a clean and healthy colon ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Giardia Intestitis Giardiasis is a diarrheal infection, caused by the microscopic parasite Giardia lamblia, and one of the most common intestinal parasitic disease affecting humans in the United States. Parasitic organisms need to feed off their host to survive. Giardia lamblia is a pathogenic flagellated protozoan, and the most common flagellate isolated in clinical specimens. However, due to the variability in the concentration of the organisms found in the various stool samples, sensitive and specific fecal immunoassays should be used for detection of the Giardia trophozoites and cysts. While viewing the trophozoite straight on, the ventral view presents a unique symmetrical heart shape, this with the positioning of the organelles provides an image resembling ... Show more content on ... Once ingested, the cyst undergoes, excystation (parasites escape cyst) within the stomach and duodenum because of the acids and enzymes present. Each cyst produces two trophozoites, and as they reach the small intestine, begin to multiply rapidly. It is as the trophozoites enter the large intestine that encystation occurs (the process of forming the cyst), due to the presence of neutral pH and secondary bile salts. The cysts then continue toward the colon, exiting in the feces and out into the environment. Although both the trophozoites and cysts are present in the stool, it is the cyst that is the means of transmission of the parasite. The Giardia cysts are resilient forms that have the capability to survive for two months in the environment. This parasite is typically found in freshwater environments such as rivers, lakes, municipal water systems, wells and swimming pools. These fresh bodies of water can harbor Giardia through fecal, human or animal contamination. The cycle then continues as the cysts are once again ingested along with water or food contaminated by infected people, objects or animals. It takes as little as, 10 to 100 cysts, for transmission to occur, which compounds the probability of infection as this parasite is found ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Small Intestine: The Most Rapidly Dividing Tissue of... Small intestine is the most rapidly dividing tissue of the body. It undergoes a fast turnover of 3–5 days by Intestinal Stem Cells (ISCs), replacing all the older cells with new ones which is necessary for the nutritional uptake by intestinal cells and thereby, maintaining tissue homeostasis. Small intestinal epithelium has several crypts/villi structures which inhabits ISCs. Cells are arranged in the order of increasing maturity from bottom to top of each crypt. ISCs are present at base of each crypt and they give rise to transit–amplifying cells (TA).These transit–amplifying cells divide actively 4–5 times, approximately after every 12 hours. Further, these cells differentiate to form – enterocytes, goblet cells and entroendocrine cells. ISCs differentiate to form Paneth cells towards the base of crypt (Marshman et al., 2002). ISCs were first identified by BrDU label retention method (Cheng and Leblond, 1974). After 30 years, Clevers and colleagues identified ISCs at single cell resolution by lineage tracing. They found that Lgr5 gene, encoding the leucine–rich repeat–containing G–protein coupled receptor 5, is expressed in ISCs and LGR5+ cells give rise to all four different kind of intestinal epithelial cells (Barker et al., 2007).In addition, LGR5+ cells cultured in vitro give rise to organoid expressing all the markers of intestinal epithelium (Sato et al., 2009). Potential stem cell niche for ISCs consist of Paneth cells, dispersed in between ISCs. In vitro, growth ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. What Is Nonpathogenic Intestinal Amebae? Introduction Nonpathogenic intestinal amebae are single–celled organisms that can live in your intestine without causing illness, even if you have a weak body defense system (immune system). These amebae are part of the Entamoeba species. These organisms are also called protozoa. What are some common nonpathogenic amebae? Species of nonpathogenic amebae include: Entamoeba coli. Entamoeba hartmanni. Entamoeba polecki. Entamoeba dispar. Where do these parasites live in the body? All amebae of this type live inside your large intestine (colon). Your colon is at the end of your digestive system. That is where water is absorbed and stool is formed. Nonpathogenic amebae can live in your colon for years. How does infection with nonpathogenic intestinal amebae happen? ... Show more content on ... If amebae get into the soil or water, they can contaminate food grown in the soil. This often happens in areas where human waste is used as a fertilizer. The organisms can then get into your digestive system when you eat food or drink water contaminated with parasites. People who are shedding amebae in their stool can also pass the amebae to others if they do not wash their hands after going to the bathroom and then they handle food eaten by others. Do I need to seek care if I think I might be infected with one or more of these parasites? Nonpathogenic intestinal amebae do not cause any signs or symptoms. If you have symptoms, it means something else is causing your illness. Contact your health care provider if you are not feeling well or if you have symptoms or signs of another intestinal infection. These symptoms can include: Diarrhea. Abdominal cramps or pain. Nausea or ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Helminths Are Parasitic Worms As stated by Pawar et al. (2014), Helminths are parasitic worms that contribute to the global burden of diseases of human infections that frequently spreads in developing countries. World Health Organization (WHO) [Date Unknown] estimated 2 billion people with helminthic infection and this population was suggested to get medicine to expel and kill the helminths from the human body. Ascaris is an intestinal parasite of humans and pigs. It is the most common human worm infection. The larvae and adult worms live in the small intestine and can cause intestinal disease (CDC) [Date Unknown]. While people infected with Ascaris often show no symptoms. If symptoms do occur they can be light and include abdominal discomfort. Heavy infections can cause ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Self-Medication In Wild Animals Research indicates that wild animals utilise aspects of their natural environment to self–medicate in at least three ways. The use of rough plants as a type of intestinal scour is a prevalent technique for the removal of internal parasites. Some animals also poison their internal parasites by ingesting toxic plants found in their natural habitat. In addition, in order to neutralise toxins in the plants they eat, some wild animals engage in geophageous behaviour. A widespread method of self–medication in wild animals is the use of abrasive plants to purge the digestive system. Research conducted on two continents shows that some wild animals deliberately consume plants whose leaves are covered with microscopic hooks which scour the intestines. ... Show more content on ... Geophagy is the consumption of soil, and in wild animals this practice has the effect of neutralising the defensive poisons produced by plants. For instance, researchers discovered that some tropical birds practise geophagy when they consume seeds that contain alkaloids, which are toxic. In an experiment with seed–eating macaws scientists discovered a direct link between the consumption of clay and the reduction of alkaloids in the birds' bloodstreams. Furthermore, the leaves of many tropical plants contain high levels of toxins, and scientists have observed that herbivores in tropical regions regularly consume clay. Elephants, for example, only cease consumption of clay during specific times of the year when their diet changes from leaves to fruit. As a result, researchers have concluded that these wild animals ingest clay in order to neutralise the poisons contained in the plants they ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Three Types Of Pollution That Affect Humans And Animals I think that the topic pollution is a very important topic to talk about, here is why I think so. There is quite a few types of pollution in the world, but the three main ones I want to address are the types of pollution that affect Humans and animals. The three main types of pollution that can negatively affect humans and animals are air, water, and soil pollution. Air pollution is a type of pollution that occurs when harmful substances, including particulates and biological molecules are introduced into Earth's atmosphere. There is a lot of chemicals that get released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned; the effects that these chemicals have on our bodies when inhaled can be very detrimental to our health and well being. A few things that can occur when we breathe in polluted air are; firstly, you are put at a higher risk of respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. Second, exposure to higher levels of particle pollution have been shown to correspond to higher risks of heart complications. Third, immune system, endocrine, and reproductive system damage; which can lead to future health complications. Four, when living in an area with lots of air pollution you are being put at higher risks for cancer. The pollutants in the air mostly contain of carcinogens; "any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that is an agent directly involved in causing cancer." Five, contact with the air pollution can lead to neurobehavioral problems and premature death. These are a few of the main effects that air pollution has on humans. Air pollution can also negatively affect animals, here are a few ways on how it can. The first way that air pollution can negatively affect animals are from acid rain. Acid rain is an acidic form of rain, meaning that it contains high levels of hydrogen ions; having a low pH balance of around 5.7. The acid rain can destroy the life of fish in lakes and streams. The second way that air pollution can negatively affect animals are, extreme ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation is the portion of the EM (electromagnetic) spectrum between X–rays and visible light. When extreme UV radiation is coming from the sun through the ozone layer (in the upper atmosphere), it can ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Cercariae Enter The Body: A Case Study Cercariae enter the body through unbroken skin and it passes through the lining of the mouth or gastrointestinal track. When in the body the worm penetrates the nearest vein to travel to the liver, where they grew and mature. When they mature in the liver, they pair up male and female to travel to the intestines and or bladder to lay eyes. A high content of eggs in tissues causes severe problems for the individuals with the condition. The disease mostly affects the liver and the spleen, it causes both of these organs to swell or in other words it causes enlargement. It makes sense for the liver and spleen to swell, considering that the worms stay and mature in the liver. Katayama is a symptom associated with the disease; the signs and symptoms are fever, feeling tire, and bronchospasm (Sherwood, 2012). There are two types of schistomosomiasis, the intestinal and urinary track. Large amount of worm eggs in the intestinal wall cause immune respond which led to ... Show more content on ... Large numbers of eosinophil cells in the blood stream is necessary to diagnosis Schistomosomiasis, because they immune cells are involve with responding to parasitic activities in the body. Before doctors can treat for schismosomiasis, they have to be certain that the patient have the parasites living inside of them. Schistome reproduce by producing thousand of eggs daily, so doctors examine patient urine and feces for the eggs. Tissue biopsy can be order alone with a blood sample; doctors look at the blood sample to find particular antigen that stimulated immune response (Ferrara, 2010). There is one problem with testing the patient's blood, which is the test, could show negative if the patient has been exposure to the parasite less then six months. Ultrasound, computed tomography scan (CT scan), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to detect damage to the urinary track and blood vessels (Mawyer, ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. How Roundworms Can Affect Women's Fertility There are many factors that can effect women's fertility, such as health problems, weight and generics. When a couple is trying to conceive many doctors and health care professionals will tell their patients to continue trying for about a year. If the couple has tried for a year without any positive results, they may need to consult their professional once more and see what their options are. For many years IVF, has been one of the only methods women can try to become pregnant. That is no longer the case, researchers have found that different parasitic worms such as roundworms can alter a woman's immune system. Increasing their chances of becoming pregnant. In a recent study with 986 indigenous women in Bolivia it indicated a lifetime of roundworm ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Diseases Caused By The Protozoan Parasites Cryptosporidium... Introduction Parasites are organisms which live in close association to a host organism, the relationship is non–mutualistic, in which the parasite benefits and the host incurs costs. (Roberts & Janovy, 2008) The costs range from a visible form of reduced fecundity or survival, but also more subtly such as reduced attractiveness, leading to reduced mating success (Ebert, 2005). This essay will concentrate on two diseases caused by the protozoan parasites Cryptosporidium parvum and Toxoplasma gondii. Cryptosporidium parvum is an apicomplexan parasite that exhibits a faecal–oral type life style. (Wiser, 2011) C. parvum causes the disease cryptosporidiosis, which infects the mammalian intestinal tract, specifically the distal small intestine. Moreover, it can also affect the respiratory tract in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent hosts. (Tzipori, 2014). Also, Toxoplasma gondii causes Toxoplasmosis, which predominantly is asymptomatic, however it can cause flu–like symptoms and eye problems in a small number of hosts (Hunter & Sibley, 2012). Biology Cryptosporidium parvum C.parvum is one of many Cryptosporidium species which can infect humans. the beginning of the life cycle starts with the ingestion of the C. parvum oocysts which can be seen in Figure 1 as stage 3. Once ingested the oocysts migrate with other ingested material along the digestive tract. Until it reaches the intestine, here it releases sporozoites (stage A & B) these sporozoites move the intestinal ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Coccidiosis Essay A parasitic disease occus when the animal is affected by the prescence of a parasite. An example of this disease is Coccidiosis is a highly contagious sporozoal infection in rabbits, with low prognosis of healing. It is caused by a protozoal parasite, Eimeria sp. As many as 25 species of coccidia have been observed in the gastrointestinal tract of the rabbit; it should, however, be noted that in some cases, one and the same coccidia has been given several names. Eimeria sp. parasites are highly host, organ and tissue specific and do rarely represent a zoonotic danger for human beings.Healthy rabbits can be asymptomatic "carriers" of the protozoa. The oocysts (eggs), shed with the feces, will contaminate the environment, food and water. Although ... Show more content on ... Oocysts are able to survive and remain infectious for longer than even one year. This is dependent on the oocysts being in favourable conditions, that is to say a warm and humid environment. Some rabbits act only as carriers of this infectious disease and present no signs or symptoms to show that they are or have become infected. Rabbits tend to have more severe signs or symptoms as the number of coccidian parasites within them increases. The signs and symptoms can vary depending on whether the disease is a hepatic or an intestinal infection. Other affected rabbits can lose their appetite and lose weight. They may also have diarrhea which will be very soft, watery, or even jelly–like. Another suggested sign is a "pot–bellied" appearance as well as pain in the abdomen. The rabbit may become dehydrated and present signs of weakness. Some rabbits collapse when heavily infected with the coccidian parasites. Younger rabbits may experience stunted growth and poor coat condition. The intestinal forms of the disease are thought to be the most dangerous to the rabbit's health as death is more ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Diarrheal Research Paper Diarrheal is an intestinal disorder in which an individual is induced to frequently release fecal. This consistent fluid loss leads to dehydration and nutrient loss. If an individual is not able to replace the loss in due amount of time, this can eventually lead to death. Nevertheless, although it may seem diarrheal (the constant release of fecal) is the cause of painful effects, it is not. Rather diarrhea is a mechanism the body uses to get rid of the harmful bacteria (pathogen) inside the body. The pathogen is typically presented in the water and food one consumes, and is injected in the body. This infection known as amoebiasis is most prevalent in developing countries, because water sanitation may not be fully adhered to be taken action for. It is estimated that there are 50,000,000 infections and 100,000 deaths are caused by ... Show more content on ... Researchers such as Ralston and colleagues supported the hypothesis that trogocytosis is a mechanism in which cells receive nutrition from other cells, however, in the transaction parasites and host cells, the parasites virulence is enhanced killing the host cells. In the processes of amoebiasis, ingested E. histolytica settles in the colon of the individual, releases its mucus and interacts with the exposed enterocyte cells lining in colon causing cell death by lysis. Other models suggested that parasite attached themselves to host cells in order to kill through unclear mechanism involving releasing substances into the cell membranes. Additionally there was also a model indicating that pathogens engulf and ingest dying enterocytes by phagocytosis. However, this latter model is not consistent with the finding that parasites nibble on host cells through consistent actions causing cell death, then moving on once death is ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Giardiasis: Acute Or Chronic Diarrheal Disease I. Disease Biology An intestinal infection that is found worldwide, Giardiasis is one of the most prevalent waterborne diseases in the United States and many other parts of the world. Often a major diarrheal disease, Giardia is caused by an aquatic, microscopic parasite found globally, however it most often found in regions of poor sanitation that only have access to unsafe water. Few examples of symptoms that are common with Giardiasis are asymptomatic colonization or acute or chronic colonization or acute/chronic diarrheal illness. The illness itself represents a zoonosis that has the potential to infect both animals and humans and it includes Giardia intestinalis, G muris, G agilis, G psittaci, G ardeae, and G microti. Giardiasis in humans ... Show more content on ... An extreme example would be Western Nepal where there is the highest prevalence of G intestinalis of 73.4%. Mortality, on the other hand, is extremely rare in all parts of the world since the only severe, debilitating consequences of giardiasis are malnutrition and dehydration which are easily ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Giardia Strains The overall complexity of the strains and assemblages of giardia makes researching and understanding this species extremely challenging. In this case strains refer to Giardia agilis, Giardia muris, and Giardia lamblia. To identify between the three main giardia strains (Giardia agilis, Giardia muris, and Giardia lamblia) requires scientists to look at tiny structural details to determine what specific strain they are dealing with (Feely and Erlandsen, 1985). For example: Giardia agilis has a more elongated body in comparison to the other two strains (Feely and Erlandsen, 1985). Giardia muris is increasingly difficult to distinguish from Giardia lamblia therefore they typically observe its preferred host (Finch, Black, Labatiuk, Gyurek, & Belosevic, ... Show more content on ... It is widely accepted and known that the parasite causes abnormal responses within the body leading to cases of diarrhea (Adam, 1991). A simple explanation of diarrhea is the loose and foul–smelling bowel movements, including actual excretion (Adam, 1991). Diarrhea can begin once the giardia cyst(s) is ingested into the human body and travels through the digestive tract and reproduces in the small intestine (Adam, 1991; Gillin and Reiner, 1996). However, the estimated number of giardia cysts needed to be ingested to result in diarrhea is 10 cysts and the symptoms typically occur 6 to 15 days after initial ingestion, making it extremely difficult to determine the form(s) of transfer mechanisms involved (Ankarklev et al., 2010). The time lapse is needed to allow for cyst and trophozoite reproduction and growth (excystation) to overwhelm the body and cause the diarrhea (Ankarklev et al., 2010). In addition, the host cannot become immune to the giardia parasite and therefore infections can occur regardless of previous exposure (Adam, ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Symbiosis: Relationship Between Clownfish And Sea Anemone From clownfish and sea anemone, to barnacles and whales, to mosquitos and mammals, organisms are constantly exhibiting symbiosis. Simply put, symbiosis can be described as a close and typically long–term relationship between two different biological organisms involving physical and/or biochemical contact. Some symbiotic interactions may be facultative, or optional, while other interactions may be obligate, or essential to the survival of both organisms (Yukalov et al., 2012). The main types of symbiotic relationships include mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. Mutualism is the relationship between two individuals of different species in which both individual species benefit. The aforementioned clownfish and sea anemone share a mutualistic relationship. The clownfish provides the anemone protection against anemone–eating fish and, in return, the anemone provides a home for the clownfish safe from predators. Commensalism is the relationship between two organisms of different species in which one organism benefits while the other is unaffected (Yukalov et al., 2012). An example of a commensalism interaction is that ... Show more content on ... In doing so, this thereby increases the immune sensitivity as well as the intensity of infection within the host. This may be a result of host tradeoffs. Infection by Dipylidium caninum can cause a loss of protein mass in the host and the subsequent malnourishment, if severe enough, can impair the ability of the host immune system to fight off the infection. This could, therefore, be considered a lose–lose situation. As the host allocates more of its body resources to its immunity to fight off the parasitic infection, its other key body functions may suffer due to negligence and insufficient resources. At the same time, the parasite must be careful not to ultimately kill its host if it is to reproduce and complete its life cycle (East et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. What Is Tapeworm? Tapeworms Diphyllobothrium Cobbold, 1858 commonly called "broad tapeworms" or "fish tapeworms," have been known as intestinal parasites of humans for a long time. Diphyllobothrium is a genus of tapeworm that can cause Diphyllobothriasis in humans through consumption of raw or undercooked fish. The principal species causing diphyllobothriosis is Diphyllobothrium , known as the fish tapeworm. The fish tapeworm has a long documented history of infecting people who eats fish on a regular and especially those who consume raw or undercooked fish. In the 1970s, most of the known cases of diphyllobothriasis came from Europe (5 million cases), and Asia (4 million cases). There is no specific date when Diphyllobothrium species were discovered in humans, but it is clear that diphyllobothriasis has been in human populations for a very long time. Due to the changing diet habits in many parts of ... Show more content on ... But, these small intermediate hosts can be eaten by larger predators such as; trout, perch, and pike. By this happening the sparganum can go to the musculature of the larger predator, which can be fish and mammals. Then the human can catch the diphyllobothariasis disease by eating the infected host fish raw or undercooked. After ingestion of the infected fish, the plerocercoids develop into immature adults and then into mature adult. The adult worms can reach more than 10 meters long. Several of tapeworms regularly detach from the main body of the worm (that's where they get their name tapeworm from).They then release immature eggs in fresh water to start the cycle all over again. A tapeworm can live up to 20 ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Worms And Parasites Research Paper One of the significant wellbeing issues influencing individuals around the globe today is contaminations brought about by parasites. We acknowledge that our pets have worms and parasites and those they should be "de–wormed". When you consider what number of individuals are presented to pets every day, and what number of go to underdeveloped nations which have genuine worm and parasite pervasions, it's hard to comprehend why we have such trouble tolerating that North Americans and Europeans additionally have worms and parasites? Indications of Parasites inside a Human Body Indications of disease incorporate less convincing manifestations, for example, a runny nose, evening time eagerness and rankles on the lower lip, inside the mouth. In the event that you get to be contaminated, be set up for an unpleasant time. Contaminated people may feel bloated, drained and ... Show more content on ... It is extremely well known for annihilating yeast and enhancing skin condition. Begin with 1 teaspoon up to 3 times day by day around 30 minutes before every feast Vitamin C As you probably are aware, vitamin C is a magnificent cell reinforcement and safe framework supporter, in this manner, it is additionally useful in evacuating yeast and parasites. Take 5,000 mg (5 grams) every day spread out in 2–3 measurements. Try not to devour a lot of Vitamin C since it might bring about free solid discharges, particularly when yeast and parasites are being expelled. Coconut oil Coconut Oil is actually against contagious and extremely supporting to the body. Consider taking a few tablespoons a day extra as an antifungal backing. This will likewise bolster the hormones and conceptive framework. To make it simpler to take, break up a few tablespoons in a hot tea of decision and beverage. Garlic Slash 1–2 cloves of garlic and beverage in some water before ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Causes And Treatment Of Cryptosporidium Species Are... Cryptosporidium species are intestinal protozoan parasites with a worldwide distribution, responsible for diarrheal disease in a large number of vertebrate hosts including humans, and zoonotic infection has long been acknowledged, as it is life–threatening in immunocompromised patients (Current et al., 1983). The disease has a faecal–oral cycle, occurring with the ingestion of infecting oocystes, which have environmental resistance. Separate anthroponotic and zoonotic transmission cycles have been identified (Casemore and Jackson, 1984) and infection is maintained by several routes: direct person–to–person transmission, animal–to–person contact either directly or indirectly and by ingestion of contaminated food, fomites and especially drinking and recreational water (Atherton et al., 1995; Casemore, 1990; Gallaher et al., 1989; Joce et al., 1991; Meinhardt et al., 1996). To date it is considered one of the most difficult to control waterborne microorganism and contaminated water represents the major source of human infection (Fayer, 2004; Ramirez et al., 2004). Waterborne outbreaks in human from agricultural sources have long been ascribed to cattle due the high prevalence of C. parvum in calves, however it is still debated whether sheep might have an epidemiological role for zoonotic transmission (Robertson, 2009). Species within the genus Cryptosporidium have been traditionally classified upon host range, oocyst morphology and site of infection and infections from farm ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Bowtrol Research Paper Introduction. Bowtrol is a dietary supplement whose primary purpose is to get rid of accumulated dirt, unwanted feces and excess toxins from the intestinal tract, commonly known as colon cleansing. Many people have labeled Bowtrol as the best detoxifier ever got. Usually, there has not been compelling scientific evidence on benefits of colon cleansing. However, people using Bowtrol have had their weight lost within no time. This article outline all you need to know regarding Bowtrol. What is Bowtrol's response to Constipation? Constipation is a big problem affecting many people all over the globe. The problem occurs due to lack of the required number of bowel movements caused by problems in the digestive system. Some of the causes include; ... Show more content on ... One should consume foods with much fiber and low–fat content. These foods may include, vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread and multi–grain bread. The best approach is to have an eating plan on diets to maintain good health while still cleaning the colon. In case the user is not very sure on the proper usage, he/she should promptly seek doctor's advice before making an attempt at using it. What You Get After a Bowtrol Colon Cleanse Enhanced absorption of nutrients By treating the colon, the bodies overall absorption of nutrients is improved. Colon clogged with dirt and other substances make absorption almost impossible. Bowtrol Cleanse facilitate the removal of these toxins from the colon making the intestines absorb nutrients maximally. Eradication of Gases and Bloating Bowtrol helps eradicate unwanted gasses and bloating. Bloating occur as a result of toxins remaining in the colon for a long time. When the colon holds toxins for months, it can cause intolerable gas and bloating ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. The Economic Impact Of Amoebic Dysentery There are no definitive metrics on the economic impact of amoebic dysentery. The disease mostly afflicts children in farming communities whose source of drinking water are streams, rivers and ponds. Knowledge of the economic cost of diarrheal diseases in the developing countries, on the other hand, offers rough estimates of the cost of amoebic dysentery. It worth mentioning that about 40% of the diarrheal diseases in the developing countries is attributable to amoebic dysentery according to a paper presented at the 28th African Health Sciences Congress, Mauritius, July, 2008. A study done at a Dr. George Mukhari Hospital, a tertiary level hospital, Gauteng, South Africa, estimates the total hospital and professional cost ... Show more content on ... The latter, facilitated by specific lectin, adhere to and colonize the intestinal mucosa. The usual incubation period for Amoebiasis is about 10 days, but it can range from a few days to years. Patients present with cramping abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, weight loss and fever. Fulminant colitis with systemic manifestations is rare. It presents with a sudden onset of severe bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, and peritonitis with fever. young age, pregnancy, corticosteroid and impaired immunity are disposing factors. Life threatening intestinal perforation and toxic Megacolon may ensue, necessitating surgical intervention. Mortality from fulminant colitis may reach 50 %. Untreated intestinal Amoebiasis may proceed to chronic colitis presenting with recurring bloody diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. From the intestinal mucosa E. Histolytica trophozoites follow two paths. Some of them develop into cysts and get excreted in the feces to be recycled while others invade the intestinal mucosa and enter the bloodstream. Blood circulation enables the parasite to disseminate, invade and destroy the liver, lung, and other organs. Breakdown of tissues is a result of both cytolysis and apoptosis. The former is carried out by Amoebapores, a group of peptides secreted by the organism that are capable of creating holes in the cell walls. The parasite induces apoptosis through both a1 receptor pathway and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Case Analysis Using The Eight-Step Model Of Merck And... Case Analysis Using the Eight–Step Model – Merck and River Blindness As chairman of Merck & Co., I must discuss the unfortunate case of onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness. As a leading pharmaceutical company, we must make a difficult decision. Our company may hold a cure to a deadly parasitic disease that has caused hundreds of thousands of people to go blind and many more have become severely ill. This disease is caused by black flies which carry parasitic worms which then bite human hosts infecting them. This parasitic disease affects people in multiple developing countries. One of our drugs, Ivermectin, may hold the cure and future research. We must utilize our advancements in this proposed project for the greater good. Using the Eight Steps to Sound Ethical Decision Making, this will ... Show more content on ... Merck & Co. believe that we have a cure for this parasitic disease using one of previously produced drugs for horses – Ivermectin. Ivermectin has shown that it can kill a similar parasite in the horses, although it has not been fully tested on humans. We have a concern about testing the product and launching it because the countries where this disease is active are some of the poorest in the world. How would they purchase it? Consequentialist Perspective – From the consequentialist view point, there are many who will be profoundly affected if the drug is not produced by Merck & Co. Innumerable people will go blind and thus will greatly affect their quality of life. As stated, the parasites cause unbearable itching, which has led some people to commit suicide. Furthermore, these outcomes will affect more than the infected person. It will consequentially impair the lives of their loved ones. Undoubtedly, people with blindness can live a somewhat normal life, although they will also have to rely on others to provide aid with daily ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Lungworm Research Paper Angiostrongylus vasorum is the scientific name for the parasite we call the lungworm. If these tiny worms go undetected, the dog will die. They are also skinny and pink, and around 14 to 20 millimeters long .Found not just in dogs but also the red fox,african desert fox,crab eating zorro, horay fox and finally the dog. The general life cycle of a lungworm begins with an ingestion of infective larvae. The infective larvae then penetrate the intestinal wall . From here larvae migrate into the lungs through the bloodstream. The infected larvae reside in the lungs until the development into an adult lungworm It changes behavior of the dog. The animal can start having breathing problems, poor blood clotting, and general sickness. Because the ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. B Hominis: A Case Study The lifecycle of the B. Hominis remains unclear up to this date ("Blastocystis," 2012). This is a thick–walled cyst that is present in stools ("Blastocystis," 2012). This parasite is transmitted through fecal–oral. This parasite can appear in many different forms like vacuolar and granular forms, mutlivacuolar and avacuolar forms, ameboid form, and cyst form ("Blastocystis Hominis," n.d.). The cyst form enters the epithelial cells of the digestive tract and it multiplies ("Blastocystis," 2012). Therefore, the vacuolar and ameboid form and then the vacuolar develops into a pre cyst ("Blastocystis," 2012). Later, it gives it a thin– wall cyst which tends to be the reason of the infection. The ameboid also gives a pre–cyst with a thick–wall by ... Show more content on ... Since, the FDA has not yet approved a set medication to treat B. hominis doctors will have to request some test to be done to determine what medication to prescribe ("Blastocystis," n.d.). For example, a fecal exam, endoscopy, and blood tests ("Blastocystis hominis infection," n.d.). Having a fecal exam done is the most common form of exam to determine the presence of B. hominis. Treating B. hominis can vary from person to person. If a case is mild there is no need to worry, since there is no harm being done to you, and it will go away as time goes on. But, if it is a severe case a doctor may prescribe antibiotics like metronidazole (used to treat bacteria in the stomach), tinidazole (used to treat bacteria in the intestines), sufamethoxazole plus trimethoprim (are combined together to treat traveler's diarrhea), paromomycin (used to treat intestinal infections) and nitazoxanide (used to treat diarrhea) ("Blastocystis hominis infection," ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Vibrio Cholera Epidemic As for cholera epidemic that cause environmental factors that promote the growth of bacterial accumulation and plagued humanity. Its an acute diarrheal infection caused by bacterium Vibrio cholera, which provokes disease in humans. "Vibrio cholera is a slightly curved gram negative rod with single polar flagellum. Cholera bacilli grows in the small intestine and produce an exotoxin, cholera toxin that cause hosts cells to secrete water and electrolytes, as well as potassium" [16]. It results in watery diarrhea and vomiting, if not treated it can cause a massive lost in bodily fluids that will cause dehydration, hypovolemic shock and death. As well as, rapid heart rate, loss of skin elasticity, dry mucous membranes, low blood pressure, thirst ... Show more content on ... Just like any other disease, crypto has some similar symptoms which includes watery diarrhea, stomach cramps, upset stomach, slight fever and you begin to lose weight. These symptoms take 2 to 10 days till it actually begins to show after the person has been infected. The disease begins to weaken your immune system just like AIDS/HIV which can lead to a life or death situation. Crypto can be spread through contaminated drinks and food, as well as putting things in your mouth after being in contact with bowel movement of another person or even an animal whom already has crypto. Not only so, but the infection is originally caused by swallowing the parasite, when it is swallowed and the parasite goes inside the intestine the parasite comes out of its shell, and begins to multiply. There are drugs that can be used to reduce the symptoms, but there is no hundred percent drug treatment that cures this disease. This drug is known as aminoglycoside antibiotic; it stops the growth of parasites inside of the intestines [12]. If the individual whom have the infection of crypto still has a healthy immune system and still have watery diarrhea they would be given IV fluids and antidiarrheal drugs, to stop the diarrhea and keep the body hydrated. It can be prevented through having good hygiene, being washed hands after using the restroom, after changing diapers, before preparing and eating food, after coming in contact with animals or soil as well as infected people ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Causes And Treatment Of Cryptosporidium Species Are... Cryptosporidium species are intestinal protozoan parasites with a worldwide distribution, responsible for diarrheal disease in a large number of vertebrate hosts including humans, whose infection has long been acknowledged as it is life threatening in immunocompromised patients (Current et al., 1983). The disease has a faecal–oral cycle, occurring with the ingestion of infecting oocysts, which have environmental resistance. Separate anthroponotic and zoonotic transmission cycles have been identified (Casemore and Jackson, 1984) and infection is maintained by several routes: direct person–to–person transmission, animal–to–person contact, either directly or indirectly, and by ingestion of contaminated food and especially drinking and ... Show more content on ... parvum (Angus, 1983). However, molecular characterization has recently allowed a taxonomic review of the different species and genotypes, and its value in order to better understanding the disease's epidemiology and transmission is fully recognized. Since then, research has found remarkable evidence of genetic heterogeneity among isolates of Cyptosporidium from different hosts (Morgan et al., 1999) with some species displaying a high level of host adaptation, whereas some others have a wider host range (Xiao et al., 2002). Nineteen species of Cryptosporidium and more than forty genotypes have currently been characterized (Fayer, 2010). Molecular analysis of human cases worldwide have shown that over 90% of human infections are caused by C. parvum and C. hominis, although their distribution depends on geographical areas and socio–economical aspects (Xiao et al., 2008). The latter is exclusive to humans and it is prevalent in developing countries whereas C. parvum has a broader host range including livestock and wildlife, that serve as reservoirs for zoonotic infection especially in developed countries (Peng et al., 1997; Xiao, 2010). Other species detected in humans are C. meleagradis (McLauchlin et al., 2000; Morgan et al., 2000), C. felis (Raccurt, 2007), C. canis (Santin and Trout, 2008; Gatei et al., 2008) and C. ubiquitum (ex cervine genotype) (Leoni et al., 2006). In the UK it is reported that C. parvum is ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. What Are Companion Parasites Companion Animals and their Companion Parasites 1. Abstract Companion animals and their parasites are discussed. Dog parasites are given majority of the focus with some information on what parasites are exactly as well as how they can be transmitted. One parasite is given more of an insight, the roundworm, it is a parasite common to dogs but it can also be found in cats, humans and many other species. 2. Introduction Companion animals are the hosts for many different parasites. Animal parasitism is a way of life in which a parasite species is living in or on a host species to support its livelihood (Olsen, Animal Parasites Their Life Cycles and Ecology, 1974). As the host species will cater for the parasites needs in terms of food and ... Show more content on ... Several sub topics can be identified when discussing companion animals and their companion parasites. One of which focuses particularly on dogs, what parasites they are susceptible to, how they fall victim to these parasites, how to identify and treat them, which is the most common parasite to dogs and can dogs pass their parasites to other animals or possibly even humans. The most common parasite found in dogs is the roundworm (Ascaris Lumbricoides). Roundworm will typically affect puppies before they are born when in the womb, or after they are born when drinking their mother's milk. When drinking the mother's milk the puppy is actually consuming larvae of the parasite in the form of very small eggs. Roundworm can only be transmitted passively. This means that they will need to be consumed by the next host if transmitted to another dog. The dog could contract the parasite through eating another small mammal that has an infestation such as a mouse or bird. Figure 1 – Image showing the lifecycle of the roundworm in a dog host, notice how the parasite is adapted to be transmitted externally from one host to the next, this must mean that the parasite is also adapted to survive in unfavourable conditions while waiting to obtain another host. ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. How Parasitology Is A Very Important Area Of The... Parasitology is a very important area of the microbiology clinical laboratory of NYU Langone Medical Center. Medical technologists perform many different types of assays and observe countless samples under the microscope in order to detect the presence of any parasites causing infections. Parasitology is the study of parasitic organisms that cause disease within humans. Parasites are defined as organisms that live in or on another organism and uses its resources. The major groups of parasitic organisms studied and observed in the clinical laboratory are helminths, protozoa, and arthropods. Helminths are worm parasites and this group contains the parasitic subgroups nematodes, cestodes and trematodes. Nematodes are roundworms, cestodes are tapeworms, and trematodes are flukes. There are thousands of different species of helminths. Protozoa contains organelles within their cell. There are more than 50,000 species and are very common throughout the world. Arthropods are organisms with a chitin cytoskeleton, such as fleas, ticks, spiders, and insects. Although parasitic infections are most often associated with tropical areas they can also occur in subtropical and more temperate areas, even places such as New York City. Billions of people all over the world have fallen prey to parasitic infections. People who live, work, visit, or immigrate from more remote and underdeveloped parts of the world are at a higher risk of acquiring parasitic infections. The level of symptoms ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. A Research Study On The Bird Family Cuculidae One of the biggest investments in a species life goes towards reproducing and raising offspring. Most species will spend lots of time, energy, and resources into raising their offspring and can be costly to their own survival. Although some parents will risk about anything to successfully raise their young and increase their fitness. How much time and energy is spent on raising offspring greatly varies among species and mostly depends on their evolutionary history. Brood parasitism is a mischievous way for a parent to avoid raising its own young, which can provide many advantages. However, this behavior has not always been so advantageous and has been shaped through environmental pressures. The bird family Cuculidae has perhaps the most diverse breeding strategies within any other bird species and has long puzzled biologists (Rothstein, 1990). One of the major breeding strategies within the Cuculidae family is brood parasitism. Brood parasitism is the manipulation of a host, of either the same species or a different species, to raise its young (Soler and Møller, 1996). This widely practiced behavior within the Cuculidae family of birds has been shaped due to environmental changes and coevolutionary relationships with other bird species (Briskie et. al, 1992). Among the 136 species of Cuckoo birds, 53 of them perform brood parasitism (Krüger and Davies, 2002). Of these 53 species, the most widespread within all of Europe is the Cuculus conorus, which is know as the common ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Tapeworm Essay A parasite is an organism that lives in another organism, called the host, and often harms it. It is dependent on its host for survival and it has to be in the host to live, grow and multiply. A parasite cannot live independently. Although a parasite rarely kills the host, in some cases it can happen. To a certain extent, if a parasite does kill its host it has failed as this means it will need to find a new home. The parasite benefits at the expense of the host, the parasite uses the host to gain strength, and the host loses some strength as a result. And one of these parasites is the tapeworm, also called cestodes, are a class of parasitic worms that have a flat, ribbon–like body and live in the digestive system of their hosts. Tapeworms ... Show more content on ... Traveling to developing countries, infection occurs more frequently in areas with poor sanitation practices. Eating raw or undercooked meats, improper cooking may fail to kill tapeworm eggs and larvae contained in contaminated pork or beef. Living in endemic areas, in certain parts of the world, exposure to tapeworm eggs is more likely. For instance, your risk of coming into contact with eggs of the pork tapeworm (Taenia solium) is greater in areas of Latin America, China, sub–Saharan Africa or Southeast Asia where free–range pigs are common. It is transmitted to pigs through human faeces or contaminated fodder, and to humans through uncooked or undercooked pork. Pigs ingest embryonated eggs, morula, which develop into larvae, the oncospheres, and ultimately into infective larvae, cysticerci. A cysticercus grows into an adult worm in human small intestines. Infection is generally harmless and asymptomatic. However, accidental infection in humans by the larval stage causes cysticercosis. The most severe form is neurocysticercosis, which affects the brain and is a major cause of ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Protozoa Disorders Intestinal parasites can cue many problems to the body and are ever single celled called protozoa or worms that inhabit the large intestine. These live off the bowel content or the blood of the gut wall to live and cause a range of symptoms such as bloating, flatulence, abdominal cramps and fatigue. These are passed on through faecal matter or contaminated water. Protozoa are one–celled organisms example Giadia species ,Crptosporidium , cyclospora which cause inflammation and restricts absorption of nutrients. There is also Protozoa (entamoeba hystolytica) which lives in the large colon Intestinal worms such as hook worms ,roundworms ,whipworms ,tapeworms and flukes range in there size from tiny organisms just millimetres long to several meters long . They also ... Show more content on ... It should also be noted worms can be present with out any signa at all Candia is found naturally in are gut although it is a parasite and serves no useful purpose and is faily harmless most of the time .its the same organism that causes thrush in the mouth or vagina and skin conditions like athlete foot . Candia can however proliferate and cause problems in the bowel . this can be caused by the over consumption of processed carbohydrates which is the perfect condition s for Candia to grow along with certain medications such as contraceptive pill antibiotics hormones steroids. Symptoms include Arthritis , asthma , bronchitis, bloating, constipation, fibromyalgia anxiety or panic attacks ,headaches and so on the list is large. Candia can also result from food intolerances and dramatic weight loss or gain fluctuations, ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Evolution And Adaptive Value Of Brood Parasitism Within... The Evolution and Adaptive Value of Brood Parasitism within Cuckoo Birds. Abstract Brood parasitism is a unique behavior performed by some species that tricks another host species into raising its young. This is a fairly common behavior among the Cuculidae family of which 53 of the 136 species perform brood parasitism. My question and what I hope to review within this paper is, what has caused brood parasitism, what has shaped it, and what are the adaptive values of Cuckoo brood parasitism? Within Cuckoo's, this strange behavior has ultimately been shaped through environmental pressures and has become advantageous. Ecological changes forced Cuckoo's to change migrational patterns, habitat, range size, and foraging, which lead to brood parasitism. Once brood parasitism arose, a coevolutionary arms race began between the Cuckoo's and hosts. Due to parasitic egg rejections, Cuckoo eggs that closely resembled host eggs were selected for, leading to higher success rates of the behavior. This gives Cuckoo's many advantageous', as there is no longer a need for investing time and energy into raising their young. Brood parasitism also gives Cuckoo's the advantage of exploiting diverse breeding habitats; reduced diet restraints, and foraging. Ultimately this behavior provides many benefits to Cuckoos and allows them successfully raise young while providing no parental care. Introduction One of the biggest investments in a species life goes towards reproducing and raising ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. The Discovery Of Giardia Lamblia Giardia lamblia was first discovered in 1681 by Dutch merchant and amateur scientist Anton Van Leeuwenhoek. Van Leeuwenhoek is thought to be the first person to observe live microorganisms through a simple single–lensed microscope. He found the parasite Giardia lamblia in his own stools. At the time of observation, he would make detailed drawings of what he found in which he referred to as animalcules. "These drawings have since been identified as representations of bacteria and protozoa" (p. 6). Dusan Lambl 1859 and Alfred Giard 1895 are honored in the naming of Giardia lamblia in 1915. Its role as a pathogenic organism was not recognized until the 1970s. Giardia lamblia is a unicellular eukaryotic protozoan organism, it is without mitochondria. G. lamblia is also referred to as Lamblia intestinalis and a few more. Most protozoa reproduce asexually and is true for G. lamblia which produces two trophozoite per cyst by binary fission. G. lamblia has two stages, a cyst stage and trophozoite stage. Meaning, if you ingested 10 cysts, soon they would reproduce and there will be 20 trophozoite in the intestines. The cyst stage helps the organism survive in its protective capsule. Giardia cysts can survive in water for up to 3 months, which makes the chances of acquiring at an increase. The trophozoite stage is its vegetative state, where the organism obtains its nourishment. Giardia lamblia's stages are very different to go along with its ability to thrive and survive. The ... Get more on ...