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Daniel Hopkins
Creative Media Production Briefs
Daniel Hopkins
The below work consists of different types of creative media production briefs. The quoted BLACK
text is the information I have sourced from the internet, while the RED text is my interpretation of
the description. For some of the briefs, I have sourced two definitions from the internet and more
often than not they are very similar. However, by having multiple sources, I was able to gain more
information about the different types of briefs.
“A contractual brief is a type of brief or contract where a media company is employed by the client
in order to complete a project within the brief which is set to specific guidelines which the media
company must follow. It will be very important for the media company to follow these guidelines
and do exactly what the client states within the brief, if they fail to do so this can result in a breach
of contract and the company could face legal actions”.
A contractual creative media production brief is a type of brief where a company is employed by a
client in order to complete a project. The brief will have specific guidelines in which the company
must follow. The company will have signed a contract which places the responsibility of the brief
into their hands, including the way it is produced. The company must follow the brief’s guidelines to
meet the client’s desires, as a failure to do so may result in a breach of contract. Subsequently, the
company could face legal action.
Company Promotional Video (NHS Trust/ Direct): In this scenario, I have been tasked with creating a
film that promotes the NHS Trust/ NHS Direct.
Communication: I would most likely be contacted first by the client via email, where they would
propose the idea for the project. Following up on this, emails would most likely be the primary form
of communication between me and the client for a while. However, as I would be working under a
contract, the company would most likely want to meet me in person. We would most likely have
several meetings during pre-production, so the client could get to know me and decide whether or
not to continue with the involvement. There would most likely be more meetings during production,
so the client knew what was being made and then could suggest changes. It is vital that I keep in
contact with the client during the production phases, as I must ensure that what I am doing is being
done with their approval and to the specifications of the contract. If I made any changes not written
in the contract and without telling them, I could face legal action. I would always keep in contact
with the client in case any major problems arisen. Phone calls would also be likely as a form of
communication during the various production stages, though meetings would be more likely to
ensure professionalism. By communicating in a professional way with the client, I would be gaining
experience in how to ensure relations with clients go smoothly. It would improve my social skills and
help me develop them for any future event.
Time Management: As I would be working under a contract, the client would want the project to be
completed by a certain date. To ensure I met this deadline, I would create a project schedule and
diary to personally monitor my progress. By utilizing software resources to allocate tasks and time
Daniel Hopkins
for myself, I would be able to gain experience in planning and preparation for a project. It would
greatly improve my time management skills and if any hindrances occurred, I would be able to learn
from them for future events. I would ensure everything I need is available when needed such as any
possible actors, assistants, equipment etc.
Technical Skills: I would be using cameras during production and would have to display confident
and professional camera skills. During the post-production phases of my video, I would be using
software such as Premiere Pro and After Effects, which would help me strengthen my skills for each
application. By gaining more experience and becoming more comfortable with the software, I would
then be able to produce better quality content.
Career Progression: The ability to work under a contracted brief would display my ability to work to
specifications in allotted times to potential employers. If my project was a success and the client
thought that I had done a suitable job, they could possibly hire me again for further work or even
refer me to other clients.
“A negotiated brief is where (usually) two parties have different ideas from each other but they both
have to come to a decision by compromising and making sure that both the parties are happy by the
decision. When there are more than two parties involved it allows more room for disagreement and
may result in incomplete work for the client”.
“This is when two parties (sometimes involving a third party, such as a ‘judge’, to preside over the
meeting) have opposing thoughts and a compromise has to be found that makes both sides content.
This brief is used when there is an element of the brief of the complete brief covers something that
both parties do not settle on, or need personal confirmation on. This brief is usually a head-on
debate or discussion, but could also be done over the telephone, or online chat (e.g. SKYPE or MSN).
They would also cover some type of confirmation like a contracted document or agreement or a
gesture (e.g. handshake)”.
Sources (respectively):
A negotiated brief is when two parties have differing views on the terms of the brief in question and
must find a compromise which leaves both content. This brief is used when the original brief has
elements that one or both of the parties disagree on and is subsequently in need of change. The
parties will meet and discuss their concerns about the current standing of the brief and will
negotiate an outcome that is suited to both parties. A third party may preside over the meeting, in
order to ensure the process is done fairly and results in a suitable brief.
Model photo-shoot: In this scenario, I have been hired by a small clothing brand to take images of
models in their clothing.
Communication: The client and I would most likely meet face-to-face in a meeting to give us both a
level platform where we could go into detail about our respective concerns. As the brief is
negotiated, we would have to have a lengthy discussion about how to advance the project which
would leave us both content and using phones, emails and social media may not allow for either of
Daniel Hopkins
us to be taken seriously or to be heard properly. In-person meetings and Skype would most likely be
the primary forms of communication. Depending on the circumstances of the project, due to the
brief being negotiated, I would have to keep in constant contact with the client in case of radically
changing factors. For example in the photo-shoot scenario, if a model did not turn up or I felt that
certain elements did not work, I would have to contact the client to discuss changes. The face-to-
face meetings would be greatly beneficial to my social and professional communication skills.
Time Management: Depending on the initial time allocated to me in which to complete the work, I
may negotiate more time. Due to the contract being negotiated the time given to me for this project
would likely be flexible. To ensure I met the deadline, I would most likely use production diaries and
schedules. However, I would have to be reasonable when negotiating a deadline, in order to ensure
that the client feels that I am the right person for the project.
Technical Skills: For this project, I would be using a camera to capture images of the models. I would
most likely research existing images beforehand and the photo-shoot itself would allow me to
demonstrate and improve my photography skills and techniques such as rule of thirds, shutter
speeds, ISO and f/stop settings. The post-production editing phase would also help me expand my
Photoshop skills through learning about new techniques via self-teaching and online sources.
Career Progression: If my work matched or exceeded the client’s expectations, they could possibly
hire me again for similar work or recommend me to another group or company. The likelihood of
them rehiring me in the event of good work is very likely, as it is improbable that they would use
resources to look for someone else.
“This is where a media company is given a brief by the client which outlines the product which they
want to be made. This brief is very open and only gives enough information to be able to produce
the product, any issues or information that the media company would like to go over can be
discussed during the negotiations with the client. Both the client and the company employed by
them will formally agree on the project and the brief but it cannot always be legally binding.”
A formal brief is a situation in which a client gives a company a brief which outlines the specifications
and requirements for the task which they want completed. The brief is open and certain elements of
it may be open to interpretation. A formal brief may be in order to give the company less restrictions
while producing and to give them greater creative control. Any problems that may arise from the
briefs scarce information may need to be discussed during negotiations, in order to clarify certain
things. Due to the nature of a formal brief, it cannot always be legally binding.
In the scenario I am using, I have been asked to create a podcast for a company that will be
broadcast and available for download on their website.
Communication: The information for a formal brief would most likely originally be sent via an email
to show the general specifications. However, face-to-face meetings would then be the likely form of
communication in order for any discrepancies about the brief to be discussed at length.
Time Management: A strict deadline which I must adhere to will be allocated for this task and in
order to ensure I meet it, I will use a production schedule to track my progress. Due to the brief not
necessarily being legally binding, the deadline may be slightly more relaxed and flexible than others.
Technical Skills: As I will be creating a podcast, I will be able to gain many skills during the various
phases of production. Firstly, I will be creating a script and creating ideas, which may result in me
Daniel Hopkins
using Celtx, Mindgenius and other applications. Next, I would be using a recording studio or
equipment of some kind to capture the audio. I would then have to upload it to a platform in which
to edit it (most likely reaper). Following this, I would upload it to either their website or a file-sharing
site from where they could get the embed code. Throughout the project, I would be regularly using
technical equipment and therefore gaining valuable experience with them. The software and
applications I used would help me expand my current knowledge with them.
Career Progression: As the podcast would clearly demonstrate my abilities to promote a company,
more people may request that I do similar work for them. The company that I created the podcast
for may also then use me for any future podcasts, in order to not use resources on finding someone
else. The podcast would also clearly demonstrate my technical skills for any potential clients. The
work would also show that I am able to work under a formal brief, which may appeal to possible
“An informal brief is not documented and is usually of the verbal kind. It is where the client and the
company which they have employed simply discuss the requirements for the product they will be
making and ultimately agrees upon the project.”
An informal brief is not usually documented but more often delivered verbally, from client to
working party/company. Instead of a specific document stating everything that needs to be done,
the client will say what they want and how they want it. This casual form of address allows for more
negotiable discussions and subsequent agreement upon the project.
In the following scenario, I have been tasked to write an article for a magazine.
Communication: Just like the type of brief, communication would most likely be very casual. As
stated in the above definition, the brief would most likely be issued verbally, with the company
telling me what they want from the article. Anything that would be needed to be clarified later on
could be done via a simple email or phone call. The relaxed nature of an informal brief would help
me develop my verbal and social skills, enabling me to gain experience for any future scenarios of
this kind.
Time Management: Magazines have strict deadlines in which they must go to print, and I must
ensure that my piece is sent to the publisher/editor in time for this. Having such a strict deadline will
allow me to control my time management more and plan various stages of my article. For example, I
would plan on how long to spend on initial ideas, the various drafts etc. before I sent the final
version. In order to ensure that I kept to these intermittent deadlines I would create a production
diary and schedule.
Technical Skills: I would require basic software skills such as using Microsoft word and possibly
publisher. My use of these applications would improve my experience with them for the future.
Career Progression: If my work is done to a good standard, they may request that I write more
articles for them. It would also allow me to build up a resume of work, which I could then show to
any potential employers or clients.
Daniel Hopkins
“This brief is where a large media company will employ another independent media company to
create and produce the product for them, and after the product has been made the larger company
may go on to be use the product for an external client who will pay the independent media company
for making the product and they could even get a cut of the royalties too. The brief is not negotiated
between the company and the client, however is negotiated between the two media companies.”
A commission brief is where a larger media company will employ a smaller independent media
company to create and produce content for them. For example the BBC may task a production
company with creating a new TV show for one of their channels. Once the product has been made, it
may then be used for an external client, with both the larger company and production company
receiving payment.
In this scenario, I have been commissioned by the BBC to write a comedy pilot for one of their
Communication: I would have to have extensive communication with the producers and
commissioners throughout the production phase in order to ensure that what I was doing was
suitable and within their needs and interests. I would keep in contact with during all the stages as
things might change which would mean I have to change certain things. I would probably maintain
contact via emails, telephone, in-person meetings and skype. All of these would help my
communication skills in a professional environment.
Time Management: The script would need to be given to the producers/commissioners by a certain
time, though it would be possible that they would be flexible with their deadline, as when a show is
made is not necessarily set in stone. However, they would want it by a rough time period.
Technical Skills: I would be using technology throughout, such as word and possibly the application
‘Celtx’ in order to create my script. I would also be using technology when in contact with the client.
Career Progression: If my pilot was successful, then there is a possibility that the BBC would
commission a full series. They may then also use me in the future for different TV shows. The show
would showcase my abilities to any potential clients and I could open up a career as a writer.
“This is where a client will advertise their brief and a production company will bring together a
proposal that they will pitch to the client, there could be multiple pitches to the client from many
different companies, so the client will then get the chance to choose the proposal that they think
best suits their brief and offer the job to that production company.”
A tender brief is where a client will advertise their brief to a wide range of media companies, who
can then decide whether or not they would like the chance to take on the job. Following this, various
media companies will pitch there idea to the client. The client then gets to chance to choose the
proposal that they think best suits the brief and the needs of their company.
Daniel Hopkins
In the following scenario, I have been selected to create a radio comedy aimed at 18-30 year olds.
Communication: As the show would be broadcasting to many people, I would first have to pitch the
premise to the producers. Following this, they may request to look at either the script or a preview
of the show. I would most likely be present during this stage to talk them through the various parts
of the show. They then may recommend changes and offer feedback. This process would improve
my social and verbal skills.
Time Management: The brief would have a deadline in which all submissions are to be sent. This
strict deadline would help me to fully organize and arrange my tasks and I would use production
diaries and schedules in which to allocate an appropriate amount of time for myself.
Technical Skills: As I would be creating a radio show, I would be utilizing and developing my current
technological skills, such as using a recording studio and equipment, using editing software (adobe
audition, reaper) and radio direction.
Career Progression: If I created a good, quality show, the possibility that I am to be hired again to
create another is likely. The show would literally showcase my abilities to other companies and
depending on the nature of the show, it could be made into a full series. Many other opportunities
may open up for me in other areas of writing, such as for print, TV and film.
“Within this type of brief there are usually two or more companies that are hired by the client to
work to the brief they have written for the specific project they want to be completed. After both
companies have received the brief they can then proceed to work together to produce the product.
If there is a disagreement or conflict in ideas there can be a negotiated brief in order to resolve these
A co-operative brief is where two or more companies hired by a client work together to create and
finish a product. The two companies can work together to save time, improve manpower, or more
commonly to perform different tasks. If there are any disagreements, the brief can be negotiated in
order to resolve any issues.
In the following scenario, my company and another have been selected to create the graphics for a
print-based advertisement.
Communication: Firstly, I would have to discuss about our plans for the project with any other
parties involved. This could be done in an informal situation, such as in a casual meeting or on a
phone call. In-person would be better as it may be easier to describe our thoughts and possibly use
images to accompany them. While we are creating the product, we would also have to maintain
contact with the client providing updates on our progress as well as providing copies of our work up
to that point, from which they could give feedback.
Time Management: I would have to keep a regulated schedule of the time, as print-based products
have very strict deadlines in which they must adhere to. The client will also have a contract with the
print-based publication, which would state when and for how long the publication would run the
advertisement. Due to this, I would have to ensure that I kept track of time well throughout. I would
use a schedule and diary to ensure that deadlines were met and the final product was delivered on-
time and as good as possible.
Daniel Hopkins
Technical Skills: I would be using and developing my software skills such as Photoshop, which I would
most likely be using extensively during the creation of my project. I would gain experience as I would
likely be using various settings I had not used before.
Career Progression: If my final product was good enough, the client may hire me again to complete
some more work. The company I worked with may also strike up a partnership with me and we
could merge and/or work together on various projects in the future. My work may also attract other
“This is where a client can put their brief out so it can be accessed by all of the different production
companies that are participating. It can sometimes been seen as a free competition as each
production company will complete the brief and the client can then judge which company has the
best project and as an award they have it published.”
This brief is where a client will put out their brief to many different production companies who are
taking part in the competition. The competition may be free to enter, or alternatively, a small fee
may be needed. The client will subsequently judge from all of the submissions which is the best and
the winner may earn a prize such as having it published, money or being able to work with the client
on other projects.
In the following scenario, I am taking part in a film festival:
Communication: I would first have to organize all the people taking part in the creation of the film. I
would have to get people to help with props, equipment, acting, behind the scenes work and other
things, which would help the film be completed smoothly and professionally. To communicate with
these people, I would most likely use phones and email. This would greatly help my verbal and social
professional skills.
Time Management: I would have a strict deadline in which my film was to be submitted and I would
not be able to negotiate a later date in any form. I would use tools such as production diaries and
schedules to ensure the process goes smoothly and on time. I would allocate a schedule to each set
of people taking part in the production process, such as camera teams, actors, editors etc.
Technical Skills: I would gain experience in many parts of production from planning to filming and
editing. I would develop these skills which would allow me to work better on any future projects. I
would develop skills for running a major project throughout as I would be using things such as
cameras, set equipment and editing software.
Career Progression: If my final project was done to a high standard, there is a possibility of me
winning the competition. Subsequently, this film would showcase my abilities to any future
collaborates or employers. There would be a possibility that I could be commissioned to create a
feature film by a production company.
Daniel Hopkins
Client: 13th
Short Film Festival
Media Product:
Short Film
Timescale: The festival is in 2016
with the 2015 deadlines being: 10th
May, 14th
July and 1st
NOTE: The earlier you submit your
work, the cheaper the fee is.
NOTE: No ethical or legal constraints
are listed on this brief or any other
part of the website. Also, there is no
target audience for the media
International submissions: All
deadlines and all £25
Constraint: Film must be
completed after August 2014
and be under 45 minutes
Constraint: ‘Lo-budget’ films must
cost less than £500 to produce and
be under 5 minutes long
Daniel Hopkins
NOTE: I have written this and not annotated it, as the text boxes were obscuring too much of the
1. CLIENT: The client is Reed.
2. MEDIA PRODUCT: Short film.
3. THEME: The theme of the short film must be: The Question.
4. REGULATORY CONSTRAINT: The films must be classified as either U or PG. This shows that
they are generally supposed to be aimed at all ages.
5. WORK CONSTRAINT: The short films must not be longer than 3 minutes.
6. WORK CONSTRAINT: In order to enter, the film must be uploaded to either youtube or
7. LEGAL CONSTRAINT: No copyrighted material is allowed to feature in the short film, unless
permission is gained.
8. TIMESCALE: All submissions must have been made between the 16th
of October 2014 and
the 25th
of January 2015.
9. WORK CONTSRAINT: Entrants must be director or producer of entered film.
10. LEGAL CONSTRAINT: If a minor appears in the film, they must have permission from a
parent or guardian.
11. CONSTRAINT: All entrants must be from the UK.
12. LEGAL CONSTRAINT: The films must comply with the CAP (non-broadcast) code.
13. PRIZES: 3x £1000 and 1x £10,000 cash prize.
Daniel Hopkins
Client: Fourwalls Short Film Project.
Film must only be 3 minutes long
though it can be of any genre.
The brief states that
it wants people to
express their views
and situation about
living in London.
Therefore it is a
local competition.
The competition is more aimed at homeowners
than young people, so the age of people
completing will most likely be approximately 21
and over.
The final film must ‘respond to the brief’
Cash prizes: £1000, £500. £250.
Deadline: 31st
December 2014

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Creative media production briefs 1

  • 1. Daniel Hopkins Creative Media Production Briefs Daniel Hopkins The below work consists of different types of creative media production briefs. The quoted BLACK text is the information I have sourced from the internet, while the RED text is my interpretation of the description. For some of the briefs, I have sourced two definitions from the internet and more often than not they are very similar. However, by having multiple sources, I was able to gain more information about the different types of briefs. Contractual- “A contractual brief is a type of brief or contract where a media company is employed by the client in order to complete a project within the brief which is set to specific guidelines which the media company must follow. It will be very important for the media company to follow these guidelines and do exactly what the client states within the brief, if they fail to do so this can result in a breach of contract and the company could face legal actions”. Source: A contractual creative media production brief is a type of brief where a company is employed by a client in order to complete a project. The brief will have specific guidelines in which the company must follow. The company will have signed a contract which places the responsibility of the brief into their hands, including the way it is produced. The company must follow the brief’s guidelines to meet the client’s desires, as a failure to do so may result in a breach of contract. Subsequently, the company could face legal action. Company Promotional Video (NHS Trust/ Direct): In this scenario, I have been tasked with creating a film that promotes the NHS Trust/ NHS Direct. Communication: I would most likely be contacted first by the client via email, where they would propose the idea for the project. Following up on this, emails would most likely be the primary form of communication between me and the client for a while. However, as I would be working under a contract, the company would most likely want to meet me in person. We would most likely have several meetings during pre-production, so the client could get to know me and decide whether or not to continue with the involvement. There would most likely be more meetings during production, so the client knew what was being made and then could suggest changes. It is vital that I keep in contact with the client during the production phases, as I must ensure that what I am doing is being done with their approval and to the specifications of the contract. If I made any changes not written in the contract and without telling them, I could face legal action. I would always keep in contact with the client in case any major problems arisen. Phone calls would also be likely as a form of communication during the various production stages, though meetings would be more likely to ensure professionalism. By communicating in a professional way with the client, I would be gaining experience in how to ensure relations with clients go smoothly. It would improve my social skills and help me develop them for any future event. Time Management: As I would be working under a contract, the client would want the project to be completed by a certain date. To ensure I met this deadline, I would create a project schedule and diary to personally monitor my progress. By utilizing software resources to allocate tasks and time
  • 2. Daniel Hopkins for myself, I would be able to gain experience in planning and preparation for a project. It would greatly improve my time management skills and if any hindrances occurred, I would be able to learn from them for future events. I would ensure everything I need is available when needed such as any possible actors, assistants, equipment etc. Technical Skills: I would be using cameras during production and would have to display confident and professional camera skills. During the post-production phases of my video, I would be using software such as Premiere Pro and After Effects, which would help me strengthen my skills for each application. By gaining more experience and becoming more comfortable with the software, I would then be able to produce better quality content. Career Progression: The ability to work under a contracted brief would display my ability to work to specifications in allotted times to potential employers. If my project was a success and the client thought that I had done a suitable job, they could possibly hire me again for further work or even refer me to other clients. Negotiated- “A negotiated brief is where (usually) two parties have different ideas from each other but they both have to come to a decision by compromising and making sure that both the parties are happy by the decision. When there are more than two parties involved it allows more room for disagreement and may result in incomplete work for the client”. “This is when two parties (sometimes involving a third party, such as a ‘judge’, to preside over the meeting) have opposing thoughts and a compromise has to be found that makes both sides content. This brief is used when there is an element of the brief of the complete brief covers something that both parties do not settle on, or need personal confirmation on. This brief is usually a head-on debate or discussion, but could also be done over the telephone, or online chat (e.g. SKYPE or MSN). They would also cover some type of confirmation like a contracted document or agreement or a gesture (e.g. handshake)”. Sources (respectively): A negotiated brief is when two parties have differing views on the terms of the brief in question and must find a compromise which leaves both content. This brief is used when the original brief has elements that one or both of the parties disagree on and is subsequently in need of change. The parties will meet and discuss their concerns about the current standing of the brief and will negotiate an outcome that is suited to both parties. A third party may preside over the meeting, in order to ensure the process is done fairly and results in a suitable brief. Model photo-shoot: In this scenario, I have been hired by a small clothing brand to take images of models in their clothing. Communication: The client and I would most likely meet face-to-face in a meeting to give us both a level platform where we could go into detail about our respective concerns. As the brief is negotiated, we would have to have a lengthy discussion about how to advance the project which would leave us both content and using phones, emails and social media may not allow for either of
  • 3. Daniel Hopkins us to be taken seriously or to be heard properly. In-person meetings and Skype would most likely be the primary forms of communication. Depending on the circumstances of the project, due to the brief being negotiated, I would have to keep in constant contact with the client in case of radically changing factors. For example in the photo-shoot scenario, if a model did not turn up or I felt that certain elements did not work, I would have to contact the client to discuss changes. The face-to- face meetings would be greatly beneficial to my social and professional communication skills. Time Management: Depending on the initial time allocated to me in which to complete the work, I may negotiate more time. Due to the contract being negotiated the time given to me for this project would likely be flexible. To ensure I met the deadline, I would most likely use production diaries and schedules. However, I would have to be reasonable when negotiating a deadline, in order to ensure that the client feels that I am the right person for the project. Technical Skills: For this project, I would be using a camera to capture images of the models. I would most likely research existing images beforehand and the photo-shoot itself would allow me to demonstrate and improve my photography skills and techniques such as rule of thirds, shutter speeds, ISO and f/stop settings. The post-production editing phase would also help me expand my Photoshop skills through learning about new techniques via self-teaching and online sources. Career Progression: If my work matched or exceeded the client’s expectations, they could possibly hire me again for similar work or recommend me to another group or company. The likelihood of them rehiring me in the event of good work is very likely, as it is improbable that they would use resources to look for someone else. Formal- “This is where a media company is given a brief by the client which outlines the product which they want to be made. This brief is very open and only gives enough information to be able to produce the product, any issues or information that the media company would like to go over can be discussed during the negotiations with the client. Both the client and the company employed by them will formally agree on the project and the brief but it cannot always be legally binding.” A formal brief is a situation in which a client gives a company a brief which outlines the specifications and requirements for the task which they want completed. The brief is open and certain elements of it may be open to interpretation. A formal brief may be in order to give the company less restrictions while producing and to give them greater creative control. Any problems that may arise from the briefs scarce information may need to be discussed during negotiations, in order to clarify certain things. Due to the nature of a formal brief, it cannot always be legally binding. In the scenario I am using, I have been asked to create a podcast for a company that will be broadcast and available for download on their website. Communication: The information for a formal brief would most likely originally be sent via an email to show the general specifications. However, face-to-face meetings would then be the likely form of communication in order for any discrepancies about the brief to be discussed at length. Time Management: A strict deadline which I must adhere to will be allocated for this task and in order to ensure I meet it, I will use a production schedule to track my progress. Due to the brief not necessarily being legally binding, the deadline may be slightly more relaxed and flexible than others. Technical Skills: As I will be creating a podcast, I will be able to gain many skills during the various phases of production. Firstly, I will be creating a script and creating ideas, which may result in me
  • 4. Daniel Hopkins using Celtx, Mindgenius and other applications. Next, I would be using a recording studio or equipment of some kind to capture the audio. I would then have to upload it to a platform in which to edit it (most likely reaper). Following this, I would upload it to either their website or a file-sharing site from where they could get the embed code. Throughout the project, I would be regularly using technical equipment and therefore gaining valuable experience with them. The software and applications I used would help me expand my current knowledge with them. Career Progression: As the podcast would clearly demonstrate my abilities to promote a company, more people may request that I do similar work for them. The company that I created the podcast for may also then use me for any future podcasts, in order to not use resources on finding someone else. The podcast would also clearly demonstrate my technical skills for any potential clients. The work would also show that I am able to work under a formal brief, which may appeal to possible clients. Informal- “An informal brief is not documented and is usually of the verbal kind. It is where the client and the company which they have employed simply discuss the requirements for the product they will be making and ultimately agrees upon the project.” An informal brief is not usually documented but more often delivered verbally, from client to working party/company. Instead of a specific document stating everything that needs to be done, the client will say what they want and how they want it. This casual form of address allows for more negotiable discussions and subsequent agreement upon the project. In the following scenario, I have been tasked to write an article for a magazine. Communication: Just like the type of brief, communication would most likely be very casual. As stated in the above definition, the brief would most likely be issued verbally, with the company telling me what they want from the article. Anything that would be needed to be clarified later on could be done via a simple email or phone call. The relaxed nature of an informal brief would help me develop my verbal and social skills, enabling me to gain experience for any future scenarios of this kind. Time Management: Magazines have strict deadlines in which they must go to print, and I must ensure that my piece is sent to the publisher/editor in time for this. Having such a strict deadline will allow me to control my time management more and plan various stages of my article. For example, I would plan on how long to spend on initial ideas, the various drafts etc. before I sent the final version. In order to ensure that I kept to these intermittent deadlines I would create a production diary and schedule. Technical Skills: I would require basic software skills such as using Microsoft word and possibly publisher. My use of these applications would improve my experience with them for the future. Career Progression: If my work is done to a good standard, they may request that I write more articles for them. It would also allow me to build up a resume of work, which I could then show to any potential employers or clients.
  • 5. Daniel Hopkins Commission- “This brief is where a large media company will employ another independent media company to create and produce the product for them, and after the product has been made the larger company may go on to be use the product for an external client who will pay the independent media company for making the product and they could even get a cut of the royalties too. The brief is not negotiated between the company and the client, however is negotiated between the two media companies.” A commission brief is where a larger media company will employ a smaller independent media company to create and produce content for them. For example the BBC may task a production company with creating a new TV show for one of their channels. Once the product has been made, it may then be used for an external client, with both the larger company and production company receiving payment. In this scenario, I have been commissioned by the BBC to write a comedy pilot for one of their channels. Communication: I would have to have extensive communication with the producers and commissioners throughout the production phase in order to ensure that what I was doing was suitable and within their needs and interests. I would keep in contact with during all the stages as things might change which would mean I have to change certain things. I would probably maintain contact via emails, telephone, in-person meetings and skype. All of these would help my communication skills in a professional environment. Time Management: The script would need to be given to the producers/commissioners by a certain time, though it would be possible that they would be flexible with their deadline, as when a show is made is not necessarily set in stone. However, they would want it by a rough time period. Technical Skills: I would be using technology throughout, such as word and possibly the application ‘Celtx’ in order to create my script. I would also be using technology when in contact with the client. Career Progression: If my pilot was successful, then there is a possibility that the BBC would commission a full series. They may then also use me in the future for different TV shows. The show would showcase my abilities to any potential clients and I could open up a career as a writer. Tender- “This is where a client will advertise their brief and a production company will bring together a proposal that they will pitch to the client, there could be multiple pitches to the client from many different companies, so the client will then get the chance to choose the proposal that they think best suits their brief and offer the job to that production company.” A tender brief is where a client will advertise their brief to a wide range of media companies, who can then decide whether or not they would like the chance to take on the job. Following this, various media companies will pitch there idea to the client. The client then gets to chance to choose the proposal that they think best suits the brief and the needs of their company.
  • 6. Daniel Hopkins In the following scenario, I have been selected to create a radio comedy aimed at 18-30 year olds. Communication: As the show would be broadcasting to many people, I would first have to pitch the premise to the producers. Following this, they may request to look at either the script or a preview of the show. I would most likely be present during this stage to talk them through the various parts of the show. They then may recommend changes and offer feedback. This process would improve my social and verbal skills. Time Management: The brief would have a deadline in which all submissions are to be sent. This strict deadline would help me to fully organize and arrange my tasks and I would use production diaries and schedules in which to allocate an appropriate amount of time for myself. Technical Skills: As I would be creating a radio show, I would be utilizing and developing my current technological skills, such as using a recording studio and equipment, using editing software (adobe audition, reaper) and radio direction. Career Progression: If I created a good, quality show, the possibility that I am to be hired again to create another is likely. The show would literally showcase my abilities to other companies and depending on the nature of the show, it could be made into a full series. Many other opportunities may open up for me in other areas of writing, such as for print, TV and film. Co-operative- “Within this type of brief there are usually two or more companies that are hired by the client to work to the brief they have written for the specific project they want to be completed. After both companies have received the brief they can then proceed to work together to produce the product. If there is a disagreement or conflict in ideas there can be a negotiated brief in order to resolve these issues.” A co-operative brief is where two or more companies hired by a client work together to create and finish a product. The two companies can work together to save time, improve manpower, or more commonly to perform different tasks. If there are any disagreements, the brief can be negotiated in order to resolve any issues. In the following scenario, my company and another have been selected to create the graphics for a print-based advertisement. Communication: Firstly, I would have to discuss about our plans for the project with any other parties involved. This could be done in an informal situation, such as in a casual meeting or on a phone call. In-person would be better as it may be easier to describe our thoughts and possibly use images to accompany them. While we are creating the product, we would also have to maintain contact with the client providing updates on our progress as well as providing copies of our work up to that point, from which they could give feedback. Time Management: I would have to keep a regulated schedule of the time, as print-based products have very strict deadlines in which they must adhere to. The client will also have a contract with the print-based publication, which would state when and for how long the publication would run the advertisement. Due to this, I would have to ensure that I kept track of time well throughout. I would use a schedule and diary to ensure that deadlines were met and the final product was delivered on- time and as good as possible.
  • 7. Daniel Hopkins Technical Skills: I would be using and developing my software skills such as Photoshop, which I would most likely be using extensively during the creation of my project. I would gain experience as I would likely be using various settings I had not used before. Career Progression: If my final product was good enough, the client may hire me again to complete some more work. The company I worked with may also strike up a partnership with me and we could merge and/or work together on various projects in the future. My work may also attract other clients. Competition- “This is where a client can put their brief out so it can be accessed by all of the different production companies that are participating. It can sometimes been seen as a free competition as each production company will complete the brief and the client can then judge which company has the best project and as an award they have it published.” This brief is where a client will put out their brief to many different production companies who are taking part in the competition. The competition may be free to enter, or alternatively, a small fee may be needed. The client will subsequently judge from all of the submissions which is the best and the winner may earn a prize such as having it published, money or being able to work with the client on other projects. In the following scenario, I am taking part in a film festival: Communication: I would first have to organize all the people taking part in the creation of the film. I would have to get people to help with props, equipment, acting, behind the scenes work and other things, which would help the film be completed smoothly and professionally. To communicate with these people, I would most likely use phones and email. This would greatly help my verbal and social professional skills. Time Management: I would have a strict deadline in which my film was to be submitted and I would not be able to negotiate a later date in any form. I would use tools such as production diaries and schedules to ensure the process goes smoothly and on time. I would allocate a schedule to each set of people taking part in the production process, such as camera teams, actors, editors etc. Technical Skills: I would gain experience in many parts of production from planning to filming and editing. I would develop these skills which would allow me to work better on any future projects. I would develop skills for running a major project throughout as I would be using things such as cameras, set equipment and editing software. Career Progression: If my final project was done to a high standard, there is a possibility of me winning the competition. Subsequently, this film would showcase my abilities to any future collaborates or employers. There would be a possibility that I could be commissioned to create a feature film by a production company.
  • 8. Daniel Hopkins Source: Client: 13th London Short Film Festival Media Product: Short Film Timescale: The festival is in 2016 with the 2015 deadlines being: 10th May, 14th July and 1st September. NOTE: The earlier you submit your work, the cheaper the fee is. NOTE: No ethical or legal constraints are listed on this brief or any other part of the website. Also, there is no target audience for the media product. International submissions: All deadlines and all £25 Constraint: Film must be completed after August 2014 and be under 45 minutes Constraint: ‘Lo-budget’ films must cost less than £500 to produce and be under 5 minutes long
  • 9. Daniel Hopkins NOTE: I have written this and not annotated it, as the text boxes were obscuring too much of the brief. 1. CLIENT: The client is Reed. 2. MEDIA PRODUCT: Short film. 3. THEME: The theme of the short film must be: The Question. 4. REGULATORY CONSTRAINT: The films must be classified as either U or PG. This shows that they are generally supposed to be aimed at all ages. 5. WORK CONSTRAINT: The short films must not be longer than 3 minutes. 6. WORK CONSTRAINT: In order to enter, the film must be uploaded to either youtube or vimeo. 7. LEGAL CONSTRAINT: No copyrighted material is allowed to feature in the short film, unless permission is gained. 8. TIMESCALE: All submissions must have been made between the 16th of October 2014 and the 25th of January 2015. 9. WORK CONTSRAINT: Entrants must be director or producer of entered film. 10. LEGAL CONSTRAINT: If a minor appears in the film, they must have permission from a parent or guardian. 11. CONSTRAINT: All entrants must be from the UK. 12. LEGAL CONSTRAINT: The films must comply with the CAP (non-broadcast) code. 13. PRIZES: 3x £1000 and 1x £10,000 cash prize. Source:
  • 10. Daniel Hopkins Source: Client: Fourwalls Short Film Project. Film must only be 3 minutes long though it can be of any genre. The brief states that it wants people to express their views and situation about living in London. Therefore it is a local competition. The competition is more aimed at homeowners than young people, so the age of people completing will most likely be approximately 21 and over. The final film must ‘respond to the brief’ Cash prizes: £1000, £500. £250. Deadline: 31st December 2014