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Creative Commons: an alternative solution

        to Copyright restrictions

           A l ba M uñ o z P o u

Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions                                                                                Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions

by Alba Muñoz Pou                                                                                    Content

Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions                                  1.	 Executive Summary

                                                                                                     	   1.1 Introduction/background to copyright laws

Published 2012                                                                                       	   1.2 History of Copyright

                                                                                                     2.	 New approaches

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0            	   2.1 New Policy Procedure related to Copyright infringement

Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit   3.	 Current trends

sa/3.0/.                                                                                             	   3.1 Intellectual property limits access to cultural content

                                                                                                     4.	 Discussion/Recommendation

                                                                                                     	   4.1 Creative Commons and Free Software: an alternative solution to copyright

                                                                                                     5.	 Conclusion

                                                                                                     6.	 Bibliography

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Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions                                                                                           Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions

    1.	 Executive Summary                                                                                      1.1	    Introduction/background to copyright laws

    This report provides an analysis and exhaustive explanation of Copyright restrictions in order             Filmmakers, writers, musicians, artists, scientist and, in short, anyone who wants to publish his/

to encourage creators to choose Creative Commons licenses. The purpose is not only to give a                 her creation has to deal with the most challenging legal issues to protect their rights. Another

clear understanding of why authors should chose Creative Commons licenses, but also to raise                 challenge is to know which content can be used freely and under which conditions. In addition,

awareness of the harmful consequences of Copyright for the whole society or the public domain.               the way the marketplace is going has repercussions on effective communication because most of

                                                                                                             material is under copyright terms, ie, out of the public domain.

    Methods of analysis include a literature review about the topic taking into account the defenders

and the detractors of Copyright and intellectual property laws. It also includes qualitative analysis of       When talking about copyright laws, we have to take into account why copyright was created and

data giving the opinion of experts, recording experiences and meanings. Talks and performances               in which context -sociocultural, political, technological and economic- in order to understand its

from TED conferences have been also consulted.                                                               evolution and why it is, currently, a controversial topic in the Information Society. Moreover, copyright

                                                                                                             involves not only intellectual property rights but also the citizen’s right to the access of information.

    The report finds that Copyright mantains several materials out of the public domain because of

corporate interests, instead of benefiting the whole society or promoting innovation and creation.             In addition, there are several actors playing different roles, such as the private sector and the

In this global society, Copyright –and specially its extension- is an obstacle for the free flow of          stakeholders, the state and public service institutions, or grassroots collectives that are crucial

information and a democratic Internet. In addition, the report concludes Copyright has an uncertain          to understanding the current policies. The impact of copyright laws and intellectual property has

future because it is not technically possible to control who is infringing copyright in the digital world.   different consequences for each actor. While the industrial lobbies and private sector are claiming

                                                                                                             their economical rights, “netizens” are claiming that these laws are not only restricting the free

    It is recommended to register all the creative content under Creative Commons in order to:               sharing of information and knowledge but also restricting the developer’s creativity. This is because

       •	preserve the public domain while protecting certain authors rights                                  most original creation has been made using previous ideas of the others.

       •	have control over the content, instead of depending on Authors’ Rights Management Societies

       •	0have more flexibility and independence                                                               There is no doubt that this is a really complex topic which involves a broad set of actors,

       •	chose under which conditions authors want to distribute their work                                  transnational policies processes and complicate legal concepts. As said in the beginning, the first

       •	guarantee that material will be available for free for educational purposes or research             step to understanding Intellectual Property law is analyzing its continued expansion over the past

       •	obtain a larger promotion on the Internet.                                                          decades, it is categorizing more and more information into the private domain among the years,

                                                                                                             instate into the public one. Here is a brief introduction to the history of copyright.

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Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions                                                                                         Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions

    1.2	    History of Copyright                                                                               2.	 New approaches

                                                                                                               2.1 New Policy Procedure related to Copyright infringement

    The privatization of ideas through Intellectual Property law was, in the beginning, a way to stimulate     Recently, the United States government have tried to implement two bills, one is called Stop Online

creation and invention. Allowing the authors to profit from their mind’s creation from a period of time      Piracy Act (SOPA) and the other is called PIPA (Protect-PI), both provoking the most popular online

was a way of encouraging people to produce creative work and generate new information. After                 Strike ever four months ago. Non-profit organizations such as Mozilla Foundation or Wikipedia,

a period, such creations entered into the public domain, so everybody could use and reuse again              Google, and corporations such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc blacked out their

without restriction to produce more content. (Bernard, 2009, p. 160)                                         pages for 24 hours. Netizens over the world were complaining because they felt as if they were

                                                                                                             losing their rights. In addition, cyberactivism organized around the world as Anonymous, blocked

    Despite the fact most nations have their own copyright laws, there are states that have influence        institutional webs in order to make their voice heard. The protest culminated in a massive site

enough to promote similar ways of copyrighting and monitoring someone breaking the law. The                  blackout that stopped SOPA and PIPA for the moment. (Sopa Strike, 2012)

United States has high profits from the audiovisual industry and copyright, so they take care of

protecting their industry from copyright infringement. (Cly Shirky, 2012)                                      SOPA allows blocking websites that are infringing on copyright directly, without a legal procedure,

                                                                                                             without a trial, negating the presumption to innocence. The Government can order Internet service

    The initial copyright law in United States protected the contents during 14 years, plus the option       providers to close websites, including websites with infringing links posted by any users; they

of renewing for 14 years more. The copyright term was extended by the Congress eight times                   block websites removing them from the domain name system. And who supports SOPA? The U.S.

between 1962 and 1976, having a strong impact on creators and developers because more works                  Congress tried to implement the law with the support of more than three hundred major companies,

were kept out of the public domain for longer. Another important change after the 1976 was the               with well-known persons behind it such as the owner of the Wall Street Journal and The Sun Rupert

fact that copyright became automatic: any creation was under copyright protection directly, without          Murdoch or the former senator and current MPAA (Motion Picture Association) chairman Chris Dodd.

registration (Bernard, 2009, p. 161). One of the highlights of the expansion of the copyright protection

was in 1998, with the Copyright Term Extension Act (CTEA), which protected the works for 70 years              This model of censorship will not probably work because of technical issues. In order to protect

after the death of the author. The biggest supporter of the CTEA was the Walt Disney Company, who            the digital content, both legislative and technical steps have to be combined. (Stoke, 2009, p. 19)

was earning large amounts of money with its corporate logo and the famous Mickey Mouse cartoon.              Bits are copyable and users can still find the content using, for example, Peer to Peer software.

Anecdotally and ironically, Mickey was drawn using public domain material whose copyright just               Netizens are sharing things with each other online such as music, videos, movies, etc. They can

expired one year ago. (Bernard, 2009, p. 162)                                                                share three kinds of content: “some staff we share is the staff we made, some staff we share is the

                                                                                                             staff we found, some staff we share is the staff we made out of what we found, and all of it horrifies

                                                                                                             those industries”. (Shirky, 2012).

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Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions                                                                                                                                Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions

    3.	 Current trends                                                                                       Times” (Bernard, 2009, p.162) and the extension of copyright benefits private interests, instead of

    3.1 Intellectual property limits access to cultural content                                              the public interest. In other words, interests of copyright has more weight than freedom of speech.

    Currently, there are approximately 120 million videos online and 77 million videos on YouTube.

Most of the content has been ripped from TV. Most of the new creations are made using copyrighted                The privatization of ideas through intellectual property law include a wide list of categories: literary

music, copyrighted images, trademark content, and, in short, material that belongs to somebody               works, musical works, dramatic works, pantomimes and choreographic works, sound recording,

else. The new generation of authors do not ask permissions, they “have no sense that intellectual            architectural works, motion pictures and audiovisual works, etc. (Bernard, 2009, p. 164). These

property laws exist”. (Bernard, 2009, p.189).                                                                categories include computer programs to maps or architectural plans. In addition, another key factor

                                                                                                             to understanding the complexity of copyrighting is the fact that to distribute the content in each

    Digitization and, consequently, cyberspace have changed the role of the State as a “primary law-         different platform a different license is required. Creators must take into account that licenses have

making” authority because they have no effective ways to control all the published material and the          a time limitation, a geographical area, etc. For example, if someone has the right to distribute copies

citizens behavior. Governments and corporations don’t know how to deal with the challenges of                on television, that it is not condition enough to do it through the Internet. Another reason that makes

digital copyright because Internet makes easier to make copies, to modify or adapt the work of the           complicated the legal publication on the Internet is that one content can be in the public domain in

others, etc.(Stokes, 2009, p.10).                                                                            one country, but not in another one. So, to be legally protected authors need to do a large process of

                                                                                                             documentation or, better, hire a lawyer (Bernard, 2009, p. 177). The process of clearing those rights

    Citizens are not passive consumers anymore, they also would like not only to consume but also            is long and creators have to be really meticulous, being sure you they all the required permissions,

to produce. The Internet users, called also Netizens, have a wider legal region that goes further            otherwise they can be involve in financial and criminal penalties that can cost them many money.

than the national borders. Despite the fact states have tried to apply the territorial law to the network,

there are not any technical effective ways to completely expand its control. Filtering and censoring             The ways that grassroots organizations have to demand their rights has also changed. Becoming

web content it is not just a common solution of the authoritarian regimes to copyright infringements,        especially important are the “grassroots tech groups”, formalized networks of bloggers, alternative

it is also common of Western countries. These rules are also controversial because sometimes they            media infrastructures, experts groups and NGO and organized collective actions with a global impact

are vague and open to different interpretations, which promotes that in some cases these filters             organized by netizens or cyberactivist. Despite the fact it is a broader group they have common

are used as a tool for political censorship. Some cases can be found on Wikileaks, a website that            objectives: collective ownership, “non-profit social objectives”, free access to the information,

publishes anonymous submissions and leaks of sensitive governmental and private documents,                   knowledge and creative works, plus assistance to others in provide that cultural content. They are

showing a large blacklists made by the states. The content targeted on this documents includes               organized using democratic and participatory infrastructures (Hintz and Milan, 2011, p. 230). There

political reasons, as well as alternative media, for example. (Hintz and Milan, 2011, p. 231- 232).          is a growing number of creators that decide themselves to publish their work without restrictions

                                                                                                             or available for free for certain uses. (Bernard, 2009, p.197) Alternative forms of licensing are also

    In addition, current copyright laws have some contradictions themselves. For example, in the             available, and anyone that believes the Internet has to be a public space, “open, affordable and

United States Constitution Article 1, Section 8, says that securing copyright must be for “limited           accessible to all” (APC, 2006) should chose Copyleft1 licenses.
                                                                                                             1 Copyleft refers to GNU’s Free Documentation License. All the material registered under this licence can be modified and copied with one condition: the resulting work should be

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Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions                                                                                          Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions

     4.	 Discussion/Recommendation                                                                         Commons Website. (Http://

     4.1 Creative Commons and Free Software: an alternative solution to copyright                            The licenses are in order from more permissive to more restrictive. The right of attribution [BY]

     An effective solution to protecting both certain authors’ rights and the public space is Creative     is the common element required in all six licenses. The second license adds another condition:

Commons licenses. Creative Commons (CC), apart of being an alternative solution to copyright               [SA] any modified work must be registered under a similar license. The third one does not allow

restrictions, is a kind of license that let the authors has more control of their contents in comparison   modifications from the original [ND]. The fourth doesn’t allow commercial uses from the works [NC].

to copyright. CC was created in 2001 with the objective of providing licenses that benefit the public      The fifth requires two conditions: Non-Commercial and Share Alike. Finally, the sixth is the most

interest, giving more freedom to the creators and still protecting some moral rights as the right          restrictive because doesn’t allow commercial uses, neither derivatives.

of attribution. (Bernard, 2009, p.198). Authors can choose if they want to allow the free use for

commercial purposes or not, or if they want to allow people to make adaptations or derivative works          There are different possible combinations, depending on the interests of each creator. It is not

with the content. According to its creators, CC provide certain rights while creating a common space       just a ethical question to chose a CC license. Despite the fact that choosing CC or Copyleft licenses

for others who want to use their work:                                                                     sometimes is seen as a way of life, some authors chose these licenses for economic benefits. For

                                                                                                           example, an entrepreneur that has a website financed with advertisement, so the money he earns

     Creative Commons defines the spectrum of possibilities between full copyright -all rights reserved-   depends on the quantity of users that visit his site, maybe it is better for him to publish his/her contents

and the public domain -no rights reserved. Our licenses help you keep your copyright while inviting        under CC. The distribution of his work can arrive faster to many places, through many platforms, and

certain uses of your work- a ‘some rights reserved’ copyright. (Creative Commons, /about/)                 you can obtain a larger promotion. Rick Prelinger, founder of the Prelinger archives and filmmaker,

                                                                                                           doubled his sales after putting most of his films under Creative commons with no restrictions on

     There are six different kind of CC licenses, as shown in the following chat from the Creative         reuse the material. In seven years, users downloaded 20 million films and approximately 20,000

licensed under Copyleft terms. (Bernard, 2009, p.198)                                                      independent and creative work was made from original films. He discover that “it’s possible to give

                                                                                                           things away and also get paid at the same time”. (Bernard, 2009, 288).

                                                                                                             Apart from the licenses authors should take into account the technology used to create work,

                                                                                                           for example the software. One one hand, users have two options if they do not like to pay all

                                                                                                           the licenses and intellectual property costs: to use illegal copies (known as piracy) or to use free

                                                                                                           software. On the other hand, authors who want to distribute broadly their work without copyright

                                                                                                           restrictions must be really careful to avoid legal conflicts, so the only safe option for them is to use

                                                                                                           CC and free software, mostly licensed under Copyleft licenses (known as General Public License)

                                                                                                           (Bernard, 2009, p.198). If creators do not remember to do any legal step to protect their work, it

                                                                                                           will be directly under copyright protection, so they will depend on companies that will manage their

                                                                                                           rights for them. There are several challenges and rewards for publishing under CC, not only for the

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Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions                                                                                      Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions

authors but also for the whole society that will be able of improve the works of others, share content

and promote the free flow of information, at least for non commercial purposes such as private use,        6.	 Bibliography

education, non-profit projects, etc.
                                                                                                           Association for Progressive Communications (APC) (2006), APC Internet Rights Charter: Http://

     5.	 Conclusion                                                                            

     The universal access to the information and knowledge is in danger because of the current

Intellectual Property Law and the new ways of censoring and blocking websites for Copyright                Bernard, S. (2009), Archival storytelling: a filmmaker’s guide to finding, using, and licensing third-

infringement. Those laws benefit the private interest instead of the public one and are generating a     party visuals and music, Amsterdam; Boston: Focal Press.

public debate that involves a broad list of actors. The public debate turns around opposite concepts:

access vs control, sharing vs. commercializing, and involves the public and the private sphere.            Creative Commons (n.d.), What it is Creative Commons? Http://

     The Internet has grown immeasurably and netizens have more power than ever to organize                Hintz, Arne and Milan, Stefania (2011) The Handbook of global Media and Communication Policy,

themselves globally and reclaim their rights. Piracy is not the solution to obtain free content. There   Blackwell Publishing

is also an alternative and constructive solution to copyright: Creative Commons licenses and free

technology. As many authors chose a Copyleft license, much more content would be available to              Sopa Strike (2012), Confirmed Participants,

others to reused and make new mind creations. Both elements – CC licenses and free technology-

provide independence and flexibility to authors, scientists, and artists who hesitate publish their        Shirky, Clay (2012) Why SOPA is a bad idea?,

works under a human perspective and for the public interest. In addition, to distribute the work using   share_or_why_sopa_is_a_bad_idea.html

any platform is easier and creators has more control of their work, more autonomy. It also helps to

preserve the public domain.

     This paper has argued that Creative Commons and free technology is the best instrument

to guarantee an open and democratic Internet, accessible to all, that promotes the free flow of

information in this global society.

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Creative commons, an alternative solution to copyright restrictions

  • 1. Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions A l ba M uñ o z P o u CC
  • 2. Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions by Alba Muñoz Pou Content Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Introduction/background to copyright laws Published 2012 1.2 History of Copyright 2. New approaches This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 2.1 New Policy Procedure related to Copyright infringement Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit 3. Current trends sa/3.0/. 3.1 Intellectual property limits access to cultural content 4. Discussion/Recommendation 4.1 Creative Commons and Free Software: an alternative solution to copyright 5. Conclusion 6. Bibliography 2 3
  • 3. Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Introduction/background to copyright laws This report provides an analysis and exhaustive explanation of Copyright restrictions in order Filmmakers, writers, musicians, artists, scientist and, in short, anyone who wants to publish his/ to encourage creators to choose Creative Commons licenses. The purpose is not only to give a her creation has to deal with the most challenging legal issues to protect their rights. Another clear understanding of why authors should chose Creative Commons licenses, but also to raise challenge is to know which content can be used freely and under which conditions. In addition, awareness of the harmful consequences of Copyright for the whole society or the public domain. the way the marketplace is going has repercussions on effective communication because most of material is under copyright terms, ie, out of the public domain. Methods of analysis include a literature review about the topic taking into account the defenders and the detractors of Copyright and intellectual property laws. It also includes qualitative analysis of When talking about copyright laws, we have to take into account why copyright was created and data giving the opinion of experts, recording experiences and meanings. Talks and performances in which context -sociocultural, political, technological and economic- in order to understand its from TED conferences have been also consulted. evolution and why it is, currently, a controversial topic in the Information Society. Moreover, copyright involves not only intellectual property rights but also the citizen’s right to the access of information. The report finds that Copyright mantains several materials out of the public domain because of corporate interests, instead of benefiting the whole society or promoting innovation and creation. In addition, there are several actors playing different roles, such as the private sector and the In this global society, Copyright –and specially its extension- is an obstacle for the free flow of stakeholders, the state and public service institutions, or grassroots collectives that are crucial information and a democratic Internet. In addition, the report concludes Copyright has an uncertain to understanding the current policies. The impact of copyright laws and intellectual property has future because it is not technically possible to control who is infringing copyright in the digital world. different consequences for each actor. While the industrial lobbies and private sector are claiming their economical rights, “netizens” are claiming that these laws are not only restricting the free It is recommended to register all the creative content under Creative Commons in order to: sharing of information and knowledge but also restricting the developer’s creativity. This is because • preserve the public domain while protecting certain authors rights most original creation has been made using previous ideas of the others. • have control over the content, instead of depending on Authors’ Rights Management Societies • 0have more flexibility and independence There is no doubt that this is a really complex topic which involves a broad set of actors, • chose under which conditions authors want to distribute their work transnational policies processes and complicate legal concepts. As said in the beginning, the first • guarantee that material will be available for free for educational purposes or research step to understanding Intellectual Property law is analyzing its continued expansion over the past • obtain a larger promotion on the Internet. decades, it is categorizing more and more information into the private domain among the years, instate into the public one. Here is a brief introduction to the history of copyright. 4 5
  • 4. Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions 1.2 History of Copyright 2. New approaches 2.1 New Policy Procedure related to Copyright infringement The privatization of ideas through Intellectual Property law was, in the beginning, a way to stimulate Recently, the United States government have tried to implement two bills, one is called Stop Online creation and invention. Allowing the authors to profit from their mind’s creation from a period of time Piracy Act (SOPA) and the other is called PIPA (Protect-PI), both provoking the most popular online was a way of encouraging people to produce creative work and generate new information. After Strike ever four months ago. Non-profit organizations such as Mozilla Foundation or Wikipedia, a period, such creations entered into the public domain, so everybody could use and reuse again Google, and corporations such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc blacked out their without restriction to produce more content. (Bernard, 2009, p. 160) pages for 24 hours. Netizens over the world were complaining because they felt as if they were losing their rights. In addition, cyberactivism organized around the world as Anonymous, blocked Despite the fact most nations have their own copyright laws, there are states that have influence institutional webs in order to make their voice heard. The protest culminated in a massive site enough to promote similar ways of copyrighting and monitoring someone breaking the law. The blackout that stopped SOPA and PIPA for the moment. (Sopa Strike, 2012) United States has high profits from the audiovisual industry and copyright, so they take care of protecting their industry from copyright infringement. (Cly Shirky, 2012) SOPA allows blocking websites that are infringing on copyright directly, without a legal procedure, without a trial, negating the presumption to innocence. The Government can order Internet service The initial copyright law in United States protected the contents during 14 years, plus the option providers to close websites, including websites with infringing links posted by any users; they of renewing for 14 years more. The copyright term was extended by the Congress eight times block websites removing them from the domain name system. And who supports SOPA? The U.S. between 1962 and 1976, having a strong impact on creators and developers because more works Congress tried to implement the law with the support of more than three hundred major companies, were kept out of the public domain for longer. Another important change after the 1976 was the with well-known persons behind it such as the owner of the Wall Street Journal and The Sun Rupert fact that copyright became automatic: any creation was under copyright protection directly, without Murdoch or the former senator and current MPAA (Motion Picture Association) chairman Chris Dodd. registration (Bernard, 2009, p. 161). One of the highlights of the expansion of the copyright protection was in 1998, with the Copyright Term Extension Act (CTEA), which protected the works for 70 years This model of censorship will not probably work because of technical issues. In order to protect after the death of the author. The biggest supporter of the CTEA was the Walt Disney Company, who the digital content, both legislative and technical steps have to be combined. (Stoke, 2009, p. 19) was earning large amounts of money with its corporate logo and the famous Mickey Mouse cartoon. Bits are copyable and users can still find the content using, for example, Peer to Peer software. Anecdotally and ironically, Mickey was drawn using public domain material whose copyright just Netizens are sharing things with each other online such as music, videos, movies, etc. They can expired one year ago. (Bernard, 2009, p. 162) share three kinds of content: “some staff we share is the staff we made, some staff we share is the staff we found, some staff we share is the staff we made out of what we found, and all of it horrifies those industries”. (Shirky, 2012). 6 7
  • 5. Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions 3. Current trends Times” (Bernard, 2009, p.162) and the extension of copyright benefits private interests, instead of 3.1 Intellectual property limits access to cultural content the public interest. In other words, interests of copyright has more weight than freedom of speech. Currently, there are approximately 120 million videos online and 77 million videos on YouTube. Most of the content has been ripped from TV. Most of the new creations are made using copyrighted The privatization of ideas through intellectual property law include a wide list of categories: literary music, copyrighted images, trademark content, and, in short, material that belongs to somebody works, musical works, dramatic works, pantomimes and choreographic works, sound recording, else. The new generation of authors do not ask permissions, they “have no sense that intellectual architectural works, motion pictures and audiovisual works, etc. (Bernard, 2009, p. 164). These property laws exist”. (Bernard, 2009, p.189). categories include computer programs to maps or architectural plans. In addition, another key factor to understanding the complexity of copyrighting is the fact that to distribute the content in each Digitization and, consequently, cyberspace have changed the role of the State as a “primary law- different platform a different license is required. Creators must take into account that licenses have making” authority because they have no effective ways to control all the published material and the a time limitation, a geographical area, etc. For example, if someone has the right to distribute copies citizens behavior. Governments and corporations don’t know how to deal with the challenges of on television, that it is not condition enough to do it through the Internet. Another reason that makes digital copyright because Internet makes easier to make copies, to modify or adapt the work of the complicated the legal publication on the Internet is that one content can be in the public domain in others, etc.(Stokes, 2009, p.10). one country, but not in another one. So, to be legally protected authors need to do a large process of documentation or, better, hire a lawyer (Bernard, 2009, p. 177). The process of clearing those rights Citizens are not passive consumers anymore, they also would like not only to consume but also is long and creators have to be really meticulous, being sure you they all the required permissions, to produce. The Internet users, called also Netizens, have a wider legal region that goes further otherwise they can be involve in financial and criminal penalties that can cost them many money. than the national borders. Despite the fact states have tried to apply the territorial law to the network, there are not any technical effective ways to completely expand its control. Filtering and censoring The ways that grassroots organizations have to demand their rights has also changed. Becoming web content it is not just a common solution of the authoritarian regimes to copyright infringements, especially important are the “grassroots tech groups”, formalized networks of bloggers, alternative it is also common of Western countries. These rules are also controversial because sometimes they media infrastructures, experts groups and NGO and organized collective actions with a global impact are vague and open to different interpretations, which promotes that in some cases these filters organized by netizens or cyberactivist. Despite the fact it is a broader group they have common are used as a tool for political censorship. Some cases can be found on Wikileaks, a website that objectives: collective ownership, “non-profit social objectives”, free access to the information, publishes anonymous submissions and leaks of sensitive governmental and private documents, knowledge and creative works, plus assistance to others in provide that cultural content. They are showing a large blacklists made by the states. The content targeted on this documents includes organized using democratic and participatory infrastructures (Hintz and Milan, 2011, p. 230). There political reasons, as well as alternative media, for example. (Hintz and Milan, 2011, p. 231- 232). is a growing number of creators that decide themselves to publish their work without restrictions or available for free for certain uses. (Bernard, 2009, p.197) Alternative forms of licensing are also In addition, current copyright laws have some contradictions themselves. For example, in the available, and anyone that believes the Internet has to be a public space, “open, affordable and United States Constitution Article 1, Section 8, says that securing copyright must be for “limited accessible to all” (APC, 2006) should chose Copyleft1 licenses. 1 Copyleft refers to GNU’s Free Documentation License. All the material registered under this licence can be modified and copied with one condition: the resulting work should be 8 9
  • 6. Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions 4. Discussion/Recommendation Commons Website. (Http:// 4.1 Creative Commons and Free Software: an alternative solution to copyright The licenses are in order from more permissive to more restrictive. The right of attribution [BY] An effective solution to protecting both certain authors’ rights and the public space is Creative is the common element required in all six licenses. The second license adds another condition: Commons licenses. Creative Commons (CC), apart of being an alternative solution to copyright [SA] any modified work must be registered under a similar license. The third one does not allow restrictions, is a kind of license that let the authors has more control of their contents in comparison modifications from the original [ND]. The fourth doesn’t allow commercial uses from the works [NC]. to copyright. CC was created in 2001 with the objective of providing licenses that benefit the public The fifth requires two conditions: Non-Commercial and Share Alike. Finally, the sixth is the most interest, giving more freedom to the creators and still protecting some moral rights as the right restrictive because doesn’t allow commercial uses, neither derivatives. of attribution. (Bernard, 2009, p.198). Authors can choose if they want to allow the free use for commercial purposes or not, or if they want to allow people to make adaptations or derivative works There are different possible combinations, depending on the interests of each creator. It is not with the content. According to its creators, CC provide certain rights while creating a common space just a ethical question to chose a CC license. Despite the fact that choosing CC or Copyleft licenses for others who want to use their work: sometimes is seen as a way of life, some authors chose these licenses for economic benefits. For example, an entrepreneur that has a website financed with advertisement, so the money he earns Creative Commons defines the spectrum of possibilities between full copyright -all rights reserved- depends on the quantity of users that visit his site, maybe it is better for him to publish his/her contents and the public domain -no rights reserved. Our licenses help you keep your copyright while inviting under CC. The distribution of his work can arrive faster to many places, through many platforms, and certain uses of your work- a ‘some rights reserved’ copyright. (Creative Commons, /about/) you can obtain a larger promotion. Rick Prelinger, founder of the Prelinger archives and filmmaker, doubled his sales after putting most of his films under Creative commons with no restrictions on There are six different kind of CC licenses, as shown in the following chat from the Creative reuse the material. In seven years, users downloaded 20 million films and approximately 20,000 licensed under Copyleft terms. (Bernard, 2009, p.198) independent and creative work was made from original films. He discover that “it’s possible to give things away and also get paid at the same time”. (Bernard, 2009, 288). Apart from the licenses authors should take into account the technology used to create work, for example the software. One one hand, users have two options if they do not like to pay all the licenses and intellectual property costs: to use illegal copies (known as piracy) or to use free software. On the other hand, authors who want to distribute broadly their work without copyright restrictions must be really careful to avoid legal conflicts, so the only safe option for them is to use CC and free software, mostly licensed under Copyleft licenses (known as General Public License) (Bernard, 2009, p.198). If creators do not remember to do any legal step to protect their work, it will be directly under copyright protection, so they will depend on companies that will manage their rights for them. There are several challenges and rewards for publishing under CC, not only for the 10 11
  • 7. Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions Creative Commons: an alternative solution to Copyright restrictions authors but also for the whole society that will be able of improve the works of others, share content and promote the free flow of information, at least for non commercial purposes such as private use, 6. Bibliography education, non-profit projects, etc. Association for Progressive Communications (APC) (2006), APC Internet Rights Charter: Http:// 5. Conclusion The universal access to the information and knowledge is in danger because of the current Intellectual Property Law and the new ways of censoring and blocking websites for Copyright Bernard, S. (2009), Archival storytelling: a filmmaker’s guide to finding, using, and licensing third- infringement. Those laws benefit the private interest instead of the public one and are generating a party visuals and music, Amsterdam; Boston: Focal Press. public debate that involves a broad list of actors. The public debate turns around opposite concepts: access vs control, sharing vs. commercializing, and involves the public and the private sphere. Creative Commons (n.d.), What it is Creative Commons? Http:// The Internet has grown immeasurably and netizens have more power than ever to organize Hintz, Arne and Milan, Stefania (2011) The Handbook of global Media and Communication Policy, themselves globally and reclaim their rights. Piracy is not the solution to obtain free content. There Blackwell Publishing is also an alternative and constructive solution to copyright: Creative Commons licenses and free technology. As many authors chose a Copyleft license, much more content would be available to Sopa Strike (2012), Confirmed Participants, others to reused and make new mind creations. Both elements – CC licenses and free technology- provide independence and flexibility to authors, scientists, and artists who hesitate publish their Shirky, Clay (2012) Why SOPA is a bad idea?, works under a human perspective and for the public interest. In addition, to distribute the work using share_or_why_sopa_is_a_bad_idea.html any platform is easier and creators has more control of their work, more autonomy. It also helps to preserve the public domain. This paper has argued that Creative Commons and free technology is the best instrument to guarantee an open and democratic Internet, accessible to all, that promotes the free flow of information in this global society. 12 13