SlideShare a Scribd company logo
When I first contacted the client I do so via there social media account, this is
because they have an email on their website as a form of contact however it
states that it is current unavailable to use. Once I messaged them the client
informed me that it would be easier to ring them to discuss the brief and overall
project more. After a couple of conversations on the phone I then asked to meet
the client in person so that I could look around their business not only to get a
better relationship established between us both but so that I could also get more of
a visual feel of the building as well as being able to plan for my risk assessment
before I went.
What structure of brief have you received?
Is there any room for negotiation or consultation?
What opportunities are there for self-development in the
given brief? (new skills you will learn as a group, multi-
One of the things within the brief was that the client wanted more than
one video. The client explained that they wanted a promotional video but
if I could was I able to make more than one video explaining other
services that they other. As the business offers both holistic and beauty
treatments. The main video that the client has asked for, they have stated
should included details and or information about both the holistic side and
the beauty treatments that they offer.
The client's business is based within the Selby town centre on
the main road. It is situated on the top floor of Nico's a hair
dressers. One 2 One services include both therapeutic and
holistic treatments some examples are waxing, hot stone
massages, dog relaxation therapy and a new
microdermabrasion facial mask treatment. As well as
reflexology and reiki. One 2 One offer both holistic and beauty
treatments for their clients. The business is run single handily by
Ms Shepherd who over sees all the treatments and is very
much an independent. She has over 14 years experience within
the industry. The business is open 5 days a week Tuesdays till
Saturdays. The business one 2 one has only be open within
Selby for 2 years since the beginning of April however the client
has been running the business one 2 one since 2004 but that
was run in her own home until the opportunity came to open
outside of her home.
The client only has online materials that you are able to get access to without meeting the client
first, the client does have a pamphlet with prices and treatments as well as gift cards avaiblae but
you have to see the client first to get them as they are stored within the clients room. The client
also has a website which has been inactive for a while now but they are looking to update and
improve this and move onto other element of social media, this is what the client informed me
when I spoke to her about the website. Therefore the only way in which you can see the clients
business and what they offer is through social media and there facebook page which holds all the
details of the treatments they offer, any special offers and also it holds reviews from people who
have had treatments there.
The client can only be contacted one of two ways that is through social media and Facebook or
via phone calls or texts due to the fact that the client runs the bunsiess by herself she has a
seperate phone for said bussniess which she carries with her at all times rather than a phone and
a receptionist at the salon. This also works well because the concept and idea is that it is one
client and one customer hence the name one 2 one. So the fact that you will also only be talking
to the client if you wish to make an appointment not only helps with the level of professionalism
but also again reinforcing the concept of one2one.
One of the conversations that we had was looking at existing products already out
there and the client already had looked at some beforehand and therefore
recommend that I watched some of them. One of the ones that I watched that she
recommend was Skin Fitness, this had a similar theme that was explained in the
brief to me about wanting the video to be about the product rather than the clients,
with all the information linking to the product. When I meet the client in person after
watching the videos she recommend during our phone conversation, I asked the
client whether that was the style that she wanted her video to be completely as
from the brief that I was given it felt very similar, from this discussion I found that no
they didn’t want the video to be completely information based like this video but the
use of text and the logo at the start and end was something that they were
interesting in trying to replicate with their own products and logo.
Once I had spoken to the client and then looked at existing products that they
asked me to look at as well as their videos on there website, I knew that the style
that they were after. I told the client that I would look at other existing products and
see if they could fit with their style when I went and met them in person to look
around their business. From their video on their website I knew that they wanted a
more relaxed and personal video rather an abstract and flashy video. They wanted
it to represent not only there business but who they are themselves and this meant
that the video will therefore have to be causal and low key but engaging to get the
audience across. On the video on their website it shows the client performing a
treatment and her talking about it while demonstrating. The way in which they
talked and the language used as well as their body language was very relaxed and
casual you could tell it wasn't an actor. The lighting was neutral as the location
wasn't overly lit and from what I can tell from the video itself it was shot outside
and therefore used natural light again keeping to the concept of low key and
natural as possible.
This video is something that is similar I believe to what the client wanted with the
interviews and the music used as well as the overall tone that is created. There will
be several differences that I would include with the video I intend but I liked the
shots where they are talking off screen and the spilt screen with them talking and
the products being shown as well. I think its original in how they show and tell what
they are also saying. The use of the close ups in this video is something that I like
as well as it shows a personal touch which is something that the client would like
in their video as well.
Produce a physical brainstorm/mind map of potential ideas. You
should do this as an entire group. (You should consider the elements
you researched when analysing existing products)
• Have the client speak to the camera as they show the products
• Have the camera walk around the room as the client speaks off camera about what
the products are and what they offer.
• Hardly show the client or the client location and focus more on the products and
what they offer and the benefits but also have they are unique to the client and
therefore the cliental themselves. This will be using motion graphics similar to the
walk around one shot idea as well. Similar to the first video that I looked at as part of
similar products.
• Neutral and pastel colours as the client offers popular treatments arrange of cliental
therefore by having neutral colours there will be no initial or shouldn’t be any gender
bias that most beauty and salon videos portray.
• Have the client speaking off camera about the business and who they are as well as
what they offer and cutaway to what they are saying as a visual explanation and
then cut back. Also use minimal motion graphics to emphases the point of their
offers or other products that they offer.
List the core ideas you have generated as part of your team’s
idea generation.
1. Factual – about the products and treatments
2. About the client's experience and career
3. The client speaking directly to the audience
4. Details about the treatments offered but also the experience
the client has with performing said treatments – similar to idea
5. Walk around the room, talk and one. One shot, one take
break it down with motion graphics.
Discuss the strengths, weaknesses and constraints of each
1. Product details which will be detailed by motion graphics and
text which I'm not that confident with.
2. Changing the volume in two tracks at the same time so that
they can work alongside each other
3. Much more confident in premier and creating a sequence that
I believe works well so editing the video will be a strength for
me in terms of making the clips come together and flow.
I intend to create a corporate video for the business One 2 One within Selby that will inform the
audience of where and who the client is and what they offer in terms of their services.
Due to the fact that the business is run singlehandedly by the client I will only include the client
within the video and try and make it personal in terms of audience and the client as possible. I
will be doing this by eye contact and also referencing to the audience as you.
The video will be between 30 seconds to a minute long and will consist of live footage that I
will have filmed myself of both the client and the clients business. The video will also include
motion graphics for further information either about the services but also how to contact the
client as well.
If I have enough footage and enough time as discussed with the client they would also like me
to create another video that will be shorter then the first/main video. This will discus in more
detail about either a specific treatment either holistic or beauty of just a video about information
more about what the client has to offer in terms of treatments. The shorter videos will also
include more information than the longer video. What I mean by more information is that it will
be more in-depth with information about monthly offers or even prices lists. Where as with the
first/main video there will be no reference to price.
The target audience for this project will be same as the clients audience that I research beforehand however I will market this slightly
different so that I can try and help through the end product to expand the clients target audience. When I spoke to the client herself
she stated that she has a mixed age range of clients and most of her clients are female but there are a larger majority of men who
come for treatments such as hot stones and massages regularly. The holistic treatments that the client offers are more popular with
the younger generation and it a lot more equal spread in gender. The client stated that this is because she believes that the they are
more open minded to the services that she offers and they are in need of it more, as depression, anxiety is more common to the
younger generation. (This was the clients opinion). The beauty treatments are more mixed range as the client has a range of
customers of different ages, it all depends on the treatments being offered. Sarah, the client, did also tell me that the beauty
treatments are more for females rather than males.
When speaking to the client about the target audience they told me about how gender doesn't matter within their video because it is
only the client who runs the business and therefore conducts the treatments. She told me that it was much easier to not target a
gender as part of her audience because of her service, the client told me this is on of the reasons that she named the business One 2
One because it is just her and the client from start to finish and you won't see anybody leave or arrive while having
treatments/experience at the business and furthermore the only person you will deal with on the phone as well will be Sarah. She
explained in further detail that it was better for her client because they trusted and relaxed more with her especially with the holistic
treatments because every time they wanted an appointment they knew they were getting the same person each time. Not to mention
the patient confidentially that the client offers.
As part of the video the client asked me to use very neutral colours and not to focus on the beauty elements if possible, which I
believe was a good concept for trying to target/market for a gender neutral/equal audience, but equally focus on both the beauty and
the holistic. This is one of the reasons why I chose not to include any treatments being shown within the promotional video and if the
client asks why I will explain this reason with her.
When the video as well because of the mixed age range I decided to try and appeal to them I would have the client speaking directly
into the camera as if talking to the audience directly which I believe links into the client statements early when I spoke to her about
the fact that the business is called One 2 One and therefore will emphasise this personal element.
As part of the video to try and appeal to all of the target audience I will included more than one way for them to contact the client as
well as keeping all the content, both audio and visual neutral in terms of age, race, religion etc. so that the video won't offend anyone.
This is one of the reasons that when I next speak to the client in regards to the audio I will ask them if it can be lyric less music.
What resources are required for the intended video? Consider
hardware, software, personnel, locations, budget
There will be several resources that I will need to be able to complete this
For my pre-production I will need software such as PowerPoint and access to the
internet to contact the client and look at over existing products on YouTube for
For the production I will need a camera and tripod as well as the SD card and the
battery. Not only that but I will be using my car to travel to and from the client's
business and other locations to meet the client as well.
Editing I will also need to use software such as Premier Pro and After Effects.
Consider a brief schedule of your shoot, edit and delivery.
Your shoot should be formalised with your client soon.
Shooting and editing is intended W/C 26th Feb/5th March respectively.
The first week will be client communication where I will not only find a client to
work with but also speak to them and introduce myself and possibly look for a
The second week will be pre-production disccuings and negoitating the brief while
also looking at existing products that are similar to the client and what the client
wants from the information given in the brief. But also pre-production planning
such as shot list, contingency plan and a risk assessment.
The third week will be filming and editing and also sending the first draft to the
The final will be making any amendments and changes for the final edit to send to
the client but also submit as my final work piece. All work should be done, this is
both the writing and the production aspects.
Insert screenshots of any further discussion or development with
your chosen clients.
What was the client’s reaction to your proposed idea? Any amendments or changes?
What was the agreed content?
When I met the client to film, after filming all the intended shots, we both had some time spare surprisingly so
therefore I sat down with the client to go over ideas, such as the type of music that the client would like. They
gave me some suggestions and we listened to some on YouTube to get inspiration. At first the client wanted to
have Sigal and Paloma Faith Lullaby as the song for their video, however I stated that due to legal issues we
most likley wont be able to use the song but I could look into it futher but the client said that it was fine and
could we possibly use an instrumental of the song instead. We tried to look online together while we were
there for the intursemntal of the song and we found one version however the client did not like that so we tried
to look for other songs. The client likes Erya and asked if we could have one of their songs within the video,
we found a couple that we liked that were instrumentals which were.... and the client stated that I could use
either of them. The client also stated that if I was able to make another video, as discussed beforehand could I
use the same music on both videos as well as the font, which I told her that I would.
The client asked me how long the video would take to finished editing and if I could meet her in person to
show her the final video. I told her that it would take a week maybe a week and a half to finish this was
because the client wanted to see the video but with both soundtracks on either video to deicide what
soundtrack they liked better and then if there is any feedback with the video that she would be able to explain
in person better than other the Facebook about any changes that the client wanted before. Once we agreed
this I then told her that after that I will send her the final draft with the final soundtrack and the any edits no
later than a week after we meet up. The client said that it was fine and that I could email her the video, as she
will give me her personal email, as mentioned before her business email isn't functioning anymore, and they
she will message me when the video is up on her Facebook, and her new website when the client updates it.
Due to the fact that I am working on this project solely by myself not as a group
project the whole process of both pre-production and production will be run by
The pre-production which includes both contacting the client, looking at existing
products and contingency as well as the risk assessment will be done before I
start filming as part of my production. This means that I will have it done by
February 28th. As I intend to film on the Tuesday which is 28th February.
The production which will include the roles of filming and editing will be completed
and done within the deadline of 11th March 2018. I have this as a late date as I am
hoping that I can have an edited and completed first version done and sent to my
client by the 2nd of March so then I have the final week to make any amendments
or changes that the client or even myself.
Location Shot Type Camera
Description (subject,
action, lighting etc.)
#1 On Location medium none Sat down talking directly to
#2 On Location Long Shot None Stood off centre talking to
#3 On Location Long Shot None Stood off centre talking to
#4 Entrance to
Medium shot Pan Start in the corner and pan
around to see the inside of
the salon/room
#5 Entrance to
Close up/
long Shot
None Close up of salon sign on
door, open door while still
filming to show the inside
of the salon.
Problem Effect on production Solution Person
Slows down/ can potential stop
Look after equipment, put the
camera away when moving location.
Memory card
runs out of
Slows down production could
also stop production
Make sure that the memory card has
enough space before starting
Battery power
Stop production Make sure that the battery has
enough power before production. If I
know I am feeling for a long period
of time make sure that I charge the
battery beforehand and possibly
bring a spare battery with production
as well.
Can't use the
This will stop the production as
the client wants the video to be
located within the business and
there is no possible way to
remove the equipment to another
Make sure that I rearrange to
another date that fits both of our
time schedules.
The client is sick
or unavailable to
make it for the
This again will stop production as
it is as the client single handedly
runs the business therefore the
business itself won't be open.
Rearrange the production/filming to
another date this fits both of our time
schedules and if possible start to
make/look at the graphics for the
text for the video to get started.
Hazzard Risk Prevention Person Responsible
Trip hazard Can full over and
either injure myself
and over people.
Can also break
Make sure that there are no trip
hazards are there when filming, set
camera in sensible place. Make sure
that camera and my own bag is away
from people to trip as well.
Myself for placing the
camera and the camera
bag/my own bag.
The client in their own
Tight Stairs
when trying
Hurting and injury
myself. Falling down
the stairs. Breaking
the equipment.
Make sure that I don't carry to much
when going up and down the stairs
because they are so steep and narrow,
make sure that I am the only person
accoupling them at the time. If possible
make to trips with the tripod due to it
being so awkward.
Chemicals Burning or breaking
the equipment
Make sure that I stay away from the
equipment and chemicals and if they
are being used within the video make
sure they are handled with care and
when they are not in use that they are
put away correctly.
The client
What resources are required for this project?
Consider time, budget, physical (equipment, location, properties, people,
crew, your talent/actors)
On the previous slide I have explained as part of resources what I would need in
terms of software and equipment to make the video however there are more
resources that will be required to complete this project and they are as following.
People, this will include the client and then filler shots of the clients to create the
atmosphere. Not only this but also the crew behind the camera as well that will
man the camera, this will be me who will be doing completing this role.
Another resource that seems obvious will also be the building itself, I will need
access to the clients business to film both outside and within. This required me to
contact the client and work out a date, 28th February and a time 12pm until 3pm
for me to film any required shots. The client also said that I can meet up with here
the day before Monday the 27th of February at the business to allow for me to
ether film anything before Tuesday but also just to double check and reference my
shot list with the client.
There will be no script as part of this video. What I mean by this is the client said
that they would like to speak to the audience and inform them of the services they
offer however they would feel a lot more comfortable to freelance their speech
when talking as they want it to look smooth and not forced. I agreed with the client
and told them that it was fine and as long as they were comfortable with
everything. This is the reason that there was no script wrote down before filming.
This is something that both me and the client agreed as part of the brief, there will
however be some information that is linked to the products that the client wanted
to inform their audience and this was the best way to do this. It also made it easier
for me to know what further information to include in the video. As the client wrote
down the missing information that she didn't include in her speech as other
information I could included as part of the motion graphics. The client informed me
that they would give me a script of when I meet up with her of the information they
want me to include as part of the motion graphics text to inform the audience of
the products.
Day Activity
12th February till 19th February This time was during the holidays and I used
this time to contact the client and negotiate the
19th February till 22th February Due to the fact that I have had client
communication and now I have the brief I can
move onto the task of Research into existing
products and also idea generation.
23rd February till 26th February Proposal and pre-production this also included
some client communication as I asked if I could
meet up with the client so that I could not only
negotiate film ideas with the client but also so I
could look around the business for the risk
26th February till 27th February Filming.
28th February till 11th March First edit and draft once completed send to the
client to ask for feedback.
13th March till 18th March Editing, completed any improvements and then
send the final end video both the client and
upload onto YouTube.
Finish the Production PowerPoint.
Submit all my work/upload onto my blog
Discuss how you managed the shoot.
Did you abide by the original shot list? Did personnel act professional and with
respect? Did you stick to the roles?
One of the things I forgot to do was book and take out a sound recorder so that I could like
up the sound with the DSLR. This meant that the audio recording was terrible and some of
the videos had to be scrapped. It was a shame because it meant that I either had to refilm
all the interviews again with the sound recording so I could sync it up.
Or because we didn't have a script as that was something the client didn't want this meant
that I would have to write down what was being said within the video and find another time
to get the client to do an audio recording. I used Premiere Pro effects to remove the white
noise in the background and for nearly all the audio this worked however there where bits
of the audio where the sound dips and then rises.
When recording and at the location I acted professional and with respect and I feel that I
have kept the same level of professionalism throughout the whole project.
For the majority of shots that I filmed during production they followed the original shot list.
However due to circumstances for the production this meant that I couldn't film all the
shots that I originally intended. The most of the shots I wanted to get I got as well as the
type of audio recording and visual effects

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  • 3. CLIENT COMMUNICATION When I first contacted the client I do so via there social media account, this is because they have an email on their website as a form of contact however it states that it is current unavailable to use. Once I messaged them the client informed me that it would be easier to ring them to discuss the brief and overall project more. After a couple of conversations on the phone I then asked to meet the client in person so that I could look around their business not only to get a better relationship established between us both but so that I could also get more of a visual feel of the building as well as being able to plan for my risk assessment before I went.
  • 5. BRIEF What structure of brief have you received? Is there any room for negotiation or consultation? What opportunities are there for self-development in the given brief? (new skills you will learn as a group, multi- skilling) One of the things within the brief was that the client wanted more than one video. The client explained that they wanted a promotional video but if I could was I able to make more than one video explaining other services that they other. As the business offers both holistic and beauty treatments. The main video that the client has asked for, they have stated should included details and or information about both the holistic side and the beauty treatments that they offer.
  • 7. CLIENT The client's business is based within the Selby town centre on the main road. It is situated on the top floor of Nico's a hair dressers. One 2 One services include both therapeutic and holistic treatments some examples are waxing, hot stone massages, dog relaxation therapy and a new microdermabrasion facial mask treatment. As well as reflexology and reiki. One 2 One offer both holistic and beauty treatments for their clients. The business is run single handily by Ms Shepherd who over sees all the treatments and is very much an independent. She has over 14 years experience within the industry. The business is open 5 days a week Tuesdays till Saturdays. The business one 2 one has only be open within Selby for 2 years since the beginning of April however the client has been running the business one 2 one since 2004 but that was run in her own home until the opportunity came to open outside of her home.
  • 8. CLIENT The client only has online materials that you are able to get access to without meeting the client first, the client does have a pamphlet with prices and treatments as well as gift cards avaiblae but you have to see the client first to get them as they are stored within the clients room. The client also has a website which has been inactive for a while now but they are looking to update and improve this and move onto other element of social media, this is what the client informed me when I spoke to her about the website. Therefore the only way in which you can see the clients business and what they offer is through social media and there facebook page which holds all the details of the treatments they offer, any special offers and also it holds reviews from people who have had treatments there. The client can only be contacted one of two ways that is through social media and Facebook or via phone calls or texts due to the fact that the client runs the bunsiess by herself she has a seperate phone for said bussniess which she carries with her at all times rather than a phone and a receptionist at the salon. This also works well because the concept and idea is that it is one client and one customer hence the name one 2 one. So the fact that you will also only be talking to the client if you wish to make an appointment not only helps with the level of professionalism but also again reinforcing the concept of one2one.
  • 9. EXISTING PRODUCTS FROM SIMILAR CLIENTS One of the conversations that we had was looking at existing products already out there and the client already had looked at some beforehand and therefore recommend that I watched some of them. One of the ones that I watched that she recommend was Skin Fitness, this had a similar theme that was explained in the brief to me about wanting the video to be about the product rather than the clients, with all the information linking to the product. When I meet the client in person after watching the videos she recommend during our phone conversation, I asked the client whether that was the style that she wanted her video to be completely as from the brief that I was given it felt very similar, from this discussion I found that no they didn’t want the video to be completely information based like this video but the use of text and the logo at the start and end was something that they were interesting in trying to replicate with their own products and logo.
  • 10. EXISTING PRODUCTS FROM SIMILAR CLIENTS Once I had spoken to the client and then looked at existing products that they asked me to look at as well as their videos on there website, I knew that the style that they were after. I told the client that I would look at other existing products and see if they could fit with their style when I went and met them in person to look around their business. From their video on their website I knew that they wanted a more relaxed and personal video rather an abstract and flashy video. They wanted it to represent not only there business but who they are themselves and this meant that the video will therefore have to be causal and low key but engaging to get the audience across. On the video on their website it shows the client performing a treatment and her talking about it while demonstrating. The way in which they talked and the language used as well as their body language was very relaxed and casual you could tell it wasn't an actor. The lighting was neutral as the location wasn't overly lit and from what I can tell from the video itself it was shot outside and therefore used natural light again keeping to the concept of low key and natural as possible.
  • 11. EXISTING PRODUCTS FROM SIMILAR CLIENTS This video is something that is similar I believe to what the client wanted with the interviews and the music used as well as the overall tone that is created. There will be several differences that I would include with the video I intend but I liked the shots where they are talking off screen and the spilt screen with them talking and the products being shown as well. I think its original in how they show and tell what they are also saying. The use of the close ups in this video is something that I like as well as it shows a personal touch which is something that the client would like in their video as well.
  • 13. INITIAL IDEAS Produce a physical brainstorm/mind map of potential ideas. You should do this as an entire group. (You should consider the elements you researched when analysing existing products) • Have the client speak to the camera as they show the products • Have the camera walk around the room as the client speaks off camera about what the products are and what they offer. • Hardly show the client or the client location and focus more on the products and what they offer and the benefits but also have they are unique to the client and therefore the cliental themselves. This will be using motion graphics similar to the walk around one shot idea as well. Similar to the first video that I looked at as part of similar products. • Neutral and pastel colours as the client offers popular treatments arrange of cliental therefore by having neutral colours there will be no initial or shouldn’t be any gender bias that most beauty and salon videos portray. • Have the client speaking off camera about the business and who they are as well as what they offer and cutaway to what they are saying as a visual explanation and then cut back. Also use minimal motion graphics to emphases the point of their offers or other products that they offer.
  • 15. IDEAS List the core ideas you have generated as part of your team’s idea generation. 1. Factual – about the products and treatments 2. About the client's experience and career 3. The client speaking directly to the audience 4. Details about the treatments offered but also the experience the client has with performing said treatments – similar to idea 2 5. Walk around the room, talk and one. One shot, one take break it down with motion graphics.
  • 16. IDEAS Discuss the strengths, weaknesses and constraints of each idea 1. Product details which will be detailed by motion graphics and text which I'm not that confident with. 2. Changing the volume in two tracks at the same time so that they can work alongside each other 3. Much more confident in premier and creating a sequence that I believe works well so editing the video will be a strength for me in terms of making the clips come together and flow.
  • 18. PROPOSAL I intend to create a corporate video for the business One 2 One within Selby that will inform the audience of where and who the client is and what they offer in terms of their services. Due to the fact that the business is run singlehandedly by the client I will only include the client within the video and try and make it personal in terms of audience and the client as possible. I will be doing this by eye contact and also referencing to the audience as you. The video will be between 30 seconds to a minute long and will consist of live footage that I will have filmed myself of both the client and the clients business. The video will also include motion graphics for further information either about the services but also how to contact the client as well. If I have enough footage and enough time as discussed with the client they would also like me to create another video that will be shorter then the first/main video. This will discus in more detail about either a specific treatment either holistic or beauty of just a video about information more about what the client has to offer in terms of treatments. The shorter videos will also include more information than the longer video. What I mean by more information is that it will be more in-depth with information about monthly offers or even prices lists. Where as with the first/main video there will be no reference to price.
  • 19. TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience for this project will be same as the clients audience that I research beforehand however I will market this slightly different so that I can try and help through the end product to expand the clients target audience. When I spoke to the client herself she stated that she has a mixed age range of clients and most of her clients are female but there are a larger majority of men who come for treatments such as hot stones and massages regularly. The holistic treatments that the client offers are more popular with the younger generation and it a lot more equal spread in gender. The client stated that this is because she believes that the they are more open minded to the services that she offers and they are in need of it more, as depression, anxiety is more common to the younger generation. (This was the clients opinion). The beauty treatments are more mixed range as the client has a range of customers of different ages, it all depends on the treatments being offered. Sarah, the client, did also tell me that the beauty treatments are more for females rather than males. When speaking to the client about the target audience they told me about how gender doesn't matter within their video because it is only the client who runs the business and therefore conducts the treatments. She told me that it was much easier to not target a gender as part of her audience because of her service, the client told me this is on of the reasons that she named the business One 2 One because it is just her and the client from start to finish and you won't see anybody leave or arrive while having treatments/experience at the business and furthermore the only person you will deal with on the phone as well will be Sarah. She explained in further detail that it was better for her client because they trusted and relaxed more with her especially with the holistic treatments because every time they wanted an appointment they knew they were getting the same person each time. Not to mention the patient confidentially that the client offers. As part of the video the client asked me to use very neutral colours and not to focus on the beauty elements if possible, which I believe was a good concept for trying to target/market for a gender neutral/equal audience, but equally focus on both the beauty and the holistic. This is one of the reasons why I chose not to include any treatments being shown within the promotional video and if the client asks why I will explain this reason with her. When the video as well because of the mixed age range I decided to try and appeal to them I would have the client speaking directly into the camera as if talking to the audience directly which I believe links into the client statements early when I spoke to her about the fact that the business is called One 2 One and therefore will emphasise this personal element. As part of the video to try and appeal to all of the target audience I will included more than one way for them to contact the client as well as keeping all the content, both audio and visual neutral in terms of age, race, religion etc. so that the video won't offend anyone. This is one of the reasons that when I next speak to the client in regards to the audio I will ask them if it can be lyric less music.
  • 20. RESOURCES What resources are required for the intended video? Consider hardware, software, personnel, locations, budget There will be several resources that I will need to be able to complete this product/video. For my pre-production I will need software such as PowerPoint and access to the internet to contact the client and look at over existing products on YouTube for example. For the production I will need a camera and tripod as well as the SD card and the battery. Not only that but I will be using my car to travel to and from the client's business and other locations to meet the client as well. Editing I will also need to use software such as Premier Pro and After Effects.
  • 21. PROJECT SCHEDULE Consider a brief schedule of your shoot, edit and delivery. Your shoot should be formalised with your client soon. Shooting and editing is intended W/C 26th Feb/5th March respectively. The first week will be client communication where I will not only find a client to work with but also speak to them and introduce myself and possibly look for a brief. The second week will be pre-production disccuings and negoitating the brief while also looking at existing products that are similar to the client and what the client wants from the information given in the brief. But also pre-production planning such as shot list, contingency plan and a risk assessment. The third week will be filming and editing and also sending the first draft to the client. The final will be making any amendments and changes for the final edit to send to the client but also submit as my final work piece. All work should be done, this is both the writing and the production aspects.
  • 23. CLIENT COMMUNICATION Insert screenshots of any further discussion or development with your chosen clients. What was the client’s reaction to your proposed idea? Any amendments or changes? What was the agreed content? When I met the client to film, after filming all the intended shots, we both had some time spare surprisingly so therefore I sat down with the client to go over ideas, such as the type of music that the client would like. They gave me some suggestions and we listened to some on YouTube to get inspiration. At first the client wanted to have Sigal and Paloma Faith Lullaby as the song for their video, however I stated that due to legal issues we most likley wont be able to use the song but I could look into it futher but the client said that it was fine and could we possibly use an instrumental of the song instead. We tried to look online together while we were there for the intursemntal of the song and we found one version however the client did not like that so we tried to look for other songs. The client likes Erya and asked if we could have one of their songs within the video, we found a couple that we liked that were instrumentals which were.... and the client stated that I could use either of them. The client also stated that if I was able to make another video, as discussed beforehand could I use the same music on both videos as well as the font, which I told her that I would. The client asked me how long the video would take to finished editing and if I could meet her in person to show her the final video. I told her that it would take a week maybe a week and a half to finish this was because the client wanted to see the video but with both soundtracks on either video to deicide what soundtrack they liked better and then if there is any feedback with the video that she would be able to explain in person better than other the Facebook about any changes that the client wanted before. Once we agreed this I then told her that after that I will send her the final draft with the final soundtrack and the any edits no later than a week after we meet up. The client said that it was fine and that I could email her the video, as she will give me her personal email, as mentioned before her business email isn't functioning anymore, and they she will message me when the video is up on her Facebook, and her new website when the client updates it.
  • 24. ROLES Due to the fact that I am working on this project solely by myself not as a group project the whole process of both pre-production and production will be run by myself. The pre-production which includes both contacting the client, looking at existing products and contingency as well as the risk assessment will be done before I start filming as part of my production. This means that I will have it done by February 28th. As I intend to film on the Tuesday which is 28th February. The production which will include the roles of filming and editing will be completed and done within the deadline of 11th March 2018. I have this as a late date as I am hoping that I can have an edited and completed first version done and sent to my client by the 2nd of March so then I have the final week to make any amendments or changes that the client or even myself.
  • 25. SHOT LIST Shot # Location Shot Type Camera Angle/Movem ent Description (subject, action, lighting etc.) #1 On Location medium none Sat down talking directly to camera #2 On Location Long Shot None Stood off centre talking to camera #3 On Location Long Shot None Stood off centre talking to camera #4 Entrance to room Medium shot Pan Start in the corner and pan around to see the inside of the salon/room #5 Entrance to room Close up/ long Shot None Close up of salon sign on door, open door while still filming to show the inside of the salon.
  • 26. CONTINGENCY Problem Effect on production Solution Person Responsible Equipment breaks Slows down/ can potential stop production Look after equipment, put the camera away when moving location. Myself Memory card runs out of space Slows down production could also stop production Make sure that the memory card has enough space before starting production Myself Battery power dies Stop production Make sure that the battery has enough power before production. If I know I am feeling for a long period of time make sure that I charge the battery beforehand and possibly bring a spare battery with production as well. Myself Can't use the location This will stop the production as the client wants the video to be located within the business and there is no possible way to remove the equipment to another location. Make sure that I rearrange to another date that fits both of our time schedules. Myself The client is sick or unavailable to make it for the production This again will stop production as it is as the client single handedly runs the business therefore the business itself won't be open. Rearrange the production/filming to another date this fits both of our time schedules and if possible start to make/look at the graphics for the text for the video to get started. Myself
  • 27. RISK ASSESSMENT Hazzard Risk Prevention Person Responsible Trip hazard Can full over and either injure myself and over people. Can also break equipment. Make sure that there are no trip hazards are there when filming, set camera in sensible place. Make sure that camera and my own bag is away from people to trip as well. Myself for placing the camera and the camera bag/my own bag. The client in their own equipment. Tight Stairs when trying with equipment Hurting and injury myself. Falling down the stairs. Breaking the equipment. Make sure that I don't carry to much when going up and down the stairs because they are so steep and narrow, make sure that I am the only person accoupling them at the time. If possible make to trips with the tripod due to it being so awkward. Myself Chemicals Burning or breaking the equipment Make sure that I stay away from the equipment and chemicals and if they are being used within the video make sure they are handled with care and when they are not in use that they are put away correctly. The client Myself
  • 28. RESOURCES What resources are required for this project? Consider time, budget, physical (equipment, location, properties, people, crew, your talent/actors) On the previous slide I have explained as part of resources what I would need in terms of software and equipment to make the video however there are more resources that will be required to complete this project and they are as following. People, this will include the client and then filler shots of the clients to create the atmosphere. Not only this but also the crew behind the camera as well that will man the camera, this will be me who will be doing completing this role. Another resource that seems obvious will also be the building itself, I will need access to the clients business to film both outside and within. This required me to contact the client and work out a date, 28th February and a time 12pm until 3pm for me to film any required shots. The client also said that I can meet up with here the day before Monday the 27th of February at the business to allow for me to ether film anything before Tuesday but also just to double check and reference my shot list with the client.
  • 29. SCRIPT There will be no script as part of this video. What I mean by this is the client said that they would like to speak to the audience and inform them of the services they offer however they would feel a lot more comfortable to freelance their speech when talking as they want it to look smooth and not forced. I agreed with the client and told them that it was fine and as long as they were comfortable with everything. This is the reason that there was no script wrote down before filming. This is something that both me and the client agreed as part of the brief, there will however be some information that is linked to the products that the client wanted to inform their audience and this was the best way to do this. It also made it easier for me to know what further information to include in the video. As the client wrote down the missing information that she didn't include in her speech as other information I could included as part of the motion graphics. The client informed me that they would give me a script of when I meet up with her of the information they want me to include as part of the motion graphics text to inform the audience of the products.
  • 30. SCHEDULE AND TIMESCALE Day Activity 12th February till 19th February This time was during the holidays and I used this time to contact the client and negotiate the brief. 19th February till 22th February Due to the fact that I have had client communication and now I have the brief I can move onto the task of Research into existing products and also idea generation. 23rd February till 26th February Proposal and pre-production this also included some client communication as I asked if I could meet up with the client so that I could not only negotiate film ideas with the client but also so I could look around the business for the risk assessment. 26th February till 27th February Filming. 28th February till 11th March First edit and draft once completed send to the client to ask for feedback. 13th March till 18th March Editing, completed any improvements and then send the final end video both the client and upload onto YouTube. Finish the Production PowerPoint. Submit all my work/upload onto my blog
  • 33. QUALITY CONTROL Discuss how you managed the shoot. Did you abide by the original shot list? Did personnel act professional and with respect? Did you stick to the roles? One of the things I forgot to do was book and take out a sound recorder so that I could like up the sound with the DSLR. This meant that the audio recording was terrible and some of the videos had to be scrapped. It was a shame because it meant that I either had to refilm all the interviews again with the sound recording so I could sync it up. Or because we didn't have a script as that was something the client didn't want this meant that I would have to write down what was being said within the video and find another time to get the client to do an audio recording. I used Premiere Pro effects to remove the white noise in the background and for nearly all the audio this worked however there where bits of the audio where the sound dips and then rises. When recording and at the location I acted professional and with respect and I feel that I have kept the same level of professionalism throughout the whole project. For the majority of shots that I filmed during production they followed the original shot list. However due to circumstances for the production this meant that I couldn't film all the shots that I originally intended. The most of the shots I wanted to get I got as well as the type of audio recording and visual effects