SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Insert screenshots of any early discussions or development
with your chosen clients.
If a phone call has been made, make a written log of the date and time, what
was discussed, and any agreed actions.
If you intend to visit your client prior to shooting, ask to look around for pre-
visualisation opportunities and risk assessment purposes. This will greatly
benefit your planning in later stages.
when we had made our final decision on who we wanted as a client we
constructed a short email explain who we were and the purpose of our video, we
also added a section explaining what we intended to film in order to give them a
wider idea of what will be happening on the day.
This is the email that my client sent me back, it doesn't’t involve much
information concerning what they want, which gives me the impression
that I have more freedom with the making of the project and they have
described that any further information on their half can be discussed over
the phone or on the day of filming.
What structure of brief have you received?
Is there any room for negotiation or consultation?
What opportunities are there for self-development in the given brief?
(new skills you will learn as a group, multi-skilling)
As we already have a personal relationship with our client a
professional brief wasn't exactly necessary, instead we sent them a
slightly formal brief which described why we were doing the
promotional video and what we intended to include in the video overall
in terms of shots and what we need from them. In the email I described
how if they had any issues with the basic plan we had produced then let
me know and we can negotiate new terms, also as I work at the
business I have multiple opportunities to discuss the project with my
client so in theory this type of brief would most likely come under
formal/informal. We plan to make this promotional video the best we
can so we are planning to use equipment that is new to us such as
steadi-cams or shoulder mounts, the freedom to use this new
equipment in a professional environment will help to increase our
skillset in these areas.
Identify who the client is
What services do they offer?
Where are they based?
Our client is European ceramics, a tile showroom and
warehouse based in Armley, Leeds. They offer both retail and
wide distribution services. The showroom which holds
hundreds of different tiles and designs is open to the public
seven days a week with a large amount of stock which enables
customers to order and retrieve their tiles easily and quickly.
The business has an online store through eBay where
customers from all over the country are able to order and pay
for tiles, as the business have a strong partnership with
distribution company LPC ( Leeds parcel company) any orders
can be delivered in a matter of days. The company has three
main warehouses one of which is onsite and the others are 1
minute down the road which are shared with sister company
Verona, meaning they are hardly ever low on stock.
Research the current client and/or their brand. Analyse both their offline
and online materials.
European ceramics have three main online services, these include their
website which has recently been updated with the company's new
design and colour plan, the website includes professional high
definition images of the showroom and exterior of the building the blue
and white colours of the logo are also used with the website to give it
the simple style. The toolbar at the top of the screen gives information
on everything they sell which includes mosaics, porcelain and tools,
customers are not able to buy directly from he website but there is a
link to the company's eBay page where they are able toe easily
purchase items. The company also have a Facebook page where
customers are able to like and follow the business in order to keep up
to date with any information such as sales or necessary stock updates,
customers are also able to use the page to inform the business of any
complaints. The client also have an eBay account where they make all
of their online sales, the company are able to talk with clients through
this account and negotiate prices with ease. The company also offer
offline materials such as employee cards that are handed out to every
customer that a sales assistant deals with, allowing customers to ring
ant employee during office hours and ask any necessary questions
regarding their order.
Build a profile of your client’s audience using the analysis
carried out.
The main cliental for this business is people who work in
trade/ labour industry such tillers, builders or joiners etc.
people in this trade are the companies most frequent
customers which enables employees of the business to form
personal relationships with these people leading to helping
out each others business as when normal customers who are
looking for a tiller to fit the tiles they sell to them the
company recommend certain tillers and they recommend the
shop to their own potential clients. To attract more of this
certain cliental the business offers great refunds to
tradesmen. From looking at the social media page of the
business, the most reviews come from either middle aged
normal customers who have made small orders or
companies who have done large orders for big contacts
deals and most of the reviews seem to be positive.
Link the video.
Discuss similarities and contrasts
Discuss the conventions (voice overs, company logo, titles, selling point, shooting
techniques, interviews, music, graphics, video/audio transitions, language and script)
The purpose of the X-tile Canada showroom promotional video is to showcase their busy and
well stocked showroom and promote key aspects of their business such as what they offer
and their incredible customer service. In almost every shot movement is used whether it be
within the frame or the frame itself, movement in the shot helps to keep the viewer engaged
as still shots can often be seen as boring, potentially leading to the viewer losing interest in
the video all together shifting focus from the more important aspects that the video is try to
promote. Fast video transitions such as screen swipes and fast fades to white are used for a
majority of the shot transitions, the transitions coincide well with the fast paced music that
plays throughout the video and at the time the video was made (2011) I could see how maybe
they would be seen as mesmeric and visually pleasing, helping the video to correspond well
with the showrooms modern look, but viewing it now it makes the video look out-dated and
unprofessional. Another out-dated aspect of the video is the graphics, the colours used are
seemingly bland and uninviting and the font and simplicity give a sense on
unprofessionalism. I found that the interviews are done very well, viewers are provided with
an interview from each key aspect of the company including management, sales, customer
service/reception and warehouse management. Each interviewee gives a short description of
their roles and a positive evolution of a certain area of the business, the interviewees speech
seems to flow naturally and L cuts are used to break up the visual aspects of the interview to
make for a less tedious viewing. The fact that the interviewer is not heard helps the dialogue
flow better and provides a more informal and therefor inviting vibe. The logo is shown at the
end of the video within a short sequence of graphics that provides the viewer with important
information regarding the business such as address and phone number but similar to the
graphics used earlier in the video it is out-dated and boring.
Venice Art Tiles
Link the video. -
Discuss similarities and contrasts
Discuss the conventions (voice overs, company logo, titles, selling point,
shooting techniques, interviews, music, graphics, video/audio transitions,
language and script)
voice overs are used in this promotional video, they are used in an interview format with
the founder of the company, he describes what his company is, the originality of his
company and the individuality of the products he creates for his clients. The company
logo is displayed right at the beginning of the promotional video, an out of focus to in
focus shot is used. The companies specific selling point is portrayed in the video,
specifying on what products they create and who for, the founder lists the different kinds
of projects he's created for client, displaying the wide variety of work he has done. A
number of different shooting techniques are used, from close ups of some of the
projects the company has created, the working process of creating these art tiles is also
shown through creative techniques. A simple up beat song is used as the backing track,
featuring soft drum beats and pan flutes, matching with the type of products the
company creates, artistic and out there.
Link the video.
Discuss similarities and contrasts
Discuss the conventions (voice overs, company logo, titles, selling point, shooting
techniques, interviews, music, graphics, video/audio transitions, language and script)
Varmora Granito is India's largest tile exporter and this video is used to promote the companies
global presence as it showcases their Dubai showroom. No voice over or any dialogue at all is
used throughout the whole video, probably due to the company not wanting to specifically target
one demographic as the video is about the companies global reach. through the videos content
of what is essentially a step by step guide of customers perspective in the showroom it is easy
for viewers to gain an understanding of what the video is, along with the wide angled
establishing shot of the front of the showroom used at the start of the video, which brings focus
to the large bright company logo highlighting who they are. Having no dialogue or text
throughout the entirety of the video could come at a disadvantage for the company as they are
failing to supply potential customers with the important information that they need such as,
specific tile designs and styles, other stock pieces and prices etc. which may force the company
into making a second video that does provide viewers with this important information therefore
wasting time and money as they could have just implemented such information in the original
video. As the showroom is newly built in 2016 it has a very modern and professional look to it
which the company can use as their unique selling point, as customers will see the fresh white
showroom covered in exquisite tile designs and displays giving them an indication of what their
own home may look like should they choose to use this company. As the company operates
from India but have showrooms all over the world, they will try to relate to the people from the
countries in which they operate in order to gain trust from these people as a foreign business,
with this promotional video this company has achieved this by using traditionally Arabic music
that’s plays throughout the entirety of the video, as well as this the continuous beat of the song
coincides with the cuts of the videos well and keeps in with its overall pace.
As I work for the business part time, I have a personal
relationship with manager Paul Nichols, due to this I have his
personal mobile number that I am able to ring him on to
discuss the project.
This is a screenshot taken from my phone it shows
Two phone calls between me and the manager of
the business, Paul Nichols. The first phone call was
me checking in hat we are still okay for filming in two
days time and discuss the project a little more. Paul
then rung me back five minutes later after talking to
other members of staff and letting me know who will
be involved in the interviews. He also relayed to me
some slight information regarding health and safety
which and further discussed the brief in more detail
regarding to such aspects as putting it up on their
website, specific filming times and whether or not
any legal documentation was required and if so
List the core ideas you have generated as part of your team’s
idea generation.
1. interviews
2. exterior
3. vehicle tracking shot
4. time lapse segment
Discuss the strengths, weaknesses and constraints of each idea
1. interviews are a good way to give useful information about the product or company to the
viewer, especially when it comes from a reliable source such as a staff member who know
what they are talking about. Sometimes people who aren't actors can be nervous when
talking on camera this can discredit the interview as it can make it less engaging for the
viewer, a useful way to overcome this is to make a basic plan of what to say enabling the
interviewee to talk with a certain flow as a detailed script may make the dialogue seem to
2. exterior longs shots are useful as they give viewers a visual idea of what the showroom
looks like on the outside and what they need to look for, it is especially useful in our case
as the outside of the building offers multiple advertisements for the business which will be
necessary to capture. To really capture a perfect exterior long shot the best equipment to
use would be camera drone as tat would give us endless possibilities of angles ad cover a
larger area, but as we are slightly limited with our equipment we will have to do the best
with what we have got.
3. we intend to use a vehicle tracking shot of the company van, it will be useful as it gives the
viewer an indication of the businesses delivery services and the van is plastered in
company information and advertising, as we don’t have access to professional level
tracking camera equipment such as dolly's or large car mounts we intend to use a standard
tripod held close to a car window as we drive along side the van, two people will be used for
this so one can concentrate on driving and the other on filming, helping to limit any on road
4. a time lapse segment is an entertaining way to display the daily goings on of the business
and can be used as good stock footage to help breakup shots and prevent repetition. As the
showroom is open to the public we need to make sure that the camera is placed in a safe
position and can not be seen as a tripping hazard as it will need to be static for a long
amount of time.
Discuss what you intend to create
Provide a content outline.
The proposal (slides 20-23) is to be discussed with your client so they
understand your intentions.
We intend to create a promotional video that will showcase the large
amounts of products this company has to offer as well as giving the general
public an inside view of the daily goings on of the business. We will use
camera techniques and editing to promote the businesses professional
stance in the industry, the video will be put online through he companies
social media page where it will be open to the public allowing them to see
the type of business that this place is. With interviews and visual examples
the public will be able to see the staff and almost get to know them more
through watching the video as we will try to express the great customer
service and friendly vibe that is employed. we intend to have the majority of
our video consist of close ups and moving shots of the tiles and different
displays that are positioned around the showroom.
Who is the intended audience? How will your video appeal to
them? Provide examples.
The tile showroom is open to everyone and with such a range
in prices and styles the company reach many different
demographics. With tremendous deals for tradesmen and
tilers, the majority of our customers come under this
category. To help appeal to this side of our audience we will
bring focus to the aspects that relate more to them such as
trade deals and the large stock of equipment and builder
accessories the company has to offer. To help appeal to the
normal customers made up of multiple demographics, we
plan on highlighting the numerous different styles and makes
of tiles that the shop has to offer, showing the public the
great variation of products.
Consider a brief schedule of your shoot, edit and delivery. Your
shoot should be formalised with your client soon.
Shooting and editing is intended W/C 26th Feb/5th March respectively.
We have decided after discussion with our client that we will begin
initial filming on Wednesday 28th of February, it is best for both us
and client as we only have a half day at college so we can drive
through after we finish and begin filming just after lunch time which
our client has said is when they are less busy so filming will be more
Changes where made to the film date due to the the weather, snow
meant that we could not get into college let alone going through to
Leeds to see the client so after discussion with the client we
rescheduled to the following week, Wednesday 7th of March.
After initial filming and the beginning of the editing process we
realised there was still more we needed to film so we asked the client
if we could come back again the following week and finish up what
we needed, this was fine with out client.
After filming on three different occasions
manager of the business Paul rung me asking
if I wanted to schedule any more shoots in
the near future, I told him that we had
acquired all shots we thought necessary but
just in case we did need any more footage I
would let him know in good time before hand.
We agreed on this and I thanked him for his
help and told him I would be in touch when
the sequence is complete in order to send
him the video and make sure he is happy with
the content.
Identify the agreed pre-production and production roles and
associated responsibilities. (What is your task? Specific deadline?)
Slider and shoulder mount operator – we made a joint decision that during the
filing process Elliot should be in charge of this equipment as he had more
experiences with them, so we were more likely to capture valuable shots when the
camera operator was well experienced.
editor – we will both be making different edits of the video as we need to make
separate final pieces, we are both well experienced in video editing. hopefully we
will both be done with our editing by the deadline of Thursday the 22nd of march,
but if not we will be able to easily help each other in getting it done in class time.
Tripod operator – as most of the tripod shots we were getting would be close ups
and long shot pans of the different tiles and displays we chose for me to operate
the tripod as being an employee of the business I already knew the best displays
and tiles to film so we could get the process done quickly and efficiently.
client communication - as I am an employee o the business myself I already have
a personal relationship with management and staff, this made the communication
process easy as I was able to talk in person about the project during my shift as
well as through email and phone.
Location Shot Type Camera
Description (subject, action,
lighting etc.)
1 All shot on site
of clients
LS Tilted pan Exterior shot of building
2 mid shot Slider shot mid shot of tiles with slider
3 Close up Focus out/in Close up of tiles out of focus to
in focus
4 mid shot interview Stationary Interview with staff
5 L –cut close up Close up
Slider shot
L-cut from interview to tiles
6 mid shot Low angle/
mid shot showcasing tiles
spoke about in interview
7 Close up Low angle
leftward pan
Close up of tiles panning shot
leftward to show more tiles
8 mid shot interview Stationary 2nd interview with another
staff member
9 L-cut slider mid shot Leftward
Audio from interview over
more footage displaying
10 mid shot Eye level
mid shot
mid shot of staff with
Companies logo with
Create a contingency plan to consider resources, personnel, logistics,
time frame etc.
In terms of equipment we plan to take two tripods, one as a spare just in
case the other were to break or be forgotten. We specifically chose two
of this piece of equipment as this is the equipment we plan to use the
most in our filming process and is the best piece of equipment for
capturing effective shots. In case we have trouble with battery life or
system storage on the camera we will not only make sure the camera is
fully charged before every shoot but also take a charger just in case it
does run out during filming, we will also take two SD cards just in case
storage fills up and we need a quick change during filming.
We have made a basic shooting schedule which depicts the days of
each shoot, just in case we miss one of those days we have already
made exceptions with the client that allows me to do small amounts of
shooting during my shifts if necessary. Also to make sure we are able to
shoot the staff or interview them we made sure that we were filming
when there was more than two people working, this way we were able to
use one staff member for filming whilst the others carru on with work,
therefor not distracting them from their professional roles or customers.
Provide a script if this is required as part of your video.
Identify questions/answers/reactions you expect from your talent and/or interviews
We don’t intend to use a script as the people who we plan on doing the talking aren't actors or
don’t have any proper experience on camera, we feel that scripts could possibly make for a more
clunk and unnatural dialogue. Instead we intend to provide the people in the interviews with
questions that will not be heard in the video but will help to start a conversation and produce a
natural flow. We will provide the interviewees with bullet points of possible subjects regarding the
business that they could say. Obviously due to time constraints each question wont be discussed
in detail or used at all but the more we have the quicker and easier the process will be.
What are the duties/responsibilities of your job?
What products does the business offer?
What is the most successful product, in terms of sales?
How long have you worked at European ceramics?
If you had to break it up into percentages, how do you spend your day?
What do you like most about working in this industry?
Why do you think customers choose this business?
How does the company make use of technology for internal communication and outside
marketing? (Use of email, Internet, intranets, social media, website, video, etc.)
In your opinion what do you think is the most important aspect of running a successful tile
business (e.g. customer service/sales/employee well-being.)
What resources are required for this project?
Consider time, budget, physical (equipment, location, properties, people, crew, your
To create our project we are going to need the right equipment for the job, different equipment
can be used to create different shots and scenes so for our project we are going to try use a
range of different equipment to ensure our end product is dynamic and interesting. For
equipment we have hired out from college a Libec tripod, this is helpful for stationary shots as
well as smooth pans and tilts. A Slider, which will be useful for close up sliding shots of the
products. Sound recording devices will also be needed for interview segments so that we can
effectively capture the dialogue to high quality instead of using the camera’s microphone as
the quality will not be good enough. We have also decided to hire a shoulder rig, this will be
using for shots with motion, ensuring that we have high quality footage trying to eliminate any
camera shake. As a group we already have our own camera and SD card to go with it so we
will not need to hire them, the camera is a Canon DSLR. the only location we will be filming at
will be the Warehouse/store of European Ceramics, located in Leeds. We plan to get all the
filming done in one day, we are going in to film just after lunch time and have the whole
afternoon to try get all the footage we need. Going in in the afternoon has been decided as we
discussed with the client that that would be the best time for them as they tend to be less busy
in the afternoon/evening. The crew only consists of just me and my partner, the roles will be
shared between us meaning that neither does more then the other. There will be no actors
being used but we plan to use interview segments with the workers at European Ceramics.
Day Activity
Wednesday 28th February Initial filming planned (cancelled due to
Wednesday 28th February Initial filming began, exterior shots of
warehouse, interior shots showcasing
products the clients produce and sell.
Saturday 10th March Interviews with staff recorded, talking
heads interview filmed, talking about
the products they sell and work life.
Wednesday 14th March Finishing up what filming we missed or
correcting shots that weren't up to our
standard, shots with staff and
customers filmed to show customer
An important aspect of our promotional video is the
interviews, without the interviews our video has no real
supply of detailed information regarding the business. In the
interviews we got real staff members of the business to
describe certain important aspects such as information on
stock items and customer service backed up with videos
illustrating the information. Before I started the actual
recording process of the interviews I first wanted to make
sure that the camera angle was correct and the subject I was
filming fit correctly in the frame. I positioned my subjects on
the right hand side of the screen as I found that this
technique was used a lot in interview situations as having the
subject directly in the middle of the frame can make for an to
intense viewing.
Discuss how you managed the shoot.
Did you abide by the original shot list? Did personnel act professional and
with respect? Did you stick to the roles?
The management of our shoot went under a few changes through out the
production process, factors such as the weather meant we had to reschedule
shooting days as well as shot ideas such as a vehicle tracking shot as the weather
wasn’t ideal for driving/filming. Our original shot list reflects basically the same as
our end product, we decided to create just a basic shot list to begin with so we
knew the basis of what idea were going to create and meant we had a plan of
action when we got there. I felt that myself and my crew member both performed
professionally and with respect for our client, we worked efficiently and to time
correctly as discussed before hand. The roles designated to me and my crew
member remained same from start to finish.

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[Pro forma] corporate - live project

  • 3. CLIENT COMMUNICATION Insert screenshots of any early discussions or development with your chosen clients. If a phone call has been made, make a written log of the date and time, what was discussed, and any agreed actions. If you intend to visit your client prior to shooting, ask to look around for pre- visualisation opportunities and risk assessment purposes. This will greatly benefit your planning in later stages.
  • 4. when we had made our final decision on who we wanted as a client we constructed a short email explain who we were and the purpose of our video, we also added a section explaining what we intended to film in order to give them a wider idea of what will be happening on the day.
  • 5. This is the email that my client sent me back, it doesn't’t involve much information concerning what they want, which gives me the impression that I have more freedom with the making of the project and they have described that any further information on their half can be discussed over the phone or on the day of filming.
  • 7. BRIEF What structure of brief have you received? Is there any room for negotiation or consultation? What opportunities are there for self-development in the given brief? (new skills you will learn as a group, multi-skilling) As we already have a personal relationship with our client a professional brief wasn't exactly necessary, instead we sent them a slightly formal brief which described why we were doing the promotional video and what we intended to include in the video overall in terms of shots and what we need from them. In the email I described how if they had any issues with the basic plan we had produced then let me know and we can negotiate new terms, also as I work at the business I have multiple opportunities to discuss the project with my client so in theory this type of brief would most likely come under formal/informal. We plan to make this promotional video the best we can so we are planning to use equipment that is new to us such as steadi-cams or shoulder mounts, the freedom to use this new equipment in a professional environment will help to increase our skillset in these areas.
  • 9. CLIENT Identify who the client is What services do they offer? Where are they based? Our client is European ceramics, a tile showroom and warehouse based in Armley, Leeds. They offer both retail and wide distribution services. The showroom which holds hundreds of different tiles and designs is open to the public seven days a week with a large amount of stock which enables customers to order and retrieve their tiles easily and quickly. The business has an online store through eBay where customers from all over the country are able to order and pay for tiles, as the business have a strong partnership with distribution company LPC ( Leeds parcel company) any orders can be delivered in a matter of days. The company has three main warehouses one of which is onsite and the others are 1 minute down the road which are shared with sister company Verona, meaning they are hardly ever low on stock.
  • 10. CLIENT Research the current client and/or their brand. Analyse both their offline and online materials. European ceramics have three main online services, these include their website which has recently been updated with the company's new design and colour plan, the website includes professional high definition images of the showroom and exterior of the building the blue and white colours of the logo are also used with the website to give it the simple style. The toolbar at the top of the screen gives information on everything they sell which includes mosaics, porcelain and tools, customers are not able to buy directly from he website but there is a link to the company's eBay page where they are able toe easily purchase items. The company also have a Facebook page where customers are able to like and follow the business in order to keep up to date with any information such as sales or necessary stock updates, customers are also able to use the page to inform the business of any complaints. The client also have an eBay account where they make all of their online sales, the company are able to talk with clients through this account and negotiate prices with ease. The company also offer offline materials such as employee cards that are handed out to every customer that a sales assistant deals with, allowing customers to ring ant employee during office hours and ask any necessary questions regarding their order.
  • 11. CLIENT Build a profile of your client’s audience using the analysis carried out. The main cliental for this business is people who work in trade/ labour industry such tillers, builders or joiners etc. people in this trade are the companies most frequent customers which enables employees of the business to form personal relationships with these people leading to helping out each others business as when normal customers who are looking for a tiller to fit the tiles they sell to them the company recommend certain tillers and they recommend the shop to their own potential clients. To attract more of this certain cliental the business offers great refunds to tradesmen. From looking at the social media page of the business, the most reviews come from either middle aged normal customers who have made small orders or companies who have done large orders for big contacts deals and most of the reviews seem to be positive.
  • 12. EXISTING PRODUCTS FROM SIMILAR CLIENTS Link the video. Discuss similarities and contrasts Discuss the conventions (voice overs, company logo, titles, selling point, shooting techniques, interviews, music, graphics, video/audio transitions, language and script) The purpose of the X-tile Canada showroom promotional video is to showcase their busy and well stocked showroom and promote key aspects of their business such as what they offer and their incredible customer service. In almost every shot movement is used whether it be within the frame or the frame itself, movement in the shot helps to keep the viewer engaged as still shots can often be seen as boring, potentially leading to the viewer losing interest in the video all together shifting focus from the more important aspects that the video is try to promote. Fast video transitions such as screen swipes and fast fades to white are used for a majority of the shot transitions, the transitions coincide well with the fast paced music that plays throughout the video and at the time the video was made (2011) I could see how maybe they would be seen as mesmeric and visually pleasing, helping the video to correspond well with the showrooms modern look, but viewing it now it makes the video look out-dated and unprofessional. Another out-dated aspect of the video is the graphics, the colours used are seemingly bland and uninviting and the font and simplicity give a sense on unprofessionalism. I found that the interviews are done very well, viewers are provided with an interview from each key aspect of the company including management, sales, customer service/reception and warehouse management. Each interviewee gives a short description of their roles and a positive evolution of a certain area of the business, the interviewees speech seems to flow naturally and L cuts are used to break up the visual aspects of the interview to make for a less tedious viewing. The fact that the interviewer is not heard helps the dialogue flow better and provides a more informal and therefor inviting vibe. The logo is shown at the end of the video within a short sequence of graphics that provides the viewer with important information regarding the business such as address and phone number but similar to the graphics used earlier in the video it is out-dated and boring.
  • 13. EXISTING PRODUCTS FROM SIMILAR CLIENTS Venice Art Tiles Link the video. - Discuss similarities and contrasts Discuss the conventions (voice overs, company logo, titles, selling point, shooting techniques, interviews, music, graphics, video/audio transitions, language and script) voice overs are used in this promotional video, they are used in an interview format with the founder of the company, he describes what his company is, the originality of his company and the individuality of the products he creates for his clients. The company logo is displayed right at the beginning of the promotional video, an out of focus to in focus shot is used. The companies specific selling point is portrayed in the video, specifying on what products they create and who for, the founder lists the different kinds of projects he's created for client, displaying the wide variety of work he has done. A number of different shooting techniques are used, from close ups of some of the projects the company has created, the working process of creating these art tiles is also shown through creative techniques. A simple up beat song is used as the backing track, featuring soft drum beats and pan flutes, matching with the type of products the company creates, artistic and out there.
  • 14. EXISTING PRODUCTS FROM SIMILAR CLIENTS Link the video. Discuss similarities and contrasts Discuss the conventions (voice overs, company logo, titles, selling point, shooting techniques, interviews, music, graphics, video/audio transitions, language and script) Varmora Granito is India's largest tile exporter and this video is used to promote the companies global presence as it showcases their Dubai showroom. No voice over or any dialogue at all is used throughout the whole video, probably due to the company not wanting to specifically target one demographic as the video is about the companies global reach. through the videos content of what is essentially a step by step guide of customers perspective in the showroom it is easy for viewers to gain an understanding of what the video is, along with the wide angled establishing shot of the front of the showroom used at the start of the video, which brings focus to the large bright company logo highlighting who they are. Having no dialogue or text throughout the entirety of the video could come at a disadvantage for the company as they are failing to supply potential customers with the important information that they need such as, specific tile designs and styles, other stock pieces and prices etc. which may force the company into making a second video that does provide viewers with this important information therefore wasting time and money as they could have just implemented such information in the original video. As the showroom is newly built in 2016 it has a very modern and professional look to it which the company can use as their unique selling point, as customers will see the fresh white showroom covered in exquisite tile designs and displays giving them an indication of what their own home may look like should they choose to use this company. As the company operates from India but have showrooms all over the world, they will try to relate to the people from the countries in which they operate in order to gain trust from these people as a foreign business, with this promotional video this company has achieved this by using traditionally Arabic music that’s plays throughout the entirety of the video, as well as this the continuous beat of the song coincides with the cuts of the videos well and keeps in with its overall pace.
  • 16. CLIENT COMMUNICATION As I work for the business part time, I have a personal relationship with manager Paul Nichols, due to this I have his personal mobile number that I am able to ring him on to discuss the project. This is a screenshot taken from my phone it shows Two phone calls between me and the manager of the business, Paul Nichols. The first phone call was me checking in hat we are still okay for filming in two days time and discuss the project a little more. Paul then rung me back five minutes later after talking to other members of staff and letting me know who will be involved in the interviews. He also relayed to me some slight information regarding health and safety which and further discussed the brief in more detail regarding to such aspects as putting it up on their website, specific filming times and whether or not any legal documentation was required and if so what.
  • 19. IDEAS List the core ideas you have generated as part of your team’s idea generation. 1. interviews 2. exterior 3. vehicle tracking shot 4. time lapse segment 5.
  • 20. IDEAS Discuss the strengths, weaknesses and constraints of each idea 1. interviews are a good way to give useful information about the product or company to the viewer, especially when it comes from a reliable source such as a staff member who know what they are talking about. Sometimes people who aren't actors can be nervous when talking on camera this can discredit the interview as it can make it less engaging for the viewer, a useful way to overcome this is to make a basic plan of what to say enabling the interviewee to talk with a certain flow as a detailed script may make the dialogue seem to forced. 2. exterior longs shots are useful as they give viewers a visual idea of what the showroom looks like on the outside and what they need to look for, it is especially useful in our case as the outside of the building offers multiple advertisements for the business which will be necessary to capture. To really capture a perfect exterior long shot the best equipment to use would be camera drone as tat would give us endless possibilities of angles ad cover a larger area, but as we are slightly limited with our equipment we will have to do the best with what we have got. 3. we intend to use a vehicle tracking shot of the company van, it will be useful as it gives the viewer an indication of the businesses delivery services and the van is plastered in company information and advertising, as we don’t have access to professional level tracking camera equipment such as dolly's or large car mounts we intend to use a standard tripod held close to a car window as we drive along side the van, two people will be used for this so one can concentrate on driving and the other on filming, helping to limit any on road dangers. 4. a time lapse segment is an entertaining way to display the daily goings on of the business and can be used as good stock footage to help breakup shots and prevent repetition. As the showroom is open to the public we need to make sure that the camera is placed in a safe position and can not be seen as a tripping hazard as it will need to be static for a long amount of time.
  • 22. PROPOSAL Discuss what you intend to create Provide a content outline. The proposal (slides 20-23) is to be discussed with your client so they understand your intentions. We intend to create a promotional video that will showcase the large amounts of products this company has to offer as well as giving the general public an inside view of the daily goings on of the business. We will use camera techniques and editing to promote the businesses professional stance in the industry, the video will be put online through he companies social media page where it will be open to the public allowing them to see the type of business that this place is. With interviews and visual examples the public will be able to see the staff and almost get to know them more through watching the video as we will try to express the great customer service and friendly vibe that is employed. we intend to have the majority of our video consist of close ups and moving shots of the tiles and different displays that are positioned around the showroom.
  • 23. TARGET AUDIENCE Who is the intended audience? How will your video appeal to them? Provide examples. The tile showroom is open to everyone and with such a range in prices and styles the company reach many different demographics. With tremendous deals for tradesmen and tilers, the majority of our customers come under this category. To help appeal to this side of our audience we will bring focus to the aspects that relate more to them such as trade deals and the large stock of equipment and builder accessories the company has to offer. To help appeal to the normal customers made up of multiple demographics, we plan on highlighting the numerous different styles and makes of tiles that the shop has to offer, showing the public the great variation of products.
  • 24. PROJECT SCHEDULE Consider a brief schedule of your shoot, edit and delivery. Your shoot should be formalised with your client soon. Shooting and editing is intended W/C 26th Feb/5th March respectively. We have decided after discussion with our client that we will begin initial filming on Wednesday 28th of February, it is best for both us and client as we only have a half day at college so we can drive through after we finish and begin filming just after lunch time which our client has said is when they are less busy so filming will be more accessible. Changes where made to the film date due to the the weather, snow meant that we could not get into college let alone going through to Leeds to see the client so after discussion with the client we rescheduled to the following week, Wednesday 7th of March. After initial filming and the beginning of the editing process we realised there was still more we needed to film so we asked the client if we could come back again the following week and finish up what we needed, this was fine with out client.
  • 26. CLIENT COMMUNICATION After filming on three different occasions manager of the business Paul rung me asking if I wanted to schedule any more shoots in the near future, I told him that we had acquired all shots we thought necessary but just in case we did need any more footage I would let him know in good time before hand. We agreed on this and I thanked him for his help and told him I would be in touch when the sequence is complete in order to send him the video and make sure he is happy with the content.
  • 27. ROLES Identify the agreed pre-production and production roles and associated responsibilities. (What is your task? Specific deadline?) Slider and shoulder mount operator – we made a joint decision that during the filing process Elliot should be in charge of this equipment as he had more experiences with them, so we were more likely to capture valuable shots when the camera operator was well experienced. editor – we will both be making different edits of the video as we need to make separate final pieces, we are both well experienced in video editing. hopefully we will both be done with our editing by the deadline of Thursday the 22nd of march, but if not we will be able to easily help each other in getting it done in class time. Tripod operator – as most of the tripod shots we were getting would be close ups and long shot pans of the different tiles and displays we chose for me to operate the tripod as being an employee of the business I already knew the best displays and tiles to film so we could get the process done quickly and efficiently. client communication - as I am an employee o the business myself I already have a personal relationship with management and staff, this made the communication process easy as I was able to talk in person about the project during my shift as well as through email and phone.
  • 28. Shot # Location Shot Type Camera Angle/Moveme nt Description (subject, action, lighting etc.) 1 All shot on site of clients shop/warehous e LS Tilted pan Exterior shot of building 2 mid shot Slider shot mid shot of tiles with slider movement 3 Close up Focus out/in Close up of tiles out of focus to in focus 4 mid shot interview Stationary Interview with staff 5 L –cut close up Close up Slider shot L-cut from interview to tiles 6 mid shot Low angle/ stationary mid shot showcasing tiles spoke about in interview 7 Close up Low angle leftward pan Close up of tiles panning shot leftward to show more tiles 8 mid shot interview Stationary 2nd interview with another staff member 9 L-cut slider mid shot Leftward tracking Audio from interview over more footage displaying tiles 10 mid shot Eye level mid shot mid shot of staff with customers Companies logo with
  • 29. CONTINGENCY Create a contingency plan to consider resources, personnel, logistics, time frame etc. In terms of equipment we plan to take two tripods, one as a spare just in case the other were to break or be forgotten. We specifically chose two of this piece of equipment as this is the equipment we plan to use the most in our filming process and is the best piece of equipment for capturing effective shots. In case we have trouble with battery life or system storage on the camera we will not only make sure the camera is fully charged before every shoot but also take a charger just in case it does run out during filming, we will also take two SD cards just in case storage fills up and we need a quick change during filming. We have made a basic shooting schedule which depicts the days of each shoot, just in case we miss one of those days we have already made exceptions with the client that allows me to do small amounts of shooting during my shifts if necessary. Also to make sure we are able to shoot the staff or interview them we made sure that we were filming when there was more than two people working, this way we were able to use one staff member for filming whilst the others carru on with work, therefor not distracting them from their professional roles or customers.
  • 34. SCRIPT Provide a script if this is required as part of your video. Identify questions/answers/reactions you expect from your talent and/or interviews We don’t intend to use a script as the people who we plan on doing the talking aren't actors or don’t have any proper experience on camera, we feel that scripts could possibly make for a more clunk and unnatural dialogue. Instead we intend to provide the people in the interviews with questions that will not be heard in the video but will help to start a conversation and produce a natural flow. We will provide the interviewees with bullet points of possible subjects regarding the business that they could say. Obviously due to time constraints each question wont be discussed in detail or used at all but the more we have the quicker and easier the process will be. What are the duties/responsibilities of your job? What products does the business offer? What is the most successful product, in terms of sales? How long have you worked at European ceramics? If you had to break it up into percentages, how do you spend your day? What do you like most about working in this industry? Why do you think customers choose this business? How does the company make use of technology for internal communication and outside marketing? (Use of email, Internet, intranets, social media, website, video, etc.) In your opinion what do you think is the most important aspect of running a successful tile business (e.g. customer service/sales/employee well-being.)
  • 35. RESOURCES What resources are required for this project? Consider time, budget, physical (equipment, location, properties, people, crew, your talent/actors) To create our project we are going to need the right equipment for the job, different equipment can be used to create different shots and scenes so for our project we are going to try use a range of different equipment to ensure our end product is dynamic and interesting. For equipment we have hired out from college a Libec tripod, this is helpful for stationary shots as well as smooth pans and tilts. A Slider, which will be useful for close up sliding shots of the products. Sound recording devices will also be needed for interview segments so that we can effectively capture the dialogue to high quality instead of using the camera’s microphone as the quality will not be good enough. We have also decided to hire a shoulder rig, this will be using for shots with motion, ensuring that we have high quality footage trying to eliminate any camera shake. As a group we already have our own camera and SD card to go with it so we will not need to hire them, the camera is a Canon DSLR. the only location we will be filming at will be the Warehouse/store of European Ceramics, located in Leeds. We plan to get all the filming done in one day, we are going in to film just after lunch time and have the whole afternoon to try get all the footage we need. Going in in the afternoon has been decided as we discussed with the client that that would be the best time for them as they tend to be less busy in the afternoon/evening. The crew only consists of just me and my partner, the roles will be shared between us meaning that neither does more then the other. There will be no actors being used but we plan to use interview segments with the workers at European Ceramics.
  • 36. SCHEDULE AND TIMESCALE Day Activity Wednesday 28th February Initial filming planned (cancelled due to weather) Wednesday 28th February Initial filming began, exterior shots of warehouse, interior shots showcasing products the clients produce and sell. Saturday 10th March Interviews with staff recorded, talking heads interview filmed, talking about the products they sell and work life. Wednesday 14th March Finishing up what filming we missed or correcting shots that weren't up to our standard, shots with staff and customers filmed to show customer service.
  • 38. UNIT STILLS An important aspect of our promotional video is the interviews, without the interviews our video has no real supply of detailed information regarding the business. In the interviews we got real staff members of the business to describe certain important aspects such as information on stock items and customer service backed up with videos illustrating the information. Before I started the actual recording process of the interviews I first wanted to make sure that the camera angle was correct and the subject I was filming fit correctly in the frame. I positioned my subjects on the right hand side of the screen as I found that this technique was used a lot in interview situations as having the subject directly in the middle of the frame can make for an to intense viewing.
  • 39. QUALITY CONTROL Discuss how you managed the shoot. Did you abide by the original shot list? Did personnel act professional and with respect? Did you stick to the roles? The management of our shoot went under a few changes through out the production process, factors such as the weather meant we had to reschedule shooting days as well as shot ideas such as a vehicle tracking shot as the weather wasn’t ideal for driving/filming. Our original shot list reflects basically the same as our end product, we decided to create just a basic shot list to begin with so we knew the basis of what idea were going to create and meant we had a plan of action when we got there. I felt that myself and my crew member both performed professionally and with respect for our client, we worked efficiently and to time correctly as discussed before hand. The roles designated to me and my crew member remained same from start to finish.