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Dr. Mahesh H. Koltame
Assistant professor,
SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai.
Warm-Up activity
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6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 2
Q1. On what basis do you decide which
way or method of teaching to choose?
Content Outline
▪ Introduction
▪ What is constructivism?
▪ Major beliefs of constructivism
▪ Constructivist approaches to teaching
▪ Useful pedagogical Models and designs.
▪ Three models of online/ digital learning
▪ Online collaborative learning Model
▪ Interactive teaching-learning model
▪ Design interactive learning experiences or activates for knowledge
▪ Empathy is a key “E” in e-learning
▪ How to engage students in online and offline or blended mode?
▪ Questions and answer
6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 3
today's life is exponentially more complicated and
complex then it was 50 years ago. This is a true for
civic life and also much as it is for work life. In the
21st century, citizenship requires certain level of
information and technology literacy that go far
beyond the basic academic knowledge that was
sufficient in the past.
"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be the ones
who can not red and write but those who can not learn
and unlearn and relearn" by-Alvin Toffler
6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 4
What is constructivism?
▪ Both behaviourist and some elements of cognitive theories of learning are deterministic, in the sense
that behaviour and learning are believed to be rule-based and operate under predictable and constant
conditions over which the individual learner has no or little control. However, constructivists emphasise
the importance of consciousness, free will and social influences on learning.
▪ There is growing evidence from research and observation that suggests students learn
best when they construct their own knowledge and understanding through having
experiences and then reflecting on them. This learning theory, known as Constructivism,
and based on works by Piaget, Vygotsky, Dewey and others, requires students to
be actively involved in their learning process.
▪ The external world is interpreted within the context of that private world. The belief that humans are
essentially active, free and strive for meaning in personal terms has been around for a long time, and is
an essential component of constructivism.
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Major beliefs of constructivism
▪ Constructivists believe that knowledge is essentially subjective in nature, constructed from our
perceptions and mutually agreed-upon conventions.
▪ According to this view, we construct new knowledge rather than simply acquire it via memorization or
through transmission from those who know to those who don’t know.
▪ Constructivists believe that meaning or understanding is achieved by assimilating information, relating it
to our existing knowledge, and cognitively processing it (in other words, thinking or reflecting on new
▪ Social constructivists believe that this process works best through discussion and social interaction,
allowing us to test and challenge your own understanding with those of others.
▪ Constructivists argue that individuals consciously strive for meaning to make sense of their environment
in terms of past experience and their present state.
▪ One consequence of constructivist theory is that each individual is unique, because the interaction of
their different experiences, and their search for personal meaning, results in each person being different
from anyone else.
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Constructivist approaches to teaching
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Constructivist approaches to teaching
▪ Furthermore, knowledge is mainly acquired through social processes or institutions that are
socially constructed: schools, universities, and increasingly these days, online communities.
Thus what is taken to be ‘valued’ knowledge is also socially constructed.
▪ Constructivists believe that learning is a constantly dynamic process.
▪ Thus ‘constructivist’ teachers place a strong emphasis on learners developing personal
meaning through reflection, analysis and the gradual building of layers or depths of knowledge
through conscious and ongoing mental processing.
▪ Reflection, seminars, discussion forums, small group work, and projects are key methods used
to support constructivist learning in campus-based teaching, and online collaborative learning,
and communities of practice are important constructivist methods in online learning.
▪ Although problem-solving can be approached in an objectivist way, by pre-determining a set
of steps or processes to go through pre-determined by ‘experts’, it can also be approached in a
constructivist manner.
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✓ Accommodate different learning styles
✓ Create an opportunity to pursue an interests
✓ Develop lifelong learners
✓ Open and trust-based relation
✓ Opportunity to make decision
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Interaction Time
Q2. What areas of knowledge do you
think would be best ‘taught’ or learned
through a constructivist approach?.
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Although constructivist approaches can be and have been
applied to all fields of knowledge, they are more
commonly found in approaches to teaching in the
humanities, social sciences, education, and other less
quantitative subject areas.
Useful pedagogical Models and designs
▪ Teaching methods need to be used that help to develop and transfer specific skills
that serve both the purposes of knowledge development and dissemination, while at
the same time preparing graduates for work in a knowledge-based society.
• Classroom
Teaching model
✓Learning by
19th century
• Classroom
✓Learning by listing
✓Learning by talking
20th century
• Blended and open learning model
✓Learning by talking
✓Learning by doing
✓Learning by experience
✓Learning by feeling
✓Learning by reflection
✓Online learning by MOOCs
21st century
Constructivism Connectivism
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Use of Constructivist approaches in online Teaching-Learning
▪ From a constructivist perspective, brains have more plasticity,
adaptability and complexity than current computer software
programs. Other uniquely human factors, such as emotion,
motivation, free will, values, and a wider range of senses, make
human learning very different from the way computers operate.
Following this reasoning, education would be much better served
if computer scientists tried to make software to support learning
more reflective of the way human learning operates, rather than
trying to fit human learning into the current restrictions of
behaviourist computer programming.
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Teacher taking
online lecture or
lesson at normal
class schedule
participate in
lecture and
homework later
Teacher gives
feedback in the
real time video
conferencing or
Asynchronous model or Homework
Synchronous model or Real Time
assign task to
complete tasks
and upload
eo as evidence
Teacher gives
individually by
either chat,
correcting task or
Calling on the
Teacher taking real
time online or F2F
lecture or lesson
Teacher assign
learning tasks to
students online or
F2F mode
Teacher discuss
doubts and issues in
the real-time at live
Blended Model
Three models of online/ digital learning
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Synchronous model or Real Time Model
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Asynchronous model or self-learning Model
Google classroom
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Interaction Time
Q3. Out of 100 points how much points will you
give to following?
a. Live lecture using conference tool
b. Pre-recorded lectures with assignments on
c. by the Use of social media
Blogs/Facebook/WhatsApp etc.
d. By the use of SMS and phone calls.
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6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 16
Current online teaching-learning
Connecting to the learner is just the first step. The design
process is essential but predictably ignored in the current
pandemic crisis reaction.
▪ Old wine in new bottles: classroom-type online learning
Teacher poorly ported their classroom lesion plans to
online delivery, without creative design. College students
forced to learn online were often bored. Appropriate
design is even more important remote and digitally
connect learners.
The most important thing we ignored is that students
studying online are in a different learning environment or
context than students learning in a classroom, and the
design needs to take account of this.
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Online learning and teaching models
Online learning is increasingly influencing both classroom/campus-based teaching but more importantly it
is leading to new models or designs for teaching and learning.
▪ Old wine in new bottles: classroom-type online learning
▪ Online collaborative learning
▪ Competency-based learning
▪ Communities of practice
▪ 'Agile' Design: flexible designs for learning
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Interaction Time
Q4. What teaching-learning model are
you using to design your current online
Write your answer in brief
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code 1543998
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Online learning and model
▪ Old wine in new bottles: classroom-type online learning
We start with classroom teaching methods that have been moved
into a technological format with little change to the overall design
principles. I will argue that these are essentially old designs in new
✓ Classes using lecture capture
✓ Courses using learning management systems
The limitations of the classroom design model for online learning
▪ Old wine can still be good wine, whether the bottle is new or not.
What matters is whether classroom design meets the changing
needs of a digital age. However, just adding technology to the mix,
or delivering the same design online, does not automatically result
in meeting changing needs.
▪ This model may not be sufficient to meet the higher level skills
needed in a digital age.
▪ Just adding new technology to the classroom design is that we
may just be increasing cost, both in terms of technology and the
time of instructors, without changing outcomes.
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Online collaborative learning Model
▪ What is online collaborative learning?
OCL theory provides a model of learning in which
students are encouraged and supported to work
together to create knowledge: to invent, to explore
ways to innovate, and, by so doing, to seek the
conceptual knowledge needed to solve problems
rather than recite what they think is the right answer.
While OCL theory does encourage the learner to be
active and engaged, this is not considered to be
sufficient for learning or knowledge
construction……In the OCL theory, the teacher plays
a key role not as a fellow-learner, but as the link to
the knowledge community, or state of the art in that
discipline. Learning is defined as conceptual change
and is key to building knowledge. Learning activity
needs to be informed and guided by the norms of
the discipline and a discourse process that
emphasises conceptual learning and builds
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Core design principles of OCL
▪ Harasim emphasises the importance of
three key phases of knowledge
construction through discourse:
▪ idea generating: this is literally
brainstorming, to collect the divergent
thinking within a group;
▪ idea organising: this is where learners
compare, analyse and categorise the
different ideas previously generated,
again through discussion and argument;
▪ intellectual convergence: the aim here is
to reach a level of intellectual synthesis,
understanding and consensus (including
agreeing to disagree), usually through the
joint construction of some artefact or
piece of work, such as an essay or
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Online collaboration strategies?
• Online discussion
• Online Group project on google doc
or spared sheet or any other tool
• Online brainstorming
• Online concerts
• Online games
• Online puzzles
• Creation of concept maps
• Creation of Mind maps
• Warm up activates
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Community of Inquiry
The Community of Inquiry Model (CoI) is
somewhat similar to the OCW model. As
defined by Garrison, Anderson and Archer
An educational community of inquiry is a
group of individuals who collaboratively
engage in purposeful critical discourse and
reflection to construct personal meaning
and confirm mutual understanding.
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Core design principles of COL
▪ Garrison, Anderson and Archer argue that there
are three essential elements of a community of
▪ social presence ” is the ability of participants to
identify with the community (e.g., course of study),
communicate purposefully in a trusting
environment, and develop inter-personal
relationships by way of projecting their individual
▪ teaching presence is “the design, facilitation, and
direction of cognitive and social processes for the
purpose of realizing personally meaningful and
educationally worthwhile learning outcomes”.
▪ cognitive presence “is the extent to which learners
are able to construct and confirm meaning
through sustained reflection and discourse“.
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Developing meaningful online discussion
For academic and conceptual development,
discussions need to be well organized by the teacher,
and the teacher needs to provide the necessary
support to enable the development of ideas and the
construction of new knowledge for the students.
✓ appropriate technology
✓ clear guidelines on student online behaviour
✓ student orientation and preparation
✓ clear goals
✓ choice of appropriate topics
✓ setting an appropriate ‘tone’ or requirements for discussion
✓ defining clearly learner roles and expectations,
✓ monitoring the participation of individual learners, and
responding accordingly
✓ regular, ongoing instructor ‘presence’
✓ ensuring strong articulation between discussion topics and
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Interaction Time
Q5. What problem do you face in online
write your answers in a single word.
Let’s go to
and use the
code 2436069
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Social psychomotor learning
• Group project
• Group learning exercises like
• Collaborative problem solving
• activates
• Brainstorming
Individual psychomotor
learning activates
• Assignment
• Individual projects
• Puzzles, games
• Skills practice activates
Social affective learning activates
• Sharing stores in the group
• Case or scenario-based group
• field visits
Individual affective learning
• Watching media, documentary
• Puzzle games
• Small quizzes
Individual Cognitive learning
• Reading course material
• Watching e-tutorial
• Solving problems
• Making notes
• Interactive reflective spots
Social cognitive learning
• Reflective group discussion
with focus questions
• Case-based inquiry in group
• Interviews
Design interactive learning experiences or activates
Pedagogical alignment of Online learning Experience
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• Split your content into small pieces
• Find the place to add learning experience which will elevate the learning
• Decide nature of learning experience
Micro learning experiences
This type of learning experience is useful to increase the
learning engagement of learners. It is a small scale non-
graded activity that helps learners to retrieve their
• Focus reflection spot in interactive video/text
• Small quizzes
• Case or scenario-based group discussion
• Practice template
• Puzzle /Games
• Make notes
Macro learning experiences
This type of learning experience is useful to
contextualize and apply their learning. It can be a large s
scale graded or non-graded activity that helps learners
to apply their knowledge in their won context.
• Reflective group discussion with focus questions
• Assignments
• Graded quiz
• Projects
• Collaborative activates
• Brainstorming
Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY
Experiential learning: learning by doing model
There are many different theorists in this area, such as John Dewey (1938) and more
recently David Kolb (1984).
Simon Fraser University defines experiential learning as: “the strategic, active
engagement of students in opportunities to learn through doing, and reflection on
those activities, which empowers them to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical
endeavours in a multitude of settings inside and outside of the classroom.”
There is a wide range of design models that aim to embed learning within real world
contexts, including:
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Experiential learning strategies?
▪ laboratory, workshop or studio work;
▪ apprenticeship;
▪ problem-based learning;
▪ case-based learning;
▪ project-based learning;
▪ inquiry-based learning;
▪ cooperative (work- or community-based) learning.
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Blended and fully online Experiential learning strategies?
1. blended or flipped learning:
▪ Case based inquiry
2. fully online:
▪ e-portfolios
▪ multimedia for reporting,
▪ remote labs for experimental work
▪ Virtual field visits
▪ Virtual museum tour
▪ Virtual labs
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Empathy is a key “E” in e-learning
▪ Your students are under tress with uncertainty and
unclear pathways to the future. they are balancing
changes in every aspects of their lives: School, home,
community and family.
▪ If you are moving to new mode of teaching-learning
or design model, give yourself and students time to
gate comfortable and try to make them comfortable.
▪ Oure students need empathy: connection,
communication and authenticity.
▪ Empathy is not counselling or coaching. It is respect
for the deferent realities of your teaching-learning
▪ Give them content, context, collaboration and
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How to engage students in online and offline or blended mode?
In synchronous mode
▪ Use appropriate learning design model and method and plan lesson accordingly.
▪ Conferencing tool must be simple
▪ Light and nimble
▪ Content, learner activities, tools used and assessment vary, according to the changing
▪ Experiential, open and applied learning
▪ Take a small breaks after every 30 minutes
▪ Give informal sharing space
▪ Give support and assign job aids
▪ Promote note taking
▪ Ask questions to keep learners engage
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In Asynchronous mode
▪ Use appropriate learning design model for learning experience design
▪ Learning tool or /LMS must be simple
▪ Give training of how to use LMS or other media
▪ Flexibility and accessibility
▪ Light and nimble
▪ Give human touch to text content
▪ Content, learner activities, tools used and assessment vary, according to the changing
▪ Experiential, open and applied learning
▪ Take a small breaks after every 30 minutes
▪ Give informal sharing space
▪ Give support and assign job aids
▪ Promote note taking
▪ Give interactive, Quizzes,
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How blog will be more useful in teaching?
▪ Write blog according to the context
▪ Use simple language
▪ Keep short.
▪ Give human touch
▪ Make it more attractive by the creative use of icons, images, clipart's, graphics etc.
▪ Add video recording of relevant video clip
▪ Add stories and scenarios
▪ Promote discussion
▪ Promote collaborative blog writing or other group projects
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How to inculcate values through online learning?
▪ By the use of scenarios and stores
▪ Simulations
▪ Videos
▪ Through the open interaction
▪ Promote discussion of social matters
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In this pandemic, how can we give education to all rural and
By the Home school
By continuous
connectedness’ with students
(through WhatsApp, SMS,
Phone calls etc.)
Use of TV, Radio, and other
mass media
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Mob. 9923917066
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  • 1. CONSTRUCTIVISM IN TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS Dr. Mahesh H. Koltame Assistant professor, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai.
  • 2. Warm-Up activity Let’s go to m and use the code 7501011 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 2 Q1. On what basis do you decide which way or method of teaching to choose?
  • 3. Content Outline ▪ Introduction ▪ What is constructivism? ▪ Major beliefs of constructivism ▪ Constructivist approaches to teaching ▪ Useful pedagogical Models and designs. ▪ Three models of online/ digital learning ▪ Online collaborative learning Model ▪ Interactive teaching-learning model ▪ Design interactive learning experiences or activates for knowledge construction ▪ Empathy is a key “E” in e-learning ▪ How to engage students in online and offline or blended mode? ▪ Questions and answer 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 3
  • 4. Introduction today's life is exponentially more complicated and complex then it was 50 years ago. This is a true for civic life and also much as it is for work life. In the 21st century, citizenship requires certain level of information and technology literacy that go far beyond the basic academic knowledge that was sufficient in the past. "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be the ones who can not red and write but those who can not learn and unlearn and relearn" by-Alvin Toffler 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 4
  • 5. What is constructivism? ▪ Both behaviourist and some elements of cognitive theories of learning are deterministic, in the sense that behaviour and learning are believed to be rule-based and operate under predictable and constant conditions over which the individual learner has no or little control. However, constructivists emphasise the importance of consciousness, free will and social influences on learning. ▪ There is growing evidence from research and observation that suggests students learn best when they construct their own knowledge and understanding through having experiences and then reflecting on them. This learning theory, known as Constructivism, and based on works by Piaget, Vygotsky, Dewey and others, requires students to be actively involved in their learning process. ▪ The external world is interpreted within the context of that private world. The belief that humans are essentially active, free and strive for meaning in personal terms has been around for a long time, and is an essential component of constructivism. 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 5
  • 6. Major beliefs of constructivism ▪ Constructivists believe that knowledge is essentially subjective in nature, constructed from our perceptions and mutually agreed-upon conventions. ▪ According to this view, we construct new knowledge rather than simply acquire it via memorization or through transmission from those who know to those who don’t know. ▪ Constructivists believe that meaning or understanding is achieved by assimilating information, relating it to our existing knowledge, and cognitively processing it (in other words, thinking or reflecting on new information). ▪ Social constructivists believe that this process works best through discussion and social interaction, allowing us to test and challenge your own understanding with those of others. ▪ Constructivists argue that individuals consciously strive for meaning to make sense of their environment in terms of past experience and their present state. ▪ One consequence of constructivist theory is that each individual is unique, because the interaction of their different experiences, and their search for personal meaning, results in each person being different from anyone else. 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 6
  • 7. Constructivist approaches to teaching Learner- centered approach Curiosity Observation Critical thinking Problem solving Creativity Self- learning 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 7
  • 8. Constructivist approaches to teaching ▪ Furthermore, knowledge is mainly acquired through social processes or institutions that are socially constructed: schools, universities, and increasingly these days, online communities. Thus what is taken to be ‘valued’ knowledge is also socially constructed. ▪ Constructivists believe that learning is a constantly dynamic process. ▪ Thus ‘constructivist’ teachers place a strong emphasis on learners developing personal meaning through reflection, analysis and the gradual building of layers or depths of knowledge through conscious and ongoing mental processing. ▪ Reflection, seminars, discussion forums, small group work, and projects are key methods used to support constructivist learning in campus-based teaching, and online collaborative learning, and communities of practice are important constructivist methods in online learning. ▪ Although problem-solving can be approached in an objectivist way, by pre-determining a set of steps or processes to go through pre-determined by ‘experts’, it can also be approached in a constructivist manner. 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 8
  • 9. Teacher Observer Diagnostician Facilitator Mentor ✓ Accommodate different learning styles ✓ Create an opportunity to pursue an interests ✓ Develop lifelong learners ✓ Open and trust-based relation ✓ Opportunity to make decision 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 9
  • 10. Interaction Time Q2. What areas of knowledge do you think would be best ‘taught’ or learned through a constructivist approach?. Let’s go to m and use the code 7501011 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 10 Although constructivist approaches can be and have been applied to all fields of knowledge, they are more commonly found in approaches to teaching in the humanities, social sciences, education, and other less quantitative subject areas.
  • 11. Useful pedagogical Models and designs ▪ Teaching methods need to be used that help to develop and transfer specific skills that serve both the purposes of knowledge development and dissemination, while at the same time preparing graduates for work in a knowledge-based society. • Classroom Teaching model ✓Learning by listing 19th century model • Classroom Teaching-learning model ✓Learning by listing ✓Learning by talking 20th century Model • Blended and open learning model ✓Learning by talking ✓Learning by doing ✓Learning by experience ✓Learning by feeling ✓Learning by reflection ✓Online learning by MOOCs 21st century model Behaviourism Cognitivism Constructivism Connectivism 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 11
  • 12. Use of Constructivist approaches in online Teaching-Learning ▪ From a constructivist perspective, brains have more plasticity, adaptability and complexity than current computer software programs. Other uniquely human factors, such as emotion, motivation, free will, values, and a wider range of senses, make human learning very different from the way computers operate. Following this reasoning, education would be much better served if computer scientists tried to make software to support learning more reflective of the way human learning operates, rather than trying to fit human learning into the current restrictions of behaviourist computer programming. 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 12
  • 13. Teacher taking online lecture or lesson at normal class schedule Student participate in lecture and complete homework later Teacher gives feedback in the real time video conferencing or meeting Asynchronous model or Homework Model Synchronous model or Real Time Model Teachers assign task to students online Students complete tasks and upload text/picture/vid eo as evidence Teacher gives feedback individually by either chat, correcting task or Calling on the phone Teacher taking real time online or F2F lecture or lesson Teacher assign learning tasks to students online or F2F mode Teacher discuss doubts and issues in the real-time at live class Blended Model Three models of online/ digital learning 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 13
  • 14. Synchronous model or Real Time Model 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 14
  • 15. Asynchronous model or self-learning Model Moodle Canvas Google classroom Edmodo 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 15
  • 16. Interaction Time Q3. Out of 100 points how much points will you give to following? a. Live lecture using conference tool b. Pre-recorded lectures with assignments on LMS c. by the Use of social media Blogs/Facebook/WhatsApp etc. d. By the use of SMS and phone calls. Let’s go to m and use the code 1543998 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 16
  • 17. Current online teaching-learning Connecting to the learner is just the first step. The design process is essential but predictably ignored in the current pandemic crisis reaction. ▪ Old wine in new bottles: classroom-type online learning model Teacher poorly ported their classroom lesion plans to online delivery, without creative design. College students forced to learn online were often bored. Appropriate design is even more important remote and digitally connect learners. The most important thing we ignored is that students studying online are in a different learning environment or context than students learning in a classroom, and the design needs to take account of this. 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 17
  • 18. Online learning and teaching models Online learning is increasingly influencing both classroom/campus-based teaching but more importantly it is leading to new models or designs for teaching and learning. ▪ Old wine in new bottles: classroom-type online learning ▪ Online collaborative learning ▪ Competency-based learning ▪ Communities of practice ▪ 'Agile' Design: flexible designs for learning 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 18
  • 19. Interaction Time Q4. What teaching-learning model are you using to design your current online teaching-learning? Write your answer in brief Let’s go to m and use the code 1543998 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 19
  • 20. Online learning and model ▪ Old wine in new bottles: classroom-type online learning We start with classroom teaching methods that have been moved into a technological format with little change to the overall design principles. I will argue that these are essentially old designs in new bottles. ✓ Classes using lecture capture ✓ Courses using learning management systems The limitations of the classroom design model for online learning ▪ Old wine can still be good wine, whether the bottle is new or not. What matters is whether classroom design meets the changing needs of a digital age. However, just adding technology to the mix, or delivering the same design online, does not automatically result in meeting changing needs. ▪ This model may not be sufficient to meet the higher level skills needed in a digital age. ▪ Just adding new technology to the classroom design is that we may just be increasing cost, both in terms of technology and the time of instructors, without changing outcomes. 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 20
  • 21. Online collaborative learning Model ▪ What is online collaborative learning? OCL theory provides a model of learning in which students are encouraged and supported to work together to create knowledge: to invent, to explore ways to innovate, and, by so doing, to seek the conceptual knowledge needed to solve problems rather than recite what they think is the right answer. While OCL theory does encourage the learner to be active and engaged, this is not considered to be sufficient for learning or knowledge construction……In the OCL theory, the teacher plays a key role not as a fellow-learner, but as the link to the knowledge community, or state of the art in that discipline. Learning is defined as conceptual change and is key to building knowledge. Learning activity needs to be informed and guided by the norms of the discipline and a discourse process that emphasises conceptual learning and builds knowledge. 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 21
  • 22. Core design principles of OCL ▪ Harasim emphasises the importance of three key phases of knowledge construction through discourse: ▪ idea generating: this is literally brainstorming, to collect the divergent thinking within a group; ▪ idea organising: this is where learners compare, analyse and categorise the different ideas previously generated, again through discussion and argument; ▪ intellectual convergence: the aim here is to reach a level of intellectual synthesis, understanding and consensus (including agreeing to disagree), usually through the joint construction of some artefact or piece of work, such as an essay or assignment. 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 22
  • 23. Online collaboration strategies? • Online discussion • Online Group project on google doc or spared sheet or any other tool • Online brainstorming • Online concerts • Online games • Online puzzles • Creation of concept maps • Creation of Mind maps • Warm up activates 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 23
  • 24. Community of Inquiry The Community of Inquiry Model (CoI) is somewhat similar to the OCW model. As defined by Garrison, Anderson and Archer (2000) An educational community of inquiry is a group of individuals who collaboratively engage in purposeful critical discourse and reflection to construct personal meaning and confirm mutual understanding. 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 24
  • 25. Core design principles of COL ▪ Garrison, Anderson and Archer argue that there are three essential elements of a community of inquiry: ▪ social presence ” is the ability of participants to identify with the community (e.g., course of study), communicate purposefully in a trusting environment, and develop inter-personal relationships by way of projecting their individual personalities.” ▪ teaching presence is “the design, facilitation, and direction of cognitive and social processes for the purpose of realizing personally meaningful and educationally worthwhile learning outcomes”. ▪ cognitive presence “is the extent to which learners are able to construct and confirm meaning through sustained reflection and discourse“. 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 25
  • 26. Developing meaningful online discussion For academic and conceptual development, discussions need to be well organized by the teacher, and the teacher needs to provide the necessary support to enable the development of ideas and the construction of new knowledge for the students. ✓ appropriate technology ✓ clear guidelines on student online behaviour ✓ student orientation and preparation ✓ clear goals ✓ choice of appropriate topics ✓ setting an appropriate ‘tone’ or requirements for discussion ✓ defining clearly learner roles and expectations, ✓ monitoring the participation of individual learners, and responding accordingly ✓ regular, ongoing instructor ‘presence’ ✓ ensuring strong articulation between discussion topics and assessment. 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 26
  • 27. Interaction Time Q5. What problem do you face in online collaboration? write your answers in a single word. Let’s go to and use the code 2436069 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 27
  • 28. Learning Cognitive Affective Psychomotor Social psychomotor learning activates • Group project • Group learning exercises like puzzle • Collaborative problem solving • activates • Brainstorming Individual psychomotor learning activates • Assignment • Individual projects • Puzzles, games • Skills practice activates Social affective learning activates • Sharing stores in the group • Case or scenario-based group discussion • field visits Individual affective learning activates • Watching media, documentary • Puzzle games • Small quizzes Individual Cognitive learning activates • Reading course material • Watching e-tutorial • Solving problems • Making notes • Interactive reflective spots Social cognitive learning activates • Reflective group discussion with focus questions • Case-based inquiry in group • Interviews Design interactive learning experiences or activates
  • 29. Pedagogical alignment of Online learning Experience Apply Learn Practice Reflect 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 29 Knowledge Construction
  • 30. TREY research Expectedlearningexperiences • Split your content into small pieces • Find the place to add learning experience which will elevate the learning • Decide nature of learning experience Micro learning experiences This type of learning experience is useful to increase the learning engagement of learners. It is a small scale non- graded activity that helps learners to retrieve their learning. • Focus reflection spot in interactive video/text • Small quizzes • Case or scenario-based group discussion • Practice template • Puzzle /Games • Make notes Macro learning experiences This type of learning experience is useful to contextualize and apply their learning. It can be a large s scale graded or non-graded activity that helps learners to apply their knowledge in their won context. • Reflective group discussion with focus questions • Assignments • Graded quiz • Projects • Collaborative activates • Brainstorming 30 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY
  • 31. Experiential learning: learning by doing model There are many different theorists in this area, such as John Dewey (1938) and more recently David Kolb (1984). Simon Fraser University defines experiential learning as: “the strategic, active engagement of students in opportunities to learn through doing, and reflection on those activities, which empowers them to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical endeavours in a multitude of settings inside and outside of the classroom.” There is a wide range of design models that aim to embed learning within real world contexts, including: 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 31
  • 32. Experiential learning strategies? ▪ laboratory, workshop or studio work; ▪ apprenticeship; ▪ problem-based learning; ▪ case-based learning; ▪ project-based learning; ▪ inquiry-based learning; ▪ cooperative (work- or community-based) learning. 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 32
  • 33. Blended and fully online Experiential learning strategies? 1. blended or flipped learning: ▪ Case based inquiry 2. fully online: ▪ e-portfolios ▪ multimedia for reporting, ▪ remote labs for experimental work ▪ Virtual field visits ▪ Virtual museum tour ▪ Virtual labs 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 33
  • 34. Empathy is a key “E” in e-learning ▪ Your students are under tress with uncertainty and unclear pathways to the future. they are balancing changes in every aspects of their lives: School, home, community and family. ▪ If you are moving to new mode of teaching-learning or design model, give yourself and students time to gate comfortable and try to make them comfortable. ▪ Oure students need empathy: connection, communication and authenticity. ▪ Empathy is not counselling or coaching. It is respect for the deferent realities of your teaching-learning discourse. ▪ Give them content, context, collaboration and empathy. 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 34
  • 35. How to engage students in online and offline or blended mode? In synchronous mode ▪ Use appropriate learning design model and method and plan lesson accordingly. ▪ Conferencing tool must be simple ▪ Light and nimble ▪ Content, learner activities, tools used and assessment vary, according to the changing environment ▪ Experiential, open and applied learning ▪ Take a small breaks after every 30 minutes ▪ Give informal sharing space ▪ Give support and assign job aids ▪ Promote note taking ▪ Ask questions to keep learners engage 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 35
  • 36. In Asynchronous mode ▪ Use appropriate learning design model for learning experience design ▪ Learning tool or /LMS must be simple ▪ Give training of how to use LMS or other media ▪ Flexibility and accessibility ▪ Light and nimble ▪ Give human touch to text content ▪ Content, learner activities, tools used and assessment vary, according to the changing environment ▪ Experiential, open and applied learning ▪ Take a small breaks after every 30 minutes ▪ Give informal sharing space ▪ Give support and assign job aids ▪ Promote note taking ▪ Give interactive, Quizzes, 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 36
  • 37. How blog will be more useful in teaching? ▪ Write blog according to the context ▪ Use simple language ▪ Keep short. ▪ Give human touch ▪ Make it more attractive by the creative use of icons, images, clipart's, graphics etc. ▪ Add video recording of relevant video clip ▪ Add stories and scenarios ▪ Promote discussion ▪ Promote collaborative blog writing or other group projects 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 37
  • 38. How to inculcate values through online learning? ▪ By the use of scenarios and stores ▪ Simulations ▪ Videos ▪ Through the open interaction ▪ Promote discussion of social matters 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 38
  • 39. In this pandemic, how can we give education to all rural and urban? By the Home school partnership By continuous connectedness’ with students (through WhatsApp, SMS, Phone calls etc.) Use of TV, Radio, and other mass media 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 39
  • 40. THANK YOU! Mob. 9923917066 Email: linkden: 6/25/2022 Dr. Mahesh Koltame CC-BY 40