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Blended Training – TWB’s Corporate
        Training services for distributed workforces

   Blended Learning is the combination of multiple
   approaches to learning. This kind of learning can
   be achieved through the use of 'blended' virtual and
   physical resources. To put this more precisely, the
   typical example of this would be a combination of
   technology-based     materials       and   face-to-face
   sessions used together to deliver instruction.

  Blended Learning is the kind of learning where an
  instructor combines two methods of delivery of
  instruction. However, this term most often applies
  to the use of technology on instruction. In this case,
  a good example of such learning would be to give a
  well-structured introductory lesson in the
  classroom, and then to provide follow-up materials
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   In researchers Heinze A and C Procter words, a
   definition of Blended Learning is:
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The rapid growth of science and technology has                The Current Scenario
affected all facets of human life. Even education or
learning approaches are not immune to the influence           Blended learning today is fast becoming the most
of technology. This is evident in the emergence and           preferred instruction delivery method both in corporate
increasing use of the Internet, bringing about a new          and non-corporate worlds.
paradigm shift in learning approaches as well. A
confluence of traditional face-to-face learning,              In today’s scenario with prevalence of high technology,
technology-based learning (CBT and WBT), and ever-            blended learning often refers specifically to the
evolving educational theories has resulted in the             provision or use of resources that combine e-learning
phenomenon called ‘Blended Learning’.                         (electronic) or m-learning (mobile) with all the other
                                                              educational resources. According to some, the key
What is blended learning?                                     blended-learning arrangements could also involve e-
                                                              mentoring or e-tutoring. These arrangements tend to
Blended learning is not a new discovery in                    combine an e-learning component with some form of
pedagogical techniques. Rather, it is an innovative           human intervention, although the involvement of an e-
way of approaching learning that combines the best in         mentor or an e-tutor does not necessarily be in the
multiple methods: predominantly traditional classroom         context of e-learning.
method and technology-based learning.
Blended learning is a combination of multiple                 Why blended learning?
approaches that complement each other, and promote
effective learning. This method of learning effectively       Today, we live in a world controlled by technology.
blends traditional face-to-face classroom training            There are slews of social networking sites, mobile
(physical resources), e-learning (virtual), and self-         devices, instant messengers, online forums that help
paced learning methods so that the learner benefits           busy working individuals socialize and network with
holistically. An example of such learning can be a            others. Therefore, today, there is a virtual side to the
training session where a well-structured introductory         social interaction. As a result, even the way people
lesson is presented in the classroom, and then follow-        choose to learn has changed drastically. There are
up materials are provided online.                             various trends that necessitate the need for blended
                                                              approach to learning. Some of them can be
In researcher Heinze, A and C Procter’s words:                summarized in the following way:

“Blended learning is learning that is facilitated by the       Preference for active, participatory, self-paced,
effective combination of different modes of delivery,           experiential learning: Instructor-to-learner model
models of teaching and styles of learning, and founded          has been replaced by active leaner-centered
on transparent communication amongst all parties                training/learning approach. This offers more value
involved with a course.”                                        in today’s sophisticated world, where the quality of
                                                                the employees determine the success of an
Some authors mention such form of learning as ‘hybrid           organization.
learning’ (this seems to be more common in Northern            Increasing use of technology: Classrooms are no
American sources) or ‘mixed learning’. However, all             longer the only place where learning takes place.
these concepts broadly refer to the integration (the           Lack of time: Learning can be non-sequential.
‘blending’) of e-learning tools and techniques.                Virtualized social interaction: Today, the way
                                                                people interact and network has adopted the forms
                                                                of instant messaging, forum discussions, SMS,
                                                                Web sites, blogging etc. These positive trends also
                                                                have influenced the way people learn and train,
                                                                which cannot be neglected.

The Writers Block                                                                                    1 1
Blended learning vs other learning techniques
In order to understand what blended learning/training is and the benefits it offers, it is important to differentiate
between various kinds of learning, namely face-to-face learning and e-learning, and their disadvantages.

Face-to-face learning                                            E-learning

Face-to-face learning refers to traditional instructor-led       Today, as technology evolves and businesses expand,
training that takes place within a classroom. It involves        employees often do not possess the required skills to
an active learning process that takes the form of                keep up with the fast-paced development. This gap
classroom discussions/debates, making formal                     between the desired and actual skill sets can have an
presentations, delivering lectures. Motivating the               adverse effect on the employee productivity,
learners to read and research on their own, write,               performance, and business results. Continuous
discuss, or be engaged in solving problems are also              learning programs, without separating learning events
part of this kind of active learning. Other forms of face-       with work activities seems to be the key to bridge this
to-face learning can include visual-based instruction.           gap successfully.

Today, there is a shift from one-way knowledge                   E-learning refers to a method of transferring
transmission to student-centered learning, which                 knowledge supported by multimedia content and
focuses on encouraging students to assume such                   delivering it synchronously and/or asynchronously over
higher-order thinking tasks as analysis, synthesis, and          an electronic network. It is not considered to be a
evaluation. The usage of such techniques in the                  replacement for an instructor-led or classroom training,
classroom has a powerful impact upon students'                   but acts as a supplement to reinforce crucial
learning. Another way of face-to-face learning is using          knowledge. Thus, it helps in overcoming physical and
the cooperative learning techniques. This method                 logistic limitations of traditional training methodologies.
proves to be useful in case of more complex projects,
where many trainers are working on a project that                E-learning is the unifying term to describe the fields of
demands learners to work in groups of three or more.             online learning, Web-based training, and technology-
The term ‘cooperative learning’ also suggests learners           delivered instruction/CBT.
coming together and working in groups, contributing to
the collective learning activity.

Though the face-to-face learning approach has many               Computer-based Training (CBT) and
visible advantages such as social interaction, verbal            Web-based Training (WBT)
and non-verbal communication, permanency of
content, group activities, etc., in today’s technologically
                                                                 Computer-based Training (CBT) is an instructional
sophisticated world, it is not the only effective method
                                                                 mode whereby the learners gain knowledge by using
of learning.
                                                                 computer. Through computer-aided interactive
                                                                 techniques, learners can complete special training
Disadvantages:                                                   programs related to their occupation. CBT services are
                                                                 especially effective for training people to use computer
   Dependency on spoken words/verbal                            applications. With the help of CBT, users can also
    communication                                                study for formal qualifications, accreditations, and
   Absence of one-on-one attention/instruction                  continued professional development. Advantages of
   Inability to cater to individual learning styles of          CBT are: available anywhere any time, one-time
    students                                                     expenditure for learning, convenient method to train
                                                                 new staff.
   Inability to retain the attention span of learners
   Time-bound learning sessions
                                                                 Web-based training (WBT) is also a kind of training
   High cost of training                                        that is similar to CBT, but it is delivered over the
   Need for physical presence of students and                   Internet/intranet.
    scheduled classes
                                                                 Development cost, requirement for self-motivation and
                                                                 discipline, absence of human instructor to answer
                                                                 questions, generic training materials are the most
                                                                 common disadvantages of CBT and WBT.

The Writers Block                                                                                    2
Blended learning vs other learning techniques
Though, traditionally, e-learning solutions have been more popular among the IT/telecom and banking sectors, many
pharmaceutical companies are presently adopting similar packages, especially for sales representative training,
assessment, and performance support.

Observing the current situation, on an average, an Indian pharmaceutical company has hundreds, sometimes,
thousands of on-field sales representatives. In such a case, managing classroom training for a large number of
learners is not feasible. Moreover, 60-70 percent of the training budget would be depleted in managing logistics for a
large number spread over as large a geographical area as India, rendering it a very expensive exercise.

In comparison, the limitation of classroom training is that it is time-bound and can be conducted only at a designated
time. This implies that a learner is required to wait for the scheduling of the class. The waiting period could affect the
productivity adversely.

As a result, e-training is becoming increasingly popular in the present situation and has been replacing the demand
for the traditional classroom training. E-learning is often considered to be a source of repetitive training that offers
quick and on-time delivery of training for the learners. It ensures consistency, lowers the training logistics and
administration overheads, and is readily available anytime, anywhere.

                                         Benefits of Virtual Learning

For Corporates                                                For Employees
The following are the benefits of Virtual Learning for        The following are the benefits of Virtual Learning for
corporate customers:                                          employees:
 Involves a fraction of the cost of traditional training      Access to interactive, self-paced, multimedia training,
   methods                                                       anytime, and anywhere - at work, home or while
 Provides ‘anytime anywhere training’ and                       traveling
   performance support to a geographically dispersed           Access to multimedia enabled Web-based
   work force                                                    performance support system
 Offers interactive, self-paced courses on various            Self-paced training and performance support to
   topics                                                        access the required topics at any given time
 Helps in creating a custom catalogue that specifically       Choice to play entire chapters, or utilize the search
   meets the needs of employees                                  function to answer a specific question
 Charges only for training content                            Buttons to pause, rewind and fast forward through
 Enables easy planning, budgeting, and paying for               topics
   training expenditures                                       Engaging and robust Web-based self-paced classes
 Eliminates hardware investment, development time,            Learning while performing, resulting in increased
   and additional staff requirements                             productivity
 Reduces the need and the cost of classroom training          Pre- and post-assessment exams for most of the
 Allows users to learn faster, as well as, increase             courses
   comprehension and retention rates by up to 100              Immediate feedback to all users with the topics they
   percent as opposed to standard training methods               need additional training on
 Enables employees to learn as they perform, rather           Less than 10 percent of the cost of the best
   than removing them from the work place                        instructor-led training options
 Offers pre- and post-assessment exams for each
 Provides detailed reports with insight into individual      Despite the benefits listed above, e-learning has many
   progress and test scores                                   disadvantages, rendering it ineffective to a certain
 Offers managers a centralized resource for
   distributing and tracking their employees' skills
   development                                                   Need for ready access to a computer and Internet
 Increases employees' productivity
                                                                 Need for computer literacy/knowledge of learning
 Offers quick implementation and easy roll-out
                                                                 Lack of instructor-student interaction
                                                                 Unavailability of the instructor when needed
                                                                 Reduced/lack of social and cultural interaction

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Blended Learning

Though e-learning has many benefits, it can never completely substitute the traditional way of learning, say most
experts. What is seen as one of the biggest shortcomings of e-learning is that one misses the personal link/contact
that one would otherwise share with a mentor. It is here that blended learning comes into the picture. E-learning,
when blended appropriately with classroom training, can be a powerful holistic mode of instruction delivery. All the
technologies used in e-learning can be used in blended learning as well, making a unique comprehensive approach
to learning.

Technologies used in blended learning                         Blended Learning: A means of enhancing
                                                              business growth
                                                              Blended learning is increasingly being accepted by the
 Online Interaction Means: E-mail, Web sites,                corporate world to catalyze business and
  blogs, wikis, e-portfolios, instant messaging (IM),         organizational growth, which is highly dependent on
  short message service (SMS), discussion boards,             the quality of human capital deployed. Industries and
  web 2.0 communities and podcasts                            organizations are using the blended approach to
 Web resources: Search engines like Google,                  enhance the learning and development experience
  Online courseware, electronic databases, digital            aimed at improving revenue, reducing costs and
  libraries, and online publications                          enhancing quality of human capital. Blended learning
                                                              addresses the needs of most corporate learning and
Installed Technologies                                        development programs, allowing pace and space for
 Multimedia Presentation software/hardware such              various delivery methods required by different sets of
  as videocassette recorder, DVD player                       learners. With a perfect amalgamation of media and
 Interaction Technologies: Videoconferencing, Web            delivery as per the requirements within a particular
  cameras, and application-sharing suites                     program, enhanced results can be achieved.

Mobile Technologies/ Classroom Peripherals                    It is often observed that learning experiences are
 Laptops, cell phones, PDAs, Tablet PCs, iPods,              categorized into steps in a blended learning model and
  digital cameras, Wi-Fi finders, USB drives, and             the learner’s progression from one step to another
  GPS systems                                                 keeps on building upon the previous learning
                                                              experiences. Thus, a ladder is formed, which learners
 Classroom response system, collaborative
                                                              climb rung after rung and blossom into a tree of
  software, computer aided assessment, educational
                                                              collaboration from the sapling of education.
  animation, games, screencasts, simulations, virtual
                                                              As a result, many organizations have graduated from
                                                              the basic information exchange level to the level of
                                                              expertise – keeping in line with the scheduled time
Blended learning is seen as a comprehensive method            frames and fixed costs with the help of blended
to impart learning through information, interaction, and      learning techniques.
collaboration elements. This can be best achieved
through the use of the technologies mentioned above
plus well-designed classroom training. It not only
reduces the cost by reducing all non-productive               Elements of Blended Learning
activities such as commuting and employing
instructors, but also creates reusable content, and
accommodates individual learning styles, and                  There are various models of blended learning, each
promotes self-paced learning. However, the classroom          comprising the following elements (mentioned below)
sessions prove to be helpful in developing                    in varied proportions depending upon the
interpersonal skills through face-to-face                     organization’s requirements. Blended learning can be
communication.                                                classified into:

                                                               Learning through information
To summarize, blended learning is a method naturally
available for distance learning and flexible learning,         Learning through interaction
but can also be used in conjunction with face-to-face          Learning through collaboration
teaching.                                                      Learning through classroom experiences

The Writers Block                                                                             4
Blended Learning

Dimensions of Blended Learning                                   Benefits of Blended Learning

   Classroom and online learning: Blended learning              Blended learning is highly effective for large
    powerfully combines both instructor-led classroom            organizations with people performing similar tasks in
    training and online training (the Internet and               different locations and facilities. It enables people to
    intranet), thereby blurring the disadvantages that           spend classroom, simulator, and On-the-Job Training
    exist in both instruction delivery modes.                    (OJT) time on advanced tasks. It also allows training
   Self-paced and collaborative learning: Blended               people in core qualifications and skills used by all
    learning creates room for both solitary learning and         members performing similar jobs, and then receive
    collaborative learning, thus allowing the learners to        location or task-specific training for unique tasks at any
    accommodate their own style of learning at their             defined location. This learning method appears to be a
    own pace, without compromising social interaction            natural strategy to address language problems both at
    aspects.                                                     local and global levels.
   Structured and unstructured: It effectively
    combines both structured training (well-designed             To sum up, the biggest business benefits of blended
    course plans) and unstructured factors like                  learning are:
    discussions, hallway conversations, emails etc.
   Ready-made content and custom content:                          Scale: One can roll out a new initiative or program
    Blended learning consists of regular well-defined                to global audiences and reach a large number of
    readymade content as well as custom made                         people than ever possible before.
    content. Blended learning encourages students to                Speed: If training needs to be delivered to staff
    research and create their own learning materials,                within a short period, a large number of staff
    under the guidance of an instructor.                             members can be reached simultaneously.
   Learn, practice, and perform: Blended learning                  Throughput: If a training problem is bottlenecked,
    mixes learning, practice, and performance, the vital             the block can be eliminated and training throughput
    aspects of learning, to help learners integrate                  can be improved by orders of magnitude.
    practice into the learning process and assess the
                                                                    Complexity: Many training challenges are just too
    learning through performance metrics. Blended
                                                                     complex for a single web-based course or
    learning does not replace traditional method of
                                                                     PowerPoint based webinars. If the material is
    learning. Rather, it complements traditional learning
                                                                     complex and an organization’s business need
    by providing the learner with opportunities to
                                                                     demands that people internalize and change their
    explore and practice.
                                                                     behavior, using multiple media will get much higher
In short, complementarities between multiple learning                completion and results.
techniques, autonomous learning style of learners,                  Cost: By thinking about every problem as a
efficient access to wide range of resources, and                     ‘blending’ challenge, one can select the lowest cost
effective interaction are four critical dimensions of                media that solves the problem.
blended learning.


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TWB’s Blended Learning Approach

TWB enjoys the status of a pioneer in putting blended           Our blended learning approach provides appropriate
learning into effective use and training corporate              solutions for the ubiquitous problems of speed, scale
employees/individuals with great success. TWB’s                 and impact linked with most e-learning models. In
blended learning approach considers the key factors             conclusion, TWB’s use of well-designed blended
and issues in delivering instruction.                           learning programs as a method to fulfill an
                                                                organization’s learning needs has been a great
Effective combination of learning methods:                      success.
Figuring out how blended learning can be more
effective is very important. At times, this can be a great
challenge as well. Though the concept of blended                “The concept of Blended Learning has arrived and
learning sounds very simple (face-to-face learning + e-         is here to stay. However, if it is to add value to our
learning), failure to gauge the complexity in designing         understanding of effective training and learning, the
the training (with a well-balanced combination of both)         term needs to be considered in a broader context. It
can cause failure. In this area, TWB’s expertise cannot         is not simply about delivery and technology. If the
be neglected.                                                   term ‘blended learning’ is to have longevity in our
                                                                trainer vocabulary, we must extend its use beyond
                                                                technology. It must be as much about varying
Learning gaps: According to some, classroom                     learning methodology as it is about training
training is ineffective because instructors, more often,        delivery. We must understand more about what
need to deliver training to mainly two categories of            motivates learners, what support they need and how
learners at the same time: well-informed and least-             these supportive interventions can take place in
informed. If the students in classroom training are on          practice. Only with this understanding can we get
the same level as far as the baseline knowledge is              the ‘blend’ right.”
concerned, the training becomes effective and
productive. TWB’s blended learning approach gives a                    Martyn Sloman, in his book ‘The Changing
provision to cater to students, whose baseline                  World of the Trainer’
knowledge is not at par with the rest, through means
such as online, instant messaging, e-mails etc.,
thereby helping them raise their knowledge level.

Individual learning styles: With the availability of the        Benefits
new package of tools, TWB’s instructors and students
are able to blend more elements into both classroom
and self-paced exercises, thereby effectively catering          By utilizing TWB’s training programs characterized by
to individual learning styles. TWB reaches out to               the blended learning approach, an organization can
learners with a more diverse set of learning options,           draw the following benefits:
which help them raise the level of their knowledge and
skills.                                                          Reduced costs
                                                                 Business continuity
Follow-up: Another important factor to be considered
                                                                 Effective holistic learning through classroom cum e-
in blended learning is the follow-up. In most cases, this
                                                                  learning methods
is the most neglected aspects of learning, especially in
adult learning. The objective of the follow-up is to             Extended training covering all distributed workforce
determine the retention level of the knowledge and                at various locations
skills taught. TWB has devised its own unique means              Increased productivity because of the quality
to ensure that follow-up is practiced to help learners            learning
retain their acquired knowledge.

TWB’s training department follows up with students by
sending out exercises through emails after the
classroom training is over. To date, this is known as
one of the best ways to ensure learning and retention.
We blend various components including courses,
content portions, IM pings, blogs feedback, and many
other things, to provide maximum benefits to learners.

The Writers Block                                                                                   6 6
Case Studies

                         Case Study 1: A Large Leading Software Company

A large software company takes the decision to move their technical documentation effort from the US to India. The
team in India had the option of hiring and creating a new team or forming a new team from the existing employees.

 The Writers Block (TWB) is engaged with this software company to search for members with the right talent within
the company, who could then be inducted into the technical documentation sector by way of evaluation tests. A
technical support team of 20 members, identified as having the base skills, is created. The team was provided with
continuous training in best practices by TWB.

As a result, this team starts taking over from the US team in 2 months. Ultimately the team doubles the size within
next 3 months.

                       Case Study 2: A Multinational Multi-Brand Company

The internal market analytics team of a multinational company is engaged in serving its subsidiaries. Such research
and analysis is typically for the middle management staff members who determine the key market factors, create
decisions points, and put forward these as reports to senior management. However, the multinational wants to
change this scenario and wants this internal team to serve the company at a global level. This change means that
the local middle management 'cushion' is not present anywhere before the analysis is presented to the customer.
TWB provides the exact solution and helps the multinational company formulate a training program for the research
team. This step ensures that the research team is able to present its results as research reports to its customers
worldwide in a useful way.
This training, based on blended learning approach, is created for teams of 20-25 members for over 300 employees
spread all over India. The key objective of this well-defined blended learning approach through TWB intervention is
to ensure that the existing work is not disrupted. With a long term personalized intervention, there is a surety that
each member gets personalized attention.

                                   Case Study 3: A Large KPO Provider

The said company is one of the largest KPO providers in India and continues to be aggressively engaged in
providing KPO services like Analytics. The BPO part of the business also involves serving some customers for the
KPO services. The company wants to make use of the available manpower, provided they are found suitable and
wants to move them into analytics. The objective is that the analytics team should be able to carry out the analysis
required and present the output to the customers as research reports with clear decision points.

Under the solution provided, team members are evaluated by the KPO provider team for research, analysis and
domain skills, and by TWB for communication capability. The employees who are suitable are promoted to the
analytics team. TWB, together with the KPO provider, devises a month’s training program for this team. TWB, using
a blended learning approach, conducts a four-day essential classroom training and a four-weeks TWB Online
training that runs parallel to the training by the KPO. This is followed by another three days of classroom training.

TWB helps the KPO provider create a suitable transformation with the most effective intervention for its team. The
team starts taking on responsibilities within a month. Such blended training solution is being laid out for over 500
employees across four locations.

The Writers Block                                                                                  7
TWB Services

TWB is India’s leader in technical communication outsourcing and education. TWB offers a complete suite of services that allows
our customers to effectively publish their technical knowledge with their people and processes. TWB’s customers range from
Global 500 – including Cisco, Accenture, McAfee, LG, Samsung, Citrix, SAP, Siemens, AOL, Intel; Indian technology majors –
including Infosys, Wipro; Global defense majors - Pratt & Whitney, Honeywell, DRDO, HAL; and exciting technology startups.
TWB's expertise in technical communication ranges from IT Products and Outsourcing, ITES, Banking, Financial, Aerospace,
Defense, Ship Building to Hi-tech Manufacturing, and Discrete and Process Manufacturing.

TWB’s services include:

Technical Marketing                         Technical Product                              Documentation Quality
Solutions                                   Documentation                                  Management
                                               Datasheets
                                               Administrator’s Guide
   Datasheets                                                                                Copy Editing and Proof Reading
                                               API Document
   Cheat sheets                                                                              Managing Writing
                                               Configuration Guide
   Solution Briefs/Solution Brochures                                                        Editing Services
                                               Functional Specifications Document
   Presentations – Products/Corporate                                                        Layout and Design
    Profile                                    Installation Manual
                                                                                              Creating SLAs
   Brochures and marketing collateral         Interface Document
   Web content                                Interactive Electronic Technical Manual
                                                                                           Business Documentation
   Audio and video scripts
                                               Maintenance Manual                            Business Proposals
   Press releases
                                               Online Help                                   Legal Disclaimers
   Direct mail
                                               Operation Manual                              Policy Manuals
   Newsletter design copy
                                               Product Demo                                  Style Guide Design
   Sales catalogues
                                               Product Specifications Document               Template Design
   Sales sheets
                                               Product Overview Document
                                               Quick Reference Guide
Business Communication                                                                     Content Management
                                               Release Notes
   Short Reports                              Requirement Analysis Document
                                                                                              Single Sourcing
   Proposals                                  SDK Document
                                                                                              File Version Control
   Case Studies                               Troubleshooting Manual
                                                                                              Document Naming Conventions
   Lab Reports                                User Manual
                                                                                              Consistent Document Formatting
   Memos                                      Open Source Documentation
                                                                                              Data Transformation
   Progress/Interim Reports                   Programmers Guides
   Writing for Electronic Media               Functional Specifications Document
                                               Use Cases                                  Web site Development
Illustrations                                  Online Help /Context Sensitive Help
                                                                                              Web 2.0 development
                                               Troubleshooting Guides
   Graphic Designing                                                                         Web content
   Info graphics                                                                             Web applications
                                            Qualitative Analytics for
   2D & 3D animation
                                            Decision Support                               Translation and Localization
   Line drawings and illustrations
                                               Economic Business Research
Process Documentation                          Industry Analysis                             Software Translation Services
   Workflows                                  Market Opportunity Analysis                   Document Translation Services
   Standard Operating Procedures              Competitive Business Analysis                 Localization (L10N) Testing
   ISO Documentation                          Company & Prospect Profiling                  Internationalization (I18N) Testing
   CMM Documentation                          Reporting Solutions
                                               Assessment of Unmet Market Needs           Records Management
Deployment and Support                         Status and Potential of Technologies
                                                                                              Document Management Solutions
                                               Benchmarking of Strategies Vs
                                                Competition                                   Record Management Storage and
   Installation and Configuration Guides
   Operations Manual                          Forecasting
                                               Sales Force Effectiveness
                                               Market Assessments
                                               Competitive Intelligence
                                               Opinion Leadership
                                               Emerging Markets - evaluation and

The Writers Block                                                                                                8 8
TWB Software Tools Expertise

Our technical proficiency in software and authoring tools includes:

  Unstructured Content                          XML Structured Editors              Multimedia /Authoring
                                                   Epic                               Adobe Flash®
     Microsoft Word®                              FrameMaker+SGML                    Adobe Dreamweaver®
     Adobe FrameMaker®                            X-Metal®                           Microsoft FrontPage®
     Adobe InDesign®                                                                  Adobe Captivate®
     QuarkXPress®                              Macromedia Captivate
     Adobe PageMaker®                          Graphics/Animations
                                                                                   Multimedia /Authoring /
  Illustrations                                    Adobe Flash®                    Supporting tools
                                                   Adobe Photoshop®
     Adobe Flash CS4 Professional                 Adobe Fireworks®                   Adobe Flash®
     Adobe Illustrator CS3                                                            Adobe Flex®
     CorelDRAW                                 Online Help                            Adobe AIR®
     Microsoft-Expression Graphic                                                     Adobe Dreamweaver®
      Designer                                                                         Adobe Acrobat®
     Xara Xtreme (Windows & Linux)                JavaHelp
                                                                                       Microsoft Silverlight®
     CuteDraw                                     Adobe RoboHelp 7.0
                                                                                       Adobe Authorware®
     Publisher3D(for animation)                   HelpScribble
                                                                                       Adobe Director®
     Sketsa SVG Editor (for vector                WebWorks Publisher
                                                                                       Adobe Captivate®
      graphics)                                    PowerCHM
                                                                                       Trivantis Lectora®
     Techsmith Camtasia                           Doc-To-Help
                                                                                       ASP.NET
     Arbortext IsoDraw (technical                 WinCHM
                                                                                       JSP
      illustrations for 2D and 3D)                 HelpSmith 2.1.1(Windows)
                                                                                       JAVA
                                                   Fast-Help
                                                   MadCap Flare                    Standards
  Graphics/Animation                               Help-Server
                                                   NVU Help
                                                                                       SCORM 1.2 / 2004
     Adobe Flash®                                                                     AICC
     Adobe Photoshop®                                                                 W3C
     Adobe Illustrator®                                                               Section 508
     Adobe Fireworks®                             XMetal®                            QTI XML
     Microsoft Silverlight®                       Microsoft Word 2003®,
                                                   Microsoft Word 2007®
  Databases                                                                         Development and Publishing
                                                CMS/ LMS
     Microsoft Access                                                                 XSLT/XSL
     Microsoft SQL Server                                                             EDD
                                                   Sharepoint®
                                                   Moodle
  Flowcharting                                     Joomla,
                                                   WordPress
     Microsoft Visio                              Media Wiki
     iGrafx                                       CMS Builder
     EDraw                                        Author-it (formerly AuthorIT)
     RFFlow                                       Alfresco
     Flowbreeze
     Smart Draw

The Writers Block                                                                            9 9
Industries Served

TWB services a wide range of technology and knowledge-driven industries, helping them meet their markets better. These include:

    Banking, Insurance and Financial Services                         ITES/ KPO/ BPO
    Consulting and Business Services                                  Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
    Defense, Aerospace and Hi-Tech Manufacturing                      Process Manufacturing and Allied Industries
    Education and Learning                                            Steel, Ship Building, Construction and Aviation
    IT, ITES                                                          Telecom and Digital Communications

TWB has been the preferred technical documentation outsourcing company for:

                                          The TWB Building                            US Office:
                                          No: 4062, 19th Main Road,                   TWB
                                          HAL 2nd Stage,                              11701 Norwegian Wood Drive
                                          Bangalore – 560008                          Austin, TX 78758
                                          Landmark: Behind Carlton Towers

                                          Telephone:                                  Telephone:
                                          +91.80.40741400 / +91.80.41256367           +1.512.586.8357

                                          Corporate Enquiries:

The Writers Block                                                                                     10

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Twb position paper_blended_training

  • 1. Blended Training – TWB’s Corporate Training services for distributed workforces Blended Learning is the combination of multiple approaches to learning. This kind of learning can be achieved through the use of 'blended' virtual and physical resources. To put this more precisely, the typical example of this would be a combination of technology-based materials and face-to-face sessions used together to deliver instruction. Blended Learning is the kind of learning where an instructor combines two methods of delivery of instruction. However, this term most often applies to the use of technology on instruction. In this case, a good example of such learning would be to give a well-structured introductory lesson in the classroom, and then to provide follow-up materials This page is intentionally left blank online. In researchers Heinze A and C Procter words, a definition of Blended Learning is:
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  • 3. Introduction The rapid growth of science and technology has The Current Scenario affected all facets of human life. Even education or learning approaches are not immune to the influence Blended learning today is fast becoming the most of technology. This is evident in the emergence and preferred instruction delivery method both in corporate increasing use of the Internet, bringing about a new and non-corporate worlds. paradigm shift in learning approaches as well. A confluence of traditional face-to-face learning, In today’s scenario with prevalence of high technology, technology-based learning (CBT and WBT), and ever- blended learning often refers specifically to the evolving educational theories has resulted in the provision or use of resources that combine e-learning phenomenon called ‘Blended Learning’. (electronic) or m-learning (mobile) with all the other educational resources. According to some, the key What is blended learning? blended-learning arrangements could also involve e- mentoring or e-tutoring. These arrangements tend to Blended learning is not a new discovery in combine an e-learning component with some form of pedagogical techniques. Rather, it is an innovative human intervention, although the involvement of an e- way of approaching learning that combines the best in mentor or an e-tutor does not necessarily be in the multiple methods: predominantly traditional classroom context of e-learning. method and technology-based learning. Blended learning is a combination of multiple Why blended learning? approaches that complement each other, and promote effective learning. This method of learning effectively Today, we live in a world controlled by technology. blends traditional face-to-face classroom training There are slews of social networking sites, mobile (physical resources), e-learning (virtual), and self- devices, instant messengers, online forums that help paced learning methods so that the learner benefits busy working individuals socialize and network with holistically. An example of such learning can be a others. Therefore, today, there is a virtual side to the training session where a well-structured introductory social interaction. As a result, even the way people lesson is presented in the classroom, and then follow- choose to learn has changed drastically. There are up materials are provided online. various trends that necessitate the need for blended approach to learning. Some of them can be In researcher Heinze, A and C Procter’s words: summarized in the following way: “Blended learning is learning that is facilitated by the  Preference for active, participatory, self-paced, effective combination of different modes of delivery, experiential learning: Instructor-to-learner model models of teaching and styles of learning, and founded has been replaced by active leaner-centered on transparent communication amongst all parties training/learning approach. This offers more value involved with a course.” in today’s sophisticated world, where the quality of the employees determine the success of an Some authors mention such form of learning as ‘hybrid organization. learning’ (this seems to be more common in Northern  Increasing use of technology: Classrooms are no American sources) or ‘mixed learning’. However, all longer the only place where learning takes place. these concepts broadly refer to the integration (the  Lack of time: Learning can be non-sequential. ‘blending’) of e-learning tools and techniques.  Virtualized social interaction: Today, the way people interact and network has adopted the forms of instant messaging, forum discussions, SMS, Web sites, blogging etc. These positive trends also have influenced the way people learn and train, which cannot be neglected. The Writers Block 1 1
  • 4. Blended learning vs other learning techniques In order to understand what blended learning/training is and the benefits it offers, it is important to differentiate between various kinds of learning, namely face-to-face learning and e-learning, and their disadvantages. Face-to-face learning E-learning Face-to-face learning refers to traditional instructor-led Today, as technology evolves and businesses expand, training that takes place within a classroom. It involves employees often do not possess the required skills to an active learning process that takes the form of keep up with the fast-paced development. This gap classroom discussions/debates, making formal between the desired and actual skill sets can have an presentations, delivering lectures. Motivating the adverse effect on the employee productivity, learners to read and research on their own, write, performance, and business results. Continuous discuss, or be engaged in solving problems are also learning programs, without separating learning events part of this kind of active learning. Other forms of face- with work activities seems to be the key to bridge this to-face learning can include visual-based instruction. gap successfully. Today, there is a shift from one-way knowledge E-learning refers to a method of transferring transmission to student-centered learning, which knowledge supported by multimedia content and focuses on encouraging students to assume such delivering it synchronously and/or asynchronously over higher-order thinking tasks as analysis, synthesis, and an electronic network. It is not considered to be a evaluation. The usage of such techniques in the replacement for an instructor-led or classroom training, classroom has a powerful impact upon students' but acts as a supplement to reinforce crucial learning. Another way of face-to-face learning is using knowledge. Thus, it helps in overcoming physical and the cooperative learning techniques. This method logistic limitations of traditional training methodologies. proves to be useful in case of more complex projects, where many trainers are working on a project that E-learning is the unifying term to describe the fields of demands learners to work in groups of three or more. online learning, Web-based training, and technology- The term ‘cooperative learning’ also suggests learners delivered instruction/CBT. coming together and working in groups, contributing to the collective learning activity. Though the face-to-face learning approach has many Computer-based Training (CBT) and visible advantages such as social interaction, verbal Web-based Training (WBT) and non-verbal communication, permanency of content, group activities, etc., in today’s technologically Computer-based Training (CBT) is an instructional sophisticated world, it is not the only effective method mode whereby the learners gain knowledge by using of learning. computer. Through computer-aided interactive techniques, learners can complete special training Disadvantages: programs related to their occupation. CBT services are especially effective for training people to use computer  Dependency on spoken words/verbal applications. With the help of CBT, users can also communication study for formal qualifications, accreditations, and  Absence of one-on-one attention/instruction continued professional development. Advantages of  Inability to cater to individual learning styles of CBT are: available anywhere any time, one-time students expenditure for learning, convenient method to train new staff.  Inability to retain the attention span of learners  Time-bound learning sessions Web-based training (WBT) is also a kind of training  High cost of training that is similar to CBT, but it is delivered over the  Need for physical presence of students and Internet/intranet. scheduled classes Development cost, requirement for self-motivation and discipline, absence of human instructor to answer questions, generic training materials are the most common disadvantages of CBT and WBT. The Writers Block 2
  • 5. Blended learning vs other learning techniques Though, traditionally, e-learning solutions have been more popular among the IT/telecom and banking sectors, many pharmaceutical companies are presently adopting similar packages, especially for sales representative training, assessment, and performance support. Observing the current situation, on an average, an Indian pharmaceutical company has hundreds, sometimes, thousands of on-field sales representatives. In such a case, managing classroom training for a large number of learners is not feasible. Moreover, 60-70 percent of the training budget would be depleted in managing logistics for a large number spread over as large a geographical area as India, rendering it a very expensive exercise. In comparison, the limitation of classroom training is that it is time-bound and can be conducted only at a designated time. This implies that a learner is required to wait for the scheduling of the class. The waiting period could affect the productivity adversely. As a result, e-training is becoming increasingly popular in the present situation and has been replacing the demand for the traditional classroom training. E-learning is often considered to be a source of repetitive training that offers quick and on-time delivery of training for the learners. It ensures consistency, lowers the training logistics and administration overheads, and is readily available anytime, anywhere. Benefits of Virtual Learning For Corporates For Employees The following are the benefits of Virtual Learning for The following are the benefits of Virtual Learning for corporate customers: employees:  Involves a fraction of the cost of traditional training  Access to interactive, self-paced, multimedia training, methods anytime, and anywhere - at work, home or while  Provides ‘anytime anywhere training’ and traveling performance support to a geographically dispersed  Access to multimedia enabled Web-based work force performance support system  Offers interactive, self-paced courses on various  Self-paced training and performance support to topics access the required topics at any given time  Helps in creating a custom catalogue that specifically  Choice to play entire chapters, or utilize the search meets the needs of employees function to answer a specific question  Charges only for training content  Buttons to pause, rewind and fast forward through  Enables easy planning, budgeting, and paying for topics training expenditures  Engaging and robust Web-based self-paced classes  Eliminates hardware investment, development time,  Learning while performing, resulting in increased and additional staff requirements productivity  Reduces the need and the cost of classroom training  Pre- and post-assessment exams for most of the  Allows users to learn faster, as well as, increase courses comprehension and retention rates by up to 100  Immediate feedback to all users with the topics they percent as opposed to standard training methods need additional training on  Enables employees to learn as they perform, rather  Less than 10 percent of the cost of the best than removing them from the work place instructor-led training options  Offers pre- and post-assessment exams for each course  Provides detailed reports with insight into individual Despite the benefits listed above, e-learning has many progress and test scores disadvantages, rendering it ineffective to a certain extent.  Offers managers a centralized resource for distributing and tracking their employees' skills development  Need for ready access to a computer and Internet connection  Increases employees' productivity  Need for computer literacy/knowledge of learning  Offers quick implementation and easy roll-out technologies  Lack of instructor-student interaction  Unavailability of the instructor when needed  Reduced/lack of social and cultural interaction The Writers Block 3 3
  • 6. Blended Learning Though e-learning has many benefits, it can never completely substitute the traditional way of learning, say most experts. What is seen as one of the biggest shortcomings of e-learning is that one misses the personal link/contact that one would otherwise share with a mentor. It is here that blended learning comes into the picture. E-learning, when blended appropriately with classroom training, can be a powerful holistic mode of instruction delivery. All the technologies used in e-learning can be used in blended learning as well, making a unique comprehensive approach to learning. Technologies used in blended learning Blended Learning: A means of enhancing business growth Web-Technologies Blended learning is increasingly being accepted by the  Online Interaction Means: E-mail, Web sites, corporate world to catalyze business and blogs, wikis, e-portfolios, instant messaging (IM), organizational growth, which is highly dependent on short message service (SMS), discussion boards, the quality of human capital deployed. Industries and web 2.0 communities and podcasts organizations are using the blended approach to  Web resources: Search engines like Google, enhance the learning and development experience Online courseware, electronic databases, digital aimed at improving revenue, reducing costs and libraries, and online publications enhancing quality of human capital. Blended learning addresses the needs of most corporate learning and Installed Technologies development programs, allowing pace and space for  Multimedia Presentation software/hardware such various delivery methods required by different sets of as videocassette recorder, DVD player learners. With a perfect amalgamation of media and  Interaction Technologies: Videoconferencing, Web delivery as per the requirements within a particular cameras, and application-sharing suites program, enhanced results can be achieved. Mobile Technologies/ Classroom Peripherals It is often observed that learning experiences are  Laptops, cell phones, PDAs, Tablet PCs, iPods, categorized into steps in a blended learning model and digital cameras, Wi-Fi finders, USB drives, and the learner’s progression from one step to another GPS systems keeps on building upon the previous learning experiences. Thus, a ladder is formed, which learners  Classroom response system, collaborative climb rung after rung and blossom into a tree of software, computer aided assessment, educational collaboration from the sapling of education. animation, games, screencasts, simulations, virtual classrooms As a result, many organizations have graduated from the basic information exchange level to the level of expertise – keeping in line with the scheduled time Blended learning is seen as a comprehensive method frames and fixed costs with the help of blended to impart learning through information, interaction, and learning techniques. collaboration elements. This can be best achieved through the use of the technologies mentioned above plus well-designed classroom training. It not only reduces the cost by reducing all non-productive Elements of Blended Learning activities such as commuting and employing instructors, but also creates reusable content, and accommodates individual learning styles, and There are various models of blended learning, each promotes self-paced learning. However, the classroom comprising the following elements (mentioned below) sessions prove to be helpful in developing in varied proportions depending upon the interpersonal skills through face-to-face organization’s requirements. Blended learning can be communication. classified into:  Learning through information To summarize, blended learning is a method naturally available for distance learning and flexible learning,  Learning through interaction but can also be used in conjunction with face-to-face  Learning through collaboration teaching.  Learning through classroom experiences The Writers Block 4
  • 7. Blended Learning Dimensions of Blended Learning Benefits of Blended Learning  Classroom and online learning: Blended learning Blended learning is highly effective for large powerfully combines both instructor-led classroom organizations with people performing similar tasks in training and online training (the Internet and different locations and facilities. It enables people to intranet), thereby blurring the disadvantages that spend classroom, simulator, and On-the-Job Training exist in both instruction delivery modes. (OJT) time on advanced tasks. It also allows training  Self-paced and collaborative learning: Blended people in core qualifications and skills used by all learning creates room for both solitary learning and members performing similar jobs, and then receive collaborative learning, thus allowing the learners to location or task-specific training for unique tasks at any accommodate their own style of learning at their defined location. This learning method appears to be a own pace, without compromising social interaction natural strategy to address language problems both at aspects. local and global levels.  Structured and unstructured: It effectively combines both structured training (well-designed To sum up, the biggest business benefits of blended course plans) and unstructured factors like learning are: discussions, hallway conversations, emails etc.  Ready-made content and custom content:  Scale: One can roll out a new initiative or program Blended learning consists of regular well-defined to global audiences and reach a large number of readymade content as well as custom made people than ever possible before. content. Blended learning encourages students to  Speed: If training needs to be delivered to staff research and create their own learning materials, within a short period, a large number of staff under the guidance of an instructor. members can be reached simultaneously.  Learn, practice, and perform: Blended learning  Throughput: If a training problem is bottlenecked, mixes learning, practice, and performance, the vital the block can be eliminated and training throughput aspects of learning, to help learners integrate can be improved by orders of magnitude. practice into the learning process and assess the  Complexity: Many training challenges are just too learning through performance metrics. Blended complex for a single web-based course or learning does not replace traditional method of PowerPoint based webinars. If the material is learning. Rather, it complements traditional learning complex and an organization’s business need by providing the learner with opportunities to demands that people internalize and change their explore and practice. behavior, using multiple media will get much higher In short, complementarities between multiple learning completion and results. techniques, autonomous learning style of learners,  Cost: By thinking about every problem as a efficient access to wide range of resources, and ‘blending’ challenge, one can select the lowest cost effective interaction are four critical dimensions of media that solves the problem. blended learning.  The Writers Block 5 5
  • 8. TWB’s Blended Learning Approach TWB enjoys the status of a pioneer in putting blended Our blended learning approach provides appropriate learning into effective use and training corporate solutions for the ubiquitous problems of speed, scale employees/individuals with great success. TWB’s and impact linked with most e-learning models. In blended learning approach considers the key factors conclusion, TWB’s use of well-designed blended and issues in delivering instruction. learning programs as a method to fulfill an organization’s learning needs has been a great Effective combination of learning methods: success. Figuring out how blended learning can be more effective is very important. At times, this can be a great challenge as well. Though the concept of blended “The concept of Blended Learning has arrived and learning sounds very simple (face-to-face learning + e- is here to stay. However, if it is to add value to our learning), failure to gauge the complexity in designing understanding of effective training and learning, the the training (with a well-balanced combination of both) term needs to be considered in a broader context. It can cause failure. In this area, TWB’s expertise cannot is not simply about delivery and technology. If the be neglected. term ‘blended learning’ is to have longevity in our trainer vocabulary, we must extend its use beyond technology. It must be as much about varying Learning gaps: According to some, classroom learning methodology as it is about training training is ineffective because instructors, more often, delivery. We must understand more about what need to deliver training to mainly two categories of motivates learners, what support they need and how learners at the same time: well-informed and least- these supportive interventions can take place in informed. If the students in classroom training are on practice. Only with this understanding can we get the same level as far as the baseline knowledge is the ‘blend’ right.” concerned, the training becomes effective and productive. TWB’s blended learning approach gives a Martyn Sloman, in his book ‘The Changing provision to cater to students, whose baseline World of the Trainer’ knowledge is not at par with the rest, through means such as online, instant messaging, e-mails etc., thereby helping them raise their knowledge level. Individual learning styles: With the availability of the Benefits new package of tools, TWB’s instructors and students are able to blend more elements into both classroom and self-paced exercises, thereby effectively catering By utilizing TWB’s training programs characterized by to individual learning styles. TWB reaches out to the blended learning approach, an organization can learners with a more diverse set of learning options, draw the following benefits: which help them raise the level of their knowledge and skills.  Reduced costs  Business continuity Follow-up: Another important factor to be considered  Effective holistic learning through classroom cum e- in blended learning is the follow-up. In most cases, this learning methods is the most neglected aspects of learning, especially in adult learning. The objective of the follow-up is to  Extended training covering all distributed workforce determine the retention level of the knowledge and at various locations skills taught. TWB has devised its own unique means  Increased productivity because of the quality to ensure that follow-up is practiced to help learners learning retain their acquired knowledge. TWB’s training department follows up with students by sending out exercises through emails after the classroom training is over. To date, this is known as one of the best ways to ensure learning and retention. We blend various components including courses, content portions, IM pings, blogs feedback, and many other things, to provide maximum benefits to learners. The Writers Block 6 6
  • 9. Case Studies Case Study 1: A Large Leading Software Company A large software company takes the decision to move their technical documentation effort from the US to India. The team in India had the option of hiring and creating a new team or forming a new team from the existing employees. The Writers Block (TWB) is engaged with this software company to search for members with the right talent within the company, who could then be inducted into the technical documentation sector by way of evaluation tests. A technical support team of 20 members, identified as having the base skills, is created. The team was provided with continuous training in best practices by TWB. As a result, this team starts taking over from the US team in 2 months. Ultimately the team doubles the size within next 3 months. Case Study 2: A Multinational Multi-Brand Company The internal market analytics team of a multinational company is engaged in serving its subsidiaries. Such research and analysis is typically for the middle management staff members who determine the key market factors, create decisions points, and put forward these as reports to senior management. However, the multinational wants to change this scenario and wants this internal team to serve the company at a global level. This change means that the local middle management 'cushion' is not present anywhere before the analysis is presented to the customer. TWB provides the exact solution and helps the multinational company formulate a training program for the research team. This step ensures that the research team is able to present its results as research reports to its customers worldwide in a useful way. This training, based on blended learning approach, is created for teams of 20-25 members for over 300 employees spread all over India. The key objective of this well-defined blended learning approach through TWB intervention is to ensure that the existing work is not disrupted. With a long term personalized intervention, there is a surety that each member gets personalized attention. Case Study 3: A Large KPO Provider The said company is one of the largest KPO providers in India and continues to be aggressively engaged in providing KPO services like Analytics. The BPO part of the business also involves serving some customers for the KPO services. The company wants to make use of the available manpower, provided they are found suitable and wants to move them into analytics. The objective is that the analytics team should be able to carry out the analysis required and present the output to the customers as research reports with clear decision points. Under the solution provided, team members are evaluated by the KPO provider team for research, analysis and domain skills, and by TWB for communication capability. The employees who are suitable are promoted to the analytics team. TWB, together with the KPO provider, devises a month’s training program for this team. TWB, using a blended learning approach, conducts a four-day essential classroom training and a four-weeks TWB Online training that runs parallel to the training by the KPO. This is followed by another three days of classroom training. TWB helps the KPO provider create a suitable transformation with the most effective intervention for its team. The team starts taking on responsibilities within a month. Such blended training solution is being laid out for over 500 employees across four locations. The Writers Block 7
  • 10. TWB Services TWB is India’s leader in technical communication outsourcing and education. TWB offers a complete suite of services that allows our customers to effectively publish their technical knowledge with their people and processes. TWB’s customers range from Global 500 – including Cisco, Accenture, McAfee, LG, Samsung, Citrix, SAP, Siemens, AOL, Intel; Indian technology majors – including Infosys, Wipro; Global defense majors - Pratt & Whitney, Honeywell, DRDO, HAL; and exciting technology startups. TWB's expertise in technical communication ranges from IT Products and Outsourcing, ITES, Banking, Financial, Aerospace, Defense, Ship Building to Hi-tech Manufacturing, and Discrete and Process Manufacturing. TWB’s services include: Technical Marketing Technical Product Documentation Quality Solutions Documentation Management  Datasheets  Administrator’s Guide  Datasheets  Copy Editing and Proof Reading  API Document  Cheat sheets  Managing Writing  Configuration Guide  Solution Briefs/Solution Brochures  Editing Services  Functional Specifications Document  Presentations – Products/Corporate  Layout and Design Profile  Installation Manual  Creating SLAs  Brochures and marketing collateral  Interface Document  Web content  Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) Business Documentation  Audio and video scripts  Maintenance Manual  Business Proposals  Press releases  Online Help  Legal Disclaimers  Direct mail  Operation Manual  Policy Manuals  Newsletter design copy  Product Demo  Style Guide Design  Sales catalogues  Product Specifications Document  Template Design  Sales sheets  Product Overview Document  Quick Reference Guide Business Communication Content Management  Release Notes  Short Reports  Requirement Analysis Document  Single Sourcing  Proposals  SDK Document  File Version Control  Case Studies  Troubleshooting Manual  Document Naming Conventions  Lab Reports  User Manual  Consistent Document Formatting  Memos  Open Source Documentation  Data Transformation  Progress/Interim Reports  Programmers Guides  Writing for Electronic Media  Functional Specifications Document  Use Cases Web site Development Illustrations  Online Help /Context Sensitive Help  Web 2.0 development  Troubleshooting Guides  Graphic Designing  Web content   Info graphics  Web applications Qualitative Analytics for  2D & 3D animation Decision Support Translation and Localization  Line drawings and illustrations Services  Economic Business Research Process Documentation  Industry Analysis  Software Translation Services  Workflows  Market Opportunity Analysis  Document Translation Services  Standard Operating Procedures  Competitive Business Analysis  Localization (L10N) Testing  ISO Documentation  Company & Prospect Profiling  Internationalization (I18N) Testing  CMM Documentation  Reporting Solutions  Assessment of Unmet Market Needs Records Management Deployment and Support  Status and Potential of Technologies  Document Management Solutions  Benchmarking of Strategies Vs Competition  Record Management Storage and  Installation and Configuration Guides Retrieval  Operations Manual  Forecasting  Sales Force Effectiveness  Market Assessments  Competitive Intelligence  Opinion Leadership  Emerging Markets - evaluation and research The Writers Block 8 8
  • 11. TWB Software Tools Expertise Our technical proficiency in software and authoring tools includes: Unstructured Content XML Structured Editors Multimedia /Authoring Development  Epic  Adobe Flash®  Microsoft Word®  FrameMaker+SGML  Adobe Dreamweaver®  Adobe FrameMaker®  X-Metal®  Microsoft FrontPage®  Adobe InDesign®  Adobe Captivate®  QuarkXPress® Macromedia Captivate  Adobe PageMaker® Graphics/Animations  Multimedia /Authoring / Illustrations  Adobe Flash® Supporting tools  Adobe Photoshop®  Adobe Flash CS4 Professional  Adobe Fireworks®  Adobe Flash®  Adobe Illustrator CS3  Adobe Flex®  CorelDRAW Online Help  Adobe AIR®  Microsoft-Expression Graphic  Adobe Dreamweaver® Designer  Adobe Acrobat®  Xara Xtreme (Windows & Linux)  JavaHelp  Microsoft Silverlight®  CuteDraw  Adobe RoboHelp 7.0  Adobe Authorware®  Publisher3D(for animation)  HelpScribble  Adobe Director®  Sketsa SVG Editor (for vector  WebWorks Publisher  Adobe Captivate® graphics)  PowerCHM  Trivantis Lectora®  Techsmith Camtasia  Doc-To-Help  ASP.NET  Arbortext IsoDraw (technical  WinCHM  JSP illustrations for 2D and 3D)  HelpSmith 2.1.1(Windows)  JAVA  Fast-Help  MadCap Flare Standards Graphics/Animation  Help-Server  NVU Help  SCORM 1.2 / 2004  Adobe Flash®  AICC XML  Adobe Photoshop®  W3C  Adobe Illustrator®  Section 508  Adobe Fireworks®  XMetal®  QTI XML  Microsoft Silverlight®  Microsoft Word 2003®,  Microsoft Word 2007® Databases Development and Publishing tools CMS/ LMS  Microsoft Access  XSLT/XSL  Microsoft SQL Server  EDD  Sharepoint®  Moodle Flowcharting  Joomla,  WordPress  Microsoft Visio  Media Wiki  iGrafx  CMS Builder  EDraw  Author-it (formerly AuthorIT)  RFFlow  Alfresco  Flowbreeze  Smart Draw The Writers Block 9 9
  • 12. Industries Served TWB services a wide range of technology and knowledge-driven industries, helping them meet their markets better. These include:  Banking, Insurance and Financial Services  ITES/ KPO/ BPO  Consulting and Business Services  Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology  Defense, Aerospace and Hi-Tech Manufacturing  Process Manufacturing and Allied Industries  Education and Learning  Steel, Ship Building, Construction and Aviation  IT, ITES  Telecom and Digital Communications TWB has been the preferred technical documentation outsourcing company for: The TWB Building US Office: No: 4062, 19th Main Road, TWB HAL 2nd Stage, 11701 Norwegian Wood Drive Bangalore – 560008 Austin, TX 78758 India. Landmark: Behind Carlton Towers Telephone: Telephone: +91.80.40741400 / +91.80.41256367 +1.512.586.8357 Corporate Enquiries: The Writers Block 10 10