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Geissa R. Torres, Ph.D 
Part I. Identifying Compound and Simple Sentences. 
Place "S" for simple or "C" for compound in the blank after the sentence. 
1. I haven't seen Ann lately, and I won't see her again until fall. _____ 
2. Mr. Holmes listens to the news every night, and then he goes to bed. _____ 
3. Helen is going to Spain today and will come home July 25. _____ 
4. Will you wait for me, or do you want to go ahead? _____ 
5. The children argue and wrangle over every little thing. _____ 
6. We had nearly finished our thirty-six holes of golf, and I was exhausted. _____ 
7. I had originally planned to attend the meeting; however, now I find I can't. _____ 
8. Mrs. Brent likes to drive; she finds it relaxing. _____ 
9. Annette is afraid of the water; consequently, she had trouble passing the swimming 
test. _____ 
10. Delaware used to be a slave state; however, during the Civil War, it refused to 
secede. _____ 
11. Should I carve the roast, or do you want to do it? _____ 
12. Ellen was calm after the accident, but Jane was very nervous. _____ 
13. On their vacation, the Smiths golfed and swam every day. _____ 
14. The Rodriguez and the Melendez like to attend concerts together. _____ 
15. I did my grocery shopping today; consequently, our cupboard is full. _____ 
16. The President will hold a press conference today. _____ 
17. Mr. Nelson looked angry; accordingly, I wasn't eager to introduce myself. _____ 
18. Shall we have a picnic, or would you like to eat inside? _____ 
19. Dan showered and dressed in his best clothes. _____ 
20. The ice cream was partly melted; nevertheless, it tasted good. _____
Part II. Combine the following simple sentences into compound sentences. 
1. The black dog has won many prizes. He doesn't know many tricks. 
2. She saw a cat run in front of her. She fell down while roller-skating. 
3. There was a meteor shower. The crew did not know how to avoid the meteors. 
4. I wanted to buy a baby Chihuahua. I started to save my money. 
5. Gillian did not like to read. She was not very good at it. 
6. Pam liked Wayne. Leena also liked Wayne. 
7. The little boy did not like going to school. He went anyway. 
8. You can cry like a baby. You can clean your room like an adult.
Compound Sentences 
Varying Sentence Structure 
Do writers want their readers to fall asleep in the middle of a sentence? Of course not. 
When a writer tells a story, he or she uses words to create a variety of interesting 
sentences. Read the following paragraphs. Which one sparks your interest more? 
Paul Revere waited in Charlestown. He looked for a light at the Old North 
Church. He saw a light. He saw a second light. He leaped on his horse. He 
warned villagers of a British attack. 
While Paul Revere waited in Charlestown, he looked for a light at the Old North 
Church. He saw one light, and then he saw a second light. He leaped onto his 
horse and warned villagers of a British attack. 
The second paragraph contains a mixture of simple, compound, and complex 
sentences that makes the writing more interesting. A simple sentence has one 
independent clause. 
A compound sentence has two or more independent clauses. A complex sentence 
has one independent clause and at least one subordinate clause. 
SIMPLE SENTENCE: Paul Revere pats his horse. [one independent clause] 
NOTE: Simple sentences may have compound subjects, compound verbs, or both. 
COMPOUND SENTENCE: Paul looked up at the church, and he waited for a signal. 
[two independent clauses joined by the conjunction and] 
What is a compound sentence? 
A compound sentence is a sentence that contains two complete ideas (called 
clauses) that are related. These two clauses are usually connected in a compound 
sentence by a conjunction. 
Compound Sentences 
- A compound sentence has two independent clauses. An independent clause is
a part of a sentence that can stand alone because it contains a subject 
and a verb and expresses a complete thought. 
- Basically, a compound contains two simple sentences. 
- These independent clauses are joined by a conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, 
yet, so). 
There are three methods of combining two independent clauses (two simple sentences) 
Method one: 
1. The shoplifter had stolen clothes, so he ran once he saw the police. 
 Both sides of the conjunction “so” are complete sentences. “The shoplifter had 
stolen clothes” can stand alone and so can “he ran once he saw the police.” 
Therefore, this is a compound sentence. 
2. They spoke to him in Spanish, but he responded in English. 
 This is also a compound sentence that uses a conjunction to separate two 
individual clauses. 
The English language has seven coordinating conjunctions, and they’re easy to 
remember if you can just remember FANBOYS: 
 For - Explains reason or purpose (just like “because”) 
I go to the park every Sunday, for I love to watch the ducks on the lake. 
 And - Adds one thing to another 
I go to the park every Sunday to watch the ducks on the lake and the shirtless men 
playing soccer.
 Nor - Used to present an alternative negative idea to an already stated negative 
I don’t go for the fresh air nor really for the ducks. Honestly, I just like the soccer. 
 But - Shows contrast 
The soccer in the park is entertaining in the winter, but it’s better in the heat of 
 Or - Presents an alternative or a choice 
The men play on teams: shirts or skins. 
 Yet - Introduces a contrasting idea that follows the preceding idea logically (similar 
to “but”) 
I always take a book to read, yet I never seem to turn a single page. 
 So - Indicates effect, result or consequence 
I’ve started dating one of the soccer players, so now I have an excuse to watch the 
game each week. 
Exercise 1 
Compound Sentence Worksheet 
Use FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to write one compound sentence using 
the two simple sentences. 
1. Peter drove to visit his friend. They went out for dinner. 
2. Mary thinks she should go to school. She wants to get qualifications for a new 
3. Alan invested a lot of money in the business. The business went bankrupt. 
4. Doug didn't understand the homework assignment. He asked the teacher for 
5. The students didn't prepare for the test. They didn't realize how important the test 
6. Susan thinks she should stay home and relax. She also thinks she should go on 
7. The doctors looked at the x-rays. They decided to operate on the patient. 
8. We went out on the town. We came home late. 
9. Jack flew to London to visit his Uncle. He also wanted to visit the National 
10. It is raining. It is very cold. 
11. Henry studied very hard for the test. He passed with high marks.
12. I would like to play tennis today. If I don't play tennis, I would like to play golf. 
13. We needed some food for the week. We went to the supermarket. 
14. Tom asked his teacher for help. He also asked his parents for help. 
15. Janet doesn't like sushi. She doesn't like any kind of fish. 
1. Peter drove to visit his friend, and they went out for dinner. 
2. Mary thinks she should go to school, for she wants to get qualifications for a new 
3. Alan invested a lot of money in the business, but the business went bankrupt. 
4. Doug didn't understand the homework assignment, so he asked the teacher for 
5. The students didn't prepare for the test, nor did they realize how important the 
test was. 
6. Susan thinks she should stay home and relax, or she should go on vacation. 
7. The doctors looked at the x-rays, so they decided to operate on the patient. 
8. We went out on the town, and we came home late. 
9. Jack flew to London to visit his Uncle, and to visit the National Museum. 
10. It is sunny, but it is very cold. 
11. Henry studied very hard for the test, so passed with high marks. 
12. I would like to play tennis today, or I would like to play golf. 
13. We needed some food for the week, so We went to the supermarket. 
14. Tom asked his teacher for help, and he asked his parents. 
15. Janet doesn't like sushi, nor does she like any kind of fish. 
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Method two: 
This method may seem like a really easy way to combine two sentences; it is. In fact, 
you can use a semicolon the way you would use a period. The only difference is that 
with a semicolon, there should be an obvious connection between the two sentences. In 
this method, you don’t have a coordinating conjunction to establish the relationship 
between the two ideas; the connection must be so clear that it does not need to be 
Exercise : 
Practice with Semicolons 
Here are some more sentences about critical thinking. The sentences have been fused 
together; they are missing semicolons. Insert a semicolon where needed to create 
correct compound sentences. 
1. I don’t think my father will ever become a critical thinker he is resistant to change. 
2. Do not let gossip pollute your workplace stand up to those who spread rumors. 
3. Even the newspaper is biased I will pay attention to the way they present the facts. 
4. My friends from high school label everybody I am tired of their prejudice. 
5. I will raise my kids to be critical thinkers it won’t be easy.
6. I wrote a letter to The Sentinel I was angry at the way they stereotyped my race. 
7. I am not always open to new information I find it hard to admit that I might be wrong. 
Add to each sentence below with a semicolon and a sentence of your own. 
1. My parents follow the Pope’s teachings____________________________________. 
2. Susan does everything her boyfriend tells her ______________________________. 
3. I don’t want to judge her _______________________________________________. 
4. I used to think that my parents knew everything _____________________________. 
5. I want to believe that our leaders are moral ________________________________. 
6. Not everything you read on the Internet is true _____________________________. 
7. That’s your point of view ______________________________________________. 
Method Three: 
Example: I am disgusted with your behavior; however, I will give you another chance. 
This is a more formal way of combining two independent clauses. The formality is 
created by the use of conjunctive adverbs. In the example above, however is the 
conjunctive adverb. It means the same thing as the coordinating conjunction but. Many 
of the coordinating conjunctions have corresponding conjunctive adverbs that work well 
in writing for college, the workplace, and other formal occasions
Practice Using Conjunctive Adverbs 
Complete the student letter below by filling in the blanks with conjunctive adverbs. 
Dear Boss: 
I have had enough of your unfair treatment; __________________, I have decided to 
leave your employment. I am giving you my two weeks’ notice; __________________, I 
will not return to work after February 8th. I am tempted to write to your superiors about 
your behavior; ____________, I do not want to waste any more time thinking about you. 
I will be back to pick up my final paycheck on February 9th; _______________, please 
have my profit sharing bonus ready at that time. 
Yours truly,
Part I: Combine each of the following simple sentences into one compound sentence. 
1. She didn't want to play with Jill. She didn't want to play with Tim. 
2. Arleen could not play with that boy. Arleen could not play with that other boy. 
3. Let's go to the swimming pool. It's hot inside the house. 
4. I don’t want to eat. I don't want to drink. 
5. I don’t want to practice playing my violin. I don’t want to disobey my mother. 
6. I want to own my own company. I want to pay all my workers a lot of money. 
7. I need to go to the store. I'm feeling too sick to drive. 
8. Rabbits make good pets. They don’t make too much noise and they are clean. 
9. I want to go to the circus. I want to ride a pony. 
10. I didn’t do my homework. My parents punished me. 
11. I have never visited Asia. I have never visited Africa. 
12. You can make a big poster. You can make a little clay statue. 
13. Peter drove to visit his friend. They went out for dinner. 
14. Mary thinks she should go to school. She wants to get qualifications for a new 
15. Alan invested a lot of money in the business. The business went bankrupt. 
16. Doug didn't understand the homework assignment. He asked the teacher for 
17. The students didn't prepare for the test. They didn't realize how important the test 
18. Susan thinks she should stay home and relax. She also thinks she should go on 
19. The doctors looked at the x-rays. They decided to operate on the patient. 
20. We went out on the town. We came home late. 
21. Jack flew to London to visit his Uncle. He also wanted to visit the National 
Part II. Identify the following sentences as Simple sentences (SS) or compound 
sentences (CS). 
1. The teacher walked into the classroom, greeted the students, and took 
2. Juan played football while Juanita went shopping. 
3. Juan played football, yet Juanita went shopping. 
4. The island was filled with many winding trails, a small lake, and dangerous wild 
5. We bought tickets to the hockey game. 
6. We sat toward the center of the rink. 
7. Hockey is a fast game and fans shriek with excitement. 
8. he goalie on each team stays near the end of the rink. 
9. Players obey the rules or they receive penalties. 
10. Hockey is a popular sport in many countries around the world. 
11. Hockey players move quickly or they miss a goal. 
Part III. Directions: Circle the correct conjunction that completes each compound 
sentence below. 
1. Dan likes to race his car fast, (and / or / but) he should think about safety. 
2. I knew exactly where I put my wallet, (and / or / but) I still couldn’t find it. 
3. I love to draw, (and / or / but) my friend loves to design in art class. 
4. We went to the hospital, (and / or / but) we found out it was closed early.
5. I have fifty dollars, (yet / and / so) I still can’t afford the new video game. 
6. I didn’t study hard enough, (yet / and / so) I didn’t pass my latest exam. 
7. I enjoyed the movie, (and / or / but) my little brother did not. 
8. I can fish in the morning, (and / or / but) I can fish in the late evening. 
9. She can run in the morning, (and/ or / but) I will jog in the morning. 
10. You are a new student, (yet / and / so) you will have to learn the class routines. 
11. You didn’t finish on time, (yet / and / so) you will have to come back tomorrow. 
12. Do all your homework, (and / or / but) else you will fall behind. 
13. Always respect your elders, (yet / and / so) that you may earn their trust. 
Answer post test 
Peter drove to visit his friend, and they went out for dinner. 
-rays, so they decided to operate on the patient. 

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Presentation of Compound Sentences

  • 2. COMPOUND SENTENCE MODULE Pre-Test Part I. Identifying Compound and Simple Sentences. Place "S" for simple or "C" for compound in the blank after the sentence. 1. I haven't seen Ann lately, and I won't see her again until fall. _____ 2. Mr. Holmes listens to the news every night, and then he goes to bed. _____ 3. Helen is going to Spain today and will come home July 25. _____ 4. Will you wait for me, or do you want to go ahead? _____ 5. The children argue and wrangle over every little thing. _____ 6. We had nearly finished our thirty-six holes of golf, and I was exhausted. _____ 7. I had originally planned to attend the meeting; however, now I find I can't. _____ 8. Mrs. Brent likes to drive; she finds it relaxing. _____ 9. Annette is afraid of the water; consequently, she had trouble passing the swimming test. _____ 10. Delaware used to be a slave state; however, during the Civil War, it refused to secede. _____ 11. Should I carve the roast, or do you want to do it? _____ 12. Ellen was calm after the accident, but Jane was very nervous. _____ 13. On their vacation, the Smiths golfed and swam every day. _____ 14. The Rodriguez and the Melendez like to attend concerts together. _____ 15. I did my grocery shopping today; consequently, our cupboard is full. _____ 16. The President will hold a press conference today. _____ 17. Mr. Nelson looked angry; accordingly, I wasn't eager to introduce myself. _____ 18. Shall we have a picnic, or would you like to eat inside? _____ 19. Dan showered and dressed in his best clothes. _____ 20. The ice cream was partly melted; nevertheless, it tasted good. _____
  • 3. Part II. Combine the following simple sentences into compound sentences. 1. The black dog has won many prizes. He doesn't know many tricks. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. She saw a cat run in front of her. She fell down while roller-skating. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. There was a meteor shower. The crew did not know how to avoid the meteors. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. I wanted to buy a baby Chihuahua. I started to save my money. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. Gillian did not like to read. She was not very good at it. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6. Pam liked Wayne. Leena also liked Wayne. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 7. The little boy did not like going to school. He went anyway. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 8. You can cry like a baby. You can clean your room like an adult.
  • 4. Compound Sentences Varying Sentence Structure Do writers want their readers to fall asleep in the middle of a sentence? Of course not. When a writer tells a story, he or she uses words to create a variety of interesting sentences. Read the following paragraphs. Which one sparks your interest more? Paul Revere waited in Charlestown. He looked for a light at the Old North Church. He saw a light. He saw a second light. He leaped on his horse. He warned villagers of a British attack. While Paul Revere waited in Charlestown, he looked for a light at the Old North Church. He saw one light, and then he saw a second light. He leaped onto his horse and warned villagers of a British attack. The second paragraph contains a mixture of simple, compound, and complex sentences that makes the writing more interesting. A simple sentence has one independent clause. A compound sentence has two or more independent clauses. A complex sentence has one independent clause and at least one subordinate clause. SIMPLE SENTENCE: Paul Revere pats his horse. [one independent clause] NOTE: Simple sentences may have compound subjects, compound verbs, or both. COMPOUND SENTENCE: Paul looked up at the church, and he waited for a signal. [two independent clauses joined by the conjunction and] What is a compound sentence? A compound sentence is a sentence that contains two complete ideas (called clauses) that are related. These two clauses are usually connected in a compound sentence by a conjunction. Compound Sentences - A compound sentence has two independent clauses. An independent clause is
  • 5. a part of a sentence that can stand alone because it contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. - Basically, a compound contains two simple sentences. - These independent clauses are joined by a conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so). There are three methods of combining two independent clauses (two simple sentences) Method one: Examples: 1. The shoplifter had stolen clothes, so he ran once he saw the police.  Both sides of the conjunction “so” are complete sentences. “The shoplifter had stolen clothes” can stand alone and so can “he ran once he saw the police.” Therefore, this is a compound sentence. 2. They spoke to him in Spanish, but he responded in English.  This is also a compound sentence that uses a conjunction to separate two individual clauses. The English language has seven coordinating conjunctions, and they’re easy to remember if you can just remember FANBOYS:  For - Explains reason or purpose (just like “because”) I go to the park every Sunday, for I love to watch the ducks on the lake.  And - Adds one thing to another I go to the park every Sunday to watch the ducks on the lake and the shirtless men playing soccer.
  • 6.  Nor - Used to present an alternative negative idea to an already stated negative idea I don’t go for the fresh air nor really for the ducks. Honestly, I just like the soccer.  But - Shows contrast The soccer in the park is entertaining in the winter, but it’s better in the heat of summer.  Or - Presents an alternative or a choice The men play on teams: shirts or skins.  Yet - Introduces a contrasting idea that follows the preceding idea logically (similar to “but”) I always take a book to read, yet I never seem to turn a single page.  So - Indicates effect, result or consequence I’ve started dating one of the soccer players, so now I have an excuse to watch the game each week. Exercise 1 Compound Sentence Worksheet Use FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to write one compound sentence using the two simple sentences. 1. Peter drove to visit his friend. They went out for dinner. 2. Mary thinks she should go to school. She wants to get qualifications for a new profession. 3. Alan invested a lot of money in the business. The business went bankrupt. 4. Doug didn't understand the homework assignment. He asked the teacher for help. 5. The students didn't prepare for the test. They didn't realize how important the test was. 6. Susan thinks she should stay home and relax. She also thinks she should go on vacation. 7. The doctors looked at the x-rays. They decided to operate on the patient. 8. We went out on the town. We came home late. 9. Jack flew to London to visit his Uncle. He also wanted to visit the National Museum. 10. It is raining. It is very cold. 11. Henry studied very hard for the test. He passed with high marks.
  • 7. 12. I would like to play tennis today. If I don't play tennis, I would like to play golf. 13. We needed some food for the week. We went to the supermarket. 14. Tom asked his teacher for help. He also asked his parents for help. 15. Janet doesn't like sushi. She doesn't like any kind of fish. Answer 1. Peter drove to visit his friend, and they went out for dinner. 2. Mary thinks she should go to school, for she wants to get qualifications for a new profession. 3. Alan invested a lot of money in the business, but the business went bankrupt. 4. Doug didn't understand the homework assignment, so he asked the teacher for help. 5. The students didn't prepare for the test, nor did they realize how important the test was. 6. Susan thinks she should stay home and relax, or she should go on vacation. 7. The doctors looked at the x-rays, so they decided to operate on the patient. 8. We went out on the town, and we came home late. 9. Jack flew to London to visit his Uncle, and to visit the National Museum. 10. It is sunny, but it is very cold. 11. Henry studied very hard for the test, so passed with high marks. 12. I would like to play tennis today, or I would like to play golf. 13. We needed some food for the week, so We went to the supermarket. 14. Tom asked his teacher for help, and he asked his parents. 15. Janet doesn't like sushi, nor does she like any kind of fish. Exercise 2
  • 8.
  • 10. Method two: This method may seem like a really easy way to combine two sentences; it is. In fact, you can use a semicolon the way you would use a period. The only difference is that with a semicolon, there should be an obvious connection between the two sentences. In this method, you don’t have a coordinating conjunction to establish the relationship between the two ideas; the connection must be so clear that it does not need to be stated. Exercise : Practice with Semicolons Here are some more sentences about critical thinking. The sentences have been fused together; they are missing semicolons. Insert a semicolon where needed to create correct compound sentences. 1. I don’t think my father will ever become a critical thinker he is resistant to change. 2. Do not let gossip pollute your workplace stand up to those who spread rumors. 3. Even the newspaper is biased I will pay attention to the way they present the facts. 4. My friends from high school label everybody I am tired of their prejudice. 5. I will raise my kids to be critical thinkers it won’t be easy.
  • 11. 6. I wrote a letter to The Sentinel I was angry at the way they stereotyped my race. 7. I am not always open to new information I find it hard to admit that I might be wrong. Exercise: Add to each sentence below with a semicolon and a sentence of your own. 1. My parents follow the Pope’s teachings____________________________________. 2. Susan does everything her boyfriend tells her ______________________________. 3. I don’t want to judge her _______________________________________________. 4. I used to think that my parents knew everything _____________________________. 5. I want to believe that our leaders are moral ________________________________. 6. Not everything you read on the Internet is true _____________________________. 7. That’s your point of view ______________________________________________. Method Three: Example: I am disgusted with your behavior; however, I will give you another chance. This is a more formal way of combining two independent clauses. The formality is created by the use of conjunctive adverbs. In the example above, however is the conjunctive adverb. It means the same thing as the coordinating conjunction but. Many of the coordinating conjunctions have corresponding conjunctive adverbs that work well in writing for college, the workplace, and other formal occasions
  • 12. Practice Using Conjunctive Adverbs Complete the student letter below by filling in the blanks with conjunctive adverbs. Dear Boss: I have had enough of your unfair treatment; __________________, I have decided to leave your employment. I am giving you my two weeks’ notice; __________________, I will not return to work after February 8th. I am tempted to write to your superiors about your behavior; ____________, I do not want to waste any more time thinking about you. I will be back to pick up my final paycheck on February 9th; _______________, please have my profit sharing bonus ready at that time. Yours truly,
  • 13. Post-test Part I: Combine each of the following simple sentences into one compound sentence. 1. She didn't want to play with Jill. She didn't want to play with Tim. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. Arleen could not play with that boy. Arleen could not play with that other boy. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. Let's go to the swimming pool. It's hot inside the house. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. I don’t want to eat. I don't want to drink. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. I don’t want to practice playing my violin. I don’t want to disobey my mother. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6. I want to own my own company. I want to pay all my workers a lot of money. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 7. I need to go to the store. I'm feeling too sick to drive. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
  • 14. 8. Rabbits make good pets. They don’t make too much noise and they are clean. ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 9. I want to go to the circus. I want to ride a pony. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 10. I didn’t do my homework. My parents punished me. ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 11. I have never visited Asia. I have never visited Africa. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 12. You can make a big poster. You can make a little clay statue. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 13. Peter drove to visit his friend. They went out for dinner. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 14. Mary thinks she should go to school. She wants to get qualifications for a new profession. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
  • 15. 15. Alan invested a lot of money in the business. The business went bankrupt. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 16. Doug didn't understand the homework assignment. He asked the teacher for help. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 17. The students didn't prepare for the test. They didn't realize how important the test was. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 18. Susan thinks she should stay home and relax. She also thinks she should go on vacation. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 19. The doctors looked at the x-rays. They decided to operate on the patient. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 20. We went out on the town. We came home late. ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
  • 16. 21. Jack flew to London to visit his Uncle. He also wanted to visit the National Museum. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Part II. Identify the following sentences as Simple sentences (SS) or compound sentences (CS). 1. The teacher walked into the classroom, greeted the students, and took attendance. 2. Juan played football while Juanita went shopping. 3. Juan played football, yet Juanita went shopping. 4. The island was filled with many winding trails, a small lake, and dangerous wild pigs. 5. We bought tickets to the hockey game. 6. We sat toward the center of the rink. 7. Hockey is a fast game and fans shriek with excitement. 8. he goalie on each team stays near the end of the rink. 9. Players obey the rules or they receive penalties. 10. Hockey is a popular sport in many countries around the world. 11. Hockey players move quickly or they miss a goal. Part III. Directions: Circle the correct conjunction that completes each compound sentence below. 1. Dan likes to race his car fast, (and / or / but) he should think about safety. 2. I knew exactly where I put my wallet, (and / or / but) I still couldn’t find it. 3. I love to draw, (and / or / but) my friend loves to design in art class. 4. We went to the hospital, (and / or / but) we found out it was closed early.
  • 17. 5. I have fifty dollars, (yet / and / so) I still can’t afford the new video game. 6. I didn’t study hard enough, (yet / and / so) I didn’t pass my latest exam. 7. I enjoyed the movie, (and / or / but) my little brother did not. 8. I can fish in the morning, (and / or / but) I can fish in the late evening. 9. She can run in the morning, (and/ or / but) I will jog in the morning. 10. You are a new student, (yet / and / so) you will have to learn the class routines. 11. You didn’t finish on time, (yet / and / so) you will have to come back tomorrow. 12. Do all your homework, (and / or / but) else you will fall behind. 13. Always respect your elders, (yet / and / so) that you may earn their trust. THE END
  • 18. Answer post test Peter drove to visit his friend, and they went out for dinner. -rays, so they decided to operate on the patient. Museum