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I hereby declare that this project entitled “A Study in Consumer Preferences on
Sales and Services of Bajaj Bikes with reference to M.G.Brothers Nellore.” is
bonafide work done by me and submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of the
degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA), Vikrama Simhapuri University
during the year 2008-2010 under the guidance of Mr. G. Kalyan Ramu MBA., in
Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore.
I also declare that this project have not been submitted for the award of any
degree or Diploma from any University including Vikrama Simhapuri University.
First and foremost, I would like to sincerely acknowledge thanks to Mr.G.Kalyan
Ramu MBA., Project guide and other faculty members of the University.
It is my privilege to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my Industrial guide
Mr: M.SUNDARA RAM M.B.A, D.F.M. Manager (H.R.) for his guidance and
cooperation in carrying out this project work.
I am thankful to all the managers of various departments and employees of
M.G.brothers Nellore for guiding me and sharing my experience and also being very
cooperative during my Survey / training and for their interest in making my Survey /
training success.
I express my deepest thanks to our respected Vice-Chancellor Prof.
C.R.Visweswara Rao and Registrar Prof. V.Narayana Reddy for motivating me with
respect to the project.
Last but not least; I’m thankful to my parents, friends and my Respondents for
assisting me to complete the report.
S No Title Page No
List of Tables i
List of Charts ii
1.1. Industry profile
1.2. Company Profile
1.3. Product Profile (if any)
CHAPTER - II 2.1. Review Literature
3. 1. Statement of Problem
3. 2 Objectives of the study
3. 3 Scope of the study
3.4. Research design
3.5. Source of data
3.6. Sample design
3.7. Statistical tools used
3.8. Limitations of the study
CHAPTER- V 5.1. Findings
5.2. Suggestions
5.3. Conclusion
3.1 Opinion of the customers with respect to comfort levels in
3.2 Opinion of the customers with respect to level of
Performance level of BAJAJ Bikes
3.3 Affordability level of the Customers with respect to
BAJAJ Vehicles In Nellore
3.4 Opinions of the respondents with respect to the Pickup of
the Bi the vehicles.
3.5 Opinion Towards the post service given by the Company
3.6 Aspects liked by the Customer towards Bajaj Vehicles
3.1 Opinion of the customers with respect to comfort levels in
3.2 Opinion of the customers with respect to level of
Performance level of BAJAJ Bikes
3.3 Affordability level of the Customers with respect to
BAJAJ Vehicles In Nellore
3.4 Opinions of the respondents with respect to the Pickup of
the Bi the vehicles.
3.5 Opinion Towards the post service given by the Company
3.6 Aspects liked by the Customer towards Bajaj Vehicles
The automobiles as we know it was not invented in a single day by a single
inventor. The history of the automobile reflects an evolution that took place worldwide. It
is estimated that over one – lakh patents created the modem automobile. However we can
point to the many first that occurred along the way. Starting with the first theoretical
plans for a motor vehicle that had been drawn up by both Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac
In 1769, the very self –propelled road vehicle was a military tractor invented by
French Engineer and Mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot (1725-1804) Cugnot used a
stream engine to power his vehicle built under his instructions at the Paris Arsenal by
mechanic Brezin. It was used by the French Army to haul artillery at a whopping speed
of 2-1/2 mph on only three wheels. The steam engine and boiler were separate from the
rest of the vehicle and placed in the front. The following year (1770), Cugnot built a
steam- powered tricycle that carried four passengers.
In 1771, cugnot drove one of his road vehicles into a stonewall, making Cugnot
the first person to get into a motor vehicle accident. This was a beginning of bad luck for
the inventor. After one of Cugnot’s patrons died and the other was exiled, the money for
Cugnot’s road vehicle experiments ended.
Steam engines powered cars by burning fuel that heated water in a boiler, creating
steam that expand and pushed pistons that turned the crankshaft, which then turned the
wheels. During the early history of self- propelled vehicles – both road and railroad
vehicles were being developed with steam engines. Steam engines added so much weight
to a vehicle that they proved a poor design for road vehicles; however, steam engines
were very successfully used in locomotives. Historians, who accept that early steam –
powered road vehicles were automobiles; feel that Nicolas Cugnot was the inventor of
the first automobile.
After Cugnot several other inventors designed steam –
powered road vehicles :
1. Frenchman, Onesiphore Pecqueur, who also invented the first different gear,
improved Cugnot’s vehicle, improved cugnot’s vehicle.
2. In 1789, the first U.S. patent for a steam- powered land vehicle was granted to Oliver
3. In 1801, Rich Trevithick buit aroad carriage powered by steam – the first in Great
4. In Britain, from 1820 to 1840, steam – powered stagecoaches were in regular service.
These were later banned from public roads and Britain’s railroad system developed as
a result.
5. Steam – driven road tractors pulled passenger carriages around Paris and Bordeaux up
to 1850.
6. In the United states, numerous steam coaches were built from 1860 to 1880. inventors
included: Harrison Dyer, Joseph Dixon, Rufus porter, and William T. James.
7. Amedee Bollee sr. Built advanced steam cars from 1873 to 1883. the “La Mancelle”
built in 1878, had a front- mounted engine, shaft drive to the differential, chain drive
to the rear wheels, on a vertical shaft and driver’s seat behind the engine. The boiler
was carried the passenger compartment.
8. In 1871, Dr. J. W. Carhart, professor of physics at Wisconsin state University, and the
J.I. Case Company built a work steam cat won a 200-mile race.
Early Electric Cars :
Steam engines were not the only engines used in early automobiles. Vehicles with
electrical engines were also invented. Between 1832 & 1839, Robert Anderson of
Scotland invented the first electric carriage. Electric cars used rechargeable batteries that
powered a small electric motor. The vehicles were heavy, slow expensive, and needed to
stop for recharging frequently. Both steam and electric road vehicles were advanced in
favor of gas powered vehicles. Electricity found grater success in tramway and streetcars,
where a constant supply of electricity was possible.Learn more about the history of
electrical vehicles from 1890 to the present.
However, around 1900, electric land vehicles in America outsold all other types
of cars. Then in the several years following 1900, sales of electric vehicles took a
nosedive as a new type of vehicles came to dominate the market.
The very first self – powered road vehicles were powered by steam engines and
by that definition Nicholas Joseph Cugnot of France built the first automobile in 1769
recognized by the British Royal Automobile Club and the automobile was invented by
either gottlied Daimler or karl Benz? It is because both Daimler and Benz invented
highly successful and practical gasoline- powered vehicles that looked and worked like
the cars we use today. However, it is unfair to say that either man invented the
History of the internal combustion engine-the heart of the
An internal combustion engine is any engine that uses explosive combustion of
fuel to push a piston within a cylinder-the piston’s movement turns a crank shaft that then
turns the cars wheels via a chain or a drive shaft. The different types of fuel commonly
used for car combustion engines are gasoline, diesel, and kerosene.
A brief outline of the history of the internal combustion engine include the
following highlights:
1. 1680 - Dutch physicist, Christain Huygens designed an internal combustion engine
that was be fueled with gunpowder.
2. 1807 - Francois Isaac de Rivaz of Switzerland invented an internal combustion
engine that used a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen for fuel. Rivaz designed a car for
his engine – the internal combustion powered automobiles. However, this was avery
unsuccessful vehicle.
3. 1824 - English engineer, Sumule brown adapted and lod Newcomen steam
engine to burn gas, and he used it to briefly power a vehicle up shooter’s
hill in London.
4. 1858 - Belgian –born engineer, jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir invented and patented a
double acting, electric spark-ignition internal combustion fueled by coal gas. In 1863,
Lenoir attached an improved engine to a three-wheeled wagon that managed to
compete an historic fifty-mile trip.
5. 1862 - Alphonse beau de Rochas, a French civil engineer, patented but did not build
a four-stroke engine
6. 1864 - Austrian engineer, Siegfried Marcus, built a one cylinder with a crude
carburetor, and attached his engine to a cart for a rocky 500 foot drive. It was the
world’s first gasoline-powered vehicle. Several year later, historians consider was the
forerunner of the modern automobile.
7. 1873 - George Brayton, an American engineer, developed an unsuccessful two-
stroke kerosene (it used two external pumping cylinders). However, it was considered
the first sage and practical oil engine.
8. 1866 - German engines, Eugene Lange and Nicolas august Otto improved on Lenoir
and de Roche’s designs and invented a more efficient gas engine.
9. 1876 - Nicola’s august Otto invented and later patterned a successful four stroke
engine, known as the “Otto cycle”.
10. 1876 - The first successful two strokes were invented by sir dougald clerk.
11. 1883 -french engineer, Edouard Delamare -Debouteville, built a single-cylinder
four-stock engine that on stove gas. It is not certain if he did indeed built a single-
cylinder four-stoke on stove in stove gas. It is not certain if he did indeed built a
car,however Delamere- bebouteville’s designs were very advance for the time-ahead
of both Daimler and Benz in some ways at least on paper.
12. 1885 - Gottlied Daimler invented what is often recognized as the prototype of the
modern gas engine- with a vertical cylinder, and with wheeled vehicle the
“Reitwagen” with this engine and a year later built the world’s first four- wheeled
motor vehicle.
13. 1886 - on January 29, Karl Benz received the first patent a gas –fueled car.
14. 1889 - Daimler built an improved four –stroke engine with mushroom shaped
values and two V-slat cylinders.
15. 1890 - Wilhelm may Bach built the four- cylinder, four-Stroke engine.Engine
design and car design wee integral activates, almost all of the engine designers
mentioned above also designed car, and a few went in to become major
manufactures of automobiles. All of these inventors and more made notable
improvements in the design of the internal combustion vehicles.
The important of Nicholas Otto :
One of the most important landmarks in engine design comes from Nicholas August Otto
who in 1876 invented an effective gas motor engine. Otto built the first practical
fourstoke internal combustion engine called the “ Otto cycle engine”. And as soon as he
had completed where very historically significant, it was his four- stoke engine that was
universally adapted for all liquid- fueled automobiles going forward.
The important of Karl Benz:
In 1885, German mechanical engineer, Karl Benz designed and built the world’s
first practical automobile to be powdered by an internal combustion engine. On January
29, 1886 Benz build his first four- wheeled car in 1891. Benz and Cie., the company
started by the inventor, become the world’s largest manufacturer of automobiles by 1900.
Benz was the first inventor to integrate combustion engine with a chassis designing both
The important of Gottlied Daimler.
In 1885, Gottlied Daimler took Otto’s internal combustion engine a step further
and patented what is generally recognized as the prototype of the modern gas engine.
Daimler’s connection to Otto was a direct one Daimler worked as technical director of
Duetz Gasmotorenfabrik, which Nicholas Otto co-owned in 1872. there is some
controversy as to who built the first motorcycle Otto or Daimler.
The 1885 Daimler-may Bach engine was small, light weight, fast used a gasoline-
injected carburetor, and had a vertical cylinder. The size, speed, and efficiency of the
engine allowed for a revolution in car design. On March 8,1886, Daimler took a
stagecoach and adapted to hold his engine, thereby designing the world’s first four-
wheeled automobile. Daimler is considered the first inventor to have invented a practical
internal combustion engine.
In 1889, Daimler invented a V-slanted two cylinder, four-stroke engine with
mushroom-shaped valves. Just like Otto’s 1876 engine, Daimler’s new engine set the
basis for all engines going forward. Also in 1889, Daimler and May Bach built their first
automobile from the ground up they did not adapt another purpose vehicle as they had
always been done previously. The new Daimler automobile had a four speed transmission
and obtained speeds of 10mph.
Daimler founded the Daimler Motoren- Gesellschaft in 1890 to manufacture his
designs. Eleven years later, Wilhelm May Bach designed the Mercedes automobile.
If Siegfried marcus built his second car in 1875 and it was as claimed, it would
have been the first vehicle powered by a four –cycle engine and the first to use gasoline
as a fuel, the first having a carburetor for a gasoline engine and the first having a magneto
ignition. However, the only existing evidence indicates that the vehicle was built circa
1888/89-too late to be first.
By the early 1900s, gasoline cars started to outsell all other types of motor
vehicles. The market was growing for economical automobile and the need for industrial
production was pressing.
The first car manufactured in the world were French: Panhard and Peugeot. By
car manufacturer we mean builders of entire motor vehicles for sale and not just engine
inventors who experimented with car design to test their engines a Daimler and Benz
began as the later before becoming full car manufactures and made their early money by
licensing their patents and selling their engine to car manufactures.
Rene Panhard and Emile Levassor
Rene Panhard and Emile Levassor were partners in a wood working machinery
business, when they decided to become car manufactures. They built their first car in
1890 using a Daimler engine. Edouard Sarazin, who held the license rights to the Daimler
patent for France, commissioned the team. The partners not only manufactured cars, they
made improvements to the automotive body design. Pahhard –levassor made vehicles
with a pedal-Operated clutch, a chain transmission. leading to a change – speed gearbox,
and a front radiator. Levassor was the first design was known as the system panhard and
quickly became the standard for all cars because it gave a better balance and improved
steering. Panhard and Leavassor are also credited with the invention of the modern
transmission- installed in their 1895 panhard .
Panhard and levassor also shared the licesing rights to Daimler motors with
armed peugot. A peugot car went on to win the first car race held in France, which gained
peugot publicity and boosted car sales. Ironically, the “Paris to Marseill” race of 1897
resulted in afatal auto accident, killing Emile Lvasssor .
Early on, French manufactures did not standardized car models each car was
different for the other. The first standardized car was the 1894, Benz Velo. One hundred
and thirty four identical Velos were manufactured in 1895.
Charles and Frank Duryea
America ‘s first gasoline-powered commercial car manufactures were Charles and
Frank Duryea. The brothers were bicycle makers who became interested in gasoline
engine and automobile and built their first motor vehicle in 1893, in Springfield,
Massachusetts. By 1896, the Duryea Motor wagon Company had sold thirteen models of
Duryea, an expensive limousine, which remained in production into the 1920s.
Ransom Eli Olds :
The first automobile to be mass-produced in the United States was the 1901, Curved
Dash Oldsmobile, built by the American car manufacturer Ransom Eli Olds invented the
basic concept of the assembly line and started the Detroit area automobile industry. He
first began making steam and gasoline engines with his father, Pliny Fisk Olds, Lansing,
Michigan in 1885. In 1885. Olds designed his first steam powered car in 1887. in 1899,
with a growing experience of gasoline engines, Olds moved to Detroit to start the olds
motor works, and produced 425 “Curved Dash Olds” in 1901, and was America ‘s
leading auto manufacturer from 1901 to 1904.
Henry Ford
American car manufacturer, Henry Ford invented an improved assembly line and
installed the first conveyor belt-based assembly line in his car factory in ford’s highland
park, Michigan plant, around 1913-14. the assembly line reduced production cost for cars
by reducing assembly time. Ford’s famous models T was assembled in ninety –three
minutes .Ford made his first car, called the “quadricycle”, in June 1896. However,
success came after he formed the ford motor company in 1903.
This was the third car manufacturing company formed to produce cars he
designed. He introduced the t model in 1908 and it was a success. After installing the
moving assembly lines in his factory in 1913, Ford became the world’s highest car
By 1927, 15 million model T’s has been manufactured.
Another victory won by Henry Ford was patent battle with George B. Selden .
Selden, who had never built an automobile, held all American car manufactures paid
royalties on a “road engine”, on that basis Selden. ford overturned Selden’s paten and
opened the American car market for the building of inexpensive cars.
This flagged off the era “wheel racing” which lasted till 1964, after which jet and
rocket- propelled vehicles were allowed. Then on wards it has been one big journey on
the roads. From the singsong rhythm of the some of the events and milestones in the car
industry in India.
1. 1924 - Hindustan motor incorporated.
2. 1928 - The first imported car on the Indian roads.
3. 1944 - Premier automobiles started.
4. 1948 - First car manufactured in India.
5. 1953 - The Government of India decreed that only those firms which have a
manufacturing program should be allowed to operate.
6. 1955 - only seven firms HM, APL, SMPL, PAL, M & M , TELCO received
approval.The liberalization in 1990 in India opened the doors for the Entry of
foreign products in to market. This made the market a consumer market with a lot
of choices for the consumers. The future of the products depends on the
consumer’s satisfaction. The products, which are able to attract the consumers, ate
having a bright future and the others are lost in the competition. So, it is very
important to know the pulse of the customers. The business people should always
have correct information regarding the satisfaction level in the customers.
Different ways ate to be implemented to increase the satisfaction level in the
Hailing from rural stock, Sri Somappa who had humble beginnings, by
virtue of hard work Integrity and dedication to social service rose to the prominent
as the national leader for handloom weavers and the leading industrialist of Rayalseema.
He was conferred Padmashri national award for the social service rendered by him in the
very first list of honors by the Rashtrapathi in the year 1954.
Somappa was the son of Machani Somanna a master weaver, who had five
sons of whom Somappa was the fourth and eldest was Machani Gangappa ion whose
name the family concern of M.G. Brothers (Machani Gangappa Brothers) were started.
Under Somappa’s guidance, his youngest brother M. Ramanna developed
family business like running of buses for passenger traffic, Lorries for rural service.
Starting of full-fledged automobile workshops in Bellary, Kurnool and Nellore in the
name of M.G.Brothers standing for Machani Gangappa Brothers, which workshops
entitled the firm the acquisition of prestigious agency lines such as Tata Mercedes Benz
(suppliers of chassis for Lorries and buses), Massey Ferguson tractors and royal Enfield
Motor Bikes.
The company had branches at Chittoor and Ongole in Andhra Pradesh. The
company runs two fully equipped modern workshops.
The company acts as a distributor to various companies. And also it acts as
service centers for Bajaj and Telco products.
M.G. Brothers automobiles private limited has more than 150 employees in only
Nellore District. And it has many branch offices at Chittoor, Ongole, and Tirupathi etc.,
it is one of the greatest asset to Nellore district. It has acquired goodwill in Nellore
It is an authorized dealer to various companies like BAJAJ, RELCO, TAFE, and
BIRLA YAMAHA and GODREJ Aqua feeds. It is also associated in real-estate business
due to its reputation in Nellore district.
It is successfully running for more than 50 years in Nellore town. Its head
office is located at Dargamitta. Before 50 years, it is at outside the town. For it, the
location is very good. Because of more space and more facilities the establisher selected
that place. It is located on the main road. For easy moving of vehicles which came from
the main companies. Due to the transport facilities, the main branch is located in
At main branch, the go down facility is also very large. Large go down
facilitates the storage of many vehicles like two – wheelers, tractors, four – wheelers etc.,
service centers also helps the customers to make their work easy. Provisions of service
centers also attract the customers very much. So they tend to purchase their vehicles at
M.G. Brothers automobiles private limited.
TATA Motors:
M.G. Brothers automobiles have got a dealership authorized. It distributes
passenger cars like Tata Indica, and heavy vehicles like Lorries, trucks, etc., and tractors.
It is maintaining a separate division for this. A manager heads it. He looks after those
TATA Motors was established in 1945, Tata Motors entered into collaboration
with Daimler Benz of Germany in 1954 to manufacture commercial vehicles, the
collaboration ended in 1969. Tata motors have since grown from strength to strength.
TATA Motors is India’s premier and the only fully integrated automobile
manufacturer. It is among the world’s top 10 commercial vehicle producers. The
company’s dynamism, ability to race a head against all odds and a compelling vision for
the future has seen its annual turnover swell to US $ 2.35 billion for the year starting
April 1st
2003 to March 21st
The company has spread its manufacturing facilities across India by
setting up plants at Jamshedpur, Pune and Lucknow. This is coupled it a nation – wide
customer support, sales and service network. The company enjoys a significant demand
in export markets like Europe, Australia, and South East Asia, Middle East and Africa
also. The company’s vehicles are seen in over 70 countries now.
Customer sensitive apro0aches towards building products and state – of – the –
art manufacturing facilities have given the company a huge lead over its competitors.
Today 7 out of every 10 medium and heavy commercial vehicles on Indian roads bear the
trusted Tata mark. Tata motors presence in the utility vehicles and passenger cars market
has been firmly established. In 1998, it launched India’s first fully indigenized car,
Indica, to the discerning consumer and has been phenomenally successful. Tata Motors
are consistently evolving in its offerings to the Indian automobiles market.
It is successfully running for more than 50 years in Nellore town. Its head office is
located at Dargamitta. Before 50 years, it is at outside the town. For it, the location is
very good. Because of more space and more facilities the establisher selected that place.
It is located on the main road. For easy moving of vehicles which came from the main
companies. Due to the transport facilities, the main branch is located in Dargamitta.
At main branch, the go down facility is also very large. Large go down
facilitates the storage of many vehicles like two – wheelers, tractors, four – wheelers etc.,
service centers also helps the customers to make their work easy. Provisions of service
centers also attract the customers very much. So they tend to purchase their vehicles at
M.G. Brothers automobiles private limited.
M.G. Brothers also had the dealership for Tafe. It distributes massive for
user tractors. A separate manager also heads it and this division deals with Tafe
Company only.
M.G. Brothers had the authorized dealership for BAJAJ Automobiles. It
distributes various Models of BAJAJ Kawasaki Bikes, Passenger autos and goods
carrying autos etc., it has also a separate division headed by a manager who looks after
those dealings.
M.G. Brothers has the dealership of Birla Yamaha. It distributes
generators of this Company.
M.G. Brothers Automobiles limited has also the dealership for Aqua fed
from Godrej Agro Vet limited. It is located at Ramamurthy Nagar, Bypass - Road,
Nellore. It is situated there because the fields of aqua farmers are located with a radius of
5km to 10km apart. So it is very easy for transportation of feed to the farmers. Hence
the location is appropriate. It supplies feed for Nellore and Gudur regions.
Real Estate :
The Real Estate Division has completed 25 projects at various towns and cities
of Andhrapradesh state and 2 projects at Bengaluru City of Karnataka state which details
are available at "Projects" page. MG Brothers Real Estate has also forayed into the
lucrative Bangalore real estate markets with the launch of its layout in Bangalore with
many more projects on the anvil.
M.G. Group was established in 1940 at Yammiganur. The founders spread
the business from surface Cargo Transport to Automobiles Dealerships for Telco,
Tafe &Enfield. The growth of M.G. Group was fast and dominant and the network
was spread like this.
1. M.G. Brothers, Kurnool – Dealers for Telco, Tafe &Enfield covering Kurnool,
Kadapa and Ananthapur with 30 interstate bus operations.
2. M.G. Automobiles, Bellary - Dealers for Telco, Tafe &Enfield for Bellary &
Raichur District. This unit has the largest Body building workshop in Karnataka.
3. M.G. Metallic springs Pvt.Ltd, Ananthapur an ancillary unit for M/S Stumpp,
Scuele & Somappa Ltd., Bangalore.
4. M.G. Brothers Oil Mills Pvt.Ltd., Yamminagur – Manufacturers of refined
groundnut oil.
5. M.G. Brothers, Nellore – Main Dealers for Telco, Tafe &Enfield covering
Nellore, Chittoor & prakasam District. Dealers for Telco as branch of M.G.
Kurnool. This M.G. Brother, Nellore was started by Mr. Somappa in the year
The above network of the patent company was divided during family partition in
1984 and Mr. M.R Gangadhar &Brothers got to their share M.G. Brother Nellore, M.G.
Metallic Springs, Ananthapur & M.G. Brothers Oil mills at Yammiganur.
The Limited with foreign holdings continued in this group with Mr. M.R.
Ramesh as its Vice Chairman & Managing Director.
M.G. Brothers, Nellore, which was started in 1956, has become an
independent unit in 12984 and Mr. M.R. Gangadhar is managing the affairs of this
company since 1988. under his leadership the company grew from stage to the present
level of wide network of Telco Dealerships in Nellore, Chittoor, Tirupathi, Ongole, Tafe
Dealerships in Nellore, Vijayawada, Chittoor, Tirupathi and Medak . Real-Estates in
branches Nellore, Tirupathi, Vijayawada, Eluru and Bangalore now.
M.G. Brothers also had its network in HPCL at Guntur, Ongole and now
Nellore. The Aqua division was started in 1998, June and the Real Estates in 2001. M.G.
Brothers are dealers for Telco from 1954. Tafe since 1961. Bajaj since 1992 and Eicher
since 2005.
Mr. Gangadhar Managing Director is now ably supported in running the
organization by his two sons Mr. Raghavandra and Mr. GopalaKrishna. Both the sons
are Engineering Graduates and the Mr. Raghavendra the elder has also specialized in M.S
(Finance) in London.
Mr . Gangadhar very ably supported by his wife Smt. Uma Gangadhar
very actively participated in the social activities of the society without any personal
admissions. This hobby of there is the most satisfying item in their daily routine and Mr,
gangadhar is rotary club member of Ramachandra Mission since about 2 decades and he
his wife is the center of the hub for the mission activities.
M.G. Brothers Automobiles Private Limited are committed to satisfy the
customer needs by providing genuine products, quality service and correct price at
appropriate time through continual improvement of their employee skills of activities.
They also safeguard the interests of our stakeholders by all means.
1. They are no – 4 in India and 2nd
place in South India.
2. 25 years old with TAFE.
3. The TAFE market in Andhra Pradesh is 16%.
4. 2006 TAFE got the star dealer.
5. 2005: June – Bajaj Avenger launched. February – Bajaj Wave launched.
6. 2003: TAFE got the excellent service award.
7. M.G. Brothers Automobiles Private Limited has the growth of 57% with TAFE.
8. In 2006 the company has 43% growth with TATA Passenger car.
9. Bajaj had Ideal workshop.
10. The company has ISO Certification.
Figure of performance of the M.G. BROTHERS AUTOMOBILES PRIVATE
1. In 1997 - 98 M.G. Brothers Automobiles Private Limited had 37crores
2. In 2006 – 08 M.G. Brothers Automobiles Private Limited had 202 crores
3. M.G. Brothers Automobiles Private Limited had taken as a whole 350 crores
1. The company commercial vehicles got 1st
2. The company by the ISI.
3. The company 24 hours service in Bajaj vehicles.
Current planning:
1. The company has to own their CRM.
2. The company wants to prioritize Analysis.
3. The company does repeat complete Analysis.
4. They provide TMC (Total Maintenance Contract) at all divisions.
5. The company had done Muda (i.e., nothing but waste).
6. The company provides Non- conformation services.
7. The company provides timely quality manpower and work infrastructure.
Consumer Behavior is the study of how individuals make decisions to
spend the available resources (time, money, effort) on consumption related items.
It includes the study of what they buy it, when they buy it, where they buy it,
how often they buy it and how often they use it.
The field of consumer behavior studies how individuals, groups and
organizations select, buy use and dispose of goods, services, ideas or experiences
to satisfy their needs and wants.
Consumer Behavior is inter disciplinary, that it is based on concepts
and theories about people that have been developed by scientists and in such
diverse disciplines as Psychology Sociology, Social Psychology, cultural
anthropology and economics, Consumer research is the methodology used to
servey consumer behavior.
Consumer’s researchers who engage in Research designed to predict
Consumer behavior are called positivists. Those who take a qualitative approach
to understand consumption behavior are called interpretivists rather than take
a population approach to the study of consumer behavior. This book explores
both approaches because it recognizes the dual importance at both understanding
and prediction in making strategic marketing decisions Consumer’s behavior has
become an integral part of strategic market planning.
A consumer buying behavior is influenced by Cultural, Social, Personal
and Psychological factors.
Cultural, Subculture and Social class are particularly important in buying
Culture is the fundamental determinant of a person’s wants and
Subculture that provides more specific identification and socialization
for their members. Subculture includes nationalities, religions, racial groups
and geographic regions.
Attribute to these social class factors towards BAJAJ Motor Cycles
purchasing behavior of consumer. The income level of upper middle class
(5000-10000) is use BAJAJ motorcycles. It depends upon their income levels
only and occupation is students and education is Graduates are also influenced
by the BAJAJ Pulsar vehicle.
The main social factors influences the consumers behavior are as
a) Reference groups
b) Family
c) Social roles and status.
a) Reference groups :
A person’s reference groups consists of all the groups that have a direct (face to
face) or indirect influence on the person’s attitudes or behavior. Groups having a
direct influence on a person are called membership groups.Some membership
groups are primary groups such as family, friends, neighbours, and co-workers.
Marketers they to identify target customers reference
groups. How ever the level of reference groups influences various many products
and brands. Reference groups appear to influence both product and brand choice
strongly only in the case of automobiles and color television. Automobiles
advertisements are more impressed through reference groups.
b) Family :
The family is the most important consumer buying organization in society and it
has been researched extensively. Family members constitute the most influential
primary reference group. According to their family size also influences the buying
behavior of consumer.
In the United States, husband-wife involvement has traditional varied
widely. In India, according to their family status the involvement in depended.
A husband and wife and one or more children constitute a nuclear family. This type
of family interested in buying automobiles like BAJAJ pulsar.
Four basic functions provided by the family are particularly relevant to
a discussion of consumer behavior. These include.
1. Economic well-being 2. Emotional support
3. Suitable family life styles 4. Socialization of family members.
Economic well-being influences the buying behavior husband and wife are
taken decisions individually based upon their economy. Now a days bachelors are
also taking decisions in purchasing specific product. Because of their
independent economy. They would like to purchase automobiles for fashion or style
c) Roles and status :
A person participates in many groups-families, clubs organizations.
A person’s position in each group can be defined in terms of role and status.
A role consists of the activities that a person is expected to perform. Each role
carries a status. People choose products that communicate their role and status
in society.
According their role and status, the company presidents often drive
Mercedes, wear expensive suits and drink chives regal scotch Marketers are aware
of the status symbol potential of products and brands. Marketing / sales persons
are used automobiles according their status symbols and roles marketing fields.
Personal characteristics include the buyers age and stage in the life
cycle, occupation economic circumstances, life styles and personality and self-concept.
Ocupation also influences a persons consumption pattern. Blue color works will buy
work clothes, work shoes and lunch boxes. A company president will buy pensive
suits and Markets try to identify the occupational groups that have above-average
interest in their products and services Business. People are more interest buying
automobiles according to their to their occupation.
Product choice is greatly affected by economic circumstances spendable
income (level, stability and time pattern) savings and assets (including the percentage
that is liquid) debets, borrowing power and attitude toward spending savings. If
economic indicators point to a recession, markets can take steps to often value to
target customers.
A person’s buying choice are influenced by four major psychological
factors- Motivation, Perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes.
The objective of consumer behavior is to understand explain and predict
actions takens by individuals or small groups. Such as family in their
consumption of
goods and services. A great deal of progress has been made realizing the basic
objectives. Admittedly no general or grand theory of consumer behavior exists.
Consequently individual behavior of buyers is not fully understood. Therefore,
work remains to be considered numbers of talented analysis will be needed it is
likely that a major, share of this further study of consumer will be done by
Today’s customers face a growing Range of choice in the products & the
services they can buy. They are making their choice on the basis of their perceptions of
quality, service and volume company’s need to understand the determinants of a
customer volume and customer satisfaction, customer delivered value is the difference
between total customer value and total customer cost, customers will normally choose the
offer that maximizes the delivered value.
Customer satisfaction is out come felt by buyers who have experience a
company’s performance that has fulfilled expectations customers are satisfied when their
expectations are exceeded satisfied customers remain loyal longer, buy more, are less
price sensitive, and talk favorable about the company.
To create customer satisfaction companies must manage their value change as
well as the whole value delivery system in customer- centered way.
The Company’s goal is not only get customer but even more importantly to
retain customer, customer relationship market provides the key to retaining customers &
involves providing financial & social benefits as well as structural ties to the customer.
Company’s must decide how much relation ship marketing to invest in
different market segment and individual customers from such levels as basic, reactive,
accountable, pro-active, to fulfill partnership much depends on estimating customer life
time value against the cost stream required to attract and retain the customer.
3.2 Objectives of the Study
1. To know the consumers tastes and preferences towards mileage and Engine
capacity of the Bajaj Vehicles.
2. To identify who are target customers in the market.
3. To know the opinion of the customers towards services provided by the company.
The scope of the study is to find out the consumer-buying Behavior with
reference to two-wheelers. The Study covers the different aspects of consumer’s
The study has been conducted in Nellore Town. Data have been collected
from consumer by a personal interview.
The researcher took 8 weeks to study the entire consumer’s Perception.
The study has put forward the consumers as well as Acceptability
behavior for the product.
Research Design is a plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived to
obtain answers to research questions and to control variance, their applicability in
research. The research used here is descriptive, analytical and conclusive.
Primary Data consists of original information collected for specific
purpose. In this study primary data has been used. This project relied on the
response from consumer as primary data to obtain this primary data a well structured
questionnaire was prepared and the sample were met face to face to get response on
awareness of Heritage milk.
The secondary data refers to these data which were gathered for some
other purpose and are already, available in the firm’s internal records and business
magazines, government publications, company website, competitor website
After the type of research is selected data is collected through a structured
questionnaire and the questions are set covering the objectives defined. Questions are
both open ended as well as closed type.
Sampling may be defined as a means of accounting for the elements in the
Population. The sampled elements are selected from the frame sample size is directly
related to precision.
Sample size selected for current study is 150.
Sampling unit focus the basis of the actual sampling procedure. It is that which is
actually chosen by the sampling process. The sampling which is used in research is
convenient sampling.
Percentage Method:
Percentage method is used in making comparison between two or more series of
data. This method is used to describe relation ship.
% of respondents: No. of respondents / Total respondents X 100
a) There may be chance of the respondents Bias.
b) The scope of the study is mainly confined to the range of BAJAJ
two wheelers.
c) The study has been conducted only at M.G.Brothers Automobiles (p)
Ltd. And it’s the study doesn’t make any claims to the reprehensive
Of the entire market.
3.1 Opinion of the customers with respect to comfort levels in Driving?
Opinion Response Level Percentage
Yes 90 60
No 60 40
From the above findings it is found that the comfort level of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly
liked by the 60% of the survey.
3.2 Opinion of the customers with respect to level of Performance level of BAJAJ Bikes?
Opinion Response Level percentage
Yes 49 33
No 101 67
From the above findings it is found that the performance level of the Bajaj Vehicles is
mostly liked by the 67% of the survey.
3.1 Opinion of the customers with respect to comfort levels in Driving
1 2 3
Response Level
3.3 Affordability level of the Customers with respect to BAJAJ Vehicles in Nellore?
Opinion Response Level percentage
Highly Affordable 38 25
Affordable 70 47
Neither Affordable/Nor Un-Affordable 22 14
Unaffordable 10 7
Highly Unaffordable 10 7
Majority of the respondents said that the affordability level of the Bajaj Vehicles is
mostly liked by the47% of the survey.
3.2 Opinion of the customers with respect to level of Performance level
of BAJAJ Bikes
3.4 Opinion of the respondents with respect to the Pickup of the Bike?
Opinion Response Level percentage
Excellent 39 26
Very Good 57 38
Good 34 22
Poor 10 7
Very Poor 10 7
Majority of the respondents said that the pickup of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly liked by
the 38% of the survey.
3.3 Affordability level of the Customers with respect to BAJAJ Vehicles in Nellore
Highly Affordable
Neither Affordable/Nor Un-
Highly Unaffordable
3.5 Opinion Towards the post service given by the Company?
Opinion Response Level percentage
Excellent 53 35
Very Good 47 31
Good 35 23
Poor 10 7
Very Poor 5 4
From the above findings it is found that the post service of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly
liked by the 35% of the survey.
Excellent Very Good Good Poor very poor
3.4 Opinion of the respondents with respect to the Pickup of the Bike
Response Level
3.6 Aspects liked by the Customer towards Bajaj Vehicles?
Aspects Opinion Levels percentage
Engine Capacity 8 5
Mileage 34 22
Style 82 54
Comfortable 6 4
Affordable 20 13
3.5 Opinion Towards the post service given by the Company
Excellent Very Good Good Poor Very Poor
Response Level
From the above findings it is found that the aspects of the Bajaj Vehicles are mostly
liked by the 54% of the survey.
1. From the analysis it is found that the comfort level of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly
liked by the 60% of the survey.
2. From the analysis it is found that the performance level of the Bajaj Vehicles is
mostly liked by the 67% of the survey.
3. Majority of the respondents said that the affordability level of the Bajaj Vehicles
is mostly liked by the 47% of the survey.
4. Majority of the respondents said that the pickup of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly
liked by the 38% of the survey.
3.6 Aspects liked by the Customer towards Bajaj Vehicles
Engine Capacity Mileage Style Comfortable Affordable
5. From the above findings it is found that the post service of the Bajaj Vehicles is
mostly liked by the 35% of the survey.
6. From the above findings it is found that the aspects of the Bajaj Vehicles are
mostly liked by the 54% of the survey.
As with the changing needs of the customer and with the changing market conditions
Every industrial and customer tastes and preferences with the changing and due to those
changing needs any company would be manufacturing the products and releasing them,
but with special reference to Bajaj vehicles in nellore the customers feel good about the
products from that company but if the services are being improved then we can expect
more sales for the company and simply relaying the different models into the market does
not satisfy the needs of the customer but instead releasing the product which have
durability and performance meets the needs of the customers thereby we can get the
satisfied customer rather we can say a Loyal customer thereby we can get more market
1. Name :
2. Age :
3. Occupation :
4. Income :
5. Since how may years you are using Bajaj Bike [ ]
a) 2 yrs b) 3 yrs c) 4 yrs d) above 4yrs
6. which model bike you have now
7. Whether that is comfort in riding? [ ]
a) Yes b) No
8. Are you happy with the performance of the Bajaj Bike [ ]
a) Yes b) No
9. whether the price of Bajaj Bike is affordable to you? [ ]
a) Yes b) No
10. How do you feel about using the Bajaj Bike [ ]
a) Highly Satisfied b) Satisfied c) Average
d) Highly Dissatisfied e) Dissatisfied
11. What is your opinion about pick up of the bike? [ ]
a) Excellent b) Good c) Very Good
d) Poor e) Very Poor
12. After the purchase of Bajaj Bike company providing the service or not
a) Yes b) No [
13. What is you opinion about the service given by the company? [ ]
a) Excellent b) Good c) Very Good
d) Poor e) Very poor
14. While comparing with other bike companies this is better? [ ]
a) Yes b) No
15. Do you feel it is necessary to improve the models of the Bajaj
bikes? [ ]
a) Yes b) No
16. In what way you are selected the Bajaj bike is suitable for me? [ ]
a) Engine capacity b) Mill age c) Stylish
d) Comfortable e) Affordable
17. Can you given any suggestion but the Bajaj bike to the company?
[ ]
a) yes b) No
Yes, ____________________________________________________
(Signature of the Respondent)
 G.C.Beri, 2002, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, 3’rd edition, Tata
Mc-Graw Hill Publishing, New Delhi
Edition Sultan Chand & Sons Educational
Publishers, New Delhi.
Edition. Tata Mc-
Graw Hill Publishing Limited, New Delhi.
 Philip Kotler, 2001 MARKETING MANGEMENT, 11th
Pretice hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
 Kulakarni, Patil, Homai Pradhan, MODERN MARKETING
Edition, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
 Dr. D.D. Sharma, MARKETING RESEARCH, Tata Mc-Graw Hill
Publishing limited, New Delhi.

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Complete final

  • 1. DECLARATION I hereby declare that this project entitled “A Study in Consumer Preferences on Sales and Services of Bajaj Bikes with reference to M.G.Brothers Nellore.” is bonafide work done by me and submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA), Vikrama Simhapuri University during the year 2008-2010 under the guidance of Mr. G. Kalyan Ramu MBA., in Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore. I also declare that this project have not been submitted for the award of any degree or Diploma from any University including Vikrama Simhapuri University. Place: K. VIJAYABHASKAR (REG.NO.0800101040) Date: 1
  • 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, I would like to sincerely acknowledge thanks to Mr.G.Kalyan Ramu MBA., Project guide and other faculty members of the University. It is my privilege to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my Industrial guide Mr: M.SUNDARA RAM M.B.A, D.F.M. Manager (H.R.) for his guidance and cooperation in carrying out this project work. I am thankful to all the managers of various departments and employees of M.G.brothers Nellore for guiding me and sharing my experience and also being very cooperative during my Survey / training and for their interest in making my Survey / training success. I express my deepest thanks to our respected Vice-Chancellor Prof. C.R.Visweswara Rao and Registrar Prof. V.Narayana Reddy for motivating me with respect to the project. Last but not least; I’m thankful to my parents, friends and my Respondents for assisting me to complete the report. ( K.VIJAYABHASKAR ) 2
  • 3. CONTENTS S No Title Page No List of Tables i List of Charts ii CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION PAGE NO 1.1. Industry profile 1.2. Company Profile 1.3. Product Profile (if any) CHAPTER - II 2.1. Review Literature CHAPTER-I1I RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3. 1. Statement of Problem 3. 2 Objectives of the study 3. 3 Scope of the study 3.4. Research design 3.5. Source of data 3.6. Sample design 3.7. Statistical tools used 3.8. Limitations of the study CHAPTER-IV 4.1 DATA ANALYSIS&INTERPRETATION CHAPTER- V 5.1. Findings 5.2. Suggestions 5.3. Conclusion CHAPTER-VI Annexure Questionnaire Bibliography LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE OF THE TABLE PAGE NO. 3.1 Opinion of the customers with respect to comfort levels in Driving 3.2 Opinion of the customers with respect to level of 3
  • 4. Performance level of BAJAJ Bikes 3.3 Affordability level of the Customers with respect to BAJAJ Vehicles In Nellore 3.4 Opinions of the respondents with respect to the Pickup of the Bi the vehicles. 3.5 Opinion Towards the post service given by the Company 3.6 Aspects liked by the Customer towards Bajaj Vehicles LIST OF GRAPHS S. NO. TITLE OF THE GRAPH PAGE NO. 3.1 Opinion of the customers with respect to comfort levels in Driving 3.2 Opinion of the customers with respect to level of Performance level of BAJAJ Bikes 3.3 Affordability level of the Customers with respect to BAJAJ Vehicles In Nellore 3.4 Opinions of the respondents with respect to the Pickup of the Bi the vehicles. 4
  • 5. 3.5 Opinion Towards the post service given by the Company 3.6 Aspects liked by the Customer towards Bajaj Vehicles CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 5
  • 6. INDUSTRY PROFILE The automobiles as we know it was not invented in a single day by a single inventor. The history of the automobile reflects an evolution that took place worldwide. It is estimated that over one – lakh patents created the modem automobile. However we can point to the many first that occurred along the way. Starting with the first theoretical plans for a motor vehicle that had been drawn up by both Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton. In 1769, the very self –propelled road vehicle was a military tractor invented by French Engineer and Mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot (1725-1804) Cugnot used a stream engine to power his vehicle built under his instructions at the Paris Arsenal by mechanic Brezin. It was used by the French Army to haul artillery at a whopping speed of 2-1/2 mph on only three wheels. The steam engine and boiler were separate from the rest of the vehicle and placed in the front. The following year (1770), Cugnot built a steam- powered tricycle that carried four passengers. In 1771, cugnot drove one of his road vehicles into a stonewall, making Cugnot the first person to get into a motor vehicle accident. This was a beginning of bad luck for 6
  • 7. the inventor. After one of Cugnot’s patrons died and the other was exiled, the money for Cugnot’s road vehicle experiments ended. Steam engines powered cars by burning fuel that heated water in a boiler, creating steam that expand and pushed pistons that turned the crankshaft, which then turned the wheels. During the early history of self- propelled vehicles – both road and railroad vehicles were being developed with steam engines. Steam engines added so much weight to a vehicle that they proved a poor design for road vehicles; however, steam engines were very successfully used in locomotives. Historians, who accept that early steam – powered road vehicles were automobiles; feel that Nicolas Cugnot was the inventor of the first automobile. After Cugnot several other inventors designed steam – powered road vehicles : 1. Frenchman, Onesiphore Pecqueur, who also invented the first different gear, improved Cugnot’s vehicle, improved cugnot’s vehicle. 2. In 1789, the first U.S. patent for a steam- powered land vehicle was granted to Oliver Evans. 3. In 1801, Rich Trevithick buit aroad carriage powered by steam – the first in Great Britain. 4. In Britain, from 1820 to 1840, steam – powered stagecoaches were in regular service. These were later banned from public roads and Britain’s railroad system developed as a result. 5. Steam – driven road tractors pulled passenger carriages around Paris and Bordeaux up to 1850. 6. In the United states, numerous steam coaches were built from 1860 to 1880. inventors included: Harrison Dyer, Joseph Dixon, Rufus porter, and William T. James. 7. Amedee Bollee sr. Built advanced steam cars from 1873 to 1883. the “La Mancelle” built in 1878, had a front- mounted engine, shaft drive to the differential, chain drive 7
  • 8. to the rear wheels, on a vertical shaft and driver’s seat behind the engine. The boiler was carried the passenger compartment. 8. In 1871, Dr. J. W. Carhart, professor of physics at Wisconsin state University, and the J.I. Case Company built a work steam cat won a 200-mile race. Early Electric Cars : Steam engines were not the only engines used in early automobiles. Vehicles with electrical engines were also invented. Between 1832 & 1839, Robert Anderson of Scotland invented the first electric carriage. Electric cars used rechargeable batteries that powered a small electric motor. The vehicles were heavy, slow expensive, and needed to stop for recharging frequently. Both steam and electric road vehicles were advanced in favor of gas powered vehicles. Electricity found grater success in tramway and streetcars, where a constant supply of electricity was possible.Learn more about the history of electrical vehicles from 1890 to the present. However, around 1900, electric land vehicles in America outsold all other types of cars. Then in the several years following 1900, sales of electric vehicles took a nosedive as a new type of vehicles came to dominate the market. The very first self – powered road vehicles were powered by steam engines and by that definition Nicholas Joseph Cugnot of France built the first automobile in 1769 recognized by the British Royal Automobile Club and the automobile was invented by either gottlied Daimler or karl Benz? It is because both Daimler and Benz invented highly successful and practical gasoline- powered vehicles that looked and worked like 8
  • 9. the cars we use today. However, it is unfair to say that either man invented the automobile. History of the internal combustion engine-the heart of the mobile: An internal combustion engine is any engine that uses explosive combustion of fuel to push a piston within a cylinder-the piston’s movement turns a crank shaft that then turns the cars wheels via a chain or a drive shaft. The different types of fuel commonly used for car combustion engines are gasoline, diesel, and kerosene. A brief outline of the history of the internal combustion engine include the following highlights: 1. 1680 - Dutch physicist, Christain Huygens designed an internal combustion engine that was be fueled with gunpowder. 2. 1807 - Francois Isaac de Rivaz of Switzerland invented an internal combustion engine that used a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen for fuel. Rivaz designed a car for his engine – the internal combustion powered automobiles. However, this was avery unsuccessful vehicle. 3. 1824 - English engineer, Sumule brown adapted and lod Newcomen steam engine to burn gas, and he used it to briefly power a vehicle up shooter’s hill in London. 4. 1858 - Belgian –born engineer, jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir invented and patented a double acting, electric spark-ignition internal combustion fueled by coal gas. In 1863, 9
  • 10. Lenoir attached an improved engine to a three-wheeled wagon that managed to compete an historic fifty-mile trip. 5. 1862 - Alphonse beau de Rochas, a French civil engineer, patented but did not build a four-stroke engine 6. 1864 - Austrian engineer, Siegfried Marcus, built a one cylinder with a crude carburetor, and attached his engine to a cart for a rocky 500 foot drive. It was the world’s first gasoline-powered vehicle. Several year later, historians consider was the forerunner of the modern automobile. 7. 1873 - George Brayton, an American engineer, developed an unsuccessful two- stroke kerosene (it used two external pumping cylinders). However, it was considered the first sage and practical oil engine. 8. 1866 - German engines, Eugene Lange and Nicolas august Otto improved on Lenoir and de Roche’s designs and invented a more efficient gas engine. 9. 1876 - Nicola’s august Otto invented and later patterned a successful four stroke engine, known as the “Otto cycle”. 10. 1876 - The first successful two strokes were invented by sir dougald clerk. 11. 1883 -french engineer, Edouard Delamare -Debouteville, built a single-cylinder four-stock engine that on stove gas. It is not certain if he did indeed built a single- cylinder four-stoke on stove in stove gas. It is not certain if he did indeed built a car,however Delamere- bebouteville’s designs were very advance for the time-ahead of both Daimler and Benz in some ways at least on paper. 12. 1885 - Gottlied Daimler invented what is often recognized as the prototype of the modern gas engine- with a vertical cylinder, and with wheeled vehicle the 10
  • 11. “Reitwagen” with this engine and a year later built the world’s first four- wheeled motor vehicle. 13. 1886 - on January 29, Karl Benz received the first patent a gas –fueled car. 14. 1889 - Daimler built an improved four –stroke engine with mushroom shaped values and two V-slat cylinders. 15. 1890 - Wilhelm may Bach built the four- cylinder, four-Stroke engine.Engine design and car design wee integral activates, almost all of the engine designers mentioned above also designed car, and a few went in to become major manufactures of automobiles. All of these inventors and more made notable improvements in the design of the internal combustion vehicles. The important of Nicholas Otto : One of the most important landmarks in engine design comes from Nicholas August Otto who in 1876 invented an effective gas motor engine. Otto built the first practical fourstoke internal combustion engine called the “ Otto cycle engine”. And as soon as he had completed where very historically significant, it was his four- stoke engine that was universally adapted for all liquid- fueled automobiles going forward. The important of Karl Benz: In 1885, German mechanical engineer, Karl Benz designed and built the world’s first practical automobile to be powdered by an internal combustion engine. On January 29, 1886 Benz build his first four- wheeled car in 1891. Benz and Cie., the company started by the inventor, become the world’s largest manufacturer of automobiles by 1900. Benz was the first inventor to integrate combustion engine with a chassis designing both together. 11
  • 12. The important of Gottlied Daimler. In 1885, Gottlied Daimler took Otto’s internal combustion engine a step further and patented what is generally recognized as the prototype of the modern gas engine. Daimler’s connection to Otto was a direct one Daimler worked as technical director of Duetz Gasmotorenfabrik, which Nicholas Otto co-owned in 1872. there is some controversy as to who built the first motorcycle Otto or Daimler. The 1885 Daimler-may Bach engine was small, light weight, fast used a gasoline- injected carburetor, and had a vertical cylinder. The size, speed, and efficiency of the engine allowed for a revolution in car design. On March 8,1886, Daimler took a stagecoach and adapted to hold his engine, thereby designing the world’s first four- wheeled automobile. Daimler is considered the first inventor to have invented a practical internal combustion engine. In 1889, Daimler invented a V-slanted two cylinder, four-stroke engine with mushroom-shaped valves. Just like Otto’s 1876 engine, Daimler’s new engine set the basis for all engines going forward. Also in 1889, Daimler and May Bach built their first automobile from the ground up they did not adapt another purpose vehicle as they had always been done previously. The new Daimler automobile had a four speed transmission and obtained speeds of 10mph. Daimler founded the Daimler Motoren- Gesellschaft in 1890 to manufacture his designs. Eleven years later, Wilhelm May Bach designed the Mercedes automobile. If Siegfried marcus built his second car in 1875 and it was as claimed, it would have been the first vehicle powered by a four –cycle engine and the first to use gasoline as a fuel, the first having a carburetor for a gasoline engine and the first having a magneto ignition. However, the only existing evidence indicates that the vehicle was built circa 1888/89-too late to be first. 12
  • 13. By the early 1900s, gasoline cars started to outsell all other types of motor vehicles. The market was growing for economical automobile and the need for industrial production was pressing. The first car manufactured in the world were French: Panhard and Peugeot. By car manufacturer we mean builders of entire motor vehicles for sale and not just engine inventors who experimented with car design to test their engines a Daimler and Benz began as the later before becoming full car manufactures and made their early money by licensing their patents and selling their engine to car manufactures. Rene Panhard and Emile Levassor Rene Panhard and Emile Levassor were partners in a wood working machinery business, when they decided to become car manufactures. They built their first car in 1890 using a Daimler engine. Edouard Sarazin, who held the license rights to the Daimler patent for France, commissioned the team. The partners not only manufactured cars, they made improvements to the automotive body design. Pahhard –levassor made vehicles with a pedal-Operated clutch, a chain transmission. leading to a change – speed gearbox, and a front radiator. Levassor was the first design was known as the system panhard and quickly became the standard for all cars because it gave a better balance and improved steering. Panhard and Leavassor are also credited with the invention of the modern transmission- installed in their 1895 panhard . Panhard and levassor also shared the licesing rights to Daimler motors with armed peugot. A peugot car went on to win the first car race held in France, which gained peugot publicity and boosted car sales. Ironically, the “Paris to Marseill” race of 1897 resulted in afatal auto accident, killing Emile Lvasssor . Early on, French manufactures did not standardized car models each car was different for the other. The first standardized car was the 1894, Benz Velo. One hundred and thirty four identical Velos were manufactured in 1895. Charles and Frank Duryea 13
  • 14. America ‘s first gasoline-powered commercial car manufactures were Charles and Frank Duryea. The brothers were bicycle makers who became interested in gasoline engine and automobile and built their first motor vehicle in 1893, in Springfield, Massachusetts. By 1896, the Duryea Motor wagon Company had sold thirteen models of Duryea, an expensive limousine, which remained in production into the 1920s. Ransom Eli Olds : The first automobile to be mass-produced in the United States was the 1901, Curved Dash Oldsmobile, built by the American car manufacturer Ransom Eli Olds invented the basic concept of the assembly line and started the Detroit area automobile industry. He first began making steam and gasoline engines with his father, Pliny Fisk Olds, Lansing, Michigan in 1885. In 1885. Olds designed his first steam powered car in 1887. in 1899, with a growing experience of gasoline engines, Olds moved to Detroit to start the olds motor works, and produced 425 “Curved Dash Olds” in 1901, and was America ‘s leading auto manufacturer from 1901 to 1904. Henry Ford American car manufacturer, Henry Ford invented an improved assembly line and installed the first conveyor belt-based assembly line in his car factory in ford’s highland park, Michigan plant, around 1913-14. the assembly line reduced production cost for cars by reducing assembly time. Ford’s famous models T was assembled in ninety –three minutes .Ford made his first car, called the “quadricycle”, in June 1896. However, success came after he formed the ford motor company in 1903. This was the third car manufacturing company formed to produce cars he designed. He introduced the t model in 1908 and it was a success. After installing the moving assembly lines in his factory in 1913, Ford became the world’s highest car manufacturer. By 1927, 15 million model T’s has been manufactured. 14
  • 15. Another victory won by Henry Ford was patent battle with George B. Selden . Selden, who had never built an automobile, held all American car manufactures paid royalties on a “road engine”, on that basis Selden. ford overturned Selden’s paten and opened the American car market for the building of inexpensive cars. This flagged off the era “wheel racing” which lasted till 1964, after which jet and rocket- propelled vehicles were allowed. Then on wards it has been one big journey on the roads. From the singsong rhythm of the some of the events and milestones in the car industry in India. 1. 1924 - Hindustan motor incorporated. 2. 1928 - The first imported car on the Indian roads. 3. 1944 - Premier automobiles started. 4. 1948 - First car manufactured in India. 5. 1953 - The Government of India decreed that only those firms which have a manufacturing program should be allowed to operate. 6. 1955 - only seven firms HM, APL, SMPL, PAL, M & M , TELCO received approval.The liberalization in 1990 in India opened the doors for the Entry of foreign products in to market. This made the market a consumer market with a lot of choices for the consumers. The future of the products depends on the consumer’s satisfaction. The products, which are able to attract the consumers, ate having a bright future and the others are lost in the competition. So, it is very important to know the pulse of the customers. The business people should always have correct information regarding the satisfaction level in the customers. Different ways ate to be implemented to increase the satisfaction level in the customers. 15
  • 16. COMPANY PROFILE (M.G.BROTHERS AUTOMOBILES PVT., LTD.,) Hailing from rural stock, Sri Somappa who had humble beginnings, by virtue of hard work Integrity and dedication to social service rose to the prominent position as the national leader for handloom weavers and the leading industrialist of Rayalseema. He was conferred Padmashri national award for the social service rendered by him in the very first list of honors by the Rashtrapathi in the year 1954. Somappa was the son of Machani Somanna a master weaver, who had five sons of whom Somappa was the fourth and eldest was Machani Gangappa ion whose name the family concern of M.G. Brothers (Machani Gangappa Brothers) were started. Under Somappa’s guidance, his youngest brother M. Ramanna developed family business like running of buses for passenger traffic, Lorries for rural service. Starting of full-fledged automobile workshops in Bellary, Kurnool and Nellore in the name of M.G.Brothers standing for Machani Gangappa Brothers, which workshops entitled the firm the acquisition of prestigious agency lines such as Tata Mercedes Benz (suppliers of chassis for Lorries and buses), Massey Ferguson tractors and royal Enfield Motor Bikes. 16
  • 17. The company had branches at Chittoor and Ongole in Andhra Pradesh. The company runs two fully equipped modern workshops. The company acts as a distributor to various companies. And also it acts as service centers for Bajaj and Telco products. M.G. Brothers automobiles private limited has more than 150 employees in only Nellore District. And it has many branch offices at Chittoor, Ongole, and Tirupathi etc., it is one of the greatest asset to Nellore district. It has acquired goodwill in Nellore market. It is an authorized dealer to various companies like BAJAJ, RELCO, TAFE, and BIRLA YAMAHA and GODREJ Aqua feeds. It is also associated in real-estate business due to its reputation in Nellore district. LOCATIONAL FACTORS: It is successfully running for more than 50 years in Nellore town. Its head office is located at Dargamitta. Before 50 years, it is at outside the town. For it, the location is very good. Because of more space and more facilities the establisher selected that place. It is located on the main road. For easy moving of vehicles which came from the main companies. Due to the transport facilities, the main branch is located in Dargamitta. At main branch, the go down facility is also very large. Large go down facilitates the storage of many vehicles like two – wheelers, tractors, four – wheelers etc., service centers also helps the customers to make their work easy. Provisions of service 17
  • 18. centers also attract the customers very much. So they tend to purchase their vehicles at M.G. Brothers automobiles private limited. TATA Motors: TATA ENGINEERING LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY. M.G. Brothers automobiles have got a dealership authorized. It distributes passenger cars like Tata Indica, and heavy vehicles like Lorries, trucks, etc., and tractors. It is maintaining a separate division for this. A manager heads it. He looks after those dealings. TATA Motors was established in 1945, Tata Motors entered into collaboration with Daimler Benz of Germany in 1954 to manufacture commercial vehicles, the collaboration ended in 1969. Tata motors have since grown from strength to strength. TATA Motors is India’s premier and the only fully integrated automobile manufacturer. It is among the world’s top 10 commercial vehicle producers. The company’s dynamism, ability to race a head against all odds and a compelling vision for the future has seen its annual turnover swell to US $ 2.35 billion for the year starting April 1st 2003 to March 21st 2004. 18
  • 19. The company has spread its manufacturing facilities across India by setting up plants at Jamshedpur, Pune and Lucknow. This is coupled it a nation – wide customer support, sales and service network. The company enjoys a significant demand in export markets like Europe, Australia, and South East Asia, Middle East and Africa also. The company’s vehicles are seen in over 70 countries now. Customer sensitive apro0aches towards building products and state – of – the – art manufacturing facilities have given the company a huge lead over its competitors. Today 7 out of every 10 medium and heavy commercial vehicles on Indian roads bear the trusted Tata mark. Tata motors presence in the utility vehicles and passenger cars market has been firmly established. In 1998, it launched India’s first fully indigenized car, Indica, to the discerning consumer and has been phenomenally successful. Tata Motors are consistently evolving in its offerings to the Indian automobiles market. It is successfully running for more than 50 years in Nellore town. Its head office is located at Dargamitta. Before 50 years, it is at outside the town. For it, the location is very good. Because of more space and more facilities the establisher selected that place. It is located on the main road. For easy moving of vehicles which came from the main companies. Due to the transport facilities, the main branch is located in Dargamitta. At main branch, the go down facility is also very large. Large go down facilitates the storage of many vehicles like two – wheelers, tractors, four – wheelers etc., service centers also helps the customers to make their work easy. Provisions of service centers also attract the customers very much. So they tend to purchase their vehicles at M.G. Brothers automobiles private limited. 19
  • 20. TAFE: M.G. Brothers also had the dealership for Tafe. It distributes massive for user tractors. A separate manager also heads it and this division deals with Tafe Company only. BAJAJ: M.G. Brothers had the authorized dealership for BAJAJ Automobiles. It distributes various Models of BAJAJ Kawasaki Bikes, Passenger autos and goods carrying autos etc., it has also a separate division headed by a manager who looks after those dealings. BIRLA YAMAHA: M.G. Brothers has the dealership of Birla Yamaha. It distributes generators of this Company. GODREJ AQUA FEED: M.G. Brothers Automobiles limited has also the dealership for Aqua fed from Godrej Agro Vet limited. It is located at Ramamurthy Nagar, Bypass - Road, Nellore. It is situated there because the fields of aqua farmers are located with a radius of 5km to 10km apart. So it is very easy for transportation of feed to the farmers. Hence the location is appropriate. It supplies feed for Nellore and Gudur regions. Real Estate : 20
  • 21. The Real Estate Division has completed 25 projects at various towns and cities of Andhrapradesh state and 2 projects at Bengaluru City of Karnataka state which details are available at "Projects" page. MG Brothers Real Estate has also forayed into the lucrative Bangalore real estate markets with the launch of its layout in Bangalore with many more projects on the anvil. M.G. Group was established in 1940 at Yammiganur. The founders spread the business from surface Cargo Transport to Automobiles Dealerships for Telco, Tafe &Enfield. The growth of M.G. Group was fast and dominant and the network was spread like this. 1. M.G. Brothers, Kurnool – Dealers for Telco, Tafe &Enfield covering Kurnool, Kadapa and Ananthapur with 30 interstate bus operations. 2. M.G. Automobiles, Bellary - Dealers for Telco, Tafe &Enfield for Bellary & Raichur District. This unit has the largest Body building workshop in Karnataka. 3. M.G. Metallic springs Pvt.Ltd, Ananthapur an ancillary unit for M/S Stumpp, Scuele & Somappa Ltd., Bangalore. 4. M.G. Brothers Oil Mills Pvt.Ltd., Yamminagur – Manufacturers of refined groundnut oil. 5. M.G. Brothers, Nellore – Main Dealers for Telco, Tafe &Enfield covering Nellore, Chittoor & prakasam District. Dealers for Telco as branch of M.G. Kurnool. This M.G. Brother, Nellore was started by Mr. Somappa in the year 1956. 21
  • 22. The above network of the patent company was divided during family partition in 1984 and Mr. M.R Gangadhar &Brothers got to their share M.G. Brother Nellore, M.G. Metallic Springs, Ananthapur & M.G. Brothers Oil mills at Yammiganur. The Limited with foreign holdings continued in this group with Mr. M.R. Ramesh as its Vice Chairman & Managing Director. M.G. Brothers, Nellore, which was started in 1956, has become an independent unit in 12984 and Mr. M.R. Gangadhar is managing the affairs of this company since 1988. under his leadership the company grew from stage to the present level of wide network of Telco Dealerships in Nellore, Chittoor, Tirupathi, Ongole, Tafe Dealerships in Nellore, Vijayawada, Chittoor, Tirupathi and Medak . Real-Estates in branches Nellore, Tirupathi, Vijayawada, Eluru and Bangalore now. M.G. Brothers also had its network in HPCL at Guntur, Ongole and now Nellore. The Aqua division was started in 1998, June and the Real Estates in 2001. M.G. Brothers are dealers for Telco from 1954. Tafe since 1961. Bajaj since 1992 and Eicher since 2005. Mr. Gangadhar Managing Director is now ably supported in running the organization by his two sons Mr. Raghavandra and Mr. GopalaKrishna. Both the sons are Engineering Graduates and the Mr. Raghavendra the elder has also specialized in M.S (Finance) in London. 22
  • 23. Mr . Gangadhar very ably supported by his wife Smt. Uma Gangadhar very actively participated in the social activities of the society without any personal admissions. This hobby of there is the most satisfying item in their daily routine and Mr, gangadhar is rotary club member of Ramachandra Mission since about 2 decades and he his wife is the center of the hub for the mission activities. Quality policy of the M.G. BROTHERS AUTOMOBILES PRIVATE LIMITED: M.G. Brothers Automobiles Private Limited are committed to satisfy the customer needs by providing genuine products, quality service and correct price at appropriate time through continual improvement of their employee skills of activities. They also safeguard the interests of our stakeholders by all means. Mile stones of the M.G. BROTHERS AUTOMOBILES PRIVATE LIMITED: 1. They are no – 4 in India and 2nd place in South India. 2. 25 years old with TAFE. 3. The TAFE market in Andhra Pradesh is 16%. 4. 2006 TAFE got the star dealer. 5. 2005: June – Bajaj Avenger launched. February – Bajaj Wave launched. 6. 2003: TAFE got the excellent service award. 7. M.G. Brothers Automobiles Private Limited has the growth of 57% with TAFE. 8. In 2006 the company has 43% growth with TATA Passenger car. 9. Bajaj had Ideal workshop. 10. The company has ISO Certification. 23
  • 24. Figure of performance of the M.G. BROTHERS AUTOMOBILES PRIVATE LIMITED: 1. In 1997 - 98 M.G. Brothers Automobiles Private Limited had 37crores turnover. 2. In 2006 – 08 M.G. Brothers Automobiles Private Limited had 202 crores turnover. 3. M.G. Brothers Automobiles Private Limited had taken as a whole 350 crores turnover. Achievements: 1. The company commercial vehicles got 1st place. 2. The company by the ISI. 3. The company 24 hours service in Bajaj vehicles. Current planning: 1. The company has to own their CRM. 2. The company wants to prioritize Analysis. 3. The company does repeat complete Analysis. 4. They provide TMC (Total Maintenance Contract) at all divisions. 5. The company had done Muda (i.e., nothing but waste). 6. The company provides Non- conformation services. 7. The company provides timely quality manpower and work infrastructure. 24
  • 25. 2. 1 REVIEW OF LITERATURE CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Consumer Behavior is the study of how individuals make decisions to spend the available resources (time, money, effort) on consumption related items. It includes the study of what they buy it, when they buy it, where they buy it, how often they buy it and how often they use it. The field of consumer behavior studies how individuals, groups and organizations select, buy use and dispose of goods, services, ideas or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants. Consumer Behavior is inter disciplinary, that it is based on concepts and theories about people that have been developed by scientists and in such diverse disciplines as Psychology Sociology, Social Psychology, cultural anthropology and economics, Consumer research is the methodology used to servey consumer behavior. 25
  • 26. Consumer’s researchers who engage in Research designed to predict Consumer behavior are called positivists. Those who take a qualitative approach to understand consumption behavior are called interpretivists rather than take a population approach to the study of consumer behavior. This book explores both approaches because it recognizes the dual importance at both understanding and prediction in making strategic marketing decisions Consumer’s behavior has become an integral part of strategic market planning. MAJOR FACTORS INFLUENCING BUYING BEHAVIOR : A consumer buying behavior is influenced by Cultural, Social, Personal and Psychological factors. CULTURAL FACTORS : Cultural, Subculture and Social class are particularly important in buying Behavior. CULTURE : Culture is the fundamental determinant of a person’s wants and Behavior SUBCULTURE : Subculture that provides more specific identification and socialization for their members. Subculture includes nationalities, religions, racial groups and geographic regions. Attribute to these social class factors towards BAJAJ Motor Cycles 26
  • 27. purchasing behavior of consumer. The income level of upper middle class (5000-10000) is use BAJAJ motorcycles. It depends upon their income levels only and occupation is students and education is Graduates are also influenced by the BAJAJ Pulsar vehicle. SOCIAL FACTORS : The main social factors influences the consumers behavior are as a) Reference groups b) Family c) Social roles and status. a) Reference groups : A person’s reference groups consists of all the groups that have a direct (face to face) or indirect influence on the person’s attitudes or behavior. Groups having a direct influence on a person are called membership groups.Some membership groups are primary groups such as family, friends, neighbours, and co-workers. Marketers they to identify target customers reference groups. How ever the level of reference groups influences various many products and brands. Reference groups appear to influence both product and brand choice strongly only in the case of automobiles and color television. Automobiles advertisements are more impressed through reference groups. b) Family : The family is the most important consumer buying organization in society and it has been researched extensively. Family members constitute the most influential primary reference group. According to their family size also influences the buying behavior of consumer. In the United States, husband-wife involvement has traditional varied widely. In India, according to their family status the involvement in depended. A husband and wife and one or more children constitute a nuclear family. This type of family interested in buying automobiles like BAJAJ pulsar. 27
  • 28. Four basic functions provided by the family are particularly relevant to a discussion of consumer behavior. These include. 1. Economic well-being 2. Emotional support 3. Suitable family life styles 4. Socialization of family members. Economic well-being influences the buying behavior husband and wife are taken decisions individually based upon their economy. Now a days bachelors are also taking decisions in purchasing specific product. Because of their independent economy. They would like to purchase automobiles for fashion or style purpose. c) Roles and status : A person participates in many groups-families, clubs organizations. A person’s position in each group can be defined in terms of role and status. A role consists of the activities that a person is expected to perform. Each role carries a status. People choose products that communicate their role and status in society. According their role and status, the company presidents often drive Mercedes, wear expensive suits and drink chives regal scotch Marketers are aware of the status symbol potential of products and brands. Marketing / sales persons are used automobiles according their status symbols and roles marketing fields. PERSONAL FACTORS : Personal characteristics include the buyers age and stage in the life cycle, occupation economic circumstances, life styles and personality and self-concept. Ocupation also influences a persons consumption pattern. Blue color works will buy work clothes, work shoes and lunch boxes. A company president will buy pensive suits and Markets try to identify the occupational groups that have above-average 28
  • 29. interest in their products and services Business. People are more interest buying automobiles according to their to their occupation. Product choice is greatly affected by economic circumstances spendable income (level, stability and time pattern) savings and assets (including the percentage that is liquid) debets, borrowing power and attitude toward spending savings. If economic indicators point to a recession, markets can take steps to often value to target customers. PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS : A person’s buying choice are influenced by four major psychological factors- Motivation, Perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes. THE FUTURE OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR : The objective of consumer behavior is to understand explain and predict actions takens by individuals or small groups. Such as family in their consumption of goods and services. A great deal of progress has been made realizing the basic objectives. Admittedly no general or grand theory of consumer behavior exists. Consequently individual behavior of buyers is not fully understood. Therefore, much work remains to be considered numbers of talented analysis will be needed it is likely that a major, share of this further study of consumer will be done by business. 29
  • 31. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Today’s customers face a growing Range of choice in the products & the services they can buy. They are making their choice on the basis of their perceptions of quality, service and volume company’s need to understand the determinants of a customer volume and customer satisfaction, customer delivered value is the difference between total customer value and total customer cost, customers will normally choose the offer that maximizes the delivered value. Customer satisfaction is out come felt by buyers who have experience a company’s performance that has fulfilled expectations customers are satisfied when their expectations are exceeded satisfied customers remain loyal longer, buy more, are less price sensitive, and talk favorable about the company. To create customer satisfaction companies must manage their value change as well as the whole value delivery system in customer- centered way. The Company’s goal is not only get customer but even more importantly to retain customer, customer relationship market provides the key to retaining customers & involves providing financial & social benefits as well as structural ties to the customer. 31
  • 32. Company’s must decide how much relation ship marketing to invest in different market segment and individual customers from such levels as basic, reactive, accountable, pro-active, to fulfill partnership much depends on estimating customer life time value against the cost stream required to attract and retain the customer. 3.2 Objectives of the Study 1. To know the consumers tastes and preferences towards mileage and Engine capacity of the Bajaj Vehicles. 2. To identify who are target customers in the market. 3. To know the opinion of the customers towards services provided by the company. 32
  • 33. 3.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of the study is to find out the consumer-buying Behavior with reference to two-wheelers. The Study covers the different aspects of consumer’s behaviour. The study has been conducted in Nellore Town. Data have been collected from consumer by a personal interview. The researcher took 8 weeks to study the entire consumer’s Perception. The study has put forward the consumers as well as Acceptability behavior for the product. 3.4. RESEARCH DESIGN: 33
  • 34. Research Design is a plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived to obtain answers to research questions and to control variance, their applicability in research. The research used here is descriptive, analytical and conclusive. 3.5. SOURCES OF DATA: 1. PRIMARY DATA: Primary Data consists of original information collected for specific purpose. In this study primary data has been used. This project relied on the response from consumer as primary data to obtain this primary data a well structured questionnaire was prepared and the sample were met face to face to get response on awareness of Heritage milk. 2. SECONDARY DATA: The secondary data refers to these data which were gathered for some other purpose and are already, available in the firm’s internal records and business magazines, government publications, company website, competitor website brochures. INSTRUMENT DESIGN: After the type of research is selected data is collected through a structured questionnaire and the questions are set covering the objectives defined. Questions are both open ended as well as closed type. 3.6. SAMPLE DESIGN: SAMPLE FRAME: Sampling may be defined as a means of accounting for the elements in the Population. The sampled elements are selected from the frame sample size is directly related to precision. 34
  • 35. SAMPLE SIZE: Sample size selected for current study is 150. TYPE OF SAMPLING: Sampling unit focus the basis of the actual sampling procedure. It is that which is actually chosen by the sampling process. The sampling which is used in research is convenient sampling. 3.7. STATISTICAL TOOLS USED: Percentage Method: Percentage method is used in making comparison between two or more series of data. This method is used to describe relation ship. % of respondents: No. of respondents / Total respondents X 100 35
  • 36. 3.8 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY a) There may be chance of the respondents Bias. b) The scope of the study is mainly confined to the range of BAJAJ two wheelers. c) The study has been conducted only at M.G.Brothers Automobiles (p) Ltd. And it’s the study doesn’t make any claims to the reprehensive Of the entire market. 36
  • 38. 3.1 Opinion of the customers with respect to comfort levels in Driving? Opinion Response Level Percentage Yes 90 60 No 60 40 Interpretation: From the above findings it is found that the comfort level of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly liked by the 60% of the survey. 38
  • 39. 3.2 Opinion of the customers with respect to level of Performance level of BAJAJ Bikes? Opinion Response Level percentage Yes 49 33 No 101 67 Interpretation: From the above findings it is found that the performance level of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly liked by the 67% of the survey. 3.1 Opinion of the customers with respect to comfort levels in Driving 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 1 2 3 Response Level Opinion 39
  • 40. 3.3 Affordability level of the Customers with respect to BAJAJ Vehicles in Nellore? Opinion Response Level percentage Highly Affordable 38 25 Affordable 70 47 Neither Affordable/Nor Un-Affordable 22 14 Unaffordable 10 7 Highly Unaffordable 10 7 Interpretation: Majority of the respondents said that the affordability level of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly liked by the47% of the survey. 3.2 Opinion of the customers with respect to level of Performance level of BAJAJ Bikes Yes No 40
  • 41. 3.4 Opinion of the respondents with respect to the Pickup of the Bike? Opinion Response Level percentage Excellent 39 26 Very Good 57 38 Good 34 22 Poor 10 7 Very Poor 10 7 Interpretation: Majority of the respondents said that the pickup of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly liked by the 38% of the survey. 3.3 Affordability level of the Customers with respect to BAJAJ Vehicles in Nellore Highly Affordable Affordable Neither Affordable/Nor Un- Affordable Unaffordable Highly Unaffordable 41
  • 42. 3.5 Opinion Towards the post service given by the Company? Opinion Response Level percentage Excellent 53 35 Very Good 47 31 Good 35 23 Poor 10 7 Very Poor 5 4 Interpretation: From the above findings it is found that the post service of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly liked by the 35% of the survey. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Excellent Very Good Good Poor very poor 3.4 Opinion of the respondents with respect to the Pickup of the Bike Response Level 42
  • 43. 3.6 Aspects liked by the Customer towards Bajaj Vehicles? Aspects Opinion Levels percentage Engine Capacity 8 5 Mileage 34 22 Style 82 54 Comfortable 6 4 Affordable 20 13 Interpretation: 3.5 Opinion Towards the post service given by the Company 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Excellent Very Good Good Poor Very Poor Response Level 43
  • 44. From the above findings it is found that the aspects of the Bajaj Vehicles are mostly liked by the 54% of the survey. FINDINGS and SUGGESTIONS 1. From the analysis it is found that the comfort level of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly liked by the 60% of the survey. 2. From the analysis it is found that the performance level of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly liked by the 67% of the survey. 3. Majority of the respondents said that the affordability level of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly liked by the 47% of the survey. 4. Majority of the respondents said that the pickup of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly liked by the 38% of the survey. 3.6 Aspects liked by the Customer towards Bajaj Vehicles Engine Capacity Mileage Style Comfortable Affordable 44
  • 45. 5. From the above findings it is found that the post service of the Bajaj Vehicles is mostly liked by the 35% of the survey. 6. From the above findings it is found that the aspects of the Bajaj Vehicles are mostly liked by the 54% of the survey. Suggestions: Conclusion As with the changing needs of the customer and with the changing market conditions Every industrial and customer tastes and preferences with the changing and due to those changing needs any company would be manufacturing the products and releasing them, but with special reference to Bajaj vehicles in nellore the customers feel good about the products from that company but if the services are being improved then we can expect 45
  • 46. more sales for the company and simply relaying the different models into the market does not satisfy the needs of the customer but instead releasing the product which have durability and performance meets the needs of the customers thereby we can get the satisfied customer rather we can say a Loyal customer thereby we can get more market share. 46
  • 48. a) 2 yrs b) 3 yrs c) 4 yrs d) above 4yrs 6. which model bike you have now ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 7. Whether that is comfort in riding? [ ] a) Yes b) No 8. Are you happy with the performance of the Bajaj Bike [ ] a) Yes b) No 9. whether the price of Bajaj Bike is affordable to you? [ ] a) Yes b) No 10. How do you feel about using the Bajaj Bike [ ] a) Highly Satisfied b) Satisfied c) Average d) Highly Dissatisfied e) Dissatisfied 11. What is your opinion about pick up of the bike? [ ] a) Excellent b) Good c) Very Good d) Poor e) Very Poor 12. After the purchase of Bajaj Bike company providing the service or not a) Yes b) No [ ] 13. What is you opinion about the service given by the company? [ ] a) Excellent b) Good c) Very Good d) Poor e) Very poor 14. While comparing with other bike companies this is better? [ ] 48
  • 49. a) Yes b) No 15. Do you feel it is necessary to improve the models of the Bajaj bikes? [ ] a) Yes b) No 16. In what way you are selected the Bajaj bike is suitable for me? [ ] a) Engine capacity b) Mill age c) Stylish d) Comfortable e) Affordable 17. Can you given any suggestion but the Bajaj bike to the company? [ ] a) yes b) No Yes, ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ (Signature of the Respondent) BIBLIOGRAPHY  G.C.Beri, 2002, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, 3’rd edition, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing, New Delhi  S.S.Gupta, V.K.Kapoor, FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS, 9th Edition Sultan Chand & Sons Educational Publishers, New Delhi. 49
  • 50.  C.R. Kothari, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, 2nd Edition. Tata Mc- Graw Hill Publishing Limited, New Delhi.  Philip Kotler, 2001 MARKETING MANGEMENT, 11th Edition Pretice hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.  Kulakarni, Patil, Homai Pradhan, MODERN MARKETING RESEARCH, 3rd Edition, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.  Dr. D.D. Sharma, MARKETING RESEARCH, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing limited, New Delhi. 50