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The Prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬ is resting in
Hazrat Aisha's (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-ha) room,
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) to his right,
And then Hazrat Umar ibn Al-Khattab (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu).
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Hazrat Umar ibn Al-Khattab
(Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu)
Hazrat Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was one of the most powerful and
influential Muslim caliphs. He was the second Caliph after Hazrat Abu Bakar (Raḍiya 'llāhu
ʿAn-hu) and senior companion of Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. If we look back in the history of
Islam the people who played a great role in spreading Islam, the one prominent name comes in
your mind will be of Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu). He was an expert Muslim jurist
known for his pious and just nature, which earned him the epithet Al-Farooq ("the one who
distinguishes (between right and wrong)"). Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) is the role
model for every Muslim. He was an embodiment of justice, principles, piety, humility, and
Early Life:
He was born in 583 A.C in Banu Adi family a tribe of Quraish in Makah. He was non-
Muslim in the start and by occupation, he was a businessman. Before accepting Islam; Hazrat
Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was one of the most extreme enemies of Prophet Muhammad ‫.ﷺ‬
Life during Youth:
Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was one of the educated people in Quraish family
in that period of time when only a few people were literate and could read & write. He also got
familiar with the art and science of genetics and knew the history of the Arabia. He was very
brave; Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was a well-known famous wrestler, debater, and a
spirited person in his youth time. He was also famous for his flawless horse-riding skills. He
was an intelligent person and a renowned public speaker and successful ambassador of Quraish.
Title of Al-Farooq:
Muslims were not able to offer Salah publicly due to fear of chiefs of Quraish. But
when Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) accepted Islam and came in the circle of Islam
believers came openly as they knew no one has dared to face Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu). He
was the one who first suggested the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ that they should perform Salah in the Holy
Kaaba, where the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬ for the first time led the Muslim prayer. Due to such
fearless proposal of Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu), he was given the title of Al-Farooq
by Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, which means “the one who distinguishes between the right and the wrong”.
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Tomb of Hazrat Usman Ghani
(Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu)
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Hazrat Usman Ghani ibn Affan
(Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu)
Hazrat Usman (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was born in 573 A.D in a highly reputed family
of “Umayyah” belonging to the tribe of Qureysh in Makkah. Banu Umayyah enjoyed a great
status among Qureyshi people as they had the responsibility of keeping the Flag of the whole
clan. His familial history also matched with that of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Hazrat Usman (Raḍiya
'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was one of the few inhabitants of Makkah who could both read and write besides
Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu). He started dealing in the business of cloth in his youth,
which earned him a lot of wealth. He was greatly respected for his kind nature among the
Makkans’, as he used to help the poor and remove their troubles. That and later services to
Islam in the form of spending his capital earned him the title of “Al-Ghani” (the Generous
One). He was also well known for his truthfulness and honesty.
Getting the title of “Dhun-Nurain”:
After the preaching of Allah`s Message, the daughter of Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬, Bibi Ruqayya
(Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-ha), who was married to Abu Lahb`s (a strict enemy of Islam) son Utbah at
that time, was forcefully divorced. Then, Hazrat Usman (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) married her,
which got him great honor of being the Son in Law of the Messenger ‫ﷺ‬ of ALLAH. During
the battle of “Badr”, Bibi Ruqayya (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-ha) got seriously ill, which lead to Hazrat
Usman`s (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) exclusion from this Ghazwa (clash in which the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
participated Himself). He remained in Madina to take care of her wife, who could not live
longer and died. This gave him a great grief as was no longer the Son in Law of Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬.
After this, Hazrat Usman (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) married Prophet’s other Daughter,
Umm Kulthum (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-ha). Thus He got the title of “Dhun-Nurain” (the possessor
of the two lights) by having the great respect of marrying two of the daughters of the Holy
Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
Compilation of the complete Holy Quran:
At the time of Hazrat Abu Bakr (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu), Holy Quran was assembled
together in written form and was kept with His daughter Hazrat Hasfa (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-ha),
the spouse of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. But due to expansion of the Islamic state to other corners
of the words, it was felt by Hazrat Usman (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) noticed differences in the
recitation of the Holy Quran. So, he directed Hazrat Zaid bin Saabit (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) to
make multiple copies of the same Quran he had written in the time of Hazrat Abu Bakr (Raḍiya
'llāhu ʿAn-hu) to help save the Quranic text from any possible editions and bring people to
common way of recital process. For this, he is known as “Jami’ul-Qur’an” (The compiler of
the Qur’an).
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Al-Masjid an-Nabawi
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Hazrat Talha bin Ubaydullah
(Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu)
Hazrat Talha bin Ubaydullah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) who was praised and
complemented by Allah and His Messenger ‫ﷺ‬ many times due to his heroism and unmatched
virtues and whose heroism during the Battle of Uhud has always been mentioned admiringly,
was one of the closest Companions of the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬, one of the prominent people
of the period of Four Caliphs and one of the unchanging and distinguished members of the
consultation assemblies. He is a distinguished Companion that devoted his life to Allah and
His Messenger ‫ﷺ‬. The Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ gave him the glad tidings of endless bliss in this world; thus,
he became one of the ten people who were promised Paradise (Ashara Al-Mubashshara) when
he was alive.
Hazrat Talha (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) became a Muslim after a journey. He was in Basra
for trade when he heard from a priest that Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬ had declared his prophet
hood. He searched this news as soon as he returned to Makkah. He talked to Hazrat Abu Bakr
(Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu), who was the first Muslim. He went to the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬
together with Hazrat Abu Bakr (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu). At this first meeting, the light of
guidance entered his heart. He joined the Muslims. Then, the tortures and pressures of the
polytheists started. His brother, who was a polytheist, was one of the leading people who put
pressure on him. He was kept hungry and thirsty for days. They made him walk around by
tying his hands around his neck. He was insulted. However, Hazrat Talha (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-
hu) put with those troubles patiently thanks to the strength coming from his belief and did not
give up his belief.
Hazrat Talha (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) had seventy-five wounds in his body at Gazwah-
e-Uhud. The Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ named him "Talhatu'l-Khayr (Good Talha)" due to his sacrifice and
heroism. He ‫ﷺ‬ also said, "Paradise became wajib for Talha. He did something that will take
him to Paradise”. Abu Talha (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) joined the Battle of Khandaq, the Conquest
of Makkah, the Battle of Hunayn and Tabuk and all of the expeditions that the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
joined. Hazrat Talha (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was a wealthy person. He was a merchant but after
the Migration, he also worked in agriculture. However, he was very modest in eating, drinking
and dressing. He made jihad with both his sword and his property. He joined the campaign in
order to equip the army before the Expedition of Tabuk enthusiastically. Hazrat Talha (Raḍiya
'llāhu ʿAn-hu) gave most of his wealth to the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬ to use for the army of
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The Tomb of Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah
(Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu)
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Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah
(Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu)
Hazrat Abu Ubaidah ibn Al-Jarrah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was one of companions of
the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ mostly known for being of the Ten Promised Paradise. He remained
commander of a large section of the Rashidun Army during the time of the Rashid Caliph
Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) and was on the list of Hazrat Umar's (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-
hu) appointed successors to the Caliphate. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was
born in the year 583 CE in the house of Abdullah ibn Al-Jarrah, a merchant by profession.
Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) belonged to the Qurayshi clan of Banu al-Harith
ibn Fihr. Before embracing Islam, he was considered to be one of the nobles of the Quraysh
and was famous among the Quraysh of Mecca for his modesty and bravery. He was among the
Ashura Mubbasharah.
He was described as the "Amin" or Custodian of Muhammad's ‫ﷺ‬ community. His full name
was Hazrat Aamir ibn Abdullah ibn al-Jarrah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu). He was known as Hazrat
Abu Ubaydah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu). About him, Hazrat Abdullah ibn Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu
ʿAn-hu), one of the companions of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, said:
"Three persons in the tribe of Quraysh were most prominent, had the best character and were
the most modest. If they spoke to you, they would not deceive you and if you spoke to them,
they would not accuse you of lying:
Hazrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu), Hazrat Usman ibn Affan (Raḍiya 'llāhu
ʿAn-hu) and Hazrat Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu)."
Hazrat Abu Ubaydah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was one of the first persons to accept
Islam. He became a Muslim one day after Hazrat Abu Bakr (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu). In fact, it
was through Hazrat Abu Bakr (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) that he became a Muslim. Hazrat Abu
Bakr (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) took him, Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Auf (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu),
Hazrat Usman ibn Maz'un (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) and Hazrat Al-Arqam ibn Abi Al-Arqam
(Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) to the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, and together they declared their acceptance of the
Truth. They were thus the first pillars on which the great edifice of Islam was built. Hazrat Abu
Ubaydah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) lived through the harsh experience, which the Muslims went
through in Makkah, from beginning to end. With the early Muslims, he endured the insults and
the violence, the pain and the sorrow of that experience. In every trial and test he remained firm
and constant in his belief in ALLAH and His Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. One of the most harrowing
experiences he had to go through, however, was at the battle of Badr. Hazrat Abu Ubaydah
(Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was in the vanguard of the Muslim forces, fighting with might and main
and as someone who was not at all afraid of death. The Quraysh cavalry were extremely wary
of him and avoided coming face to face with him.

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  • 1. 1 | P a g e The Prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬ is resting in Hazrat Aisha's (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-ha) room, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) to his right, And then Hazrat Umar ibn Al-Khattab (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu).
  • 2. 2 | P a g e Hazrat Umar ibn Al-Khattab (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) Hazrat Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was one of the most powerful and influential Muslim caliphs. He was the second Caliph after Hazrat Abu Bakar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) and senior companion of Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. If we look back in the history of Islam the people who played a great role in spreading Islam, the one prominent name comes in your mind will be of Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu). He was an expert Muslim jurist known for his pious and just nature, which earned him the epithet Al-Farooq ("the one who distinguishes (between right and wrong)"). Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) is the role model for every Muslim. He was an embodiment of justice, principles, piety, humility, and character. Early Life: He was born in 583 A.C in Banu Adi family a tribe of Quraish in Makah. He was non- Muslim in the start and by occupation, he was a businessman. Before accepting Islam; Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was one of the most extreme enemies of Prophet Muhammad ‫.ﷺ‬ Life during Youth: Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was one of the educated people in Quraish family in that period of time when only a few people were literate and could read & write. He also got familiar with the art and science of genetics and knew the history of the Arabia. He was very brave; Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was a well-known famous wrestler, debater, and a spirited person in his youth time. He was also famous for his flawless horse-riding skills. He was an intelligent person and a renowned public speaker and successful ambassador of Quraish. Title of Al-Farooq: Muslims were not able to offer Salah publicly due to fear of chiefs of Quraish. But when Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) accepted Islam and came in the circle of Islam believers came openly as they knew no one has dared to face Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu). He was the one who first suggested the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ that they should perform Salah in the Holy Kaaba, where the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬ for the first time led the Muslim prayer. Due to such fearless proposal of Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu), he was given the title of Al-Farooq by Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, which means “the one who distinguishes between the right and the wrong”.
  • 3. 3 | P a g e Jannat-ul-Baqee: Tomb of Hazrat Usman Ghani (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu)
  • 4. 4 | P a g e Hazrat Usman Ghani ibn Affan (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) Hazrat Usman (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was born in 573 A.D in a highly reputed family of “Umayyah” belonging to the tribe of Qureysh in Makkah. Banu Umayyah enjoyed a great status among Qureyshi people as they had the responsibility of keeping the Flag of the whole clan. His familial history also matched with that of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Hazrat Usman (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was one of the few inhabitants of Makkah who could both read and write besides Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu). He started dealing in the business of cloth in his youth, which earned him a lot of wealth. He was greatly respected for his kind nature among the Makkans’, as he used to help the poor and remove their troubles. That and later services to Islam in the form of spending his capital earned him the title of “Al-Ghani” (the Generous One). He was also well known for his truthfulness and honesty. Getting the title of “Dhun-Nurain”: After the preaching of Allah`s Message, the daughter of Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬, Bibi Ruqayya (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-ha), who was married to Abu Lahb`s (a strict enemy of Islam) son Utbah at that time, was forcefully divorced. Then, Hazrat Usman (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) married her, which got him great honor of being the Son in Law of the Messenger ‫ﷺ‬ of ALLAH. During the battle of “Badr”, Bibi Ruqayya (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-ha) got seriously ill, which lead to Hazrat Usman`s (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) exclusion from this Ghazwa (clash in which the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ participated Himself). He remained in Madina to take care of her wife, who could not live longer and died. This gave him a great grief as was no longer the Son in Law of Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬. After this, Hazrat Usman (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) married Prophet’s other Daughter, Umm Kulthum (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-ha). Thus He got the title of “Dhun-Nurain” (the possessor of the two lights) by having the great respect of marrying two of the daughters of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Compilation of the complete Holy Quran: At the time of Hazrat Abu Bakr (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu), Holy Quran was assembled together in written form and was kept with His daughter Hazrat Hasfa (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-ha), the spouse of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. But due to expansion of the Islamic state to other corners of the words, it was felt by Hazrat Usman (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) noticed differences in the recitation of the Holy Quran. So, he directed Hazrat Zaid bin Saabit (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) to make multiple copies of the same Quran he had written in the time of Hazrat Abu Bakr (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) to help save the Quranic text from any possible editions and bring people to common way of recital process. For this, he is known as “Jami’ul-Qur’an” (The compiler of the Qur’an).
  • 5. 5 | P a g e Al-Masjid an-Nabawi
  • 6. 6 | P a g e Hazrat Talha bin Ubaydullah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) Hazrat Talha bin Ubaydullah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) who was praised and complemented by Allah and His Messenger ‫ﷺ‬ many times due to his heroism and unmatched virtues and whose heroism during the Battle of Uhud has always been mentioned admiringly, was one of the closest Companions of the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬, one of the prominent people of the period of Four Caliphs and one of the unchanging and distinguished members of the consultation assemblies. He is a distinguished Companion that devoted his life to Allah and His Messenger ‫ﷺ‬. The Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ gave him the glad tidings of endless bliss in this world; thus, he became one of the ten people who were promised Paradise (Ashara Al-Mubashshara) when he was alive. Hazrat Talha (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) became a Muslim after a journey. He was in Basra for trade when he heard from a priest that Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬ had declared his prophet hood. He searched this news as soon as he returned to Makkah. He talked to Hazrat Abu Bakr (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu), who was the first Muslim. He went to the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬ together with Hazrat Abu Bakr (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu). At this first meeting, the light of guidance entered his heart. He joined the Muslims. Then, the tortures and pressures of the polytheists started. His brother, who was a polytheist, was one of the leading people who put pressure on him. He was kept hungry and thirsty for days. They made him walk around by tying his hands around his neck. He was insulted. However, Hazrat Talha (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn- hu) put with those troubles patiently thanks to the strength coming from his belief and did not give up his belief. Hazrat Talha (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) had seventy-five wounds in his body at Gazwah- e-Uhud. The Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ named him "Talhatu'l-Khayr (Good Talha)" due to his sacrifice and heroism. He ‫ﷺ‬ also said, "Paradise became wajib for Talha. He did something that will take him to Paradise”. Abu Talha (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) joined the Battle of Khandaq, the Conquest of Makkah, the Battle of Hunayn and Tabuk and all of the expeditions that the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ joined. Hazrat Talha (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was a wealthy person. He was a merchant but after the Migration, he also worked in agriculture. However, he was very modest in eating, drinking and dressing. He made jihad with both his sword and his property. He joined the campaign in order to equip the army before the Expedition of Tabuk enthusiastically. Hazrat Talha (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) gave most of his wealth to the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬ to use for the army of jihad.
  • 7. 7 | P a g e The Tomb of Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu)
  • 8. 8 | P a g e Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) Hazrat Abu Ubaidah ibn Al-Jarrah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was one of companions of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ mostly known for being of the Ten Promised Paradise. He remained commander of a large section of the Rashidun Army during the time of the Rashid Caliph Hazrat Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) and was on the list of Hazrat Umar's (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn- hu) appointed successors to the Caliphate. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was born in the year 583 CE in the house of Abdullah ibn Al-Jarrah, a merchant by profession. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) belonged to the Qurayshi clan of Banu al-Harith ibn Fihr. Before embracing Islam, he was considered to be one of the nobles of the Quraysh and was famous among the Quraysh of Mecca for his modesty and bravery. He was among the Ashura Mubbasharah. He was described as the "Amin" or Custodian of Muhammad's ‫ﷺ‬ community. His full name was Hazrat Aamir ibn Abdullah ibn al-Jarrah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu). He was known as Hazrat Abu Ubaydah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu). About him, Hazrat Abdullah ibn Umar (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu), one of the companions of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, said: "Three persons in the tribe of Quraysh were most prominent, had the best character and were the most modest. If they spoke to you, they would not deceive you and if you spoke to them, they would not accuse you of lying: Hazrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu), Hazrat Usman ibn Affan (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) and Hazrat Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu)." Hazrat Abu Ubaydah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was one of the first persons to accept Islam. He became a Muslim one day after Hazrat Abu Bakr (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu). In fact, it was through Hazrat Abu Bakr (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) that he became a Muslim. Hazrat Abu Bakr (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) took him, Hazrat Abdur Rahman ibn Auf (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu), Hazrat Usman ibn Maz'un (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) and Hazrat Al-Arqam ibn Abi Al-Arqam (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) to the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, and together they declared their acceptance of the Truth. They were thus the first pillars on which the great edifice of Islam was built. Hazrat Abu Ubaydah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) lived through the harsh experience, which the Muslims went through in Makkah, from beginning to end. With the early Muslims, he endured the insults and the violence, the pain and the sorrow of that experience. In every trial and test he remained firm and constant in his belief in ALLAH and His Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. One of the most harrowing experiences he had to go through, however, was at the battle of Badr. Hazrat Abu Ubaydah (Raḍiya 'llāhu ʿAn-hu) was in the vanguard of the Muslim forces, fighting with might and main and as someone who was not at all afraid of death. The Quraysh cavalry were extremely wary of him and avoided coming face to face with him.