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The chief of the Qur'an Reciters
 Born in Medina (into the tribe of the Banu Khazraj
 He was one of the first to accept Islam and pledge allegiance to
Rasolallah SAW at Aqabah before the migration to Medina.
 He participated in the battle of Badr and Uhud, and all other
expeditions with the Prophet SAW.
 He acted as a scriber of Rasolallah SAW, writing letters for him
 He was one of the few who put the Qur'anic surahs into
writing and had a Mushaf of his own.
 He was one of the twenty five people who knew the Qur'an
completely by heart.
 In the six books of hadeeth ; he has around sixty hadeeths
narrated from him.
As from Anas (RA) who said:
‘The Prophet (SAW) said to Ubay bin Ka’b : ‘Indeed Allaah has commanded me
to recite to you The Qur’ân.’
So he said: ‘Allaah mentioned me to you? ’
He (SAW) replied : ‘Yes.’
He said : ‘And I have been mentioned by the Lord of The Worlds ?’
He (SAW) replied : ‘Yes.’
[There] His (Ubay’s) eyes were filled with tears.”
He is a man mentioned by Allaah
Saheeh al-Bukhaaree
As in the hadeeth where The Prophet (SAW) asked Ubay bin Ka’b :
‘Which is The greatest verse in the Qur’ân?’
So Ubay replied :
ُ ‫ه‬‫اّلل‬ُ‫م‬‫ُّو‬‫ي‬َ‫ق‬ْ‫ال‬ ُّ‫ي‬َ‫ح‬ْ‫ال‬ َ‫ُو‬‫ه‬ َّ‫ال‬ِ‫إ‬ َ‫ه‬‫ـ‬َ‫ل‬ِ‫إ‬ َ‫ال‬
Then The Prophet (SAW) hit his (Ubay’s) chest and said to him:
‘knowledge will be made easy for you , O Abaa Mundhir.’
He is one of the greatest Scholars of this Ummah
Narrated by Ahmad, Muslim
Anas bin Maalik said :
“The Prophet (SAW) said:
“The Best reciter from my Ummah is Ubay
Jami’ Tirmidhee
Umar ibn al-khattab said [during his time as the Leader of the Muslim nation]
“Whoever wishes to ask about The Qur’ân then let him approach Ubay bin
Ka’b , and whoever wants to ask about laws of inheritance then let him
approach Zayd, and whoever wishes to ask about Fiqh ; then let him approach
Muadh , and whoever wants to ask about wealth ; then let him come to me ,
for Allaah has made me a safe-keeper and a distributor.”
Umar ibn al-Khattab used to refer to him as ‘the chief of the Muslims
• He was part of the consultative group (mushawarah) to which
the caliph Abu Bakr referred many problems. It included
Umar, Uthman, Ali, Abd-al-Rahman ibn Awf, Muadh ibn Jabal,
Ubayy ibn Kab and Zayd ibn Thabit.
• Umar later consulted the same group when he was caliph,
specifically for fatwas (legal judgments) he referred to them.
• He died in the 29 AH during the caliphate of Uthman
According to the hadith, Rasolallah SAW said: "Learn the
Qur'an from four persons: Abd-Allah ibn Mas'ud, Salim
Mawla Abu-Hudhayfah, Ubay ibn Kab and Muadh ibn Jabal.
 He was the sixth person to embrace Islam.
 He became Muslim as a young man after seeing a miracle of
the Prophet Muhammad, SAW, while tending the sheep of
Uqba ibn Abi Mu’iyt.
 Abdullah made Hijra, migration, to Ethiopia and later to Madina.
 He offered to be a servant to the Messenger SAW, looking after
his personal affairs and was called ‘keeper of the secret of the
Messenger’ and ‘keeper of the shoes’.
It was said of him that he was the closest to the Messenger
in mannerism.
He was the first to read the Quran in public and was badly
beaten as a result.
Abdullah was responsible for killing Abu Jahl, in the battle of
He was affectionately referred to as Ibn Umm ‘Abd , son of the
mother of a slave.
 The Messenger SAW, gave him glad tidings of entering the
The Messenger said about him:
‘I am content for my nation about whatever Ibn Umm ‘Abd is
content for it.’(al-Hâkim)
‘If I were to appoint anyone over my nation without
consultation, I would have appointed Ibn Umm ‘Abd.’
(Ahmed, al-Tirmidhi and al-Hâkim)
One night, the Messenger heard ‘Abdullah ibn Masood reading
Quran and with him was Abu Bakr and Umar. They stood for
long and then he said ‘whoever wishes to read Quran as it was
revealed should read with the recitation of Ibn Umm ‘Abd .’
(Ahmed, al-Nasâi, al-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)
A scholar of the Qur’an, Sunnah and Fiqh , specializing
in Qur’anic commentary, he was also a poet.
He was a judge in Kufa during the time of ‘Umar and part of
‘Uthmân’s rule before he returned to Madina where he died in
32H, aged approximately 60.
On his death bed, ‘Uthmân offered him some money to
ensure his daughters were not left to poverty but he refused
it saying that he had left them with surah al-wâqiah , the fifty
fifth chapter of the Quran, which would be sufficient.
He narrated 848 hadith. The Musnad of Ahmad has 900
reports transmitted by him.
Abdullah ibn Mas'ud attained such a knowledge of the
Qur'an that he would say, "By Him besides Whom there is no
god, no verse of the book of God has been revealed without
my knowing where it was revealed and the circumstances of
its revelation. By God, if I know there was anyone who knew
more of the Book of Allah, I will do whatever is in my power
to be with him."
 He was born three years before the Prophet's Hijrah and was
thirteen years old at the time of the Prophet's death.
 He was greatly loved by the Prophet
 It appears that despite his youth he learned a few hadiths
directly from the Prophet.
 There is, however, no doubt that the number of hadiths related
by Ibn `Abbas directly from the Prophet is very small in
comparison with what he related via some Companions.
 He learned these hadiths through years of hard labor. He
remarked, "Whenever I expected to learn any hadith from a
Companion, I would go to his door and wait there until he came
out and said, 'O cousin of the Prophet, what brings you here?
Why did you not send for me?' And I would reply that it was
only proper that I go to him. Then I learn the hadith from him."
 Ibn `Abbas was held in universal awe for his intellectual powers
and capacity for memorization.
 He was entirely devoted to the study of the Qur'an and the
Sunnah, and was loved and respected for his scholarship by all
the first four caliphs, as well as his contemporaries.
 He collected a large body of hadiths, which he wrote down in
books. He delivered lectures on them to his disciples.
 His tafseer (exegesis) of the Qur'an (which was handed down
by his student Mujahid) is well known. It has been referred to
by numerous later commentators.
 He died in AH 68 (687 CE) at the age of 71.
 At the age of 10, Anas was presented by his mother, Umm
Sulaym, to the Prophet following the Hijrah.
 From that time and until the Prophet's death, Anas was the
Prophet's favorite attendant.
Abu Hurairah ra, said, "I never saw person who resembles
prayer of Prophet Muhammad PBUH except at ibn Ummu
Sulaim ( does it mean Anas )."
 Afterward during the 10 years he spent in the Prophet's service,
he was able to memorize a large number of his words.
 Later, he also learned a good deal of the Prophet's hadiths from
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, `Umar ibn Al-Khattab, and many other
 His knowledge of Hadith was so copious that his death was
regarded as a deathblow to half of the entire mass of hadiths.
 Scholars of Hadith accept him as one of the most prolific
narrators of Hadith.
 In the course of his life together of Rasulullah PBUH for 10
years, Anas ibn Malik has been narrate of not less than 2286
hadith and is the third largest of companions of the Prophet in
the hadith narrate.
 The Prophet Muhammad PBUH pray for Anas Ibn Malik with
prayer, "Allahumma Urzuqu Maalan wa Waladan wa Baarik
Lahu, O God, give him a wealth and offspring and bless his
life." Prayer of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH was granted by
God and Anas was blessed with the age of up to 103 years.
 Anas is also endowed with a lot of descent, i.e. 100 children
and their grandchildren.
 He was appointed by Abu Bakr As-Siddiq as a tax
collector in Bahrain.
 Toward the end of his life, Anas settled in Basra, where
he died in 93 AH (711 CE). He is said to have lived more
than a hundred years.
 The son of Caliph `Umar ibn Al-Khattab, Ibn `Umar is the second
most prolific narrator of Hadith.
 He and his father had simultaneously accepted Islam, and they
immigrated to Madinah together.
 Ibn `Umar took part in many battles during the Prophet's
lifetime; he also took part in the wars in Mesopotamia, Persia,
and Egypt.
 Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) to say, "No one followed
the Prophet's steps in his coming and going as Ibn "Umar did."
He refused Caliph Uthman’s request to accept post of judge
and Caliph Ali’s request to be governor.
 `Abdullah's long association with the Prophet and his kinship
with the Prophet's wife Hafsah and with certain other
Companions offered him a superb opportunity to learn
 He never related a hadith unless he remembered it to the
letter. His contemporaries said, "None of the Companions of
the Prophet was more cautious not to add or subtract
something from a hadith than 'Abdallah Ibn 'Umar.“
 Abdullah Ibn-Omar transmits over 2600 hadiths.
 Ibn 'Umar was a scholar with a wide knowledge of Islamic
Jurisprudence and he spent his life in acquiring knowledge and
memorizing it.
 Az-zuhri said: ''We cannot ignore lbn 'Umar's opinion, because
he lived for sixty years after the death of the Messenger of Allah
and nothing of his Sunnah was hidden from him, nor that of his
 He died in Makkah in the year AH 74 (692 CE) at the age of 87.
 Abu Hurairah stands at the top of the list of Hadith transmitters.
This is because of the sheer bulk of his narrations. He was
regarded by the Prophet himself as the most eager, among all
Muslims, to acquire the knowledge of Hadith.
 Belonging to the tribe of Daws, an offshoot of the great clan of
Azd, Abu Hurairah came to Madinah in the seventh year of the
Hijrah (the Prophet's migration to Madinah). On being told that
the Prophet was in Khaybar, he went there and accepted Islam.
 Since that time and until the death of the Prophet, Abu
Hurairah constantly remained in the company of the Prophet,
attending him and memorizing his words during the day, thereby
sacrificing all worldly pursuits and pleasures.
 We are told that Abu Hurairah would divide his nights into
three parts: one for sleeping, one for praying, and one for
 After the death of the Prophet, he was appointed governor
of Bahrain for a while during the caliphate of `Umar ibn Al-
 He also acted as governor of Madinah under the early
Umayyad caliphs. He died in AH 59 (678 CE).
 When the Prophet died, information about religion and
jurisprudential judgments had to be sought indirectly. At that
time, Abu Hurairah (who instructed more than 800 students in
Hadith) poured out the store of knowledge he had so meticulously
 At times he was taken to task for reporting certain hadiths
unknown to other Companions. But he would reply that he had
simply learned what the Ansar had missed because they had been
attending to their lands and properties, and what the Muhajirun
had failed to learn because of their commercial activities.
 Once he was taken to task by `Abdullah ibn `Umar for relating a
particular hadith, so Abu Hurairah took him to `A'ishah, who bore
witness to the truth of what Abu Hurairah had related.
 His knowledge and memory were also tested by Marwan ibn
Al-Hakam, the then governor of Madinah. Having written
down some hadiths related by Abu Hurairah, Ibn Al-Hakam
wanted him to relate the same after a year. He found them to
be exactly identical to Abu Hurairah's earlier narration.
 When one considers Abu Hurairah's intense dedication to
learning Hadith, his devotion to the Prophet, and the various
tests applied to his memory and scholarship by his
contemporaries, one finds it inconceivable that he would
have fabricated any hadith. This does not mean, however,
that some material was not falsely imputed to him at a later
time. The fact that he narrated a uniquely large number of
hadiths did make inventing hadiths in his name an attractive
 He accepted Islam at Mecca prior to the hijra and returned to
his native Yemen to propagate the faith.
 Following the conquest of Mecca in 629, he was named among
those sent by Muhammad on the expedition to Awtas
 Two years later he was appointed as one of the governors over
Yemen, where he remained until the caliphate of Abu Bakr,
whom he joined in fighting the local leader of the ridda (lit.
apostasy) movement.
 The appointments of Abu Musa to the governorates of Basra
and Kufa were made during the caliphates of Umar and Uthman
 Despite Abu Musa’s reputation as a soldier and politician, he
was also praised for his beautiful recitation of the Qur'an.
 Rasulullah ( ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬) said, “Surely Abu Musa ( ‫هللا‬ ‫رضي‬
‫عنه‬) is endowed with a voice as beautiful as that emanated from
flute from the flutes of family of Dawud ‫عليه‬‫السالم‬.”
 He was also a respected faqih and was regarded among the
leading judges in early Muslim history. People used to say: "The
judges in this ummah are four: Umar, Ali ibn Abi Talib, Abu Musa
and Zayd ibn Thabit.
Musa is also credited with narrating numerous hadith, as well
as being the ancestor of the founder of the Ash'ari theological
school within Islam
He narrated around 360 Hadith.
He was named as the arbitrator (hakam) chosen by Ali's party
in accordance with the terms agreed between Ali and
Muawiyah after the battle of Siffin.
 He embraced Islam, in the seventh year of the Hijra before his
father Amr ibn Al As(Conqueror of Egypt)
 Messenger, upon him be peace, used to show preference to the
son over the father because of his superior knowledge and
intense worship.
 He participated, in all the campaigns led by the Rasolallah (saw)
and took part in many battles after him against the Romans.
 Abdullah was one of the most intense worshippers, fasting for
days without a break and going many nights without sleep,
until the Messenger (SAW), forbade him from fasting without
breaks and abstaining from intimacy with his wife.
 Abdullah memorized the whole Quran and was able to read
and write.
 He reported 700 hadith. 18 were agreed upon by Muslim and
Bukhâri, 8 can be found in Bukhâri alone and 20 in Muslim
alone. The Musnad of Ahmad has 627 narratives by him
He was one of the few companions who wrote down the words
of the Messenger, upon him be peace, during his lifetime. He
sought the Messenger’s specific permission asking , ‘May I write
down everything I hear from you in the states of contentment
and anger?’ He, upon him be peace, replied, ‘Yes, for I speak
nothing but the truth.’
He wrote down all the hadiths he had learned from him,
collecting a thousand of them in one work that he called As-
Sahifah As-Sadiqah
The other great narrator of the sayings of the Messenger, SAW,
Abu Hurairah, used to say, ‘there is no one more knowledgeable
of the sayings of the Messenger, upon him be peace, than me,
except ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr.
His name is Sa`d ibn Malik, and he is early convert of
Madinah, one of the youngest companion.
He was thirteen years old when his father was martyred, on
the Day of (at the Battle of) Uhud.
He took part in 12 of the battles fought during the Prophet's
Like Abu Hurairah, he was one of Ahl-us-Suffah — those
people who lived on the porch of the Prophet's dwelling by
the mosque in order to dedicate themselves to an austere life
of Prayer and learning.
He learned the Sunnah from the Prophet, as well as from his
important Companions, such as Abu Bakr, `Umar, and Zayd ibn
He was considered the best jurist among the young
Companions. , he has 1170 narrations, making him the
seventh most prolific Companion in the transmission of the
He died in Madinah in AH 64 (683 CE).
 He was from the tribe of Khazraj. His mother was Nasiba
bint Uqba.
 He is one of the early converts to Islam in Madinah, he
participate as a young boy second pledge of Uqbah.
 He took part in 19 battles in the Prophet's company,
 He narrated about 1,547 Hadiths .
 Jabir was blessed enough to have met all the imams up to
Imam Mohamed Baker(as) in his lifetime.
 Not only did he learn hadiths from the Prophet but also he
learned hadiths from many of the Prophet's important
Companions, including Abu Bakr, `Umar, and others. He also
studied under some of the Tabi`in (first generation after the
Prophet), including the famous Umm Kulthum, the daughter
of Abu Bakr. He used to teach Hadith regularly in the
mosque in Madinah.
 He was poisoned by Al-Hajjaj bin Yousef in the age of 94
years 74 AH because of his loyalty to Ahl al-Bayt and was
buried in Madain near Baghdad at the bank of river Tigris.
He became a Muslim at the hands of Musiab ibn Umayr, the
da'iy whom the Prophet had sent to Yathrib before the hijrah.
He was present at famous second Aqabah Pledge.
After conquest of Makkah Rasolallah SAW asked Muadh ibn
Jabal to stay with and teach people the Qur'an and instruct
them in the religion.
The brotherhood was made b/w him and 'Abduallah bin
 Muhammad (saw) said that He is the most knowledgeable of
his nation in the matters of Halal and Haraam.
 He was also one of the six called Kutab al-Wahi who compiled
the Qur'an under the authority of Muhammad(saw).
 He was sent with Abu Musa al-Ash'ari to the people of Yemen.
 Later Umar(RA) sent him Palestine to teach people Quran.
 He was the first who offered full hospitality to Rasolallah SAW
when he arrived in Madinah.
 He participated in Second pledge of Uqbah before migration.
 He took part in all the famous battles including Badr, Ohud,
Khandaq, Hunain, Khayber and Tabuk.
 He was not only an extraordinary host and a warrior, but also
Katib-e-Wahi, Hafiz Qur’an and Faqih whose fatwas were
 He served as imam of the Prophet’s Mosque during the
Caliphate of Uthman bin Affan.
 During the rule of Ameer Muawiya when a call was made for
jihad against Constantinople, he participated in it and martyr
in the battle.
 The last man in his district of Yathrib (Madinah) to embrace
Islam after Badr.
 He was declared the brother of Salman the Persian .
 He became a great scholar and hadith narrator, known for his
 He later declined Caliph Umar's offer to become Governor of
Damascus, but instead agreed to go there to teach the people
Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet and pray with them.
 He served as a Judge in Syria during the caliph Uthman's reign.
 He was unable to participate in battle of Badr due to his young
age, he was 13 at that time.
 Zayd read and translated from Hebrew when the Jews wrote to
the Prophet.
 He learn Syriac also and came to perform the important
function of an interpreter for the Prophet SAW.
 He grew up with the verses of the Qur'an, understanding well
the circumstances surrounding each revelation. He thus became
well-versed in the secrets of the Shari'ah and at an early age
gained the well-deserved reputation as a leading scholar among
the companions of the Prophet.
The Prophet selected him as his Chief Scribe of the Qur’an
(kaatib al nabiyy), despite his youth.
The Qur'an was collected in one manuscript in Abu Bakr
Caliphate when a lot of Huffaz died in a battle, Zayd was made In
charge of this task by Abu Abkr .
He was made in charge of Operation to make seven copies of
Suhuf by Uthmun during his caliphate.
Umar ibn al-Khattab once addressed the Muslims and said: "O
people, whoever wants to ask about the Quran, let him go to
Zayd ibn Thabit."
 Father was Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, and whose mother was
Asma bint Abi Bakr, daughter of the first Caliph Abu Bakr. He
was the nephew of Aisha, RA.
 He was the first Muslim to be born in Madinah after the hijrah.
 The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam performed Tahneek
(placing something sweet in his mouth) for him.
 He was with his father at the Battle of Yarmūk
 He performed a lot of Salaah and fasted abundantly
 Ibn Zubair radhiallahu anhu was declared the Governor of
Makkah by the Makkans who did not acknowledge Yazeed’s
 He led a rebellion against the Umayyad Caliphate but was
defeated and killed in Mecca in 692 AD after a six-month
siege by general Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf.
Scholar sahaba

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Scholar sahaba

  • 1.
  • 2. The chief of the Qur'an Reciters
  • 3.  Born in Medina (into the tribe of the Banu Khazraj  He was one of the first to accept Islam and pledge allegiance to Rasolallah SAW at Aqabah before the migration to Medina.  He participated in the battle of Badr and Uhud, and all other expeditions with the Prophet SAW.
  • 4.  He acted as a scriber of Rasolallah SAW, writing letters for him  He was one of the few who put the Qur'anic surahs into writing and had a Mushaf of his own.  He was one of the twenty five people who knew the Qur'an completely by heart.  In the six books of hadeeth ; he has around sixty hadeeths narrated from him.
  • 5. As from Anas (RA) who said: ‘The Prophet (SAW) said to Ubay bin Ka’b : ‘Indeed Allaah has commanded me to recite to you The Qur’ân.’ So he said: ‘Allaah mentioned me to you? ’ He (SAW) replied : ‘Yes.’ He said : ‘And I have been mentioned by the Lord of The Worlds ?’ He (SAW) replied : ‘Yes.’ [There] His (Ubay’s) eyes were filled with tears.” He is a man mentioned by Allaah Saheeh al-Bukhaaree
  • 6. As in the hadeeth where The Prophet (SAW) asked Ubay bin Ka’b : ‘Which is The greatest verse in the Qur’ân?’ So Ubay replied : ُ ‫ه‬‫اّلل‬ُ‫م‬‫ُّو‬‫ي‬َ‫ق‬ْ‫ال‬ ُّ‫ي‬َ‫ح‬ْ‫ال‬ َ‫ُو‬‫ه‬ َّ‫ال‬ِ‫إ‬ َ‫ه‬‫ـ‬َ‫ل‬ِ‫إ‬ َ‫ال‬ Then The Prophet (SAW) hit his (Ubay’s) chest and said to him: ‘knowledge will be made easy for you , O Abaa Mundhir.’ He is one of the greatest Scholars of this Ummah Narrated by Ahmad, Muslim Anas bin Maalik said : “The Prophet (SAW) said: “The Best reciter from my Ummah is Ubay Jami’ Tirmidhee
  • 7. Umar ibn al-khattab said [during his time as the Leader of the Muslim nation] “Whoever wishes to ask about The Qur’ân then let him approach Ubay bin Ka’b , and whoever wants to ask about laws of inheritance then let him approach Zayd, and whoever wishes to ask about Fiqh ; then let him approach Muadh , and whoever wants to ask about wealth ; then let him come to me , for Allaah has made me a safe-keeper and a distributor.” Umar ibn al-Khattab used to refer to him as ‘the chief of the Muslims
  • 8. • He was part of the consultative group (mushawarah) to which the caliph Abu Bakr referred many problems. It included Umar, Uthman, Ali, Abd-al-Rahman ibn Awf, Muadh ibn Jabal, Ubayy ibn Kab and Zayd ibn Thabit. • Umar later consulted the same group when he was caliph, specifically for fatwas (legal judgments) he referred to them. • He died in the 29 AH during the caliphate of Uthman According to the hadith, Rasolallah SAW said: "Learn the Qur'an from four persons: Abd-Allah ibn Mas'ud, Salim Mawla Abu-Hudhayfah, Ubay ibn Kab and Muadh ibn Jabal.
  • 9.
  • 10.  He was the sixth person to embrace Islam.  He became Muslim as a young man after seeing a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad, SAW, while tending the sheep of Uqba ibn Abi Mu’iyt.  Abdullah made Hijra, migration, to Ethiopia and later to Madina.  He offered to be a servant to the Messenger SAW, looking after his personal affairs and was called ‘keeper of the secret of the Messenger’ and ‘keeper of the shoes’.
  • 11. It was said of him that he was the closest to the Messenger in mannerism. He was the first to read the Quran in public and was badly beaten as a result. Abdullah was responsible for killing Abu Jahl, in the battle of Badr.
  • 12. He was affectionately referred to as Ibn Umm ‘Abd , son of the mother of a slave.  The Messenger SAW, gave him glad tidings of entering the Garden. The Messenger said about him: ‘I am content for my nation about whatever Ibn Umm ‘Abd is content for it.’(al-Hâkim) ‘If I were to appoint anyone over my nation without consultation, I would have appointed Ibn Umm ‘Abd.’ (Ahmed, al-Tirmidhi and al-Hâkim)
  • 13. One night, the Messenger heard ‘Abdullah ibn Masood reading Quran and with him was Abu Bakr and Umar. They stood for long and then he said ‘whoever wishes to read Quran as it was revealed should read with the recitation of Ibn Umm ‘Abd .’ (Ahmed, al-Nasâi, al-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah) A scholar of the Qur’an, Sunnah and Fiqh , specializing in Qur’anic commentary, he was also a poet.
  • 14. He was a judge in Kufa during the time of ‘Umar and part of ‘Uthmân’s rule before he returned to Madina where he died in 32H, aged approximately 60. On his death bed, ‘Uthmân offered him some money to ensure his daughters were not left to poverty but he refused it saying that he had left them with surah al-wâqiah , the fifty fifth chapter of the Quran, which would be sufficient. He narrated 848 hadith. The Musnad of Ahmad has 900 reports transmitted by him.
  • 15. Abdullah ibn Mas'ud attained such a knowledge of the Qur'an that he would say, "By Him besides Whom there is no god, no verse of the book of God has been revealed without my knowing where it was revealed and the circumstances of its revelation. By God, if I know there was anyone who knew more of the Book of Allah, I will do whatever is in my power to be with him."
  • 16.
  • 17.  He was born three years before the Prophet's Hijrah and was thirteen years old at the time of the Prophet's death.  He was greatly loved by the Prophet  It appears that despite his youth he learned a few hadiths directly from the Prophet.
  • 18.  There is, however, no doubt that the number of hadiths related by Ibn `Abbas directly from the Prophet is very small in comparison with what he related via some Companions.  He learned these hadiths through years of hard labor. He remarked, "Whenever I expected to learn any hadith from a Companion, I would go to his door and wait there until he came out and said, 'O cousin of the Prophet, what brings you here? Why did you not send for me?' And I would reply that it was only proper that I go to him. Then I learn the hadith from him."
  • 19.  Ibn `Abbas was held in universal awe for his intellectual powers and capacity for memorization.  He was entirely devoted to the study of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and was loved and respected for his scholarship by all the first four caliphs, as well as his contemporaries.  He collected a large body of hadiths, which he wrote down in books. He delivered lectures on them to his disciples.  His tafseer (exegesis) of the Qur'an (which was handed down by his student Mujahid) is well known. It has been referred to by numerous later commentators.  He died in AH 68 (687 CE) at the age of 71.
  • 20.
  • 21.  At the age of 10, Anas was presented by his mother, Umm Sulaym, to the Prophet following the Hijrah.  From that time and until the Prophet's death, Anas was the Prophet's favorite attendant. Abu Hurairah ra, said, "I never saw person who resembles prayer of Prophet Muhammad PBUH except at ibn Ummu Sulaim ( does it mean Anas )."
  • 22.  Afterward during the 10 years he spent in the Prophet's service, he was able to memorize a large number of his words.  Later, he also learned a good deal of the Prophet's hadiths from Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, `Umar ibn Al-Khattab, and many other Companions.  His knowledge of Hadith was so copious that his death was regarded as a deathblow to half of the entire mass of hadiths.  Scholars of Hadith accept him as one of the most prolific narrators of Hadith.
  • 23.  In the course of his life together of Rasulullah PBUH for 10 years, Anas ibn Malik has been narrate of not less than 2286 hadith and is the third largest of companions of the Prophet in the hadith narrate.  The Prophet Muhammad PBUH pray for Anas Ibn Malik with prayer, "Allahumma Urzuqu Maalan wa Waladan wa Baarik Lahu, O God, give him a wealth and offspring and bless his life." Prayer of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH was granted by God and Anas was blessed with the age of up to 103 years.  Anas is also endowed with a lot of descent, i.e. 100 children and their grandchildren.
  • 24.  He was appointed by Abu Bakr As-Siddiq as a tax collector in Bahrain.  Toward the end of his life, Anas settled in Basra, where he died in 93 AH (711 CE). He is said to have lived more than a hundred years.
  • 25.
  • 26.  The son of Caliph `Umar ibn Al-Khattab, Ibn `Umar is the second most prolific narrator of Hadith.  He and his father had simultaneously accepted Islam, and they immigrated to Madinah together.  Ibn `Umar took part in many battles during the Prophet's lifetime; he also took part in the wars in Mesopotamia, Persia, and Egypt.  Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) to say, "No one followed the Prophet's steps in his coming and going as Ibn "Umar did."
  • 27. He refused Caliph Uthman’s request to accept post of judge and Caliph Ali’s request to be governor.  `Abdullah's long association with the Prophet and his kinship with the Prophet's wife Hafsah and with certain other Companions offered him a superb opportunity to learn Hadith.  He never related a hadith unless he remembered it to the letter. His contemporaries said, "None of the Companions of the Prophet was more cautious not to add or subtract something from a hadith than 'Abdallah Ibn 'Umar.“  Abdullah Ibn-Omar transmits over 2600 hadiths.
  • 28.  Ibn 'Umar was a scholar with a wide knowledge of Islamic Jurisprudence and he spent his life in acquiring knowledge and memorizing it.  Az-zuhri said: ''We cannot ignore lbn 'Umar's opinion, because he lived for sixty years after the death of the Messenger of Allah and nothing of his Sunnah was hidden from him, nor that of his companionship.  He died in Makkah in the year AH 74 (692 CE) at the age of 87.
  • 29.
  • 30.  Abu Hurairah stands at the top of the list of Hadith transmitters. This is because of the sheer bulk of his narrations. He was regarded by the Prophet himself as the most eager, among all Muslims, to acquire the knowledge of Hadith.  Belonging to the tribe of Daws, an offshoot of the great clan of Azd, Abu Hurairah came to Madinah in the seventh year of the Hijrah (the Prophet's migration to Madinah). On being told that the Prophet was in Khaybar, he went there and accepted Islam.  Since that time and until the death of the Prophet, Abu Hurairah constantly remained in the company of the Prophet, attending him and memorizing his words during the day, thereby sacrificing all worldly pursuits and pleasures.
  • 31.  We are told that Abu Hurairah would divide his nights into three parts: one for sleeping, one for praying, and one for studying.  After the death of the Prophet, he was appointed governor of Bahrain for a while during the caliphate of `Umar ibn Al- Khattab.  He also acted as governor of Madinah under the early Umayyad caliphs. He died in AH 59 (678 CE).
  • 32.  When the Prophet died, information about religion and jurisprudential judgments had to be sought indirectly. At that time, Abu Hurairah (who instructed more than 800 students in Hadith) poured out the store of knowledge he had so meticulously accumulated.  At times he was taken to task for reporting certain hadiths unknown to other Companions. But he would reply that he had simply learned what the Ansar had missed because they had been attending to their lands and properties, and what the Muhajirun had failed to learn because of their commercial activities.  Once he was taken to task by `Abdullah ibn `Umar for relating a particular hadith, so Abu Hurairah took him to `A'ishah, who bore witness to the truth of what Abu Hurairah had related.
  • 33.  His knowledge and memory were also tested by Marwan ibn Al-Hakam, the then governor of Madinah. Having written down some hadiths related by Abu Hurairah, Ibn Al-Hakam wanted him to relate the same after a year. He found them to be exactly identical to Abu Hurairah's earlier narration.  When one considers Abu Hurairah's intense dedication to learning Hadith, his devotion to the Prophet, and the various tests applied to his memory and scholarship by his contemporaries, one finds it inconceivable that he would have fabricated any hadith. This does not mean, however, that some material was not falsely imputed to him at a later time. The fact that he narrated a uniquely large number of hadiths did make inventing hadiths in his name an attractive proposition.
  • 34.
  • 35.  He accepted Islam at Mecca prior to the hijra and returned to his native Yemen to propagate the faith.  Following the conquest of Mecca in 629, he was named among those sent by Muhammad on the expedition to Awtas  Two years later he was appointed as one of the governors over Yemen, where he remained until the caliphate of Abu Bakr, whom he joined in fighting the local leader of the ridda (lit. apostasy) movement.  The appointments of Abu Musa to the governorates of Basra and Kufa were made during the caliphates of Umar and Uthman
  • 36.  Despite Abu Musa’s reputation as a soldier and politician, he was also praised for his beautiful recitation of the Qur'an.  Rasulullah ( ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬) said, “Surely Abu Musa ( ‫هللا‬ ‫رضي‬ ‫عنه‬) is endowed with a voice as beautiful as that emanated from flute from the flutes of family of Dawud ‫عليه‬‫السالم‬.”  He was also a respected faqih and was regarded among the leading judges in early Muslim history. People used to say: "The judges in this ummah are four: Umar, Ali ibn Abi Talib, Abu Musa and Zayd ibn Thabit.
  • 37. Musa is also credited with narrating numerous hadith, as well as being the ancestor of the founder of the Ash'ari theological school within Islam He narrated around 360 Hadith. He was named as the arbitrator (hakam) chosen by Ali's party in accordance with the terms agreed between Ali and Muawiyah after the battle of Siffin.
  • 38.
  • 39.  He embraced Islam, in the seventh year of the Hijra before his father Amr ibn Al As(Conqueror of Egypt)  Messenger, upon him be peace, used to show preference to the son over the father because of his superior knowledge and intense worship.  He participated, in all the campaigns led by the Rasolallah (saw) and took part in many battles after him against the Romans.
  • 40.  Abdullah was one of the most intense worshippers, fasting for days without a break and going many nights without sleep, until the Messenger (SAW), forbade him from fasting without breaks and abstaining from intimacy with his wife.  Abdullah memorized the whole Quran and was able to read and write.  He reported 700 hadith. 18 were agreed upon by Muslim and Bukhâri, 8 can be found in Bukhâri alone and 20 in Muslim alone. The Musnad of Ahmad has 627 narratives by him
  • 41. He was one of the few companions who wrote down the words of the Messenger, upon him be peace, during his lifetime. He sought the Messenger’s specific permission asking , ‘May I write down everything I hear from you in the states of contentment and anger?’ He, upon him be peace, replied, ‘Yes, for I speak nothing but the truth.’ He wrote down all the hadiths he had learned from him, collecting a thousand of them in one work that he called As- Sahifah As-Sadiqah The other great narrator of the sayings of the Messenger, SAW, Abu Hurairah, used to say, ‘there is no one more knowledgeable of the sayings of the Messenger, upon him be peace, than me, except ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr.
  • 42.
  • 43. His name is Sa`d ibn Malik, and he is early convert of Madinah, one of the youngest companion. He was thirteen years old when his father was martyred, on the Day of (at the Battle of) Uhud. He took part in 12 of the battles fought during the Prophet's lifetime. Like Abu Hurairah, he was one of Ahl-us-Suffah — those people who lived on the porch of the Prophet's dwelling by the mosque in order to dedicate themselves to an austere life of Prayer and learning.
  • 44. He learned the Sunnah from the Prophet, as well as from his important Companions, such as Abu Bakr, `Umar, and Zayd ibn Thabit. He was considered the best jurist among the young Companions. , he has 1170 narrations, making him the seventh most prolific Companion in the transmission of the hadith. He died in Madinah in AH 64 (683 CE).
  • 45.
  • 46.  He was from the tribe of Khazraj. His mother was Nasiba bint Uqba.  He is one of the early converts to Islam in Madinah, he participate as a young boy second pledge of Uqbah.  He took part in 19 battles in the Prophet's company,
  • 47.  He narrated about 1,547 Hadiths .  Jabir was blessed enough to have met all the imams up to Imam Mohamed Baker(as) in his lifetime.  Not only did he learn hadiths from the Prophet but also he learned hadiths from many of the Prophet's important Companions, including Abu Bakr, `Umar, and others. He also studied under some of the Tabi`in (first generation after the Prophet), including the famous Umm Kulthum, the daughter of Abu Bakr. He used to teach Hadith regularly in the mosque in Madinah.
  • 48.  He was poisoned by Al-Hajjaj bin Yousef in the age of 94 years 74 AH because of his loyalty to Ahl al-Bayt and was buried in Madain near Baghdad at the bank of river Tigris.  EXCAVATION OF THE GRAVES OF THE TRUE COMPANIONS OF OUR HOLY PROPHET, HAZRAT JABIR ANSARI AND HAZRAT HUDHAIFA YAMANI.
  • 49.
  • 50. He became a Muslim at the hands of Musiab ibn Umayr, the da'iy whom the Prophet had sent to Yathrib before the hijrah. He was present at famous second Aqabah Pledge. After conquest of Makkah Rasolallah SAW asked Muadh ibn Jabal to stay with and teach people the Qur'an and instruct them in the religion. The brotherhood was made b/w him and 'Abduallah bin Mas'ud.
  • 51.  Muhammad (saw) said that He is the most knowledgeable of his nation in the matters of Halal and Haraam.  He was also one of the six called Kutab al-Wahi who compiled the Qur'an under the authority of Muhammad(saw).  He was sent with Abu Musa al-Ash'ari to the people of Yemen.  Later Umar(RA) sent him Palestine to teach people Quran.
  • 52.
  • 53.  He was the first who offered full hospitality to Rasolallah SAW when he arrived in Madinah.  He participated in Second pledge of Uqbah before migration.  He took part in all the famous battles including Badr, Ohud, Khandaq, Hunain, Khayber and Tabuk.  He was not only an extraordinary host and a warrior, but also Katib-e-Wahi, Hafiz Qur’an and Faqih whose fatwas were trusted.
  • 54.  He served as imam of the Prophet’s Mosque during the Caliphate of Uthman bin Affan.  During the rule of Ameer Muawiya when a call was made for jihad against Constantinople, he participated in it and martyr in the battle.
  • 55.
  • 56.  The last man in his district of Yathrib (Madinah) to embrace Islam after Badr.  He was declared the brother of Salman the Persian .  He became a great scholar and hadith narrator, known for his ascetism.
  • 57.  He later declined Caliph Umar's offer to become Governor of Damascus, but instead agreed to go there to teach the people Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet and pray with them.  He served as a Judge in Syria during the caliph Uthman's reign.
  • 58.
  • 59.  He was unable to participate in battle of Badr due to his young age, he was 13 at that time.  Zayd read and translated from Hebrew when the Jews wrote to the Prophet.  He learn Syriac also and came to perform the important function of an interpreter for the Prophet SAW.  He grew up with the verses of the Qur'an, understanding well the circumstances surrounding each revelation. He thus became well-versed in the secrets of the Shari'ah and at an early age gained the well-deserved reputation as a leading scholar among the companions of the Prophet.
  • 60. The Prophet selected him as his Chief Scribe of the Qur’an (kaatib al nabiyy), despite his youth. The Qur'an was collected in one manuscript in Abu Bakr Caliphate when a lot of Huffaz died in a battle, Zayd was made In charge of this task by Abu Abkr . He was made in charge of Operation to make seven copies of Suhuf by Uthmun during his caliphate. Umar ibn al-Khattab once addressed the Muslims and said: "O people, whoever wants to ask about the Quran, let him go to Zayd ibn Thabit."
  • 61.
  • 62.  Father was Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, and whose mother was Asma bint Abi Bakr, daughter of the first Caliph Abu Bakr. He was the nephew of Aisha, RA.  He was the first Muslim to be born in Madinah after the hijrah.  The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam performed Tahneek (placing something sweet in his mouth) for him.  He was with his father at the Battle of Yarmūk  He performed a lot of Salaah and fasted abundantly
  • 63.  Ibn Zubair radhiallahu anhu was declared the Governor of Makkah by the Makkans who did not acknowledge Yazeed’s rule.  He led a rebellion against the Umayyad Caliphate but was defeated and killed in Mecca in 692 AD after a six-month siege by general Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf.