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Colombia Climate Change
Similarly to other nations, Colombia had been heavily impacted by climate change, and having 30% of the population living below the poverty line
truly aggravates the situation. According to WWF Global, IPCC fourth assessment report in 2014 found that "the retreat of glaciers are affecting
already compromised water availability for consumption or hydropower generation, between 1990–2000 a 82% reduction in glaciers, shows a linear
withdrawal of the ice of 10–15 [mm] yearly, and under the current climate trends, glaciers of the country will disappear completely within the next 100
years. In the future, sea levels rise, weather and climatic variability and extremes modified by global warming are very likely to have impacts on
mangroves, and SLR ... Show more content on ...
Financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the project contributed to the development of Colombia's national climate change policy and
several adaptation projects in highly vulnerable areas." ("Adapting to a Changing Climate in Colombia," 2016). The Colombian government too,
recognizes that climate change is very much a real and tangible issue that should be tackled before it becomes too cumbersome for change, therefore in
2015, they formulated a Green Growth plan that is intended to create a more sustainable environment and reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses.
Restrictions have been placed upon companies to ensure that people are not deliberately polluting the environment, however this issue is sometimes
taken lightly or when even when it's being enforced, rebels attack oil refineries lading to oil spills which affect the fauna in an area, making that yet
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The Issue Of Climate Change
Introduction I.There is an issue on this planet that will define this generation. The issue is climate change. Global warming. A world on the
collapse as our oceans are acidified, our air polluted, our forests disappearing, and human rights issues getting worse. It seems that people are not
aware of how big climate change actually is. It's not something that only takes place on the ice caps or in the forests on the far corners of the world.
This is an issue that happens here, and now. It's real. It's happening. II.On the bright side, there are things we can do. This issue is a result of our lack
of action, our lifestyles, and our way of living. Many people want to help, but are not even sure where to begin. One–way thing that we can do is to
reduce the amount of co2 in our atmosphere. There are simple changes we can make in our daily routines to get started in doing that. III.I'm going
to give you some options in things that you can implement or change in your way of living that can help with the issue of climate change. These
things will help cut carbon in the atmosphere. IV.As a kid I never really comprehended how vital it was to take care of this planet. As I went through
many life changes I became aware of this necessity, I am currently an intern for Greenpeace and I get to passionately do something to help ensure that
this planet, and the people who will come after us can thrive. (Transition: In order to do this we have to realize what it is that is actually
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Climate Change
Climate Change Around the World
Did you know that Climate change is affecting people all around the world? Climate change is a very bad thing that has been going on for hundreds of
years. So many things are being affected by climate change. Things that are being affected are trees, plants, animals, and even people. One reason that
climate change is happening is that the earth is always in orbit so the climate is always changing. Climate change isn't only nature, climate change is
caused from humans, the sun, and animals. We are causing climate change by burning things. Scientists predicted this and they're using models to
predict climate change. Snow leopards in the Himalayas are dieing off. Asian Rhinos depend on floodplain grasslands and climate change changes the
seasonal patterns the Rhinos go off of. Orang–utans are also one of the species at risk from deforestation. The ice that the Polar Bears use for homes
are slowly starting to melt which means they are becoming more and more crowded.
The average temperature is expected to rise over time. With the temperature slowly rising, icebergs are melting in Antarctica which is causing polar
bears to have to move. Snow and ice cover has been decreasing a lot already. Sea levels are also rising, if sea levels are rising that can cause floods.
More and more floods, droughts, and heat waves have been occurring more than one hundred years ago. With all of these natural disasters happening
more often, the human race is having
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Climate Change Consequences
Climate change is the consequence of unchecked pollution. When carbon emissions caused by human activity enter the air they have dangerous effects
on the environment, the economy, and our wellbeing. The world is seeing sobering signs of climate change's accelerating impacts, from longer, more
intense droughts to stronger storms and rising seas (CNN.1). Yet in contrast to the slow pace of international negotiations to combatclimate change,
national legislation is still not keeping up. When Al Gore gave his Noble Peace prize acceptance speech; he was not only accepted an award but
he was also speaking about the awareness of his main objective stopping climate change. He believes that drastic problem that's affecting every
aspect of the planet is caused by the ones who need to be the ones to fix it. "We are what is wrong, and we must make it right." (Gore.2). Today we
still at this tipping point where the planet must decide the future they want for upcoming generations, what solutions they need to be able to do before
they pass the tipping point, and how much influence of society do the planet needs to get the job done. Al Gore put Climate Change into a perspective
that the beginning of this century the planet that has been experiencing drastic changes they are causing deadly consequences everywhere and that
mankind has so far no stable solution to ending the problem. This is important because to Al Gore believed that a few years ago the planet is at its "11
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The Dangers Of Climate Change
Global warming or climate change is a worldwide issue and danger to our environment. Many countries throughout the world are working together to
find a way to slow down the effects of climate change. Climate change can also affect the animal race as it takes away their natural habitat, which can
lead them to extinction. Another leading source of the Global warming is carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. However, there are
those who believe it's a lie and is putting the planet in grave danger. Climate Change is a big issue that affects the people, environment and the world. If
it does not stop now the result on the planet would be disastrous. Proper economic policies must be implemented to save the world from environmental
and economic calamity. Many conservatives believe that climate change is a hoax set up by the scientists and the green energy environmentalist. Thus,
denying that this phenomenon even exist is absurd. According to Lavelle. "If we keep burning fossil fuel the earth will be eight degrees warmer,
returning to the climate of 52 million years ago." (Lavelle). Per new research. It's the direst prediction yet. If most of the population continues to burn
fossil fuel the carbon dioxide level will rise thus reacting with the solar radiation and increase the heating temperature. The result will increase the
water levels around the coastlines, which would be flooding into the cities near sea level.
So how to prevent global warming effect and keep the
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Gendered Climate Change
From rising sea levels to agricultural shock falls and urban floods, the world is feeling the effects of climate change. Although climate change is
experienced by all people, the impact of the causes, effects and solutions is gendered. To be specific, the impact is particularly acute for women, who
make up a large number of the poor communities who depend on natural resources for their survival. How women and men reciprocate, are examined
and backed, and contribute, differs. Furthermore, the way programs and administration is approached, prepared, matured and enforced, has serious
effects on this. On the surface, it might seem illogical to associate climate change and gender issues. Withal, both sexes do not have identical effects on
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Climate Change And Climate Change
Climate change is a major problem that's continuing to arise with the lack of action that states have taken to stop the increase of global warming. This
phenomenon affects both national security and human security across the world. National security is a nation that the government, along with the
legislation, should protect the state and citizens against different kinds of "national" crises through different power projections. Examples of the power
projections are political power, diplomacy, economic power, military might, and more self help methods. Human security is a combination of threats
that are associated with war, genocide, and the displacement of populations. In short, human security means freedom from violence and from the fear
of violence.
The textbook, How the World Works, provides three possible scenarios that could happen. The scenarios usually fall under geopolitical conflict, market
and technological rescue, and effective global regulation. There are increasing ways to reduce the carbon footprint that is being emitted currently.
There are solar panels, biofuels, wind turbines, and many other environmentally friendly ways to cut down on carbon emissions so our planet can
continue to sustain life. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than ever. In the past, the carbon dioxide in the air was approximately 180
parts per million back in around 1000 AD. Currently, it's about 410 parts per million which equals to 3200 gigatons of carbon dioxide. The
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Climate Change Is The Change
Climate change is the change in earth's climate like temperature and precipitation over a particular region. Climate change has shown its affect all
across the globe and is leading to all undesirable loses.
Some of the reasons of radical climate changes are:
Irresponsible activities of humans like misuse of fossil fuels, polluting water bodies and use of non–renewable sources
Burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil are rising the levels of carbon dioxide in the air.
Climate change is not only leading to drastic changes in temperatures, it has got serious impact on human as well as animal life like
Inconsistent climate and weather extremity
Rising in sea levels
Longer droughts
Species extinction
Transformed ecosystems
Huge economic loses
Climate change is mainly due to human activities and can also be due to nature. But when necessary precautions like foregoing fossil fuels, saving
power are taken, we can help slow down this drastic changes in climate.
Climate change can be called as the change in the earths overall climate. Earth's climate has always been changing, it has gone warmer and cooler over
the years. But the earth's average temperature shows that it has gone warmer than cooler which can lead to huge after–effects.
Climate change can also be called as global–warming.
From the many causes of climate change, the most important cause is the human amplification of the "greenhouse effect". The gases that live in the
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Climate Change Activity
Human Activity and Climate Change
Angellena Gibson
Intro to Enviromental Science Angellena Gibson
Climate change is a problem that is occuring rapidly around the world. Scientist have stated that human activity and burning fossil fuels does
contribute to climate change. In my opinion I would have to agree with scientist are saying. If I didn't just take scientist evidence alone I would agree
just by the evidence I can see with my own two eyes on a daily basis. Human activity such as deforestation and burning fossil fuels contributes to
fossil fuels. Nasa has imperical data that is backed by substantial proof that in fact our planet is expierencing climate change. Studies show that
human–produced greenhouse gassess are causing global warming to occur. Particular gassess that are released in the atmosphere are causing the heat
to be unable to escape the way it naturally would. Since some gases have the tendency to linger in the atmosphere and not escape the climate has no
choice but to expeirence change. Deforestation is part of human activity that is causing climate change. Nasa states that this is a known fact it
contributes to climate change. Humans are clearing so much land and taking away trees and messing up land which used to be a resource that provides a
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Facts, evidence, and statistics gathered by scientist leave me no room but believe human activity play a significant role. Maybe in the future knowing
what scientist know now they can research all the change that needs to take place if we want our planet to survive. If we know that these gasses are
destroying our atmosphere why isn't more laws created to draw the limit on how much burning can occur? Hopefully we can get laws implemented and
utilize other ways because life on earth is more important than anything
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Climate Changes And Disruption : Climate Change And Ecosystem
Climate Change and Ecosystem.
Climate changes affect ecosystems by altering the water cycle, natural habitats and leading to the changes in food sources, animal migration and the
timing of natural processes such as flowering. Disruption of the ecosystems increase the risk of extinction for many species. Animals and plants need
to adapt to the environmental change on a fast and bigger scale which put great danger to those species. Changes that disrupt the functioning of
ecosystems may increase the risk of harm or even extinction for some species. According to the National Audubon Society (2014), the winter center
of abundance of the 305 north American bird species moved northward by over 40 miles between 1966 and 2013. This moving is closely related to
the higher winter temperatures. Nearly 50 species moved northward over 200 miles.
In 2016, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Rutgers University studied the annual changes in latitude and depth of over 100
marine species along the northeast coast and in the eastern Bering Sea. They found that the center of bio¬mass of marine species shifted northward
by 10 miles and moved 20 feet deeper if compare the data from 1982 and 2015. Climate change affects pheno¬logical events too. The timing of
phenological events is closely related to climate, so it is used as an indicator for ecological processes. Two scientifically used reliable indicators are the
first leaf dates and the first bloom dates of certain species.
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The Reality Of Climate Change
Christian Mosier
Dr. Archer
6 April 2017
The Reality of Climate Change
Climate change is real; in fact, it 's very real. Most people like to decipher the fact that
global warming is nothing more than just a perpetuate myth, but if the recent weather especially
in the state of New Jersey hasn 't told you anything, the weather can be extremely bipolar at
times. One day it 's sixty degrees Fahrenheit, and the day after its thirty degrees with heavy snow
crashing to the ground below. There are several different reasons out there that help describe the
fact that global warming is real and why climate change will never be argued against. 2016 was
the warmest year record–wise. The amount of concentration of ... Show more content on ...
There are uncertainties caused due to the specific year–to–year global mean
temperature differences. However, even taking this into account, NASA had estimated that 2016
was the warmest year with greater than a good portion of 95 percent certainty. The fact that last
year was the warmest year on record is one of the biggest revelations in recent memory. Could
that mean that 2017 will be a warmer year then? Also, will each year get progressively worse and
worse? Since 2001, sixteen out of seventeen years have been on record since most of this
warming has increased within the past thirty–five years. A huge fact entails that not only was
2016 the warmest year on record, but eight of the twelve months that make up the year, from
January through September, with the exception of June, were the warmest on record for those
respective months. October, November, and December of 2016 were the second warmest of
those months on record, in all three cases, behind records set in 2015. That is fascinating, but at
the same a bad thing to consider, since the fear of each year getting worse and worse could be
very real as well.
11% of the world 's population (800 million people) is currently vulnerable to the effects
of growing climate change such as floods and droughts. Essentials from humans such as food,
water and shelter are badly affected by the growing increase of global warming. Climate change
will affect
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Weather And Climate Change
Weather is how the atmosphere behaves during a short period of time while climate is the overall behavior of the atmosphere during a long period of
time. The difference between the two is simply the measure of time. Human activities and life may have an effect on both weather and climate.
Weather consists of sunshine, rain, storms, blizzards, cold fronts and more. When we look at climate we look at the long–term patterns of weather in
specific regions. Climate consists of averages of precipitation, temperature, humidity, wind velocity and sunshine. These are what scientists are looking
for when measuring or observing the climate in a region. Climate is the overall weather of a certain region, for example, Europe has a rainy climate
because it is almost always raining. Weather changes from day to day, hour to hour so they are not the same thing, but they are related to one another.
Global warming is simply the rising temperature of the Earth's surface. Climate change is the side effect of global warming such as melting ice, heavier
rain, extinction of wildlife, and rising temperatures resulting in droughts. Increases in greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide due to human activities
such as burning coal, oil and gas is what is causing the rise in global temperature. If it wasn't for human activities increasing the global temperature,
natural factors such as volcanoes, changes in the Earth's orbit and solar forcing actually have the potential of cooling the earth's surface.
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Climate Changes And Climate Change Essay
Climate is inherently variable. Climate changes from place to place and it varies with time. The world now faces one of the complex and important
issue it has ever had to deal with: climate change. Climate change today is one of the biggest concerns of human beings on the planet and the effects of
climate change are undeniable and it may cause environmental, social, and economic threats to the planet. We already know and easily can highlight
several signs of climate change. They are: rising global sea level, widespread melting of snow and ice, rapidly changing ocean and global temperatures,
and other signs. So, what are the causes of climate change? Is it natural or do human beings cause it? Well, in both cases we would be right. The
climate change can be affected by natural factors, such as solar output, volcanic eruptions, and the Earth's orbit around the Sun. Also, climate change
can be affected by human activities such as, deforestation, burning fossil fuels, causing ozone hole, and building mass destructive weapons and using
them on earth that causes a huge radioactivity on earth. Currently, the threat of global climate change does not threaten some nations to the extent of
others. Compare the United States with the rest of African countries. We live in prosperity and in much easier time than the rest African countries.
Most African countries cannot grow anything on their lands because of climate change. At the end, climate change might affect everyone on
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Climate Change
Climate Change
Climate change is a problem that we have been and are currently experiencing. It has caused much damage to people and the environment, by
temperatures rising and natural disasters. It is a problem that world leaders need to take more seriously, and try to get more people involved to help
better the environment. Who knows what it can cause in the future. Climate change is a serious threat for everyone living on earth. The Earth's
temperature has been rising over the years. Sail Bhattacharya a professor & head of a medical college claims that over the last 8000 years, Earth's
surface temperature raised by 1 degree Celsius only (1). He also said, at the present rate of global temperature would rise by 2.5 degrees Celsius by
2050" (1). It's a fact that the earth has gotten warmer over the years. At this moment the temperature hasn't raised much, only 1 degree Celsius. It may
seem like it's not a big deal, but it actually is, because the rising temperature rate is increasing as time passes according to Sail Bhattacharya (1). The
temperature rising might not cause much harm now, but can badly affect us or whoever is living on Earth in the future. Climate change is caused by
most human activities. Most of us humans harm the earth every day. Some may know what we do is harming the earth, but still do it, and some
people may not have a clue. A research professor in the Learning at the Harvard Graduate School of Education said that a large, nationally
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Climate Change And Climate Change
Our world is in constant demand for more food production and space because of exponential population growth. Factors like, globalization and
urbanization can be contributed to such changes. However, climate change is one of the unpleasant surprise that can be credited to the degraded acts
towards the environment due to deforestation, burning of fossils and fuels, industrialization and many more. Vector borne diseases, are one of the most
known diseases that can be credited to climate change.
Change in the environmental patterns introduce human diseases that could have not been a problem before. For example, malaria is one of the
vector borne disease which is sensitive to long term climate change. The studies have also found that Malaria migrates towards higher altitude when
there is a rise in the temperature. The study, published in the journal Science, studied malaria cases in the region of western Colombia from 1990 to
2005 and central Ethiopia from 1993 to 2005. The researchers were able to match the several malaria outbreaks that occurred in high altitudes with
the temperature records of these regions to show the rise and fall pattern of the disease with warmer or cooler years. This is very threatening because
now, millions of people who live in historically malaria–free regions of the high–altitude tropics are at risk. If we look at the study between climate
change and malaria, the link between malaria and climatic events has long been studied in India, for example,
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Hurricanes And Climate Change : The Effects Of Climate Change
According to CNN, in late August 2017, hurricane Harvey hit land causing $75 billion dollars' worth of damage and causing the deaths of 82
people as it tore through Texas with winds exceeding 130 mph and pouring 27 trillion gallons in less than a week. A week later hurricane Irma hit
the Caribbean as a category 5 storm devastating the islands with 125 mph winds and claiming the lives of 61 people before weakening over the Florida
coast. 10 days later hurricane Maria hits Dominica and Puerto Rico, also a category 5 storm. 70,000 people were evacuated as dams are feared to burst
and power was lost to the entire island of Puerto Rico. 60 people died ("2017 Atlantic Hurricane", 2017). Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons play a
major role in coastal disasters and could prove even more disastrous with the effects of climate change. Hurricanes form as warm moist air begins to
rise over the sea surface and leaves a gap of low pressure underneath. High pressure air then fills this gap, heats up, and then rises again. This creates
the cyclonic action ("How Hurricanes Form", 2017). These types of events require a minimum sea surface temperature of 26.5 degrees Celsius, or
roughly 80 degrees Fahrenheit and a depth of at least 60m (Michener et al, 1997) and as the temperature increases globally as does the possible effect
on hurricanes. The Emergency Events Database (EED) shows that the frequency of hydrological natural disasters has more than quadrupled since 1970
(Figure 1) and
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Climate Changes And Climate Change
The concept of climate change has been around for quite a while. The earliest mention of climate change dates back to the 19th century. Swedish
scientist, Svante Archenius was the first scientist to study the effect of CO2 on climate. (Rodhe et al 1997)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines climate change as "A change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g by
using statistical tests) by changes in mean and/or the variability of its properties and that persists for an extended period, typically, decades or longer.
Climate change may be due to natural internal processes or external forcings, or anthropogenic changes in the composition of the atmosphere or in the
The UNFCC also defines climate change as "a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition
of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over time periods."
Climate change is influenced by the greenhouse effect which is the increase of Carbon dioxide, Methane, Ozone and Nitrogen Oxide. On one hand, the
presence of these gases in the atmosphere make the earth habitable with respect to regulating the earth's temperature. However, an increase in the
concentration of these gases results in trapping energy in the atmosphere and this in turn increases earth's temperature. "Global greenhouse gas
emissions have grown since pre–industrial times, with an increase of 70% between
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Climate Change and Agriculture
Topic:Climate change and Agriculture.
In the countrie Solomon islands one of the major problems today is climate change activities. Climate change is the common tolarent background in
which this account is looking at the changes that affects most aspect of the environment. How it is important of agricultural activities. The basic of
greenhouse effect the gretly affected by changing of climate. However the potential impacts of climates change on agriculture onterms of food security.
More over about the climate change of how does it related to both of them. The protest of impact of climate change to agriculture, the negative impact
of climate change each positive impact. What do people done with regards to the fact the local example ... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, the most greenhouse gasses almost human being also contribute very lower amount towards the earth they produce by gass. The
main properties which may cause of greenhouse gasses are given as water vapor or rain season which is give plants to be well germinated and
better growth. Water is the main source of life people should care and protected from pollution, the best way which is best to cared is to increase the
resources to made a better production water sourse of life so guide it well. Carbon dioxide (CO2), nitro oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and ozone (O3)
these major causes of greenhouses gasses on the earth atmosphere. Flooding emplacement due to heavy rain drops poisonous in the environment
changes in climate people should be think wisely about the environment and more concerned of what should do to make and reduce the topic about
climate climate change happen today.
Thirdly, the agriculture and the development is greatly affected by the changing of climate changes in many ways. As happen every now and then
farmers are those that contribute in the economic production in the country. They produce many
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Climate Change And Climate Adaptation
One of the most challenging global issue facing today's society is climate change, it is affecting all regions across the globe, with some areas
experiencing extreme weather events and heavy rainfall, whereas other regions are hit with droughts and heat waves. Climate change can be defined as
a "large–scale, long–term shift in the planet's weather patterns or average temperatures." (metoffice). Consequently, a range of challenges are occurring
to not only human settlements, but more importantly to the natural environment as well. It is becoming increasingly important for countries across the
globe to attempt to adapt and mitigate from the effects of climate change. Climate mitigation is "any action taken to permanently eliminate or reduce the
long–term risk and hazards of climate change to human life, property." (Global–greenhouse– It can include enhancing the sinks of
greenhouse gases, as well as reducing the sources. Whereas climate adaptation, is referring to "the ability of a system to adjust to climate change
(including climate variability and extremes) to moderate potential damage, to take advantage of opportunities, or to cope with the consequences."
(Global–greenhouse– Adaptation can include improving road infrastructure, so it would be able to withstand hotter temperatures, or
just simply change in behaviour shifts such as using less water. These two methods are essential and can be connected through strategic town planning,
and can be used to tackle climate change, through an array of implementations which will not only prepare the globe, but also reduce the impacts of
climate change.
Urban areas not only have a profound part in contributing to climate change, but these areas have also become extremely vulnerable to the impacts of
climate change, as more than half of the world's population are living in urban areas and global rate of urbanisation is evermore increasing. Cities can
be met with an increase in frequency of storms, flooding, landslides and heat waves. Higher temperatures also occur more frequently in urban areas
than rural or suburban surroundings, due to the urban heat island effect. This is "an area, such as a city or industrial site, that has consistently
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The Implications Of Climate Change
There are many topics of discussion that have polarized opinions, yet none are as hotly refuted as climate change. Although the discourse included is
mostly about the causation behind our Earth's recent rise in temperature, some people go as far as debating its very existence itself. The implications of
climate change are severe and could potentially lead to a catastrophic event we can't accommodate for. Scientists have confirmed the existence of
climate change, yet they have not proven we are the sole cause, or that we are even the most contributing fact. There are many other facets of climate
change effects, and our current path is being scrutinized to see if we have a lasting effect. During the past century, human activities have released large
amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, through our mass domestication of food animals, fossil fuel emissions, and
a plethora of other factors. Greenhouse gases create a shield around the earth, trapping energy from the sun in the atmosphere and causing it to warm,
this effect is natural and necessary to support life on earth "Greenhouse gases are those gaseous constituents of the atmosphere, both natural and
anthropogenic, that absorb and emit radiation at specific wavelengths within the spectrum of thermal infrared radiation emitted by the Earth's surface,
the atmosphere itself, and by clouds."(IPCC Ar4). However, greenhouse gases are a regulating factor in our climate, and could have dangerous
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Climate Change
The Impacts of Climate Change on Society: Global climate change has the ability to adversely impact and disrupt many sectors of society –including,
people's health, agriculture and food supply, water supply, ecosystems, and more. Extreme weather events, such as decreased rainfall, lead to prolonged
and more intense wildfire seasons which result in decreased air quality for those in proximity. Droughts increase the stress placed on ground water
supplies which is resulting a reduction of water quality due to increased contamination following intense period of rainfall ("Impacts"). Rising
temperatures and increased greenhouse gas emissions have led to increased air pollution (i.e. aerosols and black carbon) which is detrimental to
individual's with respiratory problems. Additionally, dry conditions have resulted in an increase in the intensity and duration of allergy seasons in
addition to an increase in the spread of insect borne diseases ("Global Warming"). Furthermore, sea level rise and more intense storms puts coastal
communities at risk of catastrophic storm surges and flood damage ("Impacts"). Ecosystems that act as natural buffers to combat the impacts of severe
weather related events (such as floods and fires) are being devastated. For example, increasing acidification of the oceans in addition to overfishing
have disrupted marine–based food production and harmed fishing industries ("Impacts"). The United States energy infrastructure, primarily relating to
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Climate Changes And Climate Change
When you hear the words "climate change" what comes to mind? Probably weather and the changes. Many of us watch the news or use an app on
our cellphones/electronic devices to keep an eye on the weather for the day, week, or even the month. But, there is actually a difference between
weather and climate. Weather is actually "the changes we see and feel outside from day to day. It might rain one day and be sunny the next. Weather
also changes from place to place" (Dunbar, 2014). Whereas "climate is the usual weather of a place. Climate can be different for different seasons.
Different places can have different climates" (Dunbar, 2014). This paper will focus on the ins and outs ofclimate change, specifically focusing on what
climate change ... Show more content on ...
But many climate scientists will tell you that this change in climate is due to humans and their activities. It is said that humans release greenhouse
gases and "if emissions continue unchecked, they say the global warming could ultimately exceed 8 degrees Fahrenheit, which would transform the
planet and undermine its capacity to support a large human population" (Gillis, 2015). To make it easier to understand, as sunlight reaches the Earth's
surface there are two things that can be done, one; it can either be reflected back into space or two, it can be absorbed by the Earth. Once the Earth
absorbs the sunlight, it then releases some energy back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation, also known as heat. Then these greenhouse gases
tend to act like a "blanket," therefore making the Earth warmer than it would be otherwise. This process is what we call the "greenhouse effect." The
reason scientists say that climate change is caused by humans is that it's simple, humans drive, cook food, and even heat or cool their homes, which
release gases such as, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4 ), and water vapor (H2O).
According to a study in October 2015, "Earth had warmed by about 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880 when records begin at a global scale. Which
includes the surface of the ocean. The warming is greater over land and greater still in the Arctic and parts of Antarctica" (Gillis, 2015). Although an
increase of warmth of 1.7 degrees doesn't seem like it's a big deal,
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Climate Change Thesis
After decades of studies and impacts becoming more significant, people from every society should unite in their stand on climate change in order to
clearly communicate stimulating pieces of information that lead to definite actions in addressing environmental problems. Climate change poses a
problem whose consequences are global. In 2006, above average temperatures were recorded throughout the world for the 30th consecutive year.
Increasing average temperatures are melting glaciers and polar ice caps, which raises sea levels and increases the risk of flooding in coastal areas.
There is mounting evidence to the effect that these changes are not the result of natural climate variability. The thesis ofclimate change caused by
humans is supported by many leading scientific bodies, including the British Royal Society.
Arguments do exist that there is no evidence that changes in composition observed are of human origin. However, the growth of the gas concentration
in the atmosphere began with the industrial age. The annual increase in CO2 concentration observed amounts only to half the annual atmospheric
release of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels. A small decrease is actually observed for oxygen in the atmosphere which is what is required for the
combustion of coal, oil and natural gas used. The melting of glaciers, the rise of water levels, and the intensified catastrophes–many lives suffer and die
from these repercussions of global warming. The accumulation of
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Climate Changes And Climate Change
From the observations presented in the paper it is clear that there is direct/indirect link between extreme events and climate change and the similar
observation was found by Seneviratne et al., 2012) supporting that Climate change has resulted in changes in the occurrence of extreme events.
Moreover, Out of 24 extreme events analyzed in this paper, 12 showed direct or indirect links to anthropogenicclimate change and some could not be
explained. Once a change has been detected it is important to attribute that change to some cause. Attribution, especially to human greenhouse gas
emissions, gives confidence to model projections of the future driven by anthropogenic forcing as well as predictions of extremes at shorter time scales
(Seneviratne and Zwiers, 2015). When an extreme event occurs, the question of attribution of these events to human–induced climate change is of
particular interest. Two schools of thought have emerged in this rapidly developing field. "Oxford" quantifies the change in probability of an extreme
event of a particular observed magnitude caused by the human alteration of the climate system whereas "Boulder" (NOAA 's Earth System Research
Laboratory) examines the human induced change in magnitude of an extreme event. While providing different types of information to stakeholders,
both these probabilistic and mechanistic schools of thought have been shown to be equivalent (Easterling et al 2016). But in some cases, some
scientists have concluded that a
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Climate Change In Canada
By: Sebastian Velez–Bolivar
We once lived in a world lush and plentiful where we enjoyed all the natural resources peacefully. However at the beginning of the industrial
revolution more people moved to the cities therefore increasing their dependency load. Fastforward to today and the world has seen a drastic change
in the loss of natural resources as well as a number of health related illnesses like asthma. This is mainly due to the effects from carbon pollution,
greenhouse gases and global warming. Canada as a country is thought of as environmentally aware and progressive. Actually has many issues
regarding this topic and if it is not taken care of it will affect the future of the nation. I care about this topic because it has to ... Show more content on ...
Firstly because I want to continue to grow up in a healthy environment. My motivations are seeing all the places in the world that are being
destroyed due to climate change. Places like the Great Barrier Reef used to be inhabited by sea creatures and fish but now due to waste and raising
sea level temperatures it will be gone in two decades.( Site)
I myself one day would like to travel there but because of the climate change I may not get to.I considered volunteering at Halton conservation center
to spread knowledge and awareness to younger kids. However my main personal action plan would be I establish an eco–club here at Garth Webb.
I would create an assembly for the whole school showing before and after effects of climate change to raise awareness. I was a part of one in middle
school and I was senior leader
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Climate Change
Drawdown: The most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming edited by Paul Hawken is a book with one hundred solutions
that can put a full stop to global warming. This book is published in 2017 by "An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC" in New York, US. This
book is 240 pages long with lots of images as well as data tables that elaborate the content and helps the reader understand the concept better. The author
talks about the common fear that everyone have in today's world, climate change, and this book illustrates about 100 different methods and procedures
that we can all follow to stop climate change from getting worse. All the methods have daring and accurate solutions that are designed by many
international ... Show more content on ...
According to the study of Stanford University which estimated about "950 to 1.1 billion acres of deserted farmland around the world" (Hawken 41)
has been abandoned because of land degradation and "ninety–nine percent of that abandoned occurred in the past century" (Hawken 41). This gives a
perfect explanation to the massive burden on affected workers that climate change challenges is placing, the low rates of pay, rising levels of poverty
and poor working conditions in agricultural sector. "Restoration can mean the return of native vegetation, the establishment of tree plantation, or
introduction of regenerative farming methods" (Hawken 41) and by converting these degradation lands to recovering agriculture, 14.1 gigatons of
carbon could be reduces, additional 9.5 billion ton of food could be produced, as well as, it could provide, on an investment of $72 billion, financial
return of $1.3 trillion.
Tourism and industrial recycling, being other major sectors, are also one of the industries that are growing fast globally. The global gross domestic
product (GDP) for tourism industry was considered for 10.3 per cent. Tourism is not just a fast–growing industry, but jobs in most economies are
created by tourism industry since it demands human–resource. Approximately, "230 million jobs are created in tourism industry and one and a half
indirect jobs are created by one direct
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The Effect On Climate Change
Basic functions of the UNFCCC play into its power and authority over addressing greenhouse gas emissions, while maintaining presence in the
international community. Such emissions make up a substantial portion of impact on climate change; therefore, the UNFCCC targets areas that
produce the most emissions. The ways in which the UNFCCC minimally, but not adequately, regulatesclimate change is through two agreements. The
two treaties are the Kyoto Protocol the Paris Agreement (COP 21). In 2016, the Kyoto Protocol expires which the Paris Agreement replaces. Under the
Kyoto Protocol, some of the major producers of greenhouse gas emissions are targeted. During the initial negotiations of the Kyoto Protocol, many of
the top producers of ... Show more content on ...
Once the Nation's sign, the commitment to reducing the emissions is the second step towards change. Yet some of the lower ranked emitters pledged
to cut back more than the top producers. In fact, some developing nations (process of "transitioning to a market economy) committed to reducing more
than the top producers) (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 1998) (Damassa, Friedrich, & Ge 2014) ("Status of Ratification of
the Kyoto Protocol" 2014). Five of the top producers of greenhouse gas emissions are considered the most influential or powerful Nations. These
powerful nations are (ranked from highest to lowest) United States, Russia, China, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and
the United Arab Emirates (Clark 2017). All of the Countries listed were ranked according to its economy, politics or political influence, cultural
influence (including art), education, natural resources, environmental change, exports of arms, imports of arms, military spending, and military size.
Overall, these Nations share in influence on other smaller nations. This is key in determining the lack of effectiveness of the UNFCCC. The
convention failed to get the top producer of emissions and the third most powerful nation to sign the Protocol in December of 1998. These Countries
not only set the stage for economic relations but also for the environment. Environmental change is
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Climate Change On Forest
The effects of climate change on forest
There is two billion forest all over the world, but the forests were disappearing quickly which the area of the forest disappear equal area of thirty–six
football fields each minute. Those are a very shocking number which 257040 square meters every minute. Forest is very important for our life. It can
absorb greenhouse gas, produce some clean oxygen air, filter dust and kill bacteria. Why is the forest disappearing? The answer from scientists is that
except deforest the main reason for the forest disappears is climate change. Climate change which involves the rising of temperature could lead to
drought, wildfire even forest disappear.
Research reveals that climate change leads to drought, which causes trees to grow more slowly.Researchers found some tree in Canada's northern
greenbelt is continue to drought. They compare and analyze the growth rate of trees in drought area with the average growth rate of more than one
thousand and three hundred trees all over the world. They found the results are very different that trees growth rate decreases nine percent an average
over the first years and five percent less the second year. According to the news, soil moisture is less than forty percent of normal after some dry years.
The weather becomes warmer and drier which result in no enough water. There were sixty to eighty– five percent of normal precipitation in this
summer basis on Agriculture Canada.The forest will get more droughty. With
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The Causes Of Climate Change
"More than a million species face potential extinction as a result of disappearing habitats, changing ecosystems, and acidifying oceans" (Berger).
Climate change affects all living things on the earth and is accelerating because of human activity. Climate change is happening right now, scientists are
trying to figure out what is causing it, what the effects of climate change are, and they are researching how the atmosphere has changed.
Climate change is classified by many different events and reactions that are happening. The first is that the earth's atmosphere is trapping more heat.
"The warming of Earth's climate, due mostly to increased trapping of heat by gases in the atmosphere, often is termed the greenhouse effect. Some
degree of greenhouse effect is natural and normal" (Lerner 3). Some percent of greenhouse gases are produced naturally but a majority of the gases are
being produced by humans. "Most scientists agree that this warming trend is the result of loading the atmosphere with carbon dioxide and other
heat–trapping gases" (Freedman 2). The atmosphere is being loaded with carbon dioxide and other harmful gases and this is making the atmosphere
trap more heat. Changes in air temperature is another factor of climate change. "The greenhouse effect has been extremely important to the evolution
and survival of life on Earth. A surface temperature of 59В°F is sufficient to maintain the Earth's reservoirs of life–sustaining liquid water, and to impel
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Climate Change Is A Change
Climate change is a change in global or regional climate patterns. Climate change is a topic that is brought up in many different genres of
conversations. Whether it be brought up and discussed in politics, school, family, or friends, some people still limit using those words when in casual
conversation. Some of those same people are the people who still deny that climate change is happening. Climate change affects every single one of
us. It affects everyone who lives on this earth every day and has long term damages that researches can not even predict yet. A new survey finds that
70 percent of Americans believe the climate is changing, this poll is from Monmouth University in January, 2016. A lot of people are on the fence
about supporting climate change and question whether or not the government should take a stand for reducing climate change. As a teen and an
upcoming young adult, living in a clean and healthy world means a lot to me. Climate change is not a recent problem, it has been happening for many
years. I will be sharing both sides of the climate change argument and explaining the steps the government could take to reduce these changes in our
environment. I will also explain why there is such a resistance among parts of the community toward climate change.
This first article I chose to look at was "Climate Change: Should the U.S. government take aggressive steps to address climate change?" From the
issues and controversies database. This goes into detail about
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Climate Change And Weather Change
Recently, climate change has been a major topic of discussion. As the world decides what actions should be taken to help with the changing climate,
severe weather has increased over the past few years. Several factors has created a change in climate but there have been countless effects to Earth
because of climate change and severe weather is one of those effects. "In fact, the first decade of this century (2001–2010) was the hottest decade
recorded since reliable records began in the late 1800s" (Union of Concerned Scientist, n.d.). The Earth is not only stronger storms such as Hurricane
Ivan, Super Typhoon Haiyan, Joplin, MO tornado and tornado super outbreaks, but there also have been severe droughts as well. Climate change is
effecting extreme weather because the climate has been changing over the years causing the waters and Earth to become warmer, which is causing
extreme weather to become stronger and more severe. Extreme weather can include storms and floods, temperature extremes, droughts and habitat
shifting & alteration (The Open Standards, n.d.). According to The Open Standards, storms and floods includes thunderstorms, tropical storms,
hurricanes and cyclones, tornadoes, hailstorms, ice storms and blizzards, dust storms and erosions of the beaches. Temperature extremes are heat
waves, cold spells, oceanic temperature changes and disappearance of glaciers/sea ice. The Open Standards also states that droughts are severe lack of
rain and loss of surface water
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The Change Of The Climate Change
The world continues to spin and spin, and we've always heard about the condition of the climate. We hear about the changing levels of CO2 in our
atmosphere and the Earth's population contribution to the rise of it. No one usually stops to think about how the food production systems for the food
we eat is also a contributing factor to the rise of CO2. "I turn my life upside–down, start biking to work, plant a big garden, turn down the thermostat so
low I need the Jimmy Carter signature cardigan, forsake the clothes dryer for a laundry line across the yard, trade in the station wagon for a hybrid,
get off the beef, go completely local" (Pollan, p. 765) are just a few ways Michael Pollan suggests to help the climate change. He says "plant a big
garden, get off the beef, go completely local" because most of the food production companies play a major part in the CO2 increase in our air. In The
Climate Crisis at the End of Our Fork, Anne Lappe says "Start thinking about another sector of the economy that is increasingly exacerbating the
climate crisis. The global food system – including deforestation to make way for crops for cattle and cars – is responsible for an estimated one–third
of total greenhouse gas emissions." We're unsettling the atmosphere and causing worldwide change just from the food we eat, or at least in how it's
produced. These companies clear land to build factories, taking away the trees that turn the CO2 into the oxygen we need. Pollan mentions that the
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The Causes Of Climate Change
Climate change is one of the utmost damaging problem to humanity by the reason that it affects everyone who lives on Earth. Though there are social
problems, such as war or racism, that may affect certain groups of people, even those with no human contact are affected by climate change in some
A part of climate change is caused by natural forces, though humans unquestionably do contribute to the effects of climate change. As a whole,
society, we all impact climate change. This cannot be blamed on an individual and their choices. Those people have not chosen to be affected by
climate change in any way. They did not have free choice in whether or not to contribute to climate change. It wasn't a few people that added on to the
effects due to selfishness or cruelty and people don't contribute based on psychological or physical issues within themselves. With all of our combined
actions that add on to the effects of climate change, we have what we see today.
In order to combat a social issue, we must have social solutions to this problem. To come together and fight against warming and climate change is
essential for us. The less we blame others and start acting upon this issue ourselves, we will have a bigger impact on climate change quicker and
more efficiently. Though we have been dealing with the human influence on climate change for centuries, particularly from the start of the Industrial
Revolution, we can still lessen the effects. We can't expect the problem to disappear if only a few people decide to generate a real difference. It is
imperative to examine ourselves, our actions, and how this affects the environment. All governments can raise or create taxes on carbon emissions. In
developed countries and even in some developing countries, recycling can be heavily instated. More nations can take over the idea of what Sweden is
doing and use their waste for energy. Individually, performing simple acts such as picking up trash, using less water and driving less can have potential
major effects on the earth and on us.
Climate activists are those who actively campaign about social or political issues on climate change. Scientists who also identify as activists not only
do vital research, they also use their
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Environmental Change : Climate Change
Climate Change
Tishan KUNDU to me
0 minutes agoDetails
Climate Change – Environmental change.
Climate change is an occurrence of a change from patterns in weather which also affects land surfaces and ice sheets in global or regional areas. When
climate change occurs, it continues for several decades. Climate change can often occur when there has recently been a volcano, such changes in the
patterns of sun radiation or internal variability.
During the last century, burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. This happens because the
coal or oil burning process combines carbon with oxygen in the air to make CO2. To a lesser extent, the clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and
other human activities has increased concentrations of greenhouse gases. WHAT EFFECT DOES IT HAVE?
Climate change can cause many major consequences to the earth and its ways of living including rising seas and increased coastal flooding, longer and
more damaging wildfire seasons, more destructive hurricanes etc. etc.
With global warming the vegetation with large areas; the earth changes. This leaves animals remaining with reducing the amount of food, for instance,
the koala's habitat is in a eucalyptus forest which they feed on the leaves, but if too much carbon dioxide suddenly occurs near the area, it changes the
chemical composition leaving the leaves toxic to the koalas which threatens their extinction.
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The Importance Of Climate Change And Climate Change...
Climate Change and Climate Change Adaptation :
Generally Climate Change is a change in weather pattern, when that change lasts for an extended period of time. It has been already proven that CC is
the consequence of unchecked pollution. Excessive carbon emission has dangerous effects on the environment, the economy and our wellbeing
(Australian Conservation Foundation, 2014, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)
The Climate science has already proved that CC is not just a temperature change. It has a huge impact on the planet. Sea level rise, natural calamity,
Changing weather pattern, and many other adverse impacts will harm not only the human being but also other species of the earth.
As the process has been started and it is not at all possible to get rid of the impacts of CC, that's why nowadays adaptation and mitigation of CC are
the prominent issue. "Adaptation" refers to efforts by society and ecosystems to prepare for or adjust to future CC. The adjustment can be Protective or
opportunistic (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2014). It is the concept of coping ability to manage both the causes of environmental
changes and consequences of that change (Heinrichs et al., 2009). Adaption can consist of a wide verity of actions by an individual, community or
organization to prepare for or response to CC impacts.
Present days emissions will impact on the severisity of CC in future Year. So in planning for CC the focus should be reducing
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Climate Change
1. Introduction Scientific evidence of the world's changing climate is unequivocal. The expected impacts of the changing climate are likely to
adversely affect the well being of all countries and particularly the poorest countries, some of which are in Africa. The changing climate has been
manifested in the form of: increased severity and frequency of droughts; floods and storms; water stress, coastal erosion, and higher incidence of vector
borne diseases among others. The resulting declines in agricultural productivity and food security, widespread incidence of water–related diseases,
particularly in tropical areas have had a telling effect on economic development. The poorest countries and communities are likely to suffer the earliest
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Without the natural greenhouse effect that these two gases produce, the Earth's average temperature would be roughly в€’20В°C. However, because
the amount of carbon dioxide and water vapor can vary on Earth, we know that this natural greenhouse effect has produced a climate system which is
naturally unstable and rather unpredictable. The effect of climate change on the planet and various life forms that inhabit it manifests over an extended
period of time. The internal variability is recognized in the form of hysteresis. In this measure, the climate change recorded does not correlate or
correspond to planned input. However, climate change is not only the cause of rapid deterioration of our environment, but is also irreversible. Climate
change and global warming are seen used interchangeably, as if they were the same thing, which I think is a mistake. There are obvious differences
between the meanings of the two terms. To better understand their distinction, it is good to have their definition. Global Warming refers to the overall
increase in the heat of the planet, based on average temperature over the entire surface. Climate Change on the other hand denotes changes in regional
climate characteristics, including temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind and severe weather events. Hence we can say climate change is about much
more than how warm or cool the earth's temperatures are. In short,
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Climate Change And Global Change
"It is urgent and the time frame is critical and it has to be right now," said Vicki Arroyo, executive director of the Georgetown Climate Center at
Georgetown Law. "We can 't lose another four years, much less eight years" (Neuhauser). The next Americans President, experts say, may be the very
last who can avert catastrophe from climate change which makes it very important for the next American President to give climate change the top most
priority. This requires the Presidential candidates to believe in the danger posed by climate change. In addition to this, it also requires the Republicans
and Democrats to come to a consensus so that they can cooperate with the next U.S. President in his efforts to curb climate change. While all
Democrats support the efforts being taken to solve the issue of climate change, in a recent poll it was found that 59% of Republicans believe in climate
change (Davenport). Although a majority of Republicans are convinced that the issue of climate change should be given top priority, there are still a
few (including presidential candidates) that maintain that the issue of climate change isn't that severe to be given top priority. Now that the urgency of
climate change has been established numerous times by various scientists, how can we get the Republican party members and its presidential candidates
to change their views regarding climate change and come to a consensus with Democratic candidates, so that both the parties can work together?
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Climate Changes And Climate Change
Climate change is one of the most important challenges of humankind in this century. The ability to adapt, mitigate and reduce carbon emissions will
be decisive to preserve the world for future generations. The last IPCC report has provided more evidence regarding the rise in temperature and sea
level. Apparently, additional 2В°C above the pre–industrial average temperature levels is unavoidable, and it will continue at that level due the
accumulation of gases in the atmosphere (Solomon 2009). Climate change will affect people all around the world in different ways, though the capacity
to cope with it is different among regions and countries. The Latin America region is notably susceptible to climate change, due its geographical
position, population location and its economy relying in natural resources (Vergara et. al. 2013a). The withdrawal of the coral biome, glaciers melting,
jungles & forest savannization and strongest climate events are only some of the threats that will affect their inhabitants.
According to expert's estimations, the economic cost associated with climate change events in Latin America with a temperature rise of 2В°C, is in the
order of 85–110 billion per year by 2050 (Fernandes et. al. 2012, Dasgupta et. al. 2007, Vergara et. al. 2013 & Vergara et. al. 2007). Economic injuries
of this magnitude, can erode the development path of countries like Colombia and Mexico . The restriction to natural resources access will undermine
countriesВґ prospects for
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Climate Change
California Attempts to Defy Trump's Policies on Climate Change Davenport, C., &Nagourney, A. (2017). Fighting Trump on Climate, California
Becomes a Global Force. New York Times. Retrieved from
/california–engages–world–and–fights–washington–on–climate–change.html?_r=0 In this article, Daventport and Nagourney illustrate how California,
the state with the most strict policies and laws on environment, is attempting to defy the federal government's relaxed policies by partnering with
international bodies and countries. In an effort to retain its status as an environmental conservationist state, California Governor Jerry Brown, who
advocates for environmental conservation and protection, has gone beyond... Show more content on ...
The concept of dual federalism applies in this case as the state of California is fighting for its right to make and sustain its individual laws and
regulations. Dual federalism views the federal system as a layered stack of cake, where each layer of the government performs that are most relevant at
that level(Feeley& Rubin, 2008). This theory was reflected much during the foundation of the US in the process of writing the Constitution
(Feeley&Rubin, 2008). It advocates for limited and distinct powers of the federal government and specific tasks and roles left to the states
governments. As such, it leaves each government supreme within its own limits and operations. The states have the rights to make its own laws and
forge its future free of the interference of the national government as outlined in the Tenth Amendment(Feeley& Rubin, 2008).In this case, California
seems to be pulling in this way as it seeks to make and sustain its own policies and sign agreements with international bodies as well as countries free
from the federal government interference(Feeley& Rubin, 2008). In fact, California's efforts seems to be violating the norms and traditions, but it
should be noted that the state has the rights to do this under the constitution. The article provides a detailed information on the current conflicts
between the state of California and the federal government in policy making, especially in regards to
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Colombia Climate Change

  • 1. Colombia Climate Change Similarly to other nations, Colombia had been heavily impacted by climate change, and having 30% of the population living below the poverty line truly aggravates the situation. According to WWF Global, IPCC fourth assessment report in 2014 found that "the retreat of glaciers are affecting already compromised water availability for consumption or hydropower generation, between 1990–2000 a 82% reduction in glaciers, shows a linear withdrawal of the ice of 10–15 [mm] yearly, and under the current climate trends, glaciers of the country will disappear completely within the next 100 years. In the future, sea levels rise, weather and climatic variability and extremes modified by global warming are very likely to have impacts on mangroves, and SLR ... Show more content on ... Financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the project contributed to the development of Colombia's national climate change policy and several adaptation projects in highly vulnerable areas." ("Adapting to a Changing Climate in Colombia," 2016). The Colombian government too, recognizes that climate change is very much a real and tangible issue that should be tackled before it becomes too cumbersome for change, therefore in 2015, they formulated a Green Growth plan that is intended to create a more sustainable environment and reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses. Restrictions have been placed upon companies to ensure that people are not deliberately polluting the environment, however this issue is sometimes taken lightly or when even when it's being enforced, rebels attack oil refineries lading to oil spills which affect the fauna in an area, making that yet another ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Issue Of Climate Change Introduction I.There is an issue on this planet that will define this generation. The issue is climate change. Global warming. A world on the collapse as our oceans are acidified, our air polluted, our forests disappearing, and human rights issues getting worse. It seems that people are not aware of how big climate change actually is. It's not something that only takes place on the ice caps or in the forests on the far corners of the world. This is an issue that happens here, and now. It's real. It's happening. II.On the bright side, there are things we can do. This issue is a result of our lack of action, our lifestyles, and our way of living. Many people want to help, but are not even sure where to begin. One–way thing that we can do is to reduce the amount of co2 in our atmosphere. There are simple changes we can make in our daily routines to get started in doing that. III.I'm going to give you some options in things that you can implement or change in your way of living that can help with the issue of climate change. These things will help cut carbon in the atmosphere. IV.As a kid I never really comprehended how vital it was to take care of this planet. As I went through many life changes I became aware of this necessity, I am currently an intern for Greenpeace and I get to passionately do something to help ensure that this planet, and the people who will come after us can thrive. (Transition: In order to do this we have to realize what it is that is actually ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Climate Change Climate Change Around the World Did you know that Climate change is affecting people all around the world? Climate change is a very bad thing that has been going on for hundreds of years. So many things are being affected by climate change. Things that are being affected are trees, plants, animals, and even people. One reason that climate change is happening is that the earth is always in orbit so the climate is always changing. Climate change isn't only nature, climate change is caused from humans, the sun, and animals. We are causing climate change by burning things. Scientists predicted this and they're using models to predict climate change. Snow leopards in the Himalayas are dieing off. Asian Rhinos depend on floodplain grasslands and climate change changes the seasonal patterns the Rhinos go off of. Orang–utans are also one of the species at risk from deforestation. The ice that the Polar Bears use for homes are slowly starting to melt which means they are becoming more and more crowded. The average temperature is expected to rise over time. With the temperature slowly rising, icebergs are melting in Antarctica which is causing polar bears to have to move. Snow and ice cover has been decreasing a lot already. Sea levels are also rising, if sea levels are rising that can cause floods. More and more floods, droughts, and heat waves have been occurring more than one hundred years ago. With all of these natural disasters happening more often, the human race is having ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Climate Change Consequences Climate change is the consequence of unchecked pollution. When carbon emissions caused by human activity enter the air they have dangerous effects on the environment, the economy, and our wellbeing. The world is seeing sobering signs of climate change's accelerating impacts, from longer, more intense droughts to stronger storms and rising seas (CNN.1). Yet in contrast to the slow pace of international negotiations to combatclimate change, national legislation is still not keeping up. When Al Gore gave his Noble Peace prize acceptance speech; he was not only accepted an award but he was also speaking about the awareness of his main objective stopping climate change. He believes that drastic problem that's affecting every aspect of the planet is caused by the ones who need to be the ones to fix it. "We are what is wrong, and we must make it right." (Gore.2). Today we still at this tipping point where the planet must decide the future they want for upcoming generations, what solutions they need to be able to do before they pass the tipping point, and how much influence of society do the planet needs to get the job done. Al Gore put Climate Change into a perspective that the beginning of this century the planet that has been experiencing drastic changes they are causing deadly consequences everywhere and that mankind has so far no stable solution to ending the problem. This is important because to Al Gore believed that a few years ago the planet is at its "11 ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Dangers Of Climate Change Global warming or climate change is a worldwide issue and danger to our environment. Many countries throughout the world are working together to find a way to slow down the effects of climate change. Climate change can also affect the animal race as it takes away their natural habitat, which can lead them to extinction. Another leading source of the Global warming is carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. However, there are those who believe it's a lie and is putting the planet in grave danger. Climate Change is a big issue that affects the people, environment and the world. If it does not stop now the result on the planet would be disastrous. Proper economic policies must be implemented to save the world from environmental and economic calamity. Many conservatives believe that climate change is a hoax set up by the scientists and the green energy environmentalist. Thus, denying that this phenomenon even exist is absurd. According to Lavelle. "If we keep burning fossil fuel the earth will be eight degrees warmer, returning to the climate of 52 million years ago." (Lavelle). Per new research. It's the direst prediction yet. If most of the population continues to burn fossil fuel the carbon dioxide level will rise thus reacting with the solar radiation and increase the heating temperature. The result will increase the water levels around the coastlines, which would be flooding into the cities near sea level. So how to prevent global warming effect and keep the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Gendered Climate Change From rising sea levels to agricultural shock falls and urban floods, the world is feeling the effects of climate change. Although climate change is experienced by all people, the impact of the causes, effects and solutions is gendered. To be specific, the impact is particularly acute for women, who make up a large number of the poor communities who depend on natural resources for their survival. How women and men reciprocate, are examined and backed, and contribute, differs. Furthermore, the way programs and administration is approached, prepared, matured and enforced, has serious effects on this. On the surface, it might seem illogical to associate climate change and gender issues. Withal, both sexes do not have identical effects on climate ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Climate Change And Climate Change Climate change is a major problem that's continuing to arise with the lack of action that states have taken to stop the increase of global warming. This phenomenon affects both national security and human security across the world. National security is a nation that the government, along with the legislation, should protect the state and citizens against different kinds of "national" crises through different power projections. Examples of the power projections are political power, diplomacy, economic power, military might, and more self help methods. Human security is a combination of threats that are associated with war, genocide, and the displacement of populations. In short, human security means freedom from violence and from the fear of violence. The textbook, How the World Works, provides three possible scenarios that could happen. The scenarios usually fall under geopolitical conflict, market and technological rescue, and effective global regulation. There are increasing ways to reduce the carbon footprint that is being emitted currently. There are solar panels, biofuels, wind turbines, and many other environmentally friendly ways to cut down on carbon emissions so our planet can continue to sustain life. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than ever. In the past, the carbon dioxide in the air was approximately 180 parts per million back in around 1000 AD. Currently, it's about 410 parts per million which equals to 3200 gigatons of carbon dioxide. The ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Climate Change Is The Change Climate change is the change in earth's climate like temperature and precipitation over a particular region. Climate change has shown its affect all across the globe and is leading to all undesirable loses. Some of the reasons of radical climate changes are: Irresponsible activities of humans like misuse of fossil fuels, polluting water bodies and use of non–renewable sources Burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil are rising the levels of carbon dioxide in the air. Climate change is not only leading to drastic changes in temperatures, it has got serious impact on human as well as animal life like Inconsistent climate and weather extremity Rising in sea levels Longer droughts Species extinction Transformed ecosystems Huge economic loses Climate change is mainly due to human activities and can also be due to nature. But when necessary precautions like foregoing fossil fuels, saving power are taken, we can help slow down this drastic changes in climate. Climate change can be called as the change in the earths overall climate. Earth's climate has always been changing, it has gone warmer and cooler over the years. But the earth's average temperature shows that it has gone warmer than cooler which can lead to huge after–effects. Climate change can also be called as global–warming. CAUSES OF CLIMATE CHANGE: From the many causes of climate change, the most important cause is the human amplification of the "greenhouse effect". The gases that live in the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Climate Change Activity Human Activity and Climate Change Angellena Gibson Intro to Enviromental Science Angellena Gibson Climate change is a problem that is occuring rapidly around the world. Scientist have stated that human activity and burning fossil fuels does contribute to climate change. In my opinion I would have to agree with scientist are saying. If I didn't just take scientist evidence alone I would agree just by the evidence I can see with my own two eyes on a daily basis. Human activity such as deforestation and burning fossil fuels contributes to fossil fuels. Nasa has imperical data that is backed by substantial proof that in fact our planet is expierencing climate change. Studies show that human–produced greenhouse gassess are causing global warming to occur. Particular gassess that are released in the atmosphere are causing the heat to be unable to escape the way it naturally would. Since some gases have the tendency to linger in the atmosphere and not escape the climate has no choice but to expeirence change. Deforestation is part of human activity that is causing climate change. Nasa states that this is a known fact it contributes to climate change. Humans are clearing so much land and taking away trees and messing up land which used to be a resource that provides a ... Show more content on ... Facts, evidence, and statistics gathered by scientist leave me no room but believe human activity play a significant role. Maybe in the future knowing what scientist know now they can research all the change that needs to take place if we want our planet to survive. If we know that these gasses are destroying our atmosphere why isn't more laws created to draw the limit on how much burning can occur? Hopefully we can get laws implemented and utilize other ways because life on earth is more important than anything ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Climate Changes And Disruption : Climate Change And Ecosystem Climate Change and Ecosystem. Climate changes affect ecosystems by altering the water cycle, natural habitats and leading to the changes in food sources, animal migration and the timing of natural processes such as flowering. Disruption of the ecosystems increase the risk of extinction for many species. Animals and plants need to adapt to the environmental change on a fast and bigger scale which put great danger to those species. Changes that disrupt the functioning of ecosystems may increase the risk of harm or even extinction for some species. According to the National Audubon Society (2014), the winter center of abundance of the 305 north American bird species moved northward by over 40 miles between 1966 and 2013. This moving is closely related to the higher winter temperatures. Nearly 50 species moved northward over 200 miles. In 2016, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Rutgers University studied the annual changes in latitude and depth of over 100 marine species along the northeast coast and in the eastern Bering Sea. They found that the center of bioВ¬mass of marine species shifted northward by 10 miles and moved 20 feet deeper if compare the data from 1982 and 2015. Climate change affects phenoВ¬logical events too. The timing of phenological events is closely related to climate, so it is used as an indicator for ecological processes. Two scientifically used reliable indicators are the first leaf dates and the first bloom dates of certain species. ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Reality Of Climate Change Christian Mosier English–151 Dr. Archer 6 April 2017 The Reality of Climate Change Climate change is real; in fact, it 's very real. Most people like to decipher the fact that global warming is nothing more than just a perpetuate myth, but if the recent weather especially in the state of New Jersey hasn 't told you anything, the weather can be extremely bipolar at times. One day it 's sixty degrees Fahrenheit, and the day after its thirty degrees with heavy snow crashing to the ground below. There are several different reasons out there that help describe the fact that global warming is real and why climate change will never be argued against. 2016 was the warmest year record–wise. The amount of concentration of ... Show more content on ... There are uncertainties caused due to the specific year–to–year global mean temperature differences. However, even taking this into account, NASA had estimated that 2016
  • 12. was the warmest year with greater than a good portion of 95 percent certainty. The fact that last year was the warmest year on record is one of the biggest revelations in recent memory. Could that mean that 2017 will be a warmer year then? Also, will each year get progressively worse and worse? Since 2001, sixteen out of seventeen years have been on record since most of this warming has increased within the past thirty–five years. A huge fact entails that not only was 2016 the warmest year on record, but eight of the twelve months that make up the year, from January through September, with the exception of June, were the warmest on record for those respective months. October, November, and December of 2016 were the second warmest of those months on record, in all three cases, behind records set in 2015. That is fascinating, but at the same a bad thing to consider, since the fear of each year getting worse and worse could be very real as well. 11% of the world 's population (800 million people) is currently vulnerable to the effects of growing climate change such as floods and droughts. Essentials from humans such as food, water and shelter are badly affected by the growing increase of global warming. Climate change will affect ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Weather And Climate Change Weather is how the atmosphere behaves during a short period of time while climate is the overall behavior of the atmosphere during a long period of time. The difference between the two is simply the measure of time. Human activities and life may have an effect on both weather and climate. Weather consists of sunshine, rain, storms, blizzards, cold fronts and more. When we look at climate we look at the long–term patterns of weather in specific regions. Climate consists of averages of precipitation, temperature, humidity, wind velocity and sunshine. These are what scientists are looking for when measuring or observing the climate in a region. Climate is the overall weather of a certain region, for example, Europe has a rainy climate because it is almost always raining. Weather changes from day to day, hour to hour so they are not the same thing, but they are related to one another. Global warming is simply the rising temperature of the Earth's surface. Climate change is the side effect of global warming such as melting ice, heavier rain, extinction of wildlife, and rising temperatures resulting in droughts. Increases in greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide due to human activities such as burning coal, oil and gas is what is causing the rise in global temperature. If it wasn't for human activities increasing the global temperature, natural factors such as volcanoes, changes in the Earth's orbit and solar forcing actually have the potential of cooling the earth's surface. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Climate Changes And Climate Change Essay Abstract: Climate is inherently variable. Climate changes from place to place and it varies with time. The world now faces one of the complex and important issue it has ever had to deal with: climate change. Climate change today is one of the biggest concerns of human beings on the planet and the effects of climate change are undeniable and it may cause environmental, social, and economic threats to the planet. We already know and easily can highlight several signs of climate change. They are: rising global sea level, widespread melting of snow and ice, rapidly changing ocean and global temperatures, and other signs. So, what are the causes of climate change? Is it natural or do human beings cause it? Well, in both cases we would be right. The climate change can be affected by natural factors, such as solar output, volcanic eruptions, and the Earth's orbit around the Sun. Also, climate change can be affected by human activities such as, deforestation, burning fossil fuels, causing ozone hole, and building mass destructive weapons and using them on earth that causes a huge radioactivity on earth. Currently, the threat of global climate change does not threaten some nations to the extent of others. Compare the United States with the rest of African countries. We live in prosperity and in much easier time than the rest African countries. Most African countries cannot grow anything on their lands because of climate change. At the end, climate change might affect everyone on ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Climate Change Climate Change Climate change is a problem that we have been and are currently experiencing. It has caused much damage to people and the environment, by temperatures rising and natural disasters. It is a problem that world leaders need to take more seriously, and try to get more people involved to help better the environment. Who knows what it can cause in the future. Climate change is a serious threat for everyone living on earth. The Earth's temperature has been rising over the years. Sail Bhattacharya a professor & head of a medical college claims that over the last 8000 years, Earth's surface temperature raised by 1 degree Celsius only (1). He also said, at the present rate of global temperature would rise by 2.5 degrees Celsius by 2050" (1). It's a fact that the earth has gotten warmer over the years. At this moment the temperature hasn't raised much, only 1 degree Celsius. It may seem like it's not a big deal, but it actually is, because the rising temperature rate is increasing as time passes according to Sail Bhattacharya (1). The temperature rising might not cause much harm now, but can badly affect us or whoever is living on Earth in the future. Climate change is caused by most human activities. Most of us humans harm the earth every day. Some may know what we do is harming the earth, but still do it, and some people may not have a clue. A research professor in the Learning at the Harvard Graduate School of Education said that a large, nationally ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Climate Change And Climate Change Our world is in constant demand for more food production and space because of exponential population growth. Factors like, globalization and urbanization can be contributed to such changes. However, climate change is one of the unpleasant surprise that can be credited to the degraded acts towards the environment due to deforestation, burning of fossils and fuels, industrialization and many more. Vector borne diseases, are one of the most known diseases that can be credited to climate change. Change in the environmental patterns introduce human diseases that could have not been a problem before. For example, malaria is one of the vector borne disease which is sensitive to long term climate change. The studies have also found that Malaria migrates towards higher altitude when there is a rise in the temperature. The study, published in the journal Science, studied malaria cases in the region of western Colombia from 1990 to 2005 and central Ethiopia from 1993 to 2005. The researchers were able to match the several malaria outbreaks that occurred in high altitudes with the temperature records of these regions to show the rise and fall pattern of the disease with warmer or cooler years. This is very threatening because now, millions of people who live in historically malaria–free regions of the high–altitude tropics are at risk. If we look at the study between climate change and malaria, the link between malaria and climatic events has long been studied in India, for example, ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Hurricanes And Climate Change : The Effects Of Climate Change According to CNN, in late August 2017, hurricane Harvey hit land causing $75 billion dollars' worth of damage and causing the deaths of 82 people as it tore through Texas with winds exceeding 130 mph and pouring 27 trillion gallons in less than a week. A week later hurricane Irma hit the Caribbean as a category 5 storm devastating the islands with 125 mph winds and claiming the lives of 61 people before weakening over the Florida coast. 10 days later hurricane Maria hits Dominica and Puerto Rico, also a category 5 storm. 70,000 people were evacuated as dams are feared to burst and power was lost to the entire island of Puerto Rico. 60 people died ("2017 Atlantic Hurricane", 2017). Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons play a major role in coastal disasters and could prove even more disastrous with the effects of climate change. Hurricanes form as warm moist air begins to rise over the sea surface and leaves a gap of low pressure underneath. High pressure air then fills this gap, heats up, and then rises again. This creates the cyclonic action ("How Hurricanes Form", 2017). These types of events require a minimum sea surface temperature of 26.5 degrees Celsius, or roughly 80 degrees Fahrenheit and a depth of at least 60m (Michener et al, 1997) and as the temperature increases globally as does the possible effect on hurricanes. The Emergency Events Database (EED) shows that the frequency of hydrological natural disasters has more than quadrupled since 1970 (Figure 1) and ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Climate Changes And Climate Change The concept of climate change has been around for quite a while. The earliest mention of climate change dates back to the 19th century. Swedish scientist, Svante Archenius was the first scientist to study the effect of CO2 on climate. (Rodhe et al 1997) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines climate change as "A change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g by using statistical tests) by changes in mean and/or the variability of its properties and that persists for an extended period, typically, decades or longer. Climate change may be due to natural internal processes or external forcings, or anthropogenic changes in the composition of the atmosphere or in the landuse" The UNFCC also defines climate change as "a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over time periods." Climate change is influenced by the greenhouse effect which is the increase of Carbon dioxide, Methane, Ozone and Nitrogen Oxide. On one hand, the presence of these gases in the atmosphere make the earth habitable with respect to regulating the earth's temperature. However, an increase in the concentration of these gases results in trapping energy in the atmosphere and this in turn increases earth's temperature. "Global greenhouse gas emissions have grown since pre–industrial times, with an increase of 70% between ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Climate Change and Agriculture Topic:Climate change and Agriculture. In the countrie Solomon islands one of the major problems today is climate change activities. Climate change is the common tolarent background in which this account is looking at the changes that affects most aspect of the environment. How it is important of agricultural activities. The basic of greenhouse effect the gretly affected by changing of climate. However the potential impacts of climates change on agriculture onterms of food security. More over about the climate change of how does it related to both of them. The protest of impact of climate change to agriculture, the negative impact of climate change each positive impact. What do people done with regards to the fact the local example ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, the most greenhouse gasses almost human being also contribute very lower amount towards the earth they produce by gass. The main properties which may cause of greenhouse gasses are given as water vapor or rain season which is give plants to be well germinated and better growth. Water is the main source of life people should care and protected from pollution, the best way which is best to cared is to increase the resources to made a better production water sourse of life so guide it well. Carbon dioxide (CO2), nitro oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and ozone (O3) these major causes of greenhouses gasses on the earth atmosphere. Flooding emplacement due to heavy rain drops poisonous in the environment changes in climate people should be think wisely about the environment and more concerned of what should do to make and reduce the topic about climate climate change happen today. Thirdly, the agriculture and the development is greatly affected by the changing of climate changes in many ways. As happen every now and then farmers are those that contribute in the economic production in the country. They produce many ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Climate Change And Climate Adaptation One of the most challenging global issue facing today's society is climate change, it is affecting all regions across the globe, with some areas experiencing extreme weather events and heavy rainfall, whereas other regions are hit with droughts and heat waves. Climate change can be defined as a "large–scale, long–term shift in the planet's weather patterns or average temperatures." (metoffice). Consequently, a range of challenges are occurring to not only human settlements, but more importantly to the natural environment as well. It is becoming increasingly important for countries across the globe to attempt to adapt and mitigate from the effects of climate change. Climate mitigation is "any action taken to permanently eliminate or reduce the long–term risk and hazards of climate change to human life, property." (Global–greenhouse– It can include enhancing the sinks of greenhouse gases, as well as reducing the sources. Whereas climate adaptation, is referring to "the ability of a system to adjust to climate change (including climate variability and extremes) to moderate potential damage, to take advantage of opportunities, or to cope with the consequences." (Global–greenhouse– Adaptation can include improving road infrastructure, so it would be able to withstand hotter temperatures, or just simply change in behaviour shifts such as using less water. These two methods are essential and can be connected through strategic town planning, and can be used to tackle climate change, through an array of implementations which will not only prepare the globe, but also reduce the impacts of climate change. Urban areas not only have a profound part in contributing to climate change, but these areas have also become extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, as more than half of the world's population are living in urban areas and global rate of urbanisation is evermore increasing. Cities can be met with an increase in frequency of storms, flooding, landslides and heat waves. Higher temperatures also occur more frequently in urban areas than rural or suburban surroundings, due to the urban heat island effect. This is "an area, such as a city or industrial site, that has consistently ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Implications Of Climate Change There are many topics of discussion that have polarized opinions, yet none are as hotly refuted as climate change. Although the discourse included is mostly about the causation behind our Earth's recent rise in temperature, some people go as far as debating its very existence itself. The implications of climate change are severe and could potentially lead to a catastrophic event we can't accommodate for. Scientists have confirmed the existence of climate change, yet they have not proven we are the sole cause, or that we are even the most contributing fact. There are many other facets of climate change effects, and our current path is being scrutinized to see if we have a lasting effect. During the past century, human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, through our mass domestication of food animals, fossil fuel emissions, and a plethora of other factors. Greenhouse gases create a shield around the earth, trapping energy from the sun in the atmosphere and causing it to warm, this effect is natural and necessary to support life on earth "Greenhouse gases are those gaseous constituents of the atmosphere, both natural and anthropogenic, that absorb and emit radiation at specific wavelengths within the spectrum of thermal infrared radiation emitted by the Earth's surface, the atmosphere itself, and by clouds."(IPCC Ar4). However, greenhouse gases are a regulating factor in our climate, and could have dangerous ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Climate Change The Impacts of Climate Change on Society: Global climate change has the ability to adversely impact and disrupt many sectors of society –including, people's health, agriculture and food supply, water supply, ecosystems, and more. Extreme weather events, such as decreased rainfall, lead to prolonged and more intense wildfire seasons which result in decreased air quality for those in proximity. Droughts increase the stress placed on ground water supplies which is resulting a reduction of water quality due to increased contamination following intense period of rainfall ("Impacts"). Rising temperatures and increased greenhouse gas emissions have led to increased air pollution (i.e. aerosols and black carbon) which is detrimental to individual's with respiratory problems. Additionally, dry conditions have resulted in an increase in the intensity and duration of allergy seasons in addition to an increase in the spread of insect borne diseases ("Global Warming"). Furthermore, sea level rise and more intense storms puts coastal communities at risk of catastrophic storm surges and flood damage ("Impacts"). Ecosystems that act as natural buffers to combat the impacts of severe weather related events (such as floods and fires) are being devastated. For example, increasing acidification of the oceans in addition to overfishing have disrupted marine–based food production and harmed fishing industries ("Impacts"). The United States energy infrastructure, primarily relating to electricity, ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Climate Changes And Climate Change When you hear the words "climate change" what comes to mind? Probably weather and the changes. Many of us watch the news or use an app on our cellphones/electronic devices to keep an eye on the weather for the day, week, or even the month. But, there is actually a difference between weather and climate. Weather is actually "the changes we see and feel outside from day to day. It might rain one day and be sunny the next. Weather also changes from place to place" (Dunbar, 2014). Whereas "climate is the usual weather of a place. Climate can be different for different seasons. Different places can have different climates" (Dunbar, 2014). This paper will focus on the ins and outs ofclimate change, specifically focusing on what climate change ... Show more content on ... But many climate scientists will tell you that this change in climate is due to humans and their activities. It is said that humans release greenhouse gases and "if emissions continue unchecked, they say the global warming could ultimately exceed 8 degrees Fahrenheit, which would transform the planet and undermine its capacity to support a large human population" (Gillis, 2015). To make it easier to understand, as sunlight reaches the Earth's surface there are two things that can be done, one; it can either be reflected back into space or two, it can be absorbed by the Earth. Once the Earth absorbs the sunlight, it then releases some energy back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation, also known as heat. Then these greenhouse gases tend to act like a "blanket," therefore making the Earth warmer than it would be otherwise. This process is what we call the "greenhouse effect." The reason scientists say that climate change is caused by humans is that it's simple, humans drive, cook food, and even heat or cool their homes, which release gases such as, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4 ), and water vapor (H2O). According to a study in October 2015, "Earth had warmed by about 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880 when records begin at a global scale. Which includes the surface of the ocean. The warming is greater over land and greater still in the Arctic and parts of Antarctica" (Gillis, 2015). Although an increase of warmth of 1.7 degrees doesn't seem like it's a big deal, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Climate Change Thesis After decades of studies and impacts becoming more significant, people from every society should unite in their stand on climate change in order to clearly communicate stimulating pieces of information that lead to definite actions in addressing environmental problems. Climate change poses a problem whose consequences are global. In 2006, above average temperatures were recorded throughout the world for the 30th consecutive year. Increasing average temperatures are melting glaciers and polar ice caps, which raises sea levels and increases the risk of flooding in coastal areas. There is mounting evidence to the effect that these changes are not the result of natural climate variability. The thesis ofclimate change caused by humans is supported by many leading scientific bodies, including the British Royal Society. Arguments do exist that there is no evidence that changes in composition observed are of human origin. However, the growth of the gas concentration in the atmosphere began with the industrial age. The annual increase in CO2 concentration observed amounts only to half the annual atmospheric release of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels. A small decrease is actually observed for oxygen in the atmosphere which is what is required for the combustion of coal, oil and natural gas used. The melting of glaciers, the rise of water levels, and the intensified catastrophes–many lives suffer and die from these repercussions of global warming. The accumulation of ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Climate Changes And Climate Change From the observations presented in the paper it is clear that there is direct/indirect link between extreme events and climate change and the similar observation was found by Seneviratne et al., 2012) supporting that Climate change has resulted in changes in the occurrence of extreme events. Moreover, Out of 24 extreme events analyzed in this paper, 12 showed direct or indirect links to anthropogenicclimate change and some could not be explained. Once a change has been detected it is important to attribute that change to some cause. Attribution, especially to human greenhouse gas emissions, gives confidence to model projections of the future driven by anthropogenic forcing as well as predictions of extremes at shorter time scales (Seneviratne and Zwiers, 2015). When an extreme event occurs, the question of attribution of these events to human–induced climate change is of particular interest. Two schools of thought have emerged in this rapidly developing field. "Oxford" quantifies the change in probability of an extreme event of a particular observed magnitude caused by the human alteration of the climate system whereas "Boulder" (NOAA 's Earth System Research Laboratory) examines the human induced change in magnitude of an extreme event. While providing different types of information to stakeholders, both these probabilistic and mechanistic schools of thought have been shown to be equivalent (Easterling et al 2016). But in some cases, some scientists have concluded that a ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Climate Change In Canada By: Sebastian Velez–Bolivar Issue We once lived in a world lush and plentiful where we enjoyed all the natural resources peacefully. However at the beginning of the industrial revolution more people moved to the cities therefore increasing their dependency load. Fastforward to today and the world has seen a drastic change in the loss of natural resources as well as a number of health related illnesses like asthma. This is mainly due to the effects from carbon pollution, greenhouse gases and global warming. Canada as a country is thought of as environmentally aware and progressive. Actually has many issues regarding this topic and if it is not taken care of it will affect the future of the nation. I care about this topic because it has to ... Show more content on ... Firstly because I want to continue to grow up in a healthy environment. My motivations are seeing all the places in the world that are being destroyed due to climate change. Places like the Great Barrier Reef used to be inhabited by sea creatures and fish but now due to waste and raising sea level temperatures it will be gone in two decades.( Site) I myself one day would like to travel there but because of the climate change I may not get to.I considered volunteering at Halton conservation center to spread knowledge and awareness to younger kids. However my main personal action plan would be I establish an eco–club here at Garth Webb. I would create an assembly for the whole school showing before and after effects of climate change to raise awareness. I was a part of one in middle school and I was senior leader ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Climate Change Drawdown: The most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming edited by Paul Hawken is a book with one hundred solutions that can put a full stop to global warming. This book is published in 2017 by "An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC" in New York, US. This book is 240 pages long with lots of images as well as data tables that elaborate the content and helps the reader understand the concept better. The author talks about the common fear that everyone have in today's world, climate change, and this book illustrates about 100 different methods and procedures that we can all follow to stop climate change from getting worse. All the methods have daring and accurate solutions that are designed by many international ... Show more content on ... According to the study of Stanford University which estimated about "950 to 1.1 billion acres of deserted farmland around the world" (Hawken 41) has been abandoned because of land degradation and "ninety–nine percent of that abandoned occurred in the past century" (Hawken 41). This gives a perfect explanation to the massive burden on affected workers that climate change challenges is placing, the low rates of pay, rising levels of poverty and poor working conditions in agricultural sector. "Restoration can mean the return of native vegetation, the establishment of tree plantation, or introduction of regenerative farming methods" (Hawken 41) and by converting these degradation lands to recovering agriculture, 14.1 gigatons of carbon could be reduces, additional 9.5 billion ton of food could be produced, as well as, it could provide, on an investment of $72 billion, financial return of $1.3 trillion. Tourism and industrial recycling, being other major sectors, are also one of the industries that are growing fast globally. The global gross domestic product (GDP) for tourism industry was considered for 10.3 per cent. Tourism is not just a fast–growing industry, but jobs in most economies are created by tourism industry since it demands human–resource. Approximately, "230 million jobs are created in tourism industry and one and a half indirect jobs are created by one direct ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Effect On Climate Change Basic functions of the UNFCCC play into its power and authority over addressing greenhouse gas emissions, while maintaining presence in the international community. Such emissions make up a substantial portion of impact on climate change; therefore, the UNFCCC targets areas that produce the most emissions. The ways in which the UNFCCC minimally, but not adequately, regulatesclimate change is through two agreements. The two treaties are the Kyoto Protocol the Paris Agreement (COP 21). In 2016, the Kyoto Protocol expires which the Paris Agreement replaces. Under the Kyoto Protocol, some of the major producers of greenhouse gas emissions are targeted. During the initial negotiations of the Kyoto Protocol, many of the top producers of ... Show more content on ... Once the Nation's sign, the commitment to reducing the emissions is the second step towards change. Yet some of the lower ranked emitters pledged to cut back more than the top producers. In fact, some developing nations (process of "transitioning to a market economy) committed to reducing more than the top producers) (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 1998) (Damassa, Friedrich, & Ge 2014) ("Status of Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol" 2014). Five of the top producers of greenhouse gas emissions are considered the most influential or powerful Nations. These powerful nations are (ranked from highest to lowest) United States, Russia, China, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (Clark 2017). All of the Countries listed were ranked according to its economy, politics or political influence, cultural influence (including art), education, natural resources, environmental change, exports of arms, imports of arms, military spending, and military size. Overall, these Nations share in influence on other smaller nations. This is key in determining the lack of effectiveness of the UNFCCC. The convention failed to get the top producer of emissions and the third most powerful nation to sign the Protocol in December of 1998. These Countries not only set the stage for economic relations but also for the environment. Environmental change is ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Climate Change On Forest The effects of climate change on forest There is two billion forest all over the world, but the forests were disappearing quickly which the area of the forest disappear equal area of thirty–six football fields each minute. Those are a very shocking number which 257040 square meters every minute. Forest is very important for our life. It can absorb greenhouse gas, produce some clean oxygen air, filter dust and kill bacteria. Why is the forest disappearing? The answer from scientists is that except deforest the main reason for the forest disappears is climate change. Climate change which involves the rising of temperature could lead to drought, wildfire even forest disappear. Research reveals that climate change leads to drought, which causes trees to grow more slowly.Researchers found some tree in Canada's northern greenbelt is continue to drought. They compare and analyze the growth rate of trees in drought area with the average growth rate of more than one thousand and three hundred trees all over the world. They found the results are very different that trees growth rate decreases nine percent an average over the first years and five percent less the second year. According to the news, soil moisture is less than forty percent of normal after some dry years. The weather becomes warmer and drier which result in no enough water. There were sixty to eighty– five percent of normal precipitation in this summer basis on Agriculture Canada.The forest will get more droughty. With ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Causes Of Climate Change "More than a million species face potential extinction as a result of disappearing habitats, changing ecosystems, and acidifying oceans" (Berger). Climate change affects all living things on the earth and is accelerating because of human activity. Climate change is happening right now, scientists are trying to figure out what is causing it, what the effects of climate change are, and they are researching how the atmosphere has changed. Climate change is classified by many different events and reactions that are happening. The first is that the earth's atmosphere is trapping more heat. "The warming of Earth's climate, due mostly to increased trapping of heat by gases in the atmosphere, often is termed the greenhouse effect. Some degree of greenhouse effect is natural and normal" (Lerner 3). Some percent of greenhouse gases are produced naturally but a majority of the gases are being produced by humans. "Most scientists agree that this warming trend is the result of loading the atmosphere with carbon dioxide and other heat–trapping gases" (Freedman 2). The atmosphere is being loaded with carbon dioxide and other harmful gases and this is making the atmosphere trap more heat. Changes in air temperature is another factor of climate change. "The greenhouse effect has been extremely important to the evolution and survival of life on Earth. A surface temperature of 59В°F is sufficient to maintain the Earth's reservoirs of life–sustaining liquid water, and to impel climatic ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Climate Change Is A Change Climate change is a change in global or regional climate patterns. Climate change is a topic that is brought up in many different genres of conversations. Whether it be brought up and discussed in politics, school, family, or friends, some people still limit using those words when in casual conversation. Some of those same people are the people who still deny that climate change is happening. Climate change affects every single one of us. It affects everyone who lives on this earth every day and has long term damages that researches can not even predict yet. A new survey finds that 70 percent of Americans believe the climate is changing, this poll is from Monmouth University in January, 2016. A lot of people are on the fence about supporting climate change and question whether or not the government should take a stand for reducing climate change. As a teen and an upcoming young adult, living in a clean and healthy world means a lot to me. Climate change is not a recent problem, it has been happening for many years. I will be sharing both sides of the climate change argument and explaining the steps the government could take to reduce these changes in our environment. I will also explain why there is such a resistance among parts of the community toward climate change. This first article I chose to look at was "Climate Change: Should the U.S. government take aggressive steps to address climate change?" From the issues and controversies database. This goes into detail about ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Climate Change And Weather Change Recently, climate change has been a major topic of discussion. As the world decides what actions should be taken to help with the changing climate, severe weather has increased over the past few years. Several factors has created a change in climate but there have been countless effects to Earth because of climate change and severe weather is one of those effects. "In fact, the first decade of this century (2001–2010) was the hottest decade recorded since reliable records began in the late 1800s" (Union of Concerned Scientist, n.d.). The Earth is not only stronger storms such as Hurricane Ivan, Super Typhoon Haiyan, Joplin, MO tornado and tornado super outbreaks, but there also have been severe droughts as well. Climate change is effecting extreme weather because the climate has been changing over the years causing the waters and Earth to become warmer, which is causing extreme weather to become stronger and more severe. Extreme weather can include storms and floods, temperature extremes, droughts and habitat shifting & alteration (The Open Standards, n.d.). According to The Open Standards, storms and floods includes thunderstorms, tropical storms, hurricanes and cyclones, tornadoes, hailstorms, ice storms and blizzards, dust storms and erosions of the beaches. Temperature extremes are heat waves, cold spells, oceanic temperature changes and disappearance of glaciers/sea ice. The Open Standards also states that droughts are severe lack of rain and loss of surface water ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Change Of The Climate Change The world continues to spin and spin, and we've always heard about the condition of the climate. We hear about the changing levels of CO2 in our atmosphere and the Earth's population contribution to the rise of it. No one usually stops to think about how the food production systems for the food we eat is also a contributing factor to the rise of CO2. "I turn my life upside–down, start biking to work, plant a big garden, turn down the thermostat so low I need the Jimmy Carter signature cardigan, forsake the clothes dryer for a laundry line across the yard, trade in the station wagon for a hybrid, get off the beef, go completely local" (Pollan, p. 765) are just a few ways Michael Pollan suggests to help the climate change. He says "plant a big garden, get off the beef, go completely local" because most of the food production companies play a major part in the CO2 increase in our air. In The Climate Crisis at the End of Our Fork, Anne Lappe says "Start thinking about another sector of the economy that is increasingly exacerbating the climate crisis. The global food system – including deforestation to make way for crops for cattle and cars – is responsible for an estimated one–third of total greenhouse gas emissions." We're unsettling the atmosphere and causing worldwide change just from the food we eat, or at least in how it's produced. These companies clear land to build factories, taking away the trees that turn the CO2 into the oxygen we need. Pollan mentions that the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Causes Of Climate Change Climate change is one of the utmost damaging problem to humanity by the reason that it affects everyone who lives on Earth. Though there are social problems, such as war or racism, that may affect certain groups of people, even those with no human contact are affected by climate change in some way. A part of climate change is caused by natural forces, though humans unquestionably do contribute to the effects of climate change. As a whole, society, we all impact climate change. This cannot be blamed on an individual and their choices. Those people have not chosen to be affected by climate change in any way. They did not have free choice in whether or not to contribute to climate change. It wasn't a few people that added on to the effects due to selfishness or cruelty and people don't contribute based on psychological or physical issues within themselves. With all of our combined actions that add on to the effects of climate change, we have what we see today. In order to combat a social issue, we must have social solutions to this problem. To come together and fight against warming and climate change is essential for us. The less we blame others and start acting upon this issue ourselves, we will have a bigger impact on climate change quicker and more efficiently. Though we have been dealing with the human influence on climate change for centuries, particularly from the start of the Industrial Revolution, we can still lessen the effects. We can't expect the problem to disappear if only a few people decide to generate a real difference. It is imperative to examine ourselves, our actions, and how this affects the environment. All governments can raise or create taxes on carbon emissions. In developed countries and even in some developing countries, recycling can be heavily instated. More nations can take over the idea of what Sweden is doing and use their waste for energy. Individually, performing simple acts such as picking up trash, using less water and driving less can have potential major effects on the earth and on us. Climate activists are those who actively campaign about social or political issues on climate change. Scientists who also identify as activists not only do vital research, they also use their ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Environmental Change : Climate Change Climate Change Tishan KUNDU to me 0 minutes agoDetails Climate Change – Environmental change. WHAT IS IT? Climate change is an occurrence of a change from patterns in weather which also affects land surfaces and ice sheets in global or regional areas. When climate change occurs, it continues for several decades. Climate change can often occur when there has recently been a volcano, such changes in the patterns of sun radiation or internal variability. During the last century, burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. This happens because the coal or oil burning process combines carbon with oxygen in the air to make CO2. To a lesser extent, the clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and other human activities has increased concentrations of greenhouse gases. WHAT EFFECT DOES IT HAVE? Climate change can cause many major consequences to the earth and its ways of living including rising seas and increased coastal flooding, longer and more damaging wildfire seasons, more destructive hurricanes etc. etc. With global warming the vegetation with large areas; the earth changes. This leaves animals remaining with reducing the amount of food, for instance, the koala's habitat is in a eucalyptus forest which they feed on the leaves, but if too much carbon dioxide suddenly occurs near the area, it changes the chemical composition leaving the leaves toxic to the koalas which threatens their extinction. Climate
  • 36. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Importance Of Climate Change And Climate Change... Climate Change and Climate Change Adaptation : Generally Climate Change is a change in weather pattern, when that change lasts for an extended period of time. It has been already proven that CC is the consequence of unchecked pollution. Excessive carbon emission has dangerous effects on the environment, the economy and our wellbeing (Australian Conservation Foundation, 2014, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) The Climate science has already proved that CC is not just a temperature change. It has a huge impact on the planet. Sea level rise, natural calamity, Changing weather pattern, and many other adverse impacts will harm not only the human being but also other species of the earth. As the process has been started and it is not at all possible to get rid of the impacts of CC, that's why nowadays adaptation and mitigation of CC are the prominent issue. "Adaptation" refers to efforts by society and ecosystems to prepare for or adjust to future CC. The adjustment can be Protective or opportunistic (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2014). It is the concept of coping ability to manage both the causes of environmental changes and consequences of that change (Heinrichs et al., 2009). Adaption can consist of a wide verity of actions by an individual, community or organization to prepare for or response to CC impacts. Present days emissions will impact on the severisity of CC in future Year. So in planning for CC the focus should be reducing ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Climate Change 1. Introduction Scientific evidence of the world's changing climate is unequivocal. The expected impacts of the changing climate are likely to adversely affect the well being of all countries and particularly the poorest countries, some of which are in Africa. The changing climate has been manifested in the form of: increased severity and frequency of droughts; floods and storms; water stress, coastal erosion, and higher incidence of vector borne diseases among others. The resulting declines in agricultural productivity and food security, widespread incidence of water–related diseases, particularly in tropical areas have had a telling effect on economic development. The poorest countries and communities are likely to suffer the earliest ... Show more content on ... Without the natural greenhouse effect that these two gases produce, the Earth's average temperature would be roughly в€’20В°C. However, because the amount of carbon dioxide and water vapor can vary on Earth, we know that this natural greenhouse effect has produced a climate system which is naturally unstable and rather unpredictable. The effect of climate change on the planet and various life forms that inhabit it manifests over an extended period of time. The internal variability is recognized in the form of hysteresis. In this measure, the climate change recorded does not correlate or correspond to planned input. However, climate change is not only the cause of rapid deterioration of our environment, but is also irreversible. Climate change and global warming are seen used interchangeably, as if they were the same thing, which I think is a mistake. There are obvious differences between the meanings of the two terms. To better understand their distinction, it is good to have their definition. Global Warming refers to the overall increase in the heat of the planet, based on average temperature over the entire surface. Climate Change on the other hand denotes changes in regional climate characteristics, including temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind and severe weather events. Hence we can say climate change is about much more than how warm or cool the earth's temperatures are. In short, ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Climate Change And Global Change "It is urgent and the time frame is critical and it has to be right now," said Vicki Arroyo, executive director of the Georgetown Climate Center at Georgetown Law. "We can 't lose another four years, much less eight years" (Neuhauser). The next Americans President, experts say, may be the very last who can avert catastrophe from climate change which makes it very important for the next American President to give climate change the top most priority. This requires the Presidential candidates to believe in the danger posed by climate change. In addition to this, it also requires the Republicans and Democrats to come to a consensus so that they can cooperate with the next U.S. President in his efforts to curb climate change. While all Democrats support the efforts being taken to solve the issue of climate change, in a recent poll it was found that 59% of Republicans believe in climate change (Davenport). Although a majority of Republicans are convinced that the issue of climate change should be given top priority, there are still a few (including presidential candidates) that maintain that the issue of climate change isn't that severe to be given top priority. Now that the urgency of climate change has been established numerous times by various scientists, how can we get the Republican party members and its presidential candidates to change their views regarding climate change and come to a consensus with Democratic candidates, so that both the parties can work together? ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Climate Changes And Climate Change Climate change is one of the most important challenges of humankind in this century. The ability to adapt, mitigate and reduce carbon emissions will be decisive to preserve the world for future generations. The last IPCC report has provided more evidence regarding the rise in temperature and sea level. Apparently, additional 2В°C above the pre–industrial average temperature levels is unavoidable, and it will continue at that level due the accumulation of gases in the atmosphere (Solomon 2009). Climate change will affect people all around the world in different ways, though the capacity to cope with it is different among regions and countries. The Latin America region is notably susceptible to climate change, due its geographical position, population location and its economy relying in natural resources (Vergara et. al. 2013a). The withdrawal of the coral biome, glaciers melting, jungles & forest savannization and strongest climate events are only some of the threats that will affect their inhabitants. According to expert's estimations, the economic cost associated with climate change events in Latin America with a temperature rise of 2В°C, is in the order of 85–110 billion per year by 2050 (Fernandes et. al. 2012, Dasgupta et. al. 2007, Vergara et. al. 2013 & Vergara et. al. 2007). Economic injuries of this magnitude, can erode the development path of countries like Colombia and Mexico . The restriction to natural resources access will undermine countriesВґ prospects for ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Climate Change California Attempts to Defy Trump's Policies on Climate Change Davenport, C., &Nagourney, A. (2017). Fighting Trump on Climate, California Becomes a Global Force. New York Times. Retrieved from /california–engages–world–and–fights–washington–on–climate–change.html?_r=0 In this article, Daventport and Nagourney illustrate how California, the state with the most strict policies and laws on environment, is attempting to defy the federal government's relaxed policies by partnering with international bodies and countries. In an effort to retain its status as an environmental conservationist state, California Governor Jerry Brown, who advocates for environmental conservation and protection, has gone beyond... Show more content on ... The concept of dual federalism applies in this case as the state of California is fighting for its right to make and sustain its individual laws and regulations. Dual federalism views the federal system as a layered stack of cake, where each layer of the government performs that are most relevant at that level(Feeley& Rubin, 2008). This theory was reflected much during the foundation of the US in the process of writing the Constitution (Feeley&Rubin, 2008). It advocates for limited and distinct powers of the federal government and specific tasks and roles left to the states governments. As such, it leaves each government supreme within its own limits and operations. The states have the rights to make its own laws and forge its future free of the interference of the national government as outlined in the Tenth Amendment(Feeley& Rubin, 2008).In this case, California seems to be pulling in this way as it seeks to make and sustain its own policies and sign agreements with international bodies as well as countries free from the federal government interference(Feeley& Rubin, 2008). In fact, California's efforts seems to be violating the norms and traditions, but it should be noted that the state has the rights to do this under the constitution. The article provides a detailed information on the current conflicts between the state of California and the federal government in policy making, especially in regards to ... Get more on ...