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Question #1

   •  Jack is looking at Anne,
      but Anne is looking at
      George. Jack is married,
      but George is not. Is a
      married person looking
      at an unmarried person?
     A.  Yes
     B.  No
     C.  Cannot be determined
Disjunctive Reasoning

   •  Would you have answered differently if
      the options are only Yes or No?
   •  This thought process is called fully
      disjunctive reasoning – reasoning that
      considers all possibilities
   •  Most people can carry out fully disjunctive
      reasoning when they are explicitly told
      that it is necessary but most do not
      automatically do so.
Discuss further

   What if this is a clinical case?
   Does it make a difference in your decision
   making process if you have only option A
   and option B as compared to if you are
   given option C as well (which essentially is
   a permission or excuse not to make a
   definite choice on the basis of “inadequate
   information given”)?
“Humans are cognitive misers
  because our basic tendency is to
      default to the processing
    mechanisms that require less
computational effort, even if they are
  less accurate” – Keith Stanovich,
        cognitive psychologist
Question #2

              •  Suppose you want to
                 buy a book and a
                 pencil. The book and
                 the pencil cost
                 RM1.20 in total. If the
                 book costs RM1.00
                 more than the pencil,
                 how much does the
                 pencil cost?
Discuss further

   •  Discuss on intelligence vs Rationality
   •  “We often assume intelligence and
      rationality go together but we shouldn’t be
      surprised when smart people do foolish
      things” – Keith Stanovich
   •  Dysrationalia – is the inability to think and
      behave rationally despite having
      adequate intelligence
What does the middle character look like?
Which line is longer?
How do we make decisions?

  •  Decision making is one of the most
     important we do, it is the engine that
     drives our behavior.
  •  We make many decisions continuously in
     the course of our waking hours. These
     decisions vary in complexity
  •  Some are relatively simple, automatic
     process, well-rehearsed. Some have
     consequential implications – like choosing
     our life-partners
“What we are, or how we live our lives
   are largely determined by the
        decisions we made”

“We first make our choices, then our
          choices make us”
How do we make decisions?

  •  One of the major developments in
     cognitive psychology over the last 20
     years is the dual process theory (DPT) of
  •  The DPT of reasoning has emerged as
     the dominant theory of reasoning
     particularly through the works of people
     like Epstein, Tversky and Kahneman,
     Stanovich and West, and Evans.
Dual-process thinking

   •  According to the DPT of reasoning, there
      are two modes of decision making, i.e.,
      System 1 and System 2.
   •  System 1 is the fast, intuitive, reflexive,
      automatic and frugal thinking and it is
      where we spend most of our time making
      most of our decisions. Driving a car for
      someone who has been driving for a long
      time is an example of System 1 thinking.
Dual-process thinking

   •  System 2, on the other hand is a
      deliberate, analytical, purposeful or
      effortful form of thinking that is usually
   •  Discuss: give further examples of some of
      the decisions that you make in your daily
      lives that are largely based on System 1
      and those that are based on System 2
Dual-process thinking

      System 1 (Intuitive)        System 2 (Analytical)
      Experiential-inductive      Hypothetico-deductive
            Heuristic                   Systematic
       Pattern recognition        Robust decision making
   Unconscious thinking theory    Deliberate, purposeful
              Fast                         Slow
          High capacity                   Limited
   High emotional attachment     Low emotional attachment
       Low scientific rigor         High scientific rigor
Case illustration #1
Case illustration #2

   This child develops this rash after 5 days of antibiotics for fever
   and cough. The resident takes a quick glance of this child and
   diagnose him with Stevens-Johnson syndrome. He says that he
   has seen a similar case before when he was a house officer and
   he remember that case very well because the child died later on.
Was the resident right?

   •  The resident employed System 1 thinking
   •  Quick, intuitive, pattern recognition based
      on what he has seen before
   •  High emotional association – his previous
      patient died following a ‘similar case’
   •  But was he right?
   •  SJS often has extensive mucosal
      involvement. SSSS usually does not.
   •  Nikolsky’s sign is usually present in SSSS

   •  Although System 1 is the fast, reflexive
      thinking mode that we commonly used,
      inherent to the intuitive nature of this
      system, it often requires the use of
   •  Heuristics are mental shortcuts or “rules
      of thumb” or “gut-feeling” used to assist
      us to rapidly make decisions without
      formal analysis.

   •  Two heuristics that are considered
      essential for a clinician when faced with
      an emergency situation are the “rule-out-
      worst-case-scenario” and the sick/not sick

  Patient          Pattern    Recognition   Executive   T   Dysrationalia
Presentation      Processor                  override         override      Calibration   Diagnosis


System 1 and System 2 in play
Cognitive biases

   •  While heuristics are helpful cues for
      System 1, at times, they are prone to
      cognitive biases and errors.
   •  Cognitive biases or cognitive disposition
      to respond are our predictable
      tendencies to respond in a certain way to
      the contextual clues at that time
   •  These biases are often unconsciously
      committed, and may result in flawed
Availability bias

   •  Availability bias – this refers to our
      tendency to judge things as being more
      likely, or frequently occurring, if they
      readily come to mind.
   •  Therefore, a recent experience with a
      particular disease, for example, thoracic
      aortic dissection may inflate likelihood of
      a clinician to diagnose the patient with
      this disease every time when the clinician
      sees a case of chest pain.

  •  Anchoring – this refers to our tendency to
     fixate our perception on to the salient
     features in the patient’s initial
     presentation at an early point of the
     diagnostic process so much so that we
     fail to adjust our initial impression even in
     light of later information.
Confirmation bias

   •  Confirmation bias – this refers to our
      tendency to look for confirming evidence
      to support the diagnosis we are
      “anchoring” to, while downplaying, or
      ignoring or not actively seeking evidences
      that may point to the contrary.
Confirmation bias

   •  Confirmation bias often goes together
      with anchoring. For example, if a clinician
      has anchored or fixated the diagnosis of
      myocardial infarction in his mind, he will
      have the tendency to look for evidences
      to support this diagnosis, say, ST
      segment elevation on electrocardiography
      even if the amount of elevation is very
Confirmation bias

   •  In contrast, if the patient’s chest X-ray
      demonstrates a widened mediastinum
      width with unequal pulses on examination
      and high blood pressure, the clinician
      may have ignored such important cues
      that may point to the life threatening
      condition of thoracic aortic dissection.
Search satisficing

   •  This refers to our tendency to stop
      looking or call off a search for a second
      diagnoses when we have found the first
   •  This bias can prove to be detrimental in
      polytrauma cases.
Search satisficing

   •  A classic example of this bias is the
      tendency of the physician to call off the
      search for a second fracture once he
      thinks he is “sufficiently satisfied” with
      finding the first fracture of medial
      malleolus, when in fact, the patient may
      have sustained Maisonneuve fracture
      with a second proximal fibula fracture.
Case illustration #3

                                    This patient claimed to have
                                    twisted his left ankle and
                                    complained of severe ankle
                                    pain. The medical officer in
                                    the A&E ordered an X-ray
                                    of that ankle. He saw some
                                    abnormalities over the
                                    medial malleolar region and
                                    then referred the case to the

   Question: Do you agree with his plan of management? Give
   your comments.
Normal mortise view
Normal mortise view

   •  The entire mortise joint space should be
      of uniform width, ≤ 4 mm (light gray).
   •  The distal tibiofibular joint (dark gray)
      should be only slightly wider than the
      mortise joint space, ≤ 5.5 mm.
   •  The tibiofibular overlap should be > 1 mm
      on the mortise view.
An example of search satisficing

                    A Maisonneuve fracture should be
                    suspected whenever there is a
                    fracture to the medial aspect of the
                    ankle or widening of the distal
                    tibiofibular joint

                    Always remember the adage in X-
                    rays of #:

                    “One joint below, and one joint
Triage cueing

   •  This is basically a form of anchoring
      where once a triage tag has been labelled
      on a patient, the tendency is to look at the
      patient only from the perspective of the
      discipline in which the patient is tagged
Diagnostic momentum

  •  Once diagnostic labels are attached to
     patients they tend to become stickier and
     stickier. Through intermediaries,
     (patients, paramedics, nurses,
     physicians) what might have started as a
     possibility gathers increasing momentum
     until it becomes definite and all other
     possibilities are excluded.
Sunk cost fallacy/bias

   •  The more a clinician invest in a particular
      diagnosis, the less likely he is to release it
      and consider alternatives. This form of
      entrapment is common in financial
      investment. In clinical setting, the time
      mental energy, and for some, the ego
      may be a precious investment to let go.
      Confirmation bias maybe a manifestation
      of such unwillingness to let go of a failing
Sunk cost fallacy/bias
Ego bias

   •  This refers to our tendency of
      overestimating the prognosis of one’s
      own patients compared to that of a
      population of similar patients under the
      care of other physicians.
Blind spot bias

   •  This refers to the bias that many people
      have where they believe that they are
      less susceptible to errors compared to
      others. This has some similarities with
      ego bias.
Hindsight bias

   •  This bias typically occurs during morbidity
      and mortality meetings where the
      outcome of the case is already known.
   •  With hindsight bias, a case with a bad
      outcome is judged negatively where the
      sequence of decisions made leading up
      to the outcome must be bad as well.
Hindsight bias

   •  However, it is not necessarily true that
      just because the outcomes are bad, the
      decisions are bad too, as people
      generally do not deliberately make bad
   •  The decisions taken at that time must
      have made sense to them.
Hindsight bias

   •  Furthermore, the process of cognitive
      autopsy during morbidity and mortality
      meetings are devoid of the ambient
      context (e.g. a busy working emergency
      department) and the affective dispositions
      (e.g. the stress, sleep-deprived or
      depressed nature of the doctor) in which
      the decision was made during that
      particular time.
Overconfidence bias

   •  It refers to our universal tendency to
      believe that we know more than we do.
   •  Overconfidence reflects a tendency to act
      upon incomplete information, intuitions, of
Gambler’s fallacy

   •  The concept of this bias is borrowed from
      the gambling situation where if a coin is
      tossed ten times, and for every case of
      the toss, head is shown.
   •  A person with gambler’s fallacy will say
      that if the coin is tossed for the 11th time,
      there must be a greater chance of being
Gambler’s fallacy

   •  However, the coin has no memory and
      the coin actually has a 50-50 chance of
      showing tail in each toss, which is
      independent of the previous outcomes.
Gambler’s fallacy

   •  An example of this fallacy can happen
      when a clinician see five cases of
      shortness of breath in the course of a
      working shift, and in each case, the
      patient turns out to be having pneumonia.
Gambler’s fallacy

   •  When the 6th patient with shortness of
      breath arrives in the emergency
      department, a clinician with this fallacy
      will probably think that for this 6th time,
      the patient must be having a condition
      other than pneumonia, such as asthmatic
Posterior probability error

   •  This is the opposite of gambler’s fallacy.
      In this bias, if a clinician sees five patients
      with shortness of breath in the course of a
      working shift, which turn out to be
      pneumonia in every cases; when the 6th
      patient with shortness of breath arrives in
      the emergency department, the tendency
      is to believe that this patient must be
      having pneumonia as well.
Summary of common cognitive biases (1)
   Cognitive bias       Thought process
   Availability bias    “I remember seeing a similar
                        patient with diagnosis X.
                        Therefore this patient must be
                        having diagnosis X”
   Anchoring bias       “From the very offset, it seems
                        that this patient is having
                        diagnosis X, so, he must be
                        having diagnosis X”
   Confirmation bias    “Since this patient has diagnosis
                        X, I must look for evidence to
                        support that this patient has
                        diagnosis X”
   Search satisficing   “I have found diagnosis X in this
                        patient and I am happy with it!”
Summary of common cognitive biases (2)
   Cognitive bias        Thought process
   Triage cueing         “The triage officer found that the
                         patient has diagnosis X. Let’s
                         treat the patient as having
                         diagnosis X”
   Diagnostic momentum   “The HO says the patient has
                         diagnosis X. The MO says the
                         patient has diagnosis X. The
                         specialist says the patient has
                         diagnosis X. And nobody is
                         challenging it”
   Sunk cost fallacy     “I have invested so much of my
                         time and energy in managing this
                         patient as having diagnosis X.
                         What else could it be?”
Summary of common cognitive biases (3)
   Cognitive bias                Thought process
   Gambler’s fallacy             “I have seen the last 5 patients
                                 with diagnosis Y. This time, this
                                 patient must be having diagnosis
   Posterior probability error   “I have seen the last 5 patients
                                 with diagnosis Y. This time, this
                                 patient must be having diagnosis
                                 Y as well”.
   Ego bias                      “Statistically speaking, my
                                 patients often do better than
                                 patients from the other team!”
   Blind spot bias               “This kind of mistakes often
                                 happen to Dr. X’s patients. I
                                 wouldn’t have made such
Cognitive biases categories
   •  Biases due to over-attachment to a
      particular diagnosis
     –  Anchoring, confirmation bias
   •  Biases due to failure to consider other
     –  Search satisficing
   •  Biases due to inaccurate estimation of
     –  Availability bias, gambler’s fallacy, posterior
        probability error
Cognitive biases categories

   •  Biases due to the way the patient is
     –  Triage cueing
   •  Biases due to inheriting someone else’s
     –  Diagnostic momentum
   •  Biases due to physician’s personality and
      affect, decision style
     –  Ego bias, blind spot bias
Critical Thinking (1)

   1.  Knowing and understanding the System
       1 & System 2 thinking
   2.  Recognizing the distracting stimuli,
       biases and irrelevance affecting our
   3.  Identifying, analyzing and challenging
       assumptions in arguments
   4.  Be aware of cognitive fallacies and poor
Critical Thinking (2)

   5.  Recognizing deceptions – deliberate or
   6.  Having the capacity for assessing the
       credibility of information
   7.  Understand the need for monitoring and
       control of our own thinking processes
   8.  Be aware of the critical impact of fatigue
       and sleep deprivation on decision
Critical Thinking (3)

   9.  Understand the importance of monitoring
       and control of our own affective states
       that influence the quality of our decisions
   10. Understand the context under which
       decisions are made
   11. Capacity to anticipate the consequences
       of our decisions
Pre-dispositional factors

   •  Further compounding the difficulty in
      clinical decision making is the undeniable
      fact that the quality of our clinical
      decisions is also influenced by ambient or
      environmental conditions under which the
      decision is made.
   •  For example, when faced with a potential
      clinical emergency situation, physicians
      are often expected to make diagnostic
      decisions within a limited time frame.
Affective state of the decision maker

   •  Other factors such as the affective state
      of the clinician, general fatigue,
      interruptions, distractions, sleep
      deprivation etc, can influence the quality
      of our decisions too. For example, sleep
      deprivation (in the course of a long
      working shift, for example) can have a lot
      of negative impact, not only to the quality
      of the decision making, but to the general
      health of the clinician as well.
Sleep deprivation

   •  Sleep deprivation and circadian
      dysynchrony can impair performance and
      reduce many aspects of human capability
      including reduced attention vigilance,
      impaired memory, impaired decision-
      making, lagged reaction time, impaired
      hand-eye coordination and disruptive
Sleep deprivation

   •  For example, it has been shown that after
      17 hours of continuous wakefulness,
      hand-eye coordination task would have
      declined to such a level equivalent to that
      of a blood alcohol level of 0.05%. And at
      24 hour of sustained wakefulness, the
      impairment in psychomotor function is
      equivalent to a blood alcohol
      concentration of 0.1%
Sleep deprivation

   •  Furthermore, a fatigued worker will also
      have a tendency to slow down work his
      work processes in order to maintain
      accuracy (known as the “speed-accuracy
De-biasing strategies

   •  One of the tremendous challenges in
      cognitive biases is finding ways to de-bias
      them. A de-biasing strategy commonly
      used is called the cognitive forcing
      strategies. These are deliberate,
      systematic self-regulatory cognitive
      mechanisms to provide a check and
      balance to minimize biases.

   •  An example of cognitive forcing strategies
      is metacognition. Metacognition is an
      individual’s ability to stand apart from his
      own thinking in order to be aware of his
      own preferred learning approaches and
      ultimately to manipulate his own cognitive
      processes to his own advantages.

   •  In short, metacognition is “thinking about
      thinking.” It allows one to ask questions
      like: “How well did I do?” “What could I
      have done it differently if I am given a
      chance again?” etc.
De-biasing strategies

   •  But suppose one has the necessary
      mindware, then the next question
      Stanovich argues would be whether one
      actually perceives a need to de-bias
      them. But even if the person perceives
      the need for de-biasing, the next question
      would be whether the de-biasing effort
      needed is a sustained effort.
De-biasing strategies

   •  If it is but the person does not have the
      capacity for sustained de-biasing, then
      the natural tendency is still to fall back
      into System 1 of reasoning. This is
      because when it comes to choosing the
      cognitive strategies to apply for solving a
      problem, we generally choose the fast,
      computationally inexpensive strategy
      (System 1).
Cognitive forcing strategies (1)

   •  One of the ways to minimize the risk of
      committing cognitive biases is to forcibly
      ask ourselves these few questions
      whenever we have made our clinical
      decisions (especially if our decision is to
      discharge the patient):
   1  What is/are the possible life/limb threats
      in this patient? Why does the patient
Cognitive forcing strategies (2)

   2  What if I am wrong? What else could it
   3  Do I have evidences for/against this
      decision/diagnosis that I've made?
   4  What are the ambient/affective factors
      that are influencing my decisions?
Cognitive forcing strategies (3)

   5  In the unfortunate event that this case
      landed as a medico-legal case 10 years
      down the road, is what I've documented
      defensible? (in other words, have I
      documented what needs to be
      documented, is my writing legible
      enough, is the date and time written,
•  Download a free article on ‘Making
   decision better’ here:
Authority gradient

   •  Another issue that may hamper the
      learning and practice of critical thinking is
      the issue of authority gradient.
   •  Authority gradient is defined as the
      gradient that may exist between two
      individuals’ professional status,
      experience, or expertise that contributes
      to difficulty exchanging information or
      communicating concern.
Authority gradient

   •  Authority gradient is especially prevalent
      in our Asian culture - which maybe
      heavily influenced by Asian philosophies
      of respecting the seniors.
   •  Such noble value is of course vitally
      important in maintaining societal harmony
      but can be dangerous if taken to the
      extreme and junior doctor adopts an
      unhealthy pessimism attitude.

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Cognitive biases

  • 2. Question #1 •  Jack is looking at Anne, but Anne is looking at George. Jack is married, but George is not. Is a married person looking at an unmarried person? A.  Yes B.  No C.  Cannot be determined
  • 3. Disjunctive Reasoning •  Would you have answered differently if the options are only Yes or No? •  This thought process is called fully disjunctive reasoning – reasoning that considers all possibilities •  Most people can carry out fully disjunctive reasoning when they are explicitly told that it is necessary but most do not automatically do so.
  • 4. Discuss further What if this is a clinical case? Does it make a difference in your decision making process if you have only option A and option B as compared to if you are given option C as well (which essentially is a permission or excuse not to make a definite choice on the basis of “inadequate information given”)?
  • 5. “Humans are cognitive misers because our basic tendency is to default to the processing mechanisms that require less computational effort, even if they are less accurate” – Keith Stanovich, cognitive psychologist
  • 6. Question #2 •  Suppose you want to buy a book and a pencil. The book and the pencil cost RM1.20 in total. If the book costs RM1.00 more than the pencil, how much does the pencil cost?
  • 7. Discuss further •  Discuss on intelligence vs Rationality •  “We often assume intelligence and rationality go together but we shouldn’t be surprised when smart people do foolish things” – Keith Stanovich •  Dysrationalia – is the inability to think and behave rationally despite having adequate intelligence
  • 8. What does the middle character look like?
  • 9. Which line is longer?
  • 10. How do we make decisions? •  Decision making is one of the most important we do, it is the engine that drives our behavior. •  We make many decisions continuously in the course of our waking hours. These decisions vary in complexity •  Some are relatively simple, automatic process, well-rehearsed. Some have consequential implications – like choosing our life-partners
  • 11. “What we are, or how we live our lives are largely determined by the decisions we made” “We first make our choices, then our choices make us”
  • 12. How do we make decisions? •  One of the major developments in cognitive psychology over the last 20 years is the dual process theory (DPT) of reasoning. •  The DPT of reasoning has emerged as the dominant theory of reasoning particularly through the works of people like Epstein, Tversky and Kahneman, Stanovich and West, and Evans.
  • 13. Dual-process thinking •  According to the DPT of reasoning, there are two modes of decision making, i.e., System 1 and System 2. •  System 1 is the fast, intuitive, reflexive, automatic and frugal thinking and it is where we spend most of our time making most of our decisions. Driving a car for someone who has been driving for a long time is an example of System 1 thinking.
  • 14. Dual-process thinking •  System 2, on the other hand is a deliberate, analytical, purposeful or effortful form of thinking that is usually slower. •  Discuss: give further examples of some of the decisions that you make in your daily lives that are largely based on System 1 and those that are based on System 2
  • 15. Dual-process thinking System 1 (Intuitive) System 2 (Analytical) Experiential-inductive Hypothetico-deductive Heuristic Systematic Pattern recognition Robust decision making Unconscious thinking theory Deliberate, purposeful thinking Fast Slow High capacity Limited High emotional attachment Low emotional attachment Low scientific rigor High scientific rigor
  • 17. Case illustration #2 This child develops this rash after 5 days of antibiotics for fever and cough. The resident takes a quick glance of this child and diagnose him with Stevens-Johnson syndrome. He says that he has seen a similar case before when he was a house officer and he remember that case very well because the child died later on.
  • 18. Was the resident right? •  The resident employed System 1 thinking •  Quick, intuitive, pattern recognition based on what he has seen before •  High emotional association – his previous patient died following a ‘similar case’ •  But was he right? •  SJS often has extensive mucosal involvement. SSSS usually does not. •  Nikolsky’s sign is usually present in SSSS
  • 19. Heuristics •  Although System 1 is the fast, reflexive thinking mode that we commonly used, inherent to the intuitive nature of this system, it often requires the use of heuristics. •  Heuristics are mental shortcuts or “rules of thumb” or “gut-feeling” used to assist us to rapidly make decisions without formal analysis.
  • 20. Heuristics •  Two heuristics that are considered essential for a clinician when faced with an emergency situation are the “rule-out- worst-case-scenario” and the sick/not sick dichotomy
  • 21. RECOGNIZED Pattern Patient Pattern Recognition Executive T Dysrationalia Presentation Processor override override Calibration Diagnosis Repetition NOT RECOGNIZED
  • 22. System 1 and System 2 in play
  • 23. Cognitive biases •  While heuristics are helpful cues for System 1, at times, they are prone to cognitive biases and errors. •  Cognitive biases or cognitive disposition to respond are our predictable tendencies to respond in a certain way to the contextual clues at that time •  These biases are often unconsciously committed, and may result in flawed reasoning
  • 24. Availability bias •  Availability bias – this refers to our tendency to judge things as being more likely, or frequently occurring, if they readily come to mind. •  Therefore, a recent experience with a particular disease, for example, thoracic aortic dissection may inflate likelihood of a clinician to diagnose the patient with this disease every time when the clinician sees a case of chest pain.
  • 25. Anchoring •  Anchoring – this refers to our tendency to fixate our perception on to the salient features in the patient’s initial presentation at an early point of the diagnostic process so much so that we fail to adjust our initial impression even in light of later information.
  • 26. Confirmation bias •  Confirmation bias – this refers to our tendency to look for confirming evidence to support the diagnosis we are “anchoring” to, while downplaying, or ignoring or not actively seeking evidences that may point to the contrary.
  • 27. Confirmation bias •  Confirmation bias often goes together with anchoring. For example, if a clinician has anchored or fixated the diagnosis of myocardial infarction in his mind, he will have the tendency to look for evidences to support this diagnosis, say, ST segment elevation on electrocardiography even if the amount of elevation is very minimal.
  • 28. Confirmation bias •  In contrast, if the patient’s chest X-ray demonstrates a widened mediastinum width with unequal pulses on examination and high blood pressure, the clinician may have ignored such important cues that may point to the life threatening condition of thoracic aortic dissection.
  • 29. Search satisficing •  This refers to our tendency to stop looking or call off a search for a second diagnoses when we have found the first one. •  This bias can prove to be detrimental in polytrauma cases.
  • 30. Search satisficing •  A classic example of this bias is the tendency of the physician to call off the search for a second fracture once he thinks he is “sufficiently satisfied” with finding the first fracture of medial malleolus, when in fact, the patient may have sustained Maisonneuve fracture with a second proximal fibula fracture.
  • 31. Case illustration #3 This patient claimed to have twisted his left ankle and complained of severe ankle pain. The medical officer in the A&E ordered an X-ray of that ankle. He saw some abnormalities over the medial malleolar region and then referred the case to the orthopedics. Question: Do you agree with his plan of management? Give your comments.
  • 33. Normal mortise view •  The entire mortise joint space should be of uniform width, ≤ 4 mm (light gray). •  The distal tibiofibular joint (dark gray) should be only slightly wider than the mortise joint space, ≤ 5.5 mm. •  The tibiofibular overlap should be > 1 mm on the mortise view.
  • 34.
  • 35. An example of search satisficing A Maisonneuve fracture should be suspected whenever there is a fracture to the medial aspect of the ankle or widening of the distal tibiofibular joint Always remember the adage in X- rays of #: “One joint below, and one joint above”
  • 36. Triage cueing •  This is basically a form of anchoring where once a triage tag has been labelled on a patient, the tendency is to look at the patient only from the perspective of the discipline in which the patient is tagged to.
  • 37. Diagnostic momentum •  Once diagnostic labels are attached to patients they tend to become stickier and stickier. Through intermediaries, (patients, paramedics, nurses, physicians) what might have started as a possibility gathers increasing momentum until it becomes definite and all other possibilities are excluded.
  • 38. Sunk cost fallacy/bias •  The more a clinician invest in a particular diagnosis, the less likely he is to release it and consider alternatives. This form of entrapment is common in financial investment. In clinical setting, the time mental energy, and for some, the ego may be a precious investment to let go. Confirmation bias maybe a manifestation of such unwillingness to let go of a failing diagnosis.
  • 40. Ego bias •  This refers to our tendency of overestimating the prognosis of one’s own patients compared to that of a population of similar patients under the care of other physicians.
  • 41. Blind spot bias •  This refers to the bias that many people have where they believe that they are less susceptible to errors compared to others. This has some similarities with ego bias.
  • 42. Hindsight bias •  This bias typically occurs during morbidity and mortality meetings where the outcome of the case is already known. •  With hindsight bias, a case with a bad outcome is judged negatively where the sequence of decisions made leading up to the outcome must be bad as well.
  • 43. Hindsight bias •  However, it is not necessarily true that just because the outcomes are bad, the decisions are bad too, as people generally do not deliberately make bad decisions. •  The decisions taken at that time must have made sense to them.
  • 44. Hindsight bias •  Furthermore, the process of cognitive autopsy during morbidity and mortality meetings are devoid of the ambient context (e.g. a busy working emergency department) and the affective dispositions (e.g. the stress, sleep-deprived or depressed nature of the doctor) in which the decision was made during that particular time.
  • 45. Overconfidence bias •  It refers to our universal tendency to believe that we know more than we do. •  Overconfidence reflects a tendency to act upon incomplete information, intuitions, of hunches.
  • 46. Gambler’s fallacy •  The concept of this bias is borrowed from the gambling situation where if a coin is tossed ten times, and for every case of the toss, head is shown. •  A person with gambler’s fallacy will say that if the coin is tossed for the 11th time, there must be a greater chance of being tail.
  • 47. Gambler’s fallacy •  However, the coin has no memory and the coin actually has a 50-50 chance of showing tail in each toss, which is independent of the previous outcomes.
  • 48. Gambler’s fallacy •  An example of this fallacy can happen when a clinician see five cases of shortness of breath in the course of a working shift, and in each case, the patient turns out to be having pneumonia.
  • 49. Gambler’s fallacy •  When the 6th patient with shortness of breath arrives in the emergency department, a clinician with this fallacy will probably think that for this 6th time, the patient must be having a condition other than pneumonia, such as asthmatic attack.
  • 50. Posterior probability error •  This is the opposite of gambler’s fallacy. In this bias, if a clinician sees five patients with shortness of breath in the course of a working shift, which turn out to be pneumonia in every cases; when the 6th patient with shortness of breath arrives in the emergency department, the tendency is to believe that this patient must be having pneumonia as well.
  • 51. Summary of common cognitive biases (1) Cognitive bias Thought process Availability bias “I remember seeing a similar patient with diagnosis X. Therefore this patient must be having diagnosis X” Anchoring bias “From the very offset, it seems that this patient is having diagnosis X, so, he must be having diagnosis X” Confirmation bias “Since this patient has diagnosis X, I must look for evidence to support that this patient has diagnosis X” Search satisficing “I have found diagnosis X in this patient and I am happy with it!”
  • 52. Summary of common cognitive biases (2) Cognitive bias Thought process Triage cueing “The triage officer found that the patient has diagnosis X. Let’s treat the patient as having diagnosis X” Diagnostic momentum “The HO says the patient has diagnosis X. The MO says the patient has diagnosis X. The specialist says the patient has diagnosis X. And nobody is challenging it” Sunk cost fallacy “I have invested so much of my time and energy in managing this patient as having diagnosis X. What else could it be?”
  • 53. Summary of common cognitive biases (3) Cognitive bias Thought process Gambler’s fallacy “I have seen the last 5 patients with diagnosis Y. This time, this patient must be having diagnosis X”. Posterior probability error “I have seen the last 5 patients with diagnosis Y. This time, this patient must be having diagnosis Y as well”. Ego bias “Statistically speaking, my patients often do better than patients from the other team!” Blind spot bias “This kind of mistakes often happen to Dr. X’s patients. I wouldn’t have made such mistakes”
  • 54. Cognitive biases categories •  Biases due to over-attachment to a particular diagnosis –  Anchoring, confirmation bias •  Biases due to failure to consider other diagnosis –  Search satisficing •  Biases due to inaccurate estimation of prevalence –  Availability bias, gambler’s fallacy, posterior probability error
  • 55. Cognitive biases categories •  Biases due to the way the patient is presented –  Triage cueing •  Biases due to inheriting someone else’s thinking –  Diagnostic momentum •  Biases due to physician’s personality and affect, decision style –  Ego bias, blind spot bias
  • 56. Critical Thinking (1) 1.  Knowing and understanding the System 1 & System 2 thinking 2.  Recognizing the distracting stimuli, biases and irrelevance affecting our decisions 3.  Identifying, analyzing and challenging assumptions in arguments 4.  Be aware of cognitive fallacies and poor reasoning
  • 57. Critical Thinking (2) 5.  Recognizing deceptions – deliberate or otherwise 6.  Having the capacity for assessing the credibility of information 7.  Understand the need for monitoring and control of our own thinking processes 8.  Be aware of the critical impact of fatigue and sleep deprivation on decision making
  • 58. Critical Thinking (3) 9.  Understand the importance of monitoring and control of our own affective states that influence the quality of our decisions 10. Understand the context under which decisions are made 11. Capacity to anticipate the consequences of our decisions
  • 59. Pre-dispositional factors •  Further compounding the difficulty in clinical decision making is the undeniable fact that the quality of our clinical decisions is also influenced by ambient or environmental conditions under which the decision is made. •  For example, when faced with a potential clinical emergency situation, physicians are often expected to make diagnostic decisions within a limited time frame.
  • 60. Affective state of the decision maker •  Other factors such as the affective state of the clinician, general fatigue, interruptions, distractions, sleep deprivation etc, can influence the quality of our decisions too. For example, sleep deprivation (in the course of a long working shift, for example) can have a lot of negative impact, not only to the quality of the decision making, but to the general health of the clinician as well.
  • 61. Sleep deprivation •  Sleep deprivation and circadian dysynchrony can impair performance and reduce many aspects of human capability including reduced attention vigilance, impaired memory, impaired decision- making, lagged reaction time, impaired hand-eye coordination and disruptive communications.
  • 62. Sleep deprivation •  For example, it has been shown that after 17 hours of continuous wakefulness, hand-eye coordination task would have declined to such a level equivalent to that of a blood alcohol level of 0.05%. And at 24 hour of sustained wakefulness, the impairment in psychomotor function is equivalent to a blood alcohol concentration of 0.1%
  • 63. Sleep deprivation •  Furthermore, a fatigued worker will also have a tendency to slow down work his work processes in order to maintain accuracy (known as the “speed-accuracy trade-off”)
  • 64. De-biasing strategies •  One of the tremendous challenges in cognitive biases is finding ways to de-bias them. A de-biasing strategy commonly used is called the cognitive forcing strategies. These are deliberate, systematic self-regulatory cognitive mechanisms to provide a check and balance to minimize biases.
  • 65. Metacognition •  An example of cognitive forcing strategies is metacognition. Metacognition is an individual’s ability to stand apart from his own thinking in order to be aware of his own preferred learning approaches and ultimately to manipulate his own cognitive processes to his own advantages.
  • 66. Metacognition •  In short, metacognition is “thinking about thinking.” It allows one to ask questions like: “How well did I do?” “What could I have done it differently if I am given a chance again?” etc.
  • 67. De-biasing strategies •  But suppose one has the necessary mindware, then the next question Stanovich argues would be whether one actually perceives a need to de-bias them. But even if the person perceives the need for de-biasing, the next question would be whether the de-biasing effort needed is a sustained effort.
  • 68. De-biasing strategies •  If it is but the person does not have the capacity for sustained de-biasing, then the natural tendency is still to fall back into System 1 of reasoning. This is because when it comes to choosing the cognitive strategies to apply for solving a problem, we generally choose the fast, computationally inexpensive strategy (System 1).
  • 69. Cognitive forcing strategies (1) •  One of the ways to minimize the risk of committing cognitive biases is to forcibly ask ourselves these few questions whenever we have made our clinical decisions (especially if our decision is to discharge the patient): 1  What is/are the possible life/limb threats in this patient? Why does the patient come?
  • 70. Cognitive forcing strategies (2) 2  What if I am wrong? What else could it be? 3  Do I have evidences for/against this decision/diagnosis that I've made? 4  What are the ambient/affective factors that are influencing my decisions?
  • 71. Cognitive forcing strategies (3) 5  In the unfortunate event that this case landed as a medico-legal case 10 years down the road, is what I've documented defensible? (in other words, have I documented what needs to be documented, is my writing legible enough, is the date and time written, etc).
  • 72. •  Download a free article on ‘Making decision better’ here: •
  • 73. Authority gradient •  Another issue that may hamper the learning and practice of critical thinking is the issue of authority gradient. •  Authority gradient is defined as the gradient that may exist between two individuals’ professional status, experience, or expertise that contributes to difficulty exchanging information or communicating concern.
  • 74. Authority gradient •  Authority gradient is especially prevalent in our Asian culture - which maybe heavily influenced by Asian philosophies of respecting the seniors. •  Such noble value is of course vitally important in maintaining societal harmony but can be dangerous if taken to the extreme and junior doctor adopts an unhealthy pessimism attitude.