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emissions cut 30%
                                                                                                                       A European Wind Energy Association publication         

                Moving to 30% emissions cuts
Photo: iStock

                Europe needs to cut its greenhouse gas emis-                                  jobs and become more competitive, and not lose                    And because wind turbines do not consume fuel
                sions by 30% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels                                  ground to other countries.                                        and their operation and maintenance expenses
                to boost economic growth, maintain its technol-                                                                                                 are low, the marginal cost of wind power is mini-
                ogy leadership and keep climate change in check.                              Rather than relaxing its climate ambitions as the                 mal. Therefore, an increase in the amount of wind
                                                                                              international climate negotiations seem to make                   power in the electricity mix means that more ex-
                The current target - a 20% cut - has become easy                              little headway, the EU must put Europe’s econom-                  pensive and polluting technologies (oil, coal and
                to meet because of the recession: we have al-                                 ic interests first and move to a 30% emissions                    gas) are pushed out of the market, avoiding more
                ready reached 17%.                                                            reduction target.                                                 CO2 and bringing electricity prices down.

                A 30% cut by 2020 is a crucial first step to the                              A wind of change                                                  Wind energy is already fighting climate change: in
                80-95% emissions cut by 2050 agreed by the                                                                                                      2009, wind power in the EU avoided the emission
                Heads of State, essential in industrialised coun-                             Wind energy can play a crucial role in helping meet               of 106 million tonnes (Mt) of CO2.
                tries to avoid the global temperature rise of 2°C                             a 30% target. While the fossil fuels traditionally
                or more that would have catastrophic climate im-                              used in the electricity sector produce lots of CO2,               In 2020, 230 GW of wind energy in Europe will
                pacts. What is more, a 30% cut is essential if                                wind energy produces no greenhouse gases, and                     avoid the emission of 333 million tonnes of CO2
                Europe is to maintain its leadership in renewable                             can be deployed and begin reducing emissions                      per year, 29% of the 20% emissions reduction tar-
                energy technologies like wind energy, create new                              immediately.                                                      get, or 19% of a 30% emissions reduction target.

                Costs and benefits
                The benefits of a move to 30% outweigh the costs.                             	 • he cost of reaching a 30% target is now es-
                                                                                                 T                                                              	 • nergy security would improve and €40 billion
                The International Energy Agency has stated that                                  timated at €81 billion per year in 2020, just                     could be saved in oil and gas imports in the
                “every year of delayed investment in more low-                                   €11 billion higher than the price tag for the                     year 2020.
                carbon sources adds €300-400 billion to the price                                20% target two years ago.
                tag”. Remaining at 20% results in a much higher,                                                                                                	 • here would be health and financial benefits
                more expensive reduction effort post-2020.                                    The benefits                                                         from lower pollution of €12.6-22 billion per
                                                                                              	 •nvesting in renewable energy will create wealth
                                                                                                 I                                                                 year.
                The costs                                                                        and jobs in the EU, especially if using technolo-
                	 • ue to the economic recession the absolute
                   D                                                                             gies like wind power manufactured locally.                     	 •t would allow the EU to meet the IPCC’s scien-
                   cost of meeting the 20% target has gone down                                                                                                    tific advice that by 2020 industrialised nations
                   from €70 billion to €48 billion per year in                                	 •GDP would grow by 0.6% more.                                      must have reduced their emissions by 25%-40%
                   2020, or 0.32% of GDP according to the Euro-
                                         ,                                                                                                                         to give us a 50% chance of avoiding dangerous
                   pean Commission.                                                           	 •There would be a net job creation of 1 million.                   climate change, a 2°C temperature rise.

                All information from European Commission communication: “Analysis of options to move beyond 20% greenhouse gas emissions...” (COM(2010) 265).
“Europe has a selfish interest in
                           being ambitious”
                          Connie Hedegaard
                          EU Climate Action Commissioner

  “Yes there are the international ne-          rope because, although many parties             wind politics. Today, China has three            others are moving fast [...] we must
  gotiations. Yes there is conditionality.      are moving slowly in the international          wind manufactures in the global top              not make it too easy to achieve the
  But there is also Europe’s own selfish        negotiations, they are not necessarily          ten, and 30% of all wind turbines be-            targets and so lose the innovation we
  interest in being ambitious in the field      moving slowly in reality.                       ing put up this year come from China.            need.”
  of climate [...] This is about growth,
  innovation and job creation. I’m afraid       “Ten years ago China was more or less           “We could lose jobs in Europe if we
  we’re getting too complacent in Eu-           non-existent when it came to global             are not ambitious enough, because

                              “We are the continent that invented
                                                                                                                                                    Jo Leinen
                                                                               MEP and Chair of the Environment Committee in the European Parliament

  “Europe has to take climate change            luctant, but in reality. The US has             take world leadership in the mar-                industrial revolution of a low carbon
  leadership or we risk losing leader-          put billions of dollars in their recov-         kets. And we are the continent that              economy.”
  ship. Maybe not on the negotiation            ery plan for innovative green tech-             invented industrialisation! We have
  table, because others are more re-            nology and China has done a lot to              to make the next step to the third

                           “2030 is less than an investment
                           cycle away”
                           Teresa Presas
                           Chair of Alliance for a Competitive European Industry (ACEI)

  “The conditions are not there to              “We are just coming out of a re-                need time, we need the conditions
  move to a 30% reduction target. The           cession. All the efforts are right              to make that commitment.
  learning curve, the cost curve will           now geared towards that. We need
  be extremely steep [...]”.                    to take into consideration that we

                     “100% renewables in 2050 is feasible”
                                                                                                                                          Arthouros Zervos
                                                                                                  President of the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)

  “If we want to keep the global tem-           at zero carbon by 2050. That means              in Europe. In 2009 renewables rep-               11 years to get to 100% of new ca-
  perature rise under 2°C, industrial-          that there should be no carbon emit-            resented 62% of new power installa-              pacity renewables in the power sec-
  ised countries need to reduce their           ting power plants built after 2020.             tions. From 2000 to 2009 there were              tor, and this is feasible.”
  emissions by 80-95%: a power plant                                                            42 percentage points of renewables
  has a life of at least 30 years, which        “In 2000, renewable energy capacity             growth; from 2009 to 2020 it would
  means the power sector has to be              represented 20% of new installations            be 38 additional points for the next

  Commissioner Hedegaard, Jo Leinen MEP, Teresa Presas from ACEI and Arthouros Zervos from EWEA and EREC were speaking at a public debate organised by EWEA, entitled
  “Wind of Change – how Europe can benefit from reducing emissions by 30%” on 13 October in Brussels.

A 30%
                                                             2007                                       2008                                       2009                                     2010
emissions cut –                       9 March                                    12 Dec.                                  10 Dec.                                    26 May

the timeline                        At a Council meeting, the EU commits to
                                    move to a 30% emissions cut by 2020 if
                                    other major economies take on their fair
                                                                               The COP14 climate meeting in Poznan
                                                                               fails to deliver a global agreement. EU
                                                                               starts considering a unilateral move to
                                                                                                                         At COP15 in Copenhagen, the EU re-
                                                                                                                         peats its offer to move to 30% if other
                                                                                                                         countries commit. Again this fails as no
                                                                                                                                                                    The European Commission releases a C
                                                                                                                                                                    tion on “moving beyond a 20% emission
                                                                                                                                                                    target”, which highlights the benefits o
                                    share of the effort.                       30% cuts.                                 agreement is reached.                      the target without recommending a unil
                                                                                                                                                                    to 30%. EWEA releases a briefing, urgin
                                                                                                                                                                    commit to a 30% cut.
emissions cut 30%

                Voicing their support
                More and more voices from many dif-                    NGOs and foundations                           Spring Alliance Manifesto                         proposing ambitious action and en-
                ferent sectors are calling for a move                                                                                                                   couraging those waiting in the wings.
                to a higher EU emission reductions                     Greenpeace                                     “The 20% target for 2020 agreed in                It would also make good business
                target.                                                                                               December 2008 is an important first               sense.”
                                                                       “An upgrade to a 30% emission re-              step but is insufficient and is under-
                Businesses and trade unions                            duction target would encourage in-             mined by generous Clean Develop-                  UK Energy and Climate Change Minister Chris
                                                                                                                                                                        Huhne, German Environment Minister Norbert
                                                                       vestments in labour-intensive instead          ment Mechanism allowances.”                       Röttgen and French Environment Minister Jean-
                The Climate Group                                      of energy-intensive products. A 30%                                                              Louis Borloo in the Financial Times, July 2010
                                                                       target will boost green technologies           The European Environmental Bureau, the
                                                                                                                      European Trade Union Confederation, Social
                “Moving beyond a 20% emissions                         that are overall more labour intensive         Platform and Concord with civil society           “The Danish government believes
                reduction target is a potential win-                   than conventional sectors.”                    groups in the Spring Alliance Manifesto:          the time has come to increase the
                win-win for Europe. As well as the                                                                                       EU’s green commitment further.
                environmental, economic and social           
                                                                                                                                                                        Therefore, we believe the EU should
                benefits of cutting greenhouse gas                                                                    Decision-makers                                   set a unilateral target of reducing its
                emissions, it will spur innovation and                 European Climate Foundation                                                                      CO2 emissions by 30% by 2020 be-
                investment thus creating millions of                                                                  “A reduction of 30% from 1990 lev-                low 1990 levels.”
                new jobs in a low carbon economy,                      “By deploying technologies already             els by 2020 would represent a real
                with the global market in low carbon                   commercial today or in late devel-             incentive for innovation and action in            Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen,
                goods and services estimated to be                     opment stage, Europe could reduce              the international context. It would be            September 2010
                worth over €3.4 trillion and growing                   greenhouse gas emissions by 80%                a genuine attempt to restrict the rise
                rapidly”                                               by 2050 compared to 1990 and still             in global temperatures to 2°C – the
                                                                       provide the same level of reliability          key climate danger threshold – stiff-
                Declaration organised by The Climate Group,            as the existing energy system.”                ening the resolve of those already
                The Cambridge Programme for Sustainability
                Leadership and WWF, and signed by 29
                different companies:

                European Trade Union Confederation

                “[The EU’s] current position of not
                raising its emissions reduction com-
                mitment to 30% until other countries                                                                                                                    Research institutes
                express the political will to take do-
                mestic measures with respect to the                                                                                                                     “The reduction proposals by the big
                Copenhagen Accord should be re-                                                                                                                         developed and developing countries
                vised without delay”                                                                                                                                    have not changed since our last up-
                                                                                                                                                                        date and existing loopholes have not
                European Trade Union Confederation:                                                                                                                     been eliminated yet. Hence, our cal-
                                                                                                                                                  culations still point to a virtual cer-
                                                                                                                                                                        tainty of exceeding 1.5°C, with global
                                                                                                                                                                        warming by 2100 very likely to rise
                                                                                                                                                                        above 2°C and even a 50% chance of
                                                                                                                                                                        exceeding 3°C.”

                                                                                                                                                                        Dr h.c. Bill Hare, Climate Analytics Director
                                                                                                                                                                        at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact
                                                                                                                                                                        Research, commenting on the assessment
                                                                                                                                                                        system on that
                                                                                                                                                                        shows how the commitments of each country
                                                                                                                                                                        to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions contribute
                                                                                                                                                                        to total reductions globally.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Photo: Dreamstime

                                                 2010                                                     2010                                          2010                                         2010
                        11 June                                                      29 Sep                                      13 Oct.                                      14 Oct.

  Communica-          Europe’s environment ministers welcome the inten-            Denmark also announces its support for      EWEA organises a high-level public de-       Europe’s environment ministers ask the Europe-
 ns reduction         tion of the Commission to conduct a more detailed            a move to 30% reductions.                   bate with EU Climate Commissioner            an Commission to provide more information on
of increasing         analysis of what an increase would mean for Member                                                       Connie Hedegaard on how Europe can           how further cuts could affect individual Member
 lateral move         States, stating that they will discuss again at their Oc-                                                benefit from reducing emissions by           States. This may be included in the Commis-
ng the EU to          tober meeting. The UK, France and Germany come out                                                       30%.                                         sion’s 2050 Roadmap to a Low-Carbon Economy,
                      in favour of a 30% target.                                                                                                                            to be published in 2011.
emissions cut 30%

A 30% target will make Europe’s ETS
more effective
Increasing the EU’s emissions reduction target to
30% or more is the only way of ensuring the emis-
sions trading system (ETS), is effective.

The ETS was introduced to help EU Member States
limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a cost-
effective way, by allowing participating companies
to buy or sell emission allowances, ensuring it is
the polluter who pays for emitting CO2.

However, demand and output are currently lower
than usual in all sectors due to the financial crisis,
which means that current emissions are below the
cap set for the 2008-2012 period and even though
industry has not moved to greener habits, there are
emissions allowances to spare.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Photo: Dave Walsh
In theory the extra allowances mean that the car-
bon price should crash. However in reality, heavy
industry is selling the extra allowances cheaply to
the power sector - which will have to buy over 90%
of its allowances after 2013 – and making a profit
                                                                                             A 30% emissions cut - what needs to happen?
on allowances it received for free.

                                                                                               In 2011 the European Commission will publish                                    This Roadmap should propose the adoption of
The Council must ask the European Commission to
                                                                                               its 2050 Roadmap to a Low Carbon Economy,                                       a 30% emissions reduction target by 2020, and
solve the issue quickly, as it could even have an im-
                                                                                               which should outline how a 100% renewable                                       ambitious renewable energy targets for 2030.
pact on the effectiveness of the ETS (the number of                                            energy mix will underpin the reduction of green-
allowances available) after 2020. The best way of                                              house gas emissions by 80-95% by 2050.
doing this is the move to 30% emissions reduction.

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                                                                                                                                                             What’s next? looking past the 2020 targets

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                                                            About EWEA
                                                            EWEA is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting wind power in Europe and worldwide. It has over 650 members from almost 60 countries, including wind turbine manufacturers
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                                                            Tel: +32 2 213 1811 - Fax: +32 2 213 1890 - E-mail: -

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  • 1. emissions cut 30% A European Wind Energy Association publication Moving to 30% emissions cuts Photo: iStock Europe needs to cut its greenhouse gas emis- jobs and become more competitive, and not lose And because wind turbines do not consume fuel sions by 30% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels ground to other countries. and their operation and maintenance expenses to boost economic growth, maintain its technol- are low, the marginal cost of wind power is mini- ogy leadership and keep climate change in check. Rather than relaxing its climate ambitions as the mal. Therefore, an increase in the amount of wind international climate negotiations seem to make power in the electricity mix means that more ex- The current target - a 20% cut - has become easy little headway, the EU must put Europe’s econom- pensive and polluting technologies (oil, coal and to meet because of the recession: we have al- ic interests first and move to a 30% emissions gas) are pushed out of the market, avoiding more ready reached 17%. reduction target. CO2 and bringing electricity prices down. A 30% cut by 2020 is a crucial first step to the A wind of change Wind energy is already fighting climate change: in 80-95% emissions cut by 2050 agreed by the 2009, wind power in the EU avoided the emission Heads of State, essential in industrialised coun- Wind energy can play a crucial role in helping meet of 106 million tonnes (Mt) of CO2. tries to avoid the global temperature rise of 2°C a 30% target. While the fossil fuels traditionally or more that would have catastrophic climate im- used in the electricity sector produce lots of CO2, In 2020, 230 GW of wind energy in Europe will pacts. What is more, a 30% cut is essential if wind energy produces no greenhouse gases, and avoid the emission of 333 million tonnes of CO2 Europe is to maintain its leadership in renewable can be deployed and begin reducing emissions per year, 29% of the 20% emissions reduction tar- energy technologies like wind energy, create new immediately. get, or 19% of a 30% emissions reduction target. Costs and benefits The benefits of a move to 30% outweigh the costs. • he cost of reaching a 30% target is now es- T • nergy security would improve and €40 billion E The International Energy Agency has stated that timated at €81 billion per year in 2020, just could be saved in oil and gas imports in the “every year of delayed investment in more low- €11 billion higher than the price tag for the year 2020. carbon sources adds €300-400 billion to the price 20% target two years ago. tag”. Remaining at 20% results in a much higher, • here would be health and financial benefits T more expensive reduction effort post-2020. The benefits from lower pollution of €12.6-22 billion per •nvesting in renewable energy will create wealth I year. The costs and jobs in the EU, especially if using technolo- • ue to the economic recession the absolute D gies like wind power manufactured locally. •t would allow the EU to meet the IPCC’s scien- I cost of meeting the 20% target has gone down tific advice that by 2020 industrialised nations from €70 billion to €48 billion per year in •GDP would grow by 0.6% more. must have reduced their emissions by 25%-40% 2020, or 0.32% of GDP according to the Euro- , to give us a 50% chance of avoiding dangerous pean Commission. •There would be a net job creation of 1 million. climate change, a 2°C temperature rise. All information from European Commission communication: “Analysis of options to move beyond 20% greenhouse gas emissions...” (COM(2010) 265).
  • 2. “Europe has a selfish interest in being ambitious” Connie Hedegaard EU Climate Action Commissioner “Yes there are the international ne- rope because, although many parties wind politics. Today, China has three others are moving fast [...] we must gotiations. Yes there is conditionality. are moving slowly in the international wind manufactures in the global top not make it too easy to achieve the But there is also Europe’s own selfish negotiations, they are not necessarily ten, and 30% of all wind turbines be- targets and so lose the innovation we interest in being ambitious in the field moving slowly in reality. ing put up this year come from China. need.” of climate [...] This is about growth, innovation and job creation. I’m afraid “Ten years ago China was more or less “We could lose jobs in Europe if we we’re getting too complacent in Eu- non-existent when it came to global are not ambitious enough, because “We are the continent that invented industrialisation” Jo Leinen MEP and Chair of the Environment Committee in the European Parliament “Europe has to take climate change luctant, but in reality. The US has take world leadership in the mar- industrial revolution of a low carbon leadership or we risk losing leader- put billions of dollars in their recov- kets. And we are the continent that economy.” ship. Maybe not on the negotiation ery plan for innovative green tech- invented industrialisation! We have table, because others are more re- nology and China has done a lot to to make the next step to the third “2030 is less than an investment cycle away” Teresa Presas Chair of Alliance for a Competitive European Industry (ACEI) “The conditions are not there to “We are just coming out of a re- need time, we need the conditions move to a 30% reduction target. The cession. All the efforts are right to make that commitment. learning curve, the cost curve will now geared towards that. We need be extremely steep [...]”. to take into consideration that we “100% renewables in 2050 is feasible” Arthouros Zervos President of the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) “If we want to keep the global tem- at zero carbon by 2050. That means in Europe. In 2009 renewables rep- 11 years to get to 100% of new ca- perature rise under 2°C, industrial- that there should be no carbon emit- resented 62% of new power installa- pacity renewables in the power sec- ised countries need to reduce their ting power plants built after 2020. tions. From 2000 to 2009 there were tor, and this is feasible.” emissions by 80-95%: a power plant 42 percentage points of renewables has a life of at least 30 years, which “In 2000, renewable energy capacity growth; from 2009 to 2020 it would means the power sector has to be represented 20% of new installations be 38 additional points for the next Commissioner Hedegaard, Jo Leinen MEP, Teresa Presas from ACEI and Arthouros Zervos from EWEA and EREC were speaking at a public debate organised by EWEA, entitled “Wind of Change – how Europe can benefit from reducing emissions by 30%” on 13 October in Brussels. A 30% 2007 2008 2009 2010 emissions cut – 9 March 12 Dec. 10 Dec. 26 May the timeline At a Council meeting, the EU commits to move to a 30% emissions cut by 2020 if other major economies take on their fair The COP14 climate meeting in Poznan fails to deliver a global agreement. EU starts considering a unilateral move to At COP15 in Copenhagen, the EU re- peats its offer to move to 30% if other countries commit. Again this fails as no The European Commission releases a C tion on “moving beyond a 20% emission target”, which highlights the benefits o share of the effort. 30% cuts. agreement is reached. the target without recommending a unil to 30%. EWEA releases a briefing, urgin commit to a 30% cut.
  • 3. emissions cut 30% Voicing their support More and more voices from many dif- NGOs and foundations Spring Alliance Manifesto proposing ambitious action and en- ferent sectors are calling for a move couraging those waiting in the wings. to a higher EU emission reductions Greenpeace “The 20% target for 2020 agreed in It would also make good business target. December 2008 is an important first sense.” “An upgrade to a 30% emission re- step but is insufficient and is under- Businesses and trade unions duction target would encourage in- mined by generous Clean Develop- UK Energy and Climate Change Minister Chris Huhne, German Environment Minister Norbert vestments in labour-intensive instead ment Mechanism allowances.” Röttgen and French Environment Minister Jean- The Climate Group of energy-intensive products. A 30% Louis Borloo in the Financial Times, July 2010 target will boost green technologies The European Environmental Bureau, the European Trade Union Confederation, Social “Moving beyond a 20% emissions that are overall more labour intensive Platform and Concord with civil society “The Danish government believes reduction target is a potential win- than conventional sectors.” groups in the Spring Alliance Manifesto: the time has come to increase the win-win for Europe. As well as the EU’s green commitment further. environmental, economic and social Therefore, we believe the EU should benefits of cutting greenhouse gas Decision-makers set a unilateral target of reducing its emissions, it will spur innovation and European Climate Foundation CO2 emissions by 30% by 2020 be- investment thus creating millions of “A reduction of 30% from 1990 lev- low 1990 levels.” new jobs in a low carbon economy, “By deploying technologies already els by 2020 would represent a real with the global market in low carbon commercial today or in late devel- incentive for innovation and action in Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen, goods and services estimated to be opment stage, Europe could reduce the international context. It would be September 2010 worth over €3.4 trillion and growing greenhouse gas emissions by 80% a genuine attempt to restrict the rise rapidly” by 2050 compared to 1990 and still in global temperatures to 2°C – the provide the same level of reliability key climate danger threshold – stiff- Declaration organised by The Climate Group, as the existing energy system.” ening the resolve of those already The Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership and WWF, and signed by 29 different companies: European Trade Union Confederation “[The EU’s] current position of not raising its emissions reduction com- mitment to 30% until other countries Research institutes express the political will to take do- mestic measures with respect to the “The reduction proposals by the big Copenhagen Accord should be re- developed and developing countries vised without delay” have not changed since our last up- date and existing loopholes have not European Trade Union Confederation: been eliminated yet. Hence, our cal- culations still point to a virtual cer- tainty of exceeding 1.5°C, with global warming by 2100 very likely to rise above 2°C and even a 50% chance of exceeding 3°C.” Dr h.c. Bill Hare, Climate Analytics Director at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, commenting on the assessment system on that shows how the commitments of each country to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions contribute to total reductions globally. Photo: Dreamstime 2010 2010 2010 2010 11 June 29 Sep 13 Oct. 14 Oct. Emissions Communica- Europe’s environment ministers welcome the inten- Denmark also announces its support for EWEA organises a high-level public de- Europe’s environment ministers ask the Europe- ns reduction tion of the Commission to conduct a more detailed a move to 30% reductions. bate with EU Climate Commissioner an Commission to provide more information on of increasing analysis of what an increase would mean for Member Connie Hedegaard on how Europe can how further cuts could affect individual Member lateral move States, stating that they will discuss again at their Oc- benefit from reducing emissions by States. This may be included in the Commis- ng the EU to tober meeting. The UK, France and Germany come out 30%. sion’s 2050 Roadmap to a Low-Carbon Economy, in favour of a 30% target. to be published in 2011.
  • 4. emissions cut 30% A 30% target will make Europe’s ETS more effective Increasing the EU’s emissions reduction target to 30% or more is the only way of ensuring the emis- sions trading system (ETS), is effective. The ETS was introduced to help EU Member States limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a cost- effective way, by allowing participating companies to buy or sell emission allowances, ensuring it is the polluter who pays for emitting CO2. However, demand and output are currently lower than usual in all sectors due to the financial crisis, which means that current emissions are below the cap set for the 2008-2012 period and even though industry has not moved to greener habits, there are emissions allowances to spare. Photo: Dave Walsh In theory the extra allowances mean that the car- bon price should crash. However in reality, heavy industry is selling the extra allowances cheaply to the power sector - which will have to buy over 90% of its allowances after 2013 – and making a profit A 30% emissions cut - what needs to happen? on allowances it received for free. In 2011 the European Commission will publish This Roadmap should propose the adoption of The Council must ask the European Commission to its 2050 Roadmap to a Low Carbon Economy, a 30% emissions reduction target by 2020, and solve the issue quickly, as it could even have an im- which should outline how a 100% renewable ambitious renewable energy targets for 2030. pact on the effectiveness of the ETS (the number of energy mix will underpin the reduction of green- allowances available) after 2020. The best way of house gas emissions by 80-95% by 2050. doing this is the move to 30% emissions reduction. RES NRG SYSTEMS Have you been told yet? LEOSPHERE NORDEX REPOWER GL GARRAD HASSAN Over 30,000 readers VESTAS GE ENERGY THE E WIND UROPEAN ALSTOM MAGA INDUSTR ZINE Y Novemb Volume er 201 29/N o 5 0 SIEMENS GAMESA WPD POWER CLIMBER 60 60 % SSE From over METEOSIM countries CRESTO ACCIONA RSA INSURANCE * MAINSTREAM CROON AMMONIT 80% work A2SEA INTERVIE MOOG in the wind energy TINI BIR W Unravelli AREVA Bringing ng the grid Greek Ene BILI A breath of fresh air for Europe - industry rgy Ministe think it’s so good they’ve r the cons wind power to GEO umers coming to Brussels told their colleagues EPA WINWIND WINDHUNTER Book your HYUNDAY advert now: WINDCOMM Read the magazine SCHLESWIG for free: This is Wind Directions the medium is Europe’s leading wind energy magazine that leading players trust EWEA 2011 Annual Event Europe’s premier wind energy event 14 – 17 March 2011 Coming up in March 2011’s Wind Directions: Brussels Expo * Wind Directions readers’ survey – results available in June 2010 issue What’s next? looking past the 2020 targets Distribution: EWEA Annual Event 2011 046-53520-1210-1146 Full page.indd 1 07/12/10 10:00 advert pamphlet.indd 1 08/12/10 12:52 About EWEA EWEA is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting wind power in Europe and worldwide. It has over 650 members from almost 60 countries, including wind turbine manufacturers with a leading share of the world wind power market, plus component suppliers, research institutes, national wind and renewables associations, developers, contractors, electricity 046-53520-1210-1146 providers, finance and insurance companies, and consultants. This combined strength makes EWEA the world’s largest and most powerful wind energy network. Tel: +32 2 213 1811 - Fax: +32 2 213 1890 - E-mail: -