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Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
Tipos y ejemplos de actividades agrupadas en función de las destrezas lingüísticas
que se desarrollan en ellas
 Vocabulary activities
 Reading activities
 Writing activities
 Listening activities
 Speaking activities
Getting meaning
across ...
 Mime/gesture
 Realia
 Picture/photo/drawing
 Synonym/antonym
 Example
 Situation
 Translation
 Definition ...
Knowing a word
implies ...
 Knowing what it means
 Knowing how to spell it
 Knowing how to pronounce it
 Knowing what it collocates with
activities and
Support sheets,
cards, TIC... are
Matching pairs:
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 1
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
Complete the spaces:
Many activities can involve pupils in organising pieces of
information in a variety of ways. Organising information may
o Matching
o Sequencing
o Sorting
o Rank ordering
o Conceptual maps
o Classifying
... or combination of these.
Basically pupils are given small units of information which when
organised and structured in
the right way reveal the ‘whole picture’.
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 2
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
cards, TIC...
are key
Sequencing: A Timeline
For example, pupils may be given a timeline that only shows the time units (e.g.
years) and a number of cards that describe events.
The pupil’s job is then to arrange the cards in the correct places on the timeline.
The question is how the pupils know where to put the cards? If the cards have
the appropriate date on them then the task becomes very simple. However, if
the pupils have to use an information source, such as a set of clues, then the
task becomes more demanding and will involve the use of reading, thinking and
probably listening and speaking as well. As a group task, it encourages
‘thinking aloud’ and a kind of talk where pupils put forward ideas and use talk
to ‘work things out’.
timeline .
There are different clue cards so that in a group of X, each pupil gets
their own clue card. This also encourages participation of all members of
the group and avoids either pupils opting out or one or more students
dominating the activity. Most of the clues should be cross-references, so
pupils need to pool their information and it leads to asking: Who's got
something about....? In this way, asking and answering and thinking
aloud become an important means of working out the solution.
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 3
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
For example:
Advances in "home technology".
The clues relate to a fictional family "The Wilsons" and provide
information about when the various generations of the family acquired
the domestic appliances on the cards. Before the students get the clue
cards the can 'predict' where the appliances go on the timeline. This is
useful for observing what the students already know and think about
when these appliances became available.
cards, TIC...
are key
Conceptual maps:
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 4
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
cards, TIC...
are key
For example: Connect four
Prior to this activity the students will have carried out another activity to
explore the properties of the materials these objects are made out of
and they will have recorded their observation on a chart. This activity
aims to consolidate their learning about properties.
one pair of students has the yellow cards while the other pair has the
blue cards. Each pair shuffles the cards and places them face down on
the table. The yellow pair then take the top card from their pile, turn it
over and place it on an appropiate space on the board. The blues then
have their turn. The winners are the pair which make a line of four of
their cards (8across, down or diaglonally). It therefore becomes
important not to put your cards on the first appropriate place you find but
to think about where you can put them to block your oppnents and build
your line of four cards.
Information source
Whatever activity which needs an information source, this information
can come in a variety of forms:
 A text or set of texts
 A text book
 Reference books
 A pamphlet
 A set of clues
 A listening text
 A video
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 5
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
 A teacher exposition
 On the Internet, links given ...
 On the Internet, an interacive activity
 Pupils’ own knowledge, experience and logic.
 A poster
More matching, sequencing, sorting and rank ordering:
Take a look to this activity: Technological Processes and health and safety in
On the Internet, an interactive activity:
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 6
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
Support sheets,
are key
o Finish the sentence.
o Dicto-comp. It is a simple technique for guided compositions.
This technique provides an activity intermediate between
completely controlled writing exercises and completely free
compositions. The technique itself is quite simple and requires
a short text or story.
Warn the students ahead of time that you will continue reading
until you get to the end of the story. Then, read the text aloud
once or twice at normal speed. This is, of course, much too fast
for them to write down the whole story word-for-word.
Put some of the key vocabulary items and phrases from the
story on the blackboard, and ask the students to write the text
down from ‘memory’. Naturally, they will not be able to
remember the story word-for-word, and thus they will have to
write much of it down in their own words.
For a weaker group, put the vocabulary and phrases on the
board before reading the story. It is important that the story not
be too difficult, nor too long. For beginning students, the whole
text might only be five or six lines long.
o Fill the gaps in exercises with Defining or naming - Classifying -
Consequence - Comparing - Predicting - Evaluating -
Transferring information ...
o Running dictation. Students in teams will have to memorize
sentences and dictates them to a classmate. Different roles in
a team: the runner (memorizes the text), the writer (copy what
the runner tells him/her) and the spelling checker. Texts are on
o Pair spelling practice.
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 7
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
o Finish the sentence.
o Fill the gaps.
Let's see some examples in Technologies:
Dealing with technology tools
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 8
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
Dealing with Health and safety
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 9
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
Support sheets,
are key
o Running dictation.
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 10
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
sheets are
o Pair spelling practice.
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 11
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
strategies for
o Check that they understand key vocabulary before they read
o Provide pre-reading questions to reduce the reading
demands of the text.
o Give reading support tasks, such as a chart to fill in, a
diagram to label, etc.
Types of reading
and listening
o Listen/read and label a diagram/picture/map/graph/chart
o Listen/read and fill in a table.
o Listen/read and make notes on specific information (dates,
figures, times, main ideas).
o Listen/read and rearrange information/reorder information
o Listen/read and label the stages of a
process/instructions/sequences of a text
o Listen/read and fill in the gaps in a text
o Listening a dictation.
Support 3D
sheets are
color disks
o Use REALIA and EXAMPLES in their enviroment.
Ver el vídeo en youtube
Ver vídeo en photopeach
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 12
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
When listening to teachers (a PowerPoint p.e.) let the students act.
It will not be so boring!!!
o Use a SEMAPHORE to let them vote a correct answer.
a) Teacher and Language Assistant ask questions about pictures, real
objects and students vote:
b) Students are offered different statements and students vote:
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 13
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
strategies for
o Ask short answer questions.
o Prompt (for example start learners' responses for them).
o Put a list of key vocabulary on the board.
o Think before you speak.
o Distributing turns.
o The value of repetition and variations.
o Allow some L1 responses or even “Spanglish”.
o Give them talking frames, sentence starters or substitution
o Ask students to use their L1 when discussing but their L2 when
reporting back.
Types of
Support sheets
are key
o Question loops – questions and answers, terms and
definitions, halves of sentences, can be exploited to create a
question loop.
o Write question-write answer - Ask your partner questions so
that they will answer with the exact words you have on your
sheet. If they answer correctly, check √ yes.
o Info gap – students must speak to each other to fill in the
missing information from their diagram with questions sheet to
o Trivia search – ‘three things you know’ and ‘three things you
want to know’with support for making questions.
o Word guessing games – Teams have one minute to guess as
many words as possible and get one point for each correct
o Class surveys – use questionnaires to guide pupils in asking
set questions of their classmates.
o 20 Questions – provide language support frame for questions.
Speaker can only say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in answer and pupils only get
20 questions to get the answer right.
o Making presentations/talking from a prompt – instruct pupils
to present information from a visual using language support
o Find someone who... - use a handout with questions. If your
classmate answers "yes" and does it, write his/her name on the
o Record your voice. Using an ICT tool, you can manage to
create activities so as students have to talk even if they are
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 14
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
Types of
sheets are
Example of Info gap
One pupil (or pair of pupils) have Sheet A, one have Sheet B.
They have to take turns to find out each other’s vertebrates by asking
questions. Imagine tools, forces, structures... instead of animals!
images from nottinghamschools, cooperative learning booklet
Pupils A and B ask and answer each other's questions to find out what
tool will accurately complete their respective grids without showing each
other their papers.
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 15
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
Types of
Support sheets
are key
Example of Find someone who...
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 16
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
Types of
cards, TIC...
are key
Example of Record your voice...
Based on support sheets on walls, students have to copy an information
and create a Voki to record their voices explaining the info.
Take a look at the activity: Safety at the workshop an results.
Instructions for the task in a Voki: An example of the task done by student:
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 17
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
Let everybody
talk ...
and listen
o Distribute turns.
o Make sure everyone participates. Try calling on students by
pulling names out of a jar until all names are used. If you work
in groups, you can have several jars. Students can create their
own stick-names!.
images from nottinghamschools, cooperative learning booklet
o Sometimes students don't listen to each other. One way of
ensure that the whole class is listening is to have them score
the answer.
Some students can be asked to score content, others can be
asked to score language. You can even divide the language
scores into those who listen for grammar and those who listen
for pronunciation.
To keep the scores honest, occasionally call on them to justify
their score:
Was it really perfect?
Why did you give it a 9 instead of a 10?
It will be too time-consuming to do this all the time, but
occasionally it can remind the students of the value of accuracy
and increase their capacity to monitor their own language.
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 18
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
talk ...
and listen
o Have some students to say an statement (false or true) about his/her
task or about the subject.
For instance: 'This is a hammer'... and the whole class will have to 'guess' if
it is true or false using the semaphore disks.
In the picture, it's my language assistant, Kostyn, who makes the statements.
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 19
Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities
ReferencIas y bibliografía:
Las imágenes sin pie de foto son propias - Rosa Fernández Alba
TECNOINGLISH blogs - Rosa Fernández Alba
Language Accuracy in the integration of content and English learning - Kitty Purgason
Language Assistants in the bilingual program - Making the best - Isabel Blecua-Sarah Albrecht-Rachel Basse
Essential Secondary CLIL - Jo Sintes - Josie Rich - Phil Ball
Building bridges between Content and Language - Phil Ball
Cooperative Learning in the classroom Booklet - Steve Cooke
Barrios Espinosa, Mª Elvira. 2012. Módulo 7: Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenido y Lengua Extranjera (AICLE).
Málaga Disponible en la web
Cañabate Carmona,Carmen; Cristóbal Huertas, David y Espinosa Canet, Francisca. 2011.10 sugerencias para
integrar Contenidos y L2.CEP Almería.
Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía. 2009. Orientaciones metodológicas al profesorado de Áreas No
Lingüísticas de Educación Secundaria. Sevilla.
Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía. 2013. Guía Informativa para Centros de Enseñanza Bilingüe.
Coyle, D. (2007). The CLIL quality challenge. En D. Marsh. y D. Wolff (Eds.). Diverse Contexts - Converging
Goals (pp. 47-58). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Pallarés, O y Petit, C. 2009 “Matemáticas e inglés un tándem con objetivos comunes”. Cuadernos de Pedagogía,395
"Rosa M. Fernández Alba"
v,3 Marzo, 2014
Licencia Creative Commons
Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 20

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CLIL activities for Technology

  • 1. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities Tipos y ejemplos de actividades agrupadas en función de las destrezas lingüísticas que se desarrollan en ellas  Vocabulary activities  Reading activities  Writing activities  Listening activities  Speaking activities 7.1 VOCABULARY ACTIVITIES Getting meaning across ...  Mime/gesture  Realia  Picture/photo/drawing  Synonym/antonym  Example  Situation  Translation  Definition ... Knowing a word implies ...  Knowing what it means  Knowing how to spell it  Knowing how to pronounce it  Knowing what it collocates with EXAMPLES Revise vocabulary frequently through activities and games Support sheets, cards, TIC... are key Matching pairs: Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 1
  • 2. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities Complete the spaces: Bingo: Information Organising Activities Many activities can involve pupils in organising pieces of information in a variety of ways. Organising information may involve: o Matching o Sequencing o Sorting o Rank ordering o Conceptual maps o Classifying ... or combination of these. Basically pupils are given small units of information which when organised and structured in the right way reveal the ‘whole picture’. Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 2
  • 3. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities EXAMPLES Information Organising Activities Support sheets, cards, TIC... are key Matching: Sequencing: A Timeline For example, pupils may be given a timeline that only shows the time units (e.g. years) and a number of cards that describe events. The pupil’s job is then to arrange the cards in the correct places on the timeline. The question is how the pupils know where to put the cards? If the cards have the appropriate date on them then the task becomes very simple. However, if the pupils have to use an information source, such as a set of clues, then the task becomes more demanding and will involve the use of reading, thinking and probably listening and speaking as well. As a group task, it encourages ‘thinking aloud’ and a kind of talk where pupils put forward ideas and use talk to ‘work things out’. timeline . There are different clue cards so that in a group of X, each pupil gets their own clue card. This also encourages participation of all members of the group and avoids either pupils opting out or one or more students dominating the activity. Most of the clues should be cross-references, so pupils need to pool their information and it leads to asking: Who's got something about....? In this way, asking and answering and thinking aloud become an important means of working out the solution. Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 3
  • 4. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities For example: Advances in "home technology". The clues relate to a fictional family "The Wilsons" and provide information about when the various generations of the family acquired the domestic appliances on the cards. Before the students get the clue cards the can 'predict' where the appliances go on the timeline. This is useful for observing what the students already know and think about when these appliances became available. EXAMPLES Information Organising Activities Support sheets, cards, TIC... are key Conceptual maps: Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 4
  • 5. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities EXAMPLES Information Organising Activities Support sheets, cards, TIC... are key Classifying For example: Connect four Prior to this activity the students will have carried out another activity to explore the properties of the materials these objects are made out of and they will have recorded their observation on a chart. This activity aims to consolidate their learning about properties. one pair of students has the yellow cards while the other pair has the blue cards. Each pair shuffles the cards and places them face down on the table. The yellow pair then take the top card from their pile, turn it over and place it on an appropiate space on the board. The blues then have their turn. The winners are the pair which make a line of four of their cards (8across, down or diaglonally). It therefore becomes important not to put your cards on the first appropriate place you find but to think about where you can put them to block your oppnents and build your line of four cards. Information source Whatever activity which needs an information source, this information can come in a variety of forms:  A text or set of texts  A text book  Reference books  A pamphlet  A set of clues  A listening text  A video Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 5
  • 6. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities  A teacher exposition  On the Internet, links given ...  On the Internet, an interacive activity  Pupils’ own knowledge, experience and logic.  A poster More matching, sequencing, sorting and rank ordering: Take a look to this activity: Technological Processes and health and safety in Tecnoinglish. On the Internet, an interactive activity: Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 6
  • 7. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities 7.2 WRITING ACTIVITIES Writing exercises Support sheets, are key o Finish the sentence. o Dicto-comp. It is a simple technique for guided compositions. This technique provides an activity intermediate between completely controlled writing exercises and completely free compositions. The technique itself is quite simple and requires a short text or story. Warn the students ahead of time that you will continue reading until you get to the end of the story. Then, read the text aloud once or twice at normal speed. This is, of course, much too fast for them to write down the whole story word-for-word. Put some of the key vocabulary items and phrases from the story on the blackboard, and ask the students to write the text down from ‘memory’. Naturally, they will not be able to remember the story word-for-word, and thus they will have to write much of it down in their own words. For a weaker group, put the vocabulary and phrases on the board before reading the story. It is important that the story not be too difficult, nor too long. For beginning students, the whole text might only be five or six lines long. o Fill the gaps in exercises with Defining or naming - Classifying - Consequence - Comparing - Predicting - Evaluating - Transferring information ... o Running dictation. Students in teams will have to memorize sentences and dictates them to a classmate. Different roles in a team: the runner (memorizes the text), the writer (copy what the runner tells him/her) and the spelling checker. Texts are on walls. o Pair spelling practice. Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 7
  • 8. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities EXAMPLES Writing exercises o Finish the sentence. o Fill the gaps. Let's see some examples in Technologies: Dealing with technology tools Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 8
  • 9. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities Dealing with Health and safety Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 9
  • 10. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities EXAMPLES Writing exercises Support sheets, are key o Running dictation. Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 10
  • 11. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities EXAMPLES Writing exercises Support sheets are key o Pair spelling practice. Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 11
  • 12. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities 7.3 READING / LISTENING ACTIVITIES Support strategies for reading o Check that they understand key vocabulary before they read o Provide pre-reading questions to reduce the reading demands of the text. o Give reading support tasks, such as a chart to fill in, a diagram to label, etc. Types of reading and listening activities o Listen/read and label a diagram/picture/map/graph/chart o Listen/read and fill in a table. o Listen/read and make notes on specific information (dates, figures, times, main ideas). o Listen/read and rearrange information/reorder information o Listen/read and label the stages of a process/instructions/sequences of a text o Listen/read and fill in the gaps in a text o Listening a dictation. EXAMPLES Support 3D materials Support sheets are key Support color disks o Use REALIA and EXAMPLES in their enviroment. Ver el vídeo en youtube Ver vídeo en photopeach Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 12
  • 13. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities When listening to teachers (a PowerPoint p.e.) let the students act. It will not be so boring!!! o Use a SEMAPHORE to let them vote a correct answer. a) Teacher and Language Assistant ask questions about pictures, real objects and students vote: b) Students are offered different statements and students vote: Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 13
  • 14. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities 7.4 SPEAKING ACTIVITIES Support strategies for speaking o Ask short answer questions. o Prompt (for example start learners' responses for them). o Put a list of key vocabulary on the board. o Think before you speak. o Distributing turns. o The value of repetition and variations. o Allow some L1 responses or even “Spanglish”. o Give them talking frames, sentence starters or substitution tables. o Ask students to use their L1 when discussing but their L2 when reporting back. Types of speaking activities Support sheets are key o Question loops – questions and answers, terms and definitions, halves of sentences, can be exploited to create a question loop. o Write question-write answer - Ask your partner questions so that they will answer with the exact words you have on your sheet. If they answer correctly, check √ yes. o Info gap – students must speak to each other to fill in the missing information from their diagram with questions sheet to support. o Trivia search – ‘three things you know’ and ‘three things you want to know’with support for making questions. o Word guessing games – Teams have one minute to guess as many words as possible and get one point for each correct guess. o Class surveys – use questionnaires to guide pupils in asking set questions of their classmates. o 20 Questions – provide language support frame for questions. Speaker can only say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in answer and pupils only get 20 questions to get the answer right. o Making presentations/talking from a prompt – instruct pupils to present information from a visual using language support handout. o Find someone who... - use a handout with questions. If your classmate answers "yes" and does it, write his/her name on the handout. o Record your voice. Using an ICT tool, you can manage to create activities so as students have to talk even if they are shy. Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 14
  • 15. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities EXAMPLES Types of speaking activities Support sheets are key Example of Info gap One pupil (or pair of pupils) have Sheet A, one have Sheet B. They have to take turns to find out each other’s vertebrates by asking questions. Imagine tools, forces, structures... instead of animals! images from nottinghamschools, cooperative learning booklet Example: Pupils A and B ask and answer each other's questions to find out what tool will accurately complete their respective grids without showing each other their papers. Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 15
  • 16. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities EXAMPLES Types of speaking activities Support sheets are key Example of Find someone who... (geometry) Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 16
  • 17. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities EXAMPLES Types of speaking activities Support sheets, cards, TIC... are key Example of Record your voice... Based on support sheets on walls, students have to copy an information and create a Voki to record their voices explaining the info. Take a look at the activity: Safety at the workshop an results. Instructions for the task in a Voki: An example of the task done by student: Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 17
  • 18. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities Let everybody talk ... and listen o Distribute turns. o Make sure everyone participates. Try calling on students by pulling names out of a jar until all names are used. If you work in groups, you can have several jars. Students can create their own stick-names!. images from nottinghamschools, cooperative learning booklet o Sometimes students don't listen to each other. One way of ensure that the whole class is listening is to have them score the answer. Some students can be asked to score content, others can be asked to score language. You can even divide the language scores into those who listen for grammar and those who listen for pronunciation. To keep the scores honest, occasionally call on them to justify their score: Was it really perfect? Why did you give it a 9 instead of a 10? It will be too time-consuming to do this all the time, but occasionally it can remind the students of the value of accuracy and increase their capacity to monitor their own language. Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 18
  • 19. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities Let everybody talk ... and listen o Have some students to say an statement (false or true) about his/her task or about the subject. For instance: 'This is a hammer'... and the whole class will have to 'guess' if it is true or false using the semaphore disks. In the picture, it's my language assistant, Kostyn, who makes the statements. Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 19
  • 20. Didáctica AICLE en el área de Tecnología para Secundaria - Technologies activities ReferencIas y bibliografía: Las imágenes sin pie de foto son propias - Rosa Fernández Alba TECNOINGLISH blogs - Rosa Fernández Alba Language Accuracy in the integration of content and English learning - Kitty Purgason Language Assistants in the bilingual program - Making the best - Isabel Blecua-Sarah Albrecht-Rachel Basse Essential Secondary CLIL - Jo Sintes - Josie Rich - Phil Ball Building bridges between Content and Language - Phil Ball Cooperative Learning in the classroom Booklet - Steve Cooke Barrios Espinosa, Mª Elvira. 2012. Módulo 7: Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenido y Lengua Extranjera (AICLE). Málaga Disponible en la web Cañabate Carmona,Carmen; Cristóbal Huertas, David y Espinosa Canet, Francisca. 2011.10 sugerencias para integrar Contenidos y L2.CEP Almería. Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía. 2009. Orientaciones metodológicas al profesorado de Áreas No Lingüísticas de Educación Secundaria. Sevilla. Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía. 2013. Guía Informativa para Centros de Enseñanza Bilingüe. Sevilla. Coyle, D. (2007). The CLIL quality challenge. En D. Marsh. y D. Wolff (Eds.). Diverse Contexts - Converging Goals (pp. 47-58). Frankfurt: Peter Lang. Pallarés, O y Petit, C. 2009 “Matemáticas e inglés un tándem con objetivos comunes”. Cuadernos de Pedagogía,395 :66-68 "Rosa M. Fernández Alba" v,3 Marzo, 2014 Licencia Creative Commons Tecnología v.3 Marzo 2014 - Rosa Fernández Alba 20