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Chronic Kidney Failure
My nephew was diagnosed with kidney failure in 2013. So I immediately wanted to know the answer to the question is kidney failure permanent?
Kidney failure is the condition in which your kidneys lose the ability to remove waste and balance fluids. There are 2 types which are acute and
chronic. Acute kidney failure happens suddenly and it can be reversed. Chronic kidney failure is longstanding disease of the kidneys and usually results
in the person going on dialysis or needing a transplant to survive.
Acute kidney failure happens over a few hours or a few days. It can be reversed. This is not the type my nephew was diagnosed with. This type if
caught right away can be treated and reversed. Getting routine test done and catching any problems earlier on can really contribute to your kidney
failure not becoming permanent.
Chronic kidney failure however is ... Show more content on ...
However David W. Johnson says on (Screening and overview para. 2 ) " early identification and management of chronic kidney
disease is highly cost effective and can reduce the progression of kidney failure by 50 percent". His purpose in explaining this was to educate on
screening and early detection of ckd. In his writings his statistics are very detailed as to the risk factors and who should be screened for ckd. He
goes on to break down the different levels of chronic kidney diseases with charts and graphs. So although not reversal once your kidneys deteriorate
to the kidney failure stage if caught early you could still salvage some kidney function. If not however, the solutions to keep the person with chronic
kidney failure alive is dialysis or either transplant. Both are life saving options. There are a lot of different variables for chronic kidney failure including
hypertension, diabetes, smoking or infections that weren't taken care of soon enough. All these contribute to chronic kidney failure. My nephew's
kidney failure stemmed from
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Enid: The Nature Of Patients With Kidney Failure
One of the first things that we learn about Enid is that she must be a good nurse. The first paragraph on page 31 is full of observations that a nurse
would make. She notes the coloration of Mrs. Quinn's urine, which is an indication of the condition of her failing kidneys. She also observes the
smell of her patient's breath and the stains on her body. These are all signs that give her some idea of how much time Mrs. Quinn has before dying as
well as her mental state.
A nurse that is as skilled as Enid is would surely know about the nature of patients with kidney failure: the toxins, no longer filtered out by the
kidneys, remain in the bloodstream until they go to the brain. This results in patients becoming confused. In my own experience, several of my
most troublesome patients have had diagnoses pertaining to their kidneys. Some patients become violent, some keep trying to crawl out of their
bed and escape (even if they've lost their ability to walk decades ago), and some will tell crazy stories. I've even had a male patient with kidney
failure tell the nurse that I had raped him. My point is, because of Mrs. Quinn's condition, she may be talking out of her mind. I can further support
the idea that Mrs. Quinn is talking out of her mind by the inconsistencies in her stories. Pages 57, 59, and 62 all tell the story of Mr. ... Show more
content on ...
Quinn's story. In fact, I think that absolutely nothing will happen, besides Enid going home and leaving Mrs. Quinn and Rupert in the past. Yes, the
last paragraph on page 78 seems to be building up suspense for something important, but one needs to remember that stories with big notable endings,
i.e. happily ever after don't have much of place in the more Realist Modernism/Postmodernism genre. This story tries to capture life as it really is; in
real life, you don't always get a big explanatory ending that answers all of your questions or provides
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Your Kidneys during Acute Renal Failure
What happens when your kidneys fail? Acute renal failure is a disorder of the kidneys when it's ceased to perform its functions. For example, the
kidneys lose its ability to excrete wastes. When your kidneys fail because of a disease or injury, wastes and extra fluid can build up in the blood and
make you sick. Kidneys will not be able to maintain homeostasis of electrolytes. A high level of plasma potassium, sodium concentration, and elevated
pH will be evident as well.
ARF can be arranged depending upon the underlying cause. Pre–renal is the disruption of flow to the glomerulus. Decrease flow to the afferent
arterioles can severely affect the nephrons ability to perform its functions. This is due to an abrupt drop in blood flow because of massive
vasoconstriction in relation to decrease in volume. Intra–renal failure, however, is an actual damage to the kidneys. Damage to the nephrons may be
short–term that injury to the cells and nephrons are not able to work. It could also be permanent where the damage to the nephrons is so severe that it
becomes completely dysfunctional. Despite the injuries, the nephrons are capable to restore itself and recover once blood flow is brought back to
normal. Post–renal is an obstruction beyond the nephron. Blockage in the ureters, bladder, and urethra can cause buildup of waste products. An
example of this is BPH or benign prostate hypertrophy where the prostate gland gets so enlarged that it causes disruption of urine flow.
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Rhabdomyolysis And Renal Kidney Failure
Rhabdomyolysis results when the skeletal muscle rapidly breaks down and releases myoglobin into the bloodstream. Myoglobin is a protein that
composes muscle cells that carry and store oxygen in the muscles. Therefore, when myoglobin is released into the bloodstream, the skeletal muscle
rapidly deteriorates and is rapidly being destroyed. Rhabdomyolysis can lead to renal kidney failure. Renal kidney failure is when the kidneys can't
remove waste and urine. In some cases, rhabdomyolysis can lead to death. However, there is treatment for rhabdomyolysis. Rhabdomyolysis has many
causes; young adults are more vulnerable than adults to getting rhabdomyolysis because they are exposed to high intensity, longer–duration, and
weight–bearing exercises.
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An Effective Treatment of Kidney Failure Essay
An Effective Treatment of Kidney Failure
The kidney can fail for many reasons, when it does it leaves the sufferer with an inability to filter out harmful substances in the blood. This leads to a
number of symptoms.
The first treatment for kidney failure would normally be dialysis, there are two techniques.
Haemodialysis cleans blood outside the body by using a pump to pump out the blood and through a dialyser. This filters out the blood via diffusion
and pumps the "clean" blood back around the body to pick up more toxins and back to the dialyser. It also takes out the excess water, this is called
ultrafiltation. It needs to be done for four hours, three times a week. Peritoneal dialysis ... Show more content on ...
There can be problems with fluid leaks in the groin or around the catheter when dialysis starts. Infections are the major risk – either in the exit site or
most importantly in the tummy itself, peritonitis. In the long term, there can be a thickening of the peritoneal membrane so that it does not work
efficiently. The dialysis fluid may need to be changed or switched to haemodialysis.
The treatment of dialysis is used in conjunction with a special diet that has to be customized to each individual. Because the kidney takes away so many
different toxins from the blood it is important to have regular blood tests to see what is missing from the diet. Medication is also a big factor in
treating kidney failure; once it is established what is missing, drugs can be given to help
It is possible to be considered for a kidney transplant. A transplant of a healthy kidney from someone who has died is called a cadaveric transplant
it is the most common in this country, but it is possible to receive a kidney from a living donor who is a suitable match. If the person is a close
relative, this is called a living related transplant. It may be possible to receive a kidney from someone who is not a relative – such as a husband, wife,
partner or good friend. This is a living unrelated transplant. Over 1,500 kidney transplants are performed in the UK every year
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Creative Writing: Kidney Failure
"Anthony!" My mother beckoned for me to come downstairs "what?" i replied "i have some bad news." she said back. Intrigued by this i quickly
stood up and rushed to the first floor of our house. When i got to the bottom of the stairs i looked at her and asked "what was wrong? Was someone
hurt?" my mind raced with questions and i tried to start rifling them off when i was interrupted by her saying "Your father is in the ICU." my heart
sank at those words, as if i was hit by a car. I had known something was wrong with my father for a long time now. Even with how young i was at the
time i still had a firm grip on death and how closely it is associated with the ICU. my thoughts were then interrupted by her continuing to speak "he
went to go... Show more content on ...
He also had constant blood pressure of about 270/170 the doctors say it was the highest they had ever seen on a conscious living person, but the
strangest part was that he was still standing and walking around. I remember him telling me that a priest was reading his last rights to him while
he was eating a bag of skittles. They had told us his kidneys were operating at combined efforts only to achieve 5% effectiveness. But out of all the
details i will never forget is the general sadness of the hospital when we went to visit him, it felt like it was dense with death and the sounds of the
gurneys and carts the nurses were periodically pushing by. I will never forget the look my father gave me when we were playing a board game
that was set up in the lobby outside his room. It was a look of a man who did not know what was ahead of him ,or even care for that matter, all he
cared about was the time he was spending with me and my sisters at that very moment, none of us wanted that moment of peacefulness and calm to
end, but the visiting hours for the ICU said otherwise. I left that hospital that day never knowing if i was going to see my father ever
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Kidneys For Sale: A Reconsideration By Miriam Schulman
Kidneys for Sale: A Reconsideration
In the essay " Kidneys for Sale: A Reconsideration" by Miriam Schulman, kidneys are fair in our lives. The writer talks with important things in our
lives related to our organs specificly kidneys. Everyday almost 17 people die when they wait for a suitable organ. In 2011, in United States, kidney
transplants were about 15,417. They had a healthy way to transplant kidneys to other people. As they got it tested wheather if they can accept it or not.
After transplangt there has been seen no harm. Ninty percent of people got kidneys from a living– donor and 82 % of people from died–donor. When
they get it from poor people, they remain still alive at least five years. Actually the poor people sell their kidneys.
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What Is Hydronephrosis?. . . . . Angela Lee. Iot. Vn 2.
What is Hydronephrosis?
Angela Lee
VN 2
What is hydronephrosis?
Hydronephrosis is when there is a disorder on one or both of the kidneys. The kidney starts to swell up due to urine back up and not able to filter out.
But it can be caused by varies reason why it lead to this condition. Changing lifestyle by nutritional and exercises will help prevent chances of becoming
kidney failure. Kidney function will begin decreasing immediately with the onset of hydronephrosis but is reversible if the swelling resolves. Usually
kidneys recover if taking care of the obstruction right away even if it lasted for several weeks. Our kidneys have the most important job of filtering
your blood. They remove waste products and extra ... Show more content on ...
High blood sugar levels caused by diabetes damage blood vessels in the kidneys. If the blood sugar level remains high over many years, this
damage gradually reduces the function of the kidneys. Uncontrolled high blood pressure damages blood vessels, which can lead to damage in the
kidneys. And blood pressure often rises with chronic kidney disease, so high blood pressure may further damage kidney function even when another
medical condition initially caused the disease. Kidney is one of the major systems in your body and can lead to kidney failure and become more
complicated than what it's already is. Along with this causes there are some signs and symptoms that's included such as nausea and vomiting, fever,
painful urinary, increase in urgency, sudden intense abdomen pain, lack of sleep, depression, lack of nutrient, abdominal mass, imbalance pH. The
pathophysiology to hydronephrosis is when there is an obstruction in either upper or lower urinary tract that increases pressure into the kidney.
Additionally it becomes inability to pass urine through to the bladder. The pressure delicate the tissue to make it hard to pass which leads to
complication and loss of function to work properly. If the kidney swells up or there's a blockage it cannot do what a normal kidney functioning does.
When it comes to detecting this conditions there are
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Hypertension: Main Cause Of Stroke And Kidney Failure
Hypertension as defined by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2015 is "a serious medical condition. It happens when the force of the blood
pumping through your arteries is too strong". Hypertension is a very serious disease because of its complications. This disease may lead to heart
failure and/or hypertrophy, and cause damage to blood vessels. Also, increases the risk kidney failure, stroke and may lead to death if left untreated.
Hypertension is considered as one of the most common diseases that can be identified as the main cause of stroke and kidney failure. Hypertension
usually present as one of a group of multiple illnesses always accompanied by diabetes, obesity, kidney disease or many other pre–existing problems ...
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The National Heart, Lung, and Blood institute implemented High Blood Pressure Education Program (NHBPEP). The program's main goal is to
educate through recommending prevention of hypertension "through both a population–based strategy and an intensive strategy focused" (Whelton,
2002) on individuals at high risk for high blood pressure. The population–based and the intensive strategies are complementary and constructed to point
out six approaches: Increase individuals' physical activity; control body weight and avoid obesity; limit alcohol consumption; lower sodium intake;
lower intake of potassium; and increase daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, and low–fat dairy products and contain low saturated and total fat.
Applying these approaches can prevent the incidence rate of hypertension rising in the population and also can lower blood pressure in persons with
pre–hypertension or diagnosed with hypertension. (Whelton,
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What Causes Kidney Failure
The kidneys are the organs in the body that serves a number of functions, including filtering waste products from the blood, regulating blood pressure
and red blood cell production in the body, and balancing electrolytes. When kidney failure sets in, a number of symptoms can be experienced by
patients that results from the build–up of waste products and excess fluid in the body. This disruption of the kidneys' function can lead to symptoms
such as weakness, shortness of breath, lethargy, swelling, confusion, sleep disruption, nausea and vomiting, and loss of appetite, among other
unpleasant symptoms. Kidney disease can be caused by a number of underlying diseases and conditions, and while some caused of kidney failure are
treatable, it can ... Show more content on ...
Diabetes causes injury to the small blood vessels in the body, inhibiting the kidneys from cleaning your blood properly, which causes the body to
retain more water and salt than is normal. Furthermore, diabetes can damage the nerves in your body and make it difficult to empty the bladder which
can injure the kidneys. Hemp oil is known its low content of carbohydrates, and consists of nutrients that moderate blood sugar levels. The essential
fatty acids in the hemp oil accelerate the metabolic processes in the human body, lowering sugar levels in the bloodstream. By protecting the blood
vessels from diabetic damage, hemp oil helps the kidneys to clean the blood
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Diabetic Nephropathy : An Irreversible Kidney Failure
Diabetic nephropathy, an irreversible kidney failure, continues to be the most common cause of end stage renal disease requiring either a kidney
transplant or renal replacement therapies, such as dialysis (Bilous, 2013). Worldwide, approximately fifty percent of cases of end–stage chronic kidney
disease are caused by diabetes mellitus, with type II comprising the majority (Vladu, 2014). The prevalence of diabetes has been estimated to
increase worldwide with the total number of diabetics rising from 285 million in 2010 to 439 million in 2030 (Mantelo, Oliveira, Ferraz, Lima, &
Silva, 2015). This rise in diabetes is a concern to public health, as the effects of diabetes can have life altering consequences. Pathology According to
Bilous (2013), unmanaged diabetes over time can cause an accumulation of matrix material on the glomerular capillary basement membrane and in the
area between the capillaries known as the glomerular mesangium. This thickening of matrix will eventually obliterate the capillaries leading to a
decrease in glomerular filtration rate and eventual organ failure. The pathological course that leads to diabetic nephropathy has several warning signs
that can be used to detect and slow down the progression of the disease. One of the earliest clinical findings is the increased concentration of
albuminuria protein in the urine. This protein is indicative of leaky capillaries that have been damaged due to increased concentration of glucose in the
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Headline: Kidney Failure
Headline: Kidney Dialysis: What Are the Long–Term Risks?
Keywords: Kidney, Dialysis, Risks, Diet, Failure
Page Description: Kidney dialysis is a procedure used for the treatment of chronic kidney failure. This is a life saving treatment that helps in restoring
the functions associated with the kidneys. There are some risks associated with it that can occur for long term. Patients undergoing dialysis should take
proper diet is recommended with renal diet by the dieticians.
Kidney Dialysis
Kidney dialysis is a life saving treatment for chronic kidney failure. Kidney is an organ which is responsible for filtering the waste material and excess
fluid from the blood but failure of this organ to do so leads to accumulation of the waste ... Show more content on ...
hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. In hemodialysis, machine and dialyzer are used for filtering the blood. In peritoneal type, after filling of abdomen
with a special cleaning solution, filtration of blood is done inside the body. On this treatment, patients of renal failure need to take proper diet. When the
renal failure patient is under dialysis, body loses protein and hence to maintain the adequate level of protein, protein rich diet is recommended. Patients
of renal failure can contact the dietician for the proper diet to be taken during dialysis treatments.
Risks of Kidney Dialysis
Patients of renal failure undergoing kidney dialysis have some risks and complications associated with it. Risks of kidney dialysis include muscle
cramps. Risks of muscle cramps are there in the last half of dialysis session only. Patients of renal failure under treatment with kidney dialysis can
also have the risks of hypotension. Hypotension risks are some of the common risks that often occur in women and in people aged above 60.
Nausea, headache, vomiting and confusion can also be the possible risks faced by renal failure patients. Some of the possible risks are listed as follows:
Irregularity in heartbeat
Formation of blood
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Kidney Failure
Modern technology is constantly changing. The main way to combat the rejection of foreign organs by the immune system is to use
immunosuppressant medicines. Some immunosuppressant drugs include Tacrolimus, Sirolimus, and Prednisone, among many others. These drugs
offer a wide range of effects on the body; some that are steroids, while others are inhibitors. The major problem with this, however, is that
immunosuppressants weaken the immune system, which therefore makes the body more susceptible to other diseases, mainly viruses. As a result, the
weakest viruses can be deadly to the body because of the weakened immune system. Additionally, recipients of organs become completely dependent on
these medications and are not able to get off of them; ... Show more content on ...
Dialysis is generally only considered an option when more than eighty percent of the kidney is unusable, damaged, and unable to carry out its
functions. The prominent feature of dialysis is to filter out wastes and clean the blood in order to have the same effect that a healthy kidney would.
There are two primary types of dialysis; hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. In hemodialysis, a hemodialyzer, or an artificial kidney, is placed in
the body and cleans the blood in the body. To get the blood into the hemodialyzer, surgery has to be done on the leg or arm. There are two main
components, one for the blood and one for dialysate, a washing fluid. Blood is removed from the body and filtered through a man–made thin
membrane, the dialyzer. Blood cells and proteins are too large to pass through the membrane, while waste products, such as urea, potassium, and extra
fluid are able to travel through the dialyzer. The blood is then returned to the body. In peritoneal dialysis, a cleansing fluid flows through a catheter,
which is placed in the abdomen, in order to filter out waste products within the flood. After a period of time where the filtering process is completed,
the fluid containing the wastes is removed through the tube and
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Kidney Failure Paper
Renal (kidney) failure is a serious medical condition in which the kidneys fail to filter blood effectively. This causes waste products to build up in the
body causing immense pressure on organs–such as, the heart. (Mayo, 2012) Along with this, renal failure begins a down–spiral to insufficient and
unbalanced levels of the person's blood chemical make up. Kidney failure unfortunately develops extremely rapidly and causes the patient to become
extremely ill very quickly (Smith, 2013).
Signs and symptoms of kidney failure include: dehydration, little or no urination, swelling (including feet and legs), loss of appetite, feeling of nausea,
vomiting, possible feelings of confusion, anxiety, restlessness, and sleepiness, as well as flank pain (Mayo, ... Show more content on ...
Although, three common treatments are: kidney transplantation, peritoneal dialysis, and hemodialysis. Kidney transplantation requires chemicals, and
waste from the patient's body. This dialysis uses the specific lining of the abdomen to filter the blood. This lining is the peritoneal membrane which
actually acts as the artificial kidney. Finally, hemodialysis is another procedure which helps control blood pressure and helps to keep the appropriate
balance of chemicals while using a machine to temporarily rid the patient's body of harmful wastes, excessive water, and extra salt (Owen,
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Analysis of a Webpage of the Kidney Failure
Analysis of a Webpage of the Kidney Failure
Internet has grown rapidly into an immense information source. Internet resources can be used as a patient education tool and they offer the
opportunities for personal interaction. Instead of following health advice and instructions passively, internet tools allow people to maintain their
physical well–being actively by providing updated health information, user friendly activities, and support groups (Rankin et al., 2005).
64% of the 113 million internet users in America have searched for medical information. (as cited in Rankin et al., 2005). Many health professionals
concern that the internet resources can be potentially negative by spreading misinformation (as cited in Rankin et al., ... Show more content on ...
It could result in negative effect to maintain physical health.
Nearly half of all 90 million American adults have problems understanding and using health information, and there is a higher percentage of
hospitalizations and use of emergency departments among patients with deficits in health literacy (Wojciechowski & Cichowski, 2007). Health literacy
is defined as the ability to which individuals are capable of obtaining, processing, and understanding basic information and needs to make appropriate
decisions about their health.
Readability can be assessed using the Fry Readability Formula (Rankin et al., 2005, p.248). In this paper, the webpage of the chronic kidney failure is
used. As this page is short, three samples from different parts are tested. The result of the three 100 word samples according to the Fry Readability
Formula is as following; Number of SentencesNumber of Syllables
1st 100 words7.6153
2nd 100 words7.7161
3rd 100 words10.5165
Divide Totals by 38.6159
Referring to the Fry graph (Figure 9.2), the readability level of this page is at the 9th – grade level. SAM (Suitability Assessment of Materials) shows
that 9th– grade level and above is not suitable for patient comprehension. Superior is the 5th– grade level or lower, and 6th–, 7th–, 8th – grade level is
adequate (Rankin et al., 2005, p.241). However, the website offers other tools, such
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What Is Kidney Failure?
Kidney failure may often lead to the need for kidney dialysis. The kidneys play a very important role in filtering the waste, toxins, and water from
the body. When the kidneys fail to properly do their job various wastes and excess fluids can build up in the body, leading to swelling and edema. The
two most common causes of kidney failure are acute renal injury and chronic kidney disease. Signs and symptoms are not always present right away. It
may take some time to notice these signs and symptoms. Some signs and symptoms include increased levels of urea in the blood, a buildup of
phosphates and potassium in the blood, anemia, and edema. Glomerular filtration rate is used to determine which of the five stages of kidney failure
an individual is at. Glomerular filtration rate determines level of kidney function. The need for dialysis arises at end stage kidney disease when the
kidneys lose about 85% – 90% of their function. Kidney dialysis does the work that the kidneys fail to do during kidney failure. Dialysis uses a
unique machine designed to filter the blood and return it to a healthy state. There are a couple of different types of dialysis available depending on the
patient's needs, hemodialysis and periodontal dialysis. Dialysis itself is not painful but it may lead to uncomfortable side effects. It takes a few hours
about ... Show more content on ...
Before beginning dialysis for the first time a physician must create vascular access. Vascular access provides an entrance point for the machine to be
connected to the body. There are several access points available including fistulas, grafting, and a temporary option. A fistula is when an artery is
connected to a vein. A graft is connecting an artery and vein together using a soft plastic tube. A temporary access site can be created by placing a thin
plastic tube into a large
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The Treatment Of Dialysis And Renal Transplant
By the satisfaction of both dialysis and renal transplant, the treatments work efficiently and effectively to cure kidney failure and to reduce the effects
and physical impacts. Further research has shown an exhibit, all the more effective and capable course of action. The analyst has found a new cell
improvement to start producing an individual organ, this is a productive and most preferred way, where the standards of dialysis and regular transplant
both include significant cause and effects. One in ten Australian grown–ups aged 18 and over (roughly 1.7 million individuals) have no less than one
indication of constant kidney infection and more than 20,000 get dialysis or a kidney transplant for a failing kidney. Kidney failure may also be ... Show
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They have multipotent and self–renewing properties and can separate into cells of the mesodermal heredity.
Mesenchymal undeveloped cells move to harmed kidney tissue whilst deliver a variety of comforting cytokines and chemokine's that can modify the
course of damage. Mesenchymal undifferentiated organisms are thought to prompt repair through paracrine. Endocrine systems that balance the safe
reaction bringing about tissue repair and cell substitution.
This review will examine the elements of mesenchymal undifferentiated organisms. The variables they discharge that secure against kidney harm. The
systems of homing and engraftment to destinations of irritation; and further clarify the immunomodulatory impact of mesenchymal immature
microorganisms and their capacity to change macrophage phenotype in a setting of kidney harm and repair. The procedure of endogenous kidney
recovery is vital for the advantage of the new remedial techniques. Tissue stem/ancestor cells assume a crucial part in looking after homeostasis, a
procedure of self–reestablishment. Epithelial cells of the digestive tract and skin have a high cell turnover rate and can self–restore. Interestingly, the
kidney has an extensively has a cell turnover rate, with proliferative capacities that vary contingent upon the particular
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Essay on Ap2 Urinary Labpaq 18 Answers
How is the tissue of the kidneys structurally modified to aid in filtration?
It has tubules and is porous
B. What is important functionally about transitional epithelium?
It allows for stretching. Transitional epithelium contains cells that are flattened and cells that are cuboidal; hence the name "transitional". You can find
transitional epithelium in the bladder and in the first expansion of the ureters as they leave the kidneys (called a calyx).
C. What is the function of the ureter? How does its structure support this function?
Covey urine from kidneys to bladder Enter base of bladder through posterior wall Strength and frequency of muscle contractions change with amount of
urine present ... Show more content on ...
Regulate blood pressure and kidney function. Producing erythropoeitin. Metabolizing vitamin D to its active form.
The kidney has evolved to maintain many homeostatic functions, including:
1. Ion balance: This includes [Na+], [K+], macronutrients, etc.
2. Osmotic balance: Controlling volume of urine produced.
3. Blood pressure: Controlling blood volume, over the long term regulates blood pressure.
4. pH balance: Controlling secretion & absorption of H+ & HNO3–
5. Excretion: The removal of toxic water insoluble compounds from the body
6. Hormones: Hormone production and regulation
Kidneys must process tremendous amounts of blood, which may be up to 4 liters of blood per kilogram every minute in humans. The functional unit of
the kidney is the nephron, comprised of the renal tubule and associated vasculature. Major kidney structures are described below.
C. Name some ways in which the body excretes waste.
Urinary–Kidney– Nitrogen compounds, toxins, water, electrolytes.
Integumentary–Skin–sweat glands– Nitrogen compounds, Electrolytes, water.
Respiratory–Lung–Carbon dioxide, Water.
Digestive– Intestine– Digestive wastes, Bile pigments, Salts of heavy metals.
D. What is a nephron and what does it do? Nephrons are the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney. The shape of the nephron is unusual,
unmistakable and uniquely suited to its function of blood plasma processing and urine formation. Each
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Sonography Research Paper
Often times we may ignore the signs our body is trying to tell us. Mainly due to fear of the unknown. Our kidneys play an important role in our body.
They are used to filter out waste through urination. There are many exams that physicians use to help diagnose renal failure and there are some less
commonly used because they have no effect of diagnosis of renal failure. Ultra– sounds are the number one imaging modality to help in diagnosing
renal failure and angiography of the kidney is the least used imaging modality. In order to prevent our body from shutting down it is imperative we
pay attention to the signs of what our body is trying to tell us. Kidneys are a vital organ because they help our bodies eliminate waste. They filter ...
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They are useful when a patient has abdominal pain and in establishing the size of a kidney stone. They may also help when it comes to masses or
obstructions. These x–rays are 1D images and are not able to diagnose if a kidney is in failure or not (, 2018). Renal angiograms
are the lease used study when it comes to renal failure. This study is used to look at blood vessels in the kidneys and used to help determine if there is
an aneurysm or stenosis. Not to mention injecting contrast into a patient for an angio study, who is in renal failure may not be the best. This study not
only aids in the discovery of stenosis or aneurysms, but it helps with vasospasms, thrombosis, occlusions, tumors, hemorrhage, and complications from
a kidney transplant. These two studies are rated number two for the helping with diagnosing renal failure (, 2018). While these two
studies are good for many other things it is not for diagnosing renal failure. This should be done with those modalities who have more to offer than these
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Heart Failure And Acute Kidney Injury
Our current study demonstrates that among hospitalized HF patients, 2179 (32%) had traditional AKI (rise in serum creatinine by >=0.3 mg/dl) and
789 (12%) of hospitalized HF patients developed reverse AKI (drop in serum creatinine by >=0.3 mg/dl). The change in serum creatinine of greater
than or equal to 0.3mg/dl was associated with higher 30–day all–cause readmission and mortality. Interestingly, reverse AKI group was also associated
with higher 30–day all–cause readmission and mortality. To our knowledge this is the first study that reports 30–day all cause readmission and
mortality by serial changes in serum creatinine in hospitalized HF patients. There is a need for increased awareness regarding this particular subset of
patients.... Show more content on ...
The explanation for presentation of this group is multifactorial including advanced stage of heart failure, old age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, acute
coronary syndrome, secondary to aggressive diuresis as supported by increased use of loop and potassium sparing diuretics and an intrinsic imbalance
between the vasoconstrictive (epinephrine, angiotensin, endothelin) and vasodilatory hormones (natriuretic peptides, nitric oxide). 7
The risk of readmission and mortality in reverse AKI group is similar to traditional AKI as shown in our study. Hence the increase in creatinine is not
only a marker of severity of heart failure but also represents a pathway for accelerated cardiovascular injury.
In a study of chronic heart failure patients in ambulatory setting the authors found that worsening renal function within 6 months of referral was
prognostically associated with all–cause mortality and heart failure readmission. 8 Major studies to date predicting heart failure morbidity and mortality
do not include AKI as one of the prognostic indicators.9, 10 A recently published meta–analysis suggests that the benefit of renin–angiotensin
aldosterone inhibitor is not diminished by worsening renal function and is in fact greater in the group with the worsening renal function.11 Hence
contrary to the practice of stopping ACE/ARB in patients with AKI they are more essential in this high risk group with increased readmission and
mortality. Also
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Kidney Transplants Advantages And Disadvantages
Kidney diseases are an increasing problem in today's world. There are various types of kidney diseases that affect the function and structure of kidneys
(1). If kidney diseases continue to progress they can lead to kidney failure (1). Acute and chronic renal failure both have high morbidity and mortality
rates (2). The current treatment options for patient's suffering from kidney failure are dialysis or kidney transplant (1). Kidney transplant is the most
effective treatment of kidney failure but there is a lack of supply of donor kidneys which leaves patients waiting very long periods of time in order to
undergo a kidney transplant (2). The ongoing developments being made in stem cell technology are making it a possibility to treat kidney diseases
through the use of patient–derived stem cells in order to regain kidney function. ... Show more content on ...
In this review I will discuss the application of iPSCs, ESCs and MSCs in kidney disease models and treatment. Stem cell technology allows kidney
disease models to be created from patient–derived stem cells in order to get a better understanding about the particular kidney disease and to test
possible methods of treatment (1). Through the use of stem cell technology researchers can identify the causative mutated gene in kidney diseases that
are caused by a genetic mutation, once this mutated gene has been identified they can then employ the use of genome editing technology in order to
correct this mutation (1). In this review I will discuss the application of iPSCs, ESCs and adult stem cells in kidney disease models and treatment in
order to regain kidney
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The Complications Of Kidney Failure
The Complications of Kidney Failure and How Hemodialysis Works to Fix Them
Katie Sullivan
Professor Manny Rodriguez
Parkland College
April 2, 2015
Kidney Dialysis
Kidney failure is deadly disease if not treated immediately.
When functioning normally, the kidneys clean the blood of waste and other fluids, but when they fail the kidneys can 't clean it. This is where kidney
dialysis comes in.
Kidney dialysis is the method that is used to clean the blood of waste and other fluids.
Dialysis is often a last resort for people that are undergoing kidney failure.
Possible Complications of Kidney Failure
Anemia and Erythropoietin (EPO)
–Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and is the hormone that regulates the production of red blood cells. The kidneys don't make enough
erythropoietin, so there are fewer blood cells, which can lead to anemia.
Renal Osteodystrophy
–Since the kidneys can't regulate the proper chemical levels in the blood during kidney failure, the bones don't get enough calcium and other chemicals
to keep them strong.
–When the kidneys fail, it runs the risk of high levels of potassium, which can influence many factors that are dangerous.
Uremic Acidosis
–In kidney failure, toxic waste can build up in the blood, which normally the kidneys would absorb and then filter out if they were functioning normally.
Functions of the Kidneys and an Overview of Hemodialysis
The kidneys are responsible for removing waste and
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Acute Kidney Failure (AKF)
Sepsis or septicemia is a serious medical condition where the blood could be infected be various ways. The most common way is an earlier infection
of any organ such as the lungs or the skin. Also, it can be induced by some certain types of bacteria which are presented on the catheters such as the
one that are used for injecting drugs directly into the bloodstream (NIGMS., 2014).
Basically, when the immune system reacts in a tremendous way toward certain infection, it may produce more chemicals and cytokines than the normal
range in the blood stream. However, as the range of these chemicals increase, it may induce blood clots which as it circulates in they body may block
the blood supply to some tissues or damage other organs (World Sepsis Day., n.d.).
People should be aware of this condition as it ... Show more content on ...
Such factors may include cardiovascular diseases, kidney stones, sepsis and other factors which affect the normal function of the kidney (Neyra., 2015).
The main principle behind the AKF condition which makes it a series condition is the inhibition of body fluids which should be execrated from the
body and therefore, they accumulate in the body and cause problems. However, AKF is considered to be a very common condition since it may
develop in a ratio of one person in each five people, as it was stated in America (Neyra., 2015).
In fact, these two medical conditions could be related to each other in some cases as septic shock may induce AKF and, of course, the patient will be
at higher risk to die faster. One study which was done in Mexica stated that, out of 332 patients who entered the hospital for having septic conditions,
107 patients has developed AKF. However, it also stated that the mortality rate of patients with AKF due septic shock is remained increasing (LeoМ
Moreno, DiМЃaz, & Briones.,
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Benefits Of Chronic Kidney Failure
Regardless if you refer to it as chronic kidney failure, chronic renal failure, or end–stage renal failure, if your condition is severe enough you are
eligible for Social Security benefits.
Kidney failure is evaluated by the Social Security Administration according to its genitourinary impairments listings. If there is completion of a kidney
transplant, serious complications caused from kidney disease, a need for regular dialysis, nephrotic syndrome, or a combination of reduced glomerular
filtration and symptoms of damage, disability benefits will be approved to the patient.
If there is a poor functioning of the kidneys created by any form of chronic disease, SSA listings 6.03, 6.04, and 6.05 automatically approve benefits if
one of the following is present: reduced glomerular filtration or kidney transplant, ongoing hemodialysis, (toxins being removed from the blood by an
artificial kidney machine), or ongoing peritoneal dialysis, (a hemodialysis method which requires dialyzing solution put into and then removed from
the peritoneal cavity either continuously or intermittently. ... Show more content on ...
In order to use reduced glomerular filtration, you will need to be able to verify that you suffer from one of the following conditions: Peripheral
neuropathy, which is the inability to filter toxic substances out of the blood, Bone pain and renal bone degradation, or a fluid overload syndrome, even
though taking medication, which has been documented by diastolic hypertension, anasarca or signs of vascular congestion, or anorexia along with
weight loss and BMI of 18.0 or
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Kidney's Disease: The Urinary System
The Urinary system is a very complex system. It's operated by the Peripheral nervous system thus meaning that we do not have to think about or tell
the brain or spinal cord to do its job. The renal system produce, store and eliminates waste from our body, the kidney is the manufacturing plant of this
system. If the Kidney develops a disease it will be treated by a nephrologist and there are several diseases a kidney could face. On the other hand, a
Urologist will treat issues pertaining to the urinary tract. The kidneys are very important, one would be surprise as to what these organs control such
as blood pressure, ph, and Ions just to name a few.
The Kidney's
"The Kidney are bean shaped organs, each about the size of a fist. They are located ... Show more content on ...
Chabner, 2014) "Kidney stones usually are composed of uric acid or calcium salts. Stones often lodge in the ureter or bladder, as well as in the renal
pelvis and may require removal by lithotripsy or surgery." Though this is not a life threating condition it is very painful and one may feel like they are
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) PKD are cysts on and in the kidneys, this condition is hereditary meaning it can be passed down within a family.
One type generates within middle age marked by Urinary Tract infections and blood in the urine. The other type is found early in infants and children
both can lead to renal failure.
Renal Failure Is the "decrease in execration of wastes resulting from impaired filtration." According to (D. Chabner, 2014). "Renal failure may be
caused both in the acute and chronic scenarios due to several factors. Acute renal failure for example may be brought about by problems affecting the
flow of blood to the kidneys (including dehydration, heart failure etc.), problems or diseases of the kidneys (including damage to kidneys caused by
certain medications or toxins) or problems affecting the outflow of urine from the kidneys (including kidney stones, posterior urethral valves etc.
Chronic renal failure commonly results from long term or chronic damage to the kidney function." According to
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Managing Renal Condition Of Renal Insufficiency
Running head: Managing Renal Insufficiency1
Managing Renal Insufficiency
Victoria Hurst
Morehead State University
Managing Renal Insufficiency2
Managing Renal Insufficiency
The Urinary system consists of two kidneys, two ureters, a single urinary bladder and a single urethra. The Kidneys are located in the abdominal cavity,
with the right kidney just below the liver, and the left kidney below the spleen. The ureters extend from the kidneys to the urinary bladder within the
pelvic cavity. An adrenal gland is located at the superior pole of each kidney. The kidneys are located behind the parietal peritoneum. Surrounding each
kidney is the perirenal fat. The renal ... Show more content on ...
As a result, the amount of the filtrate that becomes urine is markedly reduced. Blood levels of urea and creatinine increase, because of the reduction in
filtrate formation and reduced function of the tubular epithelium. The small amount of
Managing Renal Insufficiency 3 urine produced has a high Na+ concentration, but has an osmolality that is close to the concentration of the body
fluids; because the kidneys are not able to reabsorb Na+ the urine–concentrating ability of the kidneys is severely damaged.
Individual and Societal Impact of the Issue
Zyga et al (2009) states that acute renal failure (ARF) remains one of the major challenges of modern medicine. In the intensive care unit (ICU), the
uremic complications of ARF aggravate the clinical and hemodynamic status of critically ill patients and impede their clinical recovery. Zyga et al
(2009) continues to state that ARF constitutes an additional aggravating factor that increases hospital mortality.
Monetary Impact of the Issue
Zyga et al (2009) states that it is estimated 10–30% of patients with ARF will need a renal replacement therapy (RRT).
Evidence Based Guidelines
The value of each method of RRT depends on the patients' general situation and their individual problems.
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Kidney Failure Essay
Kidney Failure
By Andrea Sands
Professor Noahleen Betts
The kidneys are important organs in your body to help filter waste. Sometimes organs may fail and cause further problems within your body. There are
treatments available for kidney failure including dialysis and a kidney transplant. Both treatments do involve life changes and the patient must stay
healthy. It is important to learn about your body and learn the signs and symptoms of when something goes wrong. The kidneys keep your body
regulated by maintaining your fluid volume, mineral composition, and acidity. This is done by excreting and reabsorbing water and electrolytes. They
keep a balance in sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, ... Show more content on ...
The other will allow the blood that is returning to back into the body. Treatments will last anywhere from 2 ВЅ to 4 ВЅ hours. Your blood pressure will
be check regularly. Your machine will be adjusted to ensure that correct amounts are being removed from your body. You are allowed to relax,
read, watch television, do work, or even sleep. The other type of dialysis is called peritoneal dialysis. This requires more work from the patient.
The patient must maintain a clean surface on the abdomen in order to help prevent infection. The patient will again weigh themselves to determine
the amount of fluid. Then the patient will wear a mask while cleaning the catheter site. Fluid allowed to stay in the peritoneal cavity is drained
back into a plastic bag. The patient will then remove the bag and connect a new one. Once the fluid is in the body, the new bag will be rolled up
and placed on the patient's underwear until time for the next treatment. This type of dialysis is more work, more intense, and is required much more.
It is done four to five times a day at about 30 minutes each time. There is alternative machine to this called a cycler. It is used every night. Five to six
bags are used and the machine will automatically change fluid while the patient is sleeping. Dialysis can make things easier on the patient however it
depends on how much help your kidneys need as to which treatment you will need. Sometimes patients will require an entire kidney
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Kidney Injury And Hormonal Failure
The kidneys play host to a variety of different important functions in our bodies. The kidney's primary function is the removal of toxins, which is
excreted in the form of urine. The second extremely important role of the kidneys is maintaining the body's acid–base balance. This is balance is
maintained by the excretion of fixed acids and the reabsorption of bicarbonate. The hormonal functions of the kidneys include the regulation of blood
pressure and the manufacturing of red blood cells.
As critical care nurses, why should we be concerned about acute kidney injury (AKI)? How about a few statistics to help you answer this question.
Approximately 5 % of all hospitalized patients will develop AKI during their hospital stay (Yaklin, 2011). For... Show more content on
There are a variety of options for anticoagulation in CRRT patients. Heparin is the least expensive and drug with the shortest half life, which is why it
is the preferred method of anticoagulation. Heparin does require frequent PTT monitoring and dose adjustments. The disadvantages to heparin use are
increased bleeding risk and thrombocytopenia. For those patients who develop heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), the use of a direct thrombin
inhibitor is recommended. Argatroban and Lepirudin are the two direct thrombin inhibitors of choice. Deciding between the two is based on patient
history, current medical condition and method of CRRT used. Argatroban is eliminated by the liver, whereas Lepirudin is eliminated by the kidneys
and may not be used in patients with AKI. For those patients with an allergy to Heparin, the use of citrate is an option. Citrate binds to calcium in the
patients blood within the CRRT circuit and will help prolong circuit life. Citrate requires monitoring of labs, specifically ionized calcium, sodium and
acid base status. Citrate is contraindicated in patients with hepatic failure or with lactic acidosis. When the use of anticoagulates are contraindicated,
sodium chloride is used. Small boluses, approximately 100–200 milliliters, are used to flush the CRRT circuit. These fluid boluses are used to reduce
the stagnation of blood in the
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Chronic Kidney Disease : A Disease
Chronic kidney disease
Everglades University
Gia Davis
Dr. Cesar Irrazy
Chromic Kidney Disease is a disease that affects 80 percent of the United States population. Though it may seem to come suddenly, it can be prevented
and treated by monitoring what you put into the body and how the body functions. Also, knowing the different stages of the disease can help you
recognize what is happening to the body and how to help it to recover.
Many people are diagnosed with Kidney Disease but few know or understand how they get it, how to treat it, and how to prevent family members
from getting it. Chronic Kidney Disease causes many diseases when not approached with suitable knowledge and care. Chronic Kidney Disease can be
treated and prevented by both Western and Eastern medicinal methods. In order to learn how to treat this disease, you must first gain an understanding
of what the urinary system is, how it functions, and which causes lead to failure of the kidneys.
The urinary system is made up of six organs: the two kidneys, two ureters, the urinary bladder, and the urethra. Each plays a role in excreting toxins out
the body through urination. The urinary system excretes a board variety of metabolic wastes, toxins, drugs, hormones, salts, hydrogen ions, and water
out of the body. In the urinary system the main focus are the kidneys. Although their primary role is excretion, they play more roles than commonly
recognized. The kidneys
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Kidney Dialysis
Kidney Dialysis There are a few options when it comes to dialysis. Depending on your diagnosis you may have the option of peritoneal dialysis or
hemodialysis. With these two treatments you have the option of completing the treatment either in a center or at home if you are able to learn how to
treat yourself through training. Peritoneal dialysis cleanses your blood of waste products when your kidneys can no longer take on the task adequately.
This can be caused by diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney inflammation, or multiple cysts in the kidneys. As wastes build up in the body, it can be
dangerous and may even cause death. The patient is trained on what peritoneal dialysis involves and how to use the equipment which may consist of a
catheter ... Show more content on ...
Hemodialysis removes wastes, salts, and excess fluid from the body when your kidney can no longer do the work adequately. The treatment is
used with end advanced kidney failure and can help maintain an active life despite failing kidneys. In any case, the process can help control blood
pressure, maintain the proper balance of fluid and various minerals. A vascular access is created by a surgeon and then the site will need to heal
for any a period of a few weeks to a month. This access point allows a mechanism for a small amount of blood to be removed, cleansed and then
returned to your body in order for the hemodialysis to work. In a dialysis center your weight, blood pressure, pulse, and temperature are checked
then the access site cleaned. Two needles are inserted, attached to a flexible plastic tubing, and then connected to a dialyzer. With other options this
can be done in your own home, which is easier on your body, and may give you more freedom. Equipment that may be used includes a graft or
catheter, and a hemodialysis machine if the treatment will be at home and a filter called a dialyzer. The concept behind this process is to help cleanse
your blood of the toxins in your body. This will help with a better quality of life, increased well being, reduced symptoms, less cramping, headaches
and shortness of breath, improved appetite, sleeping patterns, energy levels and the ability to
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Kidney Failure Essay
Introduction There is a pair of kidneys in the human body. They are situated towards the back of the body under the ribs, just at the level of the waist
where one on either side of the body. Each kidney is composed of about one million units which are called nephrons and each nephron consists of two
parts: a filter which is called the glomerulus and a tubule leading out from the nephron (Cameron 1999). According to Marshall and Bangert (2008) the
kidneys have three major functions. Firstly, the kidneys are excretion of waste from plasma in the blood. The second function is that, they maintain of
extracellular fluid volume and composition. Lastly, the kidneys have a role in hormone synthesis.
Renal Failure The renal ... Show more content on ...
However, when the kidneys stop working completely, this situation is known as end–stage renal failure (ESRF). There are some diseases may cause
chronic renal failure and this essay will focus on two types of these common diseases.
Diabetes Mellitus One of the diseases is diabetes mellitus which is a major cause of renal failure. This disease can be defined as an increase of
fasting blood glucose that is affected by a deficiency in insulin hormone. The normal range for glucose (fasting) in the blood is 2.8–6.0 mmol/L. It is
classified into two groups, type 1 (insulin–dependent diabetes mellitus) and type 2 (non insulin–dependent diabetes mellitus). Stein (2008, p.6) points
out that kidney failure happens most often when patients have suffered from diabetes mellitus for more than 10 years. According to United States
Renal Data System (USRDS) report in 2007, approximately 44% of primary causes of renal failure is diabetes mellitus in the United States in 2005.
Also, Stein (2008) indicates that 15% of dialysis patients are influenced by diabetes mellitus in the United Kingdom. Diabetes mellitus has negative
affects throughout the kidneys where the increase of the range of blood sugar causes the damages to the cells in the kidneys. This leads to the presence
of the glucose in the urine which is known as glycosuric.
High blood pressure which is called hypertension is another common disease which can cause chronic renal failure. This
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Insufficient Urine Production Research Paper
What is Insufficient Urine Production in Cats?
Healthy cats typically produce approximately one to two grams of urine for every kilogram of their body weight per hour. Oliguria and anuria are the
medical terms that are used to describe insufficient urine production in cats. Oliguria refers to a small amount of urine production. Cats with oliguria
typically produce less than 0.25 milliliters of urine per kilogram per hour. Anuria refers to a medical condition where essentially no urine is being
produced by the body. Cats with anuria produce urine at a rate of less than 0.08 milliliters of urine per kilogram per hour.
Oliguria and anuria are both indicative of dehydration and/or severe kidney problems. Differentiating between insufficient urine ... Show more content
on ...
The primary cause of the oliguria or anuria must be addressed in order to increase urine production. The following may be recommended by the
veterinarian to treat the cat.
Fluid Therapy
If the cat is extremely dehydrated, intravenous fluid therapy will be administered. The cat's weight will be taken prior to the fluid therapy beginning
and a catheter will be inserted. Urinary output, total weight and bloodwork will be continually monitored to ensure that the cat's organs are responding
appropriately to the fluids.
There are a variety of medications that the veterinarian may prescribe to stimulate urine production. Mannitol works by increasing blood flow to the
kidneys, which may help the kidneys to function better. This drug is administered intravenously and typically works within 15 to 30 minutes.
Furosemide is a medication that may also be prescribed alters the electrolyte balance in the blood, which can stimulate urine production. If other
medications aren't successful, the veterinarian may prescribe dopamine. Dopamine works by dilating the blood vessels.
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Chronic Kidney Failure Of The United State
The most common cause of kidney failure in the United State is Diabetes. According to "the U.S. renal data system the top five causes of renal failure
are diabetes, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, cystic diseases and Urologic diseases". Unfortunately, people can have renal disease for a long period
of time before detecting or notice any symptom leading to a potentially life treating. Kidneys are equipped with millions of nephrons that continually
filtering out and removes waste products such as urea and extra fluid (electrolytes) of the blood and discharge as urine through the urethra. If nephrons
are damaged it cannot regenerate, resulting functional failure of the renal, leading to accumulation of waste products in the body, causing serious
number of complications such as Rhabdomyolysis and Somatalgia. Not only that, but uremic poisoning.
One of the main renal failures is known as chronic kidney disorder (CKD). This disease is non–reversible and has no cure. CKD have this stages that
definite the progression of a the kidneys. "CKD stages range from 1 to 5: the higher the number of stages, the greater the progression of the disease.
CKD is a progressive condition that develops over an extended period before being detected". In most cases when the symptoms is noticeable, the
patient have already experience a large percentage of the kidney tissue that's been destroyed. "Doctor uses a measurement called the glomerular
filtration rate (GFR) to determine how the efficiency
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Anatomy And Physiology : Normal Structure And Function
1. Anatomy and Physiology:
Normal Structure and Function
According to Patton and Thibodeau (2012), the kidneys are a pair of bean–shaped organs found along the posterior muscular wall of the abdominal
cavity. The convex side of each kidney is located laterally and the concave side medial. The renal hilum on the concave side is the point where the
renal artery enters, the vein and ureter leave the kidney. Deep to the perirenal fat, the kidney is surrounded by fibrous connective tissue called the renal
capsule. Deep to the renal capsule is the renal cortex, which surrounds the renal medulla with their apexes facing inward toward the centre of the
kidney. Nephrons, the basic structural and functional unit that filters blood to produce urine, are located within the cortex and medulla. The minor
calyces that collects urine are connected to the papilla of each pyramid, and merge to form major calyces, which further merge into the renal pelvis.
Urine drains into the ureter at the renal hilum where renal pelvis exits the kidney (Brenner, 2007).
Brenner (2007) explained that the primary function of the kidneys is to excrete waste products resulting from metabolism by filtering them out of the
bloodstream into urine. The kidneys also have many homeostatic functions such as maintaining acid–base homeostasis and electrolyte concentrations,
and regulating plasma osmolarity and blood pressure (Brenner, 2007). The kidneys secret and interact with a variety of hormones such as
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Kidney Failure: A Case Study
Melanie Hollins found out some unexpected news when she went to the hospital following stage 4 kidney failure. WDSU reports at 42–years old, the
woman was being treated for diabetes, high blood pressure and her kidney failure. Melanie was told something during a visit to the doctor that shocked
her, she was pregnant. The mother–to–be said: "We were trying to get placed on the active transplant list, and that's how we found out we were
pregnant." She didn't even think she could still get pregnant when she was given the news she had a baby on the way. Emily Rose Hollins arrived
weighing only 12 ounces when she was born four months premature, making her a medical miracle. Melanie described the moment she laid her eyes on
her newborn daughter... Show more content on ...
I have never seen someone so small but she had all 10 fingers and all 10 toes. She had a nose, ears even girly parts. She was my baby. My little
miracle." The new mother was surprised by the size of her baby, who became Oklahoma City's Integris Baptist Medical Center's smallest baby to be
born there and survive: "She was so small, and I had never seen a baby so small. I wasn't really aware that micro–premies existed until now. It was
very hard. She was about the size of a Coke can." Emily was small, but she soon showed everyone she was also strong, and with the help of her
mother's encouraging words, she flourished, teaching her mother an important lesson along the way. Melanie told Dearly: "Her fight and her
journey has shown me to never give up and to believe. I prayed over her everyday and spoke words of affirmation over her everyday such as You
are strong, you are healed, you are whole you are healthy, you are eating, you are growing, you are blessed and highly favored, you can do all things
through Christ who gives you strength, and you are a Victor not a victim." After spending the first five months of her life in the hospital, fighting to
survive, Emily was ready to go
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Persuasive Speech : Donating Organ For A Person
Donating organ to a person in need adds significant years to his life. The donor will be back to his normal life within a week after donation and
will have no side effects if treated carefully. Here is an example of Tom Walker, a coach who decided to donate his kidney to one of his team
player. Kevin Jordan, a left handed outfielder, was offered admission to Wake Forest University and their baseball team in his senior year at high
school. He amazing talent on field was recognized by the baseball coach at Wake Forest, Tom Walker. Summer before college, Kevin was diagnosed
with kidney failure and put on dialysis. Even after his parent's advice to stay with them, Kevin decided to attend college and live life like a normal
college kid. During his first semester, he was able to manage practice sessions, attend all classes and time for workout with his team in addition to
dialysis. Due to worsening conditions, he discontinued college the next semester. After futile attempts of finding a match within his family and
friends, his coach Tom, decided to test for the match with Kevin as they had the same blood group. It matched perfectly and Tom willingly donated
his kidney to Kevin. Due to this noble act of kindness from his coach, Kevin can now live a normal life and play for the college like everyone else.
Even Tom, is hale and hearty and back as a coach within two weeks after the operation. As the coach was readily willing to donate his kidney, this
ended on a
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Kidney Failure: A Short Story
Hey there Mary, it would great to see you, just give a text when you're in the village. And yep just picked up the insulin this morning. Going give
her two shots a day, did one this morning at the vet's office and the cat didn't even flinch, so should be a hassle there (but 56 bucks for the little vial
of insulin). And as for having the cat now, I thought I told you last year what happen, I don't what to be a bummer on a crap day like this. But my
mother passed away last April from Kidney failure, it's a long story, but due to increasing dementia she wasn't eating or drinking and that lead to
UTI's and in effect lead to kidney failure and at her age dialysis was not a good option (more painful then helpful). Sad but she passed peacefully and
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Effects Of Kidney Failure On Erectile Dysfunction
The effects of kidney failure on erectile dysfunction
Impotence is defined as "male erectile dysfunction, that is, the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual
performance." (1)
Age, smoking and metabolic disorders are some of the major risk factors for ED. Kidney failure is a medical condition in which the kidneys fail to
adequately filter waste products from the blood (2) and is also a risk factor for developing ED. ED's prevalence is estimated to be approximately 80%
among these patients. The etiology of ED in CKD patients is multifactorial. Abnormalities in gonadal–pituitary system, endothelial dysfunction,
disturbance in autonomic nervous system, anemia and erythropoietin deficiency, secondary hyperparathyroidism,
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Research Paper On Kidney Failure
Kidney failure is a public health problem, which has dramatic effects on patients' health. In some causes it is associated with increased mortality. It is
estimated that 4,270 patients die from kidney failure.1 Thus, it is considered a serious threat to millions of patients with kidney failure. This research
paper, is to provide a general overview of the causes of kidney failure, shedding light on it stages, symptoms and risk factors. It also examines the
process of kidney transplantation to treat kidney failure. Finally, it presents the potential side effects of kidney transplantation surgery.
Ultimately, talking about kidney failure may coordinate future examination to reduce the incidence of kidney failure. ... Show more content on ...
The first side effect of kidney transplantation is infections. Infections are divided into: bacterial, viral, and fungal.21 In general, infections may happen
in the first six months because patients have a weak immunity system.21 Due to bacterial infection, ''Pneumocystis and opportunistic infection'' and
bacterial urinary tract infection, which is the most common side effect, may occur.21 Other patients may suffer from viral infection.21 They could get
the virus from the transplant of the donors' kidney to the patients.21 For example, BK viral occurs ''in the urine and can cause inflammation and
stricture in the ureter''.21 Furthermore, fungal infection is another side effect of kidney transplantation.21 It may cause urinary infection, esophagitis,
or invasive fungal infection.21Yet, these infections are rare.21 To avoid these infections, patients should eat healthy food and do exercises. The second
side effect of kidney transplantation is cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVD is common in patients who have had kidney transplantation.22 There are
several causes that lead to CVD in patients with transplanted kidney. One cause is diabetes. After the surgery, some
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Chronic Kidney Failure

  • 1. Chronic Kidney Failure My nephew was diagnosed with kidney failure in 2013. So I immediately wanted to know the answer to the question is kidney failure permanent? Kidney failure is the condition in which your kidneys lose the ability to remove waste and balance fluids. There are 2 types which are acute and chronic. Acute kidney failure happens suddenly and it can be reversed. Chronic kidney failure is longstanding disease of the kidneys and usually results in the person going on dialysis or needing a transplant to survive. Acute kidney failure happens over a few hours or a few days. It can be reversed. This is not the type my nephew was diagnosed with. This type if caught right away can be treated and reversed. Getting routine test done and catching any problems earlier on can really contribute to your kidney failure not becoming permanent. Chronic kidney failure however is ... Show more content on ... However David W. Johnson says on (Screening and overview para. 2 ) " early identification and management of chronic kidney disease is highly cost effective and can reduce the progression of kidney failure by 50 percent". His purpose in explaining this was to educate on screening and early detection of ckd. In his writings his statistics are very detailed as to the risk factors and who should be screened for ckd. He goes on to break down the different levels of chronic kidney diseases with charts and graphs. So although not reversal once your kidneys deteriorate to the kidney failure stage if caught early you could still salvage some kidney function. If not however, the solutions to keep the person with chronic kidney failure alive is dialysis or either transplant. Both are life saving options. There are a lot of different variables for chronic kidney failure including hypertension, diabetes, smoking or infections that weren't taken care of soon enough. All these contribute to chronic kidney failure. My nephew's kidney failure stemmed from ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Enid: The Nature Of Patients With Kidney Failure One of the first things that we learn about Enid is that she must be a good nurse. The first paragraph on page 31 is full of observations that a nurse would make. She notes the coloration of Mrs. Quinn's urine, which is an indication of the condition of her failing kidneys. She also observes the smell of her patient's breath and the stains on her body. These are all signs that give her some idea of how much time Mrs. Quinn has before dying as well as her mental state. A nurse that is as skilled as Enid is would surely know about the nature of patients with kidney failure: the toxins, no longer filtered out by the kidneys, remain in the bloodstream until they go to the brain. This results in patients becoming confused. In my own experience, several of my most troublesome patients have had diagnoses pertaining to their kidneys. Some patients become violent, some keep trying to crawl out of their bed and escape (even if they've lost their ability to walk decades ago), and some will tell crazy stories. I've even had a male patient with kidney failure tell the nurse that I had raped him. My point is, because of Mrs. Quinn's condition, she may be talking out of her mind. I can further support the idea that Mrs. Quinn is talking out of her mind by the inconsistencies in her stories. Pages 57, 59, and 62 all tell the story of Mr. ... Show more content on ... Quinn's story. In fact, I think that absolutely nothing will happen, besides Enid going home and leaving Mrs. Quinn and Rupert in the past. Yes, the last paragraph on page 78 seems to be building up suspense for something important, but one needs to remember that stories with big notable endings, i.e. happily ever after don't have much of place in the more Realist Modernism/Postmodernism genre. This story tries to capture life as it really is; in real life, you don't always get a big explanatory ending that answers all of your questions or provides ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Your Kidneys during Acute Renal Failure What happens when your kidneys fail? Acute renal failure is a disorder of the kidneys when it's ceased to perform its functions. For example, the kidneys lose its ability to excrete wastes. When your kidneys fail because of a disease or injury, wastes and extra fluid can build up in the blood and make you sick. Kidneys will not be able to maintain homeostasis of electrolytes. A high level of plasma potassium, sodium concentration, and elevated pH will be evident as well. ARF can be arranged depending upon the underlying cause. Pre–renal is the disruption of flow to the glomerulus. Decrease flow to the afferent arterioles can severely affect the nephrons ability to perform its functions. This is due to an abrupt drop in blood flow because of massive vasoconstriction in relation to decrease in volume. Intra–renal failure, however, is an actual damage to the kidneys. Damage to the nephrons may be short–term that injury to the cells and nephrons are not able to work. It could also be permanent where the damage to the nephrons is so severe that it becomes completely dysfunctional. Despite the injuries, the nephrons are capable to restore itself and recover once blood flow is brought back to normal. Post–renal is an obstruction beyond the nephron. Blockage in the ureters, bladder, and urethra can cause buildup of waste products. An example of this is BPH or benign prostate hypertrophy where the prostate gland gets so enlarged that it causes disruption of urine flow. History ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Rhabdomyolysis And Renal Kidney Failure Rhabdomyolysis results when the skeletal muscle rapidly breaks down and releases myoglobin into the bloodstream. Myoglobin is a protein that composes muscle cells that carry and store oxygen in the muscles. Therefore, when myoglobin is released into the bloodstream, the skeletal muscle rapidly deteriorates and is rapidly being destroyed. Rhabdomyolysis can lead to renal kidney failure. Renal kidney failure is when the kidneys can't remove waste and urine. In some cases, rhabdomyolysis can lead to death. However, there is treatment for rhabdomyolysis. Rhabdomyolysis has many causes; young adults are more vulnerable than adults to getting rhabdomyolysis because they are exposed to high intensity, longer–duration, and weight–bearing exercises. ... Get more on ...
  • 5. An Effective Treatment of Kidney Failure Essay An Effective Treatment of Kidney Failure The kidney can fail for many reasons, when it does it leaves the sufferer with an inability to filter out harmful substances in the blood. This leads to a number of symptoms. The first treatment for kidney failure would normally be dialysis, there are two techniques. Haemodialysis cleans blood outside the body by using a pump to pump out the blood and through a dialyser. This filters out the blood via diffusion and pumps the "clean" blood back around the body to pick up more toxins and back to the dialyser. It also takes out the excess water, this is called ultrafiltation. It needs to be done for four hours, three times a week. Peritoneal dialysis ... Show more content on ... There can be problems with fluid leaks in the groin or around the catheter when dialysis starts. Infections are the major risk – either in the exit site or most importantly in the tummy itself, peritonitis. In the long term, there can be a thickening of the peritoneal membrane so that it does not work efficiently. The dialysis fluid may need to be changed or switched to haemodialysis. The treatment of dialysis is used in conjunction with a special diet that has to be customized to each individual. Because the kidney takes away so many different toxins from the blood it is important to have regular blood tests to see what is missing from the diet. Medication is also a big factor in treating kidney failure; once it is established what is missing, drugs can be given to help It is possible to be considered for a kidney transplant. A transplant of a healthy kidney from someone who has died is called a cadaveric transplant it is the most common in this country, but it is possible to receive a kidney from a living donor who is a suitable match. If the person is a close relative, this is called a living related transplant. It may be possible to receive a kidney from someone who is not a relative – such as a husband, wife, partner or good friend. This is a living unrelated transplant. Over 1,500 kidney transplants are performed in the UK every year ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Creative Writing: Kidney Failure "Anthony!" My mother beckoned for me to come downstairs "what?" i replied "i have some bad news." she said back. Intrigued by this i quickly stood up and rushed to the first floor of our house. When i got to the bottom of the stairs i looked at her and asked "what was wrong? Was someone hurt?" my mind raced with questions and i tried to start rifling them off when i was interrupted by her saying "Your father is in the ICU." my heart sank at those words, as if i was hit by a car. I had known something was wrong with my father for a long time now. Even with how young i was at the time i still had a firm grip on death and how closely it is associated with the ICU. my thoughts were then interrupted by her continuing to speak "he went to go... Show more content on ... He also had constant blood pressure of about 270/170 the doctors say it was the highest they had ever seen on a conscious living person, but the strangest part was that he was still standing and walking around. I remember him telling me that a priest was reading his last rights to him while he was eating a bag of skittles. They had told us his kidneys were operating at combined efforts only to achieve 5% effectiveness. But out of all the details i will never forget is the general sadness of the hospital when we went to visit him, it felt like it was dense with death and the sounds of the gurneys and carts the nurses were periodically pushing by. I will never forget the look my father gave me when we were playing a board game that was set up in the lobby outside his room. It was a look of a man who did not know what was ahead of him ,or even care for that matter, all he cared about was the time he was spending with me and my sisters at that very moment, none of us wanted that moment of peacefulness and calm to end, but the visiting hours for the ICU said otherwise. I left that hospital that day never knowing if i was going to see my father ever ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Kidneys For Sale: A Reconsideration By Miriam Schulman Kidneys for Sale: A Reconsideration In the essay " Kidneys for Sale: A Reconsideration" by Miriam Schulman, kidneys are fair in our lives. The writer talks with important things in our lives related to our organs specificly kidneys. Everyday almost 17 people die when they wait for a suitable organ. In 2011, in United States, kidney transplants were about 15,417. They had a healthy way to transplant kidneys to other people. As they got it tested wheather if they can accept it or not. After transplangt there has been seen no harm. Ninty percent of people got kidneys from a living– donor and 82 % of people from died–donor. When they get it from poor people, they remain still alive at least five years. Actually the poor people sell their kidneys. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. What Is Hydronephrosis?. . . . . Angela Lee. Iot. Vn 2. What is Hydronephrosis? Angela Lee IOT VN 2 What is hydronephrosis? Hydronephrosis is when there is a disorder on one or both of the kidneys. The kidney starts to swell up due to urine back up and not able to filter out. But it can be caused by varies reason why it lead to this condition. Changing lifestyle by nutritional and exercises will help prevent chances of becoming kidney failure. Kidney function will begin decreasing immediately with the onset of hydronephrosis but is reversible if the swelling resolves. Usually kidneys recover if taking care of the obstruction right away even if it lasted for several weeks. Our kidneys have the most important job of filtering your blood. They remove waste products and extra ... Show more content on ... High blood sugar levels caused by diabetes damage blood vessels in the kidneys. If the blood sugar level remains high over many years, this damage gradually reduces the function of the kidneys. Uncontrolled high blood pressure damages blood vessels, which can lead to damage in the kidneys. And blood pressure often rises with chronic kidney disease, so high blood pressure may further damage kidney function even when another medical condition initially caused the disease. Kidney is one of the major systems in your body and can lead to kidney failure and become more complicated than what it's already is. Along with this causes there are some signs and symptoms that's included such as nausea and vomiting, fever, painful urinary, increase in urgency, sudden intense abdomen pain, lack of sleep, depression, lack of nutrient, abdominal mass, imbalance pH. The pathophysiology to hydronephrosis is when there is an obstruction in either upper or lower urinary tract that increases pressure into the kidney. Additionally it becomes inability to pass urine through to the bladder. The pressure delicate the tissue to make it hard to pass which leads to complication and loss of function to work properly. If the kidney swells up or there's a blockage it cannot do what a normal kidney functioning does. When it comes to detecting this conditions there are ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Hypertension: Main Cause Of Stroke And Kidney Failure Hypertension as defined by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2015 is "a serious medical condition. It happens when the force of the blood pumping through your arteries is too strong". Hypertension is a very serious disease because of its complications. This disease may lead to heart failure and/or hypertrophy, and cause damage to blood vessels. Also, increases the risk kidney failure, stroke and may lead to death if left untreated. Hypertension is considered as one of the most common diseases that can be identified as the main cause of stroke and kidney failure. Hypertension usually present as one of a group of multiple illnesses always accompanied by diabetes, obesity, kidney disease or many other pre–existing problems ... Show more content on ... The National Heart, Lung, and Blood institute implemented High Blood Pressure Education Program (NHBPEP). The program's main goal is to educate through recommending prevention of hypertension "through both a population–based strategy and an intensive strategy focused" (Whelton, 2002) on individuals at high risk for high blood pressure. The population–based and the intensive strategies are complementary and constructed to point out six approaches: Increase individuals' physical activity; control body weight and avoid obesity; limit alcohol consumption; lower sodium intake; lower intake of potassium; and increase daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, and low–fat dairy products and contain low saturated and total fat. Applying these approaches can prevent the incidence rate of hypertension rising in the population and also can lower blood pressure in persons with pre–hypertension or diagnosed with hypertension. (Whelton, ... Get more on ...
  • 10. What Causes Kidney Failure The kidneys are the organs in the body that serves a number of functions, including filtering waste products from the blood, regulating blood pressure and red blood cell production in the body, and balancing electrolytes. When kidney failure sets in, a number of symptoms can be experienced by patients that results from the build–up of waste products and excess fluid in the body. This disruption of the kidneys' function can lead to symptoms such as weakness, shortness of breath, lethargy, swelling, confusion, sleep disruption, nausea and vomiting, and loss of appetite, among other unpleasant symptoms. Kidney disease can be caused by a number of underlying diseases and conditions, and while some caused of kidney failure are treatable, it can ... Show more content on ... Diabetes causes injury to the small blood vessels in the body, inhibiting the kidneys from cleaning your blood properly, which causes the body to retain more water and salt than is normal. Furthermore, diabetes can damage the nerves in your body and make it difficult to empty the bladder which can injure the kidneys. Hemp oil is known its low content of carbohydrates, and consists of nutrients that moderate blood sugar levels. The essential fatty acids in the hemp oil accelerate the metabolic processes in the human body, lowering sugar levels in the bloodstream. By protecting the blood vessels from diabetic damage, hemp oil helps the kidneys to clean the blood ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Diabetic Nephropathy : An Irreversible Kidney Failure Diabetic nephropathy, an irreversible kidney failure, continues to be the most common cause of end stage renal disease requiring either a kidney transplant or renal replacement therapies, such as dialysis (Bilous, 2013). Worldwide, approximately fifty percent of cases of end–stage chronic kidney disease are caused by diabetes mellitus, with type II comprising the majority (Vladu, 2014). The prevalence of diabetes has been estimated to increase worldwide with the total number of diabetics rising from 285 million in 2010 to 439 million in 2030 (Mantelo, Oliveira, Ferraz, Lima, & Silva, 2015). This rise in diabetes is a concern to public health, as the effects of diabetes can have life altering consequences. Pathology According to Bilous (2013), unmanaged diabetes over time can cause an accumulation of matrix material on the glomerular capillary basement membrane and in the area between the capillaries known as the glomerular mesangium. This thickening of matrix will eventually obliterate the capillaries leading to a decrease in glomerular filtration rate and eventual organ failure. The pathological course that leads to diabetic nephropathy has several warning signs that can be used to detect and slow down the progression of the disease. One of the earliest clinical findings is the increased concentration of albuminuria protein in the urine. This protein is indicative of leaky capillaries that have been damaged due to increased concentration of glucose in the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Headline: Kidney Failure Headline: Kidney Dialysis: What Are the Long–Term Risks? Keywords: Kidney, Dialysis, Risks, Diet, Failure Page Description: Kidney dialysis is a procedure used for the treatment of chronic kidney failure. This is a life saving treatment that helps in restoring the functions associated with the kidneys. There are some risks associated with it that can occur for long term. Patients undergoing dialysis should take proper diet is recommended with renal diet by the dieticians. Text: { Kidney Dialysis Kidney dialysis is a life saving treatment for chronic kidney failure. Kidney is an organ which is responsible for filtering the waste material and excess fluid from the blood but failure of this organ to do so leads to accumulation of the waste ... Show more content on ... hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. In hemodialysis, machine and dialyzer are used for filtering the blood. In peritoneal type, after filling of abdomen with a special cleaning solution, filtration of blood is done inside the body. On this treatment, patients of renal failure need to take proper diet. When the renal failure patient is under dialysis, body loses protein and hence to maintain the adequate level of protein, protein rich diet is recommended. Patients of renal failure can contact the dietician for the proper diet to be taken during dialysis treatments. Risks of Kidney Dialysis Patients of renal failure undergoing kidney dialysis have some risks and complications associated with it. Risks of kidney dialysis include muscle cramps. Risks of muscle cramps are there in the last half of dialysis session only. Patients of renal failure under treatment with kidney dialysis can also have the risks of hypotension. Hypotension risks are some of the common risks that often occur in women and in people aged above 60. Nausea, headache, vomiting and confusion can also be the possible risks faced by renal failure patients. Some of the possible risks are listed as follows: Irregularity in heartbeat
  • 13. Formation of blood ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Kidney Failure Modern technology is constantly changing. The main way to combat the rejection of foreign organs by the immune system is to use immunosuppressant medicines. Some immunosuppressant drugs include Tacrolimus, Sirolimus, and Prednisone, among many others. These drugs offer a wide range of effects on the body; some that are steroids, while others are inhibitors. The major problem with this, however, is that immunosuppressants weaken the immune system, which therefore makes the body more susceptible to other diseases, mainly viruses. As a result, the weakest viruses can be deadly to the body because of the weakened immune system. Additionally, recipients of organs become completely dependent on these medications and are not able to get off of them; ... Show more content on ... Dialysis is generally only considered an option when more than eighty percent of the kidney is unusable, damaged, and unable to carry out its functions. The prominent feature of dialysis is to filter out wastes and clean the blood in order to have the same effect that a healthy kidney would. There are two primary types of dialysis; hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. In hemodialysis, a hemodialyzer, or an artificial kidney, is placed in the body and cleans the blood in the body. To get the blood into the hemodialyzer, surgery has to be done on the leg or arm. There are two main components, one for the blood and one for dialysate, a washing fluid. Blood is removed from the body and filtered through a man–made thin membrane, the dialyzer. Blood cells and proteins are too large to pass through the membrane, while waste products, such as urea, potassium, and extra fluid are able to travel through the dialyzer. The blood is then returned to the body. In peritoneal dialysis, a cleansing fluid flows through a catheter, which is placed in the abdomen, in order to filter out waste products within the flood. After a period of time where the filtering process is completed, the fluid containing the wastes is removed through the tube and ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Kidney Failure Paper Renal (kidney) failure is a serious medical condition in which the kidneys fail to filter blood effectively. This causes waste products to build up in the body causing immense pressure on organs–such as, the heart. (Mayo, 2012) Along with this, renal failure begins a down–spiral to insufficient and unbalanced levels of the person's blood chemical make up. Kidney failure unfortunately develops extremely rapidly and causes the patient to become extremely ill very quickly (Smith, 2013). Signs and symptoms of kidney failure include: dehydration, little or no urination, swelling (including feet and legs), loss of appetite, feeling of nausea, vomiting, possible feelings of confusion, anxiety, restlessness, and sleepiness, as well as flank pain (Mayo, ... Show more content on ... Although, three common treatments are: kidney transplantation, peritoneal dialysis, and hemodialysis. Kidney transplantation requires chemicals, and waste from the patient's body. This dialysis uses the specific lining of the abdomen to filter the blood. This lining is the peritoneal membrane which actually acts as the artificial kidney. Finally, hemodialysis is another procedure which helps control blood pressure and helps to keep the appropriate balance of chemicals while using a machine to temporarily rid the patient's body of harmful wastes, excessive water, and extra salt (Owen, ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Analysis of a Webpage of the Kidney Failure Analysis of a Webpage of the Kidney Failure Internet has grown rapidly into an immense information source. Internet resources can be used as a patient education tool and they offer the opportunities for personal interaction. Instead of following health advice and instructions passively, internet tools allow people to maintain their physical well–being actively by providing updated health information, user friendly activities, and support groups (Rankin et al., 2005). 64% of the 113 million internet users in America have searched for medical information. (as cited in Rankin et al., 2005). Many health professionals concern that the internet resources can be potentially negative by spreading misinformation (as cited in Rankin et al., ... Show more content on ... It could result in negative effect to maintain physical health. Nearly half of all 90 million American adults have problems understanding and using health information, and there is a higher percentage of hospitalizations and use of emergency departments among patients with deficits in health literacy (Wojciechowski & Cichowski, 2007). Health literacy is defined as the ability to which individuals are capable of obtaining, processing, and understanding basic information and needs to make appropriate decisions about their health. Readability can be assessed using the Fry Readability Formula (Rankin et al., 2005, p.248). In this paper, the webpage of the chronic kidney failure is used. As this page is short, three samples from different parts are tested. The result of the three 100 word samples according to the Fry Readability Formula is as following; Number of SentencesNumber of Syllables 1st 100 words7.6153 2nd 100 words7.7161 3rd 100 words10.5165 Totals25.8479 Divide Totals by 38.6159 Referring to the Fry graph (Figure 9.2), the readability level of this page is at the 9th – grade level. SAM (Suitability Assessment of Materials) shows that 9th– grade level and above is not suitable for patient comprehension. Superior is the 5th– grade level or lower, and 6th–, 7th–, 8th – grade level is adequate (Rankin et al., 2005, p.241). However, the website offers other tools, such
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  • 18. What Is Kidney Failure? Kidney failure may often lead to the need for kidney dialysis. The kidneys play a very important role in filtering the waste, toxins, and water from the body. When the kidneys fail to properly do their job various wastes and excess fluids can build up in the body, leading to swelling and edema. The two most common causes of kidney failure are acute renal injury and chronic kidney disease. Signs and symptoms are not always present right away. It may take some time to notice these signs and symptoms. Some signs and symptoms include increased levels of urea in the blood, a buildup of phosphates and potassium in the blood, anemia, and edema. Glomerular filtration rate is used to determine which of the five stages of kidney failure an individual is at. Glomerular filtration rate determines level of kidney function. The need for dialysis arises at end stage kidney disease when the kidneys lose about 85% – 90% of their function. Kidney dialysis does the work that the kidneys fail to do during kidney failure. Dialysis uses a unique machine designed to filter the blood and return it to a healthy state. There are a couple of different types of dialysis available depending on the patient's needs, hemodialysis and periodontal dialysis. Dialysis itself is not painful but it may lead to uncomfortable side effects. It takes a few hours about ... Show more content on ... Before beginning dialysis for the first time a physician must create vascular access. Vascular access provides an entrance point for the machine to be connected to the body. There are several access points available including fistulas, grafting, and a temporary option. A fistula is when an artery is connected to a vein. A graft is connecting an artery and vein together using a soft plastic tube. A temporary access site can be created by placing a thin plastic tube into a large ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Treatment Of Dialysis And Renal Transplant By the satisfaction of both dialysis and renal transplant, the treatments work efficiently and effectively to cure kidney failure and to reduce the effects and physical impacts. Further research has shown an exhibit, all the more effective and capable course of action. The analyst has found a new cell improvement to start producing an individual organ, this is a productive and most preferred way, where the standards of dialysis and regular transplant both include significant cause and effects. One in ten Australian grown–ups aged 18 and over (roughly 1.7 million individuals) have no less than one indication of constant kidney infection and more than 20,000 get dialysis or a kidney transplant for a failing kidney. Kidney failure may also be ... Show more content on ... They have multipotent and self–renewing properties and can separate into cells of the mesodermal heredity. Mesenchymal undeveloped cells move to harmed kidney tissue whilst deliver a variety of comforting cytokines and chemokine's that can modify the course of damage. Mesenchymal undifferentiated organisms are thought to prompt repair through paracrine. Endocrine systems that balance the safe reaction bringing about tissue repair and cell substitution. This review will examine the elements of mesenchymal undifferentiated organisms. The variables they discharge that secure against kidney harm. The systems of homing and engraftment to destinations of irritation; and further clarify the immunomodulatory impact of mesenchymal immature microorganisms and their capacity to change macrophage phenotype in a setting of kidney harm and repair. The procedure of endogenous kidney recovery is vital for the advantage of the new remedial techniques. Tissue stem/ancestor cells assume a crucial part in looking after homeostasis, a procedure of self–reestablishment. Epithelial cells of the digestive tract and skin have a high cell turnover rate and can self–restore. Interestingly, the kidney has an extensively has a cell turnover rate, with proliferative capacities that vary contingent upon the particular ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Essay on Ap2 Urinary Labpaq 18 Answers How is the tissue of the kidneys structurally modified to aid in filtration? It has tubules and is porous B. What is important functionally about transitional epithelium? It allows for stretching. Transitional epithelium contains cells that are flattened and cells that are cuboidal; hence the name "transitional". You can find transitional epithelium in the bladder and in the first expansion of the ureters as they leave the kidneys (called a calyx). C. What is the function of the ureter? How does its structure support this function? Covey urine from kidneys to bladder Enter base of bladder through posterior wall Strength and frequency of muscle contractions change with amount of urine present ... Show more content on ... Regulate blood pressure and kidney function. Producing erythropoeitin. Metabolizing vitamin D to its active form. The kidney has evolved to maintain many homeostatic functions, including: 1. Ion balance: This includes [Na+], [K+], macronutrients, etc. 2. Osmotic balance: Controlling volume of urine produced. 3. Blood pressure: Controlling blood volume, over the long term regulates blood pressure. 4. pH balance: Controlling secretion & absorption of H+ & HNO3– 5. Excretion: The removal of toxic water insoluble compounds from the body 6. Hormones: Hormone production and regulation Kidneys must process tremendous amounts of blood, which may be up to 4 liters of blood per kilogram every minute in humans. The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron, comprised of the renal tubule and associated vasculature. Major kidney structures are described below. C. Name some ways in which the body excretes waste. Urinary–Kidney– Nitrogen compounds, toxins, water, electrolytes.
  • 21. Integumentary–Skin–sweat glands– Nitrogen compounds, Electrolytes, water. Respiratory–Lung–Carbon dioxide, Water. Digestive– Intestine– Digestive wastes, Bile pigments, Salts of heavy metals. D. What is a nephron and what does it do? Nephrons are the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney. The shape of the nephron is unusual, unmistakable and uniquely suited to its function of blood plasma processing and urine formation. Each ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Sonography Research Paper Often times we may ignore the signs our body is trying to tell us. Mainly due to fear of the unknown. Our kidneys play an important role in our body. They are used to filter out waste through urination. There are many exams that physicians use to help diagnose renal failure and there are some less commonly used because they have no effect of diagnosis of renal failure. Ultra– sounds are the number one imaging modality to help in diagnosing renal failure and angiography of the kidney is the least used imaging modality. In order to prevent our body from shutting down it is imperative we pay attention to the signs of what our body is trying to tell us. Kidneys are a vital organ because they help our bodies eliminate waste. They filter ... Show more content on ... They are useful when a patient has abdominal pain and in establishing the size of a kidney stone. They may also help when it comes to masses or obstructions. These x–rays are 1D images and are not able to diagnose if a kidney is in failure or not (, 2018). Renal angiograms are the lease used study when it comes to renal failure. This study is used to look at blood vessels in the kidneys and used to help determine if there is an aneurysm or stenosis. Not to mention injecting contrast into a patient for an angio study, who is in renal failure may not be the best. This study not only aids in the discovery of stenosis or aneurysms, but it helps with vasospasms, thrombosis, occlusions, tumors, hemorrhage, and complications from a kidney transplant. These two studies are rated number two for the helping with diagnosing renal failure (, 2018). While these two studies are good for many other things it is not for diagnosing renal failure. This should be done with those modalities who have more to offer than these ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Heart Failure And Acute Kidney Injury Our current study demonstrates that among hospitalized HF patients, 2179 (32%) had traditional AKI (rise in serum creatinine by >=0.3 mg/dl) and 789 (12%) of hospitalized HF patients developed reverse AKI (drop in serum creatinine by >=0.3 mg/dl). The change in serum creatinine of greater than or equal to 0.3mg/dl was associated with higher 30–day all–cause readmission and mortality. Interestingly, reverse AKI group was also associated with higher 30–day all–cause readmission and mortality. To our knowledge this is the first study that reports 30–day all cause readmission and mortality by serial changes in serum creatinine in hospitalized HF patients. There is a need for increased awareness regarding this particular subset of patients.... Show more content on ... The explanation for presentation of this group is multifactorial including advanced stage of heart failure, old age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, acute coronary syndrome, secondary to aggressive diuresis as supported by increased use of loop and potassium sparing diuretics and an intrinsic imbalance between the vasoconstrictive (epinephrine, angiotensin, endothelin) and vasodilatory hormones (natriuretic peptides, nitric oxide). 7 The risk of readmission and mortality in reverse AKI group is similar to traditional AKI as shown in our study. Hence the increase in creatinine is not only a marker of severity of heart failure but also represents a pathway for accelerated cardiovascular injury. In a study of chronic heart failure patients in ambulatory setting the authors found that worsening renal function within 6 months of referral was prognostically associated with all–cause mortality and heart failure readmission. 8 Major studies to date predicting heart failure morbidity and mortality do not include AKI as one of the prognostic indicators.9, 10 A recently published meta–analysis suggests that the benefit of renin–angiotensin aldosterone inhibitor is not diminished by worsening renal function and is in fact greater in the group with the worsening renal function.11 Hence contrary to the practice of stopping ACE/ARB in patients with AKI they are more essential in this high risk group with increased readmission and mortality. Also ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Kidney Transplants Advantages And Disadvantages Kidney diseases are an increasing problem in today's world. There are various types of kidney diseases that affect the function and structure of kidneys (1). If kidney diseases continue to progress they can lead to kidney failure (1). Acute and chronic renal failure both have high morbidity and mortality rates (2). The current treatment options for patient's suffering from kidney failure are dialysis or kidney transplant (1). Kidney transplant is the most effective treatment of kidney failure but there is a lack of supply of donor kidneys which leaves patients waiting very long periods of time in order to undergo a kidney transplant (2). The ongoing developments being made in stem cell technology are making it a possibility to treat kidney diseases through the use of patient–derived stem cells in order to regain kidney function. ... Show more content on ... In this review I will discuss the application of iPSCs, ESCs and MSCs in kidney disease models and treatment. Stem cell technology allows kidney disease models to be created from patient–derived stem cells in order to get a better understanding about the particular kidney disease and to test possible methods of treatment (1). Through the use of stem cell technology researchers can identify the causative mutated gene in kidney diseases that are caused by a genetic mutation, once this mutated gene has been identified they can then employ the use of genome editing technology in order to correct this mutation (1). In this review I will discuss the application of iPSCs, ESCs and adult stem cells in kidney disease models and treatment in order to regain kidney ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Complications Of Kidney Failure The Complications of Kidney Failure and How Hemodialysis Works to Fix Them Katie Sullivan Professor Manny Rodriguez CHE102–002 Parkland College April 2, 2015 Kidney Dialysis Kidney failure is deadly disease if not treated immediately. When functioning normally, the kidneys clean the blood of waste and other fluids, but when they fail the kidneys can 't clean it. This is where kidney dialysis comes in. Kidney dialysis is the method that is used to clean the blood of waste and other fluids. Dialysis is often a last resort for people that are undergoing kidney failure. Possible Complications of Kidney Failure Anemia and Erythropoietin (EPO) –Erythropoietin is produced by the kidneys and is the hormone that regulates the production of red blood cells. The kidneys don't make enough erythropoietin, so there are fewer blood cells, which can lead to anemia. Renal Osteodystrophy –Since the kidneys can't regulate the proper chemical levels in the blood during kidney failure, the bones don't get enough calcium and other chemicals to keep them strong. Hyperkalemia –When the kidneys fail, it runs the risk of high levels of potassium, which can influence many factors that are dangerous. Uremic Acidosis –In kidney failure, toxic waste can build up in the blood, which normally the kidneys would absorb and then filter out if they were functioning normally. Functions of the Kidneys and an Overview of Hemodialysis The kidneys are responsible for removing waste and
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  • 27. Acute Kidney Failure (AKF) Sepsis or septicemia is a serious medical condition where the blood could be infected be various ways. The most common way is an earlier infection of any organ such as the lungs or the skin. Also, it can be induced by some certain types of bacteria which are presented on the catheters such as the one that are used for injecting drugs directly into the bloodstream (NIGMS., 2014). Basically, when the immune system reacts in a tremendous way toward certain infection, it may produce more chemicals and cytokines than the normal range in the blood stream. However, as the range of these chemicals increase, it may induce blood clots which as it circulates in they body may block the blood supply to some tissues or damage other organs (World Sepsis Day., n.d.). People should be aware of this condition as it ... Show more content on ... Such factors may include cardiovascular diseases, kidney stones, sepsis and other factors which affect the normal function of the kidney (Neyra., 2015). The main principle behind the AKF condition which makes it a series condition is the inhibition of body fluids which should be execrated from the body and therefore, they accumulate in the body and cause problems. However, AKF is considered to be a very common condition since it may develop in a ratio of one person in each five people, as it was stated in America (Neyra., 2015). In fact, these two medical conditions could be related to each other in some cases as septic shock may induce AKF and, of course, the patient will be at higher risk to die faster. One study which was done in Mexica stated that, out of 332 patients who entered the hospital for having septic conditions, 107 patients has developed AKF. However, it also stated that the mortality rate of patients with AKF due septic shock is remained increasing (LeoМ Ѓn, Moreno, DiМЃaz, & Briones., ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Benefits Of Chronic Kidney Failure Regardless if you refer to it as chronic kidney failure, chronic renal failure, or end–stage renal failure, if your condition is severe enough you are eligible for Social Security benefits. Kidney failure is evaluated by the Social Security Administration according to its genitourinary impairments listings. If there is completion of a kidney transplant, serious complications caused from kidney disease, a need for regular dialysis, nephrotic syndrome, or a combination of reduced glomerular filtration and symptoms of damage, disability benefits will be approved to the patient. If there is a poor functioning of the kidneys created by any form of chronic disease, SSA listings 6.03, 6.04, and 6.05 automatically approve benefits if one of the following is present: reduced glomerular filtration or kidney transplant, ongoing hemodialysis, (toxins being removed from the blood by an artificial kidney machine), or ongoing peritoneal dialysis, (a hemodialysis method which requires dialyzing solution put into and then removed from the peritoneal cavity either continuously or intermittently. ... Show more content on ... In order to use reduced glomerular filtration, you will need to be able to verify that you suffer from one of the following conditions: Peripheral neuropathy, which is the inability to filter toxic substances out of the blood, Bone pain and renal bone degradation, or a fluid overload syndrome, even though taking medication, which has been documented by diastolic hypertension, anasarca or signs of vascular congestion, or anorexia along with weight loss and BMI of 18.0 or ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Kidney's Disease: The Urinary System The Urinary system is a very complex system. It's operated by the Peripheral nervous system thus meaning that we do not have to think about or tell the brain or spinal cord to do its job. The renal system produce, store and eliminates waste from our body, the kidney is the manufacturing plant of this system. If the Kidney develops a disease it will be treated by a nephrologist and there are several diseases a kidney could face. On the other hand, a Urologist will treat issues pertaining to the urinary tract. The kidneys are very important, one would be surprise as to what these organs control such as blood pressure, ph, and Ions just to name a few. The Kidney's "The Kidney are bean shaped organs, each about the size of a fist. They are located ... Show more content on ... Chabner, 2014) "Kidney stones usually are composed of uric acid or calcium salts. Stones often lodge in the ureter or bladder, as well as in the renal pelvis and may require removal by lithotripsy or surgery." Though this is not a life threating condition it is very painful and one may feel like they are dying. Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) PKD are cysts on and in the kidneys, this condition is hereditary meaning it can be passed down within a family. One type generates within middle age marked by Urinary Tract infections and blood in the urine. The other type is found early in infants and children both can lead to renal failure. Renal Failure Is the "decrease in execration of wastes resulting from impaired filtration." According to (D. Chabner, 2014). "Renal failure may be caused both in the acute and chronic scenarios due to several factors. Acute renal failure for example may be brought about by problems affecting the flow of blood to the kidneys (including dehydration, heart failure etc.), problems or diseases of the kidneys (including damage to kidneys caused by certain medications or toxins) or problems affecting the outflow of urine from the kidneys (including kidney stones, posterior urethral valves etc. Chronic renal failure commonly results from long term or chronic damage to the kidney function." According to ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Managing Renal Condition Of Renal Insufficiency Running head: Managing Renal Insufficiency1 Managing Renal Insufficiency Victoria Hurst Morehead State University Managing Renal Insufficiency2 Managing Renal Insufficiency Introduction The Urinary system consists of two kidneys, two ureters, a single urinary bladder and a single urethra. The Kidneys are located in the abdominal cavity, with the right kidney just below the liver, and the left kidney below the spleen. The ureters extend from the kidneys to the urinary bladder within the pelvic cavity. An adrenal gland is located at the superior pole of each kidney. The kidneys are located behind the parietal peritoneum. Surrounding each kidney is the perirenal fat. The renal ... Show more content on ... As a result, the amount of the filtrate that becomes urine is markedly reduced. Blood levels of urea and creatinine increase, because of the reduction in filtrate formation and reduced function of the tubular epithelium. The small amount of Managing Renal Insufficiency 3 urine produced has a high Na+ concentration, but has an osmolality that is close to the concentration of the body fluids; because the kidneys are not able to reabsorb Na+ the urine–concentrating ability of the kidneys is severely damaged. Individual and Societal Impact of the Issue Zyga et al (2009) states that acute renal failure (ARF) remains one of the major challenges of modern medicine. In the intensive care unit (ICU), the uremic complications of ARF aggravate the clinical and hemodynamic status of critically ill patients and impede their clinical recovery. Zyga et al (2009) continues to state that ARF constitutes an additional aggravating factor that increases hospital mortality. Monetary Impact of the Issue Zyga et al (2009) states that it is estimated 10–30% of patients with ARF will need a renal replacement therapy (RRT). Evidence Based Guidelines The value of each method of RRT depends on the patients' general situation and their individual problems.
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  • 32. Kidney Failure Essay Kidney Failure And Treatments By Andrea Sands 6/21/10 Professor Noahleen Betts The kidneys are important organs in your body to help filter waste. Sometimes organs may fail and cause further problems within your body. There are treatments available for kidney failure including dialysis and a kidney transplant. Both treatments do involve life changes and the patient must stay healthy. It is important to learn about your body and learn the signs and symptoms of when something goes wrong. The kidneys keep your body regulated by maintaining your fluid volume, mineral composition, and acidity. This is done by excreting and reabsorbing water and electrolytes. They keep a balance in sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, ... Show more content on ... The other will allow the blood that is returning to back into the body. Treatments will last anywhere from 2 ВЅ to 4 ВЅ hours. Your blood pressure will be check regularly. Your machine will be adjusted to ensure that correct amounts are being removed from your body. You are allowed to relax, read, watch television, do work, or even sleep. The other type of dialysis is called peritoneal dialysis. This requires more work from the patient. The patient must maintain a clean surface on the abdomen in order to help prevent infection. The patient will again weigh themselves to determine the amount of fluid. Then the patient will wear a mask while cleaning the catheter site. Fluid allowed to stay in the peritoneal cavity is drained back into a plastic bag. The patient will then remove the bag and connect a new one. Once the fluid is in the body, the new bag will be rolled up and placed on the patient's underwear until time for the next treatment. This type of dialysis is more work, more intense, and is required much more. It is done four to five times a day at about 30 minutes each time. There is alternative machine to this called a cycler. It is used every night. Five to six bags are used and the machine will automatically change fluid while the patient is sleeping. Dialysis can make things easier on the patient however it depends on how much help your kidneys need as to which treatment you will need. Sometimes patients will require an entire kidney ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Kidney Injury And Hormonal Failure The kidneys play host to a variety of different important functions in our bodies. The kidney's primary function is the removal of toxins, which is excreted in the form of urine. The second extremely important role of the kidneys is maintaining the body's acid–base balance. This is balance is maintained by the excretion of fixed acids and the reabsorption of bicarbonate. The hormonal functions of the kidneys include the regulation of blood pressure and the manufacturing of red blood cells. As critical care nurses, why should we be concerned about acute kidney injury (AKI)? How about a few statistics to help you answer this question. Approximately 5 % of all hospitalized patients will develop AKI during their hospital stay (Yaklin, 2011). For... Show more content on ... There are a variety of options for anticoagulation in CRRT patients. Heparin is the least expensive and drug with the shortest half life, which is why it is the preferred method of anticoagulation. Heparin does require frequent PTT monitoring and dose adjustments. The disadvantages to heparin use are increased bleeding risk and thrombocytopenia. For those patients who develop heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), the use of a direct thrombin inhibitor is recommended. Argatroban and Lepirudin are the two direct thrombin inhibitors of choice. Deciding between the two is based on patient history, current medical condition and method of CRRT used. Argatroban is eliminated by the liver, whereas Lepirudin is eliminated by the kidneys and may not be used in patients with AKI. For those patients with an allergy to Heparin, the use of citrate is an option. Citrate binds to calcium in the patients blood within the CRRT circuit and will help prolong circuit life. Citrate requires monitoring of labs, specifically ionized calcium, sodium and acid base status. Citrate is contraindicated in patients with hepatic failure or with lactic acidosis. When the use of anticoagulates are contraindicated, sodium chloride is used. Small boluses, approximately 100–200 milliliters, are used to flush the CRRT circuit. These fluid boluses are used to reduce the stagnation of blood in the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Chronic Kidney Disease : A Disease Chronic kidney disease Everglades University Gia Davis Dr. Cesar Irrazy Abstract Chromic Kidney Disease is a disease that affects 80 percent of the United States population. Though it may seem to come suddenly, it can be prevented and treated by monitoring what you put into the body and how the body functions. Also, knowing the different stages of the disease can help you recognize what is happening to the body and how to help it to recover. Many people are diagnosed with Kidney Disease but few know or understand how they get it, how to treat it, and how to prevent family members from getting it. Chronic Kidney Disease causes many diseases when not approached with suitable knowledge and care. Chronic Kidney Disease can be treated and prevented by both Western and Eastern medicinal methods. In order to learn how to treat this disease, you must first gain an understanding of what the urinary system is, how it functions, and which causes lead to failure of the kidneys. The urinary system is made up of six organs: the two kidneys, two ureters, the urinary bladder, and the urethra. Each plays a role in excreting toxins out the body through urination. The urinary system excretes a board variety of metabolic wastes, toxins, drugs, hormones, salts, hydrogen ions, and water out of the body. In the urinary system the main focus are the kidneys. Although their primary role is excretion, they play more roles than commonly recognized. The kidneys ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Kidney Dialysis Kidney Dialysis There are a few options when it comes to dialysis. Depending on your diagnosis you may have the option of peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis. With these two treatments you have the option of completing the treatment either in a center or at home if you are able to learn how to treat yourself through training. Peritoneal dialysis cleanses your blood of waste products when your kidneys can no longer take on the task adequately. This can be caused by diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney inflammation, or multiple cysts in the kidneys. As wastes build up in the body, it can be dangerous and may even cause death. The patient is trained on what peritoneal dialysis involves and how to use the equipment which may consist of a catheter ... Show more content on ... Hemodialysis removes wastes, salts, and excess fluid from the body when your kidney can no longer do the work adequately. The treatment is used with end advanced kidney failure and can help maintain an active life despite failing kidneys. In any case, the process can help control blood pressure, maintain the proper balance of fluid and various minerals. A vascular access is created by a surgeon and then the site will need to heal for any a period of a few weeks to a month. This access point allows a mechanism for a small amount of blood to be removed, cleansed and then returned to your body in order for the hemodialysis to work. In a dialysis center your weight, blood pressure, pulse, and temperature are checked then the access site cleaned. Two needles are inserted, attached to a flexible plastic tubing, and then connected to a dialyzer. With other options this can be done in your own home, which is easier on your body, and may give you more freedom. Equipment that may be used includes a graft or catheter, and a hemodialysis machine if the treatment will be at home and a filter called a dialyzer. The concept behind this process is to help cleanse your blood of the toxins in your body. This will help with a better quality of life, increased well being, reduced symptoms, less cramping, headaches and shortness of breath, improved appetite, sleeping patterns, energy levels and the ability to ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Kidney Failure Essay Introduction There is a pair of kidneys in the human body. They are situated towards the back of the body under the ribs, just at the level of the waist where one on either side of the body. Each kidney is composed of about one million units which are called nephrons and each nephron consists of two parts: a filter which is called the glomerulus and a tubule leading out from the nephron (Cameron 1999). According to Marshall and Bangert (2008) the kidneys have three major functions. Firstly, the kidneys are excretion of waste from plasma in the blood. The second function is that, they maintain of extracellular fluid volume and composition. Lastly, the kidneys have a role in hormone synthesis. Renal Failure The renal ... Show more content on ... However, when the kidneys stop working completely, this situation is known as end–stage renal failure (ESRF). There are some diseases may cause chronic renal failure and this essay will focus on two types of these common diseases. Diabetes Mellitus One of the diseases is diabetes mellitus which is a major cause of renal failure. This disease can be defined as an increase of fasting blood glucose that is affected by a deficiency in insulin hormone. The normal range for glucose (fasting) in the blood is 2.8–6.0 mmol/L. It is classified into two groups, type 1 (insulin–dependent diabetes mellitus) and type 2 (non insulin–dependent diabetes mellitus). Stein (2008, p.6) points out that kidney failure happens most often when patients have suffered from diabetes mellitus for more than 10 years. According to United States Renal Data System (USRDS) report in 2007, approximately 44% of primary causes of renal failure is diabetes mellitus in the United States in 2005. Also, Stein (2008) indicates that 15% of dialysis patients are influenced by diabetes mellitus in the United Kingdom. Diabetes mellitus has negative affects throughout the kidneys where the increase of the range of blood sugar causes the damages to the cells in the kidneys. This leads to the presence of the glucose in the urine which is known as glycosuric. Hypertension High blood pressure which is called hypertension is another common disease which can cause chronic renal failure. This ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Insufficient Urine Production Research Paper What is Insufficient Urine Production in Cats? Healthy cats typically produce approximately one to two grams of urine for every kilogram of their body weight per hour. Oliguria and anuria are the medical terms that are used to describe insufficient urine production in cats. Oliguria refers to a small amount of urine production. Cats with oliguria typically produce less than 0.25 milliliters of urine per kilogram per hour. Anuria refers to a medical condition where essentially no urine is being produced by the body. Cats with anuria produce urine at a rate of less than 0.08 milliliters of urine per kilogram per hour. Oliguria and anuria are both indicative of dehydration and/or severe kidney problems. Differentiating between insufficient urine ... Show more content on ... The primary cause of the oliguria or anuria must be addressed in order to increase urine production. The following may be recommended by the veterinarian to treat the cat. Fluid Therapy If the cat is extremely dehydrated, intravenous fluid therapy will be administered. The cat's weight will be taken prior to the fluid therapy beginning and a catheter will be inserted. Urinary output, total weight and bloodwork will be continually monitored to ensure that the cat's organs are responding appropriately to the fluids. Medications There are a variety of medications that the veterinarian may prescribe to stimulate urine production. Mannitol works by increasing blood flow to the kidneys, which may help the kidneys to function better. This drug is administered intravenously and typically works within 15 to 30 minutes. Furosemide is a medication that may also be prescribed alters the electrolyte balance in the blood, which can stimulate urine production. If other medications aren't successful, the veterinarian may prescribe dopamine. Dopamine works by dilating the blood vessels.
  • 38. ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Chronic Kidney Failure Of The United State The most common cause of kidney failure in the United State is Diabetes. According to "the U.S. renal data system the top five causes of renal failure are diabetes, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, cystic diseases and Urologic diseases". Unfortunately, people can have renal disease for a long period of time before detecting or notice any symptom leading to a potentially life treating. Kidneys are equipped with millions of nephrons that continually filtering out and removes waste products such as urea and extra fluid (electrolytes) of the blood and discharge as urine through the urethra. If nephrons are damaged it cannot regenerate, resulting functional failure of the renal, leading to accumulation of waste products in the body, causing serious number of complications such as Rhabdomyolysis and Somatalgia. Not only that, but uremic poisoning. One of the main renal failures is known as chronic kidney disorder (CKD). This disease is non–reversible and has no cure. CKD have this stages that definite the progression of a the kidneys. "CKD stages range from 1 to 5: the higher the number of stages, the greater the progression of the disease. CKD is a progressive condition that develops over an extended period before being detected". In most cases when the symptoms is noticeable, the patient have already experience a large percentage of the kidney tissue that's been destroyed. "Doctor uses a measurement called the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to determine how the efficiency ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Anatomy And Physiology : Normal Structure And Function 1. Anatomy and Physiology: Normal Structure and Function According to Patton and Thibodeau (2012), the kidneys are a pair of bean–shaped organs found along the posterior muscular wall of the abdominal cavity. The convex side of each kidney is located laterally and the concave side medial. The renal hilum on the concave side is the point where the renal artery enters, the vein and ureter leave the kidney. Deep to the perirenal fat, the kidney is surrounded by fibrous connective tissue called the renal capsule. Deep to the renal capsule is the renal cortex, which surrounds the renal medulla with their apexes facing inward toward the centre of the kidney. Nephrons, the basic structural and functional unit that filters blood to produce urine, are located within the cortex and medulla. The minor calyces that collects urine are connected to the papilla of each pyramid, and merge to form major calyces, which further merge into the renal pelvis. Urine drains into the ureter at the renal hilum where renal pelvis exits the kidney (Brenner, 2007). Brenner (2007) explained that the primary function of the kidneys is to excrete waste products resulting from metabolism by filtering them out of the bloodstream into urine. The kidneys also have many homeostatic functions such as maintaining acid–base homeostasis and electrolyte concentrations, and regulating plasma osmolarity and blood pressure (Brenner, 2007). The kidneys secret and interact with a variety of hormones such as ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Kidney Failure: A Case Study Melanie Hollins found out some unexpected news when she went to the hospital following stage 4 kidney failure. WDSU reports at 42–years old, the woman was being treated for diabetes, high blood pressure and her kidney failure. Melanie was told something during a visit to the doctor that shocked her, she was pregnant. The mother–to–be said: "We were trying to get placed on the active transplant list, and that's how we found out we were pregnant." She didn't even think she could still get pregnant when she was given the news she had a baby on the way. Emily Rose Hollins arrived weighing only 12 ounces when she was born four months premature, making her a medical miracle. Melanie described the moment she laid her eyes on her newborn daughter... Show more content on ... I have never seen someone so small but she had all 10 fingers and all 10 toes. She had a nose, ears even girly parts. She was my baby. My little miracle." The new mother was surprised by the size of her baby, who became Oklahoma City's Integris Baptist Medical Center's smallest baby to be born there and survive: "She was so small, and I had never seen a baby so small. I wasn't really aware that micro–premies existed until now. It was very hard. She was about the size of a Coke can." Emily was small, but she soon showed everyone she was also strong, and with the help of her mother's encouraging words, she flourished, teaching her mother an important lesson along the way. Melanie told Dearly: "Her fight and her journey has shown me to never give up and to believe. I prayed over her everyday and spoke words of affirmation over her everyday such as You are strong, you are healed, you are whole you are healthy, you are eating, you are growing, you are blessed and highly favored, you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength, and you are a Victor not a victim." After spending the first five months of her life in the hospital, fighting to survive, Emily was ready to go ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Persuasive Speech : Donating Organ For A Person Argument Donating organ to a person in need adds significant years to his life. The donor will be back to his normal life within a week after donation and will have no side effects if treated carefully. Here is an example of Tom Walker, a coach who decided to donate his kidney to one of his team player. Kevin Jordan, a left handed outfielder, was offered admission to Wake Forest University and their baseball team in his senior year at high school. He amazing talent on field was recognized by the baseball coach at Wake Forest, Tom Walker. Summer before college, Kevin was diagnosed with kidney failure and put on dialysis. Even after his parent's advice to stay with them, Kevin decided to attend college and live life like a normal college kid. During his first semester, he was able to manage practice sessions, attend all classes and time for workout with his team in addition to dialysis. Due to worsening conditions, he discontinued college the next semester. After futile attempts of finding a match within his family and friends, his coach Tom, decided to test for the match with Kevin as they had the same blood group. It matched perfectly and Tom willingly donated his kidney to Kevin. Due to this noble act of kindness from his coach, Kevin can now live a normal life and play for the college like everyone else. Even Tom, is hale and hearty and back as a coach within two weeks after the operation. As the coach was readily willing to donate his kidney, this ended on a ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Kidney Failure: A Short Story Hey there Mary, it would great to see you, just give a text when you're in the village. And yep just picked up the insulin this morning. Going give her two shots a day, did one this morning at the vet's office and the cat didn't even flinch, so should be a hassle there (but 56 bucks for the little vial of insulin). And as for having the cat now, I thought I told you last year what happen, I don't what to be a bummer on a crap day like this. But my mother passed away last April from Kidney failure, it's a long story, but due to increasing dementia she wasn't eating or drinking and that lead to UTI's and in effect lead to kidney failure and at her age dialysis was not a good option (more painful then helpful). Sad but she passed peacefully and ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Effects Of Kidney Failure On Erectile Dysfunction The effects of kidney failure on erectile dysfunction Impotence is defined as "male erectile dysfunction, that is, the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance." (1) Age, smoking and metabolic disorders are some of the major risk factors for ED. Kidney failure is a medical condition in which the kidneys fail to adequately filter waste products from the blood (2) and is also a risk factor for developing ED. ED's prevalence is estimated to be approximately 80% among these patients. The etiology of ED in CKD patients is multifactorial. Abnormalities in gonadal–pituitary system, endothelial dysfunction, disturbance in autonomic nervous system, anemia and erythropoietin deficiency, secondary hyperparathyroidism, ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Research Paper On Kidney Failure Kidney failure is a public health problem, which has dramatic effects on patients' health. In some causes it is associated with increased mortality. It is estimated that 4,270 patients die from kidney failure.1 Thus, it is considered a serious threat to millions of patients with kidney failure. This research paper, is to provide a general overview of the causes of kidney failure, shedding light on it stages, symptoms and risk factors. It also examines the process of kidney transplantation to treat kidney failure. Finally, it presents the potential side effects of kidney transplantation surgery. Ultimately, talking about kidney failure may coordinate future examination to reduce the incidence of kidney failure. ... Show more content on ... The first side effect of kidney transplantation is infections. Infections are divided into: bacterial, viral, and fungal.21 In general, infections may happen in the first six months because patients have a weak immunity system.21 Due to bacterial infection, ''Pneumocystis and opportunistic infection'' and bacterial urinary tract infection, which is the most common side effect, may occur.21 Other patients may suffer from viral infection.21 They could get the virus from the transplant of the donors' kidney to the patients.21 For example, BK viral occurs ''in the urine and can cause inflammation and stricture in the ureter''.21 Furthermore, fungal infection is another side effect of kidney transplantation.21 It may cause urinary infection, esophagitis, or invasive fungal infection.21Yet, these infections are rare.21 To avoid these infections, patients should eat healthy food and do exercises. The second side effect of kidney transplantation is cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVD is common in patients who have had kidney transplantation.22 There are several causes that lead to CVD in patients with transplanted kidney. One cause is diabetes. After the surgery, some ... Get more on ...