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Cholelithiasis & Cholecystitis
Presented By
Ms. Sunita Kharel
Medical Surgical Nursing Batch 2019
Supervised By
Prof. Pushpa Parajuli
Medical Surgical Nursing Department
 Relevant Anatomy
 Physiology of gall
 Cholelithiasis
o Introduction
o Epidemiology
o Etiological factors
o Pathophysiology
o Types of stones
o Diagnostic
o Management
 Cholecystitis
o Introduction
o Epidemiology
o Etiological factors
o Pathophysiology
o Diagnostic
o Management
 Nursing
 Potential
 Summary
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 2
Relevant Anatomy
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 3
 A small pouch that sits just under the liver
 Stores bile produced by the liver.
 After meals, the gallbladder is empty and flat, like
a deflated balloon.
 The biliary tract is composed of the gallbladder,
bile ducts, and cystic duct.
 The cystic duct (from the gall bladder) joins with
the hepatic duct (from the liver) to form a
common bile duct.
Relevant Anatomy…
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 4
Bile Juice
 Normal adult human produce about 400-800ml bile
per day.
 Produced by liver and stored at gallbladder.
 Ph : 7.4, colour is golden yellow
 Components: bile salts, bile pigments and
 Helps in digestion and absorption of lipids and fats.
 Also neutralizes any excess stomach before
entering ileum
 Helps in absorption and other substances like fat
soluble vitamins, iron, calcium etc.
 Increases peristalsis and thereby help in
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 5
Physiology of Gall Bladder
 Acts as a storage depot for bile.
 During storage, a large portion of the water in
bile is absorbed through the walls, bile is 5-10
times more concentrated than that originally
secreted by the liver.
 When food enters the duodenum, the
gallbladder contracts & the sphincter of Oddi
relaxes, allowing the bile to enter the intestine.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 6
 The presence of gallstones in the gallbladder.
 A gallstone is a crystalline concentration
formed within the gallbladder by accretion of
the bile components.
 These calculi are formed in the gallbladder,
but may pass distally into other parts of the
biliary tract such as cystic duct, common bile
duct, pancreatic duct, or the ampulla of vater.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 8
 If gallstones migrate into the ducts of the
biliary tract, the condition is referred to as
 Gallstones can vary in size and shape from as
small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf
 The gallbladder may contain a single large
stones or many smaller ones.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 9
It is uncommon in children and young adults, but
become increasingly prevalent after 40 years of age.
The incidents of cholelithiasis increase thereafter to such
an extent that up to 50% of those over 80 will develop
stones in the bile tract.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 10
In the United States, about 20 millions people (10-20%
of adults) have gallstones.
Contributing Factors
 Five Fs
 Low fiber, high cholesterol and diets high in starchy
 Hereditary: Mutation of ABCG5/G8 (ATP Binding
Cassette Sub family G member 5 and G member 8)
 Rapid weight loss
 Low intakes of the nutrients,
 Deficiency of folate, magnesium, calcium and
vitamin C
 Immobility, pregnancy and inflammatory or
obstructive lesions
 Hormonal factors during pregnancy cause delayed
emptying of the gallbladder
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Five Fs
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Normal Physiology
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Gall Stones
 A high percentage of gallstones are precipitated
of cholesterol.
 Other components of bile that precipitate into
stones are bile salts, bilirubin, calcium and
 The stones sometimes have a mixed consistency.
 Stasis of bile leads to progression of super
saturation and changes in the chemical
composition of the bile.
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Types of gallstones
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 17
Cholesterol stone
 Most common type
 Incidence
increases with age
 Female> Male
 Smooth & whitish
yellow to tan
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 18
Pigmented Stones
 Excess of
 May be black color
(associated with
hemolysis and
cirrhosis) or earthy
calcium bilirubinate
(associated with
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 19
Mixed Stones
 Combination of cholesterol and
pigment stones or other substance
 Consists of Calcium salts, phosphate ,
bile salts and palmitate.
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Sign and Symptoms
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 21
 Increased heart and
respiratory rate causing
patient to become
diaphoretic which in
turn makes them think
they are having a heart
 Biliary Colic: Pain as
stone pass through the
ducts, and they may
lodge in the duct and
produce an obstruction.
Sign and Symptoms
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 22
 Low grade fever
 Elevated leukocyte count
 Mild jaundice
 Steatorrhea
 Palpable Abdominal Mass
 Clay colored stools caused by a lack of bile in
the intestinal tract.
 Urine may be dark amber to tea colored
 Anorexia, Nausea, Vomiting, and flatulence is
noticeable several hours after a heavy meal.
Sign and Symptoms…
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 23
 Often attacks occur after a particularly fatty
meals and almost always happen at night.
 Vitamin Deficiency
 A positive Murphy’s sign is a common finding
on physical examination.
Sign and Symptoms…
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 24
Murphy’s sign
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 25
Assessment And Diagnostic Findings
 Fecal Studies
 Laboratory test for:
Elevated conjugated bilirubin
Elevated alkaline phosphate
Serum amylase and lipase
Elevated WBC count
 Ultrasound : gold standard, 90% to 95% accurate in
detecting stones.
 CT scan
 Endoplasmic retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
 Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography
 Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiogram (PTC).
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Ultrasound of gallbladder
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 27
 To resolve symptoms
 To remove stones
 To prevent complications
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 28
Medical Management
Pain Management
 Give analgesics
 Antacids, H2 blockers or proton pump inhibitors
– to neutralize gastric acid.
Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
 IV Fluids
Prevent GB stimulation
 NPO with NG suction
For Nausea and vomiting
 Antiemetics given
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 29
Gall Stone dissolution
• Oral ursodeoxycholic acid
• a naturally occurring bile acid which is taken as
either a tablet or liquid
• It works by dissolving the cholesterol that makes
gallstones and inhibiting production of cholesterol in
the liver and absorption in the intestines, which
helps to decrease the formation of gallstones.
• Necessary for the patient to take this medication for
upto two years. Gallstones may recur , however once
the drug is stopped.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 30
Endoscopic retrograde sphincterotomy (ERS)
 Dissolving the gallstones by infusion of solvent
(mono-octanonin) into the gall bladder through
percutaenously insertion of catheter into the GB.
 A tube or drain inserted through T-tube, during
the ERCP endoscope or transmural biliary
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 31
 Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)
 Non surgical fragmentation of gallstones
 Uses repeated shock waves directed at the
gallstones in GB or CBD to fragment the stones.
 1500 shock waves directed at stones
 Used for fewer than 4 stones, each smaller than
3 cm.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 32
Surgical management
laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
 Removal of the gall bladder
 This is the treatment of choice.
 The gallbladder along with the cystic duct, vein and
artery are ligated.
 It has a 99% chance of eliminating the recurrence
of cholelithiasis.
 Surgery is only indicated in symptomatic patients.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 33
laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
 Post cholecystectomy syndrome
 Develops in between 10 and 15%
 Cause gastrointestinal distress and
persistent pain in the upper right
 10% has chance of developing chronic
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 34
Related Research Article
 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: an experience of
university hospital in eastern Nepal
 Bajracharya A. et al. BPKIHS
 Results: A total of 346 laparoscopic cholecystectomy
over a six months period, male to female ratio 1:4.
The most common indication for surgery was biliary
colic/dyspepsia (51%), cholecystitis (chronic- 49.4%,
acute-12%), pancreatitis, gallbladder polyp, history of
recurrent attacks16.5%,obesity 19.1%.
 Despite limited resources, laparoscopic
cholecystectomy is feasible and procedurally safe for
gallstones disease even in developing country like
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 35
Potential Complications
 Acute Cholecystitis
 Cholangitis (infection or inflammation
of CBD)
 Choledocholithiasis ( gallstones in
 Pancreatitis
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 36
What is Cholecystitis???
 Cholecystitis is the inflammation of the
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 38
Types of Cholecystitis
Acute Cholecystitis
Chronic Cholecystitis
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 39
 Acute inflammation of the gallbladder wall.
 Increased incidence in clients who are overweight,
especially those with sedentary life styles.
 Acute Acalculous (absence of stones) Cholecystitis
accounts for approximately 4% to 8% of all cases of
acute cholecystitis.
 Occurs after or in association with other conditions,
especially major trauma, burns or surgery;
 Other preceding conditions include Bacterial Sepsis,
Postpartum Period, Tuberculosis, and Cardiovascular
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 40
 Gall stone in cystic duct
 Obstruction in cystic duct
 Bacterial infection (gram positive and gram
negative aerobes and anaerobes: E.coli,
Klebsiella, Clostridium and streptococcus)
 Sedentary lifestyle
 Obesity
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 41
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 42
Sign and Symptoms
 Complain of pain
◦ In right upper
◦ In epigastric region
◦ In right subscapular
◦ Onset sudden
◦ Peak in 30min
 Nausea and vomiting
 Low grade fever
 Mild jaundice
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 43
 Repeated inflammation and infection of
 Arises as a sequela to acute cholecystitis.
 In addition, it is almost always associated
with gallstones.
 Chronic cholecystitis principally affects
middle-aged and older obese women.
 The female to male ratio is 3:1.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 44
Progression of
Chronic Cholecystitis
 There is an obstruction of the
cystic duct and the gallbladder
begins to swell.
 It no longer has the "robin’s
egg blue" appearance of a
normal gallbladder.
 Gallbladder undergoes
gangrenous change and the
wall becomes very dark green
or black. - 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 45
Sign and Symptoms
 Epigastric pain; less severe
 Indigestion
 Fever
 Leucocytes count lower
 Dyspepsia
 Fat intolerance
 Heart burn
 Fibrosis of gall tissues
 Inability to concentrate bile
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 46
Diagnostic Investigations
 Ultrasonography- 90% to 95% accurate in
detecting stones.
 Percutaneous Trans hepatic Cholangiography
 Laboratory Investigations
 Bile Culture
 WBC Count:-Increased WBC count as a result of
 Alkaline Phosphatase , ALT, AST, Bilirubin (direct),
Serum amylase-Increased if Pancreatic Involvement
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 47
 If patients come within 3 days of onset of
symptoms Immediate Cholecystectomy
 If patients come after 3 days of onset of
symptoms do conservative treatment to
cool down the inflammation first and do
elective Cholecystectomy after 45 days.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 48
Conservative Management
A Nutritional and Supportive
Dietary counselling on
 Low fat liquids
 Weight reduction
 Fat soluble vitamins and bile salts to enhance
absorptions and aid digestion
 High protein, high carbohydrate
 Cooked fruits, non gas forming vegetables,
bread, coffee or tea as tolerated
 Smaller amounts and more frequent meals
 Avoids eggs, cream, fried foods, cheese, gas
forming vegetables and alcohol
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 49
B Pharmacologic Therapy
Dissoultion of Gallstone
 Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)
 Chenodeoxycholic acid
 It works by dissolving the cholesterol that makes
gallstones and inhibiting production of cholesterol in
the liver and absorption in the intestines, which helps
to decrease the formation of gallstones.
 Six to Twelve months of therapy are required in many
patients to dissolve stones, and monitoring of the
patient is required during this time.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 50
Antibiotic Therapy
 Third generation cephalosporins- Ceftriaxone,
cefixime, Cefotaxime
 Aminoglycosides – Gentamicin, Amikacin,
 Penicillins – piperacillin or mezlocillin
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 51
 Surgical treatment of gallbladder disease
and gallstones is carried out to relieve
persistent symptoms, to remove the cause
of biliary colic, and to treat acute
 Surgery may be performed as an
emergency procedure if the patient’s
condition necessitates it.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 52
Surgical Cholecystotomy
 Cholecystotomy is performed when the patient’s
condition prevents more extensive surgery or
when an acute inflammatory reaction is severe.
 The gallbladder is surgically opened, the stones
and the bile or the purulent drainage are removed,
and a drainage tube is secure with a purse string
 The drainage tube is connected to a drainage
system to prevent bile from leaking around the
tube or escaping into the peritoneal cavity.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 53
 A chest X-ray, ECG and liver function test may be
performed in addition to X-ray studies of the gallbladder.
 Vitamin K may be administered, if the Prothombin level is
 Blood component therapy may be administered before
 Preparation for gallbladder surgery is similar to that for
any upper abdominal surgery like laparotomy or
 Instructions and explanations are given before surgery with
regard to deep breathing. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 54
 Empyema of gallbladder
 Pancreatitis
 Bleeding
 Gastrointestinal symptoms ( may be
related to biliary leakage)
 Peritonitis
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 55
 Note a history of smoking, previous respiratory
problems a persistent or ineffective cough etc.
 Onset of pain, severity, duration.
 Alleviating measures and aggravating factors.
 Evaluation of nutritional status.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 56
 After recovery from anesthesia, the nurse
places the patient in the low fowler’s
 Intravenous fluids may be instituted to
relieve abdominal distention.
 Water and other fluids are given in about
24 hours.
 Soft diet started when bowel sounds
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 57
Nursing Interventions
Acute pain and discomfort related to surgical
Relieving Pain
 Comfortable position
 Administer analgesic agent as prescribed to
relieve the pain and to promote well-being in
addition to helping the patient turn, cough,
breathe deeply and ambulate as indicated.
 Use of pillow or binder over the incision may
reduce pain during maneuvers.
 Relaxation therapy
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 58
Impaired gas exchange related to the high
abdominal surgical incision.
Improving Respiratory status
 Reminds the patient to take deep breaths and
coughs every hour to expand the lungs fully
and prevent atelectasis.
 Early ambulation prevents pulmonary
complications as well as other complications,
such as thrombophlebitis.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 59
Nursing Interventions
Impaired skin integrity related to altered biliary
drainage after surgical intervention.
Promoting Skin Care and Biliary Drainage
 The drainage tube must be connected to a drainage
 The drainage bag may be placed below the waist or
common duct level.
 Bile may continue to drain from the drainage tract in
considerable quantities for a time, necessitating
frequent changes of the outer dressings and protection
of the skin from irritation because bile is corrosive to
the skin.
 Maintaining a careful record of fluid intake and output
is important.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 60
Nursing Interventions
Imbalanced nutrition, less than body
requirements, related to inadequate bile
Improving Nutritional Status
 Encourages the patient to eat a diet low in
fats and high in carbohydrates and
proteins immediately after surgery.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 61
Nursing Interventions
Teaching Patients Self Care
 Instruct the patient about the medications that
are prescribed (vitamins, antispasmodics etc.)
and their action.
 Inform patient and family about symptoms that
should be reported to the doctor, including
jaundice, dark urine, pale colored stools,
Pruritus, pain or fever.
 Instruct them in proper care of the drainage tube
and the importance of reporting to the physician
promptly any changes in the amount or
characteristic of drainage.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 62
Nursing Interventions
Continuity Care
 Asses the patient for adequacy of pain
relief, and pulmonary exercise.
 Asses for signs of infections.
 Emphasize the importance of keeping
follow up appointments.
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 63
Nursing Interventions
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 64
 Black, J.M., & Hawks J. H. (2009) Medical Surgical
nursing. (8th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri.
 Nettina, S.M., (1998). The lipponcott manual of nursing
practice. (6th ed.). Lippincott Raven Publishers,
Washinton squares, Philadelphia
 Smeltzer, S. C., Bare B.G., Hinkle J.L., Cheever K.H.
(2008). Textbook of medical-surgical nursing. (11th ed.).
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Lippincott Company.
 Potter, P.A., Perry A.G. (2005). Fundamentals of
Nursing. (6th ed.). Noinda, U.P, India.
 Lobel, S., Spartto, G. (2003). The nurses drug
handbook. (3rd ed.). Whiley Medical New York, USA.
rsity_hospital_in_eastern_Nepal [accessed Apr 11
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 65
Any Queries
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 66
10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 67

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Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, sunita kharel

  • 1. Cholelithiasis & Cholecystitis Presented By Ms. Sunita Kharel Medical Surgical Nursing Batch 2019 Supervised By Prof. Pushpa Parajuli Medical Surgical Nursing Department
  • 2. Content  Relevant Anatomy  Physiology of gall bladder  Cholelithiasis o Introduction o Epidemiology o Etiological factors o Pathophysiology o Types of stones o Diagnostic evaluation o Management  Cholecystitis o Introduction o Epidemiology o Etiological factors o Pathophysiology o Diagnostic evaluation o Management  Nursing Management  Potential Complications  Summary 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 2
  • 4.  A small pouch that sits just under the liver  Stores bile produced by the liver.  After meals, the gallbladder is empty and flat, like a deflated balloon.  The biliary tract is composed of the gallbladder, bile ducts, and cystic duct.  The cystic duct (from the gall bladder) joins with the hepatic duct (from the liver) to form a common bile duct. Relevant Anatomy… 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 4
  • 5. Bile Juice  Normal adult human produce about 400-800ml bile per day.  Produced by liver and stored at gallbladder.  Ph : 7.4, colour is golden yellow  Components: bile salts, bile pigments and cholesterol  Helps in digestion and absorption of lipids and fats.  Also neutralizes any excess stomach before entering ileum  Helps in absorption and other substances like fat soluble vitamins, iron, calcium etc.  Increases peristalsis and thereby help in defecation. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 5
  • 6. Physiology of Gall Bladder  Acts as a storage depot for bile.  During storage, a large portion of the water in bile is absorbed through the walls, bile is 5-10 times more concentrated than that originally secreted by the liver.  When food enters the duodenum, the gallbladder contracts & the sphincter of Oddi relaxes, allowing the bile to enter the intestine. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 6
  • 8. Introduction  The presence of gallstones in the gallbladder.  A gallstone is a crystalline concentration formed within the gallbladder by accretion of the bile components.  These calculi are formed in the gallbladder, but may pass distally into other parts of the biliary tract such as cystic duct, common bile duct, pancreatic duct, or the ampulla of vater. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 8
  • 9. Introduction  If gallstones migrate into the ducts of the biliary tract, the condition is referred to as choledocholithiasis.  Gallstones can vary in size and shape from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball.  The gallbladder may contain a single large stones or many smaller ones. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 9
  • 10. Epidemiology It is uncommon in children and young adults, but become increasingly prevalent after 40 years of age. The incidents of cholelithiasis increase thereafter to such an extent that up to 50% of those over 80 will develop stones in the bile tract. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 10 In the United States, about 20 millions people (10-20% of adults) have gallstones.
  • 11. Contributing Factors  Five Fs  Low fiber, high cholesterol and diets high in starchy foods  Hereditary: Mutation of ABCG5/G8 (ATP Binding Cassette Sub family G member 5 and G member 8)  Rapid weight loss  Low intakes of the nutrients,  Deficiency of folate, magnesium, calcium and vitamin C  Immobility, pregnancy and inflammatory or obstructive lesions  Hormonal factors during pregnancy cause delayed emptying of the gallbladder 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 11
  • 12. Five Fs 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 12
  • 14. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 14 Pathophysiology
  • 16. Gall Stones  A high percentage of gallstones are precipitated of cholesterol.  Other components of bile that precipitate into stones are bile salts, bilirubin, calcium and protein.  The stones sometimes have a mixed consistency.  Stasis of bile leads to progression of super saturation and changes in the chemical composition of the bile. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 16
  • 18. Cholesterol stone  Most common type  Incidence increases with age  Female> Male  Smooth & whitish yellow to tan colour. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 18
  • 19. Pigmented Stones  Excess of unconjugated bilirubin  May be black color (associated with hemolysis and cirrhosis) or earthy calcium bilirubinate (associated with infection) 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 19
  • 20. Mixed Stones  Combination of cholesterol and pigment stones or other substance  Consists of Calcium salts, phosphate , bile salts and palmitate. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 20
  • 21. Sign and Symptoms 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 21
  • 22.  Increased heart and respiratory rate causing patient to become diaphoretic which in turn makes them think they are having a heart attack.  Biliary Colic: Pain as stone pass through the ducts, and they may lodge in the duct and produce an obstruction. Sign and Symptoms 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 22
  • 23.  Low grade fever  Elevated leukocyte count  Mild jaundice  Steatorrhea  Palpable Abdominal Mass  Clay colored stools caused by a lack of bile in the intestinal tract.  Urine may be dark amber to tea colored  Anorexia, Nausea, Vomiting, and flatulence is noticeable several hours after a heavy meal. Sign and Symptoms… 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 23
  • 24.  Often attacks occur after a particularly fatty meals and almost always happen at night.  Vitamin Deficiency  A positive Murphy’s sign is a common finding on physical examination. Sign and Symptoms… 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 24
  • 25. Murphy’s sign 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 25
  • 26. Assessment And Diagnostic Findings  Fecal Studies  Laboratory test for: Elevated conjugated bilirubin Elevated alkaline phosphate Serum amylase and lipase Elevated WBC count  Ultrasound : gold standard, 90% to 95% accurate in detecting stones.  CT scan  MRI  Endoplasmic retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)  Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP).  Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiogram (PTC). 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 26
  • 27. Ultrasound of gallbladder 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 27
  • 28. Management Goal  To resolve symptoms  To remove stones  To prevent complications 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 28
  • 29. Management Medical Management Pain Management  Give analgesics  Antacids, H2 blockers or proton pump inhibitors – to neutralize gastric acid. Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance  IV Fluids Prevent GB stimulation  NPO with NG suction For Nausea and vomiting  Antiemetics given 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 29
  • 30. Gall Stone dissolution • Oral ursodeoxycholic acid • a naturally occurring bile acid which is taken as either a tablet or liquid • It works by dissolving the cholesterol that makes gallstones and inhibiting production of cholesterol in the liver and absorption in the intestines, which helps to decrease the formation of gallstones. • Necessary for the patient to take this medication for upto two years. Gallstones may recur , however once the drug is stopped. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 30
  • 31. Endoscopic retrograde sphincterotomy (ERS)  Dissolving the gallstones by infusion of solvent (mono-octanonin) into the gall bladder through percutaenously insertion of catheter into the GB.  A tube or drain inserted through T-tube, during the ERCP endoscope or transmural biliary catheter. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 31
  • 32. Lithotripsy  Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)  Non surgical fragmentation of gallstones  Uses repeated shock waves directed at the gallstones in GB or CBD to fragment the stones.  1500 shock waves directed at stones  Used for fewer than 4 stones, each smaller than 3 cm. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 32
  • 33. Surgical management laparoscopic Cholecystectomy  Removal of the gall bladder  This is the treatment of choice.  The gallbladder along with the cystic duct, vein and artery are ligated.  It has a 99% chance of eliminating the recurrence of cholelithiasis.  Surgery is only indicated in symptomatic patients. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 33
  • 34. laparoscopic Cholecystectomy  Post cholecystectomy syndrome  Develops in between 10 and 15% population.  Cause gastrointestinal distress and persistent pain in the upper right abdomen,  10% has chance of developing chronic diarrhea. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 34
  • 35. Related Research Article  Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: an experience of university hospital in eastern Nepal  Bajracharya A. et al. BPKIHS  Results: A total of 346 laparoscopic cholecystectomy over a six months period, male to female ratio 1:4. The most common indication for surgery was biliary colic/dyspepsia (51%), cholecystitis (chronic- 49.4%, acute-12%), pancreatitis, gallbladder polyp, history of recurrent attacks16.5%,obesity 19.1%.  Despite limited resources, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is feasible and procedurally safe for gallstones disease even in developing country like Nepal 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 35
  • 36. Potential Complications  Acute Cholecystitis  Cholangitis (infection or inflammation of CBD)  Choledocholithiasis ( gallstones in CBD)  Pancreatitis 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 36
  • 38. What is Cholecystitis???  Cholecystitis is the inflammation of the gallbladder. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 38
  • 39. Types of Cholecystitis Acute Cholecystitis Chronic Cholecystitis 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 39
  • 40. ACUTE CHOLECYSTITIS  Acute inflammation of the gallbladder wall.  Increased incidence in clients who are overweight, especially those with sedentary life styles. ACUTE ACALCULOUS CHOLECYSTITIS  Acute Acalculous (absence of stones) Cholecystitis accounts for approximately 4% to 8% of all cases of acute cholecystitis.  Occurs after or in association with other conditions, especially major trauma, burns or surgery;  Other preceding conditions include Bacterial Sepsis, Postpartum Period, Tuberculosis, and Cardiovascular disease. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 40
  • 41. Etiology  Gall stone in cystic duct  Obstruction in cystic duct  Bacterial infection (gram positive and gram negative aerobes and anaerobes: E.coli, Klebsiella, Clostridium and streptococcus)  Sedentary lifestyle  Obesity 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 41
  • 43. Sign and Symptoms  Complain of pain ◦ In right upper quadrant ◦ In epigastric region ◦ In right subscapular ◦ Onset sudden ◦ Peak in 30min  Nausea and vomiting  Low grade fever  Mild jaundice 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 43
  • 44. CHRONIC CHOLECYSTITIS  Repeated inflammation and infection of gallbladder  Arises as a sequela to acute cholecystitis.  In addition, it is almost always associated with gallstones.  Chronic cholecystitis principally affects middle-aged and older obese women.  The female to male ratio is 3:1. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 44
  • 45. Progression of Chronic Cholecystitis  There is an obstruction of the cystic duct and the gallbladder begins to swell.  It no longer has the "robin’s egg blue" appearance of a normal gallbladder.  Gallbladder undergoes gangrenous change and the wall becomes very dark green or black. - 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 45
  • 46. Sign and Symptoms  Epigastric pain; less severe  Indigestion  Fever  Leucocytes count lower  Dyspepsia  Fat intolerance  Heart burn  Fibrosis of gall tissues  Inability to concentrate bile 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 46
  • 47. Diagnostic Investigations  Ultrasonography- 90% to 95% accurate in detecting stones.  ERCP  Percutaneous Trans hepatic Cholangiography  Laboratory Investigations  Bile Culture  WBC Count:-Increased WBC count as a result of inflammation  Alkaline Phosphatase , ALT, AST, Bilirubin (direct), Serum amylase-Increased if Pancreatic Involvement 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 47
  • 48.  If patients come within 3 days of onset of symptoms Immediate Cholecystectomy  If patients come after 3 days of onset of symptoms do conservative treatment to cool down the inflammation first and do elective Cholecystectomy after 45 days. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 48 Management
  • 49. Conservative Management A Nutritional and Supportive therapy Dietary counselling on  Low fat liquids  Weight reduction  Fat soluble vitamins and bile salts to enhance absorptions and aid digestion  High protein, high carbohydrate  Cooked fruits, non gas forming vegetables, bread, coffee or tea as tolerated  Smaller amounts and more frequent meals  Avoids eggs, cream, fried foods, cheese, gas forming vegetables and alcohol 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 49
  • 50. B Pharmacologic Therapy Dissoultion of Gallstone  Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)  Chenodeoxycholic acid  It works by dissolving the cholesterol that makes gallstones and inhibiting production of cholesterol in the liver and absorption in the intestines, which helps to decrease the formation of gallstones.  Six to Twelve months of therapy are required in many patients to dissolve stones, and monitoring of the patient is required during this time. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 50
  • 51. Antibiotic Therapy  Third generation cephalosporins- Ceftriaxone, cefixime, Cefotaxime  Aminoglycosides – Gentamicin, Amikacin, Neomycin  Penicillins – piperacillin or mezlocillin 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 51
  • 52. SURGICAL MANAGEMENT  Surgical treatment of gallbladder disease and gallstones is carried out to relieve persistent symptoms, to remove the cause of biliary colic, and to treat acute cholecystitis.  Surgery may be performed as an emergency procedure if the patient’s condition necessitates it. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 52
  • 53. Surgical Cholecystotomy  Cholecystotomy is performed when the patient’s condition prevents more extensive surgery or when an acute inflammatory reaction is severe.  The gallbladder is surgically opened, the stones and the bile or the purulent drainage are removed, and a drainage tube is secure with a purse string suture.  The drainage tube is connected to a drainage system to prevent bile from leaking around the tube or escaping into the peritoneal cavity. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 53
  • 54. PREOPERATIVE- MEASURES  A chest X-ray, ECG and liver function test may be performed in addition to X-ray studies of the gallbladder.  Vitamin K may be administered, if the Prothombin level is low.  Blood component therapy may be administered before surgery.  Preparation for gallbladder surgery is similar to that for any upper abdominal surgery like laparotomy or laparoscopy.  Instructions and explanations are given before surgery with regard to deep breathing. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 54
  • 55. POTENTIAL COMPLICATIONS  Empyema of gallbladder  Pancreatitis  Bleeding  Gastrointestinal symptoms ( may be related to biliary leakage)  Peritonitis 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 55
  • 56. NURSING MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT  Note a history of smoking, previous respiratory problems a persistent or ineffective cough etc.  Onset of pain, severity, duration.  Alleviating measures and aggravating factors.  Evaluation of nutritional status. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 56
  • 57. POST- OPERATIVE NURSING INTERVENTIONS  After recovery from anesthesia, the nurse places the patient in the low fowler’s position.  Intravenous fluids may be instituted to relieve abdominal distention.  Water and other fluids are given in about 24 hours.  Soft diet started when bowel sounds return. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 57
  • 58. Nursing Interventions Acute pain and discomfort related to surgical incision Relieving Pain  Comfortable position  Administer analgesic agent as prescribed to relieve the pain and to promote well-being in addition to helping the patient turn, cough, breathe deeply and ambulate as indicated.  Use of pillow or binder over the incision may reduce pain during maneuvers.  Relaxation therapy 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 58
  • 59. Impaired gas exchange related to the high abdominal surgical incision. Improving Respiratory status  Reminds the patient to take deep breaths and coughs every hour to expand the lungs fully and prevent atelectasis.  Early ambulation prevents pulmonary complications as well as other complications, such as thrombophlebitis. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 59 Nursing Interventions
  • 60. Impaired skin integrity related to altered biliary drainage after surgical intervention. Promoting Skin Care and Biliary Drainage  The drainage tube must be connected to a drainage receptacle.  The drainage bag may be placed below the waist or common duct level.  Bile may continue to drain from the drainage tract in considerable quantities for a time, necessitating frequent changes of the outer dressings and protection of the skin from irritation because bile is corrosive to the skin.  Maintaining a careful record of fluid intake and output is important. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 60 Nursing Interventions
  • 61. Imbalanced nutrition, less than body requirements, related to inadequate bile secretion. Improving Nutritional Status  Encourages the patient to eat a diet low in fats and high in carbohydrates and proteins immediately after surgery. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 61 Nursing Interventions
  • 62. Teaching Patients Self Care  Instruct the patient about the medications that are prescribed (vitamins, antispasmodics etc.) and their action.  Inform patient and family about symptoms that should be reported to the doctor, including jaundice, dark urine, pale colored stools, Pruritus, pain or fever.  Instruct them in proper care of the drainage tube and the importance of reporting to the physician promptly any changes in the amount or characteristic of drainage. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 62 Nursing Interventions
  • 63. Continuity Care  Asses the patient for adequacy of pain relief, and pulmonary exercise.  Asses for signs of infections.  Emphasize the importance of keeping follow up appointments. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 63 Nursing Interventions
  • 65. References  Black, J.M., & Hawks J. H. (2009) Medical Surgical nursing. (8th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri.  Nettina, S.M., (1998). The lipponcott manual of nursing practice. (6th ed.). Lippincott Raven Publishers, Washinton squares, Philadelphia  Smeltzer, S. C., Bare B.G., Hinkle J.L., Cheever K.H. (2008). Textbook of medical-surgical nursing. (11th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Lippincott Company.  Potter, P.A., Perry A.G. (2005). Fundamentals of Nursing. (6th ed.). Noinda, U.P, India.  Lobel, S., Spartto, G. (2003). The nurses drug handbook. (3rd ed.). Whiley Medical New York, USA.  aparoscopic_cholecystectomy_an_experience_of_unive rsity_hospital_in_eastern_Nepal [accessed Apr 11 2021]. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 65
  • 66. Any Queries 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 66
  • 67. 10/8/2021 Ms. Sunita Kharel 67