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A Clinical Conference Case
Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
Master of Science in Dentistry,
m.s. (Orthodontics)
Chief Complaint: Want to align lower teeth and hide upper gum during smiling.
Medical History: Some Remarkable
Dental History:
•Regular check up every 6 month
•Root canal treatment and crown #46
Family History: Unremarkable
Family History: Unremarkable problem
1. Interviews / Questionnaire
Patient Initial: U SP Age: 32y , Sex: f, Birth Date: August 4,1987
Heigh:1.58 m , Weigh: 48 kg, Career: Pharmacist
2. Clinical Examination
2. Clinical Examination
Soft-tissue assessment
•Frontonasal angle:125.37o
(Normal 115o -135o)
•Nasolabial angle:91.07o
(Normal 90o -110o)
•Labiomental angle:146.29o
(Normal 114o -140o)
• Lower Lip tonicity
•Thick upper lip
•Soft tissue profile: 168o Slightly(165o-
•Full soft tissue profile:143o (M 1470, F 1330 )
•Nose: straight
•Increase lower anterior facial heigh
•Dental class II
•<2mm to soft tissue pogonion
•FMPA(25o): Normal angle
2. Clinical Examination
Soft-tissue assessment
•Increase upper facial heigh
•Competent lip
•Mild facial Asymmetry face
•Short upper lip length
•Imbalance vertical facial height
•Imbalance vertical lip-chin
•Potentially competent lips
•Body type: Athletic
•Shape of head: Mesiocephalic
•Facial form: Mesoprosopic
•Tip of nose deviation to the right
•Chin deviation to the right side
17mm (1/3)
32mm (>2/3)
2. Clinical Examination
Smile Aesthetics assessment
•Gummy smile on upper teeth
•Incisal edges of upper teeth 10%
hidden by lower lip.
• Small on right buccal corrido
•No teeth show on lower teeth
•Smile: wide
•Smile arch: straight
•Smile is not acceptable
•Lower midline to upper midline off
to the right side by 0.5mm
•Contact point: not good(50%,40%,30%)
•Embrassure not well
•Hypertonic lower lip
40% 40%
2. Clinical Examination
Smile Aesthetics assessment
•Gummy smile(Dento-alveolar etiology)
•Narrow on right buccal corridors(dark buccal corridors)
•Hidden upper incisor edges by lower lip 10%-15% (thick lower lip, thin upper lip)
•Gingival display level left central incisor is higher 0.5mm from right central incisor lateral teeth
0.5mm from central
•Gum color: pink, texture: normal, shape: scalloped
•Normal frenal attachment level
•Tooth width ratio non balance(x,x-1mm,x-2mm)
2. Clinical Examination
Smile Aesthetics assessment
•Asymmetry margin of gingival level
2. Clinical Examination
Smile Aesthetics assessment
•Volume of interdental papilla formation is 45%(ideal 40%-50% length max incisor)
2. Clinical Examination(Orthopantomograph-OPT)
•No signs of TMD(No clicking, crepitus, and tenderness to palpation)
•Normal range of opening, lateral movement and no displacement.
•No erosion
•Normal opening and side to side openning
•TMJ space obliterated on the right side. Also associated with mild condylar resorption
on the same side.
•Normal condyles
•RCT #46
•Crown #46
2. Clinical Examination(Cervical Vertical Maturation-CVM)
•Stage 5(>2 years prior to peak growth)
•Mild asymmetry face
Facial width
occlussal plane
Nasal width
34mm 34m
41mm 44mm
14mm 14.5mm
27mm 29mm
1. Molar class I, canine class I, lower arch: asymmetric constricted arch
2. Incisor class III(edge to edge)
3. Molar class I, canine class I
4. U-shape arch form, attrition #16,26,staining #17,18,27,28. Rotate #14,15, assymetry arch form
5. Over jet 2mm, over bite 10%
6. Crowding #41,#42,#32,z#32. Rotate #34,#44. U shape arch form
7. Soft tissue: good, Normal tongue size and function
8. Attached gingival scaring
9. Fair oral hygient, good oral mucosa, no teeth missing, no mid line shift, crack #13,#23
10. Normal tongue position, Normal palate
11. IOTN: grade 2
1 2 3
4 5 6
12. Teeth present
12. Caries: clinically caries free
1 2 3
4 5 6
87654321 12345678
87654321 12345678
S pt
S pt
S pt
Facial angle(84.04 3.42)=91
Gonial angle(118o+6.10o)=112o
Z(74o)= 75o
Soft tissue analyis
•Upper pharynx=8mm
•Lower pharynx=4mm
Cranial Base BA–S-n 130o 141o
Long face
Maxilla to Cranial Base SNA 82 o 81o
Prognathic maxilla
N-A-FH 90 o 97o
A-Nas Vert. (mm) -2mm 10mm
Mandible to Cranial Base SNB 80 o 76o
NPog-FH 88 o 91o
Po-N Vert. (mm) -6mm 0o
Maxillo-Mandibular Relationship ANB 2 o 5o
Class IIA-NPog 1mm 2mm
Wits 2mm 5mm
Vertical Height SN-MPA 32 o 32o
Mandibular plan height
Normal facial heigh
FMA 25 o 15o
N-ANS (%) 45% 42%
ANS-Me (%) 55% 58%
Maxillary & Mandibular Incisor Position U1-SN 104 o 106o
proclination of upper
proclination of lower
U1-NA (mm) 4mm 2mm
U1-NA 22 o 27o
IMPA 90 o 101o
L1-NB (mm) 4mm 3mm
L1-NB 25 o 31o
L1-APog 2mm 6mm
U1-L1 130 o 119o
Soft Tissue E-line-Lower lip -2mm 0mm Protrusion of the lip
ODI=FH pl. to palatal plan angle + AB to mandibular plan angle=8.5O+78O=86.5O
Openbite tendency<(74.5O±6.07O)<Overbite tendency
=> Overbite tendency
S pt
•APDI=FH to palatal plane angle(8O)+Facial angle(91O)+AB plane
angle(7O)=8O+91O+7O=106O => Class III tendency
(Class II tendency<(81.4O±3.79O<Class III tendency)
•Facial angle(84.04O±3.42O)=FH to Npog=91O => Prominance of chin
•Y-axis(66.36O±3.85O )=FH-SGo=54O=> Class III facial pattern
•Gonial angle: Ar-Go to Go-Me=119O (122+-6.9 for female, 119.1+-6.5 for male)=>Open bite tendency
S pt
3. Model Analysis
1. M-D width of teeth
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sum
Max 8.5 10 7 7 6.5 6 8 8 6 7 7 6 10 9 106
Man 9 11 6.5 7 6 6 5 5 5.5 6 7 7 10.5 9.5 101
2. Arch segments lengths
7-6 5-4 3-2 1-1 2-3 4-5 6-7 sum
Max 19 13.5 12 16 13 13 20 106.5
Man 20 13.5 10 9.5 10.5 13.5 20 97
Total max ant=41.5mm
Total man ant=33.5mm
3. Model Analysis
3. Arch length determination
Max Man
Intercanine width 34mm(N=39) 25mm(N=23-24.7)
Intermolar width 43mm(N=47) 40mm(N=43)
Arch length 36mm 32mm
Arch form U form V form(tapered)
Arch length discrepancy Avialable –Required=
Avialable –Required=
Overbite 1mm
Overjet 1mm
Curve of spee 2 mm
3. Model Analysis
Standard Patient’s index
Overall ratio 87.5-94.8 97/106.5=91.07%
Anterior ratio 74.5-80.4 33.5/41.5=80.7%
4. Bolton Index
Mandible(6 teeth)>Maxilla(6
3. Model Analysis
5. M-D width of tooth
Anterior tooth Ratio
= Sum of (M-D) width of mandubular anteriors x 100
Sum of (M-D) width of maxillary Anterior
= 41/33.5 x 100 = 122 %
Result>72.2%= Mandibular excess.
Overall tooth Ratio
Mandibular excess= Actual mandibular 12 – Correct mandibular 12
= 82.5-87 = -4.5mm
3. Model Analysis
6. Pont’s Analysis
•SI=sum of incisor 4= 6+8+8+6=28mm
•MPV(Mesured premolar value)=39mm
•MMV(Mesured molar value)=43mm
•CPV(Calculated premolar value)=SIx100/80=28 x 100/80=35mm
•CPV(35mm)<MPV(39mm) Arch form is normal so no need to expand the arch
on incisor and premolar area
•CMV(Calculated molar value)=SI x 100/64=28 x 100/64=43.75mm
•CMV(43.75mm)>MMV(43mm) Arch form is normal so need to expand the
arch abit or no need on molar area
•SI=sum of incisor 4= 6+5+5+5.5=21.5mm
•MPV(Mesured premolar value)=35mm
•MMV(Mesured molar value)=45mm
•CPV(Calculated premolar value)=SIx100/80=21.5 x 100/80=21.8mm
•CPV(21.8mm)<MPV(35mm) Arch form is normal so no need to expand the
arch on incisor and premolar area
•CMV(Calculated molar value)=SI x 100/64=21.5 x 100/64=33.59mm
•CMV(33.59mm)<MMV(45mm) Arch form is narrow so need to expand the
arch abit
3. Model Analysis
7. Korkhaus analysisis
Man Value=Max value -2mm
=> Procline upper incisor 1mm
Diagnosis summary
• U PS is a 31 year olds female, denied any medical problem , complains of
upper teeth forward, crowding lower anterior teeth and gummy smile.
She has a class I incisor relationship as edge to edge incisor base on class
II skeletal pattern, increased lower facial height. Over jet of 1mm, deep
over bite 5%, lower midline shift to the right 0.5mm, mildly crowed lower
anterior teeth. Canine is class I on both side, actually molar class I on
both sides.
3. Transverse
•Mid line shift
4. sagital(A-P)
•Decrease over-jet
1. Dentofacial Appearance
2. Teeth/Arch form
Slightly convex
Gummy smile Incisor display
5. Vertical
Unproportion vertical facial
Treatment Aims
• Improve O.H
• Relief crowding on lower arch and align teeth
• Correct midlines shift
• Correct skeletal discrepancy
• Achieve incisor class 1
• Achieve normal OJ & OB
• Obtain flat curve of spee
• Finishing and detailing of occlusion
• Correct gummy smile
• Correct smile arch and gummy asymmetry
• Retain corrected results
Treatment progress
Problem list Treatment Auxiliaries' and times
1. Staining#17,18,27,28, plaque and
calculus, crack #13,#23
1. Scaling, polishing ,oral hygiene
education, observation on #13,23
2. Straight smile arch and gummy smile 2. Low bracket position(x-1mm)
2. Severe crowding #41,#42,#31,#32,
slightly protrusion of upper lip
2.1. Extraction #18,#28
2.2. Extraction #38
3. Rotate #14,15, asymmetry arch form,
Crowding #41,#42,#32,z#32. Rotate
3. Leveling and alignment, TPA
intrude posterior segment to reduce
gummy smile
3. Niti 012, 014, 016
upper and lower (3
months), TPA
4. Space after extraction #46 4.1.Rectraction upper teeth
4.2. Retraction lower teeth
4.3. Intrude and distalization #16
with headgear
4. Maximum anchorage
Lower lingual arch,
0.028 x 0.025, TPA,
Treatment progress
Problem list Treatment Auxillaries and times
6. Gummy smile correction 6. Gingival reshape
- Maxillary incisor intrusion
6. Mini-screw anchorage
6.1. Gummy smile correction 6.1. Two mini-screw implant billateral
Inserted between central and lateral
incisor teeth
6.1. SS 0.016 x 0.022, closed
coil spring attached to
segment arch
6.2. Asymmetry margin of gingival level 6.2. Gingival reshape position Blade No.11 and
7. Retention 7. 1. Lower Hawley’s retainer
7.2. Upper Hawley’s retainer
Hawley’s retainer
Treatment progress2
Problem list Treatment Auxiliaries' and times
1. Staining#17,18,27,28, plaque and
calculus, crack #13,#23
1. Scaling, polishing ,oral hygiene
education, observation on #13,23
Redo-RCT #46 and temporary crown
2. Straight smile arch and gummy smile 2. Low bracket position(x-1mm)
2. Severe crowding #41,#42,#31,#32,
slightly protrusion of upper lip
2.1. Extraction #18,#28
2.2. Extraction #38,#48
2.3. Stripping #33=>#43
3. Rotate #14,15, asymmetry arch form,
Crowding #41,#42,#32,z#32. Rotate
3. Leveling and alignment, TPA
intrude posterior segment to reduce
gummy smile
•Arch wire on lower teeth skip
#31,32,41,42. lower holding arch
3. Niti 012, 014, 016
upper and lower (3
months), TPA, lower
holding arch
Treatment progress2
Problem list Treatment Auxillaries and times
6. Gummy smile correction 6. Gingival reshape
- Maxillary incisor intrusion
6. Mini-screw anchorage
6.1. Gummy smile correction 6.1. Two mini-screw implant billateral
Inserted between central and lateral
incisor teeth
6.1. SS 0.016 x 0.022, closed
coil spring attached to
segment arch
6.2. Asymmetry margin of gingival level 6.2. Gingival reshape position Blade No.11 and
7. Retention 7. 1. Lower Hawley’s retainer
7.2. Upper Hawley’s retainer
Hawley’s retainer
31 years old
Treatment progress
Problem list Treatment & link to photo Date Lecturer
1. Staining#17,18,27,28, plaque
and calculus, crack #13,#23
1. Scaling, polishing ,oral
education, observation on
30/5/2019 Dr. Anan
2. Release crowding, leveling
and alignment with
MBT(bracket 0.022)
2. Upper and lower bracing 30/6/2019 Dr. Anan
3. Release crowding, leveling
and align ment with
MBT(bracket 0.022)
3. Upper 0.014, lower 0.012 22/8/2019 Dr. Anan
Thanks in depth
Patient’s Intention

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Chhom Karath

  • 1. A Clinical Conference Case Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Dentistry, m.s. (Orthodontics) CHHOM KARATH
  • 2. Chief Complaint: Want to align lower teeth and hide upper gum during smiling. Medical History: Some Remarkable Dental History: •Regular check up every 6 month •Root canal treatment and crown #46 Family History: Unremarkable Family History: Unremarkable problem 1. Interviews / Questionnaire Patient Initial: U SP Age: 32y , Sex: f, Birth Date: August 4,1987 Heigh:1.58 m , Weigh: 48 kg, Career: Pharmacist
  • 4. 4 2. Clinical Examination Soft-tissue assessment •Frontonasal angle:125.37o (Normal 115o -135o) •Nasolabial angle:91.07o (Normal 90o -110o) •Labiomental angle:146.29o (Normal 114o -140o) • Lower Lip tonicity •Thick upper lip •Soft tissue profile: 168o Slightly(165o- 175o) •Full soft tissue profile:143o (M 1470, F 1330 ) •Nose: straight •Increase lower anterior facial heigh •Dental class II •<2mm to soft tissue pogonion •FMPA(25o): Normal angle 168o 143o
  • 5. 5 2. Clinical Examination Soft-tissue assessment •Increase upper facial heigh •Competent lip •Mild facial Asymmetry face •Short upper lip length •Imbalance vertical facial height •Imbalance vertical lip-chin •Potentially competent lips •Body type: Athletic •Shape of head: Mesiocephalic •Facial form: Mesoprosopic •Tip of nose deviation to the right •Chin deviation to the right side 17mm (1/3) 32mm (>2/3)
  • 6. 6 2. Clinical Examination Smile Aesthetics assessment •Gummy smile on upper teeth •Incisal edges of upper teeth 10% hidden by lower lip. • Small on right buccal corrido •No teeth show on lower teeth •Smile: wide •Smile arch: straight •Smile is not acceptable •Lower midline to upper midline off to the right side by 0.5mm •Contact point: not good(50%,40%,30%) •Embrassure not well form(20%,30%,40%,50%) •Hypertonic lower lip 50% 40% 40% 20%40%
  • 7. 7 2. Clinical Examination Smile Aesthetics assessment •Gummy smile(Dento-alveolar etiology) •Narrow on right buccal corridors(dark buccal corridors) •Hidden upper incisor edges by lower lip 10%-15% (thick lower lip, thin upper lip) •Gingival display level left central incisor is higher 0.5mm from right central incisor lateral teeth 0.5mm from central •Gum color: pink, texture: normal, shape: scalloped •Normal frenal attachment level •Tooth width ratio non balance(x,x-1mm,x-2mm)
  • 8. 8 2. Clinical Examination Smile Aesthetics assessment •Asymmetry margin of gingival level
  • 9. 9 2. Clinical Examination Smile Aesthetics assessment •Volume of interdental papilla formation is 45%(ideal 40%-50% length max incisor)
  • 10. 1 0 2. Clinical Examination(Orthopantomograph-OPT) TMJ •No signs of TMD(No clicking, crepitus, and tenderness to palpation) •Normal range of opening, lateral movement and no displacement. •No erosion •Normal opening and side to side openning •TMJ space obliterated on the right side. Also associated with mild condylar resorption on the same side. •Normal condyles
  • 12. 2. Clinical Examination(Cervical Vertical Maturation-CVM) Evaluation: •Stage 5(>2 years prior to peak growth)
  • 13. Evaluation: •Mild asymmetry face ZL ZL JL JR AG GA Facial width occlussal plane Nasal width Me 34mm 34m 41mm 44mm 43.8mm 43.8mm 14mm 14.5mm 27mm 29mm
  • 14. 1. Molar class I, canine class I, lower arch: asymmetric constricted arch 2. Incisor class III(edge to edge) 3. Molar class I, canine class I 4. U-shape arch form, attrition #16,26,staining #17,18,27,28. Rotate #14,15, assymetry arch form 5. Over jet 2mm, over bite 10% 6. Crowding #41,#42,#32,z#32. Rotate #34,#44. U shape arch form 7. Soft tissue: good, Normal tongue size and function 8. Attached gingival scaring 9. Fair oral hygient, good oral mucosa, no teeth missing, no mid line shift, crack #13,#23 10. Normal tongue position, Normal palate 11. IOTN: grade 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 15. 12. Teeth present 12. Caries: clinically caries free 1 2 3 4 5 6 87654321 12345678 87654321 12345678
  • 18. Bo Po Co S pt Go PNS ANS Or N A B Me Gn Pog Ba Facial angle(84.04 3.42)=91 Y-axis(66.36o+-3.85o)=58o Gonial angle(118o+6.10o)=112o FMA(30o)=17o IMPA(103o)=104o FMIA(47o)=61o SNA(80o)=81o SNB(74o)=80o ANB(6o)=5o OCC(13o)=3o Z(74o)= 75o
  • 19. Soft tissue analyis •Z-angle(80±5)=75o •Upper pharynx=8mm •Lower pharynx=4mm
  • 20. AREA OF STUDY YAS MEASUREMENT STANDARD INITIAL INTERPRETATION Cranial Base BA–S-n 130o 141o Long face Maxilla to Cranial Base SNA 82 o 81o Prognathic maxilla N-A-FH 90 o 97o A-Nas Vert. (mm) -2mm 10mm Mandible to Cranial Base SNB 80 o 76o Retronathic mandible NPog-FH 88 o 91o Po-N Vert. (mm) -6mm 0o Maxillo-Mandibular Relationship ANB 2 o 5o Class IIA-NPog 1mm 2mm Wits 2mm 5mm Vertical Height SN-MPA 32 o 32o Mandibular plan height angle Normal facial heigh FMA 25 o 15o N-ANS (%) 45% 42% ANS-Me (%) 55% 58% Maxillary & Mandibular Incisor Position U1-SN 104 o 106o proclination of upper incisor proclination of lower incisor U1-NA (mm) 4mm 2mm U1-NA 22 o 27o IMPA 90 o 101o L1-NB (mm) 4mm 3mm L1-NB 25 o 31o L1-APog 2mm 6mm U1-L1 130 o 119o Soft Tissue E-line-Lower lip -2mm 0mm Protrusion of the lip
  • 21. ODI=FH pl. to palatal plan angle + AB to mandibular plan angle=8.5O+78O=86.5O Openbite tendency<(74.5O±6.07O)<Overbite tendency => Overbite tendency Bo Po Co S pt Go PNS ANS Or N A B Me Gn Pog Ba
  • 22. •APDI=FH to palatal plane angle(8O)+Facial angle(91O)+AB plane angle(7O)=8O+91O+7O=106O => Class III tendency (Class II tendency<(81.4O±3.79O<Class III tendency) •Facial angle(84.04O±3.42O)=FH to Npog=91O => Prominance of chin •Y-axis(66.36O±3.85O )=FH-SGo=54O=> Class III facial pattern •Gonial angle: Ar-Go to Go-Me=119O (122+-6.9 for female, 119.1+-6.5 for male)=>Open bite tendency Bo Po Co S pt Go PNS ANS Or N A B Me Gn Pog Ba Ar
  • 23.
  • 24. 3. Model Analysis 1. M-D width of teeth 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sum Max 8.5 10 7 7 6.5 6 8 8 6 7 7 6 10 9 106 Man 9 11 6.5 7 6 6 5 5 5.5 6 7 7 10.5 9.5 101 2. Arch segments lengths 7-6 5-4 3-2 1-1 2-3 4-5 6-7 sum Max 19 13.5 12 16 13 13 20 106.5 Man 20 13.5 10 9.5 10.5 13.5 20 97 Total max ant=41.5mm Total man ant=33.5mm
  • 25. 3. Model Analysis 3. Arch length determination Max Man Intercanine width 34mm(N=39) 25mm(N=23-24.7) Intermolar width 43mm(N=47) 40mm(N=43) Arch length 36mm 32mm Arch form U form V form(tapered) Arch length discrepancy Avialable –Required= 106.5-106=0.5mm(spacing 0.5mm) Avialable –Required= 97-101.5=-4mm(crowding 4.5mm) Overbite 1mm Overjet 1mm Curve of spee 2 mm
  • 28. 3. Model Analysis Standard Patient’s index Overall ratio 87.5-94.8 97/106.5=91.07% (Man/Max) Anterior ratio 74.5-80.4 33.5/41.5=80.7% (Man6/Max6) 4. Bolton Index Mandible:Maxilla(12 teeth) Mandible(6 teeth)>Maxilla(6 teeth)
  • 29. 3. Model Analysis 5. M-D width of tooth Anterior tooth Ratio = Sum of (M-D) width of mandubular anteriors x 100 Sum of (M-D) width of maxillary Anterior = 41/33.5 x 100 = 122 % Result>72.2%= Mandibular excess. Overall tooth Ratio Mandibular excess= Actual mandibular 12 – Correct mandibular 12 = 82.5-87 = -4.5mm
  • 30. 3. Model Analysis 6. Pont’s Analysis ON MAXILLA •SI=sum of incisor 4= 6+8+8+6=28mm •MPV(Mesured premolar value)=39mm •MMV(Mesured molar value)=43mm •CPV(Calculated premolar value)=SIx100/80=28 x 100/80=35mm •CPV(35mm)<MPV(39mm) Arch form is normal so no need to expand the arch on incisor and premolar area •CMV(Calculated molar value)=SI x 100/64=28 x 100/64=43.75mm •CMV(43.75mm)>MMV(43mm) Arch form is normal so need to expand the arch abit or no need on molar area ON MANDIBLE •SI=sum of incisor 4= 6+5+5+5.5=21.5mm •MPV(Mesured premolar value)=35mm •MMV(Mesured molar value)=45mm •CPV(Calculated premolar value)=SIx100/80=21.5 x 100/80=21.8mm •CPV(21.8mm)<MPV(35mm) Arch form is normal so no need to expand the arch on incisor and premolar area •CMV(Calculated molar value)=SI x 100/64=21.5 x 100/64=33.59mm •CMV(33.59mm)<MMV(45mm) Arch form is narrow so need to expand the arch abit
  • 31. 3. Model Analysis 7. Korkhaus analysisis Man Value=Max value -2mm 18mm=21-2mm=19mm => Procline upper incisor 1mm 32mm 39mm 21mm 18mm
  • 32. Diagnosis summary • U PS is a 31 year olds female, denied any medical problem , complains of upper teeth forward, crowding lower anterior teeth and gummy smile. She has a class I incisor relationship as edge to edge incisor base on class II skeletal pattern, increased lower facial height. Over jet of 1mm, deep over bite 5%, lower midline shift to the right 0.5mm, mildly crowed lower anterior teeth. Canine is class I on both side, actually molar class I on both sides.
  • 33. Diagnosis 3. Transverse •Mid line shift 4. sagital(A-P) •Decrease over-jet 1. Dentofacial Appearance Asymmetric Disproportionate 2. Teeth/Arch form CrowdingProfile Slightly convex Lips Gummy smile Incisor display Excessive 5. Vertical Unproportion vertical facial
  • 34. Treatment Aims • Improve O.H • Relief crowding on lower arch and align teeth • Correct midlines shift • Correct skeletal discrepancy • Achieve incisor class 1 • Achieve normal OJ & OB • Obtain flat curve of spee • Finishing and detailing of occlusion • Correct gummy smile • Correct smile arch and gummy asymmetry • Retain corrected results
  • 35. Treatment progress Problem list Treatment Auxiliaries' and times 1. Staining#17,18,27,28, plaque and calculus, crack #13,#23 1. Scaling, polishing ,oral hygiene education, observation on #13,23 2. Straight smile arch and gummy smile 2. Low bracket position(x-1mm) 2. Severe crowding #41,#42,#31,#32, slightly protrusion of upper lip 2.1. Extraction #18,#28 2.2. Extraction #38 3. Rotate #14,15, asymmetry arch form, Crowding #41,#42,#32,z#32. Rotate #34,#44 3. Leveling and alignment, TPA intrude posterior segment to reduce gummy smile 3. Niti 012, 014, 016 upper and lower (3 months), TPA 4. Space after extraction #46 4.1.Rectraction upper teeth 4.2. Retraction lower teeth 4.3. Intrude and distalization #16 with headgear 4. Maximum anchorage Lower lingual arch, 0.028 x 0.025, TPA, Headgear
  • 36. Treatment progress Problem list Treatment Auxillaries and times 6. Gummy smile correction 6. Gingival reshape - Maxillary incisor intrusion 6. Mini-screw anchorage 6.1. Gummy smile correction 6.1. Two mini-screw implant billateral Inserted between central and lateral incisor teeth 6.1. SS 0.016 x 0.022, closed coil spring attached to segment arch 6.2. Asymmetry margin of gingival level 6.2. Gingival reshape position Blade No.11 and measurement 7. Retention 7. 1. Lower Hawley’s retainer 7.2. Upper Hawley’s retainer Hawley’s retainer
  • 37. Treatment progress2 Problem list Treatment Auxiliaries' and times 1. Staining#17,18,27,28, plaque and calculus, crack #13,#23 1. Scaling, polishing ,oral hygiene education, observation on #13,23 Redo-RCT #46 and temporary crown 2. Straight smile arch and gummy smile 2. Low bracket position(x-1mm) 2. Severe crowding #41,#42,#31,#32, slightly protrusion of upper lip 2.1. Extraction #18,#28 2.2. Extraction #38,#48 2.3. Stripping #33=>#43 3. Rotate #14,15, asymmetry arch form, Crowding #41,#42,#32,z#32. Rotate #34,#44 3. Leveling and alignment, TPA intrude posterior segment to reduce gummy smile •Arch wire on lower teeth skip #31,32,41,42. lower holding arch 3. Niti 012, 014, 016 upper and lower (3 months), TPA, lower holding arch
  • 38. Treatment progress2 Problem list Treatment Auxillaries and times 6. Gummy smile correction 6. Gingival reshape - Maxillary incisor intrusion 6. Mini-screw anchorage 6.1. Gummy smile correction 6.1. Two mini-screw implant billateral Inserted between central and lateral incisor teeth 6.1. SS 0.016 x 0.022, closed coil spring attached to segment arch 6.2. Asymmetry margin of gingival level 6.2. Gingival reshape position Blade No.11 and measurement 7. Retention 7. 1. Lower Hawley’s retainer 7.2. Upper Hawley’s retainer Hawley’s retainer
  • 40. Treatment progress Problem list Treatment & link to photo Date Lecturer 1. Staining#17,18,27,28, plaque and calculus, crack #13,#23 1. Scaling, polishing ,oral hygiene education, observation on #13,23 30/5/2019 Dr. Anan 2. Release crowding, leveling and alignment with MBT(bracket 0.022) 2. Upper and lower bracing 30/6/2019 Dr. Anan 3. Release crowding, leveling and align ment with MBT(bracket 0.022) 3. Upper 0.014, lower 0.012 22/8/2019 Dr. Anan