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A	Powerful,	Flexible,	and	Intui5ve	
Deep	Learning	Framework
@	NVIDIA	GTC,	April	6th,	2016
Shohei	Hido	
Chief	Research	Officer	
Preferred	Networks,	Inc.
l  Chainer	is	a	Python-based	deep	learning	framework	
l  Chainer	v1.0	was	released	as	an	open	source	on	June	2015	
l  It	DOESN’T	rely	on	Theano,	unlike	other	Python	frameworks	
l  Chainer	uses	a	unique	scheme	named	Define-by-Run
l  Why	do	users	sOll	need	another	framework?	
l  How	different	and	effecOve	Chainer	is?	
Preferred Networks (PFN)
A startup that applies deep learning to industrial IoT
l  Founded: March 2014
l  Headquarter: Tokyo, Japan
l  U.S. Subsidiary: San Mateo, California
l  Company size: 35 engineers & researchers
l  Investors: Toyota, FANUC, NTT
Deep learning	 Industrial IoT	
Partnering with world-leading companies using Chainer
l  R&D	collaboraOon	on	industrial	problems	with	real-world	data	
̶  Specific	requirements,	modified	algorithms,	many	trials	and	errors,	etc	
̶  Different	from	making	general-purpose	recogniOon	system	
Toyota	 FANUC	
Two types of background behind DL frameworks
1.	Scalability-oriented	
l  Use-cases	in	mind	
̶  Image/speech	recogniOon	system	
̶  Fast	DL	as	a	service	in	cloud	
l  Problem	type	
̶  A	few	general	applicaOons	
̶  10+	million	training	samples	
̶  10+	nodes	cluster	w/	fast	network	
l  Possible	boZleneck	
̶  Tuning	of	well-known	algorithms	
̶  Distributed	computaOon	for	
model/data-parallel	training	
2.	Flexibility-oriented	
l  Use-cases	in	mind	
̶  Algorithm	research	
̶  R&D	projects	for	new	products	
l  Problem	type	
̶  Various	specific	applicaOons	
̶  10+	k	training	samples	
̶  1	node	with	mulOple	GPUs	
l  Possible	boZleneck	
̶  Trial-and-error	in	prototyping	
̶  Debugging,	profiling	&	refactoring	
̶  (wait	Ome	during	compilaOon)
Designed for efficient research & development
l  Flexible:	new	kinds	of	complex	models	for	various	applicaOons	
l  IntuiOve:	rapid	prototyping	and	efficient	trial-and-error	
l  Powerful:	comparable	performance	for	1	node	&	mulO-GPUs		
Scalability-oriented Flexibility-oriented
l  Deep	learning	framework	basics	
l  IntroducOon	to	Chainer	
l  CuPy:	NumPy-compaOble	GPU	library	
l  Performance	and	applicaOons
Neural network and computation
・・ h1
Forward computation
Backward computation
Input Hidden units Output

Anomaly score:


Chainer focuses on network representation/training
l  Design	choices	for	deep	learning	frameworks	
̶  How	to	build	neural	networks?	
̶  How	to	train	neural	networks?	
̶  Which	text	format/language	for	modeling?		
̶  Which	language	for	compuOng?		
̶  Run	with	GPU?	
̶  Run	on	mulOple	GPUs?	
̶  Run	on	mulOple	compute	nodes?	
Building and training neural networks:
Computational graph construction is the key
1.  Construct	a	computaOonal	graph	
̶  Based	on	network	definiOon	given	by	users	
̶  Chains	of	funcOons	and	operaOons	on	input	variables	
2.  Compute	loss	and	gradients	
̶  Forward	computaOon	to	calculate	loss	for	a	minibatch	
̶  BackpropagaOon	gives	gradients	to	all	of	parameters	
3.  OpOmize	model	
̶  Update	each	parameter	with	the	gradient	
̶  Repeat	unOl	convergence	
Step 1. is the most important and there are many approaches
Building blocks
l  These	funcOonaliOes	are	very	similar	between	frameworks	
l  But	the	structure,	abstracOon	level,	and	interface	are	different	
l  It	comes	to	the	design	of	domain-specific	language	for	NN	
Array data structure
Operations & functions
(computational graph)
Types of domain-specific language for neural networks
l  Text	DSL	
̶  Ex.	Caffe	(prototxt)	
̶  Ex.	CNTK	(NDL)
l  Symbolic	program	
̶  OperaOons	
on	symbols	
̶  Ex.	Theano	
̶  Ex.	TensorFlow	
l  ImperaOve	program	
̶  Direct	computaOons	
on	raw	data	arrays	
̶  Ex.	Torch.nn	
̶  Ex.	Chainer
#	Symbolic	definiOon	
A	=	Variable(‘A’)	
B	=	Variable(‘B’)	
C	=	B	*	A	
D	=	C	+	Constant(1)	
#	Compile	
f	=	compile(D)	
d	=	f(A=np.ones(10),	
									B=np.ones(10)	*	2)	
#	ImperaOve	declaraOon	
a	=	np.ones(10)	
b	=	np.ones(10)	*	2	
c	=	b	*	a	
d	=	c	+	1	
%%	DefiniOon	in	text	
f:	{		
			“A”:	“Variable”,	
			“B”:		“Variable”,	
			“C”:	[“B”,	“*”,	“A”],	
			“ret”:	[“C”,	“+”,	1]	
#	Compile	
f	=	compile(“f.txt”)	
d	=	f(A=np.ones(10),	
									B=np.ones(10)	*	2)	
Ex. MXNet
Comparison of DSL type
DSL	type	 Pros.	 Cons.	
Text	DSL	
•  Human-readable	definiOon	
•  Non-programmer	can	easily	
edit	the	network	
•  Users	must	study	the	format	
•  Format	might	have	to	be	
extended	for	new	algorithms	
Internal	DSL	
•  StaOc	analysis	at	compile		
•  OpOmizaOon	before	training	
•  Easy	to	parallelize	
•  Users	must	study	special	syntax		
•  May	need	more	efforts	to	
implement	new	algorithms	
•  Less	efforts	to	learn	syntax	
•  Easy	debugging	and	profiling	
•  Suitable	for	new	algorithms	
with	complex	logic	
•  Hard	to	opOmize	in	advance	
•  Less	efficient	in	memory	
allocaOon	and	parallelizaOon		
Chainer	is	at	the	extreme	end	of	imperaOve	program	for	high	flexibility
l  Deep	learning	framework	basics	
l  IntroducOon	to	Chainer	
l  CuPy:	NumPy-compaOble	GPU	library	
l  Performance	and	applicaOons
Chainer as an open-source project
l  hZps://	
l  50	contributors	
l  1,277	stars	&	255	fork	
l  3,708	commits	
l  AcOve	development	&	release	for	last	10	months	
̶  v1.0.0	(June	2015)	to		v1.7.2	(March	2016)	
Original developer
Seiya Tokui
Chainer software stack
l  Chainer	is	built	on	top	of	NumPy	and	CUDA	
l  CuPy	is	also	introduced	as	an	equivalent	of	NumPy	on	GPU
Graph build scheme (1/2) - Define-and-Run:
Most of frameworks use this scheme (Chainer does not)
l  Define:	build	a	computaOonal	graph	based	on	definiOon	
l  Run:	update	the	model	(parameters)	using	training	dataset
Loss	&	gradient	
Auto	differenOaOon	
Graph build scheme (2/2) - Define-by-Run:
Computational graph construction on the fly
l  No	graph	is	constructed	before	training	
l  Instead,	the	graph	is	built	at	each	forward	computaOon		
l  ComputaOonal	graph	can	be	modified	dynamically	
for	each	iteraOon/sample	or	depending	on	some	condiOons	
Dynamic			change	
Define-by-Run example: MLP for MNIST
l  Only	transformaOons	between	units	are	set	before	training	
l  ConnecOon	is	given	as	forward	computaOon
l1 = Linear(784, n_units)
l2 = Linear(n_units, 10))
Linear l2Linear l1
x yh1
W bias
W bias
def forward(x):
h1 = ReLU(l1(x))
return l2(h1)
An interpreted language for neural network
l  Idea	
̶  Forward	computaOon	actually	goes	through	computaOonal	graph	
̶  By	remembering	the	history,	the	actual	graph	can	be	obtained	
l  Advantage	
̶  Flexibility	for	new	algorithms	with	complex	components	
u  Ex.	recurrent,	recursive,	aZenOon,	memory,	adversarial,	etc	
̶  IntuiOve	coding	with	highly	imperaOve	network	definiOon	
u  Ex.	stochasOc	network	of	which	graph	changes	for	each	iteraOon	
l  Current	drawbacks	
̶  Graph	is	generated	every	Ome	also	for	fixed	networks	
̶  No	opOmizaOon	even	for	staOc	part	of	graphs	
u  JIT-like	analysis	and	subgraph	cache	might	be	useful	
Basic components (1/2): Variable and Function
l  Variable	
̶  Variable	wraps	arrays	(.data)	
̶  It	remembers	parent	funcOon	
̶  It	will	be	assigned	gradient	(.grad)	
̶  It	keeps	track	of	not	only	data	
but	also	computaOons	
l  FuncOon	
̶  TransformaOon	between	Variable	
̶  Stateless	
̶  e.g.	sigmoid,	tanh,	ReLU,	
								maxpooling,	dropout
x y
x yh1
Chain (MLP2)
Basic components (2/2): Link and Chain
l  Link	=	funcOon	with	state	
̶  Parameters	are	also	Variable		
and	gradients	will	be	assigned	
̶  e.g.	Linear	(fully-connected),		LSTM			
							ConvoluOon2d,	word-embedding	
l  Chain	=	network	
̶  Chain	has	a	set	of	child	Link	
̶  Forward	computaOon	is	defined	
in	.	__call__()	
̶  e.g.	MLP2,	AlexNet,	GoogLeNet,	
								RNNLM,	seq2seq,		
x y
W b
Linear l2Linear l1
W bias
W bias
Backpropagation through computational graph
l  Consider	an	objecOve	(Link.Linear):		L = f(x * w + b)
l  This	computes	the	value	of	L	in	forward	computaOon,	and	
simultaneously	builds	the	following	computaOonal	graph	
l  The	gradient	of	L	can	be	computed	with	respect	to	
	any	variables	by	backpropagaOon	
l  Then	the	opOmizer	updates	the	value	of	parameters	
f L
is	Variable	
is	FuncOon	
Code sample (1/4): Multi-layer perceptron
class MLP2(Chain):
def __init__(self):
super(MLP2, self).__init__(
l1=L.Linear(784, 100),
l2=L.Linear(100, 10),
def __call__(self, x):
h1 = F.relu(self.l1(x))
y = self.l2(h1)
return y
class Classifier(Chain):
def __init__(self, predictor):
super(Classifier, self).
def __call__(self, x, t):
y = self.predictor(x)
self.accuracy = F.accuracy(y, t)
self.loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(y, t)
return self.loss, self.accuracy
# Model and optimizer setup
model = Classifier(MLP2())
optimizer = optimizers.SGD()
# training loop with minibatch
for i in range(0, datasize, batchsize):
x = Variable(x_tr[i:i+batchsize])
t = Variable(y_tr[i:i+batchsize])
loss, acc = model(x, t)
Chain (MLP2)
Linear l2Linear l1
W bias
W bias
Code sample (2/4): Convolutional neural network
class AlexNet(Chain):
def __init__(self):
super(AlexNet, self).__init__(
conv1=L.Convolution2D(3, 96, 11, stride=4),
conv2=L.Convolution2D(96, 256, 5, pad=2),
conv3=L.Convolution2D(256, 384, 3, pad=1),
conv4=L.Convolution2D(384, 384, 3, pad=1),
conv5=L.Convolution2D(384, 256, 3, pad=1),
fc6=L.Linear(9216, 4096),
fc7=L.Linear(4096, 4096),
fc8=L.Linear(4096, 1000),
def __call__(self, x, t):
h = F.max_pooling_2d(F.relu(
F.local_response_normalization(self.conv1(x))), 3, stride=2)
h = F.max_pooling_2d(F.relu(
F.local_response_normalization(self.conv2(h))), 3, stride=2)
h = F.relu(self.conv3(h))
h = F.relu(self.conv4(h))
h = F.max_pooling_2d(F.relu(self.conv5(h)), 3, stride=2)
h = F.dropout(F.relu(self.fc6(h)), train=self.train)
h = F.dropout(F.relu(self.fc7(h)), train=self.train)
y = self.fc8(h)
return y
* ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Code sample (3/4): Recurrent neural network
class SimpleRNN(Chain):
def __init__(self, n_vocab, n_units):
super(SimpleRNN, self).__init__(
embed=L.EmbedID(n_vocab, n_units)
x2h=L.Linear(n_units, n_units),
h2h=L.Linear(n_units, n_units),
h2y=L.Linear(n_units, n_vocab),)
self.h = None
def __call__(self, x):
y, h_new = self.fwd_one_step(x, self.h)
self.h = h_new
return y
def fwd_one_step(self, x, h):
x = F.tanh(self.embed(x))
if h is None:
h = F.tanh(self.x2h(x))
h = F.tanh(self.x2h(x) + self.h2h(h))
y = F.softmax(self.h2y(h))
return y, h	
x_1 h y_1
x_2 h y_2
x_3 h y_3
x_4 h y_4
BPTT	length	=	3
Input	word OutputRecurrent	state
# Truncated BPTT (length=3)
for i in range(0, datasize, batchsize):
accum_loss += model(x, t)
if i % bptt_length == 0:
Code sample (4/4): Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth
A paper published on arXiv, March 30, 2016
l  A	variant	of	Residual	Net	that	skips	connecOons	stochasOcally	
̶  Outperformed	the	original	Residual	Net	(ImageNet	2015	winner,	MSR)	
̶  StochasOc	skip:	
Taken from
G. Huang et al.	
# Mock code in Chainer
class StochasticResNet(Chain):
def __init__(self, prob, size, …):
super(StochasticResNet, size, …).__init__(
## Define f[i] as same for Residual Net )
self.p = prob # Survival probabilities
def __call__(self, h):
for i in range(self.size):
b = numpy.random.binomial(1, self.p[i])
c = self.f[i](h) + h if b == 1 else h
h = F.relu(c)
return h
w/ survival probability: 	
l  Other	features	
̶  Install	with	pip	in	one	line:		
̶  MulO-GPU	support	by	explicitly	selecOng	the	ID	to	use		
̶  Pre-trained	Caffe	model	import	from	Model	Zoo	
̶  Model	serializaOon	&	save	&	load	:	HDF5	or	NumPy	npz	
l  Future	direcOon	(not	only	for	Chainer)	
̶  JIT-like	opOmizaOon	during	Define-by-Run	
̶  Memory	consumpOon	reducOon	(GPU	memory	is	sOll	small)	
̶  Handling	variable-length	inputs	without	minibatch	
̶  Maximizing	performance	on	mulO-node	&	mulO-GPU	environment	
$ pip install chainer
l  Deep	learning	framework	basics	
l  IntroducOon	to	Chainer	
l  CuPy:	NumPy-compaOble	GPU	library	
l  Performance	and	applicaOons
CuPy: (partially-)NumPy-compatible GPU library
l  MoOvaOon:	NumPy	+	CUDA	=	CuPy	
̶  NumPy	is	the	standard	library	in	Python	for	numerical	computaOon	
̶  CUDA	is	the	standard	APIs	for	using	GPU	for	high-performance		
̶  Unfortunately,	NumPy	does	NOT	work	with	CUDA	
l  CuPy	supports:	
̶  Fast	computaOon	using	NVIDIA’s	cuBLAS	and	cuDNN	
̶  Array	indexing,	slicing,	transpose,	and	reshape	
̶  Most	of	operaOons/funcOons	in	NumPy	
u  Chainer	v1.7.2	already	supports	more	than	170	funcOons	
̶  User-defined	funcOons	and	kernels	
̶  all	dtypes,	broadcasOng,	memory	pool,	etc	
How to use CuPy
l  Usage	of	CuPy:	just	replace	NumPy with	CuPy	
l  Conversion	between	numpy.ndarray	and	cupy.ndarray
l  Ex.	CPU/GPU-agnosOc	logsumexp	funcOon
def logsumexp(x, axis=None):
xp = cuda.get_array_module(x) #Get CuPy or NumPy
x_max = x.max(axis)
exp_sum = xp.exp(x - x_max).sum(axis)
return x_max + xp.log(exp_sum)	
import numpy, cupy
enable_cupy = True
xp = cupy if enable_cupy else numpy	
w_c = cupy.asarray(numpy.ones(10)) # cupy.ndarray
w_n = cupy.asnumpy(cupy.ones(10)) # numpy.ndarray 	
CuPy implementation:
Optimized for performance & NumPy-compatibility
l  Use	Cython	for	cupy.core	&	cupy.cuda	
l  Dynamic	code	generaOon	&	compile	
̶  CUDA	code	is	generated	for	specific	tensor	dimension	&	data	type	
̶  On-the-fly	compile	by	nvcc	and	binary	cache	(faster	awer	1st	use)	
CUDA	libraries	(cuBLAS,	cuRAND,	cuDNN)
ufunc,	elementwise,	reduc5on	
CUDA	Python	wrapper cupy.cuda	
Tensor	opera5ons	&	func5ons cupy	
CuPy performance on linear algebra:
5 to 25 times faster than NumPy
def test(xp):
a = xp.arange(1000000).reshape(1000, -1)
return a.T * 2
t1 =
for i in range(1000):
t2 =
print(t2 -t1)
t1 =
for i in range(1000):
t2 =
print(t2 -t1)
msec speed	
NumPy	 2,929 1.0
CuPy 585 5.0
CuPy	+	
Memory	Pool
123 23.8
Intel	Core	i7-4790	@3.60GHz,32GB,	GeForce	GTX	970	
Use CuPy for GPU-based computation
l  Support	three	paZerns	as	wrappers	
̶  ElementwiseKernel:	for	element-wise	computaOon		
̶  ReducOonKernel:	for	reduce	operaOon	along	axis	
̶  ufunc:	universal	funcOon	as	in	Numpy	
l  Ex.	definiOon	of	an	element-wise	funcOon		
l  Usage	(automaOc	broadcast	and	type	check	are	supported)	
squared_diff = cupy.ElementwiseKernel(
‘float32 x, float32 y’, # Input
‘float32 z’, # Output
‘z = (x - y) * (x - y)’, # Operation
‘squared_diff’) # Name
squared_diff(cupy.arange(10), 10)
l  Deep	learning	framework	basics	
l  IntroducOon	to	Chainer	
l  CuPy:	NumPy-compaOble	GPU	library	
l  Performance	and	applicaOons
Public benchmark results (CNN):
Chainer shows comparable performance
l  Forward	computaOon	is	almost	the	same	with	TensorFlow	
l  Training	with	backward	computaOon	is	slower,	but	it	can	be	
offset	by	no	compilaOon	Ome	while	debugging/tuning	
AlexNet	 GoogLeNet	 VGG-A	 OverFeat	
Caffe	(naCve)	
AlexNet	 GoogLeNet	 VGG-A	 OverFeat	
Caffe	(naCve)	
Forward computation (msec) Backward computation (msec)
Taken from, using cuDNN except Caffe	 36
Chainer can benefit from latest CUDA libraries:
Ex. Winograd algorithm in cuDNN v5
l  Conv3x3	is	common	in	CNNs	&	now	computed	with	Winograd	
l  State-of-the-art	CNN	models	(e.g.,	GoogLeNet,	VGG-A)	
can	be	accelerated	up	to	2.0x	at	test	Ome	(forward	only)	
AlexNet	 GoogLeNet	 VGG-A	 OverFeat	
cuDNN	v4	
cuDNN	v5	
AlexNet	 GoogLeNet	 VGG-A	 OverFeat	
cuDNN	v4	
cuDNN	v5	
Forward computation (msec) Backward computation (msec)
Independently measured by a modified version of soumith/convnet-benchmarks
cuDNN v5 can be used in Chainer v1.8.0	 37
Algorithm implementation in Chainer:
A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style (Gatys et al., 2015)
l  hZps://	
image (cat)
+	 =	
Main code (45 lines)	 38
l  Many	collaboraOons	are	on-going	w/	Chainer-based		
computer	vision,	deep	reinforcement	learning,	etc…	
l  Ex.	1	Chainer-controlled	toy	cars	in	Toyota	booth	at	CES	2016	
l  Ex.	2	Highly	accurate	FANUC’s	bin-picking	robot	at	IREX	2015	
̶  8	hours	training	to	reach	expert-level,	commercializaOon	by	2016	end
Chainer in industry:
Used in demonstrations & being commercialized	
l  Chainer	is	a	Python-based	deep	learning	framework	
with	dynamic	network	construcOon	scheme	and	CuPy	
l  It	is	designed	for	efficient	research	and	prototyping	while	
keeping	comparable	performance	thanks	to	NVIDIA	GPU	
l  Official	web:	hZp://	
l  Github:	hZps://	
Your	contribuOons	will	be	appreciated	&	we	are	hiring!

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Chainer GTC 2016

  • 2. Overview l  Chainer is a Python-based deep learning framework l  Chainer v1.0 was released as an open source on June 2015 l  It DOESN’T rely on Theano, unlike other Python frameworks l  Chainer uses a unique scheme named Define-by-Run l  Why do users sOll need another framework? l  How different and effecOve Chainer is? 2
  • 3. Preferred Networks (PFN) A startup that applies deep learning to industrial IoT l  Founded: March 2014 l  Headquarter: Tokyo, Japan l  U.S. Subsidiary: San Mateo, California l  Company size: 35 engineers & researchers l  Investors: Toyota, FANUC, NTT Deep learning Industrial IoT 3 Manufacturing Automotive Healthcare
  • 4. Partnering with world-leading companies using Chainer l  R&D collaboraOon on industrial problems with real-world data ̶  Specific requirements, modified algorithms, many trials and errors, etc ̶  Different from making general-purpose recogniOon system 4 Toyota FANUC Panasonic NTT Cisco NVIDIA
  • 5. Two types of background behind DL frameworks 1. Scalability-oriented l  Use-cases in mind ̶  Image/speech recogniOon system ̶  Fast DL as a service in cloud l  Problem type ̶  A few general applicaOons ̶  10+ million training samples ̶  10+ nodes cluster w/ fast network l  Possible boZleneck ̶  Tuning of well-known algorithms ̶  Distributed computaOon for model/data-parallel training 2. Flexibility-oriented l  Use-cases in mind ̶  Algorithm research ̶  R&D projects for new products l  Problem type ̶  Various specific applicaOons ̶  10+ k training samples ̶  1 node with mulOple GPUs l  Possible boZleneck ̶  Trial-and-error in prototyping ̶  Debugging, profiling & refactoring ̶  (wait Ome during compilaOon)
  • 6. Designed for efficient research & development l  Flexible: new kinds of complex models for various applicaOons l  IntuiOve: rapid prototyping and efficient trial-and-error l  Powerful: comparable performance for 1 node & mulO-GPUs 6 Scalability-oriented Flexibility-oriented
  • 7. Agenda l  Deep learning framework basics l  IntroducOon to Chainer l  CuPy: NumPy-compaOble GPU library l  Performance and applicaOons 7
  • 8. Neural network and computation x1 xN ・・ h1 hH ・・・・ kM k1 yM y1 Forward computation Backward computation (backpropagation) ・・ ・・ Input Hidden units Output Text Image Sensor Object:
 Tulip Anomaly score:
 0.35 Category:
 Sports ・・ ・・・・ 8
  • 9. Chainer focuses on network representation/training l  Design choices for deep learning frameworks ̶  How to build neural networks? ̶  How to train neural networks? ̶  Which text format/language for modeling? ̶  Which language for compuOng? ̶  Run with GPU? ̶  Run on mulOple GPUs? ̶  Run on mulOple compute nodes? 9
  • 10. Building and training neural networks: Computational graph construction is the key 1.  Construct a computaOonal graph ̶  Based on network definiOon given by users ̶  Chains of funcOons and operaOons on input variables 2.  Compute loss and gradients ̶  Forward computaOon to calculate loss for a minibatch ̶  BackpropagaOon gives gradients to all of parameters 3.  OpOmize model ̶  Update each parameter with the gradient ̶  Repeat unOl convergence Step 1. is the most important and there are many approaches 10
  • 11. Building blocks l  These funcOonaliOes are very similar between frameworks l  But the structure, abstracOon level, and interface are different l  It comes to the design of domain-specific language for NN Array data structure (vector/matrix/tensor) Operations & functions Network (computational graph) Optimizer (SGD/AdaGrad/Adam) 11
  • 12. Types of domain-specific language for neural networks l  Text DSL ̶  Ex. Caffe (prototxt) ̶  Ex. CNTK (NDL) l  Symbolic program ̶  OperaOons on symbols ̶  Ex. Theano ̶  Ex. TensorFlow l  ImperaOve program ̶  Direct computaOons on raw data arrays ̶  Ex. Torch.nn ̶  Ex. Chainer # Symbolic definiOon A = Variable(‘A’) B = Variable(‘B’) C = B * A D = C + Constant(1) # Compile f = compile(D) d = f(A=np.ones(10), B=np.ones(10) * 2) # ImperaOve declaraOon a = np.ones(10) b = np.ones(10) * 2 c = b * a d = c + 1 %% DefiniOon in text f: { “A”: “Variable”, “B”: “Variable”, “C”: [“B”, “*”, “A”], “ret”: [“C”, “+”, 1] } # Compile f = compile(“f.txt”) d = f(A=np.ones(10), B=np.ones(10) * 2) 12 Ex. MXNet
  • 13. Comparison of DSL type DSL type Pros. Cons. Text DSL •  Human-readable definiOon •  Non-programmer can easily edit the network •  Users must study the format •  Format might have to be extended for new algorithms Internal DSL Symbolic •  StaOc analysis at compile •  OpOmizaOon before training •  Easy to parallelize •  Users must study special syntax •  May need more efforts to implement new algorithms ImperaOve •  Less efforts to learn syntax •  Easy debugging and profiling •  Suitable for new algorithms with complex logic •  Hard to opOmize in advance •  Less efficient in memory allocaOon and parallelizaOon Chainer is at the extreme end of imperaOve program for high flexibility 13
  • 14. Agenda l  Deep learning framework basics l  IntroducOon to Chainer l  CuPy: NumPy-compaOble GPU library l  Performance and applicaOons 14
  • 15. Chainer as an open-source project l  hZps:// l  50 contributors l  1,277 stars & 255 fork l  3,708 commits l  AcOve development & release for last 10 months ̶  v1.0.0 (June 2015) to v1.7.2 (March 2016) 15 Original developer Seiya Tokui
  • 16. CuPy Chainer software stack CPU NVIDIA GPU CUDA cuDNN BLAS NumPy Chainer l  Chainer is built on top of NumPy and CUDA l  CuPy is also introduced as an equivalent of NumPy on GPU 16
  • 17. Run Define Graph build scheme (1/2) - Define-and-Run: Most of frameworks use this scheme (Chainer does not) l  Define: build a computaOonal graph based on definiOon l  Run: update the model (parameters) using training dataset Network definiOon ComputaOonal graph Gradient funcOon Parameters ComputaOonal graph Gradient funcOon Parameters Training data Update Loss & gradient Auto differenOaOon 17
  • 18. Define-by-Run Graph build scheme (2/2) - Define-by-Run: Computational graph construction on the fly l  No graph is constructed before training l  Instead, the graph is built at each forward computaOon l  ComputaOonal graph can be modified dynamically for each iteraOon/sample or depending on some condiOons Model definiOon ComputaOonal graph Gradient funcOon Parameters Training data Update Dynamic change CondiOons 18
  • 19. Define-by-Run example: MLP for MNIST l  Only transformaOons between units are set before training l  ConnecOon is given as forward computaOon l1 = Linear(784, n_units) l2 = Linear(n_units, 10)) Linear l2Linear l1 x yh1 W bias 0 5 9 W bias ReLU def forward(x): h1 = ReLU(l1(x)) return l2(h1) 19
  • 20. Define-by-Run: An interpreted language for neural network l  Idea ̶  Forward computaOon actually goes through computaOonal graph ̶  By remembering the history, the actual graph can be obtained l  Advantage ̶  Flexibility for new algorithms with complex components u  Ex. recurrent, recursive, aZenOon, memory, adversarial, etc ̶  IntuiOve coding with highly imperaOve network definiOon u  Ex. stochasOc network of which graph changes for each iteraOon l  Current drawbacks ̶  Graph is generated every Ome also for fixed networks ̶  No opOmizaOon even for staOc part of graphs u  JIT-like analysis and subgraph cache might be useful 20
  • 21. Basic components (1/2): Variable and Function l  Variable ̶  Variable wraps arrays (.data) ̶  It remembers parent funcOon (.creator) ̶  It will be assigned gradient (.grad) ̶  It keeps track of not only data but also computaOons l  FuncOon ̶  TransformaOon between Variable ̶  Stateless ̶  e.g. sigmoid, tanh, ReLU, maxpooling, dropout Function x y Variable x yh1 0 5 9 21
  • 22. Chain (MLP2) Basic components (2/2): Link and Chain l  Link = funcOon with state ̶  Parameters are also Variable and gradients will be assigned ̶  e.g. Linear (fully-connected), LSTM ConvoluOon2d, word-embedding l  Chain = network ̶  Chain has a set of child Link ̶  Forward computaOon is defined in . __call__() ̶  e.g. MLP2, AlexNet, GoogLeNet, RNNLM, seq2seq, Link (Linear) y=f(W*x+b) x y W b Linear l2Linear l1 yh1 W bias W bias ReLU 22
  • 23. Backpropagation through computational graph l  Consider an objecOve (Link.Linear): L = f(x * w + b) l  This computes the value of L in forward computaOon, and simultaneously builds the following computaOonal graph l  The gradient of L can be computed with respect to any variables by backpropagaOon l  Then the opOmizer updates the value of parameters *x W + b f L is Variable is FuncOon 23
  • 24. Code sample (1/4): Multi-layer perceptron class MLP2(Chain): def __init__(self): super(MLP2, self).__init__( l1=L.Linear(784, 100), l2=L.Linear(100, 10), ) def __call__(self, x): h1 = F.relu(self.l1(x)) y = self.l2(h1) return y class Classifier(Chain): def __init__(self, predictor): super(Classifier, self). __init__(predictor=predictor) def __call__(self, x, t): y = self.predictor(x) self.accuracy = F.accuracy(y, t) self.loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(y, t) return self.loss, self.accuracy # Model and optimizer setup model = Classifier(MLP2()) optimizer = optimizers.SGD() optimizer.setup(model) # training loop with minibatch for i in range(0, datasize, batchsize): x = Variable(x_tr[i:i+batchsize]) t = Variable(y_tr[i:i+batchsize]) model.zerograds() loss, acc = model(x, t) loss.backward() optimizer.update() Chain (MLP2) Linear l2Linear l1 yh1 W bias W bias ReLU 24
  • 25. Code sample (2/4): Convolutional neural network class AlexNet(Chain): def __init__(self): super(AlexNet, self).__init__( conv1=L.Convolution2D(3, 96, 11, stride=4), conv2=L.Convolution2D(96, 256, 5, pad=2), conv3=L.Convolution2D(256, 384, 3, pad=1), conv4=L.Convolution2D(384, 384, 3, pad=1), conv5=L.Convolution2D(384, 256, 3, pad=1), fc6=L.Linear(9216, 4096), fc7=L.Linear(4096, 4096), fc8=L.Linear(4096, 1000), ) def __call__(self, x, t): h = F.max_pooling_2d(F.relu( F.local_response_normalization(self.conv1(x))), 3, stride=2) h = F.max_pooling_2d(F.relu( F.local_response_normalization(self.conv2(h))), 3, stride=2) h = F.relu(self.conv3(h)) h = F.relu(self.conv4(h)) h = F.max_pooling_2d(F.relu(self.conv5(h)), 3, stride=2) h = F.dropout(F.relu(self.fc6(h)), train=self.train) h = F.dropout(F.relu(self.fc7(h)), train=self.train) y = self.fc8(h) return y * ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks conv2d conv2d conv2d conv2d conv2d linear linear 25 linear
  • 26. Code sample (3/4): Recurrent neural network class SimpleRNN(Chain): def __init__(self, n_vocab, n_units): super(SimpleRNN, self).__init__( embed=L.EmbedID(n_vocab, n_units) x2h=L.Linear(n_units, n_units), h2h=L.Linear(n_units, n_units), h2y=L.Linear(n_units, n_vocab),) self.h = None def __call__(self, x): y, h_new = self.fwd_one_step(x, self.h) self.h = h_new return y def fwd_one_step(self, x, h): x = F.tanh(self.embed(x)) if h is None: h = F.tanh(self.x2h(x)) else: h = F.tanh(self.x2h(x) + self.h2h(h)) y = F.softmax(self.h2y(h)) return y, h x_1 h y_1 x_2 h y_2 x_3 h y_3 x_4 h y_4 BPTT length = 3 Input word OutputRecurrent state # Truncated BPTT (length=3) for i in range(0, datasize, batchsize): ... accum_loss += model(x, t) if i % bptt_length == 0: model.zerograds() accum_loss.backward() accum_loss.unchain_backward() optimizer.update() 26
  • 27. Code sample (4/4): Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth A paper published on arXiv, March 30, 2016 l  A variant of Residual Net that skips connecOons stochasOcally ̶  Outperformed the original Residual Net (ImageNet 2015 winner, MSR) ̶  StochasOc skip: Taken from G. Huang et al. # Mock code in Chainer class StochasticResNet(Chain): def __init__(self, prob, size, …): super(StochasticResNet, size, …).__init__( ## Define f[i] as same for Residual Net ) self.p = prob # Survival probabilities def __call__(self, h): for i in range(self.size): b = numpy.random.binomial(1, self.p[i]) c = self.f[i](h) + h if b == 1 else h h = F.relu(c) return h w/ survival probability: 27
  • 28. Miscellaneous l  Other features ̶  Install with pip in one line: ̶  MulO-GPU support by explicitly selecOng the ID to use ̶  Pre-trained Caffe model import from Model Zoo ̶  Model serializaOon & save & load : HDF5 or NumPy npz l  Future direcOon (not only for Chainer) ̶  JIT-like opOmizaOon during Define-by-Run ̶  Memory consumpOon reducOon (GPU memory is sOll small) ̶  Handling variable-length inputs without minibatch ̶  Maximizing performance on mulO-node & mulO-GPU environment $ pip install chainer 28
  • 29. Agenda l  Deep learning framework basics l  IntroducOon to Chainer l  CuPy: NumPy-compaOble GPU library l  Performance and applicaOons 29
  • 30. CuPy: (partially-)NumPy-compatible GPU library l  MoOvaOon: NumPy + CUDA = CuPy ̶  NumPy is the standard library in Python for numerical computaOon ̶  CUDA is the standard APIs for using GPU for high-performance ̶  Unfortunately, NumPy does NOT work with CUDA l  CuPy supports: ̶  Fast computaOon using NVIDIA’s cuBLAS and cuDNN ̶  Array indexing, slicing, transpose, and reshape ̶  Most of operaOons/funcOons in NumPy u  Chainer v1.7.2 already supports more than 170 funcOons ̶  User-defined funcOons and kernels ̶  all dtypes, broadcasOng, memory pool, etc 30
  • 31. How to use CuPy l  Usage of CuPy: just replace NumPy with CuPy l  Conversion between numpy.ndarray and cupy.ndarray l  Ex. CPU/GPU-agnosOc logsumexp funcOon def logsumexp(x, axis=None): xp = cuda.get_array_module(x) #Get CuPy or NumPy x_max = x.max(axis) exp_sum = xp.exp(x - x_max).sum(axis) return x_max + xp.log(exp_sum) import numpy, cupy enable_cupy = True xp = cupy if enable_cupy else numpy w_c = cupy.asarray(numpy.ones(10)) # cupy.ndarray w_n = cupy.asnumpy(cupy.ones(10)) # numpy.ndarray 31
  • 32. CuPy implementation: Optimized for performance & NumPy-compatibility l  Use Cython for cupy.core & cupy.cuda l  Dynamic code generaOon & compile ̶  CUDA code is generated for specific tensor dimension & data type ̶  On-the-fly compile by nvcc and binary cache (faster awer 1st use) CUDA libraries (cuBLAS, cuRAND, cuDNN) ndarray ufunc, elementwise, reduc5on CUDA Python wrapper cupy.cuda cupy.core Tensor opera5ons & func5ons cupy 32
  • 33. CuPy performance on linear algebra: 5 to 25 times faster than NumPy def test(xp): a = xp.arange(1000000).reshape(1000, -1) return a.T * 2 test(numpy) t1 = for i in range(1000): test(numpy) t2 = print(t2 -t1) test(cupy) t1 = for i in range(1000): test(cupy) t2 = print(t2 -t1) msec speed up NumPy 2,929 1.0 CuPy 585 5.0 CuPy + Memory Pool 123 23.8 Intel Core i7-4790 @3.60GHz,32GB, GeForce GTX 970 33
  • 34. Use CuPy for GPU-based computation l  Support three paZerns as wrappers ̶  ElementwiseKernel: for element-wise computaOon ̶  ReducOonKernel: for reduce operaOon along axis ̶  ufunc: universal funcOon as in Numpy l  Ex. definiOon of an element-wise funcOon l  Usage (automaOc broadcast and type check are supported) squared_diff = cupy.ElementwiseKernel( ‘float32 x, float32 y’, # Input ‘float32 z’, # Output ‘z = (x - y) * (x - y)’, # Operation ‘squared_diff’) # Name squared_diff(cupy.arange(10), 10) 34
  • 35. Agenda l  Deep learning framework basics l  IntroducOon to Chainer l  CuPy: NumPy-compaOble GPU library l  Performance and applicaOons 35
  • 36. Public benchmark results (CNN): Chainer shows comparable performance l  Forward computaOon is almost the same with TensorFlow l  Training with backward computaOon is slower, but it can be offset by no compilaOon Ome while debugging/tuning 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 AlexNet GoogLeNet VGG-A OverFeat Torch TensorFlow Chainer Caffe (naCve) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 AlexNet GoogLeNet VGG-A OverFeat Torch TensorFlow Chainer Caffe (naCve) Forward computation (msec) Backward computation (msec) Taken from, using cuDNN except Caffe 36
  • 37. Chainer can benefit from latest CUDA libraries: Ex. Winograd algorithm in cuDNN v5 l  Conv3x3 is common in CNNs & now computed with Winograd l  State-of-the-art CNN models (e.g., GoogLeNet, VGG-A) can be accelerated up to 2.0x at test Ome (forward only) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 AlexNet GoogLeNet VGG-A OverFeat cuDNN v4 cuDNN v5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 AlexNet GoogLeNet VGG-A OverFeat cuDNN v4 cuDNN v5 Forward computation (msec) Backward computation (msec) Independently measured by a modified version of soumith/convnet-benchmarks cuDNN v5 can be used in Chainer v1.8.0 37
  • 38. Algorithm implementation in Chainer: A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style (Gatys et al., 2015) l  hZps:// Content image (cat) Style image New artistic image + = Main code (45 lines) 38
  • 39. l  Many collaboraOons are on-going w/ Chainer-based computer vision, deep reinforcement learning, etc… l  Ex. 1 Chainer-controlled toy cars in Toyota booth at CES 2016 l  Ex. 2 Highly accurate FANUC’s bin-picking robot at IREX 2015 ̶  8 hours training to reach expert-level, commercializaOon by 2016 end Chainer in industry: Used in demonstrations & being commercialized 39