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Scaling Python to GPUs and CPUs
Stanford Stats 285
October 30, 2017
Travis E. Oliphant
President, Chief Data Scientist, Co-founder Anaconda, Inc.
My Background
• MS/BS degrees in Elec. Comp. Engineering
• PhD from Mayo Clinic in Biomedical Engineering
(Ultrasound and MRI)
• Creator and Developer of SciPy (1998-2009)
• Professor at BYU (2001-2007) Inverse Problems
• Creator and Developer of NumPy (2005-2012)
• Started Numba (2012)
• Founder of NumFOCUS / PyData
• Python Software Foundation Director (2012)
• Co-founder of Continuum Analytics => Anaconda, Inc.
• CEO (2012) => Chief Data Scientist (2017)
Empower domain experts with high-level tools that
exploit modern hard-ware
Array Oriented Computing
• Express domain knowledge
directly in arrays (tensors,
matrices, vectors) --- easier to
teach programming in domain
• Can take advantage of
parallelism and accelerators
• Array expressions
Why Array-oriented computing
Attr1 Attr2 Attr3
• Today’s vector machines (and vector co-processors, or GPUS) were
made for array-oriented computing.
• The software stack has just not caught up --- unfortunate because
APL came out in 1963.
• There is a reason Fortran remains popular.
More reasons for array-oriented
Python and in particular PyData is Growing
Python’s Scientific Stack
Python’s Scientific Stack
Python’s Scientific Stack
Python’s Scientific Stack
Python’s Scientific Ecosystem
Data Science Workflow
New Data
NotebooksUnderstand Data
Getting Data
Understand World
Exploratory Data Analysis and Viz
Data Products
New Data
NotebooksUnderstand Data
Getting Data
Understand World
Exploratory Data Analysis and Viz
Data Products
Data Science Workflow
Machine Learning Explosion
mxnet / minpy
Apache Singa
A Representation of Packages for ML
© 2017 Anaconda, Inc. - Confidential & Proprietary
NumPy and Packages that Depend on It
© 2017 Anaconda, Inc. - Confidential & Proprietary
pandas Depends on NumPy
(and other packages depend on pandas)
© 2017 Anaconda, Inc. - Confidential & Proprietary
Caffe Depends on pandas and NumPy
© 2017 Anaconda, Inc. - Confidential & Proprietary
Embrace Innovation Without Anarchy
Conda Forge
Conda Environments
Anaconda Project
A cross-platform and language agnostic package and
environment manager
A community-led collection of recipes, build
infrastructure, and packages for conda.
Custom isolated software sandboxes to allow easy
reproducibility and sharing of data-science work.
Reproducible, executable project directories
• Language independent
• Platform independent
• No special privileges required
• No VMs or containers
• Enables:
- Reproducibility
- Collaboration
- Scaling
“conda – package everything”
Python v2.7
Conda Sandboxing Technology
$ anaconda-project run plot —show
conda install tensorflow
Basic Conda Usage
Install a package conda install sympy
List all installed packages conda list
Search for packages
conda search llvm
Create a new environment
conda create -n py3k python=3
Remove a package
conda remove nose
Get help
conda install --help
Advanced Conda Usage
Install a package in an environment conda install -n py3k sympy
Update all packages conda update --all
Export list of packages conda list --export packages.txt
Install packages from an export conda install --file packages.txt
See package history conda list --revisions
Revert to a revision conda install --revision 23
Remove unused packages and cached
conda clean -pt
Development Deployment
Conda eases rapid deployment
Without NumPy
from math import sin, pi
def sinc(x):
if x == 0:
return 1.0
pix = pi*x
return sin(pix)/pix
def step(x):
if x > 0:
return 1.0
elif x < 0:
return 0.0
return 0.5
>>> import functions as f
>>> xval = [x/3.0 for x in
>>> yval1 = [f.sinc(x) for x
in xval]
>>> yval2 = [f.step(x) for x
in xval]
Python is a great language but
needed a way to operate quickly
and cleanly over multi-
dimensional arrays.
With NumPy
from numpy import sin, pi
from numpy import vectorize
import functions as f
vsinc = vectorize(f.sinc)
def sinc(x):
pix = pi*x
val = sin(pix)/pix
val[x==0] = 1.0
return val
vstep = vectorize(f.step)
def step(x):
y = x*0.0
y[x>0] = 1
y[x==0] = 0.5
return y
>>> import functions2 as f
>>> from numpy import *
>>> x = r_[-10:10]/3.0
>>> y1 = f.sinc(x)
>>> y2 = f.step(x)
Offers N-D array, element-by-element
functions, and basic random numbers,
linear algebra, and FFT capability for
Fiscally sponsored by NumFOCUS
NumPy: an Array Extension of Python
• Data: the array object
– slicing and shaping
– data-type map to Bytes
• Fast Math (ufuncs):
– vectorization
– broadcasting
– aggregations
NumPy Array
Key Attributes
• dtype
• shape
• ndim
• strides
• data
NumPy Examples
2d array
3d array
[439 472 477]
[217 205 261 222 245 238]
9.98330639789 2.96677717122
NumPy Slicing (Selection)
>>> a[0,3:5]
array([3, 4])
>>> a[4:,4:]
array([[44, 45],
[54, 55]])
>>> a[:,2]
>>> a[2::2,::2]
array([[20, 22, 24],
[40, 42, 44]])
• Provides foundational N-dimensional array composed
of homogeneous elements of a particular “dtype”
• The dtype of the elements is extensive (but difficult to
• Arrays can be sliced and diced with simple syntax to
provide easy manipulation and selection.
• Provides fast and powerful math, statistics, and linear
algebra functions that operate over arrays.
• Utilities for sorting, reading and writing data also
Scaling Up and Out with
Numba and Dask
Scale Up vs Scale Out
Big Memory &
Many Cores
/ GPU Box
Best of Both
(e.g. GPU Cluster)
Many commodity
nodes in a cluster
Scale Out
(More Nodes)
Dask with Numba
© 2017 Anaconda, Inc. - Confidential & Proprietary
Name Latest
Number of
GitHub Stars Contributors Downloads in
numba 0.35 92 2647 74 1.8m
dask 0.15.4 38 2001 112 1.2m
dask-ml 0.3.1 6 104 4
Numba (compile Python to CPUs and GPUs)
conda install numba
n (IR)
Code Generation
def filter(image, filt, output):
M, N = image.shape
m, n = filt.shape
for i in range(m//2, M-m//2):
for j in range(n//2, N-n//2):
result = 0.0
for k in range(m):
for l in range(n):
result += image[i+k-m//2,j+l-n//2]*filt[k, l]
output[i,j] = result
~1500x speed-up
Image Processing
Works with and does not replace the standard Python interpreter
(all of your existing Python libraries are still available)
Numba Features
Example: Filter an array
Example: Filter an array
Array Allocation
Looping over ndarray x as an iterator
Using numpy math functions
Returning a slice of the array
Numba decorator
(nopython=True not required)
2.7x Speedup
over NumPy!
NumPy UFuncs and GUFuncs
NumPy ufuncs (and gufuncs) are functions that operate “element-wise” (or “sub-
dimension-wise”) across an array without an explicit loop.
This implicit loop (which is in machine code) is at the core of why NumPy is fast.
Dispatch is done internally to a particular code-segment based on the type of the
array. It is a very powerful abstraction in the PyData stack.
Making new fast ufuncs used to be only possible in C — painful!
With numba.vectorize and numba.guvectorize it is now easy!
The inner secrets of NumPy are now at your finger-tips for you to make your own
Simple Ufunc
def dot2(a,b,x,y):
return a*x + b*y
>>> a, b, x, y = np.random.randn(4,1000)
>>> z = a * x + b * y
>>> z2 = dot2(a, b, x, y) # faster
Faster (especially) as N grows because it does not create temporaries.
NumPy creates temporary arrays for intermediate results.
Numba creates a fast machine-code kernel from the Python template
and calls it for every element in the arrays.
Generalized Ufunc
@guvectorize(‘f8[:], f8[:], f8[:]’, ‘(n),(n)->()’)
def dot2(a,b,c):
c[0]=a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1]
>>> a, b = np.random.randn(10000,2), np.random.randn(10000,2)
>>> z1 = np.einsum(‘ij,ij->i’, a, b)
>>> z2 = dot2(a, b) # uses last dimension as in each kernel
This can create quite a bit of computation with very little code.
Numba creates a fast machine-code kernel from the Python template
and calls it for every element in the arrays.
3.8x faster
Perform a computation
on a finite window of the input.
For a linear system, this is a FIR
filter and what np.convolve or
sp.signal.lfilter can do.
But what if you want some
arbitrary computation like a
windowed median filter.
Example: Making a windowed compute filter
Hand-coded implementation
Build a ufunc for the kernel which is faster for
large arrays!
This can now run easily on GPU
with ‘target=cuda’ and many-cores
Example: Making a windowed compute filter
Example: Making a windowed compute filter
1. Create a realistic benchmark test case.
(Do not use your unit tests as a benchmark!)
2. Run a profiler on your benchmark.
(cProfile is a good choice)
3. Identify hotspots that could potentially be compiled by Numba with a little refactoring.
(see online documentation)
4. Apply @numba.jit, @numba.vectorize, and @numba.guvectorize as needed to critical
functions. (Small rewrites may be needed to work around Numba limitations.)
5. Re-run benchmark to check if there was a performance improvement.
6. Use target=parallel to get access to multiple cores (or target=cuda if you have a
How to Use Numba
How Numba works
Python Function
Numba IR
def do_math(a,b):
>>> do_math(x, y)
Rewrite IR
7 things about Numba you may not know
Numba is 100% Open Source
Numba + Jupyter = Rapid
CUDA Prototyping
Numba can compile for the
CPU and the GPU at the same time
Numba makes array processing
easy with @(gu)vectorize
Numba comes with a
CUDA Simulator
You can send Numba
functions over the network
Numba developers are working
On a GPU DataFrame (pygdf)
Numba is quite popular!
A numba mailing list reports experiments of a SciPy author who got 2x speed-
up by removing their Cython type annotations and surrounding function with
numba.jit (with a few minor changes needed to the code).
With Numba’s ahead-of-time compilation one can use Numba to create a
library that you ship to others (who then don’t need to have Numba installed).
This is not as clean as it could be.
SciPy (and NumPy) would look very different in Numba had existed 16 years
ago when SciPy was getting started — and the PyPy crowd would be happier.
Releasing the GIL
Only nopython
mode functions
can release the
Releasing the GIL
2.8x speedup with 4
CUDA Python (in open-source Numba!)
CUDA Development
using Python syntax for
optimal performance!
10-20x faster than CPU
You have to understand
CUDA at least a little —
writing kernels that launch in
parallel on the GPU
Classic Example
from numba import jit
def mandel(x, y, max_iters):
c = complex(x,y)
z = 0j
for i in range(max_iters):
z = z*z + c
if z.real * z.real + z.imag * z.imag >= 4:
return 255 * i // max_iters
return 255
The Basics
CPython 1x
Numpy array-wide operations 13x
Numba (CPU) 120x
Numba (NVidia Tesla K20c) 2100x
Other topics
CUDA Python — write general GPU kernels with Python
Device Arrays — manage memory transfer from host to GPU
Streaming — manage asynchronous and parallel GPU compute streams
CUDA Simulator in Python — to help debug your kernels
HSA Support — early support for HSA-based GPUs and APUs
Pyculib — access to cuFFT, cuBLAS, cuSPARSE, cuRAND, CUDA Sorting
• Designed to parallelize the Python ecosystem
• Handles complex algorithms
• Co-developed with Pandas/SKLearn/Jupyter teams
• Familiar APIs for Python users
• Scales
• Scales from multicore to 1000-node clusters
• Resilience, responsive, and real-time
• Parallelizes NumPy, Pandas, SKLearn
• Satisfies subset of these APIs
• Uses these libraries internally
• Co-developed with these teams
• Task scheduler supports custom algorithms
• Parallelize existing code
• Build novel real-time systems
• Arbitrary task graphs
with data dependencies
• Same scalability
demo video
• High level: Scaling Pandas
• Same Pandas look and feel
• Uses Pandas under the hood
• Scales nicely onto many machines
• Low level: Arbitrary task scheduling
• Parallelize normal Python code
• Build custom algorithms
• React real-time
• Demo deployed with
• dask-kubernetes
Google Compute Engine
• Youtube link
Why do people choose Dask?
• Familiar with Python:
• Drop-in NumPy/Pandas/SKLearn APIs
• Native memory environment
• Easy debugging and diagnostics
• Have complex problems:
• Parallelize existing code without expensive rewrites
• Sophisticated algorithms and systems
• Real-time response to small-data
• Scales up and down:
• Scales to 1000-node clusters
• Also runs cheaply on a laptop
#import pandas as pd
import dask.dataframe as dd
• Started as part of Blaze in early 2014.
• General parallel programming engine
• Flexible and therefore highly suited for
• Commodity Clusters
• Advanced Algorithms
• Wide community adoption and use
conda install -c conda-forge dask
pip install dask[complete] distributed --upgrade
Big DataSmall Data
Dask: From User Interaction to Execution
Dask: Parallel Data Processing
Synthetic views of
Numpy ndarrays
Synthetic views of
Pandas DataFrames
with HDFS support
DAG construction and
workflow manager
Dask is a Python parallel computing library that is:
• Familiar: Implements parallel NumPy and Pandas objects
• Fast: Optimized for demanding for numerical applications
• Flexible: for sophisticated and messy algorithms
• Scales up: Runs resiliently on clusters of 100s of machines
• Scales down: Pragmatic in a single process on a laptop
• Interactive: Responsive and fast for interactive data science
Dask complements the rest of Anaconda. It was developed with
NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn developers.
Overview of Dask
x.T - x.mean(axis=0)
def load(filename):
def clean(data):
def analyze(result):
Dask array (mimics NumPy)
Dask dataframe (mimics Pandas) Dask delayed (wraps custom code)
Dask bag (collection of data)
Dask Collections: Familiar Expressions and API
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_csv('iris.csv')
>>> df.head()
sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa
3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa
4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
>>> max_sepal_length_setosa = df[df.species
== 'setosa'].sepal_length.max()
>>> import dask.dataframe as dd
>>> ddf = dd.read_csv('*.csv')
>>> ddf.head()
sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa
3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa
4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
>>> d_max_sepal_length_setosa = ddf[ddf.species
== 'setosa'].sepal_length.max()
>>> d_max_sepal_length_setosa.compute()
Dask DataFrame is like Pandas
New Spark/Hadoop clusters
• Create and provision a Spark/Hadoop cluster with
a few simple steps
• Work on the cloud or with your existing in-house
Dask Graphs: Example Machine Learning Pipeline
Example 1: Using Dask DataFrames on a cluster with CSV data
• Built from Pandas DataFrames
• Match Pandas interface
• Access data from HDFS, S3, local, etc.
• Fast, low latency
• Responsive user interface
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np_ones = np.ones((5000, 1000))
>>> np_ones
array([[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]])
>>> np_y = np.log(np_ones + 1)[:5].sum(axis=1)
>>> np_y
array([ 693.14718056, 693.14718056,
693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056])
>>> import dask.array as da
>>> da_ones = da.ones((5000000, 1000000),
chunks=(1000, 1000))
>>> da_ones.compute()
array([[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]])
>>> da_y = da.log(da_ones + 1)[:5].sum(axis=1)
>>> np_da_y = np.array(da_y) #fits in memory
array([ 693.14718056, 693.14718056,
693.14718056, 693.14718056, …, 693.14718056])
# If result doesn’t fit in memory
>>> da_y.to_hdf5('myfile.hdf5', 'result')
Dask Array is like NumPy
Example 3: Using Dask Arrays with global temperature data
• Built from NumPy
n-dimensional arrays
• Matches NumPy interface
• Solve medium-large
• Complex algorithms
Dask Schedulers: Distributed Scheduler
Cluster Architecture Diagram
Client Machine Compute
Head Node
• Single machine with multiple threads or processes
• On a cluster with SSH (dcluster)
• Resource management: YARN (knit), SGE, Slurm
• On the cloud with Amazon EC2 (dec2)
• On a cluster with Anaconda for cluster management
• Manage multiple conda environments and packages
on bare-metal or cloud-based clusters
Using Anaconda and Dask on your Cluster
• The scheduler, workers, and clients pass messages between each other.
Semantically these messages encode commands, status updates, and
data, like the following:
• Please compute the function sum on the data x and store in y
• The computation y has been completed
• Be advised that a new worker named alice is available for use
• Here is the data for the keys 'x', and 'y'
Dask Protocol
In practice we represent these messages with dictionaries/mappings
• Protocol is a combination of msg pack for instructions and headers
• pickle/cloudpickle for arbitrary python objects
• byte strings (with optional compression) for large data.
• Prefer LZ4 to Snappy but either will be tried for messages above 1000B
• Protocol is extensible by registering serializers.
Dask Protocol
Dask Protocol - Scheduler
However, the Scheduler never uses the language-specific serialization
and instead only deals with MsgPack. If the client sends a pickled
function up to the scheduler the scheduler will not unpack function but
will instead keep it as bytes. Eventually those bytes will be sent to a
worker, which will then unpack the bytes into a proper Python function.
Because the Scheduler never unpacks language-specific serialized bytes
it may be in a different language.
• The Scheduler is protected from unpickling unsafe code
• The Scheduler can be run under pypy for improved performance. This is only useful for
larger clusters.
• We could conceivably implement workers and clients for other languages (like R or Julia)
and reuse the Python scheduler. The worker and client code is fairly simple and much
easier to reimplement than the scheduler, which is complex.
• The scheduler might some day be rewritten in more heavily optimized C or Go
• Scheduling arbitrary graphs is hard.
• Optimal graph scheduling is NP-hard
• Scalable Scheduling requires Linear time solutions
• Fortunately dask does well with a lot of heuristics
• … and a lot of monitoring and data about sizes
• … and how long functions take.
Dask Scheduler
Scheduler Visualization with Bokeh
What makes Dask different?
Lets look at some pictures of directed graphs
Most Parallel Framework Architectures
User API
High Level Representation
Logical Plan
Low Level Representation
Physical Plan
Task scheduler
for execution
SQL Database Architecture
SELECT avg(value)
FROM accounts
INNER JOIN customers ON …
WHERE name == ‘Alice’
SQL Database Architecture
SELECT avg(value)
FROM accounts
WHERE name == ‘Alice’
INNER JOIN customers ON …
Spark Architecture
df.join(df2, …)
Large Matrix Architecture
(A’ * A)  A’ * b
Dask Architecture
Dask Architecture
accts=accts[ == ‘Alice’]
df=dd.merge(accts, customers)
Dask Architecture
u, s, v = da.linalg.svd(X)
Y =
da.linalg.norm(X - y)
Dask Architecture
for i in range(256):
x = dask.delayed(f)(i)
y = dask.delayed(g)(x)
z = dask.delayed(add)(x, y
Dask Architecture
async def func():
client = await Client()
futures =…)
async for f in as_completed(…):
result = await f
Dask Architecture
Your own
system here
By dropping the high level representation
• Lose specialization
• Lose opportunities for high level optimization
• Become generalists
• More flexibility for new domains and algorithms
• Access to smarter algorithms
• Better task scheduling
Resource constraints, GPUs, multiple clients,
async-real-time, etc..
Ten Reasons People
Choose Dask
Scalable Pandas DataFrames
• Same API
import dask.dataframe as dd
df = dd.read_parquet(‘s3://bucket/accounts/2017')
• Efficient Timeseries Operations
df.loc[‘2017-01-01’] # Uses the Pandas index…
df.value.rolling(10).std() # for efficient…
df.value.resample(‘10m’).mean() # operations.
• Co-developed with Pandas
and by the Pandas developer community
Scalable NumPy Arrays
• Same API
import dask.array as da
x = da.from_array(my_hdf5_file)
y =
• Applications
• Atmospheric science
• Satellite imagery
• Biomedical imagery
• Optimization algorithms
check out dask-glm
Parallelize Scikit-Learn/Joblib
• Scikit-Learn parallelizes with Joblib
estimator = RandomForest(…), train_labels, njobs=8)
• Joblib can use Dask
from sklearn.externals.joblib import parallel_backend
with parallel_backend('dask', scheduler=‘…’):, train_labels)
Thread pool
Parallelize Scikit-Learn/Joblib
• Scikit-Learn parallelizes with Joblib
estimator = RandomForest(…), train_labels, njobs=8)
• Joblib can use Dask
from sklearn.externals.joblib import parallel_backend
with parallel_backend('dask', scheduler=‘…’):, train_labels)
Many Other Libraries in Anaconda
• Scikit-Image uses dask to break down images and speed
up algorithms with overlapping regions
• Geopandas can use Dask to partition data
spatially and accelerate spatial joins
Dask Scales Up
• Thousand node clusters
• Cloud computing
• Super computers
• Gigabyte/s bandwidth
• 200 microsecond task overhead
Dask Scales Down (the median cluster size is one)
• Can run in a single Python thread pool
• Almost no performance penalty (microseconds)
• Lightweight
• Few dependencies
• Easy install
Parallelize Web Backends
• Web servers process thousands of small computations asynchronously
for web pages or REST endpoints
• Dask provides dynamic, heterogenous computation
• Supports small data
• 10ms roundtrip times
• Dynamic scaling for different loads
• Supports asynchronous Python (like GoLang)
async def serve(request):
future = dask_client.submit(process, request)
result = await future
return result
Debugging support
• Clean Python tracebacks when user code breaks
• Connect to remote workers with IPython sessions
for advanced debugging
Resource constraints
• Define limited hardware resources for workers
• Specify resource constraints when submitting tasks
$ dask-worker … —resources GPU=2
$ dask-worker … —resources GPU=2
$ dask-worker … —resources special-db=1
future = client.submit(my_function, resources={‘GPU’: 1})
• Used for GPUs, big-memory machines, special
hardware, database connections, I/O machines, etc..
• Many users can share the same cluster simultaneously
• Define public datasets
• Repeated computation and data use is shared among everyone
df = dd.read_parquet(…).persist()
df = client.get_dataset(‘accounts’)
Beautiful Diagnostic Dashboards
• Fast responsive dashboards
• Provide users performance insight
• Powered by Bokeh
Some Reasons not to
Choose Dask
• Dask is not a SQL database.
Does Pandas well, but won’t optimize complex queries.
• Dask is not MPI
Very fast, but does leave some performance on the table
200us task overhead
a couple copies in the network stack
• Dask is not a JVM technology
It’s a Python library
(although Julia bindings available)
• Dask is not always necessary
You may not need parallelism
Dask’s limitations
conda install dask
© 2017 Anaconda, Inc. - Confidential & Proprietary
Scalable Machine Learning (ML)
Dask-ml — organized work for general scalable machine learning using dask
First release last week!
Organizes work done over the past year into a single home
A single place to discuss scalable machine learning with Python
conda install -c conda-forge dask-ml

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Scaling Python to CPUs and GPUs

  • 1. Scaling Python to GPUs and CPUs Stanford Stats 285 October 30, 2017 Travis E. Oliphant President, Chief Data Scientist, Co-founder Anaconda, Inc. 1
  • 2. My Background 2 • MS/BS degrees in Elec. Comp. Engineering • PhD from Mayo Clinic in Biomedical Engineering (Ultrasound and MRI) • Creator and Developer of SciPy (1998-2009) • Professor at BYU (2001-2007) Inverse Problems • Creator and Developer of NumPy (2005-2012) • Started Numba (2012) • Founder of NumFOCUS / PyData • Python Software Foundation Director (2012) • Co-founder of Continuum Analytics => Anaconda, Inc. • CEO (2012) => Chief Data Scientist (2017) SciPy
  • 3. 3 Empower domain experts with high-level tools that exploit modern hard-ware Array Oriented Computing expertise
  • 4. • Express domain knowledge directly in arrays (tensors, matrices, vectors) --- easier to teach programming in domain • Can take advantage of parallelism and accelerators • Array expressions Why Array-oriented computing 4 Object Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 Object Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 Object Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 Object Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 Object Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 Object Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 Object1 Object2 Object3 Object4 Object5 Object6
  • 5. • Today’s vector machines (and vector co-processors, or GPUS) were made for array-oriented computing. • The software stack has just not caught up --- unfortunate because APL came out in 1963. • There is a reason Fortran remains popular. More reasons for array-oriented 5
  • 6. 6 Python and in particular PyData is Growing
  • 12. 12
  • 14. Data Science Workflow 14 New Data NotebooksUnderstand Data Getting Data Understand World Reports Microservices Dashboards Applications Decisions and Actions Models Exploratory Data Analysis and Viz Data Products
  • 15. 15 New Data NotebooksUnderstand Data Getting Data Understand World Reports Microservices Dashboards Applications Decisions and Actions Models Exploratory Data Analysis and Viz Data Products Data Science Workflow
  • 16. Machine Learning Explosion 16 Scikit-Learn Tensorflow Keras XGBoost theano lasagne caffe/caffe2 torch mxnet / minpy neon CNTK DAAL Chainer Dynet Apache Singa Shogun
  • 17. 17 A Representation of Packages for ML © 2017 Anaconda, Inc. - Confidential & Proprietary
  • 18. 18 NumPy and Packages that Depend on It © 2017 Anaconda, Inc. - Confidential & Proprietary
  • 19. 19 pandas Depends on NumPy (and other packages depend on pandas) © 2017 Anaconda, Inc. - Confidential & Proprietary
  • 20. 20 Caffe Depends on pandas and NumPy © 2017 Anaconda, Inc. - Confidential & Proprietary
  • 21. Embrace Innovation Without Anarchy 21 From Reproducibility
  • 22. 22 Conda Conda Forge Conda Environments Anaconda Project A cross-platform and language agnostic package and environment manager A community-led collection of recipes, build infrastructure, and packages for conda. Custom isolated software sandboxes to allow easy reproducibility and sharing of data-science work. Reproducible, executable project directories
  • 23. • Language independent • Platform independent • No special privileges required • No VMs or containers • Enables: - Reproducibility - Collaboration - Scaling “conda – package everything” 23 A Python v2.7 Conda Sandboxing Technology B Python v3.4 Pandas v0.18 Jupyter C R R Essentials conda NumPy v1.11 NumPy v1.10 Pandas v0.16
  • 24. 24 $ anaconda-project run plot —show conda install tensorflow
  • 25. Basic Conda Usage 25 Install a package conda install sympy List all installed packages conda list Search for packages conda search llvm Create a new environment conda create -n py3k python=3 Remove a package conda remove nose Get help conda install --help
  • 26. Advanced Conda Usage 26 Install a package in an environment conda install -n py3k sympy Update all packages conda update --all Export list of packages conda list --export packages.txt Install packages from an export conda install --file packages.txt See package history conda list --revisions Revert to a revision conda install --revision 23 Remove unused packages and cached tarballs conda clean -pt
  • 29. Without NumPy 29 from math import sin, pi def sinc(x): if x == 0: return 1.0 else: pix = pi*x return sin(pix)/pix def step(x): if x > 0: return 1.0 elif x < 0: return 0.0 else: return 0.5 >>> import functions as f >>> xval = [x/3.0 for x in range(-10,10)] >>> yval1 = [f.sinc(x) for x in xval] >>> yval2 = [f.step(x) for x in xval] Python is a great language but needed a way to operate quickly and cleanly over multi- dimensional arrays.
  • 30. With NumPy 30 from numpy import sin, pi from numpy import vectorize import functions as f vsinc = vectorize(f.sinc) def sinc(x): pix = pi*x val = sin(pix)/pix val[x==0] = 1.0 return val vstep = vectorize(f.step) def step(x): y = x*0.0 y[x>0] = 1 y[x==0] = 0.5 return y >>> import functions2 as f >>> from numpy import * >>> x = r_[-10:10]/3.0 >>> y1 = f.sinc(x) >>> y2 = f.step(x) Offers N-D array, element-by-element functions, and basic random numbers, linear algebra, and FFT capability for Python Fiscally sponsored by NumFOCUS
  • 31. NumPy: an Array Extension of Python 31 • Data: the array object – slicing and shaping – data-type map to Bytes • Fast Math (ufuncs): – vectorization – broadcasting – aggregations
  • 32. shape NumPy Array 32 Key Attributes • dtype • shape • ndim • strides • data
  • 33. NumPy Examples 33 2d array 3d array [439 472 477] [217 205 261 222 245 238] 9.98330639789 2.96677717122
  • 34. NumPy Slicing (Selection) 34 >>> a[0,3:5] array([3, 4]) >>> a[4:,4:] array([[44, 45], [54, 55]]) >>> a[:,2] array([2,12,22,32,42,52]) >>> a[2::2,::2] array([[20, 22, 24], [40, 42, 44]])
  • 35. Summary 35 • Provides foundational N-dimensional array composed of homogeneous elements of a particular “dtype” • The dtype of the elements is extensive (but difficult to extend) • Arrays can be sliced and diced with simple syntax to provide easy manipulation and selection. • Provides fast and powerful math, statistics, and linear algebra functions that operate over arrays. • Utilities for sorting, reading and writing data also provided.
  • 36. Scaling Up and Out with Numba and Dask 36
  • 37. Scale Up vs Scale Out 37 Big Memory & Many Cores / GPU Box Best of Both (e.g. GPU Cluster) Many commodity nodes in a cluster ScaleUp (BiggerNodes) Scale Out (More Nodes) Numba Dask Dask with Numba
  • 38. © 2017 Anaconda, Inc. - Confidential & Proprietary Development Name Latest Release Number of Releases GitHub Stars Contributors Downloads in T12m numba 0.35 92 2647 74 1.8m dask 0.15.4 38 2001 112 1.2m dask-ml 0.3.1 6 104 4 Numba Dask Dask-ml
  • 40. Numba (compile Python to CPUs and GPUs) 40 conda install numba Intermediate Representatio n (IR) x86 ARM PTX Python LLVMNumba Code Generation Backend Parsing Frontend
  • 41. 41 @jit('void(f8[:,:],f8[:,:],f8[:,:])') def filter(image, filt, output): M, N = image.shape m, n = filt.shape for i in range(m//2, M-m//2): for j in range(n//2, N-n//2): result = 0.0 for k in range(m): for l in range(n): result += image[i+k-m//2,j+l-n//2]*filt[k, l] output[i,j] = result ~1500x speed-up Image Processing
  • 42. Works with and does not replace the standard Python interpreter (all of your existing Python libraries are still available) Numba Features 42
  • 43. Example: Filter an array 43
  • 44. Example: Filter an array 44 Array Allocation Looping over ndarray x as an iterator Using numpy math functions Returning a slice of the array Numba decorator (nopython=True not required) 2.7x Speedup over NumPy!
  • 45. NumPy UFuncs and GUFuncs 45 NumPy ufuncs (and gufuncs) are functions that operate “element-wise” (or “sub- dimension-wise”) across an array without an explicit loop. This implicit loop (which is in machine code) is at the core of why NumPy is fast. Dispatch is done internally to a particular code-segment based on the type of the array. It is a very powerful abstraction in the PyData stack. Making new fast ufuncs used to be only possible in C — painful! With numba.vectorize and numba.guvectorize it is now easy! The inner secrets of NumPy are now at your finger-tips for you to make your own magic!
  • 46. Simple Ufunc 46 @vectorize def dot2(a,b,x,y): return a*x + b*y >>> a, b, x, y = np.random.randn(4,1000) >>> z = a * x + b * y >>> z2 = dot2(a, b, x, y) # faster Faster (especially) as N grows because it does not create temporaries. NumPy creates temporary arrays for intermediate results. Numba creates a fast machine-code kernel from the Python template and calls it for every element in the arrays.
  • 47. Generalized Ufunc 47 @guvectorize(‘f8[:], f8[:], f8[:]’, ‘(n),(n)->()’) def dot2(a,b,c): c[0]=a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] >>> a, b = np.random.randn(10000,2), np.random.randn(10000,2) >>> z1 = np.einsum(‘ij,ij->i’, a, b) >>> z2 = dot2(a, b) # uses last dimension as in each kernel This can create quite a bit of computation with very little code. Numba creates a fast machine-code kernel from the Python template and calls it for every element in the arrays. 3.8x faster
  • 48. 48 Perform a computation on a finite window of the input. For a linear system, this is a FIR filter and what np.convolve or sp.signal.lfilter can do. But what if you want some arbitrary computation like a windowed median filter. Example: Making a windowed compute filter
  • 49. 49 Hand-coded implementation Build a ufunc for the kernel which is faster for large arrays! This can now run easily on GPU with ‘target=cuda’ and many-cores ‘target=parallel’ Array-oriented! Example: Making a windowed compute filter
  • 50. 50 Example: Making a windowed compute filter
  • 51. 1. Create a realistic benchmark test case. (Do not use your unit tests as a benchmark!) 2. Run a profiler on your benchmark. (cProfile is a good choice) 3. Identify hotspots that could potentially be compiled by Numba with a little refactoring. (see online documentation) 4. Apply @numba.jit, @numba.vectorize, and @numba.guvectorize as needed to critical functions. (Small rewrites may be needed to work around Numba limitations.) 5. Re-run benchmark to check if there was a performance improvement. 6. Use target=parallel to get access to multiple cores (or target=cuda if you have a GPU) How to Use Numba 51
  • 52. How Numba works 52 Bytecode Analysis Python Function (bytecode) Function Arguments Type Inference Numba IR LLVM IR Machine Code @jit def do_math(a,b): … >>> do_math(x, y) Cache Execute! Rewrite IR Lowering LLVM JIT
  • 53. 7 things about Numba you may not know 53 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Numba is 100% Open Source Numba + Jupyter = Rapid CUDA Prototyping Numba can compile for the CPU and the GPU at the same time Numba makes array processing easy with @(gu)vectorize Numba comes with a CUDA Simulator You can send Numba functions over the network Numba developers are working On a GPU DataFrame (pygdf)
  • 54. Numba is quite popular! 54 A numba mailing list reports experiments of a SciPy author who got 2x speed- up by removing their Cython type annotations and surrounding function with numba.jit (with a few minor changes needed to the code). With Numba’s ahead-of-time compilation one can use Numba to create a library that you ship to others (who then don’t need to have Numba installed). This is not as clean as it could be. SciPy (and NumPy) would look very different in Numba had existed 16 years ago when SciPy was getting started — and the PyPy crowd would be happier.
  • 55. Releasing the GIL 55 Only nopython mode functions can release the GIL
  • 56. Releasing the GIL 56 2.8x speedup with 4 cores
  • 57. CUDA Python (in open-source Numba!) 57 CUDA Development using Python syntax for optimal performance! 10-20x faster than CPU You have to understand CUDA at least a little — writing kernels that launch in parallel on the GPU
  • 58. Classic Example 58 from numba import jit @jit def mandel(x, y, max_iters): c = complex(x,y) z = 0j for i in range(max_iters): z = z*z + c if z.real * z.real + z.imag * z.imag >= 4: return 255 * i // max_iters return 255 Mandelbrot
  • 59. The Basics 59 CPython 1x Numpy array-wide operations 13x Numba (CPU) 120x Numba (NVidia Tesla K20c) 2100x Mandelbrot
  • 60. Other topics 60 CUDA Python — write general GPU kernels with Python Device Arrays — manage memory transfer from host to GPU Streaming — manage asynchronous and parallel GPU compute streams CUDA Simulator in Python — to help debug your kernels HSA Support — early support for HSA-based GPUs and APUs Pyculib — access to cuFFT, cuBLAS, cuSPARSE, cuRAND, CUDA Sorting
  • 62. • Designed to parallelize the Python ecosystem • Handles complex algorithms • Co-developed with Pandas/SKLearn/Jupyter teams • Familiar APIs for Python users • Scales • Scales from multicore to 1000-node clusters • Resilience, responsive, and real-time
  • 63. • Parallelizes NumPy, Pandas, SKLearn • Satisfies subset of these APIs • Uses these libraries internally • Co-developed with these teams • Task scheduler supports custom algorithms • Parallelize existing code • Build novel real-time systems • Arbitrary task graphs with data dependencies • Same scalability
  • 64. demo video • High level: Scaling Pandas • Same Pandas look and feel • Uses Pandas under the hood • Scales nicely onto many machines • Low level: Arbitrary task scheduling • Parallelize normal Python code • Build custom algorithms • React real-time • Demo deployed with • dask-kubernetes Google Compute Engine • • Youtube link • ds97a5Pzw0&
  • 65. Why do people choose Dask? • Familiar with Python: • Drop-in NumPy/Pandas/SKLearn APIs • Native memory environment • Easy debugging and diagnostics • Have complex problems: • Parallelize existing code without expensive rewrites • Sophisticated algorithms and systems • Real-time response to small-data • Scales up and down: • Scales to 1000-node clusters • Also runs cheaply on a laptop #import pandas as pd import dask.dataframe as dd
  • 66. Dask 66 • Started as part of Blaze in early 2014. • General parallel programming engine • Flexible and therefore highly suited for • Commodity Clusters • Advanced Algorithms • Wide community adoption and use conda install -c conda-forge dask pip install dask[complete] distributed --upgrade
  • 68. Dask: From User Interaction to Execution 68 delayed
  • 69. Dask: Parallel Data Processing 69 Synthetic views of Numpy ndarrays Synthetic views of Pandas DataFrames with HDFS support DAG construction and workflow manager
  • 70. Dask is a Python parallel computing library that is: • Familiar: Implements parallel NumPy and Pandas objects • Fast: Optimized for demanding for numerical applications • Flexible: for sophisticated and messy algorithms • Scales up: Runs resiliently on clusters of 100s of machines • Scales down: Pragmatic in a single process on a laptop • Interactive: Responsive and fast for interactive data science Dask complements the rest of Anaconda. It was developed with NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn developers. Overview of Dask 70
  • 71. x.T - x.mean(axis=0) df.groupby(df.index).value.mean() def load(filename): def clean(data): def analyze(result): Dask array (mimics NumPy) Dask dataframe (mimics Pandas) Dask delayed (wraps custom code) Dask bag (collection of data) Dask Collections: Familiar Expressions and API 71
  • 72. 72 >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv('iris.csv') >>> df.head() sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species 0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa 3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa 4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa >>> max_sepal_length_setosa = df[df.species == 'setosa'].sepal_length.max() 5.7999999999999998 >>> import dask.dataframe as dd >>> ddf = dd.read_csv('*.csv') >>> ddf.head() sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species 0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa 3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa 4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa … >>> d_max_sepal_length_setosa = ddf[ddf.species == 'setosa'].sepal_length.max() >>> d_max_sepal_length_setosa.compute() 5.7999999999999998 Dask DataFrame is like Pandas
  • 73. New Spark/Hadoop clusters • Create and provision a Spark/Hadoop cluster with a few simple steps • Work on the cloud or with your existing in-house servers Dask Graphs: Example Machine Learning Pipeline 73
  • 74. Example 1: Using Dask DataFrames on a cluster with CSV data 74 • Built from Pandas DataFrames • Match Pandas interface • Access data from HDFS, S3, local, etc. • Fast, low latency • Responsive user interface
  • 75. 75 >>> import numpy as np >>> np_ones = np.ones((5000, 1000)) >>> np_ones array([[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], ..., [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]]) >>> np_y = np.log(np_ones + 1)[:5].sum(axis=1) >>> np_y array([ 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056]) >>> import dask.array as da >>> da_ones = da.ones((5000000, 1000000), chunks=(1000, 1000)) >>> da_ones.compute() array([[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], ..., [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]]) >>> da_y = da.log(da_ones + 1)[:5].sum(axis=1) >>> np_da_y = np.array(da_y) #fits in memory array([ 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056, …, 693.14718056]) # If result doesn’t fit in memory >>> da_y.to_hdf5('myfile.hdf5', 'result') Dask Array is like NumPy
  • 76. Example 3: Using Dask Arrays with global temperature data 76 • Built from NumPy n-dimensional arrays • Matches NumPy interface (subset) • Solve medium-large problems • Complex algorithms
  • 78. Cluster Architecture Diagram 78 Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node Head Node
  • 79. • Single machine with multiple threads or processes • On a cluster with SSH (dcluster) • Resource management: YARN (knit), SGE, Slurm • On the cloud with Amazon EC2 (dec2) • On a cluster with Anaconda for cluster management • Manage multiple conda environments and packages on bare-metal or cloud-based clusters Using Anaconda and Dask on your Cluster 79
  • 80. • The scheduler, workers, and clients pass messages between each other. Semantically these messages encode commands, status updates, and data, like the following: • Please compute the function sum on the data x and store in y • The computation y has been completed • Be advised that a new worker named alice is available for use • Here is the data for the keys 'x', and 'y' Dask Protocol 80 In practice we represent these messages with dictionaries/mappings
  • 81. • Protocol is a combination of msg pack for instructions and headers • pickle/cloudpickle for arbitrary python objects • byte strings (with optional compression) for large data. • Prefer LZ4 to Snappy but either will be tried for messages above 1000B • Protocol is extensible by registering serializers. Dask Protocol 81
  • 82. Dask Protocol - Scheduler 82 However, the Scheduler never uses the language-specific serialization and instead only deals with MsgPack. If the client sends a pickled function up to the scheduler the scheduler will not unpack function but will instead keep it as bytes. Eventually those bytes will be sent to a worker, which will then unpack the bytes into a proper Python function. Because the Scheduler never unpacks language-specific serialized bytes it may be in a different language. • The Scheduler is protected from unpickling unsafe code • The Scheduler can be run under pypy for improved performance. This is only useful for larger clusters. • We could conceivably implement workers and clients for other languages (like R or Julia) and reuse the Python scheduler. The worker and client code is fairly simple and much easier to reimplement than the scheduler, which is complex. • The scheduler might some day be rewritten in more heavily optimized C or Go
  • 83. • Scheduling arbitrary graphs is hard. • Optimal graph scheduling is NP-hard • Scalable Scheduling requires Linear time solutions • Fortunately dask does well with a lot of heuristics • … and a lot of monitoring and data about sizes • … and how long functions take. Dask Scheduler 83
  • 85. What makes Dask different? Lets look at some pictures of directed graphs
  • 86.
  • 87.
  • 88. Most Parallel Framework Architectures User API High Level Representation Logical Plan Low Level Representation Physical Plan Task scheduler for execution
  • 89. SQL Database Architecture SELECT avg(value) FROM accounts INNER JOIN customers ON … WHERE name == ‘Alice’
  • 90. SQL Database Architecture SELECT avg(value) FROM accounts WHERE name == ‘Alice’ INNER JOIN customers ON … Optimize
  • 92. Large Matrix Architecture (A’ * A) A’ * b Optimize
  • 94. Dask Architecture accts=dd.read_parquet(…) accts=accts[ == ‘Alice’] df=dd.merge(accts, customers) df.value.mean().compute()
  • 95. Dask Architecture u, s, v = da.linalg.svd(X) Y = da.linalg.norm(X - y)
  • 96. Dask Architecture for i in range(256): x = dask.delayed(f)(i) y = dask.delayed(g)(x) z = dask.delayed(add)(x, y
  • 97. Dask Architecture async def func(): client = await Client() futures =…) async for f in as_completed(…): result = await f
  • 99. By dropping the high level representation Costs • Lose specialization • Lose opportunities for high level optimization Benefits • Become generalists • More flexibility for new domains and algorithms • Access to smarter algorithms • Better task scheduling Resource constraints, GPUs, multiple clients, async-real-time, etc..
  • 101. Scalable Pandas DataFrames • Same API import dask.dataframe as dd df = dd.read_parquet(‘s3://bucket/accounts/2017') df.groupby( • Efficient Timeseries Operations df.loc[‘2017-01-01’] # Uses the Pandas index… df.value.rolling(10).std() # for efficient… df.value.resample(‘10m’).mean() # operations. • Co-developed with Pandas and by the Pandas developer community
  • 102. Scalable NumPy Arrays • Same API import dask.array as da x = da.from_array(my_hdf5_file) y = • Applications • Atmospheric science • Satellite imagery • Biomedical imagery • Optimization algorithms check out dask-glm
  • 103. Parallelize Scikit-Learn/Joblib • Scikit-Learn parallelizes with Joblib estimator = RandomForest(…), train_labels, njobs=8) • Joblib can use Dask from sklearn.externals.joblib import parallel_backend with parallel_backend('dask', scheduler=‘…’):, train_labels) Joblib Thread pool
  • 104. Parallelize Scikit-Learn/Joblib • Scikit-Learn parallelizes with Joblib estimator = RandomForest(…), train_labels, njobs=8) • Joblib can use Dask from sklearn.externals.joblib import parallel_backend with parallel_backend('dask', scheduler=‘…’):, train_labels) Joblib Dask
  • 105. Many Other Libraries in Anaconda • Scikit-Image uses dask to break down images and speed up algorithms with overlapping regions • Geopandas can use Dask to partition data spatially and accelerate spatial joins
  • 106. Dask Scales Up • Thousand node clusters • Cloud computing • Super computers • Gigabyte/s bandwidth • 200 microsecond task overhead Dask Scales Down (the median cluster size is one) • Can run in a single Python thread pool • Almost no performance penalty (microseconds) • Lightweight • Few dependencies • Easy install
  • 107. Parallelize Web Backends • Web servers process thousands of small computations asynchronously for web pages or REST endpoints • Dask provides dynamic, heterogenous computation • Supports small data • 10ms roundtrip times • Dynamic scaling for different loads • Supports asynchronous Python (like GoLang) async def serve(request): future = dask_client.submit(process, request) result = await future return result
  • 108. Debugging support • Clean Python tracebacks when user code breaks • Connect to remote workers with IPython sessions for advanced debugging
  • 109. Resource constraints • Define limited hardware resources for workers • Specify resource constraints when submitting tasks $ dask-worker … —resources GPU=2 $ dask-worker … —resources GPU=2 $ dask-worker … —resources special-db=1 future = client.submit(my_function, resources={‘GPU’: 1}) • Used for GPUs, big-memory machines, special hardware, database connections, I/O machines, etc..
  • 110. Collaboration • Many users can share the same cluster simultaneously • Define public datasets • Repeated computation and data use is shared among everyone df = dd.read_parquet(…).persist() client.publish_dataset(accounts=df) df = client.get_dataset(‘accounts’)
  • 111. Beautiful Diagnostic Dashboards • Fast responsive dashboards • Provide users performance insight • Powered by Bokeh
  • 112. Some Reasons not to Choose Dask
  • 113. • Dask is not a SQL database. Does Pandas well, but won’t optimize complex queries. • Dask is not MPI Very fast, but does leave some performance on the table 200us task overhead a couple copies in the network stack • Dask is not a JVM technology It’s a Python library (although Julia bindings available) • Dask is not always necessary You may not need parallelism Dask’s limitations
  • 115. © 2017 Anaconda, Inc. - Confidential & Proprietary Scalable Machine Learning (ML) Dask-ml — organized work for general scalable machine learning using dask First release last week! Organizes work done over the past year into a single home A single place to discuss scalable machine learning with Python conda install -c conda-forge dask-ml

Editor's Notes

  1. How do you recreate your analysis and models? With Anaconda you have the ability to encapsulate data science into packages, notebooks and entire environments
  2. Essential for technical conversations and SE team.
  3. Does not replace the standard Python interpreter! End user does not need a C or C++ compiler (Compiler required to compile Numba packages) < 70 MB package Uses LLVM to do final optimization and machine code generation. Supports wide range of Python language constructs and numeric data types.
  4. Does not replace the standard Python interpreter! End user does not need a C or C++ compiler (Compiler required to compile Numba packages) < 70 MB package Uses LLVM to do final optimization and machine code generation. Supports wide range of Python language constructs and numeric data types.