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• Paediatrics and Child Health
• Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Dr. Chongo Shapi (BSc.HB, MBChB)
- Medical Doctor
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 1
• Cerebral = cerebrum, Palsy = disorder of
• Is a diagnostic umbrella term used to describe a
group of motor syndromes (posture, movement
and coordination) which is caused by a NON-
PROGRESSIVE “insult” to the motor control centres
of an immature brain (developing brain) usually
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 2
• It is associated with:
1. Epilepsy
2. Abnormalities in:
a. Speech
b. Vision
c. Hearing
d. Swallowing (oromotor dysfunction = OMD),
hence FTT
e. Behaviour
f. Mental retardation
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
• Although historically considered a static
encephalopathy (loosely “brain paralysis”), this term
is not entirely accurate
• This is because of the recognition that the neurologic
features of CP often change or progress over time
• Many children and adults with CP function at a high
educational and vocational level
• These have no sign of the type of cognitive dysfunction
that is generally implied by the term encephalopathy
• CP is the leading cause of childhood disability affecting
function and development
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
• CP is restricted to lesions of the brain only (CNS)
• Diseases specific to the peripheral nerves of the
spinal cord or to muscles although causing early
motor abnormalities, are not considered cerebral
1. Peripheral nerves of the spinal cord e.g. spinal
muscular atrophy, myelomeningocele
2. Muscles e.g. muscular dystrophies
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 5
• The brain lesions of CP occur from the fetal or
neonatal period to up to the age of 3 years
• Insults to the brain after age 3 years may manifest
clinically as similar or identical to CP
• By definition, these lesions are not CP
• Despite the lesion to the developing brain
occurring before age 3 years, the diagnosis of CP
may not be made until after that time
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 6
• Some authorities advocate not making a
definitive diagnosis in selected cases until age 5
years or later
• This approach allows the clinical picture to be
clear and potentially allows exclusion of
progressive diseases
• In addition, some children have been diagnosed
with CP at an early age, only to have the
symptoms resolve later
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Aetiology of CP
• The causes are broad:
1. Developmental e.g. prematurity
2. Ischemic causes e.g. birth asphyxia
3. Infections (TORCHES)
4. Genetic causes
5. Metabolic causes
6. Other acquired aetiologies that produce a common
group of neurologic phenotypes
NB: Prematurity usually causes the spastic diplegic type
while birth asphyxia usually causes the athetoid type
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 8
Classification of CP
• Classification is according to resting tone and what
limbs are involved (called topographic
• Is a combination of both anatomy and physiology:
1. Spastic (pyramidal) : 80%
- Damage is to the pyramidal tract (UMNL)
- Hence, there are UMNL signs
- Subtypes: (diplegia, hemiplegia, quadriplegia and
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 9
Subtypes of spastic CP:
a. Diplegia: 30-40%
- Bilateral spasticity of the legs greater than in the arms
b. Hemiplegia: 20-30%
- Ipsilateral spasticity of both upper and lower limbs
- Upper extremity more than lower extremity
- E.g. right side involved with right arm more than right leg
c. Quadriplegia : 10-15%
- Marked motor impairment of all extremities
d. Monoplegia
- Rare
- Involvement is noted in 1 limb, either an arm or a leg
- If a patient has monoplegia, an effort should be made to rule
out causes other than CP
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 10
Classification of CP
2. Extrapyramidal (Athetoid, dyskinetic) : 10-15%
- Damage is to the basal ganglia
- Abnormal movements (athetosis, chorea,
- Hypotonia and
- No UMNL signs
3. Ataxic/Hypotonic: < 5%
- Damage is to the cerebellum
- Truncal and extremity hypotonia with
- Hyperreflexia and persistent primitive reflexes
4. Mixed
- No single specific tonal quality predominating
- Typically characterized by a mixture of spastic and dyskinetic
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 11
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Risk factors for CP
1. Prenatal
- Pre-eclampsia
- Congenital malformations in the
- Polyhydramnios
- Maternal seizure disorder
- Male sex of fetus
- Multiple gestation
2. Perinatal
- Prematurity
- Birth asphyxia
- Chorioamnionitis
- Nonvertex and face presentation
of the fetus
3. Postnatal
- Infections (eg, meningitis,
- Intracranial hemorrhage (eg,
due to prematurity, vascular
malformations, or trauma)
- Periventricular leukomalacia (in
premature infants)
- Hypoxia-ischemia (eg, from
meconium aspiration)
- Persistent fetal circulation
- Kernicterus
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 13
Clinical Manifestations
• Presentation is usually after failing to meet expected
growth motor developmental milestones or failing to
suppress obligatory primitive reflexes in the first year of life
• Abnormal muscle tone is the most frequently observed
• CP frequently manifests as early hypotonia for the first 6
months to 1 year of life, followed by spasticity
• The longer the period of hypotonia before hypertonia, the
greater the likelihood that the hypertonia will be more
• Asymmetric crawling or failure to crawl
• Growth disturbance especially with FTT
• Review other systems to evaluate for multiple
complications that can occur with CP
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 14
Clinical Manifestations
Spastic diplegia
• Bilateral spasticity of the legs greater than in the
• 1st often noted when an affected infant begins to
• Child uses the arms in a normal reciprocal fashion but
tends to drag the legs behind more as a rudder
(commando crawl) rather than using the normal four-
limbed crawling movement
• If the spasticity is severe, application of a diaper is
difficult because of the excessive adduction of the
• Child may be unable to sit if there is paraspinal muscle
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 15
Clinical Manifestations
• Neurologic examination reveals UMNL signs
• If child is suspended by the axillae, a scissoring
posture of the lower extremities is maintained
• Walking is significantly delayed, feet held in a
position of equinovarus, and the child walks on
• Severe spastic diplegia is characterized by:
- Disuse atrophy
- Impaired growth of the lower extremities
- Disproportionate growth with normal
development of the upper torso
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 16
Clinical Manifestations
• Prognosis for normal intellectual development is
excellent for these patients
• Likelihood of seizures is minimal
• The most common neuropathologic finding is PVL
• This is in particular in the area where fibers
innervating the legs course through the internal
• MRI is very useful for evaluating the severity of
white matter injury and for excluding other brain
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 17
Clinical Manifestations
Spastic hemiplegia:
• Definite hand preference before age 1 year is a
red flag for possible hemiplegia
• The arm is often more involved than the leg and
difficulty in hand manipulation is obvious by 1 yr
of age
• Walking is usually delayed until 18–24 mo, and a
circumductive gait is apparent
• Examination of the extremities may show growth
arrest, particularly in the hand and thumbnail
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 18
Clinical Manifestations
• This is especially if the contralateral parietal lobe
is abnormal because extremity growth is
influenced by this area of the brain
• Spasticity is apparent in the affected extremities,
particularly the ankle, causing an equinovarus
deformity of the foot
• An affected child often walks on tiptoe because
of the increased tone
• Affected upper extremity assumes a dystonic
posture when the child runs
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 19
Clinical Manifestations
• UMNL signs may be present:
- Babinski sign
- Increased deep tendon reflexes
- Ankle clonus
- Weakness of the hand and foot dorsiflexors
• About 1/3rd of patients with spastic hemiplegia
have a seizure disorder
• This usually develops in the 1st year or 2
• About 25% have cognitive abnormalities including
mental retardation
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 20
Clinical Manifestations
• CT scan or MRI may show an atrophic cerebral
hemisphere with a dilated lateral ventricle
contralateral to the side of the affected extremities
• MRI is far more sensitive than CT for most lesions
seen with CP
• CT scan may be useful for detecting calcifications
associated with TORCHES infections
• Focal cerebral infarction (stroke) secondary to
intrauterine or perinatal thromboembolism is a vital
cause of hemiplegic CP
• The thromboembolism is related to thrombophilic
disorders, especially anticardiolipin antibodies
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 21
Clinical Manifestations
Spastic quadriplegia
• Is the most severe form of CP because of:
1. Marked motor impairment of all extremities and
2. High association with mental retardation and
3. Swallowing difficulties due to supranuclear bulbar
palsies, leading to aspiration pneumonia
4. Developmental disabilities
5. Speech and visual abnormalities
• The most common lesions seen on MRI scanning are
severe PVL and multicystic cortical encephalomalacia
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 22
• Neurologic examination shows UMNL signs
• Flexion contractures of the knees and elbows are
often present by late childhood
• Associated developmental disabilities, including
speech and visual abnormalities, are particularly
prevalent in this group of children
• Children with spastic quadriparesis often have
evidence of athetosis and may be classified as
having mixed CP
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 23
Clinical Manifestations
Athetoid or Choreoathetoid or Extrapyramidal CP
• Referred to in Europe as dyskinetic CP
• Characteristically hypotonic with poor head
control and marked head lag
• Develop increased variable tone with rigidity and
dystonia over several years
• Feeding may be difficult
• Tongue thrust and drooling may be prominent
• Speech is typically affected because the
oropharyngeal muscles are involved
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 24
Clinical Manifestations
• Absent of speech or sentences are slurred
• Deafness is common
• UMNL signs are not present
• Seizures are uncommon
• Intellect is preserved in many patients
• Extrapyramidal CP is the type most likely to be
associated with:
1. Birth asphyxia
2. Kernicterus
3. Metabolic genetic disorders e.g. mitochondrial
genetic disorders and glutaric aciduria
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 25
Clinical Manifestations
• Extrapyramidal CP secondary to birth asphyxia is
associated with bilaterally symmetric lesions in the
posterior putamen and ventrolateral thalamus
• The lesions appear to correlate the neuropathologic
lesion called status marmoratus in the basal ganglia
• MRI scan shows lesions in the globus pallidus
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Complications of CP
Orthopaedic complications:
- Contractures leading to talipes equinovarus
- Hip dislocation
- Osteoporosis in wheelchair-bound patients or those with
ambulatory dysfunction
- Scoliosis
- Decubitus ulcers and sores
Respiratory system
- Aspiration pneumonia because of OMD
- Chronic lung disease/bronchopulmonary dysplasia
- Bronchiolitis/asthma
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 27
Complications of CP
- FTT (malnutrition) due to feeding and swallowing
difficulties secondary to OMD
- Patients may require a gastrostomy tube (G-tube)
or a jejunostomy tube (J-tube) to augment
- Obesity less common than FTT
- Gastroesophageal reflux
- Constipation
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 28
Complications of CP
- Dental problems: dental caries, enamel
dysgenesis, malocclusion, and gingival
- Increased incidence of dental problems is often
secondary to the use of medications, especially
drugs administered to premature infants and
antiepileptic agents
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 29
Complications of CP
Nervous system
- Epilepsy (15-60%), more in spastic quadriplegia
- Speech abnormalities
- Deafness (particularly in patients who had
- Visual-field abnormalities due to cortical injury
- Strabismus
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 30
Nervous system
- Cognitive/psychologic/behavioral:
• Mental retardation (30-50%), most common with
spastic quadriplegia
• Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
• Learning disabilities which has an impact on
academic performance and self-esteem
• Increased prevalence of depression
• Increased prevalence of progressive development
disorder or autism associated with concurrent
diagnosis of cerebral palsy
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 31
Diagnosis of CP
• The diagnosis of cerebral palsy is generally made
based on the clinical picture
• A thorough history and physical examination
should preclude a progressive disorder of the CNS
• This include degenerative diseases, metabolic
disorders, spinal cord tumour, or muscular
• However, some authors propose that the diagnosis
should be deferred until the child is age 2 years or
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 32
Diagnosis of CP
• Rule out anomalies at the base of the skull or
cervical spinal cord in patients with little
involvement of the arms or cranial nerves
• MRI or CT scans of the brain/spinal cord are
indicated to determine the location and extent of
structural lesions or associated congenital
• Audiometry and ophthalmological (visual acuity)
• Genotyping should be considered in patients with
congenital malformations (chromosomes) or
evidence of metabolic disorders
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 33
Differential diagnosis
• Inherited metabolic disorders
• Hereditary spastic paraplegia
• Rett syndrome
• Metabolic myopathies
• Metabolic neuropathy
• Movement disorders in individuals with
developmental disabilities
• Traumatic peripheral nerve lesions
• Tumors of the conus and cauda equina
• Vascular malformations of the spinal cord
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• Neuroimaging
- Cranial USS, CT, MRI: intracranial haemorrhage, HIE,
PVL, hydrocephalus
- EEG (seizure disorder)
- Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction
• Laboratory (not definitive)
- TFTs to rule out hypothyroidism: TSH, T4, T3
- Lactate and pyruvate: metabolic abnormalities
- Chromosomal analysis (Genotyping)
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 35
Must be individualized based on the child's clinical
presentation and requires a multidisciplinary
Physiatrists Orthopaedic surgeons
Neurosurgeons Ophthalmologists
Gastroenterologists Geneticists
Nutritionist Pulmonologists
Occupational therapists Speech pathologists
Social workers Educators
Developmental psychologists
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 36
• Patients need to be rehabilitated
• Rehabilitation is a comprehensive intervention
strategy designed to facilitate adaptation to and
participation in an increasing number and variety
of settings in a particular society and culture
• Neurologists and physiatrists play significant roles
in the management of anti-spasticity medications
• The paediatrician’s responsibility is to closely
supervise and manage the multiple medical
complications associated with cerebral palsy
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 37
Physiatrist/Physiotherapists/Rehabilitation therapists
• Consulted for the evaluation and management of the
rehabilitation program
• Help with many aspects of care including spasticity
• May also administer IM botulinum toxin type A
Orthopaedic surgeons
• Correct any structural deformities
• Surgical management of hip dislocation, scoliosis, and
spasticity (eg, tenotomy, a tendon-lengthening
• May also administer intramuscular botulinum toxin
type A
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 38
• Treat hydrocephalus, a tethered spinal cord, or spasticity
• Perform the dorsal rhizotomy procedure
• Help with differential diagnosis and with ruling out other
neurologic disorders
• Treatment of seizures
• May help with the differential diagnosis and with ruling out
other disorders
• To evaluate for an underlying genetic syndrome, particularly in
the setting of dysmorphic features, multiple organ
abnormalities, or a family history of a similar neurologic
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Gastroenterologist, nutritionist, and
feeding/swallowing team
• Manage feeding and swallowing difficulties and
• Assesses nutritional status so that child does not
suffer from growth failure or nutritional
• Manage chronic pulmonary disease due to
bronchopulmonary dysplasia and frequent or
recurrent aspiration
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 40
Learning disability team
• Identifies specific learning disabilities, monitor cognitive
progression, and guide services through early intervention
and school
• Guide speech and language treatment and the use of
communicative devices
• Ophthalmologist: visual deficits
• ENT: hearing difficulties
• Dentists: dental checks up
• Endocrinologist: precocious puberty or treatment of
Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ.
Medications in CP
• Antispasmodics/muscle
- Bolinum toxin type A (Botox)
- Baclofen
- Benzodiazepines e.g. diazepam
- Dantrolene sodium
- Alpha 2- Adrenergic agonists
e.g. Tizanidine
• Anticholinergics (decrease
secretions and also tremors)
- Trihexyphenidyl (Atane)
• Anticonvulsants
- Phenobarbitone
- Levetiracetam
- Valproic acid
• Dopamine prodrugs
- Levodopa/carbidopa
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 42
Neurosurgery and Orthopaedic Surgery
• Intrathecal baclofen pump insertion
• Selective dorsal rhizotomy
• Stereotactic basal ganglia
• Orthopaedic surgical intervention
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 43
Selective dorsal rhizotomy
• Is a neurosurgical treatment that may be beneficial
in both the short term and long term to treat
velocity-dependent spasticity
• This procedure includes a laminectomy and then
surgical ablation of 70-90% of the dorsal or
sensory nerve roots
• Selective dorsal rhizotomy decreases spasticity by
decreasing reflexive motoneuron activation, which
is thought to result from the lack of descending
fiber input
• This surgery has come to be performed less
frequently since the advent of the baclofen pump
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Selective dorsal rhizotomy
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 45
A: After laminectomy, the dura is opened and the dorsal spinal rootlets are exposed.
The rootlets are stimulated so that abnormal rootlet activity can be identified
B: A proportion of rootlets are transected
3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 46

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  • 1. PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH • Paediatrics and Child Health • Cerebral Palsy (CP) Dr. Chongo Shapi (BSc.HB, MBChB) - Medical Doctor 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 1
  • 2. Definition • Cerebral = cerebrum, Palsy = disorder of movement • Is a diagnostic umbrella term used to describe a group of motor syndromes (posture, movement and coordination) which is caused by a NON- PROGRESSIVE “insult” to the motor control centres of an immature brain (developing brain) usually prenatally 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 2
  • 3. • It is associated with: 1. Epilepsy 2. Abnormalities in: a. Speech b. Vision c. Hearing d. Swallowing (oromotor dysfunction = OMD), hence FTT e. Behaviour f. Mental retardation 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 3
  • 4. • Although historically considered a static encephalopathy (loosely “brain paralysis”), this term is not entirely accurate • This is because of the recognition that the neurologic features of CP often change or progress over time • Many children and adults with CP function at a high educational and vocational level • These have no sign of the type of cognitive dysfunction that is generally implied by the term encephalopathy • CP is the leading cause of childhood disability affecting function and development 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 4
  • 5. • CP is restricted to lesions of the brain only (CNS) • Diseases specific to the peripheral nerves of the spinal cord or to muscles although causing early motor abnormalities, are not considered cerebral palsy: 1. Peripheral nerves of the spinal cord e.g. spinal muscular atrophy, myelomeningocele 2. Muscles e.g. muscular dystrophies 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 5
  • 6. • The brain lesions of CP occur from the fetal or neonatal period to up to the age of 3 years • Insults to the brain after age 3 years may manifest clinically as similar or identical to CP • By definition, these lesions are not CP • Despite the lesion to the developing brain occurring before age 3 years, the diagnosis of CP may not be made until after that time 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 6
  • 7. • Some authorities advocate not making a definitive diagnosis in selected cases until age 5 years or later • This approach allows the clinical picture to be clear and potentially allows exclusion of progressive diseases • In addition, some children have been diagnosed with CP at an early age, only to have the symptoms resolve later 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 7
  • 8. Aetiology of CP • The causes are broad: 1. Developmental e.g. prematurity 2. Ischemic causes e.g. birth asphyxia 3. Infections (TORCHES) 4. Genetic causes 5. Metabolic causes 6. Other acquired aetiologies that produce a common group of neurologic phenotypes NB: Prematurity usually causes the spastic diplegic type while birth asphyxia usually causes the athetoid type 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 8
  • 9. Classification of CP • Classification is according to resting tone and what limbs are involved (called topographic predominance) • Is a combination of both anatomy and physiology: 1. Spastic (pyramidal) : 80% - Damage is to the pyramidal tract (UMNL) - Hence, there are UMNL signs - Subtypes: (diplegia, hemiplegia, quadriplegia and monoplegia) 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 9
  • 10. Subtypes of spastic CP: a. Diplegia: 30-40% - Bilateral spasticity of the legs greater than in the arms b. Hemiplegia: 20-30% - Ipsilateral spasticity of both upper and lower limbs - Upper extremity more than lower extremity - E.g. right side involved with right arm more than right leg c. Quadriplegia : 10-15% - Marked motor impairment of all extremities d. Monoplegia - Rare - Involvement is noted in 1 limb, either an arm or a leg - If a patient has monoplegia, an effort should be made to rule out causes other than CP 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 10
  • 11. Classification of CP 2. Extrapyramidal (Athetoid, dyskinetic) : 10-15% - Damage is to the basal ganglia - Abnormal movements (athetosis, chorea, bradykinesia/akinesia) - Hypotonia and - No UMNL signs 3. Ataxic/Hypotonic: < 5% - Damage is to the cerebellum - Truncal and extremity hypotonia with - Hyperreflexia and persistent primitive reflexes 4. Mixed - No single specific tonal quality predominating - Typically characterized by a mixture of spastic and dyskinetic components 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 11
  • 12. 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 12
  • 13. Risk factors for CP 1. Prenatal - Pre-eclampsia - Congenital malformations in the fetus - Polyhydramnios - Maternal seizure disorder - Male sex of fetus - APH - IUGR - Multiple gestation 2. Perinatal - Prematurity - Birth asphyxia - Chorioamnionitis - Nonvertex and face presentation of the fetus 3. Postnatal - Infections (eg, meningitis, encephalitis) - Intracranial hemorrhage (eg, due to prematurity, vascular malformations, or trauma) - Periventricular leukomalacia (in premature infants) - Hypoxia-ischemia (eg, from meconium aspiration) - Persistent fetal circulation - Kernicterus 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 13
  • 14. Clinical Manifestations • Presentation is usually after failing to meet expected growth motor developmental milestones or failing to suppress obligatory primitive reflexes in the first year of life • Abnormal muscle tone is the most frequently observed symptom • CP frequently manifests as early hypotonia for the first 6 months to 1 year of life, followed by spasticity • The longer the period of hypotonia before hypertonia, the greater the likelihood that the hypertonia will be more severe • Asymmetric crawling or failure to crawl • Growth disturbance especially with FTT • Review other systems to evaluate for multiple complications that can occur with CP 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 14
  • 15. Clinical Manifestations Spastic diplegia • Bilateral spasticity of the legs greater than in the arms • 1st often noted when an affected infant begins to crawl • Child uses the arms in a normal reciprocal fashion but tends to drag the legs behind more as a rudder (commando crawl) rather than using the normal four- limbed crawling movement • If the spasticity is severe, application of a diaper is difficult because of the excessive adduction of the hips • Child may be unable to sit if there is paraspinal muscle involvement 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 15
  • 16. Clinical Manifestations • Neurologic examination reveals UMNL signs • If child is suspended by the axillae, a scissoring posture of the lower extremities is maintained • Walking is significantly delayed, feet held in a position of equinovarus, and the child walks on tiptoe • Severe spastic diplegia is characterized by: - Disuse atrophy - Impaired growth of the lower extremities - Disproportionate growth with normal development of the upper torso 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 16
  • 17. Clinical Manifestations • Prognosis for normal intellectual development is excellent for these patients • Likelihood of seizures is minimal • The most common neuropathologic finding is PVL • This is in particular in the area where fibers innervating the legs course through the internal capsule • MRI is very useful for evaluating the severity of white matter injury and for excluding other brain lesions 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 17
  • 18. Clinical Manifestations Spastic hemiplegia: • Definite hand preference before age 1 year is a red flag for possible hemiplegia • The arm is often more involved than the leg and difficulty in hand manipulation is obvious by 1 yr of age • Walking is usually delayed until 18–24 mo, and a circumductive gait is apparent • Examination of the extremities may show growth arrest, particularly in the hand and thumbnail 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 18
  • 19. Clinical Manifestations • This is especially if the contralateral parietal lobe is abnormal because extremity growth is influenced by this area of the brain • Spasticity is apparent in the affected extremities, particularly the ankle, causing an equinovarus deformity of the foot • An affected child often walks on tiptoe because of the increased tone • Affected upper extremity assumes a dystonic posture when the child runs 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 19
  • 20. Clinical Manifestations • UMNL signs may be present: - Babinski sign - Increased deep tendon reflexes - Ankle clonus - Weakness of the hand and foot dorsiflexors • About 1/3rd of patients with spastic hemiplegia have a seizure disorder • This usually develops in the 1st year or 2 • About 25% have cognitive abnormalities including mental retardation 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 20
  • 21. Clinical Manifestations • CT scan or MRI may show an atrophic cerebral hemisphere with a dilated lateral ventricle contralateral to the side of the affected extremities • MRI is far more sensitive than CT for most lesions seen with CP • CT scan may be useful for detecting calcifications associated with TORCHES infections • Focal cerebral infarction (stroke) secondary to intrauterine or perinatal thromboembolism is a vital cause of hemiplegic CP • The thromboembolism is related to thrombophilic disorders, especially anticardiolipin antibodies 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 21
  • 22. Clinical Manifestations Spastic quadriplegia • Is the most severe form of CP because of: 1. Marked motor impairment of all extremities and 2. High association with mental retardation and seizures 3. Swallowing difficulties due to supranuclear bulbar palsies, leading to aspiration pneumonia 4. Developmental disabilities 5. Speech and visual abnormalities • The most common lesions seen on MRI scanning are severe PVL and multicystic cortical encephalomalacia 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 22
  • 23. • Neurologic examination shows UMNL signs • Flexion contractures of the knees and elbows are often present by late childhood • Associated developmental disabilities, including speech and visual abnormalities, are particularly prevalent in this group of children • Children with spastic quadriparesis often have evidence of athetosis and may be classified as having mixed CP 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 23
  • 24. Clinical Manifestations Athetoid or Choreoathetoid or Extrapyramidal CP • Referred to in Europe as dyskinetic CP • Characteristically hypotonic with poor head control and marked head lag • Develop increased variable tone with rigidity and dystonia over several years • Feeding may be difficult • Tongue thrust and drooling may be prominent • Speech is typically affected because the oropharyngeal muscles are involved 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 24
  • 25. Clinical Manifestations • Absent of speech or sentences are slurred • Deafness is common • UMNL signs are not present • Seizures are uncommon • Intellect is preserved in many patients • Extrapyramidal CP is the type most likely to be associated with: 1. Birth asphyxia 2. Kernicterus 3. Metabolic genetic disorders e.g. mitochondrial genetic disorders and glutaric aciduria 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 25
  • 26. Clinical Manifestations • Extrapyramidal CP secondary to birth asphyxia is associated with bilaterally symmetric lesions in the posterior putamen and ventrolateral thalamus • The lesions appear to correlate the neuropathologic lesion called status marmoratus in the basal ganglia • MRI scan shows lesions in the globus pallidus bilaterally 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 26
  • 27. Complications of CP MSS Orthopaedic complications: - Contractures leading to talipes equinovarus - Hip dislocation - Osteoporosis in wheelchair-bound patients or those with ambulatory dysfunction - Scoliosis Integumentary - Decubitus ulcers and sores Respiratory system - Aspiration pneumonia because of OMD - Chronic lung disease/bronchopulmonary dysplasia - Bronchiolitis/asthma 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 27
  • 28. Complications of CP GIT/Nutritional - FTT (malnutrition) due to feeding and swallowing difficulties secondary to OMD - Patients may require a gastrostomy tube (G-tube) or a jejunostomy tube (J-tube) to augment nutrition - Obesity less common than FTT - Gastroesophageal reflux - Constipation 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 28
  • 29. Complications of CP GIT/Nutritional - Dental problems: dental caries, enamel dysgenesis, malocclusion, and gingival hyperplasia - Increased incidence of dental problems is often secondary to the use of medications, especially drugs administered to premature infants and antiepileptic agents 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 29
  • 30. Complications of CP Nervous system - Epilepsy (15-60%), more in spastic quadriplegia - Speech abnormalities - Deafness (particularly in patients who had kernicterus) - Visual-field abnormalities due to cortical injury - Strabismus 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 30
  • 31. Nervous system - Cognitive/psychologic/behavioral: • Mental retardation (30-50%), most common with spastic quadriplegia • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) • Learning disabilities which has an impact on academic performance and self-esteem • Increased prevalence of depression • Increased prevalence of progressive development disorder or autism associated with concurrent diagnosis of cerebral palsy 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 31
  • 32. Diagnosis of CP • The diagnosis of cerebral palsy is generally made based on the clinical picture • A thorough history and physical examination should preclude a progressive disorder of the CNS • This include degenerative diseases, metabolic disorders, spinal cord tumour, or muscular dystrophy • However, some authors propose that the diagnosis should be deferred until the child is age 2 years or older 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 32
  • 33. Diagnosis of CP • Rule out anomalies at the base of the skull or cervical spinal cord in patients with little involvement of the arms or cranial nerves • MRI or CT scans of the brain/spinal cord are indicated to determine the location and extent of structural lesions or associated congenital malformations • Audiometry and ophthalmological (visual acuity) tests • Genotyping should be considered in patients with congenital malformations (chromosomes) or evidence of metabolic disorders 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 33
  • 34. Differential diagnosis • Inherited metabolic disorders • Hereditary spastic paraplegia • Rett syndrome • Metabolic myopathies • Metabolic neuropathy • Movement disorders in individuals with developmental disabilities • Traumatic peripheral nerve lesions • Tumors of the conus and cauda equina • Vascular malformations of the spinal cord 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 34
  • 35. Investigations • Neuroimaging - Cranial USS, CT, MRI: intracranial haemorrhage, HIE, PVL, hydrocephalus - EEG (seizure disorder) - Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies • Laboratory (not definitive) - TFTs to rule out hypothyroidism: TSH, T4, T3 - Lactate and pyruvate: metabolic abnormalities - Chromosomal analysis (Genotyping) 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 35
  • 36. Treatment Must be individualized based on the child's clinical presentation and requires a multidisciplinary approach: Physiatrists Orthopaedic surgeons Neurosurgeons Ophthalmologists Gastroenterologists Geneticists Nutritionist Pulmonologists Occupational therapists Speech pathologists Social workers Educators Developmental psychologists 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 36
  • 37. Treatment • Patients need to be rehabilitated • Rehabilitation is a comprehensive intervention strategy designed to facilitate adaptation to and participation in an increasing number and variety of settings in a particular society and culture • Neurologists and physiatrists play significant roles in the management of anti-spasticity medications • The paediatrician’s responsibility is to closely supervise and manage the multiple medical complications associated with cerebral palsy 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 37
  • 38. Treatment Physiatrist/Physiotherapists/Rehabilitation therapists • Consulted for the evaluation and management of the rehabilitation program • Help with many aspects of care including spasticity management • May also administer IM botulinum toxin type A Orthopaedic surgeons • Correct any structural deformities • Surgical management of hip dislocation, scoliosis, and spasticity (eg, tenotomy, a tendon-lengthening procedure) • May also administer intramuscular botulinum toxin type A 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 38
  • 39. Treatment Neurosurgeons • Treat hydrocephalus, a tethered spinal cord, or spasticity • Perform the dorsal rhizotomy procedure Neurologists • Help with differential diagnosis and with ruling out other neurologic disorders • Treatment of seizures Geneticists • May help with the differential diagnosis and with ruling out other disorders • To evaluate for an underlying genetic syndrome, particularly in the setting of dysmorphic features, multiple organ abnormalities, or a family history of a similar neurologic syndrome 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 39
  • 40. Treatment Gastroenterologist, nutritionist, and feeding/swallowing team • Manage feeding and swallowing difficulties and GORD • Assesses nutritional status so that child does not suffer from growth failure or nutritional deficiencies Pulmonologists • Manage chronic pulmonary disease due to bronchopulmonary dysplasia and frequent or recurrent aspiration 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 40
  • 41. Treatment Learning disability team • Identifies specific learning disabilities, monitor cognitive progression, and guide services through early intervention and school • Guide speech and language treatment and the use of communicative devices Others: Ophthalmologists/ENT/dentists/endocrinologists • Ophthalmologist: visual deficits • ENT: hearing difficulties • Dentists: dental checks up • Endocrinologist: precocious puberty or treatment of osteoporosis 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. . 41
  • 42. Medications in CP • Antispasmodics/muscle relaxants - Bolinum toxin type A (Botox) - Baclofen - Benzodiazepines e.g. diazepam - Dantrolene sodium - Alpha 2- Adrenergic agonists e.g. Tizanidine • Anticholinergics (decrease secretions and also tremors) - Trihexyphenidyl (Atane) • Anticonvulsants - Phenobarbitone - Levetiracetam - Valproic acid • Dopamine prodrugs - Levodopa/carbidopa 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 42
  • 43. Neurosurgery and Orthopaedic Surgery • Intrathecal baclofen pump insertion • Selective dorsal rhizotomy • Stereotactic basal ganglia • Orthopaedic surgical intervention 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 43
  • 44. Selective dorsal rhizotomy • Is a neurosurgical treatment that may be beneficial in both the short term and long term to treat velocity-dependent spasticity • This procedure includes a laminectomy and then surgical ablation of 70-90% of the dorsal or sensory nerve roots • Selective dorsal rhizotomy decreases spasticity by decreasing reflexive motoneuron activation, which is thought to result from the lack of descending fiber input • This surgery has come to be performed less frequently since the advent of the baclofen pump 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 44
  • 45. Selective dorsal rhizotomy 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 45 A: After laminectomy, the dura is opened and the dorsal spinal rootlets are exposed. The rootlets are stimulated so that abnormal rootlet activity can be identified B: A proportion of rootlets are transected
  • 46. Thanks! 3/20/2022 Dr. Chongo Shapi, BSc.HB, MBChB, CUZ. 46