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                  Isolated aneurysm of the iliac artery, Surgery Department
                          Vascular (link to view this information.)
                               Isolated aneurysm of iliac artery
                                       (Case report)
                              * Dr. John Benalcázar Freire.

ABSTRACT                                     INTRODUCTION

Iliac aneurysms are a rare disease,          Aneurysms isolated iliac artery
usually     the     etiological    cause     without     an   abdominal     aortic
degeneration of the arterial wall            aneurysm (AAA) associated, are
(atherosclerosis),        growth        is   rare. Isolated aneurysms of the iliac
unfortunately silent about what is           artery with a prevalence of 0.3% and
required for an adequate diagnosis and       represent only 0.6% of aortoiliac
physical examination when it is              aneurysms.
symptomatic         symptoms          are
gastrointestinal, urologic and / or          Their location makes the diagnosis and,
gynecologic, the larger the aneurysm         for    this    reason,    until  failure
the greater the risk of rupture and the      asymptomatic for, which is associated
risk of death for the patient. To confirm    with high mortality, greater than aortic
you must first apply an echo abdomino-       aneurysms.
pelvic and if this be positive the next
step is to apply for CAT and / or            Its incidence is estimated at 70 per
angiotomografí.                              100,000 inhabitants / year in men aged
Iliac aneurysm should be resolved as         between 65 and 75 years, and for
soon as possible by the imminent risk        women in the same age group of 2 per
of rupture, endovascular technique           100,000 inhabitants / year. As in
when is the best indication even when        abdominal    aortic    aneurysms    its
the patient is in poor condition or had      incidence increases with age, being
associated disease, the prognosis is         rare under age 65.
better when performing a surgical
procedure     scheduled      that   when     The common iliac artery is affected
performing emergency. When an                more often (70 to 90%), followed by
aneurysm ruptures patient mortality          the internal iliac (10 to 30%), being
increases, therefore the conventional        generally respected the external
surgical treatment is the best measure.      iliac, for unknown reasons. There is
                                             a clear male predominance
KEYWORDS:           iliac    aneurysm,       (Gender ratio of 5:1 to 16:1), and the
atherosclerosis, ruptured aneurysm.          majority of patients in surgical series
                                             contents are 65 to 75 years.
                                             Approximately 50% are bilateral.
The most common cause of these              between the size and the breakdown
aneurysms is atherosclerosis, although      was not clearly established.
other etiologies have been reported as
luetic infection and associated with        Mortality from rupture is high (25 to
pregnancy.                                  57%), whereas in the case of elective
Aneurysms generally isolated iliac          repair is below 5%. At present, most
artery asymptomatic until the time of       surgeons recommended elective
breakage, however some typical              repair of isolated iliac aneurysms
symptoms are gastrointestinal in one        threshold with a diameter of
third of cases as anorexia or mild          approximately 3 to 4 cm in patients
abdominal       pain.     Genitourinary     whose risk is favorable.
symptoms ranging from a nonspecific
complaints     pyelonephritis  ureteral     The mortality rate associated with
obstruction or hematuria ureter by          surgical treatment of ruptured iliac
erosion. One in five patients has           artery aneurysms is around 33%,
symptoms neurogenic compression of          similar to aortic aneurysms ruptured.
the obturator nerve, femoral or sciatic.    The approach can be performed via
The presence of edema of the                retroperitoneal when single, or through
extremities appears in 5% of cases due      a transabdominal incision if the lesion is
to venous compression. The presence         bilateral. It can perform the interposition
of fever is a symptom of infectious         of a graft or an aortoiliac repair
aneurysms.                                  depending on the conditions of the
                                            injury. When there is a possibility of
The deep into the pelvis location           placing        a    minimally      invasive
makes their detection by physical           endovascular        prosthesis      in    a
examination     being       almost          programmed          manner       so      as
impossible not conclusive in most           endovascular treatment aneurysms
cases, making the diagnosis is
imaging.                                    The prognosis is generally good,
                                            although some authors suggest that
Currently the diagnostic method of          there is a high tendency for recurrence
choice is computed tomography (CT),         of aneurysms either ipsilateral or
which determines the extent and             contralateral.
involvement of adjacent structures.
Aneurysms unilateral common iliac           CLINICAL CASE
artery, internal and external under three
inches will be monitored annually with      Patient 69 years old with a history of
ultrasound. CT and MRI were used in         systemic lupus erythematosus disease
those cases in which the ultrasonic         of    18      years     of      evolution,
unavailable.                                thrombocytopenic purpura secondary to
According to different series, the          SLE in the same time evolution, control
majority of aneurysms at the time of        echo is detected over 7cm mass
diagnosis have a size between 4 and 5       dependent iliac artery with mural
cm in diameter, while the broken have       thrombus and presence Doppler flow
an average diameter of 6 cm.                detected with this finding is decided to
The long term monitoring breakage           continue joining protocol iliac aneurysm
rates reported between 10 and 70%           in exams is: Biometrics 12mg/dl with
after 5 years, however, the relationship    hemoglobin, leukocytes and platelets
                                            10,230 17,000. A CT scan and bone
scan bone suspected neo-injured and /
or metastasis at L1 and L2.

Angiography: 2cm abdominal aorta
with signs of atherosclerosis, presence
of aneurysm of right common iliac
artery diameter 8cm with mural
thrombus and 1cm light with external
iliac and hypogastric right normal axis
normal left iliac.

                                           Emergency surgery is performed in the
                                           retroperitoneal hematoma which is
                                           about 2000cc, breakage of about 15mm
                                           in outer sidewall for bleeding aneurysm
                                           in the abdominal cavity of about 500cc
                                           ligation is performed iliac artery at the
                                           level of its ostium , internal iliac artery
                                           ligation and external raffia aneurysm
                                           also placed extra-anatomic bypass
                                           femorofemoral with goretex 8mm. After
                                           48 hours in the intensive care unit,
It was decided to schedule surgery for     passes general wards with all pulses
aneurysm repair thrombocytopenia           present in good general condition. In
after compensating for hematology and      subsequent checks the patient is in
bone biopsy result review to assess        good condition.
patient survival, but in the process the
patient decompensation characterized
by acute abdominal pain             and
hypotension, emergency admission is
done with diagnosis of injured iliac
aneurysm; requested in the TAC
evidence that dye leakage, aneurysm
edge indistinguishable, aneurysmal wall
rupture, darkening of the iliopsoas
muscle and high density mass.
Biometrics 8mg/dl shows hemoglobin.
Aneurysms isolated iliac artery disease     displacement     of    the   aneurysm,
are a little                                emergency happens to the operating
as reported frequent work Rozhl and         room for surgical correction of ruptured
collaborators, with an incidence of         iliac aneurysm.
0.03%. Due to the lack of experience
you have with this disease, its natural     The surgical approach in this case will
history is not well known. Indeed, rates    be decided by the transabdominal route
of breakage                                 most familiar are the surgical group
not been well established, and the          also by the poor condition of the
differences to assess this aspect           patient, concomitant factors such as
between common iliac arteries, internal     thrombocytopenia      (17000),    severe
and external to a specific size.            anemia, blood loss and as the road that
                                            had more experience the surgical team,
In the series published by Minato           raffia underwent aneurysm, ligation of
describes the clinical picture is not       internal and external iliac arteries and
specific enough. The reasons for            placed       extra-anatomic       bypass
consultation are related to the             femorofemoral to restore the flow of the
commitment of neighboring organs like       right leg with goretex 8mm. Although
kidney, ureters, colon and rectum, so       there are some reports of bilateral
you need to have a high index of            hypogastric occlusion without major
suspicion. In our case it was an            complications have been reported
incidental finding on a routine             incidences of up to 80% of buttock
abdominal echo was the presence of a        claudication, ischemic colitis, erectile
mass of more than 7 cm dependent            dysfunction and even serious pelvic
iliac artery with Doppler flow inside.      ischemia, especially before an inferior
Angiography is requested following the      mesenteric artery occluded also in this
aneurysm diagnostic algorithm in the        case was kept the left iliac axis so that
same primitive is evidence 8cm iliac        the risk of this type of ischemia does
aneurysm without signs of cracking,         not exist.
with mural thrombus and flow within,
the iliac artery and aorta are sized        There retroperitoneal approach for
normal. Surgery is planned repair of        handling unilateral aneurysms not
aneurysm risk of rupture rates reported     injured and programmed routine that
between 10 and 70% at five years, with      provides a best exposure and provides
a mortality rate in untreated patients      greater choice for correction.
90%. And is expected to compensate
for the end of thrombocytopenia and         Currently the management of isolated
investigate suspected neoplasm lumbar       iliac aneurysm is best via endovascular
spine. S While awaiting the outcome of      therapy, which continues to evolve as
therapy established by hematology and       improved     refining   devices.   The
bone biopsy to surgery and repair the       endovascular management has a very
aneurysm, in such circumstances             high success rate with low morbidity
patient clinical picture characterized by   technical as shown by the number of
severe abdominal pain, hypotension, it      Sahgal et al and Sanchez work with 35
is offset emergency and requested           aneurysms, which showed only a
emergency tomography evidenced              technical failure, the monitoring was
signs of iliac wall rupture, aneurysm       done 13 and 72 months, during which
indistinguishable edge, obscuring the       there were five deaths from causes
left psoas muscle and anterior              other than the aneurysm. The
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postulated as the first indication. Has       3.   Hood       DB,      Hodgson         Kj.
advantages over surgery, such as a                 Angioplastia            transluminal
lower rate of mortality, no general                percutánea y colocación de
anesthesia is required, less blood loss            endoprótesis           para          la
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Case report iliac aneurysm

  • 1. CASE REPORTS Isolated aneurysm of the iliac artery, Surgery Department Vascular (link to view this information.) Isolated aneurysm of iliac artery (Case report) AUTHORS: * Dr. John Benalcázar Freire. ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Iliac aneurysms are a rare disease, Aneurysms isolated iliac artery usually the etiological cause without an abdominal aortic degeneration of the arterial wall aneurysm (AAA) associated, are (atherosclerosis), growth is rare. Isolated aneurysms of the iliac unfortunately silent about what is artery with a prevalence of 0.3% and required for an adequate diagnosis and represent only 0.6% of aortoiliac physical examination when it is aneurysms. symptomatic symptoms are gastrointestinal, urologic and / or Their location makes the diagnosis and, gynecologic, the larger the aneurysm for this reason, until failure the greater the risk of rupture and the asymptomatic for, which is associated risk of death for the patient. To confirm with high mortality, greater than aortic you must first apply an echo abdomino- aneurysms. pelvic and if this be positive the next step is to apply for CAT and / or Its incidence is estimated at 70 per angiotomografí. 100,000 inhabitants / year in men aged Iliac aneurysm should be resolved as between 65 and 75 years, and for soon as possible by the imminent risk women in the same age group of 2 per of rupture, endovascular technique 100,000 inhabitants / year. As in when is the best indication even when abdominal aortic aneurysms its the patient is in poor condition or had incidence increases with age, being associated disease, the prognosis is rare under age 65. better when performing a surgical procedure scheduled that when The common iliac artery is affected performing emergency. When an more often (70 to 90%), followed by aneurysm ruptures patient mortality the internal iliac (10 to 30%), being increases, therefore the conventional generally respected the external surgical treatment is the best measure. iliac, for unknown reasons. There is a clear male predominance KEYWORDS: iliac aneurysm, (Gender ratio of 5:1 to 16:1), and the atherosclerosis, ruptured aneurysm. majority of patients in surgical series contents are 65 to 75 years. Approximately 50% are bilateral.
  • 2. The most common cause of these between the size and the breakdown aneurysms is atherosclerosis, although was not clearly established. other etiologies have been reported as luetic infection and associated with Mortality from rupture is high (25 to pregnancy. 57%), whereas in the case of elective Aneurysms generally isolated iliac repair is below 5%. At present, most artery asymptomatic until the time of surgeons recommended elective breakage, however some typical repair of isolated iliac aneurysms symptoms are gastrointestinal in one threshold with a diameter of third of cases as anorexia or mild approximately 3 to 4 cm in patients abdominal pain. Genitourinary whose risk is favorable. symptoms ranging from a nonspecific complaints pyelonephritis ureteral The mortality rate associated with obstruction or hematuria ureter by surgical treatment of ruptured iliac erosion. One in five patients has artery aneurysms is around 33%, symptoms neurogenic compression of similar to aortic aneurysms ruptured. the obturator nerve, femoral or sciatic. The approach can be performed via The presence of edema of the retroperitoneal when single, or through extremities appears in 5% of cases due a transabdominal incision if the lesion is to venous compression. The presence bilateral. It can perform the interposition of fever is a symptom of infectious of a graft or an aortoiliac repair aneurysms. depending on the conditions of the injury. When there is a possibility of The deep into the pelvis location placing a minimally invasive makes their detection by physical endovascular prosthesis in a examination being almost programmed manner so as impossible not conclusive in most endovascular treatment aneurysms cases, making the diagnosis is imaging. The prognosis is generally good, although some authors suggest that Currently the diagnostic method of there is a high tendency for recurrence choice is computed tomography (CT), of aneurysms either ipsilateral or which determines the extent and contralateral. involvement of adjacent structures. Aneurysms unilateral common iliac CLINICAL CASE artery, internal and external under three inches will be monitored annually with Patient 69 years old with a history of ultrasound. CT and MRI were used in systemic lupus erythematosus disease those cases in which the ultrasonic of 18 years of evolution, unavailable. thrombocytopenic purpura secondary to According to different series, the SLE in the same time evolution, control majority of aneurysms at the time of echo is detected over 7cm mass diagnosis have a size between 4 and 5 dependent iliac artery with mural cm in diameter, while the broken have thrombus and presence Doppler flow an average diameter of 6 cm. detected with this finding is decided to The long term monitoring breakage continue joining protocol iliac aneurysm rates reported between 10 and 70% in exams is: Biometrics 12mg/dl with after 5 years, however, the relationship hemoglobin, leukocytes and platelets 10,230 17,000. A CT scan and bone
  • 3. scan bone suspected neo-injured and / or metastasis at L1 and L2. Angiography: 2cm abdominal aorta with signs of atherosclerosis, presence of aneurysm of right common iliac artery diameter 8cm with mural thrombus and 1cm light with external iliac and hypogastric right normal axis normal left iliac. Emergency surgery is performed in the retroperitoneal hematoma which is about 2000cc, breakage of about 15mm in outer sidewall for bleeding aneurysm in the abdominal cavity of about 500cc ligation is performed iliac artery at the level of its ostium , internal iliac artery ligation and external raffia aneurysm also placed extra-anatomic bypass femorofemoral with goretex 8mm. After 48 hours in the intensive care unit, It was decided to schedule surgery for passes general wards with all pulses aneurysm repair thrombocytopenia present in good general condition. In after compensating for hematology and subsequent checks the patient is in bone biopsy result review to assess good condition. patient survival, but in the process the patient decompensation characterized by acute abdominal pain and hypotension, emergency admission is done with diagnosis of injured iliac aneurysm; requested in the TAC evidence that dye leakage, aneurysm edge indistinguishable, aneurysmal wall rupture, darkening of the iliopsoas muscle and high density mass. Biometrics 8mg/dl shows hemoglobin.
  • 4. Aneurysms isolated iliac artery disease displacement of the aneurysm, are a little emergency happens to the operating as reported frequent work Rozhl and room for surgical correction of ruptured collaborators, with an incidence of iliac aneurysm. 0.03%. Due to the lack of experience you have with this disease, its natural The surgical approach in this case will history is not well known. Indeed, rates be decided by the transabdominal route of breakage most familiar are the surgical group not been well established, and the also by the poor condition of the differences to assess this aspect patient, concomitant factors such as between common iliac arteries, internal thrombocytopenia (17000), severe and external to a specific size. anemia, blood loss and as the road that had more experience the surgical team, In the series published by Minato raffia underwent aneurysm, ligation of describes the clinical picture is not internal and external iliac arteries and specific enough. The reasons for placed extra-anatomic bypass consultation are related to the femorofemoral to restore the flow of the commitment of neighboring organs like right leg with goretex 8mm. Although kidney, ureters, colon and rectum, so there are some reports of bilateral you need to have a high index of hypogastric occlusion without major suspicion. In our case it was an complications have been reported incidental finding on a routine incidences of up to 80% of buttock abdominal echo was the presence of a claudication, ischemic colitis, erectile mass of more than 7 cm dependent dysfunction and even serious pelvic iliac artery with Doppler flow inside. ischemia, especially before an inferior Angiography is requested following the mesenteric artery occluded also in this aneurysm diagnostic algorithm in the case was kept the left iliac axis so that same primitive is evidence 8cm iliac the risk of this type of ischemia does aneurysm without signs of cracking, not exist. with mural thrombus and flow within, the iliac artery and aorta are sized There retroperitoneal approach for normal. Surgery is planned repair of handling unilateral aneurysms not aneurysm risk of rupture rates reported injured and programmed routine that between 10 and 70% at five years, with provides a best exposure and provides a mortality rate in untreated patients greater choice for correction. 90%. And is expected to compensate for the end of thrombocytopenia and Currently the management of isolated investigate suspected neoplasm lumbar iliac aneurysm is best via endovascular spine. S While awaiting the outcome of therapy, which continues to evolve as therapy established by hematology and improved refining devices. The bone biopsy to surgery and repair the endovascular management has a very aneurysm, in such circumstances high success rate with low morbidity patient clinical picture characterized by technical as shown by the number of severe abdominal pain, hypotension, it Sahgal et al and Sanchez work with 35 is offset emergency and requested aneurysms, which showed only a emergency tomography evidenced technical failure, the monitoring was signs of iliac wall rupture, aneurysm done 13 and 72 months, during which indistinguishable edge, obscuring the there were five deaths from causes left psoas muscle and anterior other than the aneurysm. The
  • 5. endovascular management is a safe Surgery, Firth Edition. alternative to medium term in patients Philadelphia: Saunders at high surgical risk, especially useful in Company; 2000. pp 1246-1280. those with medical contraindications, 2. Feinberg RL, Trout HH. Isolated surgical and anatomical open handling. Iliac Artery aneurysm in Stanley Endovascular therapy is an alternative JC, Ernst CB Editors. Current treatment with comparable results to Therapy in Vascular Surgery, traditional surgery, indicated in patients Fourth Edition. St Louis with high surgical risk for diseases Missouri: Mosby; 2001. pp 313- attendant. In some cases it is 316. postulated as the first indication. Has 3. Hood DB, Hodgson Kj. advantages over surgery, such as a Angioplastia transluminal lower rate of mortality, no general percutánea y colocación de anesthesia is required, less blood loss endoprótesis para la and recovery time and shorter hospital enfermedad oclusiva de la stay. As for the disadvantages, we arteria ilíaca. Clínicas should consider mycotic Quirúrgicas de Norte América. pseudoaneurysms by the implicit risk of Cirugía endovascular y vascular infection of the device, but has already y vascular mínimamente been successful endovascular penetrante 1999; vol 3. pp 571- treatment in such cases. 72. 4. Sahgal A, Veith FJ, Lipsitz E. In cases of ruptured iliac aneurysm Diameter changes in isolated experience in this type of surgery is iliac artery aneurysms 1 to 6 minimal so you can not generalize its years alter endovascular graft use. In our institution we started a few repair. J Vasc Surg 2001; 33: years ago peripheral endovascular 289-94; discussion 294-5. procedures, but at no time have the 5. Serracino-Inglott F, Myers P. An technology and experience sufficient to alternative to aorto-uni-iliac resolve such cases in this way. EVAR and femoro-femoral crossover in a patient having an In bilateral aneurysms and patients in aorto-iliac aneurysm with an good general condition should be occluded external iliac artery. preferred or bifemoral aortobiilíaco Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg bridge, preserving as much as possible, 2007; 33: 575-7. the circulation of the internal iliac this 6. Cardon JM et al: Endoprosystem because in these patients there is a I: A multicentric French study. J high tendency to develop an abdominal Cardiovasc Surg 1996: 37: 45- aortic aneurysm (AAA). For patients in 50. poor general health, or with severe 7. Ricci MA, Najarian K, Healey comorbidities, should be managed with CT. Successful endovascular stents. treatment of a ruptured internal iliac aneurysms. J Vasc Surg. REFERENCES 2002; 35: 1274-6. 8. Dosluoglu HH, Dryjski ML, 1. Cronenwett MD, Krupski WC, Harris LM. Isolated iliac artery Rutherford RB. Abdominal Aortic aneurysms in patients with or and Iliac Aneuriysms. In without previous abdominal Rutherford R, editor. Vascular
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