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Vol. 45 No. 5 • MAY 2011   Php 70.00
ARTICLES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ARTICLES

  Canadian mining in the PhiliPPines:                                                                                                                                                                                  TSXV listed mining

      develoPment for whom?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   companies with properties in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the Philippines
By Fr. Edwin Gariguez                                                                                                                                                                                              Listed Mining Companies (TSXV) Properties
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1. ALTAI RESOURCES INC. (
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Negros Island Property Sulphur-Gold
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Lahuy Island Property – Gold
Aggressive Mining Promotion in the
Philippines                                                                                                                                                                                                        2. CADAN RESOURCES CORPORATION (http://www.cadanresources.
      Mining of the Philippine’s rich mineral                                                                                                                                                                      com)
resources is pursued within the context of                                                                                                                                                                            • T’Boli Gold-Silver
colonial trade liberalization that sets as                                                                                                                                                                            • Batoto Tarale Gold-Silver
a backdrop for the globalized economy.                                                                                                                                                                                • Comval Copper-Gold -Tagpura Maangob
What is particularly alarming in the present                                                                                                                                                                          • Tagpura Porphyry Skar
process of global trade is the immensity and                                                                                                                                                                          • Maangob Porphyry Skarn
the exceptionally rapid degree of global                                                                                                                                                                              • Kalamatan Porphyry Copper-Gold
integration affecting the terms of production                                                                                                                                                                         • Cadan Porphyry
and exchange that cross national boundar-
ies, while at the same time undermining the                                                                                                                                                                        3. CRAZY HORSE RESOURCES INC. (
power of the state in imposing its internal                                                                                                                                                                           • Kayapa Copper-Gold Porphyry Project
trade policies.                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Taysan Project Batangas
      In the case of the Philippines, the
policy recommendation made by Asian                                                                                                                                                                                4. MBMI RESOURCES INC. (
Development Bank and the United Na-                                                                                                                                                                                   • Alpha Project Palawan
tions’ Development Programme, backed                                                                                                                                                                                  • Bethlehem Nickel Project Narra
by the World Bank, greatly influenced the                                                                                                                                                                             • Dinagat Island Project
government’s move to liberalize national                                                                                                                                                                              • Malatgao and Northern Rio Tuba Properties
legislation on mining. Liberalization is at-                                                                                                                                                                          • Nickel Projects Samar (4)
tained by changing the economic policies
of the state to make them more attractive to                                                                                                                                                                       5. METALLUM RESOURCES INC. (http://www.metallumresourcesinc.
global competitiveness and to provide more                                                                                                                                                                         com)
incentives to the entry of the transnational                                                                                                                                                                          • Interest in five mineral properties terminated (Nov 2010) (Solfotara Mining
corporations. The Mining Act of 1995 is                                                                                                                                                                            Corp)
a crucial legislation enacted to liberalize
the mining policy in the Philippines in                                                                                                                                                                            6. MINDORO RESOURCES LTD. (
unequivocal terms.                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Surigao District: Agata Nickel Laterite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Agata Gold and Copper-Gold

                                                                                                                                                                                                   © Nassa Files
      Admittedly, the Philippine Mining
Act of 1995 is essentially crafted to attract                                                                                                                                                                         • Tapian San Francisco lies within the towns of Mainit
foreign investors because with its provi-                                                                                                                                                                             • MalimonoBolobolo prospect is approximately 40 km from Butuan City
sions, the country’s right to sovereignty                                                                                                                                                                             • Batangas Projects are located in Batangas Province (4)
                                                extendable to another 25 years, losses can     By single-mindedly pursuing the economic                We reaffirm our stand for the repeal of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Pan de Azucar Island Project (PDA)
is relaxed in order to provide palatable        be carried forward against income tax,         benefits or financial gain, it failed to weigh     the Mining Act of 1995. We believe that the
incentives to transnational mining inves-       among others.                                  the greater consideration in the equation—         Mining Act destroys life . . . Our experiences
tors. Among the attractive features granted                                                                                                                                                                        7. PANORO MINERALS LTD. (
                                                     The Mining Act of 1995 was primarily      the human and ecosystems well-being, the           of environmental tragedies and incidents
under the provisions of the Mining Act                                                                                                                                                                                • Divestiture in the Surigao Joint Venture on March 14, 2007- sold to Min-
                                                intended to serve foreign interest and not     human rights of the indigenous peoples and         with the mining transnational corporations
are as follow: 100% foreign ownership of        the local communities and it is never meant    the local communities, the food security and       belie all assurances of sustainable and
mining projects, allowing foreign company       to legislate equitable sharing of resources,   ecological integrity of the country.               responsible mining that the Arroyo Admin-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   8. PHILEX GOLD INC. (
to have a concession area of up to 81,000       but on the contrary, it guaranteed clear             For the affected communities, large-         istration is claiming. Increasing number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Silangan Project (formerly Boyongan Project)
hectares on shore and 324,000 hectares          profit margin to mining corporations, while    scale mining does not promote pro-people           mining affected communities, Christians
off shore, 100% repatriation of profit, 5                                                                                                                                                                             • the former Bulawan Gold Mine
                                                selling our national patrimony for mere pit-   development but in fact, it poses an immi-         and non-Christians alike, are subjected
years tax holiday later extended to eight,                                                                                                                                                                            • the Lascogon, Danao and other Gold Prospects.
                                                tance share of taxes. The mining law which     nent threat to their livelihood and the already    to human rights violations and economic
and deferred payment are allowed until all      lays down the policy for the government’s      fragile ecology. It is precisely for this reason   deprivations. We see no relief in sight . . .
cost are recovered, enjoyment of easement                                                                                                                                                                          9. PHILIPPINE METALS INC. (
                                                near-fanatical campaign to attract foreign     that the Catholic Bishops’Conference of the        The promised economic benefits of mining
rights, and other auxiliary rights in mining    investors to invest in the mining industry     Philippines categorically calls for the repeal     by these transnational corporations are out-                                                                             Mining companies, page 6
concession, mining lease for 25 years,          distorts the goal of genuine development.      of the Mining Act of 1995 stating that:            weighed by the dislocation of communities

  4        IMPACT • May 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Volume 45 • Number 5          5
ARTICLES                                                                                                                                  Canadian mining in the Philippines: development for whom?

                                                                                especially among our indigenous brothers               Our country also has a                     Ltd, Panoro Minerals Ltd, Philex         These firms claim to be the                    dismal. It failed to deliver on
 Mining companies, page 6                                                       and sisters, the risks to health and livelihood   fair share of contributions to                  Gold Inc, Philippine Metals Inc,     source of positive economic                        its promises on revenues, in-
                                                                                and massive environmental damage.                 Canada’s income from mining.                    Rugby Mining Ltd, and Tiger          and social benefits, including                     vestments and employment. Its
                                                                                     Together with the Church’s position,         There are 11 Toronto Stock                      International Resources Ltd,         poverty reduction, economic                        contribution to the Philippine
    • The Taurus-Suhi Massive Sulphide Project, Alang-Alang, Santa Fe, Palo     the prevailing position among members of          Venture Exchange listed min-                    and 6 Toronto Stock Exchange         diversification and the enhance-                   economy is relatively insignifi-
 and Tacloban City Leyte;                                                       the social movement on the mining issue is                                                                                                                                                cant compared to Agriculture,
    • Malitao Project Calanasan municipality, Kalinga-Apayao Province,          that destruction that it causes is detrimental                                                                                                                                            Fisheries and Forestry. Adding
 northern Luzon;                                                                to genuine people-centered development.                                                                                                                                                   tourism to the equation (whose
    • Dilong Project Barrio Dilong, (also known as the Hale Mayabo Claim)       They claim that the global character of                                                                                                                                                   operations are directly impacted
 285 kilometers north of Manila and about 130 kilometers north of Baguio.       mining industry, together with the policy                                                                                                                                                 by mining), then you have an
                                                                                of liberalization imbedded in the Mining                                                                                                                                                  imbalance.”
 10. RUGBY MINING LTD (                              Act of 1995, facilitated the pouring in of                                                                                                                                                     And to cite instances of
    • The Mabuhay Gold Project is located 12 kilometres south of Surigao City   mining applications in the country.                                                                                                                                                       how mining, particularly by Ca-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          nadian companies, has brought
 11. TIGER INTERNATIONAL RE-SOURCES INC. (http://www.tiger-                                                                                                                                                                                                               human rights violations and                                                                 Canadian Mining—for the good or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          threatens ecological integrity
    • Esperanza Gold Project 11 kilometers outside Baguio                       bad?                                                                                                                                                                                      of island community, there are
                                                                                      Globalized mining industry and the                                                                                                                                                  three more recent incidents:
                                                                                destructive character of its operation spell                                                                                                                                                   1. On January 10, 2011 the

       TSX listed mining                                                        misery and suffering to vulnerable groups
                                                                                and sectors like the laborers, farmers, urban
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Philippine Commission on Hu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          man Rights (CHR) promulgated

    companies with properties
                                                                                poor, indigenous peoples, among others.                                                                                                                                                   a resolution recommending can-
                                                                                In effect, globalization and its lopsided                                                                                                                                                 cellation of the mining contract
                                                                                trade liberalization undeniably result to                                                                                                                                                 issued to Oceana Gold because
       in the Philippines                                                       unprecedented adverse consequences at
                                                                                both global and local level, characterized by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of strong evidence that their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          presence in Nueva Vizcaya has
                                                                                ever-growing inequity in wealth distribution                                                                                                                                              caused human rights violations.
                                                                                and ever-worsening poverty.                                                                                                                                                               The CHR cited complaints that

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          © Nassa Files
 1. CGA MINING LIMITED (                                     The Canadian mining industry is active                                                                                                                                              Oceana Gold “had illegally and
    • Masbate Gold Project                                                      in over 100 developed and developing coun-                                                                                                                                                violently demolished some 187
                                                                                tries, and                                                                                                                                                                                                   houses in Di-
 2. CREW GOLD CORPORATION (                             is     in-                                                                                                                                                                                                   dipio: “Resi-
    • Have just sold out to Severstal, that have bought into Intex Resources    volved                                                                                                                                                                                                       dents who
 Inc.                                                                           in over                                                                                                                                                                                                      resisted and
                                                                                8,000 ex-                                                                                                                                                                                                    tried to save
 3. MEDUSA MINING LIMITED (                      ploration                                                                                                                                                                                                    their homes
    • Philsaga’s UndergroundGold Mine,                                          projects                                                                                                                                                                                                     had been
    • Anoling Project, Saugon Prospect,                                         and min-                                                                                                                                                                                                     beaten, in-
    • Trento Project,                                                           ing op-                                                                                                                                                                                                      cluding their
    • Bananghilig Gold De-posit,                                                erations                                                                                                                                                                                                     neighbors
    • Barobo Gold Corridor,                                                     world-                                                                                                                                                                                                       who helped
    • Lingig (Das-Agan) Project – Surigao Del Sur,                              wide.                                                                                                                                                                                                        them; hous-
    • Kamarangan Porphyry Copper Target,                                        Mining,                                                                                                                                                                                                      es had been
    • Usa Copper Project,                                                       with over                                                                                                                                                                                                    bulldozed off
                                                                                C$66 bil-                                                                                                                                                                                                    cliffs and set
 4. OCEANAGOLD CORPORATION (                          lion in                                                                                                                                                                                                      on fire,” the
    • Didipio Project in Northern Luzon,                                        direct in-                                                                                                                                                                                                   CHR resolu-
                                                                                vestment                                                                                                                                                                                                     tion added.
 5. OLYMPUS PACIFIC MINERALS INC. (http://www.olympuspacific.                   abroad                                                                                                                                                                                                             B u t
 com)                                                                           in 2008,                                                                                                                                                                                                     despite the
    • Capcapo Gold Property                                                     repre-                                                                                                                                                                                                       categorical
                                                                                sentsover                                                                                                                                                                                                    findings on

                                                                                                                                                                     FILE PHOTO

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FILE PHOTO
                                                                                50% of                                                                                                                                                                                                       human rights
    • Canatuan Mine,                                                            Canadian                                                                                                                                                                                                     violations,
    • Siennalynn Project,                                                       direct in-                                                                                                                                                                                                   the company
    • Balabag Gold Pro-ject, T                                                  vestment abroad in natural resources. In          ing companies with 39 proper-                   mining companies with 28 prop-       ment of local infrastructure and                   acted with impunity and is deter-
    • amarok and Tapisa Copper-Gold Projects                                    their activities in the Philippines, the Cana-    ties in the Philippines, namely,                erties in the Philippines, namely,   social and health services. But                    mined to speed up the construc-
    • Bonbon Project                                                            dian firms claim to be the source of positive     Altai Resources Inc, Canada                     CGA Mining Ltd, Crew Gold            we claim otherwise. As the                         tion phase of the operation.
    • North Zamboanga Projects                                                  economic and social benefits, including           Resources Corporation, Crazy                    Corporation, Medusa Mining           Policy Paper of the National                            Oceana Gold Corporation
                                                                                poverty reduction, economic diversification       Horse Resources Inc, MBMI                       Ltd, Oceana Gold Corporation,        Alliance Against Mining at-                        is an Australian company listed
 (Source:                                                  and the enhancement of local infrastructure       Resources Inc, Metallum Re-                     Olympus Pacific Minerals Inc,        tests: “the performance of the                     under Toronto Stock Exchange,
                                                                                and social and health ser-vices.                  sources Inc, Mindoro Resources                  TVI Pacific Inc.                     Philippine mining industry is                                          Mining, page 15

6       IMPACT • May 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Volume 45 • Number 5                              7
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NEWS
FEATURES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FEATURES

 Housing tops tsunami evacuees’ worries                                                                                                                      Dhaka archdiocese adds daycare center
                                                                                                                                                         DHAKA, May 2, 2011―Arch-            attended the opening ceremony.       cally disabled son doesn’t lis-           “My disabled son used to
JAPAN, May 2, 2011―Evacuees from the                  “I doubt they’ll throw us out,” said           water from which they ladle water into              bishop Paulinus Costa of Dhaka           “The center is disabled-        ten to us and often gets angry       vandalize the household at will.
earthquake and tsunami, many of them             Inomata. “We old folks, though, are in no           thermos bottles that people line up to have         has opened the third daycare        friendly. We’ve set it out in such   with us. I hope the center will      He didn’t listen to anyone and
old people, are living with anxiety of not       shape to go hunting for a place to stay. Where      filled. During the three sessions, they give        center for disable children in      a way that the kids can easily       help him improve and become          also got lost several times,” she
knowing where they will live and the more        can I go? I want to stay in the area.”              out more than 700 liters each day.                  the capital city to accommodate     use chairs and tables, electric      peaceful,” said Catholic house-      recalled, adding that her son
pressing and simple needs of finding hot              Inomata said she had heard of a small                At one end of the counter volunteers          more vulnerable kids in Church      switches and toilets. It will        wife Anjona Gomes, 45.               completely changed after he
water to bathe.                                  apartment that might suit her, but the rent alone   also provide cups of coffee, tea or hot choc-       services.                           also help them to dress, eat and          Muslim Rejaul Karim, 50,        was kept in Asha-1 at Nayana-
     Most people who lost their homes to         would take almost her entire pension.               olate as well as candy. Children who do not              Asha (Hope)-2 was for-         clean tables by themselves”,         said he was happy because my         gar in eastern Dhaka.
the March 11 disaster in northern Japan               Among the services for evacuees                realize that grown-ups were once children           mally opened on April 29 in         said Binoy Rodrigues, 41, the        disabled daughter can now be              BishopTheotonius Gomes,
remain in evacuation centers in schools,         provided by the Sendai Diocesan Support             who did the same thing sneak candy when             Tejturibazar area in the center     center director.                     kept near his residence, just two    the mastermind of the welfare
gymnasiums and town halls.                       Center with on-the-ground assistance from           they think no one is watching.                      of the city. It can look after           The center, which was set       minutes walking distance. He         services who is the chairman
     Kiyoko Inomata, 85, lost her family         Caritas Japan in Ishinomaki is a hot-water                Hiroshi Ono, one of two supervisors           20 children, free of charge for     up with personal efforts from        used to drop his daughter Farja-     of Episcopal Commission for
and home in Ishinomaki. She lives for            distribution at an evacuation center in the         of the operation in Ishinomaki, said, “You          parents who cannot afford to        Holy Cross auxiliary bishop          na Karim, 15, at the Church-run      HealthCare (ECHC), said: “We
the time being in a school gym with other        Kadowaki Middle School.                             have to be careful when talking to the kids.        take care of them or who work       Theotonius Gomes of Dhaka,           Father Pinos Dropping Center         try to help parents realize that
evacuees, but officials have announced                When the first group of Caritas vol-           It’s natural when they act up to say, ‘I’ll         during the day.                     is set to give parents a break       in Mirpur, on the northern           disabled children are not their
that the schools must be cleared out by          unteers arrived in the town, one of them            tell your parents.’ But some of them have                About 70 participants, most-   from the challenges of family        outskirts of Dhaka.                  burden. Even though they are
the middle of May so that normal student         heard from people living in classrooms              lost parents.”                                      ly disabled people and their par-   life as they struggle with the            AMuslimmother,AmenaBe-          born with disabilities they
life can resume.                                 and gyms that they had no access to hot                   Ono worries that once Golden Week,            ents, along with Church leaders     disabilities of their children.      gum, said the Church-run daycare     should be welcomed as gifts
     “The kids have a hard time with us          water during the day. They wanted to be             a succession of national holidays that com-         and Caritas Bangladesh officials,        “My autistic and physi-         center is making a difference.       of God.” (UCANews)
using their school, but they pitch in and        able to make tea, coffee and instant foods          bined with weekends and a day or two of
help with the cleaning,” said Inomata.           as well as rinse out towels and clothes in          vacation time gives the whole nation a week
     Temporary housing is being put up           warm water.                                         off from work and school, is over the pool          Mining, from page 7
around town, but there may not be enough              So, the volunteers began a hot-water           of student volunteers may dry up.                   In 2010, Oceana Gold had completed a            Nickel Project in Surigao, Mindanao. In July      is clear, to cultivate a climate of fear and
ready by the deadline and even if people         distribution. Each morning, afternoon and                 “Maybe we can get retirees to come as         private placement in Canada of 12,023,360       2010, Mindoro Resources was granted 2.1           stifle opposition. But instead, it is breeding
get into the housing, they are expected to       evening, volunteers stand under a tent out-         volunteers,” he said. “The hot water service        special warrants at a price of $3.50 per spe-   Canadian dollars by the International Finance     resistance and is strengthening a grassroots
move out within two years.                       side the school, tending big pots of boiling        is something they can do.” (UCANews)                cial warrant for aggregate gross proceeds       Corporation (IFC) to support this project.        anti-mining movement.
                                                                                                                                                         of $42,081,760. The private placement                 However, the Environmental and So-                The transnational corporations have

Bin Laden's death brings momentary relief
                                                                                                                                                         was led by Macquarie Capital Markets            cial Review Summary of 2008 did not ad-           become very powerful players, doing inten-
                                                                                                                                                         Canada Ltd. and Citigroup Global Markets        dress the concern that the area for mining        sified economic transactions that cross na-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         is part of the Lake Mainit watershed, the         tional boundaries. The policy or investment

   in Pakistan, deeper problems remain
                                                                                                                                                         Canada Inc.
                                                                                                                                                              2. On April 19, 2011, President Beni-      4th largest lake and home to 31 coastal           decisions are being formulated primarily by
                                                                                                                                                         gno Aquino III cancelled the Financial and      villages. There are also allegations that the     market considerations and not by national
                                                                                                                                                         Technical Assistance Agreements issued          company secured the needed consent of the         interest. As in the case of the Philippines and
LAHORE, Pakistan, May 4,             “Coming out of a state of             'Once again?' I questioned            observed.                               to MBMI Resources, Inc. covering some           indigenous peoples in a highly questionable       other developing countries, what is ironic
2011—Responding to the death         denial is in everybody's inter-       back, as I suspected that he                He said that the Vatican's        12,000 hectares of land in the municipalities   manner.                                           is that national policies are being framed or
of Osama bin Laden, advocates        est,” he told CNA on May 2.           was alive, because I had read         carefully-measured message,             of Rizal, Bataraza and Narra in Southern              With the above-given examples, and          reformulated to suit the dictated interest of
of human rights and religious        “Extremism in Pakistan is not         stories claiming he was dead          holding Bin Laden “gravely re-          Palawan. MBMI Resources Inc. is a Ca-           more similar cases all over the country, we       the mining investment.
freedom in Pakistan say the real     territory-specific, nor is the        already.”                             sponsible” for killing innocent         nadian-based mining company focused on          affirm the findings in the research study               The arena of struggle for anti-mining
work of rooting out terrorism        military response sufficient.              But the Al-Qaeda leader's        people, but refusing to “rejoice”       the exploration and development of nickel       conducted by The Canadian Center for the          campaign should not totally rely on the
remains to be done.                  The civilian leadership has to        May 1 death at the hands of           in his death, was “timely and           mineral properties in the area. Palawan is      Study of Resource Conflict in 2009, that          strength of local victories. Since the is-
     “It is a moment of relief for   chalk out a road map to legal,        U.S. special forces was no false      helpful.” Jacob also hopes that the     a small island ecosystem and mining will        the Canadian mining companies had been            sue and the new hierarchy of power have
many human rights activists,”        economic and educational re-          alarm. Instead, it was a moment       White House's message, explain-         definitely put the communities in real danger   prominently involved in environmental deg-        assumed global character, the campaign
said Peter Jacob, executive          forms.”                               of cautious optimism.                 ing that its war on terrorism is not    and will threaten the extremely rich biodi-     radation, unethical behavior and in propa-        necessarily has to assume global engage-
secretary of Pakistan's National           Jacob, whose commis-                 “I think the incident will       a fight against the religion of Islam   versity of the island. Indigenous peoples in    gating conflicts among communities.               ment. Large-scale mining is not an isolated
Commission for Justice and           sion promotes human rights            accelerate the process of re-         itself, will be translated into local   Palawan were also surprised last year when            Also, the aggressive pursuit of min-        economic activity. It is always within the
Peace.                               on behalf of Pakistan's Catholic      thinking among the Muslims            languages and be understood             they were given a permit to mine despite        ing investments has necessarily spawned           ambit of a larger network of interconnec-
     “There is a sense of satis-     bishops, was initially skeptical      that will marginalize rigid and       among the public.                       the opposition of communities.                  numerous human rights abuses, especially          tions and the dangers or risks that it poses
faction, too, that someone who       about the news reports of Bin         violent theories in the end,”               “These is local or folk                Recently, a radio commentator and          against individuals and communities op-           are common to all other sites in other parts
believed in the death of others      Laden's death.                        Jacob reflected. At the same          wisdom that people of Pakistan          environment advocate opposing mining            posed to mining. The abuse has included           of the world. Given this situation, any effort
is no longer there.”                       “I was sitting in my office     time, “it is also feared that ex-     can benefit from also,” Jacob           in Palawan was gunned down. This pro-           both physical and psychological harass-           to create global solidarity and cooperation,
     But Jacob and other Paki-       reading the newspaper, sipping        tremists will target high-profile     pointed out, quoting the words          vided a protest action with the civil society   ment. A number of anti-mining advocates           particularly among the church network, is
stani Christians worry that Bin      tea. The newspaper did not have       people—as they have made it           of the 19th century Sufi Muslim         launching the initiative to gather 10 million   have also been killed. As of February 2011,       a very welcome initiative. I
Laden's followers “will still try    this news as this operation was       clear through a message this          poet Mian Mohammad Bakhsh:              signatures to ask the government to stop        at least seven (7) anti-mining activists have
to whip up hate campaigns for        carried out early in the morn-        morning—and wage attacks.”            “Do not rejoice on the death of         mining in biodiversity rich province.           sacrificed their lives in defense of their land        (This piece was delivered by Fr. Edwin
political gain.”                     ing,” he recalled.                         “The Christians in Paki-         an enemy, Because friends will               3. On April 20, 2011, Mindoro Re-          and natural resources. One incident of this       Garriguez, Executive Secretary of Episco-
     He said Bin Laden's dis-               “A colleague of mine,          stan, because they face violence      die too one day. Every dawn is          sources Inc., a Canadian junior company         kind happened in Sibuyan, Romblon, now            pal Commission on Social Action, Justice
covery and death in the urban        who had been sitting in front         in the name of religion, are          doomed to submerge in dusk,             based in Edmonton and listed in Toronto         a Canadian-owned mining concession,               and Peace, at the Ecumenical Mining
area of Abottabad should be          of the TV, entered my room            cautious about their reaction         And don't let glee or gloom take        Stock Exchange announced that it will com-      Altai Resources, subsidiary of Altai Philip-      Confernce in Toronto, Canada, on May
a wake-up call to authorities.       and told me Osama was killed.         for existential reasons,” he          the best of you away.” (CNA)            mence the Pre-Feasibility study for Agata       pine Mining Corp. The purpose of killing          1-3, 2001)

 14         IMPACT • May 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Volume 45 • Number 5             15

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Canadian Mining In The Philippines - Impact Magazine

  • 1. Vol. 45 No. 5 • MAY 2011 Php 70.00
  • 2. ARTICLES ARTICLES Canadian mining in the PhiliPPines: TSXV listed mining develoPment for whom? companies with properties in the Philippines By Fr. Edwin Gariguez Listed Mining Companies (TSXV) Properties 1. ALTAI RESOURCES INC. ( • Negros Island Property Sulphur-Gold • Lahuy Island Property – Gold Aggressive Mining Promotion in the Philippines 2. CADAN RESOURCES CORPORATION (http://www.cadanresources. Mining of the Philippine’s rich mineral com) resources is pursued within the context of • T’Boli Gold-Silver colonial trade liberalization that sets as • Batoto Tarale Gold-Silver a backdrop for the globalized economy. • Comval Copper-Gold -Tagpura Maangob What is particularly alarming in the present • Tagpura Porphyry Skar process of global trade is the immensity and • Maangob Porphyry Skarn the exceptionally rapid degree of global • Kalamatan Porphyry Copper-Gold integration affecting the terms of production • Cadan Porphyry and exchange that cross national boundar- ies, while at the same time undermining the 3. CRAZY HORSE RESOURCES INC. ( power of the state in imposing its internal • Kayapa Copper-Gold Porphyry Project trade policies. • Taysan Project Batangas In the case of the Philippines, the policy recommendation made by Asian 4. MBMI RESOURCES INC. ( Development Bank and the United Na- • Alpha Project Palawan tions’ Development Programme, backed • Bethlehem Nickel Project Narra by the World Bank, greatly influenced the • Dinagat Island Project government’s move to liberalize national • Malatgao and Northern Rio Tuba Properties legislation on mining. Liberalization is at- • Nickel Projects Samar (4) tained by changing the economic policies of the state to make them more attractive to 5. METALLUM RESOURCES INC. (http://www.metallumresourcesinc. global competitiveness and to provide more com) incentives to the entry of the transnational • Interest in five mineral properties terminated (Nov 2010) (Solfotara Mining corporations. The Mining Act of 1995 is Corp) a crucial legislation enacted to liberalize the mining policy in the Philippines in 6. MINDORO RESOURCES LTD. ( unequivocal terms. • Surigao District: Agata Nickel Laterite • Agata Gold and Copper-Gold © Nassa Files Admittedly, the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 is essentially crafted to attract • Tapian San Francisco lies within the towns of Mainit foreign investors because with its provi- • MalimonoBolobolo prospect is approximately 40 km from Butuan City sions, the country’s right to sovereignty • Batangas Projects are located in Batangas Province (4) extendable to another 25 years, losses can By single-mindedly pursuing the economic We reaffirm our stand for the repeal of • Pan de Azucar Island Project (PDA) is relaxed in order to provide palatable be carried forward against income tax, benefits or financial gain, it failed to weigh the Mining Act of 1995. We believe that the incentives to transnational mining inves- among others. the greater consideration in the equation— Mining Act destroys life . . . Our experiences tors. Among the attractive features granted 7. PANORO MINERALS LTD. ( The Mining Act of 1995 was primarily the human and ecosystems well-being, the of environmental tragedies and incidents under the provisions of the Mining Act • Divestiture in the Surigao Joint Venture on March 14, 2007- sold to Min- intended to serve foreign interest and not human rights of the indigenous peoples and with the mining transnational corporations are as follow: 100% foreign ownership of the local communities and it is never meant the local communities, the food security and belie all assurances of sustainable and doro mining projects, allowing foreign company to legislate equitable sharing of resources, ecological integrity of the country. responsible mining that the Arroyo Admin- 8. PHILEX GOLD INC. ( to have a concession area of up to 81,000 but on the contrary, it guaranteed clear For the affected communities, large- istration is claiming. Increasing number of • Silangan Project (formerly Boyongan Project) hectares on shore and 324,000 hectares profit margin to mining corporations, while scale mining does not promote pro-people mining affected communities, Christians off shore, 100% repatriation of profit, 5 • the former Bulawan Gold Mine selling our national patrimony for mere pit- development but in fact, it poses an immi- and non-Christians alike, are subjected years tax holiday later extended to eight, • the Lascogon, Danao and other Gold Prospects. tance share of taxes. The mining law which nent threat to their livelihood and the already to human rights violations and economic and deferred payment are allowed until all lays down the policy for the government’s fragile ecology. It is precisely for this reason deprivations. We see no relief in sight . . . cost are recovered, enjoyment of easement 9. PHILIPPINE METALS INC. ( near-fanatical campaign to attract foreign that the Catholic Bishops’Conference of the The promised economic benefits of mining rights, and other auxiliary rights in mining investors to invest in the mining industry Philippines categorically calls for the repeal by these transnational corporations are out- Mining companies, page 6 concession, mining lease for 25 years, distorts the goal of genuine development. of the Mining Act of 1995 stating that: weighed by the dislocation of communities 4 IMPACT • May 2011 Volume 45 • Number 5 5
  • 3. ARTICLES Canadian mining in the Philippines: development for whom? especially among our indigenous brothers Our country also has a Ltd, Panoro Minerals Ltd, Philex These firms claim to be the dismal. It failed to deliver on Mining companies, page 6 and sisters, the risks to health and livelihood fair share of contributions to Gold Inc, Philippine Metals Inc, source of positive economic its promises on revenues, in- and massive environmental damage. Canada’s income from mining. Rugby Mining Ltd, and Tiger and social benefits, including vestments and employment. Its Together with the Church’s position, There are 11 Toronto Stock International Resources Ltd, poverty reduction, economic contribution to the Philippine • The Taurus-Suhi Massive Sulphide Project, Alang-Alang, Santa Fe, Palo the prevailing position among members of Venture Exchange listed min- and 6 Toronto Stock Exchange diversification and the enhance- economy is relatively insignifi- and Tacloban City Leyte; the social movement on the mining issue is cant compared to Agriculture, • Malitao Project Calanasan municipality, Kalinga-Apayao Province, that destruction that it causes is detrimental Fisheries and Forestry. Adding northern Luzon; to genuine people-centered development. tourism to the equation (whose • Dilong Project Barrio Dilong, (also known as the Hale Mayabo Claim) They claim that the global character of operations are directly impacted 285 kilometers north of Manila and about 130 kilometers north of Baguio. mining industry, together with the policy by mining), then you have an of liberalization imbedded in the Mining imbalance.” 10. RUGBY MINING LTD ( Act of 1995, facilitated the pouring in of And to cite instances of • The Mabuhay Gold Project is located 12 kilometres south of Surigao City mining applications in the country. how mining, particularly by Ca- nadian companies, has brought 11. TIGER INTERNATIONAL RE-SOURCES INC. (http://www.tiger- human rights violations and Canadian Mining—for the good or threatens ecological integrity • Esperanza Gold Project 11 kilometers outside Baguio bad? of island community, there are Globalized mining industry and the three more recent incidents: destructive character of its operation spell 1. On January 10, 2011 the TSX listed mining misery and suffering to vulnerable groups and sectors like the laborers, farmers, urban Philippine Commission on Hu- man Rights (CHR) promulgated companies with properties poor, indigenous peoples, among others. a resolution recommending can- In effect, globalization and its lopsided cellation of the mining contract trade liberalization undeniably result to issued to Oceana Gold because in the Philippines unprecedented adverse consequences at both global and local level, characterized by of strong evidence that their presence in Nueva Vizcaya has ever-growing inequity in wealth distribution caused human rights violations. and ever-worsening poverty. The CHR cited complaints that © Nassa Files 1. CGA MINING LIMITED ( The Canadian mining industry is active Oceana Gold “had illegally and • Masbate Gold Project in over 100 developed and developing coun- violently demolished some 187 tries, and houses in Di- 2. CREW GOLD CORPORATION ( is in- dipio: “Resi- • Have just sold out to Severstal, that have bought into Intex Resources volved dents who Inc. in over resisted and 8,000 ex- tried to save 3. MEDUSA MINING LIMITED ( ploration their homes • Philsaga’s UndergroundGold Mine, projects had been • Anoling Project, Saugon Prospect, and min- beaten, in- • Trento Project, ing op- cluding their • Bananghilig Gold De-posit, erations neighbors • Barobo Gold Corridor, world- who helped • Lingig (Das-Agan) Project – Surigao Del Sur, wide. them; hous- • Kamarangan Porphyry Copper Target, Mining, es had been • Usa Copper Project, with over bulldozed off C$66 bil- cliffs and set 4. OCEANAGOLD CORPORATION ( lion in on fire,” the • Didipio Project in Northern Luzon, direct in- CHR resolu- vestment tion added. 5. OLYMPUS PACIFIC MINERALS INC. (http://www.olympuspacific. abroad B u t com) in 2008, despite the • Capcapo Gold Property repre- categorical sentsover findings on FILE PHOTO 6. TVI PACIFIC INC. ( FILE PHOTO 50% of human rights • Canatuan Mine, Canadian violations, • Siennalynn Project, direct in- the company • Balabag Gold Pro-ject, T vestment abroad in natural resources. In ing companies with 39 proper- mining companies with 28 prop- ment of local infrastructure and acted with impunity and is deter- • amarok and Tapisa Copper-Gold Projects their activities in the Philippines, the Cana- ties in the Philippines, namely, erties in the Philippines, namely, social and health services. But mined to speed up the construc- • Bonbon Project dian firms claim to be the source of positive Altai Resources Inc, Canada CGA Mining Ltd, Crew Gold we claim otherwise. As the tion phase of the operation. • North Zamboanga Projects economic and social benefits, including Resources Corporation, Crazy Corporation, Medusa Mining Policy Paper of the National Oceana Gold Corporation poverty reduction, economic diversification Horse Resources Inc, MBMI Ltd, Oceana Gold Corporation, Alliance Against Mining at- is an Australian company listed (Source: and the enhancement of local infrastructure Resources Inc, Metallum Re- Olympus Pacific Minerals Inc, tests: “the performance of the under Toronto Stock Exchange, and social and health ser-vices. sources Inc, Mindoro Resources TVI Pacific Inc. Philippine mining industry is Mining, page 15 6 IMPACT • May 2011 Volume 45 • Number 5 7
  • 4. NEWS NEWS FEATURES FEATURES Housing tops tsunami evacuees’ worries Dhaka archdiocese adds daycare center DHAKA, May 2, 2011―Arch- attended the opening ceremony. cally disabled son doesn’t lis- “My disabled son used to JAPAN, May 2, 2011―Evacuees from the “I doubt they’ll throw us out,” said water from which they ladle water into bishop Paulinus Costa of Dhaka “The center is disabled- ten to us and often gets angry vandalize the household at will. earthquake and tsunami, many of them Inomata. “We old folks, though, are in no thermos bottles that people line up to have has opened the third daycare friendly. We’ve set it out in such with us. I hope the center will He didn’t listen to anyone and old people, are living with anxiety of not shape to go hunting for a place to stay. Where filled. During the three sessions, they give center for disable children in a way that the kids can easily help him improve and become also got lost several times,” she knowing where they will live and the more can I go? I want to stay in the area.” out more than 700 liters each day. the capital city to accommodate use chairs and tables, electric peaceful,” said Catholic house- recalled, adding that her son pressing and simple needs of finding hot Inomata said she had heard of a small At one end of the counter volunteers more vulnerable kids in Church switches and toilets. It will wife Anjona Gomes, 45. completely changed after he water to bathe. apartment that might suit her, but the rent alone also provide cups of coffee, tea or hot choc- services. also help them to dress, eat and Muslim Rejaul Karim, 50, was kept in Asha-1 at Nayana- Most people who lost their homes to would take almost her entire pension. olate as well as candy. Children who do not Asha (Hope)-2 was for- clean tables by themselves”, said he was happy because my gar in eastern Dhaka. the March 11 disaster in northern Japan Among the services for evacuees realize that grown-ups were once children mally opened on April 29 in said Binoy Rodrigues, 41, the disabled daughter can now be BishopTheotonius Gomes, remain in evacuation centers in schools, provided by the Sendai Diocesan Support who did the same thing sneak candy when Tejturibazar area in the center center director. kept near his residence, just two the mastermind of the welfare gymnasiums and town halls. Center with on-the-ground assistance from they think no one is watching. of the city. It can look after The center, which was set minutes walking distance. He services who is the chairman Kiyoko Inomata, 85, lost her family Caritas Japan in Ishinomaki is a hot-water Hiroshi Ono, one of two supervisors 20 children, free of charge for up with personal efforts from used to drop his daughter Farja- of Episcopal Commission for and home in Ishinomaki. She lives for distribution at an evacuation center in the of the operation in Ishinomaki, said, “You parents who cannot afford to Holy Cross auxiliary bishop na Karim, 15, at the Church-run HealthCare (ECHC), said: “We the time being in a school gym with other Kadowaki Middle School. have to be careful when talking to the kids. take care of them or who work Theotonius Gomes of Dhaka, Father Pinos Dropping Center try to help parents realize that evacuees, but officials have announced When the first group of Caritas vol- It’s natural when they act up to say, ‘I’ll during the day. is set to give parents a break in Mirpur, on the northern disabled children are not their that the schools must be cleared out by unteers arrived in the town, one of them tell your parents.’ But some of them have About 70 participants, most- from the challenges of family outskirts of Dhaka. burden. Even though they are the middle of May so that normal student heard from people living in classrooms lost parents.” ly disabled people and their par- life as they struggle with the AMuslimmother,AmenaBe- born with disabilities they life can resume. and gyms that they had no access to hot Ono worries that once Golden Week, ents, along with Church leaders disabilities of their children. gum, said the Church-run daycare should be welcomed as gifts “The kids have a hard time with us water during the day. They wanted to be a succession of national holidays that com- and Caritas Bangladesh officials, “My autistic and physi- center is making a difference. of God.” (UCANews) using their school, but they pitch in and able to make tea, coffee and instant foods bined with weekends and a day or two of help with the cleaning,” said Inomata. as well as rinse out towels and clothes in vacation time gives the whole nation a week Temporary housing is being put up warm water. off from work and school, is over the pool Mining, from page 7 around town, but there may not be enough So, the volunteers began a hot-water of student volunteers may dry up. In 2010, Oceana Gold had completed a Nickel Project in Surigao, Mindanao. In July is clear, to cultivate a climate of fear and ready by the deadline and even if people distribution. Each morning, afternoon and “Maybe we can get retirees to come as private placement in Canada of 12,023,360 2010, Mindoro Resources was granted 2.1 stifle opposition. But instead, it is breeding get into the housing, they are expected to evening, volunteers stand under a tent out- volunteers,” he said. “The hot water service special warrants at a price of $3.50 per spe- Canadian dollars by the International Finance resistance and is strengthening a grassroots move out within two years. side the school, tending big pots of boiling is something they can do.” (UCANews) cial warrant for aggregate gross proceeds Corporation (IFC) to support this project. anti-mining movement. of $42,081,760. The private placement However, the Environmental and So- The transnational corporations have Bin Laden's death brings momentary relief was led by Macquarie Capital Markets cial Review Summary of 2008 did not ad- become very powerful players, doing inten- Canada Ltd. and Citigroup Global Markets dress the concern that the area for mining sified economic transactions that cross na- is part of the Lake Mainit watershed, the tional boundaries. The policy or investment in Pakistan, deeper problems remain Canada Inc. 2. On April 19, 2011, President Beni- 4th largest lake and home to 31 coastal decisions are being formulated primarily by gno Aquino III cancelled the Financial and villages. There are also allegations that the market considerations and not by national Technical Assistance Agreements issued company secured the needed consent of the interest. As in the case of the Philippines and LAHORE, Pakistan, May 4, “Coming out of a state of 'Once again?' I questioned observed. to MBMI Resources, Inc. covering some indigenous peoples in a highly questionable other developing countries, what is ironic 2011—Responding to the death denial is in everybody's inter- back, as I suspected that he He said that the Vatican's 12,000 hectares of land in the municipalities manner. is that national policies are being framed or of Osama bin Laden, advocates est,” he told CNA on May 2. was alive, because I had read carefully-measured message, of Rizal, Bataraza and Narra in Southern With the above-given examples, and reformulated to suit the dictated interest of of human rights and religious “Extremism in Pakistan is not stories claiming he was dead holding Bin Laden “gravely re- Palawan. MBMI Resources Inc. is a Ca- more similar cases all over the country, we the mining investment. freedom in Pakistan say the real territory-specific, nor is the already.” sponsible” for killing innocent nadian-based mining company focused on affirm the findings in the research study The arena of struggle for anti-mining work of rooting out terrorism military response sufficient. But the Al-Qaeda leader's people, but refusing to “rejoice” the exploration and development of nickel conducted by The Canadian Center for the campaign should not totally rely on the remains to be done. The civilian leadership has to May 1 death at the hands of in his death, was “timely and mineral properties in the area. Palawan is Study of Resource Conflict in 2009, that strength of local victories. Since the is- “It is a moment of relief for chalk out a road map to legal, U.S. special forces was no false helpful.” Jacob also hopes that the a small island ecosystem and mining will the Canadian mining companies had been sue and the new hierarchy of power have many human rights activists,” economic and educational re- alarm. Instead, it was a moment White House's message, explain- definitely put the communities in real danger prominently involved in environmental deg- assumed global character, the campaign said Peter Jacob, executive forms.” of cautious optimism. ing that its war on terrorism is not and will threaten the extremely rich biodi- radation, unethical behavior and in propa- necessarily has to assume global engage- secretary of Pakistan's National Jacob, whose commis- “I think the incident will a fight against the religion of Islam versity of the island. Indigenous peoples in gating conflicts among communities. ment. Large-scale mining is not an isolated Commission for Justice and sion promotes human rights accelerate the process of re- itself, will be translated into local Palawan were also surprised last year when Also, the aggressive pursuit of min- economic activity. It is always within the Peace. on behalf of Pakistan's Catholic thinking among the Muslims languages and be understood they were given a permit to mine despite ing investments has necessarily spawned ambit of a larger network of interconnec- “There is a sense of satis- bishops, was initially skeptical that will marginalize rigid and among the public. the opposition of communities. numerous human rights abuses, especially tions and the dangers or risks that it poses faction, too, that someone who about the news reports of Bin violent theories in the end,” “These is local or folk Recently, a radio commentator and against individuals and communities op- are common to all other sites in other parts believed in the death of others Laden's death. Jacob reflected. At the same wisdom that people of Pakistan environment advocate opposing mining posed to mining. The abuse has included of the world. Given this situation, any effort is no longer there.” “I was sitting in my office time, “it is also feared that ex- can benefit from also,” Jacob in Palawan was gunned down. This pro- both physical and psychological harass- to create global solidarity and cooperation, But Jacob and other Paki- reading the newspaper, sipping tremists will target high-profile pointed out, quoting the words vided a protest action with the civil society ment. A number of anti-mining advocates particularly among the church network, is stani Christians worry that Bin tea. The newspaper did not have people—as they have made it of the 19th century Sufi Muslim launching the initiative to gather 10 million have also been killed. As of February 2011, a very welcome initiative. I Laden's followers “will still try this news as this operation was clear through a message this poet Mian Mohammad Bakhsh: signatures to ask the government to stop at least seven (7) anti-mining activists have to whip up hate campaigns for carried out early in the morn- morning—and wage attacks.” “Do not rejoice on the death of mining in biodiversity rich province. sacrificed their lives in defense of their land (This piece was delivered by Fr. Edwin political gain.” ing,” he recalled. “The Christians in Paki- an enemy, Because friends will 3. On April 20, 2011, Mindoro Re- and natural resources. One incident of this Garriguez, Executive Secretary of Episco- He said Bin Laden's dis- “A colleague of mine, stan, because they face violence die too one day. Every dawn is sources Inc., a Canadian junior company kind happened in Sibuyan, Romblon, now pal Commission on Social Action, Justice covery and death in the urban who had been sitting in front in the name of religion, are doomed to submerge in dusk, based in Edmonton and listed in Toronto a Canadian-owned mining concession, and Peace, at the Ecumenical Mining area of Abottabad should be of the TV, entered my room cautious about their reaction And don't let glee or gloom take Stock Exchange announced that it will com- Altai Resources, subsidiary of Altai Philip- Confernce in Toronto, Canada, on May a wake-up call to authorities. and told me Osama was killed. for existential reasons,” he the best of you away.” (CNA) mence the Pre-Feasibility study for Agata pine Mining Corp. The purpose of killing 1-3, 2001) 14 IMPACT • May 2011 Volume 45 • Number 5 15