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Vol. 46 No. 3 • March 2012   Php 70.00

               Mining in the Philippines
                                            A tale of two powers
                                                          (2nd of three parts)
Mining in the Philippines today is a tale
of two powers, the Church and Govern-
ment, at loggerheads with each other on
two aspects of the issue—the legal and
the moral or geoethical. It is a tale of
incredible wealth and incredible danger
to life and health. It is a story of a captive
state showing of late a desire to be freed
from captivity. It is a challenge of stew-
ardship and an invitation to respect the
national patrimony. It is an area fraught
with systematic human rights violations
and environmental degradation. It is an
activity crying out for a Code of Ethics
and, overall, a hope for sustainable action
and productive responsibility.

By Charles Avila

A Tale of a Captive State
      The problem really is, again, the fact

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that the State and the Filipino people do
not really own and control mining as a
crucial part of basic industry. In no other
sector than in mining is the Philippine state           It then went on to say that: “The mine          “Two major issues concerning the
exposed to be unarguably weak, captive             tailings spills that occurred at Lafayette      implementation of the Project remain
and thoroughly unenlightened.                      Philippines Inc.’s polymetallic project site    pending: the integrity of the tailings dam
      The organs of government often be-           at Rapu-Rapu Island in Albay on October         structure and the Acid Mine Drainage, or
haved like captured instruments of the             11 and 31, 2005 must be looked at from this     AMD, problem.”
mining companies. Because of this, one             solitary and singular perspective.”                  Then DENR explicitly said:
could never really have hoped that mineral              Then it agreed with the Bastes Fact-            “On the acid mine drainage, or AMD,
production and development would serve             Finding Commission with regard to the           problem, Lafayette still has to submit a
the modernization of agriculture and the           major points and enumerated them thus:          viable solution.
launching of rural industrialization with all           The two tailing spills were prevent-            “In fact, an important ECC condi-
that this could have entailed in terms of food     able.                                           tionality for the project is the adequacy
security and economic self-reliance.                    1. Lafayette was guilty of lapses of       and effectiveness of its strategy to control
      This was worsened when one saw               an operational/technical and manage-            AMD.”
that social and environmental impacts              ment nature.                                         “These perceived shortcomings per-
were not really a factor in a mainly profit             2. Lafayette does not measure up to        tain to such matters as the method of en-
equation: verbally, yes, maybe; but really,        the standards of responsible mining.            capsulation to be used, the effectiveness of
not at all.                                             3. DENR itself was a failure in moni-      limestone in neutralizing acidic materials,
      Let me cite to you again the instruc-        toring Lafayette and consequently did not       the use of composite dry soil to seal waste
tive case of Rapu-Rapu. Laugh or cry if            detect the violations that would indicate the   rock, the sloping terrain of Rapu-Rapu
you want. Choose your mood, but here are           possibility of environmental accidents.         that makes AMD treatment difficult, and
the relevant facts. In the first paragraph of           4. The sharing of benefits from the        the absence of a microbial control method.
their summary reaction report on the Bastes        mineral exploitation of Rapu-Rapu Island        In any event, the long-term effects of AMD
Commission findings, the DENR said: “The           was clearly grossly unfavorable to the          must definitely be adequately addressed”
exploitation of a country’s mineral resources      Philippine government.                          and per DENR no less, there was no sat-
can only be justified if it does not irreparably                                                   isfactory solution proposed as yet.
damage the environment and if it benefits              And with regard to the long-term envi-           And yet, all these serious premises
the community and the nation as a whole.           ronmental risks, beyond the spills, DENR        considered—here is where you want to
This is beyond all argument.”1                     agreed with the Bastes Commission that:         laugh or cry—DENR strikes a curve ball

  8         IMPACT • March 2012
Mining in the Philippines

and says, “Taking into consideration all              From the very outset, then, the objec-    They did not analyze mercury in the ore
the facts and findings, and all the opinions     tive of any country that seeks to derive any   because the law does not require them
expressed on the various issues, DENR            good from the mining industry should be        even if, ethically speaking, responsible
feels that the best option to take is to allow   to ensure that mining is done the right way.   mining does.
Lafayette to resume operations subject to        Only such a view stands to reason, which            Likewise, Lafayette did not feel any
certain stringent pre-conditions.”               posits that mining is not purely an economic   legal obligation to make a disclosure on
     The former members of the Bastes            nor merely a legal issue. It is primarily an   the initiation of AMD (acid mine drainage)
Commission simply could not find any             environmental issue and as such, must be       in the open pit, in the tailings and run-off
rhyme or reason for the DENR conclusion/         governed and justified within the context      of pyretic materials. They may have been
decision since the Commission’s findings         of environmental ethics or what is now         less than honest, and even cruel in their
on the serious violations of environmental       called geo-ethics. In fact, underlying any     non-disclosure because once AMD is
and legal safety standards for responsible       mining law and the economics that ap-          initiated, it is difficult to control, but they
mining had not been negated.                     pertain to it should be a solid geo-ethical    were proud they did nothing illegal—the
                                                 foundation—a foundation of rules for           law does not require them even if, ethically
Why not “No More Wang2?” Focus on                the use of mineral resources, which are        speaking, responsible mining does.
the Moral                                        designed to protect people against envi-            A given mining operation, therefore,
     And so the Bastes commission said:          ronmental catastrophes.                        will have to be viewed by people and the
Why not just follow the rule of law rather            For a while the officers of Lafayette     State according to this perspective and first
than a culture of privilege and impunity?        were exploiting to the maximum the pro-        be evaluated as either ethically right or
In accordance with the spirit and letter         paganda line that since they used cyanide      wrong, good or bad, before it could even
of the law, DENR should just cancel the          for their carbon-in-leach or CIL process,      be considered legal or illegal, before it
Environment Clearance Certificate (ECC)          and not mercury—how could there be             can be judged economically profitable or
of a recidivist firm, and if allowed to re-      mercury in the waters around the island        non profitable, before it can be tested as
apply, let it undertake the drawing up of        attributable to them? The presence of          socially acceptable or not. Without a full
an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)          mercury had to be the fault of someone         respect for the principles of geo-ethics,
and propose an Environmental Manage-             else, not theirs. The scientists of the        the exploitation of mineral resources can
ment System (EMS), precisely as the              Bastes Commission patiently reiterated         be very dangerous indeed.
law requires, and then let an awakened           the simple fact that mining as an activity          In the course of economic develop-
citizenry watch a reformed DENR do its           frees heavy metals like cadmium, lead          ment and growth, many human acts can
job. That is what the Bastes Commission          and mercury, which are harmful to people       be either right or wrong relative to their
logically recommended which the DENR             and fish, even at low concentrations, in a     effects on the house of life we call the
so illogically ignored.                          chain reaction that can go on for a long       environment. Human acts are rarely value-
            Talk of a failed state, or maybe     time so that the more relevant question        free or ethically neutral. They are always
                    a captive state—and we       was—and the Commission was now ask-            either right or wrong. And when they
                            may be looking at    ing Lafayette: do they know if there was       are wrong—no matter what great profits
                                  one here.      mercury in the ore that they mined? The        they had brought to some corporations, or
                                                 reply was they do not and would not know.      revenues to some states, and prosperity to

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                                                                                                        Volume 46 • Number 3              9

                                                                                                             the ugliness—perhaps, at the very least
                                                                                                             to build a decent urban patch—not to
                                                                                                             mention caring for a populace rendered
                                                                                                             medically ill by irresponsible mining’s
                                                                                                             effluents and tailings?
                                                                                                                  And what would happen to indig-
                                                                                                             enous peoples, peasants and fisher folk
                                                                                                             left without their rivers, croplands, forests
                                                                                                             and bodies of water that now would surely
                                                                                                             lead to disease and food insecurity and
                                                                                                             even worse poverty?
                                                                                                                  Generally, in any case, past mining
                                                                                                             methods have had, and methods used in
                                                                                                             countries with lax environmental regula-
                                                                                                             tions continue to have, devastating envi-
                                                                                                             ronmental and public health effects.
                                                                                                                  Worst of all, because of the weakness
                                                                                                             of the Philippine state, mining was not
                                                                                                             banned where it should never have been
                                                                                                             allowed any time at all, namely in high
                                                                                                             environmentally critical areas such as

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                                                                                                             small island ecosystems with steep slopes
                                                                                                             and heavy rainfall patterns in typhoon belt
                                                                                                             and acid mine drainage areas – in areas
some individuals and social sectors—if          and are subject to the rules and processes                   precisely like the islands of Rapu-Rapu.
and when those human activities we refer        of the ecosystems of the natural world. It is
to were essentially wrong, they ultimately      not the other way around. We are a part of                   Part of a National Industrialization
and inevitably would have to bring worse        and not apart from the natural world. The                    Program
problems and deeper crises, for truth is one:   biology of natural systems simply does not                        Could things be better if the State
the truth of science, the truth of economics    function subject to our rules, economies,                    supports and protects Filipinos who have
and the truth of ecology are one many-          and decisions. In other words, it is we who                  agreed to take the risk of entering the
sided, non-conflictual truth.                   exist within and are subject to the natural                  mining field as part of a national indus-
     For instance, a certain way of exploit-    setting, not the other way around.                           trialization program? Most probably, yes,
ing some mineral resources could bring                                                                       on the logical hunch that those who live
irreparable, and therefore irreversible,        Not therefore against mining per se                          here are not normally in a suicide mode;
damage to the environment. Any damage                Only in this moral-philosophical                        they would not normally want to destroy
to the environment in this way can in turn      context can we concede that we should                        the environment in which they live and
bring irreparable harm and injury to hu-        not be against mining per se. Mining has                     move and have their being.
man health. The dramatic example of the         been an important part in the historical                          It is the State that is mainly respon-
Minamata disease in Japan took years and        development of civilizations – from first                    sible for the country’s strategic economic
years to establish, before effects could be     (agricultural) to second (industrial) to third               development plan. It should thus be able
linked to original causes beyond reason-        (information) wave of social formations.                     to re-channel government support after
able doubt. In our own country today, after     Industries need minerals to support the                      thorough policy review of what is useful
Marinduque and Rapu-Rapu, the question          production and flow of basic goods and                       and what is not. It will be surprised to see
necessarily pops up: What is the right thing    services. Indeed, how fortunate should                       how much and what can still be re-directed
to do? Undoubtedly this is, quite properly,     our country have been, given the mineral                     to priorities furthering the task of building
an ethical question —whether or not it is       resources vital for industrialization!                       a strong industrial economy by seriously
recognized as such.                                  For millennia upon millennia now, the                   developing in our country an integrated
     Another fact is the non-renewability       evolution and development of the human                       mining industry: a task and a challenge
and non-inexhaustibility of mineral re-         species has always been accompanied by                       no think tank around has as yet taken up.
sources. Once they are depleted, there is no    some form of mining: from the most primi-                         Granted there is room for foreign
way that they can be replaced or restored.      tive demand for flint stone to the current                   investments—room, why must we be
We know that the essential resources upon       demand for rare earth elements, a demand                     so eager to give away the whole house?
which our global progress depends are           dictated by the lifestyle of a species that                  Why not, rather, rigorously screen and
not inherently and exclusively created          could, come to think of it, choose to evolve                 strictly regulate investors? Can’t the State
by human ingenuity and technology. On           or develop otherwise.                                        make sure that foreign participation in the
the contrary, the essential resources upon           But the question remains: after the                     critical stages of minerals extraction and
which global progress depends are inher-        environment is fatally devastated, will                      processing be in accord with a defined
ently natural in origin so that resources are   there be any mining firm around to take                      program for environmental care, technol-
fundamentally in limited supply.                responsibility and undertake what has to                     ogy transfer and constitutionally correct
     Putting it another way: our technologi-    be done to rehabilitate the wounded land,                    equity shares?
cal systems and we humans exist within          to reconstitute the top soil, to re-green                         It is time we open our eyes to the fact

 10        IMPACT • March 2012

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that we are often fried in our own grease.       40.10%, Brazil 40.85%, Argentina 46.13%,               The Philippines has become such a
What triggers the activity of fund managers      Canada 46.71%, Guyana 48.16%, Austra-            give-away country—one wonders why any
and investors from abroad are the licenses       lia 50.60% )! In the Philippines, however,       one should even respect it as sovereign at
and permits and certificates here. The           it is exactly 0%, believe it or not. Why not     all. The State and the Filipino people have
resource is here. The power to allow the         bring it up to 50.00%?                           been so remiss in their duty as stewards.
production of new wealth is here. And I                At the present time, the Mining Act is     Section 80 of its Mining Act expressly
submit that Filipino financiers can do as        blind on how the State—which has the ex-         states that the excise tax on mineral prod-
good if not a better job if backed up by the     clusive duty to explore, develop and utilize     ucts shall constitute the "total government
sovereign state. What we mean is that in the     natural resources—would participate in the       share in a mineral production-sharing
case of mining, would-be investors come          profits of service contracts such as financial   agreement," which under the Tax Code is
here not seeking markets or efficient and        and technical assistance agreements with         only two percent of the market value of
cheap labor so much as finding the natural       mining contractors. The law also does not        the gross output of the minerals. Section
assets actually found here.                      guarantee that the government will receive       84 reiterates essentially the same thing.
                                                 an equitable share on the mining contrac-        From an ethical standpoint, prescinding
Recover the Share of National Patri-             tor's profit. The government's share in the      from any changing Supreme Court deci-
mony                                             mining deals only includes taxes, duties,        sions, the law does not make sense when
     Here is a concrete proposal to strength-    and other fees paid by the contractors. The      one looks at the provision on the state
en the financial capacity of the State so that   payment of these fees does not immediately       ownership of mineral resources, because,
it can have the wherewithal to become an         benefit the Philippines as the contractors are   in effect, the government concedes to the
effective and responsible steward of the         given the privilege of first fully recovering    foreign corporation practically for free
national patrimony: amend the Mining             their pre-operating and property expenses        its beneficial ownership over the mineral
Act to include the crucial provision of the      before paying their financial obligations        resources.2 I
government's pre-tax share of the cash flow      to the government, not to mention the ag-
generated by a mining project. In most           gressive grant of tax holidays to foreign                       (To be continued next issue)
countries around the world where there           investors in mining, which does not make
is mining this pre-tax share representing        sense at all since, as already mentioned,        ______________
the national patrimony averages a hefty          mining is that kind of investment which          1
                                                                                                    vide full report in:
38% (Chile 15.00% , Bolivia 27.06%               is neither market-seeking nor efficiency-        sia/ph/Global/seasia/report/2006/8/denr-assessment-
,Venezuela 32.82% ,Peru 36.52%, United           and-cheap-labor-seeking so much as clear         2
                                                                                                    See also, Solita Collas-Monsod:
States 36.61%, Mexico 37.21%, Botswana           asset-seeking.                         ‘zero’-share-from-mining-wealth.

                                                                                                           Volume 46 • Number 3                 11

      Paradise lost to
     destructive mining

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By Fr. Shay Cullen                             homes must be built in advance to highest      tain covered in forest solid against a blue
                                               standards for the people of the area where     sky stood proudly providing a bounteous
                                               mining is allowed, if ever, then only under    home to the indigenous people for genera-
        resident Benigno Aquino plans to       the strictest regulations and supervision.

                                                                                              tions. In the 70's, I often traveled there to
        issue a historical Executive Order     Mining sites must be open to media and         the villages of the indigenous people on
        (EO) to regulate the mining industry   NGO's for transparency and monitoring          my pastoral visits.
to protect the environment and the rights      of compliance with the law.                          Then one day, with a single stroke of
of the people. A strict order is needed and          Employees must be paid the highest       pen, a scribbled illegible signature by a
hopefully, it will levy at least a 20% tax     wages and must be from the locality and        distant government official, its fate was
on mining profits. Hundreds of thousands       not foreigners. Today, Chinese workers are     sealed and doomed. Then came the killer
of justice loving Filipinos live in hope and   brought in to work in some mining opera-       chain saws and the bulldozers, the back-
expectation that it will be so.                tions. Even if we have responsible mining,     hoes and the dynamite, the crushers and the
      Mining in the Philippines has a bad      a hefty bond must be paid in advance for       trucks. They roared and ranted in a frenzy,
reputation for environmental destruction,      the restoration of the environment in case     attacking the serenity of nature, ripping it
bribery, low tax and even extensive "tax       of any damage.                                 apart, year after year; digging, scraping,
holiday" privileges despite soaring com-             We see damage everywhere in the          scarring, killing all living creatures and
modity prices. It has provoked reaction and    mining industry. When opposed by the           reducing to powder all the earth and rock
a strong people's power opposition. (See       people protecting the environment, they        in the rollers of the mighty crushers.
the resistance to these incursions www.        harass them with baseless legal com-                 The huge trucks transported its dying The investors          plaints like in Midsalip, Zamboanga del        heart to the waiting ships. Insatiable ap-
in mining don't need low tax incentives.       Sur where the Columban Missionaries are        petites demanded more and more until it
The high commodity prices of minerals          criminally charged together with the people    was almost all gone. Then nature reacted.
worldwide assure big profits. There should     for defending the environment against the      The mighty Mt. Pinatubo belched forth its
be no mining allowed where there will be       mining company. It is a travesty of justice    angry torrent of protest and ended it all.
serious environmental and community            just like the damage done by mining to the     Today, the mountain and valley is aban-
damage.                                        environment.                                   doned and dead, a gaping gigantic wound
      Without strong taxation on the mining          As I look out my window across           in its side, a white shroud of volcanic ash
industry, the government and the people        Subic bay towards Matain, I can see the        covers its ugliness. Below in the valley,
will get practically nothing from the vast     remains of the long conveyer belt and          a poisoned lake of toxic chemicals has
wealth of the nation's minerals. In Austra-    the abandoned wharf. There, the ships          killed all life.
lia, the profits of mining corporations are    bound for Japan berthed year after year              Here can be seen the evidence that
recently taxed to 35%. Now that is what        and greedily swallowed the millions of         the promises of mining companies and
we need in the Philippines.                    tons of black chromate with its mixture        their corporate and government backers
      If ever mining is allowed, the miner-    of precious sparkling gold flakes.             are but falsehoods and lies. Here is seen
als must be processed in the Philippines,            The once great storage warehouses        the evidence of empty promises that we
not shipped abroad as raw materials.           now stand empty, silent witnesses to the       hear today from the Chamber of Mines and
Processing gives added value and bigger        plunder of nature and the destruction of the   their members and backers. This is what
tax revenue and more jobs for Filipi-          mighty mountain in Pili, San Marcelino,        President Aquino will surely regulate and
nos. Communities, schools, hospitals and       Zambales. There, the once majestic moun-       it must be strong and for the people. I

 12        IMPACT • March 2012

16   IMPACT • March 2012
                                                                                                                      S TO RY

 Should Mining
 be allowed in
the Philippines?
By Christian S. Monsod                         did not include these because the min-        by every administration—that rising
                                               ing industry may have a point on the          waters raise all boats—that sustained

                                               practicality and long-term feasibility        economic growth driven by investments
       he mineral wealth of our country,       of these conditions—hence the need for        will eliminate poverty. But conclusive
       as the mining industry reminds          more consultations.                           empirical data tell us that sustained high
       us, is “staggering” – about $840              I submit that mining is a social        growth is not possible unless we also
billion. Its potential to contribute to        justice issue. And we cannot discuss it       address the problem of inequality. And
our country’s development cannot be            except in the context of our country’s        that means not only income reform—
discounted. While mining has never been        dismal performance in addressing mass         quality education, universal health care
a driver of our development, not even          poverty and the gross inequalities of         and livelihood—but also asset reform,
during the mining boom of the seventies,       income, wealth and political power            which is primarily about land and natural
we are here to find out if there is a way      that persist more than 25 years after         resources and a substantive redistribu-
to realize that potential.                     the glowing promise of EDSA of a just         tion of their benefits and costs. As you
     The real question before us today         society.                                      know, the four asset reform programs
is: Should mining be allowed in the                  We are all familiar with the data.      are agrarian reform, urban land reform
Philippines?                                         Over 24 million Filipinos are poor,     and housing, ancestral domain and
     I believe that we should be open          i.e. “poor” meaning per capita income of      fisheries.
to that proposition provided four mini-        less than P46/day and about 9.4 million            That is why it is unfortunate that
mum conditions are met: (1) the envi-          of them are “food poor”, i.e. those who       two major stakeholders on the issue
ronmental, social and economic costs           live on P32/day, not even enough to meet      of mining were not invited to speak
are accounted for in evaluating mining         the minimum 2,000 calories a day. Over        today—the National Commission on
projects; (2) the country gets a full and      28 years, our real per capita income rose     Indigenous Peoples and the Department
fair share of the value of the extracted       only 20% while per capita incomes of          of Agriculture
resources, (3) and this is addressed to the    our neighbors increased—like Malaysia
government, the institutional capabilities     (400%), Thailand (500%) and China             Environmental, Social and Economic
of the government to evaluate and regu-        (1100%)—in the process eradicating            Costs and Benefits
late mining activities are put in place; and   absolute poverty.                                  Mining activities are usually located
(4) again addressed to the government,               Even more compelling—the in-            in rural and mountainous areas and can
since mining uses up non-renewable             equality of income has not changed            affect farmlands, rivers and shorelines,
natural capital, the money from mining         since EDSA. The top 1% of the families        where the poorest of the poor are located
are specifically used to create new capital    numbering 185,000 has an income equal         namely, the farmers, indigenous peoples
such as more developed human resources         to the income of the bottom 30% of the        and municipal fishermen.
and infrastructure, particularly in the        families numbering 5,500,000.                      The fact is that mining cannot be
rural areas. In this regard, I refer you to          I just wanted to make the point that    conducted without affecting the land,
the paper of Prof. Ronald Mendoza of           history has not been very kind to our poor.   water, and air surrounding the site, as
the AIM Policy Center and his proposal         And we know this must change.                 well as the various natural resources
for a “middle ground” that involves the              The increasing inequality of in-        found in them. Mining involves the
establishment of an “inclusive growth”         come, wealth and political power is, of       extraction of minerals, but may also
trust fund.                                    course, happening worldwide. In our           involve the use or destruction of non-
     With respect to downstream plants         particular case, the root of the problem      mineral resources, such as freshwater,
and the total banning of ore exports, I        is the development paradigm followed          timber, and wildlife. This may also
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                                                                                                      Volume 46 • Number 3          17

result in health problems, displacement          in 2007, the Climate Change National               •	Total government taxes, fees and
of people, social divisiveness, even the         Consultations of 2009 and the Summit on       royalties 1997-2010 = P64.2 B = 7.6%
need to provide PNP and AFP protection           Poverty, Inequality and Social Reform con-    of
to mining companies. Then there are the          ducted last October to December 2011.              •	Total production value of mining
disasters that can happen from the cutting            Why Climate Change? Because the          companies 1997-2010 = P842 B
of trees, from siltation and erosion, and ac-    new normal arising from climate change             •	On industrialization: Per former
cidents from mining structures. All these        requires a watershed approach to mitiga-      NEDA Sec. Cielito Habito: Based on
translate into public costs.                     tion, adaptation and disaster management      national I-O tables: Backward linkages
      That is why mining is often cited as       and watersheds are where the forests and      of mining = .46 (less than half of other
an example of what Paul Krugman calls            minerals are mostly located. In these         industries); Forward Linkages is a low .82.
activities that privatize benefits and social-   conferences, one of the deepest concerns      These mean that mining is not considered
ize costs. This is the social justice issue      of the poor are the environmental, social     enough of a value-adding activity.
on mining.                                       and economic costs of mining.                      •	On poverty alleviation: Mining has
      As for the argument that minerals are           The Benefits and Costs of Min-           the highest poverty incidence of any sec-
meant to serve humanity and are the raw          ing – What we want to know are the real       tor in the country 48.7%. The only sector
materials for the modern conveniences            contributions of mining to GDP, exports,      where poverty incidence increased between
we use everyday, the point is that, in           employment, government revenues, in-          1988-2009. High poverty incidence in many
cases where mining is allowed, the min-          vestments, industrialization, poverty al-     mining areas i.e. CARAGA (47.5%), Zam-
erals should be priced at full cost, includ-     leviation, etc.                               boanga Peninsula (42.75%), Bicol region
ing environmental, social and economic                Here are some statistics:                (44.92%), the national average being 26%.
costs. Otherwise, our poor who mainly                 •	Ave. contribution to GDP 2000-2009     At the municipality of Bataraza in Palawan
bear these costs would be subsidizing the        = .91%, 2010 = 1.30%                          where Rio Tuba has been operating for 30
consumerism of the rich, both domestic                •	Ave. share to total employment         years, the poverty incidence (53%) is double
and foreign.                                     2000-2009 = 0.376%, 2010 = 0.5% =             the national rate. The mining industry is
      We cannot find the answers to the          197,000                                       correct in pointing out that the statistics do
plight of the poor unless we listen to the            •	Ave. contribution of metallic mining   not establish causality. But the data at least
poor. In this regard, you might want to          to total exports - 2000-2009 = 2.96% ,        shows an association between mining and
read three public documents—the National         2010 = 3.7%                                   poverty that raises questions on the claim
Rural Congress II of the Catholic Bishops             •	Ave. share of mining investments to    that mining improves the quality of life in
Conference of the Philippines (CBCP)             total investments = 2.5%                      its communities.

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 18         IMPACT • March 2012
Should Mining Be Allowed in the Philippines?

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Investment and Export Proceeds                 than the collectibles from LSM ranging           includes SSM which requires virtually no
     The mining industry’s absolute figures    from 4%-36%.                                     capital investment and capital-intensive
on gross investment inflows and export              	 It is unfortunate, that the small-scale   LSM, like Tampacan, that will generate
proceeds are impressive, but they are only     mining sector was not invited to speak at        10,000 temporary jobs and 2,000 perma-
one-half the picture.                          this conference so it can defend itself and      nent jobs with a $5.9 billion investment
     Mining companies are allowed to           justify its role in the development of the       (about P120 million per permanent job).
recover and repatriate all pre-operating       mining industry. After all, the production       The mineral extractive industry is consid-
and development costs up to 4-5 years          value of SSM from 1997-2010 was the              ered worldwide as a low job generating
after start of operations. Thus, the inflows   same as that of LSM at about P300 bil-           activity.
and outflows on investment may even out        lion.                                                 These data put in question the ex-
during that period.                                                                             pansive claim by the Chamber that the
     On export proceeds, mining opera-         Employment                                       projected LSM $15 billion investments
tions usually front load production during          The mining industry claims that 1           will generate 70,000 direct jobs that will
the first five years, arguably to exploit      direct job in mining creates 5 more jobs         result in 350,000 other jobs, leading to
market opportunities, but this also happens    in the rest of the economy—a multiple            2,050,000 jobs by 2018 with 10.25 million
to coincide with their tax holidays. Profit    of 5. NEDA denies that it has any such           Filipinos as “direct beneficiaries of min-
remittances can, thus, be considerable.        data. However, a study by Madeleine B.           ing”. A recalculation would look more like
                                               Dumaua based on the 2000 Input-Output            = 576,000 Filipino beneficiaries.
Government Revenues                            tables of the economy shows that:
     The DENR says that there is a dis-                                                         The Share of Government in Mining
crepancy between potential excise taxes            A peso change in the final demand for        Revenues
from mining and actual collections (P7.8       the mining/quarrying 			                             The Chamber is objecting to the
billion from 2000-2009). The LSM sector        generates P1.70 pesos worth of additional        proposed royalty of 5% on mining
claims that their payments in 2008-2009        output for the economy;                          revenues on the ground that it would
equaled the collectible amount and that the                                                     drive investors to other countries with
uncollected excise taxes are attributable           On employment, every one million            more favorable financial regimes. The
solely to small-scale miners and quarrying.    of additional investment in 		                   industry in Nov. 2011 appealed to the
That may be true. But it is interesting that   	 mining/quarrying generates additional          government not to increase the royalties
if one takes a longer view, from 1997-         employment of 2.2, not 5.                        because the “current fiscal regime….
2007, there is no such correlation. Actual                                                      may be the only thing that’s keeping the
collections for 6 of the 11 years are lower         The average multiplier of 2.2 jobs          industry afloat.”

                                                                                                       Volume 46 • Number 3          19

      At the same time, the stock market is     are entitled to register with the Board of    not given any value, our government pays
at new highs and the newspapers banner          Investments for a five–year income tax        the contractors to extract them through fis-
unprecedented mining profits in some            holiday                                       cal incentives. What do we get in return?
companies.                                           (7)	 exemption of pollution control            (a)	 Very little by way of taxes, fees
      RA 7942, Sec. 80:                         devices from real property and other          and royalties, and practically none at all
      “The total government share in a          taxes;                                        during the tax holiday period;
mineral production sharing agreement                 (8)	 income-tax carry forward of               (b)	 Very little by way of job genera-
shall be the (2%) excise tax on mineral         net-operating losses incurred in the first    tion;
products as provided in Republic Act No.        10 years, which may be deducted from                (c)	 Probably little net foreign ex-
7729, amending Section 151(a) of the            taxable income over a five-year period;       change inflows;
National 	           Internal Revenue Code,          (9)	 accelerated depreciation of as-           (d)	 Very little contribution to GDP;
as amended.”                                    sets—at twice the normal rate                       (e)	 Very little industrialization link-
      An excise tax is a tax on the use or           (10)	option to deduct the cost of all    ages;
consumption of certain products, or a tax       exploration and development expenditures            (f)	 Questionable poverty alleviation
on an activity. In the case of mining, no       from taxable income over a four-year pe-      results
value is given to our minerals.                 riod from commencement of commercial                Of course, there is always the poten-
      Some comparisons by the MGB of the        operations;                                   tial. But there may be another side to the
fiscal regimes of selected countries (China,         In the case of FTAA (financial and       relatively low benefits from mining—there
India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Myanmar,            technical assistance agreements)              is not much to lose should the government
Papua New Guinea, Peru, Chile) show that             (11)	they are allowed to recover all     refuse to give in to the demands of mining
the fiscal regime in the Philippines is quite   their tax and operating expenses before       that would compromise the environment.
competitive with, if not more favorable         they begin to pay either the basic or the     Timely alternative development strategies
than, those of other countries.                 additional shares of government, such         may, in fact, result in a net gain.
      Moreover LSM are given generous           as:
tax incentives, to wit:                              (12)	“(a) contractor’s income tax;       Institutional Capacity of Government
      (1)	 income tax holidays of 5 years       (b) customs duties and fees on imported       to Evaluate and Regulate Mining
(including excise taxes);                       capital equipment; (c) value-added tax on          One cannot blame the mining industry
      (2)	 deduction of 50 percent of labor     imported goods and services; (d) withhold-    for always trying to get the best deal for its
expenditure from taxable income,                ing tax from interest payments on foreign     shareholders. But it is the responsibility of
      (3)	 tax and duty exemptions on           loans; (e) withholding tax on dividends       government to protect the interests of the
imported capital equipment and spare            to foreign stockholders; (f) documentary      country.
parts,                                          stamp taxes; (g) capital gains tax; (h)            However, the government admits in
      (4)	 exemptions from wharfage fees,       excise tax on minerals; (i) royalties for     the Philippine Development Plan 2011-
and additional incentives for enterprises       mineral reservations and to indigenous        2016, that it does not have the capability
that locate in less developed areas.            peoples , if applicable; (j) local business   to make that kind of assessment:
      (5)	 the privilege to deduct 100 per-     tax; (k) real property tax; (l) community          (a)	 Page 310 of the PDP: “…cur-
cent of expenditures on infrastructure          tax; (m) occupation fees; (n) registration    rently, there is no standard resource
from taxable income, over a period of 10        and permit fees; and (o) all other national   and environment valuation. There is a
years                                           and local taxes, royalties and fees as of     need to have a cost-benefit analysis and
      (6)	 during the exploration period        effective date of the FTAA.”                  standard parameters that will consider all
are not liable for income taxes. When                (13)	To summarize the issue on the       relevant values (including non-market
they begin commercial operations, they          revenue sharing: Not only are our minerals    values)”;

 20        IMPACT • March 2012
Should Mining Be Allowed in the Philippines?

      (b)	 “government capacity for re-               This is a good time to adopt these             This safeguard is needed. The present
source management is wanting”;                   analytical tools since the Philippines is      mining system is simply no longer work-
      (c)	 “enforcement of environmental         one of 6-10 countries where WAVES is           able because it is onerous to the country
laws and policies is inadequate.....Rel-         being piloted by the World Bank. Why           and is open to corruption and to decisions
evant environmental laws, specifically           the Chamber of Mines seems to object to        that are vulnerable to future questionings,
those regulating the utilization of natural      their explicit application to mining proj-     and we need a little more time to put
resources, i.e. NIPAS, etc. are poorly           ects in the new policies is frankly hard to    things right.
implemented.”                                    understand.                                         In closing, may I say that the mining
      		                                              We need these tools. For example,         industry is correct that our fragmented
      The question begs to be asked – how        there is an apparent oversight in the          views on mining heightens the uncertainty
can the government approve any mining            Mining Law or its IRR—because the              of mining investors, although this may
application or allow any mining opera-           so-called final rehabilitation fund for        have the reverse effect on other inves-
tion in the absence of these institutional       phased out mines applies only to the           tors, as in tourism. The mining industry
safeguards?                                      capital costs of rehabilitation—like land      should thus welcome the initiative of the
      The proposal is to adopt TEV (To-          restoration and reforestation. There is no     government to put in place a new set of
tal Economic Valuation) and WAVES                perpetual accountability or trust funds        rules that can promote solidarity with
(Wealth Accounting and Valuation of              for the maintenance of structures like         consultations. If the rules turn out to be
Ecosystem Services) which is an in-              tailings dams or the disasters that could      too tough on mining, at least the decision
tegration of TEV and natural capital             happen years later from dam breakages.         to invest will have less uncertainties and
accounting. WAVES is an initiative of            These risks should be borne by the min-        its parameters will be clear. On the other
the World Bank which is supportive of            ing companies and not by our taxpayers,        hand, the government and other stake-
“responsible mining”. It complements             which seems to be the case today. This         holders should be fully aware of their
the Extractive Industry Transparency             is not responsible mining. If my under-        consequences on mining investments and
Initiative (EITI)—a priority advocacy            standing of the rules is wrong, I will be      the need for a fair and proper disengage-
of the Chamber of Mines.                         happy to be corrected.                         ment process, if necessary, as well as the
      The exercise is not “catatonic” be-             Until the new policies are fully in       urgency of implementing alternatives to
cause “significant advances have been            place, the government should strictly          mining.
made in defining and conceptualizing             apply the precautionary principle to                In times like this, it is good to re-
protected areas valuation.” There are at         pending issues. The principle is public        member the words of Albert Camus when
least 60 instances, at least 3 in the Philip-    policy under RA 9729 (Climate Change           he received the Nobel Peace Prize—we
pines, where TEV has been done. There            Act of 2009), and was enunciated by            should put ourselves at the service not of
are enough research work and examples to         the Supreme Court in issuing the Writ          those who make history but of those who
arrive at a less than perfect, but nonetheless   of Kalikasan:                                  suffer it. I
usable, formula.                                      	 Part V. Rule 20, “Sec. 1 When
      WAVES is a comprehensive wealth            there is a lack of full scientific certainty   (Atty. Christian Monsod is co-chair of
management approach to long-term sus-            in establishing a causal link between hu-      the Climate Change Congress of the
tainable development that includes all           man activity and environmental effect,         Philippines (CCCP) and co-convenor of
assets—manufactured capital, natural capi-       the court shall apply the precautionary        the Sulong CARPER. He gave this talk at
tal, human and social capital. The method-       principle in resolving the case before it.     a conference on Mining’s Impact on the
ological framework is the UN’s System of         The constitutional right of the people to      Philippine Economy and Ecology at the
Environmental and Economic Accounting            a balanced and healthful ecology shall         Hotel Intercontinental in Makati City,
(SEEA) developed over the past 20 years.         be given the benefit of the doubt.”            March 2, 2012.)

                                                                                                                                              FILE PHOTO

                                                                                                       Volume 46 • Number 3          21

            A Call to Moral Integrity, Transparency and
                   Accountability in Governance
       ast February 9, 2012 the Supreme                                                              The Impeachment Process is a politi-

                                                why can it not be opened now? Instead,
       Court issued a Temporary Restrain-       Chief Justice Corona remains steadfast and     cal process to protect the integrity, transpar-
       ing Order (TRO) on the Senate act-       adamant in his relentless drive to declare     ency and accountability of a democratic
ing as an Impeachment Court, preventing         the Impeachment Trial as unconstitutional      government. Essentially, this impeachment
the Senate Court to secure the foreign          and a violation of his human rights. And to    trial will decide on the integrity, transpar-
currency accounts owned by Chief Jus-           challenge and question the Senate Court        ency and accountability of Supreme Court
tice Renato C. Corona, citing RA 6426,          and the entire impeachment process, Chief      Chief Justice Corona.
section 8.                                      Justice Corona continually seeks refuge              We therefore implore Chief Justice
      This issuance of the Temporary Re-        in the Supreme Court for protection and        Renato Corona to listen to the stirrings of
straining Order by the Supreme Court is in-     solace. This is against decency and “delica-   truth, justice and respect the Senate Court
deed disappointing since the Impeachment        deza” because he is asking this of Justices    and the impeachment proceedings.
Trial is an invaluable political process to     who are under him.                                   We also urge the Senate Judges to
restore, renew and strengthen the integrity,         The Association of Major Religious        remain steadfast in their duty and to as-
transparency and accountability of the Judi-    Superiors of Women in the Philippines          sert their sovereignty in the pursuit of the
ciary and Philippine governance. It is even     (AMRSWP), a gathering of 275 women             TRUTH.
more disappointing that 13 Senators voted       religious congregations in the Philip-               Each and every Filipino citizen is
to obey it because this means acknowledg-       pines strongly believes the impeachment        asked to act with integrity, to maintain
ing the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court       proceedings will strengthen the founda-        a sense of decency and honesty, and to
over them but it is clear in the Constitution   tions of democratic governance in the          be held accountable for actions which
that the Senate Court is supreme in mat-        Philippines.                                   have grave ramifications on the common
ters regarding impeachment. And the only             The impeachment trial against Su-         good.
question they should have asked themselves      preme Court Chief Justice Renato Co-                 We ask no less of a Supreme Court
before voting was: “Will the TRO serve to       rona is not a battle against two warring       Chief Justice Renato Corona.
discover the TRUTH or will it hinder it?”       government bodies, the Judiciary and the
The answer is obvious.                          Executive. Nor is the Impeachment Trial        Association of Major Religious Su-
      Chief Justice Corona says that he will    a personal contest between two powerful        periors of Women in the Philippines
open his foreign account in due time. Our       politicians – Chief Justice Renato Corona      (AMRSWP)
question is, if he is not hiding anything,      and President Benigno Aquino III.              February 17, 2012

                                       Sibuyan Declaration
                   Defending MIMAROPA Islands, Securing the Future from Mineral Extraction
        onverging our efforts

C       to defend our island
        ecosystems from ridge
to reef to sustainably address
                                                                                                                                           promote eco-cultural, historical
                                                                                                                                           tourism and sustainable initia-
                                                                                                                                           tives, and
                                                                                                                                                •	Help ENSURE food
the needs of the present gen-                                                                                                              self-sufficiency and recognize
eration and secure the future                                                                                                              the interdependence of island
of the next,                                                                                                                               provinces.
     WE, as concerned mining-                                                                                                                   In the genuine spirit of
affected communities from Oc-                                                                                                              Sustainable Development, In-
cidental Mindoro, Oriental Min-                                                                                                            tergenerational Responsibility
doro, Marinduque, Romblon                                                                                                                  and Precautionary Principle,
and Palawan, united to protect                                                                                                             we therefore CALL for a re-
our lands and seas, shall                                                                                                                  gional
     •	STRENGTHEN our re-                                                                                                                       •	MINING MORATO-
gional cooperation for environ-                                                                                                            RIUM and make Agriculture
mental justice and protect the                                                                                                             and Tourism as core focus for
epicenter of marine biodiver-                                                                                                              development;
sity of the country                                                                                                                             •	CANCELLATION of
                                                                                                        Rodne Galicha |

     •	BROADEN support to                                                                                                                  all mining applications and
communities to confront the                                                                                                                REVOCATION of all existing
impacts of climate change and                                                                                                              mining licenses and permits.
hazards,                                                                                                                                        •	RECOGNITION of our
     •	ENGAGE government at                                                                                                                local government’s autonomy
all levels and communities to                                                                                                                                Sibuyan, page 25

                                                                                                       Volume 46 • Number 3                                           23

                                                      Pastoral Letter
                               ALAY KAPWA 2012
                                                2012 (i.e., February 26, March 4, 11, 18,

          y dear brothers and sisters in
          Christ,                               25 and April 1). The funds gathered for
               “Stewardship is disciple-        Alay Kapwa during these six Sundays will
ship,” this is the theme for Alay Kapwa         be used as emergency funds for crisis and
2012. Alay Kapwa means offering (alay) to       calamities both from natural and human
our neighbor (kapwa). Alay Kapwa is the         causes all over the country, as was done
Lenten evangelization-action program to         for the victims of Sendong recently.
raise social consciousness about the plight           I also encourage all parishes to sponsor
of the poor and the marginalized in imita-      booths for our social services and devel-

tion of Jesus who offered Himself for us        opment ministry, so we may inspire more
poor sinners. It is also the time of the year   possible donors for our Caritas programs
designated to raise funds for social services   for the poor.
and programs of the Church for the poor.              “We should ask: what can I do in order
     As we successfully did last year here in   that others may be saved and that for them the    victory over our sufferings through the
the Archdiocese of Manila and our suffra-       star of hope may rise? Then I will have done      transformative power of charity and the
gan dioceses, we will again be supporting       my utmost for my own personal salvation as        maternal care and prayers of Mary.
and implementing Alay Kapwa not only            well” (Spe salvi, 48). And, as the First Letter        May God bless you always!
during Palm Sunday but throughout the           of John (3:18) tell us, “Let us not love with
40 days of Lent. We will take up a special      words or tongue but with actions.”                + LUIS ANTONIO G. TAGLE, DD
second collection for Alay Kapwa for six              On our road to Easter, our Lord Jesus       Archbishop of Manila
Sundays, from February 26 to April 1,           Christ’s ultimate triumph, let us also claim      Chairman, Caritas Manila
Sibuyan, page 23

to disallow mining in their re-          As a regional convergence,
spective territories and utmost     the Cooperation of Small Is-
RESPECT for our indigenous          lands (CSI – MIMAROPA),
peoples’genuine Free, Prior and     we shall stand up learning the
Informed Consent processes.         lessons of the past to act on
     For a healthful and bal-       the challenges of the present
anced ecology, for our island-      and face confidently the future
people’s general welfare; to        to make our islands the best
progress within the carrying        places to live in without chaos
capacity of Nature                  in the grand harmony of Mother
     •	We DEMAND that the           Nature.
Mining Act of 1995 (Republic             Signed this 19th of Feb-
Act 7942) be SCRAPPED and           ruary, 2012, in the island of
urgently ENACT the alterna-         Sibuyan, where the world’s dens-
tive minerals management bills      est forest flourishes, the Philip-
pending in the House of Repre-      pine’s cleanest inland body of
sentatives and Senate Bill No.      water flows and the majestic Mt.
3126 "A Bill to Regulate the        Guiting-guiting dwells.
Rational Exploration, Develop-
ment and Utilization of Mineral     KAAGAPAY PO-NGO Network
                                    Inc. (KAAGAPAY): Occidental
Resources, and to Ensure the        Mindoro; Alyansa Laban sa Mina
Equitable Sharing of Benefits       (ALAMIN): Oriental Mindoro: Marin-
for the State, Indigenous Peo-      duque Council for Environmental
ples and Local Communities,         Concerns (MACEC): Marinduque;
                                    Alliance of Students Against Min-
and for Other Purposes."; and       ing (ASAM): Romblon; Romblon
     •	We URGE President            Ecumenical Forum Against Mining
Benigno Simeon C. Aquino            (REFAM): Romblon; Sibuyanons
III to declare Key Biodiver-        Against Mining (SAM): Romblon;
                                    Sibuyan Island Sentinels League
sity Areas, Island Ecosystems,      for Environment Inc. (Sibuyan
Critical Watershed Areas, Geo-      ISLE): Romblon; Ancestral Land
Hazard Areas, Natural Forests,      / Domain Watch (ALDAW): Pala-
Eco-Tourism Zones and Ag-           wan; Environmental Legal Assis-
                                    tance Center (ELAC): Palawan;
ricultural Lands as MINING          Palawan NGO Network Inc. (PNNI):
NO-GO ZONES.                        Palawan

                                                                                                         Volume 46 • Number 3       25

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Impact Mining Vol46-n03

  • 1. Vol. 46 No. 3 • March 2012 Php 70.00
  • 2. ARTICLES Mining in the Philippines A tale of two powers (2nd of three parts) Mining in the Philippines today is a tale of two powers, the Church and Govern- ment, at loggerheads with each other on two aspects of the issue—the legal and the moral or geoethical. It is a tale of incredible wealth and incredible danger to life and health. It is a story of a captive state showing of late a desire to be freed from captivity. It is a challenge of stew- ardship and an invitation to respect the national patrimony. It is an area fraught with systematic human rights violations and environmental degradation. It is an activity crying out for a Code of Ethics and, overall, a hope for sustainable action and productive responsibility. By Charles Avila A Tale of a Captive State The problem really is, again, the fact FILE PHOTO that the State and the Filipino people do not really own and control mining as a crucial part of basic industry. In no other sector than in mining is the Philippine state It then went on to say that: “The mine “Two major issues concerning the exposed to be unarguably weak, captive tailings spills that occurred at Lafayette implementation of the Project remain and thoroughly unenlightened. Philippines Inc.’s polymetallic project site pending: the integrity of the tailings dam The organs of government often be- at Rapu-Rapu Island in Albay on October structure and the Acid Mine Drainage, or haved like captured instruments of the 11 and 31, 2005 must be looked at from this AMD, problem.” mining companies. Because of this, one solitary and singular perspective.” Then DENR explicitly said: could never really have hoped that mineral Then it agreed with the Bastes Fact- “On the acid mine drainage, or AMD, production and development would serve Finding Commission with regard to the problem, Lafayette still has to submit a the modernization of agriculture and the major points and enumerated them thus: viable solution. launching of rural industrialization with all The two tailing spills were prevent- “In fact, an important ECC condi- that this could have entailed in terms of food able. tionality for the project is the adequacy security and economic self-reliance. 1. Lafayette was guilty of lapses of and effectiveness of its strategy to control This was worsened when one saw an operational/technical and manage- AMD.” that social and environmental impacts ment nature. “These perceived shortcomings per- were not really a factor in a mainly profit 2. Lafayette does not measure up to tain to such matters as the method of en- equation: verbally, yes, maybe; but really, the standards of responsible mining. capsulation to be used, the effectiveness of not at all. 3. DENR itself was a failure in moni- limestone in neutralizing acidic materials, Let me cite to you again the instruc- toring Lafayette and consequently did not the use of composite dry soil to seal waste tive case of Rapu-Rapu. Laugh or cry if detect the violations that would indicate the rock, the sloping terrain of Rapu-Rapu you want. Choose your mood, but here are possibility of environmental accidents. that makes AMD treatment difficult, and the relevant facts. In the first paragraph of 4. The sharing of benefits from the the absence of a microbial control method. their summary reaction report on the Bastes mineral exploitation of Rapu-Rapu Island In any event, the long-term effects of AMD Commission findings, the DENR said: “The was clearly grossly unfavorable to the must definitely be adequately addressed” exploitation of a country’s mineral resources Philippine government. and per DENR no less, there was no sat- can only be justified if it does not irreparably isfactory solution proposed as yet. damage the environment and if it benefits And with regard to the long-term envi- And yet, all these serious premises the community and the nation as a whole. ronmental risks, beyond the spills, DENR considered—here is where you want to This is beyond all argument.”1 agreed with the Bastes Commission that: laugh or cry—DENR strikes a curve ball 8 IMPACT • March 2012
  • 3. Mining in the Philippines and says, “Taking into consideration all From the very outset, then, the objec- They did not analyze mercury in the ore the facts and findings, and all the opinions tive of any country that seeks to derive any because the law does not require them expressed on the various issues, DENR good from the mining industry should be even if, ethically speaking, responsible feels that the best option to take is to allow to ensure that mining is done the right way. mining does. Lafayette to resume operations subject to Only such a view stands to reason, which Likewise, Lafayette did not feel any certain stringent pre-conditions.” posits that mining is not purely an economic legal obligation to make a disclosure on The former members of the Bastes nor merely a legal issue. It is primarily an the initiation of AMD (acid mine drainage) Commission simply could not find any environmental issue and as such, must be in the open pit, in the tailings and run-off rhyme or reason for the DENR conclusion/ governed and justified within the context of pyretic materials. They may have been decision since the Commission’s findings of environmental ethics or what is now less than honest, and even cruel in their on the serious violations of environmental called geo-ethics. In fact, underlying any non-disclosure because once AMD is and legal safety standards for responsible mining law and the economics that ap- initiated, it is difficult to control, but they mining had not been negated. pertain to it should be a solid geo-ethical were proud they did nothing illegal—the foundation—a foundation of rules for law does not require them even if, ethically Why not “No More Wang2?” Focus on the use of mineral resources, which are speaking, responsible mining does. the Moral designed to protect people against envi- A given mining operation, therefore, And so the Bastes commission said: ronmental catastrophes. will have to be viewed by people and the Why not just follow the rule of law rather For a while the officers of Lafayette State according to this perspective and first than a culture of privilege and impunity? were exploiting to the maximum the pro- be evaluated as either ethically right or In accordance with the spirit and letter paganda line that since they used cyanide wrong, good or bad, before it could even of the law, DENR should just cancel the for their carbon-in-leach or CIL process, be considered legal or illegal, before it Environment Clearance Certificate (ECC) and not mercury—how could there be can be judged economically profitable or of a recidivist firm, and if allowed to re- mercury in the waters around the island non profitable, before it can be tested as apply, let it undertake the drawing up of attributable to them? The presence of socially acceptable or not. Without a full an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) mercury had to be the fault of someone respect for the principles of geo-ethics, and propose an Environmental Manage- else, not theirs. The scientists of the the exploitation of mineral resources can ment System (EMS), precisely as the Bastes Commission patiently reiterated be very dangerous indeed. law requires, and then let an awakened the simple fact that mining as an activity In the course of economic develop- citizenry watch a reformed DENR do its frees heavy metals like cadmium, lead ment and growth, many human acts can job. That is what the Bastes Commission and mercury, which are harmful to people be either right or wrong relative to their logically recommended which the DENR and fish, even at low concentrations, in a effects on the house of life we call the so illogically ignored. chain reaction that can go on for a long environment. Human acts are rarely value- Talk of a failed state, or maybe time so that the more relevant question free or ethically neutral. They are always a captive state—and we was—and the Commission was now ask- either right or wrong. And when they may be looking at ing Lafayette: do they know if there was are wrong—no matter what great profits one here. mercury in the ore that they mined? The they had brought to some corporations, or reply was they do not and would not know. revenues to some states, and prosperity to FILE PHOTO Volume 46 • Number 3 9
  • 4. ARTICLES the ugliness—perhaps, at the very least to build a decent urban patch—not to mention caring for a populace rendered medically ill by irresponsible mining’s effluents and tailings? And what would happen to indig- enous peoples, peasants and fisher folk left without their rivers, croplands, forests and bodies of water that now would surely lead to disease and food insecurity and even worse poverty? Generally, in any case, past mining methods have had, and methods used in countries with lax environmental regula- tions continue to have, devastating envi- ronmental and public health effects. Worst of all, because of the weakness of the Philippine state, mining was not banned where it should never have been allowed any time at all, namely in high environmentally critical areas such as FILE PHOTO small island ecosystems with steep slopes and heavy rainfall patterns in typhoon belt and acid mine drainage areas – in areas some individuals and social sectors—if and are subject to the rules and processes precisely like the islands of Rapu-Rapu. and when those human activities we refer of the ecosystems of the natural world. It is to were essentially wrong, they ultimately not the other way around. We are a part of Part of a National Industrialization and inevitably would have to bring worse and not apart from the natural world. The Program problems and deeper crises, for truth is one: biology of natural systems simply does not Could things be better if the State the truth of science, the truth of economics function subject to our rules, economies, supports and protects Filipinos who have and the truth of ecology are one many- and decisions. In other words, it is we who agreed to take the risk of entering the sided, non-conflictual truth. exist within and are subject to the natural mining field as part of a national indus- For instance, a certain way of exploit- setting, not the other way around. trialization program? Most probably, yes, ing some mineral resources could bring on the logical hunch that those who live irreparable, and therefore irreversible, Not therefore against mining per se here are not normally in a suicide mode; damage to the environment. Any damage Only in this moral-philosophical they would not normally want to destroy to the environment in this way can in turn context can we concede that we should the environment in which they live and bring irreparable harm and injury to hu- not be against mining per se. Mining has move and have their being. man health. The dramatic example of the been an important part in the historical It is the State that is mainly respon- Minamata disease in Japan took years and development of civilizations – from first sible for the country’s strategic economic years to establish, before effects could be (agricultural) to second (industrial) to third development plan. It should thus be able linked to original causes beyond reason- (information) wave of social formations. to re-channel government support after able doubt. In our own country today, after Industries need minerals to support the thorough policy review of what is useful Marinduque and Rapu-Rapu, the question production and flow of basic goods and and what is not. It will be surprised to see necessarily pops up: What is the right thing services. Indeed, how fortunate should how much and what can still be re-directed to do? Undoubtedly this is, quite properly, our country have been, given the mineral to priorities furthering the task of building an ethical question —whether or not it is resources vital for industrialization! a strong industrial economy by seriously recognized as such. For millennia upon millennia now, the developing in our country an integrated Another fact is the non-renewability evolution and development of the human mining industry: a task and a challenge and non-inexhaustibility of mineral re- species has always been accompanied by no think tank around has as yet taken up. sources. Once they are depleted, there is no some form of mining: from the most primi- Granted there is room for foreign way that they can be replaced or restored. tive demand for flint stone to the current investments—room, why must we be We know that the essential resources upon demand for rare earth elements, a demand so eager to give away the whole house? which our global progress depends are dictated by the lifestyle of a species that Why not, rather, rigorously screen and not inherently and exclusively created could, come to think of it, choose to evolve strictly regulate investors? Can’t the State by human ingenuity and technology. On or develop otherwise. make sure that foreign participation in the the contrary, the essential resources upon But the question remains: after the critical stages of minerals extraction and which global progress depends are inher- environment is fatally devastated, will processing be in accord with a defined ently natural in origin so that resources are there be any mining firm around to take program for environmental care, technol- fundamentally in limited supply. responsibility and undertake what has to ogy transfer and constitutionally correct Putting it another way: our technologi- be done to rehabilitate the wounded land, equity shares? cal systems and we humans exist within to reconstitute the top soil, to re-green It is time we open our eyes to the fact 10 IMPACT • March 2012
  • 5. ARTICLES FILE PHOTO that we are often fried in our own grease. 40.10%, Brazil 40.85%, Argentina 46.13%, The Philippines has become such a What triggers the activity of fund managers Canada 46.71%, Guyana 48.16%, Austra- give-away country—one wonders why any and investors from abroad are the licenses lia 50.60% )! In the Philippines, however, one should even respect it as sovereign at and permits and certificates here. The it is exactly 0%, believe it or not. Why not all. The State and the Filipino people have resource is here. The power to allow the bring it up to 50.00%? been so remiss in their duty as stewards. production of new wealth is here. And I At the present time, the Mining Act is Section 80 of its Mining Act expressly submit that Filipino financiers can do as blind on how the State—which has the ex- states that the excise tax on mineral prod- good if not a better job if backed up by the clusive duty to explore, develop and utilize ucts shall constitute the "total government sovereign state. What we mean is that in the natural resources—would participate in the share in a mineral production-sharing case of mining, would-be investors come profits of service contracts such as financial agreement," which under the Tax Code is here not seeking markets or efficient and and technical assistance agreements with only two percent of the market value of cheap labor so much as finding the natural mining contractors. The law also does not the gross output of the minerals. Section assets actually found here. guarantee that the government will receive 84 reiterates essentially the same thing. an equitable share on the mining contrac- From an ethical standpoint, prescinding Recover the Share of National Patri- tor's profit. The government's share in the from any changing Supreme Court deci- mony mining deals only includes taxes, duties, sions, the law does not make sense when Here is a concrete proposal to strength- and other fees paid by the contractors. The one looks at the provision on the state en the financial capacity of the State so that payment of these fees does not immediately ownership of mineral resources, because, it can have the wherewithal to become an benefit the Philippines as the contractors are in effect, the government concedes to the effective and responsible steward of the given the privilege of first fully recovering foreign corporation practically for free national patrimony: amend the Mining their pre-operating and property expenses its beneficial ownership over the mineral Act to include the crucial provision of the before paying their financial obligations resources.2 I government's pre-tax share of the cash flow to the government, not to mention the ag- generated by a mining project. In most gressive grant of tax holidays to foreign (To be continued next issue) countries around the world where there investors in mining, which does not make is mining this pre-tax share representing sense at all since, as already mentioned, ______________ the national patrimony averages a hefty mining is that kind of investment which 1 vide full report in: 38% (Chile 15.00% , Bolivia 27.06% is neither market-seeking nor efficiency- sia/ph/Global/seasia/report/2006/8/denr-assessment- of-the-rapu-ra.pdf. ,Venezuela 32.82% ,Peru 36.52%, United and-cheap-labor-seeking so much as clear 2 See also, Solita Collas-Monsod: States 36.61%, Mexico 37.21%, Botswana asset-seeking.‘zero’-share-from-mining-wealth. Volume 46 • Number 3 11
  • 6. ARTICLES Paradise lost to destructive mining FILE PHOTO By Fr. Shay Cullen homes must be built in advance to highest tain covered in forest solid against a blue standards for the people of the area where sky stood proudly providing a bounteous mining is allowed, if ever, then only under home to the indigenous people for genera- resident Benigno Aquino plans to the strictest regulations and supervision. P tions. In the 70's, I often traveled there to issue a historical Executive Order Mining sites must be open to media and the villages of the indigenous people on (EO) to regulate the mining industry NGO's for transparency and monitoring my pastoral visits. to protect the environment and the rights of compliance with the law. Then one day, with a single stroke of of the people. A strict order is needed and Employees must be paid the highest pen, a scribbled illegible signature by a hopefully, it will levy at least a 20% tax wages and must be from the locality and distant government official, its fate was on mining profits. Hundreds of thousands not foreigners. Today, Chinese workers are sealed and doomed. Then came the killer of justice loving Filipinos live in hope and brought in to work in some mining opera- chain saws and the bulldozers, the back- expectation that it will be so. tions. Even if we have responsible mining, hoes and the dynamite, the crushers and the Mining in the Philippines has a bad a hefty bond must be paid in advance for trucks. They roared and ranted in a frenzy, reputation for environmental destruction, the restoration of the environment in case attacking the serenity of nature, ripping it bribery, low tax and even extensive "tax of any damage. apart, year after year; digging, scraping, holiday" privileges despite soaring com- We see damage everywhere in the scarring, killing all living creatures and modity prices. It has provoked reaction and mining industry. When opposed by the reducing to powder all the earth and rock a strong people's power opposition. (See people protecting the environment, they in the rollers of the mighty crushers. the resistance to these incursions www. harass them with baseless legal com- The huge trucks transported its dying The investors plaints like in Midsalip, Zamboanga del heart to the waiting ships. Insatiable ap- in mining don't need low tax incentives. Sur where the Columban Missionaries are petites demanded more and more until it The high commodity prices of minerals criminally charged together with the people was almost all gone. Then nature reacted. worldwide assure big profits. There should for defending the environment against the The mighty Mt. Pinatubo belched forth its be no mining allowed where there will be mining company. It is a travesty of justice angry torrent of protest and ended it all. serious environmental and community just like the damage done by mining to the Today, the mountain and valley is aban- damage. environment. doned and dead, a gaping gigantic wound Without strong taxation on the mining As I look out my window across in its side, a white shroud of volcanic ash industry, the government and the people Subic bay towards Matain, I can see the covers its ugliness. Below in the valley, will get practically nothing from the vast remains of the long conveyer belt and a poisoned lake of toxic chemicals has wealth of the nation's minerals. In Austra- the abandoned wharf. There, the ships killed all life. lia, the profits of mining corporations are bound for Japan berthed year after year Here can be seen the evidence that recently taxed to 35%. Now that is what and greedily swallowed the millions of the promises of mining companies and we need in the Philippines. tons of black chromate with its mixture their corporate and government backers If ever mining is allowed, the miner- of precious sparkling gold flakes. are but falsehoods and lies. Here is seen als must be processed in the Philippines, The once great storage warehouses the evidence of empty promises that we not shipped abroad as raw materials. now stand empty, silent witnesses to the hear today from the Chamber of Mines and Processing gives added value and bigger plunder of nature and the destruction of the their members and backers. This is what tax revenue and more jobs for Filipi- mighty mountain in Pili, San Marcelino, President Aquino will surely regulate and nos. Communities, schools, hospitals and Zambales. There, the once majestic moun- it must be strong and for the people. I 12 IMPACT • March 2012
  • 7. COVER S TO RY 16 IMPACT • March 2012
  • 8. COVER S TO RY Should Mining be allowed in the Philippines? By Christian S. Monsod did not include these because the min- by every administration—that rising ing industry may have a point on the waters raise all boats—that sustained T practicality and long-term feasibility economic growth driven by investments he mineral wealth of our country, of these conditions—hence the need for will eliminate poverty. But conclusive as the mining industry reminds more consultations. empirical data tell us that sustained high us, is “staggering” – about $840 I submit that mining is a social growth is not possible unless we also billion. Its potential to contribute to justice issue. And we cannot discuss it address the problem of inequality. And our country’s development cannot be except in the context of our country’s that means not only income reform— discounted. While mining has never been dismal performance in addressing mass quality education, universal health care a driver of our development, not even poverty and the gross inequalities of and livelihood—but also asset reform, during the mining boom of the seventies, income, wealth and political power which is primarily about land and natural we are here to find out if there is a way that persist more than 25 years after resources and a substantive redistribu- to realize that potential. the glowing promise of EDSA of a just tion of their benefits and costs. As you The real question before us today society. know, the four asset reform programs is: Should mining be allowed in the We are all familiar with the data. are agrarian reform, urban land reform Philippines? Over 24 million Filipinos are poor, and housing, ancestral domain and I believe that we should be open i.e. “poor” meaning per capita income of fisheries. to that proposition provided four mini- less than P46/day and about 9.4 million That is why it is unfortunate that mum conditions are met: (1) the envi- of them are “food poor”, i.e. those who two major stakeholders on the issue ronmental, social and economic costs live on P32/day, not even enough to meet of mining were not invited to speak are accounted for in evaluating mining the minimum 2,000 calories a day. Over today—the National Commission on projects; (2) the country gets a full and 28 years, our real per capita income rose Indigenous Peoples and the Department fair share of the value of the extracted only 20% while per capita incomes of of Agriculture resources, (3) and this is addressed to the our neighbors increased—like Malaysia government, the institutional capabilities (400%), Thailand (500%) and China Environmental, Social and Economic of the government to evaluate and regu- (1100%)—in the process eradicating Costs and Benefits late mining activities are put in place; and absolute poverty. Mining activities are usually located (4) again addressed to the government, Even more compelling—the in- in rural and mountainous areas and can since mining uses up non-renewable equality of income has not changed affect farmlands, rivers and shorelines, natural capital, the money from mining since EDSA. The top 1% of the families where the poorest of the poor are located are specifically used to create new capital numbering 185,000 has an income equal namely, the farmers, indigenous peoples such as more developed human resources to the income of the bottom 30% of the and municipal fishermen. and infrastructure, particularly in the families numbering 5,500,000. The fact is that mining cannot be rural areas. In this regard, I refer you to I just wanted to make the point that conducted without affecting the land, the paper of Prof. Ronald Mendoza of history has not been very kind to our poor. water, and air surrounding the site, as the AIM Policy Center and his proposal And we know this must change. well as the various natural resources for a “middle ground” that involves the The increasing inequality of in- found in them. Mining involves the establishment of an “inclusive growth” come, wealth and political power is, of extraction of minerals, but may also trust fund. course, happening worldwide. In our involve the use or destruction of non- With respect to downstream plants particular case, the root of the problem mineral resources, such as freshwater, and the total banning of ore exports, I is the development paradigm followed timber, and wildlife. This may also FILE PHOTO Volume 46 • Number 3 17
  • 9. COVER S TO RY result in health problems, displacement in 2007, the Climate Change National • Total government taxes, fees and of people, social divisiveness, even the Consultations of 2009 and the Summit on royalties 1997-2010 = P64.2 B = 7.6% need to provide PNP and AFP protection Poverty, Inequality and Social Reform con- of to mining companies. Then there are the ducted last October to December 2011. • Total production value of mining disasters that can happen from the cutting Why Climate Change? Because the companies 1997-2010 = P842 B of trees, from siltation and erosion, and ac- new normal arising from climate change • On industrialization: Per former cidents from mining structures. All these requires a watershed approach to mitiga- NEDA Sec. Cielito Habito: Based on translate into public costs. tion, adaptation and disaster management national I-O tables: Backward linkages That is why mining is often cited as and watersheds are where the forests and of mining = .46 (less than half of other an example of what Paul Krugman calls minerals are mostly located. In these industries); Forward Linkages is a low .82. activities that privatize benefits and social- conferences, one of the deepest concerns These mean that mining is not considered ize costs. This is the social justice issue of the poor are the environmental, social enough of a value-adding activity. on mining. and economic costs of mining. • On poverty alleviation: Mining has As for the argument that minerals are The Benefits and Costs of Min- the highest poverty incidence of any sec- meant to serve humanity and are the raw ing – What we want to know are the real tor in the country 48.7%. The only sector materials for the modern conveniences contributions of mining to GDP, exports, where poverty incidence increased between we use everyday, the point is that, in employment, government revenues, in- 1988-2009. High poverty incidence in many cases where mining is allowed, the min- vestments, industrialization, poverty al- mining areas i.e. CARAGA (47.5%), Zam- erals should be priced at full cost, includ- leviation, etc. boanga Peninsula (42.75%), Bicol region ing environmental, social and economic Here are some statistics: (44.92%), the national average being 26%. costs. Otherwise, our poor who mainly • Ave. contribution to GDP 2000-2009 At the municipality of Bataraza in Palawan bear these costs would be subsidizing the = .91%, 2010 = 1.30% where Rio Tuba has been operating for 30 consumerism of the rich, both domestic • Ave. share to total employment years, the poverty incidence (53%) is double and foreign. 2000-2009 = 0.376%, 2010 = 0.5% = the national rate. The mining industry is We cannot find the answers to the 197,000 correct in pointing out that the statistics do plight of the poor unless we listen to the • Ave. contribution of metallic mining not establish causality. But the data at least poor. In this regard, you might want to to total exports - 2000-2009 = 2.96% , shows an association between mining and read three public documents—the National 2010 = 3.7% poverty that raises questions on the claim Rural Congress II of the Catholic Bishops • Ave. share of mining investments to that mining improves the quality of life in Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) total investments = 2.5% its communities. FILE PHOTO 18 IMPACT • March 2012
  • 10. Should Mining Be Allowed in the Philippines? FILE PHOTO Investment and Export Proceeds than the collectibles from LSM ranging includes SSM which requires virtually no The mining industry’s absolute figures from 4%-36%. capital investment and capital-intensive on gross investment inflows and export It is unfortunate, that the small-scale LSM, like Tampacan, that will generate proceeds are impressive, but they are only mining sector was not invited to speak at 10,000 temporary jobs and 2,000 perma- one-half the picture. this conference so it can defend itself and nent jobs with a $5.9 billion investment Mining companies are allowed to justify its role in the development of the (about P120 million per permanent job). recover and repatriate all pre-operating mining industry. After all, the production The mineral extractive industry is consid- and development costs up to 4-5 years value of SSM from 1997-2010 was the ered worldwide as a low job generating after start of operations. Thus, the inflows same as that of LSM at about P300 bil- activity. and outflows on investment may even out lion. These data put in question the ex- during that period. pansive claim by the Chamber that the On export proceeds, mining opera- Employment projected LSM $15 billion investments tions usually front load production during The mining industry claims that 1 will generate 70,000 direct jobs that will the first five years, arguably to exploit direct job in mining creates 5 more jobs result in 350,000 other jobs, leading to market opportunities, but this also happens in the rest of the economy—a multiple 2,050,000 jobs by 2018 with 10.25 million to coincide with their tax holidays. Profit of 5. NEDA denies that it has any such Filipinos as “direct beneficiaries of min- remittances can, thus, be considerable. data. However, a study by Madeleine B. ing”. A recalculation would look more like Dumaua based on the 2000 Input-Output = 576,000 Filipino beneficiaries. Government Revenues tables of the economy shows that: The DENR says that there is a dis- The Share of Government in Mining crepancy between potential excise taxes A peso change in the final demand for Revenues from mining and actual collections (P7.8 the mining/quarrying The Chamber is objecting to the billion from 2000-2009). The LSM sector generates P1.70 pesos worth of additional proposed royalty of 5% on mining claims that their payments in 2008-2009 output for the economy; revenues on the ground that it would equaled the collectible amount and that the drive investors to other countries with uncollected excise taxes are attributable On employment, every one million more favorable financial regimes. The solely to small-scale miners and quarrying. of additional investment in industry in Nov. 2011 appealed to the That may be true. But it is interesting that mining/quarrying generates additional government not to increase the royalties if one takes a longer view, from 1997- employment of 2.2, not 5. because the “current fiscal regime…. 2007, there is no such correlation. Actual may be the only thing that’s keeping the collections for 6 of the 11 years are lower The average multiplier of 2.2 jobs industry afloat.” Volume 46 • Number 3 19
  • 11. COVER S TO RY At the same time, the stock market is are entitled to register with the Board of not given any value, our government pays at new highs and the newspapers banner Investments for a five–year income tax the contractors to extract them through fis- unprecedented mining profits in some holiday cal incentives. What do we get in return? companies. (7) exemption of pollution control (a) Very little by way of taxes, fees RA 7942, Sec. 80: devices from real property and other and royalties, and practically none at all “The total government share in a taxes; during the tax holiday period; mineral production sharing agreement (8) income-tax carry forward of (b) Very little by way of job genera- shall be the (2%) excise tax on mineral net-operating losses incurred in the first tion; products as provided in Republic Act No. 10 years, which may be deducted from (c) Probably little net foreign ex- 7729, amending Section 151(a) of the taxable income over a five-year period; change inflows; National Internal Revenue Code, (9) accelerated depreciation of as- (d) Very little contribution to GDP; as amended.” sets—at twice the normal rate (e) Very little industrialization link- An excise tax is a tax on the use or (10) option to deduct the cost of all ages; consumption of certain products, or a tax exploration and development expenditures (f) Questionable poverty alleviation on an activity. In the case of mining, no from taxable income over a four-year pe- results value is given to our minerals. riod from commencement of commercial Of course, there is always the poten- Some comparisons by the MGB of the operations; tial. But there may be another side to the fiscal regimes of selected countries (China, In the case of FTAA (financial and relatively low benefits from mining—there India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, technical assistance agreements) is not much to lose should the government Papua New Guinea, Peru, Chile) show that (11) they are allowed to recover all refuse to give in to the demands of mining the fiscal regime in the Philippines is quite their tax and operating expenses before that would compromise the environment. competitive with, if not more favorable they begin to pay either the basic or the Timely alternative development strategies than, those of other countries. additional shares of government, such may, in fact, result in a net gain. Moreover LSM are given generous as: tax incentives, to wit: (12) “(a) contractor’s income tax; Institutional Capacity of Government (1) income tax holidays of 5 years (b) customs duties and fees on imported to Evaluate and Regulate Mining (including excise taxes); capital equipment; (c) value-added tax on One cannot blame the mining industry (2) deduction of 50 percent of labor imported goods and services; (d) withhold- for always trying to get the best deal for its expenditure from taxable income, ing tax from interest payments on foreign shareholders. But it is the responsibility of (3) tax and duty exemptions on loans; (e) withholding tax on dividends government to protect the interests of the imported capital equipment and spare to foreign stockholders; (f) documentary country. parts, stamp taxes; (g) capital gains tax; (h) However, the government admits in (4) exemptions from wharfage fees, excise tax on minerals; (i) royalties for the Philippine Development Plan 2011- and additional incentives for enterprises mineral reservations and to indigenous 2016, that it does not have the capability that locate in less developed areas. peoples , if applicable; (j) local business to make that kind of assessment: (5) the privilege to deduct 100 per- tax; (k) real property tax; (l) community (a) Page 310 of the PDP: “…cur- cent of expenditures on infrastructure tax; (m) occupation fees; (n) registration rently, there is no standard resource from taxable income, over a period of 10 and permit fees; and (o) all other national and environment valuation. There is a years and local taxes, royalties and fees as of need to have a cost-benefit analysis and (6) during the exploration period effective date of the FTAA.” standard parameters that will consider all are not liable for income taxes. When (13) To summarize the issue on the relevant values (including non-market they begin commercial operations, they revenue sharing: Not only are our minerals values)”; 20 IMPACT • March 2012
  • 12. Should Mining Be Allowed in the Philippines? (b) “government capacity for re- This is a good time to adopt these This safeguard is needed. The present source management is wanting”; analytical tools since the Philippines is mining system is simply no longer work- (c) “enforcement of environmental one of 6-10 countries where WAVES is able because it is onerous to the country laws and policies is inadequate.....Rel- being piloted by the World Bank. Why and is open to corruption and to decisions evant environmental laws, specifically the Chamber of Mines seems to object to that are vulnerable to future questionings, those regulating the utilization of natural their explicit application to mining proj- and we need a little more time to put resources, i.e. NIPAS, etc. are poorly ects in the new policies is frankly hard to things right. implemented.” understand. In closing, may I say that the mining We need these tools. For example, industry is correct that our fragmented The question begs to be asked – how there is an apparent oversight in the views on mining heightens the uncertainty can the government approve any mining Mining Law or its IRR—because the of mining investors, although this may application or allow any mining opera- so-called final rehabilitation fund for have the reverse effect on other inves- tion in the absence of these institutional phased out mines applies only to the tors, as in tourism. The mining industry safeguards? capital costs of rehabilitation—like land should thus welcome the initiative of the The proposal is to adopt TEV (To- restoration and reforestation. There is no government to put in place a new set of tal Economic Valuation) and WAVES perpetual accountability or trust funds rules that can promote solidarity with (Wealth Accounting and Valuation of for the maintenance of structures like consultations. If the rules turn out to be Ecosystem Services) which is an in- tailings dams or the disasters that could too tough on mining, at least the decision tegration of TEV and natural capital happen years later from dam breakages. to invest will have less uncertainties and accounting. WAVES is an initiative of These risks should be borne by the min- its parameters will be clear. On the other the World Bank which is supportive of ing companies and not by our taxpayers, hand, the government and other stake- “responsible mining”. It complements which seems to be the case today. This holders should be fully aware of their the Extractive Industry Transparency is not responsible mining. If my under- consequences on mining investments and Initiative (EITI)—a priority advocacy standing of the rules is wrong, I will be the need for a fair and proper disengage- of the Chamber of Mines. happy to be corrected. ment process, if necessary, as well as the The exercise is not “catatonic” be- Until the new policies are fully in urgency of implementing alternatives to cause “significant advances have been place, the government should strictly mining. made in defining and conceptualizing apply the precautionary principle to In times like this, it is good to re- protected areas valuation.” There are at pending issues. The principle is public member the words of Albert Camus when least 60 instances, at least 3 in the Philip- policy under RA 9729 (Climate Change he received the Nobel Peace Prize—we pines, where TEV has been done. There Act of 2009), and was enunciated by should put ourselves at the service not of are enough research work and examples to the Supreme Court in issuing the Writ those who make history but of those who arrive at a less than perfect, but nonetheless of Kalikasan: suffer it. I usable, formula. Part V. Rule 20, “Sec. 1 When WAVES is a comprehensive wealth there is a lack of full scientific certainty (Atty. Christian Monsod is co-chair of management approach to long-term sus- in establishing a causal link between hu- the Climate Change Congress of the tainable development that includes all man activity and environmental effect, Philippines (CCCP) and co-convenor of assets—manufactured capital, natural capi- the court shall apply the precautionary the Sulong CARPER. He gave this talk at tal, human and social capital. The method- principle in resolving the case before it. a conference on Mining’s Impact on the ological framework is the UN’s System of The constitutional right of the people to Philippine Economy and Ecology at the Environmental and Economic Accounting a balanced and healthful ecology shall Hotel Intercontinental in Makati City, (SEEA) developed over the past 20 years. be given the benefit of the doubt.” March 2, 2012.) FILE PHOTO Volume 46 • Number 3 21
  • 13. STATEMENTS A Call to Moral Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in Governance ast February 9, 2012 the Supreme The Impeachment Process is a politi- L why can it not be opened now? Instead, Court issued a Temporary Restrain- Chief Justice Corona remains steadfast and cal process to protect the integrity, transpar- ing Order (TRO) on the Senate act- adamant in his relentless drive to declare ency and accountability of a democratic ing as an Impeachment Court, preventing the Impeachment Trial as unconstitutional government. Essentially, this impeachment the Senate Court to secure the foreign and a violation of his human rights. And to trial will decide on the integrity, transpar- currency accounts owned by Chief Jus- challenge and question the Senate Court ency and accountability of Supreme Court tice Renato C. Corona, citing RA 6426, and the entire impeachment process, Chief Chief Justice Corona. section 8. Justice Corona continually seeks refuge We therefore implore Chief Justice This issuance of the Temporary Re- in the Supreme Court for protection and Renato Corona to listen to the stirrings of straining Order by the Supreme Court is in- solace. This is against decency and “delica- truth, justice and respect the Senate Court deed disappointing since the Impeachment deza” because he is asking this of Justices and the impeachment proceedings. Trial is an invaluable political process to who are under him. We also urge the Senate Judges to restore, renew and strengthen the integrity, The Association of Major Religious remain steadfast in their duty and to as- transparency and accountability of the Judi- Superiors of Women in the Philippines sert their sovereignty in the pursuit of the ciary and Philippine governance. It is even (AMRSWP), a gathering of 275 women TRUTH. more disappointing that 13 Senators voted religious congregations in the Philip- Each and every Filipino citizen is to obey it because this means acknowledg- pines strongly believes the impeachment asked to act with integrity, to maintain ing the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court proceedings will strengthen the founda- a sense of decency and honesty, and to over them but it is clear in the Constitution tions of democratic governance in the be held accountable for actions which that the Senate Court is supreme in mat- Philippines. have grave ramifications on the common ters regarding impeachment. And the only The impeachment trial against Su- good. question they should have asked themselves preme Court Chief Justice Renato Co- We ask no less of a Supreme Court before voting was: “Will the TRO serve to rona is not a battle against two warring Chief Justice Renato Corona. discover the TRUTH or will it hinder it?” government bodies, the Judiciary and the The answer is obvious. Executive. Nor is the Impeachment Trial Association of Major Religious Su- Chief Justice Corona says that he will a personal contest between two powerful periors of Women in the Philippines open his foreign account in due time. Our politicians – Chief Justice Renato Corona (AMRSWP) question is, if he is not hiding anything, and President Benigno Aquino III. February 17, 2012 Sibuyan Declaration Defending MIMAROPA Islands, Securing the Future from Mineral Extraction onverging our efforts C to defend our island ecosystems from ridge to reef to sustainably address promote eco-cultural, historical tourism and sustainable initia- tives, and • Help ENSURE food the needs of the present gen- self-sufficiency and recognize eration and secure the future the interdependence of island of the next, provinces. WE, as concerned mining- In the genuine spirit of affected communities from Oc- Sustainable Development, In- cidental Mindoro, Oriental Min- tergenerational Responsibility doro, Marinduque, Romblon and Precautionary Principle, and Palawan, united to protect we therefore CALL for a re- our lands and seas, shall gional • STRENGTHEN our re- • MINING MORATO- gional cooperation for environ- RIUM and make Agriculture mental justice and protect the and Tourism as core focus for epicenter of marine biodiver- development; sity of the country • CANCELLATION of Rodne Galicha | • BROADEN support to all mining applications and communities to confront the REVOCATION of all existing impacts of climate change and mining licenses and permits. hazards, • RECOGNITION of our • ENGAGE government at local government’s autonomy all levels and communities to Sibuyan, page 25 Volume 46 • Number 3 23
  • 14. STATEMENTS Pastoral Letter ALAY KAPWA 2012 2012 (i.e., February 26, March 4, 11, 18, M y dear brothers and sisters in Christ, 25 and April 1). The funds gathered for “Stewardship is disciple- Alay Kapwa during these six Sundays will ship,” this is the theme for Alay Kapwa be used as emergency funds for crisis and 2012. Alay Kapwa means offering (alay) to calamities both from natural and human our neighbor (kapwa). Alay Kapwa is the causes all over the country, as was done Lenten evangelization-action program to for the victims of Sendong recently. raise social consciousness about the plight I also encourage all parishes to sponsor of the poor and the marginalized in imita- booths for our social services and devel- tion of Jesus who offered Himself for us opment ministry, so we may inspire more poor sinners. It is also the time of the year possible donors for our Caritas programs designated to raise funds for social services for the poor. and programs of the Church for the poor. “We should ask: what can I do in order As we successfully did last year here in that others may be saved and that for them the victory over our sufferings through the the Archdiocese of Manila and our suffra- star of hope may rise? Then I will have done transformative power of charity and the gan dioceses, we will again be supporting my utmost for my own personal salvation as maternal care and prayers of Mary. and implementing Alay Kapwa not only well” (Spe salvi, 48). And, as the First Letter May God bless you always! during Palm Sunday but throughout the of John (3:18) tell us, “Let us not love with 40 days of Lent. We will take up a special words or tongue but with actions.” + LUIS ANTONIO G. TAGLE, DD second collection for Alay Kapwa for six On our road to Easter, our Lord Jesus Archbishop of Manila Sundays, from February 26 to April 1, Christ’s ultimate triumph, let us also claim Chairman, Caritas Manila Sibuyan, page 23 to disallow mining in their re- As a regional convergence, spective territories and utmost the Cooperation of Small Is- RESPECT for our indigenous lands (CSI – MIMAROPA), peoples’genuine Free, Prior and we shall stand up learning the Informed Consent processes. lessons of the past to act on For a healthful and bal- the challenges of the present anced ecology, for our island- and face confidently the future people’s general welfare; to to make our islands the best progress within the carrying places to live in without chaos capacity of Nature in the grand harmony of Mother • We DEMAND that the Nature. Mining Act of 1995 (Republic Signed this 19th of Feb- Act 7942) be SCRAPPED and ruary, 2012, in the island of urgently ENACT the alterna- Sibuyan, where the world’s dens- tive minerals management bills est forest flourishes, the Philip- pending in the House of Repre- pine’s cleanest inland body of sentatives and Senate Bill No. water flows and the majestic Mt. 3126 "A Bill to Regulate the Guiting-guiting dwells. Rational Exploration, Develop- ment and Utilization of Mineral KAAGAPAY PO-NGO Network Inc. (KAAGAPAY): Occidental Resources, and to Ensure the Mindoro; Alyansa Laban sa Mina Equitable Sharing of Benefits (ALAMIN): Oriental Mindoro: Marin- for the State, Indigenous Peo- duque Council for Environmental ples and Local Communities, Concerns (MACEC): Marinduque; Alliance of Students Against Min- and for Other Purposes."; and ing (ASAM): Romblon; Romblon • We URGE President Ecumenical Forum Against Mining Benigno Simeon C. Aquino (REFAM): Romblon; Sibuyanons III to declare Key Biodiver- Against Mining (SAM): Romblon; Sibuyan Island Sentinels League sity Areas, Island Ecosystems, for Environment Inc. (Sibuyan Critical Watershed Areas, Geo- ISLE): Romblon; Ancestral Land Hazard Areas, Natural Forests, / Domain Watch (ALDAW): Pala- Eco-Tourism Zones and Ag- wan; Environmental Legal Assis- tance Center (ELAC): Palawan; ricultural Lands as MINING Palawan NGO Network Inc. (PNNI): NO-GO ZONES. Palawan Volume 46 • Number 3 25