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Mining Pollution: the Case of the Baguio Mining
District, the Philippines
NICOMEDES D. BRIONES                                              nomic losses are from reduced agricultural production due to
Environment and Policy Institute                                  siltation of irrigation works and farmlands. To check the ad-
East-West Center                                                  verse ecological effects of improper mine tailings disposal,
Honolulu, Hawaii 96848, USA                                       government regulations have been imposed on mining firms.
                                                                  Several disposal schemes have been proposed, including
                                                                  the use of the reservoir of a multipurpose project to be sited
ABSTRACT / Environmental problems caused by improper              in the watershed where the mines are located. Because of
mine tailings disposal in the Baguio district include pollution   siltation problems, however, trapping the tailings in the reser-
of the Lower Agno River system and its watershed and silta-       voir will diminish the economic benefits that can be derived
tion of irrigation canals in the Pangasinan plains. Direct eco-   from the project.

    The Philippines is considered one of the world's              consequently damaging about 190,000 ha of farmlands
highly mineralized countries in terms of minerals per             (Villavicencio 1977). As the tailings are transported
unit area of land. For example, the country has the               down the streams and rivers, the beds become shal-
world's largest deposits of chromite and one of the               lower, leading to overflowing with consequent
richest nickel reserves. The total mineral reserves of            flooding of the outlying areas. The tailings accumulate
the Philippines is estimated at 36.2 billion metric tons          at lower elevations and clog irrigation canals, ricefields,
(MT), 66% of which is accounted for by nonmetallic                and reservoirs.
ore reserves and the remaining 34% by metallic re-                    It has been recognized that pollution and siltation
serves (NEEP 1983). At present, most of the mining                of main river systems within the immediate vicinity of
activities are concentrated in Luzon's Baguio Mining              mine sites of Baguio Mining District is due to im-
District, where metallic reserves such as. gold, silver,          proper disposal of mine tailings. This article discusses
and copper are the largest in the nation.                         the problems and economic implications of mining
    The mining industry has always been a major con-              pollution in the highly mineralized area in Baguio, the
tributor to national economic growth and develop-                 Philippines. Alternative mine waste disposal methods,
ment. Its significance lies in its contribution to employ-        including the use of the proposed reservoir of the San
ment, capital accumulation, and foreign exchange                  Roque Multipurpose Project as a dumping site, are
earnings. For a developing Philippine economy, the                also presented.
mining sector is an indispensable source of funds to
improve the country's balance of payments. Although               T h e B a g u i o M i n i n g District
it accounted for less than 2% of the net domestic
product, the annual contribution of mining as a source               In an area of a few kilometers southeast of Baguio
of foreign exchange earnings was about 18% of the                 City in Luzon is a mining site which is drained by the
total receipts for the period of 1971-1984 (NEDA                  Twin River, a tributary of the big Agno River. It lies in
1985). The majority of the Philippine mining share is             a mountainous region characterized by sharp edges
derived from the exports of copper concentrates, gold,            and steep slopes. This area is collectively designated as
iron ore, and chrome ore.                                         the Baguio Mining District, which is considered as the
    While the industry has brought economic benefits,             most important and productive mining area in the
it has also taken its toll on the environment. In 1977,           Philippines (Figures 1-3). Several active mines and
there were 39 mining firms dispersed along the major              mine prospects are clustered along a north-south
river basins of the Philippines. Of these, 24 mines were          trending belt with an approximate area of 260 km 2.
active mineral-producing firms generating 220,000                    The most common problems of the mines in the
MT of raw ore daily. About 140,000 MT of mine                     district is how to dispose of the mine tailings properly.
tailings were being discharged daily into eight rivers,           After ore milling and concentration, the mines dis-
                                                                  charge the railings into neighboring creeks; thus,
KEY WORDS: Mine pollution; Water quality; Watershed management;   downstream of the mines all streams are polluted to
           Siltation; Mine tailings                               varying degrees. The total daily tonnage of discharged

EnvironmentalManagementVol. 11, No. 3, pp. 335-344                                                  9 1987 Springer-VerlagNew York Inc.
336             N.D. Briones

                                 0      50    1fib   150   200   250 Krrl


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                                                                                             Figure 1. Location map of the Baguio
                                                                                             Mining District, Luzon, the Philip*

Figure 2. Aerial view of a typical mining site, Baguio Mining    Figure 3. Aerial view of mining roads, Baguio Mining Dis-
District, The Philippines.                                       trict, The Philippines.

mine tailings is approximately 50,000 MT and is ex-              district, started operation in 1958 and by 1983 had
pected to increase in the coming years. This quantity,           3000 employees. The mine, which uses the block-
which flows into the Agno River and other nearby                 caving mining method, has a remaining lifespan of 40
creeks, has caused a considerable amount of damage               years. The railings produced by this mine represent
to the agricultural system and aquatic resources. Mine           90% of the total railings volume produced within the
pollution in the area affects four river systems and             Lower Agno River watershed and nearly 80% of the
hundreds of thousands of hectares of farms in the                overall ore or tailing volume mined in the Baguio Dis-
lowland areas of the provinces of Pangasinan, La                 trict. At present, Philex Mines' tailings are impounded
Union, and Ilocos Sur (Table 1).                                 in two company-constructed tailing dams that are
   Philex Mines, the largest company operating in the            being gradually built up on a right bank tributary of
Mining Pollution in the Philippines       337

Table 1. River systems affected by mines, Baguio Mining District.
                                           Quantity of tailings                River system                 Province
Mining company                            produced daily (MT)                    affected                   affected
Philex Mines                                     27,000                        Agno                        Pangasinan
Western Minolcoa                                 14,000                        Amburayan                   Ilocos Sur
Baguio Gold                                       7,400                        Amburayan                   La Union
Black Mountain, Inc.b                             2,470                        Bued                        La Union
Benguet Consolidated, Inc.                        1,974                        Agno                        Pangasinan
Lepanto Consolidated                                835                        Abra                        Ilocos Sur
Itogon-Suyoc Mines                                  120                        Agno                        Pangasinan
Atok- Big Wedgec                                    100                        Agno                        Pangasinan
Benguet Exploration                                  87                        Bued                        La Union
 Not operatingsince November 1977.
bSuspendedoperationsin 1983.
cNot operatingsince 1976.

the Agno River. These two dams will reach capacity by        this practice, which is successfully being adopted by
1987. The construction of a third dam was started in         Benguet Mining Corporation, 60% of the generated
1978 but it was stopped in 1979 because of the govern-       tailings are recovered and returned underground.
ment's plan to construct a multipurpose reservoir            Kennecott Copper Corporation in the USA also uses
downstream to impound mill railings from the mines           this method (Mantell 1975). However, this system is
in the watershed.                                            limited to underground sloping mines and not appli-
                                                             cable in other underground mining methods such as
                                                             block-caving, where ore extraction is enormous (Bug-
Mine Tailings Disposal
                                                             nosen 1981).
   The three tailings disposal measures generally
adopted by the country's mining companies are (a) di-             Containment in Tailing Ponds
rect disposal to the sea, lakes, or rivers, (b) backfill        This is the most widely used tailings disposal system
method, and (c) tailings-pond method.                        in the Baguio district. The tailings are directed into a
                                                             pond constructed with the use of dams or dikes
   Direct Disposal to the Sea, Rivers, and Lakes             (Figures 4-7). Tailings dams are generally built by
   The tailings are directly disposed into the sea,          using the coarse sand component of the tailings to
rivers, or lakes by means of pipelines and launders          form the embankment. The railings particles settle
(box conduits conveying particulate materials sus-           while the decanted effluent is allowed to flow into the
pended in water in ore dressing). Suspensions of solids      drainage system or sometimes recycled. This method
in water bodies can affect and destroy aquatic life and      has several disadvantages. Failure to properly main-
fisheries. If water is turbid with suspended solids, pho-    tain the dams can result in tailings escaping into the
tosynthesis by phytoplanktons can take place only near       natural drainage system and consequently into the irri-
the surface, so that primary production will be drasti-      gation canals and farmlands and other infrastructures.
cally reduced (Holme 1978). Ultimately, fish and other       Strong storm events can cause washouts of the tailings
aquatic organisms that directly or indirectly depend on      dams.
planktons are also affected. However, disposal to the           The tailings coming from the mine processing
sea seems to be the accepted solution in the Philip-         plants in the Baguio Mining District are conveyed by
pines. The biggest mine in the country (Atlas Consoli-       means of gravity launders to railings ponds formed by
dated Mining Company) disposes most of its tailings to       damming nearby creeks. The tailings dams are raised
the sea. The firm has designed, constructed, and now         gradually, with the precise pattern following the in-
successfully operates a 47-km system of pipelines and        crease of sediment level in the pond. Diversion works
open launders or flumes for transporting tailings by         and tunnels divert the natural river flow and floods
gravity to the sea (Gaddi 1981).                             from the creeks upstream of the ponds to avoid over-
                                                             topping of the dams and softening of the sediments.
   Backfill Method                                           However, these dams suffer occasional collapses due
  The tailings are used as fillings for underground          to strong rains that prevail in the area, especially
openings that are mined out or no longer in use. By          during the rainy season. At present, a large volume of
338              N.D. Briones

Figure 4. A mine tailings pond that is almost filled up to          Figure 5, Aerial view of a tailings pond, Baguio Mining Dis-
capacity.                                                           trict, The Philippines.

Figure 6. Aerial view (downstream side) of a tailings dam. A        Figure 7. Upstream aerial view of the railings dam and reser-
bulldozer is piling up the tailings to increase the dam's height,   voir.

mine tailings is being released and reaches the Agno                building facilities, inevitably disturb the environment.
River, thus heavily polluting its waters.                           Milling operations produce tailings, which, if not
    The construction of a railings dam is costly for the            properly disposed, could easily find their way into nat-
mining companies and is therefore carried out with                  ural river systems, resulting in the sedimentation of
extremely limited investment. The stability of the                  riverbeds and agricultural lands. When rocks and
railings dana therefore is very uncertain, and the                  wastes are dumped to lower levels, trees are usually cut
ponds represent a serious threat to public projects and             down or buried. The heavy-metal components of the
private properties downstream.                                      wastes are subject to leaching and can adversely influ-
                                                                    ence water quality. Acid water is also an undesirable
Ecological Effects of Improper Mine                                 discharge from the mines.
Tailings Disposal                                                       Mill tailings provide a hostile environment to plants
                                                                    because they are deficient in important soil nutrients,
   All mining activities create an imbalance in the envi-           have excessive salts and heavy phytotoxicants, and lack
ronment by altering landforms and physiography,                     microbial populations; moreover, physical damage is
disrupting the hydrologic cycle, and discharging                    caused by unconsolidated sands that, when wind
wastes into the rivers and polluting them with toxic                blown, destroy young plants and seedlings. Mill
wastes. Mineral development activities such as the ex-              tailings are also toxic and destructive to much aquatic
cavations in open-pit mining, block-caving, ground                  life, because of the effects of heavy metals, reagents,
preparation, including construction of roads and                    and suspended solids.
Mining Pollution in the Philippines           339

Table 2. irrigation systems affected by mine tailings.                                 Table 3. Losses due to mine tailings siltation of
                                                         Estimated      Volume of
                                                                                       irrigation systems (1978 prices).
                       Total                            volume of      mine tailings
                      service        Irrigated         mine tailings    per meter                                         Annual loss (million US$)
Irrigation             area             area           in irrigation     of canal
system                  (ha)            (ha)            canals (m s)      (m3/m)       Cause                             Amburayan     Agno    Bued
Agno                  18,509           12,095             509,093         3.20 a       Loss due to silting of canals
Lower Agno             8,001            7,515              42,846         3.75 b         (rehabilitation) (1970-
Bued                   2,766            2,766              33,606          c
Amburayan              3,705            3,553              57,463         0.33 d
                                                                                         1977)                             0.20        1.73    0.009 a
                                                                                       Loss due to uncollected
a Based on samples taken from 3 main canals and 1:3 lateral canals.                      irrigation fees (1970-
b Based on samples taken from 6 lateral canals.                                          1977)                             0.06        0.36     __b
c Not available.                                                                       Loss due to crop yield
d Based on samples taken from 2 main canals and 2 lateral canals.                        reduction (1970-1977)             4.44        6.36c    b
                                                                                       Loss due to the inability to
                                                                                         irrigate parts of the
    Agricultural Production Loss                                                         service area (1970-1977)           1.05       0.04c    b

    Downstream of the mine sites is a productive and                                   Total                               5.75        8.49    0.009
heavily populated areas collectively known as the Pan-                                 a   For the period 1973-1977.
gasinan Plains, occupying both banks of the Agno                                       b No estimamsmade.
River. Rice is the primary crop in the area with corn,                                 ~ F o r t h e period 1976-1977.
tobacco, mungbean, and peanut as secondary crops.
Yields are generally low due mainly to undependable                                    rigation System, Agno River Irrigation System, and
supply and low quality of irrigation water (NIA 1983).                                 Bued River Irrigation System, respectively (NIA 1978)
In this area, the National Irrigation Administration                                   (Table 3). T h e losses had been attributed to siltation of
(NIA) operates several irrigation systems covering a                                   canals, crop yield reduction, inability to irrigate the
service area of 33,000 ha. The canal network of the                                    service area, and uncollected irrigation fees. The total
irrigation systems is, at present, in rather poor condi-                               farm area affected was 122,757 ha located in the prov-
tion because of operations and maintenance problems                                    inces of Pangasinan, La Union, and Ilocos Sur.
due to heavy siltation caused by mine railings, as                                         In fresh unweathered form, the mill tailings contain
shown in Table 2 (NIA 1983).                                                           very little assimilable plant nutrients and in the rice-
    T h e Agno River Irrigation System (the largest irri-                              fields where such sediments are deposited and mixed
gation system affected by mine pollution) started                                      with the existing soil by plowing and harrowing, the
operation in 1958 and has a total service area of                                      soil fertility had diminished every year. The conse-
 18,509 ha, 35% of which is unirrigated due to siltation                               quences of uncontrolled irrigation water siltation by
from mine tailings. It is a diversion-gravity type that                                mine wastes have been determined by several studies
gets its water from the Agno River through a diversion                                 (Mercado 1974, Sulliven 1967). Mine wastes have high
weir downstream of the mines at San Roque gorge.                                       acidity and dissolved solids that pollute irrigation
The sediment-laden water of the river had brought                                      water, which results in water which is slightly toxic to
maintenance problems to about 52% of the 222.27 km                                     plant growth. The lower pH changes the stability and
of main canal and laterals of this system. As early as                                 mobility of numerous elements and salts in the soil. In
 1963 sedimentation of the canals was already a big                                    addition, continuous siltation has raised the elevation
problem. On the basis of data collected at a cross sec-                                of the farms so that they require leveling to insure
tion of the main canal, 2 km from the diversion head-                                  proper distribution of irrigation water.
gate, an annual average of 450,000 MT of sediment                                          Based on the population whose livelihood depends
were being deposited along the canals and farm areas                                   directly on agriculture in the area, calculations indicate
served by this irrigation system (Saddam and Prospero                                  that the number of people adversely affected in 1980
 1963). Sand from the river had been traced to the far-                                by these mine tailings was about 146,000.
thest laterals. T h e extent of damage to the Agno River
Irrigation System in 1977 was estimated at a loss of                                         Hydrobiological Effects
25% of its designed capacity because of silting at the                                     In addition to the effects on agricultural produc-
intake structure (Peters and Kitching 1978).                                           tivity, mine tailings also adversely affect the microbio-
    By 1978, the annual damage attributable to mine                                    logical regime of the Lower Agno River. In a fishery
tailings had been estimated to be US $5.75 million, US                                 survey conducted in a proposed damsite (BFAR 1983),
$8.49 million, and US $8960 for Amburayan River Ir-                                    identified fish species such as gobies, eels, mudfish,
340           N.D. Briones

black bass, and tilapia were found to be very rare. Of    ronmental conditions in the proposed project site and
the nine species of phytoplankton identified, only        furthermore would contain mitigating measures to be
three species were considered abundant while the rest     undertaken in the course of operations to protect the
are rare. All of the four kinds of zooplanktons identi-   environment. This function is under the supervision
fied were rare. Virtually no floating, emergent, or       of the National Environmental Protection Council
submerged aquatic vegetation has been found.              (NEPC), a public agency created primarily to assure
   The absence of abundant fish and other forms of        the people of a safe, decent, healthful, and productive
aquatic life is attributed to the high water turbidity    environment.
caused by great amounts of fine suspended sediments          Several government agencies have been mobilized
from the mine railings. The turbidity reduces light       to safeguard the environment from mining pollution
penetration and limits the photosynthetic activities of   and specifically to design programs to solve the railings
the phytoplanktons. The resulting decrease of micro-      problems in the Bagnio district. These include the Na-
bial population adversely affects the higher forms of     tional Pollution Control Commission, the Ministry of
aquatic life, especially fish that directly depend on     Public Works and Highways, National Power Corpora-
planktons for sustenance.                                 tion, National Irrigation Administration, and the
                                                          Bureau of Mines and Geosciences. Representatives
Government Policies on Mine Tailings Disposal             from the mining companies operating in the district
                                                          work together with these agencies.
    While government concern covers all mining oper-
ations in the Philippines, it has been more or less fo-
cused on the degradation caused by the mining opera-      Proposals to Dispose of Mine Tailings
tions in the Bagnio Mining District. Because of the ex-      To find a permanent solution to mine tailings dis-
tent of pollution and siltation caused by the mining      posal in the Bagnio Mining District, the government
industries, Presidential Decree (PD) no. 463, known as    has sought the assistance of several international orga-
the Mineral Resources Development Decree of 1974,         nizations, such as the United Nations Environmental
was issued defining the government policies on mine       Programme and the Japan International Cooperation
tailings disposal, mineral conservation, rehabilitation   Agency, in designing mine disposal schemes.
of mined-out areas, safety, and socioeconomic devel-
opment in mining areas. This decree was further              Japanese International Cooperation Agency
amended by PD nos. 1385 and 1677. Among the sa-              (JICA) Proposal
lient features of the decree are (a) the submission by        The disposal scheme is a combination of tunnel-
mining firms of their long-term plans for the protec-     launder (chute)-pipeline designed to accommodate
tion and enhancement of the environment, (b) the im-      tailings disposed of in 20 years of mining operations.
plementation of a work program designed to rehabili-      The mines' discharge systems will be connected by
tate, regenerate or revegetate mined-out areas, and (c)   tunnels that merge in a common area. The tailings will
the provision of appropriate pollution control mea-       then be conveyed by pipelines and launders to the sea.
sures to prevent further damage to the environment.       The system, which will serve six mines, will start from
In order that the requirements of the decree can be       a common point to a discharge point along the sea in
implemented properly, the mining firms are required       Lingayen Gulf, a distance of 25 km. Some of the ad-
to put up an "environment protection and enhance-         vantages of the proposal are:
ment unit" and to allocate at least 1/2% of the total
yearly operating budget to finance the environmental      1) The system will provide an area for reclamation at
protection activities.                                       the disposal site in Lingayen Gulf with the possi-
    Presidential Decree no. 1151 (as amended by PD           bility of development such as a park or a port.
1586) was issued in 1977 requiring the submission of      2) The facilities for cleaning the pipeline/launder
Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) which aim              along the common line would be a source of irri-
primarily to identify, predict, interpret, and communi-      gation water for farmlands along the route of the
cate information regarding the changes in environ-           common line.
mental quality associated with a proposed project and     3) The system would take care of future expansions
to examine the range of alternatives for the objective       and new mines within the mining district and it
of the proposal and its impact on the environment.           would have a 20-year life.
Under this system, a company proposing a mining
project that has significant effects on the environment   The disadvantage of the proposal is its high cost esti-
must prepare an EIS that would identify existing envi-    mates. The rate of amortization is unacceptable to
Mining Pollution in the Philippines          341

some mines which will shoulder a part of the costs.           1) The reservoir can provide up to 1.3 billion m 3 of
The total construction cost estimate of this system              storage and has ample capacity to impound the
when it was proposed in 1978 was US $60 million: $29             expected volume of mine railings without the need
million for the land portion and $31 million for the             of tailing dams.
sea portion.                                                  2) It will improve downstream water quality by elimi-
                                                                 nating the solids discharged by the mines and by
   United Nations Environment Programme                          diluting the chemicals released after mine pro-
   (UNEP) Proposal                                               cessing.
                                                              3) Estimations based on the present mine operations
   The disposal scheme is a combination of tunnel-
                                                                 indicate that the system can accommodate all mine
launder-pipeline system of which the end-point dis-
                                                                 railings production for the entire productive life
posal of the tailings is in a nearby mountain foothills
                                                                 of the mines (up to 40 years).
valley. The advantages of the system are the following:
                                                              However, under this proposal, only mines affecting
1) It would use state-owned lands, thus significantly
                                                              the Agno River would be relieved of the tailings dis-
   lowering the costs and the litigation that could be
                                                              posal problems. Because of high cost estimates, the
   anticipated in the expropriation of private lands.
                                                              rates of amortization will be very high. The total cost
2) The discharge area is near the mines, hence costs
                                                              of constructing the entire multipurpose project was es-
   are lower for railings conveyance works.
                                                              timated to be US $1.2 billion (1983 prices).
3) Because of good location and the availability of
                                                                 While these proposals are being considered, the
   roads and power lines, the disposal area offers
                                                              mining companies are resorting to their usual means
   good opportunities for development and sale.
                                                              of disposal, the use of existing pond-tailing dams,
4) It would create an aesthetically and environmen-
                                                              which is considered inadequate.
   tally acceptable area from what is presently consid-
   ered a desolate and economically unproductive
   area.                                                      Mine Tailings and the San Roque
                                                              Multipurpose Project
On the other hand, the feasibility of the proposal de-
pends on the ability to safely contain the Bued River in          The proposals done by JICA and UNEP had long
the proposed containment channel at full flood so that        been forwarded to the nation's economic planning
the water will not breach the banks of the channel.           body, the National Economic Development Authority
This proposal will also condemn the Bued River, and           (NEDA), for deliberation and comments. Meanwhile,
the lifespan of the project is relatively short (10 years).   the Philippine government had already committed it-
                                                              self to the construction of the San Roque Multipur-
   National Power Corporation (Philippines) and               pose Project with the help of Japanese financing.
   Electro-Consult (Italy) Proposal                               As one of the purposes of the project, the proposed
   In 1979, the Philippines' National Power Corpora-          reservoir will be used as a trap for mine railings and
tion and ELC (Italy) proposed that the mine tailings be       sediments from natural erosion. The technical feasi-
trapped in a multipurpose reservoir to be constructed         bility study (NPC-ELC 1979) assumed the status quo
downstream of the mines. This was in connection with          ante of the watershed would continue, that is, the in-
a government plan to construct the huge San Roque             flow of water and silt and sediment would be the same
Multipurpose Project in the Lower Agno River to pro-          in quality and quantity as observed in the past. How-
vide irrigation, hydroelectric power, flood control, and      ever, this assumption is doubtful, because soil erosion
water quality improvement. Together with the natural          in the area is considered serious owing to the deterio-
erosion runoff, the mine railings will be trapped in the      rating conditions of the watershed (BFD 1984). Also,
reservoir. Baguio Mining District lies within the imme-       mine tailings production will increase when the inac-
diate watershed of the proposed multipurpose reser-           tive mining concessions are developed.
voir.                                                             The high investment cost of the SRMPP prompted
   The proposed disposal scheme dictates that railings        Briones (1985) to attempt to quantify the effects of
will be discharged directly from the mines to the tribu-      sedimentation on the proposed reservoir. To estimate
taries of the Agno River. The tailings will accumulate        the potential economic loss under the scenario as de-
in the upstream side of the proposed multipurpose             picted in the feasibility study, the rate of net sediment
reservoir. According to the proponents, the system has        inflow from the mine tailings and natural erosion into
the following advantages:                                     the proposed reservoir has been calculated.
342           N.D. Briones

    On the basis of estimations of the productive life-    been tried in the Agno River watershed by the R P -
span of the active mines in the area and the daily ton-    German Training Center for Reforestation and Soil
nage of mine tailings production, a total of 184 million   Erosion Control (Costales and Costales 1983, Costales
m s o f mine railings has been calculated to accumulate    and others 1981 and 1982).
in 50 years (the economic planning period of the              A two-year data base on mine waste revegetation by
SRMPP). Sedimentation from natural erosion must be         Pefiafiel (1981) revealed that Alnus maritima, Trema
added to the mine railings to get the total amount of      orientale, Pinus insularis, Desmodium sequiax, Eclipta alba,
sediment that will go into the proposed reservoir. Nat-    and Miscanthus sinensis are suitable for mine wastes
ural erosion includes gully and sheet erosion as well as   planting in the Baguio district. Because of high mois-
erosion due to road construction and maintenance,          ture stress in mined waste areas, Orr (1975) suggested
shifting cultivation and other agricultural activities,    that crosswind furrowing and mulching must be
and logging operations. Based on erosion studies con-      adopted in order to conserve available moisture for
ducted in the Agno River watershed a net erosion rate      the plants and in some degree control soil erosion and
of 6500 ma/km2/year was used in the calculation            gushing overland flow. Chapman (1967) recom-
(Briones 1985, BFD 1984, Abernathy 1984). Estima-          mended that when tree-planting on open-cast mined
tion of natural erosion gave a total volume of 168         lands is to be done, cavities should be filled and dumps
MCM. Summing up the contribution of mine tailings          leveled before the area is covered with topsoil. Then
and the sediment from natural erosion will give a total    plants of hardy pioneer species should be planted in
volume of 352 MCM for 50 years.                            holes to be filled with topsoil originally covering these
    The accumulation of this great amount of sediment      lands. Whenever a vegetative cover is to be reestab-
in the reservoir will reduce the outputs of hydroelec-     lished, the plants or cuttings nmst be set densely
tric energy, usable irrigation water, and storage for      enough to be able to close up quickly to form a protec-
flood control. The computation of economic loss by         tive blanket, which should consist of a mixture of trees,
Briones (1985) showed that sediments could reduce          shrubs, and some grass species. Brushwoods could also
the project benefits by as much as 12% of the original     be used for contour planting to temporarily arrest sur-
estimates presented in the feasibility study. In mone-     face runoff and soil movement (Agpaoa 1975, Hudson
ta W terms, the value of this decrease is about US $370     i973).
million (discounted at 10%). About 52% of this
amount (US $192.6 million) can be attributed to mine
tailings (on the basis of the proportionate volume of      Discussion and Conclusions
mine tailings and natural erosion to be trapped in the
reservoir). When this loss (or benefits forgone) is com-      The problem of mining pollution in the Baguio
pared with the JICA proposal, which will cost only US      Mining District will surely be felt for as long as the
$37 million (discounted at i0%), it is evident that the    mining firms are allowed to operate in the area.
Philippine economy is better off if the JICA proposal      Tradeoffs will have to be made inasmuch as many so-
is adopted as the alternative disposal scheme.             cial and economic benefits are involved, both for the
                                                           mining industry and the downstream sector. It is nec-
                                                           essary to maintain a balance between economic growth
An Immediate Answer                                        and environmental quality. What is the appropriate
                                                           tradeoff between economic growth and environmental
    The proposed disposal schemes are very costly to       quality? The answer is crucial for setting appropriate
implement and are not forthcoming, but there are           environmental standards and for correctly allocating
measures that can be employed to curb the problem.         scarce resources between economic production and
The mining firms can stabilize and reinforce the ex-       environmental protection.
isting tailings dams through vegetative covering. Sev-        T h e attainment of a good environmental quality is a
eral methods of stabilizing tailings dams have been        responsibility of both the public and the private
tried, and vegetative covering seems to be the most        sectors. Cooperation between the mining firms and
practical and economical alternative for the mining        the government is needed to promote the efficient uti-
companies. Introduction of vegetation to immediately       lization and disposition of resources. Government poli-
provide protective cover is very essential, considering    cies must include practical considerations and eco-
the hydrologic and ecological enhancement these plant      nomics, but they must also include environmental pro-
covers can provide. The use of some biological struc-      tection goals. Mining firms, on the other hand, must
tures in stabilizing tailings dams and road banks had      be continuously conscious of the pollution that they
Mining Pollution in the Philippines              343

contribute to the e n v i r o n m e n t and should endeavor to        Philippines. PhD dissertation, University of Hawaii, Hono-
minimize the resultant ecological imbalance. T h e rate               lulu, Hawaii.
of d e v e l o p m e n t must balance the national economic         Bugnosen, E.M. 1981. Mine pollution. Paper presented at
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     Uncertainties cloud the solution r e c o m m e n d i n g a
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 the large volume of mine tailings to be eventually                   Forest Research Institute, Baguio City, The Philippines.
 d u m p e d in the p r o p o s e d reservoir, there may be un-     Costales, E. F., Jr., A. V. B. Costales, and A. C. Bravo. 1981.
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                                                                      ferent soil amendments. Research terminal report, Forest
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justification is other than as a disposal site for mine               tive engineering methods. Research terminal report, Forest
 tailings, it would be appropriate and economic that                  Research Institute, UPLB, College, Laguna, The Philip-
 mine tailings disposal be addressed in other ways so as              pines.
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 into this project.                                                   resources development in the Philippines. Bureau of Mines
                                                                      and Geophysics, Ministry of Natural Resources, Manila,
                                                                      The Philippines.
Acknowledgments                                                     Holme, N. A. 1978. Environmental management of mineral
                                                                     wastes. Sijthoff and Noordhoff, Alpen van den Rijn, The
    T h e author is g r a t e f u l for the financial support        Netherlands.
provided by the Environment and Policy Institute,                   Hudson, N. 1973. Soil conservation. Cornell University Press,
E a s t - W e s t Cen{er, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Sincere             Ithaca, New York.
appreciation is extended to the staff of the Watershed              Mantell, C.L. 1975. Solid wastes, origin, collection, pro-
M a n a g e m e n t G r o u p of the National Power Corpora-         cessing, and disposal. John Wiley and Sons, New York,
tion, Diliman, Q u e z o n City, the Philippines, for pro-           New York.
viding logistical support during the field study.                   Mercado, B. T. 1974. Study of the growth of some rice vari-
                                                                     eties in NaC1 + salinated soils as affected by season. Philip-
                                                                     pine Agriculturist 58:40-49.
Literature Cited                                                    NEDA. 1985. Philippine statistical yearbook. National Eco-
Abernathy, C.L. 1984[ Ambuklao Reservoir, Philippines:                nomic Development Authority, Manila, The Philippines.
  comments on sedimentation rates. Consultant report, Na-           NEEP. 1983. Environmental situationers: Inventory of envi-
  tional Power Corporation, Quezon City, The Philippines.             ronment-related projects. National Environment Enhance-
Agpaoa, A.C. 1975. Manual for reforestation and erosion               ment Program, University of the Philippines, Diliman,
  control for the Philippines. German Agency for Technical            Quezon City, The Philippines.
  Development, Eschbarn, Germany.                                   NIA. 1978. Mine tailings and its effects on NIA irrigation
BFAR. 1983. Report on the pre-impoundment survey of                   systems: an overview. National Irrigation Administration,
  Lower Agno River (San Roque Dam) Pangasinan on Au-                  Quezon City, The Philippines.
  gust 25-30. Memorandum report, Bureau of Fisheries                NIA. 1983. Project profile, SRMPP irrigation component.
  and Aquatic Resources, Quezon City, The Philippines.                National Irrigation Administration, Quezon City, The Phil-
BFD. 1984. Annual report. Bureau of Forest Development,               ippines.
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  Mines and Geosciences, Ministry of Natural Resources,               Ayn Mine, northeast Wyoming. Pages 304-307 in Sympo-
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344            N.D. Briones

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  PCARR Project no. 1123. PCARR, Laguna, The Philip-            ference and congress of large dams, first technical sympo-
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Peters, T. H., and H. Kitching. 1978. Report to the Govern-   Sulliven, G. 1967. Current research trend in mined-land con-
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Mining Pollution: The Case of The Baguio Mining District,Philippines

  • 1. Mining Pollution: the Case of the Baguio Mining District, the Philippines NICOMEDES D. BRIONES nomic losses are from reduced agricultural production due to Environment and Policy Institute siltation of irrigation works and farmlands. To check the ad- East-West Center verse ecological effects of improper mine tailings disposal, Honolulu, Hawaii 96848, USA government regulations have been imposed on mining firms. Several disposal schemes have been proposed, including the use of the reservoir of a multipurpose project to be sited ABSTRACT / Environmental problems caused by improper in the watershed where the mines are located. Because of mine tailings disposal in the Baguio district include pollution siltation problems, however, trapping the tailings in the reser- of the Lower Agno River system and its watershed and silta- voir will diminish the economic benefits that can be derived tion of irrigation canals in the Pangasinan plains. Direct eco- from the project. The Philippines is considered one of the world's consequently damaging about 190,000 ha of farmlands highly mineralized countries in terms of minerals per (Villavicencio 1977). As the tailings are transported unit area of land. For example, the country has the down the streams and rivers, the beds become shal- world's largest deposits of chromite and one of the lower, leading to overflowing with consequent richest nickel reserves. The total mineral reserves of flooding of the outlying areas. The tailings accumulate the Philippines is estimated at 36.2 billion metric tons at lower elevations and clog irrigation canals, ricefields, (MT), 66% of which is accounted for by nonmetallic and reservoirs. ore reserves and the remaining 34% by metallic re- It has been recognized that pollution and siltation serves (NEEP 1983). At present, most of the mining of main river systems within the immediate vicinity of activities are concentrated in Luzon's Baguio Mining mine sites of Baguio Mining District is due to im- District, where metallic reserves such as. gold, silver, proper disposal of mine tailings. This article discusses and copper are the largest in the nation. the problems and economic implications of mining The mining industry has always been a major con- pollution in the highly mineralized area in Baguio, the tributor to national economic growth and develop- Philippines. Alternative mine waste disposal methods, ment. Its significance lies in its contribution to employ- including the use of the proposed reservoir of the San ment, capital accumulation, and foreign exchange Roque Multipurpose Project as a dumping site, are earnings. For a developing Philippine economy, the also presented. mining sector is an indispensable source of funds to improve the country's balance of payments. Although T h e B a g u i o M i n i n g District it accounted for less than 2% of the net domestic product, the annual contribution of mining as a source In an area of a few kilometers southeast of Baguio of foreign exchange earnings was about 18% of the City in Luzon is a mining site which is drained by the total receipts for the period of 1971-1984 (NEDA Twin River, a tributary of the big Agno River. It lies in 1985). The majority of the Philippine mining share is a mountainous region characterized by sharp edges derived from the exports of copper concentrates, gold, and steep slopes. This area is collectively designated as iron ore, and chrome ore. the Baguio Mining District, which is considered as the While the industry has brought economic benefits, most important and productive mining area in the it has also taken its toll on the environment. In 1977, Philippines (Figures 1-3). Several active mines and there were 39 mining firms dispersed along the major mine prospects are clustered along a north-south river basins of the Philippines. Of these, 24 mines were trending belt with an approximate area of 260 km 2. active mineral-producing firms generating 220,000 The most common problems of the mines in the MT of raw ore daily. About 140,000 MT of mine district is how to dispose of the mine tailings properly. tailings were being discharged daily into eight rivers, After ore milling and concentration, the mines dis- charge the railings into neighboring creeks; thus, KEY WORDS: Mine pollution; Water quality; Watershed management; downstream of the mines all streams are polluted to Siltation; Mine tailings varying degrees. The total daily tonnage of discharged EnvironmentalManagementVol. 11, No. 3, pp. 335-344 9 1987 Springer-VerlagNew York Inc.
  • 2. 336 N.D. Briones 0 50 1fib 150 200 250 Krrl I N O Baguio -- 17 ~ Mineral District C~ Z N 15~ Figure 1. Location map of the Baguio Mining District, Luzon, the Philip* pines. Figure 2. Aerial view of a typical mining site, Baguio Mining Figure 3. Aerial view of mining roads, Baguio Mining Dis- District, The Philippines. trict, The Philippines. mine tailings is approximately 50,000 MT and is ex- district, started operation in 1958 and by 1983 had pected to increase in the coming years. This quantity, 3000 employees. The mine, which uses the block- which flows into the Agno River and other nearby caving mining method, has a remaining lifespan of 40 creeks, has caused a considerable amount of damage years. The railings produced by this mine represent to the agricultural system and aquatic resources. Mine 90% of the total railings volume produced within the pollution in the area affects four river systems and Lower Agno River watershed and nearly 80% of the hundreds of thousands of hectares of farms in the overall ore or tailing volume mined in the Baguio Dis- lowland areas of the provinces of Pangasinan, La trict. At present, Philex Mines' tailings are impounded Union, and Ilocos Sur (Table 1). in two company-constructed tailing dams that are Philex Mines, the largest company operating in the being gradually built up on a right bank tributary of
  • 3. Mining Pollution in the Philippines 337 Table 1. River systems affected by mines, Baguio Mining District. Quantity of tailings River system Province Mining company produced daily (MT) affected affected Philex Mines 27,000 Agno Pangasinan Western Minolcoa 14,000 Amburayan Ilocos Sur Baguio Gold 7,400 Amburayan La Union Black Mountain, Inc.b 2,470 Bued La Union Benguet Consolidated, Inc. 1,974 Agno Pangasinan Lepanto Consolidated 835 Abra Ilocos Sur Itogon-Suyoc Mines 120 Agno Pangasinan Atok- Big Wedgec 100 Agno Pangasinan Benguet Exploration 87 Bued La Union Not operatingsince November 1977. bSuspendedoperationsin 1983. cNot operatingsince 1976. the Agno River. These two dams will reach capacity by this practice, which is successfully being adopted by 1987. The construction of a third dam was started in Benguet Mining Corporation, 60% of the generated 1978 but it was stopped in 1979 because of the govern- tailings are recovered and returned underground. ment's plan to construct a multipurpose reservoir Kennecott Copper Corporation in the USA also uses downstream to impound mill railings from the mines this method (Mantell 1975). However, this system is in the watershed. limited to underground sloping mines and not appli- cable in other underground mining methods such as block-caving, where ore extraction is enormous (Bug- Mine Tailings Disposal nosen 1981). The three tailings disposal measures generally adopted by the country's mining companies are (a) di- Containment in Tailing Ponds rect disposal to the sea, lakes, or rivers, (b) backfill This is the most widely used tailings disposal system method, and (c) tailings-pond method. in the Baguio district. The tailings are directed into a pond constructed with the use of dams or dikes Direct Disposal to the Sea, Rivers, and Lakes (Figures 4-7). Tailings dams are generally built by The tailings are directly disposed into the sea, using the coarse sand component of the tailings to rivers, or lakes by means of pipelines and launders form the embankment. The railings particles settle (box conduits conveying particulate materials sus- while the decanted effluent is allowed to flow into the pended in water in ore dressing). Suspensions of solids drainage system or sometimes recycled. This method in water bodies can affect and destroy aquatic life and has several disadvantages. Failure to properly main- fisheries. If water is turbid with suspended solids, pho- tain the dams can result in tailings escaping into the tosynthesis by phytoplanktons can take place only near natural drainage system and consequently into the irri- the surface, so that primary production will be drasti- gation canals and farmlands and other infrastructures. cally reduced (Holme 1978). Ultimately, fish and other Strong storm events can cause washouts of the tailings aquatic organisms that directly or indirectly depend on dams. planktons are also affected. However, disposal to the The tailings coming from the mine processing sea seems to be the accepted solution in the Philip- plants in the Baguio Mining District are conveyed by pines. The biggest mine in the country (Atlas Consoli- means of gravity launders to railings ponds formed by dated Mining Company) disposes most of its tailings to damming nearby creeks. The tailings dams are raised the sea. The firm has designed, constructed, and now gradually, with the precise pattern following the in- successfully operates a 47-km system of pipelines and crease of sediment level in the pond. Diversion works open launders or flumes for transporting tailings by and tunnels divert the natural river flow and floods gravity to the sea (Gaddi 1981). from the creeks upstream of the ponds to avoid over- topping of the dams and softening of the sediments. Backfill Method However, these dams suffer occasional collapses due The tailings are used as fillings for underground to strong rains that prevail in the area, especially openings that are mined out or no longer in use. By during the rainy season. At present, a large volume of
  • 4. 338 N.D. Briones Figure 4. A mine tailings pond that is almost filled up to Figure 5, Aerial view of a tailings pond, Baguio Mining Dis- capacity. trict, The Philippines. Figure 6. Aerial view (downstream side) of a tailings dam. A Figure 7. Upstream aerial view of the railings dam and reser- bulldozer is piling up the tailings to increase the dam's height, voir. mine tailings is being released and reaches the Agno building facilities, inevitably disturb the environment. River, thus heavily polluting its waters. Milling operations produce tailings, which, if not The construction of a railings dam is costly for the properly disposed, could easily find their way into nat- mining companies and is therefore carried out with ural river systems, resulting in the sedimentation of extremely limited investment. The stability of the riverbeds and agricultural lands. When rocks and railings dana therefore is very uncertain, and the wastes are dumped to lower levels, trees are usually cut ponds represent a serious threat to public projects and down or buried. The heavy-metal components of the private properties downstream. wastes are subject to leaching and can adversely influ- ence water quality. Acid water is also an undesirable Ecological Effects of Improper Mine discharge from the mines. Tailings Disposal Mill tailings provide a hostile environment to plants because they are deficient in important soil nutrients, All mining activities create an imbalance in the envi- have excessive salts and heavy phytotoxicants, and lack ronment by altering landforms and physiography, microbial populations; moreover, physical damage is disrupting the hydrologic cycle, and discharging caused by unconsolidated sands that, when wind wastes into the rivers and polluting them with toxic blown, destroy young plants and seedlings. Mill wastes. Mineral development activities such as the ex- tailings are also toxic and destructive to much aquatic cavations in open-pit mining, block-caving, ground life, because of the effects of heavy metals, reagents, preparation, including construction of roads and and suspended solids.
  • 5. Mining Pollution in the Philippines 339 Table 2. irrigation systems affected by mine tailings. Table 3. Losses due to mine tailings siltation of Estimated Volume of irrigation systems (1978 prices). Total volume of mine tailings service Irrigated mine tailings per meter Annual loss (million US$) Irrigation area area in irrigation of canal system (ha) (ha) canals (m s) (m3/m) Cause Amburayan Agno Bued Agno 18,509 12,095 509,093 3.20 a Loss due to silting of canals Lower Agno 8,001 7,515 42,846 3.75 b (rehabilitation) (1970- Bued 2,766 2,766 33,606 c Amburayan 3,705 3,553 57,463 0.33 d 1977) 0.20 1.73 0.009 a Loss due to uncollected a Based on samples taken from 3 main canals and 1:3 lateral canals. irrigation fees (1970- b Based on samples taken from 6 lateral canals. 1977) 0.06 0.36 __b c Not available. Loss due to crop yield d Based on samples taken from 2 main canals and 2 lateral canals. reduction (1970-1977) 4.44 6.36c b Loss due to the inability to irrigate parts of the Agricultural Production Loss service area (1970-1977) 1.05 0.04c b Downstream of the mine sites is a productive and Total 5.75 8.49 0.009 heavily populated areas collectively known as the Pan- a For the period 1973-1977. gasinan Plains, occupying both banks of the Agno b No estimamsmade. River. Rice is the primary crop in the area with corn, ~ F o r t h e period 1976-1977. tobacco, mungbean, and peanut as secondary crops. Yields are generally low due mainly to undependable rigation System, Agno River Irrigation System, and supply and low quality of irrigation water (NIA 1983). Bued River Irrigation System, respectively (NIA 1978) In this area, the National Irrigation Administration (Table 3). T h e losses had been attributed to siltation of (NIA) operates several irrigation systems covering a canals, crop yield reduction, inability to irrigate the service area of 33,000 ha. The canal network of the service area, and uncollected irrigation fees. The total irrigation systems is, at present, in rather poor condi- farm area affected was 122,757 ha located in the prov- tion because of operations and maintenance problems inces of Pangasinan, La Union, and Ilocos Sur. due to heavy siltation caused by mine railings, as In fresh unweathered form, the mill tailings contain shown in Table 2 (NIA 1983). very little assimilable plant nutrients and in the rice- T h e Agno River Irrigation System (the largest irri- fields where such sediments are deposited and mixed gation system affected by mine pollution) started with the existing soil by plowing and harrowing, the operation in 1958 and has a total service area of soil fertility had diminished every year. The conse- 18,509 ha, 35% of which is unirrigated due to siltation quences of uncontrolled irrigation water siltation by from mine tailings. It is a diversion-gravity type that mine wastes have been determined by several studies gets its water from the Agno River through a diversion (Mercado 1974, Sulliven 1967). Mine wastes have high weir downstream of the mines at San Roque gorge. acidity and dissolved solids that pollute irrigation The sediment-laden water of the river had brought water, which results in water which is slightly toxic to maintenance problems to about 52% of the 222.27 km plant growth. The lower pH changes the stability and of main canal and laterals of this system. As early as mobility of numerous elements and salts in the soil. In 1963 sedimentation of the canals was already a big addition, continuous siltation has raised the elevation problem. On the basis of data collected at a cross sec- of the farms so that they require leveling to insure tion of the main canal, 2 km from the diversion head- proper distribution of irrigation water. gate, an annual average of 450,000 MT of sediment Based on the population whose livelihood depends were being deposited along the canals and farm areas directly on agriculture in the area, calculations indicate served by this irrigation system (Saddam and Prospero that the number of people adversely affected in 1980 1963). Sand from the river had been traced to the far- by these mine tailings was about 146,000. thest laterals. T h e extent of damage to the Agno River Irrigation System in 1977 was estimated at a loss of Hydrobiological Effects 25% of its designed capacity because of silting at the In addition to the effects on agricultural produc- intake structure (Peters and Kitching 1978). tivity, mine tailings also adversely affect the microbio- By 1978, the annual damage attributable to mine logical regime of the Lower Agno River. In a fishery tailings had been estimated to be US $5.75 million, US survey conducted in a proposed damsite (BFAR 1983), $8.49 million, and US $8960 for Amburayan River Ir- identified fish species such as gobies, eels, mudfish,
  • 6. 340 N.D. Briones black bass, and tilapia were found to be very rare. Of ronmental conditions in the proposed project site and the nine species of phytoplankton identified, only furthermore would contain mitigating measures to be three species were considered abundant while the rest undertaken in the course of operations to protect the are rare. All of the four kinds of zooplanktons identi- environment. This function is under the supervision fied were rare. Virtually no floating, emergent, or of the National Environmental Protection Council submerged aquatic vegetation has been found. (NEPC), a public agency created primarily to assure The absence of abundant fish and other forms of the people of a safe, decent, healthful, and productive aquatic life is attributed to the high water turbidity environment. caused by great amounts of fine suspended sediments Several government agencies have been mobilized from the mine railings. The turbidity reduces light to safeguard the environment from mining pollution penetration and limits the photosynthetic activities of and specifically to design programs to solve the railings the phytoplanktons. The resulting decrease of micro- problems in the Bagnio district. These include the Na- bial population adversely affects the higher forms of tional Pollution Control Commission, the Ministry of aquatic life, especially fish that directly depend on Public Works and Highways, National Power Corpora- planktons for sustenance. tion, National Irrigation Administration, and the Bureau of Mines and Geosciences. Representatives Government Policies on Mine Tailings Disposal from the mining companies operating in the district work together with these agencies. While government concern covers all mining oper- ations in the Philippines, it has been more or less fo- cused on the degradation caused by the mining opera- Proposals to Dispose of Mine Tailings tions in the Bagnio Mining District. Because of the ex- To find a permanent solution to mine tailings dis- tent of pollution and siltation caused by the mining posal in the Bagnio Mining District, the government industries, Presidential Decree (PD) no. 463, known as has sought the assistance of several international orga- the Mineral Resources Development Decree of 1974, nizations, such as the United Nations Environmental was issued defining the government policies on mine Programme and the Japan International Cooperation tailings disposal, mineral conservation, rehabilitation Agency, in designing mine disposal schemes. of mined-out areas, safety, and socioeconomic devel- opment in mining areas. This decree was further Japanese International Cooperation Agency amended by PD nos. 1385 and 1677. Among the sa- (JICA) Proposal lient features of the decree are (a) the submission by The disposal scheme is a combination of tunnel- mining firms of their long-term plans for the protec- launder (chute)-pipeline designed to accommodate tion and enhancement of the environment, (b) the im- tailings disposed of in 20 years of mining operations. plementation of a work program designed to rehabili- The mines' discharge systems will be connected by tate, regenerate or revegetate mined-out areas, and (c) tunnels that merge in a common area. The tailings will the provision of appropriate pollution control mea- then be conveyed by pipelines and launders to the sea. sures to prevent further damage to the environment. The system, which will serve six mines, will start from In order that the requirements of the decree can be a common point to a discharge point along the sea in implemented properly, the mining firms are required Lingayen Gulf, a distance of 25 km. Some of the ad- to put up an "environment protection and enhance- vantages of the proposal are: ment unit" and to allocate at least 1/2% of the total yearly operating budget to finance the environmental 1) The system will provide an area for reclamation at protection activities. the disposal site in Lingayen Gulf with the possi- Presidential Decree no. 1151 (as amended by PD bility of development such as a park or a port. 1586) was issued in 1977 requiring the submission of 2) The facilities for cleaning the pipeline/launder Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) which aim along the common line would be a source of irri- primarily to identify, predict, interpret, and communi- gation water for farmlands along the route of the cate information regarding the changes in environ- common line. mental quality associated with a proposed project and 3) The system would take care of future expansions to examine the range of alternatives for the objective and new mines within the mining district and it of the proposal and its impact on the environment. would have a 20-year life. Under this system, a company proposing a mining project that has significant effects on the environment The disadvantage of the proposal is its high cost esti- must prepare an EIS that would identify existing envi- mates. The rate of amortization is unacceptable to
  • 7. Mining Pollution in the Philippines 341 some mines which will shoulder a part of the costs. 1) The reservoir can provide up to 1.3 billion m 3 of The total construction cost estimate of this system storage and has ample capacity to impound the when it was proposed in 1978 was US $60 million: $29 expected volume of mine railings without the need million for the land portion and $31 million for the of tailing dams. sea portion. 2) It will improve downstream water quality by elimi- nating the solids discharged by the mines and by United Nations Environment Programme diluting the chemicals released after mine pro- (UNEP) Proposal cessing. 3) Estimations based on the present mine operations The disposal scheme is a combination of tunnel- indicate that the system can accommodate all mine launder-pipeline system of which the end-point dis- railings production for the entire productive life posal of the tailings is in a nearby mountain foothills of the mines (up to 40 years). valley. The advantages of the system are the following: However, under this proposal, only mines affecting 1) It would use state-owned lands, thus significantly the Agno River would be relieved of the tailings dis- lowering the costs and the litigation that could be posal problems. Because of high cost estimates, the anticipated in the expropriation of private lands. rates of amortization will be very high. The total cost 2) The discharge area is near the mines, hence costs of constructing the entire multipurpose project was es- are lower for railings conveyance works. timated to be US $1.2 billion (1983 prices). 3) Because of good location and the availability of While these proposals are being considered, the roads and power lines, the disposal area offers mining companies are resorting to their usual means good opportunities for development and sale. of disposal, the use of existing pond-tailing dams, 4) It would create an aesthetically and environmen- which is considered inadequate. tally acceptable area from what is presently consid- ered a desolate and economically unproductive area. Mine Tailings and the San Roque Multipurpose Project On the other hand, the feasibility of the proposal de- pends on the ability to safely contain the Bued River in The proposals done by JICA and UNEP had long the proposed containment channel at full flood so that been forwarded to the nation's economic planning the water will not breach the banks of the channel. body, the National Economic Development Authority This proposal will also condemn the Bued River, and (NEDA), for deliberation and comments. Meanwhile, the lifespan of the project is relatively short (10 years). the Philippine government had already committed it- self to the construction of the San Roque Multipur- National Power Corporation (Philippines) and pose Project with the help of Japanese financing. Electro-Consult (Italy) Proposal As one of the purposes of the project, the proposed In 1979, the Philippines' National Power Corpora- reservoir will be used as a trap for mine railings and tion and ELC (Italy) proposed that the mine tailings be sediments from natural erosion. The technical feasi- trapped in a multipurpose reservoir to be constructed bility study (NPC-ELC 1979) assumed the status quo downstream of the mines. This was in connection with ante of the watershed would continue, that is, the in- a government plan to construct the huge San Roque flow of water and silt and sediment would be the same Multipurpose Project in the Lower Agno River to pro- in quality and quantity as observed in the past. How- vide irrigation, hydroelectric power, flood control, and ever, this assumption is doubtful, because soil erosion water quality improvement. Together with the natural in the area is considered serious owing to the deterio- erosion runoff, the mine railings will be trapped in the rating conditions of the watershed (BFD 1984). Also, reservoir. Baguio Mining District lies within the imme- mine tailings production will increase when the inac- diate watershed of the proposed multipurpose reser- tive mining concessions are developed. voir. The high investment cost of the SRMPP prompted The proposed disposal scheme dictates that railings Briones (1985) to attempt to quantify the effects of will be discharged directly from the mines to the tribu- sedimentation on the proposed reservoir. To estimate taries of the Agno River. The tailings will accumulate the potential economic loss under the scenario as de- in the upstream side of the proposed multipurpose picted in the feasibility study, the rate of net sediment reservoir. According to the proponents, the system has inflow from the mine tailings and natural erosion into the following advantages: the proposed reservoir has been calculated.
  • 8. 342 N.D. Briones On the basis of estimations of the productive life- been tried in the Agno River watershed by the R P - span of the active mines in the area and the daily ton- German Training Center for Reforestation and Soil nage of mine tailings production, a total of 184 million Erosion Control (Costales and Costales 1983, Costales m s o f mine railings has been calculated to accumulate and others 1981 and 1982). in 50 years (the economic planning period of the A two-year data base on mine waste revegetation by SRMPP). Sedimentation from natural erosion must be Pefiafiel (1981) revealed that Alnus maritima, Trema added to the mine railings to get the total amount of orientale, Pinus insularis, Desmodium sequiax, Eclipta alba, sediment that will go into the proposed reservoir. Nat- and Miscanthus sinensis are suitable for mine wastes ural erosion includes gully and sheet erosion as well as planting in the Baguio district. Because of high mois- erosion due to road construction and maintenance, ture stress in mined waste areas, Orr (1975) suggested shifting cultivation and other agricultural activities, that crosswind furrowing and mulching must be and logging operations. Based on erosion studies con- adopted in order to conserve available moisture for ducted in the Agno River watershed a net erosion rate the plants and in some degree control soil erosion and of 6500 ma/km2/year was used in the calculation gushing overland flow. Chapman (1967) recom- (Briones 1985, BFD 1984, Abernathy 1984). Estima- mended that when tree-planting on open-cast mined tion of natural erosion gave a total volume of 168 lands is to be done, cavities should be filled and dumps MCM. Summing up the contribution of mine tailings leveled before the area is covered with topsoil. Then and the sediment from natural erosion will give a total plants of hardy pioneer species should be planted in volume of 352 MCM for 50 years. holes to be filled with topsoil originally covering these The accumulation of this great amount of sediment lands. Whenever a vegetative cover is to be reestab- in the reservoir will reduce the outputs of hydroelec- lished, the plants or cuttings nmst be set densely tric energy, usable irrigation water, and storage for enough to be able to close up quickly to form a protec- flood control. The computation of economic loss by tive blanket, which should consist of a mixture of trees, Briones (1985) showed that sediments could reduce shrubs, and some grass species. Brushwoods could also the project benefits by as much as 12% of the original be used for contour planting to temporarily arrest sur- estimates presented in the feasibility study. In mone- face runoff and soil movement (Agpaoa 1975, Hudson ta W terms, the value of this decrease is about US $370 i973). million (discounted at 10%). About 52% of this amount (US $192.6 million) can be attributed to mine tailings (on the basis of the proportionate volume of Discussion and Conclusions mine tailings and natural erosion to be trapped in the reservoir). When this loss (or benefits forgone) is com- The problem of mining pollution in the Baguio pared with the JICA proposal, which will cost only US Mining District will surely be felt for as long as the $37 million (discounted at i0%), it is evident that the mining firms are allowed to operate in the area. Philippine economy is better off if the JICA proposal Tradeoffs will have to be made inasmuch as many so- is adopted as the alternative disposal scheme. cial and economic benefits are involved, both for the mining industry and the downstream sector. It is nec- essary to maintain a balance between economic growth An Immediate Answer and environmental quality. What is the appropriate tradeoff between economic growth and environmental The proposed disposal schemes are very costly to quality? The answer is crucial for setting appropriate implement and are not forthcoming, but there are environmental standards and for correctly allocating measures that can be employed to curb the problem. scarce resources between economic production and The mining firms can stabilize and reinforce the ex- environmental protection. isting tailings dams through vegetative covering. Sev- T h e attainment of a good environmental quality is a eral methods of stabilizing tailings dams have been responsibility of both the public and the private tried, and vegetative covering seems to be the most sectors. Cooperation between the mining firms and practical and economical alternative for the mining the government is needed to promote the efficient uti- companies. Introduction of vegetation to immediately lization and disposition of resources. Government poli- provide protective cover is very essential, considering cies must include practical considerations and eco- the hydrologic and ecological enhancement these plant nomics, but they must also include environmental pro- covers can provide. The use of some biological struc- tection goals. Mining firms, on the other hand, must tures in stabilizing tailings dams and road banks had be continuously conscious of the pollution that they
  • 9. Mining Pollution in the Philippines 343 contribute to the e n v i r o n m e n t and should endeavor to Philippines. PhD dissertation, University of Hawaii, Hono- minimize the resultant ecological imbalance. T h e rate lulu, Hawaii. of d e v e l o p m e n t must balance the national economic Bugnosen, E.M. 1981. Mine pollution. Paper presented at needs and the necessity of maintaining a healthy envi- the 1979-1980 international course on environmental science, Delft, The Netherlands. ronment. Chapman, C.W. 1967. A manual on establishment tech- Uncertainties cloud the solution r e c o m m e n d i n g a niques in man-made forests. Paper presented on FAO planned i m p o u n d m e n t of all mill tailings into the pro- symposium on man-made forests, Canberra, Australia. posed multipurpose reservoir. T h e r e is a need to as- Costales, E. F., Jr., and A. V. B. Costales. 1983. Effects of sess the short- and long-term quality o f the reservoir's plant combinations upon protection/stabilization of mined water with the introduction of mill wastes. Considering waste areas. Terminal report of PCARRD Project no. 639. the large volume of mine tailings to be eventually Forest Research Institute, Baguio City, The Philippines. d u m p e d in the p r o p o s e d reservoir, there may be un- Costales, E. F., Jr., A. V. B. Costales, and A. C. Bravo. 1981. known effects on the stored water's aquatic life, influ- Methods of revegetating mined waste areas through dif- ferent soil amendments. Research terminal report, Forest ences on the water's potential use as irrigation water, Research Institute, UPLB, College, Laguna, The Philip- and effects on the operation and maintenance of the pines. electromechanical e q u i p m e n t of the hydroelectric Costales, E. F.,Jr., A. V. Lopez, and G. Felipe. 1982. Restora- power plant. 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