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C++ on its way to exascale and beyond
– The HPX Parallel Runtime System
Thomas Heller (
January 21, 2016
This project has received funding from the Eu-
ropean Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and in-
novation programme under grant agreement No.
What is Exascale anyway?
This project has received funding from the Eu-
ropean Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and in-
novation programme under grant agreement No.
Exascale in numbers
• An Exascale Computer is supposed to execute 1018
floating point
operations in a second
• Exa: 1018
= 1000000000000000000
• People on Earth: 7.3 Billion = 7.3 ∗ 109
• Imagine each person is able to compute one operation per second. It
⇒ 136986301 seconds
⇒ 2283105 minutes
⇒ 38051 hours
⇒ 1585 days
⇒ 4 years
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Why do we need that many calculations?
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller |
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Why do we need that many calculations?
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller |
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Why do we need that many calculations?
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller |
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Why do we need that many calculations?
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller |
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Why do we need that many calculations?
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller |
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Why do we need that many calculations?
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller |
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Why do we need that many calculations?
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller |
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Why do we need that many calculations?
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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• How do we program those beasts?
⇒ Massively parallel processors
⇒ Massive amount of compute nodes
⇒ Deep Memory hierarchies
• How can we design the architecture to be affordable?
⇒ Biggest Operational cost is Energy
⇒ Power Envelop of 20MW
⇒ Current fastest Computer (Tian-He 2): 17MW
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Current Development
Current #1 System:
• Tian-He 2: 33.9 PFLOPS
• 4% of an Exaflop
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Hardware Trends
• ARM: Low-Power ARM64 cores (maybe adding embedded GPU
• IBM: POWER + NVIDIA Accelerators
• Intel: Knights Landing (Xeon Phi) Many Core processor
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How will C++ deal with all that?!?
This project has received funding from the Eu-
ropean Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and in-
novation programme under grant agreement No.
• Programmability
• Expressing Parallelism
• Expressing Data Locality
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The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse: SLOW
Waiting for contention
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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State of the Art
• Modern architectures impose massive challenges on programmability in
the context of performance portability
• Massive increase in on-node parallelism
• Deep memory hierarchies
• Only portable parallelization solution for C++ programmers (today):
OpenMP and MPI
• Hugely successful for years
• Widely used and supported
• Simple use for simple use cases
• Very portable
• Highly optimized
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State of the Art – Parallelism in C++
• C++11 introduced lower level abstractions
• std::thread, std::mutex, std::future, etc.
• Fairly limited, more is needed
• C++ needs stronger support for higher-level parallelism
• Several proposals to the Standardization Committee are accepted or
under consideration
• Technical Specification: Concurrency (P0159, note: misnomer)
• Technical Specification: Parallelism (P0024)
• Other smaller proposals: resumable functions, task regions, executors
• Currently there is no overarching vision related to higher-level parallelism
• Goal is to standardize a ‘big story’ by 2020
• No need for OpenMP, OpenACC, OpenCL, etc.
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Stepping Aside – Introducing HPX
This project has received funding from the Eu-
ropean Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and in-
novation programme under grant agreement No.
HPX – A general purpose parallel Runtime System
• Solidly based on a theoretical foundation – a well defined, new execution
model (ParalleX)
• Exposes a coherent and uniform, standards-oriented API for ease of
programming parallel and distributed applications.
• Enables to write fully asynchronous code using hundreds of millions of threads.
• Provides unified syntax and semantics for local and remote operations.
• Open Source: Published under the Boost Software License
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HPX – A general purpose parallel Runtime System
HPX represents an innovative mixture of
• A global system-wide address space (AGAS - Active Global Address
• Fine grain parallelism and lightweight synchronization
• Combined with implicit, work queue based, message driven computation
• Full semantic equivalence of local and remote execution, and
• Explicit support for hardware accelerators (through percolation)
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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HPX 101 – The programming model
Locality 0
Locality 1
Locality i
Locality N-1
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HPX 101 – The programming model
Global Address Space
Locality 0
Locality 1
Locality i
Locality N-1
Active Global Address Space (AGAS) Service
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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HPX 101 – The programming model
Global Address Space
Locality 0
Locality 1
Locality i
Locality N-1
Active Global Address Space (AGAS) Service
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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HPX 101 – The programming model
Global Address Space
Locality 0
Locality 1
Locality i
Locality N-1
Active Global Address Space (AGAS) Service
future <id_type > id =
new_ <Component >( locality , ...);
future <R> result =
async(id.get(), action , ...);
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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HPX 101 – The programming model
Locality 0 Locality 1 Locality i Locality N-1
Active Global Address Space (AGAS) Service
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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HPX 101 – Overview
C++ Standard Library
R f(p...) Synchronous Asynchronous Fire & Forget
(returns R) (returns future<R>) (returns void)
Functions f(p...) async(f, p...) apply(f, p...)
Functions bind(f, p...)(...) async(bind(f, p...), ...) apply(bind(f, p...), ...)
Actions HPX_ACTION(f, a) HPX_ACTION(f, a) HPX_ACTION(f, a)
(direct) a()(id, p...) async(a(), id, p...) apply(a(), id, p...)
Actions HPX_ACTION(f, a) HPX_ACTION(f, a) HPX_ACTION(f, a)
(lazy) bind(a(), id, p...)
async(bind(a(), id, p...),
apply(bind(a(), id, p...),
In Addition: dataflow(func, f1, f2);
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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The Future, an example
int universal_answer () { return 42; }
void deep_thought () {
future <int > promised_answer
= async(& universal_answer);
// do other things for 7.5 million years
cout << promised_answer.get() << endl;
// prints 42, eventually
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Compositional facilities
• Sequential composition of futures
future <string > make_string () {
future <int > f1 =
async ([]() -> int { return 123; });
future <string > f2 = f1.then(
[](future <int > f) -> string
// here .get() won’t block
return to_string(f.get());
return f2;
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Compositional facilities
• Parallel composition of futures
future <int > test_when_all () {
future <int > future1 =
async ([]() -> int { return 125; });
future <string > future2 =
async ([]() -> string { return string("hi"); });
auto all_f = when_all(future1 , future2);
future <int > result = all_f.then(
[]( auto f) -> int {
return do_work(f.get());
return result;
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Dataflow – The new ’async’ (HPX)
• What if one or more arguments to ’async’ are futures themselves?
• Normal behavior: pass futures through to function
• Extended behavior: wait for futures to become ready before invoking the
template <typename F, typename ... Arg >
future <result_of_t <F(Args ...) >>
// requires(is_callable <F(Arg ...) >)
dataflow(F && f, Arg &&... arg);
• If ArgN is a future, then the invocation of F will be delayed
• Non-future arguments are passed through
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Parallel Algorithms
This project has received funding from the Eu-
ropean Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and in-
novation programme under grant agreement No.
Concepts of Parallelism – Parallel Execution Properties
• The execution restrictions applicable for the work items
• In what sequence the work items have to be executed
• Where the work items should be executed
• The parameters of the execution environment
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Concepts and Types of Parallelism
Execution Policies
Executors Executor Parameters
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Concepts and Types of Parallelism
Execution Policies
Executors Executor Parameters
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Concepts and Types of Parallelism
Execution Policies
Executors Executor Parameters
Sequence, Where
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Concepts and Types of Parallelism
Execution Policies
Executors Executor Parameters
Sequence, Where
Grain Size
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Concepts and Types of Parallelism
Execution Policies
Executors Executor Parameters
Sequence, Where
Grain Size
Futures, Async, Dataflow
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Concepts and Types of Parallelism
Execution Policies
Executors Executor Parameters
Sequence, Where
Grain Size
Futures, Async, Dataflow
Parallel Algorithms Fork-Join, etc
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Execution Policies (std)
• Specify execution guarantees (in terms of thread-safety) for executed
parallel tasks:
• sequential_execution_policy: seq
• parallel_execution_policy: par
• parallel_vector_execution_policy: par_vec
• In parallelism TS used for parallel algorithms only
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Execution Policies (Extensions)
• Asynchronous Execution Policies:
• sequential_task_execution_policy: seq(task)
• parallel_task_execution_policy: par(task)
• In both cases the formerly synchronous functions return a future<>
• Instruct the parallel construct to be executed asynchronously
• Allows integration with asynchronous control flow
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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• Executor are objects responsible for
• Creating execution agents on which work is performed (P0058)
• In P0058 this is limited to parallel algorithms, here much broader use
• Abstraction of the (potentially platform-specific) mechanisms for launching
• Responsible for defining the Where and How of the execution of tasks
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Execution Parameters
Allows to control the grain size of work
• i.e. amount of iterations of a parallel for_each run on the same thread
• Similar to OpenMP scheduling policies: static, guided, dynamic
• Much more fine control
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Putting it all together – SAXPY routine with data locality
• a[i] = b[i] ∗ x + c[i], for i from 0 to N − 1
• Using parallel algorithms
• Explicit Control over data locality
• No raw Loops
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Putting it all together – SAXPY routine with data locality
Complete serial version:
std::vector <double > a = ...;
std::vector <double > b = ...;
std::vector <double > c = ...;
double x = ...;
std:: transform(b.begin(), b.end(),
c.begin(), c.end(), a.begin(),
[x]( double bb, double cc)
return bb * x + cc;
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Putting it all together – SAXPY routine with data locality
Parallel version, no data locality:
std::vector <double > a = ...;
std::vector <double > b = ...;
std::vector <double > c = ...;
double x = ...;
parallel :: transform(parallel ::par ,
b.begin(), b.end(),
c.begin(), c.end(), a.begin(),
[x]( double bb, double cc)
return bb * x + cc;
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Putting it all together – SAXPY routine with data locality
Parallel version, no data locality:
std::vector <double , numa_allocator > a = ...;
std::vector <double , numa_allocator > b = ...;
std::vector <double , numa_allocator > c = ...;
double x = ...;
for(numa_executor : numa_executors) {
parallel :: transform(
parallel ::par.on(numa_executor),
b.begin() +..., b.begin() +...,
c.begin() +..., c.begin() +..., a.begin() +...,
[x]( double bb, double cc)
{ return bb * x + cc; });
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Case Studies
This project has received funding from the Eu-
ropean Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and in-
novation programme under grant agreement No.
• C++ Auto-parallelizing framework
• Open Source
• High scalability
• Wide range of platform support
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Futurizing the Simulation Flow
Basic Simulation flow:
for(Region r: innerRegion) {
update(r, oldGrid , newGrid , step);
swap(oldGrid , newGrid);
for(Region r: outerGhostZoneRegion) {
notifyPatchProviders(r, oldGrid);
for(Region r: outerGhostZoneRegion) {
update(r, oldGrid , newGrid , step);
for(Region r: innerGhostZoneRegion) {
notifyPatchAccepters(r, oldGrid);
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Futurizing the Simulation Flow
Futurized Simulation flow:
parallel for(Region r: innerRegion) {
update(r, oldGrid , newGrid , step);
swap(oldGrid , newGrid); ++ step;
parallel for(Region r: outerGhostZoneRegion) {
notifyPatchProviders(r, oldGrid);
parallel for(Region r: outerGhostZoneRegion) {
update(r, oldGrid , newGrid , step);
parallel for(Region r: innerGhostZoneRegion) {
notifyPatchAccepters(r, oldGrid);
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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HPXCL – Extending the Global Adress Space
• All GPU devices are addressable globally
• GPU memory can be allocated and referenced remotely
• Events are extensions of the shared state
⇒ API embedded into the already existing future facilities
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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From async to GPUs
Spawning single tasks not feasible
⇒ offload a work group (Think of parallel::for_each)
auto devices
= hpx:: opencl :: find_devices(hpx:: find_here (),
// create buffers , programs and kernels ...
hpx:: opencl :: buffer buf = devices [0]. create_buffer(
auto write_future = buf.enqueue_write(some_vec.
begin(), some_vec.end());
auto kernel_future = kernel.enqueue(dim ,
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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From async to GPUs
Spawning single tasks not feasible
⇒ offload a work group (Think of parallel::for_each)
• Proof of Concept
• Future Directions:
• Embedd OpenCL devices behind Execution Policies and Executors
• Hide OpenCL stuff behind parallel algorithms
• Hide OpenCL buffer management behind "distributed data structures"
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Mandelbrot example
Maps API
Acknowledgements to Martin Stumpf
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller |
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Mandelbrot example
Acknowledgements to Martin Stumpf
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller |
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Mandelbrot example
Acknowledgements to Martin Stumpf
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Performance Results
1 2 4 8 16
Number of Cores, on one Node
Execution Times of HPX and MPI N-Body Codes
(SMP, Weak Scaling)
Comm HPX
Comm MPI
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Performance Results
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Performance Results
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Number of Cores
Weak Scaling Results for HPX N-Body Code
(Single Xeon Phi, Futurized)
1 Thread/Core
2 Threads/Core
3 Threads/Core
4 Threads/Core
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Performance Results
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Number of Nodes, 16 Cores on Host, Full Xeon Phi
Weak Scaling Results for HPX N-Body Codes
(Host Cores and Xeon Phi Accelerator)
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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STREAM Benchmark
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Number of cores per NUMA Domain
(50 million data points)
HPX (1 NUMA Domain)
OpenMP (1 NUMA Domain)
HPX (2 NUMA Domains)
OpenMP (2 NUMA Domains)
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Matrix Transpose
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Number of cores per NUMA domain
Matrix Transpose (SMP, 24kx24k Matrices)
HPX (1 NUMA Domain)
HPX (2 NUMA Domains)
OMP (1 NUMA Domain)
OMP (2 NUMA Domains)
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Matrix Transpose
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Number of cores per NUMA domain
Matrix Transpose (SMP, 24kx24k Matrices)
HPX (2 NUMA Domains)
MPI (1 NUMA Domain, 12 ranks)
MPI (2 NUMA Domains, 24 ranks)
MPI+OMP (2 NUMA Domains)
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Matrix Transpose
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Number of cores
Matrix Transpose (Xeon/Phi, 24kx24k matrices)
HPX (4 PUs per core) OMP (4 PUs per core)
HPX (2 PUs per core) OMP (2 PUs per core)
HPX (1 PUs per core) OMP (1 PUs per core)
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Matrix Transpose
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of nodes (16 cores each)
Matrix Transpose (Distributed, 18kx18k elements per node)
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What’s beyond Exascale?
This project has received funding from the Eu-
ropean Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and in-
novation programme under grant agreement No.
Higher-level parallelization abstractions in C++:
• uniform, versatile, and generic
• All of this is enabled by use of modern C++ facilities
• Runtime system (fine-grain, task-based schedulers)
• Performant, portable implementation
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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Parallelism is here to stay!
• Massive Parallel Hardware is already part of our daily lives!
• Parallelism is observable everywhere:
⇒ IoT: Massive amount devices existing in parallel
⇒ Embedded: Meet massively parallel energy-aware systems (Epiphany, DSPs,
⇒ Automotive: Massive amount of parallel sensor data to process
• We all need solutions on how to deal with this, efficiently and pragmatically
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More Information
• #STE||AR @
• FET-HPC (H2020): AllScale (
• DOE: Part of X-Stack
C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System
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  • 11. Why do we need that many calculations? C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 4/ 51
  • 12. Challenges • How do we program those beasts? ⇒ Massively parallel processors ⇒ Massive amount of compute nodes ⇒ Deep Memory hierarchies • How can we design the architecture to be affordable? ⇒ Biggest Operational cost is Energy ⇒ Power Envelop of 20MW ⇒ Current fastest Computer (Tian-He 2): 17MW C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 5/ 51
  • 13. Current Development Current #1 System: • Tian-He 2: 33.9 PFLOPS • 4% of an Exaflop C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 6/ 51
  • 14. Hardware Trends • ARM: Low-Power ARM64 cores (maybe adding embedded GPU accelerators) • IBM: POWER + NVIDIA Accelerators • Intel: Knights Landing (Xeon Phi) Many Core processor C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 7/ 51
  • 15. How will C++ deal with all that?!? This project has received funding from the Eu- ropean Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and in- novation programme under grant agreement No. 671603
  • 16. Challenges • Programmability • Expressing Parallelism • Expressing Data Locality C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 9/ 51
  • 17. The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse: SLOW Starvation Latency Overhead Waiting for contention C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 10/ 51
  • 18. State of the Art • Modern architectures impose massive challenges on programmability in the context of performance portability • Massive increase in on-node parallelism • Deep memory hierarchies • Only portable parallelization solution for C++ programmers (today): OpenMP and MPI • Hugely successful for years • Widely used and supported • Simple use for simple use cases • Very portable • Highly optimized C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 11/ 51
  • 19. State of the Art – Parallelism in C++ • C++11 introduced lower level abstractions • std::thread, std::mutex, std::future, etc. • Fairly limited, more is needed • C++ needs stronger support for higher-level parallelism • Several proposals to the Standardization Committee are accepted or under consideration • Technical Specification: Concurrency (P0159, note: misnomer) • Technical Specification: Parallelism (P0024) • Other smaller proposals: resumable functions, task regions, executors • Currently there is no overarching vision related to higher-level parallelism • Goal is to standardize a ‘big story’ by 2020 • No need for OpenMP, OpenACC, OpenCL, etc. C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 12/ 51
  • 20. Stepping Aside – Introducing HPX This project has received funding from the Eu- ropean Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and in- novation programme under grant agreement No. 671603
  • 21. HPX – A general purpose parallel Runtime System • Solidly based on a theoretical foundation – a well defined, new execution model (ParalleX) • Exposes a coherent and uniform, standards-oriented API for ease of programming parallel and distributed applications. • Enables to write fully asynchronous code using hundreds of millions of threads. • Provides unified syntax and semantics for local and remote operations. • Open Source: Published under the Boost Software License C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 14/ 51
  • 22. HPX – A general purpose parallel Runtime System HPX represents an innovative mixture of • A global system-wide address space (AGAS - Active Global Address Space) • Fine grain parallelism and lightweight synchronization • Combined with implicit, work queue based, message driven computation • Full semantic equivalence of local and remote execution, and • Explicit support for hardware accelerators (through percolation) C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 15/ 51
  • 23. HPX 101 – The programming model Memory Locality 0 Memory Locality 1 Memory Locality i Memory Locality N-1 C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 16/ 51
  • 24. HPX 101 – The programming model Global Address Space Memory Locality 0 Memory Locality 1 Memory Locality i Memory Locality N-1 Parcelport Active Global Address Space (AGAS) Service Thread- Scheduler Thread- Scheduler Thread- Scheduler Thread- Scheduler C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 16/ 51
  • 25. HPX 101 – The programming model Global Address Space Memory Locality 0 Memory Locality 1 Memory Locality i Memory Locality N-1 Parcelport Active Global Address Space (AGAS) Service Thread- Scheduler Thread- Scheduler Thread- Scheduler Thread- Scheduler Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 16/ 51
  • 26. HPX 101 – The programming model Global Address Space Memory Locality 0 Memory Locality 1 Memory Locality i Memory Locality N-1 Parcelport Active Global Address Space (AGAS) Service Thread- Scheduler Thread- Scheduler Thread- Scheduler Thread- Scheduler Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread Thread future <id_type > id = new_ <Component >( locality , ...); future <R> result = async(id.get(), action , ...); C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 16/ 51
  • 27. HPX 101 – The programming model Locality 0 Locality 1 Locality i Locality N-1 Parcelport Active Global Address Space (AGAS) Service Thread- Scheduler Thread- Scheduler Thread- Scheduler Thread- Scheduler C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 16/ 51
  • 28. HPX 101 – Overview HPX C++ Standard Library C++ R f(p...) Synchronous Asynchronous Fire & Forget (returns R) (returns future<R>) (returns void) Functions f(p...) async(f, p...) apply(f, p...) (direct) Functions bind(f, p...)(...) async(bind(f, p...), ...) apply(bind(f, p...), ...) (lazy) Actions HPX_ACTION(f, a) HPX_ACTION(f, a) HPX_ACTION(f, a) (direct) a()(id, p...) async(a(), id, p...) apply(a(), id, p...) Actions HPX_ACTION(f, a) HPX_ACTION(f, a) HPX_ACTION(f, a) (lazy) bind(a(), id, p...) (...) async(bind(a(), id, p...), ...) apply(bind(a(), id, p...), ...) In Addition: dataflow(func, f1, f2); C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 17/ 51
  • 29. The Future, an example int universal_answer () { return 42; } void deep_thought () { future <int > promised_answer = async(& universal_answer); // do other things for 7.5 million years cout << promised_answer.get() << endl; // prints 42, eventually } C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 18/ 51
  • 30. Compositional facilities • Sequential composition of futures future <string > make_string () { future <int > f1 = async ([]() -> int { return 123; }); future <string > f2 = f1.then( [](future <int > f) -> string { // here .get() won’t block return to_string(f.get()); }); return f2; } C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 19/ 51
  • 31. Compositional facilities • Parallel composition of futures future <int > test_when_all () { future <int > future1 = async ([]() -> int { return 125; }); future <string > future2 = async ([]() -> string { return string("hi"); }); auto all_f = when_all(future1 , future2); future <int > result = all_f.then( []( auto f) -> int { return do_work(f.get()); }); return result; } C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 20/ 51
  • 32. Dataflow – The new ’async’ (HPX) • What if one or more arguments to ’async’ are futures themselves? • Normal behavior: pass futures through to function • Extended behavior: wait for futures to become ready before invoking the function: template <typename F, typename ... Arg > future <result_of_t <F(Args ...) >> // requires(is_callable <F(Arg ...) >) dataflow(F && f, Arg &&... arg); • If ArgN is a future, then the invocation of F will be delayed • Non-future arguments are passed through C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 21/ 51
  • 33. Parallel Algorithms This project has received funding from the Eu- ropean Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and in- novation programme under grant agreement No. 671603
  • 34. Concepts of Parallelism – Parallel Execution Properties • The execution restrictions applicable for the work items • In what sequence the work items have to be executed • Where the work items should be executed • The parameters of the execution environment C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 23/ 51
  • 35. Concepts and Types of Parallelism Application Concepts Execution Policies Executors Executor Parameters C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 24/ 51
  • 36. Concepts and Types of Parallelism Application Concepts Execution Policies Executors Executor Parameters Restrictions C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 24/ 51
  • 37. Concepts and Types of Parallelism Application Concepts Execution Policies Executors Executor Parameters Restrictions Sequence, Where C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 24/ 51
  • 38. Concepts and Types of Parallelism Application Concepts Execution Policies Executors Executor Parameters Restrictions Sequence, Where Grain Size C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 24/ 51
  • 39. Concepts and Types of Parallelism Application Concepts Execution Policies Executors Executor Parameters Restrictions Sequence, Where Grain Size Futures, Async, Dataflow C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 24/ 51
  • 40. Concepts and Types of Parallelism Application Concepts Execution Policies Executors Executor Parameters Restrictions Sequence, Where Grain Size Futures, Async, Dataflow Parallel Algorithms Fork-Join, etc C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 24/ 51
  • 41. Execution Policies (std) • Specify execution guarantees (in terms of thread-safety) for executed parallel tasks: • sequential_execution_policy: seq • parallel_execution_policy: par • parallel_vector_execution_policy: par_vec • In parallelism TS used for parallel algorithms only C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 25/ 51
  • 42. Execution Policies (Extensions) • Asynchronous Execution Policies: • sequential_task_execution_policy: seq(task) • parallel_task_execution_policy: par(task) • In both cases the formerly synchronous functions return a future<> • Instruct the parallel construct to be executed asynchronously • Allows integration with asynchronous control flow C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 26/ 51
  • 43. Executors • Executor are objects responsible for • Creating execution agents on which work is performed (P0058) • In P0058 this is limited to parallel algorithms, here much broader use • Abstraction of the (potentially platform-specific) mechanisms for launching work • Responsible for defining the Where and How of the execution of tasks C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 27/ 51
  • 44. Execution Parameters Allows to control the grain size of work • i.e. amount of iterations of a parallel for_each run on the same thread • Similar to OpenMP scheduling policies: static, guided, dynamic • Much more fine control C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 28/ 51
  • 45. Putting it all together – SAXPY routine with data locality • a[i] = b[i] ∗ x + c[i], for i from 0 to N − 1 • Using parallel algorithms • Explicit Control over data locality • No raw Loops C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 29/ 51
  • 46. Putting it all together – SAXPY routine with data locality Complete serial version: std::vector <double > a = ...; std::vector <double > b = ...; std::vector <double > c = ...; double x = ...; std:: transform(b.begin(), b.end(), c.begin(), c.end(), a.begin(), [x]( double bb, double cc) { return bb * x + cc; }); C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 30/ 51
  • 47. Putting it all together – SAXPY routine with data locality Parallel version, no data locality: std::vector <double > a = ...; std::vector <double > b = ...; std::vector <double > c = ...; double x = ...; parallel :: transform(parallel ::par , b.begin(), b.end(), c.begin(), c.end(), a.begin(), [x]( double bb, double cc) { return bb * x + cc; }); C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 31/ 51
  • 48. Putting it all together – SAXPY routine with data locality Parallel version, no data locality: std::vector <double , numa_allocator > a = ...; std::vector <double , numa_allocator > b = ...; std::vector <double , numa_allocator > c = ...; double x = ...; for(numa_executor : numa_executors) { parallel :: transform( parallel ::par.on(numa_executor), b.begin() +..., b.begin() +..., c.begin() +..., c.begin() +..., a.begin() +..., [x]( double bb, double cc) { return bb * x + cc; }); } C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 32/ 51
  • 49. Case Studies This project has received funding from the Eu- ropean Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and in- novation programme under grant agreement No. 671603
  • 50. LibGeoDecomp • C++ Auto-parallelizing framework • Open Source • High scalability • Wide range of platform support • C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 34/ 51
  • 51. LibGeoDecomp Futurizing the Simulation Flow Basic Simulation flow: for(Region r: innerRegion) { update(r, oldGrid , newGrid , step); } swap(oldGrid , newGrid); ++step; for(Region r: outerGhostZoneRegion) { notifyPatchProviders(r, oldGrid); } for(Region r: outerGhostZoneRegion) { update(r, oldGrid , newGrid , step); } for(Region r: innerGhostZoneRegion) { notifyPatchAccepters(r, oldGrid); } C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 35/ 51
  • 52. LibGeoDecomp Futurizing the Simulation Flow Futurized Simulation flow: parallel for(Region r: innerRegion) { update(r, oldGrid , newGrid , step); } swap(oldGrid , newGrid); ++ step; parallel for(Region r: outerGhostZoneRegion) { notifyPatchProviders(r, oldGrid); } parallel for(Region r: outerGhostZoneRegion) { update(r, oldGrid , newGrid , step); } parallel for(Region r: innerGhostZoneRegion) { notifyPatchAccepters(r, oldGrid); } Continuation Continuation Continuation C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 36/ 51
  • 53. HPXCL – Extending the Global Adress Space • All GPU devices are addressable globally • GPU memory can be allocated and referenced remotely • Events are extensions of the shared state ⇒ API embedded into the already existing future facilities C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 37/ 51
  • 54. From async to GPUs Spawning single tasks not feasible ⇒ offload a work group (Think of parallel::for_each) auto devices = hpx:: opencl :: find_devices(hpx:: find_here (), CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU).get(); // create buffers , programs and kernels ... hpx:: opencl :: buffer buf = devices [0]. create_buffer( CL_MEM_READ_WRITE , 4711); auto write_future = buf.enqueue_write(some_vec. begin(), some_vec.end()); auto kernel_future = kernel.enqueue(dim , write_future); C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 38/ 51
  • 55. From async to GPUs Spawning single tasks not feasible ⇒ offload a work group (Think of parallel::for_each) • Proof of Concept • Future Directions: • Embedd OpenCL devices behind Execution Policies and Executors • Hide OpenCL stuff behind parallel algorithms • Hide OpenCL buffer management behind "distributed data structures" C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 38/ 51
  • 56. Mandelbrot example Queue Google Maps API Client Worker Generator Worker Webserver Acknowledgements to Martin Stumpf C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 39/ 51
  • 57. Mandelbrot example Acknowledgements to Martin Stumpf C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 40/ 51
  • 58. Mandelbrot example Acknowledgements to Martin Stumpf C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 41/ 51
  • 59. LibGeoDecomp Performance Results 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 1 2 4 8 16 Time[s] Number of Cores, on one Node Execution Times of HPX and MPI N-Body Codes (SMP, Weak Scaling) Sim HPX Sim MPI Comm HPX Comm MPI C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 42/ 51
  • 60. LibGeoDecomp Performance Results C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 42/ 51
  • 61. LibGeoDecomp Performance Results 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 PerformanceinGFLOPS Number of Cores Weak Scaling Results for HPX N-Body Code (Single Xeon Phi, Futurized) 1 Thread/Core 2 Threads/Core 3 Threads/Core 4 Threads/Core C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 42/ 51
  • 62. LibGeoDecomp Performance Results 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 PerformanceinTFLOPS Number of Nodes, 16 Cores on Host, Full Xeon Phi Weak Scaling Results for HPX N-Body Codes (Host Cores and Xeon Phi Accelerator) HPX Peak C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 42/ 51
  • 63. STREAM Benchmark 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Bandwidth[GB/s] Number of cores per NUMA Domain TRIAD STREAM Results (50 million data points) HPX (1 NUMA Domain) OpenMP (1 NUMA Domain) HPX (2 NUMA Domains) OpenMP (2 NUMA Domains) C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 43/ 51
  • 64. Matrix Transpose 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Datatransferrate[GB/s] Number of cores per NUMA domain Matrix Transpose (SMP, 24kx24k Matrices) HPX (1 NUMA Domain) HPX (2 NUMA Domains) OMP (1 NUMA Domain) OMP (2 NUMA Domains) C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 44/ 51
  • 65. Matrix Transpose 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Datatransferrate[GB/s] Number of cores per NUMA domain Matrix Transpose (SMP, 24kx24k Matrices) HPX (2 NUMA Domains) MPI (1 NUMA Domain, 12 ranks) MPI (2 NUMA Domains, 24 ranks) MPI+OMP (2 NUMA Domains) C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 45/ 51
  • 66. Matrix Transpose 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Datatransferrate[GB/s] Number of cores Matrix Transpose (Xeon/Phi, 24kx24k matrices) HPX (4 PUs per core) OMP (4 PUs per core) HPX (2 PUs per core) OMP (2 PUs per core) HPX (1 PUs per core) OMP (1 PUs per core) C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 46/ 51
  • 67. Matrix Transpose 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Datatransferrate[GB/s] Number of nodes (16 cores each) Matrix Transpose (Distributed, 18kx18k elements per node) HPX MPI C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 47/ 51
  • 68. What’s beyond Exascale? This project has received funding from the Eu- ropean Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and in- novation programme under grant agreement No. 671603
  • 69. Conclusions Higher-level parallelization abstractions in C++: • uniform, versatile, and generic • All of this is enabled by use of modern C++ facilities • Runtime system (fine-grain, task-based schedulers) • Performant, portable implementation C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 49/ 51
  • 70. Parallelism is here to stay! • Massive Parallel Hardware is already part of our daily lives! • Parallelism is observable everywhere: ⇒ IoT: Massive amount devices existing in parallel ⇒ Embedded: Meet massively parallel energy-aware systems (Epiphany, DSPs, FPGAs) ⇒ Automotive: Massive amount of parallel sensor data to process • We all need solutions on how to deal with this, efficiently and pragmatically C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 50/ 51
  • 71. More Information • • • • #STE||AR @ Collaborations: • FET-HPC (H2020): AllScale ( • NSF: STORM ( • DOE: Part of X-Stack C++ on its way to exascale and beyond – The HPX Parallel Runtime System 21.01.2016 | Thomas Heller | 51/ 51