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D4M and Apache Accumulo
Vijay Gadepally, Lauren Edwards,
Dylan Hutchison, Jeremy Kepner
Accumulo Summit
College Park, MD
April 29, 2015
This work is sponsored by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research
and Engineering under Air Force Contract #FA8721-05-C-0002. Opinions,
interpretations, recommendations and conclusions are those of the authors
and are not necessarily endorsed by the United States Government
Accumulo Summit
VNG - 2
Giving away the punch line
• D4M is a popular open source software tool that
connects scientists with Big Data technologies
• D4M-Accumulo binding provides high performance
connectivity to Apache Accumulo for quick analytic
• Graphulo: Implement GraphBLAS server-side
iterators and operators on Accumulo tables
Accumulo Summit
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• Introduction
• D4M Overview
• D4M Details
• Demonstration
• Conclusions
Accumulo Summit
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Common Big Data Challenge
CommandersOperators Analysts
MaritimeGround SpaceC2 CyberOSINT
2000 2005 2010 2015 & Beyond
Rapidly increasing
- Data volume
- Data velocity
- Data variety
- Data veracity (security)
Accumulo Summit
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Common Big Data Architecture
WarfightersOperators Analysts
MaritimeGround SpaceC2 CyberOSINT
Ingest &
Ingest &
Accumulo Summit
VNG - 6
Common Big Data Architecture
- Data Volume: Cloud Computing -
WarfightersOperators Analysts
MaritimeGround SpaceC2 CyberOSINT
Ingest &
Ingest &
Enterprise Cloud
Big Data Cloud Database Cloud
Compute Cloud
MIT SuperCloud merges four clouds
Accumulo Summit
VNG - 7
WarfightersOperators Analysts
MaritimeGround SpaceC2 CyberOSINT
Ingest &
Ingest &
Lincoln benchmarking
validated Accumulo performance
Common Big Data Architecture
- Data Velocity: Accumulo Database -
Accumulo Summit
VNG - 8
WarfightersOperators Analysts
MaritimeGround SpaceC2 CyberOSINT
Ingest &
Ingest &
D4M demonstrated a
universal approach to diverse data
Common Big Data Architecture
- Data Variety: D4M Schema -
intel reports, DNA, health records, publication
citations, web logs, social media, building alarms,
cyber, … all handled by a common 4 table schema
Accumulo Summit
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Common Big Data Architecture
- Data Veracity: Security Tools-
WarfightersOperators Analysts
MaritimeGround SpaceC2 CyberOSINT
Ingest &
Ingest &
Using cryptography to protect
sensitive data
-Verifiable Query Results-
-Computing on Masked Data-
Big Data
Accumulo Summit
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• Introduction
• D4M Overview
• D4M Details
• Demonstration
• Conclusions
Accumulo Summit
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High Level Language: D4M
Distributed Database
Associative Arrays
Numerical Computing Environment
Data Model
A D4M query returns a sparse
matrix or a graph…
…for statistical signal processing
or graph analysis in MATLAB
D4M binds associative arrays to databases, enabling rapid
prototyping of data-intensive cloud analytics and visualization
Accumulo Summit
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What is D4M?
• The Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model:
– Support for mathematical foundation – associative arrays
– Schema to represent most unstructured data as associative arrays
– Software tools to connect with variety of databases such as Apache
Accumulo, SciDB, mySQL, PostgreSQL, …
• Software tools currently
implemented in
MATLAB/Octave, and Julia
• Connect to databases via
JDBC (relational), SHIM
(SciDB) or custom Java API
Accumulo Summit
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• Key innovation: mathematical closure
– All associative array operations return associative arrays
• Enables composable mathematical operations
A + B A - B A & B A|B A*B
• Enables composable query operations via array indexing
A('alice bob ',:) A('alice ',:) A('al* ',:)
A('alice : bob ',:) A(1:2,:) A == 47.0
• Simple to implement in a library in programming environments
with: 1st class support of 2D arrays, operator overloading,
sparse linear algebra
Mathematical Foundation:
Associative Arrays
• Complex queries with ~50x less effort than Java/SQL
• Naturally leads to high performance parallel implementation
• Need a schema to convert arbitrary data to associative array
Accumulo Summit
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D4M Data Schema
• A structure described in a language supported by the database
management system.
• Use D4M schema to represent heterogeneous data types in
common data format
– Schema converts structured or unstructured raw text to a tuple
representation supported by Accumulo:
• Usually use a 4 table representation
– The Edge Table, the Transpose Table, Degree Table, Raw Table
33659254179712 2013-05-20 21:21:42 20798128
kiefpief web 3b77caf94bfc81fe I am
sending love to Oklahoma. And actually -- to everyone who
may need it. You are loved. And you are not alone.
Promise. #PrayforOklahoma
33660010027264 2013-05-20 21:54:56 35.99894978 -
78.90660222 -8783842.7781526 4300476.86376416
22435220 RyanBLeslie Twitter for iPad348803787
bced47a0c99c71d0 @HaydenBigCntry RT @jiminhofe:
The devastation in Oklahoma is
(33659254179712, time|2013-05-20 21:21:42, 1)
(33659254179712, user|kiefpief, 1)
(33659254179712, text, Sending love to OK #PrayforOklahoma)
(33659254179712, word|Sending, 1)
(33660010027264, time|2013-05-20 21:54:56, 1)
(33660010027264, lat|-78.90660222, 1 )
(33660010027264, lon|35.99894978, 1)
(33660010027264, user|RyanBLeslie, 1)
(33660010027264, RT|@HaydenBigCntry , 1)
(33660010027264, word|Oklahoma, 1)
Accumulo Summit
VNG - 15
4 Table D4M Schema
row_num col1 col2 col3
001 row1col1 row1col2 word1 word2 word3
002 row2col1 row2col2 word2 word3
003 … … word1 word3
col1|row1col1 col1|row2col1 col2|row1col2 col2|row2col2 col3|word1 col3|word2 col3|word3
row_num|001 1 1 1 1 1
row_num|002 1 1 1 1
row_num|003 1 1
col1|row1col1 col1|row2col1 col2|row1col2 col2|row2col2 col3|word1 col3|word2 col3|word3
Degree 1 1 1 1 2 2 3
row_num|001 row_num|002 row_num|003
col1|row1col1 1
col2|row1col2 1 1
col2|row2col2 1
col3|word1 1 1
col3|word2 1 1
col3|word3 1 1
row_num|001 word1 word2 word3
row_num|002 word2 word3
row_num|003 word1 word3
Accumulo Summit
VNG - 16
• Introduction
• D4M Overview
• D4M Details
• Demonstration
• Conclusions
Accumulo Summit
VNG - 17
D4M Software Library
• Associative Array representation works very well as an interface
among databases.
• D4M currently implemented in languages with first class
support of sparse matrices:
– GNU Octave
– Julia (in progress)
• Implemented in ~2000 lines of MATLAB code
Download D4M
Source from
dependency JARs
Accumulo Summit
VNG - 18
D4M: What a user sees
(row, col, val)
Matlab strings
Matlab API
Java API
Java API
% D4M Associative Array API
row = 'r1,r2,'; col = 'c1,c1,'; val = '7,3,';
A = Assoc(row,col,val,@min);
% D4M Accumulo API
DB = DBserver(’', 'Accumulo',
'instance', 'user', 'password');
T = DB('Table'); % Create table if doesn't exist.
put(T,A); % Put associative array in T.
Aret = T(:,:); % Scan all of T.
Accumulo Summit
VNG - 19
D4M: What a developer sees
Type Matlab/Julia File Java Class Use
DBcreate.m D4mDbTableOperationsCreate table
@DBserver/ls.m D4mDbInfo List tables
@DBtable/nnz.m D4mDbTableOperations
Number of entries in table,
summed from table's tablets
DBdelete.m D4mDbTableOperationsDelete table
Write DBinsert.m D4mDbInsert Insert
@DBtable/DBtable.m D4mDataSearch Create query holder
@DBtable/subsref.m D4mDataSearch Do query, possibly holding batches
@DBtable/close.m D4mDataSearch Reset query
@DBtable/deleteTriple.m AccumuloDelete Delete entries
@DBtable/deleteAssoc.m AccumuloDelete Delete entries
@DBtable/ColCombiner.m D4mDbTableOperationsList table iterators
@DBtable/addColCombiner.m D4mDbTableOperationsAdd all-scope table iterator
@DBtable/deleteColCombiner.m D4mDbTableOperationsRemove iterator
@DBtable/Splits.m D4mDbTableOperations
Return splits, number of entries in each
tablet, tablet server addresses
@DBtable/addSplits.m D4mDbTableOperationsAdd new table split
@DBtable/putSplits.m D4mDbTableOperationsReplace table splits, merging old splits
@DBtable/mergeSplits.m D4mDbTableOperationsRemove splits by merging tablets
• Source code released and available!
Accumulo Summit
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D4M Write
More details on Batched Insert – 500 kB by default
• putNumBytes() controls #entries to insert in one batch, on MATLAB side
• Independent batches: each creates, flushes and closes separate
• Guarantee BatchWriters correctly closed
• No need to maintain BatchWriter lifecycle in MATLAB
• 30 ms maximum latency before flushing
• 50 Write threads
• 1 MB maximum memory on BatchWriter, plenty for default batch size
Row ID
Column Timestamp
Accumulo Summit
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D4M Scan Example
1. Translate Matlab queries into ranges for BatchScanner
T(:,:) %Scan all
T('r1;r5;:;r7;', :) %Scan given row ranges
T(:, 'c1;') %Use fetchColumn(), or row scan
Transpose table
T('r5;:;r9;', 'c1;:;c3;') %Complicated; break into simpler
2. Hold state of Scanner iterator as state of MATLAB object
T_it = Iterator(T, 'elements', 1e5); % 100k entry batch size
A = T_it(:,:); % Initial query
while nnz(A) % While there is another batch
A = T_it(); % Get next batch
Accumulo Summit
VNG - 22
Parallel Accumulo Access
Sample script writing files to Accumulo in parallel:
T = DB('Tedge','TedgeT');
myFiles = global_ind(zeros(Nfile,1,map([Np 1],{},0:Np-1)));
for i = myFiles
fname = ['data/' num2str(i)]; % Create filename.
load([fname '.A.mat']); % Load file data.
put(T,num2str(A)); % Insert to Accumulo.
Run on 4 local processors: eval(pRUN('Script',4,{}));
• D4M + pMATLAB gives rise to high performance
Accumulo Summit
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Accumulo Scaling on MIT SuperCloud
• Scales linearly with ingest processes, server nodes, and data size
Accumulo Summit
VNG - 24
115,000,000 inserts per second
• Using supercomputing techniques allows peak insert to be achieve
within seconds of launch
1M edge
43B edges in
5 minutes
Accumulo Summit
VNG - 25
• Introduction
• D4M Overview
• D4M Details
• Demonstration
• Conclusions
Accumulo Summit
VNG - 26
D4M Twitter Demo
• August 24, 2014: Earthquake in Northern California
• Tweets from August 24-25
• Using D4M for:
– Exploration
– Analytics
– Visualization
Accumulo Summit
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Set Table Bindings
Accumulo Summit
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Query Tweets
Accumulo Summit
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Find Common Locations
Accumulo Summit
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Filter Tweets
Accumulo Summit
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Query for Full Tweets
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Load Stopwords
Accumulo Summit
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Remove Stopwords
Accumulo Summit
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Find Co-Occurring Words
Accumulo Summit
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Remove Diagonal
Accumulo Summit
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See Words Most Used Together
Accumulo Summit
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Display on Map
Accumulo Summit
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• Introduction
• D4M Overview
• D4M Details
• Demonstration
• Conclusions
Accumulo Summit
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• D4M is a popular software tool that connects
scientists with Big Data technologies
• D4M-Accumulo binding provides high performance
connectivity to Apache Accumulo for quick analytic
• Current research expands this connection to support
high performance graph analytics
Accumulo Summit
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• Graphulo: Implement GraphBLAS server-side iterators and operators on
Accumulo tables
• Use case: Queued analytics = Localized within a neighborhood
• Aim for Accumulo Contrib
• Released:
– Design Document
• Upcoming:
– Beta version of tools in
late May/early June
• Future:
– Scalability
– Schemas
– More example algorithms
Contact Dylan Hutchison if you have any thoughts!
Accumulo Summit
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• Bill Arcand
• Bill Bergeron
• David Bestor
• Chansup Byun
• Matt Hubbell
• Jeremy Kepner
• Jake Bolewski
• Pete Michaleas
• Julie Mullen
• Andy Prout
• Albert Reuther
• Tony Rosa
• Charles Yee
• Dylan Hutchison
And many more …
Accumulo Summit
VNG - 42
Thank you!
• Contact:
– Vijay Gadepally (
– Lauren Edwards (
– Jeremy Kepner (

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Accumulo Summit 2015: Using D4M for rapid prototyping of analytics for Apache Accumulo [Frameworks]

  • 1. D4M and Apache Accumulo Vijay Gadepally, Lauren Edwards, Dylan Hutchison, Jeremy Kepner Accumulo Summit College Park, MD April 29, 2015 This work is sponsored by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering under Air Force Contract #FA8721-05-C-0002. Opinions, interpretations, recommendations and conclusions are those of the authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the United States Government
  • 2. Accumulo Summit VNG - 2 Giving away the punch line • D4M is a popular open source software tool that connects scientists with Big Data technologies • D4M-Accumulo binding provides high performance connectivity to Apache Accumulo for quick analytic prototyping • Graphulo: Implement GraphBLAS server-side iterators and operators on Accumulo tables
  • 3. Accumulo Summit VNG - 3 Outline • Introduction • D4M Overview • D4M Details • Demonstration • Conclusions
  • 4. Accumulo Summit VNG - 4 Common Big Data Challenge CommandersOperators Analysts Users MaritimeGround SpaceC2 CyberOSINT <html> Data AirHUMINTWeather Data Users Gap 2000 2005 2010 2015 & Beyond Rapidly increasing - Data volume - Data velocity - Data variety - Data veracity (security)
  • 5. Accumulo Summit VNG - 5 Common Big Data Architecture WarfightersOperators Analysts Users MaritimeGround SpaceC2 CyberOSINT <html> Data AirHUMINTWeather Analytics A C DE B Computing Web Files Scheduler Ingest & Enrichment Ingest & EnrichmentIngest Databases
  • 6. Accumulo Summit VNG - 6 Common Big Data Architecture - Data Volume: Cloud Computing - WarfightersOperators Analysts Users MaritimeGround SpaceC2 CyberOSINT <html> Data AirHUMINTWeather Analytics A C DE B Computing Web Files Scheduler Ingest & Enrichment Ingest & EnrichmentIngest Databases Operators MIT SuperCloud Enterprise Cloud Big Data Cloud Database Cloud Compute Cloud MIT SuperCloud merges four clouds
  • 7. Accumulo Summit VNG - 7 WarfightersOperators Analysts Users MaritimeGround SpaceC2 CyberOSINT <html> Data AirHUMINTWeather Analytics A C DE B Computing Web Files Scheduler Ingest & Enrichment Ingest & EnrichmentIngest Databases Lincoln benchmarking validated Accumulo performance Common Big Data Architecture - Data Velocity: Accumulo Database -
  • 8. Accumulo Summit VNG - 8 WarfightersOperators Analysts Users MaritimeGround SpaceC2 CyberOSINT <html> Data AirHUMINTWeather Analytics A C DE B Computing Web Files Scheduler Ingest & Enrichment Ingest & EnrichmentIngest Databases D4M demonstrated a universal approach to diverse data columnsrows Σ raw Common Big Data Architecture - Data Variety: D4M Schema - intel reports, DNA, health records, publication citations, web logs, social media, building alarms, cyber, … all handled by a common 4 table schema
  • 9. Accumulo Summit VNG - 9 Common Big Data Architecture - Data Veracity: Security Tools- WarfightersOperators Analysts Users MaritimeGround SpaceC2 CyberOSINT <html> Data AirHUMINTWeather Analytics A C DE B Computing Web Files Scheduler Ingest & Enrichment Ingest & EnrichmentIngest Databases Using cryptography to protect sensitive data -Verifiable Query Results- -Computing on Masked Data- Big Data Cloud Masked Query Plaintext Query Encrypt CMD Masked Analytic Result Decrypt Plaintext Analytic Result
  • 10. Accumulo Summit VNG - 10 Outline • Introduction • D4M Overview • D4M Details • Demonstration • Conclusions
  • 11. Accumulo Summit VNG - 11 High Level Language: D4M Accumulo Distributed Database Query: Alice Bob Cathy David Earl Associative Arrays Numerical Computing Environment D4M Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model A C D E B A D4M query returns a sparse matrix or a graph… …for statistical signal processing or graph analysis in MATLAB D4M binds associative arrays to databases, enabling rapid prototyping of data-intensive cloud analytics and visualization
  • 12. Accumulo Summit VNG - 12 What is D4M? • The Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model: – Support for mathematical foundation – associative arrays – Schema to represent most unstructured data as associative arrays – Software tools to connect with variety of databases such as Apache Accumulo, SciDB, mySQL, PostgreSQL, … • Software tools currently implemented in MATLAB/Octave, and Julia (v1) • Connect to databases via JDBC (relational), SHIM (SciDB) or custom Java API (Accumulo)
  • 13. Accumulo Summit VNG - 13 • Key innovation: mathematical closure – All associative array operations return associative arrays • Enables composable mathematical operations A + B A - B A & B A|B A*B • Enables composable query operations via array indexing A('alice bob ',:) A('alice ',:) A('al* ',:) A('alice : bob ',:) A(1:2,:) A == 47.0 • Simple to implement in a library in programming environments with: 1st class support of 2D arrays, operator overloading, sparse linear algebra Mathematical Foundation: Associative Arrays • Complex queries with ~50x less effort than Java/SQL • Naturally leads to high performance parallel implementation • Need a schema to convert arbitrary data to associative array
  • 14. Accumulo Summit VNG - 14 D4M Data Schema • A structure described in a language supported by the database management system. • Use D4M schema to represent heterogeneous data types in common data format – Schema converts structured or unstructured raw text to a tuple representation supported by Accumulo: • Usually use a 4 table representation – The Edge Table, the Transpose Table, Degree Table, Raw Table 33659254179712 2013-05-20 21:21:42 20798128 kiefpief web 3b77caf94bfc81fe I am sending love to Oklahoma. And actually -- to everyone who may need it. You are loved. And you are not alone. Promise. #PrayforOklahoma 33660010027264 2013-05-20 21:54:56 35.99894978 - 78.90660222 -8783842.7781526 4300476.86376416 22435220 RyanBLeslie Twitter for iPad348803787 bced47a0c99c71d0 @HaydenBigCntry RT @jiminhofe: The devastation in Oklahoma is … D4M Schema (33659254179712, time|2013-05-20 21:21:42, 1) (33659254179712, user|kiefpief, 1) (33659254179712, text, Sending love to OK #PrayforOklahoma) (33659254179712, word|Sending, 1) (33660010027264, time|2013-05-20 21:54:56, 1) (33660010027264, lat|-78.90660222, 1 ) (33660010027264, lon|35.99894978, 1) (33660010027264, user|RyanBLeslie, 1) (33660010027264, RT|@HaydenBigCntry , 1) (33660010027264, word|Oklahoma, 1) …
  • 15. Accumulo Summit VNG - 15 4 Table D4M Schema row_num col1 col2 col3 001 row1col1 row1col2 word1 word2 word3 002 row2col1 row2col2 word2 word3 003 … … word1 word3 col1|row1col1 col1|row2col1 col2|row1col2 col2|row2col2 col3|word1 col3|word2 col3|word3 row_num|001 1 1 1 1 1 row_num|002 1 1 1 1 row_num|003 1 1 col1|row1col1 col1|row2col1 col2|row1col2 col2|row2col2 col3|word1 col3|word2 col3|word3 Degree 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 row_num|001 row_num|002 row_num|003 col1|row1col1 1 col1|row2col1 col2|row1col2 1 1 col2|row2col2 1 col3|word1 1 1 col3|word2 1 1 col3|word3 1 1 Tedge TedgeDeg TedgeT text row_num|001 word1 word2 word3 row_num|002 word2 word3 row_num|003 word1 word3 TedgeTxt
  • 16. Accumulo Summit VNG - 16 Outline • Introduction • D4M Overview • D4M Details • Demonstration • Conclusions
  • 17. Accumulo Summit VNG - 17 D4M Software Library • Associative Array representation works very well as an interface among databases. • D4M currently implemented in languages with first class support of sparse matrices: – MATLAB – GNU Octave – Julia (in progress) • Implemented in ~2000 lines of MATLAB code Download D4M Source from matlab_src/ d4m_api_java.jar dependency JARs
  • 18. Accumulo Summit VNG - 18 D4M: What a user sees (row, col, val) Matlab strings d4m Matlab API d4m_api_java Java API Accumulo Java API Accumulo Table % D4M Associative Array API row = 'r1,r2,'; col = 'c1,c1,'; val = '7,3,'; A = Assoc(row,col,val,@min); % D4M Accumulo API DB = DBserver(’', 'Accumulo', 'instance', 'user', 'password'); T = DB('Table'); % Create table if doesn't exist. put(T,A); % Put associative array in T. Aret = T(:,:); % Scan all of T.
  • 19. Accumulo Summit VNG - 19 D4M: What a developer sees Type Matlab/Julia File Java Class Use Table management DBcreate.m D4mDbTableOperationsCreate table @DBserver/ls.m D4mDbInfo List tables @DBtable/nnz.m D4mDbTableOperations Number of entries in table, summed from table's tablets DBdelete.m D4mDbTableOperationsDelete table Write DBinsert.m D4mDbInsert Insert Scan @DBtable/DBtable.m D4mDataSearch Create query holder @DBtable/subsref.m D4mDataSearch Do query, possibly holding batches @DBtable/close.m D4mDataSearch Reset query Delete @DBtable/deleteTriple.m AccumuloDelete Delete entries @DBtable/deleteAssoc.m AccumuloDelete Delete entries Iterators @DBtable/ColCombiner.m D4mDbTableOperationsList table iterators @DBtable/addColCombiner.m D4mDbTableOperationsAdd all-scope table iterator @DBtable/deleteColCombiner.m D4mDbTableOperationsRemove iterator Splits @DBtable/Splits.m D4mDbTableOperations Return splits, number of entries in each tablet, tablet server addresses @DBtable/addSplits.m D4mDbTableOperationsAdd new table split @DBtable/putSplits.m D4mDbTableOperationsReplace table splits, merging old splits @DBtable/mergeSplits.m D4mDbTableOperationsRemove splits by merging tablets • Source code released and available!
  • 20. Accumulo Summit VNG - 20 D4M Write More details on Batched Insert – 500 kB by default • putNumBytes() controls #entries to insert in one batch, on MATLAB side • Independent batches: each creates, flushes and closes separate BatchWriters • Guarantee BatchWriters correctly closed • No need to maintain BatchWriter lifecycle in MATLAB • 30 ms maximum latency before flushing • 50 Write threads • 1 MB maximum memory on BatchWriter, plenty for default batch size Key Value Assoc Val Row ID Assoc Row Column Timestamp Family putColumn Family() Qualifier Assoc Col Visibility put Security()
  • 21. Accumulo Summit VNG - 21 D4M Scan Example 1. Translate Matlab queries into ranges for BatchScanner T(:,:) %Scan all T('r1;r5;:;r7;', :) %Scan given row ranges T(:, 'c1;') %Use fetchColumn(), or row scan Transpose table T('r5;:;r9;', 'c1;:;c3;') %Complicated; break into simpler queries 2. Hold state of Scanner iterator as state of MATLAB object T_it = Iterator(T, 'elements', 1e5); % 100k entry batch size A = T_it(:,:); % Initial query while nnz(A) % While there is another batch handleBatch(A); A = T_it(); % Get next batch end
  • 22. Accumulo Summit VNG - 22 Parallel Accumulo Access Sample script writing files to Accumulo in parallel: T = DB('Tedge','TedgeT'); myFiles = global_ind(zeros(Nfile,1,map([Np 1],{},0:Np-1))); for i = myFiles fname = ['data/' num2str(i)]; % Create filename. load([fname '.A.mat']); % Load file data. put(T,num2str(A)); % Insert to Accumulo. end Run on 4 local processors: eval(pRUN('Script',4,{})); • D4M + pMATLAB gives rise to high performance
  • 23. Accumulo Summit VNG - 23 Accumulo Scaling on MIT SuperCloud • Scales linearly with ingest processes, server nodes, and data size Servernodes
  • 24. Accumulo Summit VNG - 24 115,000,000 inserts per second • Using supercomputing techniques allows peak insert to be achieve within seconds of launch 1M edge Graph500 graph 43K 43B edges in 5 minutes
  • 25. Accumulo Summit VNG - 25 Outline • Introduction • D4M Overview • D4M Details • Demonstration • Conclusions
  • 26. Accumulo Summit VNG - 26 D4M Twitter Demo • August 24, 2014: Earthquake in Northern California • Tweets from August 24-25 • Using D4M for: – Exploration – Analytics – Visualization
  • 27. Accumulo Summit VNG - 27 Set Table Bindings
  • 28. Accumulo Summit VNG - 28 Query Tweets
  • 29. Accumulo Summit VNG - 29 Find Common Locations
  • 30. Accumulo Summit VNG - 30 Filter Tweets
  • 31. Accumulo Summit VNG - 31 Query for Full Tweets
  • 32. Accumulo Summit VNG - 32 Load Stopwords
  • 33. Accumulo Summit VNG - 33 Remove Stopwords
  • 34. Accumulo Summit VNG - 34 Find Co-Occurring Words
  • 35. Accumulo Summit VNG - 35 Remove Diagonal
  • 36. Accumulo Summit VNG - 36 See Words Most Used Together
  • 37. Accumulo Summit VNG - 37 Display on Map
  • 38. Accumulo Summit VNG - 38 Outline • Introduction • D4M Overview • D4M Details • Demonstration • Conclusions
  • 39. Accumulo Summit VNG - 39 Summary • D4M is a popular software tool that connects scientists with Big Data technologies • D4M-Accumulo binding provides high performance connectivity to Apache Accumulo for quick analytic prototyping • Current research expands this connection to support high performance graph analytics
  • 40. Accumulo Summit VNG - 40 • Graphulo: Implement GraphBLAS server-side iterators and operators on Accumulo tables • Use case: Queued analytics = Localized within a neighborhood • Aim for Accumulo Contrib • Released: – Design Document • Upcoming: – Beta version of tools in late May/early June • Future: – Scalability – Schemas – More example algorithms G R A P H U L O Graphulo: Contact Dylan Hutchison if you have any thoughts!
  • 41. Accumulo Summit VNG - 41 Acknowledgements • Bill Arcand • Bill Bergeron • David Bestor • Chansup Byun • Matt Hubbell • Jeremy Kepner • Jake Bolewski • Pete Michaleas • Julie Mullen • Andy Prout • Albert Reuther • Tony Rosa • Charles Yee • Dylan Hutchison And many more …
  • 42. Accumulo Summit VNG - 42 Thank you! • Contact: – Vijay Gadepally ( – Lauren Edwards ( – Jeremy Kepner (

Editor's Notes

  1. Title Page
  2. Conclusion Slide.
  3. Outline slide.
  4. Increasing data volume, velocity, and variety has created a growing gap between data and users. Image Sources: Operators: Analysts: © Comstock Commanders: US Forces Korea General News OSINT: Acrobat logo is © Adobe Systems Inc., © Twitter and Office 2011 logos are © Microsoft Weather: © Rebecca van Ommen : HUMINT: U.S. Dept of State C2: Ground: Staff Sgt. William Tremblay/U.S. Army via Wired : Maritime: This file is a work of a sailor or employee of the U.S. Navy, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain. Air: This image or file is a work of a U.S. Air Force Airman or employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image or file is in the public domain. Space: This file is in the public domain because it was solely created by NASA. NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted". Cyber: © derrrek : This graphic was previously approved for public release as MS-77705
  5. The Common Big Data Architecture shows the components that are common to many big data and supercomputing systems. The platform is designed to support standardized data access and dynamic composition of functionalities. Image Sources: Operators: Analysts: © Comstock Commanders: US Forces Korea General News OSINT: Acrobat logo is © Adobe Systems Inc., © Twitter and Office 2011 logos are © Microsoft Weather: © Rebecca van Ommen : HUMINT: U.S. Dept of State C2: Ground: Staff Sgt. William Tremblay/U.S. Army via Wired : Maritime: This file is a work of a sailor or employee of the U.S. Navy, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain. Air: This image or file is a work of a U.S. Air Force Airman or employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image or file is in the public domain. Space: This file is in the public domain because it was solely created by NASA. NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted". Cyber: © derrrek : This graphic was previously approved for public release as MS-77705
  6. Addressing data volume requires a large computing cloud. MIT SuperCloud merges four main clouds. Image Sources: Operators: Analysts: © Comstock Commanders: US Forces Korea General News OSINT: Acrobat logo is © Adobe Systems Inc., © Twitter and Office 2011 logos are © Microsoft Weather: © Rebecca van Ommen : HUMINT: U.S. Dept of State C2: Ground: Staff Sgt. William Tremblay/U.S. Army via Wired : Maritime: This file is a work of a sailor or employee of the U.S. Navy, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain. Air: This image or file is a work of a U.S. Air Force Airman or employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image or file is in the public domain. Space: This file is in the public domain because it was solely created by NASA. NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted". Cyber: © derrrek : This graphic was previously approved for public release as MS-77705
  7. Data velocity requires high performance databases. Lincoln has confirmed the claims of the Accumulo database. Image Sources: Operators: Analysts: © Comstock Commanders: US Forces Korea General News OSINT: Acrobat logo is © Adobe Systems Inc., © Twitter and Office 2011 logos are © Microsoft Weather: © Rebecca van Ommen : HUMINT: U.S. Dept of State C2: Ground: Staff Sgt. William Tremblay/U.S. Army via Wired : Maritime: This file is a work of a sailor or employee of the U.S. Navy, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain. Air: This image or file is a work of a U.S. Air Force Airman or employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image or file is in the public domain. Space: This file is in the public domain because it was solely created by NASA. NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted". Cyber: © derrrek : This graphic was previously approved for public release as MS-77705
  8. Data variety require new schemas that allow data to be flexibly stored. D4M Schema provides a simple approach that has been validated on a wide range of data. Image Sources: Operators: Analysts: © Comstock Commanders: US Forces Korea General News OSINT: Acrobat logo is © Adobe Systems Inc., © Twitter and Office 2011 logos are © Microsoft Weather: © Rebecca van Ommen : HUMINT: U.S. Dept of State C2: Ground: Staff Sgt. William Tremblay/U.S. Army via Wired : Maritime: This file is a work of a sailor or employee of the U.S. Navy, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain. Air: This image or file is a work of a U.S. Air Force Airman or employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image or file is in the public domain. Space: This file is in the public domain because it was solely created by NASA. NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted". Cyber: © derrrek : This graphic was previously approved for public release as MS-77705
  9. The Common Big Data Architecture shows the components that are common to many big data and supercomputing systems. The platform is designed to support standardized data access and dynamic composition of functionalities. Image Sources: Operators: Analysts: © Comstock Commanders: US Forces Korea General News OSINT: Acrobat logo is © Adobe Systems Inc., © Twitter and Office 2011 logos are © Microsoft Weather: © Rebecca van Ommen : HUMINT: U.S. Dept of State C2: Ground: Staff Sgt. William Tremblay/U.S. Army via Wired : Maritime: This file is a work of a sailor or employee of the U.S. Navy, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain. Air: This image or file is a work of a U.S. Air Force Airman or employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image or file is in the public domain. Space: This file is in the public domain because it was solely created by NASA. NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted". Cyber: © derrrek : This graphic was previously approved for public release as MS-77705
  10. Outline slide.
  11. We make use of the high-level language D4M to enable to construction of graph representations of large-scale data
  12. D4M is made up of 3 componenets – mathematical foundation, d4m scham and software tools.
  13. Associative arrays operations are composable, enabling complex queries to be constructed with a few lines. Shorter code -> Easier to audit, better for security!
  14. Introduction to schemas and how they map onto triple stores. The D4M schema allows one to use the mathematics behind associative arrays within this schema to perform mathematical operations on big data sets D4M schema converts structured or unstructured raw data to the 3-tuple representation supported by Accumulo: row is a unique identifier (often some variation of a time stamp) column is a unique representation of the data value is typically just ‘1’
  15. Standard “exploded” D4M Schema used with many database. 4 table schema is introduced
  16. Outline slide.
  17. @min is collision function. From a user perspective he/she sees a software library
  18. From an Accumulo developer point of view, one sees the conneciton between the library and java calls to the Accumulo library.
  19. Justification for 50 write threads and 30 ms latency? (chosen after performance tuning) max memory could create trouble if chunk size increased Set Column Family, Visibility with a separate call Design Choice: We could have used a handle object with an explicit destructor that closes the BatchWriter when the object is destroyed. Instead we are synchronous. Easier.
  20. In a D4M Scan, there are many ways in which the underlying Java library is being called.
  21. In order to achieve high performance, one can combine D4M with pMATLAB.
  22. Accumulo demonstrates linear scaling across data sizes and hardware
  23. Achieved a peak performance of 115,000,000 inserts per second.
  24. Outline slide.
  25. Now, we will show a demonstration of D4M in action on a Twitter dataset. This shows how quickly this tools can be used to prototype algorithms.
  26. Step 1: Set table bindings to Accumulo database
  27. Now you can query tweets using the keyword of interest. Recall that this calls a scanner on the server side
  28. To find common locations, we can make use of the tweet geohash
  29. You can filter tweets based on location, in this case ww is stuff in northern california
  30. You can use the D4M schema txt table to get the full tweets.
  31. Remove all common words – referred to as stop words
  32. Remove all common words – referred to as stop words
  33. Find words that occur together in the same tweet
  34. Get rid of self loops
  35. Find common words used together in a tweet. Any surprises?
  36. Plot onto a map. Of course, there are many different viz tools that can be used
  37. Outline slide.
  38. Conclusion Slide.
  39. Non-Lincoln Work. Contact Dylan Hutchison for more information!
  40. Acknowledgements page. Many people who have made this possible.
  41. Interns, Rotations, Jobs, etc.