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Presented by
Pharmaceutical chemistry
IST(Centre of pharmaceutical
Under the guidance of
DR.S.Shoba rani
Associate professor
Former Additional controller of
examination, JNTUH
Bradykinin (in Greek brady- = slow; -kinin =
to move) is a peptide that promotes
Bradykinin is a 9-amino acid peptide chain.
Bradykinin is a linear nonapeptide messenger
belonging to the kinin group of proteins, with
amino acid sequence RPPGFSPFR.
The amino acid sequence of bradykinin is :
The empirical formula is C50H73N15O11.
Structure of
A class of drugs called angiotension
converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE
inhibitors) increase bradykinin levels
by inhibiting its degradation , thereby
increasing its blood pressure lowering
Enzymatically produced from kallidin
in the blood, it is a powerful
vasodilator that causes smooth muscle
contraction, and may mediate
inflammation .
It has a role as a human blood serum
metabolite and a vasodilator agent.
It is a tautomer of a bradykinin(2+).
Structure of
1920’s and
Characterized a hypotensive substance in urine and
found a similar material in saliva,plasma and a variety
of tissues.
Established that kallikreins generate a
pharmacologically active substance from an inactive
precursor present in plasma
Named the active substance kallidin and showed it to
be a polypeptide cleaved from a plasma globulin that
they termed as kallinogen
Rocha e
silva and
Reported that trpsin and certain snake venoms acted on plasma
globulin to produce a substance that lowered bp and caused
developing contraction of the gut.
Elliot and
coworkers The nonpeptide bradykinin was isolated
Synthesized the nonpeptide bradykinin.
because of this slow response, they named
the substance bradykinin.
prekallikrein Tissue kallikrein
Plasma kallikrein Tissue kallikrein
Plasma(vasculature) Tissue (glandular /exocrine)
XIIa Autolysis/proteinase
Kininase I
Cellular responses
Kinin-kallikrein system
Kinin receptors:
Existence of two types bradykinin receptor: B1 and B2.
Both are GPCR and mediate similar effects.
Normally expresses at very low levels but
are strongly induced in inflamed ar
damaged tissues by cytokines such as IL-1
Respond to des-Arg9-bradykinin and des-
Arg9-kallidin but not to bradykinin itself.
Likely that B1 receptors play asignificant
role in inflammation and hyperalgesia
Constitutively expressed in most normal
Selectively binds bradykinin and kallidin
and mediates the majority of their effects.
The B2 receptors activates PLA2 and
PLC via interaction with distinct G
conformation of
antagonist peptides
Elucidation of an
agonist binding
site on the B2
Elucidation of an
antagonist site on
the B2 receptor
Solution conformation of bradykinin
2-D NMR with empirical energy calculation:
 on basis of spectral data , biological results from conformationally restricted analogs, as well as the
relationship between ordering in bradykinin and the dielectric environment of the solvent.
 In aqueous solution bradykinin is conformationally random, the biologically active form of the peptide is
likely ordered and stabilized within the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane prior to binding with its
receptor. Hence the nature of receptor might be hydrophobic.
 The appropriate solvent environment should be able to stimulate, at least in terms of hydrophobicity and
dielectric constant, the nature of a cell membrane, and a 90:10 d8-dioxane-H2O mixture was selected for
NMR experiments.
 It was anticipated that under these nonsolvating conditions the conformational diversity of bradykinin
might be severely restricted.
 The ultimate analysis of the two-dimensional NMR data collected at 500 MHz supported a single major
conformational species. There were five HN-CαH connectivities, one for each amide. This was confirmed
in the 13C NMR spectrum where only nine carbonyl resonances, one for each amino acid, were present.
3-D strctures: Not known the receptors and sructure of bradykinin
 Based on multiple observed long range amide-to-amide nucear overhauser effects
(NOEs), that it was indeed a single major conformational species.
 Although bradykinin contains three proline residues, the absence of any strong CαHi
-CαHj +, cross peaks in the nuclear overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY)
spectrum was taken as proof that all peptide bonds were trans.
 In total, 35 interproton distances were extracted from the NOESY spectrum and,
whenever possible, stereospecific assignments for pro-R and pro-S hydrogens were
made explicitly
Temperature dependant:
 A temperature-dependent study of the chemical shifts of the amide protons resulted in
a near-linear dependence suggesting no major conformational changes were
coinciding with the temperature change and thereby allowing a comparison of slopes
 The lowest values obtained for these slopes corresponded to Phe8 and Arg9
suggesting solvent sequestering for these amides.
CHARMm – version 21:
 Utilizing custom routines written using the program CHARMm, version 21 [21], the
interproton distances were incorporated into the potential-energy expression in the form
of an additional potential-energy term.
Computational stratergy:
 Given the high Chou and Fasman probability of β-turns in the sequences Pro2-Pro3-Gly4-Phe5
and Ser6- Pro7-Phe8-Arg9 (3.79 × 10-4 and 1.99 × 10-4, respectively), the computational
strategy employed was to begin from two initial structures: (a) an extended β strand, and (b) a
structure containing these two predicted β turns.
NOE restrains:
 Analysis of the two average structures obtainedfrom the two unique starting points demonstrated
convergence to a similar conformational species.
 In each , the sum of the NOE restraints energy was less thab 4.7 kcal/mol and the RMS deviation
from the target distances was below Å.
 Similar results were obtained for each simulation when they were repeated without the
electrostatic term being included in the total potential-energy function.
 This important data lends credence to the hypothesis that the final structures are derived from
the NOE restraints and not by poorly represented electrostatic interactions.
A similar C-terminal turn structure was observed in an
analogous NMR study of a first-generation kinin antagonist,
NPC 567 (DArg0-Arg1-Pro2-Hyp3-Gly4-Phe5-Ser6-DPhe7-
Phe8-Arg9), although the type of turn was not the same.
 Our initial speculation was that this slight structural
difference might partially account for the functional
differences of bradykinin and NPC 567.
 These solution conformations, one of an agonist and the
other of an antagonist, were subsequently used to focus the
design and synthesis of conformationally constrained peptide
analogues of NPC 567.
Conformationally constrained bradykinin antagonist peptides
 The ligand based approach of conformationally constrained peptides has been widely
 The process involves the incorporation of conformational constrains into the known
peptides, either agonist or antagonist , which enforce a predictable geometry.
 A series of peptides containing these types of constraints can be useful for
extrapolating the steric and electronic environment of a given binding site.
 The structural information can be derived regardless of whether or not the constrained
peptide binds to the target receptor.
 Since peptides can be prepared rapidly , it is typical to establish a structure activity
relationship using them and then at some time later transpose that information onto a
nonpeptide lead molecule in an attempt to improve its potency.
 As part of an expansion upon the hypothesis that a C- terminal β turn was a structural
prequisit to high affinity antagonist binding, novel series of constrained decapeptides
was prepared.
 These peptides are of the sequence:
carboxylic acid(Tic) or
carboxylic acid (Oic)
An organic ether of
in either the cis or
trans geometric form
Lowest 5 kcal mol-1 of the calculated overall potential
energy surface for a model peptide of Ser-DHype(trans
propyl)-Oic-Arg. The contour interval is 0.5 Kcalmol-1
and the highest (outermost) and lowest contour energy
values are labeled. Superimposed on the contour plots are
values for ψi+1 and ψi+2 from each of the thirty structures
generated from the NMR data corresponding to the
tetrapeptide Ser-DHype(trans propyl)-Oic-Arg
 The C-terminal portion of a
representative member of
this class of peptides was
shown—first by empirical
calculation , then by NMR
at 600 MHz—to adopt a β
turn nearly unambiguously
(figure ).
 Moreover, it was shown by
calculation that the turn
was adopted regardless of
the nature of the ether
group (alkyl, aryl, etc.) or
its geometry (cis or trans).
 Hence, a diverse series of these peptides was initially
used as a tool to probe the steric and electrostatic
topology of an antagonist binding site on the
bradykinin B2 receptor in the guinea pig ileum.
 The cis ethers, in all cases, bound to the receptor
with significantly lower affinity than did the trans.
 A more complete listing of the peptides used in the
study is shown in Table 1.
 These results support the hypothesis that the domain
of the receptor that binds these antagonist ligands is
partly made up of a hydrophobic cavity about one
side of the C-terminal.
 However, adjacent to the other side of the turn, there
appears to be same type of steric interference ( or
lack of a pocket) that might otherwise accommodate
the ethers of the cis configuration
Receptor binding curves for the binding of NPC
17410 and NPC 17643 to B2 receptors from the
guinea pig ileum and cloned rat and human B2
receptors. Legends are noted on the figure.
 More recently, bradykinin B2 receptors
have been cloned from both rat and
human sources.
 In receptor-binding experiments using
these new receptors, selected members
of the DHype-containing decapeptides
were used to probe these receptors, a
representative sample of the data is
shown in Figure.
 NPC 17643( a trans propyl ether at
position 7) and NPC 17410( a cis
propyl ether of D-4-hydroxyproline at
position 7) were used.
Behave similarly in binding assays directed toward the bradykinin B2
receptors in guinea pig,rat and human.
Bound with similar affinity to both the guinea pig and rat bradykinin B2
receptors, but had an appreciably higher affinity for the human B2
 The des-Arg9 forms of these peptides have also been shown to have high affinity for
the recently cloned human B1 receptor.
 An extension of the work described herein would be to use a more complete series of
des-Arg9 DHype-containing nonapeptides to probe the binding site of this new receptor
where other interesting pharmacological differences are likely to exist since the B1
receptor is only 33% homologous to the human B2.
1st 2nd 3rd
Incorporated a novel β-turn
mimetic that was
alternatively functionalized
and used to probe the
unknown topology of the
guinea pig, rat, and human
bradykinin B2 receptors.
subsequent molecular
biological and
computational procedures
in the elucidation of an
antagonist binding site
certain members of
this series of
decapeptides contain
alkyl ethers of D-4-
hydroxyproline at
position seven.
tal evidence that high-
affinity decapeptide
bradykinin receptor
antagonists adopt a C-
terminal β turn in the
 Finally, several members of the series (i.e., NPC 17731, NPC 17761, NPC 17974) are among the
most potent antagonists for this receptor yet reported.
 Hence, there may be applications for these compounds as human therapeutics.
 Several “second generation” decapeptide antagonists have been reported, but the prototype from
the class, which was first to be reported, is HOE 140 (DArg0-Arg1-Pro2-Hyp3-Gly4-Thi5-Ser6-
DTic7-Oic8- Arg9).
 This decapeptide has also been shown to preferentially adopt a C-terminal β turn.
 There are two factors that must be considered when applying structure-activity-relationship (SAR)
information from a series of peptides toward the design of nonpeptide mimetics and putative
library scaffolds.
 One is in regard to the backbone conformation that primarily serves as a structural scaffold upon
which the various functionalities (side chains) are attached.
 The other factor is the side chains themselves whose spatial positions are primarily dictated by the
backbone structure.
 With the exception of the Cα-methyl-Phe5-containing peptide (NPC 18540), each conformational
constraint caused a significant, at least 1000-fold, loss in binding affinity with respect to the
unconstrained parent peptide, NPC 18545.
 A systematic study of the relative importances of amides and side chains in a prototypical
second generation antagonist, NPC 18545 (DArg0-Arg1-Pro2-Hyp3-Gly4-Phe5-Ser6-DTic7-
Oic8-Arg9) .
 The elimination of all chirality and sidechain moieties in the segment Arg1-Pro2-Hyp3-Gly4-
Phe5 via replacement by Gly1-Gly2-Gly3- Gly4-Gly5 (NPC 18152), led to a peptide that no
longer binds the receptor.
 NPC 18149 (DArg0-Arg1-Gly2-Gly3-Gly4-Phe5-Ser6-DTic7-Oic8-Arg9; Ki = 13.7 nM;
Guinea pig ileum) was taken as the lead peptide, the relative contributions to binding affinity
from each amide bond in the segment Arg1-Gly2-Gly3-Gly4-Phe5 were examined.
 The conclusions drawn from the data are that in terms of structural or electrostatic interactions
with this antagonist site on the receptor, the amide bond linking residues two and three may not
be as critical as those linking residues three to four and four to five.
 Each of these investigations was aimed toward an understanding of either the backbone
conformation of this prototypical decapeptide or the relative importance of the functional
groups in the side chains that make significant contributions to receptor affinity.
 From the former, nonpeptide frameworks and scaffolds can be imagined. From the latter,
insights into which functionality is required for high-affinity binding is derived. The remaining
challenge is to reassemble these fragments onto synthetically feasible nonpeptide frameworks as
potential new lead compounds.
Elucidation of an agonist binding site on the B2 receptor
 Receptor binding site on the basis of receptor binding data from conformationally
constrained ligands.
 G-Protein-coupled receptors do not lend themselves to analysis by either NMR or x-ray
crystallography due to their structural dependence on an intact cell membrane.
 In our laboratories we pursued this valuable structural information by utilizing a
combination of structural homology modeling, molecular dynamics, systematic
conformational searching methods, and mutagenesis experiments.
 The combination of these techniques led to a proposed model of bradykinin bound to the
agonist site on its receptor.
 A hydrophobicity (Kyte-Doolittle) calculation [42] on the amino acid sequence of the rat
bradykinin receptor yielded seven segments, each of which were 21 to 25 contiguous
residues with predominantly hydrophobic side chains.
 These were presumed to be the seven transmembrane portions of the receptor.
 Cartesian coordinates of the backbone atoms within each of these seven segments were built
by structural homology from the cryomicroscopic structure of the analogous segments of
 Subsequently, side chains were added to these seven segments as appropriate for the rat
bradykinin receptor, and the resulting geometry was optimized via constrained energy
minimization to alleviate bad contacts.
 Extracellular and intracellular loops were extracted from the Protein Data Bank library,
following a geometric search based upon a vector defined by terminal alpha carbons in
adjacent helices.
 The model was subsequently subjected to a series of constrained and unconstrained energy
minimizations as well as molecular dynamics simulations. The resulting structure of the
receptor was used in a novel two-step docking procedure.
 bradykinin adopts a C-terminal β turn upon complexation with the receptor, the φ, ψ
backbone dihedral angles in the tetrapeptide corresponding to the C-terminus of
bradykinin (Ser-Pro-Phe-Agr) were constrained in a harmonic fashion (force constant = 15
Kcal Å-1 mol1) to values that define a type II' β-turn.
 This tetrapeptide probe was then systematically translated about the interior of a
theoretical box inscribing the rat receptor model.
 The translations were such that the tetrapeptide probe molecule was incrementally
repositioned within the receptor by following a 3 Å × 3 Å × 3 Å grid pattern.
Complete group of contour plots showing energy of
interaction between probe and receptor. Each contour plot
corresponds to a different horizontal slice as part of the
first stage in the conformational search. Darker gray
indicates most favorable interaction and the light shades
represent least favorable interactions
 At each new position, both the probe
and receptor were reset to their initial
conformations, then the geometry of
the complex was optimized using
200 steps of steepest descent
followed by 500 steps of Adopted-
Basis Newton-Raphson energy
 Subsequently, the sum of the steric
and electrostatic contributions to the
overall potential energy (interaction
energy)—as measured only between
the tetrapeptide probe molecule and
the atoms of the receptor—were
Several mutant receptors were made such that each contained either a point mutation or a small
cluster of point mutations, wherein native residues, having negatively charged side chains (Asp,
Glu), were replaced by alanine(s). Table 2 lists the initial cluster mutations (rat) that were
prepared as well as the follow-up single point mutations (rat).Therefore a receptor containing a
double mutation (Asp268,286 rarrow.gif Ala268,286) would be expected to show a much more
dramatic loss in affinity for bradykinin than would receptors containing the individual point
mutations. The appropriate double mutation experiment confirmed this by causing a 500-fold loss
in affinity for bradykinin, as predicted (Table 2)
Proposed model of bradykinin bound to the rat B2
receptor at the agonist binding site. Only the upper
portion of the receptor is shown as gray helical ribbons.
Bradykinin backbone and side chain atoms are shown as
thick white licorice. Positions of point mutations having
no significant adverse effects on bradykinin binding are
shown as light gray spheres. Positions of mutations
affecting bradykinin binding are shown as dark gray
 Figure shows a stereoview of
the selected ligand-receptor
complex chosen on the basis
of best agreement with the
results of these mutagenesis
 These residues are remotely
situated with respect to the
proposed site of bradykinin
binding and are colored light
gray in Figure 5.
 The mutagenized residues of
this double mutant B2
receptor are colored dark
gray in Figure 5.
Furthermore, in contrast to the functional activity of NPC 18325 at the human B2 receptor, the
compound is a functional antagonist as measured against bradykinin-induced contraction of the
isolated guinea pig ileum (pA2 = 5.5). These findings are in agreement with the concept that as a
ligand is made smaller (i.e., fewer contact points possible with the receptor), the subtle structural
differences in the binding sites on species variants of the same receptor become amplified. This
observation further supports a cautionary posture toward developing nonpeptide antagonists for use
in human diseases on the basis of results obtained in some animals including the guinea pig. Taking
this new molecule as a lead structure, together with the receptor model and structure-activity
relationship associated with related peptides including cyclic antagonists, the pursuit of several
related pseudopeptides was undertaken.
Elucidation of an antagonist site on the B2 receptor
 There have been a variety of single alanine point mutations experimentally
introduced into both rat and human bradykinin B2 receptors.
 Several of these have been shown to decrease the affinity of bradykinin to the
receptor and have been implicated structurally near the agonist binding site. In
contrast, at the time of this manuscript, there have been no mutations reported that
adversely affect the ability of any peptide antagonists to bind to the receptor.
 Furthermore, antibodies raised against the certain extracellular domains of the
kinin receptor compete with bradykinin for binding to the receptor but have no
inhibitory action on the binding of antagonist peptides.
 In addition, it has been shown that bradykinin can be covalently crosslinked to
the B2 receptor while antagonists cannot.
 These observations have fostered the belief that the agonist and antagonist
binding sites of the receptor are not the same.
specific groups of contiguous residues within
the receptor were identified as possible
contributors to an antagonist binding site. The
NPC 17410 binding to chimeras III, IV, and
VIII showed rat-like pharmacology (low NPC
17410 affinity). The NPC 17410 binding to
chimeras I, II, VI, and VII showed human-like
NPC 17410 pharmacology (high receptor
affinity). Binding to chimeras V and VIII,
however, was similar to rat-like NPC 17410
pharmacology, but the affinity of the compound
was slightly shifted back toward human-like
Mutagenesis experiments have been done on this
pair in the rat B2 receptor with interesting results.
Mutations in Thr263 only affect agonist binding,
not antagonist. Mutations in Gln260 affect
binding of bradykinin and first generation
antagonist peptides.
As depicted in the figure, it is possible that the
agonist and antagonist binding sites have
domains on opposite sides of the helix that makes
up TM 6, with Gln260 being situated partly in
Schematic of the primary amino sequence of the human B2 receptor. Shown in black are
residues experimentally identified as contributing to an agonist binding site. The dark gray
residues are suspect positions for contributing to an antagonist site. The residues colored light
gray have been mutagenized only in the rat B2 receptor, but they are conserved in the human.
The Thr263 rarrow.gif Ala mutation interferes with agonist binding only, while Gln260
partially interferes with agonist and first generation antagonist binding.
Design and combinatorial synthesis of nonpeptidic antagonists
 a significant body of information was generated that provides insights into the key structural
features of bradykinin receptor binding sites and the residues that participate in ligand binding.
 In addition, from the ligand-based studies, knowledge about relevant structure-activity
relationships was acquired.
 Our modular synthetic strategy was based primarily upon the recognition that high-affinity
ligands appear to be comprised of three domains.
 These domains are (1) a positively charged N-terminal segment, (2) a midsection containing a
bend or twist with some hydrophobic substituent attached and, (3) a C-terminal segment of
appropriate hydrophobicity and structurally simulating a type II' β turn.
 Models of potent cyclic and linear peptide bradykinin receptor antagonists (described previously)
were used in a comparative fashion to select nonpeptide ring systems from a database of chemical
structures fine chemicals database.
 For each, some degree of chemical diversity was achieved by altering one of several parameters
including, o, m, or p substitution of an aromatic ring or nature of alkyl substituent(s) as well as
point(s) of synthetic attachment.
Composition of ten original
nonpeptidic libraries of the
sequence DArg-Arg-X-Y-Arg.
X and Y were selected from
the set of scaffolds shown in
Table 1. Also shown are the
subsequent breakdown
libraries from original library
number 1. Two-letter codes
used in the figure correspond
to the different nonpeptide
moieties described in Table 1.
Specifically, PH =
phenanthridinone, CB =
carboline, SP = spirocycle, SC
= Straight chain, CN =
cinnamic acid
Lead optimization
 We have previously reported that the C-terminal guanidinyl moiety of Arg [9] in
prototypical peptide bradykinin antagonists is likely to behave more as an aromatic
functional group rather than a hydrogenbond donor/acceptor.
 This speculation was based on proposed models of the agonist and antagonist binding
sites of this receptor that have been elucidated using molecular biological and
computational procedures.
 On this premise, the newly discovered lead compound, I, was altered such that the
Cterminal arginine was replaced by 3',5'-dimethylpyrimidylornithine in an attempt to
increase potency.
 This known mimetic of arginine contains an aromatic 3',5'-dimethylpyrimidyl ring in the
side chain rather than the guanidino group on naturally occurring arginine.
 The results of the receptor binding assay performed using this compound, IA, are shown
in Table 4 where it is clear that affinity to the human B2 receptor is improved with
respect to compound I.
 This data is supportive of the notion that the C-terminal residue(s) in this new series of
bradykinin antagonist compounds interact with a hydrophobic environment, perhaps
within the transmembrane domain of the receptor as previously suggested.
 The discovery of I and IA is significant in many regards.
 First, they are highly nonpeptidic lead compounds that could be further modified to
improve potency and/or reduce molecular weight.
 Such improvements might lead to novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of
inflammatory diseases.
 Thus far in the kinin antagonist literature there is significant evidence showing that,
for compounds containing a C-terminal arginine residue, removal of that arginine
generally yields compounds that are antagonists of the B1 subtype of the bradykinin
 Following a similar strategy with compound I could lead to the discovery of a novel
series of nonpeptidic B1 receptor antagonists, although this remains to be
Thrombin inhibitors
Thrombin is a serine protease.
It plays critical roles in both anticoagulation and blood cloat formation.
In penultimate step of the coagulation cascade;
Soluble fibrinogen
Insoluble fibrinogen
Thrombin activates Coagulation factor (XIII)
Fibrin thrombus
Additional clot formation, thrombin participates in anticoagulation functions.
Most drug design efforts focus on thrombin inhibition as a means to prevent
the serious consequences of thrombus formation in myocardial infraction and
Thrombin inhibitors clot formation in patients prone to deep vein
thrombosis or repeat hear attack.
Thrombin inhibitors may decreases the incidence of reocclusion , to release
active clot-bound thrombin
Thrombin consists of two polypeptides, an
A chain of 36 residues and a 259-residue B
chain,linked by a disulfide bond.
The crystallographic structure of thrombin
reveals a globular protein organized about
two ß barrels with overall folding pattern
of the chymotrypsin serine protease
Human thrombin large (red) and
small (green) subunits complex
with prolinamide derivative (PDB
code 1ppb
Figure 1 Stereoscopic view of the
crystallographic structure of thrombin
complexed with N-acetyl-(D-Phe)-Pro-
boroArg-OH. Helical regions are
represented in the standard way and
arrows indicate regions of β sheet. Solid
lines show the thrombin bound
conformation of N-acetyl-(D-Phe)-Pro-
boroArg-OH . Active-site residues, His57
and Ser195, are shown with a ball-and-
stick representation.
Thrombin’s multionality and regulation of activity are
achieved by specialized subsites on the enzyme’s
Fibrinogen cleavage, for example,involves interactions at the
primary specificity pocket, the extended fibrinogen
recognition exosite, and an additional specificity pocket.
 Subsite interactions differ for cleavage of other thrombin
substrates including the thrombin receptor and protein C.
Additional and overlapping subsites exist for thrombin
effector molecules including heparin, antithrombin III, and
heparin cofactor II .
Figure 2 Schematic representation of
Subsite Utilization in Thrombin
Fibrinogen interacts with three
thrombin subsites (here thrombin is
represented by a large oval and the
interconnected subsites by an irregular
three-armed shape). Physiological
effectors of thrombin and thrombin
inhibitors form distinct interactions at
these subsites. Additional subsites, such
as the heparin-binding site, exist on the
thrombin surface and are not indicated
here. The catalytic triad is represented
by three circles at the vertices of a
The majority of synthetic thrombin
inhibitors interact at the
fibinopeptide A binding
pocket,which include the catalytic
residues Ser 195 and
capabilities with in oxyanion
hole,peptide backbone functional
groups that hydrogen bond with the
peptide backbone of the substrate
and residues involved in amino acid
fig 1
Schematic diagram of binding determinants
within the fibrinopeptide A binding pocket of
thrombin and their utilization by N-acetyl-(D-
Many of the binding determinants are utilized by N-acetyl-(D-Phe)-Pro-
Arg-chloromethylketone (PPACK) and its boronic acid analog (DUP714).
The crystallographic structures of these molecules complexed with
thrombin have both served as starting points for structure-based drug
design and as reference structures for comparison of binding modes of
other inhibitors.
 The use of arginine boronate esters as transition-state mimetics results in
potent peptidyl thrombin inhibitors.
 These inhibitors, however, exhibit significant affinity for other serine
proteases that have in common a specificity for substrates with basic
residues at P1 (e.g. trypsin, Factor Xa, and plasmin).
 Earlier work demonstrated that neutral side chains of P1 boronate esters
impart greater selectivity for thrombin.
The boropeptide shown in Figure 2
was investigated as the prototype of
neutral side chain, tripeptide
thrombin inhibitors.
 It had a Ki against thrombin of
and shows selectivity relative to
other trypsin-like plasma proteases.
 Since these inhibitors have a
neutral residue at the P1 site,
Deadman and coworkers sought to
demonstrate the mode of binding to
thrombin in the absence of a salt
bridge with Asp189.
fig 2
Schematic representation of the active-
site orientation of a “neutral” P1 boronic
acid thrombin inhibitor.
Boron-11-NMR, a sensitive probe of the chemical environment
around boronate esters, can distinguish between trigonal and
tetrahedral forms of boron.
The 11B-NMR spectrum of this inhibitor complexed with
thrombin showed a single peak at -17 ppm that remained constant
for 7 hours.
The chemical shift suggests boron adopts a tetrahedral geometry
on binding to thrombin and is consistent with the orientation of the
inhibitor in the active site shown in Figure 2.
 While the 11B-NMR revealed an interaction within the catalytic
site, it could not distinguish between bonding with Ser195 or
Kahn and coworkers recently
investigated the application of
synthesized peptidomimetics as novel
inhibitors of thrombin.
 Fibrinogen peptide A mimetic
(FPAM, Figure 3) incorporates a
bicyclic peptidomimetic within the
turn region of fibrinogen peptide A.
 The bicyclic peptidomimetic confers
conformational stability to the turn
region as suggested by x-ray crystal
structures of fibrinogen peptide
complexes as well as complexes of
BPTI with thrombin.
fig 3
Schematic representation of the principal
intermolecular interactions of a fibrinogen
peptide A mimetic within the active site of
Fig 2
with arginine
hydrophobic contacts
within the S2 apolar
binding site
Gly at P3 interact with thrombin via β-sheet-type
hydrogen bond with the carbonyl group gly
216.(Imp in the positioning of the bicyclic ring
corresponding to the β bend
Phenyl rings shows
hydrophobic contact with
This bicyclic ring,
although not
aromatic , forms
an edge to face
contact with
Cyclic template having attachment sites
for three side chains that are
complementary to the S1,S2,S3 sites in
Obst et al.,departing from thee peptide
template, designed and synthesized novel
nonpeptide inhibitors of thrombin.
Using computational approaches (Insight
II/Discover/CVFF force field), possible
templates were modeled within the active
site of thrombin.
 These studies resulted in the synthesis of
thirteen analogs that shared a common
The most active molecule (Ki = 90 nM,
8-fold selective versus trypsin) was
studied further by x-ray crystallography
(Figure 4).
fig 4
Schematic representation of the
principal intermolecular interactions of
a nonpeptide bicyclic inhibitor within
the active site of thrombin
+ve charged
benzamidine binds
into the S1 pocket of
thrombin forming a
bidentate hydrogen
bond with Asp189
The proximal
carbonyl of the
rigid template
acts as a
receptor for the
amideNH of
group at P3
interact with
thrombin in
two ways
An edge to
An oxygen of
methylenedioxy group
acts as an acceptor for a
hydrogen bond with the
OH hydrogen of
Recent communications from Bristol-Myers Squibb [14,15]
describe peptidomimetic inhibitors (Fig5) that were designed
to bind thrombin with N- to C- polypeptide chain sense
opposite that of the substrate and form interactions similar to
those made by the 1st three residues of hirudin
 In the x-ray crystal structure of BMS-183507 (Ki = 17.2
nM) with thrombin.
facing the
Methyl ester is
exposed to
A bound water
hydrogen bonded
to the ser195
Phe 1-O and the
phe3-NH from
hydrogen bonds
with Gly216
Phe1-NH hydrogen
bonds to the backbone
carbonyl of SER214
The retro –inhibitors
contain a 4-
group that extends
into the S1
specificity site
Forming two hydrogen bonds
between the guanidine and
Asp189 in a similar manner to
BMS-183507 forms
only one ,The one
hydrogen bond being
directed to the
carbonyl oxygen of
 cyclotheonamide A (CtA), a
macrocyclic marine natural
product derived from the
Japanese sponge,Theonella sp.,
inhibiys thrombin with an IC50
value of 100 nM and represents a
novel structural class of serine
protease inhibitors.
An x-ray crystal structure of CtA
complexed with thrombin was
used to determine the molecular
basis for this inhibition.(fig 6)
Figure 8 Schematic representation of the
principal intermolecular interactions of
cyclotheonamide A within the active site of
The Arg-pro unit binds to the S1 and
S2 sites in a similar manner to the
Arg-pro of PPACK.
The Arg guandinium group forms a
bidentate hydrogen bond wth Asp
189 while the pro establishes a
βsheet interaction with the Ser214-
Gly216 backbone.
The α-ketoamide acts as a
transition-state mimetic forming
a tetrahedral hemiketal with the
hydroxyl of Ser195.
Starting with the known thrombin inhibitors Argatroban and
piperidine (NAPAP), a group at Roche initiated a medicinal
chemistry program to develop thrombin inhibitors with reduced
toxicity and an improved hemodynamic profile.
 The discovery program proceeded in four iterative phases which
are shown in Table 1.
Initial screening of low molecular weight organic bases led to the
discovery of 1-amidinopiperidine (1–1) as a new surrogate for
the guanidine and amidine functionality in Argatroban and
NAPAP, respectively.
A distinct advantage of 1-amidinopiperidine is its intrinsic
selectivity for thrombin over trypsin.
 Application of three-fold iterative strategy of design involving synthesis, x-ray
crystallography, and molecular modeling, this group elaborated the 1-
amidinopiperidine from structures that inhibited in the micromolar range to
some inhibiting in the picomolar range.
 In doing so significant improvements in the selectivity of thrombin relative to
trypsin were also achieved.
In the case of the D-amino acid series (1–2), a “second inhibitor binding mode”
that differed from that of Argatroban was identified.
 In this new and unexpected binding mode, the S2 pocket is unoccupied and the
napthalenesulfonyl group fills the S3 site and overlaps the front of the S2 site.
 The benzyl group of the phenylalanine is oriented toward the protein surface
and is partially exposed to solvent.
 The Argatroban or “inhibitor binding” mode was favored by the more potent
L-amino acid series (1–3 and 1–4) where the piperidide (1–3) or Nbenzyl (1–4)
binds to the S2 site and the aryl groups are found in the S3 site.
A strategy to prepare highly selective thrombin inhibitors involves linkage
of molecules capable of interacting at distinct subsites.
This approach should result in inhibitors more specific for thrombin: while
serine proteases possess common structural features related to catalysis and
some serine proteases—including the coagulation enzyme Factor Xa—also
exhibit primary substrate specificity for positively charged residues, only
thrombin possesses recognition subsites for fibrinogen and effector
molecules such as thrombomodulin.
Nature has used this strategy in the evolution of hirudin, the anticoagulant
protein produced by the medicinal leech.
When this effective anticoagulant binds thrombin, the N-terminal
domain blocks the primary specificity pocket while the C-terminal
residues adopt an extended conformation and make multiple
interactions within the fibrinogen recognition exosite.
Guided by structural and biochemical information, small
molecules capable of simultaneous interactions with both the
primary specificity pocket and the fibrinogen recognition exosite
were designed and synthesized.
 These bivalent inhibitors are composed of three regions: a group
to block the primary specificity pocket, a sequence to bind the
fibrinogen recognition site, and a chemical linker.
The bivalent inhibitor approach was first executed with peptides.
In 1990, DiMaio et al. (3–3 [22]) used the peptide sequence from hirudin to link (d-Phe)-
Pro-Arg-Pro, known to bind at the primary specificity pocket [23], with hirudin C-
terminal residues, known to bind at the fibrinogen recognition site.
 Polyglycine linkers were also used to connect these sequences (Maraganore et al).
Among these hirudin analogs,the tetraglycine linker appeared optimal(3-8,ki=2.3nM).
Most of the peptide-based bivalent inhibitors were slowly cleaved by thrombin.
Incorporation of ketomethylene pseudo peptide bond resulted in a non cleavable bivalent
inhibitor that rretained high thrombin affinity.
Decreased proteolysis in bivalent inhibitors increasingly nonpeptide in character to be
Chemically simpler linkers were made using multiple methylene-containing glycine
This was confirmed in the crystal structure of hirutonin-6:thrombin complex (3–26 [26])
where continuous electron density was observed for the entire bivalent inhibitor including
the linker region. The extended nature of the fibrinogen recognition site complicates
attempts to reduce inhibitor molecular weight while maintaining affinity.
 Only seven residues are present in one of the smallest bivalent inhibitors.
Increasingly nonpeptide substituents have been incorporated into the primary
specificity pocket binding portion of the bivalent inhibitors.
Crystallographic analysis of its complex with thrombin showed the ketone carbonyl
becomes tetrahedrally coordinate by bonding to the side chain of thrombin's active
site residue, Ser195.
Substitutions of cyclohexylalanine for phenylalanine (3–4 compared to 3–5) and the
cyclohexylalanine-containing fibrinogen recognition peptide for the hirudin
sequence (3–17 compared to 3–18) also contribute to the increased affinity of this
bivalent inhibitor
Inactivated thrombin as an inhibitor of clot formation:
 A means to selectively inhibit thrombin’s role in coagulation
while preserving its anticoagulant functions involves site-directed
mutagenesis of thrombin itself.
 By introduction of a single mutation,altered thrombin’s relative
specificity for fibrinogen and protein C.
 The engineered thrombin’s increased activation of protein C over
fibrinogen cleavage offers the possibility of inhibiting clot
formation with a modified human protein , a molecule likely to
exhibit few side effects.
The role of
discovery of thrombin
inhibitors has benefited
from available protein
structural information.
Models of the thrombin overall
structure and its active site
geometry, constructd from
available structures of related
serine proteases,aided in the
design of the mechanism-based
inhibitors such as PPACK and
its boroarginine analog
Unexpected, nonsubstrate
binding mode of early
thrombin inhibitors such as
NAPAP was revealed by x-
ray crystallographic analyses.
Structure-based design methods have
been critical in the optimization of
bivalent inhibitors and inhibitors directed
at the primary specificity
Structures of
complexes are essential
for the optimization of
substituents forming
interactions within the
aryl-binding site of the
primary specificity
In some cases, minor
alterations of the inhibitor can
result in dramatic changes in
the inhibitor’s overall
interactions with thrombin
Roles of
Drug discovery efforts have also been
strongly influenced by results of
structural of thrombin complexed with
effectors and structural peptides
For example, recently
the structures of
thrombin complexed
with fibrinopeptide A
and human
prothrombin fragment
F1 have been
In addition to their role
in design of high-
affinity inhibitors,
these structure provide
valuable insights for
design of drugs
specific for the various
subsites and
conformational states
of thrombin
Discovery of therapeutically effective thrombin inhibitors
involves issues such as affinity and selectivity,and formulation.
In addition to these relatively common concerns,the complex
invivo mechanisms designed to balanced its pro-and
anticoagulant activites present additional challenges in the
discovery of therapeutically effective thrombin inhibitors.
Structural based drug design by pandi veerapandion.
Wiliam o foye medicinal chemistry.
Berger’s medicinal chemistry and drug design 6th edition.
The enhanced permeability retention effect: a new paradigm for
drug targeting in infection Ernest A. Azzopardi1,2*, Elaine L.
Ferguson1 and David W. Thomas1 journal.

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bradykinin receptor antagonist and thrombin inhibitors

  • 1. BRADYKININ RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS AND THROMBIN INHIBITORS ADVANCED MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY-I Presented by T.Bhanusri 21031S0215 M.PHARM 1ST YEAR 1ST SEM Pharmaceutical chemistry IST(Centre of pharmaceutical science),JNTUH Under the guidance of DR.S.Shoba rani M.PHARM(Ph.D) Associate professor HOD of CPS, JNTUH Former Additional controller of examination, JNTUH
  • 3. Bradykinin (in Greek brady- = slow; -kinin = to move) is a peptide that promotes inflammation. Bradykinin is a 9-amino acid peptide chain. Bradykinin is a linear nonapeptide messenger belonging to the kinin group of proteins, with amino acid sequence RPPGFSPFR. The amino acid sequence of bradykinin is : Arg-pro-pro-Gly-phe-ser-pro-phe-Arg. The empirical formula is C50H73N15O11. Introduction Structure of bradykinin
  • 4. A class of drugs called angiotension converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) increase bradykinin levels by inhibiting its degradation , thereby increasing its blood pressure lowering effect. Enzymatically produced from kallidin in the blood, it is a powerful vasodilator that causes smooth muscle contraction, and may mediate inflammation . It has a role as a human blood serum metabolite and a vasodilator agent. It is a tautomer of a bradykinin(2+). Structure of bradykinin
  • 5. history 1920’s and 1930’s Characterized a hypotensive substance in urine and found a similar material in saliva,plasma and a variety of tissues. Established that kallikreins generate a pharmacologically active substance from an inactive precursor present in plasma 1948 Named the active substance kallidin and showed it to be a polypeptide cleaved from a plasma globulin that they termed as kallinogen Frey ,kraut, werle Werle, gotze, keppler Werle, berek - Rocha e silva and associate d Reported that trpsin and certain snake venoms acted on plasma globulin to produce a substance that lowered bp and caused developing contraction of the gut. 1937
  • 6. - 1960 1960 - Elliot and coworkers The nonpeptide bradykinin was isolated Synthesized the nonpeptide bradykinin. because of this slow response, they named the substance bradykinin. Boissonnas and associated
  • 7. prekallikrein Tissue kallikrein Plasma kallikrein Tissue kallikrein HMWK LMWK KININS bradykinin kallidin Inactive peptidases Des-Arg-kallidin Des-Arg-BK B1 R B2R Inactive peptides Plasma(vasculature) Tissue (glandular /exocrine) XIIa Autolysis/proteinase kininases Kininase I aminopeptidases kininases Cellular responses Inducible receptor Constitutive receptor Kinin-kallikrein system kininase-I
  • 8.
  • 9. Kinin receptors: Existence of two types bradykinin receptor: B1 and B2. Both are GPCR and mediate similar effects. B1 Normally expresses at very low levels but are strongly induced in inflamed ar damaged tissues by cytokines such as IL-1 Respond to des-Arg9-bradykinin and des- Arg9-kallidin but not to bradykinin itself. Likely that B1 receptors play asignificant role in inflammation and hyperalgesia Constitutively expressed in most normal tissues. Selectively binds bradykinin and kallidin and mediates the majority of their effects. The B2 receptors activates PLA2 and PLC via interaction with distinct G proteins. B2
  • 10. Investigations Ligand- based Receptor- based Solution conformation of bradykinin Conformationally constrained bradykinin antagonist peptides Elucidation of an agonist binding site on the B2 receptor Elucidation of an antagonist site on the B2 receptor
  • 11. Solution conformation of bradykinin 2-D NMR with empirical energy calculation:  on basis of spectral data , biological results from conformationally restricted analogs, as well as the relationship between ordering in bradykinin and the dielectric environment of the solvent.  In aqueous solution bradykinin is conformationally random, the biologically active form of the peptide is likely ordered and stabilized within the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane prior to binding with its receptor. Hence the nature of receptor might be hydrophobic.  The appropriate solvent environment should be able to stimulate, at least in terms of hydrophobicity and dielectric constant, the nature of a cell membrane, and a 90:10 d8-dioxane-H2O mixture was selected for NMR experiments.  It was anticipated that under these nonsolvating conditions the conformational diversity of bradykinin might be severely restricted.  The ultimate analysis of the two-dimensional NMR data collected at 500 MHz supported a single major conformational species. There were five HN-CαH connectivities, one for each amide. This was confirmed in the 13C NMR spectrum where only nine carbonyl resonances, one for each amino acid, were present. 3-D strctures: Not known the receptors and sructure of bradykinin
  • 12. NOESY:  Based on multiple observed long range amide-to-amide nucear overhauser effects (NOEs), that it was indeed a single major conformational species.  Although bradykinin contains three proline residues, the absence of any strong CαHi -CαHj +, cross peaks in the nuclear overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) spectrum was taken as proof that all peptide bonds were trans.  In total, 35 interproton distances were extracted from the NOESY spectrum and, whenever possible, stereospecific assignments for pro-R and pro-S hydrogens were made explicitly Temperature dependant:  A temperature-dependent study of the chemical shifts of the amide protons resulted in a near-linear dependence suggesting no major conformational changes were coinciding with the temperature change and thereby allowing a comparison of slopes (∆δ/∆t).  The lowest values obtained for these slopes corresponded to Phe8 and Arg9 suggesting solvent sequestering for these amides.
  • 13. CHARMm – version 21:  Utilizing custom routines written using the program CHARMm, version 21 [21], the interproton distances were incorporated into the potential-energy expression in the form of an additional potential-energy term. Computational stratergy:  Given the high Chou and Fasman probability of β-turns in the sequences Pro2-Pro3-Gly4-Phe5 and Ser6- Pro7-Phe8-Arg9 (3.79 × 10-4 and 1.99 × 10-4, respectively), the computational strategy employed was to begin from two initial structures: (a) an extended β strand, and (b) a structure containing these two predicted β turns. NOE restrains:  Analysis of the two average structures obtainedfrom the two unique starting points demonstrated convergence to a similar conformational species.  In each , the sum of the NOE restraints energy was less thab 4.7 kcal/mol and the RMS deviation from the target distances was below Å.  Similar results were obtained for each simulation when they were repeated without the electrostatic term being included in the total potential-energy function.  This important data lends credence to the hypothesis that the final structures are derived from the NOE restraints and not by poorly represented electrostatic interactions.
  • 14. A similar C-terminal turn structure was observed in an analogous NMR study of a first-generation kinin antagonist, NPC 567 (DArg0-Arg1-Pro2-Hyp3-Gly4-Phe5-Ser6-DPhe7- Phe8-Arg9), although the type of turn was not the same.  Our initial speculation was that this slight structural difference might partially account for the functional differences of bradykinin and NPC 567.  These solution conformations, one of an agonist and the other of an antagonist, were subsequently used to focus the design and synthesis of conformationally constrained peptide analogues of NPC 567.
  • 15. Conformationally constrained bradykinin antagonist peptides  The ligand based approach of conformationally constrained peptides has been widely used.  The process involves the incorporation of conformational constrains into the known peptides, either agonist or antagonist , which enforce a predictable geometry.  A series of peptides containing these types of constraints can be useful for extrapolating the steric and electronic environment of a given binding site.  The structural information can be derived regardless of whether or not the constrained peptide binds to the target receptor.  Since peptides can be prepared rapidly , it is typical to establish a structure activity relationship using them and then at some time later transpose that information onto a nonpeptide lead molecule in an attempt to improve its potency.  As part of an expansion upon the hypothesis that a C- terminal β turn was a structural prequisit to high affinity antagonist binding, novel series of constrained decapeptides was prepared.  These peptides are of the sequence:
  • 16. DArg-Arg-pro-Hyp-Gly-Phe-Ser-DHype-Y-Arg Either tetrahydroquinoline-3- carboxylic acid(Tic) or octahydroindole-2- carboxylic acid (Oic) An organic ether of D-4-hydroxyproline in either the cis or trans geometric form
  • 17. Lowest 5 kcal mol-1 of the calculated overall potential energy surface for a model peptide of Ser-DHype(trans propyl)-Oic-Arg. The contour interval is 0.5 Kcalmol-1 and the highest (outermost) and lowest contour energy values are labeled. Superimposed on the contour plots are values for ψi+1 and ψi+2 from each of the thirty structures generated from the NMR data corresponding to the tetrapeptide Ser-DHype(trans propyl)-Oic-Arg  The C-terminal portion of a representative member of this class of peptides was shown—first by empirical calculation , then by NMR at 600 MHz—to adopt a β turn nearly unambiguously (figure ).  Moreover, it was shown by calculation that the turn was adopted regardless of the nature of the ether group (alkyl, aryl, etc.) or its geometry (cis or trans).
  • 18.  Hence, a diverse series of these peptides was initially used as a tool to probe the steric and electrostatic topology of an antagonist binding site on the bradykinin B2 receptor in the guinea pig ileum.  The cis ethers, in all cases, bound to the receptor with significantly lower affinity than did the trans.  A more complete listing of the peptides used in the study is shown in Table 1.  These results support the hypothesis that the domain of the receptor that binds these antagonist ligands is partly made up of a hydrophobic cavity about one side of the C-terminal.  However, adjacent to the other side of the turn, there appears to be same type of steric interference ( or lack of a pocket) that might otherwise accommodate the ethers of the cis configuration
  • 19. Receptor binding curves for the binding of NPC 17410 and NPC 17643 to B2 receptors from the guinea pig ileum and cloned rat and human B2 receptors. Legends are noted on the figure.  More recently, bradykinin B2 receptors have been cloned from both rat and human sources.  In receptor-binding experiments using these new receptors, selected members of the DHype-containing decapeptides were used to probe these receptors, a representative sample of the data is shown in Figure.  NPC 17643( a trans propyl ether at position 7) and NPC 17410( a cis propyl ether of D-4-hydroxyproline at position 7) were used.
  • 20. NPC17643 NPC17410 Behave similarly in binding assays directed toward the bradykinin B2 receptors in guinea pig,rat and human. Bound with similar affinity to both the guinea pig and rat bradykinin B2 receptors, but had an appreciably higher affinity for the human B2 receptor  The des-Arg9 forms of these peptides have also been shown to have high affinity for the recently cloned human B1 receptor.  An extension of the work described herein would be to use a more complete series of des-Arg9 DHype-containing nonapeptides to probe the binding site of this new receptor where other interesting pharmacological differences are likely to exist since the B1 receptor is only 33% homologous to the human B2.
  • 21. DHype 1st 2nd 3rd Incorporated a novel β-turn mimetic that was alternatively functionalized and used to probe the unknown topology of the guinea pig, rat, and human bradykinin B2 receptors. subsequent molecular biological and computational procedures in the elucidation of an antagonist binding site certain members of this series of decapeptides contain alkyl ethers of D-4- hydroxyproline at position seven. Experimentalexperimen tal evidence that high- affinity decapeptide bradykinin receptor antagonists adopt a C- terminal β turn in the receptor-bound conformation
  • 22.  Finally, several members of the series (i.e., NPC 17731, NPC 17761, NPC 17974) are among the most potent antagonists for this receptor yet reported.  Hence, there may be applications for these compounds as human therapeutics.  Several “second generation” decapeptide antagonists have been reported, but the prototype from the class, which was first to be reported, is HOE 140 (DArg0-Arg1-Pro2-Hyp3-Gly4-Thi5-Ser6- DTic7-Oic8- Arg9).  This decapeptide has also been shown to preferentially adopt a C-terminal β turn.  There are two factors that must be considered when applying structure-activity-relationship (SAR) information from a series of peptides toward the design of nonpeptide mimetics and putative library scaffolds.  One is in regard to the backbone conformation that primarily serves as a structural scaffold upon which the various functionalities (side chains) are attached.  The other factor is the side chains themselves whose spatial positions are primarily dictated by the backbone structure.  With the exception of the Cα-methyl-Phe5-containing peptide (NPC 18540), each conformational constraint caused a significant, at least 1000-fold, loss in binding affinity with respect to the unconstrained parent peptide, NPC 18545.
  • 23.  A systematic study of the relative importances of amides and side chains in a prototypical second generation antagonist, NPC 18545 (DArg0-Arg1-Pro2-Hyp3-Gly4-Phe5-Ser6-DTic7- Oic8-Arg9) .  The elimination of all chirality and sidechain moieties in the segment Arg1-Pro2-Hyp3-Gly4- Phe5 via replacement by Gly1-Gly2-Gly3- Gly4-Gly5 (NPC 18152), led to a peptide that no longer binds the receptor.  NPC 18149 (DArg0-Arg1-Gly2-Gly3-Gly4-Phe5-Ser6-DTic7-Oic8-Arg9; Ki = 13.7 nM; Guinea pig ileum) was taken as the lead peptide, the relative contributions to binding affinity from each amide bond in the segment Arg1-Gly2-Gly3-Gly4-Phe5 were examined.  The conclusions drawn from the data are that in terms of structural or electrostatic interactions with this antagonist site on the receptor, the amide bond linking residues two and three may not be as critical as those linking residues three to four and four to five.  Each of these investigations was aimed toward an understanding of either the backbone conformation of this prototypical decapeptide or the relative importance of the functional groups in the side chains that make significant contributions to receptor affinity.  From the former, nonpeptide frameworks and scaffolds can be imagined. From the latter, insights into which functionality is required for high-affinity binding is derived. The remaining challenge is to reassemble these fragments onto synthetically feasible nonpeptide frameworks as potential new lead compounds.
  • 24. Elucidation of an agonist binding site on the B2 receptor  Receptor binding site on the basis of receptor binding data from conformationally constrained ligands.  G-Protein-coupled receptors do not lend themselves to analysis by either NMR or x-ray crystallography due to their structural dependence on an intact cell membrane.  In our laboratories we pursued this valuable structural information by utilizing a combination of structural homology modeling, molecular dynamics, systematic conformational searching methods, and mutagenesis experiments.  The combination of these techniques led to a proposed model of bradykinin bound to the agonist site on its receptor.  A hydrophobicity (Kyte-Doolittle) calculation [42] on the amino acid sequence of the rat bradykinin receptor yielded seven segments, each of which were 21 to 25 contiguous residues with predominantly hydrophobic side chains.  These were presumed to be the seven transmembrane portions of the receptor.  Cartesian coordinates of the backbone atoms within each of these seven segments were built by structural homology from the cryomicroscopic structure of the analogous segments of bacteriohodopsin.
  • 25.  Subsequently, side chains were added to these seven segments as appropriate for the rat bradykinin receptor, and the resulting geometry was optimized via constrained energy minimization to alleviate bad contacts.  Extracellular and intracellular loops were extracted from the Protein Data Bank library, following a geometric search based upon a vector defined by terminal alpha carbons in adjacent helices.  The model was subsequently subjected to a series of constrained and unconstrained energy minimizations as well as molecular dynamics simulations. The resulting structure of the receptor was used in a novel two-step docking procedure.  bradykinin adopts a C-terminal β turn upon complexation with the receptor, the φ, ψ backbone dihedral angles in the tetrapeptide corresponding to the C-terminus of bradykinin (Ser-Pro-Phe-Agr) were constrained in a harmonic fashion (force constant = 15 Kcal Å-1 mol1) to values that define a type II' β-turn.  This tetrapeptide probe was then systematically translated about the interior of a theoretical box inscribing the rat receptor model.  The translations were such that the tetrapeptide probe molecule was incrementally repositioned within the receptor by following a 3 Å × 3 Å × 3 Å grid pattern.
  • 26. Complete group of contour plots showing energy of interaction between probe and receptor. Each contour plot corresponds to a different horizontal slice as part of the first stage in the conformational search. Darker gray indicates most favorable interaction and the light shades represent least favorable interactions  At each new position, both the probe and receptor were reset to their initial conformations, then the geometry of the complex was optimized using 200 steps of steepest descent followed by 500 steps of Adopted- Basis Newton-Raphson energy minimization.  Subsequently, the sum of the steric and electrostatic contributions to the overall potential energy (interaction energy)—as measured only between the tetrapeptide probe molecule and the atoms of the receptor—were calculated.
  • 27. Several mutant receptors were made such that each contained either a point mutation or a small cluster of point mutations, wherein native residues, having negatively charged side chains (Asp, Glu), were replaced by alanine(s). Table 2 lists the initial cluster mutations (rat) that were prepared as well as the follow-up single point mutations (rat).Therefore a receptor containing a double mutation (Asp268,286 rarrow.gif Ala268,286) would be expected to show a much more dramatic loss in affinity for bradykinin than would receptors containing the individual point mutations. The appropriate double mutation experiment confirmed this by causing a 500-fold loss in affinity for bradykinin, as predicted (Table 2)
  • 28. Proposed model of bradykinin bound to the rat B2 receptor at the agonist binding site. Only the upper portion of the receptor is shown as gray helical ribbons. Bradykinin backbone and side chain atoms are shown as thick white licorice. Positions of point mutations having no significant adverse effects on bradykinin binding are shown as light gray spheres. Positions of mutations affecting bradykinin binding are shown as dark gray spheres  Figure shows a stereoview of the selected ligand-receptor complex chosen on the basis of best agreement with the results of these mutagenesis studies.  These residues are remotely situated with respect to the proposed site of bradykinin binding and are colored light gray in Figure 5.  The mutagenized residues of this double mutant B2 receptor are colored dark gray in Figure 5.
  • 29. Furthermore, in contrast to the functional activity of NPC 18325 at the human B2 receptor, the compound is a functional antagonist as measured against bradykinin-induced contraction of the isolated guinea pig ileum (pA2 = 5.5). These findings are in agreement with the concept that as a ligand is made smaller (i.e., fewer contact points possible with the receptor), the subtle structural differences in the binding sites on species variants of the same receptor become amplified. This observation further supports a cautionary posture toward developing nonpeptide antagonists for use in human diseases on the basis of results obtained in some animals including the guinea pig. Taking this new molecule as a lead structure, together with the receptor model and structure-activity relationship associated with related peptides including cyclic antagonists, the pursuit of several related pseudopeptides was undertaken.
  • 30. Elucidation of an antagonist site on the B2 receptor  There have been a variety of single alanine point mutations experimentally introduced into both rat and human bradykinin B2 receptors.  Several of these have been shown to decrease the affinity of bradykinin to the receptor and have been implicated structurally near the agonist binding site. In contrast, at the time of this manuscript, there have been no mutations reported that adversely affect the ability of any peptide antagonists to bind to the receptor.  Furthermore, antibodies raised against the certain extracellular domains of the kinin receptor compete with bradykinin for binding to the receptor but have no inhibitory action on the binding of antagonist peptides.  In addition, it has been shown that bradykinin can be covalently crosslinked to the B2 receptor while antagonists cannot.  These observations have fostered the belief that the agonist and antagonist binding sites of the receptor are not the same.
  • 31. specific groups of contiguous residues within the receptor were identified as possible contributors to an antagonist binding site. The NPC 17410 binding to chimeras III, IV, and VIII showed rat-like pharmacology (low NPC 17410 affinity). The NPC 17410 binding to chimeras I, II, VI, and VII showed human-like NPC 17410 pharmacology (high receptor affinity). Binding to chimeras V and VIII, however, was similar to rat-like NPC 17410 pharmacology, but the affinity of the compound was slightly shifted back toward human-like results.
  • 32. Mutagenesis experiments have been done on this pair in the rat B2 receptor with interesting results. Mutations in Thr263 only affect agonist binding, not antagonist. Mutations in Gln260 affect binding of bradykinin and first generation antagonist peptides. As depicted in the figure, it is possible that the agonist and antagonist binding sites have domains on opposite sides of the helix that makes up TM 6, with Gln260 being situated partly in both. Schematic of the primary amino sequence of the human B2 receptor. Shown in black are residues experimentally identified as contributing to an agonist binding site. The dark gray residues are suspect positions for contributing to an antagonist site. The residues colored light gray have been mutagenized only in the rat B2 receptor, but they are conserved in the human. The Thr263 rarrow.gif Ala mutation interferes with agonist binding only, while Gln260 partially interferes with agonist and first generation antagonist binding.
  • 33. Design and combinatorial synthesis of nonpeptidic antagonists  a significant body of information was generated that provides insights into the key structural features of bradykinin receptor binding sites and the residues that participate in ligand binding.  In addition, from the ligand-based studies, knowledge about relevant structure-activity relationships was acquired.  Our modular synthetic strategy was based primarily upon the recognition that high-affinity ligands appear to be comprised of three domains.  These domains are (1) a positively charged N-terminal segment, (2) a midsection containing a bend or twist with some hydrophobic substituent attached and, (3) a C-terminal segment of appropriate hydrophobicity and structurally simulating a type II' β turn.  Models of potent cyclic and linear peptide bradykinin receptor antagonists (described previously) were used in a comparative fashion to select nonpeptide ring systems from a database of chemical structures fine chemicals database.  For each, some degree of chemical diversity was achieved by altering one of several parameters including, o, m, or p substitution of an aromatic ring or nature of alkyl substituent(s) as well as point(s) of synthetic attachment.
  • 34. Composition of ten original nonpeptidic libraries of the sequence DArg-Arg-X-Y-Arg. X and Y were selected from the set of scaffolds shown in Table 1. Also shown are the subsequent breakdown libraries from original library number 1. Two-letter codes used in the figure correspond to the different nonpeptide moieties described in Table 1. Specifically, PH = phenanthridinone, CB = carboline, SP = spirocycle, SC = Straight chain, CN = cinnamic acid
  • 35. Lead optimization  We have previously reported that the C-terminal guanidinyl moiety of Arg [9] in prototypical peptide bradykinin antagonists is likely to behave more as an aromatic functional group rather than a hydrogenbond donor/acceptor.  This speculation was based on proposed models of the agonist and antagonist binding sites of this receptor that have been elucidated using molecular biological and computational procedures.  On this premise, the newly discovered lead compound, I, was altered such that the Cterminal arginine was replaced by 3',5'-dimethylpyrimidylornithine in an attempt to increase potency.  This known mimetic of arginine contains an aromatic 3',5'-dimethylpyrimidyl ring in the side chain rather than the guanidino group on naturally occurring arginine.  The results of the receptor binding assay performed using this compound, IA, are shown in Table 4 where it is clear that affinity to the human B2 receptor is improved with respect to compound I.
  • 36.  This data is supportive of the notion that the C-terminal residue(s) in this new series of bradykinin antagonist compounds interact with a hydrophobic environment, perhaps within the transmembrane domain of the receptor as previously suggested.  The discovery of I and IA is significant in many regards.  First, they are highly nonpeptidic lead compounds that could be further modified to improve potency and/or reduce molecular weight.  Such improvements might lead to novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.  Thus far in the kinin antagonist literature there is significant evidence showing that, for compounds containing a C-terminal arginine residue, removal of that arginine generally yields compounds that are antagonists of the B1 subtype of the bradykinin receptor.  Following a similar strategy with compound I could lead to the discovery of a novel series of nonpeptidic B1 receptor antagonists, although this remains to be demonstrated
  • 37.
  • 39. I.ROLES OF THROMBIN IN HEMOSTASIS AND THE THERAPEUTIC UTILITY OF THROMBIN INHIBITORS: Thrombin is a serine protease. It plays critical roles in both anticoagulation and blood cloat formation. In penultimate step of the coagulation cascade; Soluble fibrinogen cleavage Insoluble fibrinogen thrombin
  • 40. Thrombin activates Coagulation factor (XIII) stabilize Fibrin thrombus Additional clot formation, thrombin participates in anticoagulation functions. Most drug design efforts focus on thrombin inhibition as a means to prevent the serious consequences of thrombus formation in myocardial infraction and stoke. Thrombin inhibitors clot formation in patients prone to deep vein thrombosis or repeat hear attack. Thrombin inhibitors may decreases the incidence of reocclusion , to release active clot-bound thrombin Prevents
  • 41. II. STRUCTURE OF THROMBIN Thrombin consists of two polypeptides, an A chain of 36 residues and a 259-residue B chain,linked by a disulfide bond. The crystallographic structure of thrombin reveals a globular protein organized about two ß barrels with overall folding pattern of the chymotrypsin serine protease family. Human thrombin large (red) and small (green) subunits complex with prolinamide derivative (PDB code 1ppb
  • 42. Figure 1 Stereoscopic view of the crystallographic structure of thrombin complexed with N-acetyl-(D-Phe)-Pro- boroArg-OH. Helical regions are represented in the standard way and arrows indicate regions of β sheet. Solid lines show the thrombin bound conformation of N-acetyl-(D-Phe)-Pro- boroArg-OH . Active-site residues, His57 and Ser195, are shown with a ball-and- stick representation.
  • 43. Thrombin’s multionality and regulation of activity are achieved by specialized subsites on the enzyme’s surface(fig.2). Fibrinogen cleavage, for example,involves interactions at the primary specificity pocket, the extended fibrinogen recognition exosite, and an additional specificity pocket.  Subsite interactions differ for cleavage of other thrombin substrates including the thrombin receptor and protein C. Additional and overlapping subsites exist for thrombin effector molecules including heparin, antithrombin III, and heparin cofactor II .
  • 44. Figure 2 Schematic representation of Subsite Utilization in Thrombin Complexes. Fibrinogen interacts with three thrombin subsites (here thrombin is represented by a large oval and the interconnected subsites by an irregular three-armed shape). Physiological effectors of thrombin and thrombin inhibitors form distinct interactions at these subsites. Additional subsites, such as the heparin-binding site, exist on the thrombin surface and are not indicated here. The catalytic triad is represented by three circles at the vertices of a triangle.
  • 45. III.THROMBIN INHIBITORS DIRECTED AT THE FIBRINOPEPTIDE A BINDING POCKET The majority of synthetic thrombin inhibitors interact at the fibinopeptide A binding pocket,which include the catalytic residues Ser 195 and His57,hydrogen-binding capabilities with in oxyanion hole,peptide backbone functional groups that hydrogen bond with the peptide backbone of the substrate and residues involved in amino acid recognition. fig 1 Schematic diagram of binding determinants within the fibrinopeptide A binding pocket of thrombin and their utilization by N-acetyl-(D- Phe)-Pro-boroArg-OH
  • 46. Many of the binding determinants are utilized by N-acetyl-(D-Phe)-Pro- Arg-chloromethylketone (PPACK) and its boronic acid analog (DUP714). The crystallographic structures of these molecules complexed with thrombin have both served as starting points for structure-based drug design and as reference structures for comparison of binding modes of other inhibitors.  The use of arginine boronate esters as transition-state mimetics results in potent peptidyl thrombin inhibitors.  These inhibitors, however, exhibit significant affinity for other serine proteases that have in common a specificity for substrates with basic residues at P1 (e.g. trypsin, Factor Xa, and plasmin).  Earlier work demonstrated that neutral side chains of P1 boronate esters impart greater selectivity for thrombin.
  • 47. The boropeptide shown in Figure 2 was investigated as the prototype of neutral side chain, tripeptide thrombin inhibitors.  It had a Ki against thrombin of and shows selectivity relative to other trypsin-like plasma proteases.  Since these inhibitors have a neutral residue at the P1 site, Deadman and coworkers sought to demonstrate the mode of binding to thrombin in the absence of a salt bridge with Asp189. fig 2 Schematic representation of the active- site orientation of a “neutral” P1 boronic acid thrombin inhibitor.
  • 48. Boron-11-NMR, a sensitive probe of the chemical environment around boronate esters, can distinguish between trigonal and tetrahedral forms of boron. The 11B-NMR spectrum of this inhibitor complexed with thrombin showed a single peak at -17 ppm that remained constant for 7 hours. The chemical shift suggests boron adopts a tetrahedral geometry on binding to thrombin and is consistent with the orientation of the inhibitor in the active site shown in Figure 2.  While the 11B-NMR revealed an interaction within the catalytic site, it could not distinguish between bonding with Ser195 or His57
  • 49. Kahn and coworkers recently investigated the application of synthesized peptidomimetics as novel inhibitors of thrombin.  Fibrinogen peptide A mimetic (FPAM, Figure 3) incorporates a bicyclic peptidomimetic within the turn region of fibrinogen peptide A.  The bicyclic peptidomimetic confers conformational stability to the turn region as suggested by x-ray crystal structures of fibrinogen peptide complexes as well as complexes of BPTI with thrombin. fig 3 Schematic representation of the principal intermolecular interactions of a fibrinogen peptide A mimetic within the active site of thrombin
  • 50. Fig 2 Complexed with arginine guanidium Extensive hydrophobic contacts within the S2 apolar binding site Gly at P3 interact with thrombin via β-sheet-type hydrogen bond with the carbonyl group gly 216.(Imp in the positioning of the bicyclic ring corresponding to the β bend Phenyl rings shows hydrophobic contact with 11e174 This bicyclic ring, although not aromatic , forms an edge to face contact with Trp215 Cyclic template having attachment sites for three side chains that are complementary to the S1,S2,S3 sites in thrombin
  • 51. Obst et al.,departing from thee peptide template, designed and synthesized novel nonpeptide inhibitors of thrombin. Using computational approaches (Insight II/Discover/CVFF force field), possible templates were modeled within the active site of thrombin.  These studies resulted in the synthesis of thirteen analogs that shared a common template. The most active molecule (Ki = 90 nM, 8-fold selective versus trypsin) was studied further by x-ray crystallography (Figure 4). fig 4 Schematic representation of the principal intermolecular interactions of a nonpeptide bicyclic inhibitor within the active site of thrombin
  • 52. +ve charged benzamidine binds into the S1 pocket of thrombin forming a bidentate hydrogen bond with Asp189 The proximal carbonyl of the rigid template acts as a hydrogen-bond receptor for the amideNH of Gly216 The methylene dioxybenzyl group at P3 interact with thrombin in two ways An edge to face interaction was observed withTrp215 An oxygen of methylenedioxy group acts as an acceptor for a hydrogen bond with the OH hydrogen of Tyr60A
  • 53. Recent communications from Bristol-Myers Squibb [14,15] describe peptidomimetic inhibitors (Fig5) that were designed to bind thrombin with N- to C- polypeptide chain sense opposite that of the substrate and form interactions similar to those made by the 1st three residues of hirudin (11e1,Thr2,Tyr3).  In the x-ray crystal structure of BMS-183507 (Ki = 17.2 nM) with thrombin.
  • 54. N-terminal facing the catalytic site Methyl ester is exposed to solvent A bound water molecule hydrogen bonded to the ser195 hydroxyl Phe 1-O and the phe3-NH from hydrogen bonds with Gly216 Phe1-NH hydrogen bonds to the backbone carbonyl of SER214 The retro –inhibitors contain a 4- guanidinobutanoyl group that extends into the S1 specificity site Forming two hydrogen bonds between the guanidine and Asp189 in a similar manner to PPACK. BMS-183507 forms only one ,The one hydrogen bond being directed to the carbonyl oxygen of Gly219
  • 55.  cyclotheonamide A (CtA), a macrocyclic marine natural product derived from the Japanese sponge,Theonella sp., inhibiys thrombin with an IC50 value of 100 nM and represents a novel structural class of serine protease inhibitors. An x-ray crystal structure of CtA complexed with thrombin was used to determine the molecular basis for this inhibition.(fig 6) Figure 8 Schematic representation of the principal intermolecular interactions of cyclotheonamide A within the active site of thrombin
  • 56. The Arg-pro unit binds to the S1 and S2 sites in a similar manner to the Arg-pro of PPACK. The Arg guandinium group forms a bidentate hydrogen bond wth Asp 189 while the pro establishes a βsheet interaction with the Ser214- Gly216 backbone. The α-ketoamide acts as a transition-state mimetic forming a tetrahedral hemiketal with the hydroxyl of Ser195.
  • 57. Starting with the known thrombin inhibitors Argatroban and Nα(2-naphthyl-sulfonyl-glycyl)-DL-pamidinophenylalanyl- piperidine (NAPAP), a group at Roche initiated a medicinal chemistry program to develop thrombin inhibitors with reduced toxicity and an improved hemodynamic profile.  The discovery program proceeded in four iterative phases which are shown in Table 1. Initial screening of low molecular weight organic bases led to the discovery of 1-amidinopiperidine (1–1) as a new surrogate for the guanidine and amidine functionality in Argatroban and NAPAP, respectively. A distinct advantage of 1-amidinopiperidine is its intrinsic selectivity for thrombin over trypsin.
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  • 59.  Application of three-fold iterative strategy of design involving synthesis, x-ray crystallography, and molecular modeling, this group elaborated the 1- amidinopiperidine from structures that inhibited in the micromolar range to some inhibiting in the picomolar range.  In doing so significant improvements in the selectivity of thrombin relative to trypsin were also achieved. In the case of the D-amino acid series (1–2), a “second inhibitor binding mode” that differed from that of Argatroban was identified.  In this new and unexpected binding mode, the S2 pocket is unoccupied and the napthalenesulfonyl group fills the S3 site and overlaps the front of the S2 site.  The benzyl group of the phenylalanine is oriented toward the protein surface and is partially exposed to solvent.  The Argatroban or “inhibitor binding” mode was favored by the more potent L-amino acid series (1–3 and 1–4) where the piperidide (1–3) or Nbenzyl (1–4) binds to the S2 site and the aryl groups are found in the S3 site.
  • 60. IV.BIVALENT THROMBIN INHIBITORS DIRECTED AT THE FIBRINOPEPTIDE A BINDING POCKET AND THE FIBRINOGEN RECOGNITION SITE: A strategy to prepare highly selective thrombin inhibitors involves linkage of molecules capable of interacting at distinct subsites. This approach should result in inhibitors more specific for thrombin: while serine proteases possess common structural features related to catalysis and some serine proteases—including the coagulation enzyme Factor Xa—also exhibit primary substrate specificity for positively charged residues, only thrombin possesses recognition subsites for fibrinogen and effector molecules such as thrombomodulin. Nature has used this strategy in the evolution of hirudin, the anticoagulant protein produced by the medicinal leech.
  • 61. When this effective anticoagulant binds thrombin, the N-terminal domain blocks the primary specificity pocket while the C-terminal residues adopt an extended conformation and make multiple interactions within the fibrinogen recognition exosite. Guided by structural and biochemical information, small molecules capable of simultaneous interactions with both the primary specificity pocket and the fibrinogen recognition exosite were designed and synthesized.  These bivalent inhibitors are composed of three regions: a group to block the primary specificity pocket, a sequence to bind the fibrinogen recognition site, and a chemical linker. The bivalent inhibitor approach was first executed with peptides.
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  • 63. In 1990, DiMaio et al. (3–3 [22]) used the peptide sequence from hirudin to link (d-Phe)- Pro-Arg-Pro, known to bind at the primary specificity pocket [23], with hirudin C- terminal residues, known to bind at the fibrinogen recognition site.  Polyglycine linkers were also used to connect these sequences (Maraganore et al). Among these hirudin analogs,the tetraglycine linker appeared optimal(3-8,ki=2.3nM). Most of the peptide-based bivalent inhibitors were slowly cleaved by thrombin. Incorporation of ketomethylene pseudo peptide bond resulted in a non cleavable bivalent inhibitor that rretained high thrombin affinity. Decreased proteolysis in bivalent inhibitors increasingly nonpeptide in character to be observed. Chemically simpler linkers were made using multiple methylene-containing glycine variants. This was confirmed in the crystal structure of hirutonin-6:thrombin complex (3–26 [26]) where continuous electron density was observed for the entire bivalent inhibitor including the linker region. The extended nature of the fibrinogen recognition site complicates attempts to reduce inhibitor molecular weight while maintaining affinity.
  • 64.  Only seven residues are present in one of the smallest bivalent inhibitors. Increasingly nonpeptide substituents have been incorporated into the primary specificity pocket binding portion of the bivalent inhibitors. Crystallographic analysis of its complex with thrombin showed the ketone carbonyl becomes tetrahedrally coordinate by bonding to the side chain of thrombin's active site residue, Ser195. Substitutions of cyclohexylalanine for phenylalanine (3–4 compared to 3–5) and the cyclohexylalanine-containing fibrinogen recognition peptide for the hirudin sequence (3–17 compared to 3–18) also contribute to the increased affinity of this bivalent inhibitor
  • 65. Inactivated thrombin as an inhibitor of clot formation:  A means to selectively inhibit thrombin’s role in coagulation while preserving its anticoagulant functions involves site-directed mutagenesis of thrombin itself.  By introduction of a single mutation,altered thrombin’s relative specificity for fibrinogen and protein C.  The engineered thrombin’s increased activation of protein C over fibrinogen cleavage offers the possibility of inhibiting clot formation with a modified human protein , a molecule likely to exhibit few side effects.
  • 66. The role of structural information discovery of thrombin inhibitors has benefited from available protein structural information. Models of the thrombin overall structure and its active site geometry, constructd from available structures of related serine proteases,aided in the design of the mechanism-based inhibitors such as PPACK and its boroarginine analog Unexpected, nonsubstrate binding mode of early thrombin inhibitors such as NAPAP was revealed by x- ray crystallographic analyses. Structure-based design methods have been critical in the optimization of bivalent inhibitors and inhibitors directed at the primary specificity Structures of inhibitor:thrombin complexes are essential for the optimization of substituents forming interactions within the aryl-binding site of the primary specificity pocket. In some cases, minor alterations of the inhibitor can result in dramatic changes in the inhibitor’s overall interactions with thrombin
  • 67. Roles of structural information Drug discovery efforts have also been strongly influenced by results of structural of thrombin complexed with effectors and structural peptides For example, recently the structures of thrombin complexed with fibrinopeptide A and human prothrombin fragment F1 have been determined In addition to their role in design of high- affinity inhibitors, these structure provide valuable insights for design of drugs specific for the various subsites and conformational states of thrombin
  • 68. VII. CONCLUSION: Discovery of therapeutically effective thrombin inhibitors involves issues such as affinity and selectivity,and formulation. In addition to these relatively common concerns,the complex invivo mechanisms designed to balanced its pro-and anticoagulant activites present additional challenges in the discovery of therapeutically effective thrombin inhibitors.
  • 69. REFERENCES: Structural based drug design by pandi veerapandion. Wiliam o foye medicinal chemistry. Berger’s medicinal chemistry and drug design 6th edition. The enhanced permeability retention effect: a new paradigm for drug targeting in infection Ernest A. Azzopardi1,2*, Elaine L. Ferguson1 and David W. Thomas1 journal.