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Kathy Brown | Running Notes

                          Fabulous Feats with @Formula:
                          IBM Lotus Notes Client, Xpages
                          and Beyond
Where to use @Formula

Using @Formula to work with lists

@Formula in XPages

Comparing @Formula to LotusScript

What’s new with @Formula

Some Old, but Cool Tricks
Where to Use @Formula
Actions, buttons, hotspots, etc.   Input validation
Computed values                    Input translation
Hide/when formula                  View selection formula
Window titles                      XPages!
Default field values
Column formula
Section editor

        Not all @functions can be used in all contexts!
Input Validation
Use @Success to validate the entered data and @Failure to reject the data and
 provide a message to the user
@Success will allow the refresh or save of the document to continue
@Failure will cause the refresh or save to fail, and return the cursor to the failed
 field (if not hidden)
Use @Formula to disallow a single blank entry, or blank entries across several
    @If (@ThisValue != “”; @Success; @Failure (“Please enter a value.”))
More Input Validation
You can enter @Formula in the input validation event for each field,
Or combine the @Formula in one field to eliminate multiple notifications to the
    @If (( field1 = “” | field2 = “” | field3 = “”); @Failure (“Please enter all of the
     required fields.”); @Success)
Even More Input Validation
Remember that unless you code to prevent it, (@IsDocBeingSaved), every refresh
 of the document will trigger the input validation event
Irritating if the user refreshes the document before completing the form and every
   field on the form disallows blank entries
Still More Input Validation
Requiring a particular value is quite simple
   @If (@ThisValue > 100; @Failure (“This field cannot contain a value larger
     than 100”); @Success)
@Matches or @Length (among other @functions) can be used to check format or
 particular characters
  @If (@Matches (@ThisValue; “{0-9} {0-9} {0-9} {-} {0-9} {0-9} {0-9} {-} {0-9}
     {0-9} {0-9} {0-9}); @Success; @Failure (“Phone numbers must be in xxx-
     xxx-xxxx format.”)
Input Translation
Trim and replace data to make user-entered data more consistent
Translate the data entered into data that is usable by the application
When possible, it is more user-friendly to translate the data rather than fail
 validation and require the user to re-enter data
@Trim does just what it says, it trims any extra white spaces from text or a text list
It does not remove tabs or new lines
@ProperCase and @LowerCase
@ProperCase and @LowerCase convert text or text lists to either proper case or
 lower case, respectively
@LowerCase is particularly useful for making user-entered data consistent before
 checking for a specific value
   Three different users may enter “San Antonio,” “SAN ANTONIO,” and “san
   Lower case text is preferred for internationalization
@ReplaceSubstring and @Replace are very powerful @functions
Essentially they provide find and replace functionality on strings or lists of strings
   symbols := “!” : “@” : “#” : “$” : “%” : “^” : “&” : “*” : “+” : “=”;
   result := @Trim (@ReplaceSubstring (field1; symbols; “”))

    @ReplaceSubstring (@ThisValue; “” ; “/”)

    @ReplaceSubstring (@ThisValue; @NewLine; “ ”)
Numbers can be tricky in Domino development, particularly during multiplication
 and division
   3.3*3.3 = 10.89
   3.33333*3.33333 = 11.11
       Use @Round to make decimal placing consistent
       Note that @Round works differently than the Round function in
            @Round(10.555; 0.1) = 10.6
            Round(10.555, 1) = 10.6
@Random generates a random number between 0 and 1
Use the following formula to create a randomly generated number between x and
   (y – x) * @Random + x
Help file!
@ThisValue and @ThisName
@ThisValue can be used in field formula to get the value of
 that field
@ThisName provides the name of the current field

No Hard Coding!
Re-use code!
Can’t be used outside of field formula
Can’t be used in a hide formula
@SetEnvironment and @Environment
@SetEnvironment can set or create a variable in the user’s notes.ini file (or Notes
 Preferences on a Mac)
Use @Environment to get the variable value from the notes.ini file
@SetEnvironment and @Environment cannot be used in column or selection
 formula, or on the Web
Oddly, a text list can be provided for the variableName parameter, and the same
 value will be assigned to all the listed variableNames, but …
   If a text list is provided for the value parameter, only the first value is used, the
      rest are ignored
@SetEnvironment and @Environment can be useful for setting user preferences
  For example, a user location can be set and then provided as a default value
    to make entry easier for the user
Fantastic Feat #1
Include the following formula in the Target Frame (single click) event in the
  embedded view:
    @SetEnvironment( "eViewSelection"; @Text(@DocumentUniqueID))

Include the following LotusScript in a button on the form where the embedded
  view resides:
  selectedDocIDString = session.GetEnvironmentString("$eViewSelection", False)
  Set selectedDocID = db.GetDocumentByUNID(selectedDocIDString)
@Adjust allows you to adjust a given date value by second, minute, hour, day,
 month, and/or year
If more than one segment of the date value needs to be adjusted, @Adjust is
   easier than the LotusScript equivalent, as each value needs to be adjusted
   individually in LotusScript
Adjust by more than just a number
   @Adjust (aDate; 0; 0; - (@Weekday(aDate) – 1; 0; 0; 0) evaluates to the
     Sunday before the given date
@Text isn’t just for converting values to a string
The power of @Text comes in the second parameter, the format string
   @Text (someDate; “D0S0”) provides a date with the month, day, and year, and
     no time
   Many of the LotusScript functions associated with date are reliant on the
     system format
Several number formats are also available including currency and percentage
View Selection Formula
Two problems with the view selection formula are the inability to use @DbLookups
 and the best practice of avoiding @Today
   @DbLookups just won’t work in view selection formula
   @Today is a poor practice due to the drag on performance
       Hard coding values is a poor practice workaround!

LotusScript (and formula) to the rescue!
View Selection Formula (cont.)
@AllDescendents versus @IsResponseDoc
  Use @AllDescendents in view selection formula
      @AllDescendents retrieves only those documents that are responses to
        the documents included in the view
      @IsResponseDoc retrieves all response documents in the application and
        checks them against the docs in the view

See Andrew Pollack’s blog for more information, including view index size
Where to use @Formula

Using @Formula to work with lists

@Formula in XPages

Comparing @Formula to LotusScript

What’s new with @Formula

Some Old, but Cool Tricks
Working with Lists
Note that many of the previous @functions also work on lists of values, not just
 individual values
Now we’ll cover a few more @functions that are particularly useful when working
 with lists
@Unique has two very different, very useful functions depending on the
  @Unique with no parameters provides a random, unique
    text value
  @Unique when given a text list as a parameter, will return the list with
    duplicate values removed
@Transform takes three parameters
  The list to transform
  A variable name
  The formula for transforming the list
      @Transform (@ThisValue; “x”; @If (x>0; x*60; 0) )
            This example takes a list of values, checks to see if each item in the
              list is greater than 0. If it is the value is multiplied by 60, if not, then
              0 is returned.
            The return value is a list that has been transformed by
              the formula
@Transform (cont.)
@Transform can utilize @Nothing
  @Nothing is only available in @Transform
      @Transform (@ThisValue; “x”; @If (x>0; x*60; @Nothing) )
A great use of @Transform is changing the decimal place on a list of values
    For example, a list of values meant to be percentages shown as 50, needs to
      be transformed to 0.50
        @Transform (@ThisValue; “x”; @If (x>1; x/100; @ThisValue) )
@Sort is an incredibly powerful @function
Particularly if you use the [CUSTOMSORT] keyword
Take a multi-value field with a list of names:
   “John Smith” : “Jane Doe” : “Kathy Brown”
How can you sort by last name?
   @sort (list; [CUSTOMSORT]; @If (@Word ($A; “ ”; 2) < @Word ($B; “ ”; 2);
     @False; (@Word ($A; “ ”; 2) > @Word ($B; “ ”; 2); @True; @False))
      Essentially, a custom sort formula, using $A and $B as temporary
      Use any formula you can imagine for the custom sort function!
@Max and @Min
@Max will provide the maximum value in a list of values
Likewise @Min provides the minimum value in a list of values
Additionally, each will provide the maximum of a pair-wise list
 of values
   List1 := 1 : 2 : 3 : 4
   List2 := 5 : 6 : 0 : 1
        @Max (List1; List2) will return 5 : 6 : 3 : 4
Fantastic Feat #2
 @For(n := 1; n <= @ Elements (customers); n := n + 1;
  cdate := @DbLookup(“”:””; “”:””; “aView”; customers[n]; “dueDate”;
  details := @Text(@Year(cdate)) + “~” + @Text(@Month(cdate)) + “~” + @Text
    (@Day(cdate)) + “~” + @DbLookup(“”:””; “”:””; “aView”; customers[n]; 5));
details := @Min(details);
An earlier example showed @Matches as a way of validating format for a field
Several wildcard characters are available for @Matches
Lists can be passed in as both the parameter to be checked, and the parameter
  containing the pattern for which to check
@Matches (cont.)
Symbol /Pattern Use /Matches
C              Where C is any character. Matches any single, non-special character C (or c)
?              Matches any single character
*              Matches any string (any number of characters)
{ABC}          Matches any character in set ABC
{A-FL-R}       Matches any character in the sets A...F and L..R
+C             Matches any number of occurrences of C (or c)
ABC            The three-character string [a|A][b|B][c|C]
{ABC}{ABC}     Any two-character string composed of capital letters A, B, or C
A?C            Any three-character string that starts with a|A and ends with c|C
???            Any three-character string
+?             Any string, including the null string
+?{A-Z}        Any string that ends in a capital letter
+{!A-Z}        Any string that does not contain a capital letter
@Contains is similar to @Matches in that either parameter passed in can be a
 string or a string list

@Contains can return a true value if the first parameter contains the second
 parameter, but is not an exact match
  Use the “=” operator or @IsMember for exact matches
Where to use @Formula

Using @Formula to work with lists

@Formula in XPages

Comparing @Formula to LotusScript

What’s new with @Formula

Some Old, but Cool Tricks
@Formula in XPages
XPages are now available in Domino 8.5.x
@Formula is available to use in Server Side JavaScript (SSJS)
Not all @Formula are supported in XPages
@Formula in XPages (cont.)
Three syntactic changes to use @Formula in XPages:
   Use commas rather than semicolons
   Use exact case
             var uname = @Name(“[CN]”, @UserName())
   “null” should be used in place of 0 for formulas such as @Adjust
             var adate = @Adjust (@Created(), null, null, 5, null, null, null)
@Formula in XPages (cont.)
Help file is not very helpful!
@Name(“[CN]”, name) – needs those quotes! But there is no example in the help
 file to demonstrate that!
@UserName() – needs those parentheses! Again, no example in the help file to
 show that!
@Functions Not Supported in XPages
@AbstractSimple     @CheckAlarms          @DeleteField         @DoWhile
@Accessed           @CheckFormulaSyntax   @DialogBox           @EditECL
@ACos               @Command              @DocChildren         @EditUserECL
@AddToFolder        @Compare              @DocDescendants      @EnableAlarms
@AdminECLIsLocked   @ConfigFile           @DocFields           @Environment
@All                @Cos                  @DocLength           @Eval
@AllChildren        @DB2Schema            @DocLevel            @Exp
@AllDescendants     @DbCommand            @DocLock             @FileDir
@Ascii              @DbExists             @DocMark             @FloatEq
@ASin               @DbManager            @DocNumber           @FontList
@ATan               @DDEExecute           @DocOmmittedLength   @For
@ATan2              @DDEInitiate          @DocParentNumber     @FormLanguage
@BrowserInfo        @DDEPoke              @DocSiblings         @GetAddressBooks
@BusinessDays       @DDETerminate         @DocumentUniqueID    @GetCurrentTimeZone
@Certificate        @DeleteDocument       @Domain              @GetDocField
@Functions Not Supported in XPages
@GetFocusTable               @IsDocBeingRecalculated   @Locale                       @OrgDir

@GetHTTPHeader               @IsDocTruncated           @Log                          @Password

@GetIMContactListGroupNames @IsEmbeddedInsideWCT       @MailDbName                   @PasswordQuality

@GetPortsList                @IsExpandable             @MailEncryptSavedPreference   @Pi

@GetProfileField             @IsInCompositeApp         @MailEncryptSentPreference    @PickList

@GetViewInfo                 @IsModalHelp              @MailSavePreference           @Platform

@HardDeleteDocument          @IsUsingJavaElement       @MailSend                     @PolicyIsFieldLocked

@HashPassword                @IsValid                  @MailSignPreference           @PostedCommand

@InheritedDocumentUniqueID   @IsVirtualizedDirectory   @Matches                      @Power

@IsAgentEnabled              @Keywords                 @NameLookup                   @Prompt

@IsAppInstalled              @LanguagePreference       @Narrow                       @RefreshECL

@IsCategory                  @LaunchApp                @NoteID                       @RegQueryValue

@IsDB2                       @LDAPServer               @Nothing                      @Responses

@IsDocBeingEdited            @Like                     @OpenInNewWindow              @ServerAccess

@IsDocBeingMailed            @Ln                       @OptimizeMailAddress          @ServerName
@Functions Not Supported in XPages
@Set                 @TemplateVersion       @URLHistory               @ViewTitle
@SetDocField         @ThisName              @URLOpen                  @WebDbName
@SetEnvironment      @ThisValue             @UrlQueryString           @WhichFolders
@SetHTTPHeader       @TimeMerge             @UserAccess               @While
@SetProfileField     @TimeToTextInZone      @UserNameLanguage         @Wide
@SetTargetFrame      @TimeZoneToText        @UserNamesList            @Zone
@SetViewInfo         @ToNumber              @UserPrivileges           DEFAULT
@ShowParentPreview   @ToTime                @UserRoles                ENVIRONMENT
@Sign                @Transform             @V2If                     FIELD
@Sin                 @Unavailable           @V3UserName               REM
@Sort                @UndeleteDocument      @V4UserAccess             SELECT
@Soundex             @UpdateFormulaContext @ValidateInternetAddress
@Sqrt                @URLDecode             @VerifyPassword
@StatusBar           @URLEncode             @Version
@Tan                 @URLGetHeader          @ViewShowThisUnread
Where to use @Formula

Using @Formula to work with lists

@Formula in XPages

Comparing @Formula to LotusScript

What’s new with @Formula

Some Old, but Cool Tricks
@Formula vs. LotusScript
Many @functions have LotusScript equivalents
   Check the Help file for language cross-reference
       Especially check Help file for each language for additional examples
   Check the Help file for differences in parameters, syntax, and where the
     function can be used
Some @Formula do not have LotusScript equivalents
Some @Formula require less code and/or perform faster than LotusScript
Evaluate using @Formula in LotusScript
Use the Evaluate method in LotusScript to have access to @Formula
Only use it when it makes sense, like for @DbLookup or other @Formula that
 don’t have equivalent LotusScript methods
   Dim results as variant
   results = Evaluate ( { @Trim (@Unique (tempList))})

Most frequent problem is choosing the right delimiters and keeping them
 organized within the formula
   results = Evaluate {“@IsMember (‘Joe’; ‘Joe’ : ‘Jane’ : ‘Jen’)”}
@MailSend is a great example of @Formula having more functionality over
 LotusScript equivalents
@MailSend acts like Send method of NotesUIDocument
However, @MailSend has more parameters, including flags!
@Sort vs LotusScript
val := @Sort (TextList);
@SetField (“textListOutput”; val)

                                    Calls a script library!
Where to use @Formula

Using @Formula to work with lists

@Formula in XPages

Comparing @Formula to LotusScript

What’s new-ish with @Formula

Some Old, but Cool Tricks
Shows in which folders a particular document resides
Currently not that useful, only available in view column formula
From the IBM help file: “The function is effective only when the view is open in the
  UI and the outline pane on the left is visible”
But, someday ... ?
Creates an abstract of a text or rich text field
Must save the document before using
Returns the first 100 characters or first two paragraphs, whichever is smaller
Useful for searching rich text fields for certain strings of text
Less complex than @Abstract, no keywords, size, or beginning text required
   Consequently @AbstractSimple is more efficient than @Abstract
New @Commands
@Command [CopySelectedAsTable]
  Functions the same as Edit--> Copy As… --> Table
  Useful for creating a button to streamline user experience in views where
    users would typically copy the data
@Command [OpenInNewWindow]
  Causes a document selected within a view, folder, or calendar to be opened in
    a new window
  Valuable when a new window would aid the user, such as comparing one
    document to another
@Command [CalendarFormat]
  Added two new formats
     Two work-week display
     One work-month display
Where to use @Formula

Using @Formula to work with lists

@Formula in XPages

Comparing @Formula to LotusScript

What’s new with @Formula

Some Old, but Cool Tricks
Fantastic Feat #3!
Data := [some field with a text string];
src := @Explode(Data; " ");
digits := (0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9);
digitsRev := (9:8:7:6:5:4:3:2:1:0);
numList := @Subset(((digits*+digits)*+digits); @Elements(src));
numListRev := @Subset(((digitsRev*10)*+digitsRev); -@Elements(src));
targList := @Text(numList) + @Char(250) + src;
@Word(@Replace(@Text(numListRev); @Text(numList); targList); @Char(250);
Complicated Functionality, Uncomplicated
Prior code uses seven @functions
All seven are backwards compatible to Version 3!
Most important, using the building blocks of @Formula, you can create incredibly
 complex code
Everything Old Is New Again
Formula debugger?
   No, not really, but …
   You can place @Prompts throughout your code to see values as you go
   You can write values to other fields to see @Formula values as you go
   For simple @Formula, you can use the subject line of a memo and press
Andrew Pollack’s entry on @AllDescendents vs. @IsResponseDoc
   Andrew’s session, IBM Lotus Domino Server & Application Performance in the
     Real World,
White paper on using Evaluate
Niklas Waller’s entry on @SetEnvironment to access a doc in an embedded view
IBM Lotus Notes Documentation Lotus Domino Designer 8.5 Lotus Domino
  Designer XPages Reference Guide JavaScript language elements @Functions
Lotus Domino Application Development wiki -
Bonus Feat
REM {Get a Date};
 dateString := @Prompt([OkCancelEdit]; "Enter a Date"; "Please enter a date
 below:"; "mm/dd/yyyy");

 REM {Convert the date to a Julian Day.};
 m := @TextToNumber(@Word(dateString; "/"; 1));
 d := @TextToNumber(@Word(dateString; "/"; 2));
 y := @TextToNumber(@Word(dateString; "/"; 3));

 y := @If(m <= 2; y - 1; y);
 m := @If(m <= 2; m + 12; m);

 c := 2 - @Integer(y / 100) + @Integer(y / 400);
 jd := @Integer(1461 * (y + 4716) / 4) + @Integer(153 * (m + 1) / 5) + d + c -
REM {Determine which synodic month we're in, using an average length of 29.53
 days per synodic month.};
 k := (jd - 2451550.09765) / 29.530588853;

 REM {The fractional value of k is how far along in the synodic month this day is. The
 full moon should come exactly halfway through the synodic month, so if the
 fractional value is 0.5 then today should be a full moon.};
 moonPhase := "Nothing special";
 fraction := @Round(k - @Integer(k); 0.01);
 moonPhase := @If(fraction >= 0.99 | fraction <= 0.01; "New Moon"; moonPhase);
 moonPhase := @If(fraction >= 0.24 & fraction <= 0.26; "First Quarter"; moonPhase);
 moonPhase := @If(fraction >= 0.49 & fraction <= 0.51; "Full Moon"; moonPhase);
 moonPhase := @If(fraction >= 0.74 & fraction <= 0.76; "Last Quarter"; moonPhase);

 @Prompt([Ok]; "Moon Phase"; "date = " + dateString + @NewLine +
 "jd = " + @Text(jd) + @NewLine +
 "k = " + @Text(k) + @NewLine +
 "fraction = " + @Text(fraction) + @NewLine +
 "Moon Phase = " + moonPhase)
Your Turn!
Kathy Brown
@kjbrown13 on Twitter
@NotesDevTips on Twitter
Don’t Forget Your Evaluations!
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BP208 Fabulous Feats with @Formula

  • 1. Kathy Brown | Running Notes BP208 Fabulous Feats with @Formula: IBM Lotus Notes Client, Xpages and Beyond
  • 2. Agenda Where to use @Formula Using @Formula to work with lists @Formula in XPages Comparing @Formula to LotusScript What’s new with @Formula Some Old, but Cool Tricks
  • 3. Where to Use @Formula Actions, buttons, hotspots, etc. Input validation Computed values Input translation Hide/when formula View selection formula Window titles XPages! Default field values Column formula Section editor Not all @functions can be used in all contexts!
  • 4. Input Validation Use @Success to validate the entered data and @Failure to reject the data and provide a message to the user @Success will allow the refresh or save of the document to continue @Failure will cause the refresh or save to fail, and return the cursor to the failed field (if not hidden) Use @Formula to disallow a single blank entry, or blank entries across several fields @If (@ThisValue != “”; @Success; @Failure (“Please enter a value.”))
  • 5. More Input Validation You can enter @Formula in the input validation event for each field, Or combine the @Formula in one field to eliminate multiple notifications to the user @If (( field1 = “” | field2 = “” | field3 = “”); @Failure (“Please enter all of the required fields.”); @Success)
  • 6. Even More Input Validation Remember that unless you code to prevent it, (@IsDocBeingSaved), every refresh of the document will trigger the input validation event Irritating if the user refreshes the document before completing the form and every field on the form disallows blank entries
  • 7. Still More Input Validation Requiring a particular value is quite simple @If (@ThisValue > 100; @Failure (“This field cannot contain a value larger than 100”); @Success) @Matches or @Length (among other @functions) can be used to check format or particular characters @If (@Matches (@ThisValue; “{0-9} {0-9} {0-9} {-} {0-9} {0-9} {0-9} {-} {0-9} {0-9} {0-9} {0-9}); @Success; @Failure (“Phone numbers must be in xxx- xxx-xxxx format.”)
  • 8. Input Translation Trim and replace data to make user-entered data more consistent Translate the data entered into data that is usable by the application When possible, it is more user-friendly to translate the data rather than fail validation and require the user to re-enter data
  • 9. @Trim @Trim does just what it says, it trims any extra white spaces from text or a text list It does not remove tabs or new lines
  • 10. @ProperCase and @LowerCase @ProperCase and @LowerCase convert text or text lists to either proper case or lower case, respectively @LowerCase is particularly useful for making user-entered data consistent before checking for a specific value Three different users may enter “San Antonio,” “SAN ANTONIO,” and “san antonio” Lower case text is preferred for internationalization
  • 11. @ReplaceSubstring @ReplaceSubstring and @Replace are very powerful @functions Essentially they provide find and replace functionality on strings or lists of strings symbols := “!” : “@” : “#” : “$” : “%” : “^” : “&” : “*” : “+” : “=”; result := @Trim (@ReplaceSubstring (field1; symbols; “”)) @ReplaceSubstring (@ThisValue; “” ; “/”) @ReplaceSubstring (@ThisValue; @NewLine; “ ”)
  • 12. @Round Numbers can be tricky in Domino development, particularly during multiplication and division 3.3*3.3 = 10.89 3.33333*3.33333 = 11.11 Use @Round to make decimal placing consistent Note that @Round works differently than the Round function in LotusScript @Round(10.555; 0.1) = 10.6 Round(10.555, 1) = 10.6
  • 13. @Random @Random generates a random number between 0 and 1 Use the following formula to create a randomly generated number between x and y (y – x) * @Random + x Help file!
  • 14. @ThisValue and @ThisName @ThisValue can be used in field formula to get the value of that field @ThisName provides the name of the current field No Hard Coding! Re-use code! Can’t be used outside of field formula Can’t be used in a hide formula
  • 15. @SetEnvironment and @Environment @SetEnvironment can set or create a variable in the user’s notes.ini file (or Notes Preferences on a Mac) Use @Environment to get the variable value from the notes.ini file @SetEnvironment and @Environment cannot be used in column or selection formula, or on the Web Oddly, a text list can be provided for the variableName parameter, and the same value will be assigned to all the listed variableNames, but … If a text list is provided for the value parameter, only the first value is used, the rest are ignored @SetEnvironment and @Environment can be useful for setting user preferences For example, a user location can be set and then provided as a default value to make entry easier for the user
  • 16. Fantastic Feat #1 Include the following formula in the Target Frame (single click) event in the embedded view: @SetEnvironment( "eViewSelection"; @Text(@DocumentUniqueID)) Include the following LotusScript in a button on the form where the embedded view resides: … selectedDocIDString = session.GetEnvironmentString("$eViewSelection", False) … Set selectedDocID = db.GetDocumentByUNID(selectedDocIDString)
  • 17. @Adjust @Adjust allows you to adjust a given date value by second, minute, hour, day, month, and/or year If more than one segment of the date value needs to be adjusted, @Adjust is easier than the LotusScript equivalent, as each value needs to be adjusted individually in LotusScript Adjust by more than just a number @Adjust (aDate; 0; 0; - (@Weekday(aDate) – 1; 0; 0; 0) evaluates to the Sunday before the given date
  • 18. @Text @Text isn’t just for converting values to a string The power of @Text comes in the second parameter, the format string @Text (someDate; “D0S0”) provides a date with the month, day, and year, and no time Many of the LotusScript functions associated with date are reliant on the system format Several number formats are also available including currency and percentage
  • 19. View Selection Formula Two problems with the view selection formula are the inability to use @DbLookups and the best practice of avoiding @Today @DbLookups just won’t work in view selection formula @Today is a poor practice due to the drag on performance Hard coding values is a poor practice workaround! LotusScript (and formula) to the rescue!
  • 20. View Selection Formula (cont.) @AllDescendents versus @IsResponseDoc Use @AllDescendents in view selection formula @AllDescendents retrieves only those documents that are responses to the documents included in the view @IsResponseDoc retrieves all response documents in the application and checks them against the docs in the view See Andrew Pollack’s blog for more information, including view index size comparisons
  • 21. Agenda Where to use @Formula Using @Formula to work with lists @Formula in XPages Comparing @Formula to LotusScript What’s new with @Formula Some Old, but Cool Tricks
  • 22. Working with Lists Note that many of the previous @functions also work on lists of values, not just individual values Now we’ll cover a few more @functions that are particularly useful when working with lists
  • 23. @Unique @Unique has two very different, very useful functions depending on the parameters @Unique with no parameters provides a random, unique text value @Unique when given a text list as a parameter, will return the list with duplicate values removed
  • 24. @Transform @Transform takes three parameters The list to transform A variable name The formula for transforming the list @Transform (@ThisValue; “x”; @If (x>0; x*60; 0) ) This example takes a list of values, checks to see if each item in the list is greater than 0. If it is the value is multiplied by 60, if not, then 0 is returned. The return value is a list that has been transformed by the formula
  • 25. @Transform (cont.) @Transform can utilize @Nothing @Nothing is only available in @Transform @Transform (@ThisValue; “x”; @If (x>0; x*60; @Nothing) ) A great use of @Transform is changing the decimal place on a list of values For example, a list of values meant to be percentages shown as 50, needs to be transformed to 0.50 @Transform (@ThisValue; “x”; @If (x>1; x/100; @ThisValue) )
  • 26. @Sort @Sort is an incredibly powerful @function Particularly if you use the [CUSTOMSORT] keyword Take a multi-value field with a list of names: “John Smith” : “Jane Doe” : “Kathy Brown” How can you sort by last name? @sort (list; [CUSTOMSORT]; @If (@Word ($A; “ ”; 2) < @Word ($B; “ ”; 2); @False; (@Word ($A; “ ”; 2) > @Word ($B; “ ”; 2); @True; @False)) Essentially, a custom sort formula, using $A and $B as temporary variables Use any formula you can imagine for the custom sort function!
  • 27. @Max and @Min @Max will provide the maximum value in a list of values Likewise @Min provides the minimum value in a list of values Additionally, each will provide the maximum of a pair-wise list of values List1 := 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 List2 := 5 : 6 : 0 : 1 @Max (List1; List2) will return 5 : 6 : 3 : 4
  • 28. Fantastic Feat #2 @For(n := 1; n <= @ Elements (customers); n := n + 1; cdate := @DbLookup(“”:””; “”:””; “aView”; customers[n]; “dueDate”; details := @Text(@Year(cdate)) + “~” + @Text(@Month(cdate)) + “~” + @Text (@Day(cdate)) + “~” + @DbLookup(“”:””; “”:””; “aView”; customers[n]; 5)); details := @Min(details); details
  • 29. @Matches An earlier example showed @Matches as a way of validating format for a field entry Several wildcard characters are available for @Matches Lists can be passed in as both the parameter to be checked, and the parameter containing the pattern for which to check
  • 30. @Matches (cont.) Symbol /Pattern Use /Matches C Where C is any character. Matches any single, non-special character C (or c) ? Matches any single character * Matches any string (any number of characters) {ABC} Matches any character in set ABC {A-FL-R} Matches any character in the sets A...F and L..R +C Matches any number of occurrences of C (or c) ABC The three-character string [a|A][b|B][c|C] {ABC}{ABC} Any two-character string composed of capital letters A, B, or C A?C Any three-character string that starts with a|A and ends with c|C ??? Any three-character string +? Any string, including the null string +?{A-Z} Any string that ends in a capital letter +{!A-Z} Any string that does not contain a capital letter
  • 31. @Contains @Contains is similar to @Matches in that either parameter passed in can be a string or a string list @Contains can return a true value if the first parameter contains the second parameter, but is not an exact match Use the “=” operator or @IsMember for exact matches
  • 32. Agenda Where to use @Formula Using @Formula to work with lists @Formula in XPages Comparing @Formula to LotusScript What’s new with @Formula Some Old, but Cool Tricks
  • 33. @Formula in XPages XPages are now available in Domino 8.5.x @Formula is available to use in Server Side JavaScript (SSJS) Not all @Formula are supported in XPages
  • 34. @Formula in XPages (cont.) Three syntactic changes to use @Formula in XPages: Use commas rather than semicolons Use exact case Example: var uname = @Name(“[CN]”, @UserName()) “null” should be used in place of 0 for formulas such as @Adjust Example: var adate = @Adjust (@Created(), null, null, 5, null, null, null)
  • 35. @Formula in XPages (cont.) Help file is not very helpful! @Name(“[CN]”, name) – needs those quotes! But there is no example in the help file to demonstrate that! @UserName() – needs those parentheses! Again, no example in the help file to show that!
  • 36. @Functions Not Supported in XPages @AbstractSimple @CheckAlarms @DeleteField @DoWhile @Accessed @CheckFormulaSyntax @DialogBox @EditECL @ACos @Command @DocChildren @EditUserECL @AddToFolder @Compare @DocDescendants @EnableAlarms @AdminECLIsLocked @ConfigFile @DocFields @Environment @All @Cos @DocLength @Eval @AllChildren @DB2Schema @DocLevel @Exp @AllDescendants @DbCommand @DocLock @FileDir @Ascii @DbExists @DocMark @FloatEq @ASin @DbManager @DocNumber @FontList @ATan @DDEExecute @DocOmmittedLength @For @ATan2 @DDEInitiate @DocParentNumber @FormLanguage @BrowserInfo @DDEPoke @DocSiblings @GetAddressBooks @BusinessDays @DDETerminate @DocumentUniqueID @GetCurrentTimeZone @Certificate @DeleteDocument @Domain @GetDocField
  • 37. @Functions Not Supported in XPages (cont.) @GetFocusTable @IsDocBeingRecalculated @Locale @OrgDir @GetHTTPHeader @IsDocTruncated @Log @Password @GetIMContactListGroupNames @IsEmbeddedInsideWCT @MailDbName @PasswordQuality @GetPortsList @IsExpandable @MailEncryptSavedPreference @Pi @GetProfileField @IsInCompositeApp @MailEncryptSentPreference @PickList @GetViewInfo @IsModalHelp @MailSavePreference @Platform @HardDeleteDocument @IsUsingJavaElement @MailSend @PolicyIsFieldLocked @HashPassword @IsValid @MailSignPreference @PostedCommand @InheritedDocumentUniqueID @IsVirtualizedDirectory @Matches @Power @IsAgentEnabled @Keywords @NameLookup @Prompt @IsAppInstalled @LanguagePreference @Narrow @RefreshECL @IsCategory @LaunchApp @NoteID @RegQueryValue @IsDB2 @LDAPServer @Nothing @Responses @IsDocBeingEdited @Like @OpenInNewWindow @ServerAccess @IsDocBeingMailed @Ln @OptimizeMailAddress @ServerName
  • 38. @Functions Not Supported in XPages (cont.) @Set @TemplateVersion @URLHistory @ViewTitle @SetDocField @ThisName @URLOpen @WebDbName @SetEnvironment @ThisValue @UrlQueryString @WhichFolders @SetHTTPHeader @TimeMerge @UserAccess @While @SetProfileField @TimeToTextInZone @UserNameLanguage @Wide @SetTargetFrame @TimeZoneToText @UserNamesList @Zone @SetViewInfo @ToNumber @UserPrivileges DEFAULT @ShowParentPreview @ToTime @UserRoles ENVIRONMENT @Sign @Transform @V2If FIELD @Sin @Unavailable @V3UserName REM @Sort @UndeleteDocument @V4UserAccess SELECT @Soundex @UpdateFormulaContext @ValidateInternetAddress @Sqrt @URLDecode @VerifyPassword @StatusBar @URLEncode @Version @Tan @URLGetHeader @ViewShowThisUnread
  • 39. Agenda Where to use @Formula Using @Formula to work with lists @Formula in XPages Comparing @Formula to LotusScript What’s new with @Formula Some Old, but Cool Tricks
  • 40. @Formula vs. LotusScript Many @functions have LotusScript equivalents Check the Help file for language cross-reference Especially check Help file for each language for additional examples Check the Help file for differences in parameters, syntax, and where the function can be used Some @Formula do not have LotusScript equivalents Some @Formula require less code and/or perform faster than LotusScript equivalents
  • 41. Evaluate using @Formula in LotusScript Use the Evaluate method in LotusScript to have access to @Formula Only use it when it makes sense, like for @DbLookup or other @Formula that don’t have equivalent LotusScript methods Dim results as variant results = Evaluate ( { @Trim (@Unique (tempList))}) Most frequent problem is choosing the right delimiters and keeping them organized within the formula results = Evaluate {“@IsMember (‘Joe’; ‘Joe’ : ‘Jane’ : ‘Jen’)”}
  • 42. @MailSend @MailSend is a great example of @Formula having more functionality over LotusScript equivalents @MailSend acts like Send method of NotesUIDocument However, @MailSend has more parameters, including flags!
  • 43. @Sort vs LotusScript val := @Sort (TextList); @SetField (“textListOutput”; val) vs. Calls a script library!
  • 44. Agenda Where to use @Formula Using @Formula to work with lists @Formula in XPages Comparing @Formula to LotusScript What’s new-ish with @Formula Some Old, but Cool Tricks
  • 45. @WhichFolders Shows in which folders a particular document resides Currently not that useful, only available in view column formula From the IBM help file: “The function is effective only when the view is open in the UI and the outline pane on the left is visible” But, someday ... ?
  • 46. @AbstractSimple Creates an abstract of a text or rich text field Must save the document before using Returns the first 100 characters or first two paragraphs, whichever is smaller Useful for searching rich text fields for certain strings of text Less complex than @Abstract, no keywords, size, or beginning text required Consequently @AbstractSimple is more efficient than @Abstract
  • 47. New @Commands @Command [CopySelectedAsTable] Functions the same as Edit--> Copy As… --> Table Useful for creating a button to streamline user experience in views where users would typically copy the data @Command [OpenInNewWindow] Causes a document selected within a view, folder, or calendar to be opened in a new window Valuable when a new window would aid the user, such as comparing one document to another @Command [CalendarFormat] Added two new formats Two work-week display One work-month display
  • 48. Agenda Where to use @Formula Using @Formula to work with lists @Formula in XPages Comparing @Formula to LotusScript What’s new with @Formula Some Old, but Cool Tricks
  • 49. Fantastic Feat #3! Data := [some field with a text string]; src := @Explode(Data; " "); digits := (0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9); digitsRev := (9:8:7:6:5:4:3:2:1:0); numList := @Subset(((digits*+digits)*+digits); @Elements(src)); numListRev := @Subset(((digitsRev*10)*+digitsRev); -@Elements(src)); targList := @Text(numList) + @Char(250) + src; @Word(@Replace(@Text(numListRev); @Text(numList); targList); @Char(250); 2)
  • 50. Complicated Functionality, Uncomplicated @Functions Prior code uses seven @functions @Explode @Subset @Elements @Text @Char @Word @Replace All seven are backwards compatible to Version 3! Most important, using the building blocks of @Formula, you can create incredibly complex code
  • 51. Everything Old Is New Again Formula debugger? No, not really, but … You can place @Prompts throughout your code to see values as you go You can write values to other fields to see @Formula values as you go For simple @Formula, you can use the subject line of a memo and press SHIFT+F9
  • 52. Resources Andrew Pollack’s entry on @AllDescendents vs. @IsResponseDoc Andrew’s session, IBM Lotus Domino Server & Application Performance in the Real World, White paper on using Evaluate statement/index.html Niklas Waller’s entry on @SetEnvironment to access a doc in an embedded view IBM Lotus Notes Documentation Lotus Domino Designer 8.5 Lotus Domino Designer XPages Reference Guide JavaScript language elements @Functions Lotus Domino Application Development wiki -
  • 53. Bonus Feat REM {Get a Date}; dateString := @Prompt([OkCancelEdit]; "Enter a Date"; "Please enter a date below:"; "mm/dd/yyyy"); REM {Convert the date to a Julian Day.}; m := @TextToNumber(@Word(dateString; "/"; 1)); d := @TextToNumber(@Word(dateString; "/"; 2)); y := @TextToNumber(@Word(dateString; "/"; 3)); y := @If(m <= 2; y - 1; y); m := @If(m <= 2; m + 12; m); c := 2 - @Integer(y / 100) + @Integer(y / 400); jd := @Integer(1461 * (y + 4716) / 4) + @Integer(153 * (m + 1) / 5) + d + c - 1524.5;
  • 54. REM {Determine which synodic month we're in, using an average length of 29.53 days per synodic month.}; k := (jd - 2451550.09765) / 29.530588853; REM {The fractional value of k is how far along in the synodic month this day is. The full moon should come exactly halfway through the synodic month, so if the fractional value is 0.5 then today should be a full moon.}; moonPhase := "Nothing special"; fraction := @Round(k - @Integer(k); 0.01); moonPhase := @If(fraction >= 0.99 | fraction <= 0.01; "New Moon"; moonPhase); moonPhase := @If(fraction >= 0.24 & fraction <= 0.26; "First Quarter"; moonPhase); moonPhase := @If(fraction >= 0.49 & fraction <= 0.51; "Full Moon"; moonPhase); moonPhase := @If(fraction >= 0.74 & fraction <= 0.76; "Last Quarter"; moonPhase); @Prompt([Ok]; "Moon Phase"; "date = " + dateString + @NewLine + "jd = " + @Text(jd) + @NewLine + "k = " + @Text(k) + @NewLine + "fraction = " + @Text(fraction) + @NewLine + "Moon Phase = " + moonPhase)
  • 55. Your Turn! Kathy Brown @kjbrown13 on Twitter @NotesDevTips on Twitter Don’t Forget Your Evaluations!
  • 56. Legal Disclaimer © IBM Corporation 2011. All Rights Reserved. The information contained in this publication is provided for informational purposes only. While efforts were made to verify the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this publication, it is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In addition, this information is based on IBM’s current product plans and strategy, which are subject to change by IBM without notice. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, this publication or any other materials. Nothing contained in this publication is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software. References in this presentation to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in this presentation may change at any time at IBM’s sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, stating or implying that any activities undertaken by you will result in any specific sales, revenue growth or other results. IBM, the IBM logo, Lotus, Lotus Notes, Notes, Domino, Quickr, Sametime, WebSphere, UC2, PartnerWorld and Lotusphere are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Unyte is a trademark of WebDialogs, Inc., in the United States, other countries, or both.