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Shanoah Moore
Kaelyn Taylor
Jamie Ke
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The first thing you and your classmates will need to do is to clearly explain the problem you have
chosen. You will need to explain why the problem is important, which individuals or groups in the
community are interested in this problem, and which part of government has responsibility for
dealing with it. To accomplish this, you will need to answer the following questions:
1 ~at is the problem that you and your classmates want to study?
l 19. e,6 ;,.,cl l fAs ue
2 How seriou:1~s this problem in your community?
Wot- 1,rlo.+ . ,,;£,r (Oc/,~
3 How widespread is this problem in your community?
Tußlt0öc1: .,.,,,cœo '-"'' ~ßc)S e :b. ~< ooolii
4 Why is it a problem that should be handled by government?
5 Should anyone else in the community take responsibility for solving the problem?
6 Is there an existing law or policy for dealing with the problem?
© 2009 Center for Civic Eoucetlon
7 If there is a law or policy, is it adequate to solve the problem?

8 What disagreements, if any, are there in your community about
this problem and the way it is being handled?
9 Who are the individuals, groups, or organizations with an interest in the problem?
1 O For each individual, group, or organization you identify, answer the following questions.
Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.
• What is their position on the problem?
• Why are they interested?
• What are the advantages of their position?
• What are the disadvantages of their position?
• How are they trying to influence government to adopt their view?
11 What level of government or government agency is responsible
for dealing with this problem? Why?
12 What is the government doing about the problem?
© 2009 Center for Civíc Education
b ~w wides~re.a~~lthe problem in our state or nation?
 ,'@ Y'll,/Jll ~.../ i I , "{
O Yes O No
O Yes O No
llame(s) of research team member(s) Sb:abO~" J.~.'(',~, ~>-~
The problem being researched N~~ ~~ ~-'Vf:.~~ f~( Itil(~
Name of library, office, agency, or website visited ---------------
Source of information
a Name of publication/website wJI», WÍ~'IÑ~".> ,Gt~ Û/i,I'~  'Qt,~~
b Author (if noted)
e Date of publication/website --'~'"'~=-'U.._.,__ _
2 Record information from the publication or website that helps
you answer as many of the following questions as you can.
a How serious is this problem in our community?
e Which of the following do you think is true? .
œ There isn't alaw or policy for dealing with the problem.
m The law for dealing with the problem is not adequate.
® The law for dealing with the problem is adequate,
but it is not being well enforced. O Yes O No
d What levels of government or governmental agencies, if any, are responsible
for dealing with the problem? What are they doing about the problem?
e What disagreements about this policy or ways of dealing with it exist in our community?
Who are the major individuals, groups, or organizationsexpressing opinions on the problem?
" Why are they interested in the problem?
<D What positions are they taking?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of their positions?
® How are they trying to influence government to adopt their position on the problem?
g How can my classmates and I get more information on their positions?
© 2009 Center for Civic Education
For each piece of information you find that you think will be useful in developing the
class portfolio, provide the following information. Attach this information to the item.
Name/title of the material----------------------
Author (if there is one)
Source (where it comes from) _
Date _
2 Write a brief summary of the important information related
to your problem that you found in this material.
3 This material could be used as evidence for
Explaining the Problem
:.::.i Display Panel
':Í Documentation Section
Proposed Public Policy
':J Display Panel
CJ Documentation Section
Alternative Policies
d Display Panel
O Documentation Section
Action Plan
,.J Display Panel
CJ Documentation Section
4 Give a brief explanation of your choices.
© 2009 Center for Civic Education
You will need to develop an action plan to get your policy adopted by the appropriate governmental
body or agency. This plan should include the steps you will need to take to get your proposed
policy enacted and implemented by the government.
1 The main activities of our plan are
2 Influential individuals and groups who might be willing to support our proposed policy are
3 To win their support we can
4 Influential individuals and groups who might oppose our proposed policy are
© 2009 Center for Civic Education
5 We míght be able to wín some support from these índividuals and groups by
6 Influential government officials or agencies that
might be willíng to support our proposed polícy are
7 We can gaín their support by
8 Influential government officíals or agencies that might oppose our policy are
9 We might be able to gain their support by
© 2009 Center for Civic Education
3/7/2016 Winton Woods City Schools Mail - Bond Issue - Corrected
Jamie Ke
Noah Gray
iteve Denny <>
o: Shanoah Moore <>
Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 3:22 P~
Good to hear from you. This is a great topic first of all. In my estimation, your team has selected one of the most significant issues facing our community at this time. Our district
maintains & operates 11 facilities enclosing over 690,000square feet. That's almost 16 acres of school buildings or over 14 football fields of school facilities. The present value of
these facilities and the equipment they contain is $137,000,000. However, these facilities are rapidly approaching the end of their operational lifespans. Most are 40 to 50 years old
or more. One of our buildings was built in 1937. While they have served us well, the time to invest in new facilities has arrived. We are now at a point where building new makes
far more financial sense than repairing and/or renovating what we have. What our community decides to do to with these facilities is of critical importance not only to the school
community & our students but also to the vitality of the community as a whole.
Here's a link to the Bond Issue Information web page that used to be accessible on our website (below). The info is all still accurate for the last bond issue & election, so it's what
you're asking about in your email message.
There's a lot there.
My suggestion is that you & yourtearn take a look at this and review the material there and then shoot rne some questions via email. If it might be better for us to talk by phone
or get together in person after you've had a chance to look this over, that's an option too.
Let me know ifthis approach sounds like a good one for you & your team Hope this is hølnful.
https://mail.goog1.rtom/mail/u/O/?ui=Z&ik=51bdb2d3b3&view=pt&search=inbox&th=153425d58353be3if-&Siml=153425d58353be38&siml=l53434bdda84f2a8 2/4
3/7/2016 ,/ Winton Wood.sCity Sr'- · "-Is Mail - Bond Issue - Corrected
'--../ '- .... ./
Vv.'1Nl'ON lllOODtí
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Shanoah Moore <
!ond Issue - Corrected
thanoah Moore <>
'o: denny.ste'
Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 11:02 M
We are doing project citizen for humanities. Ourgroup is Shanoah Moore, Jamie Ke, Kaelyn Taylor, and
Noah Gray. We had to pick a public policy for this project. Our Public that we chose was the Bond Issue for
Winton Woods City Schools.
Some advantages voting for the Bond Issue are new school facilities, more opportunities for students, new
equipment, and a better learning environment. Some disadvantages are riskier tax payments, rising interest rates,
and credit risk.
We are looking for access to the information about the bond issue to get started on our project and any other
information you have about the levi from last year?
Shanoah Moore
KaelynTaylor 1/4
The Main Solution
The main solution is to get the Bond Issue to pass and
get new school facilities. We want to have better learning
opportunities and, in order to do that, we need the best
learning environment. Getting the bond issue passed will
not only benefit academics but will also give better
opportunities for sports. People in sports will get a
chance to get scholarships. But we all know that
"student" comes first in "Student Athlete"--our main
focus is the academics part.main solution is to get the
Bond Issue to pass and get new school facilities. We
want to have better learning opportunities and, in order
to do that, we need the best learning environment.
Getting the bond issue passed will not only benefit
academics but will also givebetter opportunities for
sports. People in sports will get a chance to get
scholarships. But we all know that "student" cornes first
in "Student Athlete" --our main focus is the academics
Alternative Solution #1
Our first alternative solution would be to push
the date back on when they vote on it. This
would give us time to convince the community to
vote for the issue. There would be more time to
convince people why the Bond Issue needs to
Gives us time to collect data
Allows people to do research
Gets the community involved
People might think too much about it and change
their mind about it
More work has to be put in it
The community might not listen
Alternative Solution #2
Our second alternative solution would be to
relocate current funding throughout the school. If
we get granted the bond issue money we would
have more different ways to distribute our
funding. We would use some money on the
classrooms, bathrooms, cafeterias and to upgrade
our technology.
Students will have more resources
Students would have more opportunities to do more activities.
Giving money to the schools and the construction won't happen
Alternative Solution #3
Our third alternative solution would be to
develop a bond program that follows discussions
about programs, facilities' conditions, future
directions and what is needed to support
education properly. Bond supporters should get
the whole community involved early in the
process and keep the school board informed. This
program would be a big help to get the board's
Students will have a better learning environment
Students can interact with others to help pass the Bond Issue
with the bond program
Most people wouldn't join this program
A lot of people don't support the Bond Issue and it would take
time to convince people to support the issue
Convincing the board of education to help develop the bond
3/22/2016 Untitled document" Google Dotsít 1/2

Alternative Solution #2
We plan to follow Alternative solution
#2. We think it's the best solution to
follow because it would still benefit t1s
even if we don't get granted the Bond
Issue money.
Creating a website would be beneficial
to those who would want information
that hasn't been provided. The website
will give you a virtual tour of our
school building and pictures of
different rooms and equipment to show
that it would be useful to get new
material and a better learning
Website: Visuals
//humanitiesbondissue. weebly. com/

We are working on getting the Bond Issueto pass so the Winton Woods City Schools can
be rebuilt Our district operates ·11 facilities endosiny over 690,000 square feet or almost '16
acres. Most of the facililles are 40 to 50 years old or more. The present value of these
facilities and the equipment tlley contain Is $137,000,000. We are now at a point where
building new facill!les makes far more financial sense than repairing and/or renovating
what we have.
Designing posters and flyers could
help to show how serious the Bond
Issue is and it could help with getting
more people involved to help getting it
For the walkthrough we would have
different groups of students to show
people around the school on different
days to show people just how much
our school is falling apart and need
new buildings.
What is happening?
On July 13, 2015 the Board of Education approved a resolution to place two construction bond
issues on the ballot. The election is scheduled for November 10, 2015 and will be conducted by
mail-in ballot.
Between now and November 10th, the District will provide two opportunities for residents to learn
about the District's needs and proposed projects. The public is encouraged to visit the District
website at for up-to-date information, and to contact Superintendent Rob
Hanger and members of the board with any questions. PleaseJoin us for Community
meetings and school tours on September 28th at Bennet Elementaryand October 5th at
PalmyraJunior-Senior High School. At both meetings tours begin at 6:00 p.rn followed at 6:45
by an informational summary in the gym.
What is a bond election and how does it work?
A bond election is a vote of District OR-1 registered voters to decide whether to approve the
issuance of bonds to raise funds for specific construction and facility projects. If voters approve
their issuance, the District will sell bonds to the purchaser that charges the lowest interest rate and
will use the funds for the purposes that the voters approved in the election. The Board will repay
the bond debt over a period of 20 years with taxes raised through the bond levy on District
How maybond proceeds be used?
The proceeds from the sale of bonds are limited to paying for the facility projects that are
described on the ballot. Bond funds maynot be used for operating expenses such as salaries,
benefits, utilities, transportation costs, textbooks or other supplies.
Whatwill the District OR-1bond issues include?
The proposed bond issue JVÍII include two separate questions on separate ballots. Voters JVÍII be
asked whether to authorize the board to:
1) Build an addition to and renovation of Bennet ElementarySchool and an addition
to and renovation of PalmyraJunior-Senior HighSchool
2) Build a new football field and track to be built north of the PalmyraCity Parkon
land currently owned by District OR-1
What do the school building projects include?
Building plans for the facility expansions and modifications are listed below. They have not
changed significantly since the 2014 bond election. The plans call for tile school district to do tile
• Maintain the Pre-Kindergarten-6th grade school in Bennet.
• Move pre-school instruction into the elementary school to improve the students' safety
and security.
• Establísh a separate entrance for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students for
drop-off and pick-up.
• Add 7 classrooms to provide flexibility for larger classes and an enrollment increase of
48 students over the past 8 years.
• Upgrade classrooms to be in compliance with current Americans with Disabilities Act
and Life Safety Code requirements.
• Add a new Life Skills classroom.
Arts (

• Add a new music room that is 50% larger than the current music space.
• Add a secure visitor entrance directly into the office for access and check-in to the
remainder of the building.
• Expand the Commons/Dining Area and increase capacity. This will allow students to
have more time to eat lunch and will provide additional space for events.
• Add fire sprinklers and cosmetic upgrades (ceilings, paint, carpet) to the existing
• Build up to 2,000 square feet of hardened rooms and spaces to improve safety during
• Demolish the 1935 wing due to the cost of renovating it.
• Create a new Computer Lab and new Career Center classrooms for Agriculture, Family
Consumer Science and Instructional Technology.
• Consolidate the space for Life Skills and Special Education instruction into the same
building vving.
• Consolidate the location of academic and career classrooms into the same building
• Build a new stage, backstage and vvings for drama, music and convocations.
• Build a new gym to provide increased capacity for music and theatre performances and
for graduation ceremonies.
• Add a secure visitor entrance near the office.
• Expand the commons/dining area to increase capacity. This vvill allow students to have
more time to eat lunch and vvill provide additional space for events.
• Add up to 4,000 square feet of hardened rooms and spaces to improve safety during
• Add 1,000 square feet of office area for Guidance, Clerical staff, Superintendent or
Principal and a Conference Room for faculty, Student, Community and School Board
use vvith a secured entrance on the west side of the building.
• Increase the space for PE classes and team practices in the new gym to eliminate the
need for practices that begin as early as 6 a.m. and run as late as 10 p.m.
• Increase student safety by eliminating on-street bus drop-off.
What does the track and field project include?
Plans for the new track and field facility have not changed since the 2014 bond issue. A new
400-meter track and football field north of the city park would replace the gravel track on the west
side of the school and provide upgraded field and site amenities. The land north of the city park
was purchased in 2014 for this potential use.
New Track & Football Field
With only three lanes, Palmyra's track cannot be used for competition vvith other school districts.
Students must practice on gravel or be driven to another school's track. The football field has
drainage problems and gets worn down by frequent use. The new site would provide
competition-level facilities and the existing football field would be used for practices, PE, and band.
Building a new track at the present site would require closing streets, the purchase of property, and
extensive earthwork to address slope issues.
What will the proposed projects accomplish?
1) Address existing facility challenges (codes, maintenance, etc.)
Facility challenges include bringing the buildings into fuller compliance with the requirements of the
Americans with Disabilities Act, meeting fire and life/safety codes, including fire sprinkler systems,
and addressing deferred maintenance issues. At Palmyra Junior-Senior High School, the
80-year-old 1935 wing will be demolished and replaced with a classroom addition and second gym
with a performance stage.
2) Address school programming and space challenges
Construct a competition gym with top loading bleachers, with capacity to seat 900. Build a new
stage, backstage and wings for drama, music and convocations. Construct career classrooms for
IT, Agriculture, Computer and Family Consumer Science classes. Organize the building into wings
for academic courses, career courses and performing arts.
3) Address existing and future enrollment increases
Enrollment growth has impacted space needs at Bennet Elementary with an increase of 48
students or 20% over the past 8 years. This has the potential to impact space needs at Palmyra
Junior-Senior High within the next fewyears.
The Bennet Community has experienced significant growth in its population. From 2006 to 2014,
approximately 91 new home construction permits were issued. There are additional subdivisions in
development. The Village of Bennet population estimate in 2013: 814 resulting in a Population
change since 2000: +42.8%. and the Village of Bennet.
The District's Mission Statement and Vision.
The Board's Mission Statement and Vision have guided the Board in making decisions about
building projects and the District's future. They are:
Mission Statement: Together, we prepare our students to successfully meetthe challenges of
the future.
Vision Statement: District OR-1 commits to a course of action providing continued academic
growth through a curriculum that recognizes limitless potential and inspires faith in a positive future
for every student. With a sense of community ownership and responsibility, we will remain fiscally
accountable and attentive to current and future high-tech facility and staffing needs.
What process did the Board go through in early 2015?
ln the spring of 2015, the District hired Dr. Larry Dlugosh as a consultant to evaluate the District's
planning efforts and make recommendations for ongoing planning. Dr. Dlugosh is a long-time
Nebraska superintendent and college professor. He surveyed 5th through 12th grade students to
help develop short-term and long-term strategies. His recommendations centered on the District's
Mission and Vision, data-gathering and dissemination, the need for adequate facilities, proactive
planning and timely implementation of the plans. His findings and recommendations included the
Students and learning are the district's mission, so it is essential to commit to the success of
current and future students. Changes in education are coming fast, and the board must plan
ahead and be prepared to meet changes before they arrive. Pre-kindergarten to 12th grade
education is a competitive field and the board must be able to plan and act at the same time.
Continually communicate the district's vision and mission. Everyone needs to be at the table, but
decisions must be made immediately and those decisions drive the future. Continue to make
accommodations for additional educational space. Monitor the impact of early childhood education
on student numbers and building space and monitor the effect of Lincoln's expansion and influence
on Bennet, Palmyra and your schools. When new residents arrive, listen to and monitor their
requests. Continue to deliver on your mission and vision so their children will want to attend OR-1
What if we focus only on Bennet, where enrollment is growing?
The board has a goal of retaining all students through the 12th grade. Grade 7-12 facilities will
need to be able to accommodate the children when they move from the Elementary School in
Bennet to the Junior-Senior High School in Palmyra.
Some in the community have suggested that District OR-1 should become an elementary-only
district. However, such districts no longer exist in Nebraska. Every district must provide K-12
Others have suggested that students can easily option to another school district if they want a
better learning environment. However, this is not necessarily the case because our neighboring
districts can refuse to take Pallnyra students, particularly as their schools reach capacity.
Did the board consider alternatives to reduce the cost or size of the project?
The Board considered many alternatives with the goal of finding the most cost-effective solution to
meeting the District's needs. ln assessing alternatives and priorities, Board members focused on
alternatives that help the District: 1) meet its enrollment projections, 2) enhance or expand program
and academic offerings; 3) improve student safety and security; 4) promote student recruitment
and retention by achieving greater parity with other schools; and 5) offer cost-effective solutions.
Couldn't we simply improve the existing football field and add a track?
The District evaluated several options for expanding and improving the existing football field to
accommodate a competition track. One alternative involved expanding/relocating the existing
football field to tile west and adding a track around it. This option involved buying several
properties, vacating streets, relocating utilities and completing extensive earthvork on the west side
of the property. The costs and feasibility of developing the west field were compared with the costs
and feasibility of developing the 15.5-acre site north of the Palmyra city park that the District owns.
This analysis determined that the west field alternative would cost $170,000 more than the north
site, excluding site acquisition.
North Field West Field
Construction $1.55 Million $1.72 Million
Property Acquisition $100,000 Unknown
Comparing a multi-purpose room to a gym.
Some people have suggested building a multipurpose room at Bennet Elementary or Palmyra
Junior-Senior High School, instead of a new gym. This option does not address the academic,
performance, programming, and scheduling needs associated with having only one gym. The
existing gym is heavily scheduled all day. To meet demand, some students begin practices at 6
a.m. while other practices do not end until 10 p.m. Some activities such as wrestling must be held
at Bennet Elementary because there is not sufficient practice space at the high school. This
intense scheduling creates barriers to student participation and challenges for families who must
transport students between towns early in the morning and/or late at night. A second gym at the
high school would allow more students to participate in activities including performing arts
simultaneously and would reduce stress on families and on students' study time.
The new gym would be designed for joint use by the athletics and performing arts departments.
With a stage, back stage area, and green room/music room, it would be suitable and District events
such as athletic tournaments, speech contests, and one-act competitions and for hosting
community activities.
Telescoping bleachers in a gym can expand or contract to increase spectator seating from about
650 seats to about 900 seats. Though building a full gym with telescoping bleacher seats would
cost about $408,000 more than a multipurpose room with floor seating, it would provide greater
program flexibility and use than a multipurpose room. For example, the gym would allow for two
cross-courts for practice instead of the single court that a multi-purpose room would offer plus the
added advantage of a full stage and green room allovving for performing arts practices and the
opportunity to host contests for music and dramatic arts.
Why a bond issue rather than alternative funding sources to payfor capital
General Obligation (G.O.) Bonds are the primary method of funding capital construction in
Nebraska school districts. They allow districts to generate funds for substantial building projects
vvith a payback period of up to 20 years at a rate that is typically lower than other funding sources.
Funding sources such as qualified Capital Purpose Fund (QCPUF}, Special Building Fund,
Qualified Zone Academy Bonds, Technology Bonds, Lease Purchase and Promissory Notes are
generally limited to a repayment period of t//0 to seven years and are typically issued at a higher
bond rate than G.O. bonds. They are also generally limited to specific expenditures (e.g.
environmental hazard abatement, code violations, technology, equipment, etc.), and are limited
vvithin the current levy.
How much will this construction cost?
There vvill be two separate ballot questions. The ballot question for the school building project
would cost $11,385,000 ($3,550,000 for the Bennet Elementary School renovation/addition and
$7,835,000 for the Palmyra Junior/Senior High School renovation/addition). The ballot question for
the new track/Football Field north of the Palmyra City Park 11/0Uld cost $1,565,000. If the voters
approve both projects, they vvill total $12,950,000
What effect will the bond issue have on the taxpayer?
Only the current levy for the 1998 bond issue vvill apply in 2016. lt is roughly 6.4 cents so the
owner of a $100,000 home currently pays about $64 per year toward this existing bond issue. The
district has two more payments to make before this bond issue is fully paid - one payment in
December, 2015, and the final payment in December, 2016.
If voters approve both bond initiatives of the new issue, the District vvill start the levy for the new
project in 2017 after the 1998 bond issue is paid off. The new bond levy is estimated to be 17.8
cents per $100 of taxable valuation. That would amount to about $178 on a $100,000 home, a net
increase of $114 over what you are currently paying ($9.50 a month).
For example, for a $100,000 taxable valuation X .00178=$178.00 year
Increase over current: $100,000 taxable valuation X .00114 = $114 year/12=$9.50 monthly.
Is this a good time to bid the project?
Interest rates are currently low and the construction climate is favorable. For a bond issue passed
in November, the design team would complete documents by spring for contractor bidding, which is
typically a good time for bidding school construction projects.
Construction would begin in spring 2016. Bennet improvements could be ready for the 2017
school year. Palmyra improvements could be phased in with some work completed in 2017 and the
rest completed in 2018. Construction is estimated at 14-16 months for Bennet, and 24-26 months
for Palmyra. The final schedule will be developed by the selected contractor, but it is possible that
construction could go on simultaneously at both schools. Builders can use the summer break to
complete the more disruptive activities.
Howdoes our 2014levy compare with other Districts?
District Lincoln Norris Waverly Adarns-Fre Syracuse-O
Public Public Public eman Public unbar-Avoc
Schools Schools Schools Schools a Public
Levy $1.0883 $1.2438 $1.1728 $1.2021 $1.1063 $1.0471
If the bond issue does not pass,what will the District do?
If the bond election does not pass, District OR-1 will have to make short-term improvements from
the general and special building fund budgets. This would reduce the amount of revenue available
to fund the day-to-day operations. ln the interim, the cost of construction typically rises and
deferred maintenance projects would likely be delayed. If enrollment rises, classroom space would
diminish and it might be necessary to purchase portable classrooms with money from the District's
General Fund.
What is involved with a mail ballot election?
A mail ballot election will be necessary because there will not be a general election this fall. All
registered voters in the District will receive their ballots in the mail on or around October 21, 2015.
They must mail or deliver the completed ballots to the Lancaster County Election Commissioner by
5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. Ballots must be returned in the signed and sealed
Identification Envelope with $0.49 postage attached if mailed.
If you do not knowvvhether you are registered to vote, contact the election office for your county:
Otoe County Clerk's ofñce
1021 Central Avenue, Nebraska City, Nebraska 68410
Lancaster County Election Commissioner
601 North 46th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68503
Be sure to vote vvhether you support or oppose the bond issue. Community meetings and school
tours are scheduled for September 28th at Bennet Elementary School, and October 5th at Palmyra
Junior-Senior High School. If those dates do not fit your schedule, contact Superintendent Hanger
at (402) 780-5327 to schedule a time that works better for you. The
school buildings belong to the public, and are available for inspection and meetings by supporters
and opponents of the bond issue. Contact Superintendent Hanger to arrange an inspection or
meeting for your group.
How to Vote in the Special Bond Issue Election
Watch the mail for your ballot on or about October 21, 2015.
How to Vote the Ballot:
• Use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. No pencils or markers, please.
• You must blacken the oval completely.
• If you make a mistake in marking your ballot, do not cross out or erase the error. Write
"VOID" across the face of the ballot and call the Election Commissioner in your county
for instructions.
How to Return the Voted Ballot:
1. Place the voted ballot in the Identification Envelope and seal. Do NOT place more than
one ballot in the envelope.
2. Sign the Identification Envelope and Voter's Oath vvhere indicated and provide your
street address on the Residence Address line.
3. If you are returning your ballot by mail, place postage of $0.49 on the envelope.
4. Mail or hand deliver your ballot to the Lancaster County Election Commissioner, 601 N
46th St., Lincoln. For the convenienceof voters, a ballotdrop boxis available24 hours
a day and is located in front of the LancasterCounty ElectionCommissioner'sOffice.
All ballots must be in the possession of the Lancaster County Election Commissioner no
later than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 10, 2015. Failure to complete and sign the
Identification Envelope and/or Voter's Oath may result in your ballot NOTbeing counted.
If you have questions about voting,
contact the Lancaster County Election commísstoner, (402) 441-7311
Key Voting Dates
October 20
October 23
October 30
November 4
Mail official ballot to all registeredvoters
Deadlinefor voters to completevoter registration/postmarkof mail in voter
Last day for in-person voter registration
Last day a replacement ballot can be sent to voter
November 10 Deadlinefor LancasterCounty ElectionCommissionerto receiveALL ballots
in the office (5 p.m.) includingearly vote ballots

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Bond issue binder winton woods

  • 2. PRIORITY DUE DATE WHAT WHO IN PROGRESS DONE ; ! ~<è.-S-~C..V" I I ~e...s·~ch -·········--·-···---------····---·--,--·--------------l---0-----I-----··----· ! I --- --------1 . - li I ··----i------!---------·-------1-------~1''. ·-----+--- I
  • 3. Í·¡ TASK ONE EXPLAINING THEPROBLEM The first thing you and your classmates will need to do is to clearly explain the problem you have chosen. You will need to explain why the problem is important, which individuals or groups in the community are interested in this problem, and which part of government has responsibility for dealing with it. To accomplish this, you will need to answer the following questions: 1 ~at is the problem that you and your classmates want to study? l 19. e,6 ;,.,cl l fAs ue 2 How seriou:1~s this problem in your community? Wot- 1,rlo.+ . ,,;£,r (Oc/,~ 3 How widespread is this problem in your community? Tußlt0öc1: .,.,,,cœo '-"'' ~ßc)S e :b. ~< ooolii 4 Why is it a problem that should be handled by government? 5 Should anyone else in the community take responsibility for solving the problem? Nt>fc 6 Is there an existing law or policy for dealing with the problem? © 2009 Center for Civic Eoucetlon 77
  • 4. TASK ONE EXPLAINING THE PROBLEM {CONTltsJUED) 7 If there is a law or policy, is it adequate to solve the problem? ( 8 What disagreements, if any, are there in your community about this problem and the way it is being handled? 9 Who are the individuals, groups, or organizations with an interest in the problem? 1 O For each individual, group, or organization you identify, answer the following questions. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers. • What is their position on the problem? • Why are they interested? • What are the advantages of their position? • What are the disadvantages of their position? • How are they trying to influence government to adopt their view? 11 What level of government or government agency is responsible for dealing with this problem? Why? 12 What is the government doing about the problem? © 2009 Center for Civíc Education ( 78
  • 5. b ~w wides~re.a~~lthe problem in our state or nation? ,'@ Y'll,/Jll ~.../ i I , "{ O Yes O No O Yes O No !NFORfvtATfON FROFIH PR!NT OR ELECTRONFC SOURCES FORM llame(s) of research team member(s) Sb:abO~" J.~.'(',~, ~>-~ Date---------~------------.---,-:-¡--+-------- The problem being researched N~~ ~~ ~-'Vf:.~~ f~( Itil(~ Name of library, office, agency, or website visited --------------- Source of information a Name of publication/website wJI», WÍ~'IÑ~".> ,Gt~ Û/i,I'~ 'Qt,~~ i b Author (if noted) e Date of publication/website --'~'"'~=-'U.._.,__ _ 2 Record information from the publication or website that helps you answer as many of the following questions as you can. a How serious is this problem in our community? e Which of the following do you think is true? . œ There isn't alaw or policy for dealing with the problem. m The law for dealing with the problem is not adequate. ® The law for dealing with the problem is adequate, but it is not being well enforced. O Yes O No d What levels of government or governmental agencies, if any, are responsible for dealing with the problem? What are they doing about the problem? e What disagreements about this policy or ways of dealing with it exist in our community? 72
  • 6. (CONTINUED) INFORMATION FROM PRINT OR ELECTRONIC SOURCES FORM Who are the major individuals, groups, or organizationsexpressing opinions on the problem? " Why are they interested in the problem? <D What positions are they taking? • What are the advantages and disadvantages of their positions? ® How are they trying to influence government to adopt their position on the problem? g How can my classmates and I get more information on their positions? © 2009 Center for Civic Education 73
  • 7. ANALYZING AND EVALUATING YOUR INFORMATION For each piece of information you find that you think will be useful in developing the class portfolio, provide the following information. Attach this information to the item. Name/title of the material---------------------- Author (if there is one) Source (where it comes from) _ Date _ 2 Write a brief summary of the important information related to your problem that you found in this material. 3 This material could be used as evidence for Explaining the Problem :.::.i Display Panel ':Í Documentation Section Proposed Public Policy ':J Display Panel CJ Documentation Section Alternative Policies d Display Panel O Documentation Section Action Plan ,.J Display Panel CJ Documentation Section 4 Give a brief explanation of your choices. © 2009 Center for Civic Education
  • 8. TASK FOUR . DEVELOPING AN ACTION PLAN You will need to develop an action plan to get your policy adopted by the appropriate governmental body or agency. This plan should include the steps you will need to take to get your proposed policy enacted and implemented by the government. 1 The main activities of our plan are 2 Influential individuals and groups who might be willing to support our proposed policy are 3 To win their support we can 4 Influential individuals and groups who might oppose our proposed policy are © 2009 Center for Civic Education 81
  • 9. í TASK FOUR DEVELOPING AN ACTION PLAN (CONTINUED) 5 We míght be able to wín some support from these índividuals and groups by 6 Influential government officials or agencies that might be willíng to support our proposed polícy are 7 We can gaín their support by í 8 Influential government officíals or agencies that might oppose our policy are 9 We might be able to gain their support by © 2009 Center for Civic Education 82
  • 10. 3/7/2016 Winton Woods City Schools Mail - Bond Issue - Corrected Jamie Ke Noah Gray ---------·--·-··-" iteve Denny <> o: Shanoah Moore <> Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 3:22 P~ HíShanoah! Good to hear from you. This is a great topic first of all. In my estimation, your team has selected one of the most significant issues facing our community at this time. Our district maintains & operates 11 facilities enclosing over 690,000square feet. That's almost 16 acres of school buildings or over 14 football fields of school facilities. The present value of these facilities and the equipment they contain is $137,000,000. However, these facilities are rapidly approaching the end of their operational lifespans. Most are 40 to 50 years old or more. One of our buildings was built in 1937. While they have served us well, the time to invest in new facilities has arrived. We are now at a point where building new makes far more financial sense than repairing and/or renovating what we have. What our community decides to do to with these facilities is of critical importance not only to the school community & our students but also to the vitality of the community as a whole. Here's a link to the Bond Issue Information web page that used to be accessible on our website (below). The info is all still accurate for the last bond issue & election, so it's what you're asking about in your email message. http:l! There's a lot there. My suggestion is that you & yourtearn take a look at this and review the material there and then shoot rne some questions via email. If it might be better for us to talk by phone or get together in person after you've had a chance to look this over, that's an option too. Let me know ifthis approach sounds like a good one for you & your team Hope this is hølnful. https://mail.goog1.rtom/mail/u/O/?ui=Z&ik=51bdb2d3b3&view=pt&search=inbox&th=153425d58353be3if-&Siml=153425d58353be38&siml=l53434bdda84f2a8 2/4
  • 11. 3/7/2016 ,/ Winton Wood.sCity Sr'- · "-Is Mail - Bond Issue - Corrected '--../ '- .... ./ ~- Vv.'1Nl'ON lllOODtí êlPi S,(,:Hôt)~.:f:)ISîftïÇ'f Shanoah Moore < !ond Issue - Corrected messages thanoah Moore <> 'o: denny.ste' Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 11:02 M DearMr.Deny, We are doing project citizen for humanities. Ourgroup is Shanoah Moore, Jamie Ke, Kaelyn Taylor, and Noah Gray. We had to pick a public policy for this project. Our Public that we chose was the Bond Issue for Winton Woods City Schools. Some advantages voting for the Bond Issue are new school facilities, more opportunities for students, new equipment, and a better learning environment. Some disadvantages are riskier tax payments, rising interest rates, and credit risk. We are looking for access to the information about the bond issue to get started on our project and any other information you have about the levi from last year? Sincerely, Shanoah Moore KaelynTaylor 1/4
  • 12. The Main Solution The main solution is to get the Bond Issue to pass and get new school facilities. We want to have better learning opportunities and, in order to do that, we need the best learning environment. Getting the bond issue passed will not only benefit academics but will also give better opportunities for sports. People in sports will get a chance to get scholarships. But we all know that "student" comes first in "Student Athlete"--our main focus is the academics part.main solution is to get the Bond Issue to pass and get new school facilities. We want to have better learning opportunities and, in order to do that, we need the best learning environment. Getting the bond issue passed will not only benefit academics but will also givebetter opportunities for sports. People in sports will get a chance to get scholarships. But we all know that "student" cornes first in "Student Athlete" --our main focus is the academics part.
  • 13. Alternative Solution #1 Our first alternative solution would be to push the date back on when they vote on it. This would give us time to convince the community to vote for the issue. There would be more time to convince people why the Bond Issue needs to pass. Pros Gives us time to collect data Allows people to do research Gets the community involved Cons People might think too much about it and change their mind about it More work has to be put in it The community might not listen
  • 14. Alternative Solution #2 Our second alternative solution would be to relocate current funding throughout the school. If we get granted the bond issue money we would have more different ways to distribute our funding. We would use some money on the classrooms, bathrooms, cafeterias and to upgrade our technology. Pros Students will have more resources Students would have more opportunities to do more activities. Cons Giving money to the schools and the construction won't happen ( ( I
  • 15. Alternative Solution #3 Our third alternative solution would be to develop a bond program that follows discussions about programs, facilities' conditions, future directions and what is needed to support education properly. Bond supporters should get the whole community involved early in the process and keep the school board informed. This program would be a big help to get the board's attention Pros Students will have a better learning environment Students can interact with others to help pass the Bond Issue with the bond program Cons Most people wouldn't join this program A lot of people don't support the Bond Issue and it would take time to convince people to support the issue Convincing the board of education to help develop the bond program
  • 16. 3/22/2016 Untitled document" Google Dotsít 1/2
  • 18. ( Alternative Solution #2 We plan to follow Alternative solution #2. We think it's the best solution to follow because it would still benefit t1s even if we don't get granted the Bond Issue money. Website Creating a website would be beneficial i
  • 19. to those who would want information that hasn't been provided. The website will give you a virtual tour of our school building and pictures of different rooms and equipment to show that it would be useful to get new material and a better learning environment. Website: Visuals //humanitiesbondissue. weebly. com/
  • 20. ( We are working on getting the Bond Issueto pass so the Winton Woods City Schools can be rebuilt Our district operates ·11 facilities endosiny over 690,000 square feet or almost '16 acres. Most of the facililles are 40 to 50 years old or more. The present value of these facilities and the equipment tlley contain Is $137,000,000. We are now at a point where building new facill!les makes far more financial sense than repairing and/or renovating what we have. Posters/Flyers Designing posters and flyers could help to show how serious the Bond
  • 21. Issue is and it could help with getting more people involved to help getting it passed. Walkthrough For the walkthrough we would have different groups of students to show people around the school on different days to show people just how much
  • 22. our school is falling apart and need new buildings.
  • 23.
  • 24. DISTRICT OR-1: 2015 SCHOOL BOND PROPOSAL What is happening? On July 13, 2015 the Board of Education approved a resolution to place two construction bond issues on the ballot. The election is scheduled for November 10, 2015 and will be conducted by mail-in ballot. Between now and November 10th, the District will provide two opportunities for residents to learn about the District's needs and proposed projects. The public is encouraged to visit the District website at for up-to-date information, and to contact Superintendent Rob Hanger and members of the board with any questions. PleaseJoin us for Community meetings and school tours on September 28th at Bennet Elementaryand October 5th at PalmyraJunior-Senior High School. At both meetings tours begin at 6:00 p.rn followed at 6:45 by an informational summary in the gym. What is a bond election and how does it work? A bond election is a vote of District OR-1 registered voters to decide whether to approve the issuance of bonds to raise funds for specific construction and facility projects. If voters approve their issuance, the District will sell bonds to the purchaser that charges the lowest interest rate and will use the funds for the purposes that the voters approved in the election. The Board will repay the bond debt over a period of 20 years with taxes raised through the bond levy on District property. How maybond proceeds be used? The proceeds from the sale of bonds are limited to paying for the facility projects that are described on the ballot. Bond funds maynot be used for operating expenses such as salaries, benefits, utilities, transportation costs, textbooks or other supplies. Whatwill the District OR-1bond issues include? The proposed bond issue JVÍII include two separate questions on separate ballots. Voters JVÍII be asked whether to authorize the board to: 1) Build an addition to and renovation of Bennet ElementarySchool and an addition to and renovation of PalmyraJunior-Senior HighSchool 2) Build a new football field and track to be built north of the PalmyraCity Parkon land currently owned by District OR-1
  • 25. What do the school building projects include? ( Building plans for the facility expansions and modifications are listed below. They have not changed significantly since the 2014 bond election. The plans call for tile school district to do tile following: BENNET Academic • Maintain the Pre-Kindergarten-6th grade school in Bennet. • Move pre-school instruction into the elementary school to improve the students' safety and security. • Establísh a separate entrance for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students for drop-off and pick-up. • Add 7 classrooms to provide flexibility for larger classes and an enrollment increase of 48 students over the past 8 years. • Upgrade classrooms to be in compliance with current Americans with Disabilities Act and Life Safety Code requirements. • Add a new Life Skills classroom. Arts ( • Add a new music room that is 50% larger than the current music space. Common/Community • Add a secure visitor entrance directly into the office for access and check-in to the remainder of the building. • Expand the Commons/Dining Area and increase capacity. This will allow students to have more time to eat lunch and will provide additional space for events. • Add fire sprinklers and cosmetic upgrades (ceilings, paint, carpet) to the existing school. • Build up to 2,000 square feet of hardened rooms and spaces to improve safety during storms. PALMYRA Academic • Demolish the 1935 wing due to the cost of renovating it. • Create a new Computer Lab and new Career Center classrooms for Agriculture, Family Consumer Science and Instructional Technology. !
  • 26. • Consolidate the space for Life Skills and Special Education instruction into the same building vving. • Consolidate the location of academic and career classrooms into the same building vvings. Arts • Build a new stage, backstage and vvings for drama, music and convocations. • Build a new gym to provide increased capacity for music and theatre performances and for graduation ceremonies. Common/Community • Add a secure visitor entrance near the office. • Expand the commons/dining area to increase capacity. This vvill allow students to have more time to eat lunch and vvill provide additional space for events. • Add up to 4,000 square feet of hardened rooms and spaces to improve safety during storms. • Add 1,000 square feet of office area for Guidance, Clerical staff, Superintendent or Principal and a Conference Room for faculty, Student, Community and School Board use vvith a secured entrance on the west side of the building. Athletics • Increase the space for PE classes and team practices in the new gym to eliminate the need for practices that begin as early as 6 a.m. and run as late as 10 p.m. • Increase student safety by eliminating on-street bus drop-off. What does the track and field project include? Plans for the new track and field facility have not changed since the 2014 bond issue. A new 400-meter track and football field north of the city park would replace the gravel track on the west side of the school and provide upgraded field and site amenities. The land north of the city park was purchased in 2014 for this potential use. New Track & Football Field With only three lanes, Palmyra's track cannot be used for competition vvith other school districts. Students must practice on gravel or be driven to another school's track. The football field has drainage problems and gets worn down by frequent use. The new site would provide competition-level facilities and the existing football field would be used for practices, PE, and band. Building a new track at the present site would require closing streets, the purchase of property, and extensive earthwork to address slope issues.
  • 27. What will the proposed projects accomplish? ( 1) Address existing facility challenges (codes, maintenance, etc.) Facility challenges include bringing the buildings into fuller compliance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, meeting fire and life/safety codes, including fire sprinkler systems, and addressing deferred maintenance issues. At Palmyra Junior-Senior High School, the 80-year-old 1935 wing will be demolished and replaced with a classroom addition and second gym with a performance stage. 2) Address school programming and space challenges Construct a competition gym with top loading bleachers, with capacity to seat 900. Build a new stage, backstage and wings for drama, music and convocations. Construct career classrooms for IT, Agriculture, Computer and Family Consumer Science classes. Organize the building into wings for academic courses, career courses and performing arts. 3) Address existing and future enrollment increases Enrollment growth has impacted space needs at Bennet Elementary with an increase of 48 students or 20% over the past 8 years. This has the potential to impact space needs at Palmyra Junior-Senior High within the next fewyears. The Bennet Community has experienced significant growth in its population. From 2006 to 2014, approximately 91 new home construction permits were issued. There are additional subdivisions in development. The Village of Bennet population estimate in 2013: 814 resulting in a Population change since 2000: +42.8%. and the Village of Bennet. The District's Mission Statement and Vision. The Board's Mission Statement and Vision have guided the Board in making decisions about building projects and the District's future. They are: Mission Statement: Together, we prepare our students to successfully meetthe challenges of the future. Vision Statement: District OR-1 commits to a course of action providing continued academic growth through a curriculum that recognizes limitless potential and inspires faith in a positive future for every student. With a sense of community ownership and responsibility, we will remain fiscally accountable and attentive to current and future high-tech facility and staffing needs. What process did the Board go through in early 2015? ln the spring of 2015, the District hired Dr. Larry Dlugosh as a consultant to evaluate the District's planning efforts and make recommendations for ongoing planning. Dr. Dlugosh is a long-time Nebraska superintendent and college professor. He surveyed 5th through 12th grade students to (
  • 28. help develop short-term and long-term strategies. His recommendations centered on the District's Mission and Vision, data-gathering and dissemination, the need for adequate facilities, proactive planning and timely implementation of the plans. His findings and recommendations included the following: Students and learning are the district's mission, so it is essential to commit to the success of current and future students. Changes in education are coming fast, and the board must plan ahead and be prepared to meet changes before they arrive. Pre-kindergarten to 12th grade education is a competitive field and the board must be able to plan and act at the same time. Continually communicate the district's vision and mission. Everyone needs to be at the table, but decisions must be made immediately and those decisions drive the future. Continue to make accommodations for additional educational space. Monitor the impact of early childhood education on student numbers and building space and monitor the effect of Lincoln's expansion and influence on Bennet, Palmyra and your schools. When new residents arrive, listen to and monitor their requests. Continue to deliver on your mission and vision so their children will want to attend OR-1 schools. What if we focus only on Bennet, where enrollment is growing? The board has a goal of retaining all students through the 12th grade. Grade 7-12 facilities will need to be able to accommodate the children when they move from the Elementary School in Bennet to the Junior-Senior High School in Palmyra. Some in the community have suggested that District OR-1 should become an elementary-only district. However, such districts no longer exist in Nebraska. Every district must provide K-12 education. Others have suggested that students can easily option to another school district if they want a better learning environment. However, this is not necessarily the case because our neighboring districts can refuse to take Pallnyra students, particularly as their schools reach capacity. Did the board consider alternatives to reduce the cost or size of the project? The Board considered many alternatives with the goal of finding the most cost-effective solution to meeting the District's needs. ln assessing alternatives and priorities, Board members focused on alternatives that help the District: 1) meet its enrollment projections, 2) enhance or expand program and academic offerings; 3) improve student safety and security; 4) promote student recruitment and retention by achieving greater parity with other schools; and 5) offer cost-effective solutions. Couldn't we simply improve the existing football field and add a track?
  • 29. The District evaluated several options for expanding and improving the existing football field to accommodate a competition track. One alternative involved expanding/relocating the existing football field to tile west and adding a track around it. This option involved buying several properties, vacating streets, relocating utilities and completing extensive earthvork on the west side of the property. The costs and feasibility of developing the west field were compared with the costs and feasibility of developing the 15.5-acre site north of the Palmyra city park that the District owns. This analysis determined that the west field alternative would cost $170,000 more than the north site, excluding site acquisition. North Field West Field Construction $1.55 Million $1.72 Million Property Acquisition $100,000 Unknown Comparing a multi-purpose room to a gym. Some people have suggested building a multipurpose room at Bennet Elementary or Palmyra Junior-Senior High School, instead of a new gym. This option does not address the academic, performance, programming, and scheduling needs associated with having only one gym. The existing gym is heavily scheduled all day. To meet demand, some students begin practices at 6 a.m. while other practices do not end until 10 p.m. Some activities such as wrestling must be held at Bennet Elementary because there is not sufficient practice space at the high school. This intense scheduling creates barriers to student participation and challenges for families who must transport students between towns early in the morning and/or late at night. A second gym at the high school would allow more students to participate in activities including performing arts simultaneously and would reduce stress on families and on students' study time. The new gym would be designed for joint use by the athletics and performing arts departments. With a stage, back stage area, and green room/music room, it would be suitable and District events such as athletic tournaments, speech contests, and one-act competitions and for hosting community activities. Telescoping bleachers in a gym can expand or contract to increase spectator seating from about 650 seats to about 900 seats. Though building a full gym with telescoping bleacher seats would cost about $408,000 more than a multipurpose room with floor seating, it would provide greater program flexibility and use than a multipurpose room. For example, the gym would allow for two cross-courts for practice instead of the single court that a multi-purpose room would offer plus the ( ( I
  • 30. added advantage of a full stage and green room allovving for performing arts practices and the opportunity to host contests for music and dramatic arts. Why a bond issue rather than alternative funding sources to payfor capital improvements? General Obligation (G.O.) Bonds are the primary method of funding capital construction in Nebraska school districts. They allow districts to generate funds for substantial building projects vvith a payback period of up to 20 years at a rate that is typically lower than other funding sources. Funding sources such as qualified Capital Purpose Fund (QCPUF}, Special Building Fund, Qualified Zone Academy Bonds, Technology Bonds, Lease Purchase and Promissory Notes are generally limited to a repayment period of t//0 to seven years and are typically issued at a higher bond rate than G.O. bonds. They are also generally limited to specific expenditures (e.g. environmental hazard abatement, code violations, technology, equipment, etc.), and are limited vvithin the current levy. How much will this construction cost? There vvill be two separate ballot questions. The ballot question for the school building project would cost $11,385,000 ($3,550,000 for the Bennet Elementary School renovation/addition and $7,835,000 for the Palmyra Junior/Senior High School renovation/addition). The ballot question for the new track/Football Field north of the Palmyra City Park 11/0Uld cost $1,565,000. If the voters approve both projects, they vvill total $12,950,000 What effect will the bond issue have on the taxpayer? Only the current levy for the 1998 bond issue vvill apply in 2016. lt is roughly 6.4 cents so the owner of a $100,000 home currently pays about $64 per year toward this existing bond issue. The district has two more payments to make before this bond issue is fully paid - one payment in December, 2015, and the final payment in December, 2016. If voters approve both bond initiatives of the new issue, the District vvill start the levy for the new project in 2017 after the 1998 bond issue is paid off. The new bond levy is estimated to be 17.8 cents per $100 of taxable valuation. That would amount to about $178 on a $100,000 home, a net increase of $114 over what you are currently paying ($9.50 a month). For example, for a $100,000 taxable valuation X .00178=$178.00 year Increase over current: $100,000 taxable valuation X .00114 = $114 year/12=$9.50 monthly.
  • 31. Is this a good time to bid the project? ( Interest rates are currently low and the construction climate is favorable. For a bond issue passed in November, the design team would complete documents by spring for contractor bidding, which is typically a good time for bidding school construction projects. Construction would begin in spring 2016. Bennet improvements could be ready for the 2017 school year. Palmyra improvements could be phased in with some work completed in 2017 and the rest completed in 2018. Construction is estimated at 14-16 months for Bennet, and 24-26 months for Palmyra. The final schedule will be developed by the selected contractor, but it is possible that construction could go on simultaneously at both schools. Builders can use the summer break to complete the more disruptive activities. Howdoes our 2014levy compare with other Districts? District Lincoln Norris Waverly Adarns-Fre Syracuse-O Public Public Public eman Public unbar-Avoc OR-1 Schools Schools Schools Schools a Public Schools Levy $1.0883 $1.2438 $1.1728 $1.2021 $1.1063 $1.0471 Amount If the bond issue does not pass,what will the District do? If the bond election does not pass, District OR-1 will have to make short-term improvements from the general and special building fund budgets. This would reduce the amount of revenue available to fund the day-to-day operations. ln the interim, the cost of construction typically rises and deferred maintenance projects would likely be delayed. If enrollment rises, classroom space would diminish and it might be necessary to purchase portable classrooms with money from the District's General Fund. What is involved with a mail ballot election? A mail ballot election will be necessary because there will not be a general election this fall. All registered voters in the District will receive their ballots in the mail on or around October 21, 2015. They must mail or deliver the completed ballots to the Lancaster County Election Commissioner by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. Ballots must be returned in the signed and sealed Identification Envelope with $0.49 postage attached if mailed. ~-,
  • 32. If you do not knowvvhether you are registered to vote, contact the election office for your county: Otoe County Clerk's ofñce 1021 Central Avenue, Nebraska City, Nebraska 68410 402-873-9505íon.f1tml Lancaster County Election Commissioner 601 North 46th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68503 402-441-7311 Be sure to vote vvhether you support or oppose the bond issue. Community meetings and school tours are scheduled for September 28th at Bennet Elementary School, and October 5th at Palmyra Junior-Senior High School. If those dates do not fit your schedule, contact Superintendent Hanger at (402) 780-5327 to schedule a time that works better for you. The school buildings belong to the public, and are available for inspection and meetings by supporters and opponents of the bond issue. Contact Superintendent Hanger to arrange an inspection or meeting for your group. How to Vote in the Special Bond Issue Election Watch the mail for your ballot on or about October 21, 2015. How to Vote the Ballot: • Use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. No pencils or markers, please. • You must blacken the oval completely. • If you make a mistake in marking your ballot, do not cross out or erase the error. Write "VOID" across the face of the ballot and call the Election Commissioner in your county for instructions. How to Return the Voted Ballot: 1. Place the voted ballot in the Identification Envelope and seal. Do NOT place more than one ballot in the envelope. 2. Sign the Identification Envelope and Voter's Oath vvhere indicated and provide your street address on the Residence Address line. 3. If you are returning your ballot by mail, place postage of $0.49 on the envelope.
  • 33. 4. Mail or hand deliver your ballot to the Lancaster County Election Commissioner, 601 N 46th St., Lincoln. For the convenienceof voters, a ballotdrop boxis available24 hours a day and is located in front of the LancasterCounty ElectionCommissioner'sOffice. ( All ballots must be in the possession of the Lancaster County Election Commissioner no later than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 10, 2015. Failure to complete and sign the Identification Envelope and/or Voter's Oath may result in your ballot NOTbeing counted. If you have questions about voting, contact the Lancaster County Election commísstoner, (402) 441-7311 Key Voting Dates October 20 October 23 registrations. October 30 November 4 Mail official ballot to all registeredvoters Deadlinefor voters to completevoter registration/postmarkof mail in voter Last day for in-person voter registration Last day a replacement ballot can be sent to voter November 10 Deadlinefor LancasterCounty ElectionCommissionerto receiveALL ballots in the office (5 p.m.) includingearly vote ballots