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BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18
K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 1
A lecture notes
Body fluids
Blood, Lymph and CSF
BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18
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Body fluids:
 Blood is a body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such
as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from
those same cells.
 In vertebrates, it is composed of blood cells suspended in blood plasma. Plasma, which
constitutes 55% of blood fluid, is mostly water (92% by volume), and contains dissipated
proteins, glucose, mineral ions, hormones, carbon dioxide (plasma being the main
medium for excretory product transportation), and blood cells themselves.
 Albumin is the main protein in plasma, and it functions to regulate the colloidal osmotic
pressure of blood. The blood cells are mainly red blood cells (also called RBCs or
erythrocytes), white blood cells (also called WBCs or leukocytes) and platelets (also called
 The most abundant cells in vertebrate blood are red blood cells. These contain
hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein, which facilitates oxygen transport by reversibly
binding to this respiratory gas and greatly increasing its solubility in blood. In contrast,
carbon dioxide is mostly transported extra cellularly as bicarbonate ion transported in
 White blood cells help to resist infections and parasites. Platelets are important in the
clotting of blood. Arthropods, using hemolymph, have hemocytes as part of their immune
 Blood is circulated around the body through blood vessels by the pumping action of the
heart. In animals with lungs, arterial blood carries oxygen from inhaled air to the tissues
of the body, and venous blood carries carbon dioxide, a waste product of metabolism
produced by cells, from the tissues to the lungs to be exhaled.
Blood performs many important functions within the body, including:
 Supply of oxygen to tissues (bound to hemoglobin, which is carried in red cells)
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 Supply of nutrients such as glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids (dissolved in the blood
or bound to plasma proteins (e.g., blood lipids)
 Removal of waste such as carbon dioxide, urea, and lactic acid
 Immunological functions, including circulation of white blood cells, and detection of
foreign material by antibodies
 Coagulation, the response to a broken blood vessel, the conversion of blood from a liquid
to a semisolid gel to stop bleeding
 Messenger functions, including the transport of hormones and the signaling of tissue
 Regulation of core body temperature
 Hydraulic functions
 Blood accounts for 7% of the human body weight, with an average density around
1060 kg/m3
, very close to pure water's density of 1000 kg/m3
. The average adult has a
blood volume of roughly 5 litres (11 US pt), which is composed of plasma and several
kinds of cells.
 These blood cells (which are also called corpuscles or "formed elements") consist of
erythrocytes (red blood cells, RBCs), leukocytes (white blood cells), and thrombocytes
(platelets). By volume, the red blood cells constitute about 45% of whole blood, the
plasma about 54.3%, and white cells about 0.7%.
 Human blood fractioned by centrifugation: Plasma (upper, yellow layer), buffy coat
(middle, thin white layer) and erythrocyte layer (bottom, red layer) can be seen.
One microliter of blood contains:
 4.7 to 6.1 million (male), 4.2 to 5.4 million (female) erythrocytes: Red blood cells contain
the blood's hemoglobin and distribute oxygen. Mature red blood cells lack a nucleus and
organelles in mammals. The red blood cells (together with endothelial vessel cells and
other cells) are also marked by glycoproteins that define the different blood types. The
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proportion of blood occupied by red blood cells is referred to as the hematocrit, and is
normally about 45%. The combined surface area of all red blood cells of the human body
would be roughly 2,000 times as great as the body's exterior surface.
 4,000–11,000 leukocytes: White blood cells are part of the body's immune system; they
destroy and remove old or aberrant cells and cellular debris, as well as attack infectious
agents (pathogens) and foreign substances. The cancer of leukocytes is called leukemia.
 200,000–500,000 thrombocytes: Also called platelets, they take part in blood clotting
(coagulation). Fibrin from the coagulation cascade creates a mesh over the platelet plug.
About 55% of blood is blood plasma, a fluid that is the blood's liquid medium, which by
itself is straw-yellow in color. The blood plasma volume totals of 2.7–3.0 liters (2.8–3.2
quarts) in an average human. It is essentially an aqueous solution containing 92% water, 8%
blood plasma proteins, and trace amounts of other materials. Plasma circulates dissolved
nutrients, such as glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids (dissolved in the blood or bound to
Constitution of normal blood
Parameter Value
45 ± 7 (38–52%) for males
42 ± 5 (37–47%) for females
pH 7.35–7.45
base excess −3 to +3
PO2 10–13 kPa (80–100 mm Hg)
PCO2 4.8–5.8 kPa (35–45 mm Hg)
21–27 mM
Oxygen saturation
Oxygenated: 98–99%
Deoxygenated: 75%
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plasma proteins), and removes waste products, such as carbon dioxide, urea, and lactic acid.
Other important components include:
 Serum albumin
 Blood-clotting factors (to facilitate coagulation)
 Immunoglobulins (antibodies)
 lipoprotein particles
 Various other proteins
 Various electrolytes (mainly sodium and chloride)
The term serum refers to plasma from which the clotting proteins have been removed. Most
of the proteins remaining are albumin and immunoglobulins.
Blood protein Normal level % Function
Albumins 3.5-5.0 g/dl 55% create and maintain oncotic pressure; transport insoluble molecules
Globulins 2.0-2.5 g/dl 38% participate in immune system
Fibrinogen 0.2-0.45 g/dl 7% Blood coagulation
Regulatory proteins <1%]
Regulation of gene expression
Clotting factors <1%]
Conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin
pH values
Blood pH is regulated to stay within the narrow range of 7.35 to 7.45, making it
slightly basic. Blood that has a pH below 7.35 is too acidic, whereas blood pH above 7.45 is too
basic. Blood pH, partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2), and
bicarbonate (HCO3
) are carefully regulated by a number of homeostatic mechanisms, which
exert their influence principally through the respiratory system and the urinary system to
control the acid-base balance and respiration. An arterial blood gas test measures these. Plasma
also circulates hormones transmitting their messages to various tissues.
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BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18
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Blood coagulation pathways in vivo showing the central role played by thrombin
Coagulation (also known as clotting) is the process by which blood changes from a liquid
to a gel, forming a blood clot. It potentially results in hemostasis, the cessation of blood loss
from a damaged vessel, followed by repair. The mechanism of coagulation involves activation,
adhesion, and aggregation of platelets along with deposition and maturation of fibrin. Disorders
of coagulation are disease states which can result in bleeding (hemorrhage or bruising) or
obstructive clotting (thrombosis).
Coagulation is highly conserved throughout biology; in all mammals, coagulation involves
both a cellular (platelet) and a protein (coagulation factor) component. The system in humans
has been the most extensively researched and is the best understood.
Coagulation begins almost instantly after an injury to the blood vessel has damaged the
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endothelium lining the vessel. Leaking of blood through the endothelium initiates two processes:
changes in platelets, and the exposure of subendothilial tissue factor to plasma Factor VII, which
ultimately leads to fibrin formation. Platelets immediately form a plug at the site of injury; this
is called primary hemostasis. Secondary hemostasis occurs simultaneously: Additional
coagulation factors or clotting factors beyond Factor VII respond in a complex cascade to form
fibrin strands, which strengthen the platelet plug.
Platelet activation
When the endothelium is damaged, the normally isolated, underlying collagen is exposed
to circulating platelets, which bind directly to collagen with collagen-specific glycoprotein Ia/IIa
surface receptors. This adhesion is strengthened further by von Willebrand factor (vWF), which
is released from the endothelium and from platelets; vWF forms additional links between the
platelets' glycoprotein Ib/IX/V and the collagen fibrils. This localization of platelets to the
extracellular matrix promotes collagen interaction with platelet glycoprotein VI. Binding of
collagen to glycoprotein VI triggers a signaling cascade that results in activation of platelet
integrins. Activated integrins mediate tight binding of platelets to the extracellular matrix. This
process adheres platelets to the site of injury.
Activated platelets will release the contents of stored granules into the blood plasma. The
granules include ADP, serotonin, platelet-activating factor (PAF), vWF, platelet factor 4, and
thromboxane A2 (TXA2), which, in turn, activate additional platelets. The granules' contents
activate a Gq-linked protein receptor cascade, resulting in increased calcium concentration in
the platelets' cytosol. The calcium activates protein kinase C, which, in turn, activates
phospholipase A2 (PLA2). PLA2 then modifies the integrin membrane glycoprotein IIb/IIIa,
increasing its affinity to bind fibrinogen. The activated platelets change shape from spherical to
stellate, and the fibrinogen cross-links with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa aid in aggregation of adjacent
platelets (completing primary hemostasis).
Coagulation cascade
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The coagulation cascade of secondary hemostasis has two initial pathways which lead to
fibrin formation. These are the contact activation pathway (also known as the intrinsic
pathway), and the tissue factor pathway (also known as the extrinsic pathway) which both lead
to the same fundamental reactions that produce fibrin. It was previously thought that the two
pathways of coagulation cascade were of equal importance, but it is now known that the
primary pathway for the initiation of blood coagulation is the tissue factor (extrinsic) pathway.
The pathways are a series of reactions, in which a zymogen (inactive enzyme precursor) of a
serine protease and its glycoprotein co-factor are activated to become active components that
then catalyze the next reaction in the cascade, ultimately resulting in cross-linked fibrin.
Coagulation factors are generally indicated by Roman numerals, with a lowercase a appended
to indicate an active form.
The coagulation factors are generally serine proteases (enzymes), which act by cleaving
downstream proteins. The exceptions are FIII, FV, FVIII, FXIII. FIII, FV and FVIII are
glycoproteins, and Factor XIII is a transglutaminase. The coagulation factors circulate as inactive
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zymogens. The coagulation cascade is therefore classically divided into three pathways. The
tissue factor and contact activation pathways both activate the "final common pathway" of
factor X, thrombin and fibrin.
Tissue factor pathway (extrinsic)
The main role of the tissue factor pathway is to generate a "thrombin burst", a process by
which thrombin, the most important constituent of the coagulation cascade in terms of its
feedback activation roles, is released very rapidly. FVIIa circulates in a higher amount than any
other activated coagulation factor. The process includes the following steps:
1. Following damage to the blood vessel, FVII leaves the circulation and comes into contact
with tissue factor (TF) expressed on tissue-factor-bearing cells (stromal fibroblasts and
leukocytes), forming an activated complex (TF-FVIIa).
2. TF-FVIIa activates FIX and FX.
3. FVII is itself activated by thrombin, FXIa, FXII and FXa.
4. The activation of FX (to form FXa) by TF-FVIIa is almost immediately inhibited by tissue
factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI).
5. FXa and its co-factor FVa form the prothrombinase complex, which activates
prothrombin to thrombin.
6. Thrombin then activates other components of the coagulation cascade, including FV and
FVIII (which forms a complex with FIX), and activates and releases FVIII from being
bound to vWF.
7. FVIIIa is the co-factor of FIXa, and together they form the "tenase" complex, which
activates FX; and so the cycle continues. ("Tenase" is a contraction of "ten" and the suffix
"-ase" used for enzymes.)
Contact activation pathway (intrinsic)
The contact activation pathway begins with formation of the primary complex on
collagen by high-molecular-weight kininogen (HMWK), prekallikrein, and FXII (Hageman
factor). Prekallikrein is converted to kallikrein and FXII becomes FXIIa. FXIIa converts FXI into
FXIa. Factor XIa activates FIX, which with its co-factor FVIIIa form the tenase complex, which
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activates FX to FXa. The minor role that the contact activation pathway has in initiating clot
formation can be illustrated by the fact that patients with severe deficiencies of FXII, HMWK,
and prekallikrein do not have a bleeding disorder. Instead, contact activation system seems to
be more involved in inflammation, and innate immunity. Despite this, interference with the
pathway may confer protection against thrombosis without a significant bleeding risk.
Final common pathway
The division of coagulation in two pathways is mainly artificial, it originates from
laboratory tests in which clotting times were measured after the clotting was initiated by glass
(intrinsic pathway) or by thromboplastin (a mix of tissue factor and phospholipids). In fact
thrombin is present from the very beginning, already when platelets are making the plug.
Thrombin has a large array of functions, not only the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, the
building block of a hemostatic plug. In addition, it is the most important platelet activator and
on top of that it activates Factors VIII and V and their inhibitor protein C (in the presence of
thrombomodulin), and it activates Factor XIII, which forms covalent bonds that crosslink the
fibrin polymers that form from activated monomers.
Following activation by the contact factor or tissue factor pathways, the coagulation
cascade is maintained in a prothrombotic state by the continued activation of FVIII and FIX to
form the tenase complex, until it is down-regulated by the anticoagulant pathways.
Various substances are required for the proper functioning of the coagulation cascade:
Calcium and phospholipid
Calcium and phospholipid (a platelet membrane constituent) are required for the tenase
and prothrombinase complexes to function. Calcium mediates the binding of the complexes via
the terminal gamma-carboxy residues on FXa and FIXa to the phospholipid surfaces expressed
by platelets, as well as procoagulant microparticles or microvesicles shed from them. Calcium is
also required at other points in the coagulation cascade.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is an essential factor to a hepatic gamma-glutamyl carboxylase that adds a
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carboxyl group to glutamic acid residues on factors II, VII, IX and X, as well as Protein S,
Protein C and Protein Z. In adding the gamma-carboxyl group to glutamate residues on the
immature clotting factors Vitamin K is itself oxidized. Another enzyme, Vitamin K epoxide
reductase, (VKORC) reduces vitamin K back to its active form. Vitamin K epoxide reductase is
pharmacologically important as a target of anticoagulant drugs warfarin and related coumarins
such as acenocoumarol, phenprocoumon, and dicumarol. These drugs create a deficiency of
reduced vitamin K by blocking VKORC, thereby inhibiting maturation of clotting factors.
Vitamin K deficiency from other causes (e.g., in malabsorption) or impaired vitamin K
metabolism in disease (e.g., in liver failure) lead to the formation of PIVKAs (proteins formed in
vitamin K absence) which are partially or totally non-gamma carboxylated, affecting the
coagulation factors' ability to bind to phospholipid.
Coagulation with arrows for negative and positive feedback.
Five mechanisms keep platelet activation and the coagulation cascade in check. Abnormalities
can lead to an increased tendency toward thrombosis:
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Protein C
Protein C is a major physiological anticoagulant. It is a vitamin K-dependent serine
protease enzyme that is activated by thrombin into activated protein C (APC). Protein C is
activated in a sequence that starts with Protein C and thrombin binding to a cell surface
protein thrombomodulin. Thrombomodulin binds these proteins in such a way that it activates
Protein C. The activated form, along with protein S and a phospholipid as cofactors, degrades
FVa and FVIIIa. Quantitative or qualitative deficiency of either (protein C or protein S) may lead
to thrombophilia (a tendency to develop thrombosis). Impaired action of Protein C (activated
Protein C resistance), for example by having the "Leiden" variant of Factor V or high levels of
FVIII also may lead to a thrombotic tendency.
Antithrombin is a serine protease inhibitor (serpin) that degrades the serine proteases:
thrombin, FIXa, FXa, FXIa, and FXIIa. It is constantly active, but its adhesion to these factors is
increased by the presence of heparan sulfate (a glycosaminoglycan) or the administration of
heparins (different heparinoids increase affinity to FXa, thrombin, or both). Quantitative or
qualitative deficiency of antithrombin (inborn or acquired, e.g., in proteinuria) leads to
Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI)
Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) limits the action of tissue factor (TF). It also
inhibits excessive TF-mediated activation of FVII and FX.
Plasmin is generated by proteolytic cleavage of plasminogen, a plasma protein
synthesized in the liver. This cleavage is catalyzed by tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), which
is synthesized and secreted by endothelium. Plasmin proteolytically cleaves fibrin into fibrin
degradation products that inhibit excessive fibrin formation.
Prostacyclin (PGI2) is released by endothelium and activates platelet Gs protein-linked
receptors. This, in turn, activates adenylyl cyclase, which synthesizes cAMP. cAMP inhibits
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platelet activation by decreasing cytosolic levels of calcium and, by doing so, inhibits the release
of granules that would lead to activation of additional platelets and the coagulation cascade.
Eventually, blood clots are reorganised and resorbed by a process termed fibrinolysis. The main
enzyme responsible for this process (plasmin) is regulated by various activators and inhibitors.
Anticoagulants and anti-platelet agents are amongst the most commonly used
medications. Anti-platelet agents include aspirin, dipyridamole, ticlopidine, clopidogrel,
ticagrelor and prasugrel; the parenteral glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors are used during
angioplasty. Of the anticoagulants, warfarin (and related coumarins) and heparin are the most
commonly used. Warfarin affects the vitamin K-dependent clotting factors (II, VII, IX, X) and
protein C and protein S, whereas heparin and related compounds increase the action of
antithrombin on thrombin and factor Xa. A newer class of drugs, the direct thrombin
inhibitors, is under development; some members are already in clinical use (such as lepirudin).
Also under development are other small molecular compounds that interfere directly with the
enzymatic action of particular coagulation factors (e.g., rivaroxaban, dabigatran, apixaban).
Coagulation factors
Coagulation factors and related substances
Number and/or name Function
Associated genetic
I (fibrinogen) Forms clot (fibrin)
afibrinogenemia, Familial
renal amyloidosis
II (prothrombin)
Its active form (IIa) activates I, V, X, VII,
VIII, XI, XIII, protein C, platelets
Prothrombin G20210A,
III (tissue factor or tissue
thromboplastin )
Co-factor of VIIa (formerly known as
factor III)
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IV Calcium
Required for coagulation factors to bind
to phospholipid (formerly known as factor
V (proaccelerin, labile factor)
Co-factor of X with which it forms the
prothrombinase complex
Activated protein C
VI Unassigned – old name of Factor Va
VII (stable factor, proconvertin) Activates IX, X
congenital factor VII
VIII (Antihemophilic factor A)
Co-factor of IX with which it forms the
tenase complex
Haemophilia A
IX (Antihemophilic factor B or
Christmas factor)
Activates X: forms tenase complex with
factor VIII
Haemophilia B
X (Stuart-Prower factor)
Activates II: forms prothrombinase
complex with factor V
Congenital Factor X
XI (plasma thromboplastin
Activates IX Haemophilia C
XII (Hageman factor) Activates factor XI, VII and prekallikrein
Hereditary angioedema
type III
XIII (fibrin-stabilizing factor) Crosslinks fibrin
Congenital Factor XIIIa/b
von Willebrand factor Binds to VIII, mediates platelet adhesion von Willebrand disease
prekallikrein (Fletcher factor)
Activates XII and prekallikrein; cleaves
Factor deficiency
high-molecular-weight kininogen
(HMWK) (Fitzgerald factor)
Supports reciprocal activation of XII, XI,
and prekallikrein
Kininogen deficiency
fibronectin Mediates cell adhesion
Glomerulopathy with
fibronectin deposits
antithrombin III Inhibits IIa, Xa, and other proteases Antithrombin III deficiency
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heparin cofactor II
Inhibits IIa, cofactor for heparin and
dermatan sulfate ("minor antithrombin")
Heparin cofactor II
protein C Inactivates Va and VIIIa Protein C deficiency
protein S
Cofactor for activated protein C (APC,
inactive when bound to C4b-binding
Protein S deficiency
protein Z
Mediates thrombin adhesion to
phospholipids and stimulates degradation
of factor X by ZPI
Protein Z deficiency
Protein Z-related protease
inhibitor (ZPI)
Degrades factors X (in presence of protein
Z) and XI (independently)
Converts to plasmin, lyses fibrin and other
Plasminogen deficiency,
type I (ligneous
alpha 2-antiplasmin Inhibits plasmin Antiplasmin deficiency
tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) Activates plasminogen
Familial hyperfibrinolysis
and thrombophilia
urokinase Activates plasminogen Quebec platelet disorder
plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
Inactivates tPA & urokinase (endothelial
Plasminogen activator
inhibitor-1 deficiency
plasminogen activator inhibitor-2
Inactivates tPA & urokinase (placental
cancer procoagulant
Pathological factor X activator linked to
thrombosis in cancer
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Lymph is the fluid that circulates throughout the lymphatic system. The lymph is
formed when the interstitial fluid (the fluid which lies in the interstices of allbody
tissues) is collected through lymph capillaries. It is then transported through larger
lymphatic vessels to lymph nodes, where it is cleaned by lymphocytes, before emptying
ultimately into the right or the left subclavian vein, where it mixes back with the blood.
Since the lymph is derived from the interstitial fluid, its composition continually
changes as the blood and the surrounding cells continually exchange substances with the
interstitial fluid. It is generally similar to blood plasma, which is the fluid extracellular
matrix (ECM) of whole blood. Lymph returnsproteins and excess interstitial fluid to
the bloodstream. Lymph may pick up bacteria and bring them to lymph nodes, where
they are destroyed. Metastatic cancer cells can also be transported via lymph. Lymph
also transports fats from the digestive system (beginning in the lacteals) to the blood via
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The word lymph is derived from the name of the ancient Roman deity of fresh
water, Lympha.
Lymph has a composition comparable to that of blood plasma, but it may differ
slightly. Lymph contains white blood cells. In particular, the lymph that leaves a lymph
node is richer in lymphocytes. Likewise, the lymph formed in the human digestive
system called chyle is rich in triglycerides (fat), and looks milky white because of its
lipid content.
Blood supplies nutrients and important metabolites to the cells of a tissue and
collects back the waste products they produce, which requires exchange of respective
constituents between the blood and tissue cells. This exchange is not direct, but instead
is effected through an intermediary called interstitial fluid or tissue fluid, the fluid that
occupies the spaces between the cells and constitutes their immediate environment. As
the blood and the surrounding cells continually add and remove substances from the
interstitial fluid, its composition continually changes. Water and solutes can pass
between the interstitial fluid and blood via diffusion across gaps in capillary walls
called intercellular clefts; thus, the blood and interstitial fluid are in dynamic
equilibrium with each other.
Interstitial fluid forms at the arterial (coming from the heart) end of capillaries
because of the higher pressure of blood compared to veins, and most of it returns to
its venous ends and venules; the rest (up to 10%) enters the lymph capillaries as
lymph. Thus, lymph when formed is a watery clear liquid with the same composition as
the interstitial fluid. However, as it flows through the lymph nodes it comes in contact
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with blood, and tends to accumulate more cells (particularly, lymphocytes) and
Lymphatic circulation
Tubular vessels transport lymph back to the blood, ultimately replacing the
volume lost during the formation of the interstitial fluid. These channels are the
lymphatic channels, or simply lymphatics.
Unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system is not closed and has no
central pump, or lymph hearts (which are found in some animals). Lymph transport,
therefore, is slow and sporadic. Despite low pressure, lymph movement occurs due
to peristalsis (propulsion of the lymph due to alternate contraction and relaxation
of smooth muscle tissue), valves, and compression during contraction of adjacent
skeletal muscle and arterial pulsation.
Lymph that enters the lymph vessels from the interstitial spaces usually does not
flow backwards along the vessels because of the presence of valves. If
excessive hydrostatic pressure develops within the lymph vessels, though, some fluid can
leak back into the interstitial spaces and contribute to formation of oedema.
Flow of the lymph in the thoracic duct in an average resting person usually
approximates 100ml per hour. Accompanied by another ~25ml per hour in other
lymph vessels, total lymph flow in the body is about 4 to 5 liters per day. This can be
elevated several folds while exercising. Thus it can be estimated that without lymphatic
flow, an average resting person would die within 24 hours.
Cerebrospinal fluid
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, colorless body fluid found in the brain
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and spinal cord. It is produced in the choroid plexuses of the ventricles of the brain, and
absorbed in the arachnoid granulations. There is about 125mL of CSF at any one time,
and about 500mL is generated every day. CSF acts as a cushion or buffer for the brain,
providing basic mechanical and immunological protection to the brain inside the skull.
The CSF also serves a vital function in cerebral autoregulation of cerebral blood flow.
The CSF occupies the subarachnoid space (between the arachnoid mater and
the pia mater) and the ventricular system around and inside the brain and spinal cord.
It fills the ventricles of the brain, cisterns, and sulci, as well as thecentral canal of the
spinal cord. There is also a connection from the subarachnoid space to the bony
labyrinth of the inner ear via the perilymphatic duct where the perilymph is continuous
with the cerebrospinal fluid.
There is about 125-150 mL of CSF at any one time. This CSF circulates within
the ventricular system of the brain. The ventricles are a series of cavities filled with CSF.
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The majority of CSF is produced from within the two lateral ventricles. From here, the
CSF passes through the interventricular foramina to the third ventricle, then the
cerebral aqueduct to the fourth ventricle. From the fourth ventricle, the fluid passes
into the subarachnoid space through four openings – the central canal of the spinal
cord, the median aperture, and the two lateral apertures. CSF is present within the
subarachnoid space, which covers the brain, spinal cord, and stretches below the end of
the spinal cord to the sacrum. There is a connection from the subarachnoid space to
the bony labyrinth of the inner ear making the cerebrospinal fluid continuous with
the perilymph in 93% of people.
CSF moves in a single outward direction from the ventricles, but
multidirectionally in the subarachnoid space. Fluid movement is pulsatile, matching the
pressure waves generated in blood vessels by the beating of the heart. Some authors
dispute this, posing that there is no unidirectional CSF circulation, but cardiac cycle-
dependent bi-directional systolic-diastolic to-and-fro cranio-spinal CSF movements.
The CSF is derived from blood plasma and is largely similar to it, except that CSF
is nearly protein-free compared with plasma and has some different electrolyte levels.
Owing to the way it is produced, CSF has a higher chloride level than plasma, and an
equivalent sodium level.
CSF contains approximately 0.3% plasma proteins, or approximately 15 to
40 mg/dL, depending on sampling site. In general, globular proteins and albumin are in
lower concentration in ventricular CSF compared to lumbar or cisternal fluid. This
continuous flow into the venous system dilutes the concentration of larger, lipid-
insoluble molecules penetrating the brain and CSF. CSF is normally free of red blood
BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18
K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 22
cells, and at most contains only a few white blood cells. Any white blood cell
count higher than this constitutes pleocytosis.
CSF serves several purposes:
1. Buoyancy: The actual mass of the human brain is about 1400–1500 grams;
however, the net weight of the brain suspended in the CSF is equivalent to a
mass of 25-50 grams. The brain therefore exists in neutral buoyancy, which
allows the brain to maintain its density without being impaired by its own
weight, which would cut off blood supply and kill neurons in the lower sections
without CSF.
2. Protection: CSF protects the brain tissue from injury when jolted or hit, by
providing a fluid buffer that acts as a shock absorber from some forms of
mechanical injury.
3. Prevention of brain ischemia: The prevention of brain ischemia is made by
decreasing the amount of CSF in the limited space inside the skull. This decreases
total intracranial pressure and facilitates blood perfusion.
4. Homeostasis: CSF allows for regulation of the distribution of substances between
cells of the brain, and neuroendocrine factors, to which slight changes can cause
problems or damage to the nervous system. For example, high
glycine concentration disrupts temperature and blood pressure control, and high
CSF pH causes dizziness and syncope.
5. Clearing waste: CSF allows for the removal of waste products from the brain, and
is critical in the brain's lymphatic system. Metabolic waste products diffuse
BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18
K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 23
rapidly into the CSF and are removed into the bloodstream as CSF is absorbed.
Comparison of Average Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid
Substance CSF Serum
Water Content (%) 99 93
Protein (mg/dL) 35 7000
Glucose (mg/dL) 60 90
Osmolarity (mOsm/L) 295 295
Sodium (mEq/L) 138 138
Potassium (mEq/L) 2.8 4.5
Calcium (mEq/L) 2.1 4.8
Magnesium (mEq/L) 2.0–2.5 1.7
Chloride (mEq/L) 119 102
pH 7.33 7.41
The brain produces roughly 500 mL of cerebrospinal fluid per day, at a rate of
about 25 mL an hour. This transcellular fluid is constantly reabsorbed, so that only
125–150 mL is present at any one time.
Most (about two-thirds to 80%) of CSF is produced by the choroid plexus. The
choroid plexus is a network of blood vessels present within sections of thefour
ventricles of the brain. It is present throughout the ventricular system except for
BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18
K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 24
the cerebral aqueduct, frontal horn of the lateral ventricle, and occipital horn of the
lateral ventricle. CSF is also produced by the single layer of column-shaped ependymal
cells which line the ventricles; by the lining surrounding the subarachnoid space; and a
small amount directly from the tiny spaces surrounding blood vessels around the brain.
CSF is produced by the choroid plexus in two steps. Firstly, a filtered form of
plasma moves from fenestrated capillaries in the choroid plexus into an interstitial
space, with movement guided by a difference in pressure between the blood in the
capillaries and the interstitial fluid. This fluid then needs to pass through
the epithelium cells lining the choroid plexus into the ventricles, an active process
requiring the transport of sodium, potassium and chloride that draws water into the
CSF by creating osmotic pressure. Unlike blood passing from the capillaries into the
choroid plexus, the epithelial cells lining the choroid plexus contain tight
junctions between cells, which act to prevent most substances flowing freely into the
Water and carbon dioxide from the interstitial fluid diffuse into the epithelial cells.
Within these cells, carbonic anhydrase converts the substances into bicarbonate and
hydrogen ions. These are exchanged for sodium and chloride on the cell surface facing
the interstitium. Sodium, chloride, bicarbonate and potassium are then actively secreted
into the ventricular lumen. This creates osmotic pressure and draws water into the
CSF, facilitated by aquaporins. Chloride, with a negative charge, moves with the
positively charged sodium, to maintain electroneutrality. Potassium and bicarbonate are
also transported out of the CSF. As a result, CSF contains a higher concentration of
sodium and chloride than blood plasma, but less potassium, calcium and glucose and
protein. Choroid plexuses also secrete growth factors, vitamins B1,12 C, folate, beta-2
microglobulin, arginine vasopressin and nitrous oxide into the CSF. A Na-K-Cl
BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18
K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 25
cotransporter and Na/K ATPase found on the surface of the choroid endothelium,
appears to play a role in regulating CSF secretion and composition.
CSF returns to the vascular system by entering the dural venous
sinuses via arachnoid granulations. These are outpouchings of the arachnoid mater into
the venous sinuses around the brain, with valves to ensure one-way drainage.This occurs
because of a pressure difference between the arachnoid mater and venous sinuses. CSF
has also been seen to drain into lymphatic vessels, particularly those surrounding the
nose via drainage along the olfactory nerve through the cribriform plate. The pathway
and extent are currently not known, but may involve CSF flow along some cranial
nerves and be more prominent in the neonate. CSF turns over at a rate of three to four
times a day. CSF has also been seen to be reabsorbed through the sheathes
of cranial and spinal nerve sheathes, and through the ependyma.
The composition and rate of CSF generation are influenced by hormones and the
content and pressure of blood and CSF. For example, when CSF pressure is higher, there
is less of a pressure difference between the capillary blood in choroid plexuses and the
CSF, decreasing the rate at which fluids move into the choroid plexus and CSF
generation. The autonomic nervous system influences choroid plexus CSF secretion, with
activation of the sympathetic nervous system increasing secretion and
the parasympathetic nervous system decreasing it. Changes in the pH of the blood can
affect the activity of carbonic anhydrase, and some drugs (such as frusemide, acting on
the Na-K-Cl cotransporter) have the potential to impact membrane channels.

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Body fluids- CSF, Lymph and Blood

  • 1. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 1 A lecture notes on Body fluids Blood, Lymph and CSF By, K. P. KOMAL ASSISTANT PROFESSOR DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY GOVERNMENT SCIENCE COLLEGE, CHITRADURGA. 577501 KARNATAKA STATE. ,
  • 2. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 2 Body fluids: Blood:  Blood is a body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.  In vertebrates, it is composed of blood cells suspended in blood plasma. Plasma, which constitutes 55% of blood fluid, is mostly water (92% by volume), and contains dissipated proteins, glucose, mineral ions, hormones, carbon dioxide (plasma being the main medium for excretory product transportation), and blood cells themselves.  Albumin is the main protein in plasma, and it functions to regulate the colloidal osmotic pressure of blood. The blood cells are mainly red blood cells (also called RBCs or erythrocytes), white blood cells (also called WBCs or leukocytes) and platelets (also called thrombocytes).  The most abundant cells in vertebrate blood are red blood cells. These contain hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein, which facilitates oxygen transport by reversibly binding to this respiratory gas and greatly increasing its solubility in blood. In contrast, carbon dioxide is mostly transported extra cellularly as bicarbonate ion transported in plasma.  White blood cells help to resist infections and parasites. Platelets are important in the clotting of blood. Arthropods, using hemolymph, have hemocytes as part of their immune system.  Blood is circulated around the body through blood vessels by the pumping action of the heart. In animals with lungs, arterial blood carries oxygen from inhaled air to the tissues of the body, and venous blood carries carbon dioxide, a waste product of metabolism produced by cells, from the tissues to the lungs to be exhaled. Functions Blood performs many important functions within the body, including:  Supply of oxygen to tissues (bound to hemoglobin, which is carried in red cells)
  • 3. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 3  Supply of nutrients such as glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids (dissolved in the blood or bound to plasma proteins (e.g., blood lipids)  Removal of waste such as carbon dioxide, urea, and lactic acid  Immunological functions, including circulation of white blood cells, and detection of foreign material by antibodies  Coagulation, the response to a broken blood vessel, the conversion of blood from a liquid to a semisolid gel to stop bleeding  Messenger functions, including the transport of hormones and the signaling of tissue damage  Regulation of core body temperature  Hydraulic functions Constituents  Blood accounts for 7% of the human body weight, with an average density around 1060 kg/m3 , very close to pure water's density of 1000 kg/m3 . The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres (11 US pt), which is composed of plasma and several kinds of cells.  These blood cells (which are also called corpuscles or "formed elements") consist of erythrocytes (red blood cells, RBCs), leukocytes (white blood cells), and thrombocytes (platelets). By volume, the red blood cells constitute about 45% of whole blood, the plasma about 54.3%, and white cells about 0.7%.  Human blood fractioned by centrifugation: Plasma (upper, yellow layer), buffy coat (middle, thin white layer) and erythrocyte layer (bottom, red layer) can be seen. Cells One microliter of blood contains:  4.7 to 6.1 million (male), 4.2 to 5.4 million (female) erythrocytes: Red blood cells contain the blood's hemoglobin and distribute oxygen. Mature red blood cells lack a nucleus and organelles in mammals. The red blood cells (together with endothelial vessel cells and other cells) are also marked by glycoproteins that define the different blood types. The
  • 4. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 4 proportion of blood occupied by red blood cells is referred to as the hematocrit, and is normally about 45%. The combined surface area of all red blood cells of the human body would be roughly 2,000 times as great as the body's exterior surface.  4,000–11,000 leukocytes: White blood cells are part of the body's immune system; they destroy and remove old or aberrant cells and cellular debris, as well as attack infectious agents (pathogens) and foreign substances. The cancer of leukocytes is called leukemia.  200,000–500,000 thrombocytes: Also called platelets, they take part in blood clotting (coagulation). Fibrin from the coagulation cascade creates a mesh over the platelet plug. Plasma About 55% of blood is blood plasma, a fluid that is the blood's liquid medium, which by itself is straw-yellow in color. The blood plasma volume totals of 2.7–3.0 liters (2.8–3.2 quarts) in an average human. It is essentially an aqueous solution containing 92% water, 8% blood plasma proteins, and trace amounts of other materials. Plasma circulates dissolved nutrients, such as glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids (dissolved in the blood or bound to Constitution of normal blood Parameter Value Hematocrit 45 ± 7 (38–52%) for males 42 ± 5 (37–47%) for females pH 7.35–7.45 base excess −3 to +3 PO2 10–13 kPa (80–100 mm Hg) PCO2 4.8–5.8 kPa (35–45 mm Hg) HCO3 − 21–27 mM Oxygen saturation Oxygenated: 98–99% Deoxygenated: 75%
  • 5. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 5 plasma proteins), and removes waste products, such as carbon dioxide, urea, and lactic acid. Other important components include:  Serum albumin  Blood-clotting factors (to facilitate coagulation)  Immunoglobulins (antibodies)  lipoprotein particles  Various other proteins  Various electrolytes (mainly sodium and chloride) The term serum refers to plasma from which the clotting proteins have been removed. Most of the proteins remaining are albumin and immunoglobulins. Blood protein Normal level % Function Albumins 3.5-5.0 g/dl 55% create and maintain oncotic pressure; transport insoluble molecules Globulins 2.0-2.5 g/dl 38% participate in immune system Fibrinogen 0.2-0.45 g/dl 7% Blood coagulation Regulatory proteins <1%] Regulation of gene expression Clotting factors <1%] Conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin pH values Blood pH is regulated to stay within the narrow range of 7.35 to 7.45, making it slightly basic. Blood that has a pH below 7.35 is too acidic, whereas blood pH above 7.45 is too basic. Blood pH, partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2), and bicarbonate (HCO3 − ) are carefully regulated by a number of homeostatic mechanisms, which exert their influence principally through the respiratory system and the urinary system to control the acid-base balance and respiration. An arterial blood gas test measures these. Plasma also circulates hormones transmitting their messages to various tissues.
  • 6. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 6
  • 7. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 7 Coagulation Blood coagulation pathways in vivo showing the central role played by thrombin Coagulation (also known as clotting) is the process by which blood changes from a liquid to a gel, forming a blood clot. It potentially results in hemostasis, the cessation of blood loss from a damaged vessel, followed by repair. The mechanism of coagulation involves activation, adhesion, and aggregation of platelets along with deposition and maturation of fibrin. Disorders of coagulation are disease states which can result in bleeding (hemorrhage or bruising) or obstructive clotting (thrombosis). Coagulation is highly conserved throughout biology; in all mammals, coagulation involves both a cellular (platelet) and a protein (coagulation factor) component. The system in humans has been the most extensively researched and is the best understood. Coagulation begins almost instantly after an injury to the blood vessel has damaged the
  • 8. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 8 endothelium lining the vessel. Leaking of blood through the endothelium initiates two processes: changes in platelets, and the exposure of subendothilial tissue factor to plasma Factor VII, which ultimately leads to fibrin formation. Platelets immediately form a plug at the site of injury; this is called primary hemostasis. Secondary hemostasis occurs simultaneously: Additional coagulation factors or clotting factors beyond Factor VII respond in a complex cascade to form fibrin strands, which strengthen the platelet plug. Physiology Platelet activation When the endothelium is damaged, the normally isolated, underlying collagen is exposed to circulating platelets, which bind directly to collagen with collagen-specific glycoprotein Ia/IIa surface receptors. This adhesion is strengthened further by von Willebrand factor (vWF), which is released from the endothelium and from platelets; vWF forms additional links between the platelets' glycoprotein Ib/IX/V and the collagen fibrils. This localization of platelets to the extracellular matrix promotes collagen interaction with platelet glycoprotein VI. Binding of collagen to glycoprotein VI triggers a signaling cascade that results in activation of platelet integrins. Activated integrins mediate tight binding of platelets to the extracellular matrix. This process adheres platelets to the site of injury. Activated platelets will release the contents of stored granules into the blood plasma. The granules include ADP, serotonin, platelet-activating factor (PAF), vWF, platelet factor 4, and thromboxane A2 (TXA2), which, in turn, activate additional platelets. The granules' contents activate a Gq-linked protein receptor cascade, resulting in increased calcium concentration in the platelets' cytosol. The calcium activates protein kinase C, which, in turn, activates phospholipase A2 (PLA2). PLA2 then modifies the integrin membrane glycoprotein IIb/IIIa, increasing its affinity to bind fibrinogen. The activated platelets change shape from spherical to stellate, and the fibrinogen cross-links with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa aid in aggregation of adjacent platelets (completing primary hemostasis). Coagulation cascade
  • 9. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 9 The coagulation cascade of secondary hemostasis has two initial pathways which lead to fibrin formation. These are the contact activation pathway (also known as the intrinsic pathway), and the tissue factor pathway (also known as the extrinsic pathway) which both lead to the same fundamental reactions that produce fibrin. It was previously thought that the two pathways of coagulation cascade were of equal importance, but it is now known that the primary pathway for the initiation of blood coagulation is the tissue factor (extrinsic) pathway. The pathways are a series of reactions, in which a zymogen (inactive enzyme precursor) of a serine protease and its glycoprotein co-factor are activated to become active components that then catalyze the next reaction in the cascade, ultimately resulting in cross-linked fibrin. Coagulation factors are generally indicated by Roman numerals, with a lowercase a appended to indicate an active form. The coagulation factors are generally serine proteases (enzymes), which act by cleaving downstream proteins. The exceptions are FIII, FV, FVIII, FXIII. FIII, FV and FVIII are glycoproteins, and Factor XIII is a transglutaminase. The coagulation factors circulate as inactive
  • 10. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 10 zymogens. The coagulation cascade is therefore classically divided into three pathways. The tissue factor and contact activation pathways both activate the "final common pathway" of factor X, thrombin and fibrin. Tissue factor pathway (extrinsic) The main role of the tissue factor pathway is to generate a "thrombin burst", a process by which thrombin, the most important constituent of the coagulation cascade in terms of its feedback activation roles, is released very rapidly. FVIIa circulates in a higher amount than any other activated coagulation factor. The process includes the following steps: 1. Following damage to the blood vessel, FVII leaves the circulation and comes into contact with tissue factor (TF) expressed on tissue-factor-bearing cells (stromal fibroblasts and leukocytes), forming an activated complex (TF-FVIIa). 2. TF-FVIIa activates FIX and FX. 3. FVII is itself activated by thrombin, FXIa, FXII and FXa. 4. The activation of FX (to form FXa) by TF-FVIIa is almost immediately inhibited by tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI). 5. FXa and its co-factor FVa form the prothrombinase complex, which activates prothrombin to thrombin. 6. Thrombin then activates other components of the coagulation cascade, including FV and FVIII (which forms a complex with FIX), and activates and releases FVIII from being bound to vWF. 7. FVIIIa is the co-factor of FIXa, and together they form the "tenase" complex, which activates FX; and so the cycle continues. ("Tenase" is a contraction of "ten" and the suffix "-ase" used for enzymes.) Contact activation pathway (intrinsic) The contact activation pathway begins with formation of the primary complex on collagen by high-molecular-weight kininogen (HMWK), prekallikrein, and FXII (Hageman factor). Prekallikrein is converted to kallikrein and FXII becomes FXIIa. FXIIa converts FXI into FXIa. Factor XIa activates FIX, which with its co-factor FVIIIa form the tenase complex, which
  • 11. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 11 activates FX to FXa. The minor role that the contact activation pathway has in initiating clot formation can be illustrated by the fact that patients with severe deficiencies of FXII, HMWK, and prekallikrein do not have a bleeding disorder. Instead, contact activation system seems to be more involved in inflammation, and innate immunity. Despite this, interference with the pathway may confer protection against thrombosis without a significant bleeding risk. Final common pathway The division of coagulation in two pathways is mainly artificial, it originates from laboratory tests in which clotting times were measured after the clotting was initiated by glass (intrinsic pathway) or by thromboplastin (a mix of tissue factor and phospholipids). In fact thrombin is present from the very beginning, already when platelets are making the plug. Thrombin has a large array of functions, not only the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, the building block of a hemostatic plug. In addition, it is the most important platelet activator and on top of that it activates Factors VIII and V and their inhibitor protein C (in the presence of thrombomodulin), and it activates Factor XIII, which forms covalent bonds that crosslink the fibrin polymers that form from activated monomers. Following activation by the contact factor or tissue factor pathways, the coagulation cascade is maintained in a prothrombotic state by the continued activation of FVIII and FIX to form the tenase complex, until it is down-regulated by the anticoagulant pathways. Cofactors Various substances are required for the proper functioning of the coagulation cascade: Calcium and phospholipid Calcium and phospholipid (a platelet membrane constituent) are required for the tenase and prothrombinase complexes to function. Calcium mediates the binding of the complexes via the terminal gamma-carboxy residues on FXa and FIXa to the phospholipid surfaces expressed by platelets, as well as procoagulant microparticles or microvesicles shed from them. Calcium is also required at other points in the coagulation cascade. Vitamin K Vitamin K is an essential factor to a hepatic gamma-glutamyl carboxylase that adds a
  • 12. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 12 carboxyl group to glutamic acid residues on factors II, VII, IX and X, as well as Protein S, Protein C and Protein Z. In adding the gamma-carboxyl group to glutamate residues on the immature clotting factors Vitamin K is itself oxidized. Another enzyme, Vitamin K epoxide reductase, (VKORC) reduces vitamin K back to its active form. Vitamin K epoxide reductase is pharmacologically important as a target of anticoagulant drugs warfarin and related coumarins such as acenocoumarol, phenprocoumon, and dicumarol. These drugs create a deficiency of reduced vitamin K by blocking VKORC, thereby inhibiting maturation of clotting factors. Vitamin K deficiency from other causes (e.g., in malabsorption) or impaired vitamin K metabolism in disease (e.g., in liver failure) lead to the formation of PIVKAs (proteins formed in vitamin K absence) which are partially or totally non-gamma carboxylated, affecting the coagulation factors' ability to bind to phospholipid. Regulators Coagulation with arrows for negative and positive feedback. Five mechanisms keep platelet activation and the coagulation cascade in check. Abnormalities can lead to an increased tendency toward thrombosis:
  • 13. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 13 Protein C Protein C is a major physiological anticoagulant. It is a vitamin K-dependent serine protease enzyme that is activated by thrombin into activated protein C (APC). Protein C is activated in a sequence that starts with Protein C and thrombin binding to a cell surface protein thrombomodulin. Thrombomodulin binds these proteins in such a way that it activates Protein C. The activated form, along with protein S and a phospholipid as cofactors, degrades FVa and FVIIIa. Quantitative or qualitative deficiency of either (protein C or protein S) may lead to thrombophilia (a tendency to develop thrombosis). Impaired action of Protein C (activated Protein C resistance), for example by having the "Leiden" variant of Factor V or high levels of FVIII also may lead to a thrombotic tendency. Antithrombin Antithrombin is a serine protease inhibitor (serpin) that degrades the serine proteases: thrombin, FIXa, FXa, FXIa, and FXIIa. It is constantly active, but its adhesion to these factors is increased by the presence of heparan sulfate (a glycosaminoglycan) or the administration of heparins (different heparinoids increase affinity to FXa, thrombin, or both). Quantitative or qualitative deficiency of antithrombin (inborn or acquired, e.g., in proteinuria) leads to thrombophilia. Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) limits the action of tissue factor (TF). It also inhibits excessive TF-mediated activation of FVII and FX. Plasmin Plasmin is generated by proteolytic cleavage of plasminogen, a plasma protein synthesized in the liver. This cleavage is catalyzed by tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), which is synthesized and secreted by endothelium. Plasmin proteolytically cleaves fibrin into fibrin degradation products that inhibit excessive fibrin formation. Prostacyclin Prostacyclin (PGI2) is released by endothelium and activates platelet Gs protein-linked receptors. This, in turn, activates adenylyl cyclase, which synthesizes cAMP. cAMP inhibits
  • 14. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 14 platelet activation by decreasing cytosolic levels of calcium and, by doing so, inhibits the release of granules that would lead to activation of additional platelets and the coagulation cascade. Fibrinolysis Eventually, blood clots are reorganised and resorbed by a process termed fibrinolysis. The main enzyme responsible for this process (plasmin) is regulated by various activators and inhibitors. Anticoagulants Anticoagulants and anti-platelet agents are amongst the most commonly used medications. Anti-platelet agents include aspirin, dipyridamole, ticlopidine, clopidogrel, ticagrelor and prasugrel; the parenteral glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors are used during angioplasty. Of the anticoagulants, warfarin (and related coumarins) and heparin are the most commonly used. Warfarin affects the vitamin K-dependent clotting factors (II, VII, IX, X) and protein C and protein S, whereas heparin and related compounds increase the action of antithrombin on thrombin and factor Xa. A newer class of drugs, the direct thrombin inhibitors, is under development; some members are already in clinical use (such as lepirudin). Also under development are other small molecular compounds that interfere directly with the enzymatic action of particular coagulation factors (e.g., rivaroxaban, dabigatran, apixaban). Coagulation factors Coagulation factors and related substances Number and/or name Function Associated genetic disorders I (fibrinogen) Forms clot (fibrin) Congenital afibrinogenemia, Familial renal amyloidosis II (prothrombin) Its active form (IIa) activates I, V, X, VII, VIII, XI, XIII, protein C, platelets Prothrombin G20210A, Thrombophilia III (tissue factor or tissue thromboplastin ) Co-factor of VIIa (formerly known as factor III)
  • 15. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 15 IV Calcium Required for coagulation factors to bind to phospholipid (formerly known as factor IV) V (proaccelerin, labile factor) Co-factor of X with which it forms the prothrombinase complex Activated protein C resistance VI Unassigned – old name of Factor Va VII (stable factor, proconvertin) Activates IX, X congenital factor VII deficiency VIII (Antihemophilic factor A) Co-factor of IX with which it forms the tenase complex Haemophilia A IX (Antihemophilic factor B or Christmas factor) Activates X: forms tenase complex with factor VIII Haemophilia B X (Stuart-Prower factor) Activates II: forms prothrombinase complex with factor V Congenital Factor X deficiency XI (plasma thromboplastin antecedent) Activates IX Haemophilia C XII (Hageman factor) Activates factor XI, VII and prekallikrein Hereditary angioedema type III XIII (fibrin-stabilizing factor) Crosslinks fibrin Congenital Factor XIIIa/b deficiency von Willebrand factor Binds to VIII, mediates platelet adhesion von Willebrand disease prekallikrein (Fletcher factor) Activates XII and prekallikrein; cleaves HMWK Prekallikrein/Fletcher Factor deficiency high-molecular-weight kininogen (HMWK) (Fitzgerald factor) Supports reciprocal activation of XII, XI, and prekallikrein Kininogen deficiency fibronectin Mediates cell adhesion Glomerulopathy with fibronectin deposits antithrombin III Inhibits IIa, Xa, and other proteases Antithrombin III deficiency
  • 16. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 16 heparin cofactor II Inhibits IIa, cofactor for heparin and dermatan sulfate ("minor antithrombin") Heparin cofactor II deficiency protein C Inactivates Va and VIIIa Protein C deficiency protein S Cofactor for activated protein C (APC, inactive when bound to C4b-binding protein) Protein S deficiency protein Z Mediates thrombin adhesion to phospholipids and stimulates degradation of factor X by ZPI Protein Z deficiency Protein Z-related protease inhibitor (ZPI) Degrades factors X (in presence of protein Z) and XI (independently) plasminogen Converts to plasmin, lyses fibrin and other proteins Plasminogen deficiency, type I (ligneous conjunctivitis) alpha 2-antiplasmin Inhibits plasmin Antiplasmin deficiency tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) Activates plasminogen Familial hyperfibrinolysis and thrombophilia urokinase Activates plasminogen Quebec platelet disorder plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI1) Inactivates tPA & urokinase (endothelial PAI) Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 deficiency plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 (PAI2) Inactivates tPA & urokinase (placental PAI) cancer procoagulant Pathological factor X activator linked to thrombosis in cancer
  • 17. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 17 Lymph Lymph is the fluid that circulates throughout the lymphatic system. The lymph is formed when the interstitial fluid (the fluid which lies in the interstices of allbody tissues) is collected through lymph capillaries. It is then transported through larger lymphatic vessels to lymph nodes, where it is cleaned by lymphocytes, before emptying ultimately into the right or the left subclavian vein, where it mixes back with the blood. Since the lymph is derived from the interstitial fluid, its composition continually changes as the blood and the surrounding cells continually exchange substances with the interstitial fluid. It is generally similar to blood plasma, which is the fluid extracellular matrix (ECM) of whole blood. Lymph returnsproteins and excess interstitial fluid to the bloodstream. Lymph may pick up bacteria and bring them to lymph nodes, where they are destroyed. Metastatic cancer cells can also be transported via lymph. Lymph also transports fats from the digestive system (beginning in the lacteals) to the blood via chylomicrons.
  • 18. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 18 The word lymph is derived from the name of the ancient Roman deity of fresh water, Lympha. Composition Lymph has a composition comparable to that of blood plasma, but it may differ slightly. Lymph contains white blood cells. In particular, the lymph that leaves a lymph node is richer in lymphocytes. Likewise, the lymph formed in the human digestive system called chyle is rich in triglycerides (fat), and looks milky white because of its lipid content. Formation Blood supplies nutrients and important metabolites to the cells of a tissue and collects back the waste products they produce, which requires exchange of respective constituents between the blood and tissue cells. This exchange is not direct, but instead is effected through an intermediary called interstitial fluid or tissue fluid, the fluid that occupies the spaces between the cells and constitutes their immediate environment. As the blood and the surrounding cells continually add and remove substances from the interstitial fluid, its composition continually changes. Water and solutes can pass between the interstitial fluid and blood via diffusion across gaps in capillary walls called intercellular clefts; thus, the blood and interstitial fluid are in dynamic equilibrium with each other. Interstitial fluid forms at the arterial (coming from the heart) end of capillaries because of the higher pressure of blood compared to veins, and most of it returns to its venous ends and venules; the rest (up to 10%) enters the lymph capillaries as lymph. Thus, lymph when formed is a watery clear liquid with the same composition as the interstitial fluid. However, as it flows through the lymph nodes it comes in contact
  • 19. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 19 with blood, and tends to accumulate more cells (particularly, lymphocytes) and proteins. Lymphatic circulation Tubular vessels transport lymph back to the blood, ultimately replacing the volume lost during the formation of the interstitial fluid. These channels are the lymphatic channels, or simply lymphatics. Unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system is not closed and has no central pump, or lymph hearts (which are found in some animals). Lymph transport, therefore, is slow and sporadic. Despite low pressure, lymph movement occurs due to peristalsis (propulsion of the lymph due to alternate contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle tissue), valves, and compression during contraction of adjacent skeletal muscle and arterial pulsation. Lymph that enters the lymph vessels from the interstitial spaces usually does not flow backwards along the vessels because of the presence of valves. If excessive hydrostatic pressure develops within the lymph vessels, though, some fluid can leak back into the interstitial spaces and contribute to formation of oedema. Flow of the lymph in the thoracic duct in an average resting person usually approximates 100ml per hour. Accompanied by another ~25ml per hour in other lymph vessels, total lymph flow in the body is about 4 to 5 liters per day. This can be elevated several folds while exercising. Thus it can be estimated that without lymphatic flow, an average resting person would die within 24 hours. Cerebrospinal fluid Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, colorless body fluid found in the brain
  • 20. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 20 and spinal cord. It is produced in the choroid plexuses of the ventricles of the brain, and absorbed in the arachnoid granulations. There is about 125mL of CSF at any one time, and about 500mL is generated every day. CSF acts as a cushion or buffer for the brain, providing basic mechanical and immunological protection to the brain inside the skull. The CSF also serves a vital function in cerebral autoregulation of cerebral blood flow. The CSF occupies the subarachnoid space (between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater) and the ventricular system around and inside the brain and spinal cord. It fills the ventricles of the brain, cisterns, and sulci, as well as thecentral canal of the spinal cord. There is also a connection from the subarachnoid space to the bony labyrinth of the inner ear via the perilymphatic duct where the perilymph is continuous with the cerebrospinal fluid. Circulation There is about 125-150 mL of CSF at any one time. This CSF circulates within the ventricular system of the brain. The ventricles are a series of cavities filled with CSF.
  • 21. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 21 The majority of CSF is produced from within the two lateral ventricles. From here, the CSF passes through the interventricular foramina to the third ventricle, then the cerebral aqueduct to the fourth ventricle. From the fourth ventricle, the fluid passes into the subarachnoid space through four openings – the central canal of the spinal cord, the median aperture, and the two lateral apertures. CSF is present within the subarachnoid space, which covers the brain, spinal cord, and stretches below the end of the spinal cord to the sacrum. There is a connection from the subarachnoid space to the bony labyrinth of the inner ear making the cerebrospinal fluid continuous with the perilymph in 93% of people. CSF moves in a single outward direction from the ventricles, but multidirectionally in the subarachnoid space. Fluid movement is pulsatile, matching the pressure waves generated in blood vessels by the beating of the heart. Some authors dispute this, posing that there is no unidirectional CSF circulation, but cardiac cycle- dependent bi-directional systolic-diastolic to-and-fro cranio-spinal CSF movements. Contents The CSF is derived from blood plasma and is largely similar to it, except that CSF is nearly protein-free compared with plasma and has some different electrolyte levels. Owing to the way it is produced, CSF has a higher chloride level than plasma, and an equivalent sodium level. CSF contains approximately 0.3% plasma proteins, or approximately 15 to 40 mg/dL, depending on sampling site. In general, globular proteins and albumin are in lower concentration in ventricular CSF compared to lumbar or cisternal fluid. This continuous flow into the venous system dilutes the concentration of larger, lipid- insoluble molecules penetrating the brain and CSF. CSF is normally free of red blood
  • 22. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 22 cells, and at most contains only a few white blood cells. Any white blood cell count higher than this constitutes pleocytosis. Function CSF serves several purposes: 1. Buoyancy: The actual mass of the human brain is about 1400–1500 grams; however, the net weight of the brain suspended in the CSF is equivalent to a mass of 25-50 grams. The brain therefore exists in neutral buoyancy, which allows the brain to maintain its density without being impaired by its own weight, which would cut off blood supply and kill neurons in the lower sections without CSF. 2. Protection: CSF protects the brain tissue from injury when jolted or hit, by providing a fluid buffer that acts as a shock absorber from some forms of mechanical injury. 3. Prevention of brain ischemia: The prevention of brain ischemia is made by decreasing the amount of CSF in the limited space inside the skull. This decreases total intracranial pressure and facilitates blood perfusion. 4. Homeostasis: CSF allows for regulation of the distribution of substances between cells of the brain, and neuroendocrine factors, to which slight changes can cause problems or damage to the nervous system. For example, high glycine concentration disrupts temperature and blood pressure control, and high CSF pH causes dizziness and syncope. 5. Clearing waste: CSF allows for the removal of waste products from the brain, and is critical in the brain's lymphatic system. Metabolic waste products diffuse
  • 23. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 23 rapidly into the CSF and are removed into the bloodstream as CSF is absorbed. Production Comparison of Average Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid Substance CSF Serum Water Content (%) 99 93 Protein (mg/dL) 35 7000 Glucose (mg/dL) 60 90 Osmolarity (mOsm/L) 295 295 Sodium (mEq/L) 138 138 Potassium (mEq/L) 2.8 4.5 Calcium (mEq/L) 2.1 4.8 Magnesium (mEq/L) 2.0–2.5 1.7 Chloride (mEq/L) 119 102 pH 7.33 7.41 The brain produces roughly 500 mL of cerebrospinal fluid per day, at a rate of about 25 mL an hour. This transcellular fluid is constantly reabsorbed, so that only 125–150 mL is present at any one time. Most (about two-thirds to 80%) of CSF is produced by the choroid plexus. The choroid plexus is a network of blood vessels present within sections of thefour ventricles of the brain. It is present throughout the ventricular system except for
  • 24. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 24 the cerebral aqueduct, frontal horn of the lateral ventricle, and occipital horn of the lateral ventricle. CSF is also produced by the single layer of column-shaped ependymal cells which line the ventricles; by the lining surrounding the subarachnoid space; and a small amount directly from the tiny spaces surrounding blood vessels around the brain. CSF is produced by the choroid plexus in two steps. Firstly, a filtered form of plasma moves from fenestrated capillaries in the choroid plexus into an interstitial space, with movement guided by a difference in pressure between the blood in the capillaries and the interstitial fluid. This fluid then needs to pass through the epithelium cells lining the choroid plexus into the ventricles, an active process requiring the transport of sodium, potassium and chloride that draws water into the CSF by creating osmotic pressure. Unlike blood passing from the capillaries into the choroid plexus, the epithelial cells lining the choroid plexus contain tight junctions between cells, which act to prevent most substances flowing freely into the CSF. Water and carbon dioxide from the interstitial fluid diffuse into the epithelial cells. Within these cells, carbonic anhydrase converts the substances into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions. These are exchanged for sodium and chloride on the cell surface facing the interstitium. Sodium, chloride, bicarbonate and potassium are then actively secreted into the ventricular lumen. This creates osmotic pressure and draws water into the CSF, facilitated by aquaporins. Chloride, with a negative charge, moves with the positively charged sodium, to maintain electroneutrality. Potassium and bicarbonate are also transported out of the CSF. As a result, CSF contains a higher concentration of sodium and chloride than blood plasma, but less potassium, calcium and glucose and protein. Choroid plexuses also secrete growth factors, vitamins B1,12 C, folate, beta-2 microglobulin, arginine vasopressin and nitrous oxide into the CSF. A Na-K-Cl
  • 25. BODY FLUIDS: Blood, CSF, Lymph 2017-18 K . P . K o m a l , A s s t . P r o f . G S C , C T A . Page 25 cotransporter and Na/K ATPase found on the surface of the choroid endothelium, appears to play a role in regulating CSF secretion and composition. Reabsorption CSF returns to the vascular system by entering the dural venous sinuses via arachnoid granulations. These are outpouchings of the arachnoid mater into the venous sinuses around the brain, with valves to ensure one-way drainage.This occurs because of a pressure difference between the arachnoid mater and venous sinuses. CSF has also been seen to drain into lymphatic vessels, particularly those surrounding the nose via drainage along the olfactory nerve through the cribriform plate. The pathway and extent are currently not known, but may involve CSF flow along some cranial nerves and be more prominent in the neonate. CSF turns over at a rate of three to four times a day. CSF has also been seen to be reabsorbed through the sheathes of cranial and spinal nerve sheathes, and through the ependyma. Regulation The composition and rate of CSF generation are influenced by hormones and the content and pressure of blood and CSF. For example, when CSF pressure is higher, there is less of a pressure difference between the capillary blood in choroid plexuses and the CSF, decreasing the rate at which fluids move into the choroid plexus and CSF generation. The autonomic nervous system influences choroid plexus CSF secretion, with activation of the sympathetic nervous system increasing secretion and the parasympathetic nervous system decreasing it. Changes in the pH of the blood can affect the activity of carbonic anhydrase, and some drugs (such as frusemide, acting on the Na-K-Cl cotransporter) have the potential to impact membrane channels.