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Biograph mCT
molecular CT. quantification redefined.

                                          Answers for life.
Biograph mCT –
molecular CT.
quantification redefined.

on Redefined
The Siemens
    Molecular Imaging Leadership
                        Innovation Leadership
                        For more than 130 years, Siemens
                        Healthcare has been a recognized leader in
                        medical innovation. From the first
                        electromedical devices in 1896 to the latest
                        PET hybrid technologies, we have a long
                        history of pioneering technological
                        achievements that have helped make the
                                                                       A Focus on Return on Innovation
                                                                       Driven by this passion to make a difference,
                                                                       the core of Siemens Molecular Imaging is
                                                                       based upon the assumption that achieving
                                                                       the highest technical performance is only
                                                                       important when it meets the needs of our
                                                                       customers and the patients they serve.
                                                                       To gain a deep understanding of our
                        impossible possible. We have always            customers’ needs and the environments
                        believed that even the farthest technical      they work in, we collaborate closely with
                        horizons were temporary and could be           leading medical experts from around the
                        surpassed with consistent dedication to        world. This cooperation is the driving force
                        improved healthcare. This visionary            behind our innovative solutions and
                        approach, backed up by the largest R&D         services. From the earliest stages of
                        budgets in the medical imaging industry,       research, product development and design,
                        has made Siemens an undisputed                 we rely upon the advice and
                        innovation leader in molecular imaging.        recommendations of our customers to
                                                                       determine our focus. As a result, our
                                                                       products are able to offer you the highest
                                                                       return on innovation possible.

      Clinical Return    Workflow Return                                        Financial Return
 From the beginning, one of the most
 frequent demands of our customers has
 been to improve diagnostic decision making
 to enable greater confidence. At the same
 time, healthcare is facing the dual mandates
 to improve patient safety and increase
 productivity, while ensuring the highest
 quality and cost-efficient patient care.
                                                 Introducing the new Biograph mCT
                                                 Our dedicated team of molecular imaging
                                                 experts have helped shape the diagnostic
                                                 imaging world with their inventions and
                                                 ideas. And we are continuing this tradition
                                                 of innovation by continuously pioneering
                                                 new technologies. With the introduction of
                                                 the new Biograph™ mCT, we offer our
 With a focus on fulfilling your clinical,       customers ever-increasing opportunities to
 workflow and financial needs, our mandate       benefit from their investments in
 is to deliver innovations that consistently     innovation. No matter which way you look
 meet the following three criteria:              at it, Siemens Molecular Imaging is helping
                                                 you to expand your Return on Innovation.
 •	 Lead	the	way	in	technological	and	medical	
 •	 Maximize	workflow	efficiency
 •	 Make	state-of-the-art	molecular	imaging	

Biograph mCT – molecular CT.
    quantification redefined.
              With today’s PET/CT, the smallest details can go unnoticed, lowering diagnostic confidence. Inaccurate
              quantification	may	mislead	treatment	response	monitoring.	Longer	examination	times	lead	to	fewer	
              patients per day, and unnecessary dose could compromise patient safety. Addressing these challenges
              requires a PET/CT designed from the ground up that improves diagnostic confidence by offering
              reproducible quantification, the highest image resolution* and speed in both PET and CT, all while
              minimizing radiation dose.
              The new Biograph mCT. Bringing accurate and reproducible quantification to PET·CT imaging by
              ensuring that each element of the measurement chain is optimized. Starting with the industry’s
              highest volumetric image resolution*, Biograph mCT features unique daily quality control, SMART
              registration technologies and intelligent software to bring accuracy and reproducibility to PET/CT
              imaging. In addition, innovative CARE technologies ensure the lowest possible dose is administered.
              With the new Biograph mCT, now you can detect, characterize and monitor the tiniest cancer lesions
              with reproducible quantification, making cancer treatment more cost effective. Now you can quantify
              absolute myocardial blood flow, making more accurate treatment decisions, minimizing risk to your
              patients. Now you can potentially** quantify amyloid deposits in the brain, making dementia
              diagnosis possible, slowing disease progression.
              Now, more than ever, you are able to rely on molecular imaging with quantification that is accurate
              and reproducible. For results that will redefine clinical decision making. The confirmation you need for
              more diagnostic certainty and more informed treatment planning. Study after study. Scan after scan.
              Without question.

6           * Based on competitive literature available    **This product is under development and is not yet
              at time of publication. Data on file.          commercially available in the U.S. Due to regulatory
                                                             reasons its future availability cannot be guaranteed.

Intelligently          8

Finest Volumetric     24
Image Accuracy*

Minimum Dose and      42
Maximum Speed

Engineered Clinical   58

syngo®.via            72

Customer Care         74

Molecular Imaging     78
Biomarker Research

Intelligently Reproducible

Intelligently Reproducible
Intelligently         In order to help physicians make sound decisions, imaging must not only be quantifiable –
Reproducible          it must be accurate and consistent. With conventional technology, customers face the issue
Quantification        of variability in results due to both software and hardware challenges. Inherent scanner
                      drift and inaccurate attenuation correction through misregistration of anatomical and
Finest Volumetric     functional images have a direct impact on reproducibility and accuracy of acquired
Image Accuracy        quantitative data. In addition, standard measurement techniques and inter-user variability
                      affect accurate diagnostic results.
Minimum Dose and
                      Now, for the first time, Biograph mCT gives you quantifiable results that are precise.
Maximum Speed
                      Reproducible. And consistent over time. With its unique combination of intelligent
                      software, daily calibration and precise anatomical and functional co-registration
Engineered Clinical
                      Biograph mCT makes a quantifiable difference in diagnostic confidence, therapy planning
                      and treatment monitoring.

Customer Care

Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

Return on
             Clinical Return                            Workflow Return                             Financial Return
             •	 Increased	confidence	in	quantitative	   •	 Fast	and	consistent	perfusion	results	   •	 Accurate	and	reproducible	
                results with automatic daily quality       with automatic cardiac registration         quantification attracts more
                control with normalization                                                             referring physicians and patients
                                                        •	 Generate	simultaneous	PET	and	CT	
             •	 Enhanced	precision	in	staging	and	         results with intelligent one-click       •	 Grow	beyond	oncology	with	unique	
                follow-up with inter-user                  segmentation                                quantitative offerings in neurology
                reproducibility of SUV values                                                          and cardiology

Intelligently Reproducible
Intelligently         Daily calibration ensures consistent             Better attenuation correction for more             Quantitative assessments with syngo.via
Reproducible          performance over time                            accurate, quantifiable data
                                                                                                                          Advanced syngo clinical applications provide
                      Leaving	nothing	to	chance,	Biograph	mCT’s	       The desire for perfect attenuation correction      essential tools to get more accurate and
                      automatic quality check process was              lies at the heart of our SMART (Siemens            reproducible, quantifiable measurements in
Finest Volumetric
                      designed to provide confidence that              Molecular & Anatomical Registration                neurology, cardiology and oncology
Image Accuracy
                      performance is consistent and                    Technologies) research development                 imaging. SUVpeak, new in the syngo.mCT
                      measurements are accurate, day after day.        philosophy. With SMART innovations,                Oncology Engine, provides consistent and
Minimum Dose and
                      With	Quanti•QC,	you	can	begin	each	day	          Siemens continues to pioneer new ways to           reproducible quantitative assessments of
Maximum Speed
                      knowing that overnight your scanner was          address PET attenuation. From a unique             hot spots. Myocardial Blood Flow (MBF) can
                      calibrated and tuned to precisely the right      patient handling system that eliminates            be used as an absolute quantification
Engineered Clinical
                      specifications, using phantom data that          differential deflection to Auto Cardiac            method to assess balanced disease in all
                      allows for daily PET normalization and           Registration which automatically aligns CT         areas of the heart. And an exciting
                      optimal performance. In addition the tightly     and PET heart images and reduces variability       quantative tool in neurology, part of the
                      regulated water-cooled gantry ensures            between users. And Siemens novel SMART             syngo.mCT Neurology Engine*,
                      system temperature stability for consistent      Neuro AC enables you to correct                    automatically registers brain data to a
Customer Care
                      performance.                                     neurological PET data without a CT scan*.          normals database to assist in the assessment
                                                                       The result in each case is accurate                of neurological disorders.
Molecular Imaging
                                                                       attenuation correction and reliable
Biomarker Research
                                                                       quantitative measurements.

12                                                                   * SMART Neuro AC and syngo.mCT Neurology Engine are pending 510k clearance,
                                                                       and are not yet commercial available in the United States.

In order to help physicians make sound
decisions, imaging must not only be
quantifiable – it must be accurate and
reproducible. Siemens Biograph mCT has
been intelligently engineered to meet this
need. The new technologies incorporated in
Biograph mCT are an exciting step forward
in furthering the understanding of disease,
its progression and response to treatment.
From daily system normalization and precise
PET and CT alignment with SMART
innovations to intelligent software that
assists with the interpretation of dementia,
evaluation of balanced myocardial disease
and accurate assessment of treatment
response on oncology. Accuracy and
reproducibility is the key to precisely
assessing disease status.

How it works

                       Intelligently Reproducible
Intelligently           Biograph mCT gives you quantifiable                       precise PET and CT alignment with SMART                  •	 Daily	calibration	ensures	consistent	
Reproducible            results that are accurate and reproducible                innovations and intelligent software,                       performance over time
Quantification          by overcoming inherent variabilities faced                Biograph mCT brings accuracy and
                                                                                                                                           •	 Better	attenuation	correction	for	more	
                        by conventional PET/CT systems. By                        reproducibility to daily routine.
                                                                                                                                              accurate, quantifiable data
Finest Volumetric       incorporating daily system normalization,
Image Accuracy                                                                                                                             •	 Quantitative	assessments	with	syngo.via

Minimum Dose and
Maximum Speed           Quality Control                                   PET and CT Registration                       Quantification Software

Engineered Clinical
Flexibility                                               Daily                             SMART                        Intelligent Software
                                                          Normalization                     Correction
                                      No Detector Drift

Customer Care
                                                                                                                         Absolute Perfusion
Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

                                                                                                                         Ratio Analysis*

14                    * This feature is under development and is not yet commercially available in the United States.
                        Due to regulatory reasons its future availability cannot be guaranteed.
How it works

Biograph	mCT’s	Quanti•QC	assures	day-to-         Environmental factors such as temperature                               Day                          Day   Day      Day
day consistency in your system response          fluctuations in the scan room have long                                 01                           16        30   90
and quantitative reproducibility. The            been recognized as a potential source of
comprehensive daily quality check and            system performance drift. Biograph mCT
calibration can be scheduled to run              vastly reduces such influence with the         Conventional
automatically overnight so the scanner is        tightly regulated integrated water-cooling
ready to begin imaging before the first          system which ensures system temperature
patient arrives.                                 stability for consistent performance.                                         Correlation of PET calibration
                                                                                                                               to initial cross calibration
Quanti•QC	is	performed	with	a	20	cm	             •	 Daily	normalization	is	routine
Germanium-68	uniformity	phantom	of	
                                                 •	 Can	be	scheduled	to	run	overnight                                    Day                          Day   Day      Day
known activity. This method allows for
                                                                                                                         01                           16        30   90
correlation with the dose calibrator via daily   •	 Allows	for	correlation	with	dose	calibrator	               18
                                                                                                                    F                  Ge

comparison to previously acquired cross             via daily comparison to previously
calibration – bringing increased confidence         acquired cross calibration for assurance of
in the quantification efficacy of the system.       quantitative accuracy
Once the phantom scan is completed,
normalization results are reported, including
a PET calibration factor check confirming
correct computation of the absolute image

How it works

                      SMART PHS
Intelligently         Biograph mCT employs a SMART patient        Conventional            SMART PHS
Reproducible          handling system (PHS) that was specifically
Quantification        designed for use in PET/CT imaging. Its
                      unique cantilever design, in which the
Finest Volumetric     pedestal and table move as one unit,
Image Accuracy        supports a full 227 kg (500 lb) without any
                      differential deflection between PET and CT
                                                                                 CT PET               CT PET
Minimum Dose and      acquisitions. This no-flex feature ensures
Maximum Speed         accurate attenuation correction for more
                      precise quantification.
Engineered Clinical
                      •	 Unique	cantilever	design
                      •	 Full	227	kg	(500	Ib)	table	capacity
                      •	 No	differential	deflection
Customer Care

Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

How it works

SMART Auto Cardiac Registration
SMART Auto Cardiac Registration quickly,       •	 Automatic	and	fast	PET	and	
automatically and precisely registers CT and      CT registration
PET scans during cardiac imaging. Using a
                                               •	 Reproducible	between	users
proprietary algorithm, SMART Auto Cardiac
Registration identifies the heart and aligns   •	 Consistently	accurate	quantification
the molecular and anatomical images for
optimal attenuation correction.
SMART Auto Cardiac Registration is
integrated within the cardiac acquisition
workflow. A rapid reconstruction of the non-
                                               Conventional                              SMART Auto Cardiac Registration
attenuation corrected PET image is
automatically registered to the CT for
optimal registration confirmation. PET
attenuation corrected images are
reconstructed based on the confirmed
optimal registration.
SMART Auto Cardiac Registration reduces
the variability between users, providing
consistently accurate and reproducible

Conventional CT AC

                                                                                         CT mu-map           Attenuation-corrected PET

                        How it works

                       SMART Neuro AC
Intelligently           SMART Neuro AC* enables quantification of                     SMART Neuro AC
Reproducible            PET data without requiring a CT scan for
Quantification          attenuation correction. The ability to
                        perform attenuation correction without a CT                      Calcualted mu-map   Attenuation-corrected PET
Finest Volumetric       scan avoids any co-registration problems
Image Accuracy          that can occur due to patient motion.
                        Siemens SMART Neuro AC assesses and
Minimum Dose and        applies an appropriate attenuation map to
Maximum Speed           the PET data to make accurate corrections
                        without requiring a CT scan, relieving the
Engineered Clinical     patient of further radiation exposure and
Flexibility             eliminating the chance of registration
                        •	 Calculated	attenuation	correction
Customer Care           •	 Quantitative	PET	data
                        •	 Minimize	radiation	dose
Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

18                    * SMART Neuro AC is pending 510k clearance,
                        and is not yet commercially available in the United States.
How it works

SUVpeak employs a 1 cm3 sphere volume of
interest (VOI) within a lesion for more
robust evaluation of uptake . SUVpeak
automatically identifies the peak value
within a VOI. Compared to the conventional
single pixel SUVmax, SUVpeak can decrease the
influences of noise and together with the
pre-set 1 cm3 volume and automatic peak
algorithm, can potentially reduce reader
variability. This method provides accurate
and reproducible information for therapy
response assessment.
•	 Automatic	identification	of	1	cm3
   SUV peak volume within VOI
•	 Fixed	dimensions	of	peak	volume	reduces	
   inter-operator variability
•	 Reduced	susceptibility	to	noise

How it works

                      Myocardial Blood Flow
Intelligently         Conventional myocardial perfusion imaging
Reproducible          assesses the blood’s relative distribution,
Quantification        assuming that at least one section of the
                      heart performs normally and can be used as
Finest Volumetric     a reference. The myocardial blood flow
Image Accuracy        (MBF) application is an absolute
                      quantification method that helps to
Minimum Dose and      confidently assess balanced disease in all
Maximum Speed         areas of the myocardium. This technology
                      now supports 82 Rubidium as well as 13N
Engineered Clinical   Ammonia imaging.
                      •	 Non-invasive	quantitative	assessment	of	
                         myocardial blood flow and coronary flow
Customer Care         •	 Supports	82Rb and 13N Ammonia biomarkers

Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

How it works

 PET Neurology Quantification
  syngo.PET Neuro DB Comparison* includes              currently exist. Siemens is presently working
  a PET FDG normals which database provides            to develop another quantitative tool in
  quantitative assessment of biomarker                 neurological imaging, which would assess
  uptake in the brain to aid in the assessment         the biomarker activity ratio** between two
  of neurological disorders such as dementia.          regions of the brain (i.e. a region of interest
  The application registers brain data to a            compared to a reference region such as the
  normals database automatically, so regional          cerebellum).
  volume of interest (VOI) generation and
                                                       •	 Clear	and	quick	assessment	of	hyper-	and	
  statistical analysis can be obtained. The
                                                          hypo-metabolic	brain	regions
  comparison quickly reveals abnormalities if
  present.                                             •	 Standard	voxel-by-voxel	reporting	of	
  As an innovation leader, Siemens is
  continually looking towards the future to            •	 Predefined	3D	anatomical	brain	regions
  find ways to answer tomorrow’s challenges
  sooner. New biomarkers are steadily being
  researched and developed. Such biomarkers
  often benefit from different tools than

* syngo.PET Neuro DB Comparison is pending 510k clearance,        **This feature is under development and is not yet commercially available in the United States.   21
  and is not yet commercial available in the United States.         Due to regulatory reasons its future availability cannot be guaranteed.
Intelligently           syngo.PET Neuro DB Comparison*
Reproducible            automatically registers brain data
                        to a normals database so VOI can
                        be generated for quantitative
                        assesment of biomarker uptake
Finest Volumetric
Image Accuracy

Minimum Dose and
Maximum Speed

Engineered Clinical


Customer Care

Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

22                    * syngo.PET Neuro DB Comparison is pending 510k clearance, and is not yet commercial available in the United States.
                         Due to regulatory reasons its future availability cannot be guaranteed.
Volume of interest with
SUVpeak provides
robust and reproducible

                          Myocardial blood flow
                          provides an absolute
                          quantification method
                          to assess balanced
                          disease in the

Finest Volumetric
Image Accuracy*

24    * Based on competitive literature available
        at time of publication. Data on file.
Finest Volumetric
                       Image Accuracy*
Intelligently           An accurate diagnosis starts with an accurate image in all dimensions. With conventional
Reproducible            technology, small or low-grade lesions can go undetected or lose definition towards the
Quantification          edge of the FOV and are subject to motion blurring thereby lowing diagnostic confidence.
                        Siemens recognizes that at the core of a good image is an accurate detection system, which
Finest Volumetric       begins with optimized components. From the very beginning of Siemens PET·CT
Image Accuracy          technology, image quality has been the first priority, this is still true today. Biograph mCT
                        optimizes the components of the detection system into a superbly designed imaging chain.
Minimum Dose and        From	the	design	and	configuration	of	the	isotropic	LSO	crystals	to	the	high	speed	
Maximum Speed           electronics to the industry’s best 400 x 400 reconstruction matrix, all resulting in the finest
                        volumetric image accuracy*. Combined with high definition technologies that bring
Engineered Clinical     uniform resolution and images virtually free of motion, it’s now possible to diagnose with
Flexibility             the increased confidence that this exquisite molecular clarity provides.


Customer Care

Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

26                    * Based on competitive literature available
                        at time of publication. Data on file.
Return on
             Clinical Return                             Workflow Return                            Financial Return
             •	 Superb	visualization,	particularly	of	   •	 Reduced	time	to	image	review	           •	 Attract	patients	and	referring	
                small tumors with industry-leading          enabled by fast and consistent             physicians with high-definition
                87 mm3 volumetric resolution*               reconstruction times                       image quality
             •	 Increased	diagnostic	confidence	         •	 One-click	gating	integrated	in	daily	   •	 Reduction	of	false	negatives	
                with the finest uniform resolution*         routine                                    associated with breathing artifacts
                and a 4x increase in signal-to-noise

Finest Volumetric
                       Image Accuracy
Intelligently           Patented OptisoHD Detection System            highly renowned and compact STRATON™          No motion for full HD lesion detection,
Reproducible            delivers the industry’s finest volumetric     tube with z-Sharp™ delivers true temporal     accurate SUV quantification
Quantification          resolution*                                   resolution of up to 150 ms for motion-
                                                                                                                    HD·Chest is a breakthrough technology from
                                                                      artifact free CT imaging of the heart.
                        Siemens continues to deliver exquisite                                                      Siemens that eliminates the tradeoff
Finest Volumetric
                        diagnostic image quality. The unique                                                        between diagnostic confidence and
Image Accuracy                                                        Uniform resolution throughout
                        OptisoHD Detection System provides a                                                        examination time. An innovative
                                                                      the field of view
                        robust foundation comprised of optimized                                                    combination of hardware and software,
Minimum Dose and
                        components enabling peak performance          Siemens ultraHD·PET delivers increased        HD·Chest virtually freezes respiratory
Maximum Speed
                        throughout the scanner. Biograph mCT          image quality, easily outperforming           motion, enabling full HD lesion detection
                        continues to set the standard for image       conventional PET/CT technology. It            and accurate standard uptake value (SUV)
Engineered Clinical
                        quality by delivering the finest NEMA* and    combines two important innovations:           quantification. Best of all, HD·Chest is
                        volumetric resolution in the market.          HD·PET, which provides uniform resolution     designed to be as fast as a conventional PET
                                                                      throughout the FOV; and Time of Flight        examination, so you can have increased
                        Excellence in Cardiac imaging                 (TOF), which doubles improvement in           diagnostic confidence without affecting
                                                                      signal-to-noise. Combined with z-Sharp™       your patient schedule.
Customer Care           Biograph mCT provides excellence in cardiac
                                                                      technology that provides an isotropic
                        imaging through innovative PET and CT
                                                                      resolution of 0.33 mm at any position
Molecular Imaging       technologies.	The	patented	Prompts	Gamma	
                                                                      within the scan field, Biograph mCT
Biomarker Research      Correction provides clarity in PET cardiac
                                                                      continues to push the boundaries of spatial
                        imaging with a reduction in noise while the

28                    * Based on competitive literature available
                        at time of publication. Data on file.

Image clarity and precise localization are key
to disease detection, accurate staging and
improved therapy planning. Biograph mCT’s
OptisoHD Detection System and innovative
technologies	like	Prompts	Gamma	
Correction, Time of Flight, z-Sharp and
HD·Chest work together to acquire and
reconstruct images that accurately represent
molecular processes with superb image
quality in all dimensions. So cardiac studies
are more exact. Tumors are more clearly
defined. Brain lesions can be precisely
mapped. Siemens new Biograph mCT is a
quantum leap forward, refining images and
setting another new standard in diagnostic

How it works

                       OptisoHD Detection System
Intelligently           Siemens OptisoHD Detection system is               Ultrafast detector electronics, combined
Reproducible            designed for optimum performance. The              with	the	speed	of	LSO	and	the	unique	block	
Quantification          Lutetium	Oxyorthosilicate	(LSO)	crystals	–	        design of OptisoHD Detection System,
                        manufactured by Siemens and long                   allow fast coincidence timing with efficient
Finest Volumetric       recognized for their density, fast scintillation   rejection of random events. This provides
Image Accuracy          decay time (the fastest of all PET scintillators   very high count rates that are essential to
                        currently in use) and light output – are the       high-speed PET scanning. Ultimately,
Minimum Dose and        foundation of the system. These isotropic          the result is superb clarity and better
Maximum Speed           LSO	crystal	elements	are	tightly	packed	and	       localization of events. These events are then
                        incorporate Siemens patented air reflector         reconstructed using the industry’s highest
Engineered Clinical     technology which optimizes the light output        matrix size of 400 x 400*, delivering superb
Flexibility             for even greater timing performance and            image quality with leading NEMA
                        energy resolution.                                 resolution*.
                                                                           •	 Patented	air	reflector	technology
Customer Care                                                              •	 High	resolution	–
                                                                              4	x	4	x	20	mm	LSO	crystals
Molecular Imaging
                                                                           •	 Industry’s	highest	matrix	size	of	
Biomarker Research
                                                                              400 x 400*

30                    * Based on competitive literature available
                        at time of publication. Data on file.
135 mm3

In a three-dimensional world, decisions         •	 Volume	resolution	87	mm3                 Conventional
should be made with three-dimensional
                                                •	 Up	to	35%	finer	volumetric	resolution	
information. And a simple comparison of
                                                   than conventional systems
voxel size helps explain the volumetric
resolution advantage of Biograph mCT.           •	 Decreased	partial	volume	effect
Conventional equipment uses larger, non-
isotropic elements; Biograph mCT employs
                                                                                                  87 mm3
smaller isotropic elements. These smaller
elements and fine axial sampling help to
create extraordinary images in any
dimension, resulting in the industry’s finest
volumetric resolution* of only 87mm3,
up to 35% smaller than conventional
systems. Sampling statistics reduce partial
volume effects and achieve an increased
quantitative accuracy for detection of
smaller lesions.

                                                                                            Volume Resolution

How it works

                      Cardiac CT
Intelligently         High quality cardiac CT depends on a           decreasing the detector elements’ size to
                                                                                                                     Cathode                         Heat
Reproducible          number of system performance features          improve spatial resolution, z-Sharp utilizes
Quantification        including high temporal resolution, fine       two overlapping X-ray beams, resulting in
                      spatial resolution and flexible acquisition    significantly increased spatial resolution
Finest Volumetric     techniques that adapt to different patients.   without a corresponding increase in dose.
Image Accuracy        Biograph mCT addresses all these               This provides you with the industry’s highest
                      requirements with 0.3 sec rotation speed,      isotropic resolution of 0.33 mm at any scan
Minimum Dose and      0.33 mm isotropic resolution and up to 128     and rotation speed, and at any position
Maximum Speed         acquired slices per rotation.                  within the scan field. This for instance
                                                                     allows motion-artifact free imaging of the
                      The core technology that allows the new                                                                          Cooling oil
Engineered Clinical                                                  heart to perform accurate stenosis
                      Biograph mCT to deliver clinical excellence
Flexibility                                                          measurements or stent planning with
                      in cardiac CT, is the highly renowned
                                                                     outstanding precision.
                      STRATON™ tube with z-Sharp™. Its
                      revolutionary design based on a direct         •	 Compact	tube	design	with	0.3	sec	rotation	
                      anode cooling eliminates the need for heat        speed
Customer Care
                      storage and results in an unmatched
                                                                     •	 150	ms	temporal	resolution
                      compact design thus allowing true temporal
Molecular Imaging
                      resolution of up to 150 ms. Instead of         •	 0.33	mm	isotropic	resolution
Biomarker Research

How it works

Prompts Gamma Correction
Siemens	patented	Prompts	Gamma	                 Conventional
Correction is the solution for cardiac
imaging with rubidium-82 (82Rb), providing
improved image accuracy through a
reduction in image noise. The third gamma
that 82Rb emits results in a additional and
incorrect lines of response to be calculated.
Left	uncompensated,	this	additional	gamma	
leads to distortions with increased image                                  More noise reduces image clarity
noise and possible quantitative errors.
Prompts	Gamma	Correction	automatically	         Prompts	Gamma	Correction
addresses this anomaly in its scatter
correction algorithms, resulting in more
reliable, more accurate imaging.
•	 Noise	reduction	for	improved	image	
•	 More	quantitative	accuracy
                                                                           Less	noise	for	greater	image	clarity
•	 Correction	automatically	incorporated	in	
   patented scatter correction algorithm

Conventional   Time of Flight


                      How it works

                      Time                                                                             T2

                      of Flight
Intelligently         Siemens TOF measures the actual time
Reproducible          difference between the detection of each
Quantification        coincidence photon. This additional timing
                      information is used to better localize the
Finest Volumetric     event within a small range along each line-
Image Accuracy        of-response	(LOR).	The	better	localization	of	
                      each event using TOF reduces noise in the
Minimum Dose and      reconstructed image.
Maximum Speed
                      •	 2x	improvement	in	signal-to-noise
Engineered Clinical   •	 2x	improvement	in	contrast
                      •	 Signogram	mode	TOF	with	fixed	and	fast	
                         reconstruction times

Customer Care

Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

Conventional                                  HD·PET

                                                                     Crystals                                      Crystals

                                                                                       Crystals                                     Crystals

                                                                     LOR Photon                                    LOR Photon
                                                                                                  Crystals                                        Crystals
                                                                                         Photon                                  LOR Photon

     How it works                                                                         Wrong

HD·PET                                                                                             Photon                                      LOR Photon

     HD uniformity · HD resolution · 2x HD
     •	 HD·PET	improves	resolution
     •	 Delivers	uniform	resolution	throughout	
        the FOV
     •	 2x	improvement	in	signal-to-noise                                                Without HD·PET                               With HD·PET

                                                                                                                                                                      Measurements were
                                                                                                                                                                      taken with a line source
                                                                                                                                                                      suspended in air at radial
                                                                                                                                                                      positions from the center
Average Resolution (mm FWHM)1

                                                                    Conventional PET uses the same                HD·PET incorporates millions of accurately
                                                                                                                                                                      to 28 centimeters in
                                Conventional                        reconstruction principles across the entire   measured point spread functions (PSF) in            4 centimeter steps. The
                                                                    FOV and does not take into account the        the reconstruction algorithms. Using                Biograph HI-REZ-FBP data
                                                                    detector geometry and mispositioning of       measured PSFs, HD·PET effectively positions         were reconstructed with
                                HD·PET and ultraHD·PET              the	LORs.	This	results	in	fuzzy	edges	and	    the	LORs	in	their	actual	geometric	location,	       a standard filtered
                                                                    increased distortion further from the         which dramatically reduces blurring and             backprojection algorithm
                                                                    center of the FOV.                            distortion in the final image.                      after FORE rebinning and
                                                                                                                                                                      the HD·PET data were
                                                                                                                                                                      reconstructed with the
                                                                                                                                                                      TrueX algorithm using six
                                               Radial Distance/cm                                                                                                     iterations and 14 subsets.

How it works

                      ultraHD·PET                                              TOF                               HD                           ultraHD·PET

Intelligently         By combining Siemens HD·PET with TOF, the
Reproducible          result is up to 4 times improvement in signal

                                                                                                   +                                  =
Quantification        to noise for ultraHD contrast and uniform
                      resolution throughout the FOV.
Finest Volumetric
                      •	 Uniform	resolution	throughout	the	FOV
Image Accuracy
                      •	 4x	improvement	in	signal-to-noise
Minimum Dose and
                      •	 Fast	and	consistent	reconstruction	time
Maximum Speed

Engineered Clinical                                                                Segments of                        Segments of                     Segments of
Flexibility                                                                        response                           response                        response
                                                                                   (“time bins”)                      (“time bins”)                   (“time bins”)
                                                                      Accurately locates the           Effectively positions the line     ultraHD·PET reduces blurring
Customer Care                                                         annihilation along the line of   of response in it’s actual         of the signal from all axis
                                                                      response                         geometric location
Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

How it works                                                                                                      Alternating focal spots
                                                                                                                            1   2

z-Sharp                                          0.4 mm objects
                                                                                                     STRATON™ X-tay tube

                                                                                                       0.4 mm objects

                                                                                                                                                                          0.6 mm
Increased resolution without increased
dose. z-Sharp uses two intersecting X-ray
beams that produce isotropic resolution of
0.33 mm at any scan and rotation speed,                                                                                                                          0.6 mm
and within any position in the scan field –                                                                                                                Oversampling
all without an increase in dose.
                                                               conventional technology                      128-channel data acquisition electronics
For wrist, joint or inner ear studies, Siemens
proprietary technology, z-UHR, adapts the            Measured signal per detector element                   Measured signal per detector element
system for ultra-high resolution bone                      0.6 mm                                                 0.6 mm
                                                                                                 1                                                     1
imaging. In this case, providing 0.24 mm
istotropic resolution.                                                                           0                                                     0
                                                       1   1      1   1   1   1   1      1   1               1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
•	 Increased	resolution	without	dose	penalty
                                                      Resulting resolution                                  Resulting resolution
	•	Isotropic	0.33	mm	resolution	throughout	
   the FOV
	•	z-UHR	provides	0.24	mm	Isotropic	

How it works


                                                                                               ex h a

Intelligently         Full HD lesion detection                         Optimal
Reproducible          Accurate SUV quantification                      Imaging
Quantification        One-click routine                                Region

                      •	 Amplitude	based	gating	automatically
Finest Volumetric                                                      4D	Gating                                                                    4D	Gating
                         analyzes each patient’s individual
Image Accuracy                                                         Image                                                                        Image
                         breathing pattern
                                                                       Acquisition                                                                  Reconstruction
Minimum Dose and      •	 Identifies	portion	of	the	respiratory	cycle
Maximum Speed            with the least motion and the most data –     HD·Chest                                                                     HD·Chest
                         the optimum imaging area                      Image                                                                        Image
Engineered Clinical                                                    Acquisition                                                                  Reconstruction

syngo.via                                                              HD·Chest applies an innovative algorithm to   With HD·Chest, image data from the optimal
                                                                       analyze each patient’s individual breathing   portion of the breathing cycle goes to make
Customer Care                                                          pattern and identify the portion of the       up the image. The system then reconstructs
                                                                       respiratory cycle with the least motion.      a single, high resolution image with
Molecular Imaging                                                      This area of the cycle is where most data     superior lesion conspicuity. The entire
Biomarker Research                                                     can be collected, without motion, in the      process is automated, which means it is
                                                                       shortest amount of time.                      operator independent, saving you valuable

Conventional Examination                               HD·Chest

                                                                                                             Full HD lesion detection
                                                                                                             With less noise and more data, small
                                                                                                             moving lesions are clearer and their edges
                                                                                                             are sharper.

In the conventional scan, respiratory motion causes    With HD·Chest, the lesion is clearly visible.
the lesion to be obscured.

Conventional Examination SUVmax4                       HD·Chest SUVmax9

                                                                                                             Accurate SUV quantification
                                                                                                             HD·Chest’s motion freeze also enables
                                                                                                             more accurate standard uptake value (SUV)

In this example, the conventional scan shows a         HD·Chest greatly improves quantification of lesions
single lesion blurred by respiratory motion.           normally blurred by respiratory motion.

Clinical Workflow                                                                                            One-click routine
Patient 1                                                               Patient 2
                                                                                                             HD·Chest enables automatic acquisition
                                                                                                             and reconstruction of virtually motion-free
                                                                                                             images in less time than conventional
                                                                                                             gating techniques.




                              Accquisition                                    Reconstruction and
                              (6 gates)                                       manual selection of
                                                                              the “best gate”

4D	Gating

     Preparation              Acquisition             Reconstruction

Superb visualization
of small tumors
with industry-leading
volumetric resolution*


Finest Volumetric
Image Accuracy

Minimum Dose and
Maximum Speed

Engineered Clinical


Customer Care

Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

40 * Based on competitive literature available
       at time of publication. Data on file.
Biograph mCT optimizes every   ultraHD·PET brings uniform
componet of the detection      resolution throughout the field
system into a superbly         of view and 4 times the
designed imaging chain,        improvement in signal-to-noise
for excellent image quality

Minimum Dose and
Maximum Speed

Minimum Dose and
                      Maximum Speed
Intelligently         Two of the most challenging issues facing healthcare today are the dual mandates to
Reproducible          improve patient safety and increase productivity. From a patient care and economic
Quantification        perspective, each is critically important. With conventional systems, clinicians have to
                      choose between protecting patients with minimum dose, or greater productivity with faster
Finest Volumetric     scanning. The new Biograph mCT offers innovative imaging solutions where the lowest
Image Accuracy        dose can be used, while still scanning patients faster than ever before. Now, clinicians can
                      have it all – scans with half dose and double speed. By reducing dose and increasing speed,
Minimum Dose and      patient safety is improved, costs are dramatically reduced, while increased utilization can
Maximum Speed         also be achieved.

Engineered Clinical


Customer Care

Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

Return on
             Clinical Return                            Workflow Return                     Financial Return
             •	 Half	the	dose	and	the	acquisition	      •	 Whole-body	PET	scans	in	only     •	 Reduce	imaging	radioisotope	costs	
                time while maintaining highest             5 minutes                           by reducing injected dose
                image quality
                                                        •	 Lowest	possible	dose	and	high-   •	 Attract	more	referrals	by	increasing	
             •	 Minimum	dose,	especially	to	critical	      speed workflow enabled by           patient comfort with shorter exam
                patients (children and patients with       FAST CARE technologies              times
                frequent follow-up exams)

Minimum Dose and
                      Maximum Speed
Intelligently         CARE                                            FAST                                               Half the dose, twice the speed
                      Achieving the highest technical                 An increasingly competitive and rapidly            Biograph mCT is meeting both of the core
                      performance is only important when it           changing healthcare market requires                needs of improving patient safety and
                      meets the needs of the patient and our          improvements in quality and throughput.            increasing productivity, at the same time,
Finest Volumetric
                      customers. In molecular imaging, patient        Utilizing FAST (Fully Assisting Scanner            through our commitment: “Minimum Dose
Image Accuracy
                      safety translates primarily into dose           Technologies) innovations, typically time          and Maximum Speed.” By combining FAST
                      reduction.                                      consuming and complex procedures during            and CARE technologies, Biograph mCT offers
Minimum Dose and
                                                                      the scan process are extremely simplified          innovative imaging solutions enabling half
Maximum Speed         Principles	such	as	“As	Low	as	Reasonably	
                                                                      and automated, not only improving                  the dose to be used while doubling the scan
                      Achievable”	(ALARA)	have	developed	as	a	
                                                                      workflow efficiency and scanner utilization,       speed. By reducing dose and increasing
Engineered Clinical   guideline to reduce all radiation exposure to
                                                                      but optimizing the overall clinical outcome        speed, costs are dramatically reduced, while
Flexibility           the lowest possible level. With CARE
                                                                      by creating reproducible results, making           increased utilization can also be achieved.
                      (Combined Applications to Reduce
                                                                      diagnosis more reliable and reducing patient
syngo.via             Exposure), Siemens has been highly
                                                                      burden through streamlined examinations.
                      successful in integrating many innovations
                                                                      In addition, faster scans result in less patient
Customer Care         into the Siemens scanners that significantly
                                                                      motion, so image quality and the overall
                      reduce radiation dose in comparison to
                                                                      patient experience can be optimized.
Molecular Imaging     other systems available on the market.
Biomarker Research


In order to address two of the most
important concerns in healthcare today,
improving patient safety and increasing
productivity, Siemens lives by the
philosophy of minimum dose and maximum
speed, which benefits both the patient and
provider. At the core of this philosophy are
the innovative FAST and CARE technologies
which improve the patient experience
through increased scan speeds, while using
as little exposure as possible, all without
sacrificing image quality. For the provider,
increased speed improves throughput for
more efficient operation.
Siemens is moving the technology forward
– to create faster and safer imaging while
maintaining the highest of standards for
image quality.

How it works

                       Minimum Dose and
                       Maximum Speed
                                                                  LSO                                                                          True V                         ultraHD·PET
Quantification                                                                                                    Without TrueV

                                                                  •	 Cornerstone	of	                                                           •	 2x	lower	dose               •	 2x	lower	dose
                                                                                                     With TrueV                                                     T1

Finest Volumetric                                                    low-dose
                                                                                                                                               or                        T2
                                                                                                                                                                              •	 2x	faster	scan	
Image Accuracy                                                       imaging
                                                                                                                                               •	 2x	faster	scan	
                                                                  •	 8x	faster	crystal
Minimum Dose and                                                                                                                                  speed
Maximum Speed

Engineered Clinical
Flexibility                                              Dose     Adaptive Dose                                                                SAFIRE**                       CARE Dose4D
syngo.via                                                                                                                                      •	 Iterative	                  •	 Up	to	68%	lower	
                                                                  •	 Up	to	25%	lower	                                                             reconstruction                 dose
Customer Care                                                        dose                       Raw data      Image data            Image
                                                                                                 recon          recon             correction
                                                                                                                                                                              •	 Fully	automated
                                                                  •	 Fully	automated                                                           •	 Fast	recon	in	
Molecular Imaging
                                                                                                                                                  image and raw
Biomarker Research
                                                                                                                                                  data space

48                    * SMART Neuro AC, FAST Planning, CARE kV, X-CARE, SAFIRE and FAST Cardio Wizard are
                        pending 510k clearance, and are not yet commercially available in the United States.
FAST Planning*                             Time of Flight                           CARE kV*                     SMART Neuro AC*
                                                                            70 kV
                                                                            80 kV
•	 Improves	                               •	 2x	lower	dose                         •	 Up	to	60%	lower	          •	 No	CT	dose
                                                                           100 kV
                                                                           120 kV                           NO
   workflow                                                                140 kV      dose                 CT
                                           •	 2x	faster	scan	                                                    •	 PET	attenuation	
                                              speed                                 •	 Optimize	 ontrast-
                                                                                                c                   correction
•	 Minimizes	wait	                                                                     to-noise-ratio               without CT
   times for

Adaptive Cardio            X-ray low
                                           X-CARE*                       X-ray      UFC                          FAST Cardio
Sequence                                                                                                         wizard*
                                           •	 Up	to	60%	lower	                      •	 Up	to	30%	lower	
•	 1	–	3	mSv	Cardio                           dose                                     dose                      •	 Intuitive	step-by-
                                                                   UFC                                              step guidance
•	 Fully	automated                         •	 Reduce	exposure	                      •	 Fast	acquisition
                           X-ray on
                                              in sensitive areas                                                 •	 Higher	reliability	
                                                                                                                    and reproducibility
                                                                                                                    in cardiac CT

How it works

Intelligently         TrueV high-speed technology widens the        TrueV = ½ injected dose or 2x speed due to   ultraHD·PET + TrueV = ½ injected dose AND
Reproducible          axial FOV and features 30% fewer bed          70% increase in NEC performance.             2x speed due to 70% increase in NEC
Quantification        positions when compared to a standard                                                      performance and 4x improved signal to
                                                                    ultraHD·PET and TrueV as combined
                      FOV. With an increased count rate                                                          noise.
                                                                    technologies make a 5-minute PET scan
Finest Volumetric     performance of more than 70%, you can
                                                                    possible – unprecedented for a routine       Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed
Image Accuracy        lower dose rates of scan time. For example,
                                                                    clinical.                                    benefits:
                      a scan time reduced to 10 minutes or a 50%
Minimum Dose and      less injected dose to the patient.                                                         •	 Provides	2x	lower	dose
Maximum Speed
                                                                                                                 •	 Offers	2x	faster	scan	speed
Engineered Clinical
Flexibility           TrueV widens the axial field of view by 33%   Conventional field of view                   Biograph with TrueV


Customer Care

Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

How it works

ultraHD·PET =
HD·PET + Time of Flight
By combining Siemens HD·PET with Time of                                  Conventional PET detects coincidence photons and
Flight (TOF), the result is up to 4 times                                 records	individual	LORs	between	the	crystals.
                                                                          The actual location where the annihilation occurred
improvement in signal to noise for ultraHD
                                                                          along	the	LOR	is	not	measured,	which	inherently	
contrast.                                              Conventional PET
                                                                          generates blurring in the reconstructed image.
Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed
                                                                          Siemens ultraHD·PET with TOF measures the actual
                                                                          time difference between the detection of each
•	 Provides	2x	lower	dose                                                 coincidence photon. This additional timing
                                                                          information is used to better localize the event
•	 Offers	2x	faster	scan	speed                                            within	a	small	range	along	each	LOR.	The	better	
                                                                          localization of each event using TOF reduces
•	 Enables	a	five-minute,	whole-body	scan	                                blurring in the reconstructed image.
   with TrueV


How it works

                      Adaptive Dose Shield                                                                   Conventional tube

Intelligently         As part of the STRATON X-ray tube, the               Pre-Spiral Dose                   Post-Spiral Dose
Reproducible          unique Adaptive Dose Shield moves
Quantification        collimators on the X-ray tube to block
                                                                                                Image area
                      unnecessary radiation dose. The shield
Finest Volumetric     dynamically opens at the onset of a spiral
Image Accuracy        range and dynamically closes at the end,
                      eliminating all clinically irrelevant dose. The
                                                                              Conventional Technology
Minimum Dose and      result can be up to 25% lower CT doses.
Maximum Speed
                      Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed
Engineered Clinical
Flexibility           •	 Reduces	CT	dose	exposure	by	up	to	25%                                               STRATON with Adaptive
                                                                                                             Dose Shield
                      •	 Significantly	reduces	the	possibility	of	
Customer Care         •	 Shields	the	patient	from	pre-	and	post-        No Pre-Spiral Dose                   No Post-Spiral Dose
                         helical radiation
Molecular Imaging                                                                               Image area
Biomarker Research

                                                                              Adaptive Dose Shield

How it works

  SAFIRE* – Sinogram Affirmed Iterative                                                                     Standard Filtered                                       SAFIRE
  Reconstruction – should allow you to utilize                                                              Back Projection
  raw-data information (which is visualized in
  the so-called sinogram) in the iterative
  image reconstruction process.

                                                                                           Raw data recon

                                                                                                                                Raw data recon   Image data recon     Image correction

* SAFIRE is pending 510k clearance, and is not yet commercially available in the United States.                                                                                     53
How it works

                       CARE kV
Intelligently           Siemens has introduced the first automated
Reproducible            voltage setting to optimize contrast-to-
Quantification          noise-ratio and reduce dose by up to 60%.
                                                                                                                                         70 kV
                        The automated selection is based on patient                                                                      80 kV
Finest Volumetric       habitus and specific exam. CARE kV* is                                                                          100 kV
Image Accuracy          especially useful in pediatric imaging,                                                                         120 kV
                        sparing smaller patients from unnecessary                                                                       140 kV
Minimum Dose and        exposure.
Maximum Speed
                        Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed
Engineered Clinical
Flexibility             •	 Optimize	contrast-to-noise-ratio
                        •	 Up	to	60%	dose	reduction

Customer Care

Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research
                                                                                       Example: For a contrast media enhanced vessel examination of a small patient,
                                                                                       CARE kV proposes to scan with 70 kV and sets the other values accordingly.

54                    * CARE kV and FAST Planning are pending 510k clearance,
                        and are not yet commercially available in the United States.
How it works

FAST Planning
Siemens’ Fully Assisting Scanner
Technologies (FAST) features help
radiologists and technicians plan and
prepare for examinations and minimize the
wait time for patients.
FAST Planning* performs an immediate,
organ-based setting of the scan and
reconstruction ranges. The goal is a safer
and faster experience for the patient and
more predictable workflow at the scanner.
Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed
•	 Minimizes	wait	times	for	patients
•	 Automatic	detection	of	scan	field	based	   Conventional   FAST Planning
   on organ characteristics

Superb image quality
                      with 1/2 injected dose
                      using TOF technology


Finest Volumetric
Image Accuracy

Minimum Dose and
Maximum Speed

Engineered Clinical


Customer Care

Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

Whole-body PET with half
injected dose and a 5-minute
acquisition time

Engineered Clinical

                       Clinical Flexibility
Intelligently           In order to grow your business, you need a system that is flexible to accommodate all
Reproducible            patients* and procedures in PET and CT, today and in the future. With a conventional PET/
Quantification          CT system a standard bore size does not allow access to all patients, nor does it integrate
                        high-end CT. The new Biograph mCT is engineered as a true dual-use solution to help
Finest Volumetric       customers multiply studies and increase business growth. Biograph mCT provides the
Image Accuracy          clinical flexibility to use high resolution CT in conjunction with high definition PET imaging,
                        or as a standalone CT. And with the industry’s only 78 cm bore, Biograph mCT can
Minimum Dose and        accommodate a wide range of patients, including bariatric for both PET and CT studies.
Maximum Speed           The engineered flexibility and scalability allows customers to configure a system which best
                        meets their needs, and of course their patient needs today and tomorrow.
Engineered Clinical


Customer Care

Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

60                    * Up to 227 kg (500 lb)
Return on
             Clinical Return                            Workflow Return                           Financial Return
             •	 Improve	diagnostic	accuracy	with	       •	 Image	bariatric	PET	and	CT	patients	   •	 Increase	revenue	with	a	78	cm	bore	
                less patient movement enabled by           without impacting schedule                for imaging a wider variety of
                large bore and fast scan times                                                       patients and procedures
                                                        •	 Streamline	dual	modality	workflow	
             •	 Expand	clinical	capabilities	on	both	      with engineered integration of         •	 Reduce	operating	cost	by	uniting	
                PET and CT with a complete portfolio       state-of-the-art PET and premium CT       stand-alone PET and CT services into
                of advanced applications                                                             a single integrated offering

                       Clinical Flexibility
Intelligently           Maximizing patients base                                Maximize modality performance                      Flexible scalability and upgradeability
                        Today’s conventional technology often falls             Biograph mCT is engineered as a true dual-         Biograph mCT is designed as a remarkably
                        short for a simple reason – it fails to                 modality scanner which integrates the best         scalable PET·CT platform and is designed to
                        accommodate a wide patient demographic                  performance of both PET and CT modalities          grow as business and clinical needs change.
Finest Volumetric
                        and therefore inhibits the growth a wider               into a single compact system. Available in         Biograph mCT offers a variety of in-field
Image Accuracy
                        referral base can generate. Siemens has                 CT configurations of up to 128 acquired            upgrades, from increasing the number of CT
                        engineered Biograph mCT for clinical                    slices per rotation, it offers the capability of   slices up to 128 to expanding the PET field
Minimum Dose and
                        flexibility and growth, with a large 78 cm              entire-body CT scans in just 10 seconds,           of view up to 21.6 cm. With such flexible
Maximum Speed
                        bore, short tunnel and a 227 kg (500 lb)                and whole-body PET scans in as little as           scalability and upgradability Biograph mCT
                        table capacity which improves patient                   5 minutes. Biograph mCT transforms a               provides returns and referrals now and well
Engineered Clinical
                        comfort and accessibility. Additionally, with           single room into a fast, dual-modality             into the future.
                        features such as a powerful 100 kW CT                   scanning facility. Now customers can offer
                        generator – which provides ample X-ray                  advanced CT and PET imaging with one
                        power reserves for high quality imaging and             room; one team; one integrated system;
                        HD FoV* (field of view) which improves                  one schedule; and if required, one
Customer Care
                        image quality beyond the standard CT                    comprehensive exam. Such clinical flexibility
                        diagnostic FoV, Siemens is making bariatric             saves precious space, time and cost while
Molecular Imaging
                        PET imaging more accurate with excellent                maximizing dual-modality utilization and
Biomarker Research
                        image quality.                                          enabling business growth.

62                    * HD FoV is pending 510k clearance, and is not yet commercially available in the United States.

  To enable growth a PET/CT system must be
  able to accommodate even the most
  challenging patient situations, such as
  bariatric imaging, while providing high-end
  imaging applications in both modalities.
  The new Biograph mCT has been
  engineered with the clinical flexibility to
  meet these needs now and in the future. Its
  large 78 cm bore and shorter tunnel
  accommodate even the largest patient*,
  so your referral base is greatly expanded.
  And its multi-functionality (CT, PET and PET/
  CT) delivers savings in space, staffing and
  scheduling so clinical workflow is more
  efficient. The bottom line however, remains
  performance. Biograph mCT produces
  superb image quality, precise quantification
  and patient comfort and safety while
  delivering clinical flexibility that benefits

* up to 227 kg (500 lb)                           63
How it works

                      Large Bore and
                      Short Tunnel
Intelligently         The 78 cm bore of Biograph mCT can              •	 Wide	78	cm	bore
Reproducible          comfortably accommodate a greater range
                                                                      •	 Short	tunnel
Quantification        of patients in both PET and CT. Unlike
                      conventional systems, whose narrow bore         •	 227	kg	(500	Ib)	table	capacity	
Finest Volumetric     and long tunnel can make patients feel
Image Accuracy        claustrophobic, Biograph mCT features a
                      wider bore – 78 cm wide – and a shorter
Minimum Dose and      tunnel for a more open scanning
Maximum Speed         experience. The large bore also allows better     Conventional                       Biograph mCT
                      positioning of RTP devices, such as breast
Engineered Clinical   boards.
                      The wider bed provides comfortable support
                      even for obese patients and has a capacity
                      of up to 227 kg (500 lb). And the design of
                      the bed eliminates the CT and PET                                     70 cm                         78 cm
Customer Care
                      registration artifacts that can occur in
                      bariatric imaging with a conventional
Molecular Imaging
Biomarker Research

How it works

  Conventional FOV for CT is 50 cm, but in                •	 Improved	CT	image	quality	
  some cases (e.g., with bariatric patients) CT              and HU > 50 cm
  measurements are truncated and image
                                                          •	 Enhanced	PET	image	quality	>	50	cm
  artifacts in PET attenuation-corrected (AC)
  images may result. Until now this problem               •	 Advanced	PET	quantification
  was addressed using the extended field of
  view method (EFoV), but Siemens recently
  introduced an improved way to process
  truncated data sets in CT scans. This                                                  Conventional   HD FoV
  innovative new method, HD FoV*, provides
  better image quality and improved
  Houndsfield Unit (HU) stability between 50
  and 65 cm resulting in more quantitative
  PET images. This allows for more precise
  radiation therapy planning for bariatric
  patients and patients positioned outside the
  Biograph mCT isocenter.

* HD FoV is pending 510k clearance, and is not yet commercially available in the United States.                  65
How it works

                      High End CT
Intelligently            The premium CT integrated into Biograph                   •	 Isotropic	0.33	mm	resolution	      Speed 0.30 s                     Resolution 0.24 mm
Reproducible             mCT is based on Siemens SOMATOM®                             anywhere in the scan field
Quantification           Definition AS platform, offering full CT
                                                                                   •	 High	temporal	resolution	
                         functionality with up to 128 acquired slices
                                                                                      of 150 ms
Finest Volumetric        per rotation, into a compact dual modality
Image Accuracy           design.                                                   •	 128	slices	per	rotation
                                                                                                                                                 Scan any
                         The revolutionary design of the STRATON
Minimum Dose and                                                                                                                               patient with:
                         X-ray tube features a direct anode cooling                                                                           78 cm opening,
Maximum Speed
                         which eliminates the need for heat storage                                                                         227 kg weight limit,
                         and results in a compact design thus                                                                                 198 cm co-scan
Engineered Clinical
                         allowing true temporal resolution of up to                                                                               range**
                         150 ms. z-Sharp technology delivers the
                         industry’s highest isotropic resolution of
                         0.33 mm* at any scan and rotation speed,
                         and at any position within the scan field.
Customer Care
                         Engineered to deliver such high
                         performance and clinical flexibility, Biograph                                                  Coverage 128-slice                        Power 100 kW
Molecular Imaging
                         mCT opens doors to growth in all areas of
Biomarker Research
                         PET and CT imaging.

66                     *	 Based	on	Competitive	Literature	available	at	time	of	publication.	                          **With TrueV and utilizing pallet extensions.
                          Data on file.
How it works

Dual Use – Room                                CT Room                   PET/CT Room

By seamlessly integrating high end PET and
premium CT, Biograph mCT provides the
power of two high-end modalities in a single
solution, thereby offering efficiencies in
square footage, utilities, service and
staffing. Now you can offer high quality PET
and CT in one room. With one schedule.
One team. One user interface that has been
engineered for simplicity and speed. And
with Biograph mCT’s new FAST CARE                        Biograph mCT Room
technologies, every step of the examination
process has been streamlined, from scan
preparation to image review.
•	 Single	room
•	 High-end	PET
•	 Premium	CT

How it works

                      Acculine RT
Intelligently         Biograph mCT offers a comprehensive
Reproducible          solution for Radiation Oncology, from the
Quantification        wide 78 cm bore for ease of positioning and
                      patient access, motion management with
Finest Volumetric     PET and CT respiratory gating to the unique
Image Accuracy        canti-lever designed SMART PHS (patient
                      handling system) with radiation therapy
Minimum Dose and      planning	pallet	and	conforming	to	TG-66	
Maximum Speed         requirements.
                      Biograph mCT extends beyond these
Engineered Clinical
                      offerings with Acculine RT – accurate multi-
                      component alignment for high precision
                      radiation therapy planning. Acculine RT
                      ensures accurate alignment between gantry
                      components, RTP room lasers, SMART PHS
Customer Care                                                        •	 Comprehensive	radiation	oncology	
                      and RTP pallet as well as virtual image
                      alignment and alignment to simulation
Molecular Imaging
                      system and treatment room.                     •	 Accurate	multi-component	alignment	for	
Biomarker Research
                                                                        high precision radiation therapy planning
                                                                     •	 Accuracy	phantom	for	alignment	

Biograph mCT-PET - SIEMENS
Biograph mCT-PET - SIEMENS
Biograph mCT-PET - SIEMENS
Biograph mCT-PET - SIEMENS
Biograph mCT-PET - SIEMENS
Biograph mCT-PET - SIEMENS
Biograph mCT-PET - SIEMENS
Biograph mCT-PET - SIEMENS
Biograph mCT-PET - SIEMENS
Biograph mCT-PET - SIEMENS
Biograph mCT-PET - SIEMENS
Biograph mCT-PET - SIEMENS
Biograph mCT-PET - SIEMENS

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Biograph mCT-PET - SIEMENS

  • 1. Biograph mCT molecular CT. quantification redefined. Answers for life.
  • 2.
  • 3. Biograph mCT – molecular CT. quantification redefined. Quantificati
  • 5. The Siemens Inno Molecular Imaging Leadership Innovation Leadership For more than 130 years, Siemens Healthcare has been a recognized leader in medical innovation. From the first electromedical devices in 1896 to the latest PET hybrid technologies, we have a long history of pioneering technological achievements that have helped make the A Focus on Return on Innovation Driven by this passion to make a difference, the core of Siemens Molecular Imaging is based upon the assumption that achieving the highest technical performance is only important when it meets the needs of our customers and the patients they serve. To gain a deep understanding of our impossible possible. We have always customers’ needs and the environments believed that even the farthest technical they work in, we collaborate closely with horizons were temporary and could be leading medical experts from around the surpassed with consistent dedication to world. This cooperation is the driving force improved healthcare. This visionary behind our innovative solutions and approach, backed up by the largest R&D services. From the earliest stages of budgets in the medical imaging industry, research, product development and design, has made Siemens an undisputed we rely upon the advice and innovation leader in molecular imaging. recommendations of our customers to determine our focus. As a result, our products are able to offer you the highest return on innovation possible. Clinical Return Workflow Return Financial Return 4
  • 6. ovation From the beginning, one of the most frequent demands of our customers has been to improve diagnostic decision making to enable greater confidence. At the same time, healthcare is facing the dual mandates to improve patient safety and increase productivity, while ensuring the highest quality and cost-efficient patient care. Introducing the new Biograph mCT Our dedicated team of molecular imaging experts have helped shape the diagnostic imaging world with their inventions and ideas. And we are continuing this tradition of innovation by continuously pioneering new technologies. With the introduction of the new Biograph™ mCT, we offer our With a focus on fulfilling your clinical, customers ever-increasing opportunities to workflow and financial needs, our mandate benefit from their investments in is to deliver innovations that consistently innovation. No matter which way you look meet the following three criteria: at it, Siemens Molecular Imaging is helping you to expand your Return on Innovation. • Lead the way in technological and medical advancement • Maximize workflow efficiency • Make state-of-the-art molecular imaging affordable 5
  • 7. Biograph mCT – molecular CT. quantification redefined. With today’s PET/CT, the smallest details can go unnoticed, lowering diagnostic confidence. Inaccurate quantification may mislead treatment response monitoring. Longer examination times lead to fewer patients per day, and unnecessary dose could compromise patient safety. Addressing these challenges requires a PET/CT designed from the ground up that improves diagnostic confidence by offering reproducible quantification, the highest image resolution* and speed in both PET and CT, all while minimizing radiation dose. The new Biograph mCT. Bringing accurate and reproducible quantification to PET·CT imaging by ensuring that each element of the measurement chain is optimized. Starting with the industry’s highest volumetric image resolution*, Biograph mCT features unique daily quality control, SMART registration technologies and intelligent software to bring accuracy and reproducibility to PET/CT imaging. In addition, innovative CARE technologies ensure the lowest possible dose is administered. With the new Biograph mCT, now you can detect, characterize and monitor the tiniest cancer lesions with reproducible quantification, making cancer treatment more cost effective. Now you can quantify absolute myocardial blood flow, making more accurate treatment decisions, minimizing risk to your patients. Now you can potentially** quantify amyloid deposits in the brain, making dementia diagnosis possible, slowing disease progression. Now, more than ever, you are able to rely on molecular imaging with quantification that is accurate and reproducible. For results that will redefine clinical decision making. The confirmation you need for more diagnostic certainty and more informed treatment planning. Study after study. Scan after scan. Without question. 6 * Based on competitive literature available **This product is under development and is not yet at time of publication. Data on file. commercially available in the U.S. Due to regulatory reasons its future availability cannot be guaranteed.
  • 8. Content Intelligently 8 Reproducible Quantification Finest Volumetric 24 Image Accuracy* Minimum Dose and 42 Maximum Speed Engineered Clinical 58 Flexibility syngo®.via 72 Customer Care 74 Molecular Imaging 78 Biomarker Research 7
  • 10. 9
  • 11. Intelligently Reproducible Quantification Intelligently In order to help physicians make sound decisions, imaging must not only be quantifiable – Reproducible it must be accurate and consistent. With conventional technology, customers face the issue Quantification of variability in results due to both software and hardware challenges. Inherent scanner drift and inaccurate attenuation correction through misregistration of anatomical and Finest Volumetric functional images have a direct impact on reproducibility and accuracy of acquired Image Accuracy quantitative data. In addition, standard measurement techniques and inter-user variability affect accurate diagnostic results. Minimum Dose and Now, for the first time, Biograph mCT gives you quantifiable results that are precise. Maximum Speed Reproducible. And consistent over time. With its unique combination of intelligent software, daily calibration and precise anatomical and functional co-registration Engineered Clinical Biograph mCT makes a quantifiable difference in diagnostic confidence, therapy planning Flexibility and treatment monitoring. syngo.via Customer Care Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research 10
  • 12. Return on Innovation Clinical Return Workflow Return Financial Return • Increased confidence in quantitative • Fast and consistent perfusion results • Accurate and reproducible results with automatic daily quality with automatic cardiac registration quantification attracts more control with normalization referring physicians and patients • Generate simultaneous PET and CT • Enhanced precision in staging and results with intelligent one-click • Grow beyond oncology with unique follow-up with inter-user segmentation quantitative offerings in neurology reproducibility of SUV values and cardiology 11
  • 13. Intelligently Reproducible Quantification Intelligently Daily calibration ensures consistent Better attenuation correction for more Quantitative assessments with syngo.via Reproducible performance over time accurate, quantifiable data Advanced syngo clinical applications provide Quantification Leaving nothing to chance, Biograph mCT’s The desire for perfect attenuation correction essential tools to get more accurate and automatic quality check process was lies at the heart of our SMART (Siemens reproducible, quantifiable measurements in Finest Volumetric designed to provide confidence that Molecular & Anatomical Registration neurology, cardiology and oncology Image Accuracy performance is consistent and Technologies) research development imaging. SUVpeak, new in the syngo.mCT measurements are accurate, day after day. philosophy. With SMART innovations, Oncology Engine, provides consistent and Minimum Dose and With Quanti•QC, you can begin each day Siemens continues to pioneer new ways to reproducible quantitative assessments of Maximum Speed knowing that overnight your scanner was address PET attenuation. From a unique hot spots. Myocardial Blood Flow (MBF) can calibrated and tuned to precisely the right patient handling system that eliminates be used as an absolute quantification Engineered Clinical specifications, using phantom data that differential deflection to Auto Cardiac method to assess balanced disease in all Flexibility allows for daily PET normalization and Registration which automatically aligns CT areas of the heart. And an exciting optimal performance. In addition the tightly and PET heart images and reduces variability quantative tool in neurology, part of the syngo.via regulated water-cooled gantry ensures between users. And Siemens novel SMART syngo.mCT Neurology Engine*, system temperature stability for consistent Neuro AC enables you to correct automatically registers brain data to a Customer Care performance. neurological PET data without a CT scan*. normals database to assist in the assessment The result in each case is accurate of neurological disorders. Molecular Imaging attenuation correction and reliable Biomarker Research quantitative measurements. 12 * SMART Neuro AC and syngo.mCT Neurology Engine are pending 510k clearance, and are not yet commercial available in the United States.
  • 14. Summary In order to help physicians make sound decisions, imaging must not only be quantifiable – it must be accurate and reproducible. Siemens Biograph mCT has been intelligently engineered to meet this need. The new technologies incorporated in Biograph mCT are an exciting step forward in furthering the understanding of disease, its progression and response to treatment. From daily system normalization and precise PET and CT alignment with SMART innovations to intelligent software that assists with the interpretation of dementia, evaluation of balanced myocardial disease and accurate assessment of treatment response on oncology. Accuracy and reproducibility is the key to precisely assessing disease status. 13
  • 15. How it works Intelligently Reproducible Quantification Intelligently Biograph mCT gives you quantifiable precise PET and CT alignment with SMART • Daily calibration ensures consistent Reproducible results that are accurate and reproducible innovations and intelligent software, performance over time Quantification by overcoming inherent variabilities faced Biograph mCT brings accuracy and • Better attenuation correction for more by conventional PET/CT systems. By reproducibility to daily routine. accurate, quantifiable data Finest Volumetric incorporating daily system normalization, Image Accuracy • Quantitative assessments with syngo.via Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed Quality Control PET and CT Registration Quantification Software Engineered Clinical Flexibility Daily SMART Intelligent Software Normalization Correction SUVpeak syngo.via No Detector Drift OK Customer Care Absolute Perfusion Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research Ratio Analysis* 14 * This feature is under development and is not yet commercially available in the United States. Due to regulatory reasons its future availability cannot be guaranteed.
  • 16. How it works Quanti·QC Biograph mCT’s Quanti•QC assures day-to- Environmental factors such as temperature Day Day Day Day day consistency in your system response fluctuations in the scan room have long 01 16 30 90 18 F and quantitative reproducibility. The been recognized as a potential source of comprehensive daily quality check and system performance drift. Biograph mCT calibration can be scheduled to run vastly reduces such influence with the Conventional automatically overnight so the scanner is tightly regulated integrated water-cooling ready to begin imaging before the first system which ensures system temperature patient arrives. stability for consistent performance. Correlation of PET calibration to initial cross calibration Quanti•QC is performed with a 20 cm • Daily normalization is routine Germanium-68 uniformity phantom of • Can be scheduled to run overnight Day Day Day Day known activity. This method allows for 01 16 30 90 correlation with the dose calibrator via daily • Allows for correlation with dose calibrator 18 F Ge 68 comparison to previously acquired cross via daily comparison to previously calibration – bringing increased confidence acquired cross calibration for assurance of Quanti•QC in the quantification efficacy of the system. quantitative accuracy Once the phantom scan is completed, normalization results are reported, including a PET calibration factor check confirming correct computation of the absolute image calibration. 15
  • 17. How it works SMART PHS Intelligently Biograph mCT employs a SMART patient Conventional SMART PHS Reproducible handling system (PHS) that was specifically Quantification designed for use in PET/CT imaging. Its unique cantilever design, in which the Finest Volumetric pedestal and table move as one unit, Image Accuracy supports a full 227 kg (500 lb) without any differential deflection between PET and CT CT PET CT PET Minimum Dose and acquisitions. This no-flex feature ensures Maximum Speed accurate attenuation correction for more precise quantification. Engineered Clinical • Unique cantilever design Flexibility • Full 227 kg (500 Ib) table capacity syngo.via • No differential deflection Customer Care Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research 16
  • 18. How it works SMART Auto Cardiac Registration SMART Auto Cardiac Registration quickly, • Automatic and fast PET and automatically and precisely registers CT and CT registration PET scans during cardiac imaging. Using a • Reproducible between users proprietary algorithm, SMART Auto Cardiac Registration identifies the heart and aligns • Consistently accurate quantification the molecular and anatomical images for optimal attenuation correction. SMART Auto Cardiac Registration is integrated within the cardiac acquisition workflow. A rapid reconstruction of the non- Conventional SMART Auto Cardiac Registration attenuation corrected PET image is automatically registered to the CT for optimal registration confirmation. PET attenuation corrected images are reconstructed based on the confirmed optimal registration. SMART Auto Cardiac Registration reduces the variability between users, providing consistently accurate and reproducible quantification. 17
  • 19. Conventional CT AC CT mu-map Attenuation-corrected PET How it works SMART Neuro AC Intelligently SMART Neuro AC* enables quantification of SMART Neuro AC Reproducible PET data without requiring a CT scan for Quantification attenuation correction. The ability to perform attenuation correction without a CT Calcualted mu-map Attenuation-corrected PET Finest Volumetric scan avoids any co-registration problems Image Accuracy that can occur due to patient motion. Siemens SMART Neuro AC assesses and Minimum Dose and applies an appropriate attenuation map to Maximum Speed the PET data to make accurate corrections without requiring a CT scan, relieving the Engineered Clinical patient of further radiation exposure and Flexibility eliminating the chance of registration inaccuracies. syngo.via • Calculated attenuation correction Customer Care • Quantitative PET data • Minimize radiation dose Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research 18 * SMART Neuro AC is pending 510k clearance, and is not yet commercially available in the United States.
  • 20. How it works SUVpeak SUVpeak employs a 1 cm3 sphere volume of interest (VOI) within a lesion for more robust evaluation of uptake . SUVpeak automatically identifies the peak value within a VOI. Compared to the conventional single pixel SUVmax, SUVpeak can decrease the influences of noise and together with the pre-set 1 cm3 volume and automatic peak algorithm, can potentially reduce reader variability. This method provides accurate and reproducible information for therapy response assessment. • Automatic identification of 1 cm3 SUV peak volume within VOI • Fixed dimensions of peak volume reduces inter-operator variability • Reduced susceptibility to noise 19
  • 21. How it works Myocardial Blood Flow Intelligently Conventional myocardial perfusion imaging Reproducible assesses the blood’s relative distribution, Quantification assuming that at least one section of the heart performs normally and can be used as Finest Volumetric a reference. The myocardial blood flow Image Accuracy (MBF) application is an absolute quantification method that helps to Minimum Dose and confidently assess balanced disease in all Maximum Speed areas of the myocardium. This technology now supports 82 Rubidium as well as 13N Engineered Clinical Ammonia imaging. Flexibility • Non-invasive quantitative assessment of myocardial blood flow and coronary flow syngo.via reserve Customer Care • Supports 82Rb and 13N Ammonia biomarkers Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research 20
  • 22. How it works PET Neurology Quantification syngo.PET Neuro DB Comparison* includes currently exist. Siemens is presently working a PET FDG normals which database provides to develop another quantitative tool in quantitative assessment of biomarker neurological imaging, which would assess uptake in the brain to aid in the assessment the biomarker activity ratio** between two of neurological disorders such as dementia. regions of the brain (i.e. a region of interest The application registers brain data to a compared to a reference region such as the normals database automatically, so regional cerebellum). volume of interest (VOI) generation and • Clear and quick assessment of hyper- and statistical analysis can be obtained. The hypo-metabolic brain regions comparison quickly reveals abnormalities if present. • Standard voxel-by-voxel reporting of statistics As an innovation leader, Siemens is continually looking towards the future to • Predefined 3D anatomical brain regions find ways to answer tomorrow’s challenges sooner. New biomarkers are steadily being researched and developed. Such biomarkers often benefit from different tools than * syngo.PET Neuro DB Comparison is pending 510k clearance, **This feature is under development and is not yet commercially available in the United States. 21 and is not yet commercial available in the United States. Due to regulatory reasons its future availability cannot be guaranteed.
  • 23. Intelligently syngo.PET Neuro DB Comparison* Reproducible automatically registers brain data to a normals database so VOI can Quantification be generated for quantitative assesment of biomarker uptake Finest Volumetric Image Accuracy Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed Engineered Clinical Flexibility syngo.via Customer Care Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research 22 * syngo.PET Neuro DB Comparison is pending 510k clearance, and is not yet commercial available in the United States. Due to regulatory reasons its future availability cannot be guaranteed.
  • 24. Volume of interest with SUVpeak provides robust and reproducible quantification Myocardial blood flow provides an absolute quantification method to assess balanced disease in the myocardium 23
  • 25. Finest Volumetric Image Accuracy* 24 * Based on competitive literature available at time of publication. Data on file.
  • 26. 25
  • 27. Finest Volumetric Image Accuracy* Intelligently An accurate diagnosis starts with an accurate image in all dimensions. With conventional Reproducible technology, small or low-grade lesions can go undetected or lose definition towards the Quantification edge of the FOV and are subject to motion blurring thereby lowing diagnostic confidence. Siemens recognizes that at the core of a good image is an accurate detection system, which Finest Volumetric begins with optimized components. From the very beginning of Siemens PET·CT Image Accuracy technology, image quality has been the first priority, this is still true today. Biograph mCT optimizes the components of the detection system into a superbly designed imaging chain. Minimum Dose and From the design and configuration of the isotropic LSO crystals to the high speed Maximum Speed electronics to the industry’s best 400 x 400 reconstruction matrix, all resulting in the finest volumetric image accuracy*. Combined with high definition technologies that bring Engineered Clinical uniform resolution and images virtually free of motion, it’s now possible to diagnose with Flexibility the increased confidence that this exquisite molecular clarity provides. syngo.via Customer Care Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research 26 * Based on competitive literature available at time of publication. Data on file.
  • 28. Return on Innovation Clinical Return Workflow Return Financial Return • Superb visualization, particularly of • Reduced time to image review • Attract patients and referring small tumors with industry-leading enabled by fast and consistent physicians with high-definition 87 mm3 volumetric resolution* reconstruction times image quality • Increased diagnostic confidence • One-click gating integrated in daily • Reduction of false negatives with the finest uniform resolution* routine associated with breathing artifacts and a 4x increase in signal-to-noise 27
  • 29. Finest Volumetric Image Accuracy Intelligently Patented OptisoHD Detection System highly renowned and compact STRATON™ No motion for full HD lesion detection, Reproducible delivers the industry’s finest volumetric tube with z-Sharp™ delivers true temporal accurate SUV quantification Quantification resolution* resolution of up to 150 ms for motion- HD·Chest is a breakthrough technology from artifact free CT imaging of the heart. Siemens continues to deliver exquisite Siemens that eliminates the tradeoff Finest Volumetric diagnostic image quality. The unique between diagnostic confidence and Image Accuracy Uniform resolution throughout OptisoHD Detection System provides a examination time. An innovative the field of view robust foundation comprised of optimized combination of hardware and software, Minimum Dose and components enabling peak performance Siemens ultraHD·PET delivers increased HD·Chest virtually freezes respiratory Maximum Speed throughout the scanner. Biograph mCT image quality, easily outperforming motion, enabling full HD lesion detection continues to set the standard for image conventional PET/CT technology. It and accurate standard uptake value (SUV) Engineered Clinical quality by delivering the finest NEMA* and combines two important innovations: quantification. Best of all, HD·Chest is Flexibility volumetric resolution in the market. HD·PET, which provides uniform resolution designed to be as fast as a conventional PET throughout the FOV; and Time of Flight examination, so you can have increased syngo.via Excellence in Cardiac imaging (TOF), which doubles improvement in diagnostic confidence without affecting signal-to-noise. Combined with z-Sharp™ your patient schedule. Customer Care Biograph mCT provides excellence in cardiac technology that provides an isotropic imaging through innovative PET and CT resolution of 0.33 mm at any position Molecular Imaging technologies. The patented Prompts Gamma within the scan field, Biograph mCT Biomarker Research Correction provides clarity in PET cardiac continues to push the boundaries of spatial imaging with a reduction in noise while the resolution. 28 * Based on competitive literature available at time of publication. Data on file.
  • 30. Summary Image clarity and precise localization are key to disease detection, accurate staging and improved therapy planning. Biograph mCT’s OptisoHD Detection System and innovative technologies like Prompts Gamma Correction, Time of Flight, z-Sharp and HD·Chest work together to acquire and reconstruct images that accurately represent molecular processes with superb image quality in all dimensions. So cardiac studies are more exact. Tumors are more clearly defined. Brain lesions can be precisely mapped. Siemens new Biograph mCT is a quantum leap forward, refining images and setting another new standard in diagnostic imaging. 29
  • 31. How it works OptisoHD Detection System Intelligently Siemens OptisoHD Detection system is Ultrafast detector electronics, combined Reproducible designed for optimum performance. The with the speed of LSO and the unique block Quantification Lutetium Oxyorthosilicate (LSO) crystals – design of OptisoHD Detection System, manufactured by Siemens and long allow fast coincidence timing with efficient Finest Volumetric recognized for their density, fast scintillation rejection of random events. This provides Image Accuracy decay time (the fastest of all PET scintillators very high count rates that are essential to currently in use) and light output – are the high-speed PET scanning. Ultimately, Minimum Dose and foundation of the system. These isotropic the result is superb clarity and better Maximum Speed LSO crystal elements are tightly packed and localization of events. These events are then incorporate Siemens patented air reflector reconstructed using the industry’s highest Engineered Clinical technology which optimizes the light output matrix size of 400 x 400*, delivering superb Flexibility for even greater timing performance and image quality with leading NEMA energy resolution. resolution*. syngo.via • Patented air reflector technology Customer Care • High resolution – 4 x 4 x 20 mm LSO crystals Molecular Imaging • Industry’s highest matrix size of Biomarker Research 400 x 400* 30 * Based on competitive literature available at time of publication. Data on file.
  • 32. 135 mm3 In a three-dimensional world, decisions • Volume resolution 87 mm3 Conventional should be made with three-dimensional • Up to 35% finer volumetric resolution information. And a simple comparison of than conventional systems voxel size helps explain the volumetric resolution advantage of Biograph mCT. • Decreased partial volume effect Conventional equipment uses larger, non- isotropic elements; Biograph mCT employs 87 mm3 smaller isotropic elements. These smaller elements and fine axial sampling help to create extraordinary images in any dimension, resulting in the industry’s finest volumetric resolution* of only 87mm3, up to 35% smaller than conventional systems. Sampling statistics reduce partial volume effects and achieve an increased quantitative accuracy for detection of smaller lesions. Volume Resolution 31
  • 33. How it works Cardiac CT Anode Intelligently High quality cardiac CT depends on a decreasing the detector elements’ size to Cathode Heat Reproducible number of system performance features improve spatial resolution, z-Sharp utilizes Quantification including high temporal resolution, fine two overlapping X-ray beams, resulting in spatial resolution and flexible acquisition significantly increased spatial resolution Finest Volumetric techniques that adapt to different patients. without a corresponding increase in dose. Image Accuracy Biograph mCT addresses all these This provides you with the industry’s highest requirements with 0.3 sec rotation speed, isotropic resolution of 0.33 mm at any scan Minimum Dose and 0.33 mm isotropic resolution and up to 128 and rotation speed, and at any position Maximum Speed acquired slices per rotation. within the scan field. This for instance allows motion-artifact free imaging of the The core technology that allows the new Cooling oil Engineered Clinical heart to perform accurate stenosis Biograph mCT to deliver clinical excellence Flexibility measurements or stent planning with in cardiac CT, is the highly renowned outstanding precision. STRATON™ tube with z-Sharp™. Its syngo.via revolutionary design based on a direct • Compact tube design with 0.3 sec rotation anode cooling eliminates the need for heat speed Customer Care storage and results in an unmatched • 150 ms temporal resolution compact design thus allowing true temporal Molecular Imaging resolution of up to 150 ms. Instead of • 0.33 mm isotropic resolution Biomarker Research 32
  • 34. How it works Prompts Gamma Correction Siemens patented Prompts Gamma Conventional Correction is the solution for cardiac imaging with rubidium-82 (82Rb), providing improved image accuracy through a reduction in image noise. The third gamma that 82Rb emits results in a additional and incorrect lines of response to be calculated. Left uncompensated, this additional gamma leads to distortions with increased image More noise reduces image clarity noise and possible quantitative errors. Prompts Gamma Correction automatically Prompts Gamma Correction addresses this anomaly in its scatter correction algorithms, resulting in more reliable, more accurate imaging. • Noise reduction for improved image contrast • More quantitative accuracy Less noise for greater image clarity • Correction automatically incorporated in patented scatter correction algorithm 33
  • 35. Conventional Time of Flight T1 How it works Time T2 of Flight Intelligently Siemens TOF measures the actual time Reproducible difference between the detection of each Quantification coincidence photon. This additional timing information is used to better localize the Finest Volumetric event within a small range along each line- Image Accuracy of-response (LOR). The better localization of each event using TOF reduces noise in the Minimum Dose and reconstructed image. Maximum Speed • 2x improvement in signal-to-noise Engineered Clinical • 2x improvement in contrast Flexibility • Signogram mode TOF with fixed and fast reconstruction times syngo.via Customer Care Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research 34
  • 36. Conventional HD·PET Crystals Crystals Crystals Crystals LOR Photon LOR Photon Wrong LOR Crystals Crystals Photon LOR Photon How it works Wrong LOR HD·PET Photon LOR Photon HD uniformity · HD resolution · 2x HD contrast • HD·PET improves resolution • Delivers uniform resolution throughout the FOV • 2x improvement in signal-to-noise Without HD·PET With HD·PET 1 Measurements were taken with a line source suspended in air at radial positions from the center Average Resolution (mm FWHM)1 Conventional PET uses the same HD·PET incorporates millions of accurately to 28 centimeters in Conventional reconstruction principles across the entire measured point spread functions (PSF) in 4 centimeter steps. The FOV and does not take into account the the reconstruction algorithms. Using Biograph HI-REZ-FBP data detector geometry and mispositioning of measured PSFs, HD·PET effectively positions were reconstructed with HD·PET and ultraHD·PET the LORs. This results in fuzzy edges and the LORs in their actual geometric location, a standard filtered increased distortion further from the which dramatically reduces blurring and backprojection algorithm center of the FOV. distortion in the final image. after FORE rebinning and the HD·PET data were reconstructed with the TrueX algorithm using six Radial Distance/cm iterations and 14 subsets. 35
  • 37. How it works ultraHD·PET TOF HD ultraHD·PET Intelligently By combining Siemens HD·PET with TOF, the Reproducible result is up to 4 times improvement in signal + = Quantification to noise for ultraHD contrast and uniform resolution throughout the FOV. Finest Volumetric • Uniform resolution throughout the FOV Image Accuracy • 4x improvement in signal-to-noise Minimum Dose and • Fast and consistent reconstruction time Maximum Speed Engineered Clinical Segments of Segments of Segments of Flexibility response response response (“time bins”) (“time bins”) (“time bins”) syngo.via Accurately locates the Effectively positions the line ultraHD·PET reduces blurring Customer Care annihilation along the line of of response in it’s actual of the signal from all axis response geometric location Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research 36
  • 38. How it works Alternating focal spots 1 2 z-Sharp 0.4 mm objects STRATON™ X-tay tube 0.4 mm objects 0.6 mm Increased resolution without increased Over- dose. z-Sharp uses two intersecting X-ray sampling beams that produce isotropic resolution of 0.33 mm at any scan and rotation speed, 0.6 mm and within any position in the scan field – Oversampling all without an increase in dose. conventional technology 128-channel data acquisition electronics For wrist, joint or inner ear studies, Siemens proprietary technology, z-UHR, adapts the Measured signal per detector element Measured signal per detector element system for ultra-high resolution bone 0.6 mm 0.6 mm 1 1 imaging. In this case, providing 0.24 mm istotropic resolution. 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 • Increased resolution without dose penalty Resulting resolution Resulting resolution • Isotropic 0.33 mm resolution throughout the FOV • z-UHR provides 0.24 mm Isotropic resolution 37
  • 39. How it works HD·Chest ex h a ale inh le Intelligently Full HD lesion detection Optimal Reproducible Accurate SUV quantification Imaging Quantification One-click routine Region • Amplitude based gating automatically Finest Volumetric 4D Gating 4D Gating analyzes each patient’s individual Image Accuracy Image Image breathing pattern Acquisition Reconstruction Minimum Dose and • Identifies portion of the respiratory cycle Maximum Speed with the least motion and the most data – HD·Chest HD·Chest the optimum imaging area Image Image Engineered Clinical Acquisition Reconstruction Flexibility syngo.via HD·Chest applies an innovative algorithm to With HD·Chest, image data from the optimal analyze each patient’s individual breathing portion of the breathing cycle goes to make Customer Care pattern and identify the portion of the up the image. The system then reconstructs respiratory cycle with the least motion. a single, high resolution image with Molecular Imaging This area of the cycle is where most data superior lesion conspicuity. The entire Biomarker Research can be collected, without motion, in the process is automated, which means it is shortest amount of time. operator independent, saving you valuable time. 38
  • 40. Conventional Examination HD·Chest Full HD lesion detection With less noise and more data, small moving lesions are clearer and their edges are sharper. In the conventional scan, respiratory motion causes With HD·Chest, the lesion is clearly visible. the lesion to be obscured. Conventional Examination SUVmax4 HD·Chest SUVmax9 Accurate SUV quantification HD·Chest’s motion freeze also enables more accurate standard uptake value (SUV) measurement. In this example, the conventional scan shows a HD·Chest greatly improves quantification of lesions single lesion blurred by respiratory motion. normally blurred by respiratory motion. Clinical Workflow One-click routine Patient 1 Patient 2 HD·Chest enables automatic acquisition and reconstruction of virtually motion-free images in less time than conventional gating techniques. Conventional Full-count HD·Chest acquisition HD·Chest Accquisition Reconstruction and (6 gates) manual selection of the “best gate” 4D Gating Preparation Acquisition Reconstruction 39
  • 41. Superb visualization of small tumors with industry-leading volumetric resolution* Intelligently Reproducible Quantification Finest Volumetric Image Accuracy Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed Engineered Clinical Flexibility syngo.via Customer Care Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research 40 * Based on competitive literature available at time of publication. Data on file.
  • 42. Biograph mCT optimizes every ultraHD·PET brings uniform componet of the detection resolution throughout the field system into a superbly of view and 4 times the designed imaging chain, improvement in signal-to-noise for excellent image quality 41
  • 44. 43
  • 45. Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed Intelligently Two of the most challenging issues facing healthcare today are the dual mandates to Reproducible improve patient safety and increase productivity. From a patient care and economic Quantification perspective, each is critically important. With conventional systems, clinicians have to choose between protecting patients with minimum dose, or greater productivity with faster Finest Volumetric scanning. The new Biograph mCT offers innovative imaging solutions where the lowest Image Accuracy dose can be used, while still scanning patients faster than ever before. Now, clinicians can have it all – scans with half dose and double speed. By reducing dose and increasing speed, Minimum Dose and patient safety is improved, costs are dramatically reduced, while increased utilization can Maximum Speed also be achieved. Engineered Clinical Flexibility syngo.via Customer Care Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research 44
  • 46. Return on Innovation Clinical Return Workflow Return Financial Return • Half the dose and the acquisition • Whole-body PET scans in only • Reduce imaging radioisotope costs time while maintaining highest 5 minutes by reducing injected dose image quality • Lowest possible dose and high- • Attract more referrals by increasing • Minimum dose, especially to critical speed workflow enabled by patient comfort with shorter exam patients (children and patients with FAST CARE technologies times frequent follow-up exams) 45
  • 47. Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed Intelligently CARE FAST Half the dose, twice the speed Reproducible Achieving the highest technical An increasingly competitive and rapidly Biograph mCT is meeting both of the core Quantification performance is only important when it changing healthcare market requires needs of improving patient safety and meets the needs of the patient and our improvements in quality and throughput. increasing productivity, at the same time, Finest Volumetric customers. In molecular imaging, patient Utilizing FAST (Fully Assisting Scanner through our commitment: “Minimum Dose Image Accuracy safety translates primarily into dose Technologies) innovations, typically time and Maximum Speed.” By combining FAST reduction. consuming and complex procedures during and CARE technologies, Biograph mCT offers Minimum Dose and the scan process are extremely simplified innovative imaging solutions enabling half Maximum Speed Principles such as “As Low as Reasonably and automated, not only improving the dose to be used while doubling the scan Achievable” (ALARA) have developed as a workflow efficiency and scanner utilization, speed. By reducing dose and increasing Engineered Clinical guideline to reduce all radiation exposure to but optimizing the overall clinical outcome speed, costs are dramatically reduced, while Flexibility the lowest possible level. With CARE by creating reproducible results, making increased utilization can also be achieved. (Combined Applications to Reduce diagnosis more reliable and reducing patient syngo.via Exposure), Siemens has been highly burden through streamlined examinations. successful in integrating many innovations In addition, faster scans result in less patient Customer Care into the Siemens scanners that significantly motion, so image quality and the overall reduce radiation dose in comparison to patient experience can be optimized. Molecular Imaging other systems available on the market. Biomarker Research 46
  • 48. Summary In order to address two of the most important concerns in healthcare today, improving patient safety and increasing productivity, Siemens lives by the philosophy of minimum dose and maximum speed, which benefits both the patient and provider. At the core of this philosophy are the innovative FAST and CARE technologies which improve the patient experience through increased scan speeds, while using as little exposure as possible, all without sacrificing image quality. For the provider, increased speed improves throughput for more efficient operation. Siemens is moving the technology forward – to create faster and safer imaging while maintaining the highest of standards for image quality. 47
  • 49. How it works Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed Intelligently Reproducible LSO True V ultraHD·PET Quantification Without TrueV • Cornerstone of • 2x lower dose • 2x lower dose With TrueV T1 Finest Volumetric low-dose or T2 • 2x faster scan Image Accuracy imaging speed • 2x faster scan • 8x faster crystal Minimum Dose and speed Maximum Speed Engineered Clinical Flexibility Dose Adaptive Dose SAFIRE** CARE Dose4D Shield Shield syngo.via • Iterative • Up to 68% lower • Up to 25% lower reconstruction dose Customer Care dose Raw data Image data Image software Dose recon recon correction • Fully automated Shield • Fully automated • Fast recon in Molecular Imaging image and raw Biomarker Research data space 48 * SMART Neuro AC, FAST Planning, CARE kV, X-CARE, SAFIRE and FAST Cardio Wizard are pending 510k clearance, and are not yet commercially available in the United States.
  • 50. FAST Planning* Time of Flight CARE kV* SMART Neuro AC* 70 kV 80 kV • Improves • 2x lower dose • Up to 60% lower • No CT dose T1 100 kV 120 kV NO workflow 140 kV dose CT T2 • 2x faster scan • PET attenuation efficiency speed • Optimize ontrast- c correction • Minimizes wait to-noise-ratio without CT times for patients Adaptive Cardio X-ray low X-CARE* X-ray UFC FAST Cardio Sequence wizard* • Up to 60% lower • Up to 30% lower • 1 – 3 mSv Cardio dose dose • Intuitive step-by- UFC step guidance • Fully automated • Reduce exposure • Fast acquisition X-ray on in sensitive areas • Higher reliability and reproducibility Light in cardiac CT 49
  • 51. How it works TrueV Intelligently TrueV high-speed technology widens the TrueV = ½ injected dose or 2x speed due to ultraHD·PET + TrueV = ½ injected dose AND Reproducible axial FOV and features 30% fewer bed 70% increase in NEC performance. 2x speed due to 70% increase in NEC Quantification positions when compared to a standard performance and 4x improved signal to ultraHD·PET and TrueV as combined FOV. With an increased count rate noise. technologies make a 5-minute PET scan Finest Volumetric performance of more than 70%, you can possible – unprecedented for a routine Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed Image Accuracy lower dose rates of scan time. For example, clinical. benefits: a scan time reduced to 10 minutes or a 50% Minimum Dose and less injected dose to the patient. • Provides 2x lower dose Maximum Speed • Offers 2x faster scan speed Engineered Clinical Flexibility TrueV widens the axial field of view by 33% Conventional field of view Biograph with TrueV syngo.via Customer Care Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research 50
  • 52. How it works ultraHD·PET = HD·PET + Time of Flight By combining Siemens HD·PET with Time of Conventional PET detects coincidence photons and Flight (TOF), the result is up to 4 times records individual LORs between the crystals. The actual location where the annihilation occurred improvement in signal to noise for ultraHD along the LOR is not measured, which inherently contrast. Conventional PET generates blurring in the reconstructed image. Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed Siemens ultraHD·PET with TOF measures the actual benefits: time difference between the detection of each • Provides 2x lower dose coincidence photon. This additional timing information is used to better localize the event • Offers 2x faster scan speed within a small range along each LOR. The better localization of each event using TOF reduces • Enables a five-minute, whole-body scan blurring in the reconstructed image. with TrueV T1 ultraHD·PET T2 51
  • 53. How it works Adaptive Dose Shield Conventional tube collimation Intelligently As part of the STRATON X-ray tube, the Pre-Spiral Dose Post-Spiral Dose Reproducible unique Adaptive Dose Shield moves Quantification collimators on the X-ray tube to block Image area unnecessary radiation dose. The shield Finest Volumetric dynamically opens at the onset of a spiral Image Accuracy range and dynamically closes at the end, eliminating all clinically irrelevant dose. The Conventional Technology Minimum Dose and result can be up to 25% lower CT doses. Maximum Speed Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed benefits: Engineered Clinical Flexibility • Reduces CT dose exposure by up to 25% STRATON with Adaptive Dose Shield • Significantly reduces the possibility of syngo.via over-radiation Customer Care • Shields the patient from pre- and post- No Pre-Spiral Dose No Post-Spiral Dose helical radiation Molecular Imaging Image area Biomarker Research Adaptive Dose Shield 52
  • 54. How it works SAFIRE SAFIRE* – Sinogram Affirmed Iterative Standard Filtered SAFIRE Reconstruction – should allow you to utilize Back Projection raw-data information (which is visualized in the so-called sinogram) in the iterative image reconstruction process. Raw data recon Raw data recon Image data recon Image correction * SAFIRE is pending 510k clearance, and is not yet commercially available in the United States. 53
  • 55. How it works CARE kV Intelligently Siemens has introduced the first automated Reproducible voltage setting to optimize contrast-to- Quantification noise-ratio and reduce dose by up to 60%. 70 kV The automated selection is based on patient 80 kV Finest Volumetric habitus and specific exam. CARE kV* is 100 kV Image Accuracy especially useful in pediatric imaging, 120 kV sparing smaller patients from unnecessary 140 kV Minimum Dose and exposure. Maximum Speed Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed benefits: Engineered Clinical Flexibility • Optimize contrast-to-noise-ratio • Up to 60% dose reduction syngo.via Customer Care Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research Example: For a contrast media enhanced vessel examination of a small patient, CARE kV proposes to scan with 70 kV and sets the other values accordingly. 54 * CARE kV and FAST Planning are pending 510k clearance, and are not yet commercially available in the United States.
  • 56. How it works FAST Planning Siemens’ Fully Assisting Scanner Technologies (FAST) features help radiologists and technicians plan and prepare for examinations and minimize the wait time for patients. FAST Planning* performs an immediate, organ-based setting of the scan and reconstruction ranges. The goal is a safer and faster experience for the patient and more predictable workflow at the scanner. Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed benefits: • Minimizes wait times for patients • Automatic detection of scan field based Conventional FAST Planning on organ characteristics 55
  • 57. Superb image quality with 1/2 injected dose using TOF technology Intelligently Reproducible Quantification Finest Volumetric Image Accuracy Minimum Dose and Maximum Speed Engineered Clinical Flexibility syngo.via Customer Care Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research 56
  • 58. Whole-body PET with half injected dose and a 5-minute acquisition time 57
  • 60. 59
  • 61. Engineered Clinical Flexibility Intelligently In order to grow your business, you need a system that is flexible to accommodate all Reproducible patients* and procedures in PET and CT, today and in the future. With a conventional PET/ Quantification CT system a standard bore size does not allow access to all patients, nor does it integrate high-end CT. The new Biograph mCT is engineered as a true dual-use solution to help Finest Volumetric customers multiply studies and increase business growth. Biograph mCT provides the Image Accuracy clinical flexibility to use high resolution CT in conjunction with high definition PET imaging, or as a standalone CT. And with the industry’s only 78 cm bore, Biograph mCT can Minimum Dose and accommodate a wide range of patients, including bariatric for both PET and CT studies. Maximum Speed The engineered flexibility and scalability allows customers to configure a system which best meets their needs, and of course their patient needs today and tomorrow. Engineered Clinical Flexibility syngo.via Customer Care Molecular Imaging Biomarker Research 60 * Up to 227 kg (500 lb)
  • 62. Return on Innovation Clinical Return Workflow Return Financial Return • Improve diagnostic accuracy with • Image bariatric PET and CT patients • Increase revenue with a 78 cm bore less patient movement enabled by without impacting schedule for imaging a wider variety of large bore and fast scan times patients and procedures • Streamline dual modality workflow • Expand clinical capabilities on both with engineered integration of • Reduce operating cost by uniting PET and CT with a complete portfolio state-of-the-art PET and premium CT stand-alone PET and CT services into of advanced applications a single integrated offering 61
  • 63. Engineered Clinical Flexibility Intelligently Maximizing patients base Maximize modality performance Flexible scalability and upgradeability Reproducible Today’s conventional technology often falls Biograph mCT is engineered as a true dual- Biograph mCT is designed as a remarkably Quantification short for a simple reason – it fails to modality scanner which integrates the best scalable PET·CT platform and is designed to accommodate a wide patient demographic performance of both PET and CT modalities grow as business and clinical needs change. Finest Volumetric and therefore inhibits the growth a wider into a single compact system. Available in Biograph mCT offers a variety of in-field Image Accuracy referral base can generate. Siemens has CT configurations of up to 128 acquired upgrades, from increasing the number of CT engineered Biograph mCT for clinical slices per rotation, it offers the capability of slices up to 128 to expanding the PET field Minimum Dose and flexibility and growth, with a large 78 cm entire-body CT scans in just 10 seconds, of view up to 21.6 cm. With such flexible Maximum Speed bore, short tunnel and a 227 kg (500 lb) and whole-body PET scans in as little as scalability and upgradability Biograph mCT table capacity which improves patient 5 minutes. Biograph mCT transforms a provides returns and referrals now and well Engineered Clinical comfort and accessibility. Additionally, with single room into a fast, dual-modality into the future. Flexibility features such as a powerful 100 kW CT scanning facility. Now customers can offer generator – which provides ample X-ray advanced CT and PET imaging with one syngo.via power reserves for high quality imaging and room; one team; one integrated system; HD FoV* (field of view) which improves one schedule; and if required, one Customer Care image quality beyond the standard CT comprehensive exam. Such clinical flexibility diagnostic FoV, Siemens is making bariatric saves precious space, time and cost while Molecular Imaging PET imaging more accurate with excellent maximizing dual-modality utilization and Biomarker Research image quality. enabling business growth. 62 * HD FoV is pending 510k clearance, and is not yet commercially available in the United States.
  • 64. Summary To enable growth a PET/CT system must be able to accommodate even the most challenging patient situations, such as bariatric imaging, while providing high-end imaging applications in both modalities. The new Biograph mCT has been engineered with the clinical flexibility to meet these needs now and in the future. Its large 78 cm bore and shorter tunnel accommodate even the largest patient*, so your referral base is greatly expanded. And its multi-functionality (CT, PET and PET/ CT) delivers savings in space, staffing and scheduling so clinical workflow is more efficient. The bottom line however, remains performance. Biograph mCT produces superb image quality, precise quantification and patient comfort and safety while delivering clinical flexibility that benefits everyone. * up to 227 kg (500 lb) 63
  • 65. How it works Large Bore and Short Tunnel Intelligently The 78 cm bore of Biograph mCT can • Wide 78 cm bore Reproducible comfortably accommodate a greater range • Short tunnel Quantification of patients in both PET and CT. Unlike conventional systems, whose narrow bore • 227 kg (500 Ib) table capacity Finest Volumetric and long tunnel can make patients feel Image Accuracy claustrophobic, Biograph mCT features a wider bore – 78 cm wide – and a shorter Minimum Dose and tunnel for a more open scanning Maximum Speed experience. The large bore also allows better Conventional Biograph mCT positioning of RTP devices, such as breast Engineered Clinical boards. Flexibility The wider bed provides comfortable support even for obese patients and has a capacity syngo.via of up to 227 kg (500 lb). And the design of the bed eliminates the CT and PET 70 cm 78 cm Customer Care registration artifacts that can occur in bariatric imaging with a conventional Molecular Imaging system. Biomarker Research 64
  • 66. How it works HD FoV Conventional FOV for CT is 50 cm, but in • Improved CT image quality some cases (e.g., with bariatric patients) CT and HU > 50 cm measurements are truncated and image • Enhanced PET image quality > 50 cm artifacts in PET attenuation-corrected (AC) images may result. Until now this problem • Advanced PET quantification was addressed using the extended field of view method (EFoV), but Siemens recently introduced an improved way to process truncated data sets in CT scans. This Conventional HD FoV innovative new method, HD FoV*, provides better image quality and improved Houndsfield Unit (HU) stability between 50 and 65 cm resulting in more quantitative PET images. This allows for more precise radiation therapy planning for bariatric patients and patients positioned outside the Biograph mCT isocenter. * HD FoV is pending 510k clearance, and is not yet commercially available in the United States. 65
  • 67. How it works High End CT Intelligently The premium CT integrated into Biograph • Isotropic 0.33 mm resolution Speed 0.30 s Resolution 0.24 mm Reproducible mCT is based on Siemens SOMATOM® anywhere in the scan field Quantification Definition AS platform, offering full CT • High temporal resolution functionality with up to 128 acquired slices of 150 ms Finest Volumetric per rotation, into a compact dual modality Image Accuracy design. • 128 slices per rotation Scan any The revolutionary design of the STRATON Minimum Dose and patient with: X-ray tube features a direct anode cooling 78 cm opening, Maximum Speed which eliminates the need for heat storage 227 kg weight limit, and results in a compact design thus 198 cm co-scan Engineered Clinical allowing true temporal resolution of up to range** Flexibility 150 ms. z-Sharp technology delivers the industry’s highest isotropic resolution of syngo.via 0.33 mm* at any scan and rotation speed, and at any position within the scan field. Customer Care Engineered to deliver such high performance and clinical flexibility, Biograph Coverage 128-slice Power 100 kW Molecular Imaging mCT opens doors to growth in all areas of Biomarker Research PET and CT imaging. 66 * Based on Competitive Literature available at time of publication. **With TrueV and utilizing pallet extensions. Data on file.
  • 68. How it works Dual Use – Room CT Room PET/CT Room By seamlessly integrating high end PET and premium CT, Biograph mCT provides the power of two high-end modalities in a single solution, thereby offering efficiencies in square footage, utilities, service and staffing. Now you can offer high quality PET and CT in one room. With one schedule. One team. One user interface that has been engineered for simplicity and speed. And with Biograph mCT’s new FAST CARE Biograph mCT Room technologies, every step of the examination process has been streamlined, from scan preparation to image review. • Single room • High-end PET • Premium CT 67
  • 69. How it works Acculine RT Intelligently Biograph mCT offers a comprehensive Reproducible solution for Radiation Oncology, from the Quantification wide 78 cm bore for ease of positioning and patient access, motion management with Finest Volumetric PET and CT respiratory gating to the unique Image Accuracy canti-lever designed SMART PHS (patient handling system) with radiation therapy Minimum Dose and planning pallet and conforming to TG-66 Maximum Speed requirements. Biograph mCT extends beyond these Engineered Clinical offerings with Acculine RT – accurate multi- Flexibility component alignment for high precision radiation therapy planning. Acculine RT syngo.via ensures accurate alignment between gantry components, RTP room lasers, SMART PHS Customer Care • Comprehensive radiation oncology and RTP pallet as well as virtual image solution alignment and alignment to simulation Molecular Imaging system and treatment room. • Accurate multi-component alignment for Biomarker Research high precision radiation therapy planning • Accuracy phantom for alignment measurements 68