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Better mathematics conference
Keynote: understanding ways forward
Jane Jones HMI,
National lead for Mathematics
Spring 2015
Aims of keynote session
To be better informed about:
 important weaknesses nationally in provision and
outcomes in mathematics
 key features of good practice and effective ways schools
have overcome weaknesses.
To sharpen your expertise in identifying:
 key weaknesses in mathematics in your school
 priorities to drive improvement.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Keynote content
 National figures for attainment and progress in mathematics
 Findings from our triennial report, Mathematics: made to
measure, highlighting good practice and key concerns
 Short activities to help convey main points (for example,
about problem solving and conceptual understanding)
 Opportunities for you to reflect on implications for your
school and to prioritise areas for improvement
During the session, please do not hesitate to speak about the
activities to supporting HMI. If you have further questions,
please note them down on paper and hand to HMI.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Keynote sections
Leadership and management
Planning ways forward in your school
The information booklet contains text from the principal slides,
in particular the national findings and key concerns.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Attainment has risen:
at GCSE grades A*-C, due to a strong emphasis by schools
at AS/A level with a huge increase in uptake.
In primary schools, attainment has:
risen in the EYFS with calculation weakest; 2013 new ELGs
stalled then recent rise at L2+ at KS1; declining trend at L3+
stalled then recent rise at L4+ at KS2; rise at L5+.
Key concern
1.Although attainment is generally rising, pupils are not made to
think hard enough for themselves. Pupils of all ages do too little
problem solving and application of mathematics.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
A problem for you to solve
The animals represent values.
Which value could be found first, next and last, and why?
Which value cannot be found second and why?
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Learning Goals that were introduced in
September 2012 represent substantially higher expectations
than previously.
Problem solving is an explicit part of each Early Learning Goal.
(It used to be just one of eight points from which children had
to meet any six to reach the age-related expectation.)
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Progress (2013 figures; 2011 in brackets)
88% (82%) of pupils made the expected 2 levels of progress
KS1→KS2 but:
70% of L2c reach L4 compared with 91% of L2b; (58% cf 86%
in 2011).
70% (62%) of pupils made the expected 3 levels of progress
KS2→KS4 but:
58% of L4c reached grade C; (48% in 2011)
still only 29% of low attaining pupils made expected progress;
(30% in 2011)
over 31000 pupils who attained L5 at primary school got no
better than grade C at GCSE; 2700+ got grade D or lower.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Gaps in attainment and progress
(2013 in black; 2011 M2M figures in blue)
 Overall, 9% of pupils did not reach L2 at age 7, 15% did not
reach L4 at age 11, and 30% of the cohort did not reach
grade C at GCSE; (cf 10%, 20% and 36% in 2011).
 FSM pupils did much worse than their peers on attainment
and progress, the gaps generally widening with key stage.
The gaps are still there!
Attainment FSM (%) Non-FSM (%)
KS1 L2+
85 (81)
12 (9)
94 (92)
27 (23)
KS2 L4+
77 (67)
27 (19)
88 (83)
47 (38)
53 (42)
8 (6)
77 (68)
22 (21)
FSM (%)
KS1-2 84 (75) 90 (84)
KS2-4 54 (45) 76 (67)
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Think for a moment …
How well do your FSM pupils, and others
supported by the Pupil Premium, achieve?
To think about back at school …
When do they start to lose ground?
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Achievement – key concerns
2. The percentage of pupils meeting expected standards falls
at successive key stages. Reaching the expected level in
one key stage does not ensure meeting it at the next. This
is often due to a focus on meeting thresholds rather than
securing essential foundations for the next stage.
3. FSM pupils do far worse than their peers at all key stages,
most markedly at Key Stage 4.
4. Low attainers are not helped soon enough to catch up,
particularly in the EYFS and Key Stage 1. No improvement
in the proportion making expected progress KS2→KS4.
5. High attainers not challenged enough from EYFS onwards.
6. Potential high attainers are being lost to AS/A level – the
big uptake has come mainly from pupils with GCSE A*/A .
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Highlight any of the national key concerns that
are also a concern in your school.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Teaching – Ofsted’s findings
The best teaching develops conceptual understanding
alongside pupils’ fluent recall of knowledge and confidence in
problem solving.
In highly effective practice, teachers get ‘inside pupils’ heads’.
They find out how pupils think by observing pupils closely,
listening carefully to what they say, and asking questions to
probe and extend their understanding, then adapting teaching
Too much teaching concentrates on the acquisition of
disparate skills that enable pupils to pass tests and
examinations but do not equip them for the next stage of
education, work and life.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Teaching examples
Problem solving
The animal puzzle is an example of problem solving. Problems
may, or may not, involve realistic contexts.
Conceptual understanding
The questions on the next slide illustrate the importance of
understanding concepts within fractions in:
 setting firm foundations for future work in fractions,
algebra and proportional reasoning
 avoiding developing misconceptions.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Understanding fractions
A question for you: what is a fraction?
Questions for pupils:
1. What fraction is shaded?
2a. What does ¼ mean?
2b. Tell me a fraction that is bigger than ¼
3a. How do you work out one quarter of something?
3b. Can you work it out another way?
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Aims of the National Curriculum
The three aims, summarised below, are consistent with
Ofsted’s findings on effective teaching and learning.
Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics,
so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the
ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
Reason mathematically
Solve problems
The next slide gives an example of why conceptual
understanding is intrinsic to fluency.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Fluency using conceptual understanding
 Understanding that multiplication is commutative, so
8 x 6 = 48 and 6 x 8 = 48 (also 48 = 6 x 8, 48 = 8 x 6)
 Understanding that the inverse relationship between
multiplication and division leads to equivalent statements,
such as 8 = 48 ÷ 6 and 48 ÷ 8 = 6
 Knowing division is not commutative, so 8 ≠ 6 ÷ 48
 Deriving related facts, for example:
 80 x 6 = 480, 6 = 480 ÷ 80 and 0.8 x 0.6 = 0.48
 8 x 6 = 48 so 16 x 3 = 48
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Teaching – findings (Made to measure)
 Wide variation between key stages and sets, especially in
Key Stage 4 with high sets receiving twice as much good
teaching as low sets, where 14% is inadequate.
 Weakest teaching in Key Stage 3 (38% good or better and
12% inadequate).
 Strongest teaching in the EYFS and Years 5 and 6 with
around three quarters good or outstanding. Weaker in Key
Stage 1 (particularly Year 1) than in Key Stage 2.
 Wide in-school variation causes uneven progress and gaps
in achievement, even in good and outstanding schools.
Stronger staff are often deployed to key examination or test
classes. Leaders appear to accept that other pupils may
need to make up ground in the future.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
In-school variation in 151 schools
 half had at least one lesson with inadequate teaching
 only two had consistently good or better teaching
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Distribution of teaching grades in secondary school lessons
Each bar represents a different school
Changes to the inspection of teaching
 From September 2014, inspectors will not grade the quality
of teaching in individual lessons.
 In evaluating the overall quality of teaching in a school (or in
the subject for a mathematics inspection), inspectors will
consider strengths and weaknesses of teaching observed
across a broad range of lessons and other activities, placed
in the context of other evidence of pupils’ learning and
progress over time.
 The judgement on leadership and management will include
use of performance management and effectiveness of
strategies to improve teaching, including account taken of
the Teachers’ Standards.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Think for a moment …
What choices do you make about staff
deployment in your school?
To think about back at school …
How do you pinpoint and tackle
specific weaknesses in teaching
(including temporary, part-time
and non-specialist staff)?
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Teaching – key concerns
7. Wide in-school variation in teaching quality.
8. Conceptual understanding and problem solving are
a. Too often, teaching approaches focus on how, without
understanding why, so that pupils have insecure
foundations on which to build future learning.
b. Many pupils spend too long working on straightforward
questions, with problems located at the ends of exercises
or set as extension tasks, so that not all tackle them.
7. Circulating to check and probe each pupil’s understanding
throughout the lesson and adapting teaching accordingly
are not strong enough.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Highlight any of the national key concerns that
are also a concern in your school.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Key differences and inequalities extend beyond the teaching:
they are rooted in the curriculum and the ways in which
schools promote or hamper progression in the learning of
Progression is different from progress.
 Progress is the gain that pupils make in terms of
knowledge, skills and understanding between one point in
time and another.
 Progression describes the journey in the development of
concepts and skills along a strand within mathematics,
drawing upon other strands and feeding into them as
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Practical, mental and written methods
 The photo shows a pupil
using practical equipment
to help her understand the
written method of column
 The extract shows how
mental partitioning with
jottings links to the process
of column addition. Y3
pupils in this lesson were
encouraged to see and
discuss the connection.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Curriculum findings (Made to measure)
 The degree of emphasis on problem solving and
conceptual understanding is a key discriminator between
good and weaker provision.
 Planning in primary is usually based on National Strategy
materials. It is detailed, but tends to lose the big picture of
progression in strands of mathematics.
 In secondary, planning and schemes of work are commonly
based on particular examination specifications.
 Pupils’ curricular experiences are inconsistent and depend
too much on the teacher they have and the set/class they
are in.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Variation in use of ICT
All teachers should follow the school’s agreed approaches with
ICT to help develop pupils’ conceptual understanding.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Curriculum – key concerns
10.Problem solving is not emphasised enough in the curriculum.
11.Teachers are not clear enough about progression, so
teaching is fragmented and does not link concepts.
12.Pupils’ curricular experiences are inconsistent because:
a. teachers lack guidance and support on building
conceptual understanding and progression over time
b. teachers’ subject knowledge and pedagogic skills
(subject expertise) vary. They are not enhanced enough
through subject-specific professional development and
guidance. Less experienced/non-specialist/temporary
staff do not receive the specific guidance and support
they need.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
The importance of subject expertise
Subject knowledge and pedagogic skills underpin the
development of:
conceptual understanding, knowledge and skills to build
fluency and accuracy
problem solving and reasoning
progression and links.
Subject knowledge and pedagogic skills are necessary for:
anticipating, spotting and overcoming misconceptions
observing, listening, questioning to assess learning and adapt
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
GCSE entry findings (Made to measure)
 In 2011/12, nearly 90% of schools entered some or all
pupils early for GCSE. Nationally, over half of the cohort
took GCSE early, with many pupils resitting it.
 Teaching commonly focuses on the next exam and includes
much practice on exam-style questions. This approach relies
on pupils’ recall of disparate facts and methods.
 Higher sets are not always given enough time on hard topics
e.g. algebra, geometry, graphs – needed for AS/A level.
 Best practice for higher attainers is taking GCSE alongside
additional qualifications at the end of Y11.
A current concern (2014) is the use of multiple GCSE entry
using different awarding bodies.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
GCSE entry patterns – key concern
13.Choices about GCSE entry and qualification pathways can
limit pupils’ achievement and/or drive short-termism in
teaching approaches:
a. pupils entered early for GCSE generally attain less well
after resits than do those entered only once at the end of
Year 11, and few pupils who gain GCSE grade A early
go on to resit with the aim of improving their grade
b. teaching focuses on exams, relying on pupils’ short-term
memory, rather than on progression and development of
c. pupils are less well prepared for their future studies in
mathematics and other subjects, including resitting
GCSE post-16.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Highlight any of the national key concerns that
are also a concern in your school.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Leadership and management
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Leadership and management findings
Stronger management practices, particularly in secondary:
 monitoring of teaching (e.g. learning walk, work scrutiny)
 use of data to track progress and for intervention
 use of performance management to drive higher
examination results.
Key concern
14.Monitoring tends to focus on generic features rather than on
pinpointing subject-specific weaknesses or inconsistencies. It
is not used strategically to improve teaching, learning or the
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Think for a moment …
Why does your school do work scrutiny?
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
The potential of work scrutiny
To check and improve:
teaching approaches, including development of conceptual
depth and breadth of work set and tackled
levels of challenge
problem solving
pupils’ understanding and misconceptions
assessment and its impact on understanding.
To look back over time and across year groups at:
progression through concepts for pupils of different abilities
how well pupils have overcome any earlier misconceptions
balance and depth of coverage of the scheme of work,
including using and applying mathematics.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Work scrutiny
What does this extract suggest about how well:
the pupil understands the
topic (collecting like terms)
the exercise provides
breadth and depth
of challenge
the marking identifies
misconceptions and
develops the pupil’s
The commentary on this extract shown in the next slides is
also provided in the information pack for the workshops.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Work scrutiny – understanding
 The pupil adds like terms correctly but makes an error with
 The exercise has too many
straightforward questions on
addition before subtractions
start. This makes it too
narrow and unchallenging to
develop understanding of
the whole topic.
 Such narrowness prevents
the teacher from checking
the extent of the pupil’s
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Work scrutiny – teacher’s comments
 The teacher’s comment ‘only
1 wrong’ misses the pupil’s
difficulty with subtraction
shown by the wrong answer
to Q8 and incomplete Q9.
 It is likely that the pupil left
the signs unmoved when
3j – 4k + 2j + k to get
3j – 2j + 4k + k
 The comment does not help
the pupil to overcome this
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Work scrutiny and lesson observation
 The top priority to bear in mind when scrutinising work is
‘Are the pupils doing the right work and do they understand
 Thinking back to the extract, the pupil was not doing ‘the
right work’. The questions lacked breadth, did not develop
understanding fully, and included no problems. Improving
these is more important than improving marking.
 The skills you have just used in scrutinising the extract of
work are equally applicable when observing lessons.
 A key additional element when observing lessons is seeing
how well teachers check and deepen each pupil’s
understanding. Does the teacher move round the class
observing and listening to pupils to check their progress?
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Think for a moment …
In your school, what is the relative emphasis on
the quality of work pupils are given in order to
promote their understanding
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Work scrutiny – assessment policy
 In accordance with the school’s policy, the teacher has
provided a ‘next step’.
 ‘Equations’ is not a
‘next step’ to help the
pupil improve in this topic.
Understanding subtraction
is needed first.
 Working with brackets,
constant terms and powers
would give fuller breadth of
the topic.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Leadership and management
 Whole-school policies may not work well for mathematics.
For example, an assessment policy might expect teachers
 assign an attainment grade to each piece of marked work
 mark one substantial piece of work periodically
 refer to the lesson objective when marking
 identify ‘next steps’ to help pupils improve their work.
 Best practice ensures that policies can be customised for
mathematics in ways that reflect its distinctive nature and
thereby promote good teaching and learning.
Key concern
15.Some whole-school policies do not work well for
mathematics.Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Think for a moment …
How mathematically friendly are your
whole-school policies?
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Leadership and management
 Enabling teachers to work together (e.g. on a calculation
policy or guidance on progression in algebra) supports
consistency and improvement. However, teachers usually
share ideas and good practice informally, rather than record
them in guidance, schemes of work, or policies.
Key concern
16.Because sharing of good practice and provision of guidance
are usually informal, only those who are involved can
benefit. Not capturing these informal interactions in writing
means that teachers who miss out or join the school later
cannot benefit from them.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Use of assessment data – findings
 Primary schools have improved their use of assessment
information to provide more focused and timely intervention.
The best schools:
 pick up quickly on misconceptions, difficulties and gaps
 intervene speedily to overcome them so that pupils do
not fall behind.
 In secondary schools, interventions have tended to
concentrate on practising topics for GCSE examinations.
Schools use assessment data to identify key groups of
pupils, particularly at the grade C/D borderline.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Use of assessment data – key
17.Despite increasingly sophisticated tracking and analyses
that identify pupils who are underachieving and topics/gaps
where difficulties arise, schools rarely use such assessment
information to improve teaching or the curriculum.
18.Intervention, particularly for lower attainers, is not early
enough to overcome gaps and build a firm foundation for
future learning. Gaps arising from misconceptions,
absence, changing teaching group or school are not
systematically identified or narrowed.
19.Secondary schools rarely use intervention to overcome
gaps in pupils’ understanding, particularly in Key Stage 3,
choosing instead to focus on examination preparation.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Leadership and management
Highlight any of the national key concerns that
are also a concern in your school.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Planning ways forward in your school
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Integrated planning for improvement
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
and learning
experiences and
with conceptual
Think for a moment …
Do the priorities in your mathematics
improvement plan include all three of the
teaching and learning
leadership and management?
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Recommendations for schools
 The national key concerns gave rise to recommendations
for schools that were published in Mathematics: made to
 Look at these recommendations in the information booklet.
 Highlight any that your school would find helpful in its
improvement planning.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Recommendations for schools –
 Tackle in-school inconsistency of teaching.
 Increase the emphasis on problem solving.
 Develop the expertise of staff:
 in fostering pupils’ deeper understanding
 in checking and probing pupils’ understanding during the
lesson, and adapting teaching accordingly
 in understanding the progression in strands of
 ensuring policies and guidance are backed up by
professional development.
 Sharpen the mathematical focus of monitoring and analysis,
and use findings to improve teaching and the curriculum.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Recommendations for schools
In addition, primary schools should refocus attention on:
improving pupils’ progress from the Early Years Foundation
Stage through to Year 2 to increase the attainment of the most
acting early to secure the essential knowledge and skills of
the least able.
In addition, secondary schools should:
ensure examination and curricular policies meet all pupils’
best interests, stopping reliance on the use of resit
examinations, and securing good depth and breadth of study at
the higher tier GCSE.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Think for a moment …
Do the priorities in your mathematics
improvement plan include the
recommendations you highlighted?
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
In summary
You have identified three sets of areas for improvement in
mathematics in your school:
 the key concerns you highlighted
 the recommendations for schools you highlighted
 your school’s mathematics improvement plan.
The next activity involves using these three sources to help
you select one short-term priority and one long-term priority for
which you can start to devise actions today.
Planning actions for your priorities
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Ideas for priorities and actions
Short-term priorities:
raise attainment by the end of reception to ensure all pupils
are well prepared for Key Stage 1
raise attainment at GCSE grades A*/A by improving
qualification pathways and transition from KS3 to GCSE.
Long-term priority:
ensure teaching focuses on conceptual development
Planning involves thinking about:
where to start (e.g. calculation/ Y7)
agreeing approaches, including professional development
monitoring through the subject leader checking that
conceptual approaches are being planned and used well
evaluating through subject discussions with pupils to check
their understanding.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Select one short-term priority and one long-term priority for
which you can start to devise actions during this session.
To inform your selection, refer to:
 the key concerns you highlighted
 the recommendations for schools you highlighted
 your school’s mathematics improvement plan.
For each priority, specify precisely:
 the actions you will take, including coaching and targeted
professional development, and how you will monitor their
quality, providing support and challenge as needed
 what you expect the impact of successful actions to look
like and by when, and how you will evaluate this.
Planning actions for your priorities
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Further planning
When you are back at school, you may find it helpful to:
look in detail at your school’s information/data to explore
whether other areas of national concern might also be priorities
for your school
continue to work together on your improvement plan for
We hope you have found this morning useful. If you have any
further questions or points you wish to raise, please speak with
one of the HMI during the lunch break.
Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
Better mathematics conference
Keynote: understanding ways forward
Jane Jones HMI,
National lead for Mathematics
Spring 2015

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  • 1. Better mathematics conference Keynote: understanding ways forward Jane Jones HMI, National lead for Mathematics Spring 2015
  • 2. Aims of keynote session To be better informed about:  important weaknesses nationally in provision and outcomes in mathematics  key features of good practice and effective ways schools have overcome weaknesses. To sharpen your expertise in identifying:  key weaknesses in mathematics in your school  priorities to drive improvement. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 3. Keynote content  National figures for attainment and progress in mathematics  Findings from our triennial report, Mathematics: made to measure, highlighting good practice and key concerns nationally  Short activities to help convey main points (for example, about problem solving and conceptual understanding)  Opportunities for you to reflect on implications for your school and to prioritise areas for improvement During the session, please do not hesitate to speak about the activities to supporting HMI. If you have further questions, please note them down on paper and hand to HMI. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 4. Keynote sections Achievement Teaching Curriculum Leadership and management Planning ways forward in your school The information booklet contains text from the principal slides, in particular the national findings and key concerns. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 6. Attainment Attainment has risen: at GCSE grades A*-C, due to a strong emphasis by schools at AS/A level with a huge increase in uptake. In primary schools, attainment has: risen in the EYFS with calculation weakest; 2013 new ELGs stalled then recent rise at L2+ at KS1; declining trend at L3+ stalled then recent rise at L4+ at KS2; rise at L5+. Key concern 1.Although attainment is generally rising, pupils are not made to think hard enough for themselves. Pupils of all ages do too little problem solving and application of mathematics. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 7. A problem for you to solve The animals represent values. Which value could be found first, next and last, and why? Which value cannot be found second and why? Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 8. Early Years Foundation Stage The Early Learning Goals that were introduced in September 2012 represent substantially higher expectations than previously. Problem solving is an explicit part of each Early Learning Goal. (It used to be just one of eight points from which children had to meet any six to reach the age-related expectation.) Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 9. Progress (2013 figures; 2011 in brackets) 88% (82%) of pupils made the expected 2 levels of progress KS1→KS2 but: 70% of L2c reach L4 compared with 91% of L2b; (58% cf 86% in 2011). 70% (62%) of pupils made the expected 3 levels of progress KS2→KS4 but: 58% of L4c reached grade C; (48% in 2011) still only 29% of low attaining pupils made expected progress; (30% in 2011) over 31000 pupils who attained L5 at primary school got no better than grade C at GCSE; 2700+ got grade D or lower. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 10. Gaps in attainment and progress (2013 in black; 2011 M2M figures in blue)  Overall, 9% of pupils did not reach L2 at age 7, 15% did not reach L4 at age 11, and 30% of the cohort did not reach grade C at GCSE; (cf 10%, 20% and 36% in 2011).  FSM pupils did much worse than their peers on attainment and progress, the gaps generally widening with key stage. The gaps are still there! Attainment FSM (%) Non-FSM (%) KS1 L2+ L3+ 85 (81) 12 (9) 94 (92) 27 (23) KS2 L4+ L5+ 77 (67) 27 (19) 88 (83) 47 (38) GCSE C A*/A 53 (42) 8 (6) 77 (68) 22 (21) Expected progress FSM (%) Non- FSM (%) KS1-2 84 (75) 90 (84) KS2-4 54 (45) 76 (67) Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 11. Think for a moment … How well do your FSM pupils, and others supported by the Pupil Premium, achieve? To think about back at school … When do they start to lose ground? Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 12. Achievement – key concerns 2. The percentage of pupils meeting expected standards falls at successive key stages. Reaching the expected level in one key stage does not ensure meeting it at the next. This is often due to a focus on meeting thresholds rather than securing essential foundations for the next stage. 3. FSM pupils do far worse than their peers at all key stages, most markedly at Key Stage 4. 4. Low attainers are not helped soon enough to catch up, particularly in the EYFS and Key Stage 1. No improvement in the proportion making expected progress KS2→KS4. 5. High attainers not challenged enough from EYFS onwards. 6. Potential high attainers are being lost to AS/A level – the big uptake has come mainly from pupils with GCSE A*/A . Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 13. Achievement Highlight any of the national key concerns that are also a concern in your school. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 15. Teaching – Ofsted’s findings The best teaching develops conceptual understanding alongside pupils’ fluent recall of knowledge and confidence in problem solving. In highly effective practice, teachers get ‘inside pupils’ heads’. They find out how pupils think by observing pupils closely, listening carefully to what they say, and asking questions to probe and extend their understanding, then adapting teaching accordingly. Too much teaching concentrates on the acquisition of disparate skills that enable pupils to pass tests and examinations but do not equip them for the next stage of education, work and life. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 16. Teaching examples Problem solving The animal puzzle is an example of problem solving. Problems may, or may not, involve realistic contexts. Conceptual understanding The questions on the next slide illustrate the importance of understanding concepts within fractions in:  setting firm foundations for future work in fractions, algebra and proportional reasoning  avoiding developing misconceptions. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 17. Understanding fractions A question for you: what is a fraction? Questions for pupils: 1. What fraction is shaded? 2a. What does ¼ mean? 2b. Tell me a fraction that is bigger than ¼ 3a. How do you work out one quarter of something? 3b. Can you work it out another way? Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 18. Aims of the National Curriculum The three aims, summarised below, are consistent with Ofsted’s findings on effective teaching and learning. Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately Reason mathematically Solve problems The next slide gives an example of why conceptual understanding is intrinsic to fluency. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 19. Fluency using conceptual understanding  Understanding that multiplication is commutative, so 8 x 6 = 48 and 6 x 8 = 48 (also 48 = 6 x 8, 48 = 8 x 6)  Understanding that the inverse relationship between multiplication and division leads to equivalent statements, such as 8 = 48 ÷ 6 and 48 ÷ 8 = 6  Knowing division is not commutative, so 8 ≠ 6 ÷ 48  Deriving related facts, for example:  80 x 6 = 480, 6 = 480 ÷ 80 and 0.8 x 0.6 = 0.48  8 x 6 = 48 so 16 x 3 = 48 Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 20. Teaching – findings (Made to measure)  Wide variation between key stages and sets, especially in Key Stage 4 with high sets receiving twice as much good teaching as low sets, where 14% is inadequate.  Weakest teaching in Key Stage 3 (38% good or better and 12% inadequate).  Strongest teaching in the EYFS and Years 5 and 6 with around three quarters good or outstanding. Weaker in Key Stage 1 (particularly Year 1) than in Key Stage 2.  Wide in-school variation causes uneven progress and gaps in achievement, even in good and outstanding schools. Stronger staff are often deployed to key examination or test classes. Leaders appear to accept that other pupils may need to make up ground in the future. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 21. In-school variation in 151 schools  half had at least one lesson with inadequate teaching  only two had consistently good or better teaching Better mathematics conference keynote 2015 Distribution of teaching grades in secondary school lessons 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Each bar represents a different school Numberoflessonsateachgrade 1 2 3 4
  • 22. Changes to the inspection of teaching  From September 2014, inspectors will not grade the quality of teaching in individual lessons.  In evaluating the overall quality of teaching in a school (or in the subject for a mathematics inspection), inspectors will consider strengths and weaknesses of teaching observed across a broad range of lessons and other activities, placed in the context of other evidence of pupils’ learning and progress over time.  The judgement on leadership and management will include use of performance management and effectiveness of strategies to improve teaching, including account taken of the Teachers’ Standards. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 23. Think for a moment … What choices do you make about staff deployment in your school? To think about back at school … How do you pinpoint and tackle specific weaknesses in teaching (including temporary, part-time and non-specialist staff)? Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 24. Teaching – key concerns 7. Wide in-school variation in teaching quality. 8. Conceptual understanding and problem solving are underemphasised. a. Too often, teaching approaches focus on how, without understanding why, so that pupils have insecure foundations on which to build future learning. b. Many pupils spend too long working on straightforward questions, with problems located at the ends of exercises or set as extension tasks, so that not all tackle them. 7. Circulating to check and probe each pupil’s understanding throughout the lesson and adapting teaching accordingly are not strong enough. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 25. Teaching Highlight any of the national key concerns that are also a concern in your school. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 27. Curriculum Key differences and inequalities extend beyond the teaching: they are rooted in the curriculum and the ways in which schools promote or hamper progression in the learning of mathematics. Progression is different from progress.  Progress is the gain that pupils make in terms of knowledge, skills and understanding between one point in time and another.  Progression describes the journey in the development of concepts and skills along a strand within mathematics, drawing upon other strands and feeding into them as needed. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 28. Practical, mental and written methods  The photo shows a pupil using practical equipment to help her understand the written method of column addition.  The extract shows how mental partitioning with jottings links to the process of column addition. Y3 pupils in this lesson were encouraged to see and discuss the connection. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 29. Curriculum findings (Made to measure)  The degree of emphasis on problem solving and conceptual understanding is a key discriminator between good and weaker provision.  Planning in primary is usually based on National Strategy materials. It is detailed, but tends to lose the big picture of progression in strands of mathematics.  In secondary, planning and schemes of work are commonly based on particular examination specifications.  Pupils’ curricular experiences are inconsistent and depend too much on the teacher they have and the set/class they are in. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 30. Variation in use of ICT All teachers should follow the school’s agreed approaches with ICT to help develop pupils’ conceptual understanding. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 31. Curriculum – key concerns 10.Problem solving is not emphasised enough in the curriculum. 11.Teachers are not clear enough about progression, so teaching is fragmented and does not link concepts. 12.Pupils’ curricular experiences are inconsistent because: a. teachers lack guidance and support on building conceptual understanding and progression over time b. teachers’ subject knowledge and pedagogic skills (subject expertise) vary. They are not enhanced enough through subject-specific professional development and guidance. Less experienced/non-specialist/temporary staff do not receive the specific guidance and support they need. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 32. The importance of subject expertise Subject knowledge and pedagogic skills underpin the development of: conceptual understanding, knowledge and skills to build fluency and accuracy problem solving and reasoning progression and links. Subject knowledge and pedagogic skills are necessary for: anticipating, spotting and overcoming misconceptions observing, listening, questioning to assess learning and adapt teaching. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 33. GCSE entry findings (Made to measure)  In 2011/12, nearly 90% of schools entered some or all pupils early for GCSE. Nationally, over half of the cohort took GCSE early, with many pupils resitting it.  Teaching commonly focuses on the next exam and includes much practice on exam-style questions. This approach relies on pupils’ recall of disparate facts and methods.  Higher sets are not always given enough time on hard topics e.g. algebra, geometry, graphs – needed for AS/A level.  Best practice for higher attainers is taking GCSE alongside additional qualifications at the end of Y11. A current concern (2014) is the use of multiple GCSE entry using different awarding bodies. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 34. GCSE entry patterns – key concern 13.Choices about GCSE entry and qualification pathways can limit pupils’ achievement and/or drive short-termism in teaching approaches: a. pupils entered early for GCSE generally attain less well after resits than do those entered only once at the end of Year 11, and few pupils who gain GCSE grade A early go on to resit with the aim of improving their grade b. teaching focuses on exams, relying on pupils’ short-term memory, rather than on progression and development of understanding c. pupils are less well prepared for their future studies in mathematics and other subjects, including resitting GCSE post-16. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 35. Curriculum Highlight any of the national key concerns that are also a concern in your school. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 36. Leadership and management Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 37. Leadership and management findings Stronger management practices, particularly in secondary:  monitoring of teaching (e.g. learning walk, work scrutiny)  use of data to track progress and for intervention  use of performance management to drive higher examination results. Key concern 14.Monitoring tends to focus on generic features rather than on pinpointing subject-specific weaknesses or inconsistencies. It is not used strategically to improve teaching, learning or the curriculum. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 38. Think for a moment … Why does your school do work scrutiny? Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 39. The potential of work scrutiny To check and improve: teaching approaches, including development of conceptual understanding depth and breadth of work set and tackled levels of challenge problem solving pupils’ understanding and misconceptions assessment and its impact on understanding. To look back over time and across year groups at: progression through concepts for pupils of different abilities how well pupils have overcome any earlier misconceptions balance and depth of coverage of the scheme of work, including using and applying mathematics. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 40. Work scrutiny What does this extract suggest about how well: the pupil understands the topic (collecting like terms) the exercise provides breadth and depth of challenge the marking identifies misconceptions and develops the pupil’s understanding? The commentary on this extract shown in the next slides is also provided in the information pack for the workshops. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 41. Work scrutiny – understanding  The pupil adds like terms correctly but makes an error with subtraction.  The exercise has too many straightforward questions on addition before subtractions start. This makes it too narrow and unchallenging to develop understanding of the whole topic.  Such narrowness prevents the teacher from checking the extent of the pupil’s understanding. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 42. Work scrutiny – teacher’s comments  The teacher’s comment ‘only 1 wrong’ misses the pupil’s difficulty with subtraction shown by the wrong answer to Q8 and incomplete Q9.  It is likely that the pupil left the signs unmoved when rearranging 3j – 4k + 2j + k to get 3j – 2j + 4k + k  The comment does not help the pupil to overcome this misconception. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 43. Work scrutiny and lesson observation  The top priority to bear in mind when scrutinising work is ‘Are the pupils doing the right work and do they understand it?’  Thinking back to the extract, the pupil was not doing ‘the right work’. The questions lacked breadth, did not develop understanding fully, and included no problems. Improving these is more important than improving marking.  The skills you have just used in scrutinising the extract of work are equally applicable when observing lessons.  A key additional element when observing lessons is seeing how well teachers check and deepen each pupil’s understanding. Does the teacher move round the class observing and listening to pupils to check their progress? Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 44. Think for a moment … In your school, what is the relative emphasis on improving: the quality of work pupils are given in order to promote their understanding marking? Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 45. Work scrutiny – assessment policy  In accordance with the school’s policy, the teacher has provided a ‘next step’.  ‘Equations’ is not a ‘next step’ to help the pupil improve in this topic. Understanding subtraction is needed first.  Working with brackets, constant terms and powers would give fuller breadth of the topic. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 46. Leadership and management  Whole-school policies may not work well for mathematics. For example, an assessment policy might expect teachers to:  assign an attainment grade to each piece of marked work  mark one substantial piece of work periodically  refer to the lesson objective when marking  identify ‘next steps’ to help pupils improve their work.  Best practice ensures that policies can be customised for mathematics in ways that reflect its distinctive nature and thereby promote good teaching and learning. Key concern 15.Some whole-school policies do not work well for mathematics.Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 47. Think for a moment … How mathematically friendly are your whole-school policies? Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 48. Leadership and management  Enabling teachers to work together (e.g. on a calculation policy or guidance on progression in algebra) supports consistency and improvement. However, teachers usually share ideas and good practice informally, rather than record them in guidance, schemes of work, or policies. Key concern 16.Because sharing of good practice and provision of guidance are usually informal, only those who are involved can benefit. Not capturing these informal interactions in writing means that teachers who miss out or join the school later cannot benefit from them. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 49. Use of assessment data – findings  Primary schools have improved their use of assessment information to provide more focused and timely intervention. The best schools:  pick up quickly on misconceptions, difficulties and gaps  intervene speedily to overcome them so that pupils do not fall behind.  In secondary schools, interventions have tended to concentrate on practising topics for GCSE examinations. Schools use assessment data to identify key groups of pupils, particularly at the grade C/D borderline. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 50. Use of assessment data – key concerns 17.Despite increasingly sophisticated tracking and analyses that identify pupils who are underachieving and topics/gaps where difficulties arise, schools rarely use such assessment information to improve teaching or the curriculum. 18.Intervention, particularly for lower attainers, is not early enough to overcome gaps and build a firm foundation for future learning. Gaps arising from misconceptions, absence, changing teaching group or school are not systematically identified or narrowed. 19.Secondary schools rarely use intervention to overcome gaps in pupils’ understanding, particularly in Key Stage 3, choosing instead to focus on examination preparation. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 51. Leadership and management Highlight any of the national key concerns that are also a concern in your school. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 52. Planning ways forward in your school Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 53. Integrated planning for improvement Better mathematics conference keynote 2015 Good quality teaching and learning Meaningful curriculum experiences and qualifications Insightful, rigorous leadership and management Good achievement with conceptual understanding
  • 54. Think for a moment … Do the priorities in your mathematics improvement plan include all three of the areas: teaching and learning curriculum leadership and management? Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 55. Recommendations for schools  The national key concerns gave rise to recommendations for schools that were published in Mathematics: made to measure.  Look at these recommendations in the information booklet.  Highlight any that your school would find helpful in its improvement planning. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 56. Recommendations for schools – summary  Tackle in-school inconsistency of teaching.  Increase the emphasis on problem solving.  Develop the expertise of staff:  in fostering pupils’ deeper understanding  in checking and probing pupils’ understanding during the lesson, and adapting teaching accordingly  in understanding the progression in strands of mathematics  ensuring policies and guidance are backed up by professional development.  Sharpen the mathematical focus of monitoring and analysis, and use findings to improve teaching and the curriculum. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 57. Recommendations for schools In addition, primary schools should refocus attention on: improving pupils’ progress from the Early Years Foundation Stage through to Year 2 to increase the attainment of the most able acting early to secure the essential knowledge and skills of the least able. In addition, secondary schools should: ensure examination and curricular policies meet all pupils’ best interests, stopping reliance on the use of resit examinations, and securing good depth and breadth of study at the higher tier GCSE. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 58. Think for a moment … Do the priorities in your mathematics improvement plan include the recommendations you highlighted? Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 59. In summary You have identified three sets of areas for improvement in mathematics in your school:  the key concerns you highlighted  the recommendations for schools you highlighted  your school’s mathematics improvement plan. The next activity involves using these three sources to help you select one short-term priority and one long-term priority for which you can start to devise actions today. Planning actions for your priorities Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 60. Ideas for priorities and actions Short-term priorities: raise attainment by the end of reception to ensure all pupils are well prepared for Key Stage 1 raise attainment at GCSE grades A*/A by improving qualification pathways and transition from KS3 to GCSE. Long-term priority: ensure teaching focuses on conceptual development Planning involves thinking about: where to start (e.g. calculation/ Y7) agreeing approaches, including professional development monitoring through the subject leader checking that conceptual approaches are being planned and used well evaluating through subject discussions with pupils to check their understanding. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 61. Select one short-term priority and one long-term priority for which you can start to devise actions during this session. To inform your selection, refer to:  the key concerns you highlighted  the recommendations for schools you highlighted  your school’s mathematics improvement plan. For each priority, specify precisely:  the actions you will take, including coaching and targeted professional development, and how you will monitor their quality, providing support and challenge as needed  what you expect the impact of successful actions to look like and by when, and how you will evaluate this. Planning actions for your priorities Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 62. Further planning When you are back at school, you may find it helpful to: look in detail at your school’s information/data to explore whether other areas of national concern might also be priorities for your school continue to work together on your improvement plan for mathematics. We hope you have found this morning useful. If you have any further questions or points you wish to raise, please speak with one of the HMI during the lunch break. Better mathematics conference keynote 2015
  • 63. Better mathematics conference Keynote: understanding ways forward Jane Jones HMI, National lead for Mathematics Spring 2015