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Medieval and Old English Period
DO NOW: Grab a textbook
1. What do you know about this time in history?
(make a list)
2. Have you seen any movies that depict this time?
3. Based on what you know (or by flipping through
the first 50-100 pages in the textbook), what kind
of literature or themes do you think might come
out of this period in British history?
Read Burton Raffel’s “With Rain
Comes Life” pg. 2-3
• Summarize the daily life of a medieval
• Summarize the hierarchy.
• Do you think that society during this time
period needed this particular structure
(peasants – knights – lords – religion –
kings)? Why? (Hint: consider education)
Pg. 6-14
• For each subheading,
write 2-3 main
ideas. You can work
with a partner, but
each of you is writing
their own notes.
Anglo-Saxon Poetry
• Caesuras – rhythmic breaks in the middle of lines, where
the reciter could pause for breath
• Kennings – two-word poetic renamings of people, places,
and things (ex. whales’ home for the sea)
• Assonance – the repetition of vowel sounds in unrhymed,
stressed syllables (ex. batter these ramparts)
• Alliteration – the repetition of initial consonant sounds in
accented syllables (ex. She sells sea-shells down by the
• A poem mourning the loss of someone or
DO NOW: You are exiled (sent away forever from your
home, friends, and community). Imagine a place of exile
(foreign country, wilderness, space, sea). Imagine living
there permanently – and without contact with those you
love. In order of importance, list things and people you
would yearn for and the feelings you might have. Name
the kinds of hopes and dreams that might sustain you.
The Seafarer
pg. 19
Home vs. the Sea
Companionship Loneliness
Warmth Cold
Safety Dangers
Britain is an island, hence the
complex relationship to the sea
(barrier to strangers, avenue to new
lands). What draws the speaker of
the poem back to the sea time and
Fate vs. Free Will
• Where do you fall? Explain: are humans
responsible for their own lives and choices or are
they subject to fate/destiny/divine plan?
• Note: the Anglo Saxons were resigned to fate and
valued painful experiences.
Greeks – human lives are subject to whims of gods
Egyptians – planetary positions influence lives
Catholic Church – free will
Hinduism – karma (combo of fate and free will); life in present is
determined by actions of past lives, but people can improve
Complete the
Questions on page 22
• You may turn in one paper for
a group of two, with both of your
names on it - Make sure to write
down the opinions and responses of
both people if they vary.
• Please use examples and elaborate
your responses.
• Some questions have multiple
• Write an elegy for an
object, person, idea
(anything really) that
you have lost. Show
your feelings for the
subject in your elegy.
The Wanderer
• Narrator (third person) and
Wanderer (first person)
• Stanza 2: depression; silence;
"no comrade left," "bury
• Stanza 3: "homeless/hapless,"
lord's death, "wintery seas,"
seeking new companions
• Stanza 4: frozen heart,
remembers celebrations and
time with friends
• Stanza 5: dream of friends who
disappear, lonely, "darken
storms," "tossing sea," longing,
SORROW and hardship in life
• Stanza 6: "fates of men" -
warriors vanish, earth dies; avoid
being reckless to live longer
• Stanza 7: all wealth dies, walls
crumble, decay, heroes die
defending a wall, empty of life
• Stanza 8: legends of battle and
bloodshed, princes and warriors
die, FATE and death conquer all
• Stanza 9: winter/night = death,
wealth/friends/man/woman =
• Stanza 10: religion – seek mercy
and forgiveness
The Wanderer
• Explain what is
mourned or lost.
• How is the poem
elegiac? Use specific
examples or phrases
to support your
answer. Discuss the
Anglo Saxon values
• Contentment with fate
• Appreciation of
wisdom that comes
through experience
• Proving oneself in acts
of courage and bravery
the questions on
page 26 in
The Wife’s Lament
• After reading the poem,
speculate about the role
and rights of women in
Medieval society. What
evidence do you have?
• How does the
setting contribute to her
Finding Beauty in Pain
3 TWO CHUNK Paragraphs – one on each poem
Analyze the appearance of
the theme of exile and
suffering in each poem.
Compare the ways in which
each poem creates beauty in
and value for a painful
experience. Use passages
from the poems to support
your answer. Consider what
the purpose of pain in life is:
what lessons can it teach?
How can painful or
terrifying things be
considered beautiful
(remember the ocean)?
Images of Pain/Beauty in Nature
The Seafarer
• "suffering in a
hundred ships"
• "frozen chains," "sea wary
soul," "whirled in sorrow"
• Winter imagery, storms,
death songs of birds
• Longing and loneliness
• Life fades quickly –
riches, men, kingdoms
• Fate is inevitable
LESSON: Focus on the path to
Heaven; need suffering to learn
to be a good person and avoid the
temptations of "land"(wine,
riches, women). Can't buy your
way into Heaven.
The Wife's Lament
• Exiled from husband and
family (betrayed by his kin)
• No loved ones or friends in
her exile; longing for her
husband; anger
• Remembers her
marriage vows
• Lives in the woods – under
an oak tree (pretty but lonely
nature descriptions)
LESSON: Be careful who you
trust – her husband
believes his family's lies about
The Wanderer
• Homeless and helpless
• All of his comrades are
dead – he has dreams of
happy times and
• Winter images
• "a heart that is frozen"
• Longing for loved ones and
• "Fates of men" -
everything dies, learn to
appreciate it and defend it
LESSON: Appreciate and defend
what you have in life. Don't be
too reckless in your actions
because you will loose those you
love/your life. Ask for
forgiveness – survivor's guilt.
Anglo-Saxon Period or The Dark Ages –
449 to 1066 AD
• Bloody conflicts, ignorance, turmoil, differences
in religion
• Period of chaos
• Life was difficult = literature reflects the reality
• Little humor, people were serious
• Only the strong survive
• War-like people; violence and heavy travel
(nomadic), shortage of hope, not long-term
• Pagan belief in fate and heroes
• Epics: entertainment; a lesson, a moral
sermon, a pep talk that taught people how a
hero is to behave. A reminder of fate and
death. Since there was no concept of
afterlife, the only immortality was in poems
as records of deeds (legacy).
Anglo-Saxon Values
• Loyalty
– Fighting for one’s king
– Avenging one’s kinsmen
– Keeping one’s word
• Generosity -- gifts symbolize bonds
• Brotherly love -- not romantic love
• Heroism
– Physical strength
– Skill and resourcefulness in battle
– Courage
• Public reputation, not private conscience (Legacy)
Late 6th century – arrival of
• Change (roads introduced, agriculture/more
settled and less violent); religion spread by word
of mouth and through stories. Pagans had no
concept of afterlife = bleak. Christianity offered
a reward/eternal happiness in heaven.
• Fatalism: the idea that events are determined in
advance and human beings have no power to
change them.
Religion in Conflict
– Eternal earthly fame
through deeds vs. afterlife
in hell or heaven;
– honor & gift-giving vs. sin
of pride (hubris);
– revenge vs. pacifist view
– Wyrd (Anglo-Saxon
"Fate") vs God's will
• DO NOW: What
does evil mean to
you? Write your
own definition of
the word and
provide some
examples of real
life monsters.
1. A long story in poem form
about a hero's travels and his fights
with monsters, gods, and bad guys.
2. Epics contain information about
the culture that created them:
religion, dress & ornaments, homes,
weapons and war, roles of men and
women, values, moral standards.
3. Epics often contain clues to what
the people who created them feared
or did not understand: natural
disasters, natural features, death, the
heavens, storms.
Background of the
• Oldest written text in English.
• Composed in Anglo-Saxon (Old
English) between 600 and 700 CE.
• Written down sometime in the 10th
• It is a literary picture of melding
religious traditions: Norse, Celtic,
Roman, and Christian.
Background of the Epic
• Transition of the heroic world (pagan) to the medieval
world (Christian) – elements of both
– Violence and ruined civilization
– Fading old gods
– Christian promise of virtue and valor
– overcoming the forces of evil
– A new culture, including a more peaceful world
– takes place in a land between two seas, on middanyeard, or
“middle earth”
Beowulf has its share of epic poetry conventions:
• Long verse that deals with the origins of a nation, people
or religious beliefs
• Gods and other supernatural beings play a role
• Human, mortal, heroes, national or religious, fight against
great odds and triumph, but also die
• The setting is global
• The diction is elevated, and it’s written in verse
• The narrative often starts in medias res
• Larger than life hero
• Quest
Conventions of the VerseConventions of the Verse
Conventions of the Verse
• Beowulf also contains
elegiac verse: which
means like an elegy, or
poem of sorrow for the
dead, or an ode, which is
to honor a person or even.
• The epic begins and ends
with funerals, and between
these spans the life
journey of the hero,
Food for Thought
• What makes a hero? (compare actual heroes
with larger than life fictional heroes. What type of
hero has a greater impact on society today?)
What do you think shapes society? Is it the
power of the few or the struggles of the many?
(specific examples from American history or
contemporary culture) Is it possible to live up to
the high ideals of chivalry? Is it worth trying?
(Do high ideals serve as inspiration or a source of
• untested young hero
• Seeker of truth
• Sometimes has a side-kick
• finds a mentor
• fights against superhuman odds, traveling to the
realm of death, suffers great loss
• through his own human power, achieves glory and
• journey leads him to learn a key aspect of human
life and the inescapable fact of human mortality.
Qualities of the Epic Hero
• old hero fights his last battle and passes the torch,
for all things die (man and civilization)
• a kind of resurrection is imminent, and like a
phoenix or the Christ, from the ashes of the old
civilization, a new one will rise.
Qualities of the Epic Hero
• only a mortal human being
can be a hero
• struggle = our eternal
minds cope with mortal
• courage to love, hope, and
see splendor and beauty
around us
• fight and die for a noble
cause in a world that is
Qualities of the Hero
Qualities of the Hero
Beowulf the hero embodies virtues that are
emblematic of the shift in times:
• He has humility, not pride, although he boasts and is also
interested in achieving glory.
• His loyalty and selflessness come before personal glory.
• He is strong, virtuous, courageous, and honorable, and he
is judged by his honor as much as by his deeds.
• He is also blessed, due to his particular faith in
Christianity, although he too, is tempted by the treasure
trove of the dragon.
• Water monster
• Trolls and dragons
• Underwater fights in a supernatural place
• Magic swords
• Dragons and errant knights, freeing the maiden
• Death and glory
• Funeral pyre
• Faithless or faithful companions
• Blood and gore
• Blood feuds and revenge; killing of kin
Images from the Heroic World
• Grendel as a descendent of Cain
• Hrothgar worships pagan gods
• Hrothgar’s throne cannot be touched
• One pure and virtuous man saves the souls of others
• Humility of Beowulf
• Trust in Divine Providence and Divine Intervention
• Dragon guards the treasures of earth which are returned to
the earth
• Curse on those who do not come to the aid of the king
• Rule with wisdom and humility, honor, courage, faith,
loyalty, hope
Images from the Judeo-Christian World
• •If you could create a
hero (super or
human), what would
he/she be?
• •Think about origin
story, powers, social
causes they care
about, outfit…
Beowulf takes
place in a “once
upon a time
world” which
taps into “three
archetypal sites
of fear.”
1. The barricaded night house /
Mead Hall (Grendel) – supposed to
be a place of safety
Part 1: The
of Grendel
• Grendel hears the harps and
happiness – attacks the mead
hall (jealous? Outcast?)
• "The Almighty..." - story of
Genesis (origin)
• Grendel – monster, demon,
fiend, associated with hell
and darkness, born of Cain
• His family (Cain) punished
forever by God for Abel's
death – exile for all
– Is that fair?
Children punished for
the crime of the father?
Is his wrath at men
• Again and again defeated – eternal
struggle against evil
• Darkness, greed, silence, smashed
them unknowing in their beds -
Grendel is not only brutal, but
sneaky and a coward; he doesn't
allow the men to defend themselves
• Daybreak – light associated with
goodness; elegy for the
dead; reference to the fate of men
• Hate wins – men flee Herot
• Herot – empty, sorrow, grief,
deserted, hell-forged, misery, no
peace, bloody feud
• Shadow of death, mankind's
enemy - kennings
• Grendel only attacks at
night, unseen, when the
men are weakest
• Hrothgar's Throne -
protected by God (in
opposition to Grendel,
who can never
know God's love)
• Line 90-103: heresy
(sacrificed to the old gods
– hell's support, Devil's
guidance, hell always in
their hearts, knowing
neither God nor
his passing) WARNING –
death comes to those who
don't believe
• Need to be Christian
to fight evil
Reading 15 min
Turn in Essay on Poems,
otherwise it’s late
Part 2: The Coming
of Beowulf
• Beowulf - the strongest of the
Geats, stronger than anyone
anywhere in the world, answers
the call for help, wants to help
those in danger, bravest and best
• Fate/Pagan - the omens were
• Christian - they have thanks to
God for their easy crossing
• Associated with light - shields
raised and shining
• Kennings - sea-road
• People judged on appearance of strength
Beowulf's speech - BOAST
– legacy of his father
– list of heroic deeds – monster's slayed
(giants, sea monsters, dripping with
my enemy's blood)
– there's nothing dark or hidden in our
coming - set to oppose Grendel's
association with darkness
• Deeds are more important than words, but
they are a culture of boasting
• Golden helmets, hammered gold, glowing in
the sun, glittering - LIGHT IMAGERY
• Feels like he alone can save them
• Christian – God must decide who will be
given death
• Pagan - Fate will unwind as it must
• Grendel doesn't fight
with weapons, and
doesn’t fear any
• Beowulf promises to
fight with his bare
• Makes the fight equal –
Part 3: The Battle with
• Battle of good vs. Evil
• Grendel - bearing God's hatred, hoping to
kill, night and silence, forever joyless, burning
eyes - hell fire, shepherd of evil, guardian of
crime, Almighty's enemy, sin-stained
demon(kennings), coward – wants to run
when outmatched
– Is he a monster because he's hated by God?
Or is he hated by God because he is a
• Beowulf - a strong defender, protector of men
• Herot: gold – purity, iron –
strength, ivory - goodness;
can only be destroyed by
fire (evil or sin)
• Grendel can't be defeated by
weapons and strength alone,
but by goodness
• Grendel's arm – trophy, legacy
2. The infested underwater lair (Grendel’s
Mother) – the unknown “other”
Part 4: The
Monster's Lair
• Secret and hidden - evil intent
• Underground - associated with hell
• Wolf-den – predator
• Black clouds – darkness
• Heaven weeps
• Animals prefer to die on land rather
than enter the water
• Lake burns like a torch - supernatural,
• No wisdom reaches such depths – the
monsters are not reasonable
Mother and
her Lair
• Beowulf is out of his
• Lair/water – passing
to another realm
(sometimes viewed as
his descent to the
Part 5: The Battle
with Grendel's Mother
• Beowulf – acknowledges his mortality and
asks Hrothgar to protect his men if he dies (gained
wisdom – before he was cocky); makes plans to
give away his rewards after death
• Super human - he sinks for hours in the lake and
does not drown
• She-wolf, water witch - kennings
• He has more trouble fighting Grendel's mother
than Grendel – not his element (she renders him
helpless and almost stabs him to death)
• Sword and helmet fail him, but his armor holds –
it's been blessed by Holy God, who is defender of
• Beowulf longed only for
fame – legacy
• Avenge her only son – pagan
culture of vengeance. Is
she justified?
• Sword on the wall – forged
and blessed by giants (magic,
pagan); no ordinary man can
lift it
• Beowulf is savage,
angry, desperate, rejoices at
the sight of blood and death
• After Grendel's mother is slain,
Heavenly light shines into the
cave; lake is calm
• Beowulf searches for the body
of Grendel and takes his head as
• The Danes, thinking
Beowulf died when they see
blood bubbling to the surface, go
home hopeless; the Geats stay
• Beowulf takes the sword, but
rejects the rest of the treasure
(rejects greed)
• It takes 4 men to carry Grendel's
head – Beowulf did it alone
• Thank God for victory
3. The reptile-taunted rocks of a
wilderness and cave (Fire
Breathing Dragon) – wild, feral
Part 6: The Last Battle
• Final boast - seek fame
(pagan); never known fear; fate
decides (pagan), no man but me can
defeat the dragon
• Greed – will take the dragon's
• Age/failing strength – will fight the
dragon with armor and sword and
• Dragon breathes fire – associated
with hell
• Shield begins to melt;
sword breaks - fought
with fate against him
• Beowulf stared at death -
not wanting to die, but
realizes that all men
must journey into the
• Fall of men - a king before,
but now a beaten warrior
• His comrades run and leave
him to his fate, except
• Wiglaf – follows the
rules of kinship and
defends his lord
• Calls out his friends as
cowards - mentions all
that Beowulf has
given and done - he
trusted them to repay him
in strength and loyalty
• Points out that Beowulf
is old and no longer the
hero of past – needs the
help of younger men
• Calls on God
• Beowulf doesn't deserve
to die alone and burning
• Wiglaf picks up the
mantle from Beowulf –
becomes the next hero of
the people (phoenix)
…the Battle with the Dragon
(It not only represents evil but also Greed.)
Part 7: The
• Gold can easily triumph,
defeat the strongest of
men; I sold my life for
this treasure - greed
• Thank Our Father for the
• Wiglaf is the hero and
king of the next
generation (gets
Beowulf's necklace,
armor and weapons)
• Beowulf's tower –
legacy; wants to be
Find details of Beowulf as
a Christian hero:
•belief in God
•a representative of
Find evidence of Beowulf
as a pagan hero:
•belief in fate
•desire for fame
•earthly rewards
Part 8: The Farewell
• Beowulf's tower will
light the path for others
• The treasure is buried
with Beowulf
• 12 men (apostles) ride
around mourning their
lost lord - elegy
Boasting Tradition
• DO NOW: How do you communicate (with
friends/the world)? How are you judged?
How do others know of your “deeds”
(heroic or otherwise)?
Frustrated pride may lead to spite, just as
loyalty may lead to vengeance, and
eagerness for glory may turn into greed.
Explain how each creature Beowulf battles
represents an extreme and dangerous form
of warrior values and behavior.

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Beowulf and Medieval Poems

  • 1.
  • 2. Medieval and Old English Period DO NOW: Grab a textbook 1. What do you know about this time in history? (make a list) 2. Have you seen any movies that depict this time? Describe. 3. Based on what you know (or by flipping through the first 50-100 pages in the textbook), what kind of literature or themes do you think might come out of this period in British history?
  • 3. Read Burton Raffel’s “With Rain Comes Life” pg. 2-3 • Summarize the daily life of a medieval person. • Summarize the hierarchy. • Do you think that society during this time period needed this particular structure (peasants – knights – lords – religion – kings)? Why? (Hint: consider education)
  • 4.
  • 5. Pg. 6-14 • For each subheading, write 2-3 main ideas. You can work with a partner, but each of you is writing their own notes.
  • 6.
  • 7. Anglo-Saxon Poetry • Caesuras – rhythmic breaks in the middle of lines, where the reciter could pause for breath • Kennings – two-word poetic renamings of people, places, and things (ex. whales’ home for the sea) • Assonance – the repetition of vowel sounds in unrhymed, stressed syllables (ex. batter these ramparts) • Alliteration – the repetition of initial consonant sounds in accented syllables (ex. She sells sea-shells down by the sea-shore)
  • 8. Elegy • A poem mourning the loss of someone or something DO NOW: You are exiled (sent away forever from your home, friends, and community). Imagine a place of exile (foreign country, wilderness, space, sea). Imagine living there permanently – and without contact with those you love. In order of importance, list things and people you would yearn for and the feelings you might have. Name the kinds of hopes and dreams that might sustain you.
  • 9. The Seafarer pg. 19 Home vs. the Sea HOME SEA Companionship Loneliness Warmth Cold Safety Dangers Britain is an island, hence the complex relationship to the sea (barrier to strangers, avenue to new lands). What draws the speaker of the poem back to the sea time and again?
  • 10.
  • 11. Fate vs. Free Will • Where do you fall? Explain: are humans responsible for their own lives and choices or are they subject to fate/destiny/divine plan? • Note: the Anglo Saxons were resigned to fate and valued painful experiences. Greeks – human lives are subject to whims of gods Egyptians – planetary positions influence lives Catholic Church – free will Hinduism – karma (combo of fate and free will); life in present is determined by actions of past lives, but people can improve
  • 12. Complete the Questions on page 22 in COMPLETE SENTENCES • You may turn in one paper for a group of two, with both of your names on it - Make sure to write down the opinions and responses of both people if they vary. • Please use examples and elaborate your responses. • Some questions have multiple parts.
  • 13.
  • 14. Elegy • Write an elegy for an object, person, idea (anything really) that you have lost. Show your feelings for the subject in your elegy.
  • 15. The Wanderer • Narrator (third person) and Wanderer (first person) • Stanza 2: depression; silence; "no comrade left," "bury sorrow" • Stanza 3: "homeless/hapless," lord's death, "wintery seas," seeking new companions • Stanza 4: frozen heart, remembers celebrations and time with friends
  • 16. • Stanza 5: dream of friends who disappear, lonely, "darken storms," "tossing sea," longing, SORROW and hardship in life • Stanza 6: "fates of men" - warriors vanish, earth dies; avoid being reckless to live longer • Stanza 7: all wealth dies, walls crumble, decay, heroes die defending a wall, empty of life • Stanza 8: legends of battle and bloodshed, princes and warriors die, FATE and death conquer all • Stanza 9: winter/night = death, wealth/friends/man/woman = fleeting • Stanza 10: religion – seek mercy and forgiveness
  • 17. The Wanderer • Explain what is mourned or lost. • How is the poem elegiac? Use specific examples or phrases to support your answer. Discuss the mood.
  • 18. Anglo Saxon values • Contentment with fate • Appreciation of wisdom that comes through experience • Proving oneself in acts of courage and bravery
  • 19. Complete the questions on page 26 in COMPLETE sentences.
  • 20. The Wife’s Lament • After reading the poem, speculate about the role and rights of women in Medieval society. What evidence do you have? • How does the setting contribute to her mood?
  • 21. Finding Beauty in Pain 3 TWO CHUNK Paragraphs – one on each poem TS, CD, CM, CM, CD, CM, CM, CS Analyze the appearance of the theme of exile and suffering in each poem. Compare the ways in which each poem creates beauty in and value for a painful experience. Use passages from the poems to support your answer. Consider what the purpose of pain in life is: what lessons can it teach? How can painful or terrifying things be considered beautiful (remember the ocean)?
  • 22. Images of Pain/Beauty in Nature The Seafarer • "suffering in a hundred ships" • "frozen chains," "sea wary soul," "whirled in sorrow" • Winter imagery, storms, death songs of birds • Longing and loneliness • BUT JOY IN HEAVEN • Life fades quickly – riches, men, kingdoms • Fate is inevitable LESSON: Focus on the path to Heaven; need suffering to learn to be a good person and avoid the temptations of "land"(wine, riches, women). Can't buy your way into Heaven. The Wife's Lament • Exiled from husband and family (betrayed by his kin) • No loved ones or friends in her exile; longing for her husband; anger • Remembers her marriage vows • Lives in the woods – under an oak tree (pretty but lonely nature descriptions) LESSON: Be careful who you trust – her husband believes his family's lies about her. The Wanderer • Homeless and helpless • All of his comrades are dead – he has dreams of happy times and celebrations • Winter images • "a heart that is frozen" • Longing for loved ones and companions • "Fates of men" - everything dies, learn to appreciate it and defend it LESSON: Appreciate and defend what you have in life. Don't be too reckless in your actions because you will loose those you love/your life. Ask for forgiveness – survivor's guilt.
  • 23.
  • 24. Anglo-Saxon Period or The Dark Ages – 449 to 1066 AD • Bloody conflicts, ignorance, turmoil, differences in religion • Period of chaos • Life was difficult = literature reflects the reality • Little humor, people were serious • Only the strong survive • War-like people; violence and heavy travel (nomadic), shortage of hope, not long-term thinkers
  • 25. Cont. • Pagan belief in fate and heroes • Epics: entertainment; a lesson, a moral sermon, a pep talk that taught people how a hero is to behave. A reminder of fate and death. Since there was no concept of afterlife, the only immortality was in poems as records of deeds (legacy).
  • 26. Anglo-Saxon Values • Loyalty – Fighting for one’s king – Avenging one’s kinsmen – Keeping one’s word • Generosity -- gifts symbolize bonds • Brotherly love -- not romantic love • Heroism – Physical strength – Skill and resourcefulness in battle – Courage • Public reputation, not private conscience (Legacy)
  • 27. Late 6th century – arrival of Christianity • Change (roads introduced, agriculture/more settled and less violent); religion spread by word of mouth and through stories. Pagans had no concept of afterlife = bleak. Christianity offered a reward/eternal happiness in heaven. • Fatalism: the idea that events are determined in advance and human beings have no power to change them.
  • 28. Religion in Conflict – Eternal earthly fame through deeds vs. afterlife in hell or heaven; – honor & gift-giving vs. sin of pride (hubris); – revenge vs. pacifist view (forgiveness); – Wyrd (Anglo-Saxon "Fate") vs God's will
  • 29. Evil • DO NOW: What does evil mean to you? Write your own definition of the word and provide some examples of real life monsters.
  • 30. Epic 1. A long story in poem form about a hero's travels and his fights with monsters, gods, and bad guys. 2. Epics contain information about the culture that created them: religion, dress & ornaments, homes, weapons and war, roles of men and women, values, moral standards. 3. Epics often contain clues to what the people who created them feared or did not understand: natural disasters, natural features, death, the heavens, storms.
  • 31. Background of the Epic • Oldest written text in English. • Composed in Anglo-Saxon (Old English) between 600 and 700 CE. • Written down sometime in the 10th century. • It is a literary picture of melding religious traditions: Norse, Celtic, Roman, and Christian.
  • 32. Background of the Epic • Transition of the heroic world (pagan) to the medieval world (Christian) – elements of both – Violence and ruined civilization – Fading old gods – Christian promise of virtue and valor – overcoming the forces of evil – A new culture, including a more peaceful world – takes place in a land between two seas, on middanyeard, or “middle earth”
  • 33. Beowulf has its share of epic poetry conventions: • Long verse that deals with the origins of a nation, people or religious beliefs • Gods and other supernatural beings play a role • Human, mortal, heroes, national or religious, fight against great odds and triumph, but also die • The setting is global • The diction is elevated, and it’s written in verse • The narrative often starts in medias res • Larger than life hero • Quest Conventions of the VerseConventions of the Verse
  • 34. Conventions of the Verse • Beowulf also contains elegiac verse: which means like an elegy, or poem of sorrow for the dead, or an ode, which is to honor a person or even. • The epic begins and ends with funerals, and between these spans the life journey of the hero, Beowulf.
  • 35.
  • 36. Food for Thought • What makes a hero? (compare actual heroes with larger than life fictional heroes. What type of hero has a greater impact on society today?) What do you think shapes society? Is it the power of the few or the struggles of the many? (specific examples from American history or contemporary culture) Is it possible to live up to the high ideals of chivalry? Is it worth trying? (Do high ideals serve as inspiration or a source of frustration?)
  • 37. • untested young hero • Seeker of truth • Sometimes has a side-kick • finds a mentor • fights against superhuman odds, traveling to the realm of death, suffers great loss • through his own human power, achieves glory and rewards. • journey leads him to learn a key aspect of human life and the inescapable fact of human mortality. Qualities of the Epic Hero
  • 38. • old hero fights his last battle and passes the torch, for all things die (man and civilization) • a kind of resurrection is imminent, and like a phoenix or the Christ, from the ashes of the old civilization, a new one will rise. Qualities of the Epic Hero
  • 39. • only a mortal human being can be a hero • struggle = our eternal minds cope with mortal flesh • courage to love, hope, and see splendor and beauty around us • fight and die for a noble cause in a world that is transitory. Qualities of the Hero
  • 40. Qualities of the Hero Beowulf the hero embodies virtues that are emblematic of the shift in times: • He has humility, not pride, although he boasts and is also interested in achieving glory. • His loyalty and selflessness come before personal glory. • He is strong, virtuous, courageous, and honorable, and he is judged by his honor as much as by his deeds. • He is also blessed, due to his particular faith in Christianity, although he too, is tempted by the treasure trove of the dragon.
  • 41. • Water monster • Trolls and dragons • Underwater fights in a supernatural place • Magic swords • Dragons and errant knights, freeing the maiden • Death and glory • Funeral pyre • Faithless or faithful companions • Blood and gore • Blood feuds and revenge; killing of kin Images from the Heroic World
  • 42. • Grendel as a descendent of Cain • Hrothgar worships pagan gods • Hrothgar’s throne cannot be touched • One pure and virtuous man saves the souls of others • Humility of Beowulf • Trust in Divine Providence and Divine Intervention • Dragon guards the treasures of earth which are returned to the earth • Curse on those who do not come to the aid of the king • Rule with wisdom and humility, honor, courage, faith, loyalty, hope Images from the Judeo-Christian World
  • 43. Hero • •If you could create a hero (super or human), what would he/she be? • •Think about origin story, powers, social causes they care about, outfit…
  • 44. Setting Beowulf takes place in a “once upon a time world” which taps into “three archetypal sites of fear.”
  • 45. 1. The barricaded night house / Mead Hall (Grendel) – supposed to be a place of safety
  • 46. Part 1: The Wrath of Grendel • Grendel hears the harps and happiness – attacks the mead hall (jealous? Outcast?) • "The Almighty..." - story of Genesis (origin) • Grendel – monster, demon, fiend, associated with hell and darkness, born of Cain • His family (Cain) punished forever by God for Abel's death – exile for all descendants – Is that fair? Children punished for the crime of the father? Is his wrath at men justified?
  • 47. • Again and again defeated – eternal struggle against evil • Darkness, greed, silence, smashed them unknowing in their beds - Grendel is not only brutal, but sneaky and a coward; he doesn't allow the men to defend themselves • Daybreak – light associated with goodness; elegy for the dead; reference to the fate of men • Hate wins – men flee Herot (cowards) • Herot – empty, sorrow, grief, deserted, hell-forged, misery, no peace, bloody feud • Shadow of death, mankind's enemy - kennings
  • 48. • Grendel only attacks at night, unseen, when the men are weakest • Hrothgar's Throne - protected by God (in opposition to Grendel, who can never know God's love) • Line 90-103: heresy (sacrificed to the old gods – hell's support, Devil's guidance, hell always in their hearts, knowing neither God nor his passing) WARNING – death comes to those who don't believe • Need to be Christian to fight evil
  • 49. Reading 15 min Turn in Essay on Poems, otherwise it’s late
  • 50. Part 2: The Coming of Beowulf • Beowulf - the strongest of the Geats, stronger than anyone anywhere in the world, answers the call for help, wants to help those in danger, bravest and best • Fate/Pagan - the omens were good • Christian - they have thanks to God for their easy crossing • Associated with light - shields raised and shining
  • 51. • Kennings - sea-road • People judged on appearance of strength Beowulf's speech - BOAST – legacy of his father – list of heroic deeds – monster's slayed (giants, sea monsters, dripping with my enemy's blood) – there's nothing dark or hidden in our coming - set to oppose Grendel's association with darkness • Deeds are more important than words, but they are a culture of boasting • Golden helmets, hammered gold, glowing in the sun, glittering - LIGHT IMAGERY • Feels like he alone can save them • Christian – God must decide who will be given death • Pagan - Fate will unwind as it must
  • 52. • Grendel doesn't fight with weapons, and doesn’t fear any • Beowulf promises to fight with his bare hands • Makes the fight equal – FAIRNESS
  • 53. Part 3: The Battle with Grendel • Battle of good vs. Evil • Grendel - bearing God's hatred, hoping to kill, night and silence, forever joyless, burning eyes - hell fire, shepherd of evil, guardian of crime, Almighty's enemy, sin-stained demon(kennings), coward – wants to run when outmatched – Is he a monster because he's hated by God? Or is he hated by God because he is a monster • Beowulf - a strong defender, protector of men
  • 54. • Herot: gold – purity, iron – strength, ivory - goodness; can only be destroyed by fire (evil or sin) • Grendel can't be defeated by weapons and strength alone, but by goodness • Grendel's arm – trophy, legacy
  • 55. 2. The infested underwater lair (Grendel’s Mother) – the unknown “other”
  • 56. Part 4: The Monster's Lair • Secret and hidden - evil intent • Underground - associated with hell • Wolf-den – predator • Black clouds – darkness • Heaven weeps • Animals prefer to die on land rather than enter the water • Lake burns like a torch - supernatural, hellfire • No wisdom reaches such depths – the monsters are not reasonable
  • 57. Grendel’s Mother and her Lair • Beowulf is out of his element • Lair/water – passing to another realm (sometimes viewed as his descent to the underworld)
  • 58. Part 5: The Battle with Grendel's Mother • Beowulf – acknowledges his mortality and asks Hrothgar to protect his men if he dies (gained wisdom – before he was cocky); makes plans to give away his rewards after death • Super human - he sinks for hours in the lake and does not drown • She-wolf, water witch - kennings • He has more trouble fighting Grendel's mother than Grendel – not his element (she renders him helpless and almost stabs him to death) • Sword and helmet fail him, but his armor holds – it's been blessed by Holy God, who is defender of truth
  • 59. • Beowulf longed only for fame – legacy • Avenge her only son – pagan culture of vengeance. Is she justified? • Sword on the wall – forged and blessed by giants (magic, pagan); no ordinary man can lift it • Beowulf is savage, angry, desperate, rejoices at the sight of blood and death (un-heroic)
  • 60. • After Grendel's mother is slain, Heavenly light shines into the cave; lake is calm • Beowulf searches for the body of Grendel and takes his head as proof • The Danes, thinking Beowulf died when they see blood bubbling to the surface, go home hopeless; the Geats stay depressed • Beowulf takes the sword, but rejects the rest of the treasure (rejects greed) • It takes 4 men to carry Grendel's head – Beowulf did it alone • Thank God for victory
  • 61. 3. The reptile-taunted rocks of a wilderness and cave (Fire Breathing Dragon) – wild, feral
  • 62. Part 6: The Last Battle • Final boast - seek fame (pagan); never known fear; fate decides (pagan), no man but me can defeat the dragon • Greed – will take the dragon's treasure • Age/failing strength – will fight the dragon with armor and sword and shield • Dragon breathes fire – associated with hell
  • 63. • Shield begins to melt; sword breaks - fought with fate against him • Beowulf stared at death - not wanting to die, but realizes that all men must journey into the darkness/unknown • Fall of men - a king before, but now a beaten warrior FATE IS FICKLE • His comrades run and leave him to his fate, except Wiglaf
  • 64. • Wiglaf – follows the rules of kinship and defends his lord • Calls out his friends as cowards - mentions all that Beowulf has given and done - he trusted them to repay him in strength and loyalty • Points out that Beowulf is old and no longer the hero of past – needs the help of younger men • Calls on God • Beowulf doesn't deserve to die alone and burning • Wiglaf picks up the mantle from Beowulf – becomes the next hero of the people (phoenix)
  • 65. …the Battle with the Dragon (It not only represents evil but also Greed.)
  • 66. Part 7: The Spoils • Gold can easily triumph, defeat the strongest of men; I sold my life for this treasure - greed • Thank Our Father for the victory • Wiglaf is the hero and king of the next generation (gets Beowulf's necklace, armor and weapons) • Beowulf's tower – legacy; wants to be remembered
  • 67. Find details of Beowulf as a Christian hero: •selflessness •belief in God •a representative of “good” Find evidence of Beowulf as a pagan hero: •belief in fate •boastfulness •pride •desire for fame •earthly rewards
  • 68. Part 8: The Farewell • Beowulf's tower will light the path for others • The treasure is buried with Beowulf • 12 men (apostles) ride around mourning their lost lord - elegy
  • 69.
  • 70. Boasting Tradition • DO NOW: How do you communicate (with friends/the world)? How are you judged? How do others know of your “deeds” (heroic or otherwise)?
  • 71. Frustrated pride may lead to spite, just as loyalty may lead to vengeance, and eagerness for glory may turn into greed. Explain how each creature Beowulf battles represents an extreme and dangerous form of warrior values and behavior.