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Battle At Trenton Essay
An early morning on Christmas Day, commenced the battle at Trenton. George Washington, leader
of the continental army, determined and strong knew he had to succeed in the surprise attack against
the hessians that day, if he failed he and his men would be captured. It was a risky tactic but
Washington knew it'd be a better time to put all of his hope and his men's hope into this one battle at
Trenton. Washington led his men across the Delaware river, Washington was able to keep the
element of surprise and get his army and himself the victory at Trenton. Although Washington was a
great leader at the battle of Trenton, he was a better leader of the continental army. Washington was
able to raise the participation in the militia from one year ... Show more content on
The battle of Saratoga was an important battle for the colonists that took place in upstate New York,
this gave them a light, a brand new light that would give the colonists a real chance to win. This
important victory wasn't just for the colonists, it intrigued the French that the colonists won the
battle of Saratoga which made the French want to help the colonists. France allied itself with the
United States in 1778, the French provided materials and money and sent over an elite army to join
the colonists. French long term motivation against Britain had brought a great win to the American
Revolution against the British. Later on the Netherlands and Spain joined the war and allied with the
United States and France which made this a global war. Britain being the strongest at that time
period had no allies. French had two main reason to join the American Revolution. One of them
being that they had sought revenge after the loss during the sevens year war, and that it wanted to
prevent Britain from becoming too powerful. Letting the France,Netherlands and Spain join the
world caused world–wide global debts, but it was worth the independence and the
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Trenton Narrative
That was the scariest baseball game I have ever experienced! One day we were at Trenton's baseball
game (by they way this was about two years ago). Everything was going fine until I started to hear
large shrieks of panic. I looked up and saw a huge funnel cloud! We were told to stay there to "wait
it out" but I thought it was the dumbest thing I've ever heard, so we got Trenton and ran to the car.
By now, we were just racing home since the funnel was turning into a tornado. Once we got home,
we were just hearing sirens after sirens. I think I fell asleep for 2 hours but woke up to the sound of
my mom yelling because we lost the cat! We looked in the house until my brother, Creighton, found
him behind the computer table. Once we found him
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Washington Crossing The Delaware Analysis
Washington Crossing the Delaware is an oil–on–canvas painting by German American artist
Emanuel Gottlieb completed in 1851. This painting is used as a reference of the day when General
George Washington crosses the Delaware River with his continental army on the night of December
25, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War. This event is considered to be the first move in a
sudden attack done against the German Hessian allied mercenary forces at Trenton, New Jersey in
the Battle of Trenton which took place on the next morning of December 26th. Battle of Trenton was
a small but a major contribution in the American Revolutionary War. General Washington driven the
primary part of the continental army against the hessian soldiers who surrounded the entire Trenton
after crossing the Delaware River on the night of December 25, 1776. The continental army with
least damage overpowered the hessian soldiers in a short battle with them. This short battle greatly
accelerated the continental army's flagging attribute and motivated re–recruitments. Gottlieb painted
three versions of this painting out of which the original was a part of the collection at the Kunsthalle
in Bremen, Germany, and afterwards was destroyed in a bombing raid in 1942 during World War II.
The other two paintings, one of which is now in possession of The Minnesota Marine Art Museum
and another one is at Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
The painting is renowned for its aesthetic distribution of visual
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Battle Of Trenton Research Paper
Military generals have always proven to be an important part of a war throughout history. It is no
different from the likes of George Washington. Washington showed his worth on the battlefield well
before the Battle of Trenton, but the Battle of Trenton sealed his worth. Unlike Washington,
Benjamin Franklin was not a battlefield presence, he was a man who showed his worth on other
aspects of the movement of liberty for the colonists. Franklin drove the front seat with the likes of
Thomas Jefferson in the movement of liberty for the colonists. A former scientist, who conducted
electricity on a kite, Franklin started his repeal of the British with his vote on the abolition of the
stamp act. Franklin along with Washington are the sole reasons for America's independence from the
Red Coats, Washington secured his feat by defeating the Hessians ... Show more content on ...
Facing against 1400 Hessians led by Colonel Rahl and the British Sixteenth Light Dragoons. George
Washington and 2400 American troops from Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire,
Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York, set to take battle at Trenton. The battle occurred on
Christmas Day of 1776. Washington faced against Colonel Rahl, as the battle ensued the Americans
only suffered four casualties, while the Hessians suffered twenty killed, 100 wounded and 1000
captured. This was the battle that pivoted the revolution and one of the most famous battles to take
place in the Revolutionary War.
The reason for American independence today belongs in the hands of George Washington, Benjamin
Franklin and the people who participated in the Battle of Trenton. The courageous acts of two
widely known men and 2400 men who most of us wouldn't know the name of, are the reason why
America is here today. It is safe to say that an act of such feat will never be repeated in human
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Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War
Taylor Hunter
October 26, 2014
The battle of Trenton and Princeton began to erupt in the same year of the Revolutionary War. The
Revolutionary War had started because the Americans wanted the same rights the as the British
citizens had. The British refused to give Americans the same rights because they (British) didn't
think the Americans shouldn't be represented as a part of the British Parliament, instead their
(British) minds were more focused on building revenue. The British had ignored the Americans
demands in which the British thought the Americans demands were a cause of outrage. There were
so many different wars that had erupted during the Revolutionary War. The battle between Trenton
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George Washington knew that his men had exceeded their expectations with the battle on Trenton
and that they had more challenges to face. George Washington knew that doing nothing would be
dangerous so he turned his focus to planning another attack at Princeton. George Washington was
convinced that his men couldn't hold Trenton against British. George Washington had learned about
General Charles and James Grant with the eight hundred British Troops marching south from
Princeton. George Washington had deployed five hundred men who he had assigned to watch
campfires and the rest of the troops marched to Princeton. During the battle on Princeton the first
secretary of the US Treasury, Alexander Hamilton had cannons fired at the British because he had
applied to Princeton, in which he was not accepted. George Washington had sent in a force who was
under General Hugh Mercer to destroy a bridge. General Hugh Mercers' men were killed. There was
a rally by the Americans. George Washington gave hope to others that they could also beat the
British. After the Battles of Trenton and Princeton the Americans quickly withdrew after taking
prisoners, arms and their supplies but they fell back after the Americans had won the battle on
Princeton. George Washington wanted to take his men to New Brunswick, but was overruled by his
officers. George Washington's' Continental Army had marched to Morristown, NJ to establish
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Trenton Character Analysis
OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Preferred Name: Trenton Preferred Pronouns: He/him or
ze/zir are both fine. Player Age: 30+ Time–zone: CST, although my activity can be super random as
far as time of day. Activity Level: 5–7 is going to probably best encompass my activity. That said, I
have some days where I can be on updating everything, getting new plots, etc and other days where
I might not have a chance to catch up at all. Of course, it's often a medium where I can answer a few
messages and get out a couple paras in the time I have. I do work and go to school so I'm not the
24/7 sort, as much as I wish I could be. Rules Password: Style over Substance Triggers: N/A
Anything else: My character is based off of both "The Junior" in your skeleton section as well as a
wanted character for the Lysander character. I took aspects of each and sought approval of the writer
for Lysander. IN CHARACTER INFORMATION Full Name: Demetrius Everett Taylor Age: 25
Role: Cop Occupation: City Force (mostly a patrol cop) Faceclaim: Matt McGorry Quote: "I am
looking at the stars. They are so far away, and their light takes so long to reach us. All we ever see of
stars is their old photographs." Appearance: ... Show more content on ...
When he isn't working his style of dress is typically rather casual, although he has a few more
formal outfits for when they are required. Demetrius comes across as a rather boy–next–door type in
his appearance, whether clothing or otherwise. The male is shorter than average, even more so when
considering he's a cop, and rather than being a muscle–bound fellow he's more lean and quick. He
does have the muscle required for his job and it's something he worked hard for over time.
Demetrius does not have tattoos, piercings, or implants at this time and he does not believe in
enhancing himself with
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Analysis Of The Poem ' George Washington Crossing The...
On a stormy December night in 1776 General George Washington and his men braved the cold and
crossed the Delaware River to attack unsuspecting British soldiers. This bold move helped to turn
the tides of the American Revolution and proved to be one of the most important American victories
of the war. This historical battle was commemorated through a painting by German artist,
Emmanuel Leutze. The painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware River properly
represents the fighting spirit and resiliency of the colonial forces during the American Revolution.
The painting depicts one of the most decisive victories of the American Revolution. Prior to the
battle American morale was very low, even Washington was becoming doubtful. The continental
army was forced out of New York and pushed across most of New Jersey on a desperate retreat
induced by many British victories. The British troops that occupied the small town of Trenton were
convinced that American morale was much too broken for any sort of attack... Washington had other
plans. (Encyclopedia Brittanica) Washington and 2,400 of his men crossed the Delaware River on
Christmas Eve under the cover of a storm. They were totally undetected. This bold move was
completely unexpected and carried out mostly out of pure determination. At the time of the crossing
the continental army was severely undersupplied. The only two American casualties were a result of
frostbite. They were not properly prepared for the cold northeastern
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The Crossing Of The Delaware And The Victory At Trenton
A&E's "The Crossing" is an exceptional dramatization of the crossing of the Delaware and the
victory at Trenton. It depicts the actions that George Washington and his men took leading up to the
renowned battle. The main points portrayed by the film are relatively accurate; however, there are
still many historical inaccuracies. Washington's use of profanity in the film, the weather during the
march to Trenton, and the flag flown by the American army are just a few. George Washington's
dialogue in "The Crossing" is the least accurate element of the film. Washington's leadership style
was the direct opposite. Nearly thirty years before the crossing of the Delaware, Washington made
clear how he felt about profanity in his "Rules of Civility." His twenty second rule stated: "Use no
reproachful language against anyone, neither curse, nor revile." Ten years later, he made this clear in
his military affairs:
"Colonel Washington has observed that the men of his regiment are very profane and reprobate. He
takes this opportunity to inform them of his great displeasure at such practices and assures them that
if they do not leave them off, they shall be severely punished. The officers are desired, if they hear
any man swear or make use of an oath or execration, to order the offender twenty–five lashes
immediately, without court–martial. For the second offense, he will be more severely punished"
Washington's loathing for expletives persisted even 30 years later as seen in
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The Battle Of Trenton And The Battle Of Saratoga
The battle of Trenton and the battle of Saratoga brought a crucial victory to the Continental Army,
but the battle of Trenton improved morale in the patriots more so than the battle of Saratoga did. The
battle of Trenton proved to be significant by ultimately turning the tide of the conflict in their favor,
improving morale and hope for the war.
For instance, The battle of Trenton on Christmas Eve in 1776 proved the colonist were dedicated
and a capable force. The colonists were wary about fighting the very powerful Hessian, therefore on
Christmas Eve, they planned a sneak attack to defeat them. The patriots marched and fought in icy
and poor conditions before dawn, hoping to defeat the powerful Hessians. After the surprise attack
the Colonists had totaled 2 dead and 5 wounded. The Hessians had 22 dead and 90 wounded and
918 captured. This victory would change the image of the colonist's army and bring about great
change. After the battle of Trenton, they were now viewed as a definite threat to the British. On the
other hand, the battle of Saratoga gave the colonist hope for the upcoming battles. On October
17th,1777 the colonist surrounded General Burgoyne and his army continue to hold strong, the army
fought until the British surrendered to the colonist. This was significant for the colonist because the
British surrendered to the colonist. This showed the British that the colonist held up a good fight and
that this war was going to be long and hard. In conclusion, this
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Descriptive Battle Of Trenton
Battle of Trenton It was nightfall, on what was supposed to be a night of warm cozy homes and
families. Instead we have to spend it out in the cold at war. December 25, 1776 is a to remember. We
crossed the sparkling frozen Delaware River in small little boats. We were on our way towards
Trenton for an ambush on the British. The ice had been scraping at my feet through my worn down
shoes the ice and snow slowly seeping in freezing my toes one by one. When we got there the
mercenaries that were hired for this war had been knocked out from their grand Christmas feast. We
had completely caught them off guard. They had woken up in surprise. It was amazing. I had felt a
heavy weight had been lifted off of my chest, for I believe this was the first of many to come.
Washington had taken 868 prisoners that night. Jake, Acon Battle of Saratoga Burgoyne. The
Lieutenant General of the British army. The sweet taste of victory has reached my mouth.
Surprisingly we had gotten him to surrender. The taste of victory has a sweet tang to it, but a hidden
bitterness underneath of all the sugariness. This surrender will change the course of this war, this is
our first actual victory. The date has been engraved into my mind just ringing over and over again
like a bell. October 17, 1777, the date that will echo in my head as time goes on. This has shown that
we Americans can stand up to the British. Not long after this victory the French had become allies
with us sending us various supplies.
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`` Richard Trenton Chase ``
Richard Trenton Chase, unlike regular children had a very abusive childhood. Raised by a very
controlling father who did not get along with his mentally– ill wife and always misdirected his anger
toward Richard and his sister with physical abuse (Dennison, Victoria, 2009). As a child at age 10
Richard became extremely fascinated with fire and mutilating cats. Later throughout his teenage
years he began heavily drinking and smoking. This soon led up to his hectic early adulthood when
he was then diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic who suffered from somatic delusions.
(Ramsland, Katherine). According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
paranoid schizophrenia, " is the presence of prominent delusions or auditory hallucinations in the
context of relative preservation of cognitive functioning and affect" (APA, 1994 p.287). Since this
subtype of schizophrenia affects the cognitive portion of the brain that perceives things, in this
person, it causes him to also suffer from somatic delusions. This is a type of delusion that relates to
the functions, sensations, and physical appearance of the body, causing the person to believe that
their body is diseased or abnormal (APA, 2000). As a child it was thought that Richard had suffered
from a mental illness, but he was not committed. Although on the outside looking in, it looked as if
he was the average child since he did graduate high school, but no one knew the darkness that was
kept hidden. Richard
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Who Or Is George Washington A Hero?
In current times, history portrays George Washington as a fearless legend and, to many, the first
American hero. A hero can be defined as a person who displays great courage, is favored by the
gods, and is celebrated for their bold exploits. Although Washington's early military career was
fraught with failure, his reputation remained unscathed. Because Washington was able to maintain a
pristine image, he was able to grow as both a military and political leader. Thus, based on his overall
military career, George Washington should be remembered as an American hero. Throughout his
life, Washington's courage was constantly tested. Towards the beginning of his military career, the
young colonel, George Washington, as a young did not exhibit many (if any) courageous feats. He
was plagued by blind ambition and lacked the military experience to achieve his ambitious goals.
One could argue that because of his early military career, Washington ... Show more content on ...
Washington's early military blunders would have normally hurt his future career, but he managed to
protect his image despite them through manipulating the press. Even if it may have been dubious,
Washington made himself look courageous and honorable to the rest of the colonies. Washington's
controlled image and courage allowed him to move up through the ranks, using his prior experiences
to pave his way to becoming one of the most courageous American Generals of the Revolutionary
Era. Not only did Washington have courage, but he was also favored by the gods. He constantly had
fate on his side; he had his native abilities, a fire in his belly, and most importantly, the luck of the
weather in critical battles. Finally, Washington's celebrated bold exploits shaped him into becoming
a hero. Looking at Washington's overall military career, his courage, favor by the gods, and
celebrated bold exploits made him a hero in the eyes of his newborn
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George Washington's Victory At Trenton
With the shot heard round the world at Lexington and Concord, the American colonies were on a
collision course with one of the most powerful empires of that day. One key, pivot point of the
conflict known as the American Revolutionary War was GEN George Washington's victory at
Trenton, New Jersey on December 26, 1776. However, GEN Washington's victory might not have
been possible without the help of some timely intelligence, both for the American side, as well as
intelligence blunders by the British forces defending Trenton. By disregarding intelligence
warnings, as well as relying on only on single intelligence source, the British commander at Trenton
made a fatal error, which likely led to a British defeat, and may have contributed to the ... Show
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COL Rall's officers tried to convince him to fortify the town, but he did not take the time to do so.
There is also evidence that COL Rall was informed by spies and British sympathizers that the
Americans were going to attack, but COL Rall ignored this information and did not set up any
defenses in the town., He also did not send out any patrols on the morning of December 26. After
the battle a message warning of an American attack was found in COL Rall's pocket after his death.
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George Washington's 1776: The Battle of Dorchester Heights
Opening to the first page, George Washington is quoted, "perseverance and spirit have done
wonders in all ages." setting the stage for David McCullough's book, "1776", a historical narrative
that avoided academic debates. His thesis being a tight narrative focused around the Continental
Army and their leader George Washington. McCullough continued his popular writing techniques of
character building by tracing the roads, reading the books, and seeing the houses of his key
characters as they would have in their lifetimes. These techniques can be seen in his many list of
books such as: "Path between the Seas", "Truman", and "John Adams". His books have been written
in ten languages and are all still in print today. I feel that ... Show more content on
As a result, he now had the ample means to buy whatever books he needed and he turned his mind
to the military arts. Greene then became one of the most educated military leaders of the Revolution.
While having no actual military experience at all, Greene was the youngest general officer in the
army after quickly elevated to the level of Brigadier General at the age of thirty–three years. When
he entered the fray in Boston it was only to find things in disarray. "Washington arriving in the first
week of July, was told he had 20,000 men, but no one knew for certain." As exact figures turn out,
Washington only had about 16,000 and of that only 14,000 were actually fit for duty.
He includes stories of the King's men, their commander, and their contempt for the rebel foes.
McCullough researched diaries and letters from both sides of the front to obtain particular details
used in his text. Thus creating notes down to the details of even the common soldier, bystander, and
camp followers. The battle details include three main engagements: The Battle of Dorchester
Heights, Long Island, and Trenton. McCullough interestingly focused on the military tactics and
maneuvering and less emphasis on the politics around these events. Even the actual signing of the
Declaration of Independence is treated as a minor detail compared to the strategies of what
Washington will do
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Battle Of Trenton Research Paper
Justine King
8th Grade English
Mrs. King
November 24, 2015
The Battle of Trenton
What do you know about the Battle of trenton? According to WWW.Battle of the
Battle of Trenton was a military conflict between the kingdom of great Britian and its 13 colonies in
North America during the American Revolutionary war.
According to The cause of the battle of Trenton was because George washington
felt the contanental army was likly in danger from the Hessians. On Christmas day, He crossed the
Delaware river And the next ten days he had one to crucial battles against other armies.
There were three leaders of the Battle of Trenton General Nathanael, General John, And George
washington. General Nathanael was a well–respected
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How Did George Washington's Surprise Attack Trenton
December 25–26, 1776 Washington's surprise attack against Hessian forces in Trenton, NJ.
Washington crossed the Delaware river so that his army could attack an isolated gorrion of Hessian
troops at trenton, New York.("Crossing the Delaware").
There was a strong storm it was raining and snowing and terrifying wind. One soldier recorded that
" it blew a perfect hurricane" as snow and sleet lasked washington army. He was attacking the
british. They had to march many miles through the dark and snow to even reach the river crossing
sit.("Leutze,Washington Crossing the Delaware").
George Washington's plan of attack included three different crossing of the Delaware River on
Christmas night. Col. Cadwalader was to lead
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The Battle Of Trenton : A Critical Battle
The Battle of Trenton was a critical battle that occurred on 26 December 1776, during the early
years of the American Revolutionary War. The battle took place in the town of Trenton, New Jersey
between the Continental Army, led by Commander–in–Chief, General (GEN) George Washington,
and the British contracted Hessian Army, led by Colonel (COL) Johann Rahl. The Battle of Trenton
served as the first major American victory in the Revolutionary war. Prior to the Battle of Trenton,
American forces had endured nearly constant defeat as the British pushed them from New York and
into Pennsylvania. The Continental Congress had pleaded for a battle victory to save the cause, and
had all but lost hopes of achieving victory against the British. The Battle of Trenton was more than
just a needed victory, but instead served as a second chance for the Continental Army to turn the tide
of war.
Following being driven out of New York City to the west bank of the Delaware River by British
forces during the summer of 1776, American forces were suffering from the effects of physical and
psychological defeat. The American army was on the cusp of falling apart all together. In addition to
this state of weakness, the majority of the Continental Army regulars were at the end of their
enlistments, and it was anticipated that a large portion of the force would likely not enlist for second
terms of service.
The Continental Congress and military leaders were desperate to plan an initiative
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Battle Of Trenton Compare And Contrast
Marceis Richardson
World History
Battle Of Trenton
The American Revolution was about different conflicts. The conflict arose from growing tensions
between residents of Great Britain's 13 North American colonies and the colonial government. The
colonists wanted independence from Great Britain because the king created unreasonable taxes.
After that the colonists decided to rebel against this. There were several battles that change the
outcome of the American Revolution. For example, the Battle of Trenton changes the course of the
war because the Americans won. The Battle of Trenton was the most important battle because
Hessian army was crushed in Washington's raid and it made people more confident in the country.
By 1775, rigidity between the American colonies and the British government approached the
breaking point. In the spring of 1775, General Thomas Gage received information to take weapons
and gunpowder away from American insurgents. On April 18, he sent British troops to march ...
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It was the worst battle because the British defeated the Americans. 2,200 British forces were under
control of Major General William Howe landed on Charlestown Peninsula then marched to Breed's
Hill. The Americans were outnumbered by the British. So the Americans were forced to retreat.
Patriots gunfire cut down 1,000 enemy troops and killed 200 and more than 800 wounded. British
also realized this battle was going to be long. The Battle of Trenton was a conflict between Great
Britain and its thirteen colonies in North America. The Battle took place on Thursday, December 26,
1776. The Battle was fought in Trenton, New Jersey. The Americans, Hessians and British troops
were involved in this battle. The cause of this battle was after the Americans lost they wanted to get
revenge on the British. George Washington thought it was an humiliating defeat he took in that
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Analysis Of The Poem ' George Washington Crossing The...
On a stormy December night in 1776 general George Washington and his men braved the cold and
crossed the Delaware River to attack unsuspecting British soldiers. This bold move helped to turn
the tides of the American Revolution and proved to be one of the most important American victories
of the war. This historical battle was commemorated through a painting by German artist,
Emmanuel Leutze. The painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware River properly
represents the fighting spirit and resiliency of the colonial forces during the American Revolution.
The painting depicts one of the most decisive victories of the American Revolution. Prior to the
battle American morale was very low, even Washington was becoming doubtful. The continental
army was forced out of New York and pushed across most of New Jersey on a desperate retreat
induced by many British victories. The British troops that occupied the small town of Trenton were
convinced that American morale was much too broken for any sort of attack... Washington had other
plans. (Encyclopedia Brittanica) Washington and 2,400 of his men crossed the Delaware River on
Christmas Eve under the cover of a storm. They were totally undetected. This bold move was
completely unexpected and carried out mostly out of pure determination. At the time of the crossing
the continental army was severely undersupplied. The only two American casualties were a result of
frostbite. They were not properly prepared for the cold northeastern
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The Battle Of The Revolutionary War
During the Revolutionary war one battle made all the difference in the fight for independence. Since
the war lasted from 1775 until 1783 it is reasonable to believe that an abundance of battles had taken
place on American soil, but only one was able to halt the near collapse of the frail revolution taking
place against Britain's control over the colonies. As depicted in the film The Crossing, based on the
novelization of a real life event, the infamous George Washington leads what is left of his army
across a river and unto the safe shores of Pennsylvania to escape the wrath of the British army. After
suffering the blows of several defeats and the steady dwindling of his army Washington still
continued to persevere in the face of adversity despite his army having scarcely any supplies. All the
while dealing with the looming threat of the British laying only across a river though still further
away than the conflict that brewed within the Revolutionary army as Washington's leadership was
questioned. Though the harsh December weather battered Washington's already downtrodden,
underfunded army Washington was able to execute a plan against the 1,200 Hassan mercenaries
enlisted by the British and lead his army into the threshold of a miraculous victory. While the films
extravagates and edits down the real events of the Battle of Trenton it does somewhat portray the
real struggle against the freezing temperature Washington's army dealt with. Before and during the
battle the harsh
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Trenton Tigers Concert Report
Friday night the Trenton Tigers hosted the Port St. Joe Tiger Sharks in one of their most anticipated
games of the season, with Port St. Joe as the reigning 1A state champions (for the 2014 season) and
the Tigers as the previous year's 1A state champs. Pre–game Assistant Coach (and veteran) Greg
Turner led the Tigers in saluting the Flag in remembrance of those who served and lost their lives in
the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers. Before the start of the game there was also a moment
of silence to to remember those who lost their lives in that horrific event. It was a rough start for
both teams and it appeared at first to be anybody's game, but it became clear by the end of the first
quarter that the Tiger Sharks were fish ... Show more content on ...
In return PSJ ended up having to punt back to Trenton, who fumbled but recovered the ball. The
very next play Trenton fumbled the ball again and it was recovered by PSJ, only to be fumbled again
two plays later and be recovered by Trenton. Thanks to Hamp Cheevers, Trenton got the ball to the
one yard line where Trevante McCleese scored the first touchdown of the game, followed by Marcus
Mannerstedt kicking for the extra point. After not being able to gain much ground due to Trenton's
solid defense and a notable blocked pass by Brooks Martin, PSJ was forced to punt to Trenton.
Again Trenton pushed their way to the one yard line and Montrez Jackson carried in the second
touchdown(Mannerstedt with the extra point). Jackson also scored again in the first quarter when
Quarterback Michael Smith tossed him the ball, where he then ran in and scored from the eight yard
line. The kick by Mannerstedt was good bringing the score to 21–0 at the end of the quarter. In the
second quarter Trenton again drove the ball to the one yard line, where Kade Rogers pushed off the
PSJ Defender and walked into the end zone, living up to his nickname and killing the dreams of the
Tiger Sharks. The extra point kick by Mannerstedt was
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Battle Analysis : Battle Of Trenton
Battle Analysis: Battle of Trenton
The Battle of Trenton is widely regarded as a turning point in the American Revolutionary War.
With enlistments in the Continental Army about to expire at the end of the year, General George
Washington risked everything in harsh winter conditions to advance across the Delaware River and
execute a surprise attack on Hessian troops in Trenton, N.J. An evaluation of the moments that led
up to the battle, the setting, area of operations, the Continental and Opposing forces, along with the
use of intelligence will reveal the major factors that led to the outcome of the battle. An analysis of
the battle will illustrate how Washington devised an offensive plan that demonstrated many of the
principles of war still utilized in military operations today.
The Battle of Trenton occurred approximately 20 months after the revolution started. On November
16, 1776, the Battle of Fort Washington marked a decisive victory for the British. The British forces
killed 59 Continental soldiers and took another 2,837 prisoner ("Weapons and war," n.d.). Due to the
defeat, Continental soldiers retreated across New Jersey into Pennsylvania. The Continental Army
did not suffer any losses, but the troops suffered from a sense of defeat. Washington and his men
faced a cold winter ahead, they were not sufficiently equipped to survive, enlistment contracts
neared the end, local militants refused to take up arms, and the Continental Congress abandoned the
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Battle Of Trenton Summary
On December 16th, 1776, George Washington crossed the Delaware River and attacked the Hessian
troops located in Trenton, New Jersey. It started when a Philadelphian, General Thomas Mifflin,
rallied the militia because they were shamed by The American Crisis. By Christmas, Washington
still barely had 6,000 troops fit for duty, knowing that he started getting reinforcements after the
rally. Timing was important because if he waited, the enlistments would expire and the Delaware
River would freeze.Finally, on Christmas night of 1776, the layer of ice covering the Delaware river
cracked, allowing Washington and his troops to cross the river. This included 2,400 veteran troops
and 18 cannons into Durham Boats. Many troops had to walk in the freezing cold grounds with their
bare feet, leaving bloody footprints all around. Meanwhile, General James Ewing commanded 1,000
other troops nine miles above Trenton to block any retreating Hessians occupying Trenton.
Originally, Colonel John Cadwalader was planned to cross the Delaware River, but he unfortunately
never made it across through the bitter, cold water. Washington's plan was to depart at midnight, but
due to the weather, it was delayed to 3 in the morning of the 26th. ... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, the Hessians were surprised to hear a sentry calling "Der Feind! Heraus!
Heraus!", meaning "The enemy! Get up! Get up!". Taking advantage of the situation, the American
troops enclosed Trenton from all sides. Rall was making efforts to rally his men but was mortally
wounded in action. At the end of the day, Trenton, along with prisoner and equipment, was finally in
the hands of Washington.As a result of Ewing and Cadwalader's failures, Washington couldn't press
the offensive on to Princeton and New Brunswick and withdraw back into Pennsylvania. The whole
withdrawal process took a whole day from the 26th to the
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Battle Of Trenton And The American Revolutionary War
Battle of Trenton was analyzed to ascertain what Military Intelligence assets could have been used
to provide a different outcome to the battle for the British forces. The Battle of Trenton is widely
considered to be the turning point of the American Revolutionary War. If the British Commander
had used his intelligence assets appropriately, it could have led to a different outcome to the battle. A
different outcome would have changed the course of the war and possibly led to a British victory.
Battle of Trenton Information The Battle of Trenton was fought on 26 December 1776 in Trenton,
New Jersey. General George Washington, concerned with the low morale among the Soldiers of the
Continental Army and ... Show more content on ...
The Continental Army had been pushed out of New York and forced to retreat west of the Delaware
River. General George Washington feared he would lose his forces when the annual enlistment of
the Soldiers was up at the end of the year. General Washington decided to mount an attack before his
Army scattered back to their homes. Under his command General Washington had 2,400 American
troops and 18 guns, with infantry divisions under the command of Major General Nathanael Greene
and Major General John Sullivan, as well as artillery under the command of Brigadier General
Henry Knox. General Washington planned to launch three coordinated attacks. The plan was to have
General John Cadwalader attack the British at Bordentown, New Jersey as a diversion and to block
off reinforcements. Meanwhile, General James Ewing would take a force of 700 militia across the
Delaware to capture the bridge over Assunpink Creek to prevent the British forces from escaping.
George Washington would lead the main attack force of 2,400 troops. They would cross the
Delaware nine miles north of Trenton and split into groups one under General Sullivan and another
under General Greene. The plan was to attack before dawn. General Greene would attack from the
north and General Sullivan would attack from the
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Battle Of Trenton Quote Analysis
Giant waves crash around you, threatening to overturn your boat. The frigid air nips at your exposed
skin. Shouts from army members fill your ears, barking out orders. But you won't listen to those
orders. The only orders you will listen to and act on come from the leader of this army because
without him, this whole plan would not even have the slightest chance of working. The year was
1776. Christmas Eve. The crossing of the Delaware to the Battle of Trenton was taking place. The
Continental Army would not have been able to win this battle had it not been for George
Washington, the Commander–in–Chief of the Continental Army. His effective leadership has been
so crucial to the creation of this country and without it, we would probably be somewhere ... Show
more content on ...
Washington wasn't always such a great leader. During the French and Indian War, Washington made
a lot of mistakes such as his horrible embarrassment in result of the assassination of French
Diplomat Jumonville. "When the musket smoke cleared, Ensign Joseph Coulon de Jumonville lay
wounded, trying to explain to Washington that he was on a diplomatic mission. Before surrender
was declared, Tanaghrisson struck the ambassador dead with a tomahawk to the head. Anticipating
French retaliation, the young Virginian withdrew a few miles to a large meadow, where he hastily
built a small, crude stockade and named it Fort Necessity. Here, Washington suffered his first and
most humiliating defeat by French reinforcements on July 3, 1754. Washington signed the surrender
document, which was written in French, and unknowingly accepted responsibility for the
ambassador's death. The French published the document in major European capitals." (Clash of
Empires) (Q. Should I explain more about the quote before I go into the Battle of Trenton?) Even
though Washington started out as not a very good leader, the Battle of Trenton during the American
Revolution shows how Washington was able to learn from the Battle of Great Meadows and use his
former mistakes to be victorious. This helped him to become a much better leader.
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Analysis Of Ketchum 's ' The Fall And Winter Of 1776 '
Ketchum begins in the fall and winter of 1776 in describing the events of the campaign. At the time,
the future of the Revolution was in serious doubt–––men were freezing, starving, and the
Continental Army was dissolving around General Washington. More than anything else, he needed a
victory. Ketchum displays to the reader how exactly the colonials got into such a distressing
situation in the first place. Traveling back to 1774 and 1775 Ketchum explores the reason behind
why and how the entire situation occurred in the first place. The motivations of both the English
crown and the colonials are explored throughout the book. For example, the motivations of King
George III are explored in the section "Everyone Who Does Not Agree With Me Is A Traitor".
Ketchum describes the early life of George III which would motivate his latest moves against the
colonies. George III felt he had to almost be "more English than the English themselves", to
paraphrase–––the honor of England and the crown were his preeminent concerns. Ketchum also
described the wide variety of ailments, mostly hereditary ones, which plagued the king. Put these
together and it's no surprise he was less than willing to listen to the pleas of his colonial subjects.
Ketchum also went into a good deal of detail as to the workings and motivations of the British
government at the time. Finally, he lists the events leading up to the actual winter of 1776, the
conditions on the ground and then goes over the actual
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Battle Of Trenton Dbq
At the start of the Revolutionary war, the British government and army thought the war would be
over in 6 months. However, the war ended up lasting about 8 years from 1775 to 1783. During the
war from 1776 to 1777, Britain laid out a strategy that would enable them to bring this war to a
close. Their strategies to end the war, ultimately failed and costed them big time. Their actions in
decisive battles was part of the reason why they faltered and failed during this time. Overall, the
sympathy of the Howe Brothers, the failure to seize opportunities, and logistical problems, was what
cause British failure. In 1776, the Howe brothers and a large British armada arrived in New York
City. When they arrived this was the best chance for Britain ... Show more content on ...
In this battle, the British wanted to capture New York and sever New England from the rest of the
colonies. General Burgoyne and his army were stuck in a standstill, with the Benedict Arnold and
his colonist army, at the Hudson river and they depleted most of their resources. General Howe was
supposed to come to Burgoyne's rescue with reinforcements, however, he failed to help General
Burgoyne. This failure was due to conflicting strategies between the two generals and huge
communication problem within the British army. General Burgoyne had to surrender his entire
command at Saratoga to the American General Horatio Gates. When the British army lost this battle,
they also lost all hope to end or win the war. After Saratoga, France decided to help aid the colonists,
which ensured that they would win the war. If this British campaign was successful they could have
possibly ended the war. This British failure can be blamed on logistical problems within the British
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Trenton Leadership Style Analysis
Review of Subject
Leadership has a variety of meanings to different individuals, often based upon the circumstance and
situation which defines the term leader or leadership. Northouse (2016) defines leadership as, "a
process by which an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal." (p. 6).
Sammi Caramella writes, "Leadership is critical to every company. Workers need someone to look
to, learn from and thrive with. Every leader has their own style and strategy. Further, leadership
styles and methods vary because of outside influences and personal challenges. While leadership is
unique to everyone, there are some common ways to define the term." (2017). According to Peter
Economy (2018), also known as "The ... Show more content on ...
I was not sure I could handle the position, but I had a Chief Petty Officer who took me under his
wing and began a rigorous on the job training program as the ship was deploying to the
Mediterranean within a matter of weeks. I learned years later the Chief was using a variety of
leadership techniques to help with my progression as a leader. He began with a skills approach and
later moved to more of a situational approach to help me learn my new role.
A skills approach takes a leader centered perspective on leadership with more emphasis on the skills
and abilities that an individual can learn. Using Katz's 1955 model, the three–skill approach
suggests that effective leadership depends on three essential personal skills: technical, human, and
conceptual. The technical skill is knowledge and skill in a type of work or activity while the human
skill is the ability and knowledge around working with people. Human skills involve people,
technical involve working with things, and conceptual skills involve working with ideas (Northouse,
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Essay On The Battle Of Trenton
Ashlyn Smithey
English 8th hour
20 December 2016
Battle of Trenton "The battle pitted approximately 2,400 soldiers of the Continental Army,
commanded by George Washington, up against about 1,400 Hessian soldiers commanded by
Colonel Johann Rall."(Battle of Trenton Facts)This fact shows how the Americans had more soldiers
than the British side.Causes, leaders ,events,effects of the battle shows how this battle was a major
There are many causes of the Battle of Trenton. Washington was driven out of New York.In the text,
MacKenzie says "After being driven out of New York by the British and forced to retreat to the West
bank of the Delaware during the late summer of 1776." They were forced to retreat and get ready for
... Show more content on ...
But George Washington and the determined soldiers crossed the river. Several results occurred after
the battle Trenton.One effectof the battle was It strength the Americans willing to fight. In the
text,The Battle of Trenton states the American were stronger and willing to fight.They were ready to
fight and won't give up.The second effect was It weakened the British willing to
fight.Furthermore,The battle of Trenton states the British were not willing to fight.they were not
ready to fight they were not ready for anything. The Battle of Trenton has several
causes,leaders,events,and effects that lead to its importance.If you read more about this Battle you
may find interesting facts about the Battle of
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The Battle Of Trenton : A Critical Battle
The Battle of Trenton was a critical battle that took place on 26 December 1776, during the early
years of the American Revolutionary War. The battle took place in the township of Trenton, New
Jersey between the Continental Army, personally led by Commander–in–Chief, General (GEN)
George Washington, and the British contracted Hessian Army, led by Colonel (COL) Johann Rahl.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (2013) states that the Battle of Trenton served as the first
major American victory in the Revolutionary war. Prior to the Battle of Trenton, American forces
had endured nearly constant defeat as the British pushed them from New York and into
Pennsylvania. The Continental Congress pleaded for a victory to save the cause. The ... Show more
content on ...
First and foremost, Washington chose to strike during the heart of winter at a time when most
British forces were disengaged from the war effort due to harsh conditions and a perceived sense of
inevitable victory. Additionally, the patriots utilized the element of surprise, by initiating the assault
on Christmas night under the cover of darkness and during the middle of a fierce winter snow storm.
Washington had purposely released information to British and Hessian forces through double agent
operations, which solidified their beliefs that the Continental Army was incapable of launching a
strike. The Hessian commander had even received notification from a British spy imbedded within
the Continental Army, that an attack was imminent. The Hessian dismissed the importance of the
spy's written report and neglected to read it. Also, it was unknown at the time, but later suspected
that the Hessian Army was in a state of inebriation, as a result of Christmas festivities. All of these
factors in addition to a lack of consideration by the Hessians for intelligence information set the
stage for an American victory.
Following being driven out of New York City to the west bank of the Delaware River by British
forces during the summer of 1776, American forces were suffering from the effects of physical and
psychological defeat. The American army was on the cusp of falling apart all together. In addition to
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Richard Trenton Chase
"You're impossibly fast and strong. Your skin is pale whit and ice cold. Your eyes change color and
sometimes you speak like –– like you're from a different time. You never eat or drink anything. You
don't go out in the sunlight..." (Bella, from the movie Twilight) At that point in the movie Twilight,
Bella is putting pieces together that Edward Cullen is a vampire, but can vampires actually be real in
real life? All that is really needed to be considered a vampire is by the want and urge to drink human
blood. This paper will inform you on just how vampires can be real to a certain extent.
It all start on May 23rd, 1950 in Santa Clara County, California when a man named Richard Trenton
Chase was born. Richard did not have the "typical" ... Show more content on ...
Griffin and his wife had just arrived back home after grocery shopping that night. They were
unloading the groceries out of the vehicle and when Griffin was on his way back out to the vehicle,
that's when Chase drove by and shot and killed Ambrose Griffin with the same .22 caliber gun he
used to shoot into the Sacramento women's house. It was later found out the Chase decided to
commit a drive–by shooting as a practice round before his killing got worse.
After the first murder, Chase went through a phase of being an intruder. His theory was if someone's
house was unlocked then it was their way of saying he was welcome, but if the house was locked
then he took it as he was not welcome. This intruder phase lead up to his second murder of Teressa
Wallin, 22 years old and 3 months pregnant. Her husband was not home at the time of the murder.
Teressa was taking out the garbage and left the door open, so Chase then went into her house and
surprised her when she came back in. The police found her with several gunshot wounds, stab
wounds from a butcher knife, many of her internal organs were taken out, and dog feces were
packed into the victim's mouth. It was also found out the Chase had raped the victim post–mortem.
After Chase committed these actions, he then bathed in the blood of the victim and drank some of
her blood out of a yogurt container.
Chase's next murder case was what would be considered a mass murder. On January 27th, 38
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Battle Of Trenton Essay
The Battle of Trenton marked a decisive victory for the Colonial Army that helped to solidify the
American people in fighting for independence from Great Britain. General Washington was able to
leverage available human and counter–intelligence to gain the upper hand and defeat the Hessian
force garrisoned in the town. Had Washington not acted on the intelligence available at the time, it is
possible that the Colonial cause would not have lasted though that winter. This paper will analyze
the two forces that took part in the battle and describe how each side used, or failed to use available
intelligence. Additionally, it will postulate alternate outcome should Washington not have acted on
the information available.
Prelude to Battle Following ... Show more content on ...
Reports indiacte that Rall's overconfidence in the Colonial's weak state led to tactical errors. Rall
ignored intelligence that the Colonials were planning an attack, he did not believe that the Colonials
had sufficient men to mount an attack on his location. Because of his over confidence, Rall did not
see it necessary to fortify his position.
The Plan of Attack Following a string of defeats against the British, Washington knew decisive
action must take place in order to maintain morale within his force. On 22 December, Washington
gathered with his war council to discuss their options to strike a victory against their opposing force.
They voted to conduct a surprise attack against the troops garrisoned in Trenton, New Jersey.
The plan called for three forces to conduct different missions to bring the desired result of Colonial
victory. The first unit, commanded by Washington, would cross the Delaware River, north of
Trenton, on Christmas night. Of the additional two forces, one would cross to block the Hessian
withdrawal while the other would conduct a diversion attack. The plan relied on surprise to be
effective against the Hessians garrisoned in Trenton to maximize available combat power. Lastly,
should the battle be successful, Washington planned additional follow on battles to monopolize his
success in Princeton and New
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Battle At Trenton Research Paper
The Battle at Trenton, probably one of the most significant battles of the American Revolutionary
War, was a resounding victory for the Continental Army. General George Washington, commander
of the Continental Army, was the victor more on the sheer complacency of British Commanding
General James Grant and Colonel Johann Rall, Trenton Garrison Commander. December 25 and 26,
1776, will live in infamy for the British. Even though the battle was not a resounding crush to the
British forces, General Lord Charles Cornwallis, General James Grant and General William Howe,
had made a strategic mistake and now handed the upper hand to the Continental Army. It was a
resounding victory for General George Washington, not only for morale but also because the gained
strategic winter positioning. Yet all should have been for not. Had the British and their allied forces,
the Hessians, used intelligence assets that were available at that time, General Washington would
have lost the battle, and subsequently the war. Through ... Show more content on ...
General Washington knew the importance of good intelligence, of which Honeyman played a major
role. Honeyman, an Irishman who had served the British in previous wars, had earned the trust of
the British. Which allowed him to move in and around Trenton without fear of persecution.
However, Honeyman was a sympathizer to the Colonials, and reported intelligence information
directly to General Washington. Prior to the battle, Honeyman had arranged his own capture by the
Colonial Army, where he reported the bad state of the Garrison Trenton. He reported that Colonel
Rall's men were less than 2,000 that were supplied by a small amount of heavy guns. With the help
of General Washington, Honeyman escaped the Colonial Army and reported back to Colonel Rall.
He led the commander of the Garrison to believe that the Colonial Army was in no state to attack
any time soon (Central Intelligence Agency,
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The Stereotypes Of Trenton
As a Trenton native, I've seen multiple projects dissolve because they simply didn't understand the
complexity of the issue at hand. The issues of poverty, discrimination, and crime are massive and
representative of the stereotypes of Trenton. Out of all of these issues, there is is one common thread
toward minimizing their effects on the population at large and this thread is education. Studies and
research around the world have been dedicated to show the expansive importance of education
which not only impacts the wellbeing of youth but of society as a whole. My academic career and
outlook on life was shaped greatly by my education and youth in Trenton. Ever since I could
remember I had inspiring teachers and friends who didn't consider
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The War Of The United States
Although there are many defining years in the making of the United States as a nation, 1776 is the
most important year due in majority to Washington and his decisions during the war. McCullough
begins the text with a brief introduction to Britain and America in late 1775. He focuses particularly
on the resentment in the colonies and how the British decide (after deliberating for hours on end)
that enforcing their laws on the colonists is the best course of action. The British feel that teaching
the colonists a lesson is more important than simply cooperating with them to allow everyone the
opportunity to be happy. After this brief introduction, McCullough jumps into the life of Washington
– his pre–Revolutionary War life; in examining Washington's records we learn he was a meticulous
individual, especially while hunting, where he "kept [a] precise account of exactly how long each
chase lasted, to the minute" (48). McCullough also discusses some of the beginning battles of the
Revolutionary War, and details Washington's remarkable night surprise at Dorchester Heights where
he took the high ground against the British. These seemingly unimportant details are quite the
opposite of what meets the eye – these details about Washington 's life teach us how he thinks, how
he calculates, how he observes and reacts. As the war carries on, McCullough revisits Washington 's
genius on the night of August 29, 1776, where Washington seized a singular opportunity to pull his
men out
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Personal Narrative: The Case Of Trenton
Today I arrived at Ms. Porter's house at 8:00am. We were supposed to go to Trenton to get her a new
birth certificate. Instead I went with her to court for a domestic violence dispute and restraining
order she had placed on her ex–boyfriend. We went to the courthouse then waited in the lobby until
we got the ok to enter the courtroom. Ms. Porter was dismissed, because the defendant did not show
up. We then went back to project home, where Ms. Paschal was waiting for us. She wanted to know
if we went to Trenton to get Ms. Porter birth certificate. I informed her Ms. Porter had to go to the
court hearing or a warrant would have been put out for her arrest. After we left Ms. Paschal office
we went to Ms. Porter's apartment. We discuss what
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Essay -1776 by David McCullough
1776 by David McCullough
"Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth." This quote in a letter to James
Madison, from George Washington, on March 2nd, 1788, explains that once the push for liberty
comes through and change is made, it is like the snowball effect. At this point of the war, there were
constant losses for the Continental Army they were lacking faith and hope for their liberty. The
soldier's enlistments were also very near to their end and time was going by fast; many were
prepared to leave and not signing up again. Overall, the Continental Army was headed towards
failure. They needed something to give them a push in the right direction. The battle that raised high
spirits in the army was The ... Show more content on ...
That meant leaving as soon as their enlistments were finished and leaving Washington with fewer
troops. Washington felt that he needed to have another battle while he still had many men and before
the British troops retired for the season of winter until spring (McCullough 267). Since the battle
happened towards the end of their session, the results of the battle highly affected the soldier's
decision to stay or leave. If it wasn't for Trenton, there would never have been a reason to stay in the
army and that would have affected the war in a negative way for the colonies. "Our only dependence
now is upon the speedy enlistments of the army. If this fails, the game is pretty near up,"
(McCullough 269). This quote by Lund Washington explains that the colonies needed as many
soldiers and troops as possible to make their chances of succeeding better. Without the amount of
troops that decided to stay because of the Battle of Trenton, Washington's troops would have been
significantly smaller and would have caused losses in battles. George Washington's tactics and skills
when it came to the Continental army and war were very helpful in the many battles that he led. In
Trenton, Washington planned a sneak attack on the British, in which they had to cross the Delaware
River on. Because of Washington's quick thinking and great army skills allowed the Continental
Army to succeed in surrounding all the Hessians in Trenton in an orchard, leaving them with
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Battle Of Trenton Compare And Contrast
The Battle of Trenton and the Battle of Saratoga were both victories for the American Continental
Army. Yes, both victories were significant, but for different reasons. I believe that the Battle of
Trenton is the battle that more significantly improved the Patriot's morale and helped turn the tide in
their favor. The Battle of Saratoga was also a major American victory but that battle is more known
as the turning point in the Revolutionary War.
Late in December of 1776 George Washington and his troops were camped on the Delaware River
in Pennsylvania. They had just suffered back to back defeats in New York and New Jersey in
October and November. Washington and his troops were freezing, and they were lacking proper
shelter, supplies and clothing. Many of the soldiers didn't even have shoes. There were British
troops camped on the other side of the River in New ... Show more content on ...
At a time when the Continental Army couldn't have been more down and out, suffering a freezing
cold winter without proper clothing and especially after being defeated at Fort Washington when
there were more than fifty soldiers killed and almost three thousand captured, they needed this win.
In Trenton, Washington and his troops ended up capturing around one thousand Hessian troops. The
Patriots also captured some much needed supplies when they raided the British camp after the battle.
This win definitely lifted the spirits and morale of the Continental Army.
After winning the Battle of Trenton, Washington and his Continental Army were motivated to cross
the frozen Delaware River again a few more times over the next ten days and went on to win
another victory in Princeton, New Jersey on January 3, 1777. At a time when the Continental Army
was freezing and feeling literally defeated, the Battle of Trenton victory pumped them up and
pushed them to continue to fight for their
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Trenton Student Observation
I like to joke around and say that I was made for this research lab. Not only am I from the
community we are interested in, I am also a former participant of the program we are assisting. This
course has become more than a grade to me, I see it as my chance to give back to the community
that provided me with countless opportunities. With the guidance of Dr. Chung, I have been
equipped with the skills needed to contribute to a program that is very near and dear to me. This
semester, Dr. Chung's REACH (Research on Engagement, Adjustment, and Community Health) lab
has partnered with the Bonner Center for Civic and Community Engagement to provide funding and
assistance for a Trenton youth empowerment program called Both Hands the Artlet. The
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Battle At Trenton Essay

  • 1. Battle At Trenton Essay An early morning on Christmas Day, commenced the battle at Trenton. George Washington, leader of the continental army, determined and strong knew he had to succeed in the surprise attack against the hessians that day, if he failed he and his men would be captured. It was a risky tactic but Washington knew it'd be a better time to put all of his hope and his men's hope into this one battle at Trenton. Washington led his men across the Delaware river, Washington was able to keep the element of surprise and get his army and himself the victory at Trenton. Although Washington was a great leader at the battle of Trenton, he was a better leader of the continental army. Washington was able to raise the participation in the militia from one year ... Show more content on ... The battle of Saratoga was an important battle for the colonists that took place in upstate New York, this gave them a light, a brand new light that would give the colonists a real chance to win. This important victory wasn't just for the colonists, it intrigued the French that the colonists won the battle of Saratoga which made the French want to help the colonists. France allied itself with the United States in 1778, the French provided materials and money and sent over an elite army to join the colonists. French long term motivation against Britain had brought a great win to the American Revolution against the British. Later on the Netherlands and Spain joined the war and allied with the United States and France which made this a global war. Britain being the strongest at that time period had no allies. French had two main reason to join the American Revolution. One of them being that they had sought revenge after the loss during the sevens year war, and that it wanted to prevent Britain from becoming too powerful. Letting the France,Netherlands and Spain join the world caused world–wide global debts, but it was worth the independence and the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Trenton Narrative That was the scariest baseball game I have ever experienced! One day we were at Trenton's baseball game (by they way this was about two years ago). Everything was going fine until I started to hear large shrieks of panic. I looked up and saw a huge funnel cloud! We were told to stay there to "wait it out" but I thought it was the dumbest thing I've ever heard, so we got Trenton and ran to the car. By now, we were just racing home since the funnel was turning into a tornado. Once we got home, we were just hearing sirens after sirens. I think I fell asleep for 2 hours but woke up to the sound of my mom yelling because we lost the cat! We looked in the house until my brother, Creighton, found him behind the computer table. Once we found him ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Washington Crossing The Delaware Analysis Washington Crossing the Delaware is an oil–on–canvas painting by German American artist Emanuel Gottlieb completed in 1851. This painting is used as a reference of the day when General George Washington crosses the Delaware River with his continental army on the night of December 25, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War. This event is considered to be the first move in a sudden attack done against the German Hessian allied mercenary forces at Trenton, New Jersey in the Battle of Trenton which took place on the next morning of December 26th. Battle of Trenton was a small but a major contribution in the American Revolutionary War. General Washington driven the primary part of the continental army against the hessian soldiers who surrounded the entire Trenton after crossing the Delaware River on the night of December 25, 1776. The continental army with least damage overpowered the hessian soldiers in a short battle with them. This short battle greatly accelerated the continental army's flagging attribute and motivated re–recruitments. Gottlieb painted three versions of this painting out of which the original was a part of the collection at the Kunsthalle in Bremen, Germany, and afterwards was destroyed in a bombing raid in 1942 during World War II. The other two paintings, one of which is now in possession of The Minnesota Marine Art Museum and another one is at Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The painting is renowned for its aesthetic distribution of visual ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Battle Of Trenton Research Paper Military generals have always proven to be an important part of a war throughout history. It is no different from the likes of George Washington. Washington showed his worth on the battlefield well before the Battle of Trenton, but the Battle of Trenton sealed his worth. Unlike Washington, Benjamin Franklin was not a battlefield presence, he was a man who showed his worth on other aspects of the movement of liberty for the colonists. Franklin drove the front seat with the likes of Thomas Jefferson in the movement of liberty for the colonists. A former scientist, who conducted electricity on a kite, Franklin started his repeal of the British with his vote on the abolition of the stamp act. Franklin along with Washington are the sole reasons for America's independence from the Red Coats, Washington secured his feat by defeating the Hessians ... Show more content on ... Facing against 1400 Hessians led by Colonel Rahl and the British Sixteenth Light Dragoons. George Washington and 2400 American troops from Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York, set to take battle at Trenton. The battle occurred on Christmas Day of 1776. Washington faced against Colonel Rahl, as the battle ensued the Americans only suffered four casualties, while the Hessians suffered twenty killed, 100 wounded and 1000 captured. This was the battle that pivoted the revolution and one of the most famous battles to take place in the Revolutionary War. The reason for American independence today belongs in the hands of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and the people who participated in the Battle of Trenton. The courageous acts of two widely known men and 2400 men who most of us wouldn't know the name of, are the reason why America is here today. It is safe to say that an act of such feat will never be repeated in human ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Revolutionary War Revolutionary War Taylor Hunter ENG/101 October 26, 2014 The battle of Trenton and Princeton began to erupt in the same year of the Revolutionary War. The Revolutionary War had started because the Americans wanted the same rights the as the British citizens had. The British refused to give Americans the same rights because they (British) didn't think the Americans shouldn't be represented as a part of the British Parliament, instead their (British) minds were more focused on building revenue. The British had ignored the Americans demands in which the British thought the Americans demands were a cause of outrage. There were so many different wars that had erupted during the Revolutionary War. The battle between Trenton ... Show more content on ... George Washington knew that his men had exceeded their expectations with the battle on Trenton and that they had more challenges to face. George Washington knew that doing nothing would be dangerous so he turned his focus to planning another attack at Princeton. George Washington was convinced that his men couldn't hold Trenton against British. George Washington had learned about General Charles and James Grant with the eight hundred British Troops marching south from Princeton. George Washington had deployed five hundred men who he had assigned to watch campfires and the rest of the troops marched to Princeton. During the battle on Princeton the first secretary of the US Treasury, Alexander Hamilton had cannons fired at the British because he had applied to Princeton, in which he was not accepted. George Washington had sent in a force who was under General Hugh Mercer to destroy a bridge. General Hugh Mercers' men were killed. There was a rally by the Americans. George Washington gave hope to others that they could also beat the British. After the Battles of Trenton and Princeton the Americans quickly withdrew after taking prisoners, arms and their supplies but they fell back after the Americans had won the battle on Princeton. George Washington wanted to take his men to New Brunswick, but was overruled by his officers. George Washington's' Continental Army had marched to Morristown, NJ to establish ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Trenton Character Analysis OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Preferred Name: Trenton Preferred Pronouns: He/him or ze/zir are both fine. Player Age: 30+ Time–zone: CST, although my activity can be super random as far as time of day. Activity Level: 5–7 is going to probably best encompass my activity. That said, I have some days where I can be on updating everything, getting new plots, etc and other days where I might not have a chance to catch up at all. Of course, it's often a medium where I can answer a few messages and get out a couple paras in the time I have. I do work and go to school so I'm not the 24/7 sort, as much as I wish I could be. Rules Password: Style over Substance Triggers: N/A Anything else: My character is based off of both "The Junior" in your skeleton section as well as a wanted character for the Lysander character. I took aspects of each and sought approval of the writer for Lysander. IN CHARACTER INFORMATION Full Name: Demetrius Everett Taylor Age: 25 Role: Cop Occupation: City Force (mostly a patrol cop) Faceclaim: Matt McGorry Quote: "I am looking at the stars. They are so far away, and their light takes so long to reach us. All we ever see of stars is their old photographs." Appearance: ... Show more content on ... When he isn't working his style of dress is typically rather casual, although he has a few more formal outfits for when they are required. Demetrius comes across as a rather boy–next–door type in his appearance, whether clothing or otherwise. The male is shorter than average, even more so when considering he's a cop, and rather than being a muscle–bound fellow he's more lean and quick. He does have the muscle required for his job and it's something he worked hard for over time. Demetrius does not have tattoos, piercings, or implants at this time and he does not believe in enhancing himself with ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Analysis Of The Poem ' George Washington Crossing The... On a stormy December night in 1776 General George Washington and his men braved the cold and crossed the Delaware River to attack unsuspecting British soldiers. This bold move helped to turn the tides of the American Revolution and proved to be one of the most important American victories of the war. This historical battle was commemorated through a painting by German artist, Emmanuel Leutze. The painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware River properly represents the fighting spirit and resiliency of the colonial forces during the American Revolution. The painting depicts one of the most decisive victories of the American Revolution. Prior to the battle American morale was very low, even Washington was becoming doubtful. The continental army was forced out of New York and pushed across most of New Jersey on a desperate retreat induced by many British victories. The British troops that occupied the small town of Trenton were convinced that American morale was much too broken for any sort of attack... Washington had other plans. (Encyclopedia Brittanica) Washington and 2,400 of his men crossed the Delaware River on Christmas Eve under the cover of a storm. They were totally undetected. This bold move was completely unexpected and carried out mostly out of pure determination. At the time of the crossing the continental army was severely undersupplied. The only two American casualties were a result of frostbite. They were not properly prepared for the cold northeastern ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Crossing Of The Delaware And The Victory At Trenton A&E's "The Crossing" is an exceptional dramatization of the crossing of the Delaware and the victory at Trenton. It depicts the actions that George Washington and his men took leading up to the renowned battle. The main points portrayed by the film are relatively accurate; however, there are still many historical inaccuracies. Washington's use of profanity in the film, the weather during the march to Trenton, and the flag flown by the American army are just a few. George Washington's dialogue in "The Crossing" is the least accurate element of the film. Washington's leadership style was the direct opposite. Nearly thirty years before the crossing of the Delaware, Washington made clear how he felt about profanity in his "Rules of Civility." His twenty second rule stated: "Use no reproachful language against anyone, neither curse, nor revile." Ten years later, he made this clear in his military affairs: "Colonel Washington has observed that the men of his regiment are very profane and reprobate. He takes this opportunity to inform them of his great displeasure at such practices and assures them that if they do not leave them off, they shall be severely punished. The officers are desired, if they hear any man swear or make use of an oath or execration, to order the offender twenty–five lashes immediately, without court–martial. For the second offense, he will be more severely punished" (Sparks). Washington's loathing for expletives persisted even 30 years later as seen in ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Battle Of Trenton And The Battle Of Saratoga The battle of Trenton and the battle of Saratoga brought a crucial victory to the Continental Army, but the battle of Trenton improved morale in the patriots more so than the battle of Saratoga did. The battle of Trenton proved to be significant by ultimately turning the tide of the conflict in their favor, improving morale and hope for the war. For instance, The battle of Trenton on Christmas Eve in 1776 proved the colonist were dedicated and a capable force. The colonists were wary about fighting the very powerful Hessian, therefore on Christmas Eve, they planned a sneak attack to defeat them. The patriots marched and fought in icy and poor conditions before dawn, hoping to defeat the powerful Hessians. After the surprise attack the Colonists had totaled 2 dead and 5 wounded. The Hessians had 22 dead and 90 wounded and 918 captured. This victory would change the image of the colonist's army and bring about great change. After the battle of Trenton, they were now viewed as a definite threat to the British. On the other hand, the battle of Saratoga gave the colonist hope for the upcoming battles. On October 17th,1777 the colonist surrounded General Burgoyne and his army continue to hold strong, the army fought until the British surrendered to the colonist. This was significant for the colonist because the British surrendered to the colonist. This showed the British that the colonist held up a good fight and that this war was going to be long and hard. In conclusion, this ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Descriptive Battle Of Trenton Battle of Trenton It was nightfall, on what was supposed to be a night of warm cozy homes and families. Instead we have to spend it out in the cold at war. December 25, 1776 is a to remember. We crossed the sparkling frozen Delaware River in small little boats. We were on our way towards Trenton for an ambush on the British. The ice had been scraping at my feet through my worn down shoes the ice and snow slowly seeping in freezing my toes one by one. When we got there the mercenaries that were hired for this war had been knocked out from their grand Christmas feast. We had completely caught them off guard. They had woken up in surprise. It was amazing. I had felt a heavy weight had been lifted off of my chest, for I believe this was the first of many to come. Washington had taken 868 prisoners that night. Jake, Acon Battle of Saratoga Burgoyne. The Lieutenant General of the British army. The sweet taste of victory has reached my mouth. Surprisingly we had gotten him to surrender. The taste of victory has a sweet tang to it, but a hidden bitterness underneath of all the sugariness. This surrender will change the course of this war, this is our first actual victory. The date has been engraved into my mind just ringing over and over again like a bell. October 17, 1777, the date that will echo in my head as time goes on. This has shown that we Americans can stand up to the British. Not long after this victory the French had become allies with us sending us various supplies. ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. `` Richard Trenton Chase `` Richard Trenton Chase, unlike regular children had a very abusive childhood. Raised by a very controlling father who did not get along with his mentally– ill wife and always misdirected his anger toward Richard and his sister with physical abuse (Dennison, Victoria, 2009). As a child at age 10 Richard became extremely fascinated with fire and mutilating cats. Later throughout his teenage years he began heavily drinking and smoking. This soon led up to his hectic early adulthood when he was then diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic who suffered from somatic delusions. (Ramsland, Katherine). According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, paranoid schizophrenia, " is the presence of prominent delusions or auditory hallucinations in the context of relative preservation of cognitive functioning and affect" (APA, 1994 p.287). Since this subtype of schizophrenia affects the cognitive portion of the brain that perceives things, in this person, it causes him to also suffer from somatic delusions. This is a type of delusion that relates to the functions, sensations, and physical appearance of the body, causing the person to believe that their body is diseased or abnormal (APA, 2000). As a child it was thought that Richard had suffered from a mental illness, but he was not committed. Although on the outside looking in, it looked as if he was the average child since he did graduate high school, but no one knew the darkness that was kept hidden. Richard ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Who Or Is George Washington A Hero? In current times, history portrays George Washington as a fearless legend and, to many, the first American hero. A hero can be defined as a person who displays great courage, is favored by the gods, and is celebrated for their bold exploits. Although Washington's early military career was fraught with failure, his reputation remained unscathed. Because Washington was able to maintain a pristine image, he was able to grow as both a military and political leader. Thus, based on his overall military career, George Washington should be remembered as an American hero. Throughout his life, Washington's courage was constantly tested. Towards the beginning of his military career, the young colonel, George Washington, as a young did not exhibit many (if any) courageous feats. He was plagued by blind ambition and lacked the military experience to achieve his ambitious goals. One could argue that because of his early military career, Washington ... Show more content on ... Washington's early military blunders would have normally hurt his future career, but he managed to protect his image despite them through manipulating the press. Even if it may have been dubious, Washington made himself look courageous and honorable to the rest of the colonies. Washington's controlled image and courage allowed him to move up through the ranks, using his prior experiences to pave his way to becoming one of the most courageous American Generals of the Revolutionary Era. Not only did Washington have courage, but he was also favored by the gods. He constantly had fate on his side; he had his native abilities, a fire in his belly, and most importantly, the luck of the weather in critical battles. Finally, Washington's celebrated bold exploits shaped him into becoming a hero. Looking at Washington's overall military career, his courage, favor by the gods, and celebrated bold exploits made him a hero in the eyes of his newborn ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. George Washington's Victory At Trenton With the shot heard round the world at Lexington and Concord, the American colonies were on a collision course with one of the most powerful empires of that day. One key, pivot point of the conflict known as the American Revolutionary War was GEN George Washington's victory at Trenton, New Jersey on December 26, 1776. However, GEN Washington's victory might not have been possible without the help of some timely intelligence, both for the American side, as well as intelligence blunders by the British forces defending Trenton. By disregarding intelligence warnings, as well as relying on only on single intelligence source, the British commander at Trenton made a fatal error, which likely led to a British defeat, and may have contributed to the ... Show more content on ... COL Rall's officers tried to convince him to fortify the town, but he did not take the time to do so. There is also evidence that COL Rall was informed by spies and British sympathizers that the Americans were going to attack, but COL Rall ignored this information and did not set up any defenses in the town., He also did not send out any patrols on the morning of December 26. After the battle a message warning of an American attack was found in COL Rall's pocket after his death. (–of–trenton/) ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. George Washington's 1776: The Battle of Dorchester Heights Opening to the first page, George Washington is quoted, "perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages." setting the stage for David McCullough's book, "1776", a historical narrative that avoided academic debates. His thesis being a tight narrative focused around the Continental Army and their leader George Washington. McCullough continued his popular writing techniques of character building by tracing the roads, reading the books, and seeing the houses of his key characters as they would have in their lifetimes. These techniques can be seen in his many list of books such as: "Path between the Seas", "Truman", and "John Adams". His books have been written in ten languages and are all still in print today. I feel that ... Show more content on ... As a result, he now had the ample means to buy whatever books he needed and he turned his mind to the military arts. Greene then became one of the most educated military leaders of the Revolution. While having no actual military experience at all, Greene was the youngest general officer in the army after quickly elevated to the level of Brigadier General at the age of thirty–three years. When he entered the fray in Boston it was only to find things in disarray. "Washington arriving in the first week of July, was told he had 20,000 men, but no one knew for certain." As exact figures turn out, Washington only had about 16,000 and of that only 14,000 were actually fit for duty. He includes stories of the King's men, their commander, and their contempt for the rebel foes. McCullough researched diaries and letters from both sides of the front to obtain particular details used in his text. Thus creating notes down to the details of even the common soldier, bystander, and camp followers. The battle details include three main engagements: The Battle of Dorchester Heights, Long Island, and Trenton. McCullough interestingly focused on the military tactics and maneuvering and less emphasis on the politics around these events. Even the actual signing of the Declaration of Independence is treated as a minor detail compared to the strategies of what Washington will do ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Battle Of Trenton Research Paper Justine King 8th Grade English Mrs. King November 24, 2015 The Battle of Trenton 1776 What do you know about the Battle of trenton? According to WWW.Battle of the Battle of Trenton was a military conflict between the kingdom of great Britian and its 13 colonies in North America during the American Revolutionary war. According to The cause of the battle of Trenton was because George washington felt the contanental army was likly in danger from the Hessians. On Christmas day, He crossed the Delaware river And the next ten days he had one to crucial battles against other armies. There were three leaders of the Battle of Trenton General Nathanael, General John, And George washington. General Nathanael was a well–respected ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. How Did George Washington's Surprise Attack Trenton December 25–26, 1776 Washington's surprise attack against Hessian forces in Trenton, NJ. Washington crossed the Delaware river so that his army could attack an isolated gorrion of Hessian troops at trenton, New York.("Crossing the Delaware"). There was a strong storm it was raining and snowing and terrifying wind. One soldier recorded that " it blew a perfect hurricane" as snow and sleet lasked washington army. He was attacking the british. They had to march many miles through the dark and snow to even reach the river crossing sit.("Leutze,Washington Crossing the Delaware"). George Washington's plan of attack included three different crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas night. Col. Cadwalader was to lead ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. The Battle Of Trenton : A Critical Battle The Battle of Trenton was a critical battle that occurred on 26 December 1776, during the early years of the American Revolutionary War. The battle took place in the town of Trenton, New Jersey between the Continental Army, led by Commander–in–Chief, General (GEN) George Washington, and the British contracted Hessian Army, led by Colonel (COL) Johann Rahl. The Battle of Trenton served as the first major American victory in the Revolutionary war. Prior to the Battle of Trenton, American forces had endured nearly constant defeat as the British pushed them from New York and into Pennsylvania. The Continental Congress had pleaded for a battle victory to save the cause, and had all but lost hopes of achieving victory against the British. The Battle of Trenton was more than just a needed victory, but instead served as a second chance for the Continental Army to turn the tide of war. Following being driven out of New York City to the west bank of the Delaware River by British forces during the summer of 1776, American forces were suffering from the effects of physical and psychological defeat. The American army was on the cusp of falling apart all together. In addition to this state of weakness, the majority of the Continental Army regulars were at the end of their enlistments, and it was anticipated that a large portion of the force would likely not enlist for second terms of service. The Continental Congress and military leaders were desperate to plan an initiative ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. Battle Of Trenton Compare And Contrast Marceis Richardson World History Mrs.Coban 11/19/17 Battle Of Trenton The American Revolution was about different conflicts. The conflict arose from growing tensions between residents of Great Britain's 13 North American colonies and the colonial government. The colonists wanted independence from Great Britain because the king created unreasonable taxes. After that the colonists decided to rebel against this. There were several battles that change the outcome of the American Revolution. For example, the Battle of Trenton changes the course of the war because the Americans won. The Battle of Trenton was the most important battle because Hessian army was crushed in Washington's raid and it made people more confident in the country. By 1775, rigidity between the American colonies and the British government approached the breaking point. In the spring of 1775, General Thomas Gage received information to take weapons and gunpowder away from American insurgents. On April 18, he sent British troops to march ... Show more content on ... It was the worst battle because the British defeated the Americans. 2,200 British forces were under control of Major General William Howe landed on Charlestown Peninsula then marched to Breed's Hill. The Americans were outnumbered by the British. So the Americans were forced to retreat. Patriots gunfire cut down 1,000 enemy troops and killed 200 and more than 800 wounded. British also realized this battle was going to be long. The Battle of Trenton was a conflict between Great Britain and its thirteen colonies in North America. The Battle took place on Thursday, December 26, 1776. The Battle was fought in Trenton, New Jersey. The Americans, Hessians and British troops were involved in this battle. The cause of this battle was after the Americans lost they wanted to get revenge on the British. George Washington thought it was an humiliating defeat he took in that ... Get more on ...
  • 36.
  • 37. Analysis Of The Poem ' George Washington Crossing The... On a stormy December night in 1776 general George Washington and his men braved the cold and crossed the Delaware River to attack unsuspecting British soldiers. This bold move helped to turn the tides of the American Revolution and proved to be one of the most important American victories of the war. This historical battle was commemorated through a painting by German artist, Emmanuel Leutze. The painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware River properly represents the fighting spirit and resiliency of the colonial forces during the American Revolution. The painting depicts one of the most decisive victories of the American Revolution. Prior to the battle American morale was very low, even Washington was becoming doubtful. The continental army was forced out of New York and pushed across most of New Jersey on a desperate retreat induced by many British victories. The British troops that occupied the small town of Trenton were convinced that American morale was much too broken for any sort of attack... Washington had other plans. (Encyclopedia Brittanica) Washington and 2,400 of his men crossed the Delaware River on Christmas Eve under the cover of a storm. They were totally undetected. This bold move was completely unexpected and carried out mostly out of pure determination. At the time of the crossing the continental army was severely undersupplied. The only two American casualties were a result of frostbite. They were not properly prepared for the cold northeastern ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. The Battle Of The Revolutionary War During the Revolutionary war one battle made all the difference in the fight for independence. Since the war lasted from 1775 until 1783 it is reasonable to believe that an abundance of battles had taken place on American soil, but only one was able to halt the near collapse of the frail revolution taking place against Britain's control over the colonies. As depicted in the film The Crossing, based on the novelization of a real life event, the infamous George Washington leads what is left of his army across a river and unto the safe shores of Pennsylvania to escape the wrath of the British army. After suffering the blows of several defeats and the steady dwindling of his army Washington still continued to persevere in the face of adversity despite his army having scarcely any supplies. All the while dealing with the looming threat of the British laying only across a river though still further away than the conflict that brewed within the Revolutionary army as Washington's leadership was questioned. Though the harsh December weather battered Washington's already downtrodden, underfunded army Washington was able to execute a plan against the 1,200 Hassan mercenaries enlisted by the British and lead his army into the threshold of a miraculous victory. While the films extravagates and edits down the real events of the Battle of Trenton it does somewhat portray the real struggle against the freezing temperature Washington's army dealt with. Before and during the battle the harsh ... Get more on ...
  • 40.
  • 41. Trenton Tigers Concert Report Friday night the Trenton Tigers hosted the Port St. Joe Tiger Sharks in one of their most anticipated games of the season, with Port St. Joe as the reigning 1A state champions (for the 2014 season) and the Tigers as the previous year's 1A state champs. Pre–game Assistant Coach (and veteran) Greg Turner led the Tigers in saluting the Flag in remembrance of those who served and lost their lives in the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers. Before the start of the game there was also a moment of silence to to remember those who lost their lives in that horrific event. It was a rough start for both teams and it appeared at first to be anybody's game, but it became clear by the end of the first quarter that the Tiger Sharks were fish ... Show more content on ... In return PSJ ended up having to punt back to Trenton, who fumbled but recovered the ball. The very next play Trenton fumbled the ball again and it was recovered by PSJ, only to be fumbled again two plays later and be recovered by Trenton. Thanks to Hamp Cheevers, Trenton got the ball to the one yard line where Trevante McCleese scored the first touchdown of the game, followed by Marcus Mannerstedt kicking for the extra point. After not being able to gain much ground due to Trenton's solid defense and a notable blocked pass by Brooks Martin, PSJ was forced to punt to Trenton. Again Trenton pushed their way to the one yard line and Montrez Jackson carried in the second touchdown(Mannerstedt with the extra point). Jackson also scored again in the first quarter when Quarterback Michael Smith tossed him the ball, where he then ran in and scored from the eight yard line. The kick by Mannerstedt was good bringing the score to 21–0 at the end of the quarter. In the second quarter Trenton again drove the ball to the one yard line, where Kade Rogers pushed off the PSJ Defender and walked into the end zone, living up to his nickname and killing the dreams of the Tiger Sharks. The extra point kick by Mannerstedt was ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Battle Analysis : Battle Of Trenton Battle Analysis: Battle of Trenton The Battle of Trenton is widely regarded as a turning point in the American Revolutionary War. With enlistments in the Continental Army about to expire at the end of the year, General George Washington risked everything in harsh winter conditions to advance across the Delaware River and execute a surprise attack on Hessian troops in Trenton, N.J. An evaluation of the moments that led up to the battle, the setting, area of operations, the Continental and Opposing forces, along with the use of intelligence will reveal the major factors that led to the outcome of the battle. An analysis of the battle will illustrate how Washington devised an offensive plan that demonstrated many of the principles of war still utilized in military operations today. Setting The Battle of Trenton occurred approximately 20 months after the revolution started. On November 16, 1776, the Battle of Fort Washington marked a decisive victory for the British. The British forces killed 59 Continental soldiers and took another 2,837 prisoner ("Weapons and war," n.d.). Due to the defeat, Continental soldiers retreated across New Jersey into Pennsylvania. The Continental Army did not suffer any losses, but the troops suffered from a sense of defeat. Washington and his men faced a cold winter ahead, they were not sufficiently equipped to survive, enlistment contracts neared the end, local militants refused to take up arms, and the Continental Congress abandoned the ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. Battle Of Trenton Summary On December 16th, 1776, George Washington crossed the Delaware River and attacked the Hessian troops located in Trenton, New Jersey. It started when a Philadelphian, General Thomas Mifflin, rallied the militia because they were shamed by The American Crisis. By Christmas, Washington still barely had 6,000 troops fit for duty, knowing that he started getting reinforcements after the rally. Timing was important because if he waited, the enlistments would expire and the Delaware River would freeze.Finally, on Christmas night of 1776, the layer of ice covering the Delaware river cracked, allowing Washington and his troops to cross the river. This included 2,400 veteran troops and 18 cannons into Durham Boats. Many troops had to walk in the freezing cold grounds with their bare feet, leaving bloody footprints all around. Meanwhile, General James Ewing commanded 1,000 other troops nine miles above Trenton to block any retreating Hessians occupying Trenton. Originally, Colonel John Cadwalader was planned to cross the Delaware River, but he unfortunately never made it across through the bitter, cold water. Washington's plan was to depart at midnight, but due to the weather, it was delayed to 3 in the morning of the 26th. ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, the Hessians were surprised to hear a sentry calling "Der Feind! Heraus! Heraus!", meaning "The enemy! Get up! Get up!". Taking advantage of the situation, the American troops enclosed Trenton from all sides. Rall was making efforts to rally his men but was mortally wounded in action. At the end of the day, Trenton, along with prisoner and equipment, was finally in the hands of Washington.As a result of Ewing and Cadwalader's failures, Washington couldn't press the offensive on to Princeton and New Brunswick and withdraw back into Pennsylvania. The whole withdrawal process took a whole day from the 26th to the ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Battle Of Trenton And The American Revolutionary War Abstract Battle of Trenton was analyzed to ascertain what Military Intelligence assets could have been used to provide a different outcome to the battle for the British forces. The Battle of Trenton is widely considered to be the turning point of the American Revolutionary War. If the British Commander had used his intelligence assets appropriately, it could have led to a different outcome to the battle. A different outcome would have changed the course of the war and possibly led to a British victory. Battle of Trenton Information The Battle of Trenton was fought on 26 December 1776 in Trenton, New Jersey. General George Washington, concerned with the low morale among the Soldiers of the Continental Army and ... Show more content on ... The Continental Army had been pushed out of New York and forced to retreat west of the Delaware River. General George Washington feared he would lose his forces when the annual enlistment of the Soldiers was up at the end of the year. General Washington decided to mount an attack before his Army scattered back to their homes. Under his command General Washington had 2,400 American troops and 18 guns, with infantry divisions under the command of Major General Nathanael Greene and Major General John Sullivan, as well as artillery under the command of Brigadier General Henry Knox. General Washington planned to launch three coordinated attacks. The plan was to have General John Cadwalader attack the British at Bordentown, New Jersey as a diversion and to block off reinforcements. Meanwhile, General James Ewing would take a force of 700 militia across the Delaware to capture the bridge over Assunpink Creek to prevent the British forces from escaping. George Washington would lead the main attack force of 2,400 troops. They would cross the Delaware nine miles north of Trenton and split into groups one under General Sullivan and another under General Greene. The plan was to attack before dawn. General Greene would attack from the north and General Sullivan would attack from the ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Battle Of Trenton Quote Analysis Giant waves crash around you, threatening to overturn your boat. The frigid air nips at your exposed skin. Shouts from army members fill your ears, barking out orders. But you won't listen to those orders. The only orders you will listen to and act on come from the leader of this army because without him, this whole plan would not even have the slightest chance of working. The year was 1776. Christmas Eve. The crossing of the Delaware to the Battle of Trenton was taking place. The Continental Army would not have been able to win this battle had it not been for George Washington, the Commander–in–Chief of the Continental Army. His effective leadership has been so crucial to the creation of this country and without it, we would probably be somewhere ... Show more content on ... Washington wasn't always such a great leader. During the French and Indian War, Washington made a lot of mistakes such as his horrible embarrassment in result of the assassination of French Diplomat Jumonville. "When the musket smoke cleared, Ensign Joseph Coulon de Jumonville lay wounded, trying to explain to Washington that he was on a diplomatic mission. Before surrender was declared, Tanaghrisson struck the ambassador dead with a tomahawk to the head. Anticipating French retaliation, the young Virginian withdrew a few miles to a large meadow, where he hastily built a small, crude stockade and named it Fort Necessity. Here, Washington suffered his first and most humiliating defeat by French reinforcements on July 3, 1754. Washington signed the surrender document, which was written in French, and unknowingly accepted responsibility for the ambassador's death. The French published the document in major European capitals." (Clash of Empires) (Q. Should I explain more about the quote before I go into the Battle of Trenton?) Even though Washington started out as not a very good leader, the Battle of Trenton during the American Revolution shows how Washington was able to learn from the Battle of Great Meadows and use his former mistakes to be victorious. This helped him to become a much better leader. ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Analysis Of Ketchum 's ' The Fall And Winter Of 1776 ' Ketchum begins in the fall and winter of 1776 in describing the events of the campaign. At the time, the future of the Revolution was in serious doubt–––men were freezing, starving, and the Continental Army was dissolving around General Washington. More than anything else, he needed a victory. Ketchum displays to the reader how exactly the colonials got into such a distressing situation in the first place. Traveling back to 1774 and 1775 Ketchum explores the reason behind why and how the entire situation occurred in the first place. The motivations of both the English crown and the colonials are explored throughout the book. For example, the motivations of King George III are explored in the section "Everyone Who Does Not Agree With Me Is A Traitor". Ketchum describes the early life of George III which would motivate his latest moves against the colonies. George III felt he had to almost be "more English than the English themselves", to paraphrase–––the honor of England and the crown were his preeminent concerns. Ketchum also described the wide variety of ailments, mostly hereditary ones, which plagued the king. Put these together and it's no surprise he was less than willing to listen to the pleas of his colonial subjects. Ketchum also went into a good deal of detail as to the workings and motivations of the British government at the time. Finally, he lists the events leading up to the actual winter of 1776, the conditions on the ground and then goes over the actual ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Battle Of Trenton Dbq At the start of the Revolutionary war, the British government and army thought the war would be over in 6 months. However, the war ended up lasting about 8 years from 1775 to 1783. During the war from 1776 to 1777, Britain laid out a strategy that would enable them to bring this war to a close. Their strategies to end the war, ultimately failed and costed them big time. Their actions in decisive battles was part of the reason why they faltered and failed during this time. Overall, the sympathy of the Howe Brothers, the failure to seize opportunities, and logistical problems, was what cause British failure. In 1776, the Howe brothers and a large British armada arrived in New York City. When they arrived this was the best chance for Britain ... Show more content on ... In this battle, the British wanted to capture New York and sever New England from the rest of the colonies. General Burgoyne and his army were stuck in a standstill, with the Benedict Arnold and his colonist army, at the Hudson river and they depleted most of their resources. General Howe was supposed to come to Burgoyne's rescue with reinforcements, however, he failed to help General Burgoyne. This failure was due to conflicting strategies between the two generals and huge communication problem within the British army. General Burgoyne had to surrender his entire command at Saratoga to the American General Horatio Gates. When the British army lost this battle, they also lost all hope to end or win the war. After Saratoga, France decided to help aid the colonists, which ensured that they would win the war. If this British campaign was successful they could have possibly ended the war. This British failure can be blamed on logistical problems within the British ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Trenton Leadership Style Analysis Leadership Review of Subject Leadership has a variety of meanings to different individuals, often based upon the circumstance and situation which defines the term leader or leadership. Northouse (2016) defines leadership as, "a process by which an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal." (p. 6). Sammi Caramella writes, "Leadership is critical to every company. Workers need someone to look to, learn from and thrive with. Every leader has their own style and strategy. Further, leadership styles and methods vary because of outside influences and personal challenges. While leadership is unique to everyone, there are some common ways to define the term." (2017). According to Peter Economy (2018), also known as "The ... Show more content on ... I was not sure I could handle the position, but I had a Chief Petty Officer who took me under his wing and began a rigorous on the job training program as the ship was deploying to the Mediterranean within a matter of weeks. I learned years later the Chief was using a variety of leadership techniques to help with my progression as a leader. He began with a skills approach and later moved to more of a situational approach to help me learn my new role. A skills approach takes a leader centered perspective on leadership with more emphasis on the skills and abilities that an individual can learn. Using Katz's 1955 model, the three–skill approach suggests that effective leadership depends on three essential personal skills: technical, human, and conceptual. The technical skill is knowledge and skill in a type of work or activity while the human skill is the ability and knowledge around working with people. Human skills involve people, technical involve working with things, and conceptual skills involve working with ideas (Northouse, ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Essay On The Battle Of Trenton Ashlyn Smithey Mrs.King English 8th hour 20 December 2016 Battle of Trenton "The battle pitted approximately 2,400 soldiers of the Continental Army, commanded by George Washington, up against about 1,400 Hessian soldiers commanded by Colonel Johann Rall."(Battle of Trenton Facts)This fact shows how the Americans had more soldiers than the British side.Causes, leaders ,events,effects of the battle shows how this battle was a major battle. There are many causes of the Battle of Trenton. Washington was driven out of New York.In the text, MacKenzie says "After being driven out of New York by the British and forced to retreat to the West bank of the Delaware during the late summer of 1776." They were forced to retreat and get ready for ... Show more content on ... But George Washington and the determined soldiers crossed the river. Several results occurred after the battle Trenton.One effectof the battle was It strength the Americans willing to fight. In the text,The Battle of Trenton states the American were stronger and willing to fight.They were ready to fight and won't give up.The second effect was It weakened the British willing to fight.Furthermore,The battle of Trenton states the British were not willing to fight.they were not ready to fight they were not ready for anything. The Battle of Trenton has several causes,leaders,events,and effects that lead to its importance.If you read more about this Battle you may find interesting facts about the Battle of ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. The Battle Of Trenton : A Critical Battle The Battle of Trenton was a critical battle that took place on 26 December 1776, during the early years of the American Revolutionary War. The battle took place in the township of Trenton, New Jersey between the Continental Army, personally led by Commander–in–Chief, General (GEN) George Washington, and the British contracted Hessian Army, led by Colonel (COL) Johann Rahl. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (2013) states that the Battle of Trenton served as the first major American victory in the Revolutionary war. Prior to the Battle of Trenton, American forces had endured nearly constant defeat as the British pushed them from New York and into Pennsylvania. The Continental Congress pleaded for a victory to save the cause. The ... Show more content on ... First and foremost, Washington chose to strike during the heart of winter at a time when most British forces were disengaged from the war effort due to harsh conditions and a perceived sense of inevitable victory. Additionally, the patriots utilized the element of surprise, by initiating the assault on Christmas night under the cover of darkness and during the middle of a fierce winter snow storm. Washington had purposely released information to British and Hessian forces through double agent operations, which solidified their beliefs that the Continental Army was incapable of launching a strike. The Hessian commander had even received notification from a British spy imbedded within the Continental Army, that an attack was imminent. The Hessian dismissed the importance of the spy's written report and neglected to read it. Also, it was unknown at the time, but later suspected that the Hessian Army was in a state of inebriation, as a result of Christmas festivities. All of these factors in addition to a lack of consideration by the Hessians for intelligence information set the stage for an American victory. Following being driven out of New York City to the west bank of the Delaware River by British forces during the summer of 1776, American forces were suffering from the effects of physical and psychological defeat. The American army was on the cusp of falling apart all together. In addition to this ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Richard Trenton Chase "You're impossibly fast and strong. Your skin is pale whit and ice cold. Your eyes change color and sometimes you speak like –– like you're from a different time. You never eat or drink anything. You don't go out in the sunlight..." (Bella, from the movie Twilight) At that point in the movie Twilight, Bella is putting pieces together that Edward Cullen is a vampire, but can vampires actually be real in real life? All that is really needed to be considered a vampire is by the want and urge to drink human blood. This paper will inform you on just how vampires can be real to a certain extent. It all start on May 23rd, 1950 in Santa Clara County, California when a man named Richard Trenton Chase was born. Richard did not have the "typical" ... Show more content on ... Griffin and his wife had just arrived back home after grocery shopping that night. They were unloading the groceries out of the vehicle and when Griffin was on his way back out to the vehicle, that's when Chase drove by and shot and killed Ambrose Griffin with the same .22 caliber gun he used to shoot into the Sacramento women's house. It was later found out the Chase decided to commit a drive–by shooting as a practice round before his killing got worse. After the first murder, Chase went through a phase of being an intruder. His theory was if someone's house was unlocked then it was their way of saying he was welcome, but if the house was locked then he took it as he was not welcome. This intruder phase lead up to his second murder of Teressa Wallin, 22 years old and 3 months pregnant. Her husband was not home at the time of the murder. Teressa was taking out the garbage and left the door open, so Chase then went into her house and surprised her when she came back in. The police found her with several gunshot wounds, stab wounds from a butcher knife, many of her internal organs were taken out, and dog feces were packed into the victim's mouth. It was also found out the Chase had raped the victim post–mortem. After Chase committed these actions, he then bathed in the blood of the victim and drank some of her blood out of a yogurt container. Chase's next murder case was what would be considered a mass murder. On January 27th, 38 ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Battle Of Trenton Essay The Battle of Trenton marked a decisive victory for the Colonial Army that helped to solidify the American people in fighting for independence from Great Britain. General Washington was able to leverage available human and counter–intelligence to gain the upper hand and defeat the Hessian force garrisoned in the town. Had Washington not acted on the intelligence available at the time, it is possible that the Colonial cause would not have lasted though that winter. This paper will analyze the two forces that took part in the battle and describe how each side used, or failed to use available intelligence. Additionally, it will postulate alternate outcome should Washington not have acted on the information available. Prelude to Battle Following ... Show more content on ... Reports indiacte that Rall's overconfidence in the Colonial's weak state led to tactical errors. Rall ignored intelligence that the Colonials were planning an attack, he did not believe that the Colonials had sufficient men to mount an attack on his location. Because of his over confidence, Rall did not see it necessary to fortify his position. The Plan of Attack Following a string of defeats against the British, Washington knew decisive action must take place in order to maintain morale within his force. On 22 December, Washington gathered with his war council to discuss their options to strike a victory against their opposing force. They voted to conduct a surprise attack against the troops garrisoned in Trenton, New Jersey. The plan called for three forces to conduct different missions to bring the desired result of Colonial victory. The first unit, commanded by Washington, would cross the Delaware River, north of Trenton, on Christmas night. Of the additional two forces, one would cross to block the Hessian withdrawal while the other would conduct a diversion attack. The plan relied on surprise to be effective against the Hessians garrisoned in Trenton to maximize available combat power. Lastly, should the battle be successful, Washington planned additional follow on battles to monopolize his success in Princeton and New ... Get more on ...
  • 64.
  • 65. Battle At Trenton Research Paper The Battle at Trenton, probably one of the most significant battles of the American Revolutionary War, was a resounding victory for the Continental Army. General George Washington, commander of the Continental Army, was the victor more on the sheer complacency of British Commanding General James Grant and Colonel Johann Rall, Trenton Garrison Commander. December 25 and 26, 1776, will live in infamy for the British. Even though the battle was not a resounding crush to the British forces, General Lord Charles Cornwallis, General James Grant and General William Howe, had made a strategic mistake and now handed the upper hand to the Continental Army. It was a resounding victory for General George Washington, not only for morale but also because the gained strategic winter positioning. Yet all should have been for not. Had the British and their allied forces, the Hessians, used intelligence assets that were available at that time, General Washington would have lost the battle, and subsequently the war. Through ... Show more content on ... General Washington knew the importance of good intelligence, of which Honeyman played a major role. Honeyman, an Irishman who had served the British in previous wars, had earned the trust of the British. Which allowed him to move in and around Trenton without fear of persecution. However, Honeyman was a sympathizer to the Colonials, and reported intelligence information directly to General Washington. Prior to the battle, Honeyman had arranged his own capture by the Colonial Army, where he reported the bad state of the Garrison Trenton. He reported that Colonel Rall's men were less than 2,000 that were supplied by a small amount of heavy guns. With the help of General Washington, Honeyman escaped the Colonial Army and reported back to Colonel Rall. He led the commander of the Garrison to believe that the Colonial Army was in no state to attack any time soon (Central Intelligence Agency, ... Get more on ...
  • 66.
  • 67. The Stereotypes Of Trenton As a Trenton native, I've seen multiple projects dissolve because they simply didn't understand the complexity of the issue at hand. The issues of poverty, discrimination, and crime are massive and representative of the stereotypes of Trenton. Out of all of these issues, there is is one common thread toward minimizing their effects on the population at large and this thread is education. Studies and research around the world have been dedicated to show the expansive importance of education which not only impacts the wellbeing of youth but of society as a whole. My academic career and outlook on life was shaped greatly by my education and youth in Trenton. Ever since I could remember I had inspiring teachers and friends who didn't consider ... Get more on ...
  • 68.
  • 69. The War Of The United States Although there are many defining years in the making of the United States as a nation, 1776 is the most important year due in majority to Washington and his decisions during the war. McCullough begins the text with a brief introduction to Britain and America in late 1775. He focuses particularly on the resentment in the colonies and how the British decide (after deliberating for hours on end) that enforcing their laws on the colonists is the best course of action. The British feel that teaching the colonists a lesson is more important than simply cooperating with them to allow everyone the opportunity to be happy. After this brief introduction, McCullough jumps into the life of Washington – his pre–Revolutionary War life; in examining Washington's records we learn he was a meticulous individual, especially while hunting, where he "kept [a] precise account of exactly how long each chase lasted, to the minute" (48). McCullough also discusses some of the beginning battles of the Revolutionary War, and details Washington's remarkable night surprise at Dorchester Heights where he took the high ground against the British. These seemingly unimportant details are quite the opposite of what meets the eye – these details about Washington 's life teach us how he thinks, how he calculates, how he observes and reacts. As the war carries on, McCullough revisits Washington 's genius on the night of August 29, 1776, where Washington seized a singular opportunity to pull his men out ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Personal Narrative: The Case Of Trenton Today I arrived at Ms. Porter's house at 8:00am. We were supposed to go to Trenton to get her a new birth certificate. Instead I went with her to court for a domestic violence dispute and restraining order she had placed on her ex–boyfriend. We went to the courthouse then waited in the lobby until we got the ok to enter the courtroom. Ms. Porter was dismissed, because the defendant did not show up. We then went back to project home, where Ms. Paschal was waiting for us. She wanted to know if we went to Trenton to get Ms. Porter birth certificate. I informed her Ms. Porter had to go to the court hearing or a warrant would have been put out for her arrest. After we left Ms. Paschal office we went to Ms. Porter's apartment. We discuss what ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. Essay -1776 by David McCullough 1776 by David McCullough "Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth." This quote in a letter to James Madison, from George Washington, on March 2nd, 1788, explains that once the push for liberty comes through and change is made, it is like the snowball effect. At this point of the war, there were constant losses for the Continental Army they were lacking faith and hope for their liberty. The soldier's enlistments were also very near to their end and time was going by fast; many were prepared to leave and not signing up again. Overall, the Continental Army was headed towards failure. They needed something to give them a push in the right direction. The battle that raised high spirits in the army was The ... Show more content on ... That meant leaving as soon as their enlistments were finished and leaving Washington with fewer troops. Washington felt that he needed to have another battle while he still had many men and before the British troops retired for the season of winter until spring (McCullough 267). Since the battle happened towards the end of their session, the results of the battle highly affected the soldier's decision to stay or leave. If it wasn't for Trenton, there would never have been a reason to stay in the army and that would have affected the war in a negative way for the colonies. "Our only dependence now is upon the speedy enlistments of the army. If this fails, the game is pretty near up," (McCullough 269). This quote by Lund Washington explains that the colonies needed as many soldiers and troops as possible to make their chances of succeeding better. Without the amount of troops that decided to stay because of the Battle of Trenton, Washington's troops would have been significantly smaller and would have caused losses in battles. George Washington's tactics and skills when it came to the Continental army and war were very helpful in the many battles that he led. In Trenton, Washington planned a sneak attack on the British, in which they had to cross the Delaware River on. Because of Washington's quick thinking and great army skills allowed the Continental Army to succeed in surrounding all the Hessians in Trenton in an orchard, leaving them with ... Get more on ...
  • 74.
  • 75. Battle Of Trenton Compare And Contrast The Battle of Trenton and the Battle of Saratoga were both victories for the American Continental Army. Yes, both victories were significant, but for different reasons. I believe that the Battle of Trenton is the battle that more significantly improved the Patriot's morale and helped turn the tide in their favor. The Battle of Saratoga was also a major American victory but that battle is more known as the turning point in the Revolutionary War. Late in December of 1776 George Washington and his troops were camped on the Delaware River in Pennsylvania. They had just suffered back to back defeats in New York and New Jersey in October and November. Washington and his troops were freezing, and they were lacking proper shelter, supplies and clothing. Many of the soldiers didn't even have shoes. There were British troops camped on the other side of the River in New ... Show more content on ... At a time when the Continental Army couldn't have been more down and out, suffering a freezing cold winter without proper clothing and especially after being defeated at Fort Washington when there were more than fifty soldiers killed and almost three thousand captured, they needed this win. In Trenton, Washington and his troops ended up capturing around one thousand Hessian troops. The Patriots also captured some much needed supplies when they raided the British camp after the battle. This win definitely lifted the spirits and morale of the Continental Army. After winning the Battle of Trenton, Washington and his Continental Army were motivated to cross the frozen Delaware River again a few more times over the next ten days and went on to win another victory in Princeton, New Jersey on January 3, 1777. At a time when the Continental Army was freezing and feeling literally defeated, the Battle of Trenton victory pumped them up and pushed them to continue to fight for their ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. Trenton Student Observation I like to joke around and say that I was made for this research lab. Not only am I from the community we are interested in, I am also a former participant of the program we are assisting. This course has become more than a grade to me, I see it as my chance to give back to the community that provided me with countless opportunities. With the guidance of Dr. Chung, I have been equipped with the skills needed to contribute to a program that is very near and dear to me. This semester, Dr. Chung's REACH (Research on Engagement, Adjustment, and Community Health) lab has partnered with the Bonner Center for Civic and Community Engagement to provide funding and assistance for a Trenton youth empowerment program called Both Hands the Artlet. The ... Get more on ...