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Form and Function of 
the Human Dentition 
-Terminology - 
Dr. George F. Richards 
Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy, Physiology, 
and Occlusion 
Chapter 1 
Woefel’s Dental Anatomy 
Chapter 1 
Assessment may cover any information in these two chapters as well 
as information in ppt. and lecture.
Lecture Objectives 
• Be able to name each tooth based upon location within 
the normal, complete human dentition 
• Be familiar with tooth identification systems 
• Utilize terminology to describe the parts of the tooth 
• Utilize correct terminology to define tooth surfaces 
• Utilize correct terminology to describe the morphology of 
the tooth 
• Understand the terminology related to ideal tooth 
alignment in the dental arches 
• Apply all appropriate terminology to make clear 
o Maxillary – refers to upper jaw – the maxilla 
(mx; max) 
• Maxillary teeth – teeth which reside in the 
o Mandibular – refers to lower jaw – the 
mandible (mand, mnd) 
• Mandibular teeth – teeth which reside in the 
• Primary Teeth – Deciduous Teeth 
o “primary can mean “constituting or belonging to the first stage in 
any process.” The term deciduous can mean “not permanent, 
transitory.” (Nelson, Stanley J.. Wheeler's Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion, 9th Edition. W.B. Saunders 
Company, 042009. p. 2). 
• Permanent Teeth – Succedaneous Teeth 
o “ succedaneous can be used to describe a successor dentition 
and does not suggest permanence, whereas the term permanent 
suggests a permanent dentition, which may not be the case due 
to dental caries, periodontal diseases, and trauma.”(Nelson, Stanley J.. 
Wheeler's Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion, 9th Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, 042009. p. 2). 
• Incisors 
o Central 
o Lateral 
• Canines (you may also hear the term “Cuspids”) 
• Premolars (you may also hear the term “bicuspids”) 
o 1st Premolar 
o 2nd Premolar 
• Molars 
o 1st molar 
o 2nd molar 
o 3rd molar (also known as wisdom teeth) 
• Dental formula for primary/deciduous teeth per quadrant 
o I=Incisors - 2 maxillary, 2 mandibular 
• Central 
• Lateral 
o C=Canines – 1 maxillary, 1 mandibular 
o M=Molars – 2 maxillary, 2 mandibular 
• 1st Molar 
• 2nd Molar 
o There are no primary/deciduous premolars 
X 2 = 20 teeth in all
Primary Teeth 
• Dental formula for permanent dentition per quadrant 
• I=Incisors – 2 maxillary, 2 mandibular 
o Central 
o Lateral 
• C=Canines – 2 maxillary, 2 mandibular 
• P=Premolars – 2 maxillary, 2 mandibular 
o 1st Premolar 
o 2nd Premolar 
• M=Molars – 3 maxillary, 3 mandibular 
o 1st Molar 
o 2nd Molar 
o 3rd Molar (wisdom teeth) 
32 teeth in all
Permanent Dentition 
Tooth Identification 
(Numbering) Systems 
• Universal Numbering System 
• Zsigmondy/Palmer Tooth Notation 
System (Palmer) 
• Fédération Dentaire Internationale 
(World Dental Federation 
International) Numbering System 
Universal Numbering 
• Used almost exclusively in the US 
• Permanent teeth 
o Number 1-32 beginning with the maxillary right 3rd 
molar (1) moving around the arch from right to left to 
the left maxillary 3rd molar (16), moving to the left 
mandibular 3rd molar (17) around the arch from left to 
right to the right mandibular 3rd molar (32). 
o A key to learning the numbering system 
• 1st molars – 3, 14, 19, 30 
• Central incisors – 8-9, 24-25 
Permanent Dentition 
• Primary Dentition 
o The alphabet is used to number the primary dentition: 
A-T beginning with the right maxillary 2nd molar (A) 
moving from right to left to the left maxillary 2nd molar 
(J), dropping down to the left mandibular 2nd molar (K) 
moving left to right to the right 2nd molar (T). 
o Helpful key to learning the system: A, J, K, T – 2nd 
molars; central incisors, E-F, O-P. 
Universal Numbering 
Primary Teeth 
Palmer Tooth Notation 
• Used mainly by orthodontists and oral surgeons. It 
utilizes four different bracket shapes to denote each of 
the four quadrants 
o Upper right quadrant Upper Left quadrant 
1 1 
o Lower right quadrant Lower left quadrant 
Primary designation is: 
E D C B A A B C D E 
E D C B A A B C D E 
World Dental Federation (International) 
Numbering System 
Fédération Dentaire Internationale (FDI) 
This system numbers each quadrant 
with a number – #1 Maxillary R, #2 
Maxillary L, #3 Mandibular L, #4 
Mandibular R followed by the tooth 
number 1-8 starting with the central 
Example: Upper Right Canine = 13, 
Upper Left Canine = 23, etc. 
Primary teeth are prefixed with 5 for upper right, 6 for upper left, 7 for 
lower left, and 8 for lower right. 
Example: Lower left canine would be 73 
The arrow points to which tooth? 
1. 11 
2. C 
3. H 
4. I 
5. M 
6. None of the above
The deciduous dental formula of man is: 
1. A 
2. B 
3. C 
4. D 
5. None
The permanent dental formula of man is 
1. A 
2. B 
3. C 
4. D 
This question is right from Dental 
Decks 2012-2013 – Do you notice some 
change in nomenclature?
Assuming the x-ray is mounted correctly, which tooth is 
You are looking from the buccal to the 
1. 14 
2. 36 
3. 19 
4. 18 
5. 2 & 3
This symbol and notation equates to which tooth? 
5 ∟ 
1. Maxillary second 
2. Maxillary left first 
3. Mandibular right 
second premolar 
4. Mandibular left 
second premolar
Terminology to Describe 
the Parts of the Tooth 
Four Tissues of Tooth: 
Blood vessels 
Connective tissues 
(Pulp Canal)
Four Tissues of a Tooth on 
a Radiograph
Apex of root 
Cementoenamel junction or 
cervical line 
Enamel Crown 
Incisal Edge
A –Apex of tooth 
AF – Apical foramen 
SC – Supplemental canal 
B – Alveolar bone 
C – Cementum 
PM – Periodontal ligament 
PC – Pulp canal (Root Canal) 
G – Gingiva 
GC – Gingival crevice (sulcus) 
GM – Gingival margin 
PCH – Pulp chamber 
D – Dentin 
E- Enamel & cusp tip 
CR – Anatomical crown 
R - Anatomical root 
Lingual Labial 
(Palatal) (Facial) 
Photo – Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy
A – apex 
BI – bifurcation of 
roots (furca) 
PC – pulp canal 
PCH – Pulp chamber 
PH – Pulp horn 
F – Enamel fissure 
CU – Cusp 
CEJ – Cementoenamel 
Photo – Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy 27 
Anatomical Crown Anatomical Root
Anatomical Crown vs. 
Clinical Crown 
• Anatomical Crown 
o The part of the tooth covered with enamel extending to the cementoenamel 
junction of the tooth 
o Its dimension only changes due to wear or trauma 
• Clinical Crown 
o This determination is made depending upon the position of the periodontal 
tissues and the amount of the tooth visible 
Anatomic Terms 
• Occlusal surface – the chewing 
surface of premolars and molars 
• Mesial surface – that surface closest 
to the midline of the mouth 
• Distal surface – that surface farthest 
from the midline of the mouth 
All of these terms can also be used to indicate navigation through the dental arches and 
mouth. Ex: It appears that the facial lesion on tooth #30 started in the buccal groove and 
continued mesially at the cervical line into the interproximal space.
Anatomic Terms 
• Lingual surface – that surface closest to the 
• Palatal surface – that surface closest to the 
• Labial surface – the “facial” or cheeks and lip 
surface of the anterior teeth - incisors and 
• Buccal surface – the “facial” or cheek surface 
of premolars and molars 
The chewing surface of 
1. The mesial surface 
2. The occlusal 
3. The incisal edges 
4. The buccal surface
Mesial Surface 
Distal Surface 
Interproximal space: 
Space formed where 2 teeth 
approximate one another 
Is there ever 
a situation 
when two 
one another? 
When two 
one another? 
Figure courtesy Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy 
Learn the Jargon 
• When referring to more than one surface of the tooth at a 
time, particularly when referring to surfaces that are restored 
or are to be restored, there is an accepted protocol. Often 
times computers confuse this issue, but the sequence is this: 
• When referring to the occlusal and mesial surfaces, the 
abbreviation is MO, not OM 
• When referring to the occlusal and distal surfaces, the 
abbreviation is DO, not OD 
• When referring to the occlusal, mesial and distal surfaces, the 
abbreviation is MOD, not DOM or ODM or DMO or OMD 
• When referring to the distal and lingual surfaces of the 
anterior teeth, the abbreviation is DL, not LD 
• When referring to the mesial and lingual surfaces of 
anterior teeth, the abbreviation is ML, not LM 
• The rule, if there were a rule, would be the interproximal 
surface is stated first then the facial (labial) or lingual 
surface. Generally the labial surface of the anterior teeth 
when referring to more than one surface of the tooth is 
referred to as the “facial” surface. For example MF, or 
DF. Referring to that surface as the “labial” surface in 
this instance would confuse “labial” with “lingual”. 
• The buccal and lingual surfaces of the premolars and 
molars are normally second in the abbreviation. 
Example: OL or OB not LO or BO. Also note that the 
palatal surface is rarely noted as palatal (P) when 
describing more than one surface – not OP, rather OL 
• Note that if the surfaces were the mesial, occlusal, distal 
and buccal, the abbreviation would be MODB or in the 
case of the lingual, MODL 
• For anterior teeth when referring to 4 surfaces it would 
take the following form – MFLI, DFLI- with the incisal 
usually notated last 
Upon examination of a patient you notice an amalgam 
restoration which involves the distal surface of the tooth, 
part of the occlusal surface of the tooth and extends 
through the lingual groove of tooth #3. How would you 
describe that restoration? 
1. ODL Am 
2. DOL Am 
3. LOD Am 
4. LDO Am 
5. DLO Am
More Surfaces 
Tooth Surface Junctions 
• Line angles – junction line where two tooth 
surfaces meet 
• Surface junctions = two surfaces that join, such 
o Distolabial (Distofacial acceptable) 
o Mesiobuccal (Mesiofacial acceptable) 
• Dimension = the distance between two opposite 
walls, such as: 
o Mesiodistal dimension
Point Angles 
• A point angle is formed by the junction of three surfaces. 
40 All teeth have 4 point angles
Point Angles 
From the schematic it appears that the point angle may be the cusp tip. That is 
not the case. The point angle derives it name from the combination of names of 
the surfaces forming it. For example, the junction of the mesial, buccal and 
occlusal surfaces of a molar is called the mesiobucco-occlusal point angle.
Each tooth has : 
1. Two point angles 
2. Six point angles 
3. Four point angles 
4. Eight point angles
Divisions of the Crown or Root of a 
Tooth (for Purposes of Description) 
• Crowns from facial (or 
lingual) views 
o Mesial, middle, distal 
o Occlusal/incisal, 
middle, cervical 
• Crowns from proximal 
o Facial (labial or 
buccal), middle, lingual 
o Occlusal/incisal, 
middle, cervical
Root-to-Crown Ratio 
or, Crown-to-Root Ratio, or 
Crown:Root Ratio 
Compare Maxillary Central 
Incisor to Maxillary Canine 
• Small ratio (1.16:1) 
denotes nearly equal 
crown and root length 
• Larger ratio (1.56:1) 
denotes a relatively larger 
root compared to the 
1.56:1 1.16:1
of an 
Elevations (Rounded) and 
Ridges (Linear) 
• Cusp is rounded, pyramid 
shaped with four ridges 
o Mesial cusp ridge 
o Distal cusp ridge 
o Buccal cusp ridge 
o Triangular ridge (from cusp 
tip to middle of tooth) 
Cusp – an elevation or mound on the crown portion of a tooth 
making up a divisional part of the occlusal surface
Cusps (Rounded Pyramid Bulges) 
• Canines and posterior teeth have from one to five cusps 
• Most cusps are named after the closest tooth surface or line angle
If the root-to-crown ratio of #14 is 1.72:1 and the 
root-to-crown ration of #16 is 1.49:1, which tooth 
has the longest root relative to its crown? 
1. #14 
2. #16 
3. #9 
4. Not enough 
Other Landmarks 
• Ridge – any linear elevation on the surface of a 
tooth and is named according to its location 
(e.g., buccal ridge, incisal ridge, marginal ridge) 
• Marginal ridges – those rounded borders of 
enamel that form the mesial and distal margins 
of the occlusal surfaces of premolars and molars 
and the mesial and distal margins of the lingual 
surfaces of the incisors and canines 
Other Landmarks 
• Triangular ridges – descend from the tips of 
cusps of molars and premolars toward the 
central part of the occlusal surfaces and are so 
named because the slopes of each side of the 
ridge are inclined to resemble two sides of a 
triangle. They are named after the cusps to 
which they belong. Ex: triangular ridge of the 
buccal cusp of the maxillary first premolar. 
Ridges (Linear Bulges): Mesial and 
Distal Cusp Ridges (also Called Cusp Slopes or Cusp Arms) 
Note the 
Note the term “slope” substituted with “ridge”
Ridges (Linear Bulges): 
Mesial and Distal Marginal 
Any linear elevation on the surface of a 
tooth is called 
1. An incline 
2. A Prominence 
3. A ridge 
4. A tuberosity
Other Landmarks 
• Transverse ridge – when buccal and lingual 
triangular ridges join transversely across the 
occlusal surface 
• Oblique ridge – a ridge crossing obliquely the 
occlusal surface of the maxillary molars – 
formed by the union of the triangular ridge of the 
distobuccal cusp and the distal cusp ridge of the 
mesiolingual cusp 
Ridges: Two Ridges May Join to 
Form One Transverse (or Oblique) 
The oblique ridge is 
a ridge crossing 
obliquely the 
occlusal surfaces of 
maxillary molars 
and formed by the 
union of the 
triangular ridge of 
the distobuccal cusp 
and the distal cusp 
ridge of the 
mesiolingual cusp
Any union of two triangular ridges 
produces a single ridge which is called 
1. A cusp ridge 
2. A marginal ridge 
3. A transverse ridge 
4. A proximal ridge 
5. A oblique ridge
Other Landmarks 
• Tubercle – a smaller elevation on some portion 
of the crown produced by an extra formation of 
enamel – deviations from the typical form 
T – this demonstrates a 
deviation from a normal 
cingulum of the incisor – and 
therefore is classified as a 
LF-lingual fossa 
MR-marginal ridges 
IR-incisal ridge or incisal 
on a 
Other Landmarks 
• Cingulum – the lingual lobe of an anterior tooth, makes 
up the bulk of the cervical third of the lingual surface 
Fossa & Pits 
• Fossa – an irregular depression or concavity 
o Lingual fossae – lingual surface of incisors 
o Central fossae – on the occlusal surface of molars 
o Triangular fossae – on molars and premolars on the occlusal surfaces 
mesial or distal to marginal ridges 
The unique occlusal feature of this molar is 
1. Transverse ridge of a 
lower left first molar 
2. The oblique ridge of a 
maxillary right molar 
3. The oblique ridge of a 
maxillary left molar 
4. The transverse ridge of a 
maxillary right molar
Fossae & Pits 
• Three-cusped 
premolars and most 
molars have three 
o Mesial 
o Central 
o Distal
• Sulcus – a long depression 
or valley in the surface of a 
tooth between ridges and 
cusps, the inclines of which 
meet at an angle. A sulcus 
has a developmental 
groove at the junction of its 
inclines (The term sulcus 
should not be confused 
with the term groove.) 
The sulcus is the broad trough running mesio-distally with the 
developmental groove at its base.
Team Breakout 
Other Landmarks 
• Developmental groove – a shallow groove or 
line between the primary parts of the crown or 
o Supplemental groove – less distinct, a shallow linear depression on 
the surface of a tooth - supplemental to a developmental groove 
o Buccal and lingual grooves – developmental grooves found on the 
buccal and lingual surfaces of posterior teeth 
• Pits – small pinpoint depressions located at the 
junction of developmental grooves or at 
terminals of those grooves 
o Central pit - a term used to describe a landmark in the central fossa of 
molars where developmental grooves join 
Grooves (Linear 
• Major (developmental) 
o Central groove 
o Fossa grooves 
• Minor (supplemental) 
o Marginal ridge grooves 
o Extra grooves 
A developmental groove is a shallow groove or 
line between the primary parts of the crown or root. 
A supplemental groove, less distinct, is also a 
shallow linear depression on the surface of a tooth, 
but it is supplemental to a developmental groove 
and does not mark the junction of primary parts. 
Buccal and lingual grooves are developmental 
grooves found on the buccal and lingual surfaces 
of posterior teeth.
Grooves (Linear Depressions) 
• Central grooves run 
• Major grooves are 
named for the 
surface or line angle 
they “aim” toward
Pits are Often Found within 
Fossae (Depressions) 
• Two-cusped premolars have two 
o Mesial 
o Distal 
• Incisors (especially maxillary) have 
one broad, shallow fossa 
(sometimes with a lingual pit) 
Pits are located at the junction of developmental grooves or at the 
terminus of these grooves
Developmental grooves are broad, deep, linear 
1. True 
2. False
Tooth Development from 
• Lobe – one of the primary 
sections of formation in the 
development of the crown. 
Cusps and mamelons are 
representatives of lobes 
• Anterior teeth form from four 
lobes (three facial and one 
• Premolars form from three facial 
lobes and one lobe per lingual 
• Molars form from one lobe per 
major cusp
• Mamelon – any one of the three rounded protuberances 
found on the incisal ridges a newly erupted incisor teeth-maxillary 
and mandibular 
Upon examination the dentist notes an anomalous 
enamel outcropping on a molar. This enamel 
projection would be classified as a 
1. Mamelon 
2. Ridge 
3. Developmental 
4. Tubercle
Height of Contour 
Height of 
Heights of Contour 
Importance of Height of 
Spaces between anterior teeth
Embrasure Spaces are only Present when Two 
Adjacent Teeth approximate one another 
• Four embrasures 
o Facial 
o Lingual (larger than 
o Occlusal or incisal 
(often quite small) 
o Cervical = 
interproximal space 
(filled with gingiva)
The sulcus of a premolar or molar and the 
central groove are the same anatomical 
1. True 
2. False
Additional Terminology 
Curve (of Spee) 
• Maxillary curve is convex 
• Mandibular curve is concave
Mediolateral Curve 
(of Wilson) 
• Maxillary curve is convex 
• Mandibular curve is concave
Overbite – Vertical Overlap 
Overjet – Horizontal Overlap 
Vertical Overbite 
Horizontal Overjet
This method of tooth notation is 
Primary designation is: 
E D C B A A B C D E 
E D C B A A B C D E 
1. Palmer 
2. Universal 
3. Federation 
4. None of the above
Mesial, distal, buccal, lingual, palatal, facial 
1. Surfaces of the 
2. Types of 
3. Types of cusps 
4. Direction 
5. 1 & 4
Using all tooth numbering systems, the arrow 
points to which tooth? 
1. 7 
2. 22 
3. 10 
4. 25 
5. 2&3 
6. 1
The line marks the mesial surface 
1. 24 
2. 25 
3. 24 & 25 
4. 23 
5. 26
This formula is for 
1. Deciduous teeth 
2. Permanent teeth 
3. Succedaneous 
4. Mixed dentition
Which numbering system is used 
almost exclusively in the United States? 
1. FDI 
2. Universal 
3. Zsigmondy/ 
4. Palmer 
5. Federation 
The universal system for tooth numbering 
1. Counts from the 
midline 1-16 
2. Counts from the 
max left 3rd molar 
moving to the right 
3. Counts 1-32 
4. Counts from left to 
What is the universal notation 
1. 23 
2. 25 
3. 42 
4. 81 
5. 1
The Palmer numbering system is 
frequently used by 
1. Pedodontists 
2. Orthodontists 
3. Oral surgeons 
4. None of the above 
5. 2 & 3
The FDI numbering system 
1. Is used by most of 
the world 
2. Uses numbers and 
3. Is used primarily in 
the US 
4. None of the above
Horizontal overlap of the anterior teeth is 
also called: 
1. Overlap 
2. Overbite 
3. Overjut 
4. Overjet 
5. None of the 

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  • 1. Introduction Form and Function of the Human Dentition -Terminology - Dr. George F. Richards 1
  • 2. 2 References: Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy, Physiology, and Occlusion Chapter 1 Woefel’s Dental Anatomy Chapter 1 Assessment may cover any information in these two chapters as well as information in ppt. and lecture.
  • 3. Lecture Objectives • Be able to name each tooth based upon location within the normal, complete human dentition • Be familiar with tooth identification systems • Utilize terminology to describe the parts of the tooth • Utilize correct terminology to define tooth surfaces • Utilize correct terminology to describe the morphology of the tooth • Understand the terminology related to ideal tooth alignment in the dental arches • Apply all appropriate terminology to make clear communication 3
  • 4. Nomenclature o Maxillary – refers to upper jaw – the maxilla (mx; max) • Maxillary teeth – teeth which reside in the maxilla o Mandibular – refers to lower jaw – the mandible (mand, mnd) • Mandibular teeth – teeth which reside in the mandible 4
  • 5. Nomenclature • Primary Teeth – Deciduous Teeth o “primary can mean “constituting or belonging to the first stage in any process.” The term deciduous can mean “not permanent, transitory.” (Nelson, Stanley J.. Wheeler's Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion, 9th Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, 042009. p. 2). • Permanent Teeth – Succedaneous Teeth o “ succedaneous can be used to describe a successor dentition and does not suggest permanence, whereas the term permanent suggests a permanent dentition, which may not be the case due to dental caries, periodontal diseases, and trauma.”(Nelson, Stanley J.. Wheeler's Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion, 9th Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, 042009. p. 2). 5
  • 6. • Incisors o Central o Lateral • Canines (you may also hear the term “Cuspids”) • Premolars (you may also hear the term “bicuspids”) o 1st Premolar o 2nd Premolar • Molars o 1st molar o 2nd molar o 3rd molar (also known as wisdom teeth) 6 Nomenclature
  • 7. Nomenclature • Dental formula for primary/deciduous teeth per quadrant 7 o I=Incisors - 2 maxillary, 2 mandibular • Central • Lateral o C=Canines – 1 maxillary, 1 mandibular o M=Molars – 2 maxillary, 2 mandibular • 1st Molar • 2nd Molar o There are no primary/deciduous premolars X 2 = 20 teeth in all
  • 9. 9 Nomenclature • Dental formula for permanent dentition per quadrant • I=Incisors – 2 maxillary, 2 mandibular o Central o Lateral • C=Canines – 2 maxillary, 2 mandibular • P=Premolars – 2 maxillary, 2 mandibular o 1st Premolar o 2nd Premolar • M=Molars – 3 maxillary, 3 mandibular o 1st Molar o 2nd Molar o 3rd Molar (wisdom teeth) 32 teeth in all
  • 11. Tooth Identification (Numbering) Systems • Universal Numbering System • Zsigmondy/Palmer Tooth Notation System (Palmer) • Fédération Dentaire Internationale (World Dental Federation International) Numbering System (FDI) 11
  • 12. Universal Numbering System • Used almost exclusively in the US • Permanent teeth o Number 1-32 beginning with the maxillary right 3rd molar (1) moving around the arch from right to left to the left maxillary 3rd molar (16), moving to the left mandibular 3rd molar (17) around the arch from left to right to the right mandibular 3rd molar (32). o A key to learning the numbering system • 1st molars – 3, 14, 19, 30 • Central incisors – 8-9, 24-25 12
  • 14. • Primary Dentition o The alphabet is used to number the primary dentition: A-T beginning with the right maxillary 2nd molar (A) moving from right to left to the left maxillary 2nd molar (J), dropping down to the left mandibular 2nd molar (K) moving left to right to the right 2nd molar (T). o Helpful key to learning the system: A, J, K, T – 2nd molars; central incisors, E-F, O-P. 14 Universal Numbering System
  • 16. Palmer Tooth Notation • Used mainly by orthodontists and oral surgeons. It utilizes four different bracket shapes to denote each of the four quadrants o Upper right quadrant Upper Left quadrant 1 1 o Lower right quadrant Lower left quadrant 16 ∟ ∟ ∟ ∟ Primary designation is: E D C B A A B C D E E D C B A A B C D E 1 1
  • 17. World Dental Federation (International) Numbering System 17 Fédération Dentaire Internationale (FDI) This system numbers each quadrant with a number – #1 Maxillary R, #2 Maxillary L, #3 Mandibular L, #4 Mandibular R followed by the tooth number 1-8 starting with the central incisors. Example: Upper Right Canine = 13, Upper Left Canine = 23, etc. Primary teeth are prefixed with 5 for upper right, 6 for upper left, 7 for lower left, and 8 for lower right. Example: Lower left canine would be 73 Photo
  • 18. The arrow points to which tooth? 18 1. 11 2. C 3. H 4. I 5. M 6. None of the above
  • 19. The deciduous dental formula of man is: 19 A B C D 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. None
  • 20. The permanent dental formula of man is 20 A B C D 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D This question is right from Dental Decks 2012-2013 – Do you notice some change in nomenclature?
  • 21. Assuming the x-ray is mounted correctly, which tooth is this? 21 You are looking from the buccal to the lingual 1. 14 2. 36 3. 19 4. 18 5. 2 & 3
  • 22. This symbol and notation equates to which tooth? 22 5 ∟ 1. Maxillary second premolar 2. Maxillary left first premolar 3. Mandibular right second premolar 4. Mandibular left second premolar
  • 23. Terminology to Describe the Parts of the Tooth 23 Four Tissues of Tooth: Enamel Dentin Cementum Pulp Blood vessels Nerves Connective tissues (Pulp Canal)
  • 24. Four Tissues of a Tooth on a Radiograph
  • 25. 25 Apex of root Root Cementoenamel junction or cervical line Enamel Crown Incisal Edge
  • 26. A –Apex of tooth AF – Apical foramen SC – Supplemental canal B – Alveolar bone C – Cementum PM – Periodontal ligament PC – Pulp canal (Root Canal) G – Gingiva GC – Gingival crevice (sulcus) GM – Gingival margin PCH – Pulp chamber D – Dentin E- Enamel & cusp tip CR – Anatomical crown R - Anatomical root 26 R Lingual Labial (Palatal) (Facial) Photo – Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy
  • 27. A – apex BI – bifurcation of roots (furca) PC – pulp canal PCH – Pulp chamber PH – Pulp horn F – Enamel fissure CU – Cusp CEJ – Cementoenamel junction Photo – Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy 27 Anatomical Crown Anatomical Root
  • 28. Anatomical Crown vs. Clinical Crown • Anatomical Crown o The part of the tooth covered with enamel extending to the cementoenamel junction of the tooth o Its dimension only changes due to wear or trauma • Clinical Crown o This determination is made depending upon the position of the periodontal tissues and the amount of the tooth visible 28
  • 29. Anatomic Terms • Occlusal surface – the chewing surface of premolars and molars • Mesial surface – that surface closest to the midline of the mouth • Distal surface – that surface farthest from the midline of the mouth 29 All of these terms can also be used to indicate navigation through the dental arches and mouth. Ex: It appears that the facial lesion on tooth #30 started in the buccal groove and continued mesially at the cervical line into the interproximal space.
  • 30. Anatomic Terms • Lingual surface – that surface closest to the tongue • Palatal surface – that surface closest to the palate • Labial surface – the “facial” or cheeks and lip surface of the anterior teeth - incisors and canines • Buccal surface – the “facial” or cheek surface of premolars and molars 30
  • 31. The chewing surface of 31 1. The mesial surface 2. The occlusal surface 3. The incisal edges 4. The buccal surface
  • 32. Surfaces 32 Mesial Surface Distal Surface Interproximal space: Space formed where 2 teeth approximate one another Question: Is there ever a situation when two mesial surfaces approximate one another? When two distal surfaces approximate one another? Figure courtesy Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy Occlusal Occlusal Occlusal Incisal Incisal Incisal Occlusal
  • 33. Learn the Jargon • When referring to more than one surface of the tooth at a time, particularly when referring to surfaces that are restored or are to be restored, there is an accepted protocol. Often times computers confuse this issue, but the sequence is this: • When referring to the occlusal and mesial surfaces, the abbreviation is MO, not OM • When referring to the occlusal and distal surfaces, the abbreviation is DO, not OD • When referring to the occlusal, mesial and distal surfaces, the abbreviation is MOD, not DOM or ODM or DMO or OMD 33
  • 34. Jargon • When referring to the distal and lingual surfaces of the anterior teeth, the abbreviation is DL, not LD • When referring to the mesial and lingual surfaces of anterior teeth, the abbreviation is ML, not LM • The rule, if there were a rule, would be the interproximal surface is stated first then the facial (labial) or lingual surface. Generally the labial surface of the anterior teeth when referring to more than one surface of the tooth is referred to as the “facial” surface. For example MF, or DF. Referring to that surface as the “labial” surface in this instance would confuse “labial” with “lingual”. 34
  • 35. Jargon • The buccal and lingual surfaces of the premolars and molars are normally second in the abbreviation. Example: OL or OB not LO or BO. Also note that the palatal surface is rarely noted as palatal (P) when describing more than one surface – not OP, rather OL • Note that if the surfaces were the mesial, occlusal, distal and buccal, the abbreviation would be MODB or in the case of the lingual, MODL • For anterior teeth when referring to 4 surfaces it would take the following form – MFLI, DFLI- with the incisal usually notated last 35
  • 36. Upon examination of a patient you notice an amalgam restoration which involves the distal surface of the tooth, part of the occlusal surface of the tooth and extends through the lingual groove of tooth #3. How would you describe that restoration? 36 1. ODL Am 2. DOL Am 3. LOD Am 4. LDO Am 5. DLO Am
  • 37. More Surfaces Tooth Surface Junctions • Line angles – junction line where two tooth surfaces meet 37 Mesiofacial acceptable Distofacial acceptable
  • 38. 38
  • 39. • Surface junctions = two surfaces that join, such 39 as: o Distolabial (Distofacial acceptable) o Mesiobuccal (Mesiofacial acceptable) • Dimension = the distance between two opposite walls, such as: o Mesiodistal dimension
  • 40. Point Angles • A point angle is formed by the junction of three surfaces. 40 All teeth have 4 point angles
  • 41. Point Angles 41 From the schematic it appears that the point angle may be the cusp tip. That is not the case. The point angle derives it name from the combination of names of the surfaces forming it. For example, the junction of the mesial, buccal and occlusal surfaces of a molar is called the mesiobucco-occlusal point angle.
  • 42. Each tooth has : 42 1. Two point angles 2. Six point angles 3. Four point angles 4. Eight point angles
  • 43. Divisions of the Crown or Root of a Tooth (for Purposes of Description) • Crowns from facial (or lingual) views o Mesial, middle, distal o Occlusal/incisal, middle, cervical • Crowns from proximal views o Facial (labial or buccal), middle, lingual o Occlusal/incisal, middle, cervical
  • 44.
  • 45. Root-to-Crown Ratio or, Crown-to-Root Ratio, or Crown:Root Ratio Compare Maxillary Central Incisor to Maxillary Canine • Small ratio (1.16:1) denotes nearly equal crown and root length • Larger ratio (1.56:1) denotes a relatively larger root compared to the crown 1.56:1 1.16:1
  • 46. Morphology of an Anatomic Crown
  • 47. Elevations (Rounded) and Ridges (Linear) • Cusp is rounded, pyramid shaped with four ridges o Mesial cusp ridge o Distal cusp ridge o Buccal cusp ridge o Triangular ridge (from cusp tip to middle of tooth) Cusp – an elevation or mound on the crown portion of a tooth making up a divisional part of the occlusal surface
  • 48. Cusps (Rounded Pyramid Bulges) • Canines and posterior teeth have from one to five cusps • Most cusps are named after the closest tooth surface or line angle
  • 49.
  • 50. If the root-to-crown ratio of #14 is 1.72:1 and the root-to-crown ration of #16 is 1.49:1, which tooth has the longest root relative to its crown? 50 1. #14 2. #16 3. #9 4. Not enough information
  • 51. Other Landmarks • Ridge – any linear elevation on the surface of a tooth and is named according to its location (e.g., buccal ridge, incisal ridge, marginal ridge) • Marginal ridges – those rounded borders of enamel that form the mesial and distal margins of the occlusal surfaces of premolars and molars and the mesial and distal margins of the lingual surfaces of the incisors and canines 51
  • 52. Other Landmarks • Triangular ridges – descend from the tips of cusps of molars and premolars toward the central part of the occlusal surfaces and are so named because the slopes of each side of the ridge are inclined to resemble two sides of a triangle. They are named after the cusps to which they belong. Ex: triangular ridge of the buccal cusp of the maxillary first premolar. 52
  • 53. Ridges (Linear Bulges): Mesial and Distal Cusp Ridges (also Called Cusp Slopes or Cusp Arms) Note the term “slope” substituted with “ridge”
  • 54. 54 Note the term “slope” substituted with “ridge”
  • 55. Ridges (Linear Bulges): Mesial and Distal Marginal Ridges
  • 56. Any linear elevation on the surface of a tooth is called 56 1. An incline 2. A Prominence 3. A ridge 4. A tuberosity
  • 57. Other Landmarks • Transverse ridge – when buccal and lingual triangular ridges join transversely across the occlusal surface • Oblique ridge – a ridge crossing obliquely the occlusal surface of the maxillary molars – formed by the union of the triangular ridge of the distobuccal cusp and the distal cusp ridge of the mesiolingual cusp 57
  • 58. Ridges: Two Ridges May Join to Form One Transverse (or Oblique) Ridge The oblique ridge is a ridge crossing obliquely the occlusal surfaces of maxillary molars and formed by the union of the triangular ridge of the distobuccal cusp and the distal cusp ridge of the mesiolingual cusp
  • 59. 59
  • 60. Any union of two triangular ridges produces a single ridge which is called 60 1. A cusp ridge 2. A marginal ridge 3. A transverse ridge 4. A proximal ridge 5. A oblique ridge
  • 61. Other Landmarks • Tubercle – a smaller elevation on some portion of the crown produced by an extra formation of enamel – deviations from the typical form 61 T – this demonstrates a deviation from a normal cingulum of the incisor – and therefore is classified as a tubercle T-tubercle LF-lingual fossa MR-marginal ridges IR-incisal ridge or incisal edge Carabelli’s Cusp-tubercle on a maxillary molar
  • 62. Other Landmarks • Cingulum – the lingual lobe of an anterior tooth, makes up the bulk of the cervical third of the lingual surface 62
  • 63. Fossa & Pits • Fossa – an irregular depression or concavity o Lingual fossae – lingual surface of incisors o Central fossae – on the occlusal surface of molars o Triangular fossae – on molars and premolars on the occlusal surfaces mesial or distal to marginal ridges 63
  • 64. 64
  • 65. 65 The unique occlusal feature of this molar is the 1. Transverse ridge of a lower left first molar 2. The oblique ridge of a maxillary right molar 3. The oblique ridge of a maxillary left molar 4. The transverse ridge of a maxillary right molar
  • 66. Fossae & Pits 66 • Three-cusped premolars and most molars have three fossae o Mesial o Central o Distal
  • 67. Sulcus • Sulcus – a long depression or valley in the surface of a tooth between ridges and cusps, the inclines of which meet at an angle. A sulcus has a developmental groove at the junction of its inclines (The term sulcus should not be confused with the term groove.) 67 The sulcus is the broad trough running mesio-distally with the developmental groove at its base.
  • 69. Other Landmarks • Developmental groove – a shallow groove or line between the primary parts of the crown or root o Supplemental groove – less distinct, a shallow linear depression on the surface of a tooth - supplemental to a developmental groove o Buccal and lingual grooves – developmental grooves found on the buccal and lingual surfaces of posterior teeth • Pits – small pinpoint depressions located at the junction of developmental grooves or at terminals of those grooves o Central pit - a term used to describe a landmark in the central fossa of molars where developmental grooves join 69
  • 70. Grooves (Linear Depressions) • Major (developmental) o Central groove o Fossa grooves • Minor (supplemental) o Marginal ridge grooves o Extra grooves A developmental groove is a shallow groove or line between the primary parts of the crown or root. A supplemental groove, less distinct, is also a shallow linear depression on the surface of a tooth, but it is supplemental to a developmental groove and does not mark the junction of primary parts. Buccal and lingual grooves are developmental grooves found on the buccal and lingual surfaces of posterior teeth.
  • 71. Grooves (Linear Depressions) • Central grooves run mesiodistally • Major grooves are named for the surface or line angle they “aim” toward
  • 72. Pits are Often Found within Fossae (Depressions) • Two-cusped premolars have two fossae o Mesial o Distal • Incisors (especially maxillary) have one broad, shallow fossa (sometimes with a lingual pit) Pits are located at the junction of developmental grooves or at the terminus of these grooves
  • 73. Developmental grooves are broad, deep, linear depressions. 73 1. True 2. False
  • 74. Tooth Development from Lobes • Lobe – one of the primary sections of formation in the development of the crown. Cusps and mamelons are representatives of lobes • Anterior teeth form from four lobes (three facial and one lingual) • Premolars form from three facial lobes and one lobe per lingual cusp • Molars form from one lobe per major cusp
  • 75. Mamelon • Mamelon – any one of the three rounded protuberances found on the incisal ridges a newly erupted incisor teeth-maxillary and mandibular 75
  • 76. Upon examination the dentist notes an anomalous enamel outcropping on a molar. This enamel projection would be classified as a 76 1. Mamelon 2. Ridge 3. Developmental depression 4. Tubercle
  • 80. Importance of Height of Contour
  • 81. Diastema Spaces between anterior teeth
  • 82. Embrasure Spaces are only Present when Two Adjacent Teeth approximate one another • Four embrasures o Facial o Lingual (larger than facial) o Occlusal or incisal (often quite small) o Cervical = interproximal space (filled with gingiva)
  • 83. The sulcus of a premolar or molar and the central groove are the same anatomical landmark. 83 1. True 2. False
  • 84. Additional Terminology Anteroposterior Curve (of Spee) • Maxillary curve is convex • Mandibular curve is concave
  • 85. Mediolateral Curve (of Wilson) • Maxillary curve is convex • Mandibular curve is concave
  • 86. Overbite – Vertical Overlap Overjet – Horizontal Overlap 86 Vertical Overbite Horizontal Overjet
  • 87. This method of tooth notation is 87 Primary designation is: E D C B A A B C D E E D C B A A B C D E 1. Palmer 2. Universal 3. Federation Dentaire Internationale 4. None of the above
  • 88. Mesial, distal, buccal, lingual, palatal, facial indicate 88 1. Surfaces of the teeth 2. Types of restoration 3. Types of cusps 4. Direction 5. 1 & 4
  • 89. Using all tooth numbering systems, the arrow points to which tooth? 89 1. 7 2. 22 3. 10 4. 25 5. 2&3 6. 1
  • 90. The line marks the mesial surface 90 1. 24 2. 25 3. 24 & 25 4. 23 5. 26
  • 91. This formula is for 91 1. Deciduous teeth 2. Permanent teeth 3. Succedaneous teeth 4. Mixed dentition
  • 92. Which numbering system is used almost exclusively in the United States? 92 1. FDI 2. Universal 3. Zsigmondy/ Palmer 4. Palmer 5. Federation Dentaire Internationale
  • 93. The universal system for tooth numbering 93 1. Counts from the midline 1-16 2. Counts from the max left 3rd molar moving to the right 1-16 3. Counts 1-32 4. Counts from left to right
  • 94. What is the universal notation 94 1. 23 2. 25 3. 42 4. 81 5. 1
  • 95. The Palmer numbering system is frequently used by 95 1. Pedodontists 2. Orthodontists 3. Oral surgeons 4. None of the above 5. 2 & 3
  • 96. The FDI numbering system 96 1. Is used by most of the world 2. Uses numbers and letters 3. Is used primarily in the US 4. None of the above
  • 97. 97 Horizontal overlap of the anterior teeth is also called: 1. Overlap 2. Overbite 3. Overjut 4. Overjet 5. None of the above