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Bacterial skin
Jaber Manasia
5th year medical student
Mutah University-Jordan
Bacterial Skin infections

skin is one of the body’s defences
against infection
Normal flora (resident organisms) exist on
the skin
Normal flora become pathogenic when
transported to alternate locations
Break in the normal skin barrier
Uncomplicated skin infections usually
involve 1 or 2 pathogens
Predominant organisms for skin infection
are Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp
Normal Skin Flora
Gram Positive
 Staphylococcus
 Micrococcus
 Coryneforms
- Corynebacterium
- Propionibacteria
- Dermobacter
- Brevibacterium

Gram Negative
 Acinetobacter

A. Staphylococcus Aureus &
Streptococcal Infections



S. aureus does not normally reside on
the skin, but may be present transiently,
inoculated from colonized sites such as
the nares (30%), also axillae & vagina.
Colonization is usually intermittent; 10 to
20% of individuals have persistent
Frequent hand washing reduces the risk
of person-to-person transmission of
cutaneous pathogens.

Infected eczema



Folliculitis is a superficial infection of the hair
follicles characterized by erythematous,
follicular-based papules and pustules.
S. aureus is the usual pathogen, although
exposure to Pseudomonas aeruginosa in hot
tubs or swimming pools can lead to folliculitis.
usually in scalp of children
also in beard, axilla, extremities, buttocks




Bacteria (staph.)
Yeasts (pityrosporum)
Chemical or physical injury





Hot tubs Folliculitis




folliculitis can be treated with a
topical antibacterial agent, but if it is
extensive a systemic antibiotic may be

Also called “sycosis barbae”.
Deeper folliculitis of the hair follicles of the beard area in
males due to shaving.

Often the lesions are sterile & poorly respond to antibiotics.

Furuncle ( Boils )

It is an acute, necrotic infection/abscess of a hair
follicle (usually vellus).


causative agent: Staphylococcus aureus
firm, red and tender papule that becomes painful
and fluctuant pustule
developed from preceding folliculitis
deep seated
occur in areas that are subject to friction and
perspiration and contain hair follicles (vellus)
(neck, face, axillae, buttocks)





Precipitating factors:
Poor hygiene
It may recur at intervals for no apparent cause.
Such patients are carriers to the staph in the nose,
axillae & groins between the attacks.
Carriers may be treated with topical antibacterial
applied to nostrils.
They may also be helped by an antibacterial bath
additives, & a prolonged course of flucloxacillin

Furuncle: S.
aureus Soft-tissue
swelling of the
forehead with
central abscess
formation, nearing


causative agent: Staphylococcus aureus
extend into the subcutaneous fat in areas
covered by thick inelastic skin
more severe and painful than furuncles
multiple pustules
with fever and malaise
usually located at the nape, neck, back and
blood stream invasion may occur usually as a
result of manipulation causing osteomyelitis,
endocarditis or other metastatic foci

Carbuncle: S.
aureus A very large,
inflammatory plaque
studded with
pustules, draining
pus, on the nape of
the neck. Infection
extends down to the
fascia and has
formed from a
confluence of many
Moist heat, compresses
Dicloxacillin, Clindamycin, Erythromycin
Bed rest
Immobilize involved area
Hand washing
Need systemic flucloxacillin
Incision of abscess



Worldwide distribution
More frequent among economically
disadvantaged children in tropical or
subtropical regions
Also prevalent in northern climates in
summer months



Peak incidence aged 2-5 years
Older children and adults also afflicted
All races susceptible
Nearly always caused by B-haemolytic
streptococci and / or S. aureus



Contagious Superficial infection of the epidermis
Discrete purulent lesions
Occurs on exposed areas, well localised,
frequently multiple, bullous or non bullous in
appearance initially→characteristic thick yellow
brown crusts
Deeply ulcerated form (extend into the dermis ) =
Systemic symptoms usually absent
Differential Diagnosis for impetigo & ecthyma
 Erosion ± Crust/Scale-Crust
Excoriation, perioral dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, allergic
contact dermatitis, herpes simplex, epidermal
dermatophytosis, scabies.
 Intact Bulla(e)
Allergic contact dermatitis, insect bites, thermal burns, herpes
simplex, herpes zoster, bullous pemphigoid, porphyria
cutanea tarda (PCT) (dorsa of hands), pseudo-porphyria.
 Ulcer ± Crust/Scale-Crust
Chronic herpetic ulcers, excoriated insect bites, neurotic
excoriations, cutaneous diphtheria, PCT, venous (stasis) and
atherosclerotic ulcers (legs).




Non-bullous impetigo is caused by
streptococci, or both organisms together.
In the nonbullous form the initial lesion is a
small pustule which ruptures to leave an
extending area of exudation and crusting.
The crusts eventually separate to leave
areas of erythema, which fade without

Non bullous Impetigo

erosions becoming
confluent on the
nose, cheek, lips,
and chin in a child
with nasal carriage
of S. aureus and
mild facial eczema

Bullous Impetigo
Scattered, discrete,
intact thin-walled
blisters on the thigh
of a child;
 Caused by strains of
S. aureus that
produce exotoxin
causing cleavage in
the superficial skin

Impetigo: Treatment

topical & systemic antibiotics.

flucloxacillin or 1st gen cephalosporins are
preferred (eg cephalexin, cephradine)

Staph Scalded Skin Syndome ((lyell’s


Is a toxin mediated epidermolytic
disease characterized initially by painful
tender erythematous skin followed by
widespread detachment of the
superficial layer of the skin
It occurs mainly in newborns and infants
<2 years, and is rare in adults.


Staph aureus phage group II (types 71 and

55) which produce exfoliatin toxins that
disseminates systemically.
The site of infection and production of the
toxins is remote (Not in the skin). (purulent
conjunctivitis, otitis media, omphalitis).


Course and prognosis
– With adequate antibiotic treatment the

superficially denuded skin heals in 3-5 days
with no scarring.
– Without therapy, death occurs due to fluid
and electrolyte loss and Sepsis
– Treatment:
– Hospitalization with IV fluid replacement and

systemic antibiotics ( Flucloxacillin or 1st
generation cephalosporins)


syndrome In this
infant, painful, tender,
diffuse erythema was
followed by
generalized epidermal
sloughing and
erosions. S. aureus
had colonized the
nares with perioral
impetigo, the site of
exotoxin production.


lesion of neglect—develops in
excoriations; insect bites; minor trauma
in diabetics, elderly patients, soldiers,
and alcoholics. ( more common in
debiliated patients ).
Caused by strep.pyogenicus & staph
Usually on upper posterior thighs or
Vesiculopustule -erosion-ulcer covered
by a crust
Treatment (topical or Oral Abx)



A large,
chronic ulcer with
erythema in the
pretibial region
Heals with scar


Infected eczema :
Eczema with exudates, crusts & inflammation.
The cause is due to persistent scratching & using
topical steroids.
Cause: staph & strept.
Treatment: weaker topical steroids & topical
antibiotics, systemic antibiotics if necessary.
Commonly in atopic eczema.



Diffuse spreading skin infection without
underlying suppurative foci
Red tender lesions raised above level of
surrounding skin, clear line of demarcation
of involved tissue.
Usually involves lower extremities,
classically butterfly area of face
The patient looks ill & feverish.
Cavernous sinus thrombosis is an
important complication on face



More common among infants, young
children, and older adults
Almost always caused by B-haemolytic
strep (usually Group A, but can be
caused by serogroups C or G)
Rarely Group B streptococci or S.
aureus be involved, also H.influenzae
type b
An area of broken skin forming portal of
entry, may be found ( ex. Tenea pedis )

Erysipelas of face:
group A
Painful, well-defined,
shiny, erythematous,
edematous plaques
involving eyelids,
cheeks, and the nose
of an elderly febrile
male. On palpation the
skin is hot and tender.
Portal of entry was

Erysipelas of leg: S.
aureus The lower leg
is red, hot, tender,
and edematous.
Erythematous plaque
is well defined. The
infection is recurrent
with interdigital tinea
pedis as the portal of
Erysipelas: Treatment

Penicillin or erythromycin


Also a diffuse spreading skin infections
without underlying suppurative foci
Extends more deeply than erysipelas to
involve subcutaneous tissues and lacks
distinctive anatomical features as



Manifests clinically as erythema,
oedema, heat+/- lymphangitis, peau
d’orange, vesicles, bullae,
Systemic: fever, tachycardia, confusion,
hypotension, leucocytosis



Usually due to Beta Hemolytic
streptococcus (commonly Gp A, less
commonly from B, C or G) , also
H.influenzae type b in childern
S. aureus less frequently, often result
from penetrating trauma including
injection sites


Cellulitis of cheek:
H. influenzae
Erythema and edema
of the cheek of a
young child,
associated with fever
and malaise. H.
influenzae was
isolated on culture of
the nasopharynx

Cellulitis of arm: S.
aureus Cellulitis with
abscess formation
and blistering
occurred as a
puncture wound
infection in a
worker. The lower
arm had to be
debrided down to the
facia and grafted.
Cellulitis: Investigation &

Blood cultures: low yield unless very severe
Needle aspirations / skin biopsies unnecessary in
typical cases


D.DX: Acute dermatitis, gout, herpes zoster,
acute lipodermatosclerosis


Therapy: targeted at streptococci +/- S. Aureus


Flucloxacillin, clindamycin, erythromycin all
suitable unless resistance common in community
Severely ill pts: flucloxacillin, 1st gen cephalosporin
Penicillin allergy: Clindamycin or vancomycin. In
uncomplicated cases, treat for 5 days


Necrotizing Fasciitis

a rare subcutaneous infection that tracks along
fascial planes and extends well beyond superficial
signs of infection

Necrotizing Fasciitis

Caused by: S. pyogenes, S.aureus, and
anaerobic streptococci
Community acquired
Present in the limbs
Underlying cause: diabetes, arteriosclerotic
disease, venous insufficiency
Mortality is high: 50-70% in pts with
hypotension and organ failure

Necrotizing Fasciitis

Necrotizing Fasciitis: Diagnosis


Suspect when there is:

Failure to respond to initial antibiotic
Hard wooden feel of subcutaneous
Systemic toxicity
Bullous lesions
Skin necrosis or ecchymosis
Appearance of tissue at operation,
samples for culture best obtained from
deep tissues
Blood culture results
Necrotizing fasciitis: Treatment


Surgical intervention: major therapeutic
Usually returns 24-36 hrs after first
debridement, daily thereafter till no need
for further debridement
Aggressive fluid administration
Antimicrobial therapy until operative
procedures no longer needed, obvious
clinical improvement and fever absent for
48-72 hours

Scarlet Fever
Scarlet fever (SF) is an acute infection of the tonsils, skin, or other
sites by an exotoxin-producing strain of Streptococcus
pyogenes, associated with a characteristic toxigenic
Epidemiology and Etiology
 Age of Onset
 Incidence
Much less than in the past.
 Etiology
Usually group A -hemolytic S. pyogenes (GAS). Uncommonly
S. aureus.

• Incubation Period
Rash appears 1 to 3 days after onset of
• Exposure
Household member(s) may be a
streptococcal carrier
• Site of Infection
Pharyngitis; tonsillitis. Infected surgical or
other wound. Impetiginous skin lesion.
Physical Examination / Skin Lesions
exanthem Finely punctated erythema
has become confluent
petechiae can occur and have a
linear configuration within the
exanthem in body folds (Pastia's
Desquamation: Exanthem fades
within 4 to 5 days and is followed
by browny desquamation on the
body and extremities and by
sheetlike exfoliation on the palms
and soles
Physical Examination / Mucous Membranes

white and red strawberry
tongue Bright red tongue
with prominent papillae on
the fifth day after onset of
group A streptococcal
pharyngitis in a child. The
white patches at the back
of the tongue represent
residuals of the initial white
strawberry tongue.


Symptomatic Therapy
Aspirin or acetaminophen for fever and/or pain.


Systemic Antimicrobial Therapy
Penicillin is the drug of choice because of its
efficacy in prevention of rheumatic fever. Goal is to
eradicate throat carriage.
For penicillin-allergic patients:


Reculture of throat recommended for individuals with
history of rheumatic fever or if a family member has
history of rheumatic fever.

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Bacterial skin infection jaber

  • 1. Bacterial skin infection Jaber Manasia 5th year medical student Mutah University-Jordan
  • 2. Bacterial Skin infections Intact skin is one of the body’s defences against infection Normal flora (resident organisms) exist on the skin Normal flora become pathogenic when transported to alternate locations Break in the normal skin barrier Uncomplicated skin infections usually involve 1 or 2 pathogens Predominant organisms for skin infection are Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp 2
  • 3. Normal Skin Flora Gram Positive  Staphylococcus  Micrococcus  Coryneforms - Corynebacterium - Propionibacteria - Dermobacter - Brevibacterium  Gram Negative  Acinetobacter  3
  • 4. A. Staphylococcus Aureus & Streptococcal Infections    S. aureus does not normally reside on the skin, but may be present transiently, inoculated from colonized sites such as the nares (30%), also axillae & vagina. Colonization is usually intermittent; 10 to 20% of individuals have persistent colonization Frequent hand washing reduces the risk of person-to-person transmission of cutaneous pathogens. 4
  • 6. Folliculitis • Folliculitis is a superficial infection of the hair follicles characterized by erythematous, follicular-based papules and pustules. S. aureus is the usual pathogen, although exposure to Pseudomonas aeruginosa in hot tubs or swimming pools can lead to folliculitis. usually in scalp of children also in beard, axilla, extremities, buttocks  Causes:  Bacteria (staph.) Yeasts (pityrosporum) Chemical or physical injury • • •   6
  • 8. DDx: Pseudofolliculitis oTreatment: Mild folliculitis can be treated with a topical antibacterial agent, but if it is extensive a systemic antibiotic may be required. 8
  • 9. Pseudofolliculitis: Also called “sycosis barbae”. Deeper folliculitis of the hair follicles of the beard area in males due to shaving. Often the lesions are sterile & poorly respond to antibiotics. 9
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  • 11. Furuncle ( Boils ) • It is an acute, necrotic infection/abscess of a hair follicle (usually vellus). • causative agent: Staphylococcus aureus firm, red and tender papule that becomes painful and fluctuant pustule developed from preceding folliculitis deep seated occur in areas that are subject to friction and perspiration and contain hair follicles (vellus) (neck, face, axillae, buttocks) • • • • 11
  • 12.        Precipitating factors: Poor hygiene Stress DM It may recur at intervals for no apparent cause. Such patients are carriers to the staph in the nose, axillae & groins between the attacks. Carriers may be treated with topical antibacterial applied to nostrils. They may also be helped by an antibacterial bath additives, & a prolonged course of flucloxacillin 12
  • 13. Furuncle  Furuncle: S. aureus Soft-tissue swelling of the forehead with central abscess formation, nearing rupture. 13
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  • 15. Carbuncle • • • • • • • causative agent: Staphylococcus aureus extend into the subcutaneous fat in areas covered by thick inelastic skin more severe and painful than furuncles multiple pustules with fever and malaise usually located at the nape, neck, back and thigh blood stream invasion may occur usually as a result of manipulation causing osteomyelitis, endocarditis or other metastatic foci 15
  • 16. Carbuncle • Carbuncle: S. aureus A very large, inflammatory plaque studded with pustules, draining pus, on the nape of the neck. Infection extends down to the fascia and has formed from a confluence of many furuncles. 16
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  • 18. Treatment: Moist heat, compresses Dicloxacillin, Clindamycin, Erythromycin Bed rest Immobilize involved area Hand washing Need systemic flucloxacillin Incision of abscess 18
  • 19. Impetigo    Worldwide distribution More frequent among economically disadvantaged children in tropical or subtropical regions Also prevalent in northern climates in summer months 19
  • 20. Impetigo      Peak incidence aged 2-5 years Older children and adults also afflicted M=F All races susceptible Nearly always caused by B-haemolytic streptococci and / or S. aureus 20
  • 21. Impetigo • • • • • Contagious Superficial infection of the epidermis Discrete purulent lesions Occurs on exposed areas, well localised, frequently multiple, bullous or non bullous in appearance initially→characteristic thick yellow brown crusts Deeply ulcerated form (extend into the dermis ) = ecthyma Systemic symptoms usually absent 21
  • 22. Differential Diagnosis for impetigo & ecthyma  Erosion ± Crust/Scale-Crust Excoriation, perioral dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, herpes simplex, epidermal dermatophytosis, scabies.  Intact Bulla(e) Allergic contact dermatitis, insect bites, thermal burns, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, bullous pemphigoid, porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) (dorsa of hands), pseudo-porphyria.  Ulcer ± Crust/Scale-Crust Chronic herpetic ulcers, excoriated insect bites, neurotic excoriations, cutaneous diphtheria, PCT, venous (stasis) and atherosclerotic ulcers (legs). 22
  • 23.    Non-bullous impetigo is caused by S.aureus, streptococci, or both organisms together. In the nonbullous form the initial lesion is a small pustule which ruptures to leave an extending area of exudation and crusting. The crusts eventually separate to leave areas of erythema, which fade without scarring. 23
  • 24. Non bullous Impetigo  Crusted erythematous erosions becoming confluent on the nose, cheek, lips, and chin in a child with nasal carriage of S. aureus and mild facial eczema 24
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  • 28. Bullous Impetigo Scattered, discrete, intact thin-walled blisters on the thigh of a child;  Caused by strains of S. aureus that produce exotoxin causing cleavage in the superficial skin layer  28
  • 29. Impetigo: Treatment  topical & systemic antibiotics. flucloxacillin or 1st gen cephalosporins are preferred (eg cephalexin, cephradine) 29
  • 30. Staph Scalded Skin Syndome ((lyell’s disease): SSSS   Is a toxin mediated epidermolytic disease characterized initially by painful tender erythematous skin followed by widespread detachment of the superficial layer of the skin It occurs mainly in newborns and infants <2 years, and is rare in adults. 30
  • 31.  Etiology Staph aureus phage group II (types 71 and 55) which produce exfoliatin toxins that disseminates systemically. The site of infection and production of the toxins is remote (Not in the skin). (purulent conjunctivitis, otitis media, omphalitis). 31
  • 32. • Course and prognosis – With adequate antibiotic treatment the superficially denuded skin heals in 3-5 days with no scarring. – Without therapy, death occurs due to fluid and electrolyte loss and Sepsis – Treatment: – Hospitalization with IV fluid replacement and systemic antibiotics ( Flucloxacillin or 1st generation cephalosporins) 32
  • 33. SSSS • Staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome In this infant, painful, tender, diffuse erythema was followed by generalized epidermal sloughing and erosions. S. aureus had colonized the nares with perioral impetigo, the site of exotoxin production. 33
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  • 35. Ecthyma      lesion of neglect—develops in excoriations; insect bites; minor trauma in diabetics, elderly patients, soldiers, and alcoholics. ( more common in debiliated patients ). Caused by strep.pyogenicus & staph Usually on upper posterior thighs or buttocks Vesiculopustule -erosion-ulcer covered by a crust Treatment (topical or Oral Abx) 35
  • 36. Ecthyma   A large, circumscribed chronic ulcer with surrounding erythema in the pretibial region Heals with scar 36
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  • 39. Infected eczema : Eczema with exudates, crusts & inflammation. The cause is due to persistent scratching & using topical steroids. Cause: staph & strept. Treatment: weaker topical steroids & topical antibiotics, systemic antibiotics if necessary. Commonly in atopic eczema. 39
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  • 41. Erysipelas • • • • • Diffuse spreading skin infection without underlying suppurative foci Red tender lesions raised above level of surrounding skin, clear line of demarcation of involved tissue. Usually involves lower extremities, classically butterfly area of face The patient looks ill & feverish. Cavernous sinus thrombosis is an important complication on face involvement. 41
  • 42. Erysipelas     More common among infants, young children, and older adults Almost always caused by B-haemolytic strep (usually Group A, but can be caused by serogroups C or G) Rarely Group B streptococci or S. aureus be involved, also H.influenzae type b An area of broken skin forming portal of entry, may be found ( ex. Tenea pedis ) 42
  • 43. Erysipelas • Erysipelas of face: group A streptococcus Painful, well-defined, shiny, erythematous, edematous plaques involving eyelids, cheeks, and the nose of an elderly febrile male. On palpation the skin is hot and tender. Portal of entry was conjunctivitis 43
  • 44. Erysipelas • Erysipelas of leg: S. aureus The lower leg is red, hot, tender, and edematous. Erythematous plaque is well defined. The infection is recurrent with interdigital tinea pedis as the portal of entry. 44
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  • 47. Cellulitis   Also a diffuse spreading skin infections without underlying suppurative foci Extends more deeply than erysipelas to involve subcutaneous tissues and lacks distinctive anatomical features as erysipelas 47
  • 48. Cellulitis   Manifests clinically as erythema, oedema, heat+/- lymphangitis, peau d’orange, vesicles, bullae, petechiae/ecchymoses Systemic: fever, tachycardia, confusion, hypotension, leucocytosis 48
  • 49. Cellulitis   Usually due to Beta Hemolytic streptococcus (commonly Gp A, less commonly from B, C or G) , also H.influenzae type b in childern S. aureus less frequently, often result from penetrating trauma including injection sites 49
  • 50. Cellulitis • Cellulitis of cheek: H. influenzae Erythema and edema of the cheek of a young child, associated with fever and malaise. H. influenzae was isolated on culture of the nasopharynx 50
  • 51. Cellulitis • Cellulitis of arm: S. aureus Cellulitis with abscess formation and blistering occurred as a puncture wound infection in a construction-site worker. The lower arm had to be debrided down to the facia and grafted. 51
  • 52. Cellulitis: Investigation & Management   Blood cultures: low yield unless very severe Needle aspirations / skin biopsies unnecessary in typical cases  D.DX: Acute dermatitis, gout, herpes zoster, acute lipodermatosclerosis  Therapy: targeted at streptococci +/- S. Aureus  Flucloxacillin, clindamycin, erythromycin all suitable unless resistance common in community Severely ill pts: flucloxacillin, 1st gen cephalosporin Penicillin allergy: Clindamycin or vancomycin. In uncomplicated cases, treat for 5 days   52
  • 53. Necrotizing Fasciitis  a rare subcutaneous infection that tracks along fascial planes and extends well beyond superficial signs of infection 53
  • 54. Necrotizing Fasciitis      Caused by: S. pyogenes, S.aureus, and anaerobic streptococci Community acquired Present in the limbs Underlying cause: diabetes, arteriosclerotic disease, venous insufficiency Mortality is high: 50-70% in pts with hypotension and organ failure 54
  • 56. Necrotizing Fasciitis: Diagnosis         Suspect when there is: Failure to respond to initial antibiotic therapy Hard wooden feel of subcutaneous tissues Systemic toxicity Bullous lesions Skin necrosis or ecchymosis Appearance of tissue at operation, samples for culture best obtained from deep tissues Blood culture results 56
  • 57. Necrotizing fasciitis: Treatment     Surgical intervention: major therapeutic modality Usually returns 24-36 hrs after first debridement, daily thereafter till no need for further debridement Aggressive fluid administration Antimicrobial therapy until operative procedures no longer needed, obvious clinical improvement and fever absent for 48-72 hours 57
  • 58. Scarlet Fever Scarlet fever (SF) is an acute infection of the tonsils, skin, or other sites by an exotoxin-producing strain of Streptococcus pyogenes, associated with a characteristic toxigenic exanthem. Epidemiology and Etiology  Age of Onset Children.  Incidence Much less than in the past.  Etiology Usually group A -hemolytic S. pyogenes (GAS). Uncommonly S. aureus. 58
  • 59. History • Incubation Period Rash appears 1 to 3 days after onset of infection. • Exposure Household member(s) may be a streptococcal carrier • Site of Infection Pharyngitis; tonsillitis. Infected surgical or other wound. Impetiginous skin lesion. 59
  • 60. Physical Examination / Skin Lesions exanthem Finely punctated erythema has become confluent (scarlatiniform); petechiae can occur and have a linear configuration within the exanthem in body folds (Pastia's line). Desquamation: Exanthem fades within 4 to 5 days and is followed by browny desquamation on the body and extremities and by sheetlike exfoliation on the palms and soles 60
  • 61. Physical Examination / Mucous Membranes  white and red strawberry tongue Bright red tongue with prominent papillae on the fifth day after onset of group A streptococcal pharyngitis in a child. The white patches at the back of the tongue represent residuals of the initial white strawberry tongue. 61
  • 62. Management  Symptomatic Therapy Aspirin or acetaminophen for fever and/or pain.  Systemic Antimicrobial Therapy Penicillin is the drug of choice because of its efficacy in prevention of rheumatic fever. Goal is to eradicate throat carriage. For penicillin-allergic patients: Erythromycin Azithromycin Clarithromycin  Follow-Up Reculture of throat recommended for individuals with history of rheumatic fever or if a family member has history of rheumatic fever. 62
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Editor's Notes

  1. Nape: the back of the neck
  2. Mupirocin: antibiotic
  3. Ecthyma: ulcerative pyoderma of the skin caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococci
  4. Omphalitis:  infection of the umbilical cord stump
  5. Initially, findings of acute cellulitis (local redness, edema, heat, and pain in the involved area), typically occur on an extremity. Characteristic findings appear within 36 to 72 h after onset: the involved area becomes dusky blue in color; vesicles or bullae appear containing initially yellowish, then red-black fluid. Infection spreads rapidly along fascial planes resulting in extensive necrotic sloughs . Bullae rupture, and extensive, sharply demarcated cutaneous gangrene develops. At this point the area may be numb, and the black necrotic eschar (Fig. 22-28) with surrounding irregular border of erythema resembles a third-degree burn. The eschar sloughs off by the end of 1 week to 10 days. Peripheral areas of involvement develop about the initial site of infection.
  6. Exanthem: widespread rash