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01 OVERVIEW                                                                                          02 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES

Sewells Group
275 Canterbury Road
Canterbury VIC 3126

Ph: +61 (0) 3 8809 2790
                                                                                                       AUTOMOTIVE DEALER
                                                                                                    MANAGEMENT PROGRAM

Disclaimer: The information in this brochure is correct at the time of production.
Sewells reserves the right to make changes at its sole discretion.

© 2010 Sewells Group

02   PROGRAM OBJECTIVES                                                                                      PRODUCT & SERVICE FRAMEWORK
03   THE PROGRAM                                                                                     Sewells specialises in enhancing the performance of Automotive Dealers
                                                                                              through an integrated approach, applying the products and services in this framework.
05   INTERNATIONAL BEST PRACTICES                                                                ANALYSIS               EDUCATION              DEVELOPMENT           IMPLEMENTATION

06   MORE INFORMATION                                                                       Business Intelligence
                                                                                                                    Automotive Dealer
                                                                                                                                            Performance Groups           Enterprise
                                                                                                                     Program (ADM)                                       Reporting

                                                                                            Dealer Health Checks       Departmental          Business Coaching      Project Management
                                                                                                                       Program (DLP)

                                                                                               Benchmarking           Management &         Business & Marketing       Product Launches
                                                                                                                    Frontline Programs           Planning

                Sewells is a dealer development agency specialising in enhancing the         Mystery Shopping           Financial             Human Resource              Customer
                                                                                                                       Appreciation             Consulting          Satisfaction & Loyalty
                performance of franchised motor dealers through business management                                                                                       Programs
                consulting; training and development interventions; outsourced network
                development services, financial and performance information, management
                and process tools, performance groups, and assessment services.

                The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Consulting and Custom Programs                                INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS
                (MCCP) is responsible for commercialisation of education services with
                particular focus on industry requirements. It designs,
                delivers, assesses, evaluates and confers customised award and non award         OUTSOURCED DEALER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES
                professional development programs and professional services for industry.    Delivering a business function or functions to a client, thus providing specialist or unique
                MCCP brings together the resources of the University of Melbourne and             expertise whilst reducing head count and other business implementation costs.
                industry to meet the specific needs of business and government.
AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM                                                                                                      AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM

Managing an enterprise with five distinct ‘lines of      But is this a fact, or does it exist merely in the minds    The University of Melbourne extends a warm welcome for you to join the
business’ is a challenge in itself. Throw in the three   of those who would rather ‘hide behind the cloak of         ADM program leading to the Professional Certificate in Automotive Dealer
dimensional components of customer interest versus       inopportunity’? My vast travels around the world,           Management. This program is offered by Sewells in collaboration with The
OEM interest versus shareholder interest and we          substantiated by the Sewells database of over seven         University of Melbourne.
emerge with a rather complex and intriguing business     hundred reporting dealers from various parts of the
model called the modern car dealership. Now take         world, have revealed some interesting findings. The         The University of Melbourne, through the MCCP specialises in meeting
these complexities and weigh up the investment           one that intrigues me most however, is the fact that,       the education and training needs of business, industry, government and
in the business (capital employed) against the           against the odds, high performing dealers continue          professional associations. This program is an example of tailoring an award
investment in the manpower charged with producing        to flourish on every continent. If you were to ask me       course to suit specific industry training and development needs.
a return on this capital and we emerge with one          for the differentiator, my answer would be simple …
of the most intriguing conundrums in the industry.       it’s all about balance. That’s what great dealers do …      At the University of Melbourne we have an unrelenting commitment to
It was a baker from Beechworth in Victoria, Tom          they mix their natural flare with the science of seeking    quality. The staff appointed to conduct the program will do everything they
O’Toole, whose concept of turning a small business       out every available opportunity to exploit the range of     can to provide you with a learning experience that will stand you in good
into a thriving enterprise set tongues wagging in        potential in their businesses. It’s as simple as that!      stead for the rest of your career and we will be interested to hear from you as
the region and ultimately across the continent who,                                                                  to how well you think that objective has been achieved.
when asked “what happens if you spend all this           The Automotive Dealer Management (ADM) program
money training people and they leave…” retorted          sets out to achieve this simple objective - balancing       Danny Samson
unhesitatingly, “what happens if I don’t train them      the elegance of high level education with ‘street-wise’     Academy Coordinator
and they stay!”                                          operational experience – balancing vehicle sales with       Melbourne Consulting and Custom Programs
                                                         fixed operations – balancing profitability with asset       University of Melbourne
Doesn’t this sum it up so aptly … we HAVE to             management – balancing customer demands with OEM
build skills and knowledge if we are to sustain our      demands - balancing the art of the game with science and
businesses and even thrive in an industry growing        balancing investment in capital resources with investment
in demands from dealers, OEM’s and customers. In         in the people resource. At last we have the makings of
short, we have to invest in our key people. General      a high level, intensive Dealer Principal ‘apprenticeship’
Managers throughout the automotive industry have         program, where learners can thrive on the successes and
tended to ‘learn by the process of discovery’ and the    lessons from some of the world’s most highly experienced
consequences have often been horrendous. More and        and professional operators, academics and consultants.
more the growing emphasis on new vehicle sales has
‘sucked’ our attention away from the ever shrinking      It’s a wonderful recipe … here’s our invitation to you
contributions from our used car and parts businesses,    to get on board!
placing immense strain on new vehicle levels and
leaving dealers with a sense that the only area of       Paddy O’Brien
profit opportunity lies in F&I and aftermarket. What a   CEO
sorry indictment!                                        Sewells Group
AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM                                                                                AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM

01 OVERVIEW                                                                                                                                                       02 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES

              Sewells, in conjunction with the University of Melbourne, are pleased to offer   Students wishing to be assessed for the Professional Certificate in Automotive
              the Automotive Dealer Management (ADM) Program.                                  Dealer Management are required to be enrolled and assessed by the
                                                                                               University of Melbourne. Students not wishing to enrol will still be exposed
              This is a high level business management program aimed at developing future      to the material delivered by the University of Melbourne but will not be
              dealership leaders.                                                              assessed. As this is a University level qualification, students undertaking this
                                                                                               part of the program are subject to the entry requirements for their University
              WHAT TO EXPECT                                                                   of Melbourne.

              Highlights of the ADM program include:                                           PROGRAM OBJECTIVES

               • One hundred and fifty contact hours of intensive, focused management          The Professional Certificate in Automotive Dealer Management is designed to
                 instruction (approximately 6 x 3 day blocks over 8 months)                    equip delegates with the know-how and the strategic tools to enable future
               • Leading industry and subject matter expert facilitators                       dealership managers to successfully achieve a balanced approach to leading and
               • Exposure to a unique line-up of guest speakers                                directing automotive retail operations in a way that accommodates the three
               • Business visits, case studies and workplace assignments                       dimensional requirement of achieving optimum market penetration, providing
               • Insight into international best practices                                     exceptional levels of service and generating superior returns for the business.
               • An opportunity to earn a Professional Certificate in Automotive Dealer
                 Management delivered and assessed by the University of Melbourne              Delegates will receive focused tuition and coaching from program facilitators
                                                                                               and selected subject matter experts in areas such as:
                                                                                                • Leadership – getting optimal levels of performance from and motivating
              Recipients of the Professional Certificate in Automotive Dealer Management          each member of the dealership team
              will gain one subject credit, namely the leadership and management subject        • Finance – appreciating and interpreting financial data to positively
              in the University of Melbourne’s Master of Enterprise degree course.                impact on the ‘key drivers’ of the business
                                                                                                • Marketing and Sales – including new and used vehicles, parts and service
                                                                                                • Fixed Operations – raising levels of contribution from the after-sales area
                                                                                                • Systems and Processes – appreciating, refining and enhancing
                                                                                                  business processes
                                                                                                • Developing and implementing effective business plans and strategies
                                                                                                • Creating and sustaining balance between profitability, throughput and
                                                                                                  customer satisfaction
                                                                                                • Exposure to global best practices
AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM                                                                                  AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM

02 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES                                                                                                                                                         03 THE PROGRAM

                                                                                                MODULE ONE:                   BUSINESS PERFORMANCE
               The ADM program’s leading-edge curriculum has been designed to
               accommodate current and future industry leaders. As positions on the             Day 1    Department           Course introduction, the role of dealer management, fundamentals of
               program are limited, candidates will be selected against set criteria. Ideally            Management           dealership management, the rules of the automotive retail game, stakeholder
               candidates will possess a combination of experience and future potential.                 Considerations       considerations and expectations.

               Typically the program is aimed at delegates such as:                             Day 2    Dealer Finance I     Driving dealership performance, accounting fundamentals,
                                                                                                                              analysing and interpreting business results, managing
                • Those who have reasonable automotive retail experience, particularly                                        economic trends and strategic action planning.
                  in departmental management                                                    Day 3    Business Planning I Introduction to business planning (mission, vision and objectives). Managing
                • Those who have been identified as future general managers /                                                dealership profit centres - the F&I and aftermarket opportunities. Developing
                  dealer principals                                                                                          quality franchise relationships.
                • Family members of the owners
                • Current dealer principals wanting to further develop their skills             Key principles of Module 1:   Business health, financial management and planning.
                • High potential individuals with automotive experience wishing to
                  gain an in-depth understanding of modern thinking in dealership
                  management principles

               INVESTMENT                                                                       MODULE TWO:                   DEALERSHIP MARKETING AND CUSTOMER
               The investment for the program is available on application.
                                                                                                                              RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT
               The investment includes: course facilitation, training materials, workbooks,     Day 1    Marketing            Automotive marketing fundamentals, consumer behaviour, brand management,
               assignments, case studies, venue costs, lunch and morning and afternoon                                        market segmentation, targeting and positioning, developing a portfolio
               teas during contact days.                                                                                      management and segment development mindset

                                                                                                Days     Leadership           Customer relationship management, driving customer loyalty, retention and
               Those accepted into the Professional Certificate in Automotive Dealer            2&3                           satisfaction, customer equity and customer satisfaction measures, creating
               Management may be eligible to apply for the Commonwealth Governments                                           a sustainable CRM strategy.
               FEE-HELP deferred loan scheme.
                                                                                                Key principles of Module 2:   Managing the dealership marketing portfolio, understanding the strategic
                                                                                                                              marketing process, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

MODULE THREE:                  LEADING THE DEALERSHIP OF THE FUTURE                                                MODULE FIVE:                  DEALER OPERATIONS
 Day 1    Leadership           Developing a performance based culture, leadership versus management,               Day 1    Dealer Operations     Contemporary showroom management. Institutionalising, structuring and monitoring the
                               leadership styles and principles, managing people and teams, managing change.                (Variable Operations) sales process, managing the showroom floor and the sales team. Retail developments and
                                                                                                                                                  industry trends. Creating and developing used vehicle strategies and opportunities.

 Day 2    Decision Making      Decision making in an uncertain environment. Dissecting complex factors             Day 2    Dealer Operations     Service management, process and fundamentals, repair order analysis,
                               impacting on the decision making process, understanding your risk taking profile.            (Fixed Operations)    productivity and efficiency, scheduling, loading, warranties and service retention.

 Day 3    Dealer Visits        This incorporates a field trip to a selection of renowned Australian dealerships.   Day 3    Dealer Operations     Parts management, inventory control, staffing and productivity, ordering
                                                                                                                            (Fixed Operations)    parameters, parts marketing, merchandising, retailing and trade activities.

 Key principles of Module 3:   Leadership, team building, problem solving and strategic decision making.           Key principles of Module 5:   Managing dealership operations, understanding and implementing industry
                                                                                                                                                 retailing strategies, managing departmental performance and gross profit.

                               TEAM DEVELOPMENT                                                                    MODULE SIX:                   BUSINESS PLANNING
 Day 1    Human Resource       Implementing a performance management system, assisting line managers to build      Day 1    Business Planning II Business planning, strategic planning, budgeting and cost analysis, dealership
          Management           and motivate the team, fundamentals of human resource management (selecting,                 (Presentations)      economics and influencing factors.
                               recruiting, inducting, terminating, managing, disciplining and counselling).

 Day 2    Performance          Training and developing the team, workplace training and assessment, skills         Days     Business              Focuses on enhancing organisational performance through key metrics,
          Management           audits, certification, coaching and mentoring. Occupational health and safety.      2&3      Performance           customer loyalty and corporate culture.

 Day 3    Finance II           Business health and benchmarking, mastering the key performance indicators          Key principles of Module 6:   Business planning and implementation strategies.
                               that drive your business, asset management, budgeting and forecasting.

 Key principles of Module 4:   Performance management, team building, linking business objectives to HR
                               strategy, driving financial performance.
& Economics at Monash University             firm that manages training for a                Dennis Anderson

AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM                                                                                                 and having headed up Ford Motor
                                                                                                                                     Company’s marketing research
                                                                                                                                                                                  major manufacturer in Australia and
                                                                                                                                                                                  New Zealand. David joined Sewells in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dennis has a Bachelor in Commerce
                                                                                                                                     department in South Africa, Mike is a        September 2006. He is a strong facilitator      degree with majors in Industrial
                                                                                                                                     leading academic, facilitator, business      with a ‘hands on’ approach and thrives          Psychology and Business Economics, a
04 FACILITATORS                                                                                                                      consultant and automotive marketing          on a fast paced and varied environment.         post graduate Honours degree in Training
                                                                                                                                     authority. His global insights and ability                                                   Management as well as a Diploma in
                                                                                                                                     to bridge the gap between academia           Roger Stephens                                  Labour Relations. He has worked in both
                                                                                                                                     and industry set him apart as a key          M Marketing                                     retail and wholesale businesses including
 Paddy O’Brien                                Kyle Dickie                                  Danny specialises in leadership,          member of the Sewells team.                  As principal of his own customer                stints with an international automotive
 (BA, MBA)                                    Kyle’s expertise and interest in             management,production and                                                              marketing firm, Roger’s core                    manufacturer and a large metropolitan.
 International experience and world-          the development of best practice             operations management. Professor          George Austin                                competencies and interests lie in               He is an Associate Member of the
 class credentials make Paddy a highly        showroom processes, dealership               Samson has consulted to senior            Higher Dip. Manpower Development             customer relationship marketing,                Institute of Personnel Management of
 sought-after consultant, facilitator and     structures, marketing and prospecting        executives in most manufacturing          George is a leading authority in the         customer retention, loyalty, customer           South Africa. A key area of interest is
 industry commentator. He regularly           systems for the retail motor industry        industries and numerous service           after-sales arena, having spent eighteen     research and the development of                 in strategy development for training
 addresses dealer conventions in              make him a sought after consultant           sector organisations during his           years with Toyota and having developed       customer handling and marketing                 and development solutions addressing
 Australia, New Zealand, South Africa,        and facilitator. His outstanding ability     academic career. He regularly             a number of strategic operational            strategies. His background with key             performance issues in the motor industry.
 Malaysia and the United States of            to engage an audience combined               provides industry and executive           programs for parts and service managers      clients such as Isuzu, Nissan, Ford,            His twenty years of diverse experience
 America. His ability to assist motor         with his recent experiences in setting       seminars and has participated in a        in various locations around the globe.       Iveco and Holden adds tremendously to           in the industry as well as formal studies,
 retailers to improve their businesses,       up dealer development academies              number of committees and industry         His interest and passion lies in the         the program.                                    allows him to bring a unique perspective
 coupled with his strong sense of             throughout Asia Pacific ensure his           bodies including appointment as a         development of after-market teams and                                                        to performance
 devotion to the operational and              sessions are not to be missed.               member of Australian Manufacturing        the optimisation of their contribution to    Paul Clark                                      issues. Dennis has developed and
 financial aspects affecting dealership                                                    Council and the Commonwealth              dealer overheads and health.                 Before joining the world of dealer              conducted major parts training and
 returns and profitability, place him at      Tony Jewson                                  Government Industry Task Force                                                         consulting and training, Paul spent             development programs for a wide
 the top of his field.                        As a facilitator, trainer and motivator,     on leadership and management.             David Lowrie                                 twenty-three years working in various           variety of clients in the industry.
                                              Tony has demonstrated his managerial         Professor Samson has conducted            BBA Log (H), BS (H), Cert. IV in             roles in dealerships from sales through to      Numerous success stories have
 Greg Strydom                                 and sales skills and knowledge in            many short courses in engineering         Workplace Training and Assessment,           general management. Within that time            emanated from delegates attending
 (BCom, MBA)                                  a variety of forums and to many              and manufacturing management,             Cert. III Eng (Metal)                        Paul qualified with a UAM in Dealership         these programs. He has facilitated five
 Greg’s proficiencies and interests in        companies with great success. His            executive seminars in decision            David worked for 20 years in the             Management & Development and                    study tours to the American NADA
 performance improvement consulting,          experience as a senior manager in sales,     analysis, total quality management,       transport and logistic industry in           won several awards, including national          convention. Dennis has been involved
 statistical business analysis and planning   operations and people has been gained        logistics and statistical analysis.       Australia and overseas. His final few        number one sales person for a major             in research projects and the production
 combined with his global experience          working within a number of industries        His research interest is in the           years within this industry saw him take      manufacturer. Paul specialises in sales         of publications in the motor industry.
 with several major automotive brands         and franchised networks where                competitiveness of organisations and      a greater role in a specialised business     and management facilitation, product
 allows him to add value on various levels.   responsibility for sales and operational     the effective use of systems. Professor   improvement capacity. This role focused      knowledge, process improvement and              Guest speakers will conduct sessions
 As part of the Sewells global team, Greg     success was needed and subsequently          Samson is a member of the MCCP            on areas such as process improvement,        dealer health checks. He has taught             covering a range of topics throughout
 works with strategic clients, assisting      proven. An entertaining presenter and        Academic Committee of the Academic        best practice, technology and efficiency,    extensively in Australia, New Zealand,          the program, these include opportunities
 them with performance enhancement            trainer, he is able to involve and develop   Board of the University of Melbourne.     project implementation and employee          South-East Asia, the Middle East and            in F&I and aftermarket, capitalising on
 initiatives, implementation of training      others in an innovative and exciting way.                                              training and development. David was          South Africa and has a reputation as            database management, coming to terms
 strategies, new vehicle launches,                                                         Professor Mike Ewing                      much sought after in this area for his       an effective and highly communicative           with dealer management systems, update
 customer satisfaction and business           Professor Danny Samson                       B.Com (Natal), B.Com (Hons), M.Com,       strong leadership and his ability to         instructor. Paul is extensively sort after as   on industry news and trends, perspectives
 management initiatives. His insights and     B.Chem.Eng. (Hons.), Ph.D.                   D.Com (Pretoria)                          think laterally when problem solving. In     facilitator both in Australia and overseas,     on global manufacturing and franchising
 all-round skills add tremendously to the     (Management, Australian Graduate             As Professor of Marketing and Director    2004 David moved into the automotive         and brings to the Sewells team a wealth         and impact of technology on the retail
 ADM delegate experience.                     School of Management)                        of Research in the Faculty of Business    industry working for a consultancy           of experience and expertise.                    automotive industry.
AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM                                                                  AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM

05 INTERNATIONAL BEST PRACTICE                                                                                                                        06 MORE INFORMATION

                A significant component of the ADM program is the ability to learn from           Sewells Group
                the best. It is in this light that the program has been specially designed and    275 Canterbury Road
                tailored with the focal point on ‘International Best Practice’. It focuses on     Canterbury VIC 3126
                seeking out and learning from the best in the business.
                                                                                                  Ph: +61 (0) 3 8809 2790
                The ADM program’s extensive line up of automotive operations consultants
                have experience in consulting and working in dealers in many countries across
                the globe. These consultants are at your disposal and are more than willing to
                share their global knowledge.                                           

                WORLD CLASS DEALER VISITS                                                         Disclaimer: The information in this brochure is correct at the time of production.
                                                                                                  Sewells reserves the right to make changes at its sole discretion.
                The ADM program presents a unique opportunity for delegates to visit a
                selection of world class dealerships. This includes engaging with dealer          © 2010 Sewells Group
                principals and senior departmental managers as they share their business
                practices and what has driven them to be at the leading edge of the
                automotive retail game. From publicly listed dealer groups to highly successful
                family owned enterprises, these visits will be a highlight of the program.

                CASE STUDIES

                Business schools throughout the world use case studies to highlight and
                reinforce key business strategies. The ADM program is no different. Delegates
                will be exposed to a wide selection of ‘real world’ cases and will benefit
                immensely through the analytical and practical approach that will be adopted.

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Automotive Dealer Management Program

  • 1. AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 01 OVERVIEW 02 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Sewells Group 275 Canterbury Road Canterbury VIC 3126 Ph: +61 (0) 3 8809 2790 AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Disclaimer: The information in this brochure is correct at the time of production. Sewells reserves the right to make changes at its sole discretion. © 2010 Sewells Group
  • 2. AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 01 OVERVIEW 02 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES PRODUCT & SERVICE FRAMEWORK 03 THE PROGRAM Sewells specialises in enhancing the performance of Automotive Dealers through an integrated approach, applying the products and services in this framework. 04 FACILITATORS 05 INTERNATIONAL BEST PRACTICES ANALYSIS EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTATION 06 MORE INFORMATION Business Intelligence Systems Automotive Dealer Management Performance Groups Enterprise Performance Program (ADM) Reporting Dealer Health Checks Departmental Business Coaching Project Management Leadership Program (DLP) Benchmarking Management & Business & Marketing Product Launches Frontline Programs Planning Sewells is a dealer development agency specialising in enhancing the Mystery Shopping Financial Human Resource Customer Appreciation Consulting Satisfaction & Loyalty performance of franchised motor dealers through business management Programs consulting; training and development interventions; outsourced network development services, financial and performance information, management and process tools, performance groups, and assessment services. The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Consulting and Custom Programs INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS (MCCP) is responsible for commercialisation of education services with particular focus on industry requirements. It designs, delivers, assesses, evaluates and confers customised award and non award OUTSOURCED DEALER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES professional development programs and professional services for industry. Delivering a business function or functions to a client, thus providing specialist or unique MCCP brings together the resources of the University of Melbourne and expertise whilst reducing head count and other business implementation costs. industry to meet the specific needs of business and government.
  • 3. AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Managing an enterprise with five distinct ‘lines of But is this a fact, or does it exist merely in the minds The University of Melbourne extends a warm welcome for you to join the business’ is a challenge in itself. Throw in the three of those who would rather ‘hide behind the cloak of ADM program leading to the Professional Certificate in Automotive Dealer dimensional components of customer interest versus inopportunity’? My vast travels around the world, Management. This program is offered by Sewells in collaboration with The OEM interest versus shareholder interest and we substantiated by the Sewells database of over seven University of Melbourne. emerge with a rather complex and intriguing business hundred reporting dealers from various parts of the model called the modern car dealership. Now take world, have revealed some interesting findings. The The University of Melbourne, through the MCCP specialises in meeting these complexities and weigh up the investment one that intrigues me most however, is the fact that, the education and training needs of business, industry, government and in the business (capital employed) against the against the odds, high performing dealers continue professional associations. This program is an example of tailoring an award investment in the manpower charged with producing to flourish on every continent. If you were to ask me course to suit specific industry training and development needs. a return on this capital and we emerge with one for the differentiator, my answer would be simple … of the most intriguing conundrums in the industry. it’s all about balance. That’s what great dealers do … At the University of Melbourne we have an unrelenting commitment to It was a baker from Beechworth in Victoria, Tom they mix their natural flare with the science of seeking quality. The staff appointed to conduct the program will do everything they O’Toole, whose concept of turning a small business out every available opportunity to exploit the range of can to provide you with a learning experience that will stand you in good into a thriving enterprise set tongues wagging in potential in their businesses. It’s as simple as that! stead for the rest of your career and we will be interested to hear from you as the region and ultimately across the continent who, to how well you think that objective has been achieved. when asked “what happens if you spend all this The Automotive Dealer Management (ADM) program money training people and they leave…” retorted sets out to achieve this simple objective - balancing Danny Samson unhesitatingly, “what happens if I don’t train them the elegance of high level education with ‘street-wise’ Academy Coordinator and they stay!” operational experience – balancing vehicle sales with Melbourne Consulting and Custom Programs fixed operations – balancing profitability with asset University of Melbourne Doesn’t this sum it up so aptly … we HAVE to management – balancing customer demands with OEM build skills and knowledge if we are to sustain our demands - balancing the art of the game with science and businesses and even thrive in an industry growing balancing investment in capital resources with investment in demands from dealers, OEM’s and customers. In in the people resource. At last we have the makings of short, we have to invest in our key people. General a high level, intensive Dealer Principal ‘apprenticeship’ Managers throughout the automotive industry have program, where learners can thrive on the successes and tended to ‘learn by the process of discovery’ and the lessons from some of the world’s most highly experienced consequences have often been horrendous. More and and professional operators, academics and consultants. more the growing emphasis on new vehicle sales has ‘sucked’ our attention away from the ever shrinking It’s a wonderful recipe … here’s our invitation to you contributions from our used car and parts businesses, to get on board! placing immense strain on new vehicle levels and leaving dealers with a sense that the only area of Paddy O’Brien profit opportunity lies in F&I and aftermarket. What a CEO sorry indictment! Sewells Group
  • 4. AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 01 OVERVIEW 02 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Sewells, in conjunction with the University of Melbourne, are pleased to offer Students wishing to be assessed for the Professional Certificate in Automotive the Automotive Dealer Management (ADM) Program. Dealer Management are required to be enrolled and assessed by the University of Melbourne. Students not wishing to enrol will still be exposed This is a high level business management program aimed at developing future to the material delivered by the University of Melbourne but will not be dealership leaders. assessed. As this is a University level qualification, students undertaking this part of the program are subject to the entry requirements for their University WHAT TO EXPECT of Melbourne. Highlights of the ADM program include: PROGRAM OBJECTIVES • One hundred and fifty contact hours of intensive, focused management The Professional Certificate in Automotive Dealer Management is designed to instruction (approximately 6 x 3 day blocks over 8 months) equip delegates with the know-how and the strategic tools to enable future • Leading industry and subject matter expert facilitators dealership managers to successfully achieve a balanced approach to leading and • Exposure to a unique line-up of guest speakers directing automotive retail operations in a way that accommodates the three • Business visits, case studies and workplace assignments dimensional requirement of achieving optimum market penetration, providing • Insight into international best practices exceptional levels of service and generating superior returns for the business. • An opportunity to earn a Professional Certificate in Automotive Dealer Management delivered and assessed by the University of Melbourne Delegates will receive focused tuition and coaching from program facilitators and selected subject matter experts in areas such as: ARTICULATION ARRANGEMENTS • Leadership – getting optimal levels of performance from and motivating Recipients of the Professional Certificate in Automotive Dealer Management each member of the dealership team will gain one subject credit, namely the leadership and management subject • Finance – appreciating and interpreting financial data to positively in the University of Melbourne’s Master of Enterprise degree course. impact on the ‘key drivers’ of the business • Marketing and Sales – including new and used vehicles, parts and service • Fixed Operations – raising levels of contribution from the after-sales area • Systems and Processes – appreciating, refining and enhancing business processes • Developing and implementing effective business plans and strategies • Creating and sustaining balance between profitability, throughput and customer satisfaction • Exposure to global best practices
  • 5. AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 02 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 03 THE PROGRAM WHO IS BEST SUITED FOR THE PROGRAM? MODULE ONE: BUSINESS PERFORMANCE The ADM program’s leading-edge curriculum has been designed to accommodate current and future industry leaders. As positions on the Day 1 Department Course introduction, the role of dealer management, fundamentals of program are limited, candidates will be selected against set criteria. Ideally Management dealership management, the rules of the automotive retail game, stakeholder candidates will possess a combination of experience and future potential. Considerations considerations and expectations. Typically the program is aimed at delegates such as: Day 2 Dealer Finance I Driving dealership performance, accounting fundamentals, analysing and interpreting business results, managing • Those who have reasonable automotive retail experience, particularly economic trends and strategic action planning. in departmental management Day 3 Business Planning I Introduction to business planning (mission, vision and objectives). Managing • Those who have been identified as future general managers / dealership profit centres - the F&I and aftermarket opportunities. Developing dealer principals quality franchise relationships. • Family members of the owners • Current dealer principals wanting to further develop their skills Key principles of Module 1: Business health, financial management and planning. • High potential individuals with automotive experience wishing to gain an in-depth understanding of modern thinking in dealership management principles INVESTMENT MODULE TWO: DEALERSHIP MARKETING AND CUSTOMER The investment for the program is available on application. RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT The investment includes: course facilitation, training materials, workbooks, Day 1 Marketing Automotive marketing fundamentals, consumer behaviour, brand management, assignments, case studies, venue costs, lunch and morning and afternoon market segmentation, targeting and positioning, developing a portfolio teas during contact days. management and segment development mindset Days Leadership Customer relationship management, driving customer loyalty, retention and Those accepted into the Professional Certificate in Automotive Dealer 2&3 satisfaction, customer equity and customer satisfaction measures, creating Management may be eligible to apply for the Commonwealth Governments a sustainable CRM strategy. FEE-HELP deferred loan scheme. Key principles of Module 2: Managing the dealership marketing portfolio, understanding the strategic marketing process, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • 6. AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 03 THE PROGRAM MODULE THREE: LEADING THE DEALERSHIP OF THE FUTURE MODULE FIVE: DEALER OPERATIONS Day 1 Leadership Developing a performance based culture, leadership versus management, Day 1 Dealer Operations Contemporary showroom management. Institutionalising, structuring and monitoring the leadership styles and principles, managing people and teams, managing change. (Variable Operations) sales process, managing the showroom floor and the sales team. Retail developments and industry trends. Creating and developing used vehicle strategies and opportunities. Day 2 Decision Making Decision making in an uncertain environment. Dissecting complex factors Day 2 Dealer Operations Service management, process and fundamentals, repair order analysis, impacting on the decision making process, understanding your risk taking profile. (Fixed Operations) productivity and efficiency, scheduling, loading, warranties and service retention. Day 3 Dealer Visits This incorporates a field trip to a selection of renowned Australian dealerships. Day 3 Dealer Operations Parts management, inventory control, staffing and productivity, ordering (Fixed Operations) parameters, parts marketing, merchandising, retailing and trade activities. Key principles of Module 3: Leadership, team building, problem solving and strategic decision making. Key principles of Module 5: Managing dealership operations, understanding and implementing industry retailing strategies, managing departmental performance and gross profit. MODULE FOUR: DEALERSHIP PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND TEAM DEVELOPMENT MODULE SIX: BUSINESS PLANNING Day 1 Human Resource Implementing a performance management system, assisting line managers to build Day 1 Business Planning II Business planning, strategic planning, budgeting and cost analysis, dealership Management and motivate the team, fundamentals of human resource management (selecting, (Presentations) economics and influencing factors. recruiting, inducting, terminating, managing, disciplining and counselling). Day 2 Performance Training and developing the team, workplace training and assessment, skills Days Business Focuses on enhancing organisational performance through key metrics, Management audits, certification, coaching and mentoring. Occupational health and safety. 2&3 Performance customer loyalty and corporate culture. Management Day 3 Finance II Business health and benchmarking, mastering the key performance indicators Key principles of Module 6: Business planning and implementation strategies. that drive your business, asset management, budgeting and forecasting. Key principles of Module 4: Performance management, team building, linking business objectives to HR strategy, driving financial performance.
  • 7. & Economics at Monash University firm that manages training for a Dennis Anderson AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM and having headed up Ford Motor Company’s marketing research major manufacturer in Australia and New Zealand. David joined Sewells in BCom Dennis has a Bachelor in Commerce department in South Africa, Mike is a September 2006. He is a strong facilitator degree with majors in Industrial leading academic, facilitator, business with a ‘hands on’ approach and thrives Psychology and Business Economics, a 04 FACILITATORS consultant and automotive marketing on a fast paced and varied environment. post graduate Honours degree in Training authority. His global insights and ability Management as well as a Diploma in to bridge the gap between academia Roger Stephens Labour Relations. He has worked in both and industry set him apart as a key M Marketing retail and wholesale businesses including Paddy O’Brien Kyle Dickie Danny specialises in leadership, member of the Sewells team. As principal of his own customer stints with an international automotive (BA, MBA) Kyle’s expertise and interest in management,production and marketing firm, Roger’s core manufacturer and a large metropolitan. International experience and world- the development of best practice operations management. Professor George Austin competencies and interests lie in He is an Associate Member of the class credentials make Paddy a highly showroom processes, dealership Samson has consulted to senior Higher Dip. Manpower Development customer relationship marketing, Institute of Personnel Management of sought-after consultant, facilitator and structures, marketing and prospecting executives in most manufacturing George is a leading authority in the customer retention, loyalty, customer South Africa. A key area of interest is industry commentator. He regularly systems for the retail motor industry industries and numerous service after-sales arena, having spent eighteen research and the development of in strategy development for training addresses dealer conventions in make him a sought after consultant sector organisations during his years with Toyota and having developed customer handling and marketing and development solutions addressing Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and facilitator. His outstanding ability academic career. He regularly a number of strategic operational strategies. His background with key performance issues in the motor industry. Malaysia and the United States of to engage an audience combined provides industry and executive programs for parts and service managers clients such as Isuzu, Nissan, Ford, His twenty years of diverse experience America. His ability to assist motor with his recent experiences in setting seminars and has participated in a in various locations around the globe. Iveco and Holden adds tremendously to in the industry as well as formal studies, retailers to improve their businesses, up dealer development academies number of committees and industry His interest and passion lies in the the program. allows him to bring a unique perspective coupled with his strong sense of throughout Asia Pacific ensure his bodies including appointment as a development of after-market teams and to performance devotion to the operational and sessions are not to be missed. member of Australian Manufacturing the optimisation of their contribution to Paul Clark issues. Dennis has developed and financial aspects affecting dealership Council and the Commonwealth dealer overheads and health. Before joining the world of dealer conducted major parts training and returns and profitability, place him at Tony Jewson Government Industry Task Force consulting and training, Paul spent development programs for a wide the top of his field. As a facilitator, trainer and motivator, on leadership and management. David Lowrie twenty-three years working in various variety of clients in the industry. Tony has demonstrated his managerial Professor Samson has conducted BBA Log (H), BS (H), Cert. IV in roles in dealerships from sales through to Numerous success stories have Greg Strydom and sales skills and knowledge in many short courses in engineering Workplace Training and Assessment, general management. Within that time emanated from delegates attending (BCom, MBA) a variety of forums and to many and manufacturing management, Cert. III Eng (Metal) Paul qualified with a UAM in Dealership these programs. He has facilitated five Greg’s proficiencies and interests in companies with great success. His executive seminars in decision David worked for 20 years in the Management & Development and study tours to the American NADA performance improvement consulting, experience as a senior manager in sales, analysis, total quality management, transport and logistic industry in won several awards, including national convention. Dennis has been involved statistical business analysis and planning operations and people has been gained logistics and statistical analysis. Australia and overseas. His final few number one sales person for a major in research projects and the production combined with his global experience working within a number of industries His research interest is in the years within this industry saw him take manufacturer. Paul specialises in sales of publications in the motor industry. with several major automotive brands and franchised networks where competitiveness of organisations and a greater role in a specialised business and management facilitation, product allows him to add value on various levels. responsibility for sales and operational the effective use of systems. Professor improvement capacity. This role focused knowledge, process improvement and Guest speakers will conduct sessions As part of the Sewells global team, Greg success was needed and subsequently Samson is a member of the MCCP on areas such as process improvement, dealer health checks. He has taught covering a range of topics throughout works with strategic clients, assisting proven. An entertaining presenter and Academic Committee of the Academic best practice, technology and efficiency, extensively in Australia, New Zealand, the program, these include opportunities them with performance enhancement trainer, he is able to involve and develop Board of the University of Melbourne. project implementation and employee South-East Asia, the Middle East and in F&I and aftermarket, capitalising on initiatives, implementation of training others in an innovative and exciting way. training and development. David was South Africa and has a reputation as database management, coming to terms strategies, new vehicle launches, Professor Mike Ewing much sought after in this area for his an effective and highly communicative with dealer management systems, update customer satisfaction and business Professor Danny Samson B.Com (Natal), B.Com (Hons), M.Com, strong leadership and his ability to instructor. Paul is extensively sort after as on industry news and trends, perspectives management initiatives. His insights and B.Chem.Eng. (Hons.), Ph.D. D.Com (Pretoria) think laterally when problem solving. In facilitator both in Australia and overseas, on global manufacturing and franchising all-round skills add tremendously to the (Management, Australian Graduate As Professor of Marketing and Director 2004 David moved into the automotive and brings to the Sewells team a wealth and impact of technology on the retail ADM delegate experience. School of Management) of Research in the Faculty of Business industry working for a consultancy of experience and expertise. automotive industry.
  • 8. AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AUTOMOTIVE DEALER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 05 INTERNATIONAL BEST PRACTICE 06 MORE INFORMATION A significant component of the ADM program is the ability to learn from Sewells Group the best. It is in this light that the program has been specially designed and 275 Canterbury Road tailored with the focal point on ‘International Best Practice’. It focuses on Canterbury VIC 3126 seeking out and learning from the best in the business. Ph: +61 (0) 3 8809 2790 The ADM program’s extensive line up of automotive operations consultants have experience in consulting and working in dealers in many countries across the globe. These consultants are at your disposal and are more than willing to share their global knowledge. WORLD CLASS DEALER VISITS Disclaimer: The information in this brochure is correct at the time of production. Sewells reserves the right to make changes at its sole discretion. The ADM program presents a unique opportunity for delegates to visit a selection of world class dealerships. This includes engaging with dealer © 2010 Sewells Group principals and senior departmental managers as they share their business practices and what has driven them to be at the leading edge of the automotive retail game. From publicly listed dealer groups to highly successful family owned enterprises, these visits will be a highlight of the program. CASE STUDIES Business schools throughout the world use case studies to highlight and reinforce key business strategies. The ADM program is no different. Delegates will be exposed to a wide selection of ‘real world’ cases and will benefit immensely through the analytical and practical approach that will be adopted.