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• 4 year old male child
• Presented with
oc/o cough , cold for 5 days
oc/o mild grade fever 5 days
oc/o seizure followed by altered sensorium
since 15 days prior to admission
• Hospitalization for 15 days in pvt. hosp. prior
to admission in our hospital
• Mechanical ventilation for approx. 10 days
followed by tracheostomy tube insertion.
• Past history: no similar illness in past.
• Birth history:
• 2 nd order male child
Delivered at 32 weeks of gestation
Vaginal delivery
B. wt.- 1600gms
8 days of hospitalization in nicu
• Developmental history:
developmental milestones achieved
normally as per age.
• Family history:
no h/o similar illness in family
no h/o contact with TB
• AT ADMISSION : child was in status epilepticus
oGC very sick
oPR- 148/min
oRR-56/min. Pressure sores over back and
oSaturation 96% with tracheostomy tube
attached to oxygen @2 l/min
oGCS -6/15
• Systemic examinations.
• Resp. system- conducted sounds present b/l
• CVS- s1s2 normal
• Abdominal examination- no organomegaly
• CNS- GCS-6/15 on tracheostomy tube with T
tone –
reflexes- ++
Video Courtesy: Dr. snehamayee
• CBC – wnl
• SE – wnl
• CSF study – normal, viral markers- negative
• CSF NMDA receptor study –negative
• MRI – normal
• EEG – generalized seizures
• Received IVIG plus steroid from pvt. Hospital
• Multiple antiepileptics (phynetoin,
phenobarbitone, leveteracetam, valproate,
vigabatrine, lacosamide, oxcarbamazepine)
• Ketogenic diet started (? availability)
• Inj. Cyclophoshamide (Day 6 admission)
• Condition today :
• Abnormal movements , no seizures
• Tracheostomy tube in situ
• Child able to sit and walks with support
• GCS improved
• Playing with his toys , mobiles recognizes
Video Courtesy : Dr. pranoy
• Encephalitis –
ofrom Greek enkephalos (―brain) and
itis ―inflammation)
anti-LGI1 encephalitis
 anti- N-methyl-D-aspartic acid
receptor (anti-NMDAR) encephalitis
AMPA encephalitis
• Exact incidence is not known.
• a multicenter study in the United Kingdom -
• California Encephalitis Project - anti-NMDA
receptor encephalitis surpassed any viral
• Leading cause of autoimmune encephalitis in
children and adolescents.
• Stages :
1. Stage1 – prodromal phase
2. Stage 2 – psychiatric and behavioral problems
3. Stage 3 – Decreased level of consciousness
• Behavioral changes included new-onset
temper tantrums, agitation, aggression, and
changes in mood or personality
• Ovarian teratoma is associated in up to 50% of
the cases
• Investigations :
o lymphocytic pleocytosis,
o elevated protein levels
o oligoclonal bands
• EEG – extreme delta brush
o MRI demonstrate medial temporal lobe
attenuated inversion recovery high signal or
focal areas of hyperintensity in the frontal or
parietal cortex
o fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission
tomography (FDG-PET) scan show cortical
hypermetabolism in acute stages, and
hypometabolism in more subacute stages of
the illness.
Mechanism for clinical features
NMDAR in inhibitory GABAergic neurons and glutamatergic
increase of extracellular glutamate
1. frontostriatal syndrome – neuropsychiatric manifestations,
2. disinhibition of brainstem central pattern generators
accounting for the complex movement disorders
3. disruption of the medullary-pontine network accounting for
central hypoventilation
• Confirmation of diagnosis –
• Demonstrating NMDA receptor
antibodies in serum or cerebrospinal fluid
• The levels of antibodies in cerebrospinal
fluid correlate better with symptom
• Treatment :
first line of immunotherapies including
corticosteroids, intravenous
immunoglobulin, or plasma exchange
Rituximab and cyclophosphamide, alone
or combined, are often effective in adults
Approximately 80% of patients have
substantial or full recovery.
• symptoms 1st to improve:
autonomic instability, dyskinesias, level of
consciousness, and seizures.
• After recovering consciousness, the psychiatric
manifestations can reemerge, and impulsivity,
behavioral disinhibition.
• multidisciplinary approach - nursing,
psychiatrists, cognitive rehabilitators,
physiatrists and families.
• clinical relapse in 20% of children with anti-
NMDA encephalitis.
• Definition:
• characterised by subacute development
of short term memory loss, behavioural
change and seizures involving the
temporomedial lobes , the amygdalae,
and cingulate gyrus with variable
evidence of CSF inflammation and
neuronal antibodies
• antibodies against the neuronal secreted
protein called leucine-rich glioma-
inactivated 1 (LGI1)
• LGI1 - secreted neuronal protein that
interacts with the presynaptic and
postsynaptic proteins ADAM23 and
ADAM22 -modulate synaptic
• In 1968 , as Para neoplastic syndrome
• median age of patients is 60 years
• Severe short term memory loss
• hyponatremia and myoclonic-like movements,
described as faciobrachial dystonic seizures
• 70% of the patients improve with t/t.
• Other antibodies associated- antibodies
against intracellular antigens (eg, Hu, CRMP5,
Ma2) or against cell surface or synaptic
proteins (eg (AMPA) [GABA(B)] [mGluR5])
• Ophelia syndrome
• Previous steroid responsive encephalopathy
associated with autoimmune thyroiditis.
• Now encephalopathy associated with
autoimmune thyroid disease
• 52% hypothyroid , 48% normal thyroid
• Clinical features : non specific
Stroke like symptoms, tremors ,myoclonus,
transient aphasia, sleep and behavior
abnormality, hallucinations, seizures.
• CSF- protein elevated
• EEG- generalized slowing
• MRI- normal
• Thyroid peroxidase antibodies.
o10% healthy adults
oOther disorders GABA,LGI1 and NMDR
receptor antibodies.
• Progressive refractory partial seizures,
cognitive deterioration and focal deficit occurs
with gradual atrophy of one hemisphere.
• AMPA, munc 18-1.
• High dose methylprednisolone and ivig.
• Tacrolimus.
• specifically affecting the basal ganglia
• isolated subcortical features including
movement disorders such as parkinsonism,
dystonia, or chorea.
• hypersomnolence and psychiatric features
such as attention deficit, emotional lability,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, and psychosis
• Investigations :
oinflammatory CSF (lymphocytic pleocytosis
and oligoclonal bands) and lymphocytic
cuffing in histopathology of the basal
oFDG-PET scan demonstrates basal ganglia
• MRI reveals basal ganglia swelling and T2-
weighted hyperintensity and sometimes
brainstem signal change, with follow-up scans
showing basal ganglia atrophy and gliosis.
Therapeutic strategies and
• no consensus guidelines
• pulsed steroids followed by high dose oral
prednisone, and IVIg and/or plasmapheresis
as first-line therapy
- 3–5 days of pulsed IV methylprednisolone
(30 mg/kg/day up to 1 g/day) followed by high
dose oral prednisone (1–2 mg/kg/day) and 2
g/kg of IVIg administered over two to five doses
• Non response:
• within 1–2 weeks should lead to
consideration of three to five exchanges
with plasmapheresis, or commencement
of second-line therapy such as
cyclophosphamide or rituximab
• respond slowly to immune therapy
(weeks rather than days).
Therapeutic challenges
• What defines failure of first-line treatment?
• At what stage is it reasonable to escalate therapy to
second-line agents?
• Do patients who have a particularly significant
clinical episode warrant second-line therapy despite
improvement with first-line therapy?
• To what degree does second-line therapy reduce the
relapse rate?
• What role does maintenance immunosuppression
Case senarios
• Treatment of antibody negative patients:
An 8-year-old boy presented with a 3 week history of focal
seizures, a hyperkinetic movement disorder, and mutism,
requiring a 2 month intensive care unit and hospital admission.
CSF showed 20 106/L monocytes but viral studies, and serum
and CSF anti- NMDAR, VGKC complex, and D2R antibody testing
was negative. Given this was a severe presentation and the
clinical phenotype was reminiscent of autoimmune encephalitis,
he was treated with first-line therapy in the form of IV steroids
and IVIg. Ten days after first-line therapy there was no
improvement so second-line therapy with rituximab was
commenced. Within 5 days of rituximab he began improving and
subsequently made a good clinical recovery over 6 weeks,
returning to baseline function.
• Role of second-line therapy:
A 4-year-old girl presented with a 2 week history of focal seizures
and psychosis. CSF analysis revealed 12 106/L monocytes and
was positive for anti-NMDAR encephalitis. She was treated with
first-line therapy in the form of IV steroids and IVIg. She started
to improve rapidly within 2 weeks of therapy, and returned to
baseline by 8 weeks. Her serum anti-NMDAR antibody status
remained positive 1 year after presentation although the patient
was clinically well.
• Management of relapsing anti-NMDAR encephalitis:
Focal seizures, speech disturbance, chorea, and agitation. CSF
oligoclonal bands were positive. This presentation was prior to
the initial descriptions of anti-NMDAR encephalitis, however
given the high index of suspicion for autoimmune encephalitis,
she was treated with IV steroids and IVIg. Her diagnosis was
confirmed as anti- NMDAR encephalitis in 2009 with
retrospective testing of acute serum and CSF samples. She has
had three subsequent relapses which were treated successfully
with IV and oral steroids. Given the relapsing course and steroid
responsiveness, she was started on oral mycophenolate mofetil
and has been free of relapses for the last 2 years.
Future directions
• identification of novel antigens
• early initiation of immune therapy
• efficacious therapeutic strategies
Video Courtesy: Dr. chinmay
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Autoimmune encephalitis in children

  • 2. CASE SUMMARY • 4 year old male child • Presented with oc/o cough , cold for 5 days oc/o mild grade fever 5 days oc/o seizure followed by altered sensorium since 15 days prior to admission
  • 3. • Hospitalization for 15 days in pvt. hosp. prior to admission in our hospital • Mechanical ventilation for approx. 10 days followed by tracheostomy tube insertion. • Past history: no similar illness in past.
  • 4. • Birth history: • 2 nd order male child Delivered at 32 weeks of gestation Vaginal delivery B. wt.- 1600gms 8 days of hospitalization in nicu
  • 5. • Developmental history: developmental milestones achieved normally as per age. • Family history: no h/o similar illness in family no h/o contact with TB
  • 6. • AT ADMISSION : child was in status epilepticus oGC very sick oPR- 148/min oRR-56/min. Pressure sores over back and scalp oSaturation 96% with tracheostomy tube attached to oxygen @2 l/min oGCS -6/15
  • 7. • Systemic examinations. • Resp. system- conducted sounds present b/l • CVS- s1s2 normal • Abdominal examination- no organomegaly • CNS- GCS-6/15 on tracheostomy tube with T piece tone – reflexes- ++
  • 8. Video Courtesy: Dr. snehamayee
  • 9. • INVESTIGATIONS: • CBC – wnl • SE – wnl • CSF study – normal, viral markers- negative • CSF NMDA receptor study –negative • MRI – normal • EEG – generalized seizures
  • 10.
  • 11. • HOSPITAL COURSE: • Received IVIG plus steroid from pvt. Hospital • Multiple antiepileptics (phynetoin, phenobarbitone, leveteracetam, valproate, vigabatrine, lacosamide, oxcarbamazepine) • Ketogenic diet started (? availability) • Inj. Cyclophoshamide (Day 6 admission)
  • 12. • Condition today : • Abnormal movements , no seizures • Tracheostomy tube in situ • Child able to sit and walks with support • GCS improved • Playing with his toys , mobiles recognizes parents
  • 13. Video Courtesy : Dr. pranoy
  • 14. OVERVIEW • Encephalitis – ofrom Greek enkephalos (―brain) and itis ―inflammation) oEncephalomyelitis oMeningoencephalitis oEtiologies
  • 15. • AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALITIS: anti-LGI1 encephalitis  anti- N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor (anti-NMDAR) encephalitis  CASPR2 GABA-B AMPA encephalitis
  • 16. • Exact incidence is not known. • a multicenter study in the United Kingdom - 4% • California Encephalitis Project - anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis surpassed any viral encephalitis
  • 17. ANTI NMDR RECEPTOR ENCEPHALITIS • Leading cause of autoimmune encephalitis in children and adolescents. • Stages : 1. Stage1 – prodromal phase 2. Stage 2 – psychiatric and behavioral problems 3. Stage 3 – Decreased level of consciousness • Behavioral changes included new-onset temper tantrums, agitation, aggression, and changes in mood or personality
  • 18. • Ovarian teratoma is associated in up to 50% of the cases • Investigations : oCSF o lymphocytic pleocytosis, o elevated protein levels o oligoclonal bands • EEG – extreme delta brush
  • 19. o MRI demonstrate medial temporal lobe attenuated inversion recovery high signal or focal areas of hyperintensity in the frontal or parietal cortex o fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) scan show cortical hypermetabolism in acute stages, and hypometabolism in more subacute stages of the illness.
  • 20.
  • 21. Mechanism for clinical features NMDAR in inhibitory GABAergic neurons and glutamatergic synapses increase of extracellular glutamate 1. frontostriatal syndrome – neuropsychiatric manifestations, 2. disinhibition of brainstem central pattern generators accounting for the complex movement disorders 3. disruption of the medullary-pontine network accounting for central hypoventilation
  • 22. • Confirmation of diagnosis – • Demonstrating NMDA receptor antibodies in serum or cerebrospinal fluid • The levels of antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid correlate better with symptom outcome
  • 23. • Treatment : first line of immunotherapies including corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulin, or plasma exchange Rituximab and cyclophosphamide, alone or combined, are often effective in adults Approximately 80% of patients have substantial or full recovery.
  • 24. • symptoms 1st to improve: autonomic instability, dyskinesias, level of consciousness, and seizures. • After recovering consciousness, the psychiatric manifestations can reemerge, and impulsivity, behavioral disinhibition.
  • 25. • multidisciplinary approach - nursing, psychiatrists, cognitive rehabilitators, physiatrists and families. • clinical relapse in 20% of children with anti- NMDA encephalitis.
  • 26.
  • 27. LIMBIC ENCEPHALITIS • Definition: • characterised by subacute development of short term memory loss, behavioural change and seizures involving the temporomedial lobes , the amygdalae, and cingulate gyrus with variable evidence of CSF inflammation and neuronal antibodies
  • 28. • antibodies against the neuronal secreted protein called leucine-rich glioma- inactivated 1 (LGI1) • LGI1 - secreted neuronal protein that interacts with the presynaptic and postsynaptic proteins ADAM23 and ADAM22 -modulate synaptic transmission
  • 29. • In 1968 , as Para neoplastic syndrome • median age of patients is 60 years • Severe short term memory loss • hyponatremia and myoclonic-like movements, described as faciobrachial dystonic seizures
  • 30. • 70% of the patients improve with t/t. • Other antibodies associated- antibodies against intracellular antigens (eg, Hu, CRMP5, Ma2) or against cell surface or synaptic proteins (eg (AMPA) [GABA(B)] [mGluR5]) • Ophelia syndrome
  • 31. HASHIMOTO ENCEPHALOPATHY • Previous steroid responsive encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroiditis. • Now encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroid disease • 52% hypothyroid , 48% normal thyroid function
  • 32. • Clinical features : non specific Stroke like symptoms, tremors ,myoclonus, transient aphasia, sleep and behavior abnormality, hallucinations, seizures. • CSF- protein elevated • EEG- generalized slowing • MRI- normal
  • 33. • Thyroid peroxidase antibodies. o10% healthy adults oOther disorders GABA,LGI1 and NMDR receptor antibodies.
  • 34. RASMUSSEN ENCEPHALITIS • Progressive refractory partial seizures, cognitive deterioration and focal deficit occurs with gradual atrophy of one hemisphere. • AMPA, munc 18-1. • High dose methylprednisolone and ivig. • Tacrolimus.
  • 35. BASAL GANGLION ENCEPHALITIS • specifically affecting the basal ganglia • isolated subcortical features including movement disorders such as parkinsonism, dystonia, or chorea. • hypersomnolence and psychiatric features such as attention deficit, emotional lability, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and psychosis
  • 36. • Investigations : oinflammatory CSF (lymphocytic pleocytosis and oligoclonal bands) and lymphocytic cuffing in histopathology of the basal ganglia, oFDG-PET scan demonstrates basal ganglia hypermetabolism.
  • 37. • MRI reveals basal ganglia swelling and T2- weighted hyperintensity and sometimes brainstem signal change, with follow-up scans showing basal ganglia atrophy and gliosis.
  • 38.
  • 39. Therapeutic strategies and outcomes • no consensus guidelines • pulsed steroids followed by high dose oral prednisone, and IVIg and/or plasmapheresis as first-line therapy • DOSAGE: - 3–5 days of pulsed IV methylprednisolone (30 mg/kg/day up to 1 g/day) followed by high dose oral prednisone (1–2 mg/kg/day) and 2 g/kg of IVIg administered over two to five doses
  • 40. • Non response: • within 1–2 weeks should lead to consideration of three to five exchanges with plasmapheresis, or commencement of second-line therapy such as cyclophosphamide or rituximab • respond slowly to immune therapy (weeks rather than days).
  • 41. Therapeutic challenges • What defines failure of first-line treatment? • At what stage is it reasonable to escalate therapy to second-line agents? • Do patients who have a particularly significant clinical episode warrant second-line therapy despite improvement with first-line therapy? • To what degree does second-line therapy reduce the relapse rate? • What role does maintenance immunosuppression have?
  • 42. Case senarios • Treatment of antibody negative patients: An 8-year-old boy presented with a 3 week history of focal seizures, a hyperkinetic movement disorder, and mutism, requiring a 2 month intensive care unit and hospital admission. CSF showed 20 106/L monocytes but viral studies, and serum and CSF anti- NMDAR, VGKC complex, and D2R antibody testing was negative. Given this was a severe presentation and the clinical phenotype was reminiscent of autoimmune encephalitis, he was treated with first-line therapy in the form of IV steroids and IVIg. Ten days after first-line therapy there was no improvement so second-line therapy with rituximab was commenced. Within 5 days of rituximab he began improving and subsequently made a good clinical recovery over 6 weeks, returning to baseline function.
  • 43. • Role of second-line therapy: A 4-year-old girl presented with a 2 week history of focal seizures and psychosis. CSF analysis revealed 12 106/L monocytes and was positive for anti-NMDAR encephalitis. She was treated with first-line therapy in the form of IV steroids and IVIg. She started to improve rapidly within 2 weeks of therapy, and returned to baseline by 8 weeks. Her serum anti-NMDAR antibody status remained positive 1 year after presentation although the patient was clinically well.
  • 44. • Management of relapsing anti-NMDAR encephalitis: Focal seizures, speech disturbance, chorea, and agitation. CSF oligoclonal bands were positive. This presentation was prior to the initial descriptions of anti-NMDAR encephalitis, however given the high index of suspicion for autoimmune encephalitis, she was treated with IV steroids and IVIg. Her diagnosis was confirmed as anti- NMDAR encephalitis in 2009 with retrospective testing of acute serum and CSF samples. She has had three subsequent relapses which were treated successfully with IV and oral steroids. Given the relapsing course and steroid responsiveness, she was started on oral mycophenolate mofetil and has been free of relapses for the last 2 years.
  • 45. Future directions • identification of novel antigens • early initiation of immune therapy • efficacious therapeutic strategies
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