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Ascilite Webinar, Oct 2012

Our Learning Analytics
are Our Pedagogy
          Simon Buckingham Shum               @
          Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University UK

learning objective:
        walk out with
better questions
 + lightning overview of learning analytics

 + glimpses of how analytics might nurture
     learning for the new terrain we face

Musicality ≠ Musical Reproduction

            In those early days the children were taught from the start to   develop
            their own voice, whether literally singing, or through the
            instrument they played. They were not taught music,

            but musicality. Central to this tuition were the partimenti, many
            pages of detailed music notes which pose many questions,

            but leave the pupil to find the solutions. The
            music is not a literal transcript, which the musician reads and reproduces.
                                    set of rules and then
            The partimenti establish, at the start, a

            pose a set of conflicts for the musician to
            resolve, in their own way.
is education
poised to become a
 and science    ?    4
Possibly 90% of the digital data we have
today was generated in the last 2 years

 Volume        outstrips old infrastructure

 Variety      Internet of things, e-business transactions, environmental
 sensors, social media, audio, video, mobile…

 Velocity       The speed of data access and analysis is exploding

    A quantitative shift on this scale is in fact a qualitative shift, requiring
                               new ways of thinking about
                                    societal phenomena
edX: “this is big data, giving us the chance
to ask big questions about learning”

                                     Will the tomorrow’s
                                  educational researcher be
                                    as helpless without an
                                  analytics infrastructure, as
                                     a geneticist without
                                   genome databases, or a
                                   physicist without CERN? 6
Lifelogging: explosion of data capture
and sharing about personal activities


Educational Data Mining research community
Learning Analytics research community
Learning Analytics research community
different levels
   of analytic

‘Learning Analytics’ and
‘Academic Analytics’

Long, P. and Siemens, G. (2011), Penetrating the fog: analytics in learning and education. Educause Review Online,
46, 5, pp.31-40.              12
Macro/Meso/Micro Learning Analytics

Macro/Meso/Micro Learning Analytics


Macro/Meso/Micro Learning Analytics



           individual user actions
                (and hence cohort)

                                     Will institutions be dazzled by the
                                         dashboards, or know what
                                      questions to ask at each level?
Macro/Meso/Micro Learning Analytics

US states are getting the infrastructure
in place

Shared Learning Collaborative

National league tables for English schools

Macro/Meso/Micro Learning Analytics

Business Intelligence companies see an
education market opening up

                                                 These are pedagogically agnostic:
                                                 they seek to optimize operational
                                                   efficiency whatever the sector

                                                  These may make pedagogical
                                                 assumptions: how will learning
                                                 design and assessment regimes
                                                  shape the analytics they offer?                                       21
Business Intelligence companies see an
education market opening up

                            …but do they know anything about
                             the roles that language plays in
                                 learning and knowledge
                                      construction?           22
BI+HigherEd communities of practice

Macro/Meso/Micro Learning Analytics

           individual user actions
               (and hence cohort)
Analytics in your VLE:
Blackboard: feedback to students

Purdue University Signals: real time traffic-
lights for students based on predictive model

                  Premise: academic success is defined as a function of
                  aptitude (as measured by standardized test scores and
                  similar information) and effort (as measured by participation
                  within the online learning environment).

                  Using factor analysis and logistic regression, a model was
                  tested to predict student success based on:

                       •    ACT or SAT score
                       •    Overall grade-point average
   Predicted 66%-80%   •    CMS usage composite
      of struggling    •    CMS assessment composite
      students who     •    CMS assignment composite
       needed help     •    CMS calendar composite

                  Campbell et al (2007). Academic Analytics: A New Tool for a New Era, EDUCAUSE
                  Review, vol. 42, no. 4 (July/August 2007): 40–57.     26
Desire2Learn visual analytics & predictive models
which can be interrogated on different dimensions

Desire2Learn visual analytics & predictive models
which can be interrogated on different dimensions

Socrato: train for SATs    29
Khan Academy: more data to teachers,
finer-grained feedback to students   30
Adaptive platforms generate fine-
grained analytics

Adaptive platforms generate fine-grained

The VLE—BI—ITS convergence

Hard distinctions between Learning +
Academic analytics may dissolve
…as they get joined up, each level enriches the others



                  individual user actions
                         (and hence cohort)

   Aggregation of user traces
enriches meso + macro analytics
 with finer-grained process data
Hard distinctions between Learning +
Academic analytics may dissolve
…as they get joined up, each level enriches the others



                  individual user actions
                         (and hence cohort)

   Aggregation of user traces          Breadth + depth from macro
enriches meso + macro analytics        + meso levels add power to
 with finer-grained process data             micro analytics

but how do we do
      analytics for
this kind of learning?...

Learning analytics for this?

“We are preparing students for jobs
 that do not exist yet, that will use
 technologies that have not been
 invented yet, in order to solve
 problems that are not even
 problems yet.”

                                “Shift Happens”

Learning analytics for this?

“While employers continue to demand high academic
 standards, they also now want more. They want
 people who can adapt, see connections,
 innovate, communicate and work with
 others. This is true in many areas of work. The new
 knowledge-based economies in particular will
 increasingly depend on these abilities. Many
 businesses are paying for courses to promote creative
 abilities, to teach the skills
                       and attitudes that
 are now essential for economic
                    All our Futures: Creativity, culture & education, May 1999 39
Learning analytics for this?

Think about the analytics
 products and initiatives
reviewed above – where
 would you locate them
  on these dimensions?

Creativity, Culture and
Education (2009)
Changing Young Lives
2012. Newcastle: CCE.
changing-young-lives-2012                    40
Learning analytics for this?

                            The Knowledge-Agency Window

                      Expert-led enquiry                            Student-led enquiry

    and use

                                                                                     Teaching as
                                                                                   learning design



                      Expert-led teaching                           Student-led revision

                      Teacher agency                                       Student agency

Ruth Deakin Crick, Univ. Bristol, Centre for Systems Learning & Leadership
“Pedagogy of Hope”:
analytics grounded in the
   principles of good
       for learning?
      (not summative assessment for
         grading pupils, teachers,
           institutions or nations)

Assessment for Learning              Few learning analytics are     currently able to take o
                                     board the richness of this
                                       original conception of
                                      assessment for learning

Assessment for Learning

Assessment for Learning

        To what extent
       could automated
         feedback be
        designed and
        evaluated with
       emotional impact
           in mind?

Assessment for Learning

                                      Can analytics
                                     identify proxies
                                         for such
                                        qualities? 46
Assessment for Learning

                                     Do analytics provide
                                      constructive next

Assessment for Learning

                      How do we provide
                       analytics feedback
                         that does not
                      disempower and de-
                      motivate struggling

Learning Analytics

Musicality ≠ Musical Reproduction

            In those early days the children were taught from the start to   develop
            their own voice, whether literally singing, or through the
            instrument they played. They were not taught music,

            but musicality. Central to this tuition were the partimenti, many
            pages of detailed music notes which pose many questions,

            but leave the pupil to find the solutions. The
            music is not a literal transcript, which the musician reads and reproduces.
                                    set of rules and then
            The partimenti establish, at the start, a

            pose a set of conflicts for the musician to
            resolve, in their own way.
Dispositions are important

  “Knowledge of methods alone
   will not suffice: there must be
   the desire, the will, to employ
   them. This desire is an affair
   of personal disposition.”

                            John Dewey, 1933

Dewey, J. How We Think: A Restatement of the Relation of Reflective Thinking to the
Educative Process. Heath and Co, Boston, 1933
Dispositions are important

“The test of successful education
 is not the amount of knowledge
 that pupils take away from school,
 but their appetite to know and
 their capacity to learn.”

               Sir Richard Livingstone, 1941

Dispositions are important

Slide from Guy Claxton:
Perkins, D.N., Jay, E., & Tishman, S. (1993). Beyond abilities: A dispositional theory of thinking. Merrill-   53
Palmer Quarterly: Journal of Developmental Psychology, 39(1): 1-21.
Dispositions are beginning to register
within the learning analytics community

Brown, M., Learning Analytics: Moving from Concept to Practice. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative
Briefing, 2012.   54
In your experience, what are the qualities
shown by the most effective learners?

   Think about the most effective learners you’ve met/

 Not necessarily the highest grade scorers, but the ones
      who showed a sustained appetite for learning

  What qualities/dispositions/attitudes did they bring?

             Type a few key words
             into the textchat…
A ‘visual learning analytic’
  7-dimensional spider diagram of how the learner sees themself

                                                               Basis for a mentored-
                                                              discussion on how the
                                                             learner sees him/herself,
                                                                 and strategies for
                                                             strengthening the profile

Bristol and Open University are now embedding ELLI in learning software.
ELLI: Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory
Web questionnaire 72 items (children and adult versions: used
in schools, universities and workplace)

Validated as loading onto
7 dimensions of “Learning Power”

       Being Stuck & Static                        Changing & Learning
          Data Accumulation                        Meaning Making
                         Passivity                 Critical Curiosity
           Being Rule Bound                        Creativity
  Isolation & Dependence                           Learning Relationships
                 Being Robotic                     Strategic Awareness
   Fragility & Dependence                          Resilience

Univ. Bristol and Vital Partnerships provides practitioner resources
and tools to support their application in schools and the workplace         58
Learning to Learn: 7 Dimensions of Learning Power
Factor analysis of the literature plus expert interviews: identified seven
dimensions of effective learning power , since validated empirically with
learners at many levels. (Deakin Crick, Broadfoot and Claxton, 2004)
Learning to Learn: 7 Dimensions of Learning Power
Factor analysis of the literature plus expert interviews: identified seven
dimensions of effective learning power , since validated empirically with
learners at many levels. (Deakin Crick, Broadfoot and Claxton, 2004)

Learning Warehouse 2.0 analytics platform

                User experience:
       Research-validated assessment tools
              Researcher interface
             Learning Communities
         Real time ELLI Analytics reports
           Bespoke research reports

              >40,000 ELLI profiles
          (data from other hosted apps)

Adding imagery to ELLI dimensions to
connect with learner identity

Working with Gappuwiyak School, N. Territory AUS
 (Ruth Deakin Crick, University of Bristol)

 Changing & Learning:                Strategic Awareness:
  The Drongo - Guwak                 Emu - Wurrpan

                                                          Meaning Making:
                                                          The Pigeon - Nabalawal

                                                          Critical Curiosity:
                                                          Sea Eagle - Djert

                                                          Brolga - Gudurrku

Learning Relationships:                Creativity:
 The Cockatoo - Ngerrk                 Bower Bird - Djurwirr                       63
Cohort analytics for
educators and
organizational leaders

Tuning Wordpress as an ELLI-based learning journal

                                   Standard Wordpress editor

                                      Categories from ELLI

                                                     Plugin visualizes
                                                     blog categories,
                                                     mirroring the ELLI

Primary School EnquiryBloggers
Bushfield School, Wolverton, UK

EnquiryBlogger: blogging for Learning Power & Authentic Enquiry
Could a platform generate an
 ELLI profile from user traces?

                                                                                                  Different social
                                                                                                 network patterns
          Questioning and
                                                                                                    in different
          challenging may
                                                                                                   contexts may
         load onto Critical
                                                                                                     load onto

         Sharing relevant                                                                        attempts to pass
         resources from                                                                            an online test
          other contexts                                                                          may load onto
          may load onto                                                                             Resilience
         Meaning Making

Shaofu Huang: Prototyping Learning Power Modelling in SocialLearn
SocialLearn provides new possibilities of
      looking at learners learning

      ELLI works from what                                              Now we can observe what
      learners say they do                                              they actually do…

Shaofu Huang: Prototyping Learning Power Modelling in SocialLearn
ELLI feedbacks inform development of

                                                                                                 Educator or
                                                                                                 leader s


Shaofu Huang: Prototyping Learning Power Modelling in SocialLearn
How about SocialLearn learning disposition

                                                                             How do these
                                                                             feedbacks help
                                                                             people learn?

       What and where                                            What kind of feedback
       should we look at?                                        should we provide?
       Will we still have                                        What is the most appropriate
       seven dimensions?                                         way to do it?

Shaofu Huang: Prototyping Learning Power Modelling in SocialLearn
                                                                                                 71 embedding
dispositional analytics into practice + tools
EnquiryBlogger: Wordpress plugins for reflective learning journals

Analytics for
learning conversations

Socio-cultural discourse analysis
(Mercer et al, OU)

•  Disputational talk, characterised by disagreement and
   individualised decision making.

•  Cumulative talk, in which speakers build positively but
   uncritically on what the others have said.

•  Exploratory talk, in which partners engage critically but
   constructively with each other's ideas.

Mercer, N. (2004). Sociocultural discourse analysis: analysing classroom talk as a social
mode of thinking. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1(2), 137-168.
Socio-cultural discourse analysis
(Mercer et al, OU)

•  Exploratory talk, in which partners engage critically but
   constructively with each other's ideas.
      •  Statements and suggestions are offered for joint consideration.

      •  These may be challenged and counter-challenged, but challenges are
         justified and alternative hypotheses are offered.

      •  Partners all actively participate and opinions are sought and considered
         before decisions are jointly made.

      •  Compared with the other two types, in Exploratory talk knowledge is made
         more publicly accountable and reasoning is more visible in the talk.

Mercer, N. (2004). Sociocultural discourse analysis: analysing classroom talk as a social
mode of thinking. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1(2), 137-168.
Analytics for identifying Exploratory talk

        Elluminate sessions can
        be very long – lasting for
        hours or even covering
        days of a conference

                                                                      It would be useful if we could
                                                                      identify where quality learning
                                                                      conversations seem to be taking
                                                                      place, so we can recommend
                                                                      those sessions, and not have to
                                                                      sit through online chat about
                                                                      virtual biscuits

Ferguson, R. and Buckingham Shum, S. Learning analytics to identify exploratory dialogue within synchronous text chat.   76
1st International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (Banff, Canada, 27 Mar-1 Apr, 2011)
Defining indicators of Exploratory Talk

  Category               Indicator
  Challenge              But if, have to respond, my view
  Critique               However, I’m not sure, maybe
  Discussion of          Have you read, more links
  Evaluation             Good example, good point
  Explanation            Means that, our goals
  Explicit reasoning     Next step, relates to, that’s why
  Justification          I mean, we learned, we observed
  Reflections of         Agree, here is another, makes the
  perspectives of others point, take your point, your view
Extract classified as Exploratory Talk

  Time     Contribution
 2:42 PM I hate talking. :-P My question was whether "gadgets" were just
         basically widgets and we could embed them in various web sites,
         like Netvibes, Google Desktop, etc.
 2:42 PM Thanks, that's great! I am sure I understood everything, but looks
 2:43 PM Yes why OU tools not generic tools?
 2:43 PM Issues of interoperability
 2:43 PM The "new" SocialLearn site looks a lot like a corkboard where you
         can add various widgets, similar to those existing web start pages.
 2:43 PM What if we end up with as many apps/gadgets as we have social
         networks and then we need a recommender for the apps!
 2:43 PM My question was on the definition of the crowd in the wisdom of
         crowds we acsess in the service model?
 2:43 PM there are various different flavours of widget e.g. Google gadgets,
         W3C widgets etc. SocialLearn has gone for Google gadgets              78
Discourse analytics on webinar
                                         Given a 2.5 hour webinar, where in the live
                                         textchat were the most effective learning

                                         Not at the start and end of a webinar
   Sheffield, UK not as sunny            but if we zoom in on a peak…                                                 See you!
   as yesterday - still warm
                                                                                                                      bye for now!
   Greetings from Hong Kong
                                                                                                                      bye, and thank you
   Morning from Wiltshire,
   sunny here!                                                                                                        Bye all for now












                                                             Average Exploratory

Wei & He extensions to: Ferguson, R. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2011). Learning Analytics to Identify Exploratory Dialogue within Synchronous
Text Chat. Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Learning Analytics & Knowledge. Feb. 27-Mar 1, 2011, Banff. ACM Press. Eprint:
Discourse analytics on webinar

     Given a 2.5 hour
     webinar, where in the
     live textchat were the
     most effective learning
                                                                                                                                Classified as

  100                                                                                                                           for learning)




   -50                                                                                                                         exploratory”


Wei & He extensions to: Ferguson, R. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2011). Learning Analytics to Identify Exploratory Dialogue within Synchronous
Text Chat. Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Learning Analytics & Knowledge. Feb. 27-Mar 1, 2011, Banff. ACM Press. Eprint:
Discourse analysis (Xerox Incremental Parser)
Detection of salient sentences in scholarly reports,
based on the rhetorical signals authors use:
BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE:                         NOVELTY:                                          OPEN QUESTION:
Recent studies indicate …                     ... new insights provide direct evidence ... … little is known …

… the previously proposed …                   ... we suggest a new ... approach ...             … role … has been elusive
                                                                                                Current data is insufficient …
… is universally accepted ...                 ... results define a novel role ...

CONRASTING IDEAS:                             SIGNIFICANCE:                                     SUMMARIZING:
… unorthodox view resolves …                  studies ... have provided important               The goal of this study ...
paradoxes …                                   advances                                          Here, we show ...
In contrast with previous                     Knowledge ... is crucial for ...                  Altogether, our results ... indicate
hypotheses ...                                understanding
... inconsistent with past findings ...       valuable information ... from studies

GENERALIZING:                                 SURPRISE:
... emerging as a promising approach          We have recently observed ...
Our understanding ... has grown
exponentially ...                             We have identified ... unusual
... growing recognition of the                The recent discovery ... suggests                      Ágnes Sándor & OLnet Project:
                                              intriguing roles
importance ...

De Liddo, A., Sándor, Á. and Buckingham Shum, S., Contested Collective Intelligence: Rationale, Technologies, and a Human-Machine
Annotation Study. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 21, 4-5, (2012), 417-448.
Human and machine analysis of a text for key

             Document 1           19 sentences annotated                 22 sentences annotated
                                                                         11 sentences same as human annotation
             Document 2           71 sentences annotated                 59 sentences annotated
                                                                         42 sentences same as human annotation
De Liddo, A., Sándor, Á. and Buckingham Shum, S., Contested Collective Intelligence: Rationale, Technologies, and a Human-Machine
Annotation Study. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 21, 4-5, (2012), 417-448.
KMi’s Cohere:
 a web deliberation platform enabling semantic social
 network and discourse network analytics

   Rebecca is playing
    the role of broker,
   connecting 2 peers’
     contributions in
     meaningful ways

De Liddo, A., Buckingham Shum, S., Quinto, I., Bachler, M. and Cannavacciuolo, L. Discourse-centric learning analytics. 1st
International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (Banff, 27 Mar-1 Apr, 2011)
Discourse Network Analytics =
      Concept Network + Social Network Analytics

De Liddo, A., Buckingham Shum, S., Quinto, I., Bachler, M. and Cannavacciuolo, L. Discourse-centric learning analytics. 1st
International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (Banff, 27 Mar-1 Apr, 2011)
Closing thoughts

“The basic question is not
                                   what can we measure?

                       The basic question is
               what does a good education look like?”

                                           (Gardner Campbell)                                                                                       86
Our analytics promote
   values, pedagogy and
   assessment regimes.

  Are we clear which master
 our analytics serve? Are we
happy to be judged by them?

reactions to Learning Analytics in image and story

                                           Choose an image and email it to the site with your story…
 Instructions: h"p://

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  • 1. Ascilite Webinar, Oct 2012 Our Learning Analytics are Our Pedagogy Simon Buckingham Shum @ Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University UK 1
  • 2. learning objective: walk out with better questions + lightning overview of learning analytics + glimpses of how analytics might nurture learning for the new terrain we face 2
  • 3. Musicality ≠ Musical Reproduction In those early days the children were taught from the start to develop their own voice, whether literally singing, or through the instrument they played. They were not taught music, but musicality. Central to this tuition were the partimenti, many pages of detailed music notes which pose many questions, but leave the pupil to find the solutions. The music is not a literal transcript, which the musician reads and reproduces. set of rules and then The partimenti establish, at the start, a pose a set of conflicts for the musician to resolve, in their own way. 3
  • 4. is education poised to become a data-driven enterprise and science ? 4
  • 5. Possibly 90% of the digital data we have today was generated in the last 2 years Volume outstrips old infrastructure Variety Internet of things, e-business transactions, environmental sensors, social media, audio, video, mobile… Velocity The speed of data access and analysis is exploding A quantitative shift on this scale is in fact a qualitative shift, requiring new ways of thinking about societal phenomena 5
  • 6. edX: “this is big data, giving us the chance to ask big questions about learning” Will the tomorrow’s educational researcher be as helpless without an analytics infrastructure, as a geneticist without genome databases, or a physicist without CERN? 6
  • 7. Lifelogging: explosion of data capture and sharing about personal activities 7
  • 8. Educational Data Mining research community
  • 10. Learning Analytics research community
  • 11. different levels of analytic 11
  • 12. ‘Learning Analytics’ and ‘Academic Analytics’ Long, P. and Siemens, G. (2011), Penetrating the fog: analytics in learning and education. Educause Review Online, 46, 5, pp.31-40. 12
  • 13. Macro/Meso/Micro Learning Analytics Macro: region/state/national/international
  • 14. Macro/Meso/Micro Learning Analytics Macro: region/state/national/international Meso: institution-wide
  • 15. Macro/Meso/Micro Learning Analytics Macro: region/state/national/international Meso: institution-wide Micro: individual user actions (and hence cohort) Will institutions be dazzled by the dashboards, or know what questions to ask at each level?
  • 16. Macro/Meso/Micro Learning Analytics Macro: region/state/national/international
  • 17. US states are getting the infrastructure in place 17
  • 19. National league tables for English schools 19
  • 20. Macro/Meso/Micro Learning Analytics Meso: institution-wide
  • 21. Business Intelligence companies see an education market opening up These are pedagogically agnostic: they seek to optimize operational efficiency whatever the sector These may make pedagogical assumptions: how will learning design and assessment regimes shape the analytics they offer? 21
  • 22. Business Intelligence companies see an education market opening up …but do they know anything about the roles that language plays in learning and knowledge construction? 22
  • 24. Macro/Meso/Micro Learning Analytics Micro: individual user actions (and hence cohort)
  • 25. Analytics in your VLE: Blackboard: feedback to students 25
  • 26. Purdue University Signals: real time traffic- lights for students based on predictive model Premise: academic success is defined as a function of aptitude (as measured by standardized test scores and similar information) and effort (as measured by participation within the online learning environment). Using factor analysis and logistic regression, a model was tested to predict student success based on: •  ACT or SAT score •  Overall grade-point average Predicted 66%-80% •  CMS usage composite of struggling •  CMS assessment composite students who •  CMS assignment composite needed help •  CMS calendar composite Campbell et al (2007). Academic Analytics: A New Tool for a New Era, EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 42, no. 4 (July/August 2007): 40–57. 26
  • 27. Desire2Learn visual analytics & predictive models which can be interrogated on different dimensions 27
  • 28. Desire2Learn visual analytics & predictive models which can be interrogated on different dimensions 28
  • 29. Socrato: train for SATs 29
  • 30. Khan Academy: more data to teachers, finer-grained feedback to students 30
  • 31. Adaptive platforms generate fine- grained analytics 31
  • 32. Adaptive platforms generate fine-grained analytics
  • 34. Hard distinctions between Learning + Academic analytics may dissolve …as they get joined up, each level enriches the others Macro: region/state/national/international Meso: institution-wide Micro: individual user actions (and hence cohort) Aggregation of user traces enriches meso + macro analytics with finer-grained process data
  • 35. Hard distinctions between Learning + Academic analytics may dissolve …as they get joined up, each level enriches the others Macro: region/state/national/international Meso: institution-wide Micro: individual user actions (and hence cohort) Aggregation of user traces Breadth + depth from macro enriches meso + macro analytics + meso levels add power to with finer-grained process data micro analytics
  • 37. but how do we do analytics for this kind of learning?... 37
  • 38. Learning analytics for this? “We are preparing students for jobs that do not exist yet, that will use technologies that have not been invented yet, in order to solve problems that are not even problems yet.” “Shift Happens” 38
  • 39. Learning analytics for this? “While employers continue to demand high academic standards, they also now want more. They want people who can adapt, see connections, innovate, communicate and work with others. This is true in many areas of work. The new knowledge-based economies in particular will increasingly depend on these abilities. Many businesses are paying for courses to promote creative abilities, to teach the skills and attitudes that are now essential for economic success…” All our Futures: Creativity, culture & education, May 1999 39
  • 40. Learning analytics for this? Think about the analytics products and initiatives reviewed above – where would you locate them on these dimensions? Creativity, Culture and Education (2009) Changing Young Lives 2012. Newcastle: CCE. changing-young-lives-2012 40
  • 41. Learning analytics for this? The Knowledge-Agency Window co-generation Expert-led enquiry Student-led enquiry Knowledge and use Teaching as Authenticity learning design Agency Identity Repetition, Pre-scribed Knowledge Abstraction Acquisition Expert-led teaching Student-led revision Teacher agency Student agency Ruth Deakin Crick, Univ. Bristol, Centre for Systems Learning & Leadership “Pedagogy of Hope”:
  • 42. analytics grounded in the principles of good assessment for learning? (not summative assessment for grading pupils, teachers, institutions or nations) 42
  • 43. Assessment for Learning Few learning analytics are currently able to take o board the richness of this original conception of assessment for learning 43
  • 45. Assessment for Learning To what extent could automated feedback be designed and evaluated with emotional impact in mind? 45
  • 46. Assessment for Learning Can analytics identify proxies for such advanced qualities? 46
  • 47. Assessment for Learning Do analytics provide constructive next steps? 47
  • 48. Assessment for Learning How do we provide analytics feedback that does not disempower and de- motivate struggling learners? 48
  • 50. Musicality ≠ Musical Reproduction In those early days the children were taught from the start to develop their own voice, whether literally singing, or through the instrument they played. They were not taught music, but musicality. Central to this tuition were the partimenti, many pages of detailed music notes which pose many questions, but leave the pupil to find the solutions. The music is not a literal transcript, which the musician reads and reproduces. set of rules and then The partimenti establish, at the start, a pose a set of conflicts for the musician to resolve, in their own way. 50
  • 51. Dispositions are important “Knowledge of methods alone will not suffice: there must be the desire, the will, to employ them. This desire is an affair of personal disposition.” John Dewey, 1933 Dewey, J. How We Think: A Restatement of the Relation of Reflective Thinking to the Educative Process. Heath and Co, Boston, 1933 51
  • 52. Dispositions are important “The test of successful education is not the amount of knowledge that pupils take away from school, but their appetite to know and their capacity to learn.” Sir Richard Livingstone, 1941 52
  • 53. Dispositions are important Slide from Guy Claxton: Perkins, D.N., Jay, E., & Tishman, S. (1993). Beyond abilities: A dispositional theory of thinking. Merrill- 53 Palmer Quarterly: Journal of Developmental Psychology, 39(1): 1-21.
  • 54. Dispositions are beginning to register within the learning analytics community Brown, M., Learning Analytics: Moving from Concept to Practice. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Briefing, 2012. 54
  • 55. In your experience, what are the qualities shown by the most effective learners? Think about the most effective learners you’ve met/ mentored/taught Not necessarily the highest grade scorers, but the ones who showed a sustained appetite for learning What qualities/dispositions/attitudes did they bring? Type a few key words into the textchat… 55
  • 56. A ‘visual learning analytic’ 7-dimensional spider diagram of how the learner sees themself Basis for a mentored- discussion on how the learner sees him/herself, and strategies for strengthening the profile 56 Bristol and Open University are now embedding ELLI in learning software.
  • 57. ELLI: Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory Web questionnaire 72 items (children and adult versions: used in schools, universities and workplace) 57
  • 58. Validated as loading onto 7 dimensions of “Learning Power” Being Stuck & Static Changing & Learning Data Accumulation Meaning Making Passivity Critical Curiosity Being Rule Bound Creativity Isolation & Dependence Learning Relationships Being Robotic Strategic Awareness Fragility & Dependence Resilience Univ. Bristol and Vital Partnerships provides practitioner resources and tools to support their application in schools and the workplace 58
  • 59. Learning to Learn: 7 Dimensions of Learning Power Factor analysis of the literature plus expert interviews: identified seven dimensions of effective learning power , since validated empirically with learners at many levels. (Deakin Crick, Broadfoot and Claxton, 2004)
  • 60. Learning to Learn: 7 Dimensions of Learning Power Factor analysis of the literature plus expert interviews: identified seven dimensions of effective learning power , since validated empirically with learners at many levels. (Deakin Crick, Broadfoot and Claxton, 2004) 60
  • 61. Learning Warehouse 2.0 analytics platform User experience: Research-validated assessment tools Researcher interface Learning Communities Analytics: Real time ELLI Analytics reports Bespoke research reports Datasets: >40,000 ELLI profiles (data from other hosted apps) 61
  • 62. Adding imagery to ELLI dimensions to connect with learner identity 62
  • 63. Working with Gappuwiyak School, N. Territory AUS (Ruth Deakin Crick, University of Bristol) Changing & Learning: Strategic Awareness: The Drongo - Guwak Emu - Wurrpan Meaning Making: The Pigeon - Nabalawal Critical Curiosity: Sea Eagle - Djert Resilience: Brolga - Gudurrku Learning Relationships: Creativity: The Cockatoo - Ngerrk Bower Bird - Djurwirr 63
  • 64. Cohort analytics for educators and organizational leaders 64
  • 65. EnquiryBlogger: Tuning Wordpress as an ELLI-based learning journal Standard Wordpress editor Categories from ELLI Plugin visualizes blog categories, mirroring the ELLI spider 65
  • 66. Primary School EnquiryBloggers Bushfield School, Wolverton, UK EnquiryBlogger: blogging for Learning Power & Authentic Enquiry
  • 68. Could a platform generate an ELLI profile from user traces? Different social network patterns Questioning and in different challenging may contexts may load onto Critical load onto Curiosity Learning Relationships Repeated Sharing relevant attempts to pass resources from an online test other contexts may load onto may load onto Resilience Meaning Making Shaofu Huang: Prototyping Learning Power Modelling in SocialLearn
  • 69. SocialLearn provides new possibilities of looking at learners learning ELLI works from what Now we can observe what learners say they do they actually do… Shaofu Huang: Prototyping Learning Power Modelling in SocialLearn 69
  • 70. ELLI feedbacks inform development of learning Educator or leader s interventions Mentored discussions Shaofu Huang: Prototyping Learning Power Modelling in SocialLearn 70
  • 71. How about SocialLearn learning disposition analytics? How do these feedbacks help people learn? What and where What kind of feedback should we look at? should we provide? Will we still have What is the most appropriate seven dimensions? way to do it? Shaofu Huang: Prototyping Learning Power Modelling in SocialLearn 71
  • 72. embedding dispositional analytics into practice + tools EnquiryBlogger: Wordpress plugins for reflective learning journals 72
  • 74. Socio-cultural discourse analysis (Mercer et al, OU) •  Disputational talk, characterised by disagreement and individualised decision making. •  Cumulative talk, in which speakers build positively but uncritically on what the others have said. •  Exploratory talk, in which partners engage critically but constructively with each other's ideas. Mercer, N. (2004). Sociocultural discourse analysis: analysing classroom talk as a social mode of thinking. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1(2), 137-168. 74
  • 75. Socio-cultural discourse analysis (Mercer et al, OU) •  Exploratory talk, in which partners engage critically but constructively with each other's ideas. •  Statements and suggestions are offered for joint consideration. •  These may be challenged and counter-challenged, but challenges are justified and alternative hypotheses are offered. •  Partners all actively participate and opinions are sought and considered before decisions are jointly made. •  Compared with the other two types, in Exploratory talk knowledge is made more publicly accountable and reasoning is more visible in the talk. Mercer, N. (2004). Sociocultural discourse analysis: analysing classroom talk as a social mode of thinking. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1(2), 137-168. 75
  • 76. Analytics for identifying Exploratory talk Elluminate sessions can be very long – lasting for hours or even covering days of a conference It would be useful if we could identify where quality learning conversations seem to be taking place, so we can recommend those sessions, and not have to sit through online chat about virtual biscuits Ferguson, R. and Buckingham Shum, S. Learning analytics to identify exploratory dialogue within synchronous text chat. 76 1st International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (Banff, Canada, 27 Mar-1 Apr, 2011)
  • 77. Defining indicators of Exploratory Talk Category Indicator Challenge But if, have to respond, my view Critique However, I’m not sure, maybe Discussion of Have you read, more links resources Evaluation Good example, good point Explanation Means that, our goals Explicit reasoning Next step, relates to, that’s why Justification I mean, we learned, we observed Reflections of Agree, here is another, makes the perspectives of others point, take your point, your view 77
  • 78. Extract classified as Exploratory Talk Time Contribution 2:42 PM I hate talking. :-P My question was whether "gadgets" were just basically widgets and we could embed them in various web sites, like Netvibes, Google Desktop, etc. 2:42 PM Thanks, that's great! I am sure I understood everything, but looks inspiring! 2:43 PM Yes why OU tools not generic tools? 2:43 PM Issues of interoperability 2:43 PM The "new" SocialLearn site looks a lot like a corkboard where you can add various widgets, similar to those existing web start pages. 2:43 PM What if we end up with as many apps/gadgets as we have social networks and then we need a recommender for the apps! 2:43 PM My question was on the definition of the crowd in the wisdom of crowds we acsess in the service model? 2:43 PM there are various different flavours of widget e.g. Google gadgets, W3C widgets etc. SocialLearn has gone for Google gadgets 78
  • 79. Discourse analytics on webinar textchat Given a 2.5 hour webinar, where in the live textchat were the most effective learning conversations? Not at the start and end of a webinar Sheffield, UK not as sunny but if we zoom in on a peak… See you! as yesterday - still warm bye for now! Greetings from Hong Kong bye, and thank you Morning from Wiltshire, 80 sunny here! Bye all for now 60 40 20 0 9:28 9:32 10:13 11:48 12:00 12:05 12:04 9:36 9:40 9:41 9:46 9:50 9:53 9:56 10:00 10:05 10:07 10:07 10:09 10:17 10:23 10:27 10:31 10:35 10:40 10:45 10:52 10:55 11:04 11:08 11:11 11:17 11:20 11:24 11:26 11:28 11:31 11:32 11:35 11:36 11:38 11:39 11:41 11:44 11:46 11:52 11:54 12:03 -20 -40 Average Exploratory -60 Wei & He extensions to: Ferguson, R. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2011). Learning Analytics to Identify Exploratory Dialogue within Synchronous Text Chat. Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Learning Analytics & Knowledge. Feb. 27-Mar 1, 2011, Banff. ACM Press. Eprint:
  • 80. Discourse analytics on webinar textchat Given a 2.5 hour webinar, where in the live textchat were the most effective learning conversations? Classified as “exploratory talk” (more substantive 100 for learning) 50 0 9:28 “non- 9:40 9:50 10:00 10:07 10:17 10:31 10:45 11:04 11:17 11:26 11:32 11:38 11:44 11:52 12:03 -50 exploratory” Averag -100 Wei & He extensions to: Ferguson, R. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2011). Learning Analytics to Identify Exploratory Dialogue within Synchronous Text Chat. Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Learning Analytics & Knowledge. Feb. 27-Mar 1, 2011, Banff. ACM Press. Eprint:
  • 81. Discourse analysis (Xerox Incremental Parser) Detection of salient sentences in scholarly reports, based on the rhetorical signals authors use: BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE: NOVELTY: OPEN QUESTION: Recent studies indicate … ... new insights provide direct evidence ... … little is known … … the previously proposed … ... we suggest a new ... approach ... … role … has been elusive Current data is insufficient … … is universally accepted ... ... results define a novel role ... CONRASTING IDEAS: SIGNIFICANCE: SUMMARIZING: … unorthodox view resolves … studies ... have provided important The goal of this study ... paradoxes … advances Here, we show ... In contrast with previous Knowledge ... is crucial for ... Altogether, our results ... indicate hypotheses ... understanding ... inconsistent with past findings ... valuable information ... from studies GENERALIZING: SURPRISE: ... emerging as a promising approach We have recently observed ... surprisingly Our understanding ... has grown exponentially ... We have identified ... unusual ... growing recognition of the The recent discovery ... suggests Ágnes Sándor & OLnet Project: intriguing roles importance ... De Liddo, A., Sándor, Á. and Buckingham Shum, S., Contested Collective Intelligence: Rationale, Technologies, and a Human-Machine Annotation Study. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 21, 4-5, (2012), 417-448.
  • 82. Human and machine analysis of a text for key contributions Document 1 19 sentences annotated 22 sentences annotated 11 sentences same as human annotation Document 2 71 sentences annotated 59 sentences annotated 42 sentences same as human annotation De Liddo, A., Sándor, Á. and Buckingham Shum, S., Contested Collective Intelligence: Rationale, Technologies, and a Human-Machine Annotation Study. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 21, 4-5, (2012), 417-448.
  • 83. KMi’s Cohere: a web deliberation platform enabling semantic social network and discourse network analytics Rebecca is playing the role of broker, connecting 2 peers’ contributions in meaningful ways De Liddo, A., Buckingham Shum, S., Quinto, I., Bachler, M. and Cannavacciuolo, L. Discourse-centric learning analytics. 1st International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (Banff, 27 Mar-1 Apr, 2011)
  • 84. Discourse Network Analytics = Concept Network + Social Network Analytics De Liddo, A., Buckingham Shum, S., Quinto, I., Bachler, M. and Cannavacciuolo, L. Discourse-centric learning analytics. 1st International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (Banff, 27 Mar-1 Apr, 2011)
  • 86. “The basic question is not what can we measure? The basic question is what does a good education look like?” (Gardner Campbell) 86
  • 87. Our analytics promote values, pedagogy and assessment regimes. Are we clear which master our analytics serve? Are we happy to be judged by them? 87
  • 88. reactions to Learning Analytics in image and story Choose an image and email it to the site with your story… Instructions: h"p://