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T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                               Ap r 15, 2 0 0 9

                                                                           Manchester Church of Christ

        Be a “Wise Guy”                                                           66 Mammoth Rd.
                                                                                Manchester, NH 03109
                                    For a while the church here had a
                                    food pantry we kept to help one 
                                    another and our community, but      
                                    it became a little overwhelming to
                                    those who had been working in it            Elder’s Link: April
                                    and it went into dormancy. But
                                                                              Duane Coss – 424-9152
                                    now with renewed personnel and
                                    energy our church pantry for the
                                    needy is relaunching and we need          Barry Fogal – 487-2387
In Luke 12:16ff Jesus told a
                                    your help.                        
parable of a rich man whose crops
                                             April 26 we’re having a
did especially well one season.                                            If you have any concerns that the
                                    special food drive. We’re asking      elders should be aware of, or need
Instead of sharing with those in
                                    everyone to look at the sign up          to speak to with them, please
need, the rich congratulated
                                    sheet posted in the foyer, grab a       contact Lee or Larry this month.
himself on his good fortune,
                                    “shopping list” for yourself, and
made plans to build bigger barns,
                                    bring your items Sunday morning            Our Worship Services
and decided to “take early
                                    (May 3rd) to our food drive. We’ll
retirement”. God summed his life                                              Sunday AM: 8:30 & 11:00
                                    put all the food up on the stage
up this way, however, “You fool!                                                  Bible Class: 10:00
                                    (the kids love this stuff) as a
This very night your soul is                                                      Sunday PM: 6:00
                                    demonstration of our
required of you; and now who will
                                    determination to obey the Lord’s                Small Groups:
own what you have prepared?”
                                    commands. Be wise, join us in         West Side Small Group: 6:15PM at
(Luke 12:20). And so Jesus
                                    this important church effort.                    Doug Paul’s
encourages us to be wise rather
than the rich fool by storing up                                          Merrimack Small Group: 6:00PM at
                                                                                  Stuart Peacock’s
treasures in Heaven.
        Jesus placed a high value                                        Nashua Small Group: 6:00PM at Paul
on helping those in need.
Although our first priority is to                                          Wednesday PM Devotional/Bible
                                                                                   Classes: 7:00
help brothers and sisters, we are
also commanded to help all men.                                          News Items? Please submit before
                                                                         11AM each Tuesday.

        This Sunday morning’s sermon                           Sunday of the month, which means that
will revolve around Ephesians 1:3 and                          there will be no evening service at the
“Being in Christ”. If you’d like to get a                      church building. We encourage you to
head-start on the subject, read Ephesians                      find and meet with a small group — it’ll
chapter 1 and notice all the places in                         be great fellowship, great discussion,
which we are blessed in Christ.                                and a great experience.

This Sunday evening is our usual third

                                                                                                       PAGE 1
T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                                  Ap r 15, 2 0 0 9

                                                              “So then you are no longer strangers and

Our Family
                                                              aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the
                                                              saints, and are of God’s household,”
                                                              Ephesians 2:19, NAS95.

Coming up in April...                                 items on the take home list as      This and that...
                                                      your reminder.
Reminder There will be no evening
   services at the building this
   coming Sunday due to it being                                                          Posted notes Please take a moment
   the third Sunday of the month.                                                             and read the thank you notes
                                                                                              posted on the bulletin board
Small group The south side small                                                              written by the teens who went to
   group will be meeting at Dick                                                              Youth Advance.
   and Freda Potter's home on
   Sunday, April 19th at 6:00.                                                            Ladies Day The Northern Valley
                                                                                             church in Lancaster, NH will be
Help needed The Lauzon's will be                                                             hosting a ladies day on
   moving to Dublin, NH in a little                                                          Saturday, May 16th. Carolyn
   over a week (April 25th) and                                                              Wilcox of Denver, CO will be
   could use some help moving.                                                               speaking on the theme “My
   Please contact Peter or Debbie if                                                         Deliverer- My Strength”. More
   you are available to help.                                                                details can be found on the
                                                                                             bulletin board in the foyer.
                                                                           Announcing the 24th annual
What else?                                                                    Northeastern States Men's
                                     Building update Work on the              Retreat. It will be held in Kent,
Prayers needed Doreen Lee is in
                                         downstairs is progressing nicely.    Connecticut on June 12th & 13th.
   CMC (room C119)undergoing a
                                         The mudding and priming of the       Dr. Howard Wright from
   new treatment to try to rid her
                                         walls should be done this week       Atlanta, Georgia will be
   body of the excess fluid that has
                                         and the kitchen cabinets and         speaking on the theme “Point
   built up. Please let her know you
                                         classroom doors are to be            Man for God.” Please the poster
   are thinking of her through
                                         delivered and installed. During      in the foyer for more details.
   calls, cards and visits.
                                         this time of building renovations
Pantry revival The requested items       any questions you may have can
   are posted on a sign up sheet on      be directed to Lee Davis.
   the bulletin board in the foyer.
   Please sign up and mark your

                                                                                                    Prayer Concerns
                                  Worship Leaders
                                                                                           Health: Doreen Lee, Pat Arel, Bill
Sunday, April 19, 8:30AM                        Scripture .....................David S.    Waisnor, Rosemary Landry, Deniza
Songs .........................Mark E.          Lord’s Supper .............Earl M.         Chase’s niece, Marge Simon, Penny
Prayers ....................Tom B. & Duane C.   Coordinator ................Rick G.        Ranger, Manley Jones, Michael
Scripture ....................Doug P.                                                      Anderson's brother
Lord’s Supper ............Larry G.              Sunday, April 19, 6:00PM                   Leadership: Ministers, Elders,
Coordinator ...............Stuart P.            Third Sunday                               Deacons
                                                                                           Evangelism: Bible studies in
Sunday, April 19, 11:00AM                       Wednesday, April 22, 7:00PM                progress, our website, MNFM, food
Songs ........................Gary D.           Songs..........................Mark E.     pantry
Prayers ....................Gerry M. & Lee D.                                              Return to the Lord: Brethren who
                                                                                           have forsaken the assembly

                                                                                                                     PAGE 2
T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                                             Ap r 15, 2 0 0 9

                Li f e Af t e r l i f e (P a r t 6)
                                                                                        P a r k Li n s c o m b
            Last week in our study of the life    Revelation 21 and 22 we see Heaven              resurrected bodies (see 1 Cor. 15:35-41),
after life, we studied the judgment, and this     described as a place of…                        the new heavens and new earth will be a
week the plan is to study Heaven. But                                                             different kind of heaven and earth (the
before we begin that great topic, there are a            Golden streets, pearl gates, and        Greek word means new kind of, new
couple of ”leftover” questions to address                     foundations of precious stones      species of); indeed, Rom. 8:18-25 implies a
that touch on both judgment and Heaven.                       (21:19-21)                          redeemed creation like our resurrected
            Many are often worried about the             The tree of life (22:2)                 (redeemed, v. 23) bodies. This makes good
uninformed pagan in a remote location or                 No evil or sin (21:8 and 27)            sense in that our redeemed / resurrected /
about a saintly great-grandmother who                    No night (22:5; 21:22,23)               immortal bodies will need an appropriate
failed to be baptized before she died.                   The presence of God Himself (21:3; creation in which to abide. Even Rev. 22:3
Would God really keep them out of                             22:3,4)                             tells us that there will be “no more curse”
Heaven? Here’s the Bible’s answer in a                   The water of life flowing like a river — referring to Gen. 3:17-19 and the curse
nutshell — without Jesus, every sinner                        through the middle (22:1)           brought on the creation at Adam’s and
must bear the consequences of their sins                 No pain or death, no tears or sorrow Eve’s sin.
(Rom. 6:23; Rom. 1;32; Rom. 2:6). And                         (21:4)                                         It will be a place of worship; we
God will be completely impartial to all                                                           often see the saints and host of Heaven
men and women of every age, race, culture,                    Lockyer (All the Doctrines in the praising God in Revelation (e.g., Rev. 4:8-
class, and religion (Rom. 2:11,12). We            Bible, p. 288,289) has a clever alliteration    11). Because of this, some have concluded
needn’t ever worry about the Lord’s justice       describing Heaven:                              that Heaven will be little more than an
and mercy — He is supreme and                                                                     eternal worship service (and you thought
superlative in judgment, wise and                        An abode (Jn. 14:1-3)                   my sermons were long?). But the truth is
understanding beyond our ability to                      A prepared abode (Jn. 14:1-3; 1 Pet. that no one knows what we’ll do with
comprehend, and we don’t need to “check                       1:4)                                Heaven’s eternity. We know that God has
His work”. Whatever God decides about                    A peopled abode (2 Tim. 4:8)            had duties and assignments for angels and
whatever scenario you can dream up will                  A paternal abode (Jn. 14:2)             it is conceivable, therefore, that we also
be right, fair, and just in the perfect sense            A palatial abode (Rev. 21:19-21)        will be given purposeful things to do in
of the words.                                            A pleasurable abode (Mt. 25:21,23) Heaven. Some might object, of course, that
            Another question also arises out             A peaceful abode (Rev. 21:8)            Heaven is described as a place of rest, but I
of the judgment: if Sheol/Hades has a                    A perfect abode (Rev. 21:8,27)          would remind them that Canaan was also
“bosom of Abraham” and a torment,                        A permanent abode (2 Cor. 5:1)          described as a land of rest. But it wasn’t a
doesn’t this imply that a judgment takes                 A prescribed abode (1 Cor. 6:9-11)      rest from the work; it wasn’t a Sunday
place before the final judgment? The                                                              afternoon of naps. Rather, it was rest from
answer is yes; it does imply a judgment                       But many of the descriptions of     the trials of the wilderness. So also it is
before the final judgment, but we needn’t         Heaven (perhaps you’ve noticed) are rather likely that our rest will be less “La-Z-Boy”
be so surprised, since even our own               material. It’s not that Heaven will be so       and more rest from sorrow, death, sin, and
criminal courts conduct two judgments for         material, as much as it is simply so hard to trouble. Some of the hints we get from
our criminals. The first is to determine guilt    describe a spiritual place that is beyond       Scripture about what we might do come
or innocence. If the accused is found guilty,     human words or human experiences.               from passages like Revelation 3:21 "‘He
he is placed in jail for a sentencing trial and   Imagine attempting to explain red to a          who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit
judgment. It therefore might help our             child born blind. The child cannot              down with Me on My throne, as I also
comprehension of God’s arrangements to            comprehend light, let alone something like overcame and sat down with My Father on
consider the first judgment, after death, as      color, saturation or shades. So perhaps as      His throne,” and 1 Corinthians 6:3 "Do you
one of guilt or innocence and the final           wonderful as Heaven is described in the         not know that we will judge angels? How
judgment, after the resurrection, to be an        Bible, it is likely far more wonderful than     much more matters of this life?"
eternal sentencing trial.                         our poor human vocabularies can describe.                  Here’s the bottom line. Heaven
            But on to talk of Heaven. Heaven,     It is, in the end, a description of things we will be a place marvelous and desirable
first of all, is a place. It is the place to      don’t even have words for, wonders we’ve beyond description — you will want to be
which Christ ascended (not just heaven),          never seen the like of, and phenomena we        there for all eternity.
Acts 1:9-11; where Jesus prepares a place         never knew existed.                                        As we conclude this study, we
for us, John 14:1-3; and where Jesus sits at                  It is also described as a new (kind should also note that Heaven is a prepared
the Father’s right hand to intercede for us,      of) heaven and a new (kind of) earth (Rev. place (Jn. 14:1-3) for prepared people. No
(Rom. 8:34).                                      21:1; 2 Pet. 3:7-13). This is not a renewed one will “wake up” in Heaven and wonder,
            Heaven’s most vivid description       heaven and earth, as Jehovah’s Witnesses        “Wow, how did I get here?” Are you
is found in Revelation, of course. In             and a handful of others hope for. Like our      prepared?

                                                                                                                                   PAGE 3
T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H                                              Ap r 15, 2 0 0 9

                                         Our Congregational Calendar
     Sunday             Monday           Tuesday        Wednesday             Thursday          Friday            Saturday
12                 13               14                15               16                  17                18
                                                       Bible class 7PM
Happy Birthday:                         Happy                                              Happy Birthday:
  Rick Dugre                          Anniversary:    Happy Birthday:                       Gerry Millette
                                       George &        Randy Chase
                                     Sharon Abood         Happy
                                                        Karl & Sue

19                 20               21                22                 23                24                25
                                                       Bible class 7PM

                                                      Happy Birthday:
                                                       Caroline Apgar
                                                        Tom & Linda
                                                      Myron & Gloria
                        Te e n N e w s                                                    Yo u n g A d u l t s

                                                     Our Statistics
              Sunday Morning Worship (combined)                                     161
                  Contribution                                                   $3,155.13

T he Ma n c h es te r c h u r c h o f C h r is t
66 M a m m o t h R d.
M a n c h e s t e r , N H 03109

                                                                                                                    PAGE 4

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Jude: Practical Exhortations_Jude 17-23.pptx

April 15, 2009

  • 1. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ap r 15, 2 0 0 9 THE BULLETIN Manchester Church of Christ Be a “Wise Guy” 66 Mammoth Rd. Manchester, NH 03109 603.623.5559 For a while the church here had a food pantry we kept to help one another and our community, but it became a little overwhelming to those who had been working in it Elder’s Link: April and it went into dormancy. But Duane Coss – 424-9152 now with renewed personnel and energy our church pantry for the needy is relaunching and we need Barry Fogal – 487-2387 In Luke 12:16ff Jesus told a your help. parable of a rich man whose crops April 26 we’re having a did especially well one season. If you have any concerns that the special food drive. We’re asking elders should be aware of, or need Instead of sharing with those in everyone to look at the sign up to speak to with them, please need, the rich congratulated sheet posted in the foyer, grab a contact Lee or Larry this month. himself on his good fortune, “shopping list” for yourself, and made plans to build bigger barns, bring your items Sunday morning Our Worship Services and decided to “take early (May 3rd) to our food drive. We’ll retirement”. God summed his life Sunday AM: 8:30 & 11:00 put all the food up on the stage up this way, however, “You fool! Bible Class: 10:00 (the kids love this stuff) as a This very night your soul is Sunday PM: 6:00 demonstration of our required of you; and now who will determination to obey the Lord’s Small Groups: own what you have prepared?” commands. Be wise, join us in West Side Small Group: 6:15PM at (Luke 12:20). And so Jesus this important church effort. Doug Paul’s encourages us to be wise rather than the rich fool by storing up Merrimack Small Group: 6:00PM at Stuart Peacock’s treasures in Heaven. Jesus placed a high value Nashua Small Group: 6:00PM at Paul Mosier's on helping those in need. Although our first priority is to Wednesday PM Devotional/Bible Classes: 7:00 help brothers and sisters, we are also commanded to help all men. News Items? Please submit before 11AM each Tuesday. This Sunday morning’s sermon Sunday of the month, which means that will revolve around Ephesians 1:3 and there will be no evening service at the “Being in Christ”. If you’d like to get a church building. We encourage you to head-start on the subject, read Ephesians find and meet with a small group — it’ll chapter 1 and notice all the places in be great fellowship, great discussion, which we are blessed in Christ. and a great experience. This Sunday evening is our usual third PAGE 1
  • 2. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ap r 15, 2 0 0 9 “So then you are no longer strangers and Our Family aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household,” Ephesians 2:19, NAS95. Coming up in April... items on the take home list as This and that... your reminder. Reminder There will be no evening services at the building this coming Sunday due to it being Posted notes Please take a moment the third Sunday of the month. and read the thank you notes posted on the bulletin board Small group The south side small written by the teens who went to group will be meeting at Dick Youth Advance. and Freda Potter's home on Sunday, April 19th at 6:00. Ladies Day The Northern Valley church in Lancaster, NH will be Help needed The Lauzon's will be hosting a ladies day on moving to Dublin, NH in a little Saturday, May 16th. Carolyn over a week (April 25th) and Wilcox of Denver, CO will be could use some help moving. speaking on the theme “My Please contact Peter or Debbie if Deliverer- My Strength”. More you are available to help. details can be found on the bulletin board in the foyer. Announcing the 24th annual What else? Northeastern States Men's Building update Work on the Retreat. It will be held in Kent, Prayers needed Doreen Lee is in downstairs is progressing nicely. Connecticut on June 12th & 13th. CMC (room C119)undergoing a The mudding and priming of the Dr. Howard Wright from new treatment to try to rid her walls should be done this week Atlanta, Georgia will be body of the excess fluid that has and the kitchen cabinets and speaking on the theme “Point built up. Please let her know you classroom doors are to be Man for God.” Please the poster are thinking of her through delivered and installed. During in the foyer for more details. calls, cards and visits. this time of building renovations Pantry revival The requested items any questions you may have can are posted on a sign up sheet on be directed to Lee Davis. the bulletin board in the foyer. Please sign up and mark your Prayer Concerns Worship Leaders Health: Doreen Lee, Pat Arel, Bill Sunday, April 19, 8:30AM Scripture .....................David S. Waisnor, Rosemary Landry, Deniza Songs .........................Mark E. Lord’s Supper .............Earl M. Chase’s niece, Marge Simon, Penny Prayers ....................Tom B. & Duane C. Coordinator ................Rick G. Ranger, Manley Jones, Michael Scripture ....................Doug P. Anderson's brother Lord’s Supper ............Larry G. Sunday, April 19, 6:00PM Leadership: Ministers, Elders, Coordinator ...............Stuart P. Third Sunday Deacons Evangelism: Bible studies in Sunday, April 19, 11:00AM Wednesday, April 22, 7:00PM progress, our website, MNFM, food Songs ........................Gary D. Songs..........................Mark E. pantry Prayers ....................Gerry M. & Lee D. Return to the Lord: Brethren who have forsaken the assembly PAGE 2
  • 3. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ap r 15, 2 0 0 9 Li f e Af t e r l i f e (P a r t 6) P a r k Li n s c o m b Last week in our study of the life Revelation 21 and 22 we see Heaven resurrected bodies (see 1 Cor. 15:35-41), after life, we studied the judgment, and this described as a place of… the new heavens and new earth will be a week the plan is to study Heaven. But different kind of heaven and earth (the before we begin that great topic, there are a Golden streets, pearl gates, and Greek word means new kind of, new couple of ”leftover” questions to address foundations of precious stones species of); indeed, Rom. 8:18-25 implies a that touch on both judgment and Heaven. (21:19-21) redeemed creation like our resurrected Many are often worried about the The tree of life (22:2) (redeemed, v. 23) bodies. This makes good uninformed pagan in a remote location or No evil or sin (21:8 and 27) sense in that our redeemed / resurrected / about a saintly great-grandmother who No night (22:5; 21:22,23) immortal bodies will need an appropriate failed to be baptized before she died. The presence of God Himself (21:3; creation in which to abide. Even Rev. 22:3 Would God really keep them out of 22:3,4) tells us that there will be “no more curse” Heaven? Here’s the Bible’s answer in a The water of life flowing like a river — referring to Gen. 3:17-19 and the curse nutshell — without Jesus, every sinner through the middle (22:1) brought on the creation at Adam’s and must bear the consequences of their sins No pain or death, no tears or sorrow Eve’s sin. (Rom. 6:23; Rom. 1;32; Rom. 2:6). And (21:4) It will be a place of worship; we God will be completely impartial to all often see the saints and host of Heaven men and women of every age, race, culture, Lockyer (All the Doctrines in the praising God in Revelation (e.g., Rev. 4:8- class, and religion (Rom. 2:11,12). We Bible, p. 288,289) has a clever alliteration 11). Because of this, some have concluded needn’t ever worry about the Lord’s justice describing Heaven: that Heaven will be little more than an and mercy — He is supreme and eternal worship service (and you thought superlative in judgment, wise and An abode (Jn. 14:1-3) my sermons were long?). But the truth is understanding beyond our ability to A prepared abode (Jn. 14:1-3; 1 Pet. that no one knows what we’ll do with comprehend, and we don’t need to “check 1:4) Heaven’s eternity. We know that God has His work”. Whatever God decides about A peopled abode (2 Tim. 4:8) had duties and assignments for angels and whatever scenario you can dream up will A paternal abode (Jn. 14:2) it is conceivable, therefore, that we also be right, fair, and just in the perfect sense A palatial abode (Rev. 21:19-21) will be given purposeful things to do in of the words. A pleasurable abode (Mt. 25:21,23) Heaven. Some might object, of course, that Another question also arises out A peaceful abode (Rev. 21:8) Heaven is described as a place of rest, but I of the judgment: if Sheol/Hades has a A perfect abode (Rev. 21:8,27) would remind them that Canaan was also “bosom of Abraham” and a torment, A permanent abode (2 Cor. 5:1) described as a land of rest. But it wasn’t a doesn’t this imply that a judgment takes A prescribed abode (1 Cor. 6:9-11) rest from the work; it wasn’t a Sunday place before the final judgment? The afternoon of naps. Rather, it was rest from answer is yes; it does imply a judgment But many of the descriptions of the trials of the wilderness. So also it is before the final judgment, but we needn’t Heaven (perhaps you’ve noticed) are rather likely that our rest will be less “La-Z-Boy” be so surprised, since even our own material. It’s not that Heaven will be so and more rest from sorrow, death, sin, and criminal courts conduct two judgments for material, as much as it is simply so hard to trouble. Some of the hints we get from our criminals. The first is to determine guilt describe a spiritual place that is beyond Scripture about what we might do come or innocence. If the accused is found guilty, human words or human experiences. from passages like Revelation 3:21 "‘He he is placed in jail for a sentencing trial and Imagine attempting to explain red to a who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit judgment. It therefore might help our child born blind. The child cannot down with Me on My throne, as I also comprehension of God’s arrangements to comprehend light, let alone something like overcame and sat down with My Father on consider the first judgment, after death, as color, saturation or shades. So perhaps as His throne,” and 1 Corinthians 6:3 "Do you one of guilt or innocence and the final wonderful as Heaven is described in the not know that we will judge angels? How judgment, after the resurrection, to be an Bible, it is likely far more wonderful than much more matters of this life?" eternal sentencing trial. our poor human vocabularies can describe. Here’s the bottom line. Heaven But on to talk of Heaven. Heaven, It is, in the end, a description of things we will be a place marvelous and desirable first of all, is a place. It is the place to don’t even have words for, wonders we’ve beyond description — you will want to be which Christ ascended (not just heaven), never seen the like of, and phenomena we there for all eternity. Acts 1:9-11; where Jesus prepares a place never knew existed. As we conclude this study, we for us, John 14:1-3; and where Jesus sits at It is also described as a new (kind should also note that Heaven is a prepared the Father’s right hand to intercede for us, of) heaven and a new (kind of) earth (Rev. place (Jn. 14:1-3) for prepared people. No (Rom. 8:34). 21:1; 2 Pet. 3:7-13). This is not a renewed one will “wake up” in Heaven and wonder, Heaven’s most vivid description heaven and earth, as Jehovah’s Witnesses “Wow, how did I get here?” Are you is found in Revelation, of course. In and a handful of others hope for. Like our prepared? PAGE 3
  • 4. T HE MA N C HESTER C H URC H OF C HRIST, MA N C HESTER, N H Ap r 15, 2 0 0 9 Our Congregational Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Bible class 7PM Happy Birthday: Happy Happy Birthday: Rick Dugre Anniversary: Happy Birthday: Gerry Millette George & Randy Chase Sharon Abood Happy Anniversary: Karl & Sue Davies 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Bible class 7PM Happy Birthday: Caroline Apgar Happy Anniversary: Tom & Linda Carroll Myron & Gloria Potter Te e n N e w s Yo u n g A d u l t s Our Statistics Sunday Morning Worship (combined) 161 Contribution $3,155.13 T he Ma n c h es te r c h u r c h o f C h r is t 66 M a m m o t h R d. M a n c h e s t e r , N H 03109 PAGE 4