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Applications of
Bionics in
fundamental tools available to the
It is a map that depicts the
configuration of the shoreline and
It provides water depths, locations
of dangers to navigation, locations
and characteristics of aids to
navigation, anchorages, and other
Essential for safe navigation
What is sonar
Uses sound waves to
see in water
Sound Navigation and
Ranging: Alexander
Application: exploring and
mapping the ocean because
sound waves travel farther in
the water than do radar and
light waves 2
▪ Nautical charts
▪ Locate underwater
hazards to
▪ search for and map
objects on the
seafloor such as
▪ map the seafloor
two types of sonar—
active and passive.
Features of Active Sonar system
• It consists of transmitter and receiver.
• Active sonar transmits sound waves towards the object and receives reflected
waves from it.
Active Sonar sounds are emitted in pulse forms and it listens for the echo after
• The reflected waves are used to detect the object and measure its distance.
• As active sonar transmits sound waves in the sea, it is considered to be harmful
for the marine life.
• Active sonar has capability to detect vessels which are quiet and are difficult to
be detected by passive sonar.
• Active sonar can detect marine mammals in shipping lanes or in high sound
pressure zones. ”.
▪ It consists of receiver part only.
• It does not transmit sound waves but receives sound
waves emitted by sea animals used for communication.
▪ It also receives other vibrations. Basically passive sonar
is used for detection of noise made by others (engines,
propellers, animals etc.).
• Passive Sonar keeps large sonic database. Moreover
sonar operator classifies signals by use of computer and
uses stored databases in order to identify classes of ships
and take action accordingly.
• As it does not transmit waves, it is considered to be safe
for sea animals compare to active sonar type.
send out sound waves, and measure the time it takes
for the sound waves return back to the source, and by
so doing, we can obtain the distance between the
sound source and the object the sound reflects from,
and thus it's location
The acoustic frequency used in sonar system
may range from infrasonic to ultrasonic.
The infrasonic is used for transmitting sound
waves through a long distance but at a low
resolution, while the high frequency sonar, i.e
ultrasonic is used to transmit sound waves over a
short distance at a high resolution.
The branch of sound engineering that studies
underwater sound is known as Hydroacoustic.
frequency used in sonar system
Natural inspiration for sonar
In nature, the idea of sonar system is known
as echolocation or biosonar
Some of the animals that posses this special
ability Includes, the bat, the dolphins
Nature’s own sonar system, echolocation
occurs when an animal emits a sound wave
that bounces off an object, returning an echo
that provides information about the object’s
distance and size.
Echolocating Animals
Over a thousand species
echolocate, including most bats,
all toothed whales, and small
mammals. Many are nocturnal,
burrowing, and ocean-dwelling
animals that rely on
echolocation to find food in an
environment with little to no
Animals have several methods
for echolocation, from vibrating
their throats to flapping their
Accuracy of their hearing ability is
so high that a dolphin can survive
and even fend for itself if both of its
eyes are plucked off.
With this special hearing ability,
they can detect the position of their
prey through a process known as
Want big impact?
Use big image.
A dolphin can emit sounds at a frequency
as high as 120kHz.
A normal human being hears sound within
the range of 20Hz to 20kHz.
Dogs and cats on their own have a hearing
ability of 45kHz and 65kHz respectively.
This means that dolphins have a better
hearing ability than cats and dogs.
Even though the speed of sound in water is
about 4.5 times the speed of sound in air,
the sound waves emitted by the dolphin
doesn't travel more than 16 to 656 feet.
The reason for that is because high
frequency sound does travel a far distance
in water as low frequency sounds does.
dolphins do not have vocal cords
they do not have voice like humans
they do have special internal structures that
enables them to generate sounds
dolphins make use of parts in their body like the
larynx, the melon, the nasal air sacs, the blowhole
and the lungs. The melon is the organ that is
found in a dolphin's head at the upper inner area.
The melon is filled with low-density lipids.
process of echolocation
Open it's blowhole and then inhale.
Air enters the lungs causing the nasal air sacs to swell.
Exhales, the air in the nasal air sacs resonates, and then comes out
through the blowhole with pressure.
As the nasal air sacs deflate, a vibration occurs in the larynx of the dolphin
Echolocation achieved : ultrasound by pushes the air that is leaving it's
nasal air sacs through the lips of the nasal passages, while it opens and
closes the lips.
This frequent opening and closing in addition to the air pushing itself
through generates a vibration at the surrounding tissues which in turn
produces a sound waves.
The more air passes through the respiratory cavities, the more sound is
Dolphins produce high-frequency clicks
When the sound waves bounce off of objects, they
return to the dolphins as echoes.
Dolphins pick up those echoes with their lower jaw and
their enormous foreheads.
These areas have cavities filled with fatty tissues that
channel the sounds toward the ears and then on to the
brain, where they're interpreted.
Determine the shape, speed, distance, size, direction of
travel, and even some basic facts about the internal
structure of objects in the water around them.
This information is critical for dolphins to find food
and navigate in dark or murky waters.
Echolocation was first studied in depth by famous marine explorer and scientist Jacques
Cousteau over 60 years ago.
Despite years of study, scientists still do not fully understand the complex mechanisms
that allow dolphins to learn so much about their surroundings via echolocation.
Future scientists will continue to explore the mysteries of echolocation in an attempt to
understand more fully this fascinating sensory system
▪ Architecture of Sonar
▪ It consists of components
• Transmitter
• Receiver
• Transducer
• Synchronizer
• Control Unit
• Display Unit
excites the sensors with electrical signals.
These signals are converted in to sound energy and
the waves are radiated under water.
The transmitted signals strike the target object and
reflects back.
reflected signal called ‘echo’ is captured
by the Receiver and converts the sound
waves back to electrical signals.
This unit also filters the received signal for
further processing.
Pulse Compression techniques are
incorporated to improve range resolution.
It helps in the
coordination of
Transmission and
Reception to
operate a system in
It is the key component of
the system.
made up of Piezoelectric
material which has the
ability to generate electric
potential. When the voltage
is applied to the
Transducer, it oscillates
creating an acoustic pulse.
Conversely, when the
pressure is applied on the
Transducer, it produces
electrical signal. The
pressure on the Transducer
is created by the received
signal. The process of
converting electrical energy
to sound energy and back is
called ‘Transduction’.
It controls the
entire system.
This unit helps in
processing and
reception of the
Display Unit
It displays the processed data in a visual format. The
display is either a scanned image or PPI (Planned
Position Indicator) image.
Active Sonar: Acoustic signal is radiated in the water by the
When the signal strikes the target it reflects back to the Receiver
unit. The signal is then processed and the range of the ‘target’ is
Eg. If the time period between transmission of sound wave and
reception of the ‘echo’ is 6 sec, it is estimated that sound has
taken 3 secs to travel to the target object and 3 seconds to return.
The average speed of sound in the water is 1,500 meters per
second which implies that the object is 3 sec x 1,500 m/sec or
4,500 meters away.
Passive Sonar: consists of several Hydrophones which act
as receiving sensors.
These sensors captures the sounds of the target object.
Each sensor records the intensity of the sound wave along
with the time delay in reception of the sound wave.
The recorded data is analysed and the sensor which
records the highest amplitude with least time delay will be
considered in close proximity with the point of reflection of
the sound wave.
The performance of Passive detection is largely dependent
on underwater environment.
▪ Applications of Sonar
▪ The applications of Sound Operated
Navigation and Ranging include:
• This technology is used for Bathymetry study
which includes sea floor mapping.
• It is mainly used for underwater surveillance.
• It is widely used in Military applications.
• It is also used by Fishing industry.
• Underwater communication is easier with this
• Used for weather forecasting and
Geophysical research.
▪ Advantages of Sonar
▪ The advantages of Sound Operated Navigation and
Ranging are:
• Attenuation of sound waves is less in water.
• Implementation of the system is not expensive.
• Reliable and Accuracy is high.
▪ Disadvantages of Sonar
▪ The disadvantages Sound Operated Navigation and
Ranging include:
• Scattering is the major source of Interference.
• Poses threat to Marine life.
• Poor directional resolution occurs due to the high beam of
• Impact of reverberation affects the systems performance.
What is radar?????
▪ RADAR stands for Radio Detecting And Ranging and as indicated by the name, it
is based on the use of radio waves.
▪ Radars send out electromagnetic waves similar to wireless computer networks
and mobile phones.
▪ The signals are sent out as short pulses which may be reflected by objects in
their path, in part reflecting back to the radar.
▪ When these pulses intercept precipitation, part of the energy is scattered back to
the radar.
▪ This concept is similar to hearing an echo. For example, when you shout into a
well, the sound waves of your shout reflect off the water and back up to you.
▪ In that same way, the pulse reflects off precipitation and sends a signal back to
the radar. From this information the radar is able to tell where the precipitation is
occurring and how much precipitation exists. 29
1940 US
the term
ComponentsOfThe Radar
▪ Radars in their basic form have four main
• A transmitter, which creates the energy pulse.
• A transmit/receive switch that tells the
antenna when to transmit and when to receive
the pulses.
• An antenna to send these pulses out into the
atmosphere and receive the reflected pulse
• A receiver, which detects, amplifies and
transforms the received signals into video
Basic Radar System
▪ The transmitter generates the high-power signal
that is radiated by the antenna.
▪ Antenna acts as a “transducer” to couple
electromagnetic energy from the transmission
line to radiation in space, and vice versa.
▪ The duplexer permits alternate transmission and
reception with the same antenna; in effect, it is a
fast-acting switch that protects the sensitive
receiver from the high power of the transmitter.
Radar output generally comes in two
forms: reflectivity and velocity.
Reflectivity :measure of how much
precipitation exists in a particular area.
Velocity: measure of the speed and
direction of the precipitation toward or
away from the radar.
Most radars can measure reflectivity
but you need a Doppler radar to
measure velocity.
Receiver selects and amplifies radar
echoes so that they can be displayed on
a television-like screen for the human
operator or be processed by a
The signal processor separates the
signals reflected by possible targets
from unwanted clutter. Then, on the
basis of the echo’s exceeding a
predetermined value, a human
operator or a digital computer circuit
decides whether a target is present.
TheScienceOf Radar
The physics behind radar has its roots in
wave theory
The German Heinrich Hertz discovered
the behavior of radio waves in 1887.
Christian Hulsmeyer: invention of radar:
He showed that the invisible
electromagnetic waves radiated by
suitable electrical circuits
travel with the speed of light, and that
they are reflected in a similar way.
In the following decades these properties
were used to determine the height of the
reflecting layers in the upper atmosphere.
This is why data received from the radar
is called reflectivity.
Types of radar: Primary and secondary
Primary surveillance RADAR (PSR): The transmitter radiates signal in all
the direction, of which has a minimum ratio proportion of energy signal
gets reflected back from the target to the receiver
Advantages of Primary RADAR : it can operate independently of the target
and does not require any co-operation by the target under surveillance.
Used by military purpose for detection of aircraft or ships.
Disadvantages of Primary RADAR: high power to be radiated from the
transmitter to ensure the return of signal from the target.
Only minimum portion of signal get reflected back to the receiver
Reflected signal may be disrupted by noise and signal attenuation from
various factors
It cannot provide lot of information about the target, such as size and
location with precise accuracy
Secondary RADAR
Known as SSR (Secondary Surveillance RADAR).
Also called as Identification Friend or Identification Foe (IFF) system,
Its working operation is based on an active answering signal system.
In addition to Primary RADAR, the SSR is also equipped with the device called
transponder in the target.
Secondary RADAR radiates a signal which is received by a compatible transponder.
After successful retrieving of the signal, the target sends the useful information in the
form of code.
This information tells the receiver about the location, altitude, status and many other
useful information of the target.
The advantages of SSR over PSR are; the received signal is much more powerful and is
not attenuated by any factors.
The base station can get proper information about the aircraft/ships.
Disadvantages are that the base station cannot get information from the aircraft that
does not have any operating transponder and from non-co-operative aircrafts.
SSR is a dependent surveillance system.
Based on function and features:
▪ General Pulse RADAR
▪ Maximum Range Resolution RADAR
▪ Pulse Compression RADAR
▪ Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR)
▪ Inverse Synthetic Aperture RADAR (ISAR)
▪ Tracking RADAR
▪ Weather (meteorological) Observation RADAR
▪ Imaging RADAR
▪ Military RADAR :
Remote sensing and
Law Enforcements
Air Traffic Control (ATC)
Ship Navigation and Safety
Aircraft Navigation
Applications of RADAR
Land use,
Forestry and Agriculture
Other Applications
Military area
MWR Applications
GOME Applications
WSC Applications
Doppler effect.
Sound waves will change in pitch
when there is a shift in the frequency.
An example of this would be an
ambulance siren, which has a higher
pitch when it is approaching, but a
lower pitch if it is travelling away.
With Doppler's theory you can
calculate how fast the ambulance is
moving based on the shift in the
siren's frequency.
This theory is used by Doppler
weather radar to determine the speed
of precipitation in the atmosphere,
toward or away from the radar.
Since precipitation as it falls generally
moves with the wind, you can
determine the wind velocity with
Doppler technology.
The radar transmits a focused pulse of
microwave energy (yup, just like a microwave
oven or a cell phone, but stronger) at an object,
most likely a cloud. Part of this beam of energy
bounces back and is measured by the
radar, providing information about the object.
Radar can measure precipitation size, quantity,
speed and direction of movement, within about
100 mile radius of its location.
Bats use echolocation to navigate
and find food in the dark.
To echolocate, bats send out sound
waves from the mouth or nose.
When the sound waves hit an
object they produce echoes.
The echo bounces off the object
and returns to the bats' ears.
Bats listen to the echoes to figure
out where the object is, how big it
is, and its shape.
Using echolocation, bats can detect objects as thin as
a human hair in complete darkness.
Echolocation allows bats to find insects the size of
mosquitoes, which many bats like to eat.
Bats aren't blind, but they can use echolocation to find
their way around very quickly in total darkness.
What Sounds Do Bats Make?
standard repeated call that is for basic
navigation. Bats use this to avoid flying into
objects. The faster clicking is likely because the
bat has detected an insect and the bat needs
more accuracy to catch its prey
Active electronically scanned array (AESA)
Whatis medicalultrasound?
falls into two distinct categories:
diagnostic and therapeutic.
A form of acoustic energy, or sound, that has a frequency that is
higher than the level of human hearing.
As a medical diagnostic technique, high frequency sound waves
are used to provide real-time medical imaging, image inside the
body without exposure to ionizing radiation.
As a therapeutic technique, high frequency sound waves interact
with tissues to destroy diseased tissue such as tumors, or to
modify tissues, or target drugs to specific locations in the body.
WhatIsthePrincipleof Ultrasonography?
Ultrasonography (USG) is a popular
diagnostic modality used in medical practice.
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
considers it reasonably safe for use in most
individuals, including pregnant women.
Sound energy: vibratory disturbance that moves
forward in a wave through a substrate, whether
that’s air or human tissue absorbing ultrasound
energy. Sound can travel well in air, solid, and
liquid mediums.
The human ear can detect the sound frequency
between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz.
The waves having a frequency higher than 20,000
Hz (20 KHz) are called ultrasound waves.
Ultrasound is not different from “normal” (audible)
sound in its physical properties, except that
humans cannot hear it.
•During sonography, the doctor will place a transducer (USG probe)
directly on the skin or inside a body opening (vagina or rectum).
•A thin layer of gel is applied to the skin directly above the organ to
be scanned.
• Ultrasound waves are transmitted from the transducer through the
gel into the body.
•These short bursts of sound energy hit the desired organs and
return to the probe as an echo.
•The probe diverts them to a biometer present in the system.
•The biometer converts the sound wave data into organ images.
•The image formed depends upon the echoes received and time
taken for the sound to be reflected.
• In a diseased organ, the echoes reflected are different compared
with those in a healthy organ.
•Therefore, the image formed is different.
The Ultrasound Machine
A basic ultrasound machine has the following parts:
• transducer probe - probe that sends and receives the sound
• central processing unit (CPU) - computer that does all of the
calculations and contains the electrical power supplies for itself
and the transducer probe
• transducer pulse controls - changes the amplitude, frequency
and duration of the pulses emitted from the transducer probe
• display - displays the image from the ultrasound data
processed by the CPU
• keyboard/cursor - inputs data and takes measurements from
the display
• disk storage device (hard, floppy, CD) - stores the acquired
• printer - prints the image from the displayed data
Dangers of Ultrasound
There have been many concerns about the safety of
There have been some reports of low birthweight babies
being born to mothers who had frequent ultrasound
examinations during pregnancy.
The two major possibilities with ultrasound are as
•development of heat - tissues or water absorb the
ultrasound energy which increases their temperature
•formation of bubbles (cavitation) - when dissolved
gases come out of solution due to local heat caused by
However, there have been no substantiated ill-effects of
ultrasound documented in studies in either humans or
animals. This being said, ultrasound should still be used
only when necessary (i.e. better to be cautious).
Diagnostic ultrasound : non-invasively image
internal organs within the body.
not good for imaging bones or any tissues that
contain air, like the lungs.
Under some conditions, ultrasound can image
bones (such as in a fetus or in small babies) or the
lungs and lining around the lungs, when they are
filled or partially filled with fluid.
One of the most common uses of ultrasound is
during pregnancy, to monitor the growth and
development of the fetus, but there are many other
uses, including imaging the heart, blood vessels,
eyes, thyroid, brain, breast, abdominal organs, skin,
and muscles. Ultrasound images are displayed in
either 2D, 3D, or 4D (which is 3D in motion).
Functional ultrasound.
▪ Functional ultrasound applications include Doppler and
color Doppler ultrasound for measuring and visualizing
blood flow in vessels within the body or in the heart.
▪ It can also measure the speed of the blood flow and
direction of movement.
▪ color-coded maps called color Doppler imaging.
▪ Doppler ultrasound is commonly used to determine
whether plaque build-up inside the carotid arteries is
blocking blood flow to the brain.
A medical imaging technique that measures the elasticity or stiffness of a tissue.
The technique captures snapshots of shear waves, a special type of sound wave, as
they move through the tissue.
The stiffness of the tissue gives information about the possible presence of disease. For
example tumors are harder than the surrounding normal tissue and disease livers are
stiffer than healthy ones.
This information can be displayed as either color-coded maps of the relative stiffness;
black-and white maps that display high-contrast images of tumors compared with
anatomical images; or color-coded maps that are overlayed on the anatomical image.
Elastography can be used to test for liver fibrosis, a condition in which excessive scar
tissue builds up in the liver due to inflammation.
Ultrasound is also an important method for imaging interventions in the body
Therapeuticor interventionalultrasound.
focused on specific targets for the purpose of heating, ablating, or
breaking up tissue
One type of therapeutic ultrasound uses high-intensity beams of sound
that are highly targeted, and is called High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
(HIFU). HIFU is being investigated as a method for modifying or destroying
diseased or abnormal tissues inside the body (e.g. tumors) without having
to open or tear the skin or cause damage to the surrounding tissue.
the physics of sound can place limits on the test.
the quality of the picture depends on many factors.
sound waves cannot penetrate deeply, and an obese patient may be
imaged poorly.
ultrasound does poorly when gas is present between the probe and the
target organ. should the intestine be distended with bowel gas, organs
behind it may not be easily seen. similarly, ultrasound works poorly in the
chest, where the lungs are filled with air.
ultrasound does not penetrate bone easily.
the accuracy of the test is very much operator dependent. this means that
the key to a good test is the ultrasound technician.
ultrasound can be enhanced by using doppler technology which can
measure whether an object is moving towards or away from the probe. this
can allow the technician to measure blood flow in organs such as the heart
or liver , or within specific blood vessels.
▪ The Future of Ultrasound
As with other computer technology, ultrasound machines will most likely
get faster and have more memory for storing data.
Transducer probes may get smaller, and more insertable probes will be
developed to get better images of internal organs.
Most likely, 3D ultrasound will be more highly developed and become
more popular.
The entire ultrasound machine will probably get smaller, perhaps even
hand-held for use in the field (e.g. paramedics, battlefield triage).
One exciting new area of research is the development of ultrasound
imaging combined with heads-up/virtual reality-type displays that will
allow a doctor to "see" inside you as he/she is performing a minimally
invasive or non-invasive procedure such as amniocentesis or biopsy.

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Applications of Bionics in engineering such as Sonar and radar

  • 2. Sonar fundamental tools available to the mariner. It is a map that depicts the configuration of the shoreline and seafloor. It provides water depths, locations of dangers to navigation, locations and characteristics of aids to navigation, anchorages, and other features. Essential for safe navigation What is sonar Uses sound waves to see in water Sound Navigation and Ranging: Alexander Application: exploring and mapping the ocean because sound waves travel farther in the water than do radar and light waves 2 ▪ Nautical charts ▪ Locate underwater hazards to navigation ▪ search for and map objects on the seafloor such as shipwrecks ▪ map the seafloor itself.
  • 4. two types of sonar— active and passive.
  • 5. Features of Active Sonar system • It consists of transmitter and receiver. • Active sonar transmits sound waves towards the object and receives reflected waves from it. Active Sonar sounds are emitted in pulse forms and it listens for the echo after transmission. • The reflected waves are used to detect the object and measure its distance. • As active sonar transmits sound waves in the sea, it is considered to be harmful for the marine life. • Active sonar has capability to detect vessels which are quiet and are difficult to be detected by passive sonar. • Active sonar can detect marine mammals in shipping lanes or in high sound pressure zones. ”. 5
  • 6. PassiveSonar ▪ It consists of receiver part only. • It does not transmit sound waves but receives sound waves emitted by sea animals used for communication. ▪ It also receives other vibrations. Basically passive sonar is used for detection of noise made by others (engines, propellers, animals etc.). • Passive Sonar keeps large sonic database. Moreover sonar operator classifies signals by use of computer and uses stored databases in order to identify classes of ships and take action accordingly. • As it does not transmit waves, it is considered to be safe for sea animals compare to active sonar type. 6
  • 7. Principle send out sound waves, and measure the time it takes for the sound waves return back to the source, and by so doing, we can obtain the distance between the sound source and the object the sound reflects from, and thus it's location 7
  • 8. The acoustic frequency used in sonar system may range from infrasonic to ultrasonic. The infrasonic is used for transmitting sound waves through a long distance but at a low resolution, while the high frequency sonar, i.e ultrasonic is used to transmit sound waves over a short distance at a high resolution. The branch of sound engineering that studies underwater sound is known as Hydroacoustic. frequency used in sonar system 8
  • 9. Natural inspiration for sonar In nature, the idea of sonar system is known as echolocation or biosonar Some of the animals that posses this special ability Includes, the bat, the dolphins Nature’s own sonar system, echolocation occurs when an animal emits a sound wave that bounces off an object, returning an echo that provides information about the object’s distance and size. 9
  • 10. Echolocating Animals 10 Over a thousand species echolocate, including most bats, all toothed whales, and small mammals. Many are nocturnal, burrowing, and ocean-dwelling animals that rely on echolocation to find food in an environment with little to no light. Animals have several methods for echolocation, from vibrating their throats to flapping their wings.
  • 11. DOLPHINSANDECHOLOCATION Accuracy of their hearing ability is so high that a dolphin can survive and even fend for itself if both of its eyes are plucked off. With this special hearing ability, they can detect the position of their prey through a process known as echolocation. 11
  • 12. Want big impact? Use big image. 12 A dolphin can emit sounds at a frequency as high as 120kHz. A normal human being hears sound within the range of 20Hz to 20kHz. Dogs and cats on their own have a hearing ability of 45kHz and 65kHz respectively. This means that dolphins have a better hearing ability than cats and dogs. Even though the speed of sound in water is about 4.5 times the speed of sound in air, the sound waves emitted by the dolphin doesn't travel more than 16 to 656 feet. The reason for that is because high frequency sound does travel a far distance in water as low frequency sounds does.
  • 13. HOWECHOLOCATIONWORKS 13 dolphins do not have vocal cords they do not have voice like humans they do have special internal structures that enables them to generate sounds dolphins make use of parts in their body like the larynx, the melon, the nasal air sacs, the blowhole and the lungs. The melon is the organ that is found in a dolphin's head at the upper inner area. The melon is filled with low-density lipids.
  • 14. 14
  • 15. process of echolocation 15 Open it's blowhole and then inhale. Air enters the lungs causing the nasal air sacs to swell. Exhales, the air in the nasal air sacs resonates, and then comes out through the blowhole with pressure. As the nasal air sacs deflate, a vibration occurs in the larynx of the dolphin Echolocation achieved : ultrasound by pushes the air that is leaving it's nasal air sacs through the lips of the nasal passages, while it opens and closes the lips. This frequent opening and closing in addition to the air pushing itself through generates a vibration at the surrounding tissues which in turn produces a sound waves. The more air passes through the respiratory cavities, the more sound is generated.
  • 16. 16 Dolphins produce high-frequency clicks When the sound waves bounce off of objects, they return to the dolphins as echoes. Dolphins pick up those echoes with their lower jaw and their enormous foreheads. These areas have cavities filled with fatty tissues that channel the sounds toward the ears and then on to the brain, where they're interpreted. Determine the shape, speed, distance, size, direction of travel, and even some basic facts about the internal structure of objects in the water around them. This information is critical for dolphins to find food and navigate in dark or murky waters.
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  • 18. 18 Echolocation was first studied in depth by famous marine explorer and scientist Jacques Cousteau over 60 years ago. Despite years of study, scientists still do not fully understand the complex mechanisms that allow dolphins to learn so much about their surroundings via echolocation. Future scientists will continue to explore the mysteries of echolocation in an attempt to understand more fully this fascinating sensory system
  • 19. ▪ Architecture of Sonar ▪ It consists of components like: • Transmitter • Receiver • Transducer • Synchronizer • Control Unit • Display Unit 19
  • 20. 20
  • 21. 21 Transmitter excites the sensors with electrical signals. These signals are converted in to sound energy and the waves are radiated under water. The transmitted signals strike the target object and reflects back. Receiver reflected signal called ‘echo’ is captured by the Receiver and converts the sound waves back to electrical signals. This unit also filters the received signal for further processing. Pulse Compression techniques are incorporated to improve range resolution.
  • 22. It helps in the coordination of Transmission and Reception to operate a system in unison. 22 It is the key component of the system. made up of Piezoelectric material which has the ability to generate electric potential. When the voltage is applied to the Transducer, it oscillates creating an acoustic pulse. Conversely, when the pressure is applied on the Transducer, it produces electrical signal. The pressure on the Transducer is created by the received signal. The process of converting electrical energy to sound energy and back is called ‘Transduction’. It controls the entire system. This unit helps in transmission, processing and reception of the signal. Control Unit Display Unit It displays the processed data in a visual format. The display is either a scanned image or PPI (Planned Position Indicator) image.
  • 23. HowdoesSonarWork 23 Active Sonar: Acoustic signal is radiated in the water by the Transmitter. When the signal strikes the target it reflects back to the Receiver unit. The signal is then processed and the range of the ‘target’ is estimated. Eg. If the time period between transmission of sound wave and reception of the ‘echo’ is 6 sec, it is estimated that sound has taken 3 secs to travel to the target object and 3 seconds to return. The average speed of sound in the water is 1,500 meters per second which implies that the object is 3 sec x 1,500 m/sec or 4,500 meters away.
  • 24. Passive Sonar: consists of several Hydrophones which act as receiving sensors. These sensors captures the sounds of the target object. Each sensor records the intensity of the sound wave along with the time delay in reception of the sound wave. The recorded data is analysed and the sensor which records the highest amplitude with least time delay will be considered in close proximity with the point of reflection of the sound wave. The performance of Passive detection is largely dependent on underwater environment.
  • 25. ▪ Applications of Sonar ▪ The applications of Sound Operated Navigation and Ranging include: • This technology is used for Bathymetry study which includes sea floor mapping. • It is mainly used for underwater surveillance. • It is widely used in Military applications. • It is also used by Fishing industry. • Underwater communication is easier with this technology. • Used for weather forecasting and Geophysical research. 25
  • 26. 26 ▪ Advantages of Sonar ▪ The advantages of Sound Operated Navigation and Ranging are: • Attenuation of sound waves is less in water. • Implementation of the system is not expensive. • Reliable and Accuracy is high. ▪ Disadvantages of Sonar ▪ The disadvantages Sound Operated Navigation and Ranging include: • Scattering is the major source of Interference. • Poses threat to Marine life. • Poor directional resolution occurs due to the high beam of Sonar. • Impact of reverberation affects the systems performance.
  • 27. 27
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  • 29. Radar What is radar????? ▪ RADAR stands for Radio Detecting And Ranging and as indicated by the name, it is based on the use of radio waves. ▪ Radars send out electromagnetic waves similar to wireless computer networks and mobile phones. ▪ The signals are sent out as short pulses which may be reflected by objects in their path, in part reflecting back to the radar. ▪ When these pulses intercept precipitation, part of the energy is scattered back to the radar. ▪ This concept is similar to hearing an echo. For example, when you shout into a well, the sound waves of your shout reflect off the water and back up to you. ▪ In that same way, the pulse reflects off precipitation and sends a signal back to the radar. From this information the radar is able to tell where the precipitation is occurring and how much precipitation exists. 29 1940 US Navy coined the term RADAR
  • 30. ComponentsOfThe Radar ▪ Radars in their basic form have four main components: • A transmitter, which creates the energy pulse. • A transmit/receive switch that tells the antenna when to transmit and when to receive the pulses. • An antenna to send these pulses out into the atmosphere and receive the reflected pulse back. • A receiver, which detects, amplifies and transforms the received signals into video format. 30
  • 32. ▪ The transmitter generates the high-power signal that is radiated by the antenna. ▪ Antenna acts as a “transducer” to couple electromagnetic energy from the transmission line to radiation in space, and vice versa. ▪ The duplexer permits alternate transmission and reception with the same antenna; in effect, it is a fast-acting switch that protects the sensitive receiver from the high power of the transmitter. 32
  • 33. Radar output generally comes in two forms: reflectivity and velocity. Reflectivity :measure of how much precipitation exists in a particular area. Velocity: measure of the speed and direction of the precipitation toward or away from the radar. Most radars can measure reflectivity but you need a Doppler radar to measure velocity.
  • 34. Receiver selects and amplifies radar echoes so that they can be displayed on a television-like screen for the human operator or be processed by a computer. The signal processor separates the signals reflected by possible targets from unwanted clutter. Then, on the basis of the echo’s exceeding a predetermined value, a human operator or a digital computer circuit decides whether a target is present.
  • 35. TheScienceOf Radar 35 Reflectivity The physics behind radar has its roots in wave theory The German Heinrich Hertz discovered the behavior of radio waves in 1887. Christian Hulsmeyer: invention of radar: Telemobiloscope He showed that the invisible electromagnetic waves radiated by suitable electrical circuits travel with the speed of light, and that they are reflected in a similar way. In the following decades these properties were used to determine the height of the reflecting layers in the upper atmosphere. This is why data received from the radar is called reflectivity.
  • 36. Types of radar: Primary and secondary 36 Primary surveillance RADAR (PSR): The transmitter radiates signal in all the direction, of which has a minimum ratio proportion of energy signal gets reflected back from the target to the receiver Advantages of Primary RADAR : it can operate independently of the target and does not require any co-operation by the target under surveillance. Used by military purpose for detection of aircraft or ships. Disadvantages of Primary RADAR: high power to be radiated from the transmitter to ensure the return of signal from the target. Only minimum portion of signal get reflected back to the receiver Reflected signal may be disrupted by noise and signal attenuation from various factors It cannot provide lot of information about the target, such as size and location with precise accuracy
  • 37. Secondary RADAR 37 Known as SSR (Secondary Surveillance RADAR). Also called as Identification Friend or Identification Foe (IFF) system, Its working operation is based on an active answering signal system. In addition to Primary RADAR, the SSR is also equipped with the device called transponder in the target. Secondary RADAR radiates a signal which is received by a compatible transponder. After successful retrieving of the signal, the target sends the useful information in the form of code. This information tells the receiver about the location, altitude, status and many other useful information of the target. The advantages of SSR over PSR are; the received signal is much more powerful and is not attenuated by any factors. The base station can get proper information about the aircraft/ships. Disadvantages are that the base station cannot get information from the aircraft that does not have any operating transponder and from non-co-operative aircrafts. SSR is a dependent surveillance system.
  • 38. Based on function and features: ▪ General Pulse RADAR ▪ Maximum Range Resolution RADAR ▪ Pulse Compression RADAR ▪ CWRADAR ▪ M-CWRADAR ▪ Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR) ▪ Inverse Synthetic Aperture RADAR (ISAR) ▪ Tracking RADAR ▪ Weather (meteorological) Observation RADAR ▪ Imaging RADAR ▪ Military RADAR : 38
  • 39. APPLICATIONS OF RADAR 39 Remote sensing and Environment: Law Enforcements Air Traffic Control (ATC) Ship Navigation and Safety Aircraft Navigation Space
  • 40. Applications of RADAR 40 Land use, Forestry and Agriculture Other Applications Military area MWR Applications GOME Applications WSC Applications
  • 41. 41
  • 42. Doppler effect. 42 Sound waves will change in pitch when there is a shift in the frequency. An example of this would be an ambulance siren, which has a higher pitch when it is approaching, but a lower pitch if it is travelling away. With Doppler's theory you can calculate how fast the ambulance is moving based on the shift in the siren's frequency. This theory is used by Doppler weather radar to determine the speed of precipitation in the atmosphere, toward or away from the radar. Since precipitation as it falls generally moves with the wind, you can determine the wind velocity with Doppler technology.
  • 43. HowDoRadarsWork? The radar transmits a focused pulse of microwave energy (yup, just like a microwave oven or a cell phone, but stronger) at an object, most likely a cloud. Part of this beam of energy bounces back and is measured by the radar, providing information about the object. Radar can measure precipitation size, quantity, speed and direction of movement, within about 100 mile radius of its location.
  • 44. 44 Bats use echolocation to navigate and find food in the dark. To echolocate, bats send out sound waves from the mouth or nose. When the sound waves hit an object they produce echoes. The echo bounces off the object and returns to the bats' ears. Bats listen to the echoes to figure out where the object is, how big it is, and its shape. Using echolocation, bats can detect objects as thin as a human hair in complete darkness. Echolocation allows bats to find insects the size of mosquitoes, which many bats like to eat. Bats aren't blind, but they can use echolocation to find their way around very quickly in total darkness.
  • 45. 45 What Sounds Do Bats Make? standard repeated call that is for basic navigation. Bats use this to avoid flying into objects. The faster clicking is likely because the bat has detected an insect and the bat needs more accuracy to catch its prey
  • 46. 46
  • 49. 49 Whatis medicalultrasound? falls into two distinct categories: diagnostic and therapeutic. A form of acoustic energy, or sound, that has a frequency that is higher than the level of human hearing. As a medical diagnostic technique, high frequency sound waves are used to provide real-time medical imaging, image inside the body without exposure to ionizing radiation. As a therapeutic technique, high frequency sound waves interact with tissues to destroy diseased tissue such as tumors, or to modify tissues, or target drugs to specific locations in the body.
  • 50. WhatIsthePrincipleof Ultrasonography? 50 Ultrasonography (USG) is a popular diagnostic modality used in medical practice. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers it reasonably safe for use in most individuals, including pregnant women. Sound energy: vibratory disturbance that moves forward in a wave through a substrate, whether that’s air or human tissue absorbing ultrasound energy. Sound can travel well in air, solid, and liquid mediums. The human ear can detect the sound frequency between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. The waves having a frequency higher than 20,000 Hz (20 KHz) are called ultrasound waves. Ultrasound is not different from “normal” (audible) sound in its physical properties, except that humans cannot hear it.
  • 51. Whathappensduringtheultrasound procedure? 51 •During sonography, the doctor will place a transducer (USG probe) directly on the skin or inside a body opening (vagina or rectum). •A thin layer of gel is applied to the skin directly above the organ to be scanned. • Ultrasound waves are transmitted from the transducer through the gel into the body. •These short bursts of sound energy hit the desired organs and return to the probe as an echo. •The probe diverts them to a biometer present in the system. •The biometer converts the sound wave data into organ images. •The image formed depends upon the echoes received and time taken for the sound to be reflected. • In a diseased organ, the echoes reflected are different compared with those in a healthy organ. •Therefore, the image formed is different.
  • 52. 52 The Ultrasound Machine A basic ultrasound machine has the following parts: • transducer probe - probe that sends and receives the sound waves • central processing unit (CPU) - computer that does all of the calculations and contains the electrical power supplies for itself and the transducer probe • transducer pulse controls - changes the amplitude, frequency and duration of the pulses emitted from the transducer probe • display - displays the image from the ultrasound data processed by the CPU • keyboard/cursor - inputs data and takes measurements from the display • disk storage device (hard, floppy, CD) - stores the acquired images • printer - prints the image from the displayed data
  • 53. 53 Dangers of Ultrasound There have been many concerns about the safety of ultrasound. There have been some reports of low birthweight babies being born to mothers who had frequent ultrasound examinations during pregnancy. The two major possibilities with ultrasound are as follows: •development of heat - tissues or water absorb the ultrasound energy which increases their temperature locally •formation of bubbles (cavitation) - when dissolved gases come out of solution due to local heat caused by ultrasound However, there have been no substantiated ill-effects of ultrasound documented in studies in either humans or animals. This being said, ultrasound should still be used only when necessary (i.e. better to be cautious).
  • 54. Whatisultrasoundusedfor? 54 Diagnostic ultrasound : non-invasively image internal organs within the body. not good for imaging bones or any tissues that contain air, like the lungs. Under some conditions, ultrasound can image bones (such as in a fetus or in small babies) or the lungs and lining around the lungs, when they are filled or partially filled with fluid. One of the most common uses of ultrasound is during pregnancy, to monitor the growth and development of the fetus, but there are many other uses, including imaging the heart, blood vessels, eyes, thyroid, brain, breast, abdominal organs, skin, and muscles. Ultrasound images are displayed in either 2D, 3D, or 4D (which is 3D in motion).
  • 55. Functional ultrasound. ▪ Functional ultrasound applications include Doppler and color Doppler ultrasound for measuring and visualizing blood flow in vessels within the body or in the heart. ▪ It can also measure the speed of the blood flow and direction of movement. ▪ color-coded maps called color Doppler imaging. ▪ Doppler ultrasound is commonly used to determine whether plaque build-up inside the carotid arteries is blocking blood flow to the brain. 55
  • 56. 56 Elastography A medical imaging technique that measures the elasticity or stiffness of a tissue. The technique captures snapshots of shear waves, a special type of sound wave, as they move through the tissue. The stiffness of the tissue gives information about the possible presence of disease. For example tumors are harder than the surrounding normal tissue and disease livers are stiffer than healthy ones. This information can be displayed as either color-coded maps of the relative stiffness; black-and white maps that display high-contrast images of tumors compared with anatomical images; or color-coded maps that are overlayed on the anatomical image. Elastography can be used to test for liver fibrosis, a condition in which excessive scar tissue builds up in the liver due to inflammation. Ultrasound is also an important method for imaging interventions in the body
  • 57. Therapeuticor interventionalultrasound. 57 focused on specific targets for the purpose of heating, ablating, or breaking up tissue One type of therapeutic ultrasound uses high-intensity beams of sound that are highly targeted, and is called High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). HIFU is being investigated as a method for modifying or destroying diseased or abnormal tissues inside the body (e.g. tumors) without having to open or tear the skin or cause damage to the surrounding tissue.
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  • 59. the physics of sound can place limits on the test. the quality of the picture depends on many factors. sound waves cannot penetrate deeply, and an obese patient may be imaged poorly. ultrasound does poorly when gas is present between the probe and the target organ. should the intestine be distended with bowel gas, organs behind it may not be easily seen. similarly, ultrasound works poorly in the chest, where the lungs are filled with air. ultrasound does not penetrate bone easily. the accuracy of the test is very much operator dependent. this means that the key to a good test is the ultrasound technician. ultrasound can be enhanced by using doppler technology which can measure whether an object is moving towards or away from the probe. this can allow the technician to measure blood flow in organs such as the heart or liver , or within specific blood vessels. 59
  • 60. ▪ The Future of Ultrasound As with other computer technology, ultrasound machines will most likely get faster and have more memory for storing data. Transducer probes may get smaller, and more insertable probes will be developed to get better images of internal organs. Most likely, 3D ultrasound will be more highly developed and become more popular. The entire ultrasound machine will probably get smaller, perhaps even hand-held for use in the field (e.g. paramedics, battlefield triage). One exciting new area of research is the development of ultrasound imaging combined with heads-up/virtual reality-type displays that will allow a doctor to "see" inside you as he/she is performing a minimally invasive or non-invasive procedure such as amniocentesis or biopsy.