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A Project Report Submitted To the Faculty of Science for the Study Leading To a Project
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree Of
Information Technology of Islamic University in Uganda
Faculty of science, Islamic University in Uganda
July, 2011
I Suleiman Abdul – 209-063011-01931, hereby declare that the contents of this report are
a true account and reflection of my experience during my Project development “Antenatal Care
Management System” A case study of (Pearl Medical Center, Kansanga).
Signed ……………………………… Date ………………………….
Suleiman Abdul
Department of Computer Science and IT
Faculty of Science
Islamic University in Uganda
This Project report has been written and compiled under my supervision and is now ready for
submission to the faculty of Science in the department of Computer Science with approval.
Mr. Chemisto Musa
Date …………………………..
I dedicate this report to my Parents, and my family at large plus all relatives and friends without
their Patience, understanding, support, and most of all their love and prayers, the completion of
this work would not have been possible.
Special thanks goes to Mr. Ntambi Musa (Senior Administrator), Pearl Medical Center, first and
foremost for granting my research approval to have it in the Medical center, my helpful
supervisor Mrs. Sauba for the well information helped out in most of the section in the study and
support that he gave truly helped in the progression and smoothness of the Project. The co-
operation is much indeed appreciated.
Great deals appreciations go to the contribution of my faculty - Faculty of Science (Islamic
university in Uganda) spear headed by Mr. Umar Yahya the faculty coordinator, I would also
like to thank all the staff at large (my university’s) patience in helping us complete this program.
Not to forget Mr. Chemisto Musa (My supervisor) for the smoothness, advices, motivations and
co-operation during the Supervision.
Last but not least I would like to thank my friends especially those who helped me out where I
was weak, Mr. Walusimbi Hakim, Mr. Bukenya Gadafi to mention but a few, for the wise ideas
throughout the Project.
Special thanks also goes to Mr. Abdul Maghied – my sweet father for all he has done with the
start since I started to crawl in education perspective and everything He has really done just
because of Me, Mrs. Saida Shaban – my mother and the only inspiration I have, for the great job
and encouragement always in my studies, Mr.Shaban Abditam, Waswa Hassan – my big
brothers, for the guidance, financial assistance and motivation they always and gave me through
the project, Miss Nakimuli, my brothers Kakooza Ali, Sseruja Hassan, Kamada Jingo, Taban
Anis plus sisters Fatuma Abdul, Rehema Abdul, Khasfa Abdul, Mama Ram, Mariam Nabatanzi,
Shilla Namudu , Nakawesa Ruth , My Aunties – Aunt Jowe, Aunt Mariam, Aunt Dania plus
Uncles – Uncle Juma and uncle Hassan for all they have done am really appreciative.
May Allah Bestow His Blessings on All of Us
Maternity mortality has shown a steady decline in recent years but a marked socioeconomic
gradient persists. Antenatal care is generally thought to be an effective method of improving
pregnancy outcomes, but the effectiveness of specific antenatal care programmes as a means of
reducing Maternity mortality in socio-economically disadvantaged and vulnerable groups of
women has not been rigorously evaluated.
This proposed Antenatal Care Management system is designed to cater for the activities on
which are done during the Antenatal Care Processes at Pearl Medical Center’s Antenatal Care on
which includes the registration of the expectant mothers, following up the Antenatal Card, follow
ups of checkups of the mothers, following up the progress of the expectant mothers in the
hospital, plus drugs availability in the hospital in line with Antenatal Care and reporting the
situation of such expectant mothers registered in the hospital, balancing the payment of the
services in line with Antenatal Care management before discharge.
LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................IX
LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................IX
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background ..........................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem....................................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of the Study..........................................................................................................................................2
1.3.1 Specific Objectives of the Study.........................................................................................................................2
1.4 Scope of the Study.................................................................................................................................................2
1.5 Significance...........................................................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................4
LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................................4
2.0 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Web based Information Systems .........................................................................................................................6
2.2 Databases.................................................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Information Management.....................................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................8
3.0 System Study and Investigation............................................................................................................................8
3.0.1 Interviews.............................................................................................................................................................8
3.0.2 Document Review ...............................................................................................................................................8
3.0.3 Observation.........................................................................................................................................................9
3.1.0 Requirement Specifications................................................................................................................................9
3.1.1 User Requirements..............................................................................................................................................9
3.1.2 Functional Requirements ..................................................................................................................................9
3.2.0 System Requirements ......................................................................................................................................10
3.2.1 Software requirements......................................................................................................................................10
3.2.2 Hardware Specifications...................................................................................................................................10
3.3.0 System Design ....................................................................................................................................................10
3.3.1 Conceptual Design............................................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER FOUR.......................................................................................................................13
IMPLEMENTATION, TESTING AND EVALUATION........................................................13
4.0 Implementation....................................................................................................................................................13
4.0.1 Direct Implementation.......................................................................................................................................13
4.0.2 Parallel Implementation....................................................................................................................................13
4.1.0 Coding and Debugging the System..................................................................................................................13
4.2.0 System Testing....................................................................................................................................................13
4.2.1 Results from Different Tests ............................................................................................................................15
4.3 Logical Design...................................................................................................................................................15
4.3.1 Data Flow Diagrams ........................................................................................................................................15
4.3.2 Entity Relationship Diagrams .........................................................................................................................18
4.4 Physical Design....................................................................................................................................................19
4.5.0 Getting Started with Antenatal Care Management System..........................................................................25
4.5.1 The Start up of the System ...............................................................................................................................25
4.5.2 System Interfaces ..............................................................................................................................................26
CHAPTER FIVE.........................................................................................................................31
DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION..............................................31
5.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................................31
5.1 Discussion..............................................................................................................................................................31
5.2 Limitations............................................................................................................................................................31
5.3 Problems Encountered........................................................................................................................................32
5.4 Recommendations................................................................................................................................................33
5.4 Conclusion............................................................................................................................................................34
Interview Guide ........................................................................................................................................................36
FIGURE 1: LOGIN FORM SCREEN.....................................................................................26
FIGURE 2: MAIN FORM SCREEN ......................................................................................26
FIGURE 3: PROGRESS FORM................................................................................................27
FIGURE 4: ANTENATAL CARD FORM ...............................................................................28
FIGURE 5: ISSUING DRUG ....................................................................................................28
FIGURE 6: PREVIOUS OBSTERIC........................................................................................29
FIGURE 7: DRUGS ...................................................................................................................29
FIGURE 8: USER MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................30
TABLE 1: SHOWING CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ............................................................11
TABLE 3: SHOWING USERS TABLE;...................................................................................19
TABLE 4: SHOWING ANTENATAL CARD TABLE;..........................................................20
TABLE 5: SHOWING ANTENATAL PROGRESS;..............................................................20
TABLE 6: SHOWING WARD;.................................................................................................21
TABLE 7: SHOWING BED ASSIGNMENT;..........................................................................21
TABLE 8: SHOWING PREVIOUS ILLNESS TABLE;.........................................................22
TABLE 9: SHOWING PRESENT PREGNANCY; ................................................................22
TABLE 10: DRUGS TABLE .....................................................................................................22
TABLE 11: SHOWING PHYSICAL EXAMINATION;.........................................................23
TABLE 12: SHOWING OBSTERIC TABLE;.........................................................................23
TABLE 13:DRUG _ STOCK......................................................................................................24
TABLE 14: ISSUED_DRUGS ...................................................................................................24
TABLE 15: PRESENT PREGNANCY.....................................................................................24
TABLE 16:PHYSICAL_ EXAM................................................................................................25
1.0 Introduction
This chapter consists of background for the study, problem statement, the purpose of the
Study, objectives of the study, scope of the study plus significances of the study.
1.1 Background
With the current upgraded technologies involving information management based solutions
in many organizations in Uganda and other different countries rather than the backward
systems like the file based systems that consisted of huge work load and miss use of space
plus their none cost effectiveness, it has become a concern for the information technologists
to digitalize solutions that can be used in such environments thus designing and
implementing the digitalized systems to suit the changing technological environment.
In that line therefore an Antenatal management system will be such of the digital solutions
that will be used to digitalize activities that are usually done at Hospitals in most issues
concerning the monitoring and managing the health of expecting mothers till their delivery
in good condition.
Owing to the above, the idea of an Antenatal management system is as a result to observing
the Antenatal care Management and other activities done in that line in Hospitals, health
centre’s and the levels of distribution and rendering of services to clients in that perspective.
There are many medical centers today that still use the file based systems of information
management instead of the computerized system, including even most popular hospitals in
the country on which has lead to loss lots of time and information.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
With the clear review on the operations in Antenatal Care Management at Pearl Medical
Center, Kansanga, notice has been indorsed that there is difficulty in tracing health
performance of the expectant mothers and the delivered babies/ newly born babies. This is
merely seem to be because of the over dependence of file based system with most health
facilities in the country thus with such redundancy of the health concerning expectant
mothers leading to high number of maternity mortality in Uganda, all due to not having a
defined way of maintaining records in the Antenatal Care sections a result loss of trust to
such Hospitals. The other problem is the Paper over Load which of course creates a lot of
redundancy in the records hence wasting Space and time. Therefore an Antenatal Care
Management system will cut down paper loads, trace payments, offer recommendations per
the situation, and lastly prepare expectant mothers for safe birth delivery. Hence efficiency,
quality of service will be optimized in line with Antenatal care management in the hospital
once the system is put in use.
1.3 Objective of the Study
To develop a functioning Antenatal Care Management System.
1.3.1 Specific Objectives of the Study
i) Identify the requirements to develop an Antenatal Care Management System digital
ii) To design a computerized solution stand alone technologies for Hospital with such facilities.
iii) Implementing and testing the computerized solution.
1.4 Scope of the Study
The project focused mainly on the main operations that take place in the Hospitals in line
with Antenatal Care or preparations made for a mother’s prepare for healthy delivery, like
treatments of the victims before and after delivering, and operations like billing of the
patients, tracking of the patients Record and scheduling of the Patients appointments etc.
This research will hopefully be carried out at Pearl Medical Center, Kansanga.
1.5 Significance
With the success of the research, it will be of significance to the Organization, the
Researcher and the University in the following ways;
i. The organization shall be able to boost their services and analyze their performance in line
with preparation of Antenatal Care plus other operation to give hand in fulfilling safe
delivery since the system will cater for problems in that line.
ii. The study will help the researcher to fulfill the requirement for the award of bachelor’s in
information technology, plus mastering the theory basics attained in all the persuasion of the
bachelor’s degree in the university.
iii.The project can also be referred to by other scholars for academic reference and even for
further research.
2.0 Introduction
This chapter hints on what different authors have written about Antenatal Care Management
systems, its limitations and effects to users in comparison with the benefits associated with
its implementation as a solution. And it also involves a review of previous studies in relation
to the research topic of analyzing, developing and implementing Antenatal Care Management
Every human being on the planet is concerned with the process of birth. It is a sign of new
Beginning and growth and perception of soul (atma) or god. But the process is painful and
consists of Tapa sadhana (patience and perseverance) for almost a year and nursing and
upbringing for couple of years ahead. Hence every science, tradition, therapy has tried to
make the process safe, less painful, and successful. The management of physiology,
psychology with medicinal and non-medicinal ways to achieve healthy mother and fetus is
called as Antenatal or prenatal care.
Antenatal Care (ANC) means “care before birth”, and includes education, counseling,
creening and treatment to monitor and to promote the well-being of the mother and foetus.
The current challenge is to find out which type of care and in what quantity is considered
sufficient to ensure good quality of care for low-risk pregnant women. Only interventions of
proven effectiveness, for which benefits largely overcome possible harms, and those
acceptable to pregnant women and their families, should be offered. Crowther CA. Anti-D
administration in pregnancy.
The aim of Antenatal care (ANC) is to assist women to remain healthy, finding and
correcting adverse conditions when present, and thus aid the health of the unborn. ANC
should also provide support and guidance to the woman and her partner or family, to help
them in their transition to parenthood.
This implies that both health care and health education are required from health services.
This broad definition of ANC is endorsed by national labour laws and by evidence-based
clinical guideline. Moreover, it introduces the needed holistic approach (biological care and
concern with intellectual, emotional, social and cultural needs of women, babies and
families) during pregnancy.
Care during pregnancy should enable a woman to make informed decisions, based on her
needs, after discussing matters fully with the professionals involved. Any interventions
offered in the antenatal period should be of proven effectiveness and be acceptable to the
recipients. Both the individual components and the full package of ANC should conform to
these criteria. (PEPC Essential antenatal, prenatal and postpartum care. Training modules.
Copenhagen:WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2002 accessed 29 September 2005).
Recently, Antenatal care, like other health care subsectors, has undergone major changes, one
of these being the willingness to ‘‘integrate’’ the different services offered in the health care
system. ‘‘Integrated care’’ has been a very popular organizational trend since the 1990s. One
of the keys to its popularity has been the expectations it has raised, particularly in terms of
improvements in quality of care and efficiency. Shortell SM, Gillies RR,(1996).
With Rutecki GW. (2010). Prenatal care (also known as antenatal care) refers to the medical
and nursing care recommended for women before and during pregnancy. The aim of good
prenatal care is to detect any potential problems early, to prevent them if possible (through
recommendations on adequate nutrition, exercise, vitamin intake etc.), and to direct the
woman to appropriate specialists, hospitals, etc. if necessary. The availability of routine
prenatal care has played a part in reducing maternal death rates and miscarriages as well as
birth defects, low birth weight, and other preventable infant problems. Animal studies
indicate that mothers' (and possibly fathers') diet, vitamin intake, and glucose levels prior to
ovulation and conception have long-term effects on fetal growth and adolescent and adult
Coppens M, James D (1999) Focus of antenatal care in developed countries has expanded
from its traditional aim of preventing, detecting and managing problems and factors which
might adversely affect the health of mother and/or baby. It now includes broad aims such as
"to support and encourage a family's healthy psychological adjustment to childbearing", and
"to promote an awareness of the sociological aspects of childbearing and the influences that
these might have on the family". This broader approach echoes the development of 'quality of
life'-focused assessments in the wider field of health care.
2.1 Web based Information Systems
Larry, 2003 Asserts that web based information systems provide up-to-date product and
support information to existing and emerging channels. A prerequisite of this is to support
the process of creating all these types of information once only, managing and making them
available on a timely and cost effective way for all people in the information chain.
2.2 Databases
According to Lane and William (2004), a database is part of data management system. They
define a database as a container of data files, such as product catalogs, inventories and
item/customer records. They say that every business would be a failure without a secure and
reliable data management system. They further say that information systems are the hearts of
most businesses worldwide. According to them, it is not easy to have a secure system, but a
system developer must ensure that this is achieved. They advise system developers to have
clear subject areas, requirements and plans before they start designing the systems.
Braker and Hellerstein (1998), say that database has experienced a rapid increase in growth
since the development of a rational data base. The progress in database systems and
applications has produced a large scope of specialized technology areas that have often
become the exclusive domain of research specialists. Examples include active database,
object oriented, temporary database, and deductive database areas. Advanced database
systems were written by leading specialists who have made significant contributions to the
development of technology areas.
Siau (2003) asserts that many databases that we find on the web today are derived from other
databases. New databases are often created because there is a need for customized data and
often, the databases are created with new data added in the process. In this situation, a
system that is able to carry along superimposed information or annotation about the data is
useful in many aspects. Siau (2003) envisions an annotation management system that is not
only capable of carrying forward annotation of data being transformed, but that is also
capable of attaching new comments on derived data, back to the source data.
With French (1992), it’s also a single collection of structured data stored with a minimum
duplication of data item so as to provide a consistent and controlled pool of data. This is
common to all user systems, but is independent of the programs that use data. The
independence database and programs using it means that one can be changed without
changing the other. The user of database may find it convenient to imagine that they are
using integrated system.
According to Thierry (2006), the term database design can be used to describe many
different parts of design of an overall system. Principally, and most correctly, it can be
thought as the logical design of the database of database structure used to store data in are
rational model these are the tables and views. However the database design could be sued to
apply overall process of designing, and not just base data structures, but also forms and
queries are used apart overall database application within database management system
2.3 Information Management
Data can be defined as individual facts or raw about something that can be organized to
generate useful information for decision-making. Information is stimuli that have meaning in
some context for its receiver. When data is entered into and stored in a computer, it is
generally referred to as information.
Graham (2001) said, with the move from local application to a web based ones, also the ata
we created and access will need to undergo some profound changes. Data and information
undergoes a management process to maintain its consistence and quality. Physical and
logical security, quality assurance is emphasized to ensure rational utilization and reliability
of data/information.
3.0 System Study and Investigation
The chapter involved a critical study of the existing management systems at Pearl Medical
Center. This chapter introduces the methodology and techniques that were used in acquiring
and analyzing information and to achieve the objectives of the project. It therefore includes
the methods, technique, design tools, approaches and procedures which were adopted to
collect and analyze information. The methods that were used include interviews, document
analysis, and observation.
3.0.1 Interviews
This method was used to collect information from Pearl Medical Center administrators as the
researcher was asking questions about the current system. Interviews were conducted with
Dr. Umar Kasule one of the Doctors of Pearl Medical Center and a Senior administrator, Mrs
Saubah the midwife and Warden plus Mrs. Halimah the receptionist. During the interviews,
these individuals described the process they involved and problems faced in administering
the current Antenatal Care System and from the interviews with other staff members plus
some expectant mothers, the researcher was able to identify the problems faced and the user
requirements for the proposed system.
Reasons for using such a method;
• To obtain detailed information Personal perception opinions.
• To spell out ambiguities and a fall up of incomplete answers.
3.0.2 Document Review
With this method, the researcher reviewed market documents which included Patients’
register, receipt books, vouchers. This method helped the researcher to obtain various
information captured for different events and it was a supplement to the information from the
interviews made at Pearl Medical Center.
3.0.3 Observation
Observations were carried out accompanied by visits to the medical center where the
research was carried out, participants and their daily conduct of activities, events and their
sequence and attendant processes. In this line this kind of method helped the researcher to
gain a clear flow of the activities involved and how they were conducted.
3.1.0 Requirement Specifications
Requirements specifications involve what the system should do. Therefore it provides
detailed documentations of requirements and these are categorized into collection and
analysis of user requirements, functional requirements and systems requirements.
3.1.1 User Requirements
In this line it comprised of the preferred features by the user in the system on which from the
interviews and comments from the medical center’s staff and users to be using the system it
was revealed that the system should be able to;
• Provide user friendly interfaces for easy interactions.
• Allow users to enter data easily from the interface and is saved to the database.
• Print the necessary reports with the most accurate information.
• Restrict unauthorized login attempts to the system.
3.1.2 Functional Requirements
This outlines how the system serves the users by ensuring efficient and effective
functionality. The system therefore is able to:
• Allow registration of expectant Mothers willing to have Antenatal Care Services of
Pearl medical Center
• To enable the administrators to effectively track Expectant mothers Progress.
• To allow easy track Payments of Antenatal Care.
• To provide adequate reports
3.2.0 System Requirements
These are requirements that were needed to incorporate the desired functionalities in the
system. This therefore called for the description of the properties of the system and this had
to address both the software and hardware requirements.
3.2.1 Software requirements
For the success of the system’s objectives, it was a combination several software’s on which
worked hand in hand to execute per the expectation of the study on which they included the
• Windows 7 ultimate 32 bit operating software was used for efficient running of the
• Microsoft Visual studio using C# language was selected and used for code generation
and interface designs.
• MySQL database software was used for database designs to store the data entries
from the interface.
3.2.2 Hardware Specifications
Due to the need of reach to the expected efficiency of the system per the study the following
Hardware specification were considered;
• The system can run efficiently on a computer with at least 1.2 Ghz Processor Speed,
free space of 500Mb, with at least 512Gb of RAM.
3.3.0 System Design
It refers to the art of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data for
the system to fulfill the project main objective.
The main goal of the design phase is to find the best possible design, within the limitations
imposed by the requirement and the physical as well as social environment in which the
system will operate.
3.3.1 Conceptual Design
Conceptual design refers to the explicit construction of the idea or concepts that a user needs
to learn about what a product is, what it can do, and how it is intended to be used. This
involved various entities and attributes identification on which can be seen as follows;
Table 1: Showing Conceptual Design
Entity Attributes
Users - Full Name
- User Name (pk)
- Password
- Role
Antenatal card - RegNo - LCI
- HealthUnit - Occupation
- Name - Religion
- Age - Education
- Tribe - Status
- Next_of_kin - Relashinship
- N_occupation - Address
- Gravida - Para
- Abortion
Antenatal Progress - ID - RelationPP_Brim
- Reg_no - FoetalHeart
- Amenorrhea - Weight
- FundaHeight - BP
- Presentation - varicose
- Position - urine
Ward - Bed_id
- Location
- Status
- Description
Drugs - Drug_No
- Name
- Description
- Rate
DrugStock - Stockid
- StockDate
- Drugid
- Quantity
- Rate
- Amount
- StockBy
Physical examination - Id
- Reg_no
- Height
- Weight
- BP
- Pulse
- Temp
- Pelvic examination
Issued Drugs - Issue id
- Issue_date
- Drug_id
- Quantity
- Rate
- Cost
- Sale by
Present pregnancy - Id
- Reg_no
- LNMP_day
- GEstationPeriod
- Complications
- Curr_symptom
4.0 Implementation
There are mainly two forms of new systems implementation on which comprises of the direct
form of implementation and the parallel one.
4.0.1 Direct Implementation
Under this form of implementation there is a direct cut over of the old system while the new
system takes its course. In direct implementation, the users stop using the manual system and
start using the computer system there and then. The lead of this method is that it doesn’t need
more man power hence making it less costly, however on its depressing point of view if the
new system fails to operate effectively either due to an expected error this can lead to loss of
data since it was implemented. I therefore don’t recommend serious organization that deals
with serious information to use this method of system implementation.
4.0.2 Parallel Implementation
In this line, a new system is implemented alongside an old system, this implies both the new
and the old system will be running simultaneously until when the new system proves its
integrity over the old one. Due to advantages the parallel implementation method has over
the direct cut over the parallel implementation method is recommended.
4.1.0 Coding and Debugging the System
Coding and debugging the system may be in straightforward stipulations referred to as
programming. In this line concerning the study at hand Antenatal Care Management System
For Pearl Medical Centre, the researcher used visual basics (Microsoft visual studio Ultimate
2010) and Mysql database systems.
4.2.0 System Testing
System testing is a critical aspect of Software Quality Assurance and represents the ultimate
review of specification, design and coding. Testing is a process of executing a program with
the intent of finding an error. A good test is one that has a probability of finding an as yet
undiscovered error. The purpose of testing is to identify and correct bugs in the developed
system. Nothing is complete without testing. Testing is the vital to the success of the system.
In the code testing the logic of the developed system is tested. For this every module of the
program is executed to find an error. To perform specification test, the examination of the
specifications stating what the program should do and how it should perform under various
Unit testing focuses first on the modules in the proposed system to locate errors. This enables
to detect errors in the coding and logic that are contained within that module alone. Those
resulting from the interaction between modules are initially avoided. In unit testing step each
module has to be checked separately.
System testing does not test the software as a whole, but rather than integration of each
module in the system. The primary concern is the compatibility of individual modules. One
has to find areas where modules have been designed with different specifications of data
lengths, type and data element name.
Testing and validation are the most important steps after the implementation of the developed
system. The system testing is performed to ensure that there are no errors in the implemented
system. The software must be executed several times in order to find out the errors in the
different modules of the system.
Validation refers to the process of using the new software for the developed system in a live
environment i.e., new software inside the organization, in order to find out the errors. The validation
phase reveals the failures and the bugs in the developed system. It will be come to know about the
practical difficulties the system faces when operated in the true environment. By testing the code of
the implemented software, the logic of the program can be examined. A specification test is
conducted to check whether the specifications stating the program are performing under various
conditions. Apart from these tests, there are some special tests conducted which are given below:
Peak Load Tests: This determines whether the new system will handle the volume of
activities when the system is at the peak of its processing demand. The test has revealed that
the new software for the agency is capable of handling the demands at the peak time.
Storage Testing: This determines the capacity of the new system to store transaction data on
a disk or on other files. The proposed software has the required storage space available,
because of the use of a number of hard disks.
Performance Time Testing: This test determines the length of the time used by the system to
process transaction data.
4.2.1 Results from Different Tests
In line with the code testing on which the logic of the developed system was tested it was
revealed that in the drug issue module on the system where after the recording of the Issue id
by a click to drug id the rates of the drug were supposed to appear per the quantity
automatically on which an error was found that one had to enter the rates manually on which
was later covered effectively.
Still on the system testing it was tried out to input in fields on which were supposed to be of
integers then put in characters for example in the payment module where the calculation of
amount paid for different services, it was tested whether it could accept character inputted
data on which was inacceptable thus showing validity of the system.
4.3 Logical Design
The logical design of the system consisted description of the conceptual presentation of data
flow, inputs and out puts of the system, this was conducted via modeling, involving
theoretical and graphical representation of an actual system’s design. On which the modeling
undertook the following;
4.3.1 Data Flow Diagrams
This refers to diagrammatic representation of information flow in the system between the
different entities and processes. Data flow Diagram shows how data moves through the
system but does not show program processing steps however, it provides a logical model that
shows what the system does. This diagram was used to exhibit the business processes, inputs
and outputs of each process, and the flow of data between the processes plus the data stores.
Table 2: Showing symbols and meanings used in the data flow diagram;
Symbol Meaning
Entity e.g. user, branch, suspects.
A data store.
A data flow.
ProcessPatient Info
Patient Records
Payment Records
Patient Infor
Progress Details
Assign Bed
Checkup Info
Pharmacy Details
Drug Info
Treatment Record
Checkup Infor
Drug payments
4.3.2 Entity Relationship Diagrams
Entity relationship Diagram was the tools on which were used to show the relationship
between different entities that were involved in the system information flow. This tool helped
the researcher to identify the attributes of each entity and the cardinalities between the
Discharge Details
Beds Record
Process Discharge Form
User Name
4.4 Physical Design
The physical design of a system is concerned the actual physical implementation of the
logical design as already discussed earlier. This section describes the actual processes of
inputting, verifying and storing the in Antenatal Care Management System, physical layout
of the data stores, report formats and relation database management system used. During the
physical design process, the researcher had to translate the expected schemas into actual
database structures mapping the, entities to tables, relationships to foreign key, attributes to
columns, primary unique identifiers to primary key constraints and unique identifiers to
unique key constraints with the help of Mysql Database Software on which was used for the
Data storage for the system.
The following were the different physical design;
Table 3: Showing Users table;
Table 4: Showing Antenatal Card table;
Table 5: showing Antenatal Progress;
Table 6: Showing ward;
Table 7: Showing bed assignment;
Table 8: Showing previous Illness Table;
Table 9: Showing Present Pregnancy;
Table 10: Drugs table
Table 11: Showing Physical Examination;
Table 12: Showing Obsteric table;
Table 13:Drug _ stock
Table 14: Issued_drugs
Table 15: Present pregnancy
Table 16:Physical_ exam
4.5.0 Getting Started with Antenatal Care Management System
After the systems final coding for the perfection of what is expected from it, it was turned
into an executable file which can enable it be installed on any machine without visual basic.
So as to help make the system perform its functionalities’ with just its installation on any
machine with the requirement per mentioned in Chapter III of the Report, all the installation
files are copied into one directory in the programme files and short cut icon is places on the
4.5.1 The Start up of the System
The startup is simple as normal programs on which with just a double click on the short cut
“Antenatal Care Management System”, a screen will show up indicating the log on form on
which requires credentials to continue using the system.
Security of information is the first thing each manager will put into consideration, in any
system to be used by more than one person for example in an organization like a hospital,
companies and others that contain lots of important information. There for the researcher
came up with a login form that permits use of the system, on which none authorized users
can access the system. Only valid users with correct user name and password can log into the
4.5.2 System Interfaces
Figure 1: Login Form Screen
The login form is presented with two text boxes and two command buttons as shown in the
figure above. Enter the correct user name and password in their respective text boxes and
then click the “OK” command button or else click “Cancel” command button on which will
cancel the login form and you cannot access the system.
Figure 2: Main Form Screen
The main form acts as a navigation point of all pages of the system, through the main form,
you can access any part of system depending on your level of authentication. Some legal
users will not access some forms that are not in their area of concern. Only the administrator
will be allowed to access everything in the system.
With the above figure it’s the main page on which every user goes to after the login, it
contains most of the features in the system for example different privileges per the user for
example editing users and other functionalities.
Figure 3: Progress Form
This is the form on which on which follows up the progress of the expectant mother in
accordance to the last visits on which if a patient has been performing checkups one can
such for the progress result depending on the patient number.
Figure 4: Antenatal Card Form
The above form is mainly used to enter the information of the expectant mother in different
perspectives, for example, the expectant mother’s biography, taking of their social history,
previous illness, and physical examination.
Figure 5: Issuing Drug
With this form it’s useful in a manner of tracking the issuing of drugs with information like
the type of drug, the staff that has sold the drug, the date issued plus their cost.
Figure 6: Previous Obsteric
The above figure indicates the ways on which the expectant mother had been affected
during delivery processes.
Figure 7: Drugs
With the above figure the system has the capability to register the drugs on which are to be
issued to the patients so, edit, provide description and keep track on the drugs availability.
Figure 8: User management
With this form, the system can add users, edit and delete any user but this was customized
for the administrator with such privileges.
5.0 Introduction
This chapter gives a summary of the entire system with emphases on its achievements and
limitations. There are also suggestions on possible areas of enhancement.
5.1 Discussion
The system was designed to fulfill the basic aim and specific objectives that were proposed at
the earlier stage of the system development. A system comprises of people, equipment, space
and procedures. The researcher was mindful of the input, processing, storing and retrieving
requirements necessary for an effective system. The main users to interact with the system
are the Doctor, Hospitals Administrator, Receptionist, Midwife, and the warden.
In any software development, security is always a very important issue for consideration. The
administrators should therefore make use of authorized persons to take charge of the system.
It is thus management obligation to ensure internal controls and security about the system,
the system cannot be accessed by any user except the authorized user with the login ID and
5.2 Limitations
It is not usually possible to design a system that meets the needs of every user, therefore the
system has the following limitations;
There are fixed queries that have been designed by the researcher. This means that the users
cannot run queries of their choice unless the system is upgraded.
Project was quite limited since the project entails some components that required to be
delivered on time with full functionality
Biased responses from some of the interviewees.
Lack of interest from some of the would-be users of the new system due to fear of loss of
jobs as a result of the automation that the new system inhibits.
5.3 Problems Encountered
There are as many problems encountered as a system is one of the tasks on which needs
much of attention, thus the following problems were encountered during the development
process of coming up with the System;
• One of the biggest problem encountered on which it’s more so a general problem per all
students that were carrying out project at Islamic University Kampala Campus was
limitation in time to enable development of a program with better features. On which we
were first given some desirable deadline at fast that was handing in over early
September and on which was abruptly changed to a nearby date thus leading to
compression of functionalities that would be included in the system due to limited time.
• The researcher also encountered a problem of getting a case study as most issues
concerning health are confidential, and had to move to different hospitals after being let
down by the last medical hospital I had gone for information not until found Pearl
Medical Center after a lot of struggle and was too late thus leading to panic and
reducing on the scope of the project system
• In accessibility to the most current literature on soft ware development Despite the
normal programming procedures followed, some segments could not run normally
especially in the viewing forms, may be due to computer memory problem since Visual
Basic takes allot of memory.
• Another encountered problem was limited access to better resources that were used in
developing the system, specifically designing software’s like Edrawer, Ud on which
internet access was always on and off thus even though they were downloaded the best
that could be got were trial versions on which worked for 15 – 30 days hence
disorganizing the researchers plans to come up with more unique and high performance
• The other encountered problem was on research or requirements engineering on which
needed a lot of information from the medical center on which the research place was
always Busy thus limited attention was given to the researcher since it was a big
medical center they worked 24 hrs a day leading to getting most requirements from
observation and the least through one on one interviews.
• Lack of proper documentation about the existing system was another problem
encountered on which was a big bottleneck for System development.
• During data collection process, the staff was reluctant to release any information, as it
was even hard for the researcher to be given sample forms that were used to be used in
Antenatal Care Services with the fear that they might be supporting a competitor.
5.4 Recommendations
First of all, it’s important that Pearl Medical Center continues to use the old manual system
alongside per speculations in the implementation section in the report as the Medical Centre
has many clients and the system users have to be trained to use the system as they may lose
information on which may be of great use in the Hospital, thus the users should first use the
manual and the automated system parallel till knowledge that the automated system is worth
their expectations.
Similarly as mentioned above, the users need to be trained on how best they can use the new
automated system. Users with basic computer skills will be required in order for them to
appreciate the functionality of the program.
The system has a lot of room for further improvement though as it stands it can be used as a
prototype to develop an Antenatal Care Management System and more features could be
added, since less time was available for the researcher.
Lastly on the recommendation as hinted before in supplements of the recommendations about
the limited time, the report is not containing all that is in the Project system as it was still
under construction and the due to need of beating the deadline of Report handing in most of
the Parts needed were included in the Report Living out little bits on which were under
construction and changes will be made after the completion of the system by 26th
of July.
5.4 Conclusion
Computer-based Antenatal Care Management System functions are becoming an essential
technology for health care in part because the information management challenges faced by
health care professionals are increasing daily. Technological progress makes it possible for
Antenatal care Management systems to provide total, cost-effective access to more complete,
accurate patient care data and to offer improved performance and enhanced functions that
can be used to meet those information management challenges. Antenatal Care Management
System can play an important role in improving the quality of expectant Mothers Antenatal
care they can also contribute to the management and moderation of health care costs.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) study committee believes that the time is right for a major
initiative to make standard technology in health care within a decade. Achieving this goal
within 10 years will require a nationwide effort and a great deal of work. More research and
development are needed in several critical areas to ensure that systems meet the needs of
patients, practitioners, administrators, third-party payers, researchers, and policymakers. For
example, the need to protect patient privacy must be balanced by the need for timely access
to data at multiple sites. Systems must offer both considerable flexibility for users and
standards required for data transfer and exchange.
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Interview Guide
1. What are the strength of the current system on which the Medical center is using in line
with the management of Antenatal Care?
2. What are its weaknesses in details?
3. What are the limitations of the current system used in the medical center per Antenatal
Care Management?
4. What are the problems faced by the current system?
5. How would you want the new system to work per its perfection?
6 What are the main features that you may want to be included in the new system?
7 Who is supposed to be given what privilege per the activities in the antenatal care in
details, for example who is supposed to fill the Antenatal Card, or who is Supposed to
record Payments?
Thank you

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Antinatal care management system report

  • 1. ANTENATAL CARE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CASE STUDY: PEARL MEDICAL CENTER BY SULEIMAN ABDUL 209-063011-01931 Email: DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF SCIENCE A Project Report Submitted To the Faculty of Science for the Study Leading To a Project In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree Of Information Technology of Islamic University in Uganda Supervisor Mr. CHEMISTO MUSA Faculty of science, Islamic University in Uganda July, 2011
  • 2. DECLARATION I Suleiman Abdul – 209-063011-01931, hereby declare that the contents of this report are a true account and reflection of my experience during my Project development “Antenatal Care Management System” A case study of (Pearl Medical Center, Kansanga). Signed ……………………………… Date …………………………. Suleiman Abdul Department of Computer Science and IT Faculty of Science Islamic University in Uganda i
  • 3. APPROVAL This Project report has been written and compiled under my supervision and is now ready for submission to the faculty of Science in the department of Computer Science with approval. ....................................................... Mr. Chemisto Musa SUPERVISOR Date ………………………….. ii
  • 4. DEDICATION I dedicate this report to my Parents, and my family at large plus all relatives and friends without their Patience, understanding, support, and most of all their love and prayers, the completion of this work would not have been possible. iii
  • 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Special thanks goes to Mr. Ntambi Musa (Senior Administrator), Pearl Medical Center, first and foremost for granting my research approval to have it in the Medical center, my helpful supervisor Mrs. Sauba for the well information helped out in most of the section in the study and support that he gave truly helped in the progression and smoothness of the Project. The co- operation is much indeed appreciated. Great deals appreciations go to the contribution of my faculty - Faculty of Science (Islamic university in Uganda) spear headed by Mr. Umar Yahya the faculty coordinator, I would also like to thank all the staff at large (my university’s) patience in helping us complete this program. Not to forget Mr. Chemisto Musa (My supervisor) for the smoothness, advices, motivations and co-operation during the Supervision. Last but not least I would like to thank my friends especially those who helped me out where I was weak, Mr. Walusimbi Hakim, Mr. Bukenya Gadafi to mention but a few, for the wise ideas throughout the Project. Special thanks also goes to Mr. Abdul Maghied – my sweet father for all he has done with the start since I started to crawl in education perspective and everything He has really done just because of Me, Mrs. Saida Shaban – my mother and the only inspiration I have, for the great job and encouragement always in my studies, Mr.Shaban Abditam, Waswa Hassan – my big brothers, for the guidance, financial assistance and motivation they always and gave me through the project, Miss Nakimuli, my brothers Kakooza Ali, Sseruja Hassan, Kamada Jingo, Taban Anis plus sisters Fatuma Abdul, Rehema Abdul, Khasfa Abdul, Mama Ram, Mariam Nabatanzi, Shilla Namudu , Nakawesa Ruth , My Aunties – Aunt Jowe, Aunt Mariam, Aunt Dania plus Uncles – Uncle Juma and uncle Hassan for all they have done am really appreciative. May Allah Bestow His Blessings on All of Us iv
  • 6. ABSTRACT Maternity mortality has shown a steady decline in recent years but a marked socioeconomic gradient persists. Antenatal care is generally thought to be an effective method of improving pregnancy outcomes, but the effectiveness of specific antenatal care programmes as a means of reducing Maternity mortality in socio-economically disadvantaged and vulnerable groups of women has not been rigorously evaluated. This proposed Antenatal Care Management system is designed to cater for the activities on which are done during the Antenatal Care Processes at Pearl Medical Center’s Antenatal Care on which includes the registration of the expectant mothers, following up the Antenatal Card, follow ups of checkups of the mothers, following up the progress of the expectant mothers in the hospital, plus drugs availability in the hospital in line with Antenatal Care and reporting the situation of such expectant mothers registered in the hospital, balancing the payment of the services in line with Antenatal Care management before discharge. v
  • 7. TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION............................................................................................................................I APPROVAL..................................................................................................................................II DEDICATION.............................................................................................................................III ACKNOWLEDGEMENT..........................................................................................................IV ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................V LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................IX LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................IX CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................1 1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Background ..........................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Statement of the Problem....................................................................................................................................2 1.3 Objective of the Study..........................................................................................................................................2 1.3.1 Specific Objectives of the Study.........................................................................................................................2 1.4 Scope of the Study.................................................................................................................................................2 1.5 Significance...........................................................................................................................................................3 CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................4 LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................................4 2.0 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................4 2.1 Web based Information Systems .........................................................................................................................6 2.2 Databases.................................................................................................................................................................6 2.3 Information Management.....................................................................................................................................7 CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................8 vi
  • 8. METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................................................................8 3.0 System Study and Investigation............................................................................................................................8 3.0.1 Interviews.............................................................................................................................................................8 3.0.2 Document Review ...............................................................................................................................................8 3.0.3 Observation.........................................................................................................................................................9 3.1.0 Requirement Specifications................................................................................................................................9 3.1.1 User Requirements..............................................................................................................................................9 3.1.2 Functional Requirements ..................................................................................................................................9 3.2.0 System Requirements ......................................................................................................................................10 3.2.1 Software requirements......................................................................................................................................10 3.2.2 Hardware Specifications...................................................................................................................................10 3.3.0 System Design ....................................................................................................................................................10 3.3.1 Conceptual Design............................................................................................................................................11 CHAPTER FOUR.......................................................................................................................13 IMPLEMENTATION, TESTING AND EVALUATION........................................................13 4.0 Implementation....................................................................................................................................................13 4.0.1 Direct Implementation.......................................................................................................................................13 4.0.2 Parallel Implementation....................................................................................................................................13 4.1.0 Coding and Debugging the System..................................................................................................................13 4.2.0 System Testing....................................................................................................................................................13 4.2.1 Results from Different Tests ............................................................................................................................15 4.3 Logical Design...................................................................................................................................................15 4.3.1 Data Flow Diagrams ........................................................................................................................................15 4.3.2 Entity Relationship Diagrams .........................................................................................................................18 4.4 Physical Design....................................................................................................................................................19 ......................................................................................................................................................25 vii
  • 9. 4.5.0 Getting Started with Antenatal Care Management System..........................................................................25 4.5.1 The Start up of the System ...............................................................................................................................25 4.5.2 System Interfaces ..............................................................................................................................................26 CHAPTER FIVE.........................................................................................................................31 DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION..............................................31 5.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................................31 5.1 Discussion..............................................................................................................................................................31 5.2 Limitations............................................................................................................................................................31 5.3 Problems Encountered........................................................................................................................................32 5.4 Recommendations................................................................................................................................................33 5.4 Conclusion............................................................................................................................................................34 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................35 APPENDICES:............................................................................................................................36 Interview Guide ........................................................................................................................................................36 viii
  • 10. LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1: LOGIN FORM SCREEN.....................................................................................26 FIGURE 2: MAIN FORM SCREEN ......................................................................................26 FIGURE 3: PROGRESS FORM................................................................................................27 FIGURE 4: ANTENATAL CARD FORM ...............................................................................28 FIGURE 5: ISSUING DRUG ....................................................................................................28 FIGURE 6: PREVIOUS OBSTERIC........................................................................................29 FIGURE 7: DRUGS ...................................................................................................................29 FIGURE 8: USER MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................30 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1: SHOWING CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ............................................................11 TABLE 2: SHOWING SYMBOLS AND MEANINGS USED IN THE DATA FLOW DIAGRAM;..................................................................................................................................17 TABLE 3: SHOWING USERS TABLE;...................................................................................19 TABLE 4: SHOWING ANTENATAL CARD TABLE;..........................................................20 TABLE 5: SHOWING ANTENATAL PROGRESS;..............................................................20 TABLE 6: SHOWING WARD;.................................................................................................21 TABLE 7: SHOWING BED ASSIGNMENT;..........................................................................21 TABLE 8: SHOWING PREVIOUS ILLNESS TABLE;.........................................................22 TABLE 9: SHOWING PRESENT PREGNANCY; ................................................................22 ix
  • 11. TABLE 10: DRUGS TABLE .....................................................................................................22 TABLE 11: SHOWING PHYSICAL EXAMINATION;.........................................................23 TABLE 12: SHOWING OBSTERIC TABLE;.........................................................................23 TABLE 13:DRUG _ STOCK......................................................................................................24 TABLE 14: ISSUED_DRUGS ...................................................................................................24 TABLE 15: PRESENT PREGNANCY.....................................................................................24 TABLE 16:PHYSICAL_ EXAM................................................................................................25 x
  • 12. CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction This chapter consists of background for the study, problem statement, the purpose of the Study, objectives of the study, scope of the study plus significances of the study. 1.1 Background With the current upgraded technologies involving information management based solutions in many organizations in Uganda and other different countries rather than the backward systems like the file based systems that consisted of huge work load and miss use of space plus their none cost effectiveness, it has become a concern for the information technologists to digitalize solutions that can be used in such environments thus designing and implementing the digitalized systems to suit the changing technological environment. In that line therefore an Antenatal management system will be such of the digital solutions that will be used to digitalize activities that are usually done at Hospitals in most issues concerning the monitoring and managing the health of expecting mothers till their delivery in good condition. Owing to the above, the idea of an Antenatal management system is as a result to observing the Antenatal care Management and other activities done in that line in Hospitals, health centre’s and the levels of distribution and rendering of services to clients in that perspective. There are many medical centers today that still use the file based systems of information management instead of the computerized system, including even most popular hospitals in the country on which has lead to loss lots of time and information. 1
  • 13. 1.2 Statement of the Problem With the clear review on the operations in Antenatal Care Management at Pearl Medical Center, Kansanga, notice has been indorsed that there is difficulty in tracing health performance of the expectant mothers and the delivered babies/ newly born babies. This is merely seem to be because of the over dependence of file based system with most health facilities in the country thus with such redundancy of the health concerning expectant mothers leading to high number of maternity mortality in Uganda, all due to not having a defined way of maintaining records in the Antenatal Care sections a result loss of trust to such Hospitals. The other problem is the Paper over Load which of course creates a lot of redundancy in the records hence wasting Space and time. Therefore an Antenatal Care Management system will cut down paper loads, trace payments, offer recommendations per the situation, and lastly prepare expectant mothers for safe birth delivery. Hence efficiency, quality of service will be optimized in line with Antenatal care management in the hospital once the system is put in use. 1.3 Objective of the Study To develop a functioning Antenatal Care Management System. 1.3.1 Specific Objectives of the Study i) Identify the requirements to develop an Antenatal Care Management System digital solution. ii) To design a computerized solution stand alone technologies for Hospital with such facilities. iii) Implementing and testing the computerized solution. 1.4 Scope of the Study The project focused mainly on the main operations that take place in the Hospitals in line with Antenatal Care or preparations made for a mother’s prepare for healthy delivery, like treatments of the victims before and after delivering, and operations like billing of the patients, tracking of the patients Record and scheduling of the Patients appointments etc. This research will hopefully be carried out at Pearl Medical Center, Kansanga. 2
  • 14. 1.5 Significance With the success of the research, it will be of significance to the Organization, the Researcher and the University in the following ways; i. The organization shall be able to boost their services and analyze their performance in line with preparation of Antenatal Care plus other operation to give hand in fulfilling safe delivery since the system will cater for problems in that line. ii. The study will help the researcher to fulfill the requirement for the award of bachelor’s in information technology, plus mastering the theory basics attained in all the persuasion of the bachelor’s degree in the university. iii.The project can also be referred to by other scholars for academic reference and even for further research. 3
  • 15. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction This chapter hints on what different authors have written about Antenatal Care Management systems, its limitations and effects to users in comparison with the benefits associated with its implementation as a solution. And it also involves a review of previous studies in relation to the research topic of analyzing, developing and implementing Antenatal Care Management system. Every human being on the planet is concerned with the process of birth. It is a sign of new Beginning and growth and perception of soul (atma) or god. But the process is painful and consists of Tapa sadhana (patience and perseverance) for almost a year and nursing and upbringing for couple of years ahead. Hence every science, tradition, therapy has tried to make the process safe, less painful, and successful. The management of physiology, psychology with medicinal and non-medicinal ways to achieve healthy mother and fetus is called as Antenatal or prenatal care. Antenatal Care (ANC) means “care before birth”, and includes education, counseling, creening and treatment to monitor and to promote the well-being of the mother and foetus. The current challenge is to find out which type of care and in what quantity is considered sufficient to ensure good quality of care for low-risk pregnant women. Only interventions of proven effectiveness, for which benefits largely overcome possible harms, and those acceptable to pregnant women and their families, should be offered. Crowther CA. Anti-D administration in pregnancy. The aim of Antenatal care (ANC) is to assist women to remain healthy, finding and correcting adverse conditions when present, and thus aid the health of the unborn. ANC should also provide support and guidance to the woman and her partner or family, to help them in their transition to parenthood. 4
  • 16. This implies that both health care and health education are required from health services. This broad definition of ANC is endorsed by national labour laws and by evidence-based clinical guideline. Moreover, it introduces the needed holistic approach (biological care and concern with intellectual, emotional, social and cultural needs of women, babies and families) during pregnancy. Care during pregnancy should enable a woman to make informed decisions, based on her needs, after discussing matters fully with the professionals involved. Any interventions offered in the antenatal period should be of proven effectiveness and be acceptable to the recipients. Both the individual components and the full package of ANC should conform to these criteria. (PEPC Essential antenatal, prenatal and postpartum care. Training modules. Copenhagen:WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2002 accessed 29 September 2005). Recently, Antenatal care, like other health care subsectors, has undergone major changes, one of these being the willingness to ‘‘integrate’’ the different services offered in the health care system. ‘‘Integrated care’’ has been a very popular organizational trend since the 1990s. One of the keys to its popularity has been the expectations it has raised, particularly in terms of improvements in quality of care and efficiency. Shortell SM, Gillies RR,(1996). With Rutecki GW. (2010). Prenatal care (also known as antenatal care) refers to the medical and nursing care recommended for women before and during pregnancy. The aim of good prenatal care is to detect any potential problems early, to prevent them if possible (through recommendations on adequate nutrition, exercise, vitamin intake etc.), and to direct the woman to appropriate specialists, hospitals, etc. if necessary. The availability of routine prenatal care has played a part in reducing maternal death rates and miscarriages as well as birth defects, low birth weight, and other preventable infant problems. Animal studies indicate that mothers' (and possibly fathers') diet, vitamin intake, and glucose levels prior to ovulation and conception have long-term effects on fetal growth and adolescent and adult disease. 5
  • 17. Coppens M, James D (1999) Focus of antenatal care in developed countries has expanded from its traditional aim of preventing, detecting and managing problems and factors which might adversely affect the health of mother and/or baby. It now includes broad aims such as "to support and encourage a family's healthy psychological adjustment to childbearing", and "to promote an awareness of the sociological aspects of childbearing and the influences that these might have on the family". This broader approach echoes the development of 'quality of life'-focused assessments in the wider field of health care. 2.1 Web based Information Systems Larry, 2003 Asserts that web based information systems provide up-to-date product and support information to existing and emerging channels. A prerequisite of this is to support the process of creating all these types of information once only, managing and making them available on a timely and cost effective way for all people in the information chain. 2.2 Databases According to Lane and William (2004), a database is part of data management system. They define a database as a container of data files, such as product catalogs, inventories and item/customer records. They say that every business would be a failure without a secure and reliable data management system. They further say that information systems are the hearts of most businesses worldwide. According to them, it is not easy to have a secure system, but a system developer must ensure that this is achieved. They advise system developers to have clear subject areas, requirements and plans before they start designing the systems. Braker and Hellerstein (1998), say that database has experienced a rapid increase in growth since the development of a rational data base. The progress in database systems and applications has produced a large scope of specialized technology areas that have often become the exclusive domain of research specialists. Examples include active database, object oriented, temporary database, and deductive database areas. Advanced database systems were written by leading specialists who have made significant contributions to the development of technology areas. 6
  • 18. Siau (2003) asserts that many databases that we find on the web today are derived from other databases. New databases are often created because there is a need for customized data and often, the databases are created with new data added in the process. In this situation, a system that is able to carry along superimposed information or annotation about the data is useful in many aspects. Siau (2003) envisions an annotation management system that is not only capable of carrying forward annotation of data being transformed, but that is also capable of attaching new comments on derived data, back to the source data. With French (1992), it’s also a single collection of structured data stored with a minimum duplication of data item so as to provide a consistent and controlled pool of data. This is common to all user systems, but is independent of the programs that use data. The independence database and programs using it means that one can be changed without changing the other. The user of database may find it convenient to imagine that they are using integrated system. According to Thierry (2006), the term database design can be used to describe many different parts of design of an overall system. Principally, and most correctly, it can be thought as the logical design of the database of database structure used to store data in are rational model these are the tables and views. However the database design could be sued to apply overall process of designing, and not just base data structures, but also forms and queries are used apart overall database application within database management system (DBMS). 2.3 Information Management Data can be defined as individual facts or raw about something that can be organized to generate useful information for decision-making. Information is stimuli that have meaning in some context for its receiver. When data is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as information. Graham (2001) said, with the move from local application to a web based ones, also the ata we created and access will need to undergo some profound changes. Data and information undergoes a management process to maintain its consistence and quality. Physical and logical security, quality assurance is emphasized to ensure rational utilization and reliability of data/information. 7
  • 19. CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 3.0 System Study and Investigation The chapter involved a critical study of the existing management systems at Pearl Medical Center. This chapter introduces the methodology and techniques that were used in acquiring and analyzing information and to achieve the objectives of the project. It therefore includes the methods, technique, design tools, approaches and procedures which were adopted to collect and analyze information. The methods that were used include interviews, document analysis, and observation. 3.0.1 Interviews This method was used to collect information from Pearl Medical Center administrators as the researcher was asking questions about the current system. Interviews were conducted with Dr. Umar Kasule one of the Doctors of Pearl Medical Center and a Senior administrator, Mrs Saubah the midwife and Warden plus Mrs. Halimah the receptionist. During the interviews, these individuals described the process they involved and problems faced in administering the current Antenatal Care System and from the interviews with other staff members plus some expectant mothers, the researcher was able to identify the problems faced and the user requirements for the proposed system. Reasons for using such a method; • To obtain detailed information Personal perception opinions. • To spell out ambiguities and a fall up of incomplete answers. 3.0.2 Document Review With this method, the researcher reviewed market documents which included Patients’ register, receipt books, vouchers. This method helped the researcher to obtain various information captured for different events and it was a supplement to the information from the interviews made at Pearl Medical Center. 8
  • 20. 3.0.3 Observation Observations were carried out accompanied by visits to the medical center where the research was carried out, participants and their daily conduct of activities, events and their sequence and attendant processes. In this line this kind of method helped the researcher to gain a clear flow of the activities involved and how they were conducted. 3.1.0 Requirement Specifications Requirements specifications involve what the system should do. Therefore it provides detailed documentations of requirements and these are categorized into collection and analysis of user requirements, functional requirements and systems requirements. 3.1.1 User Requirements In this line it comprised of the preferred features by the user in the system on which from the interviews and comments from the medical center’s staff and users to be using the system it was revealed that the system should be able to; • Provide user friendly interfaces for easy interactions. • Allow users to enter data easily from the interface and is saved to the database. • Print the necessary reports with the most accurate information. • Restrict unauthorized login attempts to the system. 3.1.2 Functional Requirements This outlines how the system serves the users by ensuring efficient and effective functionality. The system therefore is able to: • Allow registration of expectant Mothers willing to have Antenatal Care Services of Pearl medical Center • To enable the administrators to effectively track Expectant mothers Progress. • To allow easy track Payments of Antenatal Care. • To provide adequate reports 9
  • 21. 3.2.0 System Requirements These are requirements that were needed to incorporate the desired functionalities in the system. This therefore called for the description of the properties of the system and this had to address both the software and hardware requirements. 3.2.1 Software requirements For the success of the system’s objectives, it was a combination several software’s on which worked hand in hand to execute per the expectation of the study on which they included the following; • Windows 7 ultimate 32 bit operating software was used for efficient running of the system. • Microsoft Visual studio using C# language was selected and used for code generation and interface designs. • MySQL database software was used for database designs to store the data entries from the interface. 3.2.2 Hardware Specifications Due to the need of reach to the expected efficiency of the system per the study the following Hardware specification were considered; • The system can run efficiently on a computer with at least 1.2 Ghz Processor Speed, free space of 500Mb, with at least 512Gb of RAM. 3.3.0 System Design It refers to the art of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data for the system to fulfill the project main objective. The main goal of the design phase is to find the best possible design, within the limitations imposed by the requirement and the physical as well as social environment in which the system will operate. 10
  • 22. 3.3.1 Conceptual Design Conceptual design refers to the explicit construction of the idea or concepts that a user needs to learn about what a product is, what it can do, and how it is intended to be used. This involved various entities and attributes identification on which can be seen as follows; Table 1: Showing Conceptual Design Entity Attributes Users - Full Name - User Name (pk) - Password - Role Antenatal card - RegNo - LCI - HealthUnit - Occupation - Name - Religion - Age - Education - Tribe - Status - Next_of_kin - Relashinship - N_occupation - Address - Gravida - Para - Abortion Antenatal Progress - ID - RelationPP_Brim - Reg_no - FoetalHeart - Amenorrhea - Weight - FundaHeight - BP - Presentation - varicose - Position - urine Ward - Bed_id - Location - Status - Description Drugs - Drug_No - Name - Description 11
  • 23. - Rate DrugStock - Stockid - StockDate - Drugid - Quantity - Rate - Amount - StockBy Physical examination - Id - Reg_no - Height - Weight - BP - Pulse - Temp - Pelvic examination Issued Drugs - Issue id - Issue_date - Drug_id - Quantity - Rate - Cost - Sale by Present pregnancy - Id - Reg_no - LNMP_day - EDD - GEstationPeriod - Complications - Curr_symptom 12
  • 24. CHAPTER FOUR IMPLEMENTATION, TESTING AND EVALUATION 4.0 Implementation There are mainly two forms of new systems implementation on which comprises of the direct form of implementation and the parallel one. 4.0.1 Direct Implementation Under this form of implementation there is a direct cut over of the old system while the new system takes its course. In direct implementation, the users stop using the manual system and start using the computer system there and then. The lead of this method is that it doesn’t need more man power hence making it less costly, however on its depressing point of view if the new system fails to operate effectively either due to an expected error this can lead to loss of data since it was implemented. I therefore don’t recommend serious organization that deals with serious information to use this method of system implementation. 4.0.2 Parallel Implementation In this line, a new system is implemented alongside an old system, this implies both the new and the old system will be running simultaneously until when the new system proves its integrity over the old one. Due to advantages the parallel implementation method has over the direct cut over the parallel implementation method is recommended. 4.1.0 Coding and Debugging the System Coding and debugging the system may be in straightforward stipulations referred to as programming. In this line concerning the study at hand Antenatal Care Management System For Pearl Medical Centre, the researcher used visual basics (Microsoft visual studio Ultimate 2010) and Mysql database systems. 4.2.0 System Testing System testing is a critical aspect of Software Quality Assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error. A good test is one that has a probability of finding an as yet 13
  • 25. undiscovered error. The purpose of testing is to identify and correct bugs in the developed system. Nothing is complete without testing. Testing is the vital to the success of the system. In the code testing the logic of the developed system is tested. For this every module of the program is executed to find an error. To perform specification test, the examination of the specifications stating what the program should do and how it should perform under various conditions. Unit testing focuses first on the modules in the proposed system to locate errors. This enables to detect errors in the coding and logic that are contained within that module alone. Those resulting from the interaction between modules are initially avoided. In unit testing step each module has to be checked separately. System testing does not test the software as a whole, but rather than integration of each module in the system. The primary concern is the compatibility of individual modules. One has to find areas where modules have been designed with different specifications of data lengths, type and data element name. Testing and validation are the most important steps after the implementation of the developed system. The system testing is performed to ensure that there are no errors in the implemented system. The software must be executed several times in order to find out the errors in the different modules of the system. Validation refers to the process of using the new software for the developed system in a live environment i.e., new software inside the organization, in order to find out the errors. The validation phase reveals the failures and the bugs in the developed system. It will be come to know about the practical difficulties the system faces when operated in the true environment. By testing the code of the implemented software, the logic of the program can be examined. A specification test is conducted to check whether the specifications stating the program are performing under various conditions. Apart from these tests, there are some special tests conducted which are given below: Peak Load Tests: This determines whether the new system will handle the volume of activities when the system is at the peak of its processing demand. The test has revealed that the new software for the agency is capable of handling the demands at the peak time. 14
  • 26. Storage Testing: This determines the capacity of the new system to store transaction data on a disk or on other files. The proposed software has the required storage space available, because of the use of a number of hard disks. Performance Time Testing: This test determines the length of the time used by the system to process transaction data. 4.2.1 Results from Different Tests In line with the code testing on which the logic of the developed system was tested it was revealed that in the drug issue module on the system where after the recording of the Issue id by a click to drug id the rates of the drug were supposed to appear per the quantity automatically on which an error was found that one had to enter the rates manually on which was later covered effectively. Still on the system testing it was tried out to input in fields on which were supposed to be of integers then put in characters for example in the payment module where the calculation of amount paid for different services, it was tested whether it could accept character inputted data on which was inacceptable thus showing validity of the system. 4.3 Logical Design The logical design of the system consisted description of the conceptual presentation of data flow, inputs and out puts of the system, this was conducted via modeling, involving theoretical and graphical representation of an actual system’s design. On which the modeling undertook the following; 4.3.1 Data Flow Diagrams This refers to diagrammatic representation of information flow in the system between the different entities and processes. Data flow Diagram shows how data moves through the system but does not show program processing steps however, it provides a logical model that 15
  • 27. shows what the system does. This diagram was used to exhibit the business processes, inputs and outputs of each process, and the flow of data between the processes plus the data stores. 16
  • 28. Table 2: Showing symbols and meanings used in the data flow diagram; PEARL MEDICAL CENTER ANTENATAL CARE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Symbol Meaning Entity e.g. user, branch, suspects. A data store. Process A data flow. 17 Patient 11 Record Patient ProcessPatient Info Payments 22 33 44 Patient Records Payment Records Checkup Process Patient Infor Progress Details Assign Bed Process Checkup Info PatientDetails Pharmacy Pharmacy Details Drug Info Treatment Record Checkup Infor Drug payments
  • 29. 4.3.2 Entity Relationship Diagrams Entity relationship Diagram was the tools on which were used to show the relationship between different entities that were involved in the system information flow. This tool helped the researcher to identify the attributes of each entity and the cardinalities between the relationships. PEARL MEDICAL CENTER ANTENATAL CARE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM 18 Discharge Details 55 Beds Record Discharge Process Discharge Form Discharge Payments Receptionist Patient Midwife DoctorBed Records Treats Monitors Assigned Drug Receives User Name Password Role Bed_i d Locatio n Descripti on Status User_Nam e Passwor d Role Pat_id Pat_Name User_Nam e Drug_N o Name Descriptio n Rate
  • 30. 4.4 Physical Design The physical design of a system is concerned the actual physical implementation of the logical design as already discussed earlier. This section describes the actual processes of inputting, verifying and storing the in Antenatal Care Management System, physical layout of the data stores, report formats and relation database management system used. During the physical design process, the researcher had to translate the expected schemas into actual database structures mapping the, entities to tables, relationships to foreign key, attributes to columns, primary unique identifiers to primary key constraints and unique identifiers to unique key constraints with the help of Mysql Database Software on which was used for the Data storage for the system. The following were the different physical design; Table 3: Showing Users table; 19 Pharmacy Issues Password Role Stock Drug_i d Drug
  • 31. Table 4: Showing Antenatal Card table; Table 5: showing Antenatal Progress; 20
  • 32. Table 6: Showing ward; Table 7: Showing bed assignment; 21
  • 33. Table 8: Showing previous Illness Table; Table 9: Showing Present Pregnancy; Table 10: Drugs table 22
  • 34. Table 11: Showing Physical Examination; Table 12: Showing Obsteric table; 23
  • 35. Table 13:Drug _ stock Table 14: Issued_drugs Table 15: Present pregnancy 24
  • 36. Table 16:Physical_ exam 4.5.0 Getting Started with Antenatal Care Management System After the systems final coding for the perfection of what is expected from it, it was turned into an executable file which can enable it be installed on any machine without visual basic. So as to help make the system perform its functionalities’ with just its installation on any machine with the requirement per mentioned in Chapter III of the Report, all the installation files are copied into one directory in the programme files and short cut icon is places on the desktop. 4.5.1 The Start up of the System The startup is simple as normal programs on which with just a double click on the short cut “Antenatal Care Management System”, a screen will show up indicating the log on form on which requires credentials to continue using the system. 25
  • 37. Security of information is the first thing each manager will put into consideration, in any system to be used by more than one person for example in an organization like a hospital, companies and others that contain lots of important information. There for the researcher came up with a login form that permits use of the system, on which none authorized users can access the system. Only valid users with correct user name and password can log into the system. 4.5.2 System Interfaces Figure 1: Login Form Screen The login form is presented with two text boxes and two command buttons as shown in the figure above. Enter the correct user name and password in their respective text boxes and then click the “OK” command button or else click “Cancel” command button on which will cancel the login form and you cannot access the system. Figure 2: Main Form Screen 26
  • 38. The main form acts as a navigation point of all pages of the system, through the main form, you can access any part of system depending on your level of authentication. Some legal users will not access some forms that are not in their area of concern. Only the administrator will be allowed to access everything in the system. With the above figure it’s the main page on which every user goes to after the login, it contains most of the features in the system for example different privileges per the user for example editing users and other functionalities. Figure 3: Progress Form 27
  • 39. This is the form on which on which follows up the progress of the expectant mother in accordance to the last visits on which if a patient has been performing checkups one can such for the progress result depending on the patient number. Figure 4: Antenatal Card Form The above form is mainly used to enter the information of the expectant mother in different perspectives, for example, the expectant mother’s biography, taking of their social history, previous illness, and physical examination. Figure 5: Issuing Drug 28
  • 40. With this form it’s useful in a manner of tracking the issuing of drugs with information like the type of drug, the staff that has sold the drug, the date issued plus their cost. Figure 6: Previous Obsteric The above figure indicates the ways on which the expectant mother had been affected during delivery processes. Figure 7: Drugs 29
  • 41. With the above figure the system has the capability to register the drugs on which are to be issued to the patients so, edit, provide description and keep track on the drugs availability. Figure 8: User management With this form, the system can add users, edit and delete any user but this was customized for the administrator with such privileges. 30
  • 42. CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.0 Introduction This chapter gives a summary of the entire system with emphases on its achievements and limitations. There are also suggestions on possible areas of enhancement. 5.1 Discussion The system was designed to fulfill the basic aim and specific objectives that were proposed at the earlier stage of the system development. A system comprises of people, equipment, space and procedures. The researcher was mindful of the input, processing, storing and retrieving requirements necessary for an effective system. The main users to interact with the system are the Doctor, Hospitals Administrator, Receptionist, Midwife, and the warden. In any software development, security is always a very important issue for consideration. The administrators should therefore make use of authorized persons to take charge of the system. It is thus management obligation to ensure internal controls and security about the system, the system cannot be accessed by any user except the authorized user with the login ID and password. 5.2 Limitations It is not usually possible to design a system that meets the needs of every user, therefore the system has the following limitations; There are fixed queries that have been designed by the researcher. This means that the users cannot run queries of their choice unless the system is upgraded. 31
  • 43. Project was quite limited since the project entails some components that required to be delivered on time with full functionality Biased responses from some of the interviewees. Lack of interest from some of the would-be users of the new system due to fear of loss of jobs as a result of the automation that the new system inhibits. 5.3 Problems Encountered There are as many problems encountered as a system is one of the tasks on which needs much of attention, thus the following problems were encountered during the development process of coming up with the System; • One of the biggest problem encountered on which it’s more so a general problem per all students that were carrying out project at Islamic University Kampala Campus was limitation in time to enable development of a program with better features. On which we were first given some desirable deadline at fast that was handing in over early September and on which was abruptly changed to a nearby date thus leading to compression of functionalities that would be included in the system due to limited time. • The researcher also encountered a problem of getting a case study as most issues concerning health are confidential, and had to move to different hospitals after being let down by the last medical hospital I had gone for information not until found Pearl Medical Center after a lot of struggle and was too late thus leading to panic and reducing on the scope of the project system • In accessibility to the most current literature on soft ware development Despite the normal programming procedures followed, some segments could not run normally especially in the viewing forms, may be due to computer memory problem since Visual Basic takes allot of memory. • Another encountered problem was limited access to better resources that were used in developing the system, specifically designing software’s like Edrawer, Ud on which internet access was always on and off thus even though they were downloaded the best 32
  • 44. that could be got were trial versions on which worked for 15 – 30 days hence disorganizing the researchers plans to come up with more unique and high performance system. • The other encountered problem was on research or requirements engineering on which needed a lot of information from the medical center on which the research place was always Busy thus limited attention was given to the researcher since it was a big medical center they worked 24 hrs a day leading to getting most requirements from observation and the least through one on one interviews. • Lack of proper documentation about the existing system was another problem encountered on which was a big bottleneck for System development. • During data collection process, the staff was reluctant to release any information, as it was even hard for the researcher to be given sample forms that were used to be used in Antenatal Care Services with the fear that they might be supporting a competitor. 5.4 Recommendations First of all, it’s important that Pearl Medical Center continues to use the old manual system alongside per speculations in the implementation section in the report as the Medical Centre has many clients and the system users have to be trained to use the system as they may lose information on which may be of great use in the Hospital, thus the users should first use the manual and the automated system parallel till knowledge that the automated system is worth their expectations. Similarly as mentioned above, the users need to be trained on how best they can use the new automated system. Users with basic computer skills will be required in order for them to appreciate the functionality of the program. The system has a lot of room for further improvement though as it stands it can be used as a prototype to develop an Antenatal Care Management System and more features could be added, since less time was available for the researcher. 33
  • 45. Lastly on the recommendation as hinted before in supplements of the recommendations about the limited time, the report is not containing all that is in the Project system as it was still under construction and the due to need of beating the deadline of Report handing in most of the Parts needed were included in the Report Living out little bits on which were under construction and changes will be made after the completion of the system by 26th of July. 5.4 Conclusion Computer-based Antenatal Care Management System functions are becoming an essential technology for health care in part because the information management challenges faced by health care professionals are increasing daily. Technological progress makes it possible for Antenatal care Management systems to provide total, cost-effective access to more complete, accurate patient care data and to offer improved performance and enhanced functions that can be used to meet those information management challenges. Antenatal Care Management System can play an important role in improving the quality of expectant Mothers Antenatal care they can also contribute to the management and moderation of health care costs. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) study committee believes that the time is right for a major initiative to make standard technology in health care within a decade. Achieving this goal within 10 years will require a nationwide effort and a great deal of work. More research and development are needed in several critical areas to ensure that systems meet the needs of patients, practitioners, administrators, third-party payers, researchers, and policymakers. For example, the need to protect patient privacy must be balanced by the need for timely access to data at multiple sites. Systems must offer both considerable flexibility for users and standards required for data transfer and exchange. 34
  • 46. REFERENCES 1. Braker, Stone M & J.M Hellerstein (eds.) (1998). ”Reading in databases”. Kaufmann San Francisco 2. Hallmark, J; Garcia, C (1992). System migration experiences from the field. Information Technology & libraries, 11 (4), 345-358. 3. Hudgins, J; and Macklin, L. (2000). New materials, new processes: implementing digital imaging projects into existing work flow. Library collections, Acquisitions, &Technical services, 24(2), 189-204. 4. Laudon. Kand Laudon J (2002) management information systems, 7th Edition, Pearson Education Asia 5. Lewis. C. and Griffin M. (1997),, Human factors consideration in clinical applications of virtual reality. 6. Riva. G., (1999), Virtual Reality as a communication tool: a socio-cognitive analysis Teleoperators, and Virtual Environments 7. Siau, Keng (2003). Advanced topics in database research, volume 5 8. Shortell SM, Gillies RR, Anderson DA, Erickson KM, Mitchell JB. Remaking health care in America. San Francisco: 35
  • 47. 9. Yaspan, Arthur (1961). Operation Research. Vol 9, pp. 371-38 APPENDICES: Interview Guide Questions 1. What are the strength of the current system on which the Medical center is using in line with the management of Antenatal Care? …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………. 2. What are its weaknesses in details? …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… 36
  • 48. 3. What are the limitations of the current system used in the medical center per Antenatal Care Management? …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… 4. What are the problems faced by the current system? …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………. 5. How would you want the new system to work per its perfection? …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… 37
  • 49. …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… 6 What are the main features that you may want to be included in the new system? …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… 7 Who is supposed to be given what privilege per the activities in the antenatal care in details, for example who is supposed to fill the Antenatal Card, or who is Supposed to record Payments? …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… 38