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Anise(Pimpinella anisum), also called aniseed, is a flowering plant in the
family Apiaceae native to the eastern Mediterranean region and
Southwest Asia.
Its flavor has similarities with some other spices, such as star
anise,fennel, and liquorice. It is widely cultivated and used to flavor food
and alcoholic drinks, especially around the Mediterranean. It served as a
carminative in herbal medicine.
The name "anise" is derived via Old French from the Latin word, anisum,
or Greek, anison, referring to dill.
Medical uses of Anise:
Anise is an herb. The seed (fruit) and oil, and less frequently the root and leaf, are used to
make medicine.
• Starting menstrual periods
• Increasing breast milk
• Lice
• upset stomach
• intestinal gas
• “runny nose”
• Scabies
• Psoriasis
• Coughs
• Spasms
• an expectorant to increase productive cough
• as a diuretic to increase urine flow
• as an appetite stimulant
• treat menstrual discomfort or pain
• treatment of seizures, nicotine dependence, trouble sleeping (insomnia), asthma, and
Main uses of aniseed in the body
Antispasmodic/Expectorant. Anise is well known as a carminative and an expectorant. Its ability to decrease
bloating and settle the digestive tract still is used today, especially in pediatrics. In high doses, it is used as an
antispasmodic and an antiseptic and for the treatment of cough, asthma, and bronchitis.
The History of Anise
 Anise dates back to biblical times when it was mentioned in both the gospels of Luke and Mark.
 Anise was considered so valuable during that time that the seeds from which the essential oil is derived were used as
currency to pay tithes to the church as well as tax bills.
 Many Greek and Roman authors, including Dioscorides, Theophrastus, Pliny the Elder, and Paladus wrote about the uses of
anise, and in the ninth century, Charlemagne ordered that anise and other treasured herbs were to be grown on the
imperial farms surrounding the magnificent structures he’d ordered to built in Germany under his command.
 Romans used anise as a curative for indigestion and served spiced cakes flavored with anise after meals to improve
digestion. Anise was also used to flavor wedding cakes during this time.
 The oil was first extracted from the anise seed during the Renaissance, which created new ways for anise to be used,
especially as scientists began isolating homeopathic compounds from the oil produced by the seeds.
 As a spice, anise is suitable for both sweet and savory preparations, and in many countries, it is used to flavor liqueurs
including Anisette, a cordial popular in the Mediterranean region.
 In “Turner’s Herbal,” published in 1551, anise was recognized as a breath freshener, and in 1683, William Langham’s
“Garden Health” suggested it had diuretic properties, making it an effective remedy for water retention.
 Anise is now grown throughout the world and has remained largely unchanged despite the fact that it has at least 2,000
years of history.
Anise Essential Oil Fun Facts
Anise is not only used in the
Greek liqueur ouzo, it is also used
in the popular, mysterious liquor
absinthe, which was long
believed to be a hallucinogenic,
including by Ernest Hemingway,
Oscar Wilde, and Edgar Allan
Black jelly beans get their flavor
from anise.
Anise was used as a talisman and
was one of the herbs that were
used to protect people from the
Evil Eye.
Anise seed and anise essential oil
are both used in the processing
of meats, most often Italian
sausages, and pepperoni.
Chemical Properties
While there are many volatile oils in anise, by far the most important one is anethole.
Anethole acts as an antimicrobial, fighting off bacteria, yeast, and fungi. Anethole has been
used in conjunction with other phytochemicals, and researchers have found that anethole
works in synergy with those phytochemicals, increasing their efficacy. For example, when
used alongside anise, thyme essential oil enhance anise’s antibacterial properties
Other important compounds found in anise essential oil include:
Alpha-pinene is a terpene that could have a positive effect on the brain. Alpha-pinene is
believed to inhibit the activity of an enzyme that damages the neurotransmitters that the
brain uses to communicate with the rest of the body. Because of that, the terpene could
have the potential to protect memory, alleviating the risk of dementia. Alpha-pinene also
interacts with dopamine and serotonin, the same neurotransmitters impacted by drugs such
as Valium and others in the benzodiazepine class, giving it the potential to relieve stress and
Limonene is a monoterpene that acts as both an anti-inflammatory and an antibacterial. It
may help speed the healing of wounds while acting as an antioxidant, encouraging the
production of collagen at the site of a wound while fighting free radical damage that can
slow heali
Another monoterpene, beta-pinene is believed to help improve mood.
A monoterpene, camphene could help protect against cardiovascular disease by reducing cholesterol levels, at least in mice.2
Camphene also acts as an antibacterial, an antioxidant, an antifungal, and an insecticide, so it pairs well with the anethole
that makes up the bulk of anise essential oil.
A fatty acid, the myristic acid helps anise absorb into the skin so the oil’s active compounds can better penetrate the skin’s
Anise also contains manganese, calcium, fiber, protein, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and vitamins
including vitamin C.
Uses for Anise Essential Oil
Anise is considered one of the most beneficial herbs for healing, thanks to the
nutrients that the seeds and the oil distilled from them have to offer.
Some of the top health benefits of anise essential oil include:
Fights Bacteria
The antibacterial properties of anise oil make it an effective treatment option
for even stubborn strains of bacteria including staph and strep. It can be
added to water to use as a cleaning product or can be mixed with a carrier oil
and applied directly to cuts or wounds.
Relieves Depression
A 2017 study addressed the benefits of anise essential oil as a potential
treatment for symptoms of depression. The study, appearing in the Journal of
Research in Medical Sciences, found that mood swings, insomnia, and
irritability were reduced in women suffering from postpartum depression
after taking the oil.
Acts as a Sedative
Anise oil can act as a sedative, easing anxiety, stress, and nervousness. It also has a tranquilizing effect that can ease insomnia,
helping those who struggle with sleepless nights drift off to sleep faster and sleep better as well.
Fights off Insects
The anethole in anise essential oil has been shown to be more effective than the controversial pesticide DEET when fighting off
certain insects. It has been used effectively against certain species of cockroaches, weevils, and beetles, but it is most effective
against mosquitoes, especially because the anethole in anise works in synergy with the camphene, another natural insecticide
safe for children and pets.
Promotes Lactation
For new moms who are having trouble breastfeeding, anise essential oil may help due to the anethole found in the oil. Anethole
has been shown to increase milk supply in both humans and animals.
Provides Pain Relief
A study appearing in the Indian Veterinary Journal found that the analgesic qualities of anise were as effective as aspirin and
morphine—at least when used on mice. The research does open the door for human studies, however. A 2014 Brazilian study
also found that the anethole in anise could act as an analgesic, relieving pain. It is especially effective on the muscle and joint
pain associated with arthritis.
Reduces Epileptic Seizures
A study in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that anise reduced not only the duration but also the
frequency of epileptic seizures. Researchers believe that anise helps protect the synapses in the brain, which misfire during an
epileptic seizure.
Regulates Blood Sugar
The anethole in anise seed essential oil could help prevent high blood glucose levels, according to a 2015 study from India. The
animal research found that anethole influenced the activity of specific enzymes, boosting levels of insulin, which is responsible
for helping blood sugar move from the bloodstream into cells, where it can be used for energy
Treats Fungus
Athlete’s foot and other irritating fungal issues could be a thing of the past, based on research from Croatia. The study found that
the essential oil of anise helped control the growth of specific types of fungus, including yeast.
Relieves Menopause Symptoms
Anise essential oil may help ease the symptoms associated with menopause, according to a 2012 study appearing in the Iran
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Most notably, anise reduced the frequency and severity of hot flashes, one of the most
common menopausal complaint. 6
Improves Appearance of Skin
The vitamin C in anise makes it a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C is able to target free radicals that damage the skin proteins
collagen and elastin, protecting the cells and preventing signs of aging, including fine lines, wrinkles and age spots.
Acts as a Decongestant
Anise, often used in over-the-counter cold and cough medications can help relieve congestion and restore easy breathing. It is
also used to relieve coughs, symptoms of asthma and bronchitis, and other respiratory problems.
Improves Digestion
One of the first medicinal uses of anise remains a common one. Anise might not only help stimulate digestion, it is also an
effective carminative, which means that it can ease digestive problems including indigestion, gas, acid reflux, and stomach aches.
It also helps treat nausea and vomiting.
Relaxes Tense Muscles
The properties in anise oil have been shown in studies to relax muscles, making it an excellent additive to carrier oils such as
coconut oil to use as a rub to soothe away the pain of overexertion or strenuous exercise.
How To Use Anise Essential Oil
While anise is most often used as a spice to flavor
foods, it can also be used in aromatherapy or applied
to the skin to help ease certain conditions.
 Add anise essential oil to lotions, potpourri, a
diffuser, or a sachet to benefit from the restorative
properties of the licorice-like scent, which can both
energize and calm.
 To treat the pain of arthritis, mix a few drops of
anise with a carrier oil and massage onto the areas
that cause pain. The massage helps boost
circulation to the area, while the essential oil
penetrates the skin, where it can ease
inflammation and pain.
 Add a few drops to a bowl of steaming water and
cover your head with a towel, allowing the steam
to ease congestion.
 Add fennel essential oil to a cup of hot tea to help
ease digestion, boost libido, and decrease feelings
of anxiety and stress. You can find fennel in our
Happy personal essential oil diffuser.
Extraction of Aniseed oil
Extraction and Characterization Study of Aniseed Oil. Anise belongs to Umbelliferae family originates from Asian countries.
The essential oil is extracted from the fruits but roots are also used. Extraction of Oil from Aniseed was performed by using
Steam Distillation Method
Several techniques had been implemented for the extraction of oils like turbo distillation, super critical fluid extraction,
Solvent extraction, hydro distillation, use of superheated and supercritical water and other such as microwave assisted
processes, Steam distillation etc. Out of these techniques the Steam distillation is one of the promising techniques for
extraction of oil. Aniseed, on steam distillation, yields an essential oil, known as `Oil of Aniseed`, which has now
replaced the fruits for medicinal and flavoring purposes. Aniseed oil is a colorless or pale-yellow liquid having the
characteristic odor and taste of the fruit. The yield of oil generally varies from 1.9 to 3.1 percent. Higher values up to 6 per
cent have been reported from Syrian aniseed. Crushing of fruits prior to distillation gives better yields of oil. The material
should be distilled soon after the crushing to prevent any loss of oil due to evaporation. Aniseed oil is a highly refractive
liquid, which solidifies on cooling. The congealing point depends much on the anethole content and is a valuable criterion for
evaluating the oil. Exposure of the oil to air causes polymerization, and some oxidation also takes place with the
formation of anisaldehyde and anisic acid. The chief constituent of aniseed oil is anethole, which is present to the extent of 80
to 90 per cent and is mainly responsible for the characteristic flavor of the oil. The oil also contains methyl chavicol,
pmethoxyphenyl acetone, and small amount of terpenes and sulfur containing compounds of disagreeable odor.
Extraction and Characterization Study of Aniseed Oil.
Aniseed oil extraction by Distillation process
1. Take about 750 ml of water in the steam generator and
start heating to produce steam.
2. In the round bottom flask take crushed sauff.
3. A vigorous current of steam from steam generator is passed
through the round bottom flask.
4. A part of the steam condenses in the round bottom flask.
As more and more steam is passed, the steam volatile
components of sauff pass through the condenser along
with steam. These contents on condensation are collected
in the receiver.
5. The contents in the round bottom flask may be heated
by a heating mental to prevent excessive condensation of
6. The process of steam distillation is continued for about
half an hour.
7. Transfer the distillate to a separating funnel.
8. Wait for one day allow settling down to found two layer
of phases of different density, raffinate and extract phases.
9. Separate the two layers.
10. Find the weight of the extracted essential oil. Note the
color, odor and weight of the essential oil. Extraction and
Characterization Study of Aniseed Oil.
[1]. Tuan DQ and Ilangantileke SG, “Liquid CO2 extraction of essential oil from star anise
fruits (Illicium verum H). J Food Eng 31:47–57 (1997). [2]. Sims, M. (1982). Process using
liquid CO2 for botanical extractions. Book Chem. Engg, 50-52. [3]. Stahl, E. & Gerard, D.
(1985). Solubility behavior and fractionation of essential oils indense carbon dioxide.
Journal Perfume Flavor, 10, 29-37. [4]. Mehrez Romdhane1 and Chedly Tizaoui2 (2005), the
kinetic modeling of a steam distillation, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
80:759–766. [5]. Kim N-S and Lee D-S, Comparison of different extraction methods for the
analysis of fragrances from Lavandula species by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. J
Chromatogr A 982:31–47 (2002). [6]. Santos PM, Figueiredo AC, Oliveira MM, Barroso JG,
Pedro LG, Deans SG, Younus AKM and Scheffer JC, Essential oils from hairy root cultures and
from fruits and roots of Pimpinella anisum. Phytochemistry 48:455–460 (1998). [7]. Della
Porta G, Taddeo R,D’Urso E and Reverchon E, Isolation of clove bud and star anise
essential oil by supercritical CO2 extraction. Food Science and Technology 31:454–460
(1998). [8]. Tezel, A.; Hortacüsu, A.; Hortacüsu, O¬. Multi-component models for seed and
essential oil extractions. J. Supercrit. Fluids 2000, 19, 3-19. [9]. Kemmerer, B.; Reichling, J. S-
Adenosyl-L-methionine: anol-omethyltransferase activity in organ cultures of Pimpinella
anisum. Phytochemistry 1996, 42, 397-403. (PDF) Extraction and Characterization Study of
Aniseed Oil.

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  • 1. Aniseed Anise(Pimpinella anisum), also called aniseed, is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae native to the eastern Mediterranean region and Southwest Asia. Its flavor has similarities with some other spices, such as star anise,fennel, and liquorice. It is widely cultivated and used to flavor food and alcoholic drinks, especially around the Mediterranean. It served as a carminative in herbal medicine. Etimology The name "anise" is derived via Old French from the Latin word, anisum, or Greek, anison, referring to dill.
  • 2. Medical uses of Anise: Anise is an herb. The seed (fruit) and oil, and less frequently the root and leaf, are used to make medicine. • Starting menstrual periods • Increasing breast milk • Lice • upset stomach • intestinal gas • “runny nose” • Scabies • Psoriasis • Coughs • Spasms • an expectorant to increase productive cough • as a diuretic to increase urine flow • as an appetite stimulant • treat menstrual discomfort or pain • treatment of seizures, nicotine dependence, trouble sleeping (insomnia), asthma, and constipation
  • 3. Main uses of aniseed in the body Antispasmodic/Expectorant. Anise is well known as a carminative and an expectorant. Its ability to decrease bloating and settle the digestive tract still is used today, especially in pediatrics. In high doses, it is used as an antispasmodic and an antiseptic and for the treatment of cough, asthma, and bronchitis.
  • 4. The History of Anise  Anise dates back to biblical times when it was mentioned in both the gospels of Luke and Mark.  Anise was considered so valuable during that time that the seeds from which the essential oil is derived were used as currency to pay tithes to the church as well as tax bills.  Many Greek and Roman authors, including Dioscorides, Theophrastus, Pliny the Elder, and Paladus wrote about the uses of anise, and in the ninth century, Charlemagne ordered that anise and other treasured herbs were to be grown on the imperial farms surrounding the magnificent structures he’d ordered to built in Germany under his command.  Romans used anise as a curative for indigestion and served spiced cakes flavored with anise after meals to improve digestion. Anise was also used to flavor wedding cakes during this time.  The oil was first extracted from the anise seed during the Renaissance, which created new ways for anise to be used, especially as scientists began isolating homeopathic compounds from the oil produced by the seeds.  As a spice, anise is suitable for both sweet and savory preparations, and in many countries, it is used to flavor liqueurs including Anisette, a cordial popular in the Mediterranean region.  In “Turner’s Herbal,” published in 1551, anise was recognized as a breath freshener, and in 1683, William Langham’s “Garden Health” suggested it had diuretic properties, making it an effective remedy for water retention.  Anise is now grown throughout the world and has remained largely unchanged despite the fact that it has at least 2,000 years of history.
  • 5. Anise Essential Oil Fun Facts Anise is not only used in the Greek liqueur ouzo, it is also used in the popular, mysterious liquor absinthe, which was long believed to be a hallucinogenic, including by Ernest Hemingway, Oscar Wilde, and Edgar Allan Poe. Black jelly beans get their flavor from anise. Anise was used as a talisman and was one of the herbs that were used to protect people from the Evil Eye. Anise seed and anise essential oil are both used in the processing of meats, most often Italian sausages, and pepperoni. Chemical Properties While there are many volatile oils in anise, by far the most important one is anethole. Anethole acts as an antimicrobial, fighting off bacteria, yeast, and fungi. Anethole has been used in conjunction with other phytochemicals, and researchers have found that anethole works in synergy with those phytochemicals, increasing their efficacy. For example, when used alongside anise, thyme essential oil enhance anise’s antibacterial properties significantly. Other important compounds found in anise essential oil include: Alpha-pinene Alpha-pinene is a terpene that could have a positive effect on the brain. Alpha-pinene is believed to inhibit the activity of an enzyme that damages the neurotransmitters that the brain uses to communicate with the rest of the body. Because of that, the terpene could have the potential to protect memory, alleviating the risk of dementia. Alpha-pinene also interacts with dopamine and serotonin, the same neurotransmitters impacted by drugs such as Valium and others in the benzodiazepine class, giving it the potential to relieve stress and anxiety. Limonene Limonene is a monoterpene that acts as both an anti-inflammatory and an antibacterial. It may help speed the healing of wounds while acting as an antioxidant, encouraging the production of collagen at the site of a wound while fighting free radical damage that can slow heali
  • 6. Beta-pinene Another monoterpene, beta-pinene is believed to help improve mood. Camphene A monoterpene, camphene could help protect against cardiovascular disease by reducing cholesterol levels, at least in mice.2 Camphene also acts as an antibacterial, an antioxidant, an antifungal, and an insecticide, so it pairs well with the anethole that makes up the bulk of anise essential oil. Myristicacid A fatty acid, the myristic acid helps anise absorb into the skin so the oil’s active compounds can better penetrate the skin’s surface. Anise also contains manganese, calcium, fiber, protein, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and vitamins including vitamin C.
  • 7. Uses for Anise Essential Oil Anise is considered one of the most beneficial herbs for healing, thanks to the nutrients that the seeds and the oil distilled from them have to offer. Some of the top health benefits of anise essential oil include: Fights Bacteria The antibacterial properties of anise oil make it an effective treatment option for even stubborn strains of bacteria including staph and strep. It can be added to water to use as a cleaning product or can be mixed with a carrier oil and applied directly to cuts or wounds. Relieves Depression A 2017 study addressed the benefits of anise essential oil as a potential treatment for symptoms of depression. The study, appearing in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, found that mood swings, insomnia, and irritability were reduced in women suffering from postpartum depression after taking the oil. Acts as a Sedative Anise oil can act as a sedative, easing anxiety, stress, and nervousness. It also has a tranquilizing effect that can ease insomnia, helping those who struggle with sleepless nights drift off to sleep faster and sleep better as well.
  • 8. Fights off Insects The anethole in anise essential oil has been shown to be more effective than the controversial pesticide DEET when fighting off certain insects. It has been used effectively against certain species of cockroaches, weevils, and beetles, but it is most effective against mosquitoes, especially because the anethole in anise works in synergy with the camphene, another natural insecticide safe for children and pets. Promotes Lactation For new moms who are having trouble breastfeeding, anise essential oil may help due to the anethole found in the oil. Anethole has been shown to increase milk supply in both humans and animals. Provides Pain Relief A study appearing in the Indian Veterinary Journal found that the analgesic qualities of anise were as effective as aspirin and morphine—at least when used on mice. The research does open the door for human studies, however. A 2014 Brazilian study also found that the anethole in anise could act as an analgesic, relieving pain. It is especially effective on the muscle and joint pain associated with arthritis. Reduces Epileptic Seizures A study in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that anise reduced not only the duration but also the frequency of epileptic seizures. Researchers believe that anise helps protect the synapses in the brain, which misfire during an epileptic seizure. Regulates Blood Sugar The anethole in anise seed essential oil could help prevent high blood glucose levels, according to a 2015 study from India. The animal research found that anethole influenced the activity of specific enzymes, boosting levels of insulin, which is responsible for helping blood sugar move from the bloodstream into cells, where it can be used for energy
  • 9. Treats Fungus Athlete’s foot and other irritating fungal issues could be a thing of the past, based on research from Croatia. The study found that the essential oil of anise helped control the growth of specific types of fungus, including yeast. Relieves Menopause Symptoms Anise essential oil may help ease the symptoms associated with menopause, according to a 2012 study appearing in the Iran Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Most notably, anise reduced the frequency and severity of hot flashes, one of the most common menopausal complaint. 6 Improves Appearance of Skin The vitamin C in anise makes it a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C is able to target free radicals that damage the skin proteins collagen and elastin, protecting the cells and preventing signs of aging, including fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. Acts as a Decongestant Anise, often used in over-the-counter cold and cough medications can help relieve congestion and restore easy breathing. It is also used to relieve coughs, symptoms of asthma and bronchitis, and other respiratory problems. Improves Digestion One of the first medicinal uses of anise remains a common one. Anise might not only help stimulate digestion, it is also an effective carminative, which means that it can ease digestive problems including indigestion, gas, acid reflux, and stomach aches. It also helps treat nausea and vomiting. Relaxes Tense Muscles The properties in anise oil have been shown in studies to relax muscles, making it an excellent additive to carrier oils such as coconut oil to use as a rub to soothe away the pain of overexertion or strenuous exercise.
  • 10. How To Use Anise Essential Oil While anise is most often used as a spice to flavor foods, it can also be used in aromatherapy or applied to the skin to help ease certain conditions.  Add anise essential oil to lotions, potpourri, a diffuser, or a sachet to benefit from the restorative properties of the licorice-like scent, which can both energize and calm.  To treat the pain of arthritis, mix a few drops of anise with a carrier oil and massage onto the areas that cause pain. The massage helps boost circulation to the area, while the essential oil penetrates the skin, where it can ease inflammation and pain.  Add a few drops to a bowl of steaming water and cover your head with a towel, allowing the steam to ease congestion.  Add fennel essential oil to a cup of hot tea to help ease digestion, boost libido, and decrease feelings of anxiety and stress. You can find fennel in our Happy personal essential oil diffuser.
  • 11. Extraction of Aniseed oil Extraction and Characterization Study of Aniseed Oil. Anise belongs to Umbelliferae family originates from Asian countries. The essential oil is extracted from the fruits but roots are also used. Extraction of Oil from Aniseed was performed by using Steam Distillation Method
  • 12. METHOD OF EXTRACTION Several techniques had been implemented for the extraction of oils like turbo distillation, super critical fluid extraction, Solvent extraction, hydro distillation, use of superheated and supercritical water and other such as microwave assisted processes, Steam distillation etc. Out of these techniques the Steam distillation is one of the promising techniques for extraction of oil. Aniseed, on steam distillation, yields an essential oil, known as `Oil of Aniseed`, which has now replaced the fruits for medicinal and flavoring purposes. Aniseed oil is a colorless or pale-yellow liquid having the characteristic odor and taste of the fruit. The yield of oil generally varies from 1.9 to 3.1 percent. Higher values up to 6 per cent have been reported from Syrian aniseed. Crushing of fruits prior to distillation gives better yields of oil. The material should be distilled soon after the crushing to prevent any loss of oil due to evaporation. Aniseed oil is a highly refractive liquid, which solidifies on cooling. The congealing point depends much on the anethole content and is a valuable criterion for evaluating the oil. Exposure of the oil to air causes polymerization, and some oxidation also takes place with the formation of anisaldehyde and anisic acid. The chief constituent of aniseed oil is anethole, which is present to the extent of 80 to 90 per cent and is mainly responsible for the characteristic flavor of the oil. The oil also contains methyl chavicol, pmethoxyphenyl acetone, and small amount of terpenes and sulfur containing compounds of disagreeable odor. Extraction and Characterization Study of Aniseed Oil.
  • 13. Aniseed oil extraction by Distillation process
  • 14. PROCEDURE OF STEAM DISTILLATION 1. Take about 750 ml of water in the steam generator and start heating to produce steam. 2. In the round bottom flask take crushed sauff. 3. A vigorous current of steam from steam generator is passed through the round bottom flask. 4. A part of the steam condenses in the round bottom flask. As more and more steam is passed, the steam volatile components of sauff pass through the condenser along with steam. These contents on condensation are collected in the receiver. 5. The contents in the round bottom flask may be heated by a heating mental to prevent excessive condensation of steam. 6. The process of steam distillation is continued for about half an hour. 7. Transfer the distillate to a separating funnel. 8. Wait for one day allow settling down to found two layer of phases of different density, raffinate and extract phases. 9. Separate the two layers. 10. Find the weight of the extracted essential oil. Note the color, odor and weight of the essential oil. Extraction and Characterization Study of Aniseed Oil.
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