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Information Webinar
Canadian Cancer Survivor Network
Thursday 31st March 2022
Helene Hutchings
Anal Cancer-ABumRap
• Who we are
Understanding Colorectal and Anal Cancer
• Symptoms
• Risk factors
• Colorectal and Anal Cancer in Canada
• Treatment Options
• Surgery
• Chemotherapy and Radiation
• Biologics/Immunotherapy
 Preventing Colorectal and Anal Cancer
• Screening
• Lifestyle options
• The benefit of peer-to-peer support groups
 Questions/Discussion
 National, non-profit organization comprised of volunteers,
members and management
 Led By a National Board of Directors
 Counseled by an expert Medical Advisory Board
 The Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada (CCAC) is
dedicated to increasing awareness of colorectal cancer,
supporting patients, and advocating for population-based
screening and timely access to effective treatments.
Dedicated to the improvement in the quality of lives of patients
Non-profit organization comprised of volunteers who
are past/present anal cancer patients based in Canada
& providing international support
1. Promote international Awareness and Education of
Anal Cancer
2. Provide Support for Patients and Their Caregivers
3. Advocate for Primary Prevention, Screening and Equal
and Timely Access to Effective Medications to Improve
Patient Outcomes
4. Note: We are NOT medical professionals
Understanding Colorectal & Anal
• In this section:
• What is colorectal
& anal cancer?
• Stages of
colorectal & anal
• Symptoms of
colorectal & anal
• Risk factors
• Colorectal & anal
cancer numbers in
The colo-rectum (colon + rectum) is
approximately 6 feet in length whose
function is to:
1. re-absorb water from the digested
2. serves as a holding chamber for stools
until evacuation.
The anus is the opening at the end of the
large intestine through which stool (solid
waste) exits the body and includes the anal
canal (apx 4cm) & the anus
• Colorectal cancer is
cancer that affects the
colon or rectum
• Also known as cancer
of the Large Intestine
or Large Bowel
• Most colorectal cancers start in the cells
that line the inside of the colon or rectum
• Colorectal cancer grows slowly and is
curable when diagnosed early
• Advanced colorectal cancer is when the
cancer has grown through the entire colon
or rectum wall and into nearby tissue or
Anal cancer is cancer that affects:
• The area that marks the
transition between the rectum
and anal canal
• The anal canal
• The anus
There are a variety of anal cancers and
the prognosis of most of them is better
if caught in the early stages
Note: Tumors of the anal margin (below
the anal verge and involving the
perianal hair-bearing skin) are classified
with skin tumors.
• There are various staging techniques but in summary Staging
describes the extent of the cancer, and is based on:
– How many layers of the bowel wall are affected
– If lymph nodes are involved
– If there is spread to other organs
Stage I
• Cancer has
only grown
through few
wall layers
• No lymph
Stage II
• Cancer has
grown into
the thick
• No lymph
nodes are
Stage III
• Cancer has
through entire
• 1 or more
lymph nodes
are affected
Stage IV
• Cancer has
through entire
• Lymph nodes
are affected
• Metastasized
into nearby
tissue and/or
distant organs
• Stage 0 (Carcinoma in Situ) - Pre-cancer cells are only in the mucosa (the layer of cells lining the inside of
the anus) and have not started growing into the deeper layers (Tis). It has not spread to nearby lymph
nodes (N0) or distant sites (M0).An Anal PAP test (same as a cervical PAP) would detect this.
• Stage I - The cancer is 2 cm (about 4/5 inch) across or smaller (T1). It has not spread to nearby lymph
nodes (N0) or to distant sites (M0).Stage IIA - tumour is between 2-5 centimeters.
• Stage lla- The cancer is more than 2 cm (4/5 inch) but not more than 5 cm (about 2 inches) across (T2).
The cancer has not spread to nearby lymph nodes (N0) or to distant sites (M0).
• Stage IIB – The cancer is larger than 5 cm (about 2 inches) across (T3). It has not spread to nearby lymph
nodes (N0) or to distant sites (M0).Stage IIIA - tumour up to 5 centimetres, and has spread to nearby
lymph nodes
• Stage llla – The cancer is 2 cm (about 4/5 inch) across or smaller (T1) AND it has spread to lymph nodes
near the rectum (N1) but not to distant sites (M0) OR The cancer is more than 2 cm (4/5 inch) but not
more than 5 cm (about 2 inches) across (T2) AND it has spread to lymph nodes near the rectum (N1) but
not to distant sites (M0).
• Stage IIIB - The cancer is any size and is growing into nearby organ(s), such as the vagina, urethra (the
tube that carries urine out of the bladder), prostate gland, or bladder (T4). It has not spread to nearby
lymph nodes
• Stage IIIC– The cancer is larger than 5 cm (about 2 inches) across (T3) AND it has spread to lymph nodes
near the rectum (N1) but not to distant sites OR The cancer is any size and is growing into nearby
organ(s), such as the vagina, urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the bladder), prostate gland, or
bladder (T4) AND it has spread to lymph nodes near the rectum (N1) but not to distant sites (M0).
• Stage IV - The cancer can be any size and may or may not have grown into nearby organs (any T). It may
or may not have spread to nearby lymph nodes (any N). It has spread to distant organs such as the liver
or lungs (M1).
• Symptoms may not be
present in early stages
• If or when symptoms appear,
they will vary depending on
the cancer’s size and location
• NOTE: The most COMMON
misdiagnosis in anal (and
some rectal) cancers is the
patient &/or the Primary
Care Physician/GP thinking
that the cancer is “just
Patient’s History of
polyps/cancer or
inflammatory bowel disease
Family history
of colorectal
related risk
There are several factors which may increase the risk of developing the most common type of
anal cancer – squamous cell (epidermoid) carcinomas (SCC). These include the following:
• Age
• Frequent anal redness, swelling, and soreness; Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
• Having anal fistulas (abnormal openings)
• Lowered Immunity (i.e. people living with HIV, organ transplants, immunosuppressive
• HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infection
• Having multiple sexual partners
• Having receptive anal intercourse (anal sex)
• Smoking cigarettes
Some people may not have any risk factors at all and will still develop anal cancer. This type of
anal cancer is rising significantly amongst heterosexual, HIV negative women.
Other rarer anal cancers include: Adenocarcinoma, Melanoma, Lymphoma, Neuroendocrine,
24,800 Canadians
will have been
diagnosed with
colorectal cancer in
Screening rates are
low, despite
provincial screening
Affects men and
women almost
• Anal cancer is a rare disease
• There were approximately 585 cases in Canada in 2016 (we don’t have
more recent stats!!)-In the US the estimates for 2022 are apx 9440
new case with 2/3 of those cases being female
• Anal cancer numbers are high amongst the Men having Sex with Men
(MSM) and HIV+ population…specifically squamous cell carcinoma
(SCC), 80-90% of which are associated with HPV
• The number of new anal cancer cases has been rising for many years.
Anal cancer is rare in people younger than 35 and is found mainly in
older adults, with an average age being in the early 60s. It is also more
common in white women and black men.
• Source:,
• In this section
• Today’s treatment
• Surgery
• Chemotherapy &
• Biologics
*Always talk to your doctor to
understand the risks and benefits
of any treatment
• Surgery remains the primary treatment for colorectal
cancer and may be an option for anal cancers
• In the very early stages, surgeries can involve
removing a polyp during a colonoscopy or, in the case
of anal cancer, a small lesion if surgical removal will
not impair sphincter function
• In advanced surgeries, such as a colectomy, a section
of the colon and/or rectum can be removed. In the
case of anal cancer, advanced surgery includes the
removal of the lower part of the rectum & anus
• If possible, the remaining parts of the colon & rectum
are reconnected to create a functioning colon, or a
stoma is created. The removal of the anal canal & anus
results in a permanent stoma
 Chemotherapy
• Stop the growth of cancer cells, either by destroying them or
stopping them from dividing; it may also be used to reduce the
size of metastases
• Drugs are administered via the bloodstream, usually through the
vein, or may be administered orally
 Radiation therapy
• Radiation damages the genetic material within cancer cells,
thereby limiting their ability to divide
• Normal cells are also affected by radiation, but they are able to
repair themselves in a way that cancer cells cannot
– Biologic therapy targets parts of cancer cells, which make them
different from normal cells, without harming those normal cells
• They are a man-made version of an immune system protein
that fits like a lock and key with a particular protein
• They lock on to those cells or proteins and stops their
activity which helps stop cancer cells from growing and
– These personalized medicines identify genetic differences in
individuals that affect the way people respond to drugs
• This is done through identifying Biomarkers - biological
molecules found in blood, body fluids, tissues or the tumour
• Cutting edge cancer research for many cancers, including
anal cancer, is being carried out in Ottawa which is having a
global impact on cancer treatment
Side Effects of Pelvic Radiation for Anal Cancer
Radiotherapy (Radiation) is highly effective in the treatment
of anal cancers and there have been huge improvements
in radiotherapy techniques and equipment over recent
years. But because of the very nature of the treatment,
radiotherapy can affect tissue and other organs in the
pelvic region. Sometimes these are called ‘late effects’,
although some symptoms may occur at anytime from
during treatment to many years later. These can include:
• Sexual function issues including vaginal stenosis & erectile
• Anal stenosis
• Bladder issues
• Joint pain especially lower back, hips & upper thighs
• Rectal/Anal bleeding
• Loss of fertility in women
• Screening
• Healthy Lifestyle; HPV Vaccination
•The benefits of peer-to-peer anal cancer
patient support
Average Risk Person
The CCAC recommends that the average risk person start screening for
crc at the age of 50 through the use of Fecal Occult Blood Tests (FOBT) or
Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) at least once every two years
High Risk Person
A high risk person is someone who has a family history of colorectal cancer in a
first degree relative (parent, sibling or child) or is someone who is symptomatic.
The CCAC recommends that the high risk person start diagnostic screening for
colorectal cancer through a colonoscopy once they become symptomatic or 10
years before the age of onset of the disease in their first degree relative.
There are no national guidelines for general population anal
cancer screening.
At present, anal cancer screening is mainly carried out for the
high risk population (organ transplant recipients, HIV positive,
MSM) or past anal cancer patients.
Screening includes:
• Digital Anal Rectal Exam (DARE)
• High Resolution Anoscopy (HRA) & Colonoscopy
• Anal PAP & HPV testing
• Pre-cancerous anal neoplasia can be treated at this stage;
anal neoplasia is similar to cervical neoplasia
*Be aware that sometimes there is just NO apparent reason for why people
get ColoRectal-Anal Cancer
Always talk to your doctor before engaging in physical activity
Speak to your Doctor about the HPV vaccination in regards to HPV related
cancer prevention.
Maintain a
healthy weight
Engage in moderate
Diet – eat more fruits and
vegetables, whole grains, lean
protein, healthy fats & fibre
Limit alcohol & red/processed
meat consumption; stop
The Benefits of Peer-to Peer Support
for ColoRectal-Anal Cancer Patients
• In addition to the advice & support of your medical team, the availability
of support for cancer patients from other cancer patients who have or
had the same cancer as you is extremely important...especially for rare
and highly stigmatized cancers such as Anal Cancer
• There are many international support organizations that provide face to
face, email, telephone and/or on-line forum support
• These organizations offer support in many ways including:
– Emotional
– advice for dealing with treatment side effects both in the short &
long term
– Information on clinical trials
• There are specific Anal Cancer support organizations as well as
ColoRectal-Anal Support can contact Helene for more info
Testimonials for Peer-to-Peer Support:
Carmen B.
(Rectal Cancer) I can tell you that I don't know what I would have done without ...all the support and
advice I have gotten there. Since this cancer is still considered rare, there are very few actual person to
person support groups and often one must turn to the internet to find people going through the same
experiences. I have found that many of my supporters and fellow survivors frequently know much more
about certain issues than my oncology team has and they have given me very specific advice and
suggestions on how to deal with long term side effects and the psychosocial aspects of recovery. The
support has been priceless to me!
Barb R
(Anal Melanoma) I found myself on the beginning wanting to be private about my Cancer but was
interested in hearing about other people trials with their surgeries and treatments. My Cancer was so rare I
do have trouble trying to relate with others. I could certainly give encouragement when others were down.
I have trouble understanding most of the lingo as I only had a colostomy and no further treatments of any
kind. I do enjoy talking and listening to other Cancer patients and sharing in their joys and sharing their
struggles and their prays.
Testimonials for Peer-to-Peer Support
Nancy CB
(Squamous cell anal ca)
• It's important to me, because people who have not had cancer or this type of cancer and the
treatments have no idea what we are dealing with.
• It's important, because you may hear of a different treatment that worked for someone else that you
can run past your doctor.
• It's important, because when we give bad news, people are understanding and sympathetic and
someone may say, "Hey that happened to me, and I'm still here, because I did blah,blah,blah. You'll be
fine!" And when we give good news, our buddies here will cheer us on and make us feel great.
• It's important, because we don't feel alone and different from everyone in the world.
• It's important, because with anal cancer, we don't have to be embarrassed to talk about our poop and
how often we do it and what it looks like when we talk to our group.
• It's important, because the people here can make us laugh and we need to laugh more than ever. We
can ask questions that we may be afraid to ask our doctor. We can talk about something new that's
going on with our body and people will tell us if that happened to them, and what they think we should
do about it.
• It's important for those of us who are anal cancer survivors/patients, because this is a rare cancer, and
we're not likely to run into a lot of people who have/have had it, and here we can find a whole bunch
of people to commiserate with.
March is Colo-Rectal & Anal Cancer Awareness Month
• 21st March: Anal Cancer Awareness Day
Anal Cancer numbers are increasing globally,
yet anal cancer is still one of the least talked
about and most stigmatized of all cancers. By
creating an Anal Cancer Awareness Day and
having that day within March, Colo-Rectal
Cancer Awareness Month, we hope to increase
awareness, lessen stigma....and get more
people to talk to their doctors about their butt
Talk about it
Break the silence
Lose the stigma!
…and save more lives.
Canadian Cancer Survivor Network
Contact Info
Canadian Cancer Survivor Network
1750 Courtwood Crescent, Suite 210
Ottawa, ON K2C 2B5
Telephone / Téléphone : 613-898-1871
Web site
Twitter: @survivornetca

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Anal & Colorectal Cancer: An Information Webinar

  • 1. ABOUT COLORECTAL and ANAL CANCER Information Webinar Canadian Cancer Survivor Network Thursday 31st March 2022 Helene Hutchings
  • 2. WHAT WE WILL DISCUSS TODAY Anal Cancer-ABumRap • Who we are Understanding Colorectal and Anal Cancer • Symptoms • Risk factors • Colorectal and Anal Cancer in Canada • Treatment Options • Surgery • Chemotherapy and Radiation • Biologics/Immunotherapy  Preventing Colorectal and Anal Cancer • Screening • Lifestyle options • The benefit of peer-to-peer support groups  Questions/Discussion 2
  • 3. COLORECTAL CANCER CANADA  National, non-profit organization comprised of volunteers, members and management  Led By a National Board of Directors  Counseled by an expert Medical Advisory Board  The Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada (CCAC) is dedicated to increasing awareness of colorectal cancer, supporting patients, and advocating for population-based screening and timely access to effective treatments. Dedicated to the improvement in the quality of lives of patients 3
  • 4. ANAL CANCER-A BUM RAP– WHO ARE WE? Non-profit organization comprised of volunteers who are past/present anal cancer patients based in Canada & providing international support Mandate 1. Promote international Awareness and Education of Anal Cancer 2. Provide Support for Patients and Their Caregivers 3. Advocate for Primary Prevention, Screening and Equal and Timely Access to Effective Medications to Improve Patient Outcomes 4. Note: We are NOT medical professionals 4
  • 6. UNDERSTANDING COLORECTAL & ANAL CANCER • In this section: • What is colorectal & anal cancer? • Stages of colorectal & anal cancer • Symptoms of colorectal & anal cancer • Risk factors • Colorectal & anal cancer numbers in Canada 6
  • 7. WHAT IS COLORECTAL & ANAL CANCER? The colo-rectum (colon + rectum) is approximately 6 feet in length whose function is to: 1. re-absorb water from the digested contents 2. serves as a holding chamber for stools until evacuation. The anus is the opening at the end of the large intestine through which stool (solid waste) exits the body and includes the anal canal (apx 4cm) & the anus 7
  • 8. WHAT IS COLORECTAL CANCER? • Colorectal cancer is cancer that affects the colon or rectum • Also known as cancer of the Large Intestine or Large Bowel 8
  • 9. WHAT IS COLORECTAL CANCER? • Most colorectal cancers start in the cells that line the inside of the colon or rectum • Colorectal cancer grows slowly and is curable when diagnosed early • Advanced colorectal cancer is when the cancer has grown through the entire colon or rectum wall and into nearby tissue or organs 9
  • 10. WHAT IS ANAL CANCER? 10 Anal cancer is cancer that affects: • The area that marks the transition between the rectum and anal canal • The anal canal • The anus There are a variety of anal cancers and the prognosis of most of them is better if caught in the early stages Note: Tumors of the anal margin (below the anal verge and involving the perianal hair-bearing skin) are classified with skin tumors.
  • 11. STAGES OF COLORECTAL CANCER • There are various staging techniques but in summary Staging describes the extent of the cancer, and is based on: – How many layers of the bowel wall are affected – If lymph nodes are involved – If there is spread to other organs Stage I • Cancer has only grown through few wall layers • No lymph nodes affected Stage II • Cancer has grown into the thick muscular layer • No lymph nodes are affected Stage III • Cancer has grown through entire colon/rectum wall • 1 or more lymph nodes are affected Stage IV • Cancer has grown through entire colon/rectum wall • Lymph nodes are affected • Metastasized into nearby tissue and/or distant organs 11
  • 12. STAGES OF ANAL CANCER • Stage 0 (Carcinoma in Situ) - Pre-cancer cells are only in the mucosa (the layer of cells lining the inside of the anus) and have not started growing into the deeper layers (Tis). It has not spread to nearby lymph nodes (N0) or distant sites (M0).An Anal PAP test (same as a cervical PAP) would detect this. • Stage I - The cancer is 2 cm (about 4/5 inch) across or smaller (T1). It has not spread to nearby lymph nodes (N0) or to distant sites (M0).Stage IIA - tumour is between 2-5 centimeters. • Stage lla- The cancer is more than 2 cm (4/5 inch) but not more than 5 cm (about 2 inches) across (T2). The cancer has not spread to nearby lymph nodes (N0) or to distant sites (M0). • Stage IIB – The cancer is larger than 5 cm (about 2 inches) across (T3). It has not spread to nearby lymph nodes (N0) or to distant sites (M0).Stage IIIA - tumour up to 5 centimetres, and has spread to nearby lymph nodes • Stage llla – The cancer is 2 cm (about 4/5 inch) across or smaller (T1) AND it has spread to lymph nodes near the rectum (N1) but not to distant sites (M0) OR The cancer is more than 2 cm (4/5 inch) but not more than 5 cm (about 2 inches) across (T2) AND it has spread to lymph nodes near the rectum (N1) but not to distant sites (M0). • Stage IIIB - The cancer is any size and is growing into nearby organ(s), such as the vagina, urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the bladder), prostate gland, or bladder (T4). It has not spread to nearby lymph nodes • Stage IIIC– The cancer is larger than 5 cm (about 2 inches) across (T3) AND it has spread to lymph nodes near the rectum (N1) but not to distant sites OR The cancer is any size and is growing into nearby organ(s), such as the vagina, urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the bladder), prostate gland, or bladder (T4) AND it has spread to lymph nodes near the rectum (N1) but not to distant sites (M0). • Stage IV - The cancer can be any size and may or may not have grown into nearby organs (any T). It may or may not have spread to nearby lymph nodes (any N). It has spread to distant organs such as the liver or lungs (M1). • SOURCE: 12
  • 13. SYMPTOMS OF COLORECTAL & ANAL CANCER COLORECTAL & ANAL CANCER CONSTIPATION ABDOMINAL CRAMPS BLOODY STOOLS UNEXPLAINED WEIGHT LOSS LOSS OF APPETITE NAUSEA & VOMITING GAS & BLOATING FATIGUE ITCHING FEEL A LUMP • Symptoms may not be present in early stages • If or when symptoms appear, they will vary depending on the cancer’s size and location • NOTE: The most COMMON misdiagnosis in anal (and some rectal) cancers is the patient &/or the Primary Care Physician/GP thinking that the cancer is “just hemorrhoids”! 13
  • 14. RISK FACTORS OF COLORECTAL CANCER Age Patient’s History of polyps/cancer or inflammatory bowel disease Family history of colorectal cancer Genetic syndromes Racial/ethnic background Lifestyle- related risk factors 14
  • 15. RISK FACTORS OF ANAL CANCER 15 There are several factors which may increase the risk of developing the most common type of anal cancer – squamous cell (epidermoid) carcinomas (SCC). These include the following: • Age • Frequent anal redness, swelling, and soreness; Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) • Having anal fistulas (abnormal openings) • Lowered Immunity (i.e. people living with HIV, organ transplants, immunosuppressive drugs) • HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infection • Having multiple sexual partners • Having receptive anal intercourse (anal sex) • Smoking cigarettes Some people may not have any risk factors at all and will still develop anal cancer. This type of anal cancer is rising significantly amongst heterosexual, HIV negative women. Other rarer anal cancers include: Adenocarcinoma, Melanoma, Lymphoma, Neuroendocrine, Sarcoma
  • 16. COLORECTAL CANCER IN CANADA Approximately 24,800 Canadians will have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2021 Screening rates are low, despite provincial screening programs Affects men and women almost equally. 16
  • 17. ANAL CANCER IN CANADA • Anal cancer is a rare disease • There were approximately 585 cases in Canada in 2016 (we don’t have more recent stats!!)-In the US the estimates for 2022 are apx 9440 new case with 2/3 of those cases being female • Anal cancer numbers are high amongst the Men having Sex with Men (MSM) and HIV+ population…specifically squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 80-90% of which are associated with HPV • The number of new anal cancer cases has been rising for many years. Anal cancer is rare in people younger than 35 and is found mainly in older adults, with an average age being in the early 60s. It is also more common in white women and black men. • Source:, types/anal/statistics#:~:text=Incidence%20and%20mortality&text=The%20most%20recent%20incid ence%20statistics,were%20diagnosed%20with%20anal%20cancer 17
  • 18. TODAY’S TREATMENT OPTIONS • In this section • Today’s treatment options: • Surgery • Chemotherapy & Radiation • Biologics *Always talk to your doctor to understand the risks and benefits of any treatment 18
  • 19. SURGERY • Surgery remains the primary treatment for colorectal cancer and may be an option for anal cancers • In the very early stages, surgeries can involve removing a polyp during a colonoscopy or, in the case of anal cancer, a small lesion if surgical removal will not impair sphincter function • In advanced surgeries, such as a colectomy, a section of the colon and/or rectum can be removed. In the case of anal cancer, advanced surgery includes the removal of the lower part of the rectum & anus • If possible, the remaining parts of the colon & rectum are reconnected to create a functioning colon, or a stoma is created. The removal of the anal canal & anus results in a permanent stoma 19
  • 20. CHEMOTHERAPY & RADIATION  Chemotherapy • Stop the growth of cancer cells, either by destroying them or stopping them from dividing; it may also be used to reduce the size of metastases • Drugs are administered via the bloodstream, usually through the vein, or may be administered orally  Radiation therapy • Radiation damages the genetic material within cancer cells, thereby limiting their ability to divide • Normal cells are also affected by radiation, but they are able to repair themselves in a way that cancer cells cannot 20
  • 21. BIOLOGICS – Biologic therapy targets parts of cancer cells, which make them different from normal cells, without harming those normal cells • They are a man-made version of an immune system protein that fits like a lock and key with a particular protein • They lock on to those cells or proteins and stops their activity which helps stop cancer cells from growing and dividing – These personalized medicines identify genetic differences in individuals that affect the way people respond to drugs • This is done through identifying Biomarkers - biological molecules found in blood, body fluids, tissues or the tumour itself • Cutting edge cancer research for many cancers, including anal cancer, is being carried out in Ottawa which is having a global impact on cancer treatment 21
  • 22. Side Effects of Pelvic Radiation for Anal Cancer Radiotherapy (Radiation) is highly effective in the treatment of anal cancers and there have been huge improvements in radiotherapy techniques and equipment over recent years. But because of the very nature of the treatment, radiotherapy can affect tissue and other organs in the pelvic region. Sometimes these are called ‘late effects’, although some symptoms may occur at anytime from during treatment to many years later. These can include: • Sexual function issues including vaginal stenosis & erectile dysfunction • Anal stenosis • Bladder issues • Joint pain especially lower back, hips & upper thighs • Rectal/Anal bleeding • Loss of fertility in women 22
  • 23. PREVENTING COLORECTAL & ANAL CANCER • Screening • Healthy Lifestyle; HPV Vaccination •The benefits of peer-to-peer anal cancer patient support
  • 24. COLORECTAL CANCER SCREENING Average Risk Person The CCAC recommends that the average risk person start screening for crc at the age of 50 through the use of Fecal Occult Blood Tests (FOBT) or Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) at least once every two years 24
  • 25. COLORECTAL CANCER SCREENING High Risk Person A high risk person is someone who has a family history of colorectal cancer in a first degree relative (parent, sibling or child) or is someone who is symptomatic. The CCAC recommends that the high risk person start diagnostic screening for colorectal cancer through a colonoscopy once they become symptomatic or 10 years before the age of onset of the disease in their first degree relative. 25
  • 26. ANAL CANCER SCREENING There are no national guidelines for general population anal cancer screening. At present, anal cancer screening is mainly carried out for the high risk population (organ transplant recipients, HIV positive, MSM) or past anal cancer patients. Screening includes: • Digital Anal Rectal Exam (DARE) • High Resolution Anoscopy (HRA) & Colonoscopy • Anal PAP & HPV testing • Pre-cancerous anal neoplasia can be treated at this stage; anal neoplasia is similar to cervical neoplasia 26
  • 27. PREVENTING COLORECTAL-ANAL CANCER HEALTHY LIFESTYLE TIPS *Be aware that sometimes there is just NO apparent reason for why people get ColoRectal-Anal Cancer Always talk to your doctor before engaging in physical activity Speak to your Doctor about the HPV vaccination in regards to HPV related cancer prevention. Maintain a healthy weight Engage in moderate exercise Diet – eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, healthy fats & fibre Limit alcohol & red/processed meat consumption; stop smoking 27
  • 28. The Benefits of Peer-to Peer Support for ColoRectal-Anal Cancer Patients • In addition to the advice & support of your medical team, the availability of support for cancer patients from other cancer patients who have or had the same cancer as you is extremely important...especially for rare and highly stigmatized cancers such as Anal Cancer • There are many international support organizations that provide face to face, email, telephone and/or on-line forum support • These organizations offer support in many ways including: – Emotional – advice for dealing with treatment side effects both in the short & long term – Information on clinical trials • There are specific Anal Cancer support organizations as well as ColoRectal-Anal Support can contact Helene for more info
  • 29. Testimonials for Peer-to-Peer Support: 29 Carmen B. (Rectal Cancer) I can tell you that I don't know what I would have done without ...all the support and advice I have gotten there. Since this cancer is still considered rare, there are very few actual person to person support groups and often one must turn to the internet to find people going through the same experiences. I have found that many of my supporters and fellow survivors frequently know much more about certain issues than my oncology team has and they have given me very specific advice and suggestions on how to deal with long term side effects and the psychosocial aspects of recovery. The support has been priceless to me! Barb R (Anal Melanoma) I found myself on the beginning wanting to be private about my Cancer but was interested in hearing about other people trials with their surgeries and treatments. My Cancer was so rare I do have trouble trying to relate with others. I could certainly give encouragement when others were down. I have trouble understanding most of the lingo as I only had a colostomy and no further treatments of any kind. I do enjoy talking and listening to other Cancer patients and sharing in their joys and sharing their struggles and their prays.
  • 30. Testimonials for Peer-to-Peer Support 30 Nancy CB (Squamous cell anal ca) • It's important to me, because people who have not had cancer or this type of cancer and the treatments have no idea what we are dealing with. • It's important, because you may hear of a different treatment that worked for someone else that you can run past your doctor. • It's important, because when we give bad news, people are understanding and sympathetic and someone may say, "Hey that happened to me, and I'm still here, because I did blah,blah,blah. You'll be fine!" And when we give good news, our buddies here will cheer us on and make us feel great. • It's important, because we don't feel alone and different from everyone in the world. • It's important, because with anal cancer, we don't have to be embarrassed to talk about our poop and how often we do it and what it looks like when we talk to our group. • It's important, because the people here can make us laugh and we need to laugh more than ever. We can ask questions that we may be afraid to ask our doctor. We can talk about something new that's going on with our body and people will tell us if that happened to them, and what they think we should do about it. • It's important for those of us who are anal cancer survivors/patients, because this is a rare cancer, and we're not likely to run into a lot of people who have/have had it, and here we can find a whole bunch of people to commiserate with.
  • 31. March is Colo-Rectal & Anal Cancer Awareness Month • 21st March: Anal Cancer Awareness Day Anal Cancer numbers are increasing globally, yet anal cancer is still one of the least talked about and most stigmatized of all cancers. By creating an Anal Cancer Awareness Day and having that day within March, Colo-Rectal Cancer Awareness Month, we hope to increase awareness, lessen stigma....and get more people to talk to their doctors about their butt concerns! Talk about it Break the silence Lose the stigma! …and save more lives. 31
  • 33. Canadian Cancer Survivor Network Contact Info Canadian Cancer Survivor Network 1750 Courtwood Crescent, Suite 210 Ottawa, ON K2C 2B5 Telephone / Téléphone : 613-898-1871 E-mail Web site Blog: Twitter: @survivornetca Facebook: Pinterest:

Editor's Notes

  1. Primarily english speaking; will try to pass to other language specialists
  2. Most colorectal cancers start in the cells that line the inside of the colon or the rectum. Colorectal cancer usually grows slowly and in a predictable way. It is curable when diagnosed at an early stage. Advanced colorectal cancer is when the cancer has grown through the entire colon or rectum wall and into nearby tissue or organs. Just the Facts- What is Colorectal Cancer. CCAC Website. Accessed October 2012. Available at
  3. Most colorectal cancers start in the cells that line the inside of the colon or the rectum. Colorectal cancer usually grows slowly and in a predictable way. It is curable when diagnosed at an early stage. Advanced colorectal cancer is when the cancer has grown through the entire colon or rectum wall and into nearby tissue or organs. Just the Facts- What is Colorectal Cancer. CCAC Website. Accessed October 2012. Available at
  4. Transition zone: variety of cells = different cancer types squamous, adeno, melanoma, lymphoma, neuroendocrine
  5. T1: The cancer has grown through the first few layers of the colon or rectum T2: The cancer has grown into the thick muscular layer of the colon or rectum T3: The cancer has grown through the entire colon or rectum wall and has affected lymph nodes but there is no spread of cancer to distant organs. Several staging methodologies-doctor will explain T4: The cancer has grown through the entire colon or rectum wall, has affected lymph nodes and metastasized into nearby tissue or distant organs Just the Facts- What is Colorectal Cancer. CCAC Website. Accessed October 2012. Available at
  6. Don’t be overawed by this; colorectal can metastasize to lung, liver, spine etc so can anal cancer
  7. Many patients experience no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. When symptoms appear, they will likely vary, depending on the cancer’s size and location in the large intestine. Symptoms of colorectal cancer may include: Constipation Abdominal cramps Bloody stools Unexplained weight loss/ Loss of appetite Nausea and vomiting Gas and bloating Fatigue Just the facts- Symptoms. CCAC Website. Accessed October 2012. Available at
  8. Age; LARGE # OF UNDER 40YR OLDS GETTING RECTAL CANCER!! Personal history of colorectal polyps/cancer; Personal history of inflammatory bowel disease; Family history of colorectal cancer; Inherited syndromes; Racial and ethnic background; Personal history of other cancers; Lifestyle-related risk factors that can be altered: Diet Sedentary lifestyle Type 2 diabetes Obesity Smoking Severe Alcoholic Consumption Growth hormone disorder Night shift work Previous radiation therapy for certain cancers Just the Facts- Risk Factors. CCAC Website. Accessed October 2012. Available at
  9. Anal sex: not prerequisite/anal sex-big taboo but prevelant…not all anal sex people get cancer etc
  10. Empathise with embarassment re seeing dr-screening/take away stigma/FOBT & FIT tests/ 2012 Colorectal Cancer Statistics Summary. CCAC Website, accessed October 2012. Available at
  11. No-one said colon cancer at first, then not rectal cancer (like breast, penis, vagina etc) = stigma/colo-rectal & anal cancer terminology/explain why DARE is important/misson position re female, hetero etc/non visible hpv infection
  12. Individual treatment plan-speak to medical team/some people decide NO tx-that’s fine.
  13. Better in a bag than in one/Treatments and Side Effects- Treatment Options. CCAC Website. Accessed October 2012. Available at
  14. Treatments and Side Effects- Treatment Options. CCAC Website. Accessed October 2012. Available at
  15. Biocanrx/Treatments and Side Effects- Treatment Options. CCAC Website. Accessed October 2012. Available at
  16. Radiation-gif that keeps on giving/need gynae-good GP re sexual function/Treatments and Side Effects- Treatment Options. CCAC Website. Accessed October 2012. Available at
  17. Cervical screening has saved 1000s of live-anal screening not financially viable mass population/don’t feel guilt/
  18. Maintain a healthy weight and engage in moderate exercise when possible, such as brisk walking, dancing and skating. are usually recommended and are usually tolerable to cancer patients. A dietitian can determine how to balance cancer and nutrition and inform you about supplements. Alcohol consumption in moderation or not at all. Cancer Prevention- Preventing Colorectal Cancer. CCAC Website. Accessed October 2012. Available at
  19. Maintain a healthy weight and engage in moderate exercise when possible, such as brisk walking, dancing and skating. are usually recommended and are usually tolerable to cancer patients. A dietitian can determine how to balance cancer and nutrition and inform you about supplements. Alcohol consumption in moderation or not at all. Cancer Prevention- Preventing Colorectal Cancer. CCAC Website. Accessed October 2012. Available at
  20. Maintain a healthy weight and engage in moderate exercise when possible, such as brisk walking, dancing and skating. are usually recommended and are usually tolerable to cancer patients. A dietitian can determine how to balance cancer and nutrition and inform you about supplements. Alcohol consumption in moderation or not at all. Cancer Prevention- Preventing Colorectal Cancer. CCAC Website. Accessed October 2012. Available at