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Chef Ashokkumar
About Food Allergies
 Food allergy is a serious medical condition affecting
up to several million people worldwide , including 1
in 13 children. Whether you’re newly diagnosed or
brushing up on the facts, learning all you can about
the disease is the key to staying safe and living well
with food allergies
2 Chef Ashokkumar
What is Food Allergy?
 The job of the body’s immune system is to identify and
destroy germs (such as bacteria or viruses) that make
you sick. A food allergy results when the immune system
mistakenly targets a harmless food protein – an allergen
– as a threat and attacks it.
 A food allergy is a medical condition in which exposure to
a food triggers a harmful immune response. The immune
response, called an allergic reaction, occurs because the
immune system attacks proteins in the food that are
normally harmless. The proteins that trigger the reaction
are called allergens.
 The symptoms of an allergic reaction to food can range
from mild (itchy mouth, a few hives) to severe (throat
tightening, difficulty breathing).
 Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that is sudden
in onset and can cause death.3 Chef Ashokkumar
Food Allergies vs. Food Intolerances
 Unlike other types of food disorders, such
as intolerances, food allergies are “IgE mediated.”
This means that your immune system produces
abnormally large amounts of an antibody called
immunoglobulin E — IgE for short. IgE antibodies
fight the “enemy” food allergens by releasing
histamine and other chemicals, which trigger the
symptoms of an allergic reaction.
4 Chef Ashokkumar
To Which Foods Are People Allergic?
 More than 170 foods have been reported to cause
allergic reactions.
 Eight major food allergens – milk, egg, peanut, tree
nuts, wheat, soy, fish and crustacean shellfish – are
responsible for most of the serious food allergy
reactions in the United States.
 Allergy to sesame is an emerging concern.
5 Chef Ashokkumar
Types of Allergens
 Peanut
 Tree nuts
 Milk
 Egg
 Wheat
 Soy
 Fish
 Shellfish
 Another common allergen is sesame, which affects
hundreds of thousands of People.
6 Chef Ashokkumar
Peanut Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar7
 Peanut allergy is one of
the most common food
allergies. Peanuts can
cause a severe,
potentially fatal, allergic
reaction (anaphylaxis).
Tree Nuts
8 Chef Ashokkumar
Tree Nuts
Chef Ashokkumar9
 Tree nut allergy is one of the most common food allergies
in children and adults. Tree nuts can cause a severe,
potentially fatal, allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).
 Tree nuts include, but are not limited to, walnut, almond,
hazelnut, cashew, pistachio, and Brazil nuts. These are
not to be confused or grouped together with peanut,
which is a legume, or seeds, such as sunflower or
 A person with an allergy to one type of tree nut has a
higher chance of being allergic to other types. Therefore,
many experts advise patients with allergy to tree nuts to
avoid all nuts. Patients may also be advised to also avoid
peanuts because of the higher likelihood of cross-contact
with tree nuts during manufacturing and processing.
Avoid foods that contain any of these
Chef Ashokkumar10
 Almond
 Artificial nuts
 Brazil nut
 Butternut
 Cashew
 Chestnut
 *Coconut
 Filbert/hazelnut
 Gianduja (a chocolate-nut
 Ginkgo nut
 Hickory nut
 Litchi/lichee/lychee nut
 Macadamia nut
 Marzipan/almond paste
 Natural nut extract (e.g.,
almond, walnut)
 Nut butters (e.g., cashew
 Nut meat
 Nut milk (e.g., almond milk,
cashew milk)
 Nut paste (e.g., almond
 Pistachio
 Pecan
 Pesto
 Pine nut
Milk Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar11
 Allergy to cow’s milk is
the most common food
allergy in infants and
young children.
Symptoms of a milk
allergy reaction can
range from mild, such
as hives, to severe,
such as anaphylaxis.
Differences between Milk Allergy and Lactose
Chef Ashokkumar12
 Milk allergy should not be confused with lactose
intolerance. A food allergy is an overreaction of the
immune system to a specific food protein. When the food
protein is ingested, in can trigger an allergic reaction that
may include a range of symptoms from mild symptoms
(rashes, hives, itching, swelling, etc.) to severe
symptoms (trouble breathing, wheezing, loss of
consciousness, etc.). A food allergy can be potentially
 Unlike food allergies, food intolerances do not involve the
immune system. People who are lactose intolerant are
missing the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose,
a sugar found in milk and dairy products. As a result,
lactose-intolerant patients are unable to digest these
foods, and may experience symptoms such as nausea,
cramps, gas, bloating and diarrhea. While lactose
intolerance can cause great discomfort, it is not life-
Avoid foods that contain milk or any of these
Chef Ashokkumar13
 Butter, butter fat, butter
oil, butter acid, butter
 Buttermilk
 Cheese
 Cottage cheese
 Cream
 Curds
 Custard
 Ghee
 Half-and-half
 Lactose
 Lactulose
 Milk (in all forms, )
 Milk protein hydrolysate
 Pudding
 Rennet casein
 Sour cream, sour cream
 Sour milk solids
 Whey (in all forms)
 Whey protein
 Yogurt
Milk is sometimes found in the following:
Chef Ashokkumar14
 Artificial butter flavor
 Baked goods
 Caramel candies
 Chocolate
 Lactic acid starter culture and other bacterial cultures
 Luncheon meat, hot dogs, sausages
 Margarine
 Nisin
 Nondairy products
 Nougat
Some Unexpected Sources of Milk*
Chef Ashokkumar15
 Deli meat slicers are frequently used for both meat and
cheese products.
 Some brands of canned tuna fish contain casein, a milk
 Many non-dairy products contain casein (a milk
derivative), listed on the ingredient labels.
 Some specialty products made with milk substitutes (i.e.,
soy-, nut- or rice-based dairy products) are manufactured
on equipment shared with milk.
 Some meats may contain casein as a binder. Check all
labels carefully.
 Shellfish is sometimes dipped in milk to reduce the fishy
 Many restaurants put butter on steaks after they have
been grilled to add extra flavor. The butter is not visible
after it melts.
 Some medications contain milk protein.
Egg Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar16
 Egg allergy is one of the
most common food allergies
in children, second only to
milk allergy. Symptoms of an
egg allergy reaction can
range from mild, such as
hives, to severe, such as
 While the whites of an egg
contain the allergenic
proteins, patients with an
egg allergy must avoid all
eggs completely (the egg
white and the egg yolk). This
is because it is impossible to
separate the egg white
completely from the yolk,
causing a cross-contact
Avoid foods that contain eggs or any of
these ingredients:
Chef Ashokkumar17
 Albumin (also spelled albumen)
 Egg (dried, powdered, solids, white, yolk)
 Eggnog
 Lysozyme
 Mayonnaise
 Meringue (meringue powder)
 Ovalbumin
 Surimi
Eggs are sometimes found in the following:
Chef Ashokkumar18
 Baked goods
 Egg substitutes
 Lecithin
 Macaroni
 Marzipan
 Marshmallows
 Nougat
 Pasta
Some Unexpected Sources of Egg*
Chef Ashokkumar19
 Eggs have been used to create the foam or topping on
specialty coffee drinks and are used in some bar drinks.
 Some commercial brands of egg substitutes contain egg
 Most commercially processed cooked pastas (including
those used in prepared foods such as soup) contain egg
or are processed on equipment shared with egg-
containing pastas. Boxed, dry pastas are usually egg-
free, but may be processed on equipment that is also
used for egg-containing products. Fresh pasta is
sometimes egg-free, too. Read the label or ask about
ingredients before eating pasta.
 Egg wash is sometimes used on pretzels before they are
Cooking and Baking Tips
Chef Ashokkumar20
 Milk
 Fortunately, milk is one
of the easiest
ingredients to substitute
in baking and cooking. It
can be substituted, in
equal amounts, with
water or fruit juice. (For
example, substitute 1
cup milk with 1 cup
Cooking and Baking Tips………….
Chef Ashokkumar21
 Eggs
 For each egg, substitute one of the following in
recipes. These substitutes work well when baking
from scratch and substituting 1 to 3 eggs.
 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 T. liquid, 1 T. vinegar
 1 tsp. yeast dissolved in 1/4 cup warm water
 1 1/2 T. water, 1 1/2 T. oil, 1 tsp. baking powder
 1 packet gelatin, 2 T. warm water. Do not mix until
ready to use.
Cooking and Baking Tips………….
Chef Ashokkumar22
 Wheat
 When baking with wheat-free flours, a combination
of flours usually works best. Experiment with
different blends to find one that will give you the
texture you are trying to achieve.
 Try substituting 1 cup wheat flour with one of the
 7/8 cup rice flour
 5/8 cup potato starch flour
 1 cup soy flour plus 1/4 cup potato starch flour
 1 cup corn flour
Chef Ashokkumar23
Wheat Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar24
 Wheat allergy is most common in children, and is usually
outgrown before reaching adulthood, often by age three.
Symptoms of a wheat allergy reaction can range from
mild, such as hives, to severe, such as anaphylaxis
 A wheat allergy can present a challenge for the diet as
well as for baking, because wheat is the nation’s
predominant grain product. Someone on a wheat-
restricted diet can eat a wide variety of foods, but the
grain source must be something other than wheat. In
planning a wheat-free diet, look for alternate grains such
as amaranth, barley, corn, oat, quinoa, rice, rye, and
tapioca. When baking with wheat-free flours, a
combination of flours usually works best. Experiment with
different blends to find one that will give you the texture
you are trying to achieve.
Differences between Wheat Allergy and
Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerance
Chef Ashokkumar25
 A wheat allergy should not be confused with “gluten
intolerance” or celiac disease. A food allergy is an
overreaction of the immune system to a specific food
protein. When the food protein is ingested, in can trigger
an allergic reaction that may include a range of
symptoms from mild symptoms (rashes, hives, itching,
swelling, etc.) to severe symptoms (trouble breathing,
wheezing, loss of consciousness, etc.). A food allergy
can be potentially fatal.
 Celiac disease (also known as celiac sprue), which
affects the small intestine, is caused by an abnormal
immune reaction to gluten. Usually diagnosed by a
gastroenterologist, it is a digestive disease that can
cause serious complications, including malnutrition and
intestinal damage, if left untreated. Individuals with celiac
disease must avoid gluten, found in wheat, rye, barley
and sometimes oats. Learn more about celiac disease>
 People who are allergic to wheat often may tolerate other
Avoid foods that contain wheat or any of
these ingredients:
Chef Ashokkumar26
 Bread crumbs
 Bulgur
 Cereal extract
 Couscous
 Durum
 Flour (all purpose, bread,
cake, durum, enriched,
graham, high gluten, high
protein, instant, pastry,
self-rising, soft wheat,
steel ground, stone
ground, whole wheat)
 Hydrolyzed wheat protein
 Matzoh, matzoh meal
 Pasta
 Semolina
 Spelt
 Sprouted wheat
 Vital wheat gluten
 Wheat (bran, durum,
germ, gluten, grass, malt,
sprouts, starch)
 Wheat bran hydrolysate
 Wheat germ oil
 Wheat grass
 Wheat protein isolate
 Whole wheat berries
Wheat is sometimes found in the following:
Chef Ashokkumar27
 Glucose syrup
 Surimi
 Soy sauce
 Starch (gelatinized starch, modified starch, modified
food starch, vegetable starch)
Some Unexpected Sources of Wheat*
Chef Ashokkumar28
 Read ingredient labels carefully, even if you would
not expect the product to contain wheat. Wheat has
been found in some brands of ice cream, marinara
sauce, play dough, potato chips, rice cakes, turkey
patties and hot dogs.
 Wheat also may be found in ale, baking mixes,
baked products, batter-fried foods, beer, breaded
foods, breakfast cereals, candy, crackers, processed
meats, salad dressings, sauces, soups, soy sauce,
and surimi.
 Some types of imitation crabmeat contain wheat.
Soy Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar29
Soy Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar30
 Soybean allergy is one of the more common food
allergies, especially among babies and children.
Approximately 0.4 percent of children are allergic to soy.
Studies indicate that an allergy to soy generally occurs
early in childhood and often is outgrown by age three.
 Allergic reactions to soy are typically mild; however,
although rare, severe reactions can occur
 Soybeans are a member of the legume family, which
include plant species that bear seed pods that split upon
ripening. Some examples of other legumes include
beans, peas, lentils and peanut. People with a soy allergy
are not necessarily allergic to other legumes. If you are
allergic to soy, you do not have a greater chance of being
allergic to another legume (including peanut) than you
would to any other food.
Avoid foods that contain soy or any of these
Chef Ashokkumar31
 Edamame
 Miso
 Natto
 Shoyu
 Soy (soy albumin, soy cheese, soy fiber, soy flour, soy grits,
soy ice cream, soy milk, soy nuts, soy sprouts, soy yogurt)
 Soya
 Soybean (curd, granules)
 Soy protein (concentrate, hydrolyzed, isolate)
 Soy sauce
 Tamari
 Tempeh
 Textured vegetable protein (TVP)
 Tofu
Some Unexpected Sources of Soy*
Chef Ashokkumar32
 Soybeans and soy products are found in many
foods, including baked goods, canned tuna and
meat, cereals, cookies, crackers, high-protein energy
bars and snacks, infant formulas, low-fat peanut
butter, processed meats, sauces, and canned broths
and soups.
Fish Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar33
Fish Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar34
 Finned fish can cause severe allergic reactions
(such as anaphylaxis).
 Salmon, tuna and halibut are the most common
kinds of finned fish to which people are allergic.
More than half of all people who are allergic to one
type of fish also are allergic to other fish, so allergists
often advise their fish-allergic patients to avoid all
fish. Finned fish and shellfish do not come from
related families of foods, so being allergic to one
does not necessarily mean that you must avoid both.
 It has been estimated that there are upwards of
20,000 species of fish. Although this is not an
exhaustive list, allergic reactions have been
commonly reported to:
A Few Common Allergic Fishes reported
Chef Ashokkumar35
 Anchovies
 Bass
 Catfish
 Cod
 Flounder
 Grouper
 Haddock
 Hake
 Halibut
 Herring
 Mahi Mahi
 Perch
 Pike
 Pollock
 Salmon
 Swordfish
 Sole
 Snapper
 Tilapia
 Trout
 Tuna
Some Unexpected Sources of Fish*
Chef Ashokkumar36
 Caesar salad and Caesar dressing
 Worcestershire sauce
 Bouillabaisse
 Imitation or artificial fish or shellfish (surimi, also
known as “sea legs” or “sea sticks,” is one example)
 Meatloaf
 Barbecue sauce
 Caponata, a Sicilian eggplant relish
Fish Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar37
 Many people who are allergic to fish or shellfish are
allergic to more than one kind.
 The protein in the flesh of fish most commonly causes
the allergic reaction; however, it is also possible to have a
reaction to fish gelatin, made from the skin and bones of
fish. Although fish oil does not contain protein from the
fish from which it was extracted, it is likely to be
contaminated with small molecules of protein and
therefore should be avoided.
 Carrageenan, or "Irish moss,” is not fish. It is a red
marine algae that is used in a wide variety of foods,
particularly dairy foods, as an emulsifier, stabilizer and
thickener. It appears safe for most individuals with food
Shellfish Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar38
Shell fish Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar39
 Shellfish can cause severe allergic reactions (such
as anaphylaxis). This allergy usually is lifelong.
Approximately 60 percent of people with shellfish
allergy experienced their first allergic reaction as
adults. Shrimp, crab and lobster cause most shellfish
reactions. Finned fish and shellfish do not come from
related families of foods, so being allergic to one
does not necessarily mean that you must avoid both.
To prevent a reaction, strict avoidance of shellfish
and shellfish products is essential.
Shell Fish Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar40
 There are two kinds of shellfish: crustacea (such as
shrimp, crab and lobster) and mollusks (such as
clams, mussels, oysters and scallops). Reactions to
crustacean shellfish tend to be particularly severe. If
you are allergic to one group of shellfish, you might
be able to eat some varieties from the other group.
However, since most people who are allergic to one
kind of shellfish usually are allergic to other types,
allergists usually advise their patients to avoid all
Shellfish are sometimes found in the
Chef Ashokkumar41
 Bouillabaisse
 Cuttlefish ink
 Glucosamine
 Fish stock
 Seafood flavoring (e.g., crab or clam extract)
 Surimi
Irish Moss
Chef Ashokkumar42
 Carrageenan, or "Irish
moss,” is not shellfish. It
is a red marine algae
that is used in a wide
variety of foods,
particularly dairy foods,
as an emulsifier,
stabilizer, and thickener.
It appears safe for most
individuals with food
Sesame Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar43
Sesame Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar44
 Although the exact prevalence of sesame allergy is
unknown, several reports have shown that sesame
allergy prevalence has increased significantly in the
worldwide population over the past two decades.
Sesame Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar45
 Benne, benne seed, benniseed
 Gingelly, gingelly oil
 Gomasio (sesame salt)
 Halvah
 Sesame flour
 Sesame paste
 Sesame salt
 Sesame seed
 Sesamol
 Sesamum indicum
 Sesemolina
 Sim sim
 Tahini, Tahina, Tehina
 Til
 Sesame Oil
Examples of foods that may contain sesame
Chef Ashokkumar46
 Baked goods (such as bagels,
bread, breadsticks, hamburger
buns and rolls)
 Bread crumbs
 Cereals (such as granola and
 Chips (such as bagel chips, pita
chips and tortilla chips)
 Crackers (such as melba toast and
sesame snap bars)
 Dipping sauces (such as baba
ghanoush, hummus and tahini
 Dressings, gravies, marinades and
 Ethnic foods such as flavored rice,
noodles, risotto, shish kebabs,
stews and stir fry
 Falafel
 Goma-dofu (Japanese dessert)
 Herbs and herbal drinks
 Margarine
 Pasteli (Greek desert)
 Processed meats and sausages
 Protein and energy bars
 Snack foods (such as pretzels,
candy, Halvah, Japanese snack
mix and rice cakes)
 Soups
 Sushi
 Tempeh
 Turkish cake
 Vegetarian burgers
 Non-Food Items that May Contain
Other Allergens
Chef Ashokkumar47
 While only eight foods (milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts, fish,
shellfish, wheat, and soy) account for approximately 90
percent of all food-allergic reactions, a person can be
allergic to virtually any food.
 While the list below is not exhaustive, allergic reactions
have been reported to:
 Corn
 Gelatin
 Meat (beef, chicken, mutton, and pork)
 Seeds (sesame, sunflower, and poppy being the most
 Spices (caraway, coriander, garlic, mustard, etc.)
 Allergic reactions to fresh fruits and vegetables, such as
apple, carrot, peach, plum, tomato and banana, to name
a few, are often diagnosed as Oral Allergy Syndrome.
Un common Food Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar48
 Corn Allergy
 Allergic reactions to
corn are rare and a
relatively small number
of case reports can be
found in medical
literature. However, the
reports do indicate that
reactions to corn can be
severe. Reactions to
corn can occur from
both raw and cooked
Meat Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar49
Chef Ashokkumar50
 Allergies to meats, such as beef, chicken, mutton or
pork, are also rare. A person who is allergic to one
type of meat may not need to avoid other types of
meat. Heating and cooking meat can reduce the
allergen city of product.
 those with egg allergy are generally not advised to
also avoid poultry, and vice versa.
 Some people with allergy to mammalian meat
experience allergic symptoms 3-6 hours after
ingesting beef, pork or lamb. This type of meat
allergy has been attributed to allergy to a type of
sugar in meat called “alpha-gal”. This type of allergy
has been traced to having had tick bites.
Gelatin Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar51
 Gelatin is a protein that
is formed when skin or
connective tissue is
boiled. Although rare,
allergic reactions to
gelatin have been
 It is a translucent,
colorless, brittle (when
dry), flavorless food
from collagen obtained
from various animal
body parts. It is
commonly used as
Seed Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar52
Seed Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar53
 Allergic reactions to seeds can be severe. Sesame,
sunflower, and poppy seeds have been known to
cause anaphylaxis.
 Seeds are often used in bakery and bread products,
and extracts of some seeds have been found in hair
care products.
 Some seed oils are highly refined, a process that
removes the proteins from the oil. However, as not
all seed oils are highly refined, individuals with a
seed allergy should be careful when eating foods
prepared with seed oils.
Spice Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar54
Spice Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar55
 Allergies to spices, such as coriander, garlic, and
mustard, are rare and are usually mild, although
severe reactions to spices have been reported.
Some spices cross-react with mugwort and birch
pollen, so patients who are sensitive to these
environmental allergens are at a higher risk for
developing an allergy to spice
Chef Ashokkumar56
 It is a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset
and may cause death, It typically causes more than
one of the following: an itchy rash, throat or tongue
swelling, shortness of breath, vomiting,
lightheadedness, and low blood pressure. These
symptoms typically come on over minutes to hours.
Chef Ashokkumar57
Allergy versus Intolerance Food Allergy
Food Intolerance
Food Allergy Food Intolerence
Chef Ashokkumar58
 An immune response to an
ingested food or food
additive that contains a
protein or a molecule linked
to a protein
 Reaction is not dose-
 Requires a “sensitizing
event”that primes the
immune system for future
 Allergic potential is an
inherited characteristic (is
A generic term describing an
abnormal physiological
response to an ingested food or
food additive which is not a
result of an immune
 Does not require “priming”
 Reaction is dose-dependent:
symptoms are dependent on
amount and frequency of
 Reaction is sometimes
inherited, but not always
Examples of Food Intolerance
Chef Ashokkumar59
 MSG sensitivity
Mechanism unknown
 Sensitivity to food
 Various mechanisms
 Sensitivity to biogenic
 Tyramine
 Histamine
 Lactose intolerance:
 Deficiency of lactase
 Sucrose intolerance:
 Deficiency of sucrase
 Sulphite intolerance:
 Possibly deficiency of
sulphite oxidase
Celiac Disease
Chef Ashokkumar60
 A hypersensitivity to gluten
 a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and certain
other grains.
 Chronic inflammatory disorder of small intestine.
 Cell-mediated allergic response.
 May also include dermatitis herpetiformis
 a chronic skin disorder caused by an IgA-mediated
hypersensitivity to gluten.
Managing Food Allergy
Chef Ashokkumar61
 Avoid the allergen-containing food(s)
 Develop a Food Allergy Action Plan
 Inform and involve family, friends, and caretakers.
 Early symptom recognition
 Emergency therapy: Epinephrine (adrenaline).
 Medical identification necklaces/bracelets
 Education:
 Be able to identify the allergenic food and alternative names
for the allergen.
 Avoid foods likely to contain, or be contaminated by the
 Be aware of all terms on food labels that would indicate the
possible presence of the food.
Chef Ashokkumar62
Chef Ashokkumar63
Thank You
Chef Ashokkumar64

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  • 2. About Food Allergies  Food allergy is a serious medical condition affecting up to several million people worldwide , including 1 in 13 children. Whether you’re newly diagnosed or brushing up on the facts, learning all you can about the disease is the key to staying safe and living well with food allergies 2 Chef Ashokkumar
  • 3. What is Food Allergy?  The job of the body’s immune system is to identify and destroy germs (such as bacteria or viruses) that make you sick. A food allergy results when the immune system mistakenly targets a harmless food protein – an allergen – as a threat and attacks it.  A food allergy is a medical condition in which exposure to a food triggers a harmful immune response. The immune response, called an allergic reaction, occurs because the immune system attacks proteins in the food that are normally harmless. The proteins that trigger the reaction are called allergens.  The symptoms of an allergic reaction to food can range from mild (itchy mouth, a few hives) to severe (throat tightening, difficulty breathing).  Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that is sudden in onset and can cause death.3 Chef Ashokkumar
  • 4. Food Allergies vs. Food Intolerances  Unlike other types of food disorders, such as intolerances, food allergies are “IgE mediated.” This means that your immune system produces abnormally large amounts of an antibody called immunoglobulin E — IgE for short. IgE antibodies fight the “enemy” food allergens by releasing histamine and other chemicals, which trigger the symptoms of an allergic reaction.  4 Chef Ashokkumar
  • 5. To Which Foods Are People Allergic?  More than 170 foods have been reported to cause allergic reactions.  Eight major food allergens – milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish and crustacean shellfish – are responsible for most of the serious food allergy reactions in the United States.  Allergy to sesame is an emerging concern. 5 Chef Ashokkumar
  • 6. Types of Allergens  Peanut  Tree nuts  Milk  Egg  Wheat  Soy  Fish  Shellfish  Another common allergen is sesame, which affects hundreds of thousands of People. 6 Chef Ashokkumar
  • 7. Peanut Allergy Chef Ashokkumar7  Peanut allergy is one of the most common food allergies. Peanuts can cause a severe, potentially fatal, allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).
  • 8. Tree Nuts 8 Chef Ashokkumar
  • 9. Tree Nuts Chef Ashokkumar9  Tree nut allergy is one of the most common food allergies in children and adults. Tree nuts can cause a severe, potentially fatal, allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).   Tree nuts include, but are not limited to, walnut, almond, hazelnut, cashew, pistachio, and Brazil nuts. These are not to be confused or grouped together with peanut, which is a legume, or seeds, such as sunflower or sesame.   A person with an allergy to one type of tree nut has a higher chance of being allergic to other types. Therefore, many experts advise patients with allergy to tree nuts to avoid all nuts. Patients may also be advised to also avoid peanuts because of the higher likelihood of cross-contact with tree nuts during manufacturing and processing.
  • 10. Avoid foods that contain any of these ingredients: Chef Ashokkumar10  Almond  Artificial nuts  Brazil nut  Butternut  Cashew  Chestnut  *Coconut  Filbert/hazelnut  Gianduja (a chocolate-nut mixture)  Ginkgo nut  Hickory nut  Litchi/lichee/lychee nut  Macadamia nut  Marzipan/almond paste  Natural nut extract (e.g., almond, walnut)  Nut butters (e.g., cashew butter)  Nut meat  Nut milk (e.g., almond milk, cashew milk)  Nut paste (e.g., almond paste)  Pistachio  Pecan  Pesto  Pine nut
  • 11. Milk Allergy Chef Ashokkumar11  Allergy to cow’s milk is the most common food allergy in infants and young children. Symptoms of a milk allergy reaction can range from mild, such as hives, to severe, such as anaphylaxis.
  • 12. Differences between Milk Allergy and Lactose Intolerance Chef Ashokkumar12  Milk allergy should not be confused with lactose intolerance. A food allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to a specific food protein. When the food protein is ingested, in can trigger an allergic reaction that may include a range of symptoms from mild symptoms (rashes, hives, itching, swelling, etc.) to severe symptoms (trouble breathing, wheezing, loss of consciousness, etc.). A food allergy can be potentially fatal.   Unlike food allergies, food intolerances do not involve the immune system. People who are lactose intolerant are missing the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products. As a result, lactose-intolerant patients are unable to digest these foods, and may experience symptoms such as nausea, cramps, gas, bloating and diarrhea. While lactose intolerance can cause great discomfort, it is not life-
  • 13. Avoid foods that contain milk or any of these ingredients Chef Ashokkumar13  Butter, butter fat, butter oil, butter acid, butter ester(s)  Buttermilk  Cheese  Cottage cheese  Cream  Curds  Custard  Ghee  Half-and-half  Lactose  Lactulose  Milk (in all forms, )  Milk protein hydrolysate  Pudding  Rennet casein  Sour cream, sour cream solids  Sour milk solids  Whey (in all forms)  Whey protein hydrolysate  Yogurt
  • 14. Milk is sometimes found in the following: Chef Ashokkumar14  Artificial butter flavor  Baked goods  Caramel candies  Chocolate  Lactic acid starter culture and other bacterial cultures  Luncheon meat, hot dogs, sausages  Margarine  Nisin  Nondairy products  Nougat
  • 15. Some Unexpected Sources of Milk* Chef Ashokkumar15  Deli meat slicers are frequently used for both meat and cheese products.  Some brands of canned tuna fish contain casein, a milk protein.  Many non-dairy products contain casein (a milk derivative), listed on the ingredient labels.  Some specialty products made with milk substitutes (i.e., soy-, nut- or rice-based dairy products) are manufactured on equipment shared with milk.  Some meats may contain casein as a binder. Check all labels carefully.  Shellfish is sometimes dipped in milk to reduce the fishy odor.  Many restaurants put butter on steaks after they have been grilled to add extra flavor. The butter is not visible after it melts.  Some medications contain milk protein.
  • 16. Egg Allergy Chef Ashokkumar16  Egg allergy is one of the most common food allergies in children, second only to milk allergy. Symptoms of an egg allergy reaction can range from mild, such as hives, to severe, such as anaphylaxis.  While the whites of an egg contain the allergenic proteins, patients with an egg allergy must avoid all eggs completely (the egg white and the egg yolk). This is because it is impossible to separate the egg white completely from the yolk, causing a cross-contact issue.
  • 17. Avoid foods that contain eggs or any of these ingredients: Chef Ashokkumar17  Albumin (also spelled albumen)  Egg (dried, powdered, solids, white, yolk)  Eggnog  Lysozyme  Mayonnaise  Meringue (meringue powder)  Ovalbumin  Surimi
  • 18. Eggs are sometimes found in the following: Chef Ashokkumar18  Baked goods  Egg substitutes  Lecithin  Macaroni  Marzipan  Marshmallows  Nougat  Pasta
  • 19. Some Unexpected Sources of Egg* Chef Ashokkumar19  Eggs have been used to create the foam or topping on specialty coffee drinks and are used in some bar drinks.  Some commercial brands of egg substitutes contain egg whites.  Most commercially processed cooked pastas (including those used in prepared foods such as soup) contain egg or are processed on equipment shared with egg- containing pastas. Boxed, dry pastas are usually egg- free, but may be processed on equipment that is also used for egg-containing products. Fresh pasta is sometimes egg-free, too. Read the label or ask about ingredients before eating pasta.  Egg wash is sometimes used on pretzels before they are
  • 20. Cooking and Baking Tips Chef Ashokkumar20  Milk  Fortunately, milk is one of the easiest ingredients to substitute in baking and cooking. It can be substituted, in equal amounts, with water or fruit juice. (For example, substitute 1 cup milk with 1 cup water.)
  • 21. Cooking and Baking Tips…………. Chef Ashokkumar21  Eggs  For each egg, substitute one of the following in recipes. These substitutes work well when baking from scratch and substituting 1 to 3 eggs.   1 tsp. baking powder, 1 T. liquid, 1 T. vinegar  1 tsp. yeast dissolved in 1/4 cup warm water  1 1/2 T. water, 1 1/2 T. oil, 1 tsp. baking powder  1 packet gelatin, 2 T. warm water. Do not mix until ready to use.
  • 22. Cooking and Baking Tips…………. Chef Ashokkumar22  Wheat  When baking with wheat-free flours, a combination of flours usually works best. Experiment with different blends to find one that will give you the texture you are trying to achieve.  Try substituting 1 cup wheat flour with one of the following:  7/8 cup rice flour  5/8 cup potato starch flour  1 cup soy flour plus 1/4 cup potato starch flour  1 cup corn flour
  • 24. Wheat Allergy Chef Ashokkumar24  Wheat allergy is most common in children, and is usually outgrown before reaching adulthood, often by age three. Symptoms of a wheat allergy reaction can range from mild, such as hives, to severe, such as anaphylaxis  A wheat allergy can present a challenge for the diet as well as for baking, because wheat is the nation’s predominant grain product. Someone on a wheat- restricted diet can eat a wide variety of foods, but the grain source must be something other than wheat. In planning a wheat-free diet, look for alternate grains such as amaranth, barley, corn, oat, quinoa, rice, rye, and tapioca. When baking with wheat-free flours, a combination of flours usually works best. Experiment with different blends to find one that will give you the texture you are trying to achieve.
  • 25. Differences between Wheat Allergy and Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerance Chef Ashokkumar25  A wheat allergy should not be confused with “gluten intolerance” or celiac disease. A food allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to a specific food protein. When the food protein is ingested, in can trigger an allergic reaction that may include a range of symptoms from mild symptoms (rashes, hives, itching, swelling, etc.) to severe symptoms (trouble breathing, wheezing, loss of consciousness, etc.). A food allergy can be potentially fatal.  Celiac disease (also known as celiac sprue), which affects the small intestine, is caused by an abnormal immune reaction to gluten. Usually diagnosed by a gastroenterologist, it is a digestive disease that can cause serious complications, including malnutrition and intestinal damage, if left untreated. Individuals with celiac disease must avoid gluten, found in wheat, rye, barley and sometimes oats. Learn more about celiac disease>  People who are allergic to wheat often may tolerate other
  • 26. Avoid foods that contain wheat or any of these ingredients: Chef Ashokkumar26  Bread crumbs  Bulgur  Cereal extract  Couscous  Durum  Flour (all purpose, bread, cake, durum, enriched, graham, high gluten, high protein, instant, pastry, self-rising, soft wheat, steel ground, stone ground, whole wheat)  Hydrolyzed wheat protein  Matzoh, matzoh meal  Pasta  Semolina  Spelt  Sprouted wheat  Vital wheat gluten  Wheat (bran, durum, germ, gluten, grass, malt, sprouts, starch)  Wheat bran hydrolysate  Wheat germ oil  Wheat grass  Wheat protein isolate  Whole wheat berries
  • 27. Wheat is sometimes found in the following: Chef Ashokkumar27  Glucose syrup  Surimi  Soy sauce  Starch (gelatinized starch, modified starch, modified food starch, vegetable starch)
  • 28. Some Unexpected Sources of Wheat* Chef Ashokkumar28  Read ingredient labels carefully, even if you would not expect the product to contain wheat. Wheat has been found in some brands of ice cream, marinara sauce, play dough, potato chips, rice cakes, turkey patties and hot dogs.  Wheat also may be found in ale, baking mixes, baked products, batter-fried foods, beer, breaded foods, breakfast cereals, candy, crackers, processed meats, salad dressings, sauces, soups, soy sauce, and surimi.  Some types of imitation crabmeat contain wheat.
  • 30. Soy Allergy Chef Ashokkumar30  Soybean allergy is one of the more common food allergies, especially among babies and children. Approximately 0.4 percent of children are allergic to soy. Studies indicate that an allergy to soy generally occurs early in childhood and often is outgrown by age three.  Allergic reactions to soy are typically mild; however, although rare, severe reactions can occur  Soybeans are a member of the legume family, which include plant species that bear seed pods that split upon ripening. Some examples of other legumes include beans, peas, lentils and peanut. People with a soy allergy are not necessarily allergic to other legumes. If you are allergic to soy, you do not have a greater chance of being allergic to another legume (including peanut) than you would to any other food.
  • 31. Avoid foods that contain soy or any of these ingredients: Chef Ashokkumar31  Edamame  Miso  Natto  Shoyu  Soy (soy albumin, soy cheese, soy fiber, soy flour, soy grits, soy ice cream, soy milk, soy nuts, soy sprouts, soy yogurt)  Soya  Soybean (curd, granules)  Soy protein (concentrate, hydrolyzed, isolate)  Soy sauce  Tamari  Tempeh  Textured vegetable protein (TVP)  Tofu
  • 32. Some Unexpected Sources of Soy* Chef Ashokkumar32  Soybeans and soy products are found in many foods, including baked goods, canned tuna and meat, cereals, cookies, crackers, high-protein energy bars and snacks, infant formulas, low-fat peanut butter, processed meats, sauces, and canned broths and soups.
  • 34. Fish Allergy Chef Ashokkumar34  Finned fish can cause severe allergic reactions (such as anaphylaxis).  Salmon, tuna and halibut are the most common kinds of finned fish to which people are allergic. More than half of all people who are allergic to one type of fish also are allergic to other fish, so allergists often advise their fish-allergic patients to avoid all fish. Finned fish and shellfish do not come from related families of foods, so being allergic to one does not necessarily mean that you must avoid both.  It has been estimated that there are upwards of 20,000 species of fish. Although this is not an exhaustive list, allergic reactions have been commonly reported to:
  • 35. A Few Common Allergic Fishes reported Chef Ashokkumar35  Anchovies  Bass  Catfish  Cod  Flounder  Grouper  Haddock  Hake  Halibut  Herring  Mahi Mahi  Perch  Pike  Pollock  Salmon  Swordfish  Sole  Snapper  Tilapia  Trout  Tuna
  • 36. Some Unexpected Sources of Fish* Chef Ashokkumar36  Caesar salad and Caesar dressing  Worcestershire sauce  Bouillabaisse  Imitation or artificial fish or shellfish (surimi, also known as “sea legs” or “sea sticks,” is one example)  Meatloaf  Barbecue sauce  Caponata, a Sicilian eggplant relish
  • 37. Fish Allergy Chef Ashokkumar37  Many people who are allergic to fish or shellfish are allergic to more than one kind.  The protein in the flesh of fish most commonly causes the allergic reaction; however, it is also possible to have a reaction to fish gelatin, made from the skin and bones of fish. Although fish oil does not contain protein from the fish from which it was extracted, it is likely to be contaminated with small molecules of protein and therefore should be avoided.  Carrageenan, or "Irish moss,” is not fish. It is a red marine algae that is used in a wide variety of foods, particularly dairy foods, as an emulsifier, stabilizer and thickener. It appears safe for most individuals with food allergies.
  • 39. Shell fish Allergy Chef Ashokkumar39  Shellfish can cause severe allergic reactions (such as anaphylaxis). This allergy usually is lifelong. Approximately 60 percent of people with shellfish allergy experienced their first allergic reaction as adults. Shrimp, crab and lobster cause most shellfish reactions. Finned fish and shellfish do not come from related families of foods, so being allergic to one does not necessarily mean that you must avoid both. To prevent a reaction, strict avoidance of shellfish and shellfish products is essential.
  • 40. Shell Fish Allergy Chef Ashokkumar40  There are two kinds of shellfish: crustacea (such as shrimp, crab and lobster) and mollusks (such as clams, mussels, oysters and scallops). Reactions to crustacean shellfish tend to be particularly severe. If you are allergic to one group of shellfish, you might be able to eat some varieties from the other group. However, since most people who are allergic to one kind of shellfish usually are allergic to other types, allergists usually advise their patients to avoid all varieties.
  • 41. Shellfish are sometimes found in the following: Chef Ashokkumar41  Bouillabaisse  Cuttlefish ink  Glucosamine  Fish stock  Seafood flavoring (e.g., crab or clam extract)  Surimi
  • 42. Irish Moss Chef Ashokkumar42  Carrageenan, or "Irish moss,” is not shellfish. It is a red marine algae that is used in a wide variety of foods, particularly dairy foods, as an emulsifier, stabilizer, and thickener. It appears safe for most individuals with food allergies. 
  • 44. Sesame Allergy Chef Ashokkumar44  Although the exact prevalence of sesame allergy is unknown, several reports have shown that sesame allergy prevalence has increased significantly in the worldwide population over the past two decades.
  • 45. Sesame Allergy Chef Ashokkumar45  Benne, benne seed, benniseed  Gingelly, gingelly oil  Gomasio (sesame salt)  Halvah  Sesame flour  Sesame paste  Sesame salt  Sesame seed  Sesamol  Sesamum indicum  Sesemolina  Sim sim  Tahini, Tahina, Tehina  Til  Sesame Oil
  • 46. Examples of foods that may contain sesame include: Chef Ashokkumar46  Baked goods (such as bagels, bread, breadsticks, hamburger buns and rolls)  Bread crumbs  Cereals (such as granola and muesli)  Chips (such as bagel chips, pita chips and tortilla chips)  Crackers (such as melba toast and sesame snap bars)  Dipping sauces (such as baba ghanoush, hummus and tahini sauce)  Dressings, gravies, marinades and sauces  Ethnic foods such as flavored rice, noodles, risotto, shish kebabs, stews and stir fry  Falafel  Goma-dofu (Japanese dessert)  Herbs and herbal drinks  Margarine  Pasteli (Greek desert)  Processed meats and sausages  Protein and energy bars  Snack foods (such as pretzels, candy, Halvah, Japanese snack mix and rice cakes)  Soups  Sushi  Tempeh  Turkish cake  Vegetarian burgers  Non-Food Items that May Contain Sesame
  • 47. Other Allergens Chef Ashokkumar47  While only eight foods (milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat, and soy) account for approximately 90 percent of all food-allergic reactions, a person can be allergic to virtually any food.  While the list below is not exhaustive, allergic reactions have been reported to:  Corn  Gelatin  Meat (beef, chicken, mutton, and pork)  Seeds (sesame, sunflower, and poppy being the most common)  Spices (caraway, coriander, garlic, mustard, etc.)  Allergic reactions to fresh fruits and vegetables, such as apple, carrot, peach, plum, tomato and banana, to name a few, are often diagnosed as Oral Allergy Syndrome.
  • 48. Un common Food Allergy Chef Ashokkumar48  Corn Allergy  Allergic reactions to corn are rare and a relatively small number of case reports can be found in medical literature. However, the reports do indicate that reactions to corn can be severe. Reactions to corn can occur from both raw and cooked corn.
  • 50. Chef Ashokkumar50  Allergies to meats, such as beef, chicken, mutton or pork, are also rare. A person who is allergic to one type of meat may not need to avoid other types of meat. Heating and cooking meat can reduce the allergen city of product.  those with egg allergy are generally not advised to also avoid poultry, and vice versa.  Some people with allergy to mammalian meat experience allergic symptoms 3-6 hours after ingesting beef, pork or lamb. This type of meat allergy has been attributed to allergy to a type of sugar in meat called “alpha-gal”. This type of allergy has been traced to having had tick bites.
  • 51. Gelatin Allergy Chef Ashokkumar51  Gelatin is a protein that is formed when skin or connective tissue is boiled. Although rare, allergic reactions to gelatin have been reported.  It is a translucent, colorless, brittle (when dry), flavorless food derived from collagen obtained from various animal body parts. It is commonly used as
  • 53. Seed Allergy Chef Ashokkumar53  Allergic reactions to seeds can be severe. Sesame, sunflower, and poppy seeds have been known to cause anaphylaxis.  Seeds are often used in bakery and bread products, and extracts of some seeds have been found in hair care products.  Some seed oils are highly refined, a process that removes the proteins from the oil. However, as not all seed oils are highly refined, individuals with a seed allergy should be careful when eating foods prepared with seed oils.
  • 55. Spice Allergy Chef Ashokkumar55  Allergies to spices, such as coriander, garlic, and mustard, are rare and are usually mild, although severe reactions to spices have been reported. Some spices cross-react with mugwort and birch pollen, so patients who are sensitive to these environmental allergens are at a higher risk for developing an allergy to spice
  • 56. Anaphylaxis Chef Ashokkumar56  It is a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death, It typically causes more than one of the following: an itchy rash, throat or tongue swelling, shortness of breath, vomiting, lightheadedness, and low blood pressure. These symptoms typically come on over minutes to hours.
  • 58. Allergy versus Intolerance Food Allergy Food Intolerance Food Allergy Food Intolerence Chef Ashokkumar58  An immune response to an ingested food or food additive that contains a protein or a molecule linked to a protein  Reaction is not dose- dependent  Requires a “sensitizing event”that primes the immune system for future response  Allergic potential is an inherited characteristic (is idiosyncratic) A generic term describing an abnormal physiological response to an ingested food or food additive which is not a result of an immune response  Does not require “priming”  Reaction is dose-dependent: symptoms are dependent on amount and frequency of consumption  Reaction is sometimes inherited, but not always
  • 59. Examples of Food Intolerance Chef Ashokkumar59  MSG sensitivity Mechanism unknown  Sensitivity to food additives  Various mechanisms  Sensitivity to biogenic amines  Tyramine  Histamine  Lactose intolerance:  Deficiency of lactase  Sucrose intolerance:  Deficiency of sucrase  Sulphite intolerance:  Possibly deficiency of sulphite oxidase
  • 60. Celiac Disease Chef Ashokkumar60  A hypersensitivity to gluten  a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and certain other grains.  Chronic inflammatory disorder of small intestine.  Cell-mediated allergic response.  May also include dermatitis herpetiformis  a chronic skin disorder caused by an IgA-mediated hypersensitivity to gluten.
  • 61. Managing Food Allergy Chef Ashokkumar61  Avoid the allergen-containing food(s)  Develop a Food Allergy Action Plan  Inform and involve family, friends, and caretakers.  Early symptom recognition  Emergency therapy: Epinephrine (adrenaline).  Medical identification necklaces/bracelets  Education:  Be able to identify the allergenic food and alternative names for the allergen.  Avoid foods likely to contain, or be contaminated by the allergen  Be aware of all terms on food labels that would indicate the possible presence of the food.